The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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854 THE NEW; YORK CLIPPER; September 29. TER GREEN Tfc« Tot.1I]? »otMi, l>>th. of —Any Hor.!" "By the WM.rm.lon Vine il.lndy !«■)," Xlc. A "Hit" From Co»»t to Co«.t. OOOD-BYE, lyi BACK I'VE GROWN SO FOND OF" YOU A Now Ballad by LA WHENCE H. O'CONNOU. A Success From the Start. A a»w Jlnl»o tottf( bjr lli« corapoitr of "Sylrle." Equal .lie "Heyl Mister Joabua.' A swell Utile Irish Walt?. Wong that l« already very popular throughout P8>w F-nglnnd, JVK DUSK H o A <:ompiiniaii Bang to H By the 'Watermelon Viae" and by the same Composer. All pronounce it "ALLEN'S BEST.* STROLLING HOME WITH JENNIE A a«w March Song that Is J nit as good as the title sounds. IMMENSE FOB QUARTETTK8. PROFESSIONAL SINGERS Send np-to-datn programs for roples of these and other late songs—SO CARDS. '%WATLMl?jyiiM&, JACOBS, 1«3*7 Tremont Street, WHICH IS Til E BBHT QIB.%, ACT AND BEST DUEKSED ACT IN VAUDEVILLE ) I USE 1(1118EPTETIE. TliU W.«k, KITBA ATTRACTION COLONIAL THKATHE, If.w York City. H«xt Weak, OnPHKI'M THEATRE, BROOKLYN, !». T. P. B.-FBATtlRINO "Somebody's Sweetheart I Want to Be" Published by Ihe QUS EDWARDS MUSIC PUB. CO. OSMAN STOCK COMPANY WANTS UN FOR CHMCTEnS AND HEAVIES. o itor I'setui People, write, JOHN OSMAN, Bristol, Term, UWIVU TO THE BICOKSH OP MY FOUR ATTRACTIONS, I HAVE DECIDED TO PUT OUT ANOTHER IIBPERTOIRE COMPANY, OPENING IN OLTOUUH. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, Stale if yon do Specialties. Can use two High 01ns Vaudeville Acta to feature. ' Address EARL BUK0RS8, Care Stone Opera llouj*e, Blaghampton, Sew York \ATA»rTED, FOR BRADY STOCK CO., General Business Man, Heavy Woman, To may Borne Characters; Sketch Team, playing piirtn. All mum dellvorihe a'ooda. l>. O. H ART Iff AN, Ada, Ohio. THE P ARLOR THEATRE, I VAUDEVILLE I Tork, Pa. I VAUDEVILLE I Wanted, VAUDEVILLE NOVELTIES AND FEATURE ACTS. 3 SHOWS DAILY. Address applications for Immediate anil later time to WM. 11. PYLE, Mgr., York, Pa. RIP VAN WINKLE CO. People In All Lines. Musician g Doubling Stage. San with Picture Machine DOC PHILLIPS,, Ohio. RI6GS' WILD WEST SHOWS, ; Ducking Horse lUdors, Indians, Cowgirls, Rifle To Knlarcc Wand Pcop'e., or complete Band of eight or ten pieces: Ducking Horse IHdors, Indians, Cowgirls, Rl Hhor, 81 JH<DK and Talking Clown, Ground a«d Aerial Acts, or any thi on that can bo worked In oj arena Alan Ont-oif and Hide Hhow People that tan do two or more turns, Working People, Four Hu« Six 11 irhB Drivers, beat and LiRht Man, Bow Canvasman, Canvasinen, Hill Posters, Also Agent and lunruKl Contractor, bhow nover closes, eaiary sure each week, no name your lowest ana 8TATK ALL tlrat loiter. Boozora, illsmiranizerg, klekors. has-beens ami, pave your Btampa, Don't aatc for tickets: tt'a no two. Adureas IIMMIN 1 WILO WK8T 8HOWB, WlnterBet, Iowa, Sept, 84-w. ■ HEBHUW COMtDY OF THE RIGHT KIND ■ LeMAlRE and LeMAIRE "A WELL-MATED PAIR." CAN BE ENCACED, TED E. GOODWIN AND MAY A. GOODWIN VersatUo Singing ami UnooliirTSketch Artists. All Mr. ami wardrobe Al. Hobur and reliable. No objections to bits. Address 0O0PW1N8. Itailgrounrt. (la. WANTED UUlliK, SOUBHtTTE OR IN6ENUE "vfltn BpeelaUr. Also Lady pianlflt. state lowest Hxpeusss paid. TBBATBH.A1. gXOIUNOg, Syracuse, N. Y. 4—Sutclifffe- Sisters—4 Open iim Alter Oct, 1. Adureas clipper. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, COMPETENT MUSICIANS. ALL INBTROMENTR. Mako salarv low. PltANK 1). HERST. Musical Director LIJUOY COMEDY 00., Toie.>o, Ohio. WANTED, ILLUSTBATED SONQ SLIDES. New sad aid Songs. Stale loweet cash price. BONO SLIDES, CLIPPER Dgte, Now York. WANTED, DRAMATIC PEOPLE. ONE PIECE. Addree. HOW, D.KODEUfl, km City, Mlpil F--FREDNIBLO--1 has been a BCDGRT subscriber from the very start. "NuirCed." If yon want to hpk the greatest book or Btage comedy ever Issued, send for MADISON'8 Bt'UHKr No. 10, wlilch contains 31 parole successes, 9 really funny mono.ogoes. 8 floe sktt -hen for 2 males, and 4 for male and 'female, 3 •well comedies and bnrlesnneB running nearly an hour each, besides a tremendous buncn of new gaga, Jokes, comic poems, sidewalk patter, etc. Price only $1 Pkh COPY. Noney rrtnrne&ifHtmmyso. Back Issues out of print except isddoets 3,7 and 8. Will send any 2 for tl.M, s for $2, or BUDGETS 3, T, 8 and 10for $2.60 JAMES MADISON, 144)4 THIRD AVE., NBW YORK. Wanted, PIANIST, Should bo harmonist andbe able lo playfrom Baas or 2d Violin part, salary $n per week of 12 per- formances. Vaudeville, Also TRAP DRUMMER For same salary. Theatre engagement. Long season. Writ* or wire. DOMINIC SARI.l, HualeAl Director, MAJR8TKJ THBATIIK, UlrmlnKham. Ala. '5 D. T. C. CD. WANTS QIUCK, Actors and Unslclans in all lines, Baritone, Trom- bone, Cornet and Trap Drama, aiuilcla* a In all lines who.doable siatre or B, and 0 , write,. MmH Join at once. Car show Salary sure. Address BANKS BAIRD, Kalamazoo, Mtcb. LECTURER AT LIBERTY WESTERN AMUSEMENT CO., KANSAS CITY'S THEATRICAL EXHUME. Suit* 327 Schutta 8ldg. t 1209 Grand Av«. Western Headquarters for Dramatic People, visit our office when In Kansas City. Have your mall addressed in our care. Desk room for the transaction of business, managers, write or #ire whan yon want peoole. WE WANT JUVENILE LEADING MAN, two Cbar. Hen, with spedalUea* Char Comedian, with specialties: Versatile Leading Woman, Heavy Woman. U. B. Woman. -t.Hinainjr and Dancing Soubrettes. All Repertoire People write quick, lell all; don't misrepresent. ^ AL. JBAKIW8QM, Maoagsr. MORRIS-THURSTON CO. WANTED QUICK, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE I ALL IMS. Heavy Character, flerj. Bur. Man and Comedian, Woman for Juvenllea and Heavies, Char, Woman* Man witli Moving Picture to Double Stage or Props, and Specialty Team to play parts. aIhj Pianist Tell all flistletter. Very lowest salary. Join immediately. RehearsalH Oct. ;t. TOM KRESS Bns. Mgr. Hamilton, Ontario, until Oct. 3. Then Berlin, Ontario. Jim Kelly, Pat Kane. Harry Martin. write, or wire If at liberty. * ' HAIGH & THOMAS ATTRACTIONS, Fill! TUB COMPANY HIIPPOHT1.VU TUB COHKOIENNE, ELIZABETH THOMAS, IN HKPtBTOIRE, T.u LeadlDff Han, Heavj Man. OliBTftcterMnn, (;en. Biih.M.q, Sonlireue aod I^A1>V PIANIST. Kond "-nllfllt. Open About, oo". u. EATON RiPlUS. MlL'U. AGENT. Married couples preferred. Oaautfe child. SalOT Saturday nlitht. "open abouroct. Norman it. Held, write. Addreee home olllee, Over 1& years' experience. Strong atage and olllce worker. Good rront. It yon have tbeaoowlcan get the money. No ticket. Write or wire. DR. bT. UKOHUB r. A91U1V, Bismarck, Mo. Wanted, Repertoire People, for the MARJOR1E SOUTHWELL CO.. I-ong, sure season. Open Oct. 15. Reheartal* Oi», ], XM r \ liTTP—-Leading, Heavy, and Juvenile Han; Character Man, Comedian with specialties. V -™- x ' * ™ Women for ueneral HuBlness, Pianist, lady or genu All arnst have the heat of modern wardrobe: sobriety and good appearance, chief essential. State all particular*. Very luweai M'ary, pay your own. Enclose programmes and address ALBXANDHiR B. SCHfiKYBH, Mgr.. fhe Marjorle oonthwell Co., care or Ctithane, Ohace &, Weston, 13$6-1870 Broadway, N. Y. City. WANTED TO JOIN AT ONCE, First Class Medietas Performers. Musical Act, Sketch Team. B. F. Comedian and Silent Aota. Also Al pianist who can read and fake. Say lowest In tlrat letter. A . BAILEY , Biickhann on, Upshur Co., W. Va. WANTED, AI COMEDIAN With specialties, Gen. Bob. Han who can do leads rtomo heavies, Lady Piano Player, do some bits. BeBt of treatment and sure money hero, hut you must make good. Repertoire snow. Tell all. HUME8T0NBBBNNAN SHOWS, Waveland, Ind., Sept.27,28,2»; Monteznma, Ind, Oct. 1,2, a. , ROBERT ERICKSOS, AT UBEHTT, Light And Low Comedy, Singing and Dancing Specialties. One piece preferred. Must hare ttoker.* Hesponslbe managers only, Addres. 523 w. 37th St. NOTE—Owing to death I had to cancel contract, with W. A. Hoyt's "A Mid- night lii'll." Trousdale Theatre Company Wants GENERAL BOSK WOMAN with good Specialties. Pianist. Other people write. • ' MERLE TRODSDALE, EetherrlUe, Iowa WANTED, BEPEBT01BG PEOPLE, ALL LIKES. Must be quick study. Stale all In first. No time to dicker. Want a Specialty Team (man and woman) for parts. Also Man with Moving Picture Outfit. Earnest Eastman, write. A. w. WILSON,» central Ave., Chelsea, Mass. HEAVY MAN That doubles hand. Ingenue Woman that sings. (U18 COHAN, KING <)l" TIUMPS CO.; Sent. 27, Tnllahoma.Touii.; Hopt. aa, McMlnnvliic, Term,; Sept. 28,-ttooUi Pittsburg, Tehn. THE KINBS, AL AND ROSA, BLACK OR WHITE FACE TALKISC1 and SIKQ1NO ACT, Huslno.s Mgr., etc. Rosa Al VaudeTlbo Pianist. our uwn sketch. At. KINO. Ml North 8th St., I'lilln.. Pa. VOCALISTS For Opera, Mu.icai coinpauies, Vandevllle coached. lDtrodnced. Trial lorns. city appearances arranged. Forrester, Hgltejgg, 13M Hr'drvav, N.Y. Arranged, composed. Low terms. A. KRETSUAR, 412 E. 16th St., N. T. 4—Suicliffe Sisters-4 Open time after Oct. 1. Address cljppkk. A.NTED, People in All laines Fori, 2 and 8 night Company. Heavy Man, Character Man, Comedian, Soubrotto and Lead. Those doing Specialties given preference. ANo Band and Orchestra People who double, or not write. A fe'" t Ji lel ' , ' aDt J ei, l ia " cment "> ™ rt «ht people. Manage™ In Oklaliomo, Kon»n», RabnulM and Wyoming send open lime for one, two and three nights at once. 0. H. Nalr, Dave Lowery, and Olvde Owen. Scott Mack, write. Address c, u. birr, mob., care of Aokerman qnlgley utho. Co., Kansas city, Mo. TOLSON STOCK COMPANY (IWAIVTSI Al REP. PEOPLE All Lines. Join on wire. WILL F. CONLON, Ft. Smith, Ark., week of M; Mena, Arlc, Oct. 1,2,3. WANTED, FIRST CLASS PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, TO SUPPORT MISS LUCILLE WHITECLIFFE iif. iJ^J > i5 n T. 01 ? E " I iS?^ eI ?' c J. laM . l 7i ex-managers, etc., save stamps. No tlmu tor oorreapondence. 5V..iL,S.°°. w ,'; e - Tlcketw lea. If I know you. salary sure, Not what you want, but what sou arc worth. Address, quiet, C17HT WIEHU Mgr., care ot BILLBOARD, Cincinnati, Ohio. SOLID ENG AGrEMENX. "ARLOW & WILSON'g MINSTRELS. LAWRENCE BARLOW, Mgr. S , n 'i?J!S D i;E r8 mS',""".J l *, l, ,° ll ,, slnger S' *l»o. Comedian, good single Specially, good Cornet, J.?H&.„Sl"i7 1 ?"",i"li°, b ! e , U !; M "' B " M •""'Tuba. Wire or write on foule.. Freehold, N. J., ^, mgnmown, n, j,, as; Hrlstoi, Fa., 29. Permanent Booking Offlce, M Main St., Danbury, conn. PERFORMERS, NOTICE. TO INTRODl'CE MY OBKASE PAINT, I MILL SEND, TREPAID. »2.0O WORTII FOR ONE DOLLAR (iiaeorted colors). ' TAKE ADVANTAOEI OP THIS ADVKHTINK»1KVI'. . ■m .n. JOH*? T. McOASI.lN. Theatrical Aitenl, Oity and Lexington Sla. Ittiltlmore. Md. Good Toatna. Sister Acls and Single Women wanted at all tlnios. '""timore, »u. FRED ZOBEDIE THE INCOMPARABLE HAND BALAN0ER, SCHOETTLEB'SAUDITORIUM BELLEVILLE, XLL. Addras. IIBMitir atiloKlTLUIt, Praprl.lar. >nts*r- ».-*i>-