The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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862 THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. September 29. WHY CAN'T A GIRL BE A SOLDIER? Read the Chorus! "NOW, WHY CAN'T A OIlll. 1IB A gOLDIKH, JUST THE SAME AS HER SWEETHEART, RHAVE1 IK THE DAYS OF OLD, WOMEN FAin AND BOLD, THEIR LIVES FOR THEIR COUNTRY GAVE. OIVE HBR A NICE HAT, WITH FEATHERS, A JACKET, AND DRESS OF BLUE, AND SHE'LL) CARRY A DUN, CIOOD AS ANY MOTHER'S SON, AND SHE'LL MAKE A GOOD SOLDIER, TOO.' Send for The AdLusie! ThU March Song Is one of the Hits from the R. J. HALLE Catalogue, of which we have secured exclusive control. ■%. -%. ^ Four other Successes from this concern are: "A DAUGHTER OF UNCLE SAM," March Song -%. "TOP O' THE MORNIN'," Irish Characteristic "IH THE EPRIHCTIME I'LL BE WITH YOU, SWEETHEART MINE," Ballad ^ <t> "BABY'S PRAYER." Send for these 5 Hits-To day. PROF. COPIES OF ABOVE TO RECOGNIZED ARTISTS. OI0II8TBMIOIB 10c. eaco. J0S.W.STERN«£C0. 34E2IS N. Y. CITY. ORCHESTRA AMD BAUD IiEADBBSl "Why Can't a Girl Be a Soldier." Medley mcli. Band and Orch "Top o» the MornlnV' Cliarao. mch. Band and Orch, '■Baby's Prayer » lied, waltz. Orch. Any of these for band or orch. will be Bent on receipt of 16c NIORESCOU HAIR O ©.. 10U STATE ST., CHICAGO, Oth FLOOR. TlffllCJL WIGS. Our oporlnlty la vnla*- Iter your money at one half the price others a«lt for Che same goods* Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. On receipt of 61.00 deposit we will icnd (foods C. O.D., subject to examination. Remember the Name and the Place. CATALOG FREE. NEGRESCOU HAIR CO., 188 STATE ST, CHICAGO, 5th FLOOR. L. SCHWARTZ TRUNK WORKS. EST. 1869. 412 6th Ave, Cor. 25th St., I. T. City. No. I 10.SI0 10.TS Il.SW 1B.S5 ta.)» 14.35 U.SB Prof. 28 80 32 34 38 38 40 Above Truck guaranteed (or 10 jcara, In luding locks, Pref. T.SO S.«0 8.B0 9.00 8.50 10.00 10.S0 No. 4 as 30 32 S4 38 31 (0 Steel 0.00 5.90 6.00 6.50 T.00 7.50 S.OO Clatd 28 30 33 3* 88 8i 40 Write for catalog B. We make over loo different slylea of trunks. TAYLOR TRUNKS. O. A. TAYLOR THUS U. WORKS, 5) S. Rudolph St., CHICAGO; 181 W. HSU St., HEW T0BA Write for New catalogue. Casey's Theatrical Trunks. XXX aalrn-h 30 82 34 38 3J 10 IMIOK. IV.00 13.00 14.01) I5.O0 10.00 lt.OO 1H.0O AUOVE TRVNKB GUA1UNTEKD FOR 6 YEARS. XX SHlni'll 50 02 34 56 88 40 phop. T.50 e.oo 10.50 ia.00 STKKL CI.AD, the beat clioap Prof. Trunk for the money. IS Hull M 82 34 .18 88 40 5.50 6.00 0.50 7.00 T.SO 8.00 8.50 Snipped 0.0 D. on receipt of 16. Write for Catalogue. 1805 Broadway, cor. of 44th St., Opposite Hotel Astor, the greatest Theatrical Trunk Corner In America. Also 441 Sixth Avenue, near nth St., N, T. Oltj. ■ stobllshod 49 years THEATRI8&L TRUNKS AND BAGS SECOND HAND AND NEW. special sale. ALL STYLES of all the LEADING MAKES In Pint Class Condition. LOWEST PRICES BASEMENT STORES MBBULlMk* 1 * SCHWARZ & RUNKS "PATTERSON" THE WORLD'S LHADBRS "ATLAS" NEW CATALOGUE JUST OUT. THU BKLBKll Tilt NK AND BAG CO.. x8* Columbia. At*., Philadelphia, Pa. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 2(lln . $7.50: 28ln., JB.50: SOtn., »l).60: SOIn., 110.150; 401n., 112.50. Circus Trun«a.24xl8ll 8, 17.50. 11111 Trunks, ItOiliUalG, Inside, 112.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42«,l28}4ll2, Inside, 115.00. Shinned on receipt of $3.00, unl., C. 0. D., except over 300 miles, then remit whole amount. SIMONS A CO., CUtmiAL TRUNK IfActottY. Kit, 1804, 8.W.cor.7lh and Arch Sta,Phlla. MANAGERS, Attention! If too owned a railroad, perhaps yon are Battened to carry heavy excess breeding trunks. Butlfyon— get. BAL trunk. Bend for Catalogno "0." r you want to save excess baggage, wiLU.1 am BAL nno)., 110 W. 40111 BL, N. V. Oil*. Our IMS STREET- MEN'S CATALOGUE I, now rsidy lor dlitrlbu- llon. Wrlta tor II to- day. You cinriot altor. to bi without ■ copy. BOe.p.,,00. """ d, '»- LEVIN BROS., SEi 80-83 N. SIXTH STREET, TBBRE HAUTE, 1NP. J. C. DElfllH, 2U7-2180 S. CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL, MUSICAL BELLS MUSICAL SPECIALTIES Used by All Leading Arttata. Send for New Illus- trated Oatalogne. TBS ONLY THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED BELL fAOTOBY IN THE WORLD. We only manufacture oar own Inventions, for which we bold letters patent. Our goods can be seen at 0. H. Dltson, New York; Oliver Dttaon, Boston; Voikweln Bros.. Pittsburg; Igtuu Fischer, Toledo, Kalaer Music Co., Cleveland; Grinnell Bros... Detroit. Always a few bargain*. In second hand Innrrnmenta no hand. SONG BOOKS ' AB50tUTEtY>TH E-BE5T - AlVAVKONRINS; Itlt- LATEST HI1S WMrSuBi PricaforJpcrialDali Chas.K Harris . 31 Wi-sl JKJi ivi. lurk -, ..Vf.-vVj.: '■: ,, t: ■ J FamourPnieatrioaf RE8TAURANT 47» SIXTH AVK. JJet.28thand2ni.Bta., NEW YORK CITY. Beat of Food, Perfect, ly Cooked .DellclouHly served. Prices rea- sonable. Special Din- Inn Room for Ladles- Spaiiglof, S1.00 Per Pound. Cotton Tlghta, pair. ii.oo Worsted Tlghta, pair., TigWa.; nsbts.1 l _»«i] pair.. Plaited Silk Tight Beat Bilk Tli s Inch cotton flttii. Thigh andTalp Paddings. Gold and silver Trimmings. Send Deposit wltb order. THE BOSTON KEG ALIA CO., jjj Washington St.. Boston. Mass, !• MMIjLillilCa MAMIFACITREH S02 W. 23d St., Now York. Theatrical Boots A Bboea. AH work made on short notice. No disappoint- ment; we make from l pair to 1,000 pairs. Clog u n d Bull ctSh oca a Bpeclalty. Tel. 100 Chelsea. #111111 BES^OU.AUiTY - - We Wqi k Id rihe CUPPER^Why .N o jIqr You' '. CHARLES LSI.LA, ManDfactarer of Theat- rical and Cas'om Shoos, 410 FOURTH AVE . bet. 28th and 20th Sts., N. Y. Clogs and DftnolnRShoca a Specialty. Orders or all descriptions Establlsbcd 18B3. MM promptly. Fins Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS. TRICKS, EtO. Grand End of Century, folly Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 26o., free by mall' Catalogue of Parlor tricks froo 1IARTINKA A CO.. Jiffs.. 41U Sixth Avo.. N. Y. AST WBBRTY, PIANIST. E. r. uHoNKMEYEit, Gen. Del., St. Lonls, Ho, SOMETHING NEW. McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon With Roving Picture Attachment. For sbowlng both Moving Pictures as well as Lantern Slides, and producing beautiful Dis- solving Effects. Necessary where best results are desired. INSTRUMENTS J)F ALL SIZES AND PRICES. VIE\sVS and RIL.LVIS iTJSSLTSS&m, Illustrating every BUbJectof Art, Travel and Literature and all timely topics. Latest war scenes, etc. Popular and Religious ILLUSTRATED SONGS, etc. la fact, any subject adapted for the giving of Public Entertainments. 1M~ A PROFITABLE BUSH FOR MO WITH SHALL CAPITAL."*! SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGUE—Free—which tells the cost of an outfit, explains and Instructs you how to conduct paying entertainments. McAllister, Mfg. optician, 49 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. MUTOSCOPES "BACKBONE OF THE ARCADE BUSINESS." The average town or city will readily support as many "Automatic Vaudevilles" as It does thca res. Dozens of Arcades were opened last year by men of no previ- ous experience with coin-operated machines, and all are coining money. Do you know of a good locatlonf If so, don't hesitate. The Autumn months are the very best of the year. We have a splendid new model Mutoacope at 950.00, and bargains In uaed machines as low as 1918.00. AMERICAN MUTOSGOPE & BIOGRAPH CO., TYPE E. 2923 W. PICO ST., LOS AMOELES. 11 E. 11th ST., NEW YOUK. ACETYLENE BURNER. The CRESCENT BURNERS. . i nroiSPERBABLE FOB USERS OF ACTETFIVENE. jaSi Every Bnrner Guaranteed. i3g A Kaon Burner Good for Over 1,000 Hoars. ■JJ BEWARE OF INFRINGING IMITATIONS. HI m. KIRCHBEkbER ft CO., Gin.rsl LIcmmm and Salt ftg.nts, SJP 44 Park Plao, Kg« York. US mdIi. "THU PBOOP OF TUB PUDDIN4J IB HI THE MATHIO." BB EXHIBITIN6 HEBE IS SOHEiBIRO Ml ! STAGE DAHG1HG TAUGHTBY HAIL JOHN P. HOGAWS CHART AND DIAGRAM SYSTEM Enables anyone, without former experience, to become an accomplished dancer. For full partic- ulars send 2-cent stamp for Circular, Prospectus, etc.. to JOHN P. HOGAN", Teat h.r of Stag. Dancing, Elks' Hall, II.Je.tle Tbe>tr. Owlldlng, 59th Bt. and 8th At... N.w York City. W i»..«..i DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE ADO SNOWMEN \Vby handle rocky goods when you can handle goods that will sell themselves, Ulectrlc Belts from SI per dos. up. Large variety to select from. Electric Jar 79c. dot.; Electric Insoles, 87 ^c. doz. pairs. Soap, S2.10 gross; Fine Medi- cal batteries. Send i,v, for Sample No. U B. B„ exp. prepaid. Latest ouL One third cash required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturer* of Electrical Belts and Appliances) in U. a. A, Established 1878. Lecture *nd ptlii Hat tea wjjj, t LeG TfiiOju. APPL1AH0E CO., IlwUiiatOD, Ku> i STRATE - PARK ROW BUILDING. NX A 8cts. SQUARE INCH- ** HALF-TONE PROCESS CO. 1 cuts Ml LEATHEROID TRUNKS. LIOHTElt TIIAN STKKL. BO TIMES ST1UISOE11 THAW WOOD. Bend tor Hew Tneatrlctl Catalogue LEAT11ER01D mfo. 00., 63a B'w.y, N. T., ne.r Spring SI STILL GOIrlCl BOISE. »» T »-RANa5BTTA « Jt/YAdAHJT- 08 * 0 * „ . _, BCOEMTB1C ACROBATIC DVO. P.S.-Tlilsacl; conl»lns apeople and tcttlniri pcop ea s.lsry; not 8 p«>Blo geiung ! p»|pl a ■ salary. Oot. land 8 of an. TLat'sail. Address career jciunj. couUAK w CourtSt., Boilon, Bass.