The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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850' TMJfl, NETW" YORK CLIPPER. September 29. OH! LOOK WHAT'S HERE! ' DRISLANE AND MORSE'S BIG WALTZ SONG HIT, KEEP ON THE SUNNY SIDE' mi, OBU t>Ca>a>p on th» Sunny Sldo, And 1«-t dull oare p«M you by; Just figure ou-t you'ro a lone -tlmo de«d, Don'*: start *o worry or sigh. \A/a*«»F>, ond you woop alono, Don't slve up hope till you've <trle>d; . • Don't Join the orowds that walk under cleric clouds, ■But Keep on the Sunny Side. Jnai slag two versea, tha andlenea will slag ths chor«s. Wa have some clever Ban dials with tae chorus on. Yon can nave all yoa want for to* asking. They are groat to throw oat In tko andleace Also orchestrations In say key. * XV Est. l^-Z^VXI* AIWI> XPTTIES- CO., lfiCS West S^Ttlx St., Cor. Broadway, New York, MO BRANCH OFFICES Alf YWHBRE. Copies sent upon request whin accompanied by late programme only, anion we know yon. This !■ Important. ■ ' . TEXAS. Ft. Worth.—At Grcenwaira Opera House (Phil 'W. Ureenwall, manager) Cole and .tohiison, lu "The Hboo-fly Keglment," gave the beat entert-jilnnn'tit ever offered by a colored orEanizittlun In this city, Bept 17, IS. "A Pair of Country Kills* JO, VIkey ond Abey" 20. "His Highness, the Bey." 21, -'2; Morgan Stock Co. 24, "A Hot Old Time" 27. Standard (Fronk De Bequc, manager).— "Are You An Odd Fellow?" was tbe curtain raiser week of 17. Tbe big olio brought out Parper and Florence, In "Troublo on tfoat Hill;" KlugKley and Klngslcy. Pansy Weir, Martin Fay. Johnson, Pearl Oil mo re, nose Mendel. Cooler Sisters, Lulu I)e Mar, Joha Ji. Qreon, Lettle Colton and Lulu Lawtou. IIunIuohs continues big. - Cjtowrr (Townscm! Irwin, manager).— "The Counterfeiters" was tbe opening act week of 17. . In the olio: Great Uunkti-r, Map Chester, Fannie Woods, Fuller Family, Alice Hamilton, Ruth Gale, tbe Coynes, Wil- lis Fcssendeu. W. J. Kelly, Maud Grayson und Ella Hewlett. Business very satisfactory. ; Note. — Tbe Inter-Htate Amuaement Co. announces th«»iappolntraent of F. 11. Crow ua manager of the local Majestic Theatre. Mr. Crow last season held a Mttnllar poHltlon with tbe game company at Little Rock. ■ ■' ■ lie 11 !■ Honetou,—At tho llouutou Theatre Maur- ice C. MtcheaW. manager) Black l'attl, Sept. 18. 10, bad top; heavy houses. "Tbe lioosler Girl" 20, "Tho Hweetest Ulrl In Dlile" 22, IMliy Kersnwls' Minstrels -I. ' Hiohlani> PAiik Thuatbb (T. II. Keenan, maiiaKcr).—Russell J. drone closed Hi, after two weeks <if phenomenal business. Week of 17 Thayer's Band watt (tie attraction, with the followlnc added on the programme: Charles Wont Hold, English tenor ; May BciivIh, serio-comic; Gilbert Sorony, and Lake Rey- nolds, to good crowds nightly. M\.it:snc (Frank C, Htitrgls, manager).— The season opened 1M, with J. K- Culluhnn nnd Jennie St. George Jr., Four Kmporora Of Music, Fox and Foxle, Phyltea Allen, Mas- ter Salter and Al. Loonmd. Tkxah Avknuh Tiihatiiu coutlnues to draw emrata houses dully with moving pictures. They change twice weekly. Notes. —Georgia Mtnslrols drooped In un- eipectedly 14, and, with a good strcot pa- rade, had their tent crowded at night to the doors. The performance waa of Hitch excel- lence that, by request, they canceled Their Liberty, Tex., date, nnd gave another per- formance 15, to standing room only Norrln & Rowe'a Shows are billing heavily for 27 Hngcnheck's and Itlngllng'u are also booked for) later on In October. ■ .i -.. i ii ■ i Aoitln.—The Hancock Opera Hoime (Geo. 11. Walker, manager) haa been put hi thor- ough repair, all old carpet*, topcatry, hang- Irgs. drop cuitulttH, etc.. having been replaced by new goods, and tho bonne thoroughly reno- vated, in addition to thla Lewis Hum-ock, nier. baa lust tnatalled a moat thorough up-to-date steam, heating system, buying expended something, over JB.OOO In repairs und Improvements. Dressing rooms and conveniences for tho profession were not forgotten. Tbe house opened Saturday. Sept. 8. with Dandy Dixie Minstrels (colored). Geo. II. Walker haa just renewed a tlvo year lease of tho house, and Karl Walker has been reappointed treasurer nnd local manager., "HIh nifthnesN. tho Boy," 17; "Tho Royal Mux" U, "81 Hollar" 1!4, Black pattl 20, "A Hot Old Time" 2(1, Billy Kmnonds' Minstrels 27, Cole nnd Johnson 28, "The Booster Girl" 20, Tlra Murphy Oct. 2. ■Waco—At the Auditorium (Jake Gar- tinkle,■ manager).—"The Sweetest Girl In Pixie" Sept. 17. "Mia Highness (ho Boy." 1*, had good bualni'HH. "The Itnjah of Bbong," 10, onturlulned a good sliced audi- ence. "A Pair nf Country Kids" 25, Colo and -Johnson 2rt, "HI Hollow" 27. Black Pntli Troubadours 28, "McFodden's Flats'* 20. a x > .I. MINMCIOTA. with the musical burletta, "Tbe Blonde Venus." Khi'irh ( Frank, manager). —New people week of 24 : Vivian Barrett, Annetto he Sanchez and Alvln Slover. Hold over: Jcaale Bennett, Lottie Ls Vere, Brady and llacnllton, Gertrude Leslie, Vera Lorain, Gib- son and Nasb, Birdie Van Hawk, Polly O'Ncll, Pebble Vcdder. Carroll and Gardner, Theresa Kemp, Viola Hamilton and the Great Ucnby. a i > onBGOrf. Port in mi. At the Helllg iw. T. Pangle. mnnugert William Collier opened the Fall seaaon Sept. 13-15, In "On the Quiet," to excellent business. Tho Stewart Opera Co. had a good opening 16, In "The Two Roses." The engagement was for a week, and "Doro- thy" and "Babetto" were the other offerings. Richards & Prlnglc'a Mlastrels 24-26, fol- lowed by "Checkers." Bakkh (Geo! L. Baker, manager).—The Baker Theatre ] Co. had two capacity audi- ences to wltueaa "Two Llttlo Vagrants" 16. The company did big business week of 0 with •'necsuae She LnvedTHIm So." "Tho Wilder- ness" 2,*l and week, "Taps" SO, KMfntE (Milton W. Seaman, manager).— "On the Bridge at Midnight" bad two good houseB 141. "The World did fair bugfhcHs week of ft. "A Mad Love" 23-20, "A Mil- lionaire Tramp" 30. Lvnif (Keating & Flood, managers).—The Lyric Stock Co., presenting "Tho Greea-Eyed Monster," week of 17, Stab (J. II. Urrlckson, manager).—The Allen Stock Co., presenting "Tho Road to 'Frisco," week of 17. Grand (J. H. Krrickson. manager').—The Mimic Four, Walter Beemer, Adam« and Ed- wards, Sam Hood. Burke and TJrllne, Marcus and Adell. Harold Ho IT. and Grandlscopc, PANTAQF.K (J. A. Jobnson, manager).—The Metropolitan Singers, Mr. and Mrs. RushcII, Little Helen, Margaret Morgan, the Kens- Hers, Jean Wilson, and Mograpb. Fiutx's (Thomas Rooney, manager).— Bessie Ford, Lillian Black, Bonutf Bonnie, Mauretttis nnd Hull, Moncrlef and Smith, Hattlo Wade Mack, Rooney and Forrester. Marie Dlllard, Man N. Vernon, Virginia Ver- non, Jones and Ilavolle, and Frances Elmer. Oaks Summbh I'aiik (S. Ii. Frledlander, mannger).—Excellent business. Special at- tractions week of 17: Bert Morpby. baritone, and D'Urbuno'g Royal Italian Band. s«» VinGINIA. in'i ,, "The Daughters of Men," 21, 22, seemed to give very.general satisfaction to large audi- ences, Otis Skinner, lu "The Duel," 24, 25; Paula Edwards 26, 27, Kyrlc Bellcw, In "Brigadier Gerard," 2K ; May Irwin 20. Hartford Opera House (H. II. Jennings, mnonger).—"Tho Vendetta" was given with lair success 17-10. "A Square Deal" pleased 20-22. Henry L\ Dlxoy, In "The Man on the Box," 24, 25; "Montana'' 20, "Veronlrjuc" 26. 20. Pon's (Louts E. Klltiy. manager).—Bill for week of 24 :! McKlnlcy, Bert Les- lie and company, Flood Brothers. Harry Le Clair, Stanton and Modeaa, and Charles and Fannie Van. 11 • 'WASHINGTON. matinee and night; "The Yankee Consul" 20, Sisters, Whvr Cummlngs. and thn mnvin,, Clay Clement Oct. 6, "The Land of Nod" 11. plctnres. Full houses ruled. moving Norfolk—At tlio Academy of Music (Otto Wells, local manager) "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway," Sept. 17, delighted a well filled house. "Sergeant Kitty," 18, drew an audlcoce of good dlmenHlons. "Tho One Wo- man" Oct. 1-3, "Her Own Way" 4, "Tho Couuty Chairman" r>. 6. '« . Granuy . (Otto Wells, local manager).— "Not Yet, But Soon," did elegant business last week. "The Millionaire Detective" 24-20. MA.1KNTIC (M. Frank, manager).—The Bon Ton Burlesquora did a good week's (business 17-22. Vanity Fair week of 24. '.' v ■ Bijou (Abb Smith, manager).—New people for week of 24: Mnrle Hughes, Johnson and Flood, Hurry and l'emnan, and the Thompson Sisters. Acmb (WUkcrson A Manzle, managers),— People week of 24 : May Ogdcn, the Fords, Karl, Howard nnd Earl, Myrtle Van Dlen, and Anderson and Kane. Auditorium (J. M. Barton, manager). Minneapolis—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager) ''Tho College Widow" Sept. 23-20. Robert t.oratne. In "Man and Superman," 27-20, Lnat week Clay Clement, In "Sam Houston," the first threo nights: Louis James, In "The Merry Wives of Windsor," the second half. Playing with l.otlls James Is George WeslerAeM ward, a Minnesota Iniy, who revolved his education at lb* stuto University, anil who hna for the imst year been studying In New York City. This Is his first otisagement. "The Lion and the Mouse*" WMM, 3. "The Umpire" 4-11. ' Btjou oi'itha Uouhb (T. L. Hays, mana- ger).—"Bedford's Hope" Kept. 23 and week. "At the World's Mercy" waa played to good houses l'l and week. "Old Issues from tho liowcry" 30 and week. ■ tnu'iii-jii.M ('Mui'tln Beck, genera'manager). —Bill for 28 und week: Wilfred Clarke. Coram. Three Hickman BrotheiH, Ida O'Day, (iartclle HrotherH, "Talea of tho Desert," Majestic Trio. ■'LvcKtiM (I, V, Speers, manager).—"The Only Way" 38 and week. "The Charity Ball" drew good business 16 and week. "Moths" 30 and week. . Drwhy (W. A. Singer, manager).—RelUy & Wood's Co. 23 nnd week. Minor's Bo- hemians attracted Inrgc hotixca 16 nud week. Cherry Bloasonie :<0 and week, Umqun (John Elliott, manager).—Bill for 24 nnd week : Fanford and Darlington, Eva Thatcher, Leeds nnd Lamar, J. Goffnny Brown, McCune and Grant, and Irene Little. SI. Paul.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager) Louis James, In "The Merry Wives of Windsor." had n very successful engagement Sept. HMD, nnd pleased. Clay Clement, in "Sain Houston," played to very good IhisIrchs 2<>-22. Rob- ert Lorain 23-2(1, "Tho College Widow" 27- 20. "The Lion and the Mouse" 30-Oct. 2. Grand (T, L Ilnys. manager).—Business was big with "Bedford's Hope" week of hi. For week of 23. "Old Isaacs from the Bow- ery." "Mr. Blarney from Ireland" week of 30. Star (J. C. Van Itou, tnanaRor).—Bual- nesa was good with the Cherry BlosFtotn* week of Hi.. Week of 23, Dreamland Bur- lesnuers, with Joe Gnus. Oitrt'niiM (Charles Frorck, manager).— New people week of 24: Frank U Perry, Myrtle Delno. Mr. nnd Mrs. Al. Talhert, Aniietta Do Snuchei, and (he T* Blancs. Floldlna over: Minnie Fayette, Lillian Marr, Tom Glbbert I>ou Donthltt. Irene Meyers, Mary Sawtcllc, Mildred Barrett, concluding In addition to the regular atock, new people for week of 24 are: Edith Dumicsnc, Burton und Osborne, and Irene Hatfield. Manhattan (Crltmlan Bros,, mennao^).— People week of 24 : The Madderns, M>v Kelly, Tom Carlton, Joe Downey, Emma Wallace* Harry Harrison, and Joe A. Black,? ■- Noths. —Through the dollvery of a rather tardy lettor, Harry Harrison has learned of the death of his mother, Mrs. Amelia M. Mc- Dermott, who died In Dublin, Ireland, Jan. Ii, 1005. For some, unaccountable reason Mr. Hatrlson was kept la Ignorance of his mother's death until a few daya ugo, owing to the non-delivery of a letter thuL had been posted over a year and a half ago..... .Jobn Hoblnson's Circus played to crowded tents 13. Itlchmond.—At tho Academy of Music (Jake Wells, mnnager) "Forty-live- Minutes from Broadway" played to a crowded house Sept. 18. "Sergeant Kitty" drew splendid at- teudanco 10, 20. "On Parole" 24, Chus. B. Han ford 28, 20. Bijou (Chos. I. McKee, manager).-Week of 17 '"Hie Mflllonolro Detective" proved a good drawing can). "Not Yet, But Soon," 24-. 20; "Lovers and Lunatics" Oct. 1-6. Seattle.—At the Grand Opera House (John Curt, manager) William Collier, la "On the Quiet," had capacity attendance Sept. 0-12. Richards & Prlngle's Minstrels 10-18, "The Royal Chef" 21-23, HI Henry's Minstrels 28, 20. Seattle (Russell & Drew, mansgers).— The Taylor Co., In "Stolen By the Gypsies," scored n big success, to record breaking at- tendance, 0 and week. "A Mad Love,' by Edward Salter's Co., 16 and week. "Uncle Josh Perkins" 23 and week. Third Avbnue (Russell & Drew, mana- gers).—Season opened with the Cbas. A. Tay- lor Co., In "The white Tigress of Japan," 16 and week. 23 nnd week, tbe Taylor Co., In "Kocaped from the Harem." Stab (E. J. Donellan, manager).—New peo- ple 17 and week: The Berry Troupo. Billy Clark, L. M. Slocnm. Cliff Dean and company, Marie Ln Clair, George Roescb, and moving pictures. oiiriiKi'M (T. J, Consldlne, manager).— New people 17 and week: Paul La Drew, tbe Hendersons, Jimmy Roberts, Herbert Brooks and company, Wills and Collins, George F. Kcane, and moving pictures. Pantaokh' (Alex. Pontages, manager).— New people 17 and week : Gaston and Harvey, Gorton and Jcauotte, Three Leondors, La Rose and Morrell, Maud Bailey, Arthur i;i- wcll, and moving pictures. Notk. —Pantagcs' new stock company house has been named the Lois, us a compliment to tbe wife of Manager Pantagcs. .... .1, .,,+ Snoknne.—At the Spokane Theatre (Dan L. Weaver, manager) the Roclan Opera Co., week of Sept, m, In repertory, had big busi- ness. The Juvenile Bostoulans 24-26. "Checkers," with Hans Roberts, 27-2B. WAtmiNOTON (G. M. Dreher. manager).— Week of 10: Lillian Chick, .1. c. Nugent nnd company, Chas A, Loder, Summers and Mul- lancy. Master Elliot, Josephine aimmcrs, Charles Allman und the blograpb. Ai.:i)iToniir.M (Harry Heywaid, manager). —Jessie Shirley, In' "Victor Durand," week of 10, had S. It. 0. Columuia (G. M. Dreher, mnnager).— VmidevllLo week of 23. "As Told In the Mills" 30. SroKANnlXTBRHTATU FAIR GkotiNHS (Itobt. H. Cusgrove secretory and manager).—The exhibition and Nat Relas' shows 24-0ct. 0. Notks. —Charles Strine announces that the Metropolitan Opera Co. will be beard ln Spokane and various parts of tbe Northwest tho coming season Arthur De Tu will present an Indian drama, dealing with in- dlnn life and presented by Indian actors from the Flathead reservation of Montana, at tho Spokunc Theatre, week of Oct. 3, previous to making u tour of the East and middle West. Lycbuu (C. it. I'hllley, manager).—"The Cow Puncher" drew well filled houses 18, 10, and gave a very pleasing performance. Martin's "U. T. C. opened 20, for three nlgbta and matinee; "Chinatown Charlie" 23, 24, "Peck's Bad Boy" 3D, 26, Bohemian Burlesqners 27-20, "The Four Corners of the Earth" 30. Get, 1. HeMy & Wood's 2, 3, "At the World's Mercy" 4-0. Lyril' (Frank De Atley, manager).—Tbe Curtis Musical Comedy Co. .close 22, after a very successful engagement of three weeks. Crystal Park (Fred Cosman, mnnager). ■—Business continues good. The people for week of 23 Include: Warnecke, W. G. Rogers, It. M. Bailey, tbe Bartlnos, and Cosman's moving'pictures. Norn.—RIngliug. Bros,' circus comes 24. 4i» CANADA. Tub Tiiratorium, the nickel moving a\c ture show does a paylug business. Note.— Dreamland Park Theatre closed the regular season 16, but will put on amateurs Sunday night. " #-*♦ . KENTUCKY. Lnul-vHle.—At Macauley'a (Jno. T. Mac* ouley, mnnager) Nat C. Goodwin played Sent *J"% presenting "Tbe Genius" and "When Vje Were Twenty-one," to splendid audiences Edna Goodrich, bis leading lady, come In for a largo shore of tho applause. Robert Paton Glbbs, Noll O'Brien nnd Gordon John- stone wcru effective. Wilton Lockaye, In "The Land of Nod," 24-21). . **«■»*, W Masonic (Chus.- A. Shaw, manager) — "The Yankee Consul," week of 17, attructed tine attendauce. "Sunday" 24-20 ■ Avbni;e (Chas..A. 8haw ( manager).—"A Man b Broken I'romlse," week of 10, packed this honse. For week of 23, "The Eye Wit- ne«s." * BiicKiNOHAit (Wballen Bros., munugers) —Wllllaur Imperial Burlesquers, wei'k of 111 M'p. [.. 1 1. j. I ,L-) HtAaA rt ►. ., I , . r - l I . . l -m. * Montreal. — At His Majesly'R (IT. Q. Krookn. manastr) "The Gingerbread Man" returned, to big houses, Sept. 17-^^. Hubert Mnntell 24-29. R S. Wlllard next Academy of Music (Walter Greavea, man. ... otrcr).—Kcllnr delighted big attendance last IJ'J'.R.'iLiSP'WjH' "^J ="t showeeeu wee*. "Panhandle Tete" 2-1-2B. "The Girl »»'•"'•■«■»»». In the olio l'nullne Mornn, rrom Broadway" mat. l>/ay and Oraham, Deonzo and McDonald, Fiiancais (K. W. Le Clnlr, manacer} The Mur l>ny and Magee, and Zlmiuer furnished I Smart Set came to good business last week 5r,°S r , a , mra ? '?»' 9 "P-to-dnte. For week of •Huled Off the Iurr f 24-20. 2J. Miner's Americans. BotAl (II. C. Kgerton. manager).—Fair ■ "<"' K "', 8 ,("in. Rclchnan, manager).— houses greeted the Nightingales. Co. last week *&? W .^V fiSS! a 'L aoa Btand, In a new The Broadway Girls 24-20. Sam Devcrc's Co , "■ e ? tltle tl Tbe Stage Manager," kept the Jiouse In a roar, and made a big hit. Robert W hltt er nnd company. In "Tangled Rela- tions, made n decided Impression. For week '• Adelaide Herrmann und company. next. National Fkancais (Paul Cazeneuve, man- ager).—The permanent French stock com- pany, In "The Adventure of Joe Luchanee " had good receipts last week. "Thermldor" 24-20. Deb Nouveautbs (R. Haven*, manager).— The permanent French stock company, In "Le Itcvell," did well week of 17. "f«. pm„,„..„ du Volsaln" 24-20. "l.t'a Pommcs Toronto.—At the Princess (O. B. Sheo- pard, manager)- Richard Carle, In "The Spring t.'hlclien." drew big business Sept. 17-22. Lawrence D'Orsay 24-20. Grand (A. .7. Small, manager).—"Busy Iszys Vocation" drew big business 17-22. Kellur 24-20. MUBHTiri (A. J. Small, manager).—"Ruled Ql the Turf" drew good business 17-22 "Her First False Step" 24-29. HTAit (.7. Shea, manager).—Bill week of 17: rime, E. Krsns and company, .1. 1\. Murray und Clara Lane, Sam WntHon, Marecna. Ncvaro nnd Mareenu, the Slmrn Bros., Hhorty and Shorty, tho klnctogniph, Dave Lewis. " ..H TA ",."'' ■'■ sta,r ' manager).—Tho Tlgor LUlH Ilur.esiiuera had capacity 17-22. The Nightingales 24-20. . i . KIAnVLAND. of 23: Smith and Campbell, jane" CoVrthope 1 'a'nit cnmpnny, Carlisle's dogs and ponies, La Von and Mc Brian, Mens. Herbert, Ethel Iloblu- son and klnodrome, Notbs.— Barnum * Bailey's Circus billed tho city thoroughly for 24 The Louis- ville State Fair opened 17, for a week. The attendance was phenomenal, and assures a permanent exhibition ln the future. , I'iiiI.m-hIi —At the Kentucky (T. TV. Rob- erts, manager) Mnhura's Minstrels, Sept. 20, had good business, "The Phantom Deter- llve." 21, played to fair business. "A Thor- oughbred Tramp." 22, did well. "Happy llool gan" 26 "She, Looks Good to Father'' 27, "In Old KcututAty 28. *++ WISCONSIN. Milwaukee,—"The Lion und the Mouse" appeared Inst week ut the Davidson Theatre (Sliermun Brown, manager), repeating Its big hit of last season. 'The Umpire" Sept. "Tlio Land of Nod" 27. |tl ' Baltimore—At Ford's (Charles E Ford, ranungcr) Sept. 24 and week, "Little johnnv Jones," followlug "Miss Dolly Dollars," which was well received week ending 22. "The Virginian" next. Tnconin.—At the Tacome Theatro(Charlee II. Herald, manager) "The Royal chef," wltk Marry Hcrmseu and Miss HutchCHon, Sept. 10, 20: A- L. Wlllard, In "Monte Crista." 22; Richards & Prlngle's Georgia Minstrels Grand (Dean II. Worlcy, manngor).—Week commencing 17, "Mamsello Manhattan," by James and Sadie Leonard, supported by Rich- ard Andei-rion; Tuscano Brothers, Lew Pai- nter, Wilson and Rich, Margaret Newton and company. In "Lovo's Strategy," featuring Charles Homan; Jnmea Burke, Illustrated song, und Grandlscopc. Stah (II, M. Owens, manager).—Week commencing 17, Allen Stock Co., No. 2, pre- senting "Shomus O'Brien," with E. Victor Ulllnnl. CnxsTAJ, (W. J. Tlmmons, manager)— Week commencing 17: Derenau nnd Green, Broadway Comedy Trio, Sadie Hlte, George Jones, Elmur Crosby. Tom Ln Roso, In Illus- trated song, and motion pictures. SlliniKllT (Kdwln Thanhnuser, manager).— 'The Greater Love," lfl-10, proved an artis- tic production, which was highly appreciated. Aubrey Boueicuult, as Mozart, received muny nnttcrlug notices. "Tho Bovo Route" 23-20, Before nod After" 27-20. AurAMhiiA (Jan. A. Hlgler, manager).— "The Volunteor Organist," 10-22, received n good share or attention. ''Gay New York" 23. Bijou (John le. Pierce, manager),—Rose ns," 10-22. "Mr. — Trottman, manager).— Ai.!iAp«nrs (Robert E. Irwin resident man. f' D 'Eamlnnd Burlesquers, with Dave Mnr- agor).—Another J-"-"' - in , ftil"*!™l Z*f Ion. was i m3in.l Bcntley, Julius T era, the'' P Dnlsy i^ancereV'beaded"! y""Doroth eklu Zouaves scored heavily" Jordnni Brlhdnmonr and Albaugh" atoek 8HFMK *" n '"f, 001 ^;,. .P" 1 '<" »«* ot .?t : sketch plnyere, Beth Frnnklyn Runs WbvtJt J/'" Tbr S" Oardlnor Children. Francesco Red- Sara llewfs and Harry Redding In^ 4ho' ?'"*,«« ™»l'!! 1 >'y. Kobert Noure. Woods aod Chums." Tho opening week's bualneas wis ™JHH 3ac i, h , lne °" d '> 6 L'rystalgraph. very satisfactory, despite the heat. ..j''I* i n T""""'P™ 8 A™*- S*fl« «ok <* AlJDlroniiiM (J. L. Kcrnan manna-er) — ,7. ' ,clua i !: , Kflmy Moore, Harry H. Boyd, !«)— TroBk ami La Vlgue, Contlno ond Lawrence, Lender, ^nnS^lm^^MlnM BSJ£S£ »°'* f 24 a 2,,. nti Mixpah'? c'iosed X. m -?TnT& ^^A^ (Robert E. Irwin resident ninn. Tl '° D ™>">lnnd Bnrlesauei., . er good bill 2™'\V-l"de«°'ffcae LM? ^"^ """ ' ,pI "' 0, " 1 ' 11j0 Uerry sl^sw^S^ I?^f?is n - wint "' ™-«i«i-Tb. Dancers, headed livniVSt?. J. 7 ..?^" 1 " >unves. scored heavily last week. .. 'Rrenkin.; Intn SeS! " u " 1 " 1 vione, con Society." "Tho Hallroom Boy?' made «Md "HI un ?„ Kl ['fX- •»« Korin » Grl! «S- ... . -" ^io?k"rKrt J"Mh Afllimea Francolse Circle, of The Four Mortons 24-21), In Society." "Tho Hallroom Be week ending 22. "Around the" crock" ES. ,.,J i0TK ?-"" Th<! A ."'once Francolse Circle, of Hoi.i.ioav BTBltn (Oeo W Rife m„ n „ Milwaukee, organised Inst year, Is planning ger).—"Queen nf the Convicts" Is current ?" e ' llb<> ,™ tB nrogramme. At lenkt one J. J. Corbott closed a fair week 22 wtth F™"* Ploy will bo produced monthly, Oc- "Thc Burglar and the Lady." "Custer'. £.° b ? r ,0 S"9! -Contracts for a new Last Fight" next. t-uoter» borlcanuo theatro have been let, and work Mahyi.— «•» Missomti. "Custer's ,«, ,,.»l. i ...,— - ,.» ...... li,. ,, ,, ,, BMW ---- ......Attn (,T. h. Keraan, manaaor> —Th#. SH. ? fleD . commenced at Third and Wella Keith bill for 24-2Q promlseH w" if w th iff HtrQ , ot - lt w,n cost $100,000 and will be ward Iiavls, Nora Bsvch, tho Four Ford» H™* J 1?.* *• Productions now playlnn the the Labokans, Lucy and Lueler, Clulrc Bcasv's KL w,n "JPP«r rJ i*«- Manager Leon cats, ana George fa. Woods. " ,lu »™aya Wschsner will star Gorman dramatic per- Blaney's UT. E. Blaney. manairer^ —"A Jormancea at the Pnbat Sept. 23, with "Der Woman of Fire" 2-I-20. BUnacer bIsih.*'. 'fairer von Klrehflcld." new play. "Tho Olrl 'Hafflea," ga« c«H *'* "?he n Gv an SffllWl opnortunlt y m«t week. NEBRASKA. 0&THT. <\V. h. Ballouf. manager) The ^ on -,..T5 n J .,? urI e B, l ue . r8 . 2 * : ?». The Dainty ♦ ■» CON1VE.OTIOUT. New Haven.—At tbe Hyperion (Sam S. & Lee Shubert. manHgers) Joseph and Wil- liam M, JelTerKou, In their new eontody <ln* IHni perfonuanee), "l'luylng the Game, was a s'gnnl succeeis Sept. 17, "The Vlrgtnlna ' had a good house 18. "The Llttlo Stranger'* drew good returns 20. LouIb Mann und t'lara T.tpman had largo audiences 21. 22. "It Happened In Nordland" 24. an Irwin 2fi. "The Student King" 20, 27, "Tha Col- lege Widow" 28. 20. Ni:w Havkn (C B. Bunnell, mnnager).— Kiissrll Bros. itre,v good busluess 17-10. "A Southern Vendetta" had good returns 20-22. "The Ninety and Nino" 24-20, "The Man of Her Choice* 27-21». rm.i'M (S. Z. Felt, proprietor).—Hill week of 24 : Wlllard Slmms and company, Expo- sition Trio, Kcno, Welch nnd Melrose, James 11. Cull»ii, Tanner and Gilbert, Leila Taylor, and Bailey nnd Fletcher. Bum: 18. 'A. Poll, manager).—This popu- lar bouse opened Hie season- 17, a,nd was crowded to the rioo-a. The stock company presented "Mistress Nell' with excellent sue- cosh, The compuny loelndes: Gertrude Ship- man, Lawrence B. McGIII, Dorothy Lamb, Frerett Buttcrueld, Margaret Hagcn, Lucius Fnlrchlld, Kdlth Crollus, William F. CanOeM, Harry Langdon, Kmrna Wallace, Guy May- nard. Frank Wallace Jr., William O'Nell and Harry West. ., ,.i Notes.— Frederick J. Wlndlsch, for 1 tha" last four years connected with Thn Erenlna Leadvr, has Iteeu ap)>olntcd resident maruiger of Poll's. Mr. Wlndlsch takes the "place of .1. II. Hooking, for the last eJeven years the mnnager. ond who now goca to Mr. Poll's new enterprlaeH In Scrantou and wilkce- Bnrre, i'u. Ilnrtford.—At Parsona' (II. C. TareonB, manager) Dustln Farnum, In "The Virgin- ian," Sept. It), 20, played to good business. Kiuinus City.—At the Willis Wood lOBt week "Korty-flve Minutes from Broadwnv" opened Sunday night, to big btTulness, which kept ii'.> the entire week. This week, "The Free Lance." "The Girl and tlio Bandit" Sent. 300ct. 3. Gkano Opcha IIouhb. —Last week Chuim- cey Olcott played to his annual packed busl- iicbs, In "Elleeu ABthore." This week, "Fan- tastna," and next week, "The Yankee Consul." OiU'iiBtm.—This week's bill: Paul Spa- (tonl, Waterbury Bros, nnd Tennv. Macnrt's dogs nnd moukeyn, Hlliv Vnc, tli" Lucaula Trio, Lllllp.n vVuh'ey. and Charles I^edegnr. AuuiTOituiM.—Last week the Woodward Stock Co. gave very fine performances of "ln Old Heidelberg;.' Kvn Lang and Geo. Arvlno Iwtb did oxceltent work. This week, "Mice and Men.'* "Mr. Smooth" next. GiMtia.—Last week "Chinatown Charlie" thrilled good alxed audiences. Tha Hlstera Ktowart and Harry Field Introduced sprctal- lles. This week, The Four Corners of the Kartb." Next week, "Secret Servlre Sam." Ci.NTi.'nv.—Last week tbe Brlgndlcra, with Tim Heely, Bernard Williams and Jack Sim- p.ons, nlossed dell&htcd uudlenccs. ThlBweek, (be Jolly Girls. The Bohemians next Majmstic. —Last week W. S. Clark's J* 1 ;- sry Miles scored a hit. This week, the Roue Hill English Folly Co. Next week, the Night Owls. Elrctric PAtiK.—The last week of the sea- son saw good crowds. The Kilties Band, Tpe- i.sle Marshall, the Lockbart Sinters, and Blliv Helm were the attractions. The season Jiut closed proved to be one of the most successful In the history of the park. CunmiHOt.—Tho Row 3. Slrubert The- atre is nuaounced to open Oct. 1, with "Toe Karl ond tho Girl." Blngllog Bros.' Circus Sept. 24. — ■ ■ '■ • mm St. Joseiih.—At Tootle's Tlieatre (C. TJ. Phtltey. mnnager) James O'Neill, In "Monto Crlsto," had good business Sept. 10. Joseph Cawthorn, in "Tbe Free Lance," comes 22, Omaha—At Boyd's Thtatro (W. J. Bur* gess manager) James O'Neill, In "Monto Crlsto," drew good houses Sept. .21, 22. Ed- win Arde.i, ln "Told In the Hills." opened n four night n' engitgenient 23. "The Girl and the Bandit" 27-20. Fay Templeton, lu "Forty- five Minutes from Broadway," 30 and week. BtniwooD (W. J. Burgess, manager).—The Woodward jStoek Co. contlnuen to capacity nucbesfl did well, closing 22i Vanity Fur Burlesque Co. next. * «f. M ? NU1 , rK , N J TAL ( J - L - Kernan. manager).— Williams' Idea Extravogsnzn Co. this 5 week. The Avenue Girls closed 22. Merry Bur lesnuers next. «*«ry our mfiHSF&Sll {»?.', H- tnwton, manager).— woodward stock Co. continues to capacity ML nnd Itoilu White head tho Hat 24, which mislness. "The Altar of Friendship" wob well 9?W Reev « nod Kennoy. Juliet Win- I>«t on week of 16. "The Lady of Lyons" 23, storj Wilson and Mae, Harry Brcen and Mu- "turned Up" 80. Blcal Do Veaux. " "'" MntJDM (Martlo Beck, general mana- < ■» . per).—Paul Spadonl headed n very good bill last week, which drew large audleaccB. Week of 23: Basque Quartette, McWnttera nnd Ty- son, Collins ana Hart, Burton nnd Brooks, ILLINOIS. Inrod well 19. "Pejgj f rom and the Lad. Kbuo (C. 8. Breed, rnnnsiier).—"Arizona" Paris'"' i!0. ; ''6ora""fnorne"' I, 3°'irior*enr5V^f»'! »■ ,«"• "Hmctlon 23, ?4. "Clilnatown 24-20, "The Yankee ("nsuP "s "SI Pi?,il y S n . l 'l c ' v 2r> - 20 ' "At the World's Mercy" 2T; ard" 20. "Tli. Slew p°ke" SO* ' S ' Plut " 1- <"'. V"**? "»™ Mr 30. "Bedford's Hope" Oct. 1 end week. Martln'a "U. T. C." drew large nndlenccs Sept. 30, 17. "No Mother to Onlde Her" had good business 18, 10. 'J-nntnsma" had Inrce midtenccs 20-22. Nrn-KSj—Tho Ak-Sur-Dcn festivities occur .. 'The Slow Poke" 30. rtMOtl (Patrick & McCoMult, msua.ers). -l-'urrent Mil: Hectors and Majors, Wll Shei-dnr.. Oeor«ln Lewis. Minnie Vestal, , Orvlllo Ilccrc nnd tho Illjongraph. '""""""' •ngX"^!.tmted^T«i? t ^!;rB b ir„r 0 ° n ' , d ^^?VZ^^^WS&M .To- Orncll have combined, and wll tsko ,S» d '"'i. "SK"" ot tlle Auditorium 1T-22. rwliiaaHketelile.ii,. ".'.. niVliIh «nd Krank ™ *m-*ml 10, Indefinitely. Msvkee. of the Market Family" h"™ tSS "*" s Ilec-mnr.—At the Powers Grand Given, ir-nunaer) W, " --- WEST VIRGINIA. wiie.iinu —At the Court Theatre (E. B. I- rnnrhelm, manager) Itohert Lornlne, la "Mun und Bupermnu." Sept. 19, had big re- Given rrnneaer) w n K««. G f lld ,, ( '' '■ M " n <W »"PC™"">." Sept. 19. had big re- Dtal ■ ■■S, aPow Poke "•M^! t .i*°' ln l '.' 8 "» '."""<■ ' M » u(1 » Vm\y, In "The Illusion of K' 15 'K fc. W. 1 ,}*! 1 >«»' Beatrice." 20, did well. "Little Jonnor H5r-MtroSff '^/"' .•''?. deserved • one»." 22. had aood return-,... .••Chnrl.y \ ,ter patronage. fairly well 18, Al If SsuZL "li'W, a !* Aunt" 24, '"iier Own" Way'"'1Y.'"Howe* pic- the AlnV' 20 niCj «,. i ""'■ E Met » '" tun * -»■ 20. ' played to good Aule. a„d V^^SSSSnS^SSSi ^C^tTk^n, mmt *>^*<"