The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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YORK " CLIPPER. ^SEKrijMBER 29. j. V . THE PBETTIEST, SWEETEST, NICEST SONG WRITTEN SINCE MOUSE'S fJ DEAE OLD GIRL." \ JUST A LITTLE ROCKING CHAIR AND YOU Word! by JACK U1USLANE. Mnale by THEODORE MOUSE. il DON'T WANT A LITTLE COSY l.'OHVKK, • 1 DOST WANT A IIAHnUCK U1IILT FOR TWO, CHORU S = 1 UOrl'T WANT AFALal THEE TALL AND HHAlW, VafautMra* wivir in inn rtmiE. I JUST WANT A PLACE CLOSE BY THE FIRESIDE, IN THE KVESISO WHEN THE DAY IS THRO', .-* jmi I JUItT WANT TWO THINGS IN ALL THIS WIDE, WIDE WORLD, !•> I'DON'T WANT A'LITTLE BUiCH CANOE. I i JIIST A LITTLE ROCKING CHAIR AMD YOU. '■ '• '.?,,. (Slid*.) IS wf tlio beat, liy 8(eri>i.pate.n A KUm'Kictiana;... A-i.OO p«r set. ' We bav. oreheatralloas in any key to Htilt your voice, lepMAN CM ■ , 9 1 l; MY V^ ME RE. !.l3B.W.37th ST., COR. BROADWAY, NEW YORK. -Copies .int upon request when accompanied by lute programing only.-anless we know yon. .THIS IS IMPORTANT.- - - ' ' * GEO. BELIES "STAR" FILMS* A DESPERATE GRIME MGNGTU, 1,000 Feet, — PRICK, ftlttO.OO. ■ lenjatlanal, -Will Keep any Audience Bound In Intense Kmutlon. just out. , A SPIRITUALISTIC MEETING . LENGTH, 250 Voel, — PRICE, £10.00. ■! 'jTlIW;MO»T MYSTERIOUS OP ALL MYSTERIES. \}>. 12 CENT "STAR" FILMS ARE WITHOUT A RIVAL. • ': : GASTON MELIES, 204 East 38th St., N.w York City. KLEINE OPTICAL CO„ _ 52 Stat* SI., Chicago, III. , I "in Start an Amusement Parlor and Penny Arcade and reap a fortune. Edison Coin-Slot Machines draw the crowd and accumulate wealth for '■you. ''Automatically run by electricity at small expense, Writefto-day for full information to NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 84 LAKESIDE AVE.. - - ORANGE, fr. J. FILMS FOR RENT 1 -TBS SITEB-OCEAI FILM EICIMSE, • OLD INTEH-OOEAK IlLDG., De.rburn ud Madi.on Bbj., Chicago. '1 U. kjlait tll»« get the um»J. Call or write. W. H. ZI31M KUS1A N, SE. 11th Ht ,, N, Y. Dazian's Theatrical Emporium 1 ' NOW AT 142-144 W. 44th ST. (Near Broadway), NEW YORK. THEATRI0IL ©iSTUiES AND SUPPLIES, EVERY RKO,lJlHITHl FOR TIIK STAGE. SKNI1 FOR CATALOGUE!. x PERFOttetSUS 'AWE'IHtt(|Ur1ljTKU TO CAM, AND SUE UEOlldK RIO, ItKl'IlKSENTINO ., vjiiIJJSON P. ROSE COMPANY. \r-tween U^i"M-A-M. dnlly, doulileJ UlPlr'-- PARI* PARI pen —,. ""TtltWAV. 1'nvtii'M ihtii lidve nought lota on catty lerms thre« yearn ago have Ml il ItUl-l Of 'Ml 1.4JTN, IMG All llllONX AND IKM1AM tt driveway uf fiaj run wlilu. Lots sold oil u.ihv terms. ..;3.;;'i SPALWnc RUm., No. Ql West Mi Street, Room «n, New York city. — TBCNTIO MUSIC PUBLlSHKUSlt—ropulnrl/,o your IM X — catalog through tliu medium of the 40 of the prominent pubilshiirttor Now York and the amniry it large, with IM co-operation of too entire Ulkliigmuabino fraternity ami tlio .mum -.ngern of tiiem.iiBirul. v»mlovlllo und theatrical prtltewlonv, uru obtaining iHipularlimig results of iiio kind thai bring quick tlrmnclai returns. Arc you IniniMtiWj ITlTl At nnoe, H write, .Hannpfr, HINGING ARTISTS !t Avail yourselvesat once ot tuoadvantages orroretl you iiy the . '"■* MUSIC PUBLISH KRS' EXCHANGE. 400 of the feature hits from tita leading publish* era from which to select just what will suit your need*. Uuiforu) courtesy exteoded to all cullers. Om-uMown verrormera write ua Just what you want, etieliirtiug MLuniui atid i>ro(rram, II Went J-sIU St., New York. ■'..., THE TUB OHK.AT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPJUH, .AND TMEATRK REVIEW, 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London, W. C. rORKIGN -stlDSCRIITIONS, - - - - - «i. 8d. PER YEAR PROCESSIONAL ADVRllTldBMKNTS. - . »t. Od., Blnile Coldmn lech NEW■ VOBE OORllKSI'ONUBNT AND HEP,, IDA CARLE, OFF10E, To! ST. AMES BUW., WBCre jtdveruaemonts will uo rcyetved. Ooplea on olo. ^ : MONOGRAM RED ROSE ROUGE la marts especially for trie Profesalon. It la In the form of a rose with five t>otsin. Each petal can t>s naed HBPHATfaDIjV until color l■ removvd. CHed properly, each rose will last over iwo moutha. it nan be uarrled In yotit- puree or htiudkerohlof wltliout aialnlne either. It la not affected by ueranl* riUon or B*ltTwfttor. ttfclNO VUHU OBNTB IN STAMPS FOR BAHPLK AND C1KCU1*AU OP "aI*i! it)lU TOOT PHKPAUATIOMN. MONOGRAM CREME COMPANY, 01 UHEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. J8A. FILMS Kverythlnff advertlsetl Id last week's CL1P- PKI{. with few exceptions, wa« Bold, to nay notliing ot' a inrg« quantity of new goods. The people are gradually learning where they can set u aijuare deal. We were told when we began bualneta here that our lupthods were not up-to-date, and if we attempted to treat our custoraer» strictly on the mil-are, ■ we would fall utterly. We didn't believe It, und weut ahead. The result Id most gratifying. We have enlarged our plant twice, and now we are cramped for more space/ We did six tluie*. as mui'h business thus far In 11(00 as we did in the corresponding period In Ht05, and our rancluslon Is that It Pari to Treat Everyone on the Square. The manager of our "Used Goods' reports the following on band : ICalsuu's Universal $55,00 Ten Keels of Film, each about 1,000ft. per Heel ' Board'* I'a tent Cylinder Regulators, l pair .i , T.ublu'ri Hheoatats. each Lubln's Electric Lamps, new, each.. Dent. 00.00 7.50 3.50 5.00 NBW GOODS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Power's Peerless No. S Camera graph, with or without his original fireproof maga- zines, Kdlson's Exhibition and Universal Models, and Enterprise New No. 4 Optlgraph. Riograph, l'athe and Edison Films, and the largest tt,<.vk of supplier, In this city. tlave you bought a Power real krupp wire Itheustnt 1 If not. get one at once, ana note Imiuedlutely the difference In your Illumina- tion. Then they'll last twice aa long as the others. Fine new French Motion Picture Lenses, any focus—long, medium or short distance. $7.00 each.' The same .for Stereoptlcon, $9.00 each. The best Acetylene Outfit, with lamp and hose, $10.00. " Electrical- Connectors (Swaab's), per set of four, two kinds, $3.50. Swaab'E Spotlight, with 0-lnch Condenser, Electric Lamp und Rheostat, (25.00. Ten-inch Heels, 75c. each; or, by the dozen, $6.00. Limes, the best nud purest, $1.00 per divi'ii ; six doz.'ii for $6.00. Condensers the fame price. The, very latest Oxyllthe Models only on hnnd. ' No old models. Oxyllthe. Ozone, Ether, LimoB, Hubber Tubing, Calcium Lamps and Supplies generally. LEWIS M.lWAAB & CO.. i.-. 338 Spruce Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA Both 'Phone*. m MAGICIANS. POSTAli CAIIDS on Magical Subjects Jnst out. Sample set of u, each different, free onre- celpt uf i w. ■ MARTINKA &, CO., Manufacturers of Fine Magical Apparuiua, .- ■ -■ 403 cth Ave., New York'. New Una of Repertoire or Stock Co. Printing OONSISTINQ OF . I-2-SL, 1-Sh, 3-Sh. und 16-Sbu Studft. send for Samples and Catalogue. OtUBAT WE8TEKN PHINTINO CO., St. Ijouls. Mo. Printing for Dramatic Companies, Fairs, Carul- vals. Itoiler Kinks, Ctroua, Wild West, Labor Day Celebrations, etc. Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaders! Do yon want to to Compose and Arrange Mnalci If no, send So. stamp for trial lesson. Nothing to pay until you nave been taught tessooH 1, i and 3. If these lessons do not convince you that HUB Is Strictly LegU- latate, then They are Free. Don't write un- less you have a thorough knowledge of the rudi- ment* or music, and Mean Business. C. \V. WILCOX (B»x C), 10 Union Square, New York City. soe nor si xt ^sr» SCHEIX'S SCENIO STUDIO, COLUMBUS, OHIO, Opera Houses and Road Compnnles rurnished complete. Avallne Socnery to carry In trunk. Asbestos Curtains. Prompt delivery. Lowest prloes. Second Hand Scenery on hand, Hundred placed weekly. Profitable engagements. BE ONE OF THEM. Dra- iitkitlo. Stock, iteportolro and Vaudeville People, also MuwIcIudh, write and OKT on OUK.HOOKS. Artlatavicinity Uostou; call. lleadquartorH for loutlaud travol- liig'maurt>gora. CommlsBluuri promptly ezBonied. Nothing too largo or small. W..I? O. A. HIAXA/lCliMS. Mfr. Of Gymnastic- Apparatus, 835 E. 46thBL, N.T. formerly of 118 E. 18th St. BortEontal ham, leap, Ing boards and bars, barrels. 1 croBaes, slobea, etc- charles obbin cowles dorothy'alden, * Pr.««iitlnK the IHilltary Sketch by HOWARD P. TAYLOR, "JONATHAN'S COURTSHIP AND "A ON E-M O RSB TOWN," A SATIRICAL COHIEDV SKETCH. Both Act. Ooprrtshteil and Pally protected. Address W. ». SHOWALTKH, 150 HI reel. New-York City, VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS WANTED AT ONCE, VAUDEVILLE ACTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. novelty Acts, Horse, Dog. Goat, Birds. Clrcoses, Sister Teams, Aerial Acts, Acrobatic Acts, eto. Apply to CauiuJHILL'b PI1ILA. ENTfiKTAINHKMT B0HKAU, booking for AUD1TOB1UM at Pottstowa, Pa., and other houncs. ROOM U15, COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, 1201 Chestnut St., Phlla. HERE I AM AGAIN WITH SOMETHING NEW BIIiIj V HA RT, THE HUMAN VENTRILOQUIST FIGURE, by miss ANNA VALE ana MARIS JAIVSIEN, In a novel comedy net, giving a real burleaiiue Imitation ou ventrllouulam. MY OWN 11IKA. 1 Alt: THE FIRST, TUlf ORlOINATOlt. So rcmemljer thaU I'IKATES DON'T TRESPASS. Truly your., HILLY HART, with YANKKB DOODLE OIRL CO. GREATEST PUBLICATION OF IIS KIND IN KXISTENCEI1I CONJURERS' MONTHLY MAGAZINE, HARRY E„, H J^ t UD,M, ' Per Year, $1.00. Single Copies, Ten Cents. TUB CONJURERS' HAGAZINR Is-devoted to the World of M-igie, exposing Troui time to time the various Mysteries of Magic, Illusions, llandunnT Tricks. Escapes from straight Jacket-*, Chains, Wires, Spiritualistic Effects, and reproducing the old time Magicians' Programmes. AddrcsB all com. CONJURERS' MAGAZINE PUBLISHING CO., 278 West 113th Street, New York City. T. H. WINNETT'S EMERGENCY BUREAU asrPlays for Stock Theatres, Repertoire Companies and Special Road Productions. We furnish printing for any play yon may select, and book your route. We leaBe, boy and Bell plays, write them to order and revise them. Kstimates given on Scenery and Prlntlug.. "We transact* general Theatrical Business. Satisfaction and square dealing absolutely guaranteed. Wire, write or call on T. H. WINNETT, Managing Director, 1402 Broadway, New York City. ' FacifLo Coast Amusexaeat Co.. OilHG AND 0PERATIR630 FIRST GUIS. VAUDEVILLE THEATRES EAST, "ATBIST AND VEST. ! •%XT A 1*AT'/W».13 V T'»a »' •* <">—• rIBST 0LA8S ^OW OF ALL BUNDS ltV iU» X IViJ. that can doUror the goodi. SOLE BOOSJNO AGENTS: AL. ONKEN, FamUr Theatre, Kith St., New York City; OHAH. VBAY, SOS American Sank Baud., Seattle, Waah.; ODJUS. 0. BROWN, 07 a. Clark Bt.,<Mcago: AKOOIKlJivr, lUKddySt. 1 8anFrancllco,0al. .,•«»»—•., WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS For the following cities: Springfield, Hamilton, Lima, Newark, Mansfield, Chllllcothe, Ports- mouth. Dayton, Marlon, Fludluy, E. Liverpool, Ohio: Richmond. Muncle and Columbus, Ind.; Wheeling, W. va.; Donora, Mouessen and HrownsvHle, l'a. Eighteen weeks to-first, class acts. State full particulars and lowest salary in tlrst letter. Some Immediate time-open. No acts too good for this circuit Now building a new $50,000 theatre in SprLngneid und Newark, O. Can use Experienced Vaudeville rTanUta, Illustrated Singers and Local .Man- agers. Address GUS SUN, Orphlum Theatre, S»rintzu>ld, Ohio. HOW BOOKIHG FOR THE SEASON OF 1906 AND '07, > The BLANDBURG OPERA HOUSE Scats 460. Stage 28 by 28. House has been remodelled this season. Blandburtr 1b u mining and brluk town .»( u thousand, with a thousand to draw from. VfeOM with (rood lllOWl tiro sure of good buslueaa. Will either rent or play on per cent. Address, Tor fnrthor particular.,, to MANAGER OPERA HOUSE, Ulnudburg, Cambria Oo. t Pfl. I P. S.—Jack Lee's GIsbb Blowers showed hero for one week. Sept lo, to enormous crowds. TODD OPERA HOUSE, HE- Haa the following open time: Oct. 13 to including Nov. 3, Nov. lo. 20,2L Dec. 16, to in.olu.ding Jan. %. Jan. 9, balance season. .. PASTE THIS IN YOTJR. HAT. I A real llvo one; 12,000 to draw ttom. Pennsylvania R.R., Monde and Portland Traction Co., faotorles working. Write to the "BDSIEBT MAN IN TOWN." Actors' Society of America.! Members are requested to notify the Secretary when they linvo mude BrrangomonU. o N ;S.Tjf A ^i?£? 8 « w " 11 "" 1 " to their advantage to consult the Socloty when ongtglng pooplo-- SALPB DELMORE, Free. ^_ MARK ELLSWOKT&, Secretary. DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK That an AOOIDHNT to yourself, or, a FIRE destroying your "nous," would deprlro yon of many weeks' wortt Guard agalnit this through INSURANCE. It may nit cost as much as you think. Send for literature. R. W. SIMONS. Room 131, IS William St., Now York City. WE HANDLE EVERYTRIN6 PERTAINING TO THEATRICAL AMUSEMENTS. ■ • NKW YOKIi. DHAR1ATICJ AND VAUDBVlLLiKl KXCIIAKOK, 3 Tremont lliiw, n»slon, Masa.. Kvdiiii ltf. 13. I'el^phone lftOO*! llayAarket. * MANAGERS. Vft n. nirhlih A BAND, 0R0IIE9THA or PIANIST for your company. Good poi mndoluuvT , , ORAUI'TOrl'S MTiaiClANS BTOEAP, A Doarhom St., ■rfflSfev JUGGLERS SUPPLIES OlDba, Batooj. Ooni, BolllDg Globes, Hoopo, ■ w »Wlrew«lkers'_Appar»taJ x ltoman Aao*. bUUDpfor OatliOf MsAUlU Kdw. YaoiWyck, WJKTED, >T ONCE, lltK US UDY VOGALIST For Illustrated Songs, - Season's engagement. Also Vaudeville Pianist. J. J. HUOTT, Mgr. Palace Theatre, 60-02 St. Lawrence St., Montreal) P. Q., Canada. P. S.—Can oso Good Ludy VAudevillo Acta at all times.. PLAYS E«£1HS HELLO, SOMEBODY. I ahaTI W M aaitUaUon, B Wantto IryaHinBll gamblo on naonn toscU he. apullcallon. DIUK A FIT/.UKHALU, B Ann St. Now Tart. g\ S n n For Lease, Sale or SMrage. I • AM BV J% Kfpaira undAiierauons made. WflBIW65lt. Scenery Cir for Sals. N. J. OAR WORKS. Pasiato. B. J. want to try a small gamble on n song to sell be- tween the acts f. If you do, send me a dollar for ten sample copies ot "LEAHY'S ALLEYWAY " Keep Uiem clean, not wrinkled, and If they don't sell I'll buy them back. (Professional copies free). Now, where are yout I'm hers In Mlddietowii. Conn. (jlIAS. li. 0OLE8. OTICHEBTRATION 10c, BAND 2fto. lkttbr heads, heralds. utiDGERs. JttLihert»,alii'st-classDi(laAct Show 1-rlnUnit Tor Show People. .Write for price, j "*" v . "1) WHl °* "»>«0O IFIUU avi on any thin, you need. l*ertormlng in neat uathlns suit.. Address 10AN WUNMIfQ CO, Manrsloe, Mich. MADAM LORLRY, M ttourl St., Brwt(iB7N.T. TO LEASE OK ROTAXTT,! An abeoin tely first class, original version of tho . KREUTZEB SCBATfl. Four acts; Only two sceuoB. Elovon in cast, iiy UllleAkerstrom. A aure winner. 00L. MILLIKK.v, Atty. for Misa AkerHtrom, 2H7 Broadway, K. i. AT LIBERTY. W. C. THOMSON JUVENILES, PKOPS and BITS, ! NIghter preferred. Must liavo^ ticket advanced. Addres s W.G . Thomson, aoa-iuth St., Detroit,Mjo jt. WANTED—VERSATILE LADY PERFORMER, Medicine show: Song and Oanoe, Contortion, or •and hotels. County, IR. juuuiuuu rtitui*: OU11K ■■Ht. i/BQOe, LUIIL any Novelty Act. Never close. Halls and hoteii- Address, Kp. k, PAKKKR, Hlo. KnoxX FOR SALE OR LEASE, CAFE AND VAUDE- vfilo Theatre In city of lsfl.ono, 1 Kortuoe'for right party, Present owner wants to retire from busl-. nesa. .Addreaa O. a. SA^Uiilt, Barton, Ohio, j