The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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834 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 22. MUTOSCOPES "BACKBONE OF THE ARCADE BUSINESS." The average town or city will readily mpport as many "Automatic Vaudevilles" as it does theatres. Dozens of Arcades were opened last year by men of no previ- ous experience with coin-operated machines, and all are coining money. Do you know of a good location ? If so, don't hesitate. The Autumn months are the very beat of the year. We bare a iplendld new model lfntoicope at $110.00, and bargains In used machines ai low as »*h.oo. AMERICAN MUTOSCDPE & BIOGRAPH CO., TVPK K. 2623 W. PICl) ST., LOB ANOELES. 11 B. 14lh ST., HBW YOIIK. ELECTRIC SICKS AND ILUIMINATlMiS a., uii Ktatmaf akd u>w.H>n. IIWYDK N =»ESCOU HAIR OO.. 10« STATU ST., OHIO AGO, 6th FLOOR. THBaTBICAL IIG5. Oar ipnctnlty la value Iter your montf at on* half the price other* ash for the same goods. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or roar mossy bach. On receipt of 11.00 deposit we will send goods C. O.U., eabjeot to examination. Remember the Name and the Plaoe. CATALOG KllKK. NECRE8COU HAIR CO., 168 STATE BT„ OHIOAOO. 6th FLOOR. SSB>:P*JI> US YOUH MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES. Or COMPLETE WORKS, How Is the time to have them published. All letters answered promptly* PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Boon TOD, Manhattan Bldg., CHIOAOO, Il.l.. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND ETERYTD1N0 TO BEAUTIFY TUB STAGE AND LOBBY. DECORATIVE PLANT CO. TIS B'WAY, N. Y. mbrette 13 FKOH ORIGINAL DESIGNS, (110.00 and •»» 10. Bend for band colored plates and measurement card, stating color preferred. WOLFF, FOHDINO .«. CO., in Eliot St., Bo.toar, «»»■■ AUK PLEASANT TO 11KA1I. Too can't read all tlie papers, wliorcaa wo mutt, for tta our bualnou. OIIR TKRM8, u oo per 100 Items, cash with order. BURRKLLE'8 PBES8 0UPF1NO BUREAU, Worth and Elm 8ta.,rI.Y. SHOES FOR BTAOE, STREET AND EVENING. EX0LUB1YE STYLES AN1 WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vamp had Staf. laaati alwaj. on hand. Hall order, tilled. FU guaranteed. WILLIAM BBIUISTKIN, Tol. M9 Madison Square. KW Blxtn Ate., near Jilt St., H. 1 ALL COLORED SUPPERS MADE TO ORDER IN U HOURS. MoVlCKBR'S THHATnm, I btongo, 111. Telephone—Central, 001. Bend for CaUlogui PLAYS For Sleek Companies, lor Repertoire Companies, tor Ama'eurs, LAHOliST ASS0I1TMUNT IN TUB WORLD. Book, (or home amusement, Negro I'laye, Paper, Scenery, lira. Jarley'a Wu Works. Catalogue Free 1 Kreo 1 Free t SAHtJlGL FHIQNCH, IT W. 23d St., New York. IIIAAI [no OIIDIII ICO 01n,1 ». natom, oum, muii alone.. Hoops aJllnhLrrnS aalrrLlfc.l'k"""'™''* 1 *"'™' Apparatus, Roman Axes. Stamp fo> WWBHhlilltJ DUrihlLII ileum, end lleiEd. *en w,o»\ oroolanall o T. H. WINNETT'S EMERGENCY BUREAU "Plays for Stood Theatres, Repertoire Companies and Special Road Productions. We lease, buy and sellplaji, write them to order and'revise Hiem." Kali mates Riven on Scenery and Print In p. Wo transact a general Theatrical Business. Satisfaction and tHjonrc dealing absolutely guarantee! Wiro, write or call on We furnish printing for any play you may select, and book your route. n to order t ' . Satisfaction and fujuare dealing aliHoluicly gm T. II. W1NNRTT, Managing Director, 140. Broadway, New York City. W/A1VTED FRENCH'S NEW SENSATION VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE WITH COMEDY ACTS. MUST BE OOOD. Sister Team, write. Board and Irpnavortallon ftaralshod, ..... . „ —cftAr THE ABOVE IS A SAMPLE OF OCR 75c LETTER HEAD HALF TWE We can make a half tone from photograph yon furnish; set op your name, address and act In type, and print too Letter Heada. b >, xi 1 f r » cash. KNOXVILLB ENGRAVING CO., SIB Hay St., Knoxvllle.Tenn. UNITED STATES AND And make yon a fortune. If you have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that Is worth anytblinr, you should copyright It. Don't take chances wliea you can secure our aerv- Icrnatnmall co«l. Sendfor our SPECIAL OffTHl TO INVENTORS before applying for a patent, iV wilt pay you. HANDBOOK on patents sent FREE. We advise If patenta- ble or not. FREE- We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult uh. WORMEUE& VAN MATER, Managera, CdaasMa Copyrie»t 1 Patent Co. lac, WASHWCION.D.C THE MURRAY CO., -V CIRCUS CANVASE3 Pole, and Hlakoa, SKATS, Flan. Eta, BLACK TENTS. BIDE SHOW PAINTINOS, FRONTS AND BANNERS FOR BTREET FAIRS. Agent* for EIDD'S PATENT OIRODS LIOHTS. mnw. Washington St., 0H10AQ0, ILL. SHOW TENTS (Tor Circuses, Wild West Shows, Black Tents, Candy Tops, Flags, Kidd A linker Lights, etc. Bend for in page price ll.-it of Becond hand Tents. UAKEIt & LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., 7th and Wyandotte. KnuHas City. Mo. United States Teut snC Avrnlng Co., Randolph and Union Streets, CUICAQO, III. CIRCUS CANVA8E8.& ■LACK TENTS Oar Specialty. SIDE SHOW PAIHTIMOS. GOSS CO. ^mmsm MRtfUptELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES Hoard and transit Address J. K. McNAlH, Uutn. > , 111, Xm in t Large Stook sort, and Under New and second Band. Write Till UHAllLKS P. BIKDKU. tUT AMD AWMINO CO., aaooeasor. to ta.T. W. NoWo Co., Tent Dapb, rartmlt Sag and Hit. Oo.. Detroit, mW rTTrsToTri' Learned by any man or boy; small cost. Bend to-day 2c. stamp for particulars and proof. 0. A. Smith. Room ,0, 2040 Knoxvlllo Ave., Peoria. 111. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS ST-' nil .- < '' V 7, J ? f A M44 LA SALLE ST. ^B. 20 th CENTURY OPTISCOPE CO. OKA1ICII, 2 W. 1411 Street, MEW YORK. UEAIXil'AUTEK*, 91 DEARBORN STREET, OHIOABO. FILMS FOR RENT. I ITrOT IMPROVED HIGH-GRADE MOVING PICTURE MACHINES OUR LfllLOl SPECIALTY. It Will Pay You to Send for Particulars Before Ordering Elsewhere. *MBB" $14.40 par Gross. Only costs you 10 cento per set. The best 35 cant seller that ever happened. Send II cents for Bample set and our new catalogue No. 19. ROGERS, THUBIB AN A CO., 38 Michigan Ave., Chicago,U.SA H OTION PICTURES 1- M1.1W.I DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOFU tNI SHOHHEH Why handl. roekr good, when jou can handle good, tnat will sell tbetnaelrea. Electric Belts from II per doe. up. Largo rarletr to select from. Electric Jar ' Iuolea, 8714c do., pairs. Soap, ('J.1II gross; Fine Uedl. " exp. prepaid. Latest out >. Largest Manufacturer, of Electrical Bolts and Appliance. In U. B. A. Established 1878. Lecture and arte. UK (rat whe ELEOTRIOAL APPLIAIICE CO., Burlliiglon, ISaV 75c. do's.; Electric cal Datterle.. Send 76c for Sample No. II B. B.. On. third caih required. Trial order will convince. I DO YOU USE ACETYLENE ? IV BO WB WANT TO HMD TOD A SAMPLK BURNBI1. Wo know we have the best bonier erer made for use in a HteroopUoon or ataTiaf Pletors ltoohliie; also for Lighting Theatres, Medicine Camps and Olronses. atdsurtss lloom 18, Bneloslns; lOe. ftir hmpi*. WH. M. CRAKE COMPAHY, 1131-38 Bwiadwmy. Mow Tart. WE ARE BT1LL DOIHO BUSINESS AT THE SAME OLD PLACE nsjDQ I QOUCIIED Wishes to Inform the Profession that she has tn stock IVIsTOa Ui Ovna.UBn for the coming season a Larger and Finer Stock of EVENINB, DINNER. RECEPTION, AND STREET OJOWN1, Qentlemen's Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits. Street Suits, Prince Alberts, Fall and Winter Overcoats, Inverness Capes, Etc. Prices "JUST RIGHT." We have suited yon before, ws can suit you again. Ulitt. ■.. SCHEUBI.. 024-020 South Street, rhlla,, Ptu Branch Store: 810 W. Mulberry St., Baltimore, Md. v ■ - - GOWNS FOR THE STAGE AND STREET. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly nscd EVENING GOWNS, DINNER, RECEPTION and TEA UOWNH. These Gowns are porfect In every respect, of the latest Btyies, and are especially suitable for wear In High Claim Dramatic ProduotJoaH. Wo also haves toll line of SEAL, SQUIRREL, mink, PERSIAN lamb COATS and FURS of all kinds, which we beg you to kindly call and Inspect. ■VlsVIBC. DOKTOR, Telephone, MM Msdlson Bqnare. 481 6th AVIL, CITY. Dazian's Theatrical Emporium NOW AT 142-144 W. 44th ST. (Near Broadway), NEW YORK. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, MVKIIY KKtlllHITK FOR TIIK BTAOE. SHIID If Oil UATAI.tlUUK. Hi li 60IB8 TO EUROPE To apply tor lowes rates at PAUL TAU8IQ'8 EXCHAHOE OPTIOB, lot East 14th St., New York, German Savings Bank Building. Toloplione, 2000 Oramercj. Cable ad- drcsa, Blaneslg. All printed matter and Inf. free. SONG-POEMS fJ IMD MUSIO PUBLISHKD OPf ROYALTY. i writ* Mualo to yonr words, introdooe and Dopotarlae. SendlnUSS. POPULAR BHJ81C PUB. CO. (Inc.), Bnlte 014, No. AO Dearborn St., Chicago. Katz, Theatrical Costumer. BURLESQUE WORK A 8PECIALTY. Also EktBKOIDERED DKE88ES for Speclaltr Acts. 1» LSXTSOTOll ATS., near Mth Street. Hew Tork. Tel, sail Plaaa. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And Ui, and Moit Popular Stvln In Udl.i Hair Drtnlng. A. M. llUClI & CO., 11B W. Wlntm jSaaaf , ..... PadlaJalafcU ACTORS, BEWARE (Every Dog Has His Day) Bone oar. were all right In their daj, so vera oanraa colored tmnia. Bat their daj. are paaaad. Majral-O.1 a BAI, i initio thujim. Sand tor Uataloto e 0. WILLIAM BAL (Inc.), 1UW. MUSL.B.T.Oltr.