The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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'Mai- ■»(*•'• !•'» .'*" 856V the jntetw yoee clippie: _20. HI T -IV U M B B> R © 3? B> CHEER UP THIS IS NOT A 6-8 CHORUS, BUT A SOOD, OLD, LEGITIMATE 2-4 MARCH CHOBUS. ■ •-' Hit NUMBER. TWO A PAIMTY HOWEITY MUWBEir. StlDBS BY SOOTT & VAN ALTENA. All q.te.iilaerl :Klfia«rH of IIJit«iin(.ii Honixi Write" at One. for MWM l>« "tllBKH IJI-, JIAHV," «> lln,v« Minrcil No Kineniui In SUklnn Time ihi ll|«i Ilriiuillul Hlld>i Ever Made ibr Any MARCH SONG ^ BIG NATURAL HIT SURE ENCORE WINNER FEATURE for any smema act. HI T HPMBER THREE When a Poor Relation Comes To Town ANOTHER "SYMPATHY" HUF SEP j»ERFORfflERS ■ - &j£$gg>z ORCHESTRA LEADERS--S f ^^«S ALL LYRICS BY ALFRED BRYAN. PERFORMEES-Call, write, wire or 'phone. You Will be very well taken care of and every kind courtesy shown to yon. ALL MELODIES BY KENDIS & PALEY, WATCH OUT FOR THE GREAT BIG NOVELTY SECRET SONG. IS & PALEY PUB. FORTIETH 3T.,N. Y. ©ITY, WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Heavy. robuatBarltonWibum, capable of liitarlauiitor: HlronR Cornot B. and 0., capable leading H.ndi Trombone, doiiMftFluU' or violin; Oiiruol or Alio, •lunula HI or id Violin. Olhor IfUHlolaim, wrllfl. 81roD.Novfilly.rlr Anrotnillc Aot. Urko and Adams, write. Own «l»avn into good, rcllftblu Minstrel rootilo; Iho.o donl-niiR Itran. given preference. Address •!• A nminv. Hgr.. New- bury,*, u., if, Orionwoud 2], Andcmou VK, Bunoca w, <.lroehvllle 30 Had Ool. 1. Athous, 0... T. Romo4. * , . ' , • .•..'.■ Plr,..iMrjw ,•,, ;.„';■- • ., ■ no. lois deming plaoe, onloago,.Iii. .. WANTED AT ONCE, . . ..... I ." • FOR THE <)VAINT COUNTRY COIIEDY, MAPLE WOOD FARM, M Misldlana for R. and p., Actors doubling bras., character Woman, Souhretto and Lending Lndr. write. Managcra or Alabama. Mississippi mid Georgia, send open llmo. Address .'■■■■ • • • • THE KKINTOHM ' AMI'HKSIBYT ((«., Tullnhomn, J'enn. NOTIPE, REPERTOIRE MANAOEHS! "AT LI1IUUTY I'lld IIIUMK OF KKASOK. EDWIN- WARRErWHGWARD -ALICE -IUOII CLASH VA1.DE.V1X.1VK AUT1HTH, Knllre change ot n>tn fur nix nighty. Work 111 one. Add., wook tiepf. JM. /. " '. ,'' BUTLKR.PA., Unto of GlHdOC-NOTTile-*Jo;"~- I will Bfll a); Citiirtm ll/ill iHid MiMOtlin, known i,a 1' TuCfttro, ttyrttUMXC, N. Th situated liotwcni *'l prninlMHir d<'iu1!Br«iil^|-iHM vhi lllieti ami in Ihotnut)! t.]jrlvlu« mj In I lie count". Whli 1" ji'ttili orerilAiillittiL'd irt^io. vmiilnetodoD buslnoriH prlm>lplOR "trlctly, ilio woefc of statu Kulr receipt* will if v.i ft Qiiipliirt aftor paying ft .voitr's rent. • Will wager It In Hit mom popular place of Its kind In iii» Slate; Iiri'tioiio. It Unit elepli-ni . or u counterfoil, hula good one. Plenty or proof that Ills locond i.moiifi. ,Won' will, cheap wma Ho rtoti't apply. It will take money, huiyot. will get omc thing for II. Himnou for Rolling. Nevir drunk or Hiiioked in my life, arid Retting raoTiotoumiB. i .4 .'•.'•-■ i '' ■ •} g ' . Add. JAC^K if don [■:, PftlaoeThOAtronnd Miitieiiin, 8Tn.ounc.Ni Y. . FROM THE HEABTH-BO.. Ai;i.Mdini-Mi», Bnulirrltr. Wonmn lor l"Bco Heavy, old piin, putchi'oult'dlHii (Coin mid PIhiio riarrr. • .......... B. P. IAHB1IIAN. IIII.I.SIUK PLHjggM fAHK. Nc»M>. y. J lid Cover Olilld. Al Leading Man, JItavj Mad' Player, buloall la Orel. T UB ert y" I'Oll IU'HI.KKII.1 11 ll|l HKI'Kll. Till HE, TH? THE HEADLINE MUSICAL ACT fi'f THREE BANTA BROTHERS ALL !>!.«.r <l(IOI> I'AIITS. Addren Car* of < I.lI'l'KH. 1MLAO oixcl MAlC^.- 1IIOII I'l.AMN CO.HK1IV. Armill.l'I'N. IrlTRODUOIRCI UIlllTESHl'E; ""t'tlMEUV, •rimii A*ii olii.iuvi) ri Out.8 »ud laior oiien. Mlnwia (fair), Long maud, aai; j^nohburg, Va. (ralr), OtL i-e. Will buy a Pad aUiot art. K>u| In good coudlilou. SOUBRETTE WITH SPECIALTY, AND HEN. BOS. HAN. Suite loweRl.' Long feaion. HANAOKIl "TltAUV THE OUTLAW," - . . .Tawanda, Pa. WANTED, YOUNG MAN, TENOR VOICE, To ulna ilJiiBtwtod Miogn mid make tilmaolf 8ou- oi rtii.r userui.' Mmi. Uitvo good npp«ari.nuo aud referonccs. find tie. nooer. CQasers, lioozom and ulgarctto fJcndn, saye vour poBtige. OoUld uio good Jtivojollc Utngcr. AddresM H. ALBKRT 00()K, Ugr. L'ook & lirirriH Moving Plcturo Co., !>■ per route In CLIPPER. ■ ■. ■ r. 8.—Long, piOBHuni engarH-moat to right partf. WANTED, Doing lrhb or IXilch. Other good Medtcluo Pqo- pto, write. WANTBlt, Hkolcli Tcarnii. Long sen- son. Bslnry sure.. No boozerri. I don't dcpciid on any town to pity BalarleB. Am pi»ying good towun In WIscouhIu. Addreifa ki>. aumosji, Aii gustft. Wlaco iiBln, care ef Q uaker Mo dlclrnjGo. ^7 1VAJITIBD, FOR The Edward Denton Beal Goon Co., Coloied Performers, a Firm. 0Iii«h Plsnlst, white or colored,; Also First Clan* Advance Agent. No tickets advanced to any odo; don't nskiortliom. Rontui Wciinud,. ou(, aept. .»; Dunnvlllo su, TOrf Dover; Out. 1. Address ' KllWARD DENTON, HsMBjor. WANTED, DRAMATIC PEOPLE Man and Wife Jps Qooeral -lia.Muess, Pianist, Agenti Utato all tlrnt letter- Address - "DRAMATIO," KANE. TA. GERMAN COMEDIAN WAWTS PARTNER For (liable Uuten hot, or ooo to do straight, flood slngor. I do imclr dauclnir. Addrcaa w. n , uiipimr oiriM.. WANTED, Piano Player Male or female, good reader or fuklr. Aluo Bister Team, h ingci'H andlUiicorH. Wire or write an per route. OAPT. W. D AMKNT'S CARNIVAL 8H0W8, Coiitralla, III., jjftjtj HotSprlngH, Ark., 30-1D. AMATKUR8. Wo Instruct and prepare you for tlie.slago tiy mall, and »ecure cngasetuenbi. 8cod stamp for particulars. DU HHANK SCHOOLS, llux 787. bontii neud, lu-i AT LIBERT T. WM. H. MALONE, OUARAOTEBS. (1KNKRAL IHIS1NBBS. ■ ■ urn w. asth St., New York city. The Fortville Opera House, OPES FOR BKAKO.V 1WMJ-10OJ. ooalllig e.naolly 6W1. I. B. (iHttlt, Manager, fortune, lad. THE ZARETZKYS RUSSIAN SINGERS AND DANCERS. V %■'. :■■>£, \*"t.jfciM*M ^.^Bn^fiMUK^ rOSITIVELT THE SBEATBST ACT OF ITS KIND IIJ EXIB7EH0B. TUI8 ACT IS OOltaEOVKLV C03TUMEU. TIIK UHEA'I'EHT ■■IIlOUH't'TE AN'P Wlllttl" WIND DANCEltg I!i THE WORLD. ■_.. ;.._•. ... Attor a Hvo inontlw' Biieeeaarm engagement at Nonvean Ciriine, ['arid, Prance, wol;o Imported to tide Cblldtry by B. E. Wallaee. WILL BE AT LIBERTY, IIIIV. IB. Vv»lid«vlil.'ltf Clrem ADDKE8B ALL COMMUNICATIONB TO- ....,;, PAUL. JBRACHABD, care of Tbl Great WallacB Circus, as par roil*. _ SIlirtrcMboro, Tenn., Sept. 27: ghelbxvlllr,, "Mil UrUl.nYilie,,'Oct. ll l f W, cttovllle, 2: Wlncuemcr, II; South Plttabun,', 4; Ualloli, 5; MuHetts,:OV ' «Pffi*B Western Drematic Agency, 12V XA SAUVE ST., near Madison, CHICAGO, ILL. . ' 0K7ICE OPEN FROM 10 TO 10. DESK ROOM FOR MANAGERS, li' ".. ■■. M.iiftgen wanting rellablo people In all branches of the theatrical prorcmlon, wrlW. , , ... HONEST 1IEAL1NO. NO MISREPRESENTATIONS. , ,■ ■ J,, L.S. . NOT1CB KlyCUOMZIOIl AIITIHTK ALWAYS OM HAND TlHAT'AllBADLE AND . v UAFAB1.E UF IIIAKISU IHIIII) AT Al.l, TIMI'.H., • ' n.-?. <>T l C ¥"" W ?, 0 * ,1 ""."l> 'So boat dramatic poople-LEADB, Hoavloa,OliaVaoteia, Jdvenlloj ind •HSfvfiHWS '."."Fl., Soubroites. etc. Alio Vaudeville and Mlnitrel rooplo.'Soiiiiand D.nco Team,, suter Acta, Blngers o( all kind,, Uualcal Acta, Piano Player., etc. '', • "vT .' EXPERIENCED CHORUS GIRLS FURNISHED. „, ."■'"T"" 1 — w o Invito people In all linos otthe llieatrlcal prorei!lon,.tliat wl<li'lir'»'( clan cngajo. menla, to call or Write, ' p, j. 1 hidok, rH»no«e r ' RUTH CRAVEN IN "HER FATAL ERROR" I5S«£lS*S^ ( S5<£S " "noage alago. Slataail In llrat'loHcr, «al«ry,'.ge. •■- experience, etc. Pay-yonrown. Would aino like lo hear from other capable people. •., ■ HARIlY L. BUCK, Manager, St, Jam... Ulan tiel ,'ltl MLLE. FAYETTE, Spsttacolar Electric Dancer, new and novel, inlroduclng the-Sapho Act. ' Intt n e < irc,f«» l> 2S. , , l .?ia^^ c "!1 a 'eaiu'lna'!• roar« e iwon.. Anactontlrclynowwltl>Bor. ll ft9?' :os, . u 1 m J„ ann electric .errecta,Ai a ing the diamond,dresi, tbe moat elaborate coBiume on lho™AVn« n S Addren^i Jalb nei a « y u^.U°H' n '? **»* "»" '»"»»><> man.|,cy. or vaoljevllle awntj. auu« m until ocl. i, M. n. rox, Mgr., as Skvannab St., Reebrator, N. V^ Porudd,*"-V.OLlPPE»«