The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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846 THE NEW^ YORK CLIPPER: September 29. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE BOOKING CIRCUIT. Kpllh's Tbentre ■. .• Boston, liana. Keith's ljljou Theatre Dostou, Mobs. Keith's Ibentre Providence, R. I. Keith*.. Theatre..' Paw tucket, B. I. Keitli'tf New 'loontro PhilacMfrlili., Pa. Keith's Prospect Theatre Cleveland, O. Keith's Theatre Columbus, O. Keith's Neir Theatre Portland, Me. Keith's New Theatre Manchester, N. B. Keith's New Theatre Lowell, Mass. Keith's Bond,Princess Theatre. London, line. Keith A Proctor's Union So. Theatre.N. Y. Clfy Keith ft Proctor's Tin St. Theatre.. N.-Y. City Keith* Proctor's 6th Ave. Theatre. N. Y. City Keith 4 Proctor's 68th St. Theatre..N. Y. City Keith ft Proctor's 120th St.Theatre.N. Y. City Keith ft Proctor's Theatre.. Jersey City, N. J, P. P. Proctor's Theatre Newark, N. J. P, F. Proctor's "'heatre Troy, N. Y. P. F: Proctor's Theatre Albany, N. Y. Harry Davis Grand Opera House.Pltts&ursj. Pa Cbais's. Theatre.,, Washington,- D. C. Kerftim's Marvlnnd,Theatre.. .Baltimore. Md. Grand It eztre Syracuse, N. Y. Bijou Theatre.... Altoocs, Pa, Wren's Theatre....; .Buffalo, N. Y. Wiens Theatre........ Toronto, Can. Cool; Opera Llonce ,... .Kochenter, N; Y. fnAnls Theatre Detroit, Mich. H. 'A. Poll's Theatre Worcester, Mass. 8. 'A, 1'oll's-Tbentrs Springfield, Mass H. 5.. Poll's Theatre /Hartford, Conn, 9, Z. Poll's Theatre...... ..New Haven, Conn. a. K. Poll's Theatre Bridgeport, »"mn. S. '/>. Poll's-Theatre .Wtfterhury, Conn. 8. V.. Poll's Theatre WllkesBarre, Pa. h. 55. Poll's Theatre .Scrantop, Pa. Colonial Theatre Lawrence, Ma si Umpire Thentre Pateraon, N. J Kmplro Thentre Doboken, N. J. Valentine Theatre TotMo, O. Trent Theatre...- . Trenton, 'N. J; llonnett's Theatre......' London, Ont Dennett'- Theatre..., Hamilton, Out. llennett'a Theatre. Ottawa, Ont rtennetfs Theatre*.....'..... .Montreal, t One. Henderson's Music Hall Coney Island Celeron Theatre Jamestown. N. Y. Also for 90 l'nrici a\nd Seashore Resorts. ■era wilt btnrflr thaaaes/lvee. by keeplntt *1.U . tUtiir nidte ana open tlnio* office laforveaV. «t B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICES, 54. James Building, aS. K. MODODO Boeklns Mcnag.r, 8S3 to RX8 St. Jam.. Uullrt ln(j, NEW YORK CITY. -i- BROADWAY THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, 14W-I0 Broadway, Halt* Mil, Tin. Hh'abnrl Bnlltllntf, N«w York Clir. . :;" 'Phone 4430 Hrynnt. HAttRY W. MANN, Manft^r, NEW YORK'S NEW AND MODERN AOCNoY. U v VISIT ODR NKW UFF1CK9. i We supply only experienced and reliaWeraaple. ■BVF.IIY roNVRNlKNCK. Chorus tflriH fo.-muflicai-comedT, burlesgjue,iind Local Managers, when In New York make thin dramstio companies at short notice. Rnurncom- yoiirhead(|nartein. Uosk room for managers. I panles organized. PL. AY I its HOIALTIKH I lUl STOCK, STAR Oil KKPKHTOIKE. KXPBRT TYPRWRITINO AMI MIMEOGRAPHING AT RRASOnTABLR RATES. Commonlcatc with as at once, as we can save yoa time, trouble and money. .'.,.' MAY HUMAN STOCK CD. R08ENER & SCHNaBEL, Proprlolon. ERNEST SCHNaBEL, Manner. BOOKED JSXCIAJB1VELY BY KL&W tc EBLAKOEB. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Character U>n, Man for Hcavlen, good looking Juvenile Man and a General Duslness Man (or aood lloa of partil—notiilN. Character Woman, and Woman to play u Btrong. line or Heart™. All fanasi. have excellent'wardrobe and must have hurt iirnt uiann ropertolre experience. COMEDIAN wttli a specialty, tho foaturo'or which la "/.IP" and "flINQBK." Au up to data Hong and Iiance Tcim.bp'l. to play small parts. Union carpenter. Send photonraphx.-licl^ht, weight, ago and lowest salary in ilrtt letter. No llmo for long correspondence. Those (liai misrepresent closed nt first reheavwn> eo do not wrlto unless you oan make good. Rehearsal* cnminonct* at Ciiambembarg, fa.. Oof. 4, Address all communion Ho tin to kiinkmt hi-in ahi.l, wmtehait, N, y. STDDDART STOCK CO. WANTS AI PIANIST. Muit arrange and transpose. Clever Song and Dance Man thai ran change, .salary turo. Join on wlro. Adrtre-x'W. L. HTKWART, Hvpt. 2T, '.'*, », Truro, Nov*Sr.otia; Oct. l, 2,3, WeatvHle.NovaScoiui PERFORMING ELEPHANT, (FKMj\m:i FOR BALE. One of the best broken elcphauts In Ainorlca, nl ready to go In grounc or work single with clown. Age 7, height Aft. lllu., weight 2fl«u, Perform I tin such tricks an pis) Ing tun pins, sword combar with mini, dumb bell «xerclsu. throwing dumb bell to man and cHtebing again in psrfeci time; hind leg work as straight as any dog, i.ujditg act with eiown, restaurant seeue, etc., cte. A full guarsni tee, ns to tier geiitleueuH and perfect health, goes to purchaser. It you mean hnslnr*H, call and roe her work. Addro»s PF.TEU w. hahlow, i.una Piirk, Coney Island- Have also a troupe of Itunaian Wolf Hounds, lro» liortud to tins coimtry an a, feature act for the New Vork Hippodrome. Jumping Ufeet In height, alHo a distance nf B liornun. t'uii be bought right, All jjggj In perfoot health. DO-U--WANT---US? Would like to locate In some Fmniiy Vaiideyiiif Tueatre as LUUAL UANAUF.R (practical news- paper and advertising uum). Can also opernte picture machloe. Sober and a hard worker. Hy Illustrated Hong blugor, dtien one of the Htrouucst Hiiigiug acis tu the buslnesH. OUT Tills OUT for future use if you have no nnsniug at present. Address HARVKY ARMNQTON, SH Trout St., Pittsburg, Fa. Would consider good road attraction. WANTED, r O K A BIG VAUDEVILLE ACT, A*<'Icvit B. F. l>.np|ng ConiedlaQ (for wcncli imn). Not too lit-avy. Hual do rti'ld. No nnia* Horn. Pull pWtlllOUH. Aildl'CH* OIIHKIIV, NKW VOItK UI.IITI'ilt OllloasO Ulllro, 5W A^llluml nijrk, Olilcaso. III. . .,'.' • B E ::^ LITHOGRAPH^ ABOUT HALF THE PRICE NEW LITHO-TINT PAPER SEND FOR CATALOGUE,;- V Morrison Show Print „,,„„ U fk Ih ttio lllh'.t. Tlio brlfflltORt an.I b«nl ■A. HvaiKlovlllo material over put up at llWl W ANVPIUOH. Monaloeuoa.akotcneH, Parodlefl, Kud GagH, CronB l'lru Uaaglns, oto. PU1CK, DOe. Ideas Not. 6,6, 1,». t l.ffl. Any 8 book, tor |i; auy a for soo. alls BANKS, m» Piiiu St., Pro.ldenoe, It. I. Woman With Small Child. Woman to play either Carney or Harimra In KVSTliYNNK. Smosa'ary. l,nng season. Add. tlSKPil KlNfl, I't-iNow TitncH Uldg .New York. _ WANTED, FOR ' STETSON'S UNCLE TOM CO., Man for Lead and Hcftvy, and Man forTnba or Ibtrltouo in Hand, nni»ll parts on singe, and Man for Uimre Drum in Orchestra and Hiass In Rand. Answer as ruuio in Ol.ll'1'KK. OKO, PKCK. Manager. FRAEIEORllLLESSi PARENTS, imd CIIAS. T. OHVII.l.K u In Al. STSAII. N. U., will! MII3. URVII,I,K aud CIIKSTHK. ONB HUNDRED AND KIKTY l'IRST CLASS OI'ERA OHAlRSatoiico. AddrcM ].. B. WAI.KEH, Wallter'HMusoulii. B DowdolnSq.. Itoslon, Hum. Helen May Butler IB 8TILI. IN THE BUSINESS. Address ST. JOR, MO. WANTED TO W-WS* iron cabinets. Must bo cheap for rash. Ad- dress OTIS A.SMIJH.UIlca.N.Y. WAWTED, Piano riarer who rati do Kpoclaltioii. Long suaflon. No rtckciH. A. I). Mulford, return tlckvt. El>. r. WEISB, Clieslilrc, Mass. WANTED, STRONG MED. TEAM. AleoSoubrcite. Must bo Btrlctly aober, reliable und ctiiiuge for week, and one must don blojplano. State alt you do and lowest Drat letter, ana must Join on wire. Don't bring your hanuiior.'Ua'Ve bad a plenty. Prof. Hennoit. write. '> 5 DR. KRK1). W, lirOK, MuCook,-.Xeb. AT LIBERTY OCT. 7. For Juveniles and Home hpavles. Illitatrated Klngor, but have no maohlno or Hnogs. Salary, HI and transportation. Must have tlekei. Throe' night stand preferred. Address S. OTIS aURDINJKIt, Kcoknk, Iowa, Oct. 1 to il AT l.tllKHTY, , -. i J"k—THE PRICES — Mabelle. Versniiio Sketch Team. Singles and doubles. Ohango for week. Fake piano. Must, have ticket: this time, bo wnuld-he managers save HtampR. (For Sale)—liraml new set of Marionettes, oheap. Write or wire PANDORA, OHIO. WANTED. PEOPLE FOR ONE HUT <STIIi H, Kspeolally a Good Heavy Man ami layenlio Woman, Long engagement. Sure salary (which must be reasonable) for the right people with a oi. that waa a wmaer last treason nnddolpg the business now. OKOHQB COLRMAN, AliihlBN., Kaii., Gen. lie). Med. Performers % \. i That san play organ and ohange often, wanted At ouoo. Statu salary, nil yon do, and if,"oeod ticket advanced. • 1? NATUIIK'S RF.MRDY CO.. mil*., Hf>. WANTED, MED. PEOPLE. SEND LOWEST, llllIOK. PROP. JACK TROY, HarSorsbunt, W.Ya.. LIVTEO, Kitgngement with ilret class repertoire co. I'HOP. F. WFISHANN. Dog Circus, No. UHT Mt. Ternon St., Philadelphia, i'A; TRANSLATED FRENCH NOVELS (son». ins- trated); Actreaa' Photos. Caialogue free on re- ceipt or & cents (loiter postage). A. DK SAU-I.K. Villa Iris. 4 Rtio de Rc?ie. Paris PIANIST AT LIBERTY. LENA, STERLING, Toronto, S. Dakota. WANTED, QUICK, Open time of ail snowi plajlog tlio WEST AND SOUTHWEST, for ' DEL RIO and DRALDE. The two besi show town- In TKXAB. Reper- toire and Minstrel Companies, wrltf «iatck and get In ftttliifrfnohtiy in the part of Te«a^ where everylwdy is prosperous. nDST b. bonnbt, MOB., IJKL RIO, TE\AS. H. F». HORNBY, ' MOH,, UHAMIK, TBI. Rettard, to Daddy Spooner. POSE, 8EBPENTIRE, DANCE OF THE WILD FL0WEB8. We have the most complete series on the marker. Flowers, Rlrds, berpeni^. Tlslous and Daz/ilug Eifects. BildeB are a tiMkally colored ana blocked ont. These are i he original <u ots. slides. Our price, 2ft cm, per sitae Rargalns in Song, Lecture. Comlu, Religious and Mlnneltaiieons tildes of all descriptions Send In for oar second liaad bargain list. 0. L. HVhh ft CO., 20» k. r,7th St., Chicago, III. "Meet Us at Jamestown, Jamestown on the Strand." This latest and mosi pnpnlar song, which (ells Its own aweet story In musio-verse, and dedicuted to the Jamestown Exposition, 10 cents ]wr ropy, all- ver, no stamps. Mailed free. Speiunl ratt>M to clulwof 10 or more. F. A. MDRPUY, I'ubllslier, 442 k. Main St., Norfolk, Virginia. Wanted, for* the ALPINE STOCK CO. IIVKVILK KBAD1NO WUHAN, MIAH- ACTBR WOMAN AND COHBUIAN. State lowest; pay your own. Address WILLIAMS HOKTVIod. Managers In lodlaoa, Illinois and Kentucky, send open time. INSKKEP * EZZELLManaeers. WANTED, FOB GINNIVAN-MiLLS CO., Good Vandcvllle Team, capable of doing parts (nisn and wife, Woman for Juveniles and Man for Juvenile Lead j, Man for Light comedy, Piano Player that doubles Brass. Other clever Kep. people, write. Reference as to financial standing, New Carlisle (Ohio) Dank, or any business man in fitly. GINNlVAtt.MlLLS CO., Mendon,Mlch. WANTED, Good Lithographer wilting to do bill posting for Al F. Whcelei' Cirrus. Adores* F. J. PRINK, Agfllit, Long season South. Ptilldpmi..rg, N. J. MRS, LULU DEER, KKHMKIU,V OP , DIETS AND DON, AT LIBERTY FOR OFFERS, AdOi-m 111 HOLLAND ROAD, llrlxlon, S. W„ Undon, Knalan.l WANTED, fiXPERIBNCED YOUNG LEADING AND HEAVY MEN And other useful actors. Address fiEOROE M NOBLE. Noble Bros.' Co., Newklrk, Okla., week 0ct j- 1 LT-? |, I? , ^!! : i?*l^ ree,c 0c t ' 9 ' ' WANTKD, Good Hustling Partner To act as Agent, that can book and wild cat; will put in dollar against dollar. Mnst'bo sober and experlQnoed:-No angel. Want full Acting Co.; al) men Double'Urasi. Noparades. Band uin- cert-t only. Child for Eva. Will buy two Tom Dogs aud Tom Hrenery. Address ' MANAnRKll T..C. CO.. Newark, Ohio. Full Acting Co, ■Lean, ticavy, Gen; Hi/, and R. and O. Profer HioHe doubting Stage and B. Also two Feature Acts. :Open Out. l. ■ so weeks' work. J. ORIK bE. U Sc vcntli Pi.,Bu. Mlnneapolt n, Minn. 1HT A. XV T E r» , COJIIBDIAN or CH All ACT KB ACTOR .Willi slICClalllOB. I'KANK J. IIEAX. ' Lillian LkiiIj Up., Klktoii, Mlrli. UBBT OHIOINaL, SKBTCH1$S AND SONGS FOR VAUDEVILLE. V, M. SPARLING, Playwright, Hammond, Iml Also publisher of popular ta hltt>." Send for prof, copies of our latet, "aklduo," "Down By Km Deep Blue Soa" and "GatU'rlng Wild Flowers With Daisy." Stage Manager, Man for Ueavlei and Leads, den. ruts, Man to double Alto and Baritone in Rand, Woman for Leads and Juvonlles. others, write. Those. doing Bpeciaiilea. and double in band pre- ferred. 1 pay all. Address .- BAKR1NI1 STOCK CO., Monroe, Wis. FUTURES. Future Huab. or Wifa Photos for Palmists, Fairs, Parks, etc.. $3.m ner i.noo; tl.u per soo. postpaid. CAHINKT PHOTOS. Copied, I3O.0O per 1,000. KDKNA STUDIO, 3812 N. Broad St., Pnlia., Pa. If OHIaW yU&VA violin to double Comet, Trap Drummer; other good people write. I<bng, pleasant seaeou, South, Good salary, money sure, Old established company. CALLA HAN DRAMAT 10 Oft, ArdiaoW. I.T. hlj., |i| uan of Norway, n7 y«ar» old, iieiicht Ullt) UlStll 3ft. Weil-known and liked, with- out incumbrance. Can*tie engaged as sttrartlon for museums and sldo shows, tttttwL BRCNS- WIOK.HOE, loth St., New York G»J. WANTED AT ONCE. LADY AI VIOLINIST. Must bo experienced in orohestrn and vaudeville work. Olncr ladv munition* write. Add. KAT1I- KJK. BKC'K KRi 10? So. 27th St., Billing.; olass a nun, il oim rn n. 0U8S B miS, 12 0EIT8 FN FT. Er>isoi\r Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Exhibition Modal Klaatoseope,-$ 115.Q0., Universal Model Kinstoseope, $75.00. AHE THE BECOaNIXBD STANDARDS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OUR LATEST DRAMATIC SUCCESS. THE FIRST AND ONLY IRISH PICTURE, KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN. A Thrilling Irish Melodrama, in Seventeen Scenes. CAST OP CHARACTERS! KATBLEEH KITTY O'KIl TERENCE O'MORE./faHWrm'lliooer • WALTER OKISWOLI, CAPTAIrJ CLEARriBLD, An. Irlth Lamllora r J|. L. BASCOM DDOAN. ClmrJlM's WUlimj Tool • Sf'ShXi 0 * 0 DAVID O'CONNOn, KatN&n'll fWtlO-.. « ""f-.'lflS" PATIIEH ii'CAHSIUY, The ParMi mat........ '....;................ B. CbARKB DANK V KELLY, Frtma of Term*..: I '••"ViliilrA,?!f D S V A£!l KITTY' O'kAVKRY, ^n (MA Irifli Character JESNIK CLIFFORD BLACK RODY, Tim RobberCauif.. ..:.......;.; .•••■ i.,..P. F. 8EABBRT RED BARNEV 1 }■ „ ".• S - ^iAf" DARBY diiylh J or me amber Bant ••■•(.., Jf'JxSSSSfS. 1 * DENNIS O'OAPP I I W. K. BOIUlorUHS SOLDtERS, CONSTABLES, K0BBBR8, PEASANTS, ETC. The Intuit, The Hold Op, Th. Bobber.' Cav«, SerTlng Ih. P.p.ra, The, K.Ilil..,.>. Home, Th. FlrwIBeavutlrallr H«bU Palnwoli. The Abdaeliaa, Kath- 1..B In th. Rgbbera' c.v„, Th. Hrngni'd Whl.kej, The B..en«, The Angelua, Th. Vlll.g. Dance, The Wedding. .>..._<,„„ Send tor lUmtnted DraerlptlTe Circular No. 30». ■a, OHflO. Code vrcCHTVA AN. I.„T. K lb. i.oiilifl. Clan A. 11.10.00. AN INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS. TELLS ITS OWN STORY-PLAINER THAN WORDS. MIL QUIT IRISH JAUNTING CAR ADJlIl CHAMPION REEL DANCER8 —A O ARO— TO OUH FRIEND9 AND l'HB PUMJCl • We take tbli opportunlt; to UeHrtllr thank yon for your generous npnretlatlon and many complimentary notices and kind expressions of our bumble efforts. EDISON MANT'G CO. THE LAUGH OF ALL THE LAUGHS, HOW THE OFFICE BOY SAW THE BALL CAME l.nd far DesrrlptlT. Clrrular No, """<■ No, Mt, Code VBADORIA. Length, T8»n. Clas. A. I117.7A. » ANOTHER UP-TO-DATE COITEDY HIT. A LAUGHABLE PARODY IN notion PICTURES. "WAITING AT THE CHURCH. VESTA VICTORIA'S LATEST A9TERICAN ANP ENQLISU MINI. lUCCEal. The Hertlng-Tlie Proposal-Yllloll of the Honejraora-Obadlan's Home-Family Objectl.ini- "Watting at Uie ciiur.-li 1 ' ••caii'i Get Away to Barry You To-Uay." No. 8909, Cede VECHTPERK, Length *JOft. (I... A. (to.50.* ivA'UvST HBADLUVER, LIFE OF A COWBOY REAL COWBOYS AND INDIANS BRONCHOS - STAGE COACH REAL A STIRRING WESTERN DRAMA IN MOTION PICTURES. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES: Thu "Biff Horn" Saloon—Mectlnit between Hero nod Villain—.entrance of Kngllsli Tour- IntB— initio tiny the 'J'cnderfeet—Collection for KaWntlon Army LdhbIc— Arrival at tlifl Ranch —Cowboy HportH, Trick ltlmnK, Throwlne Larlnt,.Wrerjtllng-^l)eparture of atign Couch from Itancli—Attack by Indtnnjt—Itunninfr Flgnt (3 Htrenca)—Capture Stage Concli und Abductlou of i.lrl—Incllana Kscanlng unil Covering Trail—Arrivnl Wounded Stage Driver at Hnncn— Cowboys In Pursuit—The Iwbt—Tlirllllng Retime of Girl from Madly Galloping Howe— Reunion Hero and Heroine—Death of Villain. ■ ■ . Ifo. 0SI51). Coda VAVASHKUlt. L.«ngth. 1,000ft, Vlmia A. •1S0.O0 . 'j!» SCENES IN HAWAII NO. OMB. Code VEDANTINAS. Length, TTOR. Claaa A. Slir..Bl), HAWAIIANB ARRIVING TO ATTBND A "LCAU" OR NATIVE FKA8T, 75FT. HAWAIIA1S DEPARTING TO ATTEND A "LIJAU" Oil NATIVE PBAST, IOOFT. H. H. "KINAII" LANDING PASHENGBR8, KOIIALA. HAWAII, SOFT. AHRIVAL UAHUKONA "EXPRESS," KOHALA, HAWAII, IIFT. SHBAUINO SHEEP, HUMUULA HANUII, HAWAII, 'J.11T. WASHING SHEEP, HUMIIULA RANCH, HAWAII, 103PT. NHEHP COMING THROUGH "CHUTE." HUMUULA RANCH, HAWAII, IIOFT. HAULING SUUAll CANE, KOIIALA PLANTATION, HAWAII, nnpT. SOLD COMPLETE OR IN SEPARATE SCENE*. ' ANOTHER COMEDY HIT THE TERRIBLE KIDS SRND FOR ILLUSTRATED DESCItirMVl! CIltCOLAIt No. 28!!. ' No. »»U, Cod. VAULT AGE. Length, ODOR. Claaa A. glW.ou. OUR LATEST NOVELTY THREE AMERICAN BEAUTIES AnAHJHUOAN BEAUTY ROSE dlasolT.. into a bnat pletttre of a beantltal AMERICAN OIIIL, wlio dlaiolvea Into an AMERICAN FLAG waving to tat. br.el". which In turn dlaaoWa. Into a atar-llt baekgroand, the atara, after aw" aaaaoaaverlag, spelling the wants "GOOD NIGHT." HAND COLORED. No. OHIO, Code VAUDEVILLE. HAND COLORED. Length OOft. Class A. •lT.tlll. ."•' Send for Lnti'.t Catnloga and 111natrated Circulars. i EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., MAIX OFFICE and FACTORY. OHANGE. N. J. „ ...„-. c .*! , S." ,to °««. »»* Wahnsh Annas, New 1 olaC Oflloe, .'11 Union Hqnare. Cnbln Address Zvrnotlr -NeirTerlt. OFFICR FOR UNITED KINRIkTm : ^WIOCfSm^^immim^CC^M^iilS' SELLIHfl A0EBT8 1 3\!U5„S 1NE1TIGIlA ' ,H co., - - 41 b. aut st., New ij,r«- DWIaluaaVWIlO. TBTBR BACIQALUM, HOT Fillmore St., Man FrsoclKf, ClL