The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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842 THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. September 29. ti a ■'•■*! fiUrr, gifKrtrme, bextejte, on, ma huwibeh. cast to dress, eaby to learn. . WHEN HER BEAUTY BEGINS TO BRYAN A MORBE'O SWELL BALLAD. DESCRIPTIVE AND .TRUE. Pub. by F. B. HAVILAND PUP. CO., 125 West 37th St., cor. Broadway, New York. NO BRANCHES ANYWHERE. ' r *""'.. g«^^|^|^|^[^. : ^M^',^lH[ ' < W''IMH > ' :i «flUl .,,' , .. 1 , (<IP1BS Wmt VP<'\ niCHII^T WIIBX All.pO'AlVlKI) IIV 1.V1K I'KOUjlMII.'MHB, TOW IH KM1W Y1>V. THI8 18 IMPORTANT. Kmm'ku hi 1 "UvhiRtt linowM," Eastern.— Rosier Browo Anutaemoflt Co., proprietors; K. LI. Fltzhugh, nianuficr; Frank 1*. Bixby. business mnpuger; I- J. Lauftfot-ilj triifak-ni director: .Innies Heck, curpcritcr j Will Myers, cleetrlelafl; W: E- Hlifiw, "property Juab. Menl- bi-h» ot company: .Limes Itdsen, Samuel Thompson, Baulel McCarthy, uojjcr Gray, Carroll J. Watty. Fret! Wilson, KG. West, .luck Henry, Albert Tiiiikon, I'hos. U-tford, Henry Simon, Florence Smith, Juimlta limb; Etttt Jtuj-nor; Kiiv.mii. Bolton; Marie Hobler, M it he I I-nngiluii, Ulga Lit Marr, CozAune Mnrtlh, Grnee Cannon, Bnbctto Morrcllo t ;Allllii Usr- btflT,' Josehlhe Kennedy, Monica Harvey, 'Kva Homer; Ella Valentine, May Lawrence, ICtiu Mario, May Wdrd, ucrbriii May, Aueln'de WdlHh, Lucille Douglas, Laurii Drake. The opening was 8' ** Roster ot -Tin: ■FiiEp E. WiiiTKiiotjHE, of the Manhattan Trio, was married to-Lillian k. Drake, on Sebt, 4. Jlolli ore members of the "Weary Willie Walker" Co., and both arc from New York City. Tlicy received many handsome presents from members of the company, and the bride was given n handsome solitaire diamond ring b.V Hairy Voting, the manager. Afttr the performance Wcdnesdny night, :>, the company wa* tendered n banquet hy Mr. Whltehouse. The marriage tdok place at St.- Anne'tr Church, Manchester, N. II.. and performed by the Rev." Father John J. Lyons. AltTlTPIt ftlfWATTHHH ASP OnkCK TVHO.V t New l.uehelle N. Y„- Aug. 25. report milking n hlg hit on the Oriiheiiin clr- t:\&t Brown," Western : "lfi:ftler cult. Tlvy will he hack East In November. Tin; Fiikphuick II. HlixPKHafox CO.' hbi been- Incorporated, with n cnpltni Stock 510,000, to carry en the hotel and vaode villi' business at Coney Inland for n period :.'."n viviri, The directors of the company arc Mr. Henderson, Lottie it. Honglnbd and Lulu N, Norwood. i J W. Di -suMirnv, the proprietor and malinger ot tjlcutungy Park, at Columbus; 0„ rcporta that the present season has been the most proapermia In the history of this famous ana weir known Bummer resort. He i says: "The attendance has been very heavy; notwithstanding.the fact.that many Hundays. ii ml holidays were rainy and decidedly un* favorable to out-door amusements. Olen-' tangy has a:i established. reputation from New Vni'< to. the oonat, nnd the thousands who visit It from all points of the land pro- nounce it tinipiektlohubly the ftrunteat Sum- titer pnrli .In. America. In addition to Its' NOTffl r-hOM Tim II.' 4 II, We opened om*. season Sept.-u, nomenal business, anil bavt; ... j:ood reports nlnee.' The company Inclddes "(,'laiuk La Maim and Peahl Tubnrb will moat phiv appear shortly In c singing act, entitled "A have had thfc Rame Htt of Whits and Itlse>. n Miss La Mqlre will MlNBftlBLH^ , to n i tweJity-nye people, with band and -orc.hc.ittn, nmvhll aiieclnl scenery. J'he flrst pt~" of Itruwti" Anni'MTiu'iit c<V. proprlutors; J I>. LrrriHtoln, luttnagcr: W. I. Love, huslnCHS miitinger; Hdgar itlxluy, stage manager; 1'TL'd It. Hoff, musical director; I'mnk .1. King, carpenter; Jits. U, lluster, electrldan; llrirvey reiklris, (iroperty man. HaBMN of fMifh'pany—Master lleltan; Alfred (H-ady, 1 red Nolan, Alfred Helton, Hnrry P. Uflo- l,od, Jr. ft MctMlntock, Henry Tyler, Illcliard hiipnU', George Lawrence, Hue ltcllc ileadc,' lihsKlc McCftll, Mamie OoudrlcH, Wattle Luckelltv Mite Hilton, CecIUA' UvUoncngh, Mily L. Vdlontlnci Wmmh Klilcy, Lulu 1'nrr, Alice WynUi Orrle (Jlllii-rt; cintre Colby, .luse,ihltic HtoltM, Ktlicl Allen. Ktln Vonetlen, Laura Hungc, HI rim in- Marl. Lillian JeanettC, Matgnrct Hyrnea, Lottlu Kranklyn, UnuChad- v.iriJ, Florence Hyid. Hensoli opened at ^uhkera, N. ¥., Bept. 1. UoH-rurf or- »"niK bdlTan ov 8tu.u" Co.: Kseetfttfe staff—Madlfeon t'orey, proprietor; WiiUer Floyd, iidvance representative; Kd- wnrd Wells, niaimgiir; I«*e Ofenn Mmltb, nnittlcnl -director; itobcrt W. Tarklti, stage dlrcetot 1 ; Joseph Vcrnotsgy, enraenter; Ml- xiii Hurney, electi'lclun; (.<•> Melds; prop- erty man; Nancy Ji Spencer, wanlrohQ i,iIm|i-i'ss ; Frnnk 1'ollti, nnslatdnt i^lcctrl- i lull. Company: Albert Sykca, Harry A. riilligiion.- F. J. McCarthy, William L. Mi-clmu, llohl. W. Titrkln, <>corgc Alexander, Oihtvln Ilnwkl, Hurrlet Hheldon, Btella Mar- tine, Jottn T. O'Uay. Prank Tenrney. Flor- ence Mother, Bornlce Unite, Helen Itockwcll, lleleif HtMMlccf. Alllu Luelln, Anna Mllwurd, i: vi'ivn .illunnlion, Klleln Q'Hrady, Ullvla Jllahi'hnrd 'Kthvl Sliore. IIbsIc Clinton, Inns Unwind, Madeline -Dallev, muli Unrtmnn, Lucelu 1'iirrlsh, Jennette (hiludon. AI. I-:«1- wards, .loiiii 1). UlChards, James .1. Wlluiet, win. C.DoBcdb, LouIb Ucrtrnm und Fartiuhur Lawrence. ■■ ' • ' HdMTKlt OV TUB "PlKlOY l-'llOM PABU n CO.*. Madlsott Coi-cy, prnprletor. stmr—Jamca It. Souich. inanfttti'r: Lip Kecnc, liiislness ntjina- ger; I'crcy Tlrohttun, stage ninnnger; Itay- ii'nml (iruli. inlvrrtlrthir ngciit.; ThnhUlM Hurl- nun, BUJft cAr|H'iiter'; llermun Meld, proper- iv ; Kdw. inu, clectrlcltiu ; .1. Walter CnlllnN, attslstdrtt electrician; Mrs; Husten, wui'drnl e ' mlstrcsx. t'nmprtiiv--Arthur Hen- gun, «C0. IChner, Wind CnuniJlpId, Unlc Hut terlev. Terey nnihstnt, Kdrilc Hurinnn, Wft. Sturltey, MrflKlle JenHon, tleorgle Campbell, novella ir-iyn<v>. Irtria Croft anil .Wlanie 01- tntt. I'liui-us- -itdK-' lii-onsmi, N'ellle Mints, ■'hMiiiic, Francis I'mm, Ilmll|a Saiindera, Maude IHcc. i.velyn Weat; li'ltH'- I'litt Courtney, Allpo May, Ma reel le Tusehle, .May Aix'v, Llllbtn Heamon, Josephine KuuwIcM. Ktinn Ffty, Tllllu Patterson, Mitsle WMItle, Itelle Oni-Unn. 1 . J, BImpWtl. 10. T. iuvciih, W. i'. iiniiin'iiy, Amble i'ftttlson, t'hi'Sler Mnrliiiti |fM C A. Ktllotl. Ilnh Fi DliiscoM.. for-the fuiHt two seasons wlih J much L. -VerWH*, and last ■fMoB -nu'ui- Hser of "The tilrl of no Htreeta" Vd., uud for the Itrst few wcCkH of this scHRou In advance of ''A M,an'h Hroketr 1'toinlso" Co., haa gone !-■ Loudoii! Can,,' t L i take thn mQniigeiucnt of the mnnft new vaudeville UionirQ- ,'JWiu Hen* l*nll Tiu'iitrin'ii Knte'rnrl*ies are erecting the- rtres hi Lonon, Hatulllon, Ottawa and Mon- treal. Mil. AND Mll'i, J, M. LHAVKIttON (Alxoi'll Vertonl tiro with Kniiks & Frazrc'a "Unclo .lush Sprrtceby" Co. (WchUto), playing the heavy anil lead, Pa-im, IIaiiiIanp litis returned to Chicago, Mil- lift eon weeks' HHHpa of At, W. Fremont's Slock Co., at "the Cnslno Theatre, Nashville, Tenn,, having closed nusplclously ou 1*ribor Day. SlANAnwt It. fl. Kdiin lyrllcs: "Sau/ord Dodge closed a Stuinuer h(>umoii of ten \vceks, nt I'lci-ce, S.' 1 ]->.' It has been more Niicccssftil ihiiu we exjH'etcd, the titldlcuei'-S testifying to ihe populftrlly of the open air Hivatre, also In Sir, -IMge's nhllliy ns Ingoaiur. Tho wmmoIi ln'Knn with two weeks In Lincoln, Ni'li., I'oiiuweii by two weeks in Oiunhii, the mil or the lime being filled w|th one night stands. Our regular seabon opened In Kloux Ciiy, la., wltli ■iHiii Ciphiu- dc Ilnxau' and *ln- Lioiaiir' as the nitraetle-ns, on tjlept. 10 uud 11, at the, New Theatre t|i^rc. Tha roster of tin: i oiii'lnnV.v Ihetii'iles : Horln'i-t ilu H iter re, Itlcli- :;ii'l Ciirliiii-I, M. Flniiegail, Clunrli- RwdW, Cyril Manners,'Sydney Cnrlon, Win.' W-Ntoii, i.-iiuiue Melbornt!, Hay Salle, Louise Mnr- sbiill. ClrliuVe Mnrshiill, Valencia Pu lloyeo and ClmcUtMe mrtorln, II. !■ Ford, mnuager; Lenr A. (itihoii. In iplvattt'C. Tom BAtiiM.v.v has Joined the F. Huge Com- edy Co., for the, season, for parts nnd apo- chillies. . Mn'H. Oi:n. It. nAtlitmll writes: "Lticlel Min-geiti (Liii-li'l Clnytonl "IB, very 111, i'chuU- lug rrbhi two xepai'ate opersiions far nppcnill- ill 1^. nt Tell fair llOtipltlll. .Savnlumli, Ca., where her friends are nirtiig r<u- bet'." AiiTLtvu It CIii.lksi'Ii:, who linn been Io< caletl in Chlc'igti, visited New York .recently. He will have a new tniislcai coin'crty produc- iluii. tu take the road next Opting. VMn Nm.ftits write** :■ "I ."■tiSHti Willi the 'A Ilell Hoy Ki'lgliml part of „ (llreetliit the stage," We carry (weuty-slic )ii'o|-|e. Husliiess )s good, nnd the show Is iiiitil&d solid-far forty wwltn through Svw Ynik. reniiHVlvanlft. W«t Virginia and some pnrtii of Cnuada, We nil receive Tin: Ci,;r- vy.n every week." Wji.mam N. NMlTll Is wllh tl.e tlerd'ude living Co. (aecnnd Heitson), aa laiKlness nian- aKf'r. nntl reports good MttdWM for Miss Fwlng's enmpnuy. iiv\- ItAUTi.Kri*. In "A Umiaway Mateli." writes tluii, In rplto of Hie hot wcalhcr, he has been plnylng to cn'pitelly ever alnee the njH'nlng Aug. 1H; The seaVdn IS booked solid fur forty weeks, and eovers nearly every part of the Culled Slnlr-H and Cmiiida, \V, S. Itiites Is manager, and fteft Huherts Is hi ad- vance, with two at-slsianttt, MaikjhbIiITB Sl'r.vA has met ivllli siicecsn hi the title rule of "t'nrmen" at the Opera I'linilipie, I'nrls, Fr., wheru she made her Kuropcn-i debut Sept. 1-1. _ ram, en- titled "A Reception at the 1'alace of Lawna- dalf," Intrndiicea some clever iplristrel fa- vojrltea. Tlfc roster Is an follown: A. It. Hersmnn, genernl manager; Hco. Hnblnck. adVaheeY Chns. Fronto, stage manager niul Interlocutor; Nat Hlossom, principal come- dian ; Thohiiis I!, ciuri;, musical director;, Ityte Whlttlnftton, comedy hlcyvHst | Frank Le llnrr; flexible Adonis; Hick Walton, Ham VerilHli, .Trick Mevers, Hiniiii Xlles, Tom Freeman, elms. Jouen, Irvjn Krlcks, Bllllo l'ltlSO, A|, bfiekll, Hobt. Itttdcslll, Vern Uow- ui-p, Geo. I'iiteh nnd ill Hlnkley. The enm- puny present!) a very rmvoi [mlnde,: and la Impersonate ft aWcll wench, tvhlle Miss lut- per will Inlrodiice dancing. AHss La Malre recently returned from London, where she pifichased the act; ■ . "Dick MAiw, formerly of Conroy and Mack mid O'Connell and Mack, and J as. II. Dia- mond, formerly of WhltHead nnd Diamond, ■ who joined hands a year ago, report that they have been working steady for Sullivan & Consldlne, With big success. In' their alnglug and talking act. They will return Earst In January. ■JSUJOR and KUTf. report big success with Itohle's Knickerbockers, playing principal coincdy parts and doing their specialty. Thb 'JlaoiTsguB- Ka.hpoithb, Fred and Gertie, fan now in their -twenty-fifth, week LA VATiuo ffrites from Erie, Pa.:. "Sltico my partner and I fell, from the high wire here, nt the Elka' l-irnics^, we have beeu on-' nble to do our ace. Sly piirtncr, Ed. Stiirant, Is ■.till his homo In Itochcste'r, N. Y., and I Jim worklmi for a railroad mniiuny hete, managing the Erie County ,Falr, which ' takes place from Oct. 1 to 9." ■Tins Rons SisTiius, singers, write that tlicy ore enjoying a few weeks' rest at their lioroc In Providence, It. I., nt the samp tlma' procuring all new wardrobe for their act. They will start their Wlbter work In Octo- ber, iui'i .hey are booked solid until February, IDW. ,»•■•. 'Am:B CLosisn a sixteen weeks' engage- ment with the Lylllan Leigh ton Stock Co., tit , Albuquerque, N. M-, HIM, EdimtnHs aiid Mnby Florence made their drat appearance with tho Crawford Rich Htock Co., Sept 1, their Vaude- __.JOU tO US' " '| |7 fl ,. n V, natural ndvonlagcs ft has been, during Ita.i."'ft,-';, 11 v y 'n,- emtelllr-bcd through nn ITTMaljIii _._ „„ __Tll _ _ oi,r.owA v , liny Co.—We still continue to do goyil busl ncris throughout Northern Wisconsin. Wo •ire enlarging out company, la view of put- Tiifir oh llrat class ttfffttbrj. We had them Coming throughout the Summer seitson, and expect to pack tbepi In during the Winter seuHon. CnCsler iXos'u bdriel and cross kick- ing continues to get the people. Davo Mai*- low's moving pictures and eccentric dtinclng la a big femure. Ed. .Moiltello's contortion hct, under, colored lights, M , rmtfOaoj .with great ttttcw,' and'Is* h big drawing card, os If bis trapeze and ring act. The Hurts, .John and Lillian, arc great favorites with thelt sketches aad illuatnded songa. All arc wch IliLi.i Youk« .writes; "Our company Is making good with twenty-flve people and good baud-nntl orchestra. 1 am Interlocutor, and my wore ihla season Is bringing plenty of newspaper comments." i ., Luna- Davenport,, cornet aoloist, opened oii-'the Western Vaudeville Managers' circuit, Sept. 10, at tho Frimlly Theatre. Davenport, la;,. L-oiiii; ' thence to Rtirllngton. She is booked for return doles at Marlon, Lnfn* "•rformcr, comedian and vocalist, Is seriously II, but h ■•,>'■■■■ to (.oimi be "on deck" Again. -flKtrr MAjisiiALi,, black face monologii-i eoinedlnn nntl eccentric dnheer, waa engaged for a second week at Collins Garden, Co- lumbus, o. Tub Rrio SiRTKns closed with A. IL Woods* "Ruled Oft" the Turf" Co., Sejit. S, and joined Ned Nye's vaudeville act, open- ing at Keith A Proctor's Fifty-eighth Street yette and Evansvlllc. This Is her - second Theatre, New York, Sept. 10. vKhttcncc, — turn of much money, the ulsburaement- of which lias equipped this hanutlful spot with nlniost every outdoor amusement extant. , Wj W.- P-roaaer, who hns managed the theatre- for me for. four years, and who will during the present aenson mnnngo Kelth'a hotise In Cohunbua, again had matters In hand to the entire satisfaction of the public press ahd j|I others eoucerncd. I will shortly- take nn ek- teii'kd trip, which will luclude all. of f principal Summer resorts In this country, ni and next hbkui Olcntnnoy will open bigger »..- belter than ever. The booking foil the thOwii"^;} 1 ICK writes: "At Pastor's The- otfe, on Friday, flfteinoon, Sept. 7 S after the Vegillar bill, Dotllc Dalo presented her sketch, ,*Ah Children See !;»,' i(ud> a dlHtluct hit. Dottle's sketch was so Interspersed '.villi humorous dialogue, bright wivhiuH nnd rapid (Ire natural wit Hint Mr. 1'aator huiithcd and eliuekled all through the sketch, "The.good comedy work of Uorrae hnu>. was "nppreclated ,by tho well Jknown nninnger, and ._ ;cvoked several spontaneous bursts of ap- n mid , lain Thnt tLe *> ct wn » " fecd "« tn « «*«»■ or and «?™ w, »b -siiown by the liberal applause dpr* time in these houcea during the past.threa months. Her dancing tlalsh has proven a decided novelty.- ■Job Lkvitt asp .An.vHS Calls, comedy jug- glers, closed a twelve weeks' engagement with the Crtindall Vaudeville Co., playing the Adirondack Mountain resorts. After closing with that corope.ny they played six weeks in parks, and nre now tin tailing n live weeks' engngement at ilie Northern fairs, after which iti-.'v will.lay oft! for two weeka at Miss FiUla' hnino Itochester, N.. Y., for n rest. They open ■on the New England circuit for their Whiter season. .hiNMNos ano itKNKitKW, "Who Ring Tholr Own Songs," have just closed In the J. W. Gorman parks, and open their vaudeville dates at the Howard, ltoston, week of Heat. y-L • ■ . . WAi.TFn SiiRttwoon ami Eabl Flv.nn re- port doing nicely with the AI. i;. FlehV Mhi- - strels. Mr. Sherwood Is singing ballads, and Karl Klynn Is Hinging- and dancing. They have a novelty for next Snmmei' In tlic way ■ of ii new act. Jan. Lava ir. writes: "The 7.nvalls are at the Tower, HIackpool, Kng., their aerial act being the only act of Ha kind on tho bill. Johnson- & NiciiOT.s, proprietors of the -Mr. Lnvall's 'dislocations' takcB the people ud after the sketch. The two children, ie Data and llarrde Dale, have already received Him; from a couple of the agents who aiiw thelt ac,t." . ,.,... .P. H. rcjiorts good business with his conii'ih* Cbmpnny, In the Northwest. Mi:, ami Mas. Sam I1a)|ti:i,l, of the old tcnjti, of llnrtell nnd GaUagher, entertained " "Huafoi' nrown jlplldav' .Villi. Uiiltag!ier,.of vhi! . playing Toronto i' In teiidlnc i in' chorus Mr.. Ifiirtell " Can. Miss Gal- lending the chorus nnd reports gnat j-uccess. Mr., llnrtell Is speeding two week* visiting the Tyropta fair before tajjdpg out. a DOW Vituitevlllo turn over'tho big circuit,- PUOM^A ANp UnniiN, who reeontly closed h vcty stiereisfill tsuason on th6 J. .1. IiTynn park circuit, tfrwa enga-A-rl i:h a npcrlnl vaude- ville fentdrc with the Jamea Kennedy Stock Co;; iii Lynn, (or week of sept 10, with the Howard, lloHton. to follow, featuring their trliil'i time wooden shoo dnncliig. ■ ■ • , TliproS asp iiih win; (Matllo Fielding) report meeting with success. They are. In llirll' 'ilxtei-illli woek With Wm, Jliiriicttri'H MlhMrel .arid. Vaudeville Co.; playing -tlu-ce iiigCiU throdih .Pennsylvpiiln. , He. Rlcti wrltea: "We nre doing a big business, ni Electric Theatre at Waterloo, la., announce that their house opens Oct. 1, after being repnlrcd and renovated. • iti.Aii: axd McNulty. report meeting with success through the West on the Sullivan & Consldlne circuit. TAiif.ruN and TAiir.TnN just closed eigh- teen weekB with the Grout Wallsco Clrcui, and oxpec. to open their vaudeville theatre Sept. 24, -it Mtirshalltown, la. .. Cahi i.ion Macv and Maupb IIaij., In Ihelr ii civ act, "The Magpie and tho Jay," ore shortly to he seen In New York. They have tried K out. with considerable satisfaction -out of town, and hoth players are said to have been. admirably fitted hy the author, Edward WelUel, by turn nire WUH In the hands of J. K, Hurke, ot the Keith olnce." MoltKAX'H MtNHTRKI.S closed suddenly In Mlddhitown, N. Y„ Sept. 8. t i.. Hi Tom Ward, while playing his fourth, weok at Perslru's Theatre, Memphis. Tcntu received a telegram, Sept. 7, informing him of hla mothcr'a death at his home in ProvR denee, U. Iv; Mrauvh,, PA., Vmii, Sept. 12, 11100.— To day --.iv,- a gehcrul reunion of happy min- strel men. when the Primrose. All Stars and tho John W. Vogel- Hlij i.'lty boys met for tho first time In mvnui seasons. The Vogel show has nh engagement Iri this city lo-nlglit, while the Primrose ahow bnd a two hour lay ovur en j nnrfi- to Franklin, .Pn. Tho friendly sen- timent rxmtlng.butween theso two large com-. panics colild not help being noticed. Ninety men joined In a general hnnd-shiike, and old acipiulntanccM were renewed, and- ncJv nc- i|ualnliinceH formed. Mr. Vogel and his bntid eaeorted tha Primruse nhow -to the train, where a delightful concert was given In their honor, . . .. - * . ■ . . . ■ -i ■ Mim.y Hart claims tho distinction of being Hie first t-i use l.uman.vcntrlloqitlat figures in his biii'tebipic vetitrllorpilst Act, which he Is putting < ob> with, the Yankeo Doodlo GlrU, aided by Anna Vale nnd Marlu Jiinseri. A real girl :'ftun- ;ind a l.'ftlacy llgurc nro used.' " M.MtiiY .Mayo lui> chni'gv of the huoklug dcparlmetil; with tho -Vltngrnpli Co. They are pliielnga number of moving picture com- panies on the road. > '< ' J. 11. ano. LiZZiB HOLUltOOK. the original ""..,MRvmw .i-u-^i., uiiinri-Koiiig ii a«nqiis Musical Ilolbrouks, have their permanent bhwicnl operation,.is recovering,, and home at Chuloea, Mnnt. They do not wlah to to he well enmigh to leave In a few days. be .confounded with a team using the tmme • Kbank Wili,1a«h..and Lpa Pullman do „ . iiume, In the .West. not .go with, '-The Other Fellow"..Co,, but. vllle this reason with all new wardrobe. They U, K.. J^AL'i.kKBit writes: "The Orlghml wilj remain In vaudeviilii this pMriqa, They arc (pilte succesafnl. Aiuerlcuii Nowaboys' Quartello (Faulkner, ppen at the, Family Tiiealce, Hiiffalo, N. V., Claiiih: L. Ci.kvkuxp. of tho Clevchinds, Peek, Laird nnd Ford) an-with Rowland ft: ->ct..l, then phiy tho. Majestic, Chicago, Oct. writes: "My wife and 1 nrc with tho'Dot Clifford's melodrama, 'Tho Phantom Dfitec- *-,. wMh tneKohi, & Castle circuit to follow. Karroll Repertory Co., this neaann, prewnt- •ilv*V and their original, newsboy act la a Ai.. Huijkk/ .after a vacation of two weeks Ing.oitr specialty ai;t very kucccmh fully, and feature ot every perfonnnnce." flt lilahpnlc In Worcester, hus returned to expect to-enjoy a good senson. Miss Karrotl work. He Is Opt with Latrcska, but. will do has this season one of (lie strongest shows Mi ( roller .akate dancing act, and.hnsi good she has ever hud. and business Is very good tlm« bookc|i, . ■ , . . fur the beginning of the-senson." MB, am. Mum. PttKD. Titur . (Lydlo Yea- Thb Rovai, MiisicAi, Kivb, who nrc creJ- nuiua) send jhk Ci.ippkii aceouiUH of their " ' good health MM success In tha.Antipodes. .Toiix an-j T.<iiiiha Tin, Just closed a verv mieiNMdal season on W. J. Pllti-iner's circuit of parks., • •■ ■ ilAiinv La 1. i:\sh writes: "Little Miss Fre- doiiiLa .Reaao, .of the 1'our La Reanes, eclc- bvalod her taclftli blvlbtlay at Marlon, ()., with tho Amerleiin Repertory Co. .She re- ceived inuny vnlualilo presents from inembers of- tho eopipHivy, tho hnodsutnest being a solid gold watch given her by.Hnrry-W. Leo Header of the orchestra. Immediately after storm nightly. Thla makes their fourth In the Tower and Palace Inside of eight montha." ■ Lome Bates. Imitator nnd monolngist, has been West since March, playing the Con- ' Kldinc, Empire and .Crystal circuits, He opens Oct, 20, for sixteen weeks. ' Next schson ho will be seen In a new act, written for him by Wm. Wltidom. . ,! m En, O'CoNXKLt,, manager of the Parlor The- ntre, I*ort Angeles, Wnsh., states thnt this is ! the thirteenth week since ho tensed the the- ntre, and it hao been u great suceeaa. Mr. (1'Connell will close his theatre Oct. IB. and fulfill the humcrouM dales he has arranged for. the Topsy Tnrvy Trio. . * Show Notbs. —We closed our sen- Kowknna will close, Oct, i;i, with Jolllffe's |M nt Crystal, Mich., Sept. 22, where the Hrlghi Light Co., .apt) Is booked solid m Silver Family have ptirchaaed the. bouultfnt vniidcvllla fur the Winter. reaort, known as (he, Grove. limine, wllh )::n. (.Ainu. Jias tindoubtcdly made a wise gronndH of eleven acres, where our hend- move In changing his Act from black face (o quartern will bo hereafter.' Wo have had a white face Report* are ut hand from many very successful seuaoo, only loalng one tier- off his recent engagements, complimenting- forinnncc (through a storm), and one iilalit the. performer, for bis good judgment In his whqn Stnne and Itoitip fell from the wire, new departure, and ulso for his new line of Stone, nnd Honi|> came hack to the show 12, comedy talk. nnd are nt work again. Wo close with th*o Jak. A., of Donnelly nnd West, HUM people we opened, onlv one chnuge In writes: "I have entered vaudeville tostny. as roth pit ny; Mo, Clow, tuba player, joined In 1 nave u,^ood act. I lidvc been In comic place of Cloud Ln Rocqne. Wo oiwn In Lcc- Slaters, ...>upe of Araba.", . I Cuhih H. S.TA.*i|,ijY., who has been con- fined Hie prist mpnrH.lD St. Joseph's ItoMt- tnl,., Abertfepn. ffiuty ' undergoing, a serloua nd the Paris, Iiiia l:een twice extended. Ho hits trodnced A French song in his act, which piamlsett to rank with his prevloiiH hits. TXi' ano Runnkll arc sllll with the Hughes, Honda n long Rat of press iiotlros, ("inpllmentary of tliclr new act, "Supptess- Ing tho Press." ■ ; Tub Cahto Tiikatrb, nt Lawrence. Mass., Haki.Ii ask Wahhi i,i., German comedy duo, opened with Hnsthiga A Arnold's Bachelor Club lltirleaque Co, at llnltimore. and slate that their act Is n big success, na they nre responding to two and three encores at every show. <ii.Ai.YH MiDPLtrrox cloned with the Curl la Muslcul Ciiiuedy Co. at Oklahoma City, re- maining (hero one week In vaudeville at ' Co., playing <ny liiiHiloril ; al. in Delnuir tlnrdetiB. MtssMlddlelon plnyedouo week at Wonderland Park, Wlehhn, Kan.. doing her refined - sinking specialty. ARcr A week's rest, at her home In Kaiisus City, Mo.-, she will return tu vaudeville. CAimm. M. Sr..ri-T, exponent of phyLlcal culture, closed -fourteen weeks In parks, Sept. 8, aud opens her regular season In the vaude- ville housea.Ht the Howard, Roston, Kept. 10, wllh other .goud work to follow. Mi.n'.nir Randall, formerly of the Day Slslers, reports meeting with such success nt the Riverside Theairu, Mlddletown, tu that she hits been rc-cngnged for throe weeks longer, . Tin: Sii.nnu - l-'oru appeared ut Nlniuuc Pack, Mllford, Mass.. recently. The children, were iiunoiiueed its lh« cleverest ever aeon nt- the park. > . .-.•-• ., ' l*.\.Moi'NT Anp P.uri.KTTB wrlle that they have Imvii doing a tlae Inndneas since they took thr Grand Theatre., nt Fludlny, O. Tun Halk-axi-Halk Skxtrttb, one of tho- . mivnldes put on hy Mails Rotte, wllh tho ,1" ilnpnn an In mv fh'rd ;<»'fkcrl.ocker UurleNipiers, Is proving to he A 2«r rrL iti.".i.„.rilS Hit sensation. . Soi •' TUB OI.Y.MITA OtlAUTKTTB Will be 111 vntldc* vllle this ysur. In the original line of work. Last year the members were with "UUlo Johnny Jones." hiving boon wllh Mr. Cohnn for four yenrs previous. * ■ Hfir.T 'I'i:hm:ii, comedy juggler, has closed eighteen weeks of Huecessfnl work with tho Golliunr Pros.' Shows, and Is playing dates. Maun Clayton, or the team, Gerald nnd Claylon, who are In Ihelr tenth week In Miu stock nt tM Clnoograph Tlienli-e, In ; Los Ad- f[eles. Oil., writes that who..has bought n. leimilful bungalow Jiomc at Wlllowbrouk, ?. anbtirh nine miles from Los AageicN, which, wllh her aged grandmother will lie her future* home. The tonni Is hooked In stock until Sept, IIP. when they will beuln playing dates. Miii-de Hl'linan Co., as a apcclnl vaudeville opened tinder now management Sept. IT, with feature.,, tha. following people: Chicago Trio, Kcnnedv , T„r 1 ' K *V. 0 , A . N I ) . CA ,Ji s ' :r ' 8 , nr, = touring with tho and Jnmea, Phil Morton, Alice Berwick, Pearl Blrtck Pnltl Co. 'j.hey will reappear lu vnude- 'Arnold, Kdnn Grant, Mabel Wllsow, 1 May i')'Pl'8. Mnymo Itiinsoll, Laura Bishop. Grae'ir white, Marlon Wallers, Helen Marsha!). ■ Ernest De llondy, pianist. Thos. Moosh It the manager.. • Sam Rijssrix writes thnt he Is Just closing a very successful run of ten weeks at Con- ner n- Imperial Theatre. Coney Island, with his -Tunny plate spfhnln;; and barber shop • pantomime Act. ' - Coi.n axd Colkma.v, with their comedy musical act, have Just completed their tlhie over Jos. J. Flynn's circuit of NewEnglnnd parks. They report having mot with big success at every point, and their mOnstcr Jlowcrphone, recently Introduced, has proven to-be n: magnificent instrument,' with a ' quality of tone surpassing oil former efforts In thla cIkbs of instniment building. Will ami May Rbxo report tho best of SSSgW^BL With their comedy aci-obntic sketch, - 1-ho Yap fron Olneyvlllo," . They hnvo Itftl with « quick success In vaudeville, nro scheduled, to pluy the entire circuit of the JveIHi-Proctor houses, . ■ Tom IltssKT-r and Jok Miller opened at the Imperial Thentre, Providence, R. L, with tho Bnttlmora llenutles Co., aud report suc- cess. .... TtiK Noin.n Sistkrs write: "After a Bhort vacation at Atlantic City, wc opened nt -Henderson's, week of Sept. 12, with our new, -refined. ew. -refilled, singing act. which gave great been playing the leading narks arid shorn' ilisfnclbn nt every performance« * resorts of New Uncland alT Summer and Wavih'i Stan-ion Jr., fomerly of.tho team open In Chicago Nov 10? • ' her turn wlUi her sister. Hoby Mlna, ahv Wiia of Slanto-i and Corrl, has joined hnnds with i Chaiilkh axo 1/.a enu llbrlsts write- "Wa railed ba.k to ho stage, opd presented with Bob Samlbarg. doing ■ singing and talking closed with the Jones \t I InmN*« Hhows Uie wnt.-h. The preaentfttlun apeech Was net-, and meellog with, very good anccesa. on Sept. I, |£d i, aV c^returned to Vaudev lie mndo.hy John D'OruiomL our. leadinir man. They, nre hooked up to December, when they playing Hollywood I'arkT^tlVffwH dng Hollywood Park, Raltlmorc, weeks of Sept. J and 10: our net Is goiag well at ■■*" performnnce." —.-- —■•» ■" -ramps . .. Viola axd kxoel have-just finished their The,Four La Hifsiies are the vaudeville feat- return Bust. nre.of the Anierlenns, uud are making n fiuo Hauiiv E. Lloyd writes from Keunctt, success." ■ , CnL: "'[ have Mm laying off hero in tho Hayek "axd""wVltAih nt-e in- Cuba rfalnu <}ui<ju, Mackky and NroKi:itsoN write that mountains for the Summer, and Turn Ow Rh- finely ,wlth their act "A Trainn'a l'llftatlon ^ they nro, honked solid for two yenra In vnude- m\hi.k romea, regularlv through my news " ; " ; ■ - -■-■ "- - - - villi... on the Keith. Ornheum. Anderson, Kohl agent. It Is a ffreat comfort to me. " A Castle and Hopkins' clrcultK. . Thay wero ~" signed with "The Girl From Texas" Co....but Concluded to cunccl. owing to these nounn, IfAitMfv FiiiHT, "TiiB'SiM-inble Guy," noorbi success playing the- prlnclpnl role of"T<evy ' Jnpnn,'' and also In his, eccentric Ilebrew October, but nre rc-ougaged to return tolhiw" liiu' TI nio^^ Conn t*own'" IUC " iielng with W, B. Wntaou'B Wnshlnglon B0 \J- h y t* "» indeflnite period, commencing I)ons.:n an» Ui'shSj,, o The syiitcK'i.ANn and ptiKKsut-nY. ifssUTtd , LrK Roy AM BIapkh write: "We have been tSe 8 Uien"nfw> H for tI t!iR S& he Muslcnl Hnll- .,— — m w puiIho for the ynHnnjI,!... by Mini ci-MJf.. ™"SoiftV »: doSgoit iK^^iBfJUd Wji'ftX ."^r^^'^&ifSfg^ , "''""° , ' Mr. DiikiiBlnir.v will !}!■ (nlUllTolo. ns .rimiot art nil middle Wnt clmill*, but Jnineil " .".--.'" Ior . tl ."" ."*"' . UiiMinry will bj.. In: imffolo.ns .rarnot nrt on -.lie' mlildli. WMt'dhmtfi but" Jo'ineil ~>uiiHiili,-"junln .'ml '.Inrk" wlro'n.rfnrm.r .olnl.t. while Mr. Hfp.i*l.nd. contlnu-s In .■The Oeto.cK>i.'^(.:o., at r.lncoln. Xcb.. Sent. 0. wrllM tl.iit lie hns ,'losed cl«bteett P WM™ of F.KW, nf tTtiuifev'niiri l,epi.v, wlio Viire l.'nml Show, lie wn's'ew«ilKi',i fur tlie en WIIH tliinuen.uHly III for Ibu lindt Ibree weeks liiv elren't (if foin^eell wieks, nil "bit,- elly Hewiiiheknow^fls-^eMusicarRuhy/'-;" wT*&^«^^^iss«£% BfiSS^SLff^^v^^sssm toxnxo and Lawkkncm write: "We nre are cerVafaly amklTig good. Wc get Tim Old thirty-two week": "- -'" mnklug a great hit with our real novelty act, J1kmaiii.<s every week." Lpslde-downdnitclag. ,., , (.outs I'linr.K tihs closed n pleasant sea- b.iVM BHAITHH receplly ended a three Wfl over the Melville circuit, weeks' vacation at .tho Turk Inn, Hoeknwuy WK acknowlhiidl- an Invitation to lie pres- ent, at a bniiipiut, commemorating the lie- Binning of the .twenty-second year, of the Al. G. Jj leld Greater Minstrels, at Charleston, •S. .(;., on.Oet.,fi. Gko. W. Hr*:sr.v. ventrlloonlst, just fin- ished fifteen weeks over Rip Frank Melville Beach, and Is uow.mauagiug KHcii'b Victoria Music Hall. - -liiicAi; Gkykii. ismicdy Juggler, reports ranking a pronounced success In his orlglpaJl rrehtlon oi Uncle SRns. After the opeunig show, In the Aitdllurlum, oninhn., wllh th He also reports tbnt bla act lu n big sai*csa. Mllk. waum.% ot Onslow and Garnett, reports meet big, with success in her contor- tion dancing ;nct In California. Billy OuluW is nlao meetlnt with success at Fischer's J hentre. Los Angolea, C»l. He Is In his eighth .weok^as principal comedian In.the musical comedies put on by Mr. Griffith. - ■ . -. Goodwin axd Goodwix report a very suc- esariilricnsnn In the South, where Ibey have . e iinsl ... with typhoid fever, at the Marlon Hospital!tdtiMtr Marlon, Ind., Isnow convnleseliig. nnd e.\pect,n &k & ii:mS!'<K^s! ro """- "'•'•""** te!L' ii " ii * ^^^^^"Im^^ reaiuue work with hla purtuer lu a few wceka. , KiTTia Nick was compelled to cnucel all t-oiitiitcts en accuunl ot thu serious Illness of her father. . Lko Wu.tiKii..jngcler nnd magician, wns on thci-openliig Ml| of Theatre. Chi?- .holm, Minn., and conlliiued there for three .weeks with attcccss. dales. JrMMV RntRtia-wllh llavorly's.Minslreis. doing; a principal end. Ncaver and Rose are also doing their knockalwut act In tlie olio. Hnrry Nenver Is stage manager.