The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 29. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. " \meelcait Theatre (.1. M. Ward, IQflQ. ■_-■ —on MonJay evening, Sept. 24, the vfmenttnl UrM.. prewiited Jomiw. J. Cor. fftl In u roeludranmtlc conical, ,':T)ie llnrg. if..! M«rr (WHw. "» Soffln dray, rerelvoii "ell cnrni'd om.liuiHi'. null flftfic tbc tlilril act „ . f , -, i !i ,l ? p ' mnnfllter..—The Innocent Mnlds startedtheir engagement matinee ot Sept. ai. lo i, r o«l buslncrtH, .ami the mauy humoroiH "iWWr. songs'atid tlnnee* wewcutbu-u- i.i '.L■BnOiiudedr The performance opcnul witli_ iTlic Innocent Huld* In, Cblnntuwii." -V*_ _£_i. were cp-nwiM to >j*mw ■-V* iTRgJ^Si* JflmSK?" l '" R,KC ,->* Hiui«i»r Vi^wunlr. lallx. Jiort fhe^ audience, not satisfied tflth Nat Fields was very funny n* 1.1 I.tuigChnng, andBui Fields was « valuable ■MlatAl. Jas. "J' 1 .', 1 ," 1 -'. ■','"*• ! ln *»«- "*»y'«*5S Biwua irNeKV-luliii Seynnaml-JeninOirroll ware riih' continued until Mr, Corbel t made a Aor't speech; It Vhh tM.-. first metropollimh iirwhirfioi- (WVIae play, oiid wan originally reseated Kept ii. nt tiic Academy Of Mindc, Mrrtintoii. P*. "SB first scene Ik |ho draw- in.! room of John Hsrumu, rashler <>i the luiuiuerclat H^nk. Mm, Morelaud. the bank- er's sifter. Is the owner M «■ valuable dia- mond nflcklncc for which Ilul'lcs'l*Searching. It* ml fflfflW*■ onevjof "*" 7&W pigeons," u5femployment ns h'butter In the Itnrinnn mansion, and on the evening when the funi- Tfio second pint of the pi : offered lit i) Hltil, i-litltlt*l : "llrtp- HH pleasing, gramme was pylaud' 1 .whirl. was onaaliy .imiislii).. In the oily, .which secured much applause, mi* : Ml, and-airs, [jirry fUJuw.ili an onhrtnlnlnu -duglng una dnneing u<j :.the NfflNHH. In a skit, -JJTbo Census Taker,;" Hughe*: and llniie- Ijia. In n trnvcuty ot-t. and Ittout* O'Xcll, - fcmnlp bai-lttme, whosu voice iu very ^extended acre MwthW week.' He will Wiwn- In the Mine nkL>tt*h. uihprn are: Kridi<- III* unit h ml Jcv«dc Gardner, Horn Culllni. Al- luoDt aihi Dnunnt, Ititrke »ud EH;mu9t>-, 'I'liroo (ttlKhmi Miulcnp^. Werdcn and lMoiI- dlKb; i!u' Vmir Mi'lvln*. nud lliu bhivKigrnpli. AtOUMg&B i'Xkw. \V«naliK mnuiinfr).— \»- uilir-r JC'JUd.bltl la Hi'cii hew ^l-^l». Knnnii Cnhiit lit tlic tu'adlluoi-. Othch*' ure : XM. Lima; mid ldul<>tu> rotthn, Knnfmnn hIkktk, Hfiiry^UlTi', St. Onj[i: HnfbtMt'JBllit lt" ( - fln'i: iuiIikM iniinkcrH,* J...Kriun'l*l>oolpy mid Kinlly St. ji.ilm, II. \. I'li/ uml Kceiu'y- fenpp. - ......-■ : Via *MArdilo ,:iii-. inaung«r>—-Ui IhmI hill ot tM ■ntiwa 1h con lierc -M nhd wuck. Th« noHlon Belles Dm-Ic.^itwra liaTft tw«i fi«««l huiir-Mjiic. tht? nlttt iiuhniintc h'runklf Jlnil"y, Ciiucnco Wilbur, CrNivfrrdiiiid Maunlng. Khu n«,i Walters. Amy .timer, Harry f.n Mar, llHHle Mills mid ollWH. iin> diamond necklace and n number of UOtt mid uoncealH-tfacr necklace In-the head of n lane which be currJea. The family re- turns and on Undlujf o robbery ban been voinioUted, Mr. Hmnnm turns the cusp. over to Sherlock, ■HoIdich. who wiw ono -»i' IiIh gUCHtfl. Hanli'H Introdncen hlmHelt M \fy Dunvers, the detective, nnd unnmi thoin de hat* i the thtef. When Sherlock IlolniPr) Hires one ot- bin men he Immediately siumec-tv MWrfn 'M' thtf iroblwr. llie nert night m.itmgerH).—Vlelu ami F.n(cel T comwlv aero- Lady Hope. JiMephloe Hhnw; hidr Faith VW« AVarner; 1-nrty fhnrlty, KIkIp L»olroy : QH Mora Han, Jciui Uarroll; Niiml, LoulHe Harriet, i Next week, l'niislnn HidleH. NeiViAniHtcrilntn liieutre (Klnw & I'r- UttgOfj ■ mantigers). —• Harry Ilularr t:om- itti'ticwl lilt, fourth nnd hist week Sent. '24, In. "The Man-from Now." Next week, 11. M. Irving. In "I'nola and KntiwencB." ■« •■ ■' Atmt.tii- (inrd.ii Qf, Kminer'a Sona. Ilaffles and CrlpM prepo.*c to rob tho bnot. After BluwDJ enti'ance, they are Ktartlcd nt flic appearance of Ml*. Ilariniin, t'ouconllng ilicDisclves, they nee him attempt to rob tho Miifc Immediately ItnlDes steps out and a> cneit's him, robs the sa/o and aonds Crlpps invav with tho money. He notilles pouec hrinlfluarteri, that a robbery has been com- irltted. nud he lurnK Mr. Hnrmnn over, as tin- robber. -Sherlock Ilolmes it in think* liu'fJlet, the. robber of tbe dJumonds and bank tobhery', and oti heaving n Inter consultation bt'tweeu~Harmaa and HWtles, he puta Ihe htt--r uhder nrreHt, but-he proves ■ too -*iircwt.l for Mm t-uplor. and.jnaketi bin. escape. He flees to 4he house of Nora, who loves him, and- tttrc allows hint to enter her zoom for ■itiffty. In cscuplng ItalDeri liun been shot through the wrist. ■ A search of the houHe Im made, and tfiu. Itcv. John ■ Uanfleld, who U nho In love with Norma, makes a caret'id Mcnrch of her room and fim!-t the real thlof. Then It Is that Hafllea tells Hie iitory of bin life, and elnlmtt to be the brother of. the minister. He, Itnllles, swears that It he .allows; blni to mNW will lead a new life Iu the. future, nut the Hev. Bninford knows tlint Mboiild he allow ltnlHea tu do '"> Norma would: follow. This Is nnclerstnod hy Noruiu, aa:-she swears that she docH.aot love'.ItalftcH,'-but him titeitend, ana pleads lo tbe Kvv, Hanheld to give him the chance F,ngp Vlllent. Innott-nt Mnltls Innt week. Tni.LKR'rt lli:i>At>WAv i \xo C letter, lessee i, — ■Tho Virgin tun,'' .with DiiHtJu t'arniini. ^4-"-'W'. 'Ilaht'M In Toyland" nod UVfB Wittes last week. N.-xt, "Am STc Sow.",- Ft ilia iltcnnei Wilson, nuinsgei'K—batile WIIIIhuib pi-cHcnts "My Tuiu-Uoy Olrl", --i-'M. "HttniM of lha ivllce 1 ' climwl a big week KS. Next. "The \lnetv nnd Nlfte." *i.mi:it f.buucs Clark, manager}. — Tuo xnwtdaru iturlcuiiuerH tliln week, . Tho olio: .Inhn West, Al. ; Pattoraoitj • John; WllllaiiH, Anna Hill, Stfrk and LeOiidno, th« Wilsons. Mae Taylor, and (he <;nihnniK. -The Hotel AeiiKbiit ' und. "Tho. Misfit .Family" aro the hitrlesinirH. Thu tiny Morning tllorlen did well week ending '2'2. -Next, the IkMtoa Belles..-. - : - Xiivklty (Chos. I*. WllllaniH, niiinaircr),— Julio ltlng nnd company, la her original ono net: comedy, t« ibin week's^ fenliure. others aw: Tho-Hllte Musical Four, I he Orpheus Cotnedv Four, thu. VaUlnro Troniie, Anna - t'handlsr. frtniey- nnd Wngncr, Frank, fc> U Finnan-Haddoek,;on gartyv'tind the vltagriph.' batai I.illhin Walton, -.outi-nlto sluge'r; titd- doti Brothers, 'comedian*;; tiuvuiond. gym- nast ; Ver Vnlln nnd Koblttnu, tnloretl mnsl- rnl dim: moving picture*.and the NDM LttT Ureheatrn are the nttrnctlons for this week. Diily'a Theatre (Frank McKei!. reann- ger).—Maria. CaJilli cutered her tlttb week und last fortnight Sept. 24, In "Marrying Mary." . j ... ,. . ,. licvr Flalda' Herald Sjianre Thrutrt- IHhiihcrt Si Fields, maungeraLr^Lcw Fields, In ■"About Town/' started his fifth week Sept. '2-i. Cnmplioll Donald succeeded Joaeyh Herbert.: us Laird ~ m tliU date. Vorkviil.- Theairct (Frank Ccntm. insnagflr,.—Floronce Bindley, In ''The-.airl nnd the Usmbler." began n week's eugugement ht'te. Monday night. Sept. 24. Next week, N,U M. Wlllft, Id hla new-farce comedy, "A Lucky Wug." Wishes to aunouiice that jh& will Wd*^ SHERMAN HOUSE, CHICAGO. OCT. j, l$?f |*eveSra^f Woefcsl and wdH; 'haiYO I number pf new songs, in addition to our bi£ hits, MING HANDS, AND YOU DON'T SAY NOTHING AT ALL" "THE MOON HAS HIS EYES ON YOU," "GOOD BYE, SWEETHEART, GOOD BYE," and numerous others. A vhit to ]a)m will be of interest to you. Address all mail to THE YORK MUSIC 60., ALBERT Ull TILZER, Mgr„ 40 West 28lh SI.. I. jf. i M i s Hchllaslnger, .Mllllotiillre's UwvcngcV, rhU ■ I: with 'A I»,m /. Hairleiu.—At the Hnrlem Opera House (Alex Id teacup t i>in,' manager) Frli«l Schcff, In ' 'Mile. Mudlatc,'.' Is the closliiu; attrnc- tltm of tlila house under 1|h present mnnnge- meat -Monduy. Oct. «. Keith ft Froclnr will tnke hold of the house, presenting continu- ous vaudeville. The theatre was well filled r/cpt. 21, nnd all Indication* (wjlnt to n good week. H'bht HJfto (J. F Li Cookson,: manager).— lyescatWi which he does. Rattles and CrtoW quiy. H. Van, In "Tho New UK-mud Boy/ are nbont to leave, but -inlss the last train, opened to a crowded house 24, and met with mid Crlups then betrays his. manter. who la a warm reception. The Bhow la a pleaalng I mcked down by ofllcera; of the law, who have one, and craated a good Impression;. Noxt hdlowed- him In nn automobile. Haflea Week, "A Millionairess Revenge." (tillu Norma ta get Into the.nuto and wait for Mktroi»hlim illurtlg ft Heamun. uoanagera), bltn. There follows an explosion, and In tM —Williams and Walker moved up town and contiiBlun Hatrjes cHcnpes In the nuto which packed them In at both performances here had'cone to-tnko him to jail. It Is Ruffles ^ Next week. "Mo, Him nnd I*' hit-mtlun to recover the stpleu neekla<(g, st-ib (Win. IV K«ogh. manngeri — "Tho which he bus sworn to | return toiNoronu Way of the Transgressor" began a return en- gagenieent, .to n well filled house, 24. Neat i.cmK. "I'uo OninliU'r of the West." Kkitii ft - Piim-rmrH .Onk- llUXUIUtll ami TWUXrY-KO-rit StfMKR TlIKATIIB.—"The Olrl J Loft Behind-Me" Is the offering for tho current week. It la one nf the Is'st inllltii'- tli-nmas ever written. The auMd here Is huge enough for the masnlvo hecesHorles, and Hie cast in most cnpnble. makiug ; It one of the star ofTerlnas ot the season. Fan! MeAlllatcr, ns Lieut. Llawkpswortli'.'uut) Beatrice Morga.i. us .Kale Kennlson, were well reeelwd, nnd their clever wurk won.lhom warm applim*-. (•iIh'i-h who ^contributed- a full share WVBA Wm. Norton. • Dudley-U-awley, Oeo. Howetl, Robt. Hill, Klley ClminhiTlIu. Klht-l t:ilfton nnd Agnea Si-oti. The viiiidevllle offers: The liiiendos. Mill Wood nod Mabel Adams,-and motion, plcturei. i : •• ■"' i Ai uA iniiiA (I'etcy (.. wiiilumn. manager). — BusJuchh Ik very-line, people being turned away nt every perforinnnco. This, weok'i bill: Joe Welsh, Arthur rrhn-c. Stuart Bnrnev. Fred Kamo's COjnadf Co.. Mile. Mnr- Mills' ponlen, Knchly Bros.. Nellie Vesta, TU BUS , mid Lnskv-ltolfe t!o. (Bon Hiii'Elg, ■iii!inagei'>.-^.Sniir Kerlbner'R Morning (■Ibrlcs miule their first. Harletu nppeiirunce to a well tilled liouae 1'4,-and presented n lint! hlllt which* found gtearfavor with the audience. Tue llrst part Is well put logutbcr i:nd nicely ,cOr-tiiim>d,< and the chorus .posftes* Hue voices. ■ 'Tlii! latest stings nre well ren- dered. The olio Includes: Joe Clark, ill. i.'rlpps, who has been trusted In concealing I lie necklace, nina away.. He Is at Inst track- ed down, and tlin gem ih recovered by Ruffles. I'm. Banileld forgives nnd forgets' when he duds out iliat-lloilles hi really- his own In-oilier, and he naslsts Norma In eloplnar with lilni. The play Is well'■tAlMi and holds tho audience from the - start. The cant: Unfiles, alias Ned Iianvers, .lames #, .Gnrtntt) siii-i'tueu Holmes. Arthur V. .IoIidmoh ; Bohby l;urrock, alias Crlwis, Bore Havldwoa; Rev. .hthu Hantlchl, ficorge Ii. Mnekey : John Ilnr- iiun. .I.I-eoniinl Clark; (ireely, AVm. FOfltttl .liuklns, L. It. Welnrlcli; BlukHi .7. RobluHoti; llaivksiev, Tom -Hodgeiaan; Hlyfleid, Uaro Kllue; IMnnle,■ Frank liimnott; ■O'Murn, Ml lvunvpackei':, Sheehan, Ted Snillb: Norini tiriiy, Mnrv Fcrmlcr; Mrs. Moichnid, Mnr!f! tnninerc: Lucy Harinan;. Jesatu ■ Clemen.;: Aunto WarguKkl, Lily Hluclalr: Baby Knse, .leiiunette Iiackct. -Hxecutlve staff: MaiUnvr, Frank C. Rhondetj; bUiUUN manager, 'J.. L. tloro DgvlqnM "The filll Itlcliardw; stage director. Next week, Florence Blndloy, In and tho Gambler." Aator (Wagcnhals ft-Kcuitier, jiianngcrs). <_■(„,!( im( | yt«vetii. and Lnsky-ltolfo Co, —This house wns opened" to the public even- [Iiktju ft Seamon'b Music Hall log, of. Fridays Sept. SO, 11)00, arter..BCvoiiil dlijttppolnilng ■ poatponements,. when Annlo Rusacll ujincnrcd tor the Urat time on any «.liigu ua ruck, iu.Shakespeare's fnlrv com- edy, "A Midsummer Night's Uinum." TM'jH la In most excellent tuHte, and Mr. kemper, under whose ticrsouiil mipervlsliiii It was mudc, hna apnred no tmuble. Hvery- . thing ueceHsa'T lo the success has been done, oiorkera, the Hoblnsoim. Klsle llnrvey and 1 l'hllllps SlbtevH. Next week, Trucadere Bur- Icaquers. • ■i Gotham iBavc Kraua. ■ mnnagftrl.—- The New Century (jlrls, full of life und -ginger, drew n parked liouac on their first llarleiu iippt-anince. 24. Tlier\> nre pretty girls. Hue cos- lunies nndsceiiery. ami plenty of good comedy. H 4i Miiccessfiil week seems ussurcd. The llivt pull, "The French Ball," Is In three acauci). and glvea plenty of opportunity for'all to iippeur to the best ndvautuge. . The latent iniudcul numbers are hitioducud. and are.wet' rendevetl, finding' favor with- the .nudlene-. 'I he ollu : Allltired Ynlinia-c, Bul-rstt and nelle, Hays and Wlnclicll, Mllclielland Vnu. .Kar- tell aud Nelllp Hylvcster. Wine, Women untl . Tim jivi'yvt'SANT J PlUlt, iwill; Im* miiu'iited by David BcIubco, Will bo'Rcaled oh b'tirly-rourlh Hfrter, be- tween llrourtway and Sixih Avenue. I'Iiihh were Hied with Hip Building Department, Kept. IN, bv tiiHige Kelsler, architect. The hoilw will have ii double MMttf. etiulplied with the ltltf<tt devices. .The audit.nlum will bo comniotlltius mid comfiirtiihle. Mr. Helnaco h.ttf fdlpulalrd that the mchlleet shall uol only r ply with every ilemand of-the Building Dnnartniciil. bnt.thni he provide extra wide ntpiMBpn. in ml entrnnees nnd exits, wyoud those required by the. new building laws. The llutiiru wRl he ready next Autumn, und Mt. BehiM-o eltpeols li> umkc liHUiy new produf- lloiiH With ih* stars now tinder Ids iniimigo- inettt. It will also lie It liome for foreign Mtnrx nnd.draniai.b- prttductlons of Lurftiwan jir'iilueers, as.well M Indei-endeni. managers In this country. Wtirk on the foundation will Im> Htnrtcit this week, tha olddiulldlugs ou the slle having been turn down and The exeaVn- ihui completed. Mr. Belusco's executive offices will he In the building. Tuk HunuVDW of (he tlraiid Opcrn HHUM held their atmunl dinner Thumday, H«pt. 1.1. in the Rlchmoud. nud n better time could luii'tlly have been dreamed, of. Then* was a full alfcud-iiicc. and plenty of good cheer :li the wnv of fotsl. drluk uml n vamlevtlle en- tertulninent, miule Iln> tlmo \m»* tpdekly. A v.■!■<.■ luttnUunir menu card. Mervuili.aa a sou* veti'lr. oIro, ami the good llilnw enuuieratod ilierwtnwore dono full Jusileo to. The aas)- tiliitloti'unmbers the following: .1. Ilown'1 Sin-lnger. prealdant' Henry Colt Hwlfl, vw i.icHltient: John A. Ilauhm, secretary: Wil- liam V. Dwvct, -treasurer; Hugh Morrison, Mutf-A-it. at.arms.: Broosuu JJotiglns. .A. h. Cuvjord, ». J. pnwklns. I^iiils Mueller. 1». J, Uilxru, William Lk>tu>hue, William Feel- Juaciih MeMuuus, nines Bennet, llarr- Rdli'-fi-Jtihii F. Jl'ilrttelii, Frank Itogers. l'otm* tunulu/;b«m. 1,'mls, Vrtllalerea. pinrles H. Nrtrmnii, .Itimestlilinore, Henry Ilnriv, Chns. KoWN Frank .1. R.Hlgers, Julia O'Xelll, Chrlr- Lnpher Muriihy, -Arthur Huhcock, Wm.JCt*; stein, T. J. Ilrady, llobert Uuniihiif MidiFrunk Culleetor. ' '■ ' ■ ' v *' Mauv Manxijiisu wa a opera ted upon nt her home Svpl. Iff, for mastoiditis llbajWM lu the cur), un<1 Is reportwl lo bo recovering, Miss Mamicrlug Imrt suffered ctmsldcrsbly for several weeka, and n tow days boforo Die yiteriitlon I he pain beniam too leQle to hear. Tun ItlfiiMONIi. ii tMllTtt nt Htriplatoii, Shii.-n IslJiid, waa nneiied lo thn ■ public Sept. t7. with ''Thu Clulsilnn." The houso ■MltJ eight huilllrwl. o . ' TIorsi.HCi^miiiMiro: Fllhtess. Irving I'lnce, l'mctoi-'K rinii Avenue and Oiitdcn. Fiianxxs Rinu wus taken suddenly III Kepi. i)L and lha Hu.kcit Theatre, whore she is playing'the leading role In "Man and Iim Angel." was dark thut plghl, Tho nttnie-'h A mi-ii ion (M. mnniigcri.—"A Mllllotiiilre _ week. Hood btisJuerui IumI wick with A Rika for Life, 1 ' Nejst, "A Uml Man from Mexico." - Ooi'iiAM (Edgar F. t-lrartl. innnagcri-.—•- Kdward Iveoiigh henda. ,the list t this. week, others mt): fjortle Reynolds and her Twlrly Whli-ly (iirlH, Master Nick Wright, (Inrdner nnd Htoddanl. the Four LlvlngHtonc. Kldora nnd Norlnc, Taps aud Twins and the vlla* graph. ■ * . ,. t ; (In.wji Family Tiikatiuj (Fmhk Bt'CUA mnu;iger).—"tiypsy .luck" Is this week'* offering.. l.nsf week '"Hie Owner (Irocery" Si ik ..well received, Next, ' The l*ower ot oney." ■ : « i =• : -. -. IUktox'h (»., H. Allen, innunger).—'"Ilia Two Orphans" this week," with KUa Reed Pay ton hk lillnd ROtflaf, ■ (hjM business Isst week with "The (llrl I Wft Behind H«." Next, "The Prodigal 'Hon." i£il - LvCkum (Irfiuls l'hllllps. manager).—"Un- der Two Flags" this week. A prosperous week mis had with "On the Bridge nt Mid- night" Inst Week. Co.vKv Inland's m.uidi Ouah,-— Las. week. Sept. 17--3, was tho biggest week In the met- ter-of nltondnuce ever' loitiwu on MuvIsland, Hie Mintll <>ras, wllb lis riot of fun, bring- ing fevernl hundred Ihousnud people tu the givat bench resort nightly. • The |auntie* were big features, and tbe crowning of the king ItMl mieen was attended by tremendous crowds. Comdaientlv k<mmI outdoor weather-, wh'ch prevailed during,the greater part 01 carnival week, hud tht with inn king the week a record breaking tine : ■■ Nntf.H,—It has ■ been ■ learned thmugli a rellatile atmrce thut II. F. Keith has securetl control of thoMaJeHtlc Then t re, and will Inrn It Into u vaudeville house. IV Majes- tic ailractlons will go to iho (irand, and the bookings of the, In tier hoiwn Will go to the r.iltnnlda. It will give the people of (his sec- tion of Brooklvn four high class vaudeville house"—Orphcrim, Hyde ft DtwAlBarn, Majes- tic ,and .Keuuny's Jerome II. Flynn started his Ichth season with the Spooner HltH'k t'b^ 'Aug. 20.: Mr. Flynn hns. been treasurer for..the past four years, ami bus lined thut position with great>efnelenfty ItiiniHiiy Morrla. author of "The Ninety und Nine," Is uu well pleased with ■ the work of Miss i Rayone Whipple, as Ruth Blake. I Uml. he Is writing n> new piny, In which she will create thn leading part. next mum i Fay Tetnplolon, In "Forty- live Minutes from Brondwny," will he .leen at the New Montuuk ahorlly Maunger t |<>n was announced to close 22, atiiU ih'i Frhlley stales that his house Is almost sold ) l(lll ., 0 will lie dark this week. . I.vtrni m (F. .1. (Hlbert. nuitiiiger)."-. genie Ulsli; presvutetl v'L'he Woimui An the Ciiae'' to ciiiciclly bushlcss 1T*W. ''Bertlin. (he Sewing Sl.ichine Olrl." Whf 'well recciv.rtl 20-2'-'. Itnruev tMliutire. In "A Rocky Road M Dublin." Ul-*Jti; "At tlie Mid Cross Roads" Vt-20. "A Child of Ihf Reglmeill" Oct. D.'I, "Buster Brown" 4-tk . i,--'■ J.ictin^ (Maurice Jacobs, uitiiiagen.—Jully Hrnss WldttWM pluvsd t» good slsed houses last week. 'Wine, Wtuneii ami Hong week of a#i New CenDtry tllrls tu follow. i ; i i.t | i Trcnt»u.--At the, IVyldr Opera lloii^ (Montgomery Moses, niiioiigeci •Cliarley's Aunt," Keut. IT, ltd MM bwftintM, AudreV Mack. IS, did well, ■liosnlle," i:n. had satis- factory business. Ham Bernard. 21, pleased a good shted house. Arthur Dunn. Iu "Tbe Mi tie .luker." i'J; Uluttche King 24. 2o, '.'The I'llnee of Pllaeu" ;*R-28, "Tlie Men^ure i,r u Man' 1 2», "dnat Out bf C'ollekt*" th-t. I, Muy ii win i\ I'aiiiu F.dwardea.1, "li Happi'iK-'d lu Noltlliiud" '!■ Ktat»I HtOtRT (Krunk. ShiitlerM. manager). —"Her own Way." Hopt. Ii. had s,atlsfactt-r-i' business. -''The Way of Ihe Tratisgis-SHor.' 18. Hi. did well. -Ai the Old Cross Huttds." 20, lint) a good felRCil bouse. "When tin-.World Hloeps." -7, 22, had good business. "A MM- " «J iT-iti lilgh't l'"se»iii>" 24. CJ-uhLiih Clarke 25. Piinl (llluiore 2d, 27. "Lovers and Lunatics" 2tl. I'D. Tim.iT (Montgomery Muses, manager).- - Kill for 24 nnd week: Herrmann, the (treat; Kelinn Ileum--. Zona Kclfo, Milton aud Dolly Nobles. Urn' ami Benetlitto. Dixon and Auger. Marion, Temple, and Morton, uml the Trent'.- Ntitts'.^—Thp nttmetlnna bookad fur the In- lerstule Fair, lU-l!h. Include: 'l*h" Oreal Uim- Is'ushne, Johnson. Davenport and Ltir*l)a, WRtini Hroa., I i Musical Hussnrs, Wood- witrd's seals, IhiraaCrj mmm\ Clreui, Hon' high wire art, and "The Uniit." llaruy, out for i lie first of f t w leojl eek oj I lie two weeks' - |.-K«uouer, In "The Olrl rtnd no aupe'filuous necessorles are to he m 'I'ho gtuieml Jniprosslou tronveyed Is that-of dignity nnd knowledge w wbul Is cbrreei. l*«o much -prnlse canuot Is3 gwarded ; Mr. Ivemiecr forlils artistic Ideas.. The miigulli- ccni forest aeen'os were among tby flues|. ever nrvNMlwL the costumes we.-o handsome nod the light effecta beautiful. There was uoth- liig.garish or out of tone from tho-rlae to the-fall ot tlio curtnlu.i u|hl Russell win* awtot uml (Liiniv as Puck, JNUrag N a uuislcnl vokie. and hnvlng n fair coucep- lU-ii of the elUah bprlte. While Uof MT- forniauec was for from being ; great,' it wag enjoyable, and she wns thoroughly, cou- -ileiitlous. Her uhlllty to.Uy and IMitgrac-j- fully was not I be least of the good fL'aturca- Ho-Tig turned- them away ul-every perform- IK fiict,.the.flying effects were llnely'hnudled ura hist week. Tho Haiw (iras niid warm weather played havoc with' llin theatres In this borough la*t week, as one and all cuinpluinod of pn-or Im.tliieiis The Hn- Heras ;wlll-be ■0M M Keenty-'s week of Oct 1. ' ' ' ' ,. ■■. i ' ■» ■ NKW VOHK CITY JO'l'TIXUM. .Iameh W. Hohnk, for ulna yenrs ii.meuiiter of the bonne staff of the Cent nil Theatre, :a Ran Francisco. Oil., tins won appointed as- sistant treasurer of the Herald Ki|Hiire WM* litre I NKW J1SIIN13V, \iiiinHe ('My.---At tlie Huvoy Theatre CFred K. Mttore.niauagcri Ham Bernard. Iu CfM' ttlnh Mre Hoggenhelmer," did an lui- induss -liuslnSM-Keitt. '17-10. Paul (lllmdrc, In "AI Vain," bad Hiitlsfaciury MMjfflMj fkt 22. Com lug | Htctsod's "Uhcte 'I'oin'a l nhln 21., 2r.. "'Ine Measure of a Man" 20. 2i, Cresloir Clarke, In "The Rngged Messenger'," as, an • . ■ ., ■..-«. ViiiiM.'r. inn TiiiiA-rin: (W, K, Hluckeb ftirtl, iimnager..r-Vutulerllli' continues to at- Irhcl good houses. For week of 21: MU- gibbons-McCoy Trio. Irving JoueV Tlionm* giujrlay, Reunelr and Unudh-r, Jiiggllng Bgw- imiis, Mnlsd Khn|isoh, IM Huwanw, und the kiuo|ograpli, H'j(!ki-I,i;ciiahi; PlKIl ((lllcs W. CleinCUl. inulinger I.-rThe moving plcliircii coutljiuu lo draw well. mm ■- ■ i a Cnmden.—At thn Camden Theatre (M. W. Taylor, innuagcri Kebna Hurman, In "(lueeii of Hie Convict*,** repeated her f off it- er Mlfiraw here'Hopl.-17-HI.- ''Hotly Tolly," 20-22, played (o capacity. Jm> Huntley '4\- 20. "From Tratnp to Millionaire".. 27-20, "When the World Hlei-pi" thib .Ml, .. IOWA. llcixmcii Ot.vftii:t> Ih 'to have control of r , lt \ \nunL, ai the Newjuk Theatre ottolougtii, inaimgei'i 'The Clansman" Ihla week, in "The thilloper,". Huyinond Hitch- drew good houses u'cclt of Mept. Ii. the Irving I'lace"Theatre for at least another e'pjj,, .Cuibuti) Widow" next, thorite. In "The Fn year, und anub'um''Hl hist! week his plans for ' i>jit>.:joit^,—Hmnsby Wllllniiift mokes his fiom l'arjs" 22, J« r^dwlu. Mordaunl tonde a stnlwart-Thaseii' Atkins Lawrence hod a gotsl Idea of thei'"- tlulreiaciiU of Kgens. Oswald Ynrke gave ft yowl pevformauco otXyaanden Edith Chap- man pluyed.lUp|io))*n with dignity, nud 1m- pjt-ogad . una wall. Cntlierloc Proctor -WW 'easing. LauSlnp ltowan plnycd the loyo- Archers, Camk,v (AI. Onkcn, maungcr)k—It la tho Minne old atorj' here—business Is sfltlsfnctory. The week opened with a good sized audience L'4, when thu.following uct« were presented: Humes. Cain and Hocy,. Ira Keasnor. Tyson nnd Foster, I'oierson und Sharp, and Seven "tin; turning, season. The Irving Phieo The atrc Will lie opened OS Oct. Ok The new uieiiibuM of. the cmii|hili.v will lie: l-.lwt Buct- llscher.jind Mailaiiuc lli'iitl. from the. KMnos Theatre. Iu Berlin; tiiei-i linns, from theNa- llutial Tlutalre. in Itiuini : Marie JnunK.-li. from Iho Hindi Then!re, In Jiclnatr, ami Mllly Rchnnnn nud Trude VolgUi, Run the Hal* iniiud Theiilrc. nl Yleiinn. The nowcom'-is numng the men nre: Cuslnv (Joldlwch, Fried- vrlch lloitiuins, Willy Kulser and Curl Mac- hold.--Of the former compiiny lledwlg Aon Ostcrmaun. Linn lluen^ler. Oeorgluu \ ou Neuendorf and Kraiix Klersehner hove MM lien Uol ne**,-At K<>Hier's 0|>crn lluiita (Wm, Feilcr, manggcr) "Fnntnsmn" showed to n fair sjtml house Kept. 111. Joe Caw- Kiw Uomij" 21: "Peggy urns (PNell. 21, Kdwlu hesf. nppearnuco hern this week, lu addition Arden, In '"i'uld In the HllJa," "JU. to Cliff Cordon, Neil Nye und his rollicking i;jivm> Oi'Kka lltiusju (Win. Funler, maun isirlg. Monroo uml Waaloy. Cogti npd Con- g»e».—"The MMulght Flyer" attracted, tdt ' heavy ImuacM 10-10. nnd good slsetl I'rowO- uJoved ;-No Mm her in Onlde Her" 20-lV 'pi,,, t: "The Convict's Da light ei Charley". 2J-2U. . . Mmi'Uih (M. J. Kargvi ' 2:1-20, "Chlnoiowii rn Helena excellently., and was a beautiful 1-Ictiiro hi her flowing gown*. Her B«u41Aj| v as clear, crisp nnd Intellectual, im BrookH wan charming and fairy like as Tltgnla, WJ her: leva- sceuo with Bottom waa an ; ex* utiialie bit of acting. The other fairies were »"'ll played, und ^the chorus showed, the "fleet of long nud earnest study and eniy- ful hand I lug.. The gruuplugs were cleverly UKiiiagodi und there was no crowtling. The production-Is worthy of Bueeess, wjleb it will.doubtless achieve. Tho east: Theseus, lldivln Mordnunt; lOgous, Atkins Lawrence; l.ysnndcivOHwutd. Ynrkc: Demetrlna, Lionel Adams:;, Phllostrnie. Mdward Longman : UuIniV. Thomas Coil's Coolo.; Snag, W. II, 'iliraore; Uotloiu. John Bunny: Flute, K ch- ard Lee; Snout, WHmer . Dnuie ; Ktarvllnjc, Hubert Osborue-.Hvnpolvtu,- Kcllfli Cbiipinnn : Herinla, Crttlieride Proctor: Helena. Lanslnt* ltowan; Oberon. Jamaa Young i Tltanlti, Inn Hrooka; Pease BluHHonit Bttslo Mhwdnccky: t'ohweb. Leon Htniiis: Moth, Vlunlc Burns: Mubturdaoed, Wllliiun. Brown iluillan Roy. Oevtrant 8trflus; Fairies, Belle Nln i Id, •lentile DrWlii. .Kllanheth Doddrldgb. Uofiea De Veneyi Puck, Annie Russell. TOOKf"; kagemoai In, tor four weeka; A description of this beautiful hutuH will appear lu a later l*stie*, . NOW York HlMpodrouie (Shul-crt k Anderson, managers).—"A Society CWIUT "turtcd Iih fourth week Sent. StV Rose Went- worlh, etiueslrlenue. Joined, the company ii, for-nn extended eiigngemenl- ; ., ,,, .„ . MnuhutiHM Tb.olrt- iWm. A. Brsd£, manager)..—Grace Mnjj started Tier tuira #frff, Sijiit. 24. In "ClOtliea."- " i WMmmtfftC «Th9«. Bunihnin, mnnnger). r**H»sitlonor. the Maynr," MftO Ms *«ond 'PJd'ln^week Scpt;i24; Next-week, Thoa. fFrSfi&ni "pftpursritv." , , Criterion Tfivnir* (Charles ferohDinn, manager).—Hnlll«.,WHIIflnis;- In "Wle l.Btle CJierohj". opened her eighth week Sept- <H. "Pauk.— The houso opened Sept. 24. with Oscar Dane* in "Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde," Bupyorted by a good company, to a fair slsecd nudl-jitee. ' ; . Brooklyn.—At the New .Moutnuk (Ed- ward Trull, innimgerl Fnincls Wilson week of Kept 24, In "The Mountain Climber." "The College Widow" lost week. Next, rritsl K-ihctr; In "Mile. Modlsle.'.'. -' ■ Shubkiit'h (Lew PurkecmuiiUKcr).—'llic Prince Chap" 24-211. with Cyril Scott. "Tim Man ou the Box" .17-22. ' Next,-■■•rilie Social mLikmtio IW. C, Frldiey.. mnnager|^ NatM. Wills 24-20. iu."A Lucky Dog?' 'the Four Mortons 17-22. Next, Cecil Spooncr, lu "The Olrl ICaulM." ,,,,„ Bijoi: (Mrs. SpOOMT, muimger^.— Di Hurry" Is presented by tho Spooncr Stock Co. CUM week. Edna May Spooiier appears In the title role. Augustus Phillips 1« the king, and Harold Kennedy, Bnl Clarendon Ibntf Den F. Wilson nre Seen 10 advantage. "Mr. Barnes of New York" 17-22. "IJie Bulk of' Richmond" next.*- v • finASP (Milton. T. Mlddlelou, maneger*.-- ''Kcl!h0, the Sewing Machine (llrl, weekjit "4 "My 'IVa-tlnv Olrl" wns here Inst ween. "TM iliirglar's liuughler" next, Cih.i;m»ia M||S, K Wuer/. '"«'"0ff'' ;■; - i *Ds D. Tlmyer Is ih» star. In "A ftuiisre Ii'aV; at Mils hotwe. 94-sm "A Womim uf Oni'TiKiJM^fPerc.vO.'WllllnuH. niflnnKcr).— An excellent Mil week of 24. Ned Wgun * Rata Benra. with Neva Aymar. are the- bead- InersrV Oilers Sift I WIlHtm's Jc»le. IrglM G Kellov"' no'ward and >orth.; Wort.-slid Ower, r.aaky-Tlolfe O.dntette. Mcnettk*!, IIW- plonlat, and the vltngrflph. Ilvnii &. IlBirM-i»B.(Mek Norton, mniin B er}^4lbbcrt llllllard'a cngagemeot haahee-j Might Bulls" next week... Wamimakn'm (W. S. CUrk; rafliiagcr)^— The Crocker Jacks nru lierc ibli week, iiih) Hob Vun Oaten Is again the central ilgure. A simjcIbI ntlractlen feaimed this season Is "I'lotu," the girl with tbe silken lights. Thn Boston Belles were new comers w*rk*of 17, but ibey dulckly ftmnd fhvor and easily rap- tured a goodly Mbni'c of business. Tbe 'Irani- atlnntlcs ucxt, week. . le-nigaocd. 'Tin- siagd management will be fa ^ mteatton lu "A Rocky Road to Dublin." iu ilite hands oi" n contmlttee composed of <■ Kmll Relter, a stsge ninnnger from tho Royal Theatre, lu Prague, whs SUMS hen- for 1M ili'Hi lime this yenr; Adoluii vvimis. ulso a new comer, and from the Royal Theatre, In Dresden, nud Mux llnen-dey. The repertory will include Oscar Wilde's -"Salome. Kuder ; inunn's latest id-iiy. "the FIt.wer Boat: Fulda's "The Homely King." Illiimenthul a "The Mlass House.". "The Double Marrluge. I.v .. Kurt- KraUl: Felix I'hllllppl s "I be llflpcr." which villi prolmhly open IM sea- son ; Max DreyetM "Ornudmaiiia.' mid llauptiiiuun's "Cad Plpa Tnn;t' and "Rtne Hermit." The usual plays-of Hliukespnure, Schiller nnd Oouthn will be performed. TiiiiATSKM ctOSKP Aim: Madison ftaUflre, Princess. Proctor's Fifth Avenue, (.urd'.-n, llmudwoy mid Irving Place. ■ TnM (SoiwtKSToxi: for tin- monument (i Oo'scppe- Verdi, Urn famous composer. wa» laid In Hie nflernoon of Sept. 20, ut Hberinau Siinoif, Urondwur ami Hi-veiiiy-sccond Street, before a large ihroiig. In splto of a lieary la I ii. Fifty Dalian soiHotki; In, New York und vlclulty buvo thl* proje.;. in band. . HtmsMR I'rri.Kit. formerly S Wfllknown propertv mnker. Is III nt his Imnie, OSfl Mitt Avenue. New York, where be would Is* pleased W'see his friends. KKITI1 ft PiKNTon's Fiirii Avkmk • ii/:- atih; I- antionnced to u|-en wllh a hlg valid' ■etiTij 1/lly.Unglry, next M- it-alay. . rnd, 'Lucy and Lucler. Young nnd Brooks and Josephine Hassmun itud her "Picks. COfAMMA .(SI. J. Jacobs, manager i.■ "When the World Htceps" tho currant week. "A Slldulght Kscapu" provetl lo hg the best of the aenson thus far. and drew largo and well pleased audiences. "Tho Way of the "Truusgreasor" next week. ,. BLAgg-VM (J. II, Bncksn, manager). «-*• .. Beatrice .Vance. In "The (Jueen of tlio VAv Tim Hmniiiier Tmr.\tiik Is in open Ita sett- ■•Os." this week. Barney (llfmore- rccel/c.1 sou-Oct, fi: munsger l.--Honked for weok of 24: Klnpy. and Kijipy, Dei'. W. Slnnrt. Ciirberty ami Hliialou, Tuiineblll mid lludcllffe. earlyle am). Murlow, Louis PrlU Kow, uml KeJwIt-k nud Wnlbrb-k, ■ hili."iieiuJed' by Idly MWgtry tiny cvenlna; Oct. j; ' Sldti- .lerne-r City.—"Home -Folks" enjoyed u fair week nt the Academy ending Kept. 2a. Thn W-ituou liurlestjiics pleased good houses at the Hon Ton. y. At.AiiUMY (F. M, Henderson, manager).— "Ituster. Hrown" a4-2H,. with Andrew Mack til ful l-nv. . Hon To.v (T. W. Dlnkliis. maunger).— .lolly. Oriiss Widows" 24-20, Wine, Women ami Hong Jo follow. , , . » -... — .- Ilobnken.—At the Lyric (II. 1'. Soulier, inn auger) business keeps fair. For 2U-*:<1, ,-At Iho Old Cross Road:" "A Southern Veu- detiu" 27-2IL, "Molly Tolly"'HO-Oet, 8. Umi'Iiii; i A. M, Bruggemaiiu, proprletori. -Week of Sep). a4!'MaxiiK and Mu-iette, Clarice Vance, Ilesliali and Miller, the Kins- Nenfa Bultlua Bruce, Wood Hn.- . Mllcbell nud Kane, and the, kluctogiuuli. iStrrm***, Kellh ft J'ruetot- nnvc purchased ryunrteiie Hall, slluated In the main tho- roughfure, nnd will eenvert the snnm Into n lit mi. .class viiiiiieviii.i house, opening next Jilich Witmauk, of His iniiabr publishing bouse of M. Wllmark ft Sous, bus !«en COil- _ vered to hli r.ouic. from the private ThudHs! May. g^OOU w.ui the prlea puld. In which he underwent a surgical opcratloii resiililnjL by no nsvMriii.' In m** loss-gf imp of his legs. Ill-* legion of frlonds will.If K*n*l to learn Ibnl he Is dolus; nicely. - , ;..• •■ Pamsv U.wTiti^Ni an natlMJ, Is coliflm-.i HI the> Insane. UohpUsX mi Wurd's Island. She Is twcnlytliree-years>h. and has bi-eh Identified wllh many companies; . g.'ii)Aiii..Maiiu('ejr) week oLHopl. 2i: "A Mlgl fit'; VaudevlhV' WorW snd Kingston. On Cnlerson,"Al the I'mpln; (A. M. Ring . A Hi.l.-.niiil lltlkcr, Ai-kff etiil Lsfttvr, Kimball aud 4ars*H. XMsisf Aiisthtfi, Mrs. Jt, Blhnrii- nrd and others. Wn-k <,f Ul Ih souvenir we ? k M' : : !" I .I.'." . ,'■ ; .- IVlllt r IttiirltU. Al fin-one'- Operil IIOUHO (Will S. Collier, uiumigi'i-i the Myrtle Vinton Co.. Sept. 14. 13, In reperhirj', hud lair i*< lllrns. The Wm. If. West MfflStmH pleased- a gtssJ lirms". (.'ourleniiy Mui'p'jji. In "A Wo- man of Mystery," IM, deserved lietier ntii-ml- tinea.- "Tne Free l.nii.c" VO, pjrused a big 1 house, ('timing: "An Aristocratic 'Tramp 21, BrluUiii Kntertalulng t'v. 22, 2'l, ■ '"I'Imi Olrl aud the Hitndli" 24. "Peggy from P/irls" 25, "Muloney'.: Wedding" 2(1. "The Mayor -Of 'I'okln" 2T, Jiilnes O'Xt'll 2K. "Told in Ihii Hills" _'li, "The Llltfo llomeslerid" 00, "UlM tn-r Soul hern KkW-s" Oct. 2. W. If. Patlim 'h Walker Whllesbb- 4, & "Onsy rornei's" 0, . ' PKOI'IJI'M l V'li Hugo, uiiiliiig''i'j.-- TIiIh II in bill, week <>t Hopl. 17, drew big hoiisci:: Aiucln, Leomirtl and Louie, .Imnes Tboiuiisos* Hoyer and French, liny W. I'u.v, iuni tho klnutoseope, ■ * : •••« ',.*■ Ai,A3M> pAiti; (0. K. Ilui-foii, ninnnger..— The Hist seastai tit this deservedly popular resort •■JiiM.'ti hi. with ttils good bill: otura's .Inpam-so t.'lilltliou. Marvelous Ruo'le, Dong- lass and Douglass, Wm. Wtnsroii.ttia Alamo' scope, ami Hchltiidt's Orcheslril, -^ , N.rn;n ■ .Initn \\, Ku'ai', for nlg'itron'KCn'tS i>u mm violin In Hreeiie'H.opern-tldusf.«.>sng ph., i tilayer far iweniy yen is In K on bit's Ns- tloioif Miiiul, i|m> scereinry of (be muolt'luiis.' local union,' bus resigned, to Isarouiiia-lirfe-g. mnii In Die government printing "Mice, Wm*- lilglon, I» i Fred iuni Muo Duuder, Ideyillsts. wore liei-'f M-12 HeleHi. K- Henderson. y>aingei' daughter of Maunger. J. Jl. Demb'Moii. wna uiorrled at, Neli., Kent, If. to Hnhort T, Hiiillh, nl ihln rlry. .- Ml-eratl's Demi will play op the Ofst ditv of intr c.irnhitl. Oel. ] .'. . . |\ V)'. Kdpp will rOMemr I. W, -Kolnr an buss vim Mam In the ,.|,i ru house orrheMlra....'. .The Wi-ji Minstrels band gnve nu open air concert Suu- day nflernoon, III. which dr«w thousands of people to llesverr Pork.. ■.*■' - •*.- , «.. ■*' •••■*«'