The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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836 THE KKW YORK CLIPPER. September 22. S. L.UBIN* i. A «o«:s-r MANU pr A o-ruPt KM oir * PHILADELPHIA • LIFE MOTION PICTURE MACHINES 3fe FILMS • » **» ggg 8t™t. THE CREATE8T PICHT OF THE ACE. OUR REPRODUCTION OF THE GANSNELSON FIGHT TEN SELECTED ROUNDS. LENGTH, OVER 1,250 FEET. PRICE, $250. Wo have, among thm Ten Beet:Ro n niU, th. Ltwt On* the 42d, Id which the fOVM, BLOW 1. plainly ehown, whloh W.Uon delivered to hi. snperlor opponent. THIS ISB TM«: FIOMT THE OOUNTWY 13 TAI-KIIMO ABOUT. • *- OUR ridllT FILBS ABB COPYBIOHTBD AND FOLLY PROTBCTBD BY 1AW. -*» A NIGHT OFF I.MIlDlffflCEIIiffll! The Funniest Film Ever Soon. Full of dinger. Full of Merriment YOU WANT THIS. Length, 800 Feet. Price, $88. r eJTILJ&T OUT 1 THE SECRET DEATH VALLEY A THRILLING DRAMA IN LIFE MOTION PICTURES. I. BBBKINQ A FOHTIINH. II. A RICH cum. III. THIS WIPB'g VIHOIf. IV. 8L.AIN FOB, GOLD. V. ILL UOTTKN RHJI1KB. VI. AVKKOKII. LENGTH, 600 FEET. PRICE._ 866 1907 "MARVEL" GINEOGRAPH "BP STEREOPTICOH Acknowledged to be the moit perfect MOVING PICTURE MACHINE. This outfit complete, INCLUDING TOP AND BOTTOM TAKE-UP DEVICE, ELECTRIC LAMP, FIREPROOF ADJUSTABLE RHEOSTAT for direct or alternating current, ALSO CALCIUM LIGHT LAMP, - - $89. - - FIREPROOF FILM BOXES • - $20 EXTRA TIE BIGGEST 5EHT1 THE GREAT MAIL ROIEIY Full of Excitement, Snappy, Another Big Hit and Money maker. Length, 550 Feet. Price, 860.50 All Our Films Class A. Pries, II Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge. VITAGRAPH FILMS. 12 CENTS PER FOOT. iknotlier Sensation X OWING TO flHKAT DRMAND Foil BOMB OF OUR LATB SUBJECTS, TH1B FILM WILL NOT BB RBADY FOR OBLIVBRY UNTIL SEPT. SO. THE INDIAN'S REVENGE; Or, Osceola, Ihi Last of the Semlnoles. COPYRIGHT, 1000, HY TUB VITAQRAPII COMPANY OF AMERICA. A Draraatle ■tnry of Florida,. The natural teener? U picturesque In the extreme, the acting anperl*. Tbe Interest li moat Interne throughout, and the ollrnax thrilling and realistic. THE GREATEST INDIAN DRAMA EVER VITA8RAPHED. UNOTM, 7BB T«»o-t. THB LATKBT COMIC NOVBLTY PALS: Or, My Friend, the Dummy. Copyright 1MM), by t he VITAGRAPH COM PANY OF AMERICA. Tbe screamingly fanny adventures of a tramp who steals a tailor's dummy and Ingeniously "works" everyone bo meets by protending tbe dummy la alive. LKNQTM ------ q-yp Fa.t. A STIRRING DETECTIVE STORY SECRET SERVICE; OR, THE DIAMOND 8MUCCLER. ' Copyright, 190S, by thi Vlt.graph Company ol America. A REAL HEAOLINER. LKNOTM ..... aB»» Feci. 8PLENDID PICTURE OF WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN Arriving nt the Battery and being received by the Nebraskan Committee. L.BIMQTM ..... IBO F»«t. MAGNIFICENT FILMS OF THE GREAT NAVAL REVIEW .Ysri? bay IIy President Itooeevelt en board the "Mayflower." A splendid series of views obtained through special permission of the naval authorities. LKNOTH ...... ttOO !>-•>•»«. Orders filled In rotation. Write tor Circulars. THE VITAORAPH COMPANT OF AMERICA, 116 NASSAU ST., NEW TORE. OABLB AUUltBSJ, "VITAQRAPII." SEIXIHO AOEMTBi KLBIMB OPTICAL CO.. OUARLBB URBAN TrUDITO CO., Ltd., U MM. «t., Ckloago, III. da Rupert It., Lo.dosi, Bate}. ' FILMS RENT CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS FOR PICTURE MACHINES 66 Deartora St., OBUMSO. GOOD MOVING PICTURE FILMS FOR RENT. Unapproachable Service FROM A Wide Awake Office. MTmiH. FILM REHTIIK CO. jjj ■■ cieurk at., oajcAejo, ill. MOVING PICTOuE 1ACHMS -I- AND -I- FILMS. WE MANUFACTURE! STEREOPTICONS, MAGIC LANTERNS. ELECTRIC AND LIME LIGHT BURNERS And Other Accessories. WO Aim GBNISRAL SELLING AGENTS FOR The Power Cameragraph Edison Kinetosoope BIOORAPH XMZ^ACS VITAGRAPH IMlVAdTfil r»ATHE> OTl^fliflS ©DISON ITIIvJVIS All Films at 13 Cents Per Foot Except Edison Clans A, Whloh Are IS Cents. LATEST SUBJECTS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Klelne Lenses for Picture Machines Cover the Whole Range of Practical Projection. 52 STATE ST. ■ OPPOSITE MASONIC T«1PU CHICAGO, ILL. lew York Mareu, 127-129 W. 32d ST. OiTALOBOE FBSE.