The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 29. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER: 847 u <•• osro," I JUST CAN'T MAKE MY EYES BEHAVE" By COBB and KD/WARD8. «—^—,. A " *" nB *f MM H ELD Im "A Parlalan nodal." M»i.»g.m.nt liy PLORRMZ ZIBOVB1.D. Stngert b r OllllS M1TCI1KI.L. *%W A. jR. BST I WT C3S-I—Positively Restricted. I»uT3. lt>y CUS EDWARDS MUSIC PUB. CO., 1512 Broadway, New York City. » ifr rP ffiffiKt!" U1DO An>,,ian « ln "»• "World for tou," *»I Min You In a Thousand Different Ways." "Som.i.o.1 yU Swaatheart I Want l« Ba," "If ii CUrl Llka VH U>v«4 a Boy l.Ik*. Mi.,'» "Come TnJi*. (JOl.DFN UATK GLEANINGS. Bptctal Dltpatch to Tun Xmv Yuiik CbHVKn. San Fbancibco, Sept. 93.—At the Davis Theatre, thin i* the. tblrd week of Harry .Tatfrta' TraT««ty Bho-w, In "Hotty Tolty." Cehtbal.— Toe third, week of Koll) uml Dill aod company, In "Lonesome Town, * opened- 24. ' Oni'HBr.'ir: (at the Chutes).—BUI opening Sunday, 28: The Ariboii, McMation'H Minstrel V.aldi*, Clifton Crawford. McMahon and, Cliap- jipII, Leroy and Woodford, Dc Mar nmt For- tune, R. ('■ Knowlea, Eleanor Oarrel, nod the Orpheum motion picture*. Jgjjgjjj Route Cist Thla Hot Is made up aa nearly ao- IMN jm it «■ ii«niiiie to raakr a list MmwnDi bookinga. To insure ln- avrtlon la thla department the- una of the theatre or park, aa well aa the eJtjr or town, MUST accompany each booklne; aent aa. Acker £ renter, Empire, Pnterson, N. J., 24 2ft. Acker a ColBna, Cleveland, 24-29; Toledo, Oct. \-Q. Adair * D>hn. O. O. II., Plttiburg, 24-20. AMjmanna, The, Keith's, Bontoit, 24-30. A&ttbs * White, faille. Wheeling, W. Vi., 24-29. Adimi ft Drew, Poll'!. Springfield, Mans,, 21-29; Poll 1 *. Woreeater. Oct. 1-0. Adorns. Louise, Lyrle. Terre Haute, ind., 24-29. AdiniP. Musical, clalpty. Oolesburg, 111., 24-29: Main St., Peoria, IXt. 1-tt. Adainlnl ft Taylor, Orpheum, Ixih Angelea, Cal., Addison ft L1vJng*>fln, Palnwtte Bench, Tampa, Fla., 24<M. 0. Abern * Daxter, Family, Sloux City, la., 24-20. Aliearn, Chan, ft Jar., Howard, Boston, 24-20. ■Ajiwlcy, Josephine, Arciide, Toledo, 24-20. nap Mr. ft Mm., K. ft P. f.8th Ht., N. Y. ft, 34-29. Aljjnel.A. Monkey, K. ft l>. 1,8th St., X. Y. O., 24- AlthpffB. The, llliHNMlrome. N. Y. C, 24-20. AlUrty'H Ownu-1. Hl|i|, N. Y. C, 24-20. .Mhurtns & Mlllnr. Empire Tour, Eng„ 2l-l>ee. 20. Aldo ft ArnK>ur. Industrial. Mollne. 111., 24-20, Alexin ft Sehell, Arcmle, Toledo, 24-20. Allen ft Murray him, \. v. c.. 24-20, AUiIooh, The. iiijon. Wheeling, W. V*., 24-20; Unique. Akron, O., Oct. l-il. Allaire * Llnd, Washington, Spokane, Wattli,, 24- 2p; Star. Seatll*>. Oct. 1-0. Aimont ft Dnmoiil. H. ft II., Bkln.. 24-29. Athene ft La Brant. BIJou, Kalamazoo, Mich., 21 .20: Rijoti. Pontine. Oct. 1-C. Apwlcus-«'.omedy Four. Hnlhaway's, New ncd- ford. MnHi4,. 24-20; HnlbawHy'a, Lowell, Oct. 1-0. . American Trumpeter* (4), Orpheum, Denrer, Col., ■ 24-20. JifJou. Qulney, "Oct. i-0. Antrim ft I'l-ltTK. Temple, Ft. Wayne, In<1„ 24-20. ArnlcMdn ft (Joliiea, Muxlo Hull, Portnmoulh, N. It.. 24-20; rttM-klNnd, Me., Oct. 1-0. AnderHon ft Kane, Acme. Norfolk, Vu., 24-20. AmitTHoiiM Hi. Illjoo, Plqua, O., 24-20; Vaude- ville, Mhldletown. Oct. 1-0. Anrlpowm, Itay Wallace, Kmplre, Albany, N. X*., ' 24-20. Arlington Comedy Four, i'rwtor'K, Atliany, N. Y., 24-20; Lyric, Kaatun, Pa., Oct. 1-0. Arlington ft Helaton, Sbecdy'a, Fall Klver, Ifajtu Arnaperit ft Uorette, Khrallng'a, Baltimore, 24-20. Archie, Will. Doric. Yonkera, N. v., 24-20; Hath- away.'n, New Hedfonl, Uaan., Oct. 1-0. Arlhoa, The. Cbutea, Han Fran., Cal., 24-20. Armond, Grace, Main St.. Peoria, 111., 24-20; flilety. Oalenburg. Oct. 1-0. ArtolH Hroe., Proctor'a, Albany, N. Y.. 24-20; K. * P, Union Square, N. Y. 0., Oct. 10. Aruher ft Crocker, Keltb'B, Providence, 24-20; Proctor'a. Troy. N. Y., Oct. 1-0. Aatalree, The, Pnrlllon Beach, Keyport. N. J.. 24-39, Aihton ft Marline, Oron, Hahann, Cuba. 24-Oct. 0. Aqtbera, Kitty, Dewey, Utlcu, N. Y.. 24-20. Anatlii,. Clatiife. Dliou, (Ireen Buy. Mlcb., 24-20,; pljort, Calumet, Oct. IB. AiiHtlne, TnHHlnp. ISmntre, Patereon, N. J., 24-20; Umpire, Hohoken, Oct, 1-fl. Auer ft De Onao, O. II,. Pt. Huron, Mich,, 24-20; Uijou. Pontlac, Oct. 1-0. Avcry.ft Hart. K. ft P. 23<1 St., N. Y. C, 24-20. RardM, Four, Coliuuhla; Olnelnnatl, 24-20. Hiker ft Mack, Iowh City, la., 24-20; Rifle, Mua- eatlne, Oct. 10. Bglley ft Austin, K. ft P. r.Kih St., N. Y. C„ 24 ■aOj-prqctor'K. Newark, K, J., Oct. 1-0. Rllley. It. M.. Cryatnl, Ht. Joaeph, Mo., 24-20. Harnea-ft Leflna. lion Ton. Half Lake, U„ 24-29; Son Ton. Ogilcn. Oct. Ml. Rqrn- ft I'enniaii, llljim. Norfolk, Vu.. 24-20. Majloii ft Oslxime, Ainlltorium, Norfolk, Va., 24- Ba£ry;_Mr. ft Mrs. Jimmy. Olymple, Cincinnati, 21-20; Or- 34.20. Barrett Sixers. CulnHlal, N*. Y. C. ML, 8.. _. WtgBm atiwrt. AHianihM, N. Y. C. 24-29. BartbcMPs Cockatoos, K. 4 P N. Y. M-2it; Itartlnos. The. Cryt*tal Ht. Jiwepli, Mo.. 24-20. Bates ft Ernest, Family. Klmlvii. N. Y.. 24-29. Barrett, Vlvlnn, Kmpli-e, Ht.. Paul. 24-20. Barnes ft Edwlna, Orpheum, ManHfleM, O.. 24-20; Orpheum, Newark, Oct. 1-0. Batee, Low W.. Crystal. Tiliildart. Col.. 24-29. llnader-La Velte Trio, Fair, lUchlaud Center, Wis., 34-30. Harlow ft NlebolHon, Hownnl, Boston. 24-29. Raisers. The, O. O. II., PIltHhiirtc, 24-20. Hannana, .hunting, Young's Pier, Atlnnllc CUT. BaVry A Ilnlve'rs, Chase's, Washington. D. C, 24- BajK LOHJf, Cry-Htal, TrlnldaO. Col.. 24-20; Orya- fa,, St., Joseph. Mo.. Oct. i-ti. J^r " BarU—... Tteith'a, Plilln., Oct. i-o. Bsrth Bros, ft Walton. Bkln.. 24-29. Well Trio. Arcailc, Toledw, 24-20; Olympic. Oln- clntl'itl, Oct. 1-0. Lelfort, May,.Keith's, ProrJdenoe. 24-20. Uejfont.-Al. O. ft Matte, Linn's, Buffalo, 24-29; Kihplre. Ashtatmlu. 0„ Oct. 1-0. t . - Benton, KIwowl ft Maggie, nrnml. Wabnah, lad., BO. .37: orantl, Peru. 28, 20. Hern lee ft Mascot, Orimcum, Kanaan City. Mo., Bellolalre Bron.. Calumet, Ho. Chicago, 24-20; Temple. Ft. Wayne, ImL, (Jet, HI. . ., „ HMlnl,-,Dollar, urnhonm. Ctlen, N. Y., 24-20; .. Doric, Yonkera, Oct. 1-0. ._».■■ ttpnali A Miller. Kmplre, Hoboken. N. I., 24-29; . K, ft P. 6th Ato.. N. y. 0., Oct. HI. „ M M IJeW ft Berry, Main St.. Poorla, III., 24-20; _ ITamUy, DaTfnport. la.. Oct. 1-0. _, _ «fr«re, Valerie, ft Co., Keith's, Philn.. 24-20. l'taiy. Claire. Marylnml. Baltimore. 24-29. Rwiao'a Circus, Fair. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 1-0. B son City Trio, Crystal, Elkhart, Iml., 24-29; Urralat. flothen, Oct. 1-fl. , , nt nn HI mm, Boram, H-r-r-r, Colamhla, St. Lonla, 24-29. "" i Comedy Fony, Hr. Paul, Minn., 24-20. ■:l)ard. Fleahor. Empire. Peterson, N. J., 24- ., c . i Empire. Hoboken. Oct. 1-0- . _ „. >!lck ft JTonw, Mohawk, Schenectady, N. Y.. 24- Spdnt Ed., ft Co.. Victoria, N. Y. C. 24-29. ampliln ft llehr. sinr. Atlanta. Ua„ 24-Oct. 0. MckHuaaars. tltlea, N. Y., 24-40; Lynn, Mm., Oct. i-n. i. Btalr ft McNnlty, Topic, Blillngv, Moat., 24-Oct. II. HUcb, Jce, Manhattan, Norrnlk, Ys., 24-29. Kl»ck ft LvMle. Lyric. Ft. Hmllh. Ark., 24-29; Lyric, Anlmorc, I. T., Oct. Hi, S*?'?' «4 1 ™ 0,,slon ' K " K V - tu, °" HanOft Hondl. Bemilug. BIJoo. Clluton, Masi«.. 24-20. JJox, Ted E., Emj.ltc, Joliannesliiirs, H. A,. 24-20. Bowers, Walters ft Crooker. Mohawk. ScbeiiKlBily, *, **, V ^•- ll ; Onmeum, men, Oct. 1-0. Boyd, Tinker. Urand, .Milwaukee, Wis.. 24-20. Boranl ft Nevsro. K. ft p. Kid St., N. Y. C„ 24- t> !£! K K V - fl "' Ave - «' Y - C- Oct. HI. Bottomley Trou|», iBlnnd Park, Button, Pa., 4<- Brothere, Josephine, Auditorium, Lynn, Masi., 24- Bruno ft Russell. K. ft P. 23d St., N. Y. C. 24- 20, Bryant ft SatlUc, Family, BvraDton, Pa., 24-20; Family, Shiiiiiukiti, Oct. 1-S. P.roudwny Quartette, West End, N. Y. C, 24-20. Bradley A Davis, Castle, Wheeling, W. Va., 24-20. Bright Bros'., Walety, Birmingham, Eng.. 24-29; Grand, Stockton, Oct. 1-0; Pal., Aberdeen, Scot., 8-1H; Kings. Gatesuead, 13-21. Brant ft Larnno, San Soncl Park, Chicago, 24-29; Olympic, Chicago, Oct. l-o. Bradford*. The. O. B., Canton. 0., 24-20; O. H., Plqua, Oct. 1-0. Bruce, Bettlna, Empire, Hoboken, N. J., 24-20, Erltfonu. The, Mannheim, Oer., 24-30; Empire, London, Eng.. Oct. 1-81. Bioohs ft VedJer, Xrcade, Tnlwlo. 24-29; O. 0. H., Plttabnrg. Oct. 1-0. Brunlns. Lea. Hatlinway'a, I^owell, Mass., 24-29. Brooks, Jenone, Oately, Oalesburg, HI., 24-29; Bllou, Dubuque, la., Oct. 1-0. Bradti, Seluia. Trent, Trenton, Ht, 7., 24-29; Chase's, Washington, P. 0,, Oct. 1-0. Burton, AL, Proctor'a, Albany, N. v., 24-20. Burton ft Brooks, Orpheum, Omaha. Neb., 24-20; Orplieum. Kansaa City, Mo„ Oct. in. fork, Win, IL. Mad. Hq. <lar«len. N. Y. CL. 24-27. lltirke, Dan., O. O. II., Indianapolis, 24-20. Burke ft Demnsey, H. ft B., Bkln., 24-20. Buckleys, Musical, York, Pa., 24-20; Boalon. Mbns.. Oct. 1-0. Byron ft Blanch, Orpheum. Chllllcothe, O., 24- 20; Htnr, Denora, Pa., Oct. 1-0. Byron ft Lang*1on, Poll's, Waterlniry, Conn., 24- 20: Poll's. Bridgritorl, Oct. 1-0. Carter ft Bluford, Ornheiim, KaiiHaM City, Mo., Oct. 1-fl. t'srliti A Olto, Orpheum, New Orleans, La., 24-20. Cnrlyle ft Marlow, Empire, lies Moines, In., 24- 20. Cants, Emma, Kceimy'*. Bkln.. 24 20. <-H»n<l>i. 2>,(,, Ilalhirnn. Molierly, ,Mo.. 24-20. Carlisle, Ail., Ilonkhis', LmilHvllle. Ky„ 24-20; Hopkins', Memphis. Tcnn., (h-t. 1-fl. Carlisle ft Baker. Pnteninn, K. ,1., 24-29; ll->- Iiokdi. Oct. Mi. t:**r*r A Clark, Htalto. Klmlra. N. Y., 24-20. Carlelon ft 'IVrre, Trovinlern, Chicago, 24-20; Kuson'e, Chh'nuo, Oct. 1-0. Carroll A Clarke, O. tl. 11., Pern, Ind., 24-29; Orpheum, Portsmouth, o., Oct. 1-0. Cate Family, Industrial. Victoria. Can., 24-20. CuHln. Jas„ Green Front, Dradwood. R. Dak., 24-Oct. 7. Cunlnwule Sisters, Reading. Pa., 24-20; Orvhcum. If Ilea, N. Y.. Oct. I-fi. Carlton, Tom. Manhattan. Norfolk, Va., 2iV3(l. Custle ft Collins, O. II.. Ln Croaae, Wla., 24-20. Carlisle'* Dogs, Hopkins', Louisville, Ky., 24-20. Ohm ft Herbert, Olympic, Chicago, 24 20; O. O. a . Indlnnapolla, Oct. 1-0. Caroo ft Farnum, Chase'a, Washington, D. C, 24-20. Carson ft Wlllard, Majestic, Chicago. 24-30. Carberry ft Stanton, Empire, Dea Molnei, la, 24-29. Carney ft Wayne, Novelty, Bkln.. 24-20. Carlelon. AL, K. ft P. oHth St., N. Y. C„ 24-29. Chriitopher. Chrla., Orpheum, Cbllllcothe. (»., Oct. 1-0. Cherry ft Botes, Colonial, Lawrence, Maaa., 24- 29; Trent, Trenton, N. J., Oct. 1-0. Cbapln ft Lewis, Umpire, Albany, N. Y., 34-29. Chandler, Anna, Novelty, Bkln.. 24-20. Oaatban Sisters. BIJou, Qreen Bay. Wla., 24-2*». Claude, Toby, K. ft P. Union Square, N. Y. C, 24-20. Clifford, Lillian, Bijou. Duluth, Minn., 24-20. Classen, Margaret, Oem. Lynn, Mass., 24-29. Clifford, Billy S., Olympic. Cincinnati, 24-20. Clark. Harry Corson. Poll's, Worcester, Masa., 24-20; Poll'H. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 1-fl. Ctavton. Ollle, Dcwer. Mini. N. Y., 24-29. Clifford ft Burke. Keith's, Cleveland, 24-29. Clay, George, BIJou, Lincoln, Neb.. 24-Oct. 7, Cllre, Henry, Keeney's. Bkln., 24-20. Cotton, Loin, Orftnd. Hniulllou, O.. 24-20. CollliiB. The, II. ft B., Bkln., 24-20. Cook, Frank. A. ft S.. N. Y. C. 24-20. Couture ft Gillette, Olympic, Clin-iuuall, 24-20. Cogswells, Cycling, Tourltij.' Mexico. Columbia Comedy Four, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 24-20. Conmv, John ft Mamie, Orphlum. Lima, O.. 24-20. <'<«wlcV. Jiunea. BIJuil, Evamivllle, Ind., 24-20; Havinarkel. Chicago. Oct. 1-0. Colby Family. Alhaugli. Bnlllmnrc. 24-20. Uoulon ft Hustings, Crystal. Detroit. 21-20; Glrmplc, So. Bend. iml.. Oct. 1-0. Collrell Powell Co.. Vi.-torla, N. Y. C. 24-20. Colian, Frank, Keith's. Phils., 24-20. Coffey. J. W.. BnnlcnhiirMh's. Plilla., 24-29. Conn ft Courud. Phh-Ioi's. Newark. N. J., 24-20. fide ft Clemens. I'mully. DHveiUK.rl, hi., 24-20. Cox. llav, CJiase's, Wiislilngton, D. C, 24-20. Collhw ft Brown, Gollium. Bkln.. 24-20. Colo. Will. Poll's. Hartford, Conn., 24-20! Poll'i, Worcester, Mass.. Oct. l-», Cook ft HtatajW. Albainhrn, N, Y, C, 24-20. Con thin ft Lawrence, llrnml, Mllwnukce, 24-20; BIJou, La Crnsw. Oct, 10. Courtlioj'o. Jane, ft Co.. Ilonklus, f^ulsTllle, rot toil's "(,'oiiii'dy Donkeys, Orpheum, Allenlown, Pa., 24-20. Mar ft Dnync, Keith's, T IMrtlaml. Me.. Oct. 1-0. CrawfoM ft Dcluiicy, Empire, Sprlngneld, IB., 21- Crotty Trio, K. ft P. Mk Atc, N. Y. C, 24-29; KelthV, Phlla.. Oct. l-ll. Crawford, CllfKui, Chulcs, San Fruit.. Cal., 24- Craiue. Long ft Cralnc. O. IL. Crawfoi-dsrllle. Ind., 24-20; Acuileuiy of Music, haluiuakoo. Mkh.. Oct. 10. ■ CuiDilngham ft Boss. Family, I'nesalc, N. J„ CummliiKK. Master. Lyric Clerelsml. 24-2n. mmliudmin ft Smllh. Piislor's. V J. C, 24-29; Enmlrc. Plltafli'ld. Mass., Oft, HI. ^ __ ruttys. Six Musln.1. Temple, Detroit. 24-20. Cuhllt. Frank. Bnideuhnrgb'*. Phllii., -U-JO. , Diily ft O'Brien. Imia-rlni, Bkln.. 24-20; MJner'a »lh At",, N. Y. C, Oct 10, Dnvls, Kilwunls, ft Co., Maryland. Balto., 24-20; K ft P. Ttfltll St., N. Y. C, Oct. 1-0. Darla ft Walker. BliiahamtOB, N. Y ; , 24-20. Day. Ota W.. Keith's, Boatun. 34-29. mtcnnorl, liena, Grand, Marion, hid., 24-20; Family. Lafayette Oct. 1-0, Davis, Tom. Trf". Hippodrome. N. Y. C.. 24-29. Daere. I-oulac, BlVm, fiea Moinea. U..G*. 1-0. Danovoe. Us, BIJou. Kfwaoai, 1IL, 24-20. Dale ft Loul. KellhV Phlla.. 24-20. Dagwell, Aurte. Majestic, Chicago, 24-20; Hay- raarket, Chicago. Oct. 1-0. _ A mm Dale. Violet. G."o. H.. Plttabnrg 24-20. De Fayc Sillers. Keltb'a. Boston. 24-20. De Witt, Burns ft Torrance, Wlntergarten, Berlin, Ger.. 24-20. De Laceya, Dancing, Labaaco, Galena, Kan., 24- D'Elmar Bros., K. ft P. Unjon Square, N. Y. 0., De 2 rVln%«». T., Lyric. St. Joaeph. Mo., 24-20; Yale'a, Kanaai City, Mo., Oct, 1-0. DeloroN Stnllloua, IIIp|H>!romr, N. \. C 24-20. Dc Wilt. HUoriy ft MIIIhu. Ji-ffers. Xnglnaw. Mlt-li. 24-20. De Mnr ft Fortune, Chutea, Han Kran., Cut,, 24- 29. Di- Ban Trio, linn, Lynn, Mass.', 24-20. De Haven, nose. Scpteue. Colonial, N. Y. {.'.. 24- 20. Dv nennt ft Laduc. Phillips'. Marlon, ind.. 24-20. Do Voy. Emmelt. ft Co.. Howard, Boaton, 24-20. De Veroe, Thelma, Empire, Oklabooa, Okla., 24- ». Demo, Myrlle, Orpheum, St. Paul, 24-20. Delmar ft Dexter, Pltcuuurg. Masa., 24-Oct. 0. DeltoitlU ft Ullsaando, Orpheuoi. Utlcn, N. Y-, Hanchci, Aniietts. Orpheum, St. Paid. 24-29. De Blnkcr'ri Dous, Rending, Ph., 24-23; Carbon- dole, Oct. 1-0. Demonln ft Belie. Lyric. Wilmington, Del., 24- 20: Lyric, Easlon, Pa., Oct. I ". De Milt, Gertie, Eni|>lre, Albany, X. Y„ 24-20. Delmo, ilmml, Hamilton. 0„ 24-20; Phllllpa, Richmond, lud., Oct. 1-0. De Buu, Count, ft Bru.. Shea's, Toronto, Can., 24-20; G. O. H., Hyraciwe, N. Y., Oct. 1-0. De Fajv Hlateni, Boatflli, 34-29. Dllla ft Tetiipicton. BIJou. Galeabury, HI., 24-29; Indnstrlai. Mollne, Oct. 1-fl, Dison ft Anger, Treut, Trenton. N. J.. 24-20. Hlxon Hnrn„ Orpheum, 1am Angelea, Cal., 24-20. Dlerlckx Bros,, Carnival, Cedar Rapids, la., Oct. 1-0. Diamond ft Smith, Colnnlal, Lawrence, Mass., 24- 20; Proctor's, Albany. N. Y., tK*t. 1-0. Diamond Comedy Four, Grand. Vancouver, If. IL, 24-39; Oakland, Gal., Oct. 1-0. Downey ft Bljnu, Battle Creek, Mich., 24- 20; BIJou. Flint, Oct. 1-0. Downey, Joe, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va.. 24-20. J ion, Emma, Balhiim, London, Eng.. 2-1 -20; Isllng- Inn, Oct. HI; Grand, Clapham, N-l.'t; Km p.. llockilal*. 1.1-20. Dooley ft St. John, Keeney's, Bkln., 24-29. Dorsch ft Busstfll. Proctor's, Allainy, N. Y., 24- 20; K. ft P. Union Sq., N. Y. C. Oct. 1-0. Donnelly ft West. Lananlf, Midi., 24-20; UatUe Creek, net. HI. Domil* (.1), Cook's, Rochester, N. Y., 24-20. Dolan ft I^nhurr, Olympic, Cincinnati, 24-20. linyli' ft Gningvr. Lyru.-, Paraona, Kan.," 24-3tt. Drew, Dorothy, Hipp.. Hut). Eng.. 24-20; Kuip., Dudley, Cltcslyn ft Burns, Keith's, Providence, 24- 20. DuiilmrH, Plying, I'ulr. Itmckinn, Mass., net. 1-fl. Duncan. A. n., Victoria, N. Y. C, 24-2tL Oil Bols, Orent, Fuiully, Plttniun, Pa., 24-20; Family, lluileton, Oct. 1-fl. Du i: Keith's, llnstou, 24-20. lJiiffln-lteili'ny Troupe, l»"«tr, Brockton, Mass., Oct, 1-0. l> inuiii-;, Lea, poll's, Springfield, Masa., 24-20. Dilrlu. Howard. Boston, 24-29. Eurl, Howard ft Enrl, Acme, Norfolk, Va., 24-39. Earle ft Bartlelt, Shccdy's, Fall Klur. Maaa,, 24- 20; Hntliaway's, Lowell. 0<-i. 1-0. Earl A Wilson. 4). o. If., Grand Rnphls, Midi., 24-20; Lyric, Terre Hiiute, lnd„ Oct. 1 (I. Eckhoft* ft Gordon, Dominion, Winnipeg, Can., Oct, 1-0. Edwiua ft Edwards, ChaWs, Waahlugton, D. C, 24-20. Edwanbi, K. 0., Gem, Lynn Masa., 24 20. j-.ili.imnl- SJstvrs, Frsiikfoil, lud., 21-20; Klwood, Oct. 1-0. Elliott, Bo Lair A Elliott, People's, Cedar Rap- ids, la., 24-20. Million- Hlatera, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., 2420; K. ft P. f'Ntii ML, N. Y. C. Oct. Ml. Electric Crickets, Shea's, BulTalo, 24-20. Elton, Hum, Shea's, Buffalo, 24-29; Shea's, To- ronto, Oct. 1-tl. Kldorn, Gotham, Bkln., 24-20. Elite Mimical Four. Novelly, Bkln., 24-20. Eldora ft Norlne, Gotham, Bkln., 24-20. Kills Nowlnti Trio, Poll's, Hprliigfh-ld. Masa,, 24- 20: Keith's. Providence, It. I,. Oct. 1-fl. EmerioD V Bollen, K, ft P. 23d St., N. Y. ft, 24- 20. Emmy, M-iie., ft Peti, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., 34-20. Emmett, Grade, ft Co., Pastor's, N. Y. C, 24-29. Enimelt, Euuene, Traymore, Balm., 24-20. KmiM'rors of Music (41. Majestic, IIouhIod, Tcx., 31-29; Sfajaatlr, Son Antonio, Oei. 1-fl. Kmplre City Qituriettc, Columhla, Cluclountl, 24- 20; Hopkins', l^mlsrUle, Ky.. (K-t. 1-tl. Empire Comedy Four. Poll's, Worwster, Mutta., 24 29; Fall Itlver, nn. Mi. Ktliiirdn, Nimml, HI|>|Kidrome, N, Y. C, 24-20. Evem, Geo. W., Gun-Irk, Bnrllngp>n, Is., 24-29, Krsits, Chas. ft, ft Co., G. O. II.. Pittsburg, 24- 29. Evans, George. Keith's, Phlla., 24-20. Kxcoln, Mile.. Family, DaTcnport. In., 24-29; Star, Mollne, III., Oct. 1-0. Fuimtte Orchestra, K. ft P, 2:id St., X. Y. 0., 24-29. Pays, The, Colonial. N. Y. C, 24-20. Kerrls-Wlley Trio, SJim-m. Kokonm. Ind., 24-20. Polls ft Knrry Co.. (I. O. IL. Pittsburg, 24-2D, rVrgiicon ft Muck, Fidl River. Mssa., 24-29; Kevuey'n, r.kln., Oct. 1-fl. Finn, "SHekey," A, ft H., Boflmi, 242». l'Mki> ft McDoiioukIi, Orplicmii, l.n- Angeles, Cal., 24-Oct. tl. riingcmld ft GM.lay, K. ft P. r,i|, Ave., N. Y. C, 24-39: K. ft P. 12hlh St.. N. Y. «., Oct. 1-0. Plrat, Bonify, »«#!, N. Y. U„ 21-2(1; Ttt)y, Oct. l-:t: Albany, 4-H. Ptlsgihlsui-,Mc(^'.v Trio, YouiiiJ'm I'fer, Atlsntlc Clly. N. J.. 24-29. Mtavafakl, H. V„ Km****. Bkln., 24-29. I'lciueii ft Miller, llriuid, Milwaukee, Wis., M< 20; Olympic. So. llcitd. Ind.. Oct. 1-0. Fords, The. Acme. Norfolk, Vs.. 24-20. Kux. Will II., Miijcs'lc. Btrmliishutu. Ala., 24- 20: Mnjestle, Lltllc Bock, Ark., Oct. 1-0. Fox, Delhi. Victoria, X. Y. C 24-20. Pugsrly. Frank. Novelty. Bkln., 24-20. I'o>' ft Chirk, llathinviiyV, New Bedford, Muni.. 24-20. I'ontlnclh'M, Mysterious. Sucramunto, Csl M 24-20; Novelty, OaklMiid, Oct. 1-0. Porlier., Vt.. 24-29. Foster. Manx A. ft S., lluatmi, 24-20. Fiirtvsts, .Mnslcitl, Otidicum, Duulm. Nch., 34-29. Forles^ue. tleo. K , Ot'idietim, Buelnii. 24-20. Fox ft Wtird, I Itl> St. O. IL. piiila.. 24 20. Fog ft Du Ball, Mi.JiHik, llallns. Tex.. 21-39; Majestic. MuiHi-jti, Oct. Ml. Fredo ft Dun'. Fninlly. DarrnqNirt. hi., 24-30. Fred ft Puuly, G. O. IL. Syracuse, N. Y,. 24-29. Fnslerlck. Columbia. Ht. I>mls, 24-29; . G. O. If., hidlMtispoH"- Oct. HI. n mail ii. Irene, Culumhia. Cincinnati, 24-20. "Futurity Winner," Onmcnm. Boston, 24-20. Fuller, Ida, Wlutergnrteu, Berlin, tier., 24-110; Fmnkrort, Oct. 1-Tll. Gardner A Msddern, BIJon, Duhtiuiie, Is., 24-29; Orplieum, Mililieaisdls, Oct, Ml. Ganlner ft Hloddsnl, Gothaio. Bkln., 24-29. Ganlner. Hapiiy .lack, Kelth'a, Provhlence, 24- 29: Empire. Paterson, N. J.. Oct. 1-0. Gardner ft Vincent, Orpheum, Minneapolis, 24- 20; Orpheum, tlmaba. Nct>., Oct. 1-fl. OasaraaD, Josephine, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 24-20. Garrison, Jutes ft Ella, Moore's, Portland, Mr,, 24-20. Gallagher ft Barrett, Orpheum, I'tlea, X. Y., 24- 20. Osrtelle Bros., Orpheum. Minneapolis, 24-20; Ma- Jeatle, Chicago, Oct. 1-0. flnrlord. Bonnie, Shea's, Toronto, Cod., 24-29; Kelth'a, Cleveland, Oct. 1-fl. Oagnoux. The, G. O. IT.. Pittsburg. 24-30; K. ft P. ISflfh St.. N. Y. C. Oct. 1-fl. Oorlnr * Graff. Orpheum, Hnrlngfleld, 0., 24-29; Grand, Hamilton, Oct. 1-41, Gena, The, Keith's, Boston, 24-29. Gardiner Children (:l>. Crystal, Milwaukee. 34-20 ; Cellar Bnphl*. la., Oct. HI. George. Edwin, BIJou. Clinton, Muss.. 21-29. GiMiratr ft Harrington. Fair, Bratlleborti, VI.. 24- 20. lledild. Mnslciil, IllJisi. Ltiuslmt. Mich., 24 29; BIJou- FHiil, ii.-i, It.. ftllfoll, llsrry. Vloiorls. N. Y. C„ 24-20. Glrard ft Gardner. II. ft II., Ilklu,, 2I-20. Gllltert. John IK. Keith's. Clevelniid, 24-211. Gllllhau ft Perry, Hopkins', Memphis, Tcnn., 21- 2H; Grand, Jollet. 111.. Oct. Ml. Gllmore ft Carroll. (Teal, Pcorlu, 111., 2420: Star, Mollne. Oct. HI. <;ihi*crettfs, The. Pair, Brocklrst, Mar's., Oct. HI. Oleuroy, Jnnics Ith-hnioiut, Uohuwk, Schenwlady. N. Y-, 2420. nluse, AuuusIh. G. O. ||.. IiullaimpoU' 1 - 34-20. Goltloh. Mr. ft Mrs., Family, K. HI. Louis, ill., 24-20; Alton, th-t. I. 2. Gould ft Sural t, Orphcmn, Boston, 21-30. Gnforth ft Doyle, Illjoo. (loading, Pa., 24-39: Waldniann's. Newark, N, J.. Oct. 1-fl. Gordon, Don ft Mac, Garden, Buffalo. 24-29. Gordon, ClirT, Proctor's. Newark, N. J.. 24-20. Goldsmith ft llonpe, Halhsway'a, j.owell, ataat., 34-20. Gorrell, Eleanor, Chutes. San Fran., Cal., 24-39. Goolman, Mnslenl, BIJou, Flint, Mlcb., 24-20; BIJou, Kntatuasoo. Oct. HI. Grand U|i™ru Trio, Jeffers, Saginaw. Mich., 24-20. Gregory Troupe, liunaii's, (iiney Island, N. Y., 24-Oct. it. Grain ft Hong, Moore'.*, Portland. Me.. 24-29. (Ireen, FninUh-. A. ft H., Ilostnii. 24-29. (Irltfllh ft Grlolth, Family, DoveiiimTt, la., 24-29; People's. Oaluy Rapids, Oct. 1-fl. Harrises, Dancing (41, Glyniplc. Cincinnati, 24- 20, Haines. Net. Mnoin's, Portland, Me.. 24-29. Ilnrhach A Harris, Star, ,Muncle. Ind,. 24-20. Harrison. I«e, Keith's. Cleveland, 24-20; Mary Intnl. n.iiio., Oct. HI. liny ward, Onnrny ft Hnywnnl, Hopkins', Louis- ville, K.-., 24-29; G. O. 11., Memphis, Teiin., Oct. HI, Hacker-Lester Trio, Jeffers, Saginaw, Mich., 34- 20. Haydn, Pied, Crystal. Anderson, ImL, 34-20; Crystal, Kokonsi, Oct. 1-fl, Ilaney. Edith ft Lee Jr., Crystal, F.lwood, hid., 24-20. Ilarrlgnn ft Giles, Piislor's, N, Y. (*„ 24 20. Iliilflchl, lietie, Audliorluni, Norfolk. Vs., 24-20. Ihtison ft Nelson, It. O. II., ludlanA|K>llN, 24-20. Harney ft Dunne. Orpls-um, Lima. Ii., 24-20; tlrphliim, Colmiilsis, hoi., net. HI. Hays, ivt. l!„ Orrdiluiii. Portsmouth, O., 24-20; ortiiicnin, Newark. Ocl. MI. Hayes ft JohiiMin. Arcmle, Toledo. 24-20. HsrrlKoii, Harry, Manhattan. Norfolk, Va., 24-29. Hayes. Tommy. G. O. II., Pittsburg, 24-29. Harvey A llsynes, Lyric, Pnrsotw, an., 24-20; l.vrlc Muskogee, 1. T., Ocl. 1-11. Harvey ft Dn Vara, Park, Fresno, Cal.. 34-39. Huwlhorne ft Burt. Temple, Detroit, 34-20. Hall ft Collmni, BIJou. Jacksonville. III., 24-20; Olympic, Chicago, Oct. Hi. ft Friiuklln, Pol., Wolverhninptnn, Kng., 24-20; Cantnrhiiry. Lmidou, th-l. HI; Bar- nard's, Cliathiitu, Kill; Barnard's, Woolwich, I.V30. Haley A Hnrl.v. Cryatnl. Uledo, 24-20; Crystal, Elkhart, lud.. Oct. HI, Hhiihoii ft Harris, Hippodrome, N. V. c. 24- Oct. fl. Hull, I.Mile Mny, Music Hall, lllclifleld Spgs., N, Y . 24-Ocl. (I. Hmullton A Wiley, Empire, KprlngJleld, III., 24- Oct. fl. Ihirrlsoii. Lee. G. O. II., Plttshtirg, 24-20. Iliirdhift' Electric Ballet, Keith's. Providence, 24- 20. Hrilli'ir. Wilson, < ft Y. ft.. 24-20. Ilnrveys (4>. Clmso's, Waalilngton, D. C, 24-29, Ihirvey A Walker, Empire, Alhimy, N. Y., 24-20. llnreourl, Dulsy, Ootlmui, Bkln., N. v.. 24-211. Harris, Itcauregnrde ft V.o., BIJou, Kenoslta, Wis., 3ll; int...i. Huclne, 27-20. Hurringti.ii, Omilel .1., Pastor's. N. Y. «.. 24-20. Ilerrmaiiti, Adelaide, Hopkins', Ixtulsvllle, Ky.. 21-20. Heywood. Great. Park. Wbeellng. W. Va.. 24-20. Iliilrl ft PresL'oit, Kel.b's, Pro vide [■<-<•. 24-20. Ilearti, Tom. Olympic, Paris, Fi„ 24-110; Central, Dresden. Ger., Oct, 1-,'il, Herald H'pisre Ouarlette, Hheady's, Fall River, lliictt.. 14-21); Auditorium, Lynn, Oct. 1-fl. Ilrroii, Berllu. Orplieum, t.'tlcu, N. V.. 24-30. Ili-mii'.v ft ili-Hlmrn, ctmrlotte, N. C, 21-20; Acim>, Norfolk, Vs., Ocl, Mi. lltTlairt, Mods, Hopkins', Isiiilavllle, Ky„ 24-20. llcrlwrt'a Dogs, Coloiilol, N. Y. C, 24-20; Or- pheum, Ilklu., Ocl. HI, Herbert, Moss. Hopkins', I-otilsvlile, Ky., 24-20. Ilcwlclln, The, Alcasnr. Denver, Col., 24-Oct, 0. Ilclwtok ft Mnrhrlck. Empire, De* Moines, la., 24-20. HelHtoii ft IlcMMl, Plillllps, Rtchmond, lud., 24-20. IIIBIurd. ItohL, ft Co.. IL ft ll„ Ilklu.. 24-20, llebert A lingers. Howard, llos(mi, 24-29. Hluthm Wonder Workers, Dr*deiiburgh's, Phlla., IIIiiuihii'. t.'upl. Sidney. Grand, Jul lot. HI., 24-20. Hill, Maurice K„ Olymid.-, Cliltugo, 21-20; JImIu- uionil, 1ml., n.'i. ].«, Illlilriiiiuidl. Max. Orplieum, I^is Angelea, Cal., 21-20; "roliei Hull Luke, L'„ u.i, 1-0. Illlllitim, Geo.. Iiljiiu, Wltiii1|>cg, t'riii.. 2I<29. lllrscliloirns. Tin', Liibiiaca, llalenu, Can., 24-20. Hill. Will H„ Fair, Bruckton, Mass,, Oct. HI. Hold., ft Co., ||. ft || Jtniu.. 24-29. Hiijii. Mr. ft Mrs. Dan, Olympic, Cincinnati, 24- lllckniiin Bros., Oriiheum, Minneapolis, 34-30; orjilicum, Si. PuiiI, Oct, M). Hhics ft linntngton, llsyinJirket, Chtcaito, 24-20; (1. O, IL. Ili'lliuiHiHjils, ik't. Hi, llolciimh. Curtis ft Co.. Heading, Pu„ 24-20; Wilmington, lie).. Oct. HI, Holmes ft Wuldrou. Or|.|ilum, Purlsuioiith, O., 24. 20; Orphluiu, Chlllhothe, Oct. Ml. IloWHrd, ilrnit, Wnlkerloti, hid., 24-20. Holmes, Al. E. ft Maude. Bttlchsbutlcu, Coin. Ger., 24-20; AikjUo, Munhtlin, (K-l. 1-16; lliiloa, Strusborig, 24-20. Holtsrl ft llogm-rt. Ihiwnrd, Boston. 24-20. Jloey ft Lap, Orplicuiu, Cites, N. Y., 21-20, Unit, AIL. Moss Tour, Eug.. 24'Kll. Him.llnl. ll.irrv. Cliaao's, Wssliliiglon, D. C, 24- 29; 0. O. IL, Pittsburg, OCL t-U. Howunis, .Mysterious, o. H., (Irgnd Ruplds, Mich., 21-20: Keith's, Columbus, 0., lid. In. HnwMriL Umn ft, Osmw*', Coney Island, N. Y., 24-Oct, fl, Howard A Hitwiinl. Young's Pier, Atlantic City, ft J„ 2-1-20. llnwiml ft Lluder, PasUir's, N. Y, C, 21-20. Ilnwiiril ft Xurili. Oridieuiu, Bkln., 21-20. llissl. Sum, Gruuil, 'rucman. Wash,, 21-20; Htnr, Scuttle. Get. i*l. Dolmen Bros., Fair, Hallfuv, flan.. 24-Oct. U. llolbrts'»ks, The, Hradeiiburgh's, pblla., 24-20. Dawn A Hcott. Ii. O, IL, Hynpruse, N. Y.. 24- 20; G. G. H„ Pltlslsirg. Oil? HI. Ilollls ft Wilbur, Own, Lynn, Alnss., 24-20, BnMrjK The, Yomig'a Pier. Atlanllr t.'lty, N. J., Huebn, Musical, Grand Baplds, Midi., (M. 1-fl. ime. Heath ft Walsh, Lyric Park, Ardmorf, I. T. 34-20. Immensapbooe, Alhnndira, N. Y. C, 24-20. Iiiuian, Bradenburgb'a, Phlla., 34-29. Inneaa A Ryan. Garrlek. Burlington. la., 24-20; Family. Davenport, Oct, 1-fl. Jsm*s A Davis, Orphertm, Rockford. III., 24-20. Jacques, Alliert. A Bro., Fall FestlvaL Cincin- nati, 21-20; Vamlevllle, Mlddletowu, 0., Ocl, 1-0, Jantv-ll, Madle, Kelth'a, Boston, 24-30, Jackson Fernlly, Melllnl, Hanover, tier,. 24-30. Jscksona I3», Pastor's, N. Y. C. 24-29. "Jail Bird*," The, Alliftinbra, N. Y. 0., 24-29, JcDDlogs A Jewell. Greenwnll's. New Orlcin-, .4-.,!; iinjcMlle. Kuiimir City, Mo., Oct, .'"i...„iirs ft Heulfrew, Howanl. Boston, 24-30. Jeiuietto t Limaford. Empire, AllHiuy, X. V., M< Jennre ft Kllavrorlh, Parlor, York, Pit., 24-20. Jour*, Irving, 1'i.niiR's Pier. Atlantic City, N, .1,, 24-20. Jobnslug, Sam, llrailenburgh's, Phlla., 24-20. •itiNMi'tlu Trio, Keith's, Providence, 24-20. Jonen ft Walt on. I.yrlc. Clevrloiul, 24 20. Johnson ft Fhssl, llljoit, Norfolk, Va„ 24-20. Jowa ft llaymmid, Castle. Bloiuiilugtiui, III.. 21- Jones ft lllie. Tom pic, Detroit, 34 30. JiiiM|s>r ft Hayes, I'uiuiiiu. Conn., 34-20; Norwich, Jiudter Hros., Audliorluni, Lynn. Mass., 24-29; Iliitbawiiy's, Lowell, Oct. Hi. Kornali, J. F„ Trontun. ft J., 24 20; Mncoii, tin., an, hi. Kiihno, Ota*. A Adn. Clr-o Hell, Melco, 24 211. Kiiufiiinn Slslers, Keeney's, Bkln., 24 20. KmiiOusii T r i j Bjli , O. fl. IL, I mil una I sil Is, 24-20; i olmiililii. COieliiiiHll. Ocl. HI, Ktrao's Pantomime l!i... Novelty. Dkhi., 24-211; Goiluim, Ilklu., Oct. Ml. Kastron, Awn, tl. O. II., hidlMnn|mlls, 24-39. Korlelll, Apollo. Colli, Her.. 34-:t0; Apollo, Her- Ho, Oct. I .i'i, Keley. Me, ft Mrs. AUred, G. O. IL, Grnud napldi, Midi., 24-20; Main Ht., Peoria, III.. Del. Ml. heiitou, Domlliy, Armory. Blughiimlou, N, Y., 24- Feene, Juggling, BIJou, Wheeling, W. Va.. 34-20. Kecney ft Ilollls, K. ft P. (Illicit Square, N. ft |L. 3429; K. A ft Alb Ave., ft V. ft, I lei. |-i|. KeBy A Kent, Orpheum, New Orleans, La., 24-29. Kelly, Sum ft Ids. IBJmi. I.u Crosse, Wis., 24-29; Mil.|iic. Enti Cl,ilro, (K't, l-ll, Kelly. Wnlter C, Orpheum, Bkln., 34-29. Ke ly A Ktdr-y, Casitp*. Lawrence, .Mass.,' 21-20. Kelly ft Vlolette, Prodnr's. Albany, ft Y., 24- Kciniedy ft Wllkeus Prick's, Itnl Bank, N. J„ 24-29; Belasoo, WtishluKtiui, D, C. Oct, 111. Kenned) ft Itaniey, Victoria, X. Y. G., 34-2B. W"ft Mr. ft .Mrs. Hum, 0. II., Ituiufurd, Me,, 24-20. Klcfe. Zeim. Trent, Trenton. N J.. 21-30; Poll's, New lliiven, (Vmn., Int, Hi. KliL-.New. The. Empire, llols.ken. N. J„ 31-29. Klugsley ft Uwls. Keith's, Philn.. 24-211, Klppy ft Klpm, Empire. Hen Moines, Is., 21-20, Mta-Bnuxnl Japs, Arcade, TuhtHi 24-29 SlSM! »«>"- Cryatnl. lh-lrolt, 24-211. Mint.iill, HeniiHU, Cryslu), Detndl, 24-20; Olyui. Hjo, He, Benii, ImL, iiel. Hi. Klmli.'ill ft Uwls, Empire, Pulerson, N. J„ 24-20. h rkkii ft Frcvnlll Keith's, Provldepii'. 34-20. Klelu ft Clifton. Ilopklns', Memphis, Tcnn.. fit* Klaavr, Emi.lre. Hprhigfield. III., |U| KIHsi, ALtalchL Kdlh r s. Prorldenetj, 24-29. '"II 1 ."!?' "' "'■ ••*«««. S«i» Frnnelaeu, Cal,, 24-211. Knalmishue, liny. F n | r , Brockion, Mass,, Oct, Knox Im, lluwaril, BuhIoii, 24-211. tX\\lHri« l n y '| A 1 , | lll ' , ('-7 f* ' ,,l,, **' Wi 0f "* Kochiy Bros.,' Alhainhhii N. Y. C„ 24-20 '"ttfi.ij.ff&.ri'ir' S?£r K a, - Mi K, L r :!, - ,*Mi:r ,- '6,, u ,r'""' wh - "•< «- !■" s,"'^"'. , '!'. , . | • , '■'".''•. •'-"•ii'ii". iii,.. 24-3». ■ ,.; lr ..* v''.". 1 - ?;'»""""■. H»"».. Mikl I'M- m% ft. V. On Ocl. Ml. I..I IMI. Will., Anilllurliim. Ijnii, .Ma«... -Jt-Slt. .u Vwi I. (rum, (iriilirui,,. ll||,.„. N . If.. a,.!lll. nil!""",;..''!"'• , "'" 1 . I'llllMll. Mlllll., 34-2U! Illkn. M'IiiiiIin.,. I.'in,.. Out. Ml. -•">. I.n Nol«' llim... ; Pnll-. K.N-k*llb\ (mm., man; Knlr. Ml. Hull, N. V., Oil. Ml. I .".ij!""" """"»'• •■•> All«llll« Cllf, N. '■"ff,i. 1, ;j:iini , .: l) if!:,v;. i l "."i',,' < ""- "•" «*<»■ MlMi., nirnihi,lioiu. ll,.|. Ml; l',,,,, m,.,» (jmu,; ''"ji,""" 1 * Swift", III*)". Wlniili*,. Cm,.. M> l.n !!«ll., julwurrt, IIIJ..H, Maniinill,, Midi., 342a: _ Bran. KnannlM, Oi'l. Ml. .... I.«;;IIM», 'ft«ln« 10), IIIJV..I, limn liny. Mlrli., 'l\-p : llljuu. Ih-t, MJ. .1. y..»... (Viilml I'nrK. K. HI. I»nl>. III., 2,-2». afffi" <'»iiillli.. IllJnu, MiiaNm. ,11,1,., [.iMky ll',. Qi,liimi», Oqilicuni. Ilklu,, S4S1I, l.n M.ilm-, l.nlr, r:iL.*..|ui„l. 2,.,l,, l.n Mil.;, K.I.. miii,. Ii,,.,, AtC 21-SHi li»|. I... li'S.. Ih't. Ml. i.u WaMZnain Trlii, Ml iimr.ui, 2,-au, ..nnxlajr. »lr».. K. k I',, An.., N. V. I!., Oct. '•«,.y«i * Miliikn. Ilnniiiiia', UwhnUhn K,„ l.nn^lon., 'I'I,... tliili-ty, OnlcliurK, III.. 2,'.'0: Oct, Ml, . Mi l.iifiimll... IMpL Dclmll. 21-211. 20 ' '" """' "*'''""' *•""'•. 3< - '•"'!">'«. I'«"l. Armor)', iiIn«Iimi,,i.,i,, s. 1., 21- 2n. !'" }',"!: .t**" SriP, VI., 21-211. I.i. Toll Urn... i:om l'iil, w , Mllilirll, n. D., 21-,. l.trl,. Vmr, (JUmml 21-Oct. 13. /....Miii-, Kin,., 'IVitiplf, lhflr«ll, 21-211. -M . ' "*■*"■»■ I'urk, . In.).. i MM, KMMMt, N. J., 31 ait; hiiililrc, UotHjlwii, Ot-l. Ml. I.I..II1-. HMJ. Iifilui,,.. Akrtm. ri., 2,.21t. ai'si ""'"'' * ''' l '"" ! ""'"' Al, "mr. N. v., I-. 1111111*1.11, Mr, A Mr... Orjiliruin, HI. I'sul, 31-211. Li*. MtitliilKli k HmmIi.. IIiiIiiuii, ],:,„ (11,11ft., VVI. , 21 2»; HlfMi, Dtihiili. Minn., Oi-t, Ml. '•CC'l T..I1K fwm, K. At P. fnlmi M.|ii.irv, ». T. I! . it* Hunt, Otl-ut. Alrcn-ltn. Hi,,, City. Mil*., 2,. ait: 1mm, hrkIuhw. oi-i. 1 .it. I* C'lHlr. Juliti, MnJvHllc. Krlc, I'i,., 24-31*. unmuM, ai„ .M.jeMti... II..HM..U, Tc, 2i-2y; MuJi'Mlfi.. Hah Anttniln, Oct. in. I* Buy i U'nuir.tril. ClinlM, Him frnn., C.I., !!• Oct. II, ''*wii r '"24 a 01 " 1- ' '•" k, '" M * AiMltoclnm. IMelti,, '* ''city, IMI1-. UkMM, Aii.lll.irl.imi. IUcIik, Wl,., 21.211, Ocllc'n I'liwliti, (llrciiM, F,lr, IVinli^klll. N. Y., 24-211. I*wl.. Haw, K. A I-. l.'tilwt Hitttarc, N. Tt. C. I^.llc k WHIlHm*, |iW)pl.',. »,M«nwnrtll, Knli., 21-211: V»l,'«, K,„.«H t.'llr. M„„ Ocl. Ml. !*»>■, Mr.. JlltM, A Co,, Oclar I't,, 0„ 24-20, I.couir.1 A I'hllllp,, Antalcriliin, K. Y. C, 24- Ocl. 0. 1^.1^,'.. N--., Kmplrti, Johnnncburff, fl. A., Oct. S.Nov. IT. , Money A Trnjcr, l'a,tor'., N. Y. 0., 24-20. I.lmlsny A Clmtr. Kl.t-trli- I'ark. Nn.ark, X. J., 21-211: llnivaril. Hn.lon, Oer. I'D. I.lvliin.luii (4), Uulltam, Bkln., 1439. . J