The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SEP'EpBfBEB.-ai?. THE 2STEW YORK OX.TPPEB •845 slrel Mollis,. Irjtralurlruj Mlldnil KIhii, Hrla thrlr i,l«,r m. .MUMtlc, Ma CSiiH.1"'". Uriire TipIckIo, claw M. r*l« ii,u «3K.JSB* " Nk'ele, Viola (.'rnwford, Onsslc Kronen. 1,1. L „(",„ Jn",„' in,"" 1 ?," 1 '°. r . ""J 1 ,.,ttc fuller, . Vlolclto Dale, Frank Cook, Ke»" „a,l dUK'n "Bft. „ "." ' wrrtrllng be Ib Curi." Ti, BnrfM, 'Tar! ttollli-khir; Ulrl" L't. ni;mbpr« of tlm -HnlioH In Toyliwil" -il, Mark Ulku Ilarlrf 30. Dorothy I.. "I'bd H,innw Man" -J8, -A' Houtnnre or Coon :inil l'rof. .Ncuiuini, card manipulator, stnito slioy:: .llene Campbell's l'rctty 1'lnk llnr- Ichiuih'h. . Olio: Blanche Lorlnjr, Ktliel Wll- IliiuiH,'MnJdr Kngllrii, May Bulllvan and mo- tion picture*. Nickih.oi>kox.(W..II. Wojffc, manager) In curio ball, '• 1M-2I)! Mlstlsslpill frouba- ilourti. l'rof. Nlcninn, wonder worker; cbiw. Mllllmrilt, «'"! the nnisk-Ml featlrnl. .Stage UllOWi Hilt'{jrlMi' t'tn-lv lliii']rM[in'i- ()|t„; |» u |. lie Climtrd, May. i.'olllns. Corn Klllx, Nina I.etla,' Wale Gallagher and the. Nelsons. ,'rrtllotiH (.W.' r j. Allen. raanagttry "The t trlcndfl frnm l*nhnV.... : „ «u . !.. V eieei«l lint roiliiwlll^' omnTS: I'rW I ni . II. '"•ynromemSS, ■•S v^",?^ J" "MP "'• AhmSkw: rice.pmUnVnl, Jolm V. M.,1 nntf tbo Sormer. nwi^'t. 1 ",' So 'S< ','.'■ '", v: "Kretary. Josepb I-nrl.-y : liMUMrtr. frU UtmlSmtakjHiJ Pol-9 Kranklo Klvcre: llunncbil necretury, Win. Itabn performance their friends fftfimd for bo sicond time I c dining ruora «" ibe botrl 1S7 I. f""""V." ",'V 1 SSl lb"newly ?!ft r . rt ^3 eoiljiji! Vninkle (Iran has signed ...1,1. ,«.-—,•-:■-..■'"•"R.i; VI, ,'CII 1IUS MKnVO MiSLL h * WehmttB Show, replacing Bnultnc ]"■.!/ «• *■' Lo J? olr ' foi-merJy treasurer of rfcHfi ,^ uaro ^^ »«■ Sowad Nance ONcll Co.-; I>wlght O. ttilmore, of Des ■il . aer- ... trustees, John l'-ndpreasf. Mlrrhuel 1'ptidergnnt, Maur- ice Mack. Ij W Wi ll Farley i executive board, !!. fVAIeXnndt< JnMi F. Shtlltiy, MmiHn* Mark nritl ,l<i;.i>]iL Kiirioy....'. Iliin-y Itrnwno, a low] i«iy. i't naktatt mi iwnilMt InunM- nIoii nn li'iulliti! limit wllll l!u> Alliiiiiilii.i Hon t'o. liil.H MMptL" 'TVuTKS.~Sundfty couuort tills M: Uo,c<hin uJSSSBSSlSHtXi B*H «HHon «tnl (YockeV. Flhdlay and Iturke. Ar- WW MtW "™ *"" •WWOH. tliur Wlillt'htw, tfhnQiltfd rtufl Smllh. Adloc _ „ ■ Trio. K«niwy uM MulIlK, Retted and Hartley. l-wwell.—At Urn- 'Lowetl 0|irni limine L 1 WMUt nud Qrimn, Mr. mid Mrs. ■ NU-k ,', "■'" * G«Ufl, ttufiMgiral "At rrlnnlo 11 turtles, and -hto.-Mo. Ott. /(i?H(ou~NavaKH!tr ' rt 7/ l»'"vrd a mulodraititi uf unitildci'iiblc ladles'Baud. Dtoftc und Utjntia —Mr. and "»«r« «nd drew nod bmrinoH. "Am You MrA'HirfJ 'Diortio, Two Kacket«, Kxposltlon " A"'*"!.. didlKlitiHl u R o<«l fixed tmrliPtivu I'oiir, ■Mbrfoiv and Kfhpllberjr, Keuo, *\Vi*Im|i 3K - . Ir , uaiiiHiu-d Ik Nordi:ind" (Vlcaiod und Melrose, the Vhuh, tour OtrtmrtlK, 9*2*. buslnt-HH !K Knum O'NVJI rprplvpd :t Leonard Kaop, Hugh Stanton and i-orapnov, n, t\ n „ ,^vl.' ,n,u - tl --• "Wcary ! Wllllo Walk- Hldnniti aiid ■Sltaniioii, and Harry '.riioinKiiii. Vl -?• ».»v l»own l^iwl" 1:5. -jti. A). Ta-bcIi Kftlil't— BctteHt"Flouting HOWlUI: Nora ""« Ahroe llnncbiidH "^7. "J»ivld Iliinim" " K Run, I'VHir- Nlgnlonn, Four Klanou, (ju, W. Day, Brown, War cIk and Brown." BttrtnOl New tlrdford.—At tlm New lirdf.ird Thf* ntrc'(V,*iu. H. latHMi niniiuai>ri Niiucc O'NpII rnme Xcpt. 17. to Mr lumlnpss." "David Kanun," 18, bad Bubd htlido«Mi, "Ai CMnAn I'rpek," 111. had a fair Kketl audlencr. "Tbo Xlupty and Nine" 1T», "Tlic UoltfM Widow" •M, "Capo Cod VonV ^7-*Jlt. " ' Hatiiavat's (T. It. Baylies. uianaKer).-- Bill for week of ^4: Rnymoud and 1 an'rlv. J. t*. Nugent and eumpany. tho AiociI'-iih Comedy Four; tbr nmst Kainllv, tlm Two ItacketlH, Florence Sotmders, tlic Kralotts. and vltagrupli. Savot (Wm. II. Hblne. nianbKert.-Morloc idctUfH and Baby Kvrlyn Mi-Vry iheld orPri hrnke nil retordu att-lilx houao week of IT. Week of '24, pictures und Master Geo. Whit- taker, boy lenor. 311. ACAIMIIY or Mnsi.: (It. |A Mnroliv, mau- »Kcrl.—Htverln lm !.u»>h made a win,'- eMiM :n ( Swiri" for 1 In- stork company'* offprlng lavt wei-k, rtiKl di'llglited .apaeltv U'! I»evu, BugenM Ilaydi'n, MiHnmH, Mr. dir'M nii-kftlnns, Wcrtlcii and I .Uuldixli. and Dudley. (:hen]>ii and Burns..... .Tin* Black Hike Band of ICnplHrid will glv<> a eom-crt at ■Hip Colonial on Hunday evening, ilti 'Clii' Boston, Food Fair will !)<• held at Mr* • banlcs' BlfUraMg) r^mttieiBg Oct l...,.. The Boutdn Symphony OrrbrHtrn, Itr. Kurl iMttek. conductor, will begin lis twmly-Hlxdi . xeaaon oft -Oct;' '12.1 .i ; . .TIip I'ark Square Arthur Biirlmnan, of last ■ iseasua'N ."jaipnuy Skallng King will reopoti Ort. I Dud- W VPI ' '■ wrillnl wel'-oin^ upott bin retain ley. cin-Miyu aud-BuniH. lu lbelr mimical and liiiwreiive.~At Hie tlperti lloiiw tUnnit & Caltn, manngeiaf the .lanu-M Ki-nredy On. ■•iiino week of Sept. 17, to good btmWNB. ItOOkua.' "The Old tloiuevleild" *JI, "When KnlRlitliootl Wax In Flower" ytl, "The Kerry UOWV *2H, tilrla Will Bo tilrlH 1 ' 2U, )i.ovtAb TilKA'ntu f.I. Fred urn, mniiu A most' extensive array of Cotton, Lisle, Silk Lisle and Silk Hosiery, in all Loading Shades to Match Gowns. Wide ".range of prices to meet all wants. SPECIAL ATTENTION of the PROFES- SION is directed to our facilities for tlic KITTING OUT OF ENTIRE COM- PANIES. hord\&[ Taylpr Broadway & Twentieth Si., Fifth Ave., Ninrtccntli Si. Ditnioitt, manager!,—Tim three tmrlCHrptpa Brown Co..' mtuw linuie u In tliN city, win Fretlrlc I!irr(. Mlii.clle radiUf. .loseub SffliT W0.< — BI K hii»lne»» and an ficeptlonally liiH, \1. ,■!.* .faaUht u .....^..,. *.-,... v . ■ !■ ■■ '■. l r 1 j t ll|ll ■ \T ► f !', nv ; ,Hf' ,1, ''. 1 l ' , .!: M?! *'''i'»« ; i»i"nauy'^Vnd'Wiii'i Kadcllffe oil iifd elPver work. ]*. Aiiih«nv Ditkell, a new member, mut with favor, and "imi'ily lie*, h ivc played tin; local vaudcvlllu - liouFen wKh yreal. HUccftw Since corn- log from New, York CHy n«.sldc>ut Manager Ih.L, itobhintoii, of the (irpfaiitim, haa raado wkntM of frletldH.... ..Yvetto Oullbnrt nnd Albert Chevalier will give a recital at Sym- phony Htill Friday evening, IMT. "12 .* It. L. Bond IniH Joined Hie Bowdolu Siiiinre Stock Co......Hunt, (iconic [rfmk.oT the ''oluiubla, has recently been a drtlly pntroii of llio speedway, with bin team of Iroltera, wbldi lie lalcly .iniulrod in Voiniont. SprliiRHeld.—At roiu-t Sipiare Thcttn ID. 0. Ullmorc, luanageri (lie prollflo pen of. rharlea Klein furniHiied m with auolbor p?«y, "The Daugbtera of Men," In throe acU, ivlileb'wat* played here, Sept. I", for Die llrst ilino on ahy'tttago- it leilH that ntion the death of tlraen Croaby'H folher, the lmalno3!j affairs ui Mllbank & Crosby Federated Coin- panli-K, fall upon Dm iwo xoiik, Matbeiv, a ^i-i-'i liiiMir.cKH in,in, anil Reginald, whoKe niurrlage. to an ai-t<rcss, bent upon Kpeiidlnu bin fondue, turn brougbt niinilllnlloii to-tbo faintly. AUIllnted with them mv James Thcd- li.'id. and Diclr uui'le, a rellrpd capliall^, ltleliard Mlllwiik. At a Kntberlng at Dm Crosby mansion, 1 lit? four are rt tarn wing llm laical report thai: Draeu la engaged to •lolm Stedtuau, a young lawyer, with m> 4'lallNtlir tenrtenclex atid tin ardenl worker In tin) intercut of Die lalairOt*, when the lady lu •iuc8tlon eutera and admltM Imr love for the iriiin, Jobtt'a reireptlon by (Jraee'H relatives w not a eotdlal one, and be la told that, the Held by t'a- Knemy" ihU week. llATHAW.W'a (.lolm I. Shannon, resident mnnntfiM").--Current: Foy nnd Clark, In "A Modern Jonnli;" Us llnuiiii. vloldsnillh und iiorpu, I'ongo mid Harry Thumpjoit, the renrlM, Mabel Itnwlrtiid and Die vllaginitli. IIiihton fJ. II. TeUbetls, manaucrl.--'The t't)ili:(iv Hton>" d|ioiih us il leatlire I'vei'.i' Tlliirsday. ami Friday, will be amateur nlgli'l beivarier. Curntul: I-"\v and Millie J'lolll. Dyites and Dyne*.-Morgan i«iil Crone. Hddlfl Dwyer, James Irwin, and Die Boston blo- Ktonp. Fi'KMV I».\\u (Cm; W. Carey, wmngcri. — litis hotiie or slot itincbhie nnvellles, foim- erlv Hie Arcailc Is being renovated. •Mc.vno.v—The (Iroot Walton Medicine 1 o. closed .'in cngngemenl ot piosjienuis biixl- RtSM 22. and will pa to Fllcltburg for a lime. ......The oiTlienlru reaiuned com-erlH at the -I [a Ilia way Inst week. Boater: Tom Ker- Hlinw. planiat-dlieilor: Ilium Boi-JIs. Tom Tanner and St9nlev Wood. Mr. Wood cornea from lite Now Bedford limine, where lie luia been employed during tin! Summer .'he (Jreat. Nashua Fair, juat past, was one of Dm tuoKl. prosperous ever eutoyed hv Die assoHntloii. Tbo vnmlevllli' euleiialimrs lu- chidcil: Work and tiwer, Toklo Tiounc .^c .Tauauene. Baby Mabel's trained animals, (.'olden Cule <>aJiiM lo. Mile. He l,ora anil it. ft TrKeltlck. Dlwtor, Harold i'uk. TIio ballnna asceualoiiH. Iwlee ilallv. were Iiy Die li. B, Walker tt U Jlbms Co The Lowell oivlieatfal Society bold' II: good bill urtflk *>f I". Booked wwk of Ml Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Tborue, Tenluuoke, lfiimbert and Teiibrnoki*, Willie Wenton. r>la- mohd iind ! Smlib. Mny Kvans, Ckerrv and Mate*. Maraholl und i/unim-, and mnvlug picliires. TnuntiMi.—At tbe Taunton Theatre (Cnon .v. Crons, mnimgi'rKi "At Cripple Creek" had n lop heavy Iioukc Sept. IS. "David llarnm," Hi. nnd Nonce O'Neill. 2U. were well received. "When Knighthood Was In Flower." 31, and "The Collega Widow." 22. flllt;d out tbe week. Clara Turner Co, week of 21, ■♦»» PF..\.\8VLVANIA. mcDiig of Die sen son last week. The .. iltnls will bC rlmttflM from Siindava. art fonn- rrly. t.i «■«* ilaya. and (Colonial Hull will Wn ( "u"«c~orbT8"aniuKonl8m §2$F5d VJ^&^^i^fo^ Inlr-rPHta. John wi'tfKnca thelmelc m to bis JSfUBLS^S!Jfi&/iff& t JS^* J . 2 ' "i^iSITO-ff^lffLKJ!? o^T'i 1 ,^ l«t, director. Ims enjoyed a sueccHsfal tUMm nt Belle Oiovc I'ark Tim Colonial Or. his ■■,„■!],|| : ,|| r ni,.,[!). j| c remuliiK llrnv to bin convictions, even against t;rate's ideadlngs, and leaves for tlio idlietlng of the Fedcratud Brullterbood; to decide whether It Ik advisab'c thrall a general atrlko or not. Two months later, ibe Mtrlke linvlng liceii ordered, we Had John steilmtin lu his apartments in coiihu'Ik- r j■j:i wiiii llm brotherhood's executive commit* iee.;Jas. Bui'reim. iwuls HtollXTk and Oscar l.ackett, nil radicals, who -uceuilc him, on "ceotiut of IiIh more conservative Ideas, of being false lo tbo cause. 1 They leave for the council; ibeellpg to bring about IiIh expulsion. Louise;StoIlH!eK. learning of tbelr plaiin, und netimted by love, boatona to John to warn lilm. '' Oritco (Ji-oaby, accompanied by her trlatei'-ln-law, who walls In tbe carriage, calls I'lHin Stednmn und bega that 1 he use all hit) liuldciicc t'o'seiitr (be strike/as already Ibe shadow of iluanclal rain liunga over linr rela- tives' heads. Louise takes her departure, but (won returns and, prompted by Jealousy, she Hbiiuhisva. tlrace t.roaby'a • carriage. Being leftj.-together, Lottlm upbralda tJraee, and, lalllng np the Crosby home on the 'phone, tliHllengea Urace to inform her people wliere Mi«-la. .Umcc promptly tells tbcni.tlio.trtith, imich to Miss Klolbeck'a homlllallou. John llieii bends them from the i-ooui. Crosby. Mlllmuk and Thcdfoid coam for Oracc, and <'!osely following their arrival Burress,-S1nl- beuk and UMkut put In lbelr appearance. At once John aeiaoatlie eppoi'Umliy to see It a couipuomlse cunnoi be arranged; but wirb- oiil success^ lie bocuincs dlscuttraged, the labor iaeiiuii having thrown him over, when timed gives hint courage. He. U then taunted by one of/the capitalists an being "a failure nnd a MiUii whom no one wants," when (Inice l.n- "'iHllutely announcep Hint alio wanta. him. Nm- enHt.: John Htcdnmn, Orrln Johnson; ;,;; immfiv u ,,V„oYin,- w-nii ,.r..i,ituSniii'l llchnrd M.llamk, Herberl Kolcmri Alatbear H£ J, ' 1 n I'l J ,2 I rosby, Lvnn. I'ralti- Iteglnald Cvoabv, lU111 "»""g » (nstein «ro i.n-iiiui a. lluiHM I'ni'Koua; James Thcdfoid. Ndwlu BriimU : 3mm lltirress. Kalpli IVInmre; IjOllla Stolbeck, Call Ah rend I; i.»arar Uckelt, '" Morrison; 1'atrlck McCarthy, (leorgo ■liestra holds forth at Hie Academy of Mo- sul Mils ai'iiKon-.- At the last meeting of the Lowell Airle 22::. of Kagles, a com- mlllen wait appointed hi arrange an en- terlalnnieiit lo cMebrale llm llflli miniver- amy of the founding of Lowell Aerie. I.ymi.—AI the Lynn Tlmalre (F 0, llnr- rlsoii, inauagor) last week, business was Iho best of the Hcastifi. nil <>C Hip allractlous playing to" goon bouses. The ' Navnasn Liidles' llaiidlteiil. 21. Mnxlim Ullb.ll 2.". "Weary Willie Walker" 2(1, "The Kerry How" 27. "iJlrln Will Be fiirls" SB, "'Way Down Fitsl" 2». "Why fllrln Leave Home'' yet. 1, "David llanim" 2. "At Cripple Creek" :l, Nrtnee O-NelllM, "Under Southern Skica" 0, Daniel Sully (J. At-'iirroitit'M 1 tllarry Kal/es, manager).— Bill this wnakj Clmrloile I'arry, Lillian May- nurd, Jupiter Drollmrs, Madam Kminy's pets, Swan and llnmbard, William LabelIc, Ibe Kllnorc Sislcvs, and. llm vltugtapli. " (Chun: W. Sheufe. nmnuger).—Tat ""Ti w " big buslnesa, Manv wtfll lunied uwny niiiatem' nlghl. Tim work of the Marsilen Brolbers was a fcalure of the week's jier- In runtime. This week j Tin- Valadoos. Mollis aad WHIiiir, the Ue Barr Tilo, Margaret t.'laa- Honu, K. (J. iSdwanls, and the moving jiic- tOMa, Sai.i;m Tiin.nim, Salem (D. II. Chcetbrirn, ntannger).—"Cape Coil Folks" did hlg busi- ness 2(1-22, " 'Wuv Down I'lasl." 21. "The Old Homestead" 2o. "Weary Willie Walker" 27, '"I'be Kerry «ow" 2U. ' Notk. —ttoporbj come lo llm home city of the Jeh! McAullffe stock Co.. Lynn, that, tha I'lillndvltililn,—NotwIDiatuudlug the hot Kpetl last week the attendum-a at tbe thea- Irw were good. With the exception of the Chestnut, where Blcbard Carle, In "The Slicing Chicken.'- will have Its llrst local view, all-tlm-oilier down' town'hmiKOH linvo hold over attractions for week-of Sept. 2L Cii*:stni:t HriVKT TBHATtH (Nixon & Zlmnmrnuu., tiiauiigcrsL--Ulchanl Carle be- gins a fortnight's sl.ny 'Ml In "The Spring ciiickens." "Vopularlty" bad two wecka of cxcellPtit business ending 22. Lyiuc (Messrs. Shiibcrt, managers).— "The Social Whirl" lias scored'u bfg hit. with eiowited houses In ultemlmmc. Allele Bltchle, Charles J. Boss, Frederick Bond. Maude Bnv- lntuid and Adit LdWll were received witli Up- junval. Tliu i^gagenieiit cads 2I». lo be fol- biwiil by Aniuld Daly, lu repertory, for two wi-eks. ' • ■ •, ;i ClIUbl'Ntil' STIIKKT Ol'KllA HOI'Ht-: (Nixon ft lirst bimhmhK Zimmerman. mauiigerat'--"LMIIc Jack Hor- ner" concludes Its my 211. BunluesH was fo'r last week. Muster (,abrlel Is as |sjpular as ever, while Oeoric* All, us the dog, given plenty of. life to the show. The dancing of llhiimlio Dcyo Ik also a feuture. "Tbe Pa- risian Model" Oct. 1. Bkoad (Nixon a) 5!'mm or man. mauogers).— 1'lori'ijce Bobcrls, la "The Strength of tbo Wmik," has been received with" eniliasiustlc |hut opened the season: "The Ileal KMtata Bust Vu„" -Ut.iii-r Skating Itliik'V mid "Qual- ity Sboii," enntlinii* lo uo slrmig drawing ■ iirds. For the caiient week new songs In the ni'.r pan will be ictideved by Joaoph 1'. Ilorltx. JrimeH MeCnol and J. M. Knne, Ha inkxnmuti's Orwic Utnuvn (T, F. Hop- kins, mnnni!cr).--Mllo. man coittlnnen In Du< curio IniH. In mMltfon to Die llltldmi Wondi-r Workers, J. W. Coffey, the skefutou dude; HolbrookH, initslcliiiis; Sam JotmHlng, (mil liimnu. - Irr iho theatre are: Frank t'obau, Ibe Mtaoltvs, I'lnrn t'ublti, i;d. and Nettle Masse, Karfe and Bartlell. Wlaeumirs Doc Circus, and Lubln's rlneograpb. Nin'kh. -.1. Bard Worrell Is aiauagllig "TIioho l'rlmrose fllrls."... ,'l'he Metroptdltati Opem Co. vfrlll give elahtei'n pcrroiinances ut the Academy of Mnale on Doc. -I.'It, 2d, 27. Jan. ;t, s, in. 24, 2P.;», Feu; 5. 7. 14, ut, 21, ui, M.nreb '■• 7 Burton Holmes beglnu his leWiiros at tlie Aendeuiy of Mu'ale Oct. 12. wliII,-'tn the sntne theatre Owlght Klnirndorf auiiuutirPH tliu beglnulug of bts.lravel Ipiv lures nn Nov. 11 "llofjivtiiKt,** a com- edy, by Sudermanu. will be produced at Dm Herman Theatre 24 Tlu» Bed llussiir Band, of New Castle. Kim., will bo heard at Iho Academy of Mnsle Oct. I: ' armly weleomeil Iiy frlemls. lie H dolm; gotid work Iti advance The Opera 111,n ■ . id Sieelton, Va„ iiianaKeiueiit of Saiutml Mriliiuan, opi'Unl 21). wild the Liberty pic- Hires, lo n big lutdli'iie*.. . .Wlllbim Drown, in.imiet'r in ailVilUee for Hie Km ilia BunliiiK Co.. whose home m In ihU cliy. win eiiit'rtiUned by friends l.i. lie was fnrtuerly asslstnnt trensmer uf Ihc Otwn lloiise.... I anulo lllce, nf "Mil" Heiulnnry Hlrl." wbli li fliMiil Die HIWMM, 1h al. Iter home here Tor a few days. • Wilson Oct. 1. Dauuii'ic (Krank Howe Jr.. manager).-— "Tin; Kreulxer Soniila" ereated a profound U'n" " lm|>resslon last "week. •M the lending role wllh much dlscreHoii. Tlie cngiigoiimiilf ends t"i\,.i< i ■■■ iTO. Iirailclm Wnii.h much dlscret "i'be Measuru or u Alan" 'Oh. .. WAi.Mif il-'nink Howe Jr.. manager).— "Those rrlmrose tilrls," which ends a IWO weeks' slay 2D, Is lining whlitped Into shape. Fdlih Mason and Tims. II. I'os-f aro p(i|>u- Inr. "The. I'rlncn of.I'etse'n" Oct. J. I'uili (1'. (.i. MxoiiNirdllugcr, maiiager). —This is (hii,hecond and laal week of Blcble Krtrno'a Loiuioa C«Mlieily CO.. in* "Around tlie Clock." which nllracli'il Ihiiisks of good nro- pru-tloUH. Billy Vuii, in "I'aisy lu t'ollllia," Oct. .1. (iUAMtl Ol-llliA IJousk it], A. Wegeflirth. iniuiagerl.—"The Awakening of Mr. I'lpji" 2l-2lt. "Carolina" was received with tiiitrh fnvor last week. "I'alnting tbo Town*' fnl- inVHi Ffiii River. Allison, «. Deyo; Marlln, .losepli Atleliuan : Barker, •'< 11. Ilowland: (.race Crosby, KlH' 1 Shan- ("•il; Utlbni Slotbeck, Dorolby Donnelly; Mrs. Iteglnald Crosby, Fllkhw: I'ax- jon, Kalo McLmirlu; Boiler. Frank Brown- b'e. The play riecms ilL'sDueil to score a big *■»« ss. nnd rtfifl coiniwny is far abovi! Die nreragv. Special mention should be given Doioihv DonnellvV earnest work. ICItle Slum- '"on's »ii|ierh acting, and Orrlu Jolinaoii'a ef- forts. Hood liouses were present 17, 1B. Light Bells," 21). did lis iihiiii) good lump liess. -The Bidlleklug Girl" 21. 22. *Tlm Iflucess Beggar" 24. 25. "The Cdlegc W dyiv" ,i!fj "Mrs. Wilson, Tbafa All." 27; Ibe Duel" 28, "Are Yoo a MuaonV" 20, the JeiTcrsoria Oct. 1, Frank Daniels "•. - * Niilhon ((,ci). ii. Miller; resident maoa- ger),—•'Vcronlnue,'' 17,' 18. delighted audi- ences of roodly proportions. Louisa Hnn- nittga was a feature, and Loula Hnr- I'lsun kept tlm fun -at Ma height Louts Mann «nd Clara Linmaii, 111, 2U, made merry, to '■omforiable house's. "The Ml tie. Stranger" Ji. 22, Henry K. Dlxey 2(1, "The Ulrl from I'iu'IsV (ictj-n.-di. ■ - '■''i-i'a (derdon Wrlgltlcr. resident iminn- ireri.—This week'a bill-; Itynu aii.C Ttlehlleld. '"'■ Momrts. Adams and Drew, Lillian Hhaw. iflphlno nnd Did mora. J-IlllsvNolan Trio, Lea t'nrand Trio, and clcclrograph.' '■" ...t'lMionu (P. F. Shea, manager).—The Blue IBhbon Olrls." 17-1 Hi ployed lo medium houses;!.-"At Cripple Ort+V 20 22. t'arlsbin- Widows 21 2d, "Molilalia" 27-21*. ■ lx TUB Tiii.-ATfiii'Ai.'Wruii.o. -James Fum- Ma Bnliivtiii and couipauv were obliged t" '■iiiii-el Hielr eiigngeilleilf Ihc middle of tush ivi-ei; «L poll's, on nccouiil of Mr. Sullivan's ., liiiirii. Nyrci-ois, Bustcli aud Lu Mat llll.'d drew a It KM I ' IUI ii. n, .111 "It I l'. ILlllIlilK'TI , I'DM ,-,.., liniwe was oiieneil 17 for Die mwi 'rtml Villi l»IH*lll| AVIAIlll iMWIci- A tvitufmilB, Ul«n I Huison, mui did ., K<MH >.—-Wlien KulghthUoil Wns In Flower." In< enduring Anna Day,' conies 21 and week, "KiOui Tramp toMlinoimlre"' whh iborough- !y enjoyed hv lovers of melodniuiu Insl week. '(Jiicen <>r il." Convlels" umd. I'llufMi'S : lF. D. L NUoii-Nlrdilllger, ninii- 'iKer|.--Walter Wilson, lu "A Bad Man from Mexico," 2I-2!I. Last week Joseph Sillltley. In "Billy Hie Kid." played lo coud bnalnctct. "$|ti.i)tin Iteiviivd" conns Oct. I. Bi.ani:y'm (J. I'. I'k'kliurdi. manager).— Dolly Kemper. In "Tiio Dypsy Hirl," 24. fol- lowing a week of excellent business donii by Beatrice Vance, Ik *'gueen of Iho Clrenal Barney (Hlmorc Oct. I Naiionai. (Joseph If, Kelly, manager).— "Custer's Lusl Ftghl" 24-2P. "Ill.llOO He- ward" was sutllclciitly Ihi'llling to lug iniiri- bi-rs. "A Mldululit IJseaiH'" next. 1Mut'h : (John N. Hurl, manager).—"A Sister's Sacrifice" week of 21. Batrounge was eood last week, lo witness "A Crown of Thorns." Tlm Omit. Lafavolle next. Foiua>.u;iiu'H (Miller ^ Kaufman, ninua- gersj.—Tlm slock offering L'-l-'_'ll is "Tbo Fac- ility Uirl." The 'leading purls will be aelrd in Berlba -Creluhloii. Arlhuc Mallland nail lldwlii Mlddlcioii. "Woman Agalusl Wo- man" drew well lasl week. "Drusa Way no ' ucxl. rVfANIMIIi (lWrcy & Spcek. munugerH>.— "A (lambler's niniglit'T.*' by I lie stock, 24 ji ii' I week. "Uachel lioldsleln" jilesscd big aiulleiices hint wick. "(Juci'ii of Die High- way" imxl. KiiiTM'H III T, .Tordan, malinger).—A line bill, headed by Win. I(nck and company, in Dm musical skll,' "There," week of 21. Illlinn are I tjeorge Kvhiia (fourih week), Kelly and Vlotette, Moulle'r Sisters. Manhnl- lan Comedy Four, Kingide.y tuni Lewis, Iho Itovnl Five. Wiitmr Diilili'ls, Belle Veola. Hie Coales, Mule ami ItossL Alannliig'a l.'nier ialners. and Dm lilncl"irrapli. lll.HH) fDeo. W, Hlfe. mnuager).—The Avenue (Jiffs 31410, The London Onyely iHfli L'live a gtmd hIiow. In fnric«- hotiHi-a, fust week. Williams' Idrals 21'.'kimi ■ (John- '1. Jermim, uianager i. -- Tju' llohemlnii Show 21-2'J. Vanlly Fair Dm lesipiera played.lo good rut urns 17-22. BJbbon Olrls next. Casino (IOIIon & Koenlg, managers).— Clark's Buiaiway Dlr!s 24-2!». Tlm Tniinuii- IniiflcH bad plenty of piHronnge 17-22. Ilenlx- SnuDey Co. IM-Xl. " ' Tnoct|p(;iio iFred Willsou, manager).' - (lie Blalto Bouiiden. week of 24. Tlm Wash- ington S.H-ldy Clrls played In pricked boiwerf jast' week. KgiVJBfMI WrUBfl OrcuA Iluu.-y (Frank 1'Hi.Oniru. -Al Hie Mxon (HtM, V. Kirk Jr.. inor.uijer) "PlpMUtrllJf Sept. :? 1-211. Last week lB.nrtelt.-i CroHiiiiiii, lu ''All-ol-a-Siiddeu l'«'M.V," idayi.d a profitable week. Kile I i::u-i vm; ii ■ next, AuiSt ill. M. Dull.!; A Co.. nuinageisl.— Andrew - Mio-k, In "Artnb-na-I'ogue," 24--H- < ; week "The Couuly Clialnunir' played lo j:ood business ami plcused. "Tcxna" luutl, i.Ikahi* llliirnr Onvls, mauiigeri. —TitIk week's blll'luehiik's : ''bus. i;. F.vitus anil com- ii'irty, I'cllx and Hnrrv. Vtolei Dale, Jack wlleo'i uud t'oinimiiy, II. W. 'J'redenlck and i'oiiio!iiiy.. Adair and Diibu. iln- HhIkitm, Mii- I'H'ito.Nevaro Trio. Vlr/gerithl mid lilhhiy, the NvlWl Slsiers, tin; Oai{Uou\ artd the cine- iiiiil-i;*raph. '• Bhi,Aai;u (J. A. Bced, niaua«teri. —Mnr- nrvl .Mn;iin anil lieury Miller, lu "The Dreat Divide." 24- , jl). "Fsntaua" hud a (,*oi»(! weok. Mr Wolf Hopper next. Br.ANi.v's IvMi-iiii; (N, c. Wagner, inana* g«i').~John fan-id), la "The Count and the Convict,'* nipimrled by Adele All-oil, 24-211. Last week. ''Tlm Curse of Drink" played to very MuMsfnetory business. "ConfeHslona of it Wife'* next week. Bliui; (IL Al. Hiillck Si Co., niiimii/eiHi.- "'jneeii of Die HlKhhlnrters" 2-1-21).' LiinT week. "The Alllllonsll-e'a llcveiign" did well. "Across Dm I'lielllf" nexi. flAVB'fv. I Jus. H. Orr, munagpi't. — 'llm Dainty Duebess BuDoNiiliers 212P. • Last week, Die World lira hi-, did well. Tlm Bon Tons next. Ai'AiwHY oc Mi'sir (II, w. Wllllnnis Jr., aoiiiagt't-).—Tar Fay |Aoaj*r Biirlcsiiiiers 2t- 2!'. Lo hi week, the lOippIre Biirlmdiuetn played In good luodness. TwentlcDi Cen- tury Maids next week. Lvna;--TIiIs Is a gul h weeki Markers ami Muiiiitiei's will make merry every evening. Coufesls all week h,v iclrts, wiwiNawiiig, Ivp"- wrlllng and ginut lug of war. (luenflier and his famous forty will furnish the sic in tlm Casino Jewcll'M Manikins will entertain. i»(m:im city.- Sunday, 2:i. was the last day here, with Holiinnbo's f'liishiirg Band. 'I be pnrk bad a very sih-ceMsfnl season. KiiNNvwiaiii.-- Sunday, 2:1, Nlrelln's Baud, aud Four Mn^idi ■■ CAt.iiut n. Suudny, 2.'l. Drand Army Band, Kl Cupltan (Jiijirh-lte, and II. F. Blimey. UAKW'ooM. -Suildiiy, aS, hisl. i-olleert of Die seasplt. with Itoyul Biillau Band, Slur Sla- ters,'and JIlllOIV Ulllleil. SoiTilKitN.— Sliudiiy. 2», Insl eoimerliif the MiiKHM. Hnt'iK'H Carncgli' Ibunl. Chirlco Tea- plelon. mm L. c|itli-e Mi'Laughllu. Wkmtvibw.— -Suiulay.'J.'l, Stolid llriitndicr Band, und Ibe iistuil iiiuiiseineuls all week, laiiieiinta-r.—At Die Fulton Opccn Hom"i ii'lm*:. A. Vecker, mmiagcri "Cbai'ley's Auni" did well Kept. 1H. "A Slder'a Sacrlllre" hud a good house M. Sylvia Llmlea. In "lltr uwu Way," Imd H" 1 "! bllalness 21. SbiiH iiavil'a inbvliig plciures drew well 22. Kalli-, tyn I'urneli. in reiariory, 2-t 2I»; Famiia 1 I'M. Xloxart, mmmgeri.—L'm'rent iitlrnt Huns lnt-lnde: Tom llefriir), Welsh ami l-lsles, Seeker, W'llkea und coiupnuv. .lelf and Itliveni llenly. Sielmck, I'!. W. WllllMM and NliiVtllg pletlli-e-'. Itoot' i.'iim;:. (I'liurles Al, Unwell, nmna Iter). BUI |or week ». 2-1 lilebldes I Sa Itcraa, Co.iliiey nnd MeBrlde, Lnwson and. Niimon, La Pour Hlahws, Hcjivcitl. AlelmM Tclo ami eiovliig pb-lures. Thbt \\ 111 plo!'- ably eliwq the season, •■■-——-■■—a — - Muslim.-At llm Abb) opera lloimw |ME. li. lictwIHi'i 1 , iiimiagei't "Tlti! Ainu of lirr i.'holce.'* Kept. 17, played to fair litinlueai. "Her Own Way," IB, enfoyed ttood IniMimr. "Adrift In New York" Del. '-'. "Il llaji| ed 1" :t, "Just oui in' College" .«, "'J'ue lu Nonllanil Black Crook 1 lA-mc W open ■ hoi cnniigeil iho Lyrtv Tltniirr rent nothing v 1 lit- bonne ssi)-'. ll'HtlKCU and' Brown will ne AtittulOy, Oct. I. TlinV Have imiiK stiiuewlpit. lo redd'KettliV , imd stale thai lliey will |ire- ijul Kellh shows ill ihl-. \inni> They have tlm I)hmI whhen tlm people of Kwdob] Ulld lladr nlaiest utfsiired. Tlm bill for weed lieglutilng del. I lucludcn; Demoalo 11111I Hell, Whlttl'', Tom iluMi, U'i-Mi and Connolly, (be I'nrllne, ton Four, nnd Dolierly'a I'omlles. Tlila vaudeville house lias Is'iui remodeled, Ihoi'■■ ouglily rciiovati'd, and tuiido na Inviting an posblble. ■ ■■ ■ ■' " ■■ ■ Hrrniilon.—At Die Lyceum (A. J. DitlT.M. innnnuei-i Ham llcrmril Srj't- 21. "Ciuollua" 2)1, llabcrl F.iles'in 2P. "Tlm (llrt Piils.v," 22, was well rci"'lvei|, Cnvilore's Hum!, 211, 21, unr" Ki'eat mitlsfai-Hou. Ai'aiii;.mv (A. .1. Imffy, nuiuiigei'i.— |in. iMltl llevvitrd" 2-12(1, "llully TnTty" 27-2H. I tally Kninper, 2(1'J'.', l|ii'l Ipenl Iuhihus. Htaii (Nelson III TeciM. laiiunger). -Tlm Coioubil Bclb's wiidi of 21. Tlm New Cen- tury DlrU, week of 17, had gnud houses. ■ FAMil.t IW. W. r'.ly. iiiulmRefi.—Weeh nf 21: The Three IHItoiis, Belglcr Xelglet- Trio, Lemont ami Williams, llm KslJihrofikH. J. Frank Fly. Wic Mnrrays, and liiinklvn Hatei. (IlirlueM-i .mil I n g'snl, ^n'l'KM.- 'I'hu n^w vaudeville limine Is pro gresslng,' and Aiiiuager I'oll. miuouiiceii it v. 111 opeu In Irccniiihcr, ltt>|r.--AI Iho New Wnjeflllc iff a. A. i.iing. mnuiignri, weih of Sejit, 21: Tbo Zaa- etga.' Col, Billy Link and i-ouiimiiy, I'oiir Kolnl-iiu, tlm jvmmii'h Dii-hiii, llomuyo mnl .Inllct. WMlferi und I'roufy, II. Vkinrellls, and l'i-nrjl( Mayneiind compmiy, I'Aliu Ot'UftA UotiHii (J, L. Oilsoii, rpnna- giu-V'-Harry HHwPtrd iwna iu gna4 attend iim-o 1.7. Aiiiei-iii dalfiitln IN. "Under Iho North Shir" 22; d> jmylng laoJiiess; "Cuai. CarcJcNa" 21, "Texaa" 2I>. -Al Die Academy of Aliitde resident manage 11 the Karl Burgess Slock Co. played lo fair i-ehmtis Sepl. K-22. Tims. \i Slma Co 21-211, "Why Olrls Leave UofapV Oel. -l-tl. Savov (W. T. Mason, resident liitinaKeri, —"It Happened In Virdhinil" 17. Nnuee O'Krll. In "AInelieHi," 1K. Bit "As Ye Sow." 2K-22. was eajoyed. "The College Widow" ;:4. "The Oldllonieslead" 2*1, "The Ninety mid Nine" 27-211, Black Dike Band Oel 1, "Kerrv How" 2. Kr.-mlt DnlilelH II, "When Knighthood Was In i-'i.mvh" )-h. Sm:i:nv's (Chns. K. CiTok. maiuigpr).—Tlm 3, Frank Burke Stock Co. clowd 11 successful senium of Iwenly-fotir weeks 22. The regu- lar season of' viiuilevl'le oia'iis 24, wllh a bill Including Kdiuund Day and eomiisiiy. Mile. Lilbn Dc Sareliu. Cooke mid Clinton, Miiy Walsh, Kurlc and Bartletie, Heriid Square' Quartette, Arlington- nnd llelston, nnd the eiinierauropli. Mr. Hlieedy's Freebody Bark Orchestra, Tiom Newport. lyeo Shob, leader, will be In the pit; and David .'>. Aliny. from Dm Newport bouse, In ebarttn of the moving picture* nnd decide effeets. Robert -1. Ooberiy returns from Newport it take irhflffi* of Hie hlx ollice. -Many Improve- liienls have bceti'iuade. IIuhti'N (('has. Sehf-•►adager. amuager).— Week-of Sent. 21. Nellie llarlft'id'a Bur- Insuuers. Business Is exeelleul. Nickuloiii:un (W. K. Kbeedy. manager).— Week of 24: Curfie Scott, Itanzetta and Ly- man. Mabel Sylvia. 1 iroruu (indsby, nnd NickelwiiiM*. Business goml. —» ■' " ' * ' ' ' — V. \or 1 It AdnillN. Sullivan, mummer 1 lair bouse S.-pl. : I! Beasl laiimnl Al Dm Finplrc (.1. Klalii IMK' pl.-ased a "The Beauty and Die nibufbrnili- mulh'tin'. be (.'use'" auiU-i-UUt "II. tlnav an eiiHnirliixMe 1 Blair, It "The W0111 n 11 In D well lllled livuijf, '"llie V. A!(<> \t the MIhIiIi-i- (I. C. Misbler, uiamiL'eri Bobcrt Uualne, in "Alan aiul Su- pi'imuu," bad 11 good audience Sept. 17. ' MimhI Foiily. Ih'TIic lllusbln of Beii- ll'hi'," wuh well reielvi'll i». Llberl v lllOV- lu;; pli-lui-i's IP. Auiln-w Almk pleased a liirfte audleiiee 20. "Charley's Aunl" 21, "Met' OWN Wily" 22, "Simple Simon Hlmple" 2n. Lawreiii-e UvMrt. In "We Ar«> King," 2(1; "A WMh MemlK 1 !" 27, "I'nlnDiig tho Town' 1 (reiuni enmigi'menu 2K. "Oimcii of Ihc Aieuii" 2H. llieilrcat Uifayctte Oe|. 2, llOUll- cfhr CruHhiuit '•'; '"I'be isle op Spied 4, Hie Aboni 0|s*ra Co.. ln"'D<dlv Vardeii;' it, I;i,i;v:ntii AvHNIIU |f. ('. Misbler. iipimh> gert.— The Cm nice BucleMpie Co. preaenla •'Till' I .nail of SllIlHblim" 24. "SI SlehbliiN" 211. Blnck Crook Hiirlesquirs 28, 211, Kirk Brown Co. h,l |.«, Nmi'mm,- Wnller L. Main's ClrcUH Is billed ul Tyrone Kepi, 22, and Johuafiiwri 24 i'notine N-ft, who apimnrnd here 21, wllh "riiarloy's Anin," Is- a r*sfd>m. of Alton*; Her faiher Is a prominent lawyer nnd so- licitor for Iho I'i'iiusvlviiiibi II. li. IW..I..'. It Im now autioiiiiceil ilia I. the new vaudeville Hmatre will tiol he culled the Bijou, but will Is--known hk IbeLyrlr Tfie Cbiiuriny KcBTer Co. will present "The Slave tllrl" H the Academy of Alimle, Tyrone, lil Alan ngci- Mlshter aniii'iim-es Dial In'^inalng wWli Monday, l»cf. I, (tie illevetrth Avenue Opera Douse will Imi i-liiiimeil |o n popnlur priced family Hmatre, pn-ieullug reperlory com- panies In 1 011 neel Imii with blub dam vaude- ville, giving two perform u m-es dally, r-, - — 1. .. 4- ■■■■■■..■ llnrHNlHfrg.-At the Lyceum TheaDe Blue (Al. Itclh, miimtgerl Maude lealy won much praise. In "Tin- Illusion of Beatrice," Sept. 17. Audr.-w Alack did a nice buslnrsri, in "Arriiii-ni,I'ogiieV* Ip. "(.'harley's Aunt" w<ifi u greilt Mffl*Hrf 20, Coining' ''OnruiltJii" 21. '"Ihe Oirl BBsy" 27. I'mil iBImore, lu "At Y11D-." 2ft. ockha ttmmtl 1M. Bel-i. mniuigeri.-The Ciomu BunliiiK Co. bad 11 bljc wt-ek. Tlm Kirke Brown Ua, 21 2i». Wllki>n-lliirre.--AI. Dm NesblH HI. A. Hrowii. mauiigi'i-) Mildred Hoilaml played (» fair biiMljii'.ts las! week, Sam llFnmra.Heiil, 22, "TljoOIrl fiitsv" 21, "Umlalle" S3, "Caro- Him" 27, llolmrl l-'dcnoii 2H. OliANii firiuiA Ilorail ill. A. Brown, mini ngei'i.-Lust week. "Tin- Dypsy (Brl" draw good hoiibCH, nail "Lovern and Lunailca" hud H. B. it. "Holly 'lolly" 1M-3U. "ftl*,IXH| |[c- ward" 27-2H. flic Lyciiiuliig iiperu nrlrl ''The ifffl Ivftfd WllllRiiiN|iurt.--At the I llMM* II,; J, Kiiili, inn nn Dui'li.vlnuil" drew fair liindnehs Sept, 17 "Tlm I fix Id Oirl" did fairly 1 well IR, "TJm ftlrl from Br/mdwuy" pleased 2d. "SI HI'tie bills" bad a K«»d audlein-e 21.. Mildred Hoi bind 2'-', llosaladh* Leslie Mtmk Co. week of 24. "The Other Woman" Oel, I. Maul Oil- more a. Daillc.v'ii plelitreii !L "Tlm Bile of Sple"" a, VogeJ's .Minstrels ((. *»> (.IJOIltifA. ' ' 7 Allnnlii,—At tlm Brand (II, U k J. 1„ He. Dive, mauiigcisi Al. <L Field's Mluiitrel Sepl. 21, :'L'. "CoialilH Tliln' Dm hV-" infill" ti deeid'il hit 17, In. Murray mid Mack r.,1 lowed hi, Sfi, to liberal patronage. "Womlci- laml" 21, 3f|, HlJiiij (Jake Wells, mariaijerl.- "A Wlfa'n HenW* was Hut ofTerfiig 17 22. In ermvdod Louses. "Ilniv Biixler United lu" 21-2». Hi, n.'iiAi"! (W. K. Tlioitipsou. ntamnrL "Along Dm Bio licaiide" was Die opening Mil hi-n*. 17-22, at popular prices. The s. ft. n. sign was called Into play. This house Ik imonI iilinmilvi', nml la up-io-dnte in every roupcrt, and will make a slmng hid for popular pal- rouiige hi the future. Si.iK (,|, B. Tlioiiipaiin, niaiiiijier).—Bill 17 imd-week: Ida Mftjrr, AI115 ll-iyee. A. f Itoiti'ii^. .\,,i(hi wiikmami, Jemile iiHm.'n, BJma/dilii and llehr, itfu. W. Mllimi. Jofih B. \fon-iK. IP-Bo Mllion, Lillian Aluy, artd moving jileinii-H. ' ■ ■ ■— # ■ ■ ' — Mh.-oii, ,U Hie Cm ml (D. (J. I'Jiillips maftitgerl Murray and Mack prci'eijied '■Aroiiiul the Town" fo a top heavy houns Hr-pi, |N, "Wnniieriiiuil'' came to fair re- lurn-. IB, '"Wic Tori.I of llm Town" I'J'. '■The I'biycr AI11I1I" 22. "The CJuuiuinii" gfl, "AllNialies Will Happen" 27, "Foriy llvu Mill-