The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 29. THE NEW SYOEKeOLIPPER. 801 UNrrco states I PATENTS AND FOREIGN I and TRADE-MARKS An<l make yon a fortune. If you hare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that la worth anything, you ahonld copyright It. Doa't take chances whet] yon can secure our Rerv- INVCNT08S beforeapplTin? for OTTO IW WrWIIOKS beforeapplyiiiP a patent, it will pay you, HANDBOOK fiate*tj ttnt FHEF. We advise If paten Icenataraall com. Send for onr SPECIAL Of KB 10 — a patent, patenti sent T Hit. We advise if patenta- ble or not, FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult os. WORMEUE & VAN MATER, Manager*, CalswAtila Copyright A Patent Co. lac, . WASnMGTOM,D.C We Hasve Itl The Original Fireproof Jfotfon Picture Dfevcblnrr, With Magazines jm<l Tafce- op Device Attached. lib, Can be Btted with Power's Original Fire- proof Magatl n ei an d Take- ap Devi c e. I. POWER, 117 loan Street, lew York. All of oar apparatus li fully protected by United State* patenu Issued or pending, and infringe menta will be rigorously prosecuted. For sale bj all llta aaW dealers. Chicago Jobbari, KLEIME OPT. CO. Sin Frirtclico Jobber., MILES BROS. AulhorlMd Philadelphia Ag«nt, L. M. SWAAB, 338 Spruce St TEE MURRAY CO., ClrfCUS CANVASES, Ml« Bl Stokes, HEATS. Flais, Sto. BUCK TENTS, 8108 SHOW PAINTINGS, FRONTS AND BANNKBS FOR STREET FAIRS. A|«ll tor KlDD'H PATENT CIKCDS LIGHTS. MtllW.WellingtonSt., OHIOAOO, ILL, SHOW TENTS For Circuses, Wild Weit Shows, Black Tenti, Cindy Topi, Flags, KIM & Dakar Lights, etc. Bead for 10 page price list ot second band Tsnts. BAKEB A LOCKWOOD MFO. CO., 7th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. United State. Tent ana Awning Co., Eandolpn and Union Street,, CHICAGO, til. CIRCUS CANVA8E8. ■LACK TENTS Oar Specialty. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. ismmzg KELY ^JfEltr.,r MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES - B W T Urge Stock eon. and Under Hew and Second Hand. Write TUB OHABLBB P. SIBDBB vamp Atsu iwmno oo., eooooaoor. to tuoT.w. Nobis oo., Tent DopL, —Hamadm».Oo.. Detroit, mfc UNIFORMS BAND, BUUIT, NIBSIBEL OUTFITS CARNIVAL COS., USHERS And All Ulbers Stri Itr UTU0C. >t III! Volt. Special AUelllC) Given Ihe Proleislm Western Uniform Co. ' »4 S. CUMK ST. CHICAGO PVAN FLEET, RINTE. *t WEST SISIh STRUCT. NEW YORK OVER 100 SHOWS CARRY THESB (PIANOS (We have many letters like tills one.) Sheboygan Falls, wis., May 22, '00. The piano purchased of you some time ago Is giving very good satisfaction, and la just the thing In orchestras. The volume of these little Instruments Is very great and the tone cannot be excelled. Its range Is all that Is needed for toe aver- age orchestra music and It certainly Alls the DHL JOHN VAN OTJWERKBRK, Mgr. McKInnon's Orchestra. Carry Your Own Piano And Feel Sure of Your Act. Traveling Shows and Orchestras, Vaude- ville and Concert Hall Artists Know from experience bow frequently the pianos furnished by halls and thca- tres are unreliable and unsatisfactory. You rarely, If ever, get the same kind of piano two stands In succession. While at one place the Instrument you get may be all right, the next two or three may be all wrong—out of pitch, out of tune, raltty, etc., etc. The only way to avoid this, and to always feel free from worry oh this score, la to carry your own COLUMBUS BABY UPRIGHT This wonderful little Instrument, although only 3ft 91n. high and 8ft. 61n, wide, has a remarkable piano volume and a clear, sweet tone. It la tuned to concert pitch, making It especially suited for accompaniment to the human voice. The weight Is only 2150 pounds, and two men can handle one easily, especially when carried In our quick packing traveling case. Illus- trated at the right. The piano la a drawing card In itself and the low price places It within easy reach, SPEBCIAL OFFER,—The regular price Is 1100, but we are making a ape- clat offer, Including a atool and the quick-packing traveling case mentioned above. Write at once to the factory for Booklet No. 41. COLUMBUS PIANO COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio. atte: Harrison and Sutherland Co., HEAVY MAN Capable of playlag some Lnmdi. Others, write. LEWIS flUTI.Kni.AM>. Dexter, Mo., Sept. 24 to 29; Hot Springs, Ark., Oct. 1 to 13. WANTED, FOR WKLOH'S MUSICAL COMEDY CO., SKETCH TEAMS, SIIflLE ACTS, Mast change for three nights. Work In acta. Address G. W. MILLER, Onion City, Pa.. Sept. 2T, 28,28. WE INVITE OFFERS, W. EDWARD DE WITT, HEAVIES. LEADS. JACQUIN DE WITT, SOUDRETTES, INGENUES, JUVENILES. Joint or single, lien preferred. Address gj HIOnORY ST., l)»ymn. Ohio. WANTED, oOUBHITTE, BMEBAL B081HESS Mil, WITH SPECIALTIES. TROUSDALE THEATRE CO., Ortonvllle. Minn., this week. N OTIOSE. A FIRST CLASS FLUTE AND PICCOLO PLAYER DESIRES POSITION. Location preferred. Write. UEO. BURTON, He. Pleasant, la. WANTED, BAND LEADER, TRAP DRUMMER, SLIDE TROMBONE. Quick. BOBBY FOUNTAIN, Fargo, N. P. DTJNEDIN TROUPE, WORLD FAMOUS 'CYCLISTS, At Libert; Winter Season. Touring with Fore- paugh A Sells' Shows. Great Boccess. ' " JAS. E. DONEQAN, Director, 113 Monroe St., Chicago. RAYMOND, ILL. Wanted, Good Attractions, Clean house, good stage, dressing rooniB, electric lights, steam heat, piano, full set scenery. Seat- ing 460, pop. 1,200; good show going country; 2 towns to draw from. A l business with Alattrac- tion. For open date address C. B HRRREN, If gr. Wanted, Al Singing and Danclag Gomfldian Who can pot onsets and make them go: who can fake organ preferred. SIOUX mkWiKE CO., J. B. HOOK, Manager, Bos 4B, lola, Wli. WHAT'S A SHAKE? THANK. FOB, OFF BBS. MUSICAL ACTS. Forsalo, IX Octaves (cro.) Aluminum Chimes,l*>, also X;lophonc, 3 octaves (cro.), with resonators, $20. MUSICIAN, 884 llrond Ave., Chicago, III. Wanted Al All Tines, First Part and Single Womon, Sister Teams and First olm Acta. Flora St.Ives write. LENORE L. CONNELLY, ' Railway Hotel Mascoutah, 111. aT LIBERTY, MACY'S BAND, U Coort Bt„ Brooklyn, N. Y. BLOOD POISON FOR M0RE.THAN TWENTY YEAR8 we hare made tho care of Blood Poisonis specialty, mood Poison ■^"■"HSLFEX Vrn i Jan bo treated at home mate same rHnratr. capital »60o,oop. we sollelttb. oures. loo-psge Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 M.wnlcT.npii,C»lc».o,ffl..U.M- MAXAM & SIGHTS, COMEDIANS, lUTT, Male Pianist who can play gome parls, Man for Hetties and Juveniles, Man for General Business. Preference given people who can do specialties. Age, salary, line of bualness in first letter. No booze tolerated. Tickets if we know you. MAXAM A SIOuT8, Moqnan, Wis. AT UBBJRTY Owing to Disappointment, a First Glass MANAOER AND CHARACTER WOMAN r, .ia best references. Have capital for an Interest lu a good One Night or Repertoire Go. that Is organized and booked. MANAGER, Hollls Plumbers, Boston, Mans. FOR SALE. CHEAP, ELEGANT BAND WAGON, THREE CROSS CAGES AND A TABLEAU WAGON. All suitable for a wagon show. FRANK A. R0BBIN8, Aa per ronte, or care of THE PL PPER. \»V AMTED F08 WUIAHS OOMBDY CO. LEADING SOUBRETTE With 8.and D. Specialty; Gen. Bus. Han, and Ju- venile man. Long engagement and salary sure. Company In Its 16th successful season. Wardrobe, YES 11 (Useful, Rep. People, write,. Vernon Wallace, wire. T. P. DeGAFFERELLY, Mgr., Week Oct. 1, Blshopvllle, S. 0. Pelzer. S C. B06EB8 STOCK CO. ("saW™.? 8 ) WANTED, A Good Gen. Buh. 1I7.ii, most do good specialties and have wardrobe. Glvo full particu- lars as to age, size. Send program ami photo. which will be returned, and lowest salary. Mulv agement payi all. Don'tmlsrepreaent. Must Join on wiro. Ticket If I know you. Ad. as per route. Name lowest. TO THE PROFESSION. imbir w, in for MAHLER BROS., Kit-ma A.k a vat ' 511410 6Ul AVE. OAttltig Rndr for your Fill Csmpilon, Rimsmbir w, in kiidqu.rtars for PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR, DANCE SKIRTS, BLOOMERS, PROFESSIONAL HOSIERY AND TIGHTS, PROFESSIONAL SHOES. SHORT VAMPS. Send for Calliope, PROFESSIONAL MAKE UPS, GREASE, PAINTS, POWDERS, ETC. MAHLER BROS., BlT-MB fltb. AVE. MAHLER BROS., 511-S19 8th AVE. MAHLER BROS., 611419 Oth AVE, 8PEGIRL OFFERING, OOR MRKE-QP BOX. Hade from the very beat tin, are blaok enameled. Espe- cially made for professional me, ti.vlnf a tray with com- Ssrtmenta for crease rain la, Powders, rs.haj~_ omb sua Brash, wigs, KM., Etc. Ess JJ/fl donblcaoUon lock, with two keys, at "»»■ «•»• OTJR COID OREAM Expressly prepared for the Theatrical Profession, tuna- teed to be absolutely pore and never beoome rancid In any ollmate. Put np In pound Screw Top Tin Cans at *»c.i half pound at sic. 8ABFLE8 OF OBEAi BEIT FBH. ALL MAIL ORDERS MUST BE AOCOMPAINltD IT MONIT ORDER. NONE BENT C. 0. D. Onr Hew T.eitrlMl Catalegii «»t jijj aaaj wayjl MVTBD, FIRST CLASS SINGLE ACTS For club work. Performors of rccogni/cil merit. If you have open time, see m*. HKMlV DROWN, Vt.ud«vlll« Agoat. 00 Uearborn Ht,. Hultn OON, Uhlcago, 111. WANTED, A NURSE! A NEW AND SIDE-SPLITTING "PERSONAL" BY THE ORIGINATORS OF THE ORIGINAL "PERSONAL" LENGTH IN, "WANTED, A NURSE" Tho Bio.rapn Co. otters a new Comedy Oban Film, in some re- tptclB nucb like the lanrai ell "Personal," bnt outdoing Hut raBarkable film In laughable situations. A lolly old widower with a touch ol rhonmaUam la inveigled by a pal Into adver- tising lor a young woman aa companion ail nurse, lanjr apply, bnl two are hired, and they guard the old follow so closely that every oflort he ■ilea to escape la circum- vented. A scream from start to Salsh, TWO AM. WIliUKO TO NUHSK HIM RECENT HITS * TROLLEY HOLD-UP, 473lt. Paring daylight robber; and pnntult in California. LONE HlflHWAVMAN. • 736ft, Anew ••Moonshiners." CHUI8E OF THE GLADYS, oMtt. A YachtlnR Comedy, L00XIN0 FOH JOHN SMITH, "ThtTalking PIcliirM," Still. NO WEDDING BEL LS FOR HIM, S38H. A ohronlc old baohelor gets a gllmpsv of man led life. THE MASQUERsDERS, - 679ft Olio of the Jolilest society comedies In years, radicular,; adapted to high cIssh aiifllences. THE N OHT OF THE PARTY, 495ft. A hllsrlons comedy, with two mis- chievous children a. the leading char- aoters. THE PAYMASTER, 612ft. The " 'Way Down East" of moving pic- tures, A positive bit everywhere. THE VILLAGE CUT-UP • S7SR. A obase that ends In a mill pond. Un- questionably the biggest scream of tie season. NEW tGrA.UI*IOWr ifllvJvns,. THE DOG DETECTIVE, - - A l l " ■ *'^g, 4 L ho!t SOPKBSATUBAL KXIIIIIITION OF CAHINBi If t KLl,IOK\t K RESCUED IN MID-AIR TrS%ina macihnb combdy. BIOOEaVT NOVKI.TV l)P TUB SBASOS. 592ft. - 601tt. AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE & BIOGRAPH CO. it I4th KI.BIHB OPTICAS, CO., Chlr.go, .PBCIAt. SBL.UNO AOBllTS. IT., NEW YORK OITY. PACIFIC COAST HHAm III MSS W. PICO ST., Lm Aag.lM, Cal,