The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 22. THE HFETW YORK CLIPPER. 8SS WINONA ^tVITM Dlraotlon HATTIE WILLIAMS, in "THE LITTLE CHERUB" OHAI FROHMAN A GREAT RAZOR SALE FOR THIS MOMTH ONLY. BY MAIL 97c 82.00 and 83.00 IMPORTED RAZORS FOR 97c. Twenty-flvp thousand line lmjiprlia trawlers' SAMPLE RAZORS will be Disced on sale, for (his monta only,-st !17,-. eacb. Those razors are from some! ot the .V. d '.ff Hl?H a ?.'S r A e nr 0f «i , if?.?,4 n "ft 1 """* States. Eng.and "and 0 «erm?n 7 . The? are all HIGH GRADh SAMPLES. We secured the r entire stock at a ridiculous figure, and now offer them tor sale at the low price of 97c. each. The assortment comprises nil the well known makes, lncludlnc the WADE A BUTCHER BRAHtvr WOSTENHOLM PIPE RAZOR, I.X.L., BOKER TREE mtAND BLUE stefl BENGALI* and fifty popular brands ot all the famous makeVs In tact we haw been selling the same Identical razors as high as »2.50 to *.3.00 each. Every razor Is guaranteed perfect and Bet ready for use. Any razor sold Ibat does not give l?iii Ct n8rlSiiSf' 0, \i?* n "* "**£, WE GlV » SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS, AH razors ure carefully selected, hontd and aet ready for use\ ^"""i'^hiSi*^ 1 ""?,^ ?? thl . a g J e " 8,le ' "these certainly are high grade goods. A chajgjot a life to buy a good razor at one third Its real value Order your raMjj to-day, while you think o? it, as this ad. may not appear again: B. IHUnW CUTLERY CO., 105 Chambers Street, N. Y. L. SCHWARTZ TRUNK WORKS. EST. 1869. 412 6th Are., Cor. 25th St, I. T. City. No. 110.D5 111.75 11.HS 1D.».-, 13.DB 14.IIS 18.111, Prof, 28 80 83 84 3S 88 40 Above Trunk guaranteed for 10 years. Including locke, ■ I'ror. 7,50 8.00 8.50 9.00 0.50 10.00 10.S0 No. a 28 80 82 34 36 3S 40 Steel 5.00 5.00 11.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 Clad 28 30 02 84 38 88 40 Writs for catalog B. styles of trunks. We make over 100 different O. A. TAYLOR '. ). TRUNKS.' |VHK WORKS, » E. Randolph St., 0HI0A0O; 181 W. Uth St., SXW TOM. Write- for New Oatalogne. Leatheroid Trunks. LIGHTER THAN 8TEEL. 60 TIME8 8TRONCER THAN WOOD. LEATHEROID MFG. CO., SS9 a*WAT, H. T., auaw »»rimm It. Send for New Theatrical Catalogue. THEATRICAL TRU N KS AND BAGS SECOND HAND AND NEW. special sale. ALL STYLES ot all the LEADING MAKK8 In First Class Condition. LOWEST PRICES BASEMENT STORES I BJhaL !*!»*-» SCMWARZ & CO. RUNKS "PATTERSON" TIIK WORLD'S LBAIIB1U "ATLAS" NEW CATALOQOE JU8T ODT. TUB BBLBKR TRUNK ASP BAG CO., 1»» Columbia At... PHll.delphl.. P» CENTRAL TRUNKS. 2010., $7.50 -28111., $8.50; 80ln., $0.50: SOIo., f 10.60i 401n„ $12.50. Circus Trunks 24it8il 8, $7.50. Bill Trunka, 30x23x16, Inside, $12.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42^x2814x12, Inside, $16.00. Shipped on receipt of $3.00, bal.. C. O. D., except over 300 miles, then remit whole amount. SlilONS It CO., CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est. 1864, 8. W.cor.7th and Arch Uts., 1'blla. OPEN TIME. AT THE POPULAR GARDEN THEATRE,'? 1 The best one night stand Id the State. Population, 80,000. In the heart or the city. Prorer companies carrying bands. Also good Uuricsniic Company. For open time address JOHN F. iURTIl, Oarden Theatre, Prop.-lfgr., Belleville, III. MANAGERS, Attention If you owned a railroad, perhaps too are satisfied to carry hearr excess breeding trunks. Sat If 70a want to tare excess baggage, got a BAl. trunk. Bend for Catalogue "0." WILLUAM BAX pno)., " 110 W. 40th SL, N. I. City. Here's the man who guarantees a square deal whether you buy a bottle of film cement or the best and highest price machine and films. We don't make a Bpeclatty of second-hand goods, but we are often called upon to take them as part piiyment for new outfits, and if you act promptly you'll get a complete outfit for less than half. We mention a few. Nelson-firltt fight, five rounds, G50 feet, $35.00; or the above, wltb an Edison Exhi- bition Machine, complete, with electric at- tachments, $100.00. Edison's Universal Model, with electric at- tachments, 10-Inch reels and arms, 1 1,5.00; or wltb a reel of 1,000 feet of film, $100.00. The new No. 4 Optlgrapb, with electric at* tacbments, brand new, never used, and a reel of 1,000 feet of 01m, $125.00. A few Rheostats and Electric Lamps, $2.S0 each. Pair of Beard's patent regulators for gas tanks, cost $25.00; our price, $7.00. SPECIAI..-We have one lot of 6,000 feet of film, on five reels, price, $200.00. NOTICE to those who contemplate run- ning a store show: We supply a brand new Edison Machine, with Tower's ORIGINAL upper fireproof mngaalne, and Bwaab's lower magazine drum, $05.00. Oxylltbe Outfits, end Oxone and Oxyllthe Compound, Limes, let her. Cement, Oil Cal- cium Lamps, Rubber Tubing, Regulators and Gauges, Electric Lamps, Rheostats, Cable and Carbons, Reels, Lenses and Condensers, LEWIS M. SWAAB & CO., 888 Spruoe Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Both 'Phones. SONG BOOKS The ChasK Harris Songster (■ ABSOLUTELY THE BEST -, I ALWAYSCONTAlNS.lHELATESTtUn I lAMtMWlSO Cmas K. Karris ABOUT HALF THE PRICE i HEW LITHO-TIHT/PAPER SEND'.FOR CATALOQOE-. ■ Morrison ShbivTrint D , lrotl - UNIFORMS Band, Billtary, Hinslrel Outfits Carnival Cob.. Ushers And All Others. Send for Catalog. Mention Kind Wanted. .special Attention given tbe ProfeiMlon. Western Uniform Co. 214 8. CLARK ST., CHICAGO. 1 MUSICAL GLASSES. HiiOsiuiitliiJ. loud, pure In tone, easy to tunc and play. Photos, rcfcrcnceM, catalogue, wltb full In- formation will lit Bent on receipt of «• tamp. A.itrau- nelsf, OlaHsopone Mfg., «H Flatlmnii Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. THE MAX TOURBILLION TROUPE, WORLD'S aiUTEST BICYCLE ACROBATS. Imported direct from U«rmtn>-, as Special Feature fur n. K. Vallnrf'i World's Oreatfeat Shows. Introducing Somersault on Hlcycle, l'lnmettes. Head Ilnlnnctiig, mid Building, Etc. AT MUKHTY NOV. 18. CIRCUS, VAtlDKVIMJa or HUM* Address, all communications to PAUL ItllACHAUD, Care of D. 10. Wallace's World's Greatest Hiiowa, an per route. TO THE PROFESSION. ,mb,r wt in Htidqoirtira lor MAHLER BROS., Mi.i\m no, AVE. ' 517-519 8th ATE. Oslllnj Rudy lor your Fill Cimpiljn, Rimimbtr w. in lloadqosrltr* lor PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR, . . DANCE SKIRTS, BLOOMERS, PROFESSIONAL HOSIERT AND TIGHTS, PROFESSIONAL SHOES. SHORT VAUFS. Sua for Catalopn. PROFESSIONAL MAKE UPS, 6REASE, PAINTS, POWDERS, ETC MAHLER BROS., BH-ftlB Gth AVE. ' MAHLER BROS., 517-519 6th ATE. MAHLER BROS., 517-519 8th ATE, SPECIAL OFFERING, 00R MAKE DP BOX. Hade from the very beat tin, are black enameled. Ispe- daily made for professional nse, baring a t»y wltb. 00m* Sartmenta for arease Paints, Powders, Asfal _ otnb and Brash, wigs, Etc., Etc. 11m x7tO double aotlon look, wltb two keys, at w • V • OUR COLD CREAM Expressly prepared for tbe Theatrical Profotilon, toaraa- teed to be absolutely pore and never become rancid in ■07 climate, Pot tip la jwaod Screw Top Ha Oaas at 4flc,t half pound at 9m, 8ABPLB8 Of OBEAI BEIT PBEE. ALL MAIL ORDERS MUST BB AOOOatPAlNED BY afOVlY OKDKK. NONE SENT 0. O. 0. Our few Thea.rlH, Calalopi wj Irat m jjBjg uncil: 'J.OOOto a rnllj onieo- iittvnly nambarod, Ilounm* --1410,110,600. /1. Price hor H,m If Jllir I'D lfto lo lots 01 » Onnilln Power oro nsud, but t barrel. I MATERIAL,.AND SUPPLIES— FROM THE 800,000,000 ST. LOUI8 WORLD'S FAIR r mill Tin mi iiiiiiiiiiniiiinnniinnif strip tickets Ltk.-i nit »38,O0 BO nororid Iinnd UebeJ rh'ip- por Ix.xtji, cue). flH.OO OPERA CHAIRS LOW uc,i,d u no. $1.25 # tli'mi.nd. INCANDESCENT LAMPS WAKK 0 ,: ma toilod »inl»crv,crj»ljio. luoto 110 Tiiltnao. SO In ■ iJiS'/JS? 1 ' ;»° . insmoll quantllToi.oacb , v oo lir/SSP'*"'?.** * u ,',' yo ' "»"*•"• now.lnfulloBifJ lwU,o(w& iOo gS'SxS [ ,f 'W.10<:<»n<po 1"'""T lompn, cnnli ilo on ^J'" 1 a,|,i ■""•'«•«»>»I"- I'rifio aacti ......10o BO.OOOfimo ai abovo, brand new. price oaon™ fl0e 5,000 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS ^iVi.'.'/J: for napsfto to any OBMT riinko; hraml now. "* Price, la inaa lnt« fO.OO Hpoclal Price on Urgor Qaautloe 1,000 UNIFORMS mjtW**SBSiJEh r-. .. w . rlt ?. ?". r rmr Kl>nKl*l BW-p... C.t.losTIB Hrt. B. A. «78. I, con Ulii. n cowplet. II.t (it ; I klnil, of Kl.ctrl^.f Huppll... ponornl .mu.nm^nt m.tflrlftl iDph ron ... «,s,tantlrj>urcli..ln.. V^nKttiSnfSi^n.^USUVISiSSlSaSSSUSWaSSi OHIOACO HOUSE WRECKING CO., 3f3th and Iron St.., OHIOAOO M. 8TRA88MAN. ATTORNEY, 853 BrMdnr, New York (Mlj, BLACK TOP FOR SALE CHEAP 22xi>6. A'w 6,000 feet of Feature Films as fellows: Jail Bird, Village Cut Up, Hkl.Ioozi, Prospootors and San Francisco Dt*a«ter. Also Slides and Boog Hllcieri, one Powers' (Jameragraph, complete, and all the nccertrisry parta of Moving Picture Sliow, Including binnera. Write qulef. All new. ALFKBD OWKVM, Khlon, low*.