The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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.September 29. THE NEW YORK OI-IPPER. 86' 3 TONS OF REQUESTS FOR SLIDES !EEM E^^CSEIVETCb Oreeit little Novelty Kximtoei-, SMILE ON ME Hence we have acceded to the demand, and now have ready eighteen attractive and beautiful colored slides, which illustrate every phase of the song. The song itself is a record-breaker, but with the slides it is one great, big knockout. No singer can afford to be without them. Send for them immediately. :E--Professional Copies and Orchestrations to Recognized Performers, or those Sending Up-to-date Programs.--NO M. WITMARR <& SONS, Pub.^ WITMARR BUILDING, 144-146 W. 37th STREET, NEW YORK. LOOK FOR THI HIVE CLOCK TOWER. le. 7191 Spir and Neokhoe Set Only costs you 10 cents per set. The best 35 cant seller that ever* happened. Send M cents for sample set and our new catalogue No. 19. BOflERe, THUBJUN & CO., 38 IBtehlgan Ave., Chicago, U.&& v..* Wanted Immediately, for (The Strongest Repertoire Organization in the South.) 600D LOOKING JUVENILE LEADING MAN (That Can Act), Not Less Than 5ft. lOin. In Height. ■ . 600D LOOKING HEAVY NAN (Not Less Than 5ft. lOln. In Height). Do not write unless you are positive yon can set and dresB (he parts. People In All Lines, Write. Gas Use Strang Feature Specialty, State B&lary, age, weight, lielght, and Bend pliotos and late programmes. Tickets advanced to rcspomtble people, but no money; liave been there. Address THOMAS E. DEPEW, Jtfgr. Depew-Hurdette Stock Co., Jonesboro, Arkansas. BASSOON AT LIBERTY AFTEB OCT. 7. First class, experienced performer and sololBU Very beat references. Address E. ILLa HA YE, KHUcb' Hand, Mitchell, So. Dakota, week of Sept. 24-30; Aberdeen, So. Dakota, Oct. 1-7. fwf/?•/iLi/smim. 80' f£f? JffOoff ; > ' J $7P£ffijh - plays "M^-UWRIP:^^ wliANU'lNSTRUMf S«out wm prloe. All SuE many a _ W«ratnui»di(ifor"noLTON"Jri«tninioBt«,wblchM- cel all other*. If joaw»nttbobeit,bnyn.''noLTON" . vlmjlll havemotber mnfco.wo 1i*tc IE for ion 1 fSSSb BTtrytbJng for bunde. OurcatalogaadbaT" [ ■an tree on request. n*H* HOLTQH fc CO.. QllBW M. 8TRA88MAN, ATTOB.NEI, 8G3 Uroadway. New York City. WOMEN MUSICIANS WANTED AT ONCE. ONE TEAR'S ENGAGEMENT with raj ORCHES- TRAS OR BANDS. ALL IMSTUUMKNTS. FRENCH HORN FLAYERS, FI.UTK, PICCOLO, CLARIONET, SAXOPHONE and all brass. F. 8.—We want only the bent, and If you are not an artist on your chosen Inetrumerit, savo stain pB. Hcml.iuarlcrs tor Women Musicians, U Music Hall HulldlnR, Loslon, Mass., OEO.W. SMITH, Mgr. THE LATEST. THE BEST. JUST OUT. THE OPTIQMPH NO. 4 ?&* Has the ONLY PERFECT FRAMING DEVICE Writ, na (or 40 REASONS Hit Ion flhtald Bu/ ...OPTIORAPYJ In prerercne* to s-ny otlior llotlnu Picture Machine. U Iff catalogue or Lanterns, Fit mi. BlidcB, Acoeeiorlu, etc AMUSEMENT SUPPLY CO. (Inc.) 481 CLiomlciU Sack Bids-. OHIOA& AT UBCRTY, BUS. MGR. OR AGENT. Rep. or Ono Night. A. C. OHOUTT, No. 2M So. 6th Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ACROBATS, NOTICE. At Liberty, Good, Fast Ground Tumbler and Bnck Dancer. Weight, 1301b. AddreBB AUKOUAT enro CLIPPER. ___„ SANIA/* CAPSULES mi if BIAOOBL 124 HOI KlAnpt^Mtasntb* ^^B , (P^ Bt i i fc i sJ i IraulM. . Hllkolln© TlRhta. Q54.00, Wonted 1 TlahU, Oa.Obi Cotton Tight*, 111.00; Silk 1Ighta, flrom la.OrT ap| ■ Shirt* to match, all Mine price j ai tight*; Pntnpa US ctnti) Galt- f are, 91.OO1 Elastic Svpportera, f •l.O0| Cloth Supporters, AS cental Send for catalogue and samples of tight a free. Positively a de- posit required. SaUsfaotlon (ruaran- teedormoneyrofcDdod. 8P10ERBROS-, 6fl Woodblno Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; New 1 York ODQce. Lincoln Bldg\, 1 Union 8q. Atlantic City k HOUBS Iron NEW YOBK via k New Jersey Central PaMlBtj Thronoh iakewoo*. Solid VctlUitilo].. Buffet Filler Ctrl, Lv.W.i3dSt.9.30A.H.dlJly(ia,iar.H.SsI.> l 3.90P. w.ei«ptSun. I..». IJ1 *m >St., 0.40 a.U, dltly (1.0.3 P.M. Sll,). i. to r.M. eic (l-i Sun. -»' Be ah Actor or Actrew. No profession bo fascinating; or profit- able. I teach yon by mftlI,Bo you can float once on the Btago. Bend for ray beautifully Ulna- trated book explaining method, also picture*, Bceneri of plays, Bctorn, actresfles who have become efllolent through my tralnInjr—malted FREE. Address HENRY DICKSON SCHOOL OF ACTINO, WW Klmbal Hall, Chicago. MUSICAL 6LASSES. HiibHtantlAl, loud, pure In tone, ftfv to tune and play. Photon, rcfcrcnccn, cuialogue, with full In- formation will be Hent on receipt of stamp. A.Ilrau- nelxa, OlaHKopone lifg., 4H KlBlbnun Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. %&M^mm Learned by any man or boy; nmitli cont. Send to-day 3c. fllsmp for partlcularn and proof. O. A. Smith, Room 70, 2040 KnotTllle Ave., Peoria. III. -Shave Once Over- Thit'i ail imi'i nrr^iniy If jna as* Hlmp'. Dry Hom,. it -ill i'fp !<■<■' r.inr In (Krfi-ci or<lcr snrl mnit >ri.(- iM^J.I'llir. vMi".|(n«M.H'o. r.Ki Walnut M., * inr l-n-H, «>. PRICE SI. PREPAID. Mons-t n'tuiHH If o«i'fMKry. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS 144 LA SALLE ST. —MATERIAL.AND SUPPLIES— PROM THE 860,000,000 8T. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR NEW STRIP TICKETS Printed foruie attho Eipo. ■ttlnni hnvo noTcr boon UboiIi 3,000to arntli Ronaco* tlvrly uumboriid. Denum- " mil to. Wo, iOo, 60d, onl tlolora. PrlcAtior InlotiolH,Ot» 18e 1 110 volt nun. ISO In a barrel. Wkfl rut 138.00 H Hocnnd lionil ticket rhnp. per koxca, ouch f 1H.00 OPERA CHAIRS HM ■ i'ii,rj;;'fa MM good •• now .tt.w » laoasend loo INCANDESCENT LAMPS are tostod »nd lorjlccoblo. 100to HOvoltngo: % ^o "«b So In a»Hi)l quaiitltTflB, eaoh ItWiOOOininri nn ntiovo, brand new. In full c mo loti.onab,.. ■^.OOOntiw.iacinillopnwortaiiipa.cnnli ., i.OW LniDIii. mod, natural colon, ruby, ere on, timber and opal. __ Tcatcd Bn d aorvlcoatiln. Prlco Oncli , 10o xO.OOOiaruo u «bovo. brnndnew.iirlca each,.™ flOo 5,000 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS SAfM Vam boit mnlluiiblo Iron fltttnuut Hlmpln hi cnnitraettoitt fold {'orfectly llati nttitng, duroblo and cnmforublu, will ttol Wirpi a» ar nuporbir to any ntbor nmVoj brand nnw, Prico. In dozon lot*. tO.OO Hpuclol Prlco 00 Utjnr Quintlen 1,000 uniforms mjm^ss^xk Wrlto for our B)>nclal Mpajuu (Maloifiin No. H, A. 078. ft rot) h';;;.',''i'oo lie EEfNBPJ » nto ror our Rjioclal m-paitu Oalnluirtia No. I comploto Hat of nil klnda of Klortrli-i.! Nuppllnn, ninioral a tly purobaNlnn. Wo have for sale Fire Ilfiao. all kfini* of Kl BaiiDllo., t Ian, Ilun Inj, Furniture. Ilnuoliold Good., l'lnmbln« ifotorlil, tfaohlnorr-is"so. oTorythlne " andor tho inn..' Addro., , : ■"■ • *"*■ CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO., 30th and Iron Sta., OHIOAQO I DO YOU USE ACETYLENE? IV SO Wl Wall TO HDD YOU A MAMPLK BUNIMEn. ~ JT* S° 0 7. *' "**• "" bMt °°"»' w« nudo lor naa Is • atwaoptleoi tr lUnsi Plonrs aUohlna; alio for LlfUUnf Thoauos, Modlcln. Oainps ana Olrouw. Addnw Boom U, BawlMlaw »•• «■» Sanpl.. WM. K. OKAWE OOMTAmr, 1131-33 Inatn,, |«r T«k- TALKING HORSE OR PONBY. Host ho Al worker that can lis strongly featured and inako ttoo.l In Mldo Show. Write, s a m lowest salary, routine, and whon and where horse has worked. Wo pay all after Joining. Wl.l advanco transportation any reasonable distance. Must Join show by Oct. lit, at or near Ft. Worth, Texas. Alio want Contortionist, Jugglsr, Bra. Aet, and MUBIOAL TEAM IJonhllna brusB. This Is a canvas show which pays ovory week. No hold hack. Address W. H. Hl> K, Mgr. Elce A Oouley's Mlnslrdi, care Texas I'rlntlnii Co., ft. Worth, Ten.. THE 8 GORNALLAS, Acrobats RE-ENGAGED FOR SEASON OF 1907 WITH THE FOREPAUGH -SELLS BROS .' CIRCUS. THE INTERNATIONAL SHOWS WANT Ladles and flcntlomt'ii for II. and O. that do specialty In concert, flhow oporm for Southern tour hIkiiii middle of Ucccmbor. Want 70 orwift. llotind Top. with Middle PIccch. Want Advance Airent. AddreflH PETE CUHNALiLA. Por route Korcpauirh-BollH Uron.» Clrcoi. WHY NOT in "5r If rouhave not already purchased your trunka, why not mall your order to un. It will receive prompt attention. Money returned, If not HatlBfactory. Bend for catalogue 0. WILLIAM BAL (Inc.), no W. 4Mb St., N. Y. Olty, 2 Door- Eait of Acton' Society.