The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SEPTEMBER 2& THE IfTETW YORK CLIPPER; !•"■! 829 MANAGERS and ELECTRICIANS, j^_ T X E I*J T I O KT JOSEPH MENCHEN ELECTRICAL LtROEST MATOFACTORERS OP ELECTRICAL STAOK APPLIANCES AND EFFECTS IS THE WORlT 354 WE8T 50th STREET. N. Y. CITY. Wanted Immediately .REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Western Dramatic Agency, 127 LA SALLE ST,, near Madison, CHICAGO, ttt„ OFFICE OPEN PROM 10 TO 10. DESK ROOM FOB MANAOERS. Managers wanting reliable people In all brunches or the theatrical profession, write. HONEST l.fAI.lNO. NO MISREPRESENTATIONS. SOTICB.-RECOaUIZED ARTISTS ALWAYS OS HARD THAT ARE ABLE AND CAPABLE OF MAKISO GOOD AT ALL TIMES. NOTICE.—We can furnish the best dramatic people—LEADS. Heavies, Characters. Juveniles and General Business People, Soubreties. etc. Also vaudeville and Minstrel People, Song and Dance Teams, Sister Acts, singers of all kinds, Musical Acts, Piano Player., etc. EXPERIENCED CHORUS GIRLS FURNISHED. NOTICE.—We invito people Id all lines of the theatrical profession, thai wiih ant claat engage* Bpm.m, to call or write. ^ P. J. RIDOK, ntnager. FOR SALE OR LEASE AT GrRZSAO* BABGAI1V. rw\ jj x> Cradoc-Neie Co. owing to the continued serlmia Illness of MR. cradoc, he is compelled lo sell or lease to respon- cllilp party ttio above Co., now on the road. Third successful season. Booked solid. Bent Now York ■nd Penn. time. The tlnest equipped Repertoire Co. en ronie. 'Mi- Baggage Car, aieel wheel*, all modern appliances. Two line U<>rses .matched team., scenery.Truck, Advertising Tableaux W»gon, I lid carload-new Keener; and Properties, ail kinds of Special Mthn. and Slock I'rimlng, u. T. Coin, M inuicrlpw and Royalty Paid Plays. Price, $2,800; coat, $S,0oo. or will lease to responsible parly IV r vwdperWL-ek with deposit .WOO. Photos of outfit on application. Immediate deliver?, Address wH. UHADOC, Sole Owner, Heaver Falls, Pa,. Sept, 17-22; Butler, Pa., Sept. 24-29. DEHUE BROS,' IDEAL MINSTRELS WANTS VERSATILE PEOPLE IN ALL LINE8 OF MINSTRELSY. INCLt'EISQ rilVOBRS, DANCKRS, MUSICIANS, and VUUF.Vll,bK ARTIST** Long Reason and sure salary to sober and reliable troopers. All people donbllng brass, who rend mo sic of standard grade, given Ural preference. Musician* do not black. Hotel hIiow. We rornfsii instruments. Incompetent people closed without notice. We have had a few. Ail,give'two week route and state permanent addrflss and If able to Join nn wire. Address DB llUB BROS., Sep'. ■2u Cuaastota, N. LJ 5, Cazenuvia, N. Y.; 22, ManKns.N, Y.; M, Clyde, N. Y.; 25, Patrhaveo, N. ».;». 'Wol.soti, K. Y.; |£ Sodas, N. Y.; 2», 2B, Palmyra, N. Y. . . . ... , , P.-S.—If yon are a masher, boozer, and can't stand discipline and take show business as a lius.«; sea* proixisluoii,*please don't write. Casey's Theatrical Trunks, 9.00 10.110 17.00 1S.0O 14.110 13.00 14.00 aj -M 32 34 » aa « 7.SO g.95 0.00 0.75 10.90 lLSS li.OU M 80 33 34 30 38 6.00 0.50 7.00 7.90 8.00 XXX XX '; "Steel Clad i Shipped c. o. D. on receipt of $5. Write for catalogue, 1606 Broadway, cor. 44th 6U, Opposite Hotel Aator, in, 8.00 ■ most conveuleut'TliVatrlcarTrunk Corner In America. Also 441 Butt. Avenue, near 21th St., K. Y. city. 49 VEARS M. S, CASEY, ESTABLISHED BOBBY FOUNTAIN WANTS DBADATIG PEOPLE, BDSIGIAN8 IN ALL LINES. n «np-e.doing specialties or doubling brass given preference. Musician* doubling singe. Singing and nanclbg"dom«llab7arrong"Heavy"Man. This Is our nu year wltlwpt _cIoMng._ Wfe*M LSg*S lieome. who dress on and oir, and take an interest In the r pari-. W"'**^°- ;""{?,", i?™ Bank, Clinton, Missouri. My permanent address, a letter there wll always readme, w ■ .--evs anywhere to reliable people. Addre8s_Fargu, N. Dakota, sept, a Sept. 27,2K, as. All mall wilt be forwarded, ; Moorhead, N. U.ikuia, 'VhosVvriio wrote before, write attain. WANT! AT ONCE, MISS MAMIE FLEMING CO., CIAHAOTKB WOMAN. One will. «ood character ™£*j*2g*^j£SME2lS£lSlu a id Yankee Dialect Parta; with or wlihout specialty. Bay Fleming "J "7" • JSStiSSa. ■ II ewaaed. Want otoer good people al all tlmea. Hjou use ilquoror organize cllcM don tansw.r. Wj nave liad our experience In that line. Wire lmmedlslelj. M i.. v J RonLaitos W. 11. oraceY. Manager, Lyceum Theatre, MomBlomi, >.-.., WANTED, FOR THE ALLEN WALTERS CO., COMPETENT RKPKRTOIItE PEOPLE. Musicians that donhle "We.J"' 0 ^: * ,,e wh " " pec ""' nc8,ir»ny. Managers in Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky, send open time. Address ALLEH WALTEBS CO., Gen. Del., Louisville, Ky. **'»—Wed Molvncsun and Harry Lee, write. " GREATEST PUBLIC ATIOK OP ITS KISD M ""f™"°«'"_ ,. , CONJURERS' moitiik iHum, M » ,RV 0 '"'' I .me M.g.el.u.JProgr.m^es.^Addre^.ll ™fr mim ^ 2;s w „ , laia „„.„, Xey York CHy. *T liberty-dohothy GROOM SISTERS btctle Opon lo responsll,le,manager. only. Singing and Dancing *«,^."''"^"Ifr'cLIPPTiH. TUB PLAY FACTOKV-NOW Mt*W ff^S M S&JTKK^Mr^^ VOa.ea^ producllou Tor stock. St'l of Paris FBEh. Address iiuvlanu. .* Ulst Place, UBICACIO. EDISON KINETOSCOPES. $75 AVD ALL THE 1.ATK1T AND MOST IH- PROVKD MOTION PICTXItE •fACHIKKS. IIl'S 8fl A BIO LIMB OP MOTION PICTURE MACHINES ,'VAHIOI'S MAKES). FILMS, SONO AND LECTURE STB HEOIT1C ON s, SONG AMD SERPENTINE SLIDES. LEC- TURE SETS. ETC., AT SPECIAL RE- DUCED FIGURES. FILMS CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES AND FILMS WANTED. HARBAGH & CO., 809 FILBBRT ST., PHIL A., PA. • WANTED, FOR BUFFINTON'S IDEAL STOCK CO., Repertoire People, all lines; Stage Director, Agent, Pianist. State lowest salary and he ready to Join on receipt or telegram. Address DAVID It. HUPKINTON, Manager, Bljon Tuesire, CHiium, Mass. CLrJEII STOCK COMPANY, SOUBRETTE WITH SPECIALTY. per ro ute. PROFESSIONALS, ABE TOD SWOUIO IT LATEST COMPOSITION? "JUST k PICTURE OF OUR HOME, SWEET HOME.' A Big Hit. -Send your late programme and 2c. stamp lor i-opy. QEO. B. WILLIAMS, Ellwood City, fa. WANTED, i-OR TEBRY'S DSGLE TOI'S CAB1H, Conoert Band, BarHone to doohle stage or orcliua- tra. Most be able to handle standard masiv. A year's engagement to the right party, vv. o. 1H0KEY. Manager, Manehester, Iowa, Sept. Uj Ji'siip •_*!!, Janesville U, Nashoa 2% Osage •», til. Ajagarg, j~'ioydaK,Piainfleld w.CedarKails, Oct l. WANTED IB VERSATILE MEDICINE PERFORMERS Including Itcd Hot Black I-'ace Hoog nnd ljnnce Uomedinns, for three n«v>' coiapanifH. LMiiff eni^ngemcnt to the right people. Sal' nry sure, imil yon will get all you are worth. Will not utand for boose. Address i)r. WOOU, Ih-virs Ijikf. X. I>. WANTED, ATTRACTIONS OF ALL KINDS. NEW OPSIIA HOL'BE. Heals 600. Plenty iif scenery. Big iron works and nulls. Hlx thousand to draw from. LKSOIB CITY, Tenu. Wanted, One Night Stands. Seating capacity, "60; anditorlom height,28 feet f>uge height. 24 feet; upeolDg of stage, 26 ree ride. 18feet high, by 20 feet deep; width of stage, wide. 18 reel mgn, djhj leeineep; wiuin 01 una 4»feet:dres->lnsroom«, s feel high, on stage. Best locatedsndequipped rhentro Inl'pper Peninsular MAN AG KB BEN'S THtiATRK, Eiranaba, Mich BEACH & BOWER'S FAMOUS MINSTRELS. Packlog them to Die doors. Greatest show on the road. Can always use good Minstrel people that double brass. J. 11. HMITI1, Manager. Per rouia. LEW BENEDICT, HAVING CLOSED WITH EELL7ILLE B, RAYMOND'S MINSTRELS, AT LIBERTY. address 4S SOUTH l-tABI. STREET, Albany, N. r. PALMISTS WANTED AT ONVE. Write quick. M. JACKSON, 517 Sn. Mb St.. Camilpn, N. J. , WHAT IS A SHAKE? MANAGERS ABD AOESTS, WRITE. fLOYD CBKTZIEB, USSSLSHr& Per. add., 3 No. Californist'Avea, chieagn,. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES ANP VAUDEVILLE BOOKIM CIRCUIT. Kerb's Theatre Hostou, Mesa. Keith's liljou 'theatre Mostou, Mass. Keith's 'ibeatre l'rovldence, U. 1. Keith's Theatre Wwtucket. It. I. Keith's New Theatre I'hlladelpbla, I»a. Keith's Prospect Theatre Cleveland, 0. Keith's Theatre ColumbuH, U, Kelth'a New Theatre I'ortlaod, Me. Keith's New Theatre Manchester, N. H, Kelth'a New Theatro Lowell, Mass. Keith's Itoyal Princess Thentre.London, Kng. Keith & Proctor's Union So. Theatre.N. Y. City Keith A I'roclnr's y:iu St. Theatre..N. Y. City Kelthft Proctor's Dili Ave. Theatre.N. Y. City Keith &Proctor'R 58th St. Theatre.. N. Y. CfU Keith A Proctor's JlJCith BtTheatre.N. Y. Cll/ Keltii * Proctor's Theatre. .Jersey City, N. J. P. P. Proctor's Theatro Newark, N. J. P. P. Proctor'a -'hcatre Troy, N. Y. K. F. Proctor'a Theatre Albany. N. Y. HarryDavla Grand Opera Hous*.Pittsburg, I'o Chase's Theatre Washington, 0. C. Kerann's Maryland Theatre.. .Halilmore. Md, Grand Tre-tre Syrseune, N. Y. Kir Bijou Theatre Altoooa, Pa. Hhea's Theuire Buffalo, N Y. Nhea'o Theatre. Cook Upera llunse... 'i'emoi** Theatre 8. /. Poll's Theatre.. H. /.. Poll's Theatre.. H. 'A Poll's Theatre.. M.Z. Poll's Theatre.. 3. Z. Poll's Theatre.. H. Z. roll's Theatre. Toronto, Can. Hochester, N. Y. Uetrolt, Mich. ..^Worcester, Mass. .. .. Sprhigileld, Mass. Hartford, conu. . ..New Haven, Conn. Bridgeport, rmn. .. Wnterbury, Conn. s. v.. Poll's Tlienlrc Wilkes Darre, Pa. H, '/, I'oll's Theatre Sciantoa, Pj. ('olonlar Theatre r,nwrnuce, Mass. Empire TheRlre Peterson, N. J. Umpire Tbsntre llobokeo, N. J. Valentine Theatre Toledo, U. Trent Theatre Trenton, N. J. IICDiielt's Theatre I^ondoo, Ont. Bennett's Theatre ntmllton, Out. Hennetfs Theatre...,. Ottawa, Oat. llemiett's Theatre Montreal, que. Heudcrson'a Music Hall tTooey Islsod Celeron Tbeoire Jamestown, N. Y. Alao Rooklnst far HO Parks and ■maliorw Itrsorts, Pertarnsers will faeaetH themaalrea by k«ftplnrt tLU oBc* lafarsaea ■! ' .Jt their route and open time. B. F. KEITH'S BOOKINQ OFFICES, St. James Building;, JBt. K. HOOODON, Booking tVlanasror, ■S3 to SSS St. Jam.. Balldinat, NEW VUHK OITV. T V ., JULES. LHIIIT OR LOW OOMEOV llllAJ.Klirsi. [ The Van Cooksl ■.Oliisr. soowurrn FEATURE NOVELTY MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. GOOD WARDROBE. QUICK STUDIES. Responsible Repertoire Managers wanting TWO I " Reliable, Csefnl People, TAKKNOTICK. I Address Jl'I.KH VAN cuiiK, Care Nunley's casino, Houih Heach, 8.1., N. Y. WANTED, WOMAN FOR SECOND BUSINESS. raiwl.le ot ulavlug some lead OTIIKKS WHITK. ■" JUVKSlliK HAN. Uilst nlavstime leads and tieavles. I'av nwlU Wonl.l like t.i hear rruui JAUK WIKK. Suite all llrst letter. STATKIt'S MADISON S,|rMlR TURATRK !»., Hl.itirn.'C, ILIa. T. FH 4 GIIEDI Um Ift IKE CO., Twenty colored M uslrians, Twenty Lailles, good linkers and gooil singers. .vlnI uhoto. Ten (Jotne* ■tsMsa, sing«rn, BmSshw, iiiatQ lowest salary In llrst letter. N«i faitoy sitlarles mdlced. Wa pay all. Travel In our own private car. Will imy Uand (lulfurois. Address PRHIION A OIDKON, inn-t and 1.170 Broadway. New York, N. Y. WANTED. TO JOIN AT ONC&Se&Ti (ilrl Tor strung child parts and apecialUes, Comedian to put on acta, that due* hpe'Taities, Hperialiy Heavies, Irftd* mm Juvenue Man, Woman (hat dues apecfaitlus. Little lalliat d«K)H specialties, HperUliy eopie to work in acta Htuil between the acts of the drama. Actors iliatdositeuiHitloi or play t.r<u.>>. First violin to lead orchestra. Must arrange Huher, reliable, experienced people nily wanted. 1 will advance tickets from Chicago or Rt. Paul and Kiand hair the fares. One and two day aland). otity, If yon booze, don't write. Wrlto or WIRK. A. u. Mcl'llliK, care McPhee'a Hlg compitin, , Sept.21. Areola, Bask, Canada: 2-J, (Jarllle.Haek. CanHds,; ?t, Maniir. 8ask. Caoada, afl, Itealon, Manltuba, Canada; 20, Har'uey, Manitoba, Canada, Per. address. Box T-">, Meiidiig, Hask, Cauadn, and It will be forwarded, (live nut 11 time to reach me. P. S.—Can always inakeroum for good draniatlo people. L WANTED, FOR PERMANENT STOCK, 0T1IKRS WHITK. , HL.I1II IIMIII. I HKli iiki.i.a. Tliealre, Ui.trtrllle, Kan. ' Wanted, fox* I'crmmient Stock, DIEMER THEATRE, *"£•* Leading Han, Heavy and Character Woman, Singing; and Dancing Soubrette. All must lie experienced, sober, reliable, have plenty of good wardrulHt, good first 1 lass appearance. State all In llrst letter, with photos, which will be returiiii-i. Name li)W«*l salary ft r long Hca'im lit llnest equipped slock playdoiisu In thu MhldloWest. Will send tlrkciH: no inuiu-y. tlllur t'sefiil Peopx', write. Address IIAHHV I.KV \HI>. stag«< Director. WANTED FOR REPERTOIRE, COMEDIAN LEADER - Who do** S|i©» UUIes. . " (PIANO) who ran arrange. Other useful people, write. Htato all In llrst letter. TicHeM atlvanrod. jack f. UOODWInl* Manager, Raleigh, N. C, Hept IT-Si; Hiatsavlhu, N. 0., Bopt. 24*2fl; Aahvlile, N. U., Oct. i -u, Majestic Vaudeville Theatre CINCIWHATI, OHIO. tVAVrr.l), at all time., HlSflKits anil IIANC'KKH, HISTIill TRAMSan.1 SKKTUII TKAMS. Must IWi.p to .lata. Oor.d salary. Nu Mi.ti.lay work or wine r.N.n.s. Otstd Corforitier., wnie for an early.Ian., j DAMIEI, IIAUKU, pr„iirlelor »n,I llan.,.r. Electric Theatre, WATERLOO, IOWA, OPENS OCT. I. WANTED, ALL KINDS OF ACTS IN VAUDIVILLV. Independent house. Lady aadicnces. Let us hear from yon, Al*wi want flrsl cleas PIAnfts PLAVEIt end IT,!* *D.V(.hTKH, tieo Harris wrlto. JUHSmiN A NICHOI.*'. AKTTJE2 J3, lor In Ilejlertoiy, MI'HICIANH for It. mid '»., lo replncr trouble nmbera; UNION PIIOPKItTY MAN. who Is ••xperleuced Itnas I'rumrncr: VKHHATIU: HPKt.lAI.TY TKAM Imati nnil wo- m 1'i». tif play [i.iriw. Joe Uoblnson. cornctllKt : Al. ViiiiIniI, iiIuiio and baritone, anil Jack Holmes, wrlio or wire quick. ftsTtrsw TUB 1'<H'I!1,AH MIIHIC CD. lino, ('onion, Olrln, 3L. TXT T X8 X>» Dramatic People and Musicians. Prefer Musicians that can double atige. Wantagood Character I an .for "Josh" iha'. csn bnndk« stage. ClkiiJ, 11 leful Woin»n that cun do spociaitles. K-fl it Clarionet, t .1 Oorneta, Tul>4 and Hlidn t->v Miage or orchestra. Heasou aouth. rent show, unv night stands. San car and go idaccomrnod* thins. Never oIomj. Addrc»i W A lYTKIt J. McDOIffALU, Abilene, Kan,, Mgr. Uerclier A Hlanlcy's illg Bhow. P. 8.-Have a Combination Car for sate or rent. "^ IA/UV MAT D.i Hi TRUNK? If vouhave not already purchaaed your trunks, why not mall yoor order to as. it will receive prompt attention. Mousy returned, if not satisfactory, Hend for catalogue (!. WII.MAM DAI, (lor.), 110 W. 40th Ht., N. Y.CHy f 2lhM»rs KaM of Actors' HocMly.