The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SB^TEMBEE^a THE NEW YORK GLIPPEBSi m By MADDI OOOD'NIOHT, IWIV MEAietT c»f> rv. v - VgW'l.1. BR IVIV TWO" \>vbi . 18 splendid tildes bj Ai. SIHPSON, and STEREOPHCON AND FILM EXCHANGE. ■ V STARLIGHT, HEART, •T»« BHIOHT, l*'o Browing to bo ea DIesod- MI'S: Svory Mlnuta. REMEMBER IRE CHORUS i AND WHEN YOU'RE LONBLV, IWIV HEART'S DBUIOMT, DREAM OP- VOUR TRUE UOVC, OOOD-NIOHT, STARLIOHT. Starlight" Is making a close record to It* wonderful predecessor, "Illno Cell," anil Is the best Bong tliefle auiuors nave written Bltice that miuvelon. hit. '1 X»tx*>. toy X". B HO BRANCHES ANYWHERE. OnCH BI»TH A TItH»8 IS AMY KIT TO SUIT VOUI 1 VO ICE. ~E»TTJF3. OO., 125 West 37th Street, Cor. Broadway. New York. COPIES SENT I'PON REDDEST WI1EN ACCOMPANIED My LATE PROr.RAMMK OJtl.Y. I'MUiMS WE KNOW VOI\ . . .THT« >>■ ?Tf PORTAJIT. THE MAX TOURBILLION TROUPE WORLD'S GREATEST BICYCLE ACROBATS. imported direct from Germany, as Special Feature for B. K, Wallace's World's Ureatest Shows. Introducing Somersault on Bicycle, Ilend Balancing. Rtnlicnse Jumping. Pyra- mid Building. Etc. ATLlBEItl'y NOV. 18. CIRCUS, VAUDtiVJLMO or BURLBSQIIK. ftddreBs all coiuiuunli-atlnn* to PAUL UllACHAUD. Care of B. M. Wallace's AVorld'B Greatcat Shows, ns per route. . Miirfreesborn, Tcnu., Sept. 21; Shelbyvllic, ^8: Sparla, .2SI; McMlnnvllle, Oct. 1; Fay- t'tteyltlH, a: Wlnchesier, :t; Smith I'lttsimrc, 4; Dal ton, B: Marietta, tt. WANTED, FOR LONG, PLEASANT SEASON WITH SHAMROCK CONCERT CO. TIE CLEVEREST PEBFOBMEBS IN THE MEDICINE BIZ. TkloBt positively be the very best, Singing and.Dancing Sketch Teams. Musical Teanw and Single Musical Acts, Comedians who can put on a Hue or big, new, red hot H and to pcojile acts and make th'emBo, tadyConwrtionlaiH, Wire and Trapeze Acta, single Male Silent aon, Singing and Darning Slgier TeaiiH, Lady or (lent with good Troupe of Dogs that can do other acta. Male and Female fibula's.tltatxan work on stage, a good Lecturer that can do turns on stage, and any good, clever, frtfnNletTlWtaW Tor the Bon Ton MedlclauSliotr of America.. All must, elmuge for one week, *tfr*Wftc.t.*nd look the part. I pay all after Joining. Stop In very uoM hotels. Play »«%<■&«* nOnse.."'JfYbii eiil'i Join, don't write. Must join at. Hrnckvllle. (int.. Mon.. Oct. I*. Tell all in first letter." Address - - TMOS. P. KELLEY, Newborn, Ontario. Canada. Financial reference, Union Hank of Canada, Bank of Montreal, Qomlalonqoveriuneni Hank. I WANT A THEATRE For A Permanent Stock Co. - atiaaMa. now ■ n • ■ i MM . ■ ■ ( r < IlkJ JO! TKItMS AND FIJL.I. PARTICULARS ESPXX DAII<E 114 W. 40tk ST., N. Y. 01TT. ENGRAVED BLOCK AND TYPE DATES, BANNERS, HERALDS, STOCK PAPER, DODGERS, ETC. '.',;•. ' • ■ • wrilTB POK OUR PHICE LIST. GUiuti SHOW PBINT COMPAHr, "The Prompt Klit," Ma.on City. low». Ian for Oeoleel Heavies, Characters and General Business. Olio m iewlUi aiunlaltlea irlren oreforenco. Sketch Team or Uuslcal Act, man aud trorncn, capslile of iylM par' Baidliea t".? Sil*Mage. Ba»s llrummer to do props an.l l.l.y. In urdet-it,, receIve r?»Jtitoarehetirlit ail wclllit, with lowest ealnrj, 11 Orst letter. Address J. K. URNTrKUW, S^«eS£wrtVi^!M*raT%p3oWB, o.,8ept;iw.week; Mt.oiliead, o.,Oi:t.i,week. llriuTDn rrra min »T fiMPIT Hnn tor acnteel ncavlcs, Leads ana jnveniieauin, WANTED. TO JOIN AI UlMlllS.lJliBracter Woman thnl docs spec allies, Little M U S I O I A FOR WM. H, WEST'S BIG MINSTRELS. !!:fe PS^^.0.. or second Vlollncell. >^®&g»g®ll®, B&JftBBT Band Id Amoilea. Address KOBLB BROS. for tong .caaon. fin.t join nulc^ g MggJ T |, t . tr , f ,| „.„.,„.,,»; tv. Monroe St., Chicago, III, WANTED, ATTRACTIONS. 7..^ niml.VBUlf \ Adlll.V ll.l.JC Al I H. , BEPBRTOIRK. »»!« MI111.KSHUB. VAUDEV1LI.K ACTS. OKoThuPRBB, NgT: Mi opera House, CiinnellBvllle, Pa. nroTioE. GHAN8E OF MANA6EMEHT BIJOUFAIBILY THEATRE WHKKI.lN'i, W, VA. BIJOU THEATRES CO. line,), Props. Addrer<s all bindueaa communications, to 0I.AU0K NKL80N. Mitr.; addn-M lettew regarding IIhie to our Exclusive Cooking Agent, UU8 sr.v, Sjiring- field, O. All lterfni-niers liav'iiig contracts for llira hou*e signed by Mr. Sno, hold good. ' Would l.he to huy several sen of scenery, Miiinti stuir; also opera chair*. Must lie In good condition and cheap. BILL HANER, .JffinKKi. LIST FREE. ' ■« BroHwar, 1-aKrson. N. J. AT LIBERTY, HE CORNET SOLOIST AND BUSIHESS CORMETTIST. Dand or Orchestra. Transpose all trnnipeh', etc., to the n-tisi. conict- 'Past, experience with Wai- tlmiu Watch Factory, Wi>i Point, Chicago Marine, cilmoro'B Bands, etc. Permanent engagemaut, of conrKe, preferred, but all letterssnsirorBd. Just. closed Bummer teasou with band, tientleman, and temperate ttothtnsnd ©nt of imsinen*. Ad- drenH k. 0, tt. ft. K. Muslidan, Rochester, N. Y. ANSWER THIS QUICK. WANTED AT ONCE, MAH WITH M0V1N6 PI6T1IRE MRGIINE AVIili not less than .1 ,ooo fc«t of Alms (alum nib- Ject*>). Mtibtpluv parts and help run singe, wire luwi-ai salary,! pay own. Addresa >v. a. cuiilk, (lobie Slock Co.. -OwoflHo. Mich., Sept. 27-afl; i.ln den, Midi., Oct. 1-il. ■ Wanted. Young, Handsome, LEADING LADY I have (he play. A tried and sure winner. Com- plete company, scenery, and booking to lady wt.o will loan jL'Ou. Will feature and nako herrnmonr, and wealthy. Will give heat of aucurltv for loan aud will pay good salary. F-nclose pbotgjuuLpar- UciilaiB.' Address C. W. MORHIH, II ,'j W. High 8L, lletrnlt, M ich. WANTED QUICK, Jdvenlle Matt, not over Hi*4, w play l»y or is; bight Comedian, two Men for Oenerai Huh.; also specially People. Will consider capable new be- ginners who will play small parts. Wpnid like to hear from 8. and 1), Boubr«tie, BlMterTeam mitt Clever Small tilrl. Slate all drat letter. One-night stands. Pay your own. Addresn . 'I'. WARRKN, W 12in Hf., Iletwll, Mich. MAGICAL Apparaim, Best Quality* YOST A COMPANY, Ml Filbert St.. (Kstabllahed loTO), PQlLadeii bu. «#-Ijarge Oatulngue for'Stamp. FILM Reels ribbed (ihose Hint are re-enforccd) at the same price of plain Reela, Film Boxes and Qui. Iron Reel Hoxes, Acetylene Jet a and Oencratoro, TBH UrXtZ KIND, THOSE THAT YOU CAN SKM„ TO DKALKR8 OXtY. B. BTE EH, Ho. 109 W. 10th 81j PHILa. II. & H. MINSTJttULB WAITS TWO GOOD BID BBI. Tenor singer whooan 'sing. Must join at' once, iteasonsilile salary poslilveiy sure, other minstrel people, writ*), /ill. . A.R. HRKSUAN, Sept, 28, Shenaiidoali, la.; sepi, 39-80, Clarlnda, UNDBR NKW JnTANAORMHlIT HOTEL ROYAL "PATER80N," NEW lERSEr Special rales to Hie profession. ITof and cold water In ull room,. Ann-rlcan or Euro. f pean plan. JOHN 1. ROBINSON, Prop. Wanted, for THE HSIDEBSOI STOCK CO., Mali to do some Juveniles and Characters and help with the props; Uah for (ton, Bum, ;,one doing specialties preferred. Other Dserul Kep. People, write. Wo never close., RICH A UD nKWliKRSON, Wapello, la,. AT LIBERTY FOP. IlKrERTOIftE, STOCK OR (INK PIEUK. BOY PARTS and JUVENILES Bummer season idos with Manhattan Opera Co. CMKPOB1) UYDK, Per, ad., OlO College Ave., Elmlra, N. Y. DETECTIVES Shrewd mon wanted In evt.y community, to act under fnsiructlonj; previous experleacr uot •ccsMry. Send for fr*obOOStof parllcolfir.. J. H. LAZSLTE ADVANCE AQENT. AT LIOEnn. Address lfaw N. Slath St.. Phllsdclphla, Pa. At»'iVWHRKI.KK.'t' IF YOU ARE SHORT OF PICTORIAL WORK, WRITE FOR OUR NEW d SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE * wh|ch wo havo Just bomplatad W . WE IIAVK PAPKll THAT UII.l. FIT NKAIII.V ANV'NITHATION ^ t AMERICAN SHOW PRINT CO., 382-390 Shlh St., Milwaukee, Wis. # ACTORS, ACTRESSES and AGENT WANTED FOR ONE NIGHT STANDS AND REPERTOIRE. Jnveni.e Mnu, Heavy, llfeftil Actors. Leading Lady. Juvenile Woman MMl Kftnbltjg lvnple. Cr.iiil use Amateur Young Lady for tinali pnila. I'ihiu»i. Slate nge hefglil, -umry, Mi'Dd phulos aud programmes. Address TOM KHANKI.VN nyk , Hackroril. III. WANTED AT ONCE, BEZNNIEI'S BIO MdH'l' .lo'lN (IV Willi', Beavy, Obaraeter. and Oeatral Business ion, Beivy and Character Wonai "f ularh's too hlgli If o. k. Ar<-hie McCall, C. 4. i.inmri, and Mlw win-ion, wire, if v»ti can join at, . creen liny, Wis., wf-ek oot. I; K-tcanubu, Mlchi, weik oi-i. ;; Mariuctif, Wis,, wosk Oct. lit. .1. IK. anrsNIR, Oreeu Bay, Wis. No Hularl Njru, LECTURERS WANTED. I manage my own rompanles nod pay you to 1 enure. My ci'inp*iijr and niedlrluea nni the |>ph'. ,l'sr< Momd appearance, health, height, ami haidtt* most essential, Hniary all von are worlli, No on'o* mission. Bookod solid to May t<. Slate all tlrst letter. Send plu-to.. Sand permanent address* nr% hoow, write. Keep my pormaneiu .nidrrs-i. Oivt* mi'voris ^qvolty peruiritiers alwavs wants*■ tyftfutfa lo Or. I'Vr.ttin. i hksomfnai. khai'Hm, nun u» \mi-Av*.. t!iiinii)iia(l,Ohlo. 7 WANTBD FOR QUICK, The KEENEY STOCK CO., CHARACTER MAN «i®J&m DIRECTOR Must lie ahle lo play a Himng line or partx. Parlies known to me, "->r«. Musi be nld« tojoln on slrl' No l(ino for usctcift curiespoiidciice, wi tell ll ail. Stale lowest, ('A Y OWN. Pcopio iu all .iiics, write. AddrexH TIlOu. W, KiCRNKV, Chan rlalit. N-uiili liakota.; ' WAHTED, FOB TERRY'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN A No. l Tuiia for hand, and Double HHssfororehenira. A No.l liurltono lo double atage or ot'chflsint Most ho aide to hand Iu stHiirhtrd ruti«lo. This show I'lini'MiMynt ruiin.l. \V, O, lU.'KF.Y, M^r., - Route—Cedar Fall, la., Oct. 1; iiinMnn, la., t ML 'J; keiluprrto, la., Oci.:t; Uiixter, la,, 0ut.i4| Mingo, la., Oct. U\ ikniiliirnnl, In,, Oct, it, .■..•. priSS-rv.T-v^O \*VKEK!fc' WORK. • x. REST KHUIPPHD UHAMATK' HHOW IN KXINTKNCK, U| A m *T 6 Oeneral iiiiHtncss Team, must, do good alnjf ing, dancing ipeidallles Iu coil* WV/%|1| I ^■"'■cit. Mtlary |4) Joliniy, und pav ilich own. dfatn'ial linsl hums Man, muHt do ^ Hpeclaliies, lit, hoard on r*>| I'luoo Citiyer for orchestra, IU, unu hund- red and seven wcoks of present sea-tun, tinder canvuf, and (Toning ditto unknown, *\ , AV, I, hWaKN <'0., Kircno,Oklahoma. CRESCENT COMEDY CO. WANTS QUICK. MAIIIKON, INDIANA, WKKK KEPT. H. II. A. UKllOtlAN, I , mm HEAVY, OLD MAN, SOUBRETTE, CONTORTIONIST, JUGGLER. NUSICAL TEAM, Por "King of ltoguos." WJro w. ll. kick Ar.HJHKHiKWT CO., Ft. Worth, Texas. HARRIS PARKINSON CO.^ STXXJL. BHE.aEm@ RECORD8. WANTBD, IlilMICDIATKI.V, HinniK JnvenllO or a (loniTiil Ullsllless Hull lo Bin. lIliHtratact Soiirb. Must have Rood voice. Clever Actor with rctl lint siii'i'lultles. Also use slnulu fi'iilure ami HuaTchaiiKe for the week. .Must Join en wire. ROIIEIIT II. IIAIIItlH, Uurletta, UlllO.- ' I I -lit ! B^i 1 Prefer thopiad'iiihllni some Insiriiiiiont in hand. Hiatoall first loiter, I pay eupcnw. Address i.f APOl.T'll OlFFORU, Mgr. OH FOItl) HAKItlNtJ CO.,Oalfllia. lllitiol-, Hept. y4-J0; jwtfjj d, Wis.,Oct. IB. fftRAGTER mm expense^. Address i.f ODDFELLOWS' HALL, DsVJINIl.0, P*A. (electric Mgiit, Hteam heal, new stage curtain, rfeais tiw,, (Jooil paironage for two shows itertimntb;' Pfip.rt.ptw. '■ K- wool*, Manager. .,, *"g®£* SAVllLB'S PRESENT TIME HOMPrY DUWPIY CO, flood AeroliatloTealu to play llarl«i|nln and Hprtle. aim, Team, Man lo iilav node. Iwlr to play fweja If. -it Msrknes,; also Kood Hliiter Aft lo play parts, at,', ioeil Under if'lniiei. Must atranife, Htaffe Carpenter, l.ihjr ausiiii to (tie rlKht people. .Season iipenaOel. a. AiMress fliicea llniaiB A, L. HAVI1.I.K, Akron, Ohio.