The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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852 the itnsw tottz. ampp&t. &BP i TEMfiEE 19 ""k.I«. M)IV KI»If CITV. A I'rdt-lor'i fonton ft,iu»re r«tk-e_ (!■:. I'. Ito^pi-B, resident mnnojer). t2M •VThraltc (H,. K Hoger., reftldom manager). .V^A .good ciJiuLiiy bin vleftutd Immeiuel] ''afternoon of Sept. U, belnjr Intti'HMracC '^tb more fierloiip'ncti*. col. aaston Borae W v iprrj mode his iirsi appearance here, and '/Ms reranrknblc marksmanship wan the cause ,ur prolonged applause. Toby Claude became ft great, favorite in her dainty rendition of 'character songs of several types. Dnvi t.ewh (first time here) was a great lilt In bis Oerioao monologue, and provoked uproar- ious laughter. The Willis Family (second week) again charmed In Ihelr heat and ex- cellent miiwlrni ai't, the soldier's inarch from "Fftust" mid selection from "Martha" gain- log great applause. The Four Lond6nB, la their, wonderful casting net, went splendid- ly, and all mnrvelled at their dexterity. Bar- Uioldy's cockatoos (first time here) are most tnidlVnt birds, and the art Is splendidly handled, being one of tho finest In vaude- ville. The trick apparatus works well, and there la not a dull moment. Lee Tung Faoh, a genuine Chinese baritone <flrat tlmtThere), will quite immoi-oiiH and wag in several different languages. Monroe, Mack ana Law- reure, have nn exceptionally funny 'Act la '"Hie Servant Qlrl iToblem," albeit there Is a good deal of rough work. The finish, Is a •jscrenm'.*' Others were: Texarknrin and Walby7 the lively pair; jyEimar Bros., bar- rel Jumping; Marlon and Dense, tq comedy: Kenney;tmo Ilollls, comedians, nnd Za,ro and Stetson. Jugglers. Theklnetograph wna en- tertaining. Huekctt Theatre- (Jntnei K. Hnckett. manager!.—Stualoy Dork's four act modern play, entitled "Alan nud His Angel," which was given its original local production on Tuesday evening, Sept. 18, proved a combi- nation of occasionally Interfiling dialogue, and rather Vague anil incomprehensible psy- chology. Mr. Dark evidently meant to make a work of mysticism nut of the material at hand, but the subject proved too difficult for Mm to handle win, the happiest result*, and [be play In. Us present form la undeniably snort of the mark. The* Intel-tot is never tmilrkened into sturdy life hy the manner w the mory'K teilliiK, and there In little to hold he auditor pave a strong scene here and here. " >n tbe story It appears that David Tr'yne. a hunchback, befriended bv Pahl Stepnlok, falls la love with tbe latter'* daughter. Son hi, nod ren Iking that he may never win, her,' Irlen to keep other men from gettlpg 'ho prise. Sonln loves Cecil Stan- ford), a, yonug nobleman, mid Ti-yne forges a letter In tin* handwriting of Sonla's Inte fft her, making, .it appear that the 'girl la Jl'egltlroate.i This estranges her from the blue blooded find liouglity Stnnforth for n time, biit at length Tryne Is caught by Sonln and ml|de to <onfc*s his guilt, io the Joy of the young liver's. Holhrook ijllnn played David Tryhe w!|h remarkable effect, considering tbe peculiarity of the part, nod Its lack of uiuusl- lijlliy. and Frances Ring wn.s worthy of fu Re for her repression and convincing net- OKMu tin- equally trying'. role of Bon la, winch gave Iter little opportunity, Fren Tyler made the acting success of the evening. 'idwever, as Hie unsuccessful suitor for Hie iniul of Smlii, to whom he Is forced, to tje- llver -TryneV lying 'message concerning her illegitimate, b|rlb. Mr; Tyler's art maiifl. his HcvFr«l si mh'h slnnd out with grent force. Norman Tharp. im un rceentrlc young author, wni rnjiltnl, nu'l Arthur tt, I,swrciii 1 .* did rom- mendnblo work us n musician. The cast; I'nnl Slcnulak, Alexander Frank; EralleFlnn- rtienu, Charles I lay tin; Julcu Do Bonneville, Arthur II. -'Lawrence: Hon. Cecil Stanford., Frankflllltnore: Lady Kitty chesley, ituth Benson ; I oni Arthur 1 hit km, Fred Tyler; Honln Ntepntnk, Frnnces Itlng; Udvld Trvnf, IJqltmmk Ulluii; l-'ontiuon at l^dy.Kltty'f. .Inhii'H WitH.ui; Hilda Malot, Mqhr.1 (T«w|.-y Kwllh Korstcr. >.qrmnn Thar-- Keith &. Prdetor's i if(>-<-i H i,ii. Htroet I hcn(rv (E. 1ft Albca generai niun- nr).—A crowded house and a gooTI bill wore prevalent conditions at'this benutlful vaude- ville resort Monday, Wept. :M. Alenl and bis "monk," Peter \M Qffeat, started the hull lOIllng, and pttt the bouse in good .humor. The Jfooney Slstera, tbe two clever daughtcra of the late I'm Kooney, sang and aanced cleverly, making a pretty picture, nud taking well, The comedy singing turn of Mr. and Mrs. Allison catight'the house. A1. Carlton, 'n his unique net os rbc "Hklnny tiny," waa niiother gowl number. The Itossow Midgets pleased hi their somewhat familiar perform- nnce. Bobby Mnlthews and Herbert Ashley found favor In their singing nnd talking. Keith & Proctor's Twenty-Third Joe) Welter's Music Hull (Joseph M. Street Theatre—The Ifndettea Woman s Weber, manager). -^-Hilda Spong. released OrchCHtra Is retained for a aeeOnd week, n'nd from the uninteresting "Lady Jim. appeared on Kept. 24 a big matinee audience warmly on Thursday evening, ccpt "" ' '■'■'"'■ nuplHiidiMl the flue playlnij, *i*he descriptive ■">■*•'= ■»*ni - «*»v- plece called "A Day at tho Circus," with an- nouncements hy II. C. Stanley, waa capitally rendered. The Hleeds, introducing a uove(ty In "The Mytterroiu Hotel," were interest- ing. A darkened cabinet Is shown, and the various funny happenings follnwing ibe visit of a man to a haunted hotel ore illustrated, ivonlw A, Simon, (itfice (Jdrdne'r and company, In "The New Coachman," were as tremen- dously eticcennful n* of yore, and Julian Jtoae nmined plenty of laughter with bin clever a it. Avi'+f and Hart, two colored come- ._ JO, In *'Jobn llad- son's Wife," a four net bl*y. by Alicia Bn-a- «ey and Kudolph Do Cordova, which was then presented for the aim time on any stage. Its »tpj-y Is told tn a manner which makes the "coming events" of the plot obvious at the very outset, Imd there are some Inconsist- encies here and there which oue cannot well overlook. But In spite Of these apparent nlM>rtcomtngs, tbe authors have infused a Broadway Theatre (Mtt & Dingwall. mUQHcerB).—This houaeopened for the sea- son Montlny evening, Sept. 'J4, with the JirBt New York City presentation of "Tho I'rlnco of India," J. I. C. Clurke'a dramatlzatlo'u of tjeneral Lew Wallace's Htory Of the same ttlle. The piny, which Is In n prologue, Ave acts and eleven scenes, was originally produced Fell f» of this year, at the Colonial Theatre, Chi- cago. Mr. Clarke has closely fnllov/ed tho text of (leneral Wallace's book, and has suc- ceeded In giving a ploy of strong dramatic Interest. The characters hnve been trans- deal of interest Into the work at various in- planted to the stage In all their vigor nnd tervals, making several characters loom up poetfc splendor, nnd the handsome stage set- witii distinctness In tbe matter of their draw- ting nnd excellent companv furnished by ..,..,„ log, and handling some of the situations w'lh Messrs. Klnw k Krlanger make It the moat Carlton Mncy, Maude Hall and Jessie Dodd, d Inns; who nrc really funny, talked nod sang deftness. On the whole, the general Impression elaborate production' New York has aeen In "Die Mngple mid the Jay," a one act com,' moat successfully, and Chris Bruno and Ma- left by the play was a pleasing one, although for some time. The massive sets edy skit, recelvejl several rounds of applmi: Sylvester, Jones, Pringle'nnd Morrell, billed as "That Quartette," were good singers, and held Hie att*ptJut> of the house. Haljey'and Austin, by their Buffoonery, Amused, and tbe motion pictures closed.the ahow. .- NMMMN J^*!r« <* L HaywaB & Co., managers).—Succeeding the success- ful run of Henry Blossom end Victor Her- bert's ' .Mile. Modiste," which closed here Hi'pt. 22, these authors have scored another Micrens, In their now mimical play, "The ited Mill," which was written' as a starring vehicle for Kred A. Htone find David Mont- gomery. "Tbe. Ited Mill" Is la two acts, and was first produced nt the Star Theatre, Buf- falo, N. V,, Sept. :t. of this year/and was bel Russell were nlso particularly good In tbe success of the evening was dne In larga various scenes nre all their offering. Arthur Boranl and Nevnro, who are' experts In their' line, brought "Weary Waggles, tbe Dandy Dude Tramp." well to Hie fore In npplatiHC getting, nod M n * Witt's Four Hinging Colleens, In songs of the old and. new world, were heartily eucored Kddlc M. KtHerson, nas.sted by D. A. Boiled, gave "The Ouy In Orern." to distinct suc- cess. The: motion pictures continue/ Cnalno (Sam 8. A Lee Sbnbert, mann- gers).—After three nights' darkness this house opened Thursday night, Sept. 20, with the first metropolitan production Of "My Lady's Maid," the American premiere hav- ing occurred at the Providence Opera House, 14. Tbe first perfnrmuncp on any stage Was j In __ measure to the iVork of tnejtlayera. Intheplot scenic nrt, nnd 1 the realism °t the storm aeen -- of the fine apeclmeus of It appears that Honor Beaucbamp, daugb< ter oi a proud but financially embarniHsert family, marries the wealthy young John-Hud- son in Order to put a prop under the tot- tering lleauehamp household; Tbe marriage Is'arranged lit cold blood, with (he element of IbVe entirely overlooked In the under on the Bosphorus, nnd the storming of the walla of Constantinople are the very acme of light and mechanical effects. Hauttui Corrfgan, In! tbe title role, once again proved f-iiitt an excellent actor he Is. He carried be cbamcrer through all the storm of em»- Uons that hesct the wondering prince, dettlv ,,[,,!,,,. ,>!., 1,1,-, ,,• II..1,, ...,,1 ,,..,!.. .1.. J .1 standing. But In spite of herself Honor giving the bits of light and shade that ahow In tine condition for presentation here on given at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Urn- falls in love with her husband, but Is forced to undergo severe trials before bringing him to realize it. It appears that her family, not content wltb living at the young bun- band's expense, fltcnla a atnte paper Intrust- ed to him by the pi'lme minister of England, and disposes of It to a newspaper. Honor Is nnturally suspected of the theft, hut mnt- frqin time to time, nnd rising to great dra- matic helghta In bis denuoclatlon scene. From the: tun when, In the 'prologue, ho pleads that h>9 life may ue blessed with a daughter's love, to the end ot the scene In which he denounces the Emperor Constan- tino and all the O'oek court, because of the ibductlon of Ln«l, Ids foster daughter, he _ I [l III'IC UU A1ICU ,11 L II' I IIIIVC UL IIUIDR I Ul nil':, Ifllir HHHIUII/ nuniM;M'-u \IL , i,^j mm% 1 », ,f u , I,,., I .muiuiiuil w* i.,i I , llifl , ' rr I r I LI.'I Up - II LI 1 I II," Monday night, Sept. 'if. It was a night of unh. Eng., Dec, 17, 1004, under the title of ters are finally explained, and husband and well nigh ran the gamut of emotions, and joyous dtieeesH la every respect. As for tbe "Lmly Madcap." In Its English form It Wife, now thoroughly awake to the fact that not once did he strike a false note. v>ery mimic It Is the best beard on. Broadway this was 'written by Paul Rubens nnd R Newn- they are deeply In love with each other, are line was spoken with convincing force, and i,.-..,.. .,.,,1 *l,«. ImMi ■ ■!» W r . -- imCT-l £3 hum' TVurlu mlialn Ki, I>iiiiI !>,i1u,ti.> „.,,! li.l,.. ll>r^(]c '■ ■ ■ yenr, and 1 the uouk robtalas a good share of hatn Davis, music by Paul ItulH-ns. and lyrics lines characteristic of a Dlosaom libretto, by Tnul Iluhehs and Percy (treenbatik. The book tins been Americantxed by I'Mward Pntil- happy. Miss Spong acted wltb her he mnde nls audience feel with tbe char- uaual pleasing sincerity. Her cbarm of man- octer the wanderer's desire to atone for ner was undeniable, and In most of the his sin. His was one of tbe most artistic scenes she was captivating. William )'. performances aeen on the local stage in many Hawtrey. the cleverest of the entire com- 8 day. William Knrnum, as Prince Mnhom- latcM to madenp freaks of i.nrlv Betty pany. rose to distinct heights of artistic n'.ed, also reached dramatic heights rarely at- Framllnghdtn, wno invites a regiment of excellence in hla portrayal of the cynka] tnlnod. He was forceful throughout, and in hussars and numerous friends to dine and Colonel Benncbamp, sinking his Individuality act two, when he recited the poems to Irene, ton and R H. Burnslde. Tbe story, which is very Blight mni_ Incoherently told, re- Mr. Blossom Is further to be credited with sitstatnltig a continuous story of lightly sen- timental Interest, which can be tola here In n few words, and concerns the attempt of n rich burgomaster to marry bis dnugbter to, of cobrse, the man she does not want to . marry, and the action and story follow the dance nt her father's house in opposition to and playing with rare humorous Insight; >c the presence of the emperor and h's conr p , usual tribulations Incident to the (laugh- nls wishes, She sends him to London on a Lionel Walsh ran Mr. Hnwtrcy a close race his work was tbe acme of dramatic art, and ter being permitted, finally, to marry the wIul goose chase, that she may have a ^or honors, and ns the Colonel's nervy son the storms of applause accorded him for this man of her choice. Ita action passes in rlear field, and- tbe complications start, he gave a bit of character work that proved scene made a forced stage wait of over a Holland.' where Its two scenes are located, ftne* aaiiumeR the role of her own maid, remarkubly fine. Herbert Percy was quite minute. Adelaide Kelm made a plctm-esnuc- and all the characters, save those played by persuading her friend, Gwennle Holden, good as the husband, and John' Westley; ly btautlfu' Princess Irene, nnd fully met tbe Montgomery and Stone, are the picturesque to Impersonate her. Ca"*^' folk of tbe dikes of the low Dutch country. t0[l 'nils In love with Gwennle Holden, good as the husband, and John' Westley; . Captain Harl-Ing- Cborles Rowan, Kdna Bern and He"nry Ham- many demands of the part upon her powers. . Itli Gwennle, nnd combe were all capital. The coat: Col. the The Lact of Julie Hcrne was charming, ami The former "Tlainan" and "Scarecrow" of Oroya Brown wltb her. Brown In a trooptr Hon. -Francis Reauchanip, Wm; V. Hawtrey; every other member of the cast lent good aid " appear as a pair of who doesn't like the service; so he deserts Kritncls, bis son, Lionel 'Walsh; Karl Seaton. In making as nearly a perfect performance E it, Mai irpi x up, Cm _. An, Brundcui Oalins, Alice Butler; Carler, Charles Murtlu. owing t() lack of success the play was with- drawn 2L\ The house will be dark until 21, when Mr. Ilaekett will revive "The Walls nt Jericho." " Grand Opera Hume (John It. Springer, nuimigen.—JoHt'pli Wheclock Jr. opened a week's engagement'Sept. 24, In "Just Out of College,'' uieetlug with hucccbh. Thp compuny iVaa eOlcleht, ami applause ami laughter were Intermingled during the'evening. The star won his wny ns a favorite Immediately, belug nbly assisted by Kngene Jepson. Percy Brooke, Charles ■ Mil son aud others. Desmond Kelley, ns Caroune Pickering, mad" a pro* nouiiced hit, and was a greut favorite, The crt«t: Kdrvard W'orlhlngton Hwlnger, Joseph Wlmelock Jr.; Septimus Pickering, Kuge^e ipppop: Silvern' Mason, Charles Jackson : rof. Henry Dalryinnle Bliss, Percy Brooke; Ernest Bradford. Albert" W. Meyer: Rufun, Harry Frees; Collector of Souvenirs. Louis ISngnn; limurauce Solicitor, Joseph tiolden; Bouk Agent, Korrest Orr: Delegute nnd 'I'rotn Caller;^!, h. Pollock; Ticket Seller. Joseph Goldeu; Jack Lludijuy, Win, Garwood Jr.; Harvey Hughes, George a. Btlllwell; Tom Catllu. Paul Humphrey'; N. W. Jones, Mhrlou Abbott; Genevieve Clrlcxlp, Lucille Watson; Luoila Ji'iikliiH Pickering, I,oulKe Sydmetli; Caroline I'lckerlug, Uosmond Ketley: Bcrnlcv McCormlck. Grace Goodnllt Aunt Julia Hwlntifli', Mrs. ]■:. A. Klmrle: Nowsstand Girl, AugtiHtu Gardner; Lady Tra-velor, Fiances t'owstock; Another Traveler, Maud Sinclair; Mls3 Laiksinn, Bnrneti Hadclilte; MIsh livid, Helen Daniels. ._ "The Krentxer snaatfl." Colonial Theatre (Percy 0. WJUkps. mnpager).—The third week of tbe new sen- son was ushered In with the usual big Mon- day mntlueo audience, Sept. '24. On the bill this week the big type position la given to the' Pays, in their much tallied about feats of thaumnturgy. Their many engagements lu this city during the summer just past, did not Hccm tn detract or cause tho usual Interest they creote to abate during their " Rico and i and l lint Madeluhi" pout; Miss Hlythe. Helen Daniels. mm mu, Biancue WtiBr, in rr ferforumtKCH on Monday. John C — aUle Cohen werp sure of tbelr position a Silipdlqg m farci'iirn. when Mr, Ithv did i cem it iiccivKury |o c|iango IiIh sketch, pL. diirtd at a nearby city theatre laat week. and "AH the World lx>ves a Ijover" scored lust as strongly here oa Monday. Will H. Murnhv nud Bliu'clie Nichols, in "from mr.a to lin.-ie Tom." go tbe extreme limits of gro- tesnue eomedv. .and. In their wny, ncqulre uutirely satlsfactor/ results. They had their audience exhausted from laughter on Mon- day. Kdwln Hteyeus arored n Inugblng sue- cess, Ih hln original monologue; the nose De Haven Septette, In "The Understudy;" Chris Klchnrd*. the eccentric English cotne* «t!nn : Uerbcrt'n dogs. In new tricks: Lydla nnd AlUlna. L expert trajntt iwrfornlers; Wil- ■OK llnllett. n clever entcrtnlner: niid the vltngrrtph. iiie Included In ill Ik week'a bill. HVllMtt)!' 1 *♦*«■*** Thentre (J. Wesley Itofiphniicut, 'mntiiijrei').- 'tin- nltraetlon he.-e tilth week Is "lloVm* Polks." with H. Scott Slgglns lu the prluvlpnl role. The nlay was well received by & rrowdeil house. The east: John Helhy. II. Nrott Slgglus; puul Mies Cparlei l.nrob: .ine Hawkins, Hani- Bond; HfflJln Amlre^M, LpHlle Stowe : Old Mat Mies. Lew A. Wuruer: 81 Heckle, Win. Ryan: Wal- ler Clayton. John McKcever; Dan Klnlrell, Wm. Uedsione; Lem Brown, Chns. Boyd: Beit Hopkins. Jack Rynn; Bud Heckle, Samuel Rouau : Hunk Hosklus, Arthur Hicks: ituth Clayton. Rose Lnl»\vn: Mrs, Marina helhy. Kmmn Brennnn-lnce: Sis Durkee, Nan lie wins: Polly Hopkins. Julia Williams; Pearl Snyder, rtepsic Nelllgan; Mrs. Jaj« Pehhicic. Mm, N'eiligan. Next vreek, "C«fo- Una." . Plloti Tbrntre I If. B. Sire, manager),— Dnvld Warfleld, In "Tbe Music Master." start- ed his fourth and last week Sept. 24. Next wok Nat c. Goodwin, In "The Genius," Mnlestlr Tlivntr* (W. L, Rowland, man* oger).—"The Tourlata" entered Its fifth week fctept. 24. The. Wlwird of w,' .., young Mow Yorkers, stranded In tbe low lands, and it la In the talents of the stars, ns manifested in their advenlurea and mis- adventures In the different character^ they nhnitihe, that the librettist relies for his main Interest. The work of the stars fur- nished several surprises. They always hr.vo been orlglnnl. but In "The Red Mill" tie-v excel -themselves. Particularly is this the case when, disguised aa a hnnil organ opera- tor and his nasistant. Including the monk, their makeup was excellent, ana -tbelr song. In broken Kngllnh, called "Good-a-Bye, John," deserved the rousing applause it und temporarily becomes a butler for Lady Betty. Bill Stratford, a confidence man, en- dedvoratrj marrjr the Frnrallngbani diamonds. Hut loses at tils own gnmc. Tnere Is little !n tbe book to commend It, nnd with one o** two execpt'ong the lyrics are weak. The music lacks Individuality, and at no time rises above mediocrity. The strength of the entertainment lies In the company, which, with one or two exceptions. Is excellent. Tbe piece Is vary handsomely mounted, and the gan 24. "show girls' 1 nnd chorus are very attractive, Murravy mi] Theatre (Alex. D. OOrmqn, Mridge CrlrbtOn, featured In the title role, manager).—The Rentz-Santley Co. presented Is one of the njost charming comediennes of Its bill here Mondnv. Sept. IM, and met witri received. They have Reveral other aongs to-diiy. r.nil her personality, dainty dancing approval, as usual. 'Mnunger Irfavltt tins pro- B>' which to be amusing, nnd their and manner, togelher with n nellte figure nnd v'ded an olio of six Interesting numbers if Prime Minister of ICnglnnd, Cborles Rowan. Arthur Stavely, his aeeretary, Feredrlc Lane; Howard Spencer, John Westley; John Hud- son Jr., Herbert Percy I John Hudson Sr., Henry Hrinscombe; Smythe aud Robertson, Krcd C. PntterRon; C.llmer, Walter Russell; Lady Clara nenuchnmp, Leila Rcptou; Mlas Beauclmrap, Cora D?nn ; Mrs. Jolin Hudson Sr., Rdnn Bern: Janet. Plorcnce Howard; Honor, Hilda Spong. Tbe secood week be- rharacter work during the entire evening, swent face, ennbln bor to maae a prnnounced pleasing variety, and a showy first part, .is entitle Ihem 16 rank ns among the best of success* In nti unliat crest big diameter. Jo- well as an entertaining burlesque, give QP- onr present day comedians. Mr. Dillingham " llns surrounded his slam wltb a good sup porting company and a big chorus, which nun ■■ni opportunity to show that It, can sing. To summarize the singing numbers it Is onl]£iecGsenry (a any that all were encored to the limit by n most entbuslaatlc audience, which packed the theatre to the doors, Tbe play Is prettily staged aqd elegantly cos- tumed, David L. Don' was excellent In .t dialect port : Kthei Johnson. In a soubrett,e role, shared the honors with the principals.' and AugiiHtn Oreenlenf. Aline Crater, Neat McCoy nnd Edward Begley did excelledt work. These, with n boat of pretty girls In nnlmie ITolhmdcwiue costumes, aided liy mil' h!c of llerbert'ct best, kept things going while tbe slnra were off the stage. All In all, It wdn nn evening of unallnved enjoyment, and "The Bed Mill" In on for a long run on Brondwny. After a doxen recnlla of Mont- gomery nnd Stone, which the big audience ilcmiuitlcd nt the end of net one, Ihc starn led Mr, Illosrom on to the titnire. where ho made a little speech of thanks. The play Wis staged by Kred f). Latham, nnd Max IHrscb- Held Ih musical director. The caat In full: Con Kidder. Prcd A. Htone: Kid Conner, David Montgomery: Jan Van llorkem. Kil- v.nni Begley: Frnnx, Charles Dox; Wlllem, David I.. I.><in : Captain Doris Van Diunui, .Tns. M. Rotllff: the (iovernor of Zeeltind, Xcal McCay; Joshua Penuefcather Claude Cooper: (Jretchcn, AugiiHta ^reeuleaf; Ber- tha, A|lne Crater: Tina. Kthei Johnson: Countess De Lu Tere, Juliette pika; Flora, Constance lOnstman: Dora. Kitty {lowland; Lena, Paula Denmond: Anna, Cleo Sweuln- eer PhylllR, MhIcIIc llnldwlu ; Mmlge, Hudle Probst. Academy of Munln (Ollmore Sc Toiup- kliia, iimiuigeisi. —"Mlxpub," in four acts and ten scenes, by iDlla Wheeler Wilcox and Lnt* am Hearelle, wiib given Its first New York product Imi evening of Sept. '24. nnd proved to 1 lie an Interesting aud decidedly thrilling in- terpretation' of the biblical Htory of Ksthfr, written In both proae and blank verse, with nn occasional poetic speech which showed Mm. Wilcox at her best, On San. 0. 1A01S. the piny was given Its Inlflol production nt the Ma- lestli: Theatre, San Krunclsm, Cal. As in the biblical tale, the plot tells of how Ksthcr wius the hearf of the Peralan' rnouarcli, Ahasueras, after the latter has cast off Queen Vnnlitl, llnipiui and Vashtl then plot to cast disfavor upon Ksther, and for u time suc- ceed, but upon the exposure of tbelr villainy llanmii Is sent to the gallows and Vashtl to a portmilty for the company to "get together" with fine result Dillingham »pl> Coyne (njm featured), one of the most popular of r-omedlans. was drolly funny throughout. It Is npnnsently unnecessary Bowery" brings the vnrlous ciiarncters, In^ for Mr. I'ovne to sink his Indlvldnnllty, for eluding a Spnninh senorn, the Irlshnmn and hln that la what people hiok for mrst_ In his wife, n run Id, n Oerman health Inspector nad J KM i J S1 n;lrITJ;;_: of 1 l.p inith'S of a trooper wna moat Unuug,' nnd the asslst-* rendered" blm by George Carrot I, as Corporal Hum, whs on small part of the fun. Mr., Carroll makes every move nod glance coint. and was roundly applauded. Mason gave a moat dellgbtful |„_ ance of Owennle—In fact, It waa a gem, rgy Livingston, ns Hpetzel: Not Wlxop, Dolly anil her denture, refined, manner was tbe King, Louise Marshall, ffarry Dalton, Burt as la possible. Herbert tiresham and Lau- rence Marston, under whose stage direction the play was produced, deserve credit fo" tbelr share of the work, as does alBO Horatio Parker, who Is responsible for the inci- dental nnd entr'acte music used dur- ing the performance. The east Jn full: The Prince of India (The Wanderer), Rm- mett Corrlgnn; The Prince of Mahommed, William Fninum; The Emir Mlrzn, Julius MeVleker: Constantino, Boyd Putnam: ticn- MdJUi' Harrison Armstrong; The Patriarch of Constantinople. W. H. Leydcn: Phrnnza, Charles Harris; Duke N'otnras, C, Norman llnniiuoiul; Lcander, Haswcll Dogue; Ser- Siin, Mnrsbnll I'nniniii; Theddorus, H. An* erson; Lysander. W. R. Butterlleld; De- raedes. Monroe Salisbury; Basil, Henry b\ Koser; (Iregorns, Henry Wilson; Messen- Foity Minutes from tbe ger. OwfM Ames; I'el, Averlli Harrla; Kiln. - .1. O'Noll; Sy.'imn. nichnrd Hlllsoa; Abed DJn. Anthony Andre: Malek Kban, (leorge Walker: Hassan, C, Van Dusen Phillips; Kalll Pasliu, Sam S. Harrla; Kouranl, tbe Mollsh. W. II; Uyden; First Chief, lleorgo Brooks: Second Chief, William Osgood; Third Chief. W. Abrams; Turkish .Messenger, olbcrs, into a general rolxup nt u fashion UN hotel. A lmt'lesiiup on "Snpho" Is '.ntro duceii. Mini Nhm Bertollul in the title role, being finally carried upstairs by her two _ admirers, .lean Dnrrow, as Mr«. O'Beelay; ChcBter Lee: Greek Cnptnln, Monroe 1'atls- J, Delia Muilon B'ake. an the exirnvagnntlv mnileup bury: Wounded Captain, James Birch ; £onk, moat dellgbtful perform- "rube" lady; Wm. Colton, lis Q'Heeiay; Mnr- WU'lnm Breeit: The Princess Irene, \de lajde Kelip; i,:ie|, Julie Heme; Miriam Znl- puftlhi Adele Dnvls; Verlne, Flo ence Chase; F.udocln, Lucille Fallon; Hi lenn, Elsie Smith: Daphne, Agues Mark; Her- molne, Jane Burdctte, Vletorlo, Tii*nt re (Oscar Hnmmt .stein, manuger.—The management here Is -,reseut- Ing a bill of rare excellence for I 1 e enter* talnmcnt of Its patrons tills week, .did Iheru source of much enjoyment. THaii Kya'n r.lcnsed as Ruxnh. the maid. In her RltigUig and dancing. Frank Rushworth gave n fine performance of Capt, Harrington, and Ills song with Delia Mason, In the Hccond act, was well d'ine. Henry Bergman was unfprtunqte- I> cast in the part or an Italian count, but played It with discretion. Walter E. Perkins appeared us Posh Jenkins. It. K. Grnhnm played BUI Stratford well, though the part was uncongenial. Tbe costumes, and there were many sots,-were In nearly every Instance vory linndaohie, and the entire production wus well made. ,| ' 1 "' cast: Colonel iJiyton, Joseph Mnylon ; Mnlor BlatherHwnlle, Olaudo Fleming; Lieut. Somerset. John Dudley: Captain Harrington. Frank Knshworth ; Bill Htratfordi It. E. Gntham; Posh Jenkins, Waller " fcnton nnd Joe Allen were also In tho first port. "Iola," sung by MIbb Bertollnl nnd the Athletic Boys and Girls, were showy numbers. Ciinrles D. Webber presented a juggling act, with novel equipments, brought on In a trick automobile. He did some clever Jugftllng. Joe Allen and Harry Dalton per- formed hurrah music on the hand nnd slcinti bells, and their comedy work was laughed «l, Tbe brnssbnnd finish was encored : Louise Marshall, tn character songs nnd dances, were well liked for their appearance and work: Nat Wiion ftnil Biirt Eaton, as a Ito- i pntror big in was tbe usual big audience pr'-.ent, nt tho Monday mutlnee, Sept. '24. i.,ere was ecu- crmiH applause ot welcome foi Joe Welch, the Hebrew delineator, and '.is nw storlCB wero never more highly nr^reclated. Delia Fox was Just as cordln'!; received In a new ren- hprns performed muiiy stor'tilng and hiugh- th>"u8uiU'~8tVong' lilt wna scored"by llnrrv Waller M. Perkins: Count Mnnuelo do" Co- nbln stunts on the bicycles, with innny Mis i.llfotl, ns Bnron Sands, a character peculiar lonuu. Henry Bergman: Quttoppe, Ucorge R. and knocks. "Tbe Squaw Man's Wife"' wan to metropolitan life; tbe Cnttiell-l'owell Steyemi; Lord Framllnglmm. Chns. W. Dun- ihe bnrlesnuo on the well known Western Troupe displayed tbelr daring featB of horse- goB'; Corporal Ham, George Carroll; Palmef, drama. Miss Bertollnl was Darcv; Jean butler, Nicholas Buruham; Old Huntsmaa, Dnrrow played the landlord: Dottle King, Prince Miller: Oroya Brown, Joseph Coyne; the girl from tbe West; Louise Marshall, an Uwcuule Hidden, Delia Mason; Hnsaa, Elsa Indian maid; Marlon Blake was Mundv Uyiiq : Mrs. Lnyton, Edith Blair; Lady Botty Skates; Wm. Colton, the Judge; M. Living- FraraMtiglmm, ri M.iidge Crlchton. Tbe sccoad ston, a cigar drummer; Burt .Eaton, -~ daring 1 nmnxbin umld outbursts of applause: Ed. Illonden and company, ' week started 8ep|, 24, newity Theatre (Union Theatre Co., mnnagei-Hi.—A royal welcome was extended to the Washington Society Girls at their first metropolitan appearance this aeaHon, which occurred nt thin house Monday after- noon. Sept, '24, There was no gainsaying tbe cortllallfy of tho wulcomn of the orgnu- Iftntiou as a whole. Independent, of the re- ception of ihc leading members of the com- pany, who had won approval on many for- mer occasions by their efforta. The par* tnln rose upon n very clever and funny skit, called "Levy in Japan," with Barney First In the principal role. A specialty by Bur- noy First, In his Yiddish dance, was the hit of |he eveulng. There were kaleidoscopic effects of lights and rich costumes, pretty lljf|/iuunv , I, The Lost Boy. iciiaed continuous laughter; A. O, Duncan, In bis well |lked ventrlloqulql act, added to his usual happy line of tnlk r canny new un of local wltllclsms. political and otherwise; Kennedy and Booney again demonstrated the fnct that In dhnofng tfioy have no superiors; the McDonald Slstura vocalized very agree- ably, and the vitngraph displayed new pic- tures. Pantor'a Theatre (Tony Pastor, mnna* manager for Abe Leavltt; Nat Wlxon, stage ngei).—An excellent bill was presented Sept, manager: Jom Qnlgley. musical director; '24 to the usual Monday house, 'tirade ICui- Oenfge Lesvltt, treasurer: Louis Knrtswell, metf and compnny otlercd her new sketch. "A Indian grafter; Nat Wlxon, a medicine mnu ; Joe Allrn, Montnnu l*ete. "Down In Mexi- co." "Tho Tale of a Stroll," 'fWhv Can't n Olrl Be a Soldier?" ted by Nina Bertollnl; Olrls of the Oolden West" nnd "Idaho" were Interpolated. B. II. Brock la business carpenter. Next week, the Bowery Bur leflnners. i Mluer'a Howcry Tbentre (Edwin D, Miner, manager).—W. B. Watson's Bur- lesquera drew good sized housea Mondnv, Sept. !Mi nnd with tbe popular comedian nt the head of the bill, gave good satisfaction. In "The Mormons" Mr. Watson appeared as Archibald Prim, and participated In various dungeon, Kslher and her people arc then singe groupings of shapely girls, nud choruaea lively episodes, which kept tha elders nnd of excellent singing voices which kept your feet tapping to up-to-date music, The cast proved fully Bj|M|Hra in every particular, aud a bright and snappy presentation waa the result. The full casi: Julius Levy. Bar- ney First; Tom Tat, Joha Honnn; Percy, restored hi the favor df the king. The hand- ling of the supernumeraries In the big scene* was hy no means creditable, nnd the effect was nnt pleahlng, but Ihe work of the prin- cipals was good, and the series of plots and CQupterplQtB willed the d,erelqpmcnt of the story briugs forth hem close atteutlon. Scarelle's Incidental music Was excellent, Mrs. Wilcox's hand was apparent In the Inning of the really beautiful ode to which Rstber recites io the king. '„..,.. were a number of commendable features in MPt ■if&feH?/, Margaret II. the production, which assuredly did not suf- Annie, Nellie Hill; lluraloo, Flossie _ fer from lack of action, for ihere were thrills WTO . Shanghai, Catharine Lynotto In plenty provided for each nnd of tho fen scenes. Chnrles Dai King; ie La Van Cftintaji ;or Jtovenuo Only," by W. W. Pros- per, 'ihere are Die usanl iaiimsslblo situa- tions, imi they are funny, and Miss lOmmctt took ndvnr.tago of every opportunity, She was ably uHilsted by Bert ^te^ket, ns Trim M. Daly. The ftketcb will lp all probability bs a money maker for Miss Kminett. Kstelle »ordette and company pleased in "A Honey- moon In thcCatakilli. 11 J. Aid rich Lilibey and Kniberlne Trnyer met with much ap- plause In their mtislral act. Howard aud Under scored heavily In their ticrman act: tha Three Famous Nndos, In their offering, "1 lie Frame of Life." form nn act which » mo«t pleasing. The Three Juckaons did pome excellent bag punching and athletic work, the favorite vcntrilo- Cunnlngbam .'ter." scored. ...r toon 1st, was — ,-r--7 ■,-— -—•»■ w»«n uuu utTYf ».v. ,hm«i mii-rlgnn and GUch, comedy iieynoiiiB. In n series of v omedy events which fketch j McCarthy nnd Lnwrcuen, In ebinedy raised much laughter, especially their bur- artd dnnce, and Lyater and Cooko and a wlro lesqua of well known dramus. "The BaRh- Bft, completed the bfi). The vltagrnpli tbelr multifarious snousea on the lump, Le.. Reynolds, Florence Mll)ers|||p, Fred W. Tay- lor, Harry M'ontngue,' Chas, Orneie John C Boon, Caroline Duncan and' iMay Orlotta gave valuable aid. A showy chorus wns very much In evidence;. The olio presented • The King of Persia, wns dignified, and read his lines with expression nnd force, making a most agreeable Impression. Bather was clev- erly acted by Elisabeth Kennedy, who has a splendid voice, and WhdsC work throughout was remarkably effective. Frank Lopcc, aa Die deeply vjllnlnonn Hnrnnn, did most credit- able work, and Lillian Lauumn was cicettcnt nn Queen Vnshtl. Edward f, the Jewish chieftain, Mordecal. The cast: Ahasuerns, Charles Dalton; each and every one MaoklpiV) Anna Lynotto; Hong Kunk, Addle fill Venus" was the title of the hnrtesouc. showed rotne Interesting pictures. Mine, tries Dftllon, as the . 3n wuea i lUw Paw, Lucille Farwell; Bum- which ime been seeu here before to nod ad' Nenvllle tried out n new sketch Sent. 22', en- milled, and read his >>{"• Kittle Florlng; Mug Lung, Mlnnio vantage. As Philip, the cook, who 1b tho- titled ''Mrs. O'Qrndy of the 40A) ( uOG," and bin, Kittle Florlng; Ding Lung, Mlnnio I Inyes: Bingo, Minnie Uisurd: Biiugotc, Krnnkte Irfiuienee; Ping Pong, Pearl Bad- cliafo; Ding Dong, Anna Paul; Scavlong, Jessie Fox; Poloozn, Carrie Franklin; Kawp- Ihlg, Jeanueltc Lauront: Taklan, Kittle lOvana: Snlnvoo, Sadie Maglll: SUmkl, Kvcr- elt Shlvely; nevyertiH, Bertha Frnnrln; Mao.k ni'iveil Hhoomer, Maude Frnzier., Tho olio Includea: 1, with skill. - ll Jhn F. Tweedy, singer and Imitator, wbo Dalton; Ha- wft " 8°nd; lynotto Suiters, who made n lilt man. Frank Losee:'Mordecal. Kdward J *lth their efever singing act; Abbie Carle- Mnek: Hnrhoun. Harry MncFayden; Me- ton's studies In art. In ten pictures, waa human. Thomas J, Qulun; Kctbar. Harry it. apmelhlng more than a aensatlon; Carmen i- - v . -•"- .»-:. "o» .i ,,.». ".-- -»-. J'Qrndy of the 400,000," and roughly nt home with his master, Mr. Wat- nl (1 some good acting In It. son raised conttmioun laughter by hla fg- Timim Thenitre (Sullivan ft Woods, k^.II 1 ,* . fft * mI J InrltJ J^." Allc ? 0»b**r was the managers).—"A Child of the Regiment," a beautiful Venus. Tho nctlon was rapid, and dramn !n four nets, depleting tbe warfare In the musical numbers welt put on. Harry tlip Western Stntea with the Indiana, drew Montague. Is stage manager; Geo. E. Ddri'. nelly, musical director: Snra Robinson, bull iiess manager: John C. Boon, mastpr me. chnnlc. Next week, the Innocent Maids Itnher'n Huienm (John H. Andc good houses. Monday, 24, Vivian Prcseott was the Little Major. The supporting com- pnny Included: William P. Corhett, Tom Bur- fi un rd. lillwyn Eaton Ins; a tiencral, Max Hsherg; a Mluatrcl, .. W. Elliott: Vashtl. Lillian Lam son; Hur- garths, Mrs. I*onl«o (Hat; Mooshla, (lertrtido Wolfe: Principal Dancer, Mile. Arnold!: Esther, Elisabeth Kennedy. i.mulo" Then t re (James H. Curt In. uniinKci-1. ■—Mlsa New York Jr. played to good bu*ln«R» Monday. 24. The programme, which wna fully reviewed last week, includes: The Adventures of L&jihlusky," with Chas. by nn excellent ehorus; Honnn and Kearney, Irish comedians, who know how to deliver tho jjr.ods. won much applause, and Du Prone and Ln Due. French cccentrlques, a team which Is well worth tbe price of admlsBlon alone to see. The hill closed with a roaring farce, entitled "The Third Degree," and rough, Harry W. Mitchell, Neil Barrett, John ......... ... Anderson, rrwrdr, George o. Beavan, Joe Finn, Wm. maiingerl.—Ihts Is the third nnd last week pule, Lurry Mack, John D. Rockefeller, Henry or Biiiyea and Loraino. who haw been a big Summers, Mary Ardcb Mnhn, Pearl Hovllu. srnsaiion Ehn Vn«A E „... n„«. Kaufman. >'ext week, "Queen of Jho linler-t " sensation bore. Enoch, tho man ilsb, Beth Brennau: First Ouavd. Albert Lang; Second cltn, a ,rery clever dancer, who wns assisted traded considerable attention Moiulav MftSh lliirhblndcrs . . •. n.ui.. ,. n[, ivp Emmet t DouK- " ' ''"' ' "' ' '" lf hSZZ n^^rr. , i ire nniviiii:iv« vi i .ik'ii innn.). xriiu vuiuii v,»,v.». J. BurkbArdt, Elennor Revere, Sloe Vnlr and owner: W. B. Watson, general manager Hurt C, PeirNn, buslhens mnnager; vV'r.i again the full singing, ftcUng and character, nlgbt Sept. 24. comedy talent of'Mr. Watson's capable com- Hudson Theatre (Hearr B Harris, man agerl. —"The Hypocrites'''began It? fifth capable __ pany found opportunity for their best en- deavors. Executive staff: Kugene Kernan. Dave Ferguson lb prominent roles, aod npe claltles by: Revere and Vulr, the Malentlc MusU-nl Four ami Bert and Rene Vedmar. Next week, the Jolly Grass Widows, Delaaen Thedtre (David Belaseo, tana* ager).—Blanche Bates, In "The Girl of the Golden Weat," started her eighth week Sept. Ever*ole. agent: Lewis H. Baker, stage man- ager: Fred D Fox, musical director: L, J. Morse, carpenter. Next week, the Avenue Olrls. Lycrnni Tlientrn (Daniel Frohmnn, man- ager).—"The Lion and the Mouse" started Its forty-fifth week Sapt. 24. 11^» ""'lining- Harry Demar. Iron-Jawed R *IUr.l Avenne Tliontrc (Martin J. f,"■ continued. lu the tbentre an excellent Hlxoii. manager),—"A Race for Life" la this «I .T.u'"*^,- u , m ? f i\ ,,v . B "»" rt M nnd Rear- week's attraction. The compnny Includes: ^E&l&JEE&l W 1 * 8 ^ l t « :hflB - Bnrtllng. Alice Clifton. Nell Qululnnd. mJSH**™ « •«** (Ch , nB - Prohn «>n. man- 8. Carroll' Pierson, Edith WJlllnina, Arthur ElrilE PL. Cr A n f» '". The Prlcp *f Rulllvnn. Mnrle FuilH, Mnv Hendei'son Thura- ^°S ey '„. «tJ5 "■ »"li w«k and last fort- ton, Chinese Johnny Williams, John Wood, Chns. Retrnn. John Tmre. James Riirns. Tim Blace, Maude G. Hopkins. Edythe L. ■ Da , -.-"- mw .,„ ,„,„ Wttt«4 Chas. E. Hubber Walter Bqulers, Rob- taA? tw.«« ir„«s « tr ert Dalton is manager, J. W. Pickens, buil- savoy Tneatre (Frank McKee. mnnn- uess manngev. : ■ Liberty Theatre (Klaw ft Erlanger, man- agers).—Ellis Jeffreys commenced her thlr,a and Inst week Sept. 24. Next week, Eleanor Itobnon, in "Nurse Marjorle." New York Theatre (Klttw ft Erlanger. ger).—Rose Rtahl opened her fourth week Sent. 24. In "Tbe Chorus Ladv." Empire Theatre- ICbas. >rohmnn. man. ogsr).—John Drew, in l *Hls Hbnse In Order,' opened his fourth week Sept. 24. "* u ' r > mnnn r wrs» Th n«Irir/Kii?i H, i*«l,'r*5 h,,b,rt ' m«n«l»rs).—"Mm. Wlggaj of the Cabbage SSff^i^^V^htli^ l J»rn»» KrHlta «' lntl ''-" "I'cnt'u Its aecond week and laBt sonata, began her third week Sept. 24. . fortnight Sept. '24. ■