The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 29, THE ZFEW YORK CLIPPER. 831 Grease-Paint and Burnt Cork Removed Without the Aid of Cold Cream It easily, quickly and thoroughly removes all trace of grease-paint, burnt cork or any other make-up, without the aid of cold cream or without the slightest injury to the most delicate complexion, leaving the skin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. ■WASH-UP" MADE EASY rOI SALE BY DBUOGISTS AND OBOCEBS ^TWM, WALTKE & "WILL COMPANY Uaed and endorsed by the leading membere of every branch of the profession. We want every member of the profession in the United States, to test the merits of Lava Soap. Send ns your nam* and address, and we will send you ABSOLUTELY FREE A SAMPLE CAKE OF LAVA SOAP. SAINT* LOUIS, U. S. A. of 17 good attractions had good returns. l'pople week of 24: Adnrrm nnd White, Brad- Icy and DavlB, Margerle Moore, Gladstone SfBtora, illustrated Bonga and moving pictures. Under the tents, N0TK8 TOOK GOLLUAR BltOS.' SHOWS.— Business 's fine, but, of course, like all uhowfl, we have had a few weeks of light buslnesn, but the Beacon's business Is far In advance of any previous year. We expect to close our season on or about Nor. 20. The outfit will then be shipped to Winter quarters, where the show will receive a thorough re- novntton. New and larger cagea and dens will he made to take the place of some of tbo suinller ones now In use. Last week we received a new and larger big top, a menag- erie top and dressing room top, and two more sleepers, ono lunch car and a dining car. A Hnt nnd stock cars will be added for next season and to use a phrase, Uollinnr Bros.' Show will be 'It' next season. When the press and public proclaim this organiza- tion the cleanest in the buslneBB, there Is ucj reason why It shouldn't grow and enjoy prosperity. There has been a few slight ac- cidents nnd some little illness Id the show, hut the doctors have eliminated the trouble. J. Delinar Andrews Is hack with the show, doing excellent banner work. Cam. Mayer Is Btltl with the llagenbcck Greatest Shown, doing well. Tin; Srlta-I-'loto Shows are making great preparations for their forthcoming Mexican tour. They are doing n big business at pres- ent, through Texas, and winning high praise. The Mexican headqunrters are at Hotel Gnardlola, City of Mexico, where the several Lends of departments, W. It. Musgatc, sd- vnnce manager; H. E. (Punch) Wheeler, gen- eral press ngent, and Wllllnni Sells, director general, can always be reached. Notes from Al. r. Wheeler's New Modki- Siiowh. —We have Just finished the twentieth week of the most procpcrouB Ben- son ever cnJoyoJ by the New Model, and aro now headed South, It liclng Mr. Wheeler's In- tention to remain out until Dec. 1 or later. Several changes have been made in our ros- ter the nnat week, owing to some of our peo- ple having Winter engagements with hnll Shows. Wilfred Marlon, hand balancer nnd clown; Harvey Litis, cornet; IS. J. Fish, clarionet; Fred Peats, tuba, and Karl How- ard, trap drummer; Joined the past week for our Southern trip. ABslstunt Manager Adnm (iHleBpie purchased a fine road horse for bis private use tant week, nnd now takes the dust from no person. Our annex, under the management of Prof. M. Kcdnav, Is still get- ting big money, and Kd. H. Bell, superin- tendent of privileges, Is seen sending homo "blue paper* nearly every day. Krnnk Pea- body Is boBS hostler, and the show moves over the rond as "slick as grease." while Fllnckey Hurtnett, superintendent of canvas, nlwnys has the tops up with the sun. Next eeason will find the New Model more than doubled its pretttnt slue. Nutks rnoii Paull Bros.' Show. —Every- thing Ib moving nlong nicely. We close our Summer season Sept. 15. and will open our Winter tt-ur Oct 4. We will carry several or our old people, some of whom bnve been with ub four years. We have a full line of new pnper and are booked neorly solid. ■ A NUATI.Y HOUND BOOK OP POKMS, by Wil- li! rd Douglas Coxey, press representative for Bnrnum A Bailey's Circus, has Just reached thin It «s entitled "Heart Songs and Other Verse." There are a number of poems in the book, which Is prettily nrrsnged. PuniLU'NKB will arrive In New York about Oct. 10. The season closed Sent. 15. The Havana season will open about Nov 15, Dan DtfCMW returned from Cuba Sept. 20, after u seuson with Publlloucs. Jar. B, Doneoan, manager of the Dunedln Troupe of Bicyclists, now performing with iha Forepnugh & Selle Shows, offers a reward lor Information of the whereabouts of Harold Spencer .Dunedln, a fourteen year old boy, who ran away, or was kidnapped at Bnraboo. W|s., July 0, l«. He Is an English boy, aud his parents, who live la England, are very much worried about the boy. _ Notes from 3mm Old Tims Coiinthv Circus,— We closed our season Sept, 18, at Wnrrensburgb, W. Y. Tho Inst four weeks of the season were played at the fairs In North, ern New York, to splendid business. The boow Is now in Winter quarters. Some I'hanges will be made in the style of the bIiqw for next season by adding a trained animal exhibition. Most of the neviormcrs aro ro- pngHged for next season The show will open In Greenwich, N. Y., and cover the Bame route ns last year. M ... • Frank Bostotk will aend a troupe of his to Havana Id October, after which it will go to South America for a tour. Mr. Bos- lock snlled for Rurone Sept. 20. to open bis exhibition In the Paris Hippodrome. Buffalo Bill'h Wirn Wbst Birow closed Its four years* tour of Europe at Brussels, Bolg., Sept. 21. and Col. Cody sailed from Antwerp 22, for America. The show will snl! Oct. 0, and commence the Inst American tour prior to Col. Cody's retirement. Thb Famous Hllrt Troupe, aerial bar performers, report meeting with success wllh the Carl Hagenbcck Shows, and are re-en- g'nged for next season. _ . »,.. M Notes from Gollmar Bros.' Siiowh.— Business Htlll continues big with the Gollmar Pros.' Shows, and we are turning them away every day. The feature acts, the Flying Nel- Kc-ns. tho Fetlle Family. Notexel Family, and other big acts, are scoring henvfly at every performance. Quite a lot of sickness has pre- vailed In the show this season, and at present our physician Is the busiest man here. John Hlggtns, of Beach A Bowers' Minstrels, Is a feature recently added to the concert, Will T. Miller, side show manager of Al. F. Wheeler's Annex for the past two seasons, hli Joined Miles Orton's Southern Shows, in tho same capacity. ! -♦»»> Fbom the Bldrldge & Meakln M&nrtlonn. —Our first attraction will be "The Morn- ing After," with Geo. Cnrson as the star, opening on Oct. 15, at Mt. Vernon. N. Y. In Jannary we will present "Mlrnbeau. a new historical romance, written WL««Jg Eldrldgo. founded upon tho life of the fa- mous French revolutionist. Feb. 1. Ruth H* drldgo will be featured in "The Masque of the White Roso,' n romance of the sixteenth century, written by James MncArlhur ana Max Pembertnn. __ ., Gboeob E. Warmi*. for twenty years edi- torial writer nnd drnmntlc critic tor The Rochcttrr Democrat and Chronicle, died on Sept 18. He was nearly sixty years old. oivvnis IN THlu PROFESSION. Willis i; Boyeh, long associated with Daniel Sully ub mnnsger. died on Thursday, Sept. 20. on his farm near Snugertles. N. y., aged about fnrty-nvo years. About three weeks ago he wns forced to return home on account of an attack of heart failure. Under Mr. Boyer's direction. Daniel Sully was a prosperous star In "The Corner Grocery," "The Pnrlsh Priest" nnd other plays. For the past season Mr. Boyer was associated with Joseph M. Galtes in the manngement of "The Maid and the Mummy." His wife survives him. Daisy Golden , of the Golden Trio, known In private life as Mrs. Wyatt A. Lee, died at the Altoona Hospital, Altoona, Pa., on Sept. 4, after a surgical operation. She had been on the vaudeville stage since she was a small child, and during her career played with the John L. Sullivan Co., Wbnleo & Martell's. Hyde & Behmau's. 11. A. Jacobs'. Sam T. Jnck'B and many others. Two little children, ber husbnnd and her mother sur- vive her. Interment wns In Mt. Olivet Ceme- tery, Washington, D. C. Neil Grey, a minstrel nnd actor, whose name In private life was Cornelius B. Com- meyer. died on Sept. 22, nt his home, 205 Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.. from npoplcxy. He ws» born In New York City, June 0, 1830. In 1850 ho began his pro- fessional career with various minstrel com- panies, nnd later wns a comic singer In Bar- num's Museum, at Ann Street and Brondwny, In iHiiii, Entering the dramatic profession, he filled stock engagements In Albany. N. Y.; the Old Bowery Theatre, New York; City; Mrs. Drew's Theatre. Phllndclphla, and Mc- Vlcker's Theatre, Chicago. Ho also ap- peared In support of Booth, Barrett, Charles Mntbews, Charlotte Cushman, Miss Nollson and Mrs. Flskc. Interment wns In Green- wood Cemetery, N. Y. William Tuuner, better known In the pro- fession as Billy Turner, character comedian, died nt the house of his wlfe'B parents, In New London, Wis., Sept. 11, aged forty-seven years. He was n member of the theatrical profession over thirty years, and wns re- cently a member of the John Hothner Co. Mr. Turner was mnrrlr*d In Highland, wis.. July 2, 1803, to Isabella Crowell. who was a member of Hoyt's companies. Mr. Turner had been a sufferer from consumption for years, althouRh his denth was very sudden. Ho Is survived by his wife, three sisters and two brothers. The remains were burled at bis wife's home. William H. Caktek. n veteran Cnnndlnn manager of Jubilee singers, died suddenly from henrt failure, Id Chicago, III., Aug. 27. He started his iroiessloiinl career with the O. Banyon Jubilee Singers, In 1870, and three years Inter orgunlzed the Famous Can- adian Jubilee Singers, nnd toured Europe nnd North America. In 1001 ho organized the Canadian Colored Concert Co., of which he wns mannger up to the time of bis death. The remains were taken to Hamilton, Out., for Interment. Nelmm A. Lbiohton. of the LtUhtoa. vaudeville performers, died on Sept. 2, after an Illness of five weeks. 4 i » MASSACHUSETTS. It MIUfi'MiiOW JiIKN-The great-m Tent or I Platform Money Octtor is the 3-WYBD CATA- I POOKA with Lecture and Sxio Painting, W. List. free. wm. nelson, 8 Van Korden St.. W. Cambridge. Mass. SKETCHES, Travesties, Uuriejques, etc., written to order. Onlvthetiostorlglosl work fur- Dished to profesplonalB. Jos. Ketshaw, 82U liut- tonwooti St., Plilla. FOB. SALE—Prop. Animals for ono and two men. Elephant, Hole, Horse, Giraffe. Lion, Donkev, Hull. Bear, Oat, Dogi Rooster, etc. New goods never mod. E. WALKEK'S PROPKUTY ROOMS, 2H9 Eighth Ave., New Yora. Oall and examine. TROMBONE PLAYER, expcrlonccd Hand and OrcboBira. Locate or travel. R. DALM, Mil E. 86th Street. New York. AT LIBERTY. Owing to disappointment, CHAUNCEY P. UOORE, 11. and 0, Leader, First Violin, Slide Trombone, Arrange, tako down from voice and transpose. Good library of miiMc. LULA OUEnoLD, Leading Woman. Quick and reliable study. Tickets. 2434 N. 40th Av., Chi- ago, lit. _^ FOB SALE-Mft. Hound Top, 2 30ft. Middle Pieces, lOrL Whii, Poles, Knlla.riuys. Stakes; all complete. iiFt'il •: ninnttiH, Atsotwoisrgo Gay Lights with folding Joint*, w Jets each; ten lengths Re- served Scats, folding backs: i* length* common Seals, -on. Stage. Bacrlllco all or part. Best utTor. A.J. YOUNfl. all Huron 8t., Clevelanfl O. WANTED—Band sod Orciestra Lender, sober Musicians sod Specialty People: also Small Colored Band for No. 2 Shaw. Both shows going South for Winter. Live on our private cars, state lowest salary. Must Join at once. JAY TEEL'.H SHOWS, Parsons, W. Va. PARTY WANTED, with $300 Tor H Novelty Automobile AoL Address R. MOOOROY. 410 W, Mth St., N- Y. 01 ty. WANTED, For Kelgicy's Cotnediana, People In all lines, for Three Night Rep., those doing specialties and doubling brass given preference. Co. pays expenses. Toll all ana make ralsry low first letter. No ilmo to dicker, will keicley Diifinolu, III. PARODIES, SKETCHES, MONOLOGUES nnd SI'EEullESwrlt-cn. 'issmpln (orlglosl) psroilles, tlM. OIIAMPNEMS, 21fi E. Ufllh St.. N. Y. WANTED. LEAD and SECOND BAHH HINOBR FOR iHJARThTTE, organizing. J. A. EMEKHON, 1048 Prtcldc St.. llronklvn, N. Y. LADY will Bell some Handsome Street and Even" Ing Dresses, $5.<u to ilft.oo. Opera Ooat, Ankle Dress, Sealskin, Persian Lamb Jacket. DESSAU, 267 W.llUhSt., 1 (light. FOR SALE—Privileges for Grata: Fair, Orat*. Pa., Oct. is to in. Somersault DogR, Troupe or Trained Doves, or will exchange for Films, Ma- chined or Magic Address PROF. MAURY SMITH, Grata, Pa. Woreeiiter.—At tho Worcester Theatre (Alf. T. Wilton, resident manager) "Ver- oniqiio" Sept. 24, -v.. Itussell Brothers 27-2U. Last week, Lafayette plsycd to good business. Kkanklin tMUim (J. F. Ilurko, resident manager).—"Tho Collego Widow" 24, "The Squaw Man" l!li. "Are You a Mason?" 27- Miiy Irwin 28. and Otis Skinner 211. "The Daughters of Men" was presented ID. 20, to large and enthusiastic audienccB. Dorothy Dounely mide » particularly strong Impres- sion. r *Thc Vlrglnlnn," 21, to B. It. O. "It Happened In Nordlaud" to good patronage 22. Poli's (J. C. Crlddle, resident ronnager). —Week of 24 : Patrice and her company. In "Gloria;" Fannie Itlce. Snyder nnd Buck- ley, the Three ltensrds, the Altben Twins. Harry Corson Clnrke and company. Wllllnin IniiKiii nnd comrmny. nnd the eleutrograpb. Pabk (Alf. Y Wilton, niBnager).—The Iisltlmnre Beauties week of 24. Last week, the Parisian Belles Co. drew excellent pat* ronago. La Belle Carmen de Vlllers proving a unique and strong attraction. Nickul Family Thbathb (Alf. T. Wilton, innnoger).—This is the former Falace The- atre, renovated and redecorated throughout. The house Is under tho direction of the Nickel Amusement Co., of New York, and will furnlfli n continuous performance of moving pictures and Illustrated Bongs. • i > Tiioa. H. Winnktt informs us that his Kmergency Piny Bureau Is very busy. Ho hnB enlarged IiIb business, and has recently placed a number of players with lending stock and repertory companies, Mr. Wln- nett in many Instances plnced tho play, en- gaged the people, rehearsed it and ordered the printing and scenery and booked the route. Mits. EhJGBMo liMNCiu J"., wife of the son of the late Signer and BIgnora Dlnnchl, tho well known operatic singers, has been taking the rest cure, and will soon resume her professional work. The San Francitvo Dramatic Itcvicw has this to say of her: "Mine. Blnnchl is coneidered ono of the most gifted of our residents, possessing both lyric nnil histrionic talents, tmd a strong soprano voice. _ .. . Manaoku Sik Williams renorls good busi- ness for the Ideals, despite the hot weather during the Washington emjngcinent. The company Include*: Frank O'Brien, Kntherlne- Klars, Clayton Frye, Ed. Manny, Abncr All, Henry Terser. Juroes Falk, Margie Hilton, Jennie Folk. Emnm Zeph, Mabel Johnson nnd a lnrce chorus. "The Other Fellow," In two acts, Is a Inugh maker. The interim- tlonnl Musical Trio. All nnd Peyser, Knther- Ins Klnre and Frank O'Brien present their Bri HnMTB,t of "A HWUUWfJI Bot" Co.—Geo. D, Bwect, mnnoger; b D. Hweet, business mannger: C. L. Henry, muBlcal director: D. C. riumle'gh, stage manager: O. & Popejoy, master or properties: Jnck Dnlroy, K 0. Hor- H« W. C. Harris, Fred W. Orr, Ed. eTDon- Dftll. Claude Boberts. C*. H. Snyder, F. W. WhMcomb, neatrlce Terry, Ethel Jtacpoiwld, Viva Orev, Marjorle Sweet nnd Baby Ulllan. Macvay avd Sbabbioiit writes: "We have been engaged as a Hneclal vaudeville fenture with 'The Midnight Flyer' Co.. No. 1, to p ny the leading black face comedy and lending soubrette. The company hus played to good business since opening nt Hammond, Ind., Aug 5, where we 'made more than good. Cirter Stook Co. Wants IMIJE WITH SPECIALTi. Juvenllo Woman and Ueavy Man. MuH bu good. No dubs. Closed two bunches already this season. Write or wire. OANN ONHH UHU, PA. WANTED QUIOK, IWELVE BANO UNIFORM, SEI Of TOM 111 TOM WMDKBAN. C.loota, I. T. BOalOUHS AT LIBIHTY—rirst Class tiornotlst and Trombonist. Two young Men. Sober and reliable. Just closed with Concert Iluiad. 11KNHY WILMAMS, 7N .North4tll St., Newark, N. J, miscellaneous. NOl'KS FItint TIIR lOXCBLKIOQ CARNIVAL Co., Wm. S. Miller, manager.—The shows tire in tholr seventeenth week, and have met with unbounded success, having to hold over In several cities for a longer period than orig- inally contracted for. Our circus has been playing to capacity everywhere, nnd people wonder bow wu can put up such a show fur the small udnilsslon charged. The following people arc engaged In the ring performances; Charles Uarvfces ponies, which are a big bit, his "hind-font" pony receiving great np- plnuBB at the finish. Dick Chnntreil, singing nnd talking clown, gets his full share of the honors: Mile. Kondeller, wire act, an excep- tionally fine one, and the Crcco Uros., In hand balancing and tumbling, while the Jug- gling of Miss Olga und Joo Crcco udd to (he General cutlsfnctlon given. I'rof. ICrnesto Muratorc has chnrge of the band. The elec- tric theatre. Introducing Miss Vet'ona, In n prismatic dunce. Is doing n line business and pleases everyone. Wo also have Lander's palace nt Illusions, Don Ford, handcuff cz- Ei'i't; Qua White, I'unch manipulator, tho an PranclBco disaster, Johanna, Ibe Afri- can pigmy; tho snake den, and many other attractions, each doing their share of busi- ness. Tho Cooelormau pleasure wheel Is do- ing well, und adds Its quota to the univer- sal enjoyment of all. NOTl]S i.'iium Mannish ft Aiisihtiiomu'h "I-'ihb and Fr.AMi;H" Co.—This production, which has been located at Wonderland Park, Kevcre, Mrus.. for the past senson, closed Sept. id. This litis Imth one of the greatest and most successful fire shows that has ever been promoted In this country, snd the busi- ness done hns been one of toe greatest sur- prises In the history of show business In the New Hnglnud States, When General Man- ager W. C. Msnnlog started to promolo the Manning & Armstrnog Klra Show, be mat wllh nothing but discouragement from peo- ple In all branches of the show business. After persistent labor he ovcrrnme all diffi- culty und attained the success for which he so strenuously worked. Tin- show has not 1iq<] a losing day In the entire season. Tho show was composed.of eighty well trained firemen, tweuty-slx bead of norses, twelve pieces of fire apparatus, and three hum!ml street people, Manager Manning Is consider- ing an oner to produce till*, his original version of n fire show, for a four months' tngngement In n forelgu cllr. Olivh Swan, of tho olive Swan Show, writes: "We have twelve bead of horses with us, and I nm making n hit with my high school he>rsc, Cupid, the horse of many colors. Also have three high Junipers, three runners, two fast pacers, two trotter*, and a bucking broncho." WANTED QUIOK, HAN TO PLOT roRBKTT'.H P.VHT III "IP ALS,'' ■m.VKI.I.I'K PART IN "An American Gentleman," AND TUB l.EAII IN "BIG HEARTED JIM." Also one or two smaller p«rts. Fow woeks work with a possibility of season. Address W. H. HARDER, BIyrkl*-ll»nl<*r Co. t AUlUStOWftt, t*»* FILMS 5 REELS, I ABOUT I,COO FEET. FROM $37.50 TO $55.00. 0 t OOO P««t, In longthi from »0 to MOO feel, «t from !| in 4 mnli ]>«r fool* I» A JL.E. Y, 40 W, ami. NT., N. Y. c. VT. C. DOWNS' Wants VHudovlllo rcople In all linos. Also Al "lano riaycr. Htuto lowest. Pay your own. Open Oct. 1H. Address, by Idler only, fu W. U, 1>UWNB, Miinug*, . i li'.' I'einiirnltoHt.. lloatnn,^fu< II virAivrjB>x>, With Snedal'y. Mn»t Join on wire. KRANK1.VN ft MLONDIN, Kll^worlh. Kas. JNO. A. HIHHEUIN WANTS MUSICAL DIRECTOR (Flush!) Must arrange. 'Join on wire. 8i«to all, imlok. Oanton. H..-24-W, Plii"**. !"• Hunt's Silver Plate Show Wants Immediately, liar I ton", Oornct and Ulnrlonct fur long season. Hsiarv sure. Treatmonl tliu host Want to buy 70ft, ft. T., with 1 f>i■- M. I'leues; miift bo alniOHt new. Abo sunnier Tont aii'i Puny curcs. Address or wire Kauinnb, N. v.. *T; Hldireilold, (Joan.. '-•s; New U-Miiiim 30; Hi'tlfunl, N. V., Oct. 1; Plensantvllleat. WANTED. FOB LOHO bEAHON, PIANO PLAYER, Udrorjtont- Weokstunds. Thoso with specially preferred. Uoo/cY I should say not. TANA, Motiunrt. Wisconsin. MARK BROS. WANT Vaudcvlllo Acts. hItirIc and doulilo, musloul pre- ferred, that work or close In one: llrst-olass Hcenlu Artist. OdKotiHhurfT, s. v., woek zt; Watortowo, N. Y., week Oct. 1; Oswego. N. V., wegk Out. 8. Permanent add., II. \V. MAKK H. Perth , OnUrlo. WANTED QUICK, TO JOIN OH WiitK, Man with complete Moving I'lcturo Outfit, Musi- slcluns, Spuclalty People. All must do two or nv-re turns, Unas. Uessley, write, Ad<lrnss IIUOWN, LKR k HKKI>, Bupt. JT, UcVoytown, 1'u.; 2H. Mlillln; m. Petit Hoy*!. For Sale, Life Sin Horsa in Papier Mantle, a 10 foot uiants for parade. Klcphant for z men. made Tor opera "waiiK," nmn can ride on inn k, B. WAI.KRH, IVoporty Kooiuv, iiM Rlghth Avei., Ns Y. Props, iiisdi to order. NOTICE--* Head to Head and a Hand to IIANU llALANOt'IL AT I.IHKIll'V. Would llkn lo lolnap.rtnor. Iloft ttTIA. AililrvK. <!Ku. i:|[Ai: linN.NKl>A,6» Noilli MttlaBl ,Wnr«rl«>. CMlll. WANTED, SKETCH TEAM AND SINBLE COMEDIAN. Jlit UH Klrklln, IikIihi... WANTED, Piano Plater, lady or Kent; Musical snd other tfood pcrtorniors. Mtkoltlow, Auxwcr UlilCk. H, A. KBHNKIIY, Hremio, N. Y. 4—Sutcliffe Sisiers--4 open thno after Oct, 1. Address CLH'Ps'lt. WANTED, AT ONCE, 6000 MED. PEOPLE In ill tines. Write or wire at once. Al Piano Flayer wanted. Ifutdo I'erry. wire or write. ,. P. tt. STOItY, Hand»|.:li Centre. W. II. WANTED. MED. PEOPLE OF ALL rioiururifl D.nco Ootiionlun, ((uk'k. I.lmli nil xjur worth. TlcStl. K I kriu» Ian, Wire. I'llOK. UKO. BELM O HT, flSJMrr VlUtf. Wa.lllMloi gjj, I'n. AT LIBERTY, AOE N T IIKI.IAIll.K, KXI'K.niKSCKI. MAN. Jnln at once. Bolury rcnnonnl'ln. MM. nil AH. KENTVHAU. IS Vi.uVrumpHt.,, II. V. PRICES THE LOWEST j HARSTN & GO:, 138 East 14th Street. NEW YORK, N.Y. TBI.. :l«l'J UIIAJ1KHI V. NEVER CLOSED. Write, Wirt, Telephone. AT LIBERTY AFTER 29TH. EMOTIONAL LEADS and HEAVIES. Hot Arid claim utork or retHponillda rop^riolr« AddrcHH riKN. DKL., J'ltUtlelii, ^iim. iLlffTitilJD, AFlBSrCUSISECOJDEAHD Moving Picture Machine and Outfit. W. A. IIAIILEK, Bldr.d, Pa. NOW BOOKING. M\MB 0PBR1 HOUSE, CJMBYB&A1VD, OK LA. Population, ifiW; Hoatlns capacity, too. Wantsd, tfnod ono nlK'ii "fond for (ipunltiR nlfrlit, aboil out. in. ]lm»urtolro and onu nluln OQUMttWI wrlUir»rupen<Utui. 0. A. UUOIIWIN, Mjrr., ■ (Jtovuland, Okla. WANTED AT CNCt, VAUDEVILLE ACT8, PIANO PLAYER, ALSO PICTURE MACHINE MAN. Amir.". Waajart I. I . .roy t PaUlmor o , Md. AT 1.IIIKHTV OCT. I. Jnln iib v'r«. ai.v ln.t nliiH. Hllractlon bqj. wliere. Jii.t cid.iiil HciiHon'H engauumtnt .. I.Ol/AI. AIIK.VI' vtlili WALTBB L am AND 00L. ODMlIIMi 0IRCJ3 AND WILD WEST. Thoroufflily cxjt" r lcriiul. H^riirunoe. vxuhansed. A. J. ni xux. iinmi Hrxronl. Ii, Ham, WANTED QUICK. A aislol alt sronail ACTOR and s si SPECIALTY, ILLUSTRATED BONOS, HI TUBS MACHINE, or any Strong Aot. H'atO.I Ml MM. A.l.lrcM OTTO II. KIIALBB, M.r.. H'"»rt. wriw.' Utr <'n„ rreHrrl(tk«uiwn. Mn. WMSl'Kli, U.....I Min«liig and Talking COMEDIAN flwd na'itry to right man. Muni Join on w|re« 'flcltflth If ktiuwn, Hinift Mil In letter. OltiKNTAI. DOirreHtH. Arhannnw City, Kaw 50 CENTS FOR k BOOK OF 10 SKETCHES, » delator I mulo, I fomalt); t *cU, for -i BHlSk Monety ordoror 2 lentKtiiiiipH. Addrenn HrCHtVAltU KMrlei, I'lavwrlKlH, -W Jay Ht.. Hrookiyu, N. Y. HkbtciicM imdpiii yw writte n io wd«r._ W It Vl^^li <H ie K, i'Tniio I'liyor, « Jail Kmiiuw (frwiis,|ff|ureader,woinmi pniferred. I'rop-Tty Wnn CHpuhlo of plnyliiK '>1W wlthfiifi-ialh. PBllOY ''■ I'KCK, Jtoekiaiid, Ue., Hept. 20; Ctiindfln, VT; nmii, B; Waterrllle, av,