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808 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October g. AT LIBERTY, NOV. I O THK GREAT The most accomplished contortion hand balancer Id the world. I also present to managera tho following high ■clam MM, The world's greatest Bicycle Acrobats and Btair- case Jumpers, fl In number. Russian Singers and Dancers. B In number, direct from Nonvean Cirque, Paris, France. 8 In number. MIB8 PAULINE VIOLA'S SIBBHIAN LEAPING HOUNDS, 10 In number, carrying 8 people. ALSO OTHER ACT8 OF MERIT AND ABILITY. Address all communications to PAUL BRACHARD, Care of Great Wallace Shorn, as per route. N. I!.—These people were Imported to tola country direct from Europe this Spring by Mr. I). E. Wallace. . WRIGHT BROS., feslhe ^^^AUTO STROP SAFETY RAZOR Open for engagement. Address ETHEL, WRIGHT, Anlninr*', Pa. AT LIBERTY, DOTTIE GREENE, HOIIIIIKTTK INUKMJE. KSTKLLK LYNNE, COfflBDY CHARACTERS. Singing and dancing specialty, Including contor- tion work. Both have first class wardrobe. Prefer joint engagement. Address DOTTIE GREENE, 1&t N. Villi St., Phlla., Pa. CONTRACTS I.KTTBB BBADB, BNVBLCPBS, TICKKT.H PASSES, CAUDS, Ktc. Write for Btmpill Webb Ptk. Co.. 858 Dearborn Bt, Chicago, in w —SPECIAL ENGRAVED— ^ax INDOW GARDC $6.50r Kll ||lOO RO Jft!o , A' r o n o co M VVtlf Oamluftuu of Plays id(1 ■■W MnVo Up for profes- sionals ittiit amateurs, Bent on apnltcalkin. SK A FITZGERALD, 20 Ann 8t., Now York. O. A. HAWKINS, I.MlhHt., N.V. Mfr. of ojnroaatlo Apparatus. 885 ... nHI »..,»... formorly of 118 K. lath 8t. liorlrontal tiara, leap, log boards and bars, barrels, crosses, globes, etc- (Patented In IT. s. and foreign countries) is the combination in a small, neat, strong and durable structure of a wonderful automatic stropping de- vice in a safety razor. The blade is not removed for stropping, cleaning or for any other purpose until it is to be discarded for a new blade. Gives a safe, cool, smooth, close or medium shave at will, because the blade is al- ways in a sharp, perfect condition. Easily cleaned clean in an instant. Stropping is done automatically in the expert barber way by mechanical means which are sure and scientific in the hands of any inexperienced man. This razor will shave as well without stropping as any other safety razor and infinitely bttter with it. It is easier to strop this razor than change the blade in any other, and each automatic stropping saves a new blade. Twelve blades last a lifetime. Complete, in handsome case, with strop and twelve blades, No Honing. Automatic Stropping. $5.00. For sale everywhere, or delivered anywhere, expreaB prepaid, upon receipt of $5.00. We want every man to have an op- portunity to use this razor, and it is sold subject to 30 days' trial. Money promptly refunded without ?l uestion if razor is not entirely satis- actory. Auto Strop Safety Razor Co. Sol* Manufacturer! Department 18 330 IlroBcltvay, Hew York. BOOKLET BENT ON REDDEST. WESTERN AMUSEMENT CO., KANSAS CITY'S THEATRICAL EXCHAME. Suit* 327 Schutt* Bldrj., 1209 Grand Ava. Western Hoadqnartera for Dramatlo People. Visit our office when In Kansas City. Have your mall addresHod In our oare. Desk room for the transaction of business. MANAGERS, write or wire when you want people. WR WANT JUVENILE LEADING MAN, two Ohar. Men, with specialties; Obar. Comedian, with specialties; Versatile Leading Woman, Heavy Woman, G. B. Woman. 4 Singing and Dancing Boubrettes. All Repertoire I'eoplo write quick, loll all: don't misrepresent. ,* v . . . A l*. MA li IN HOK, M« COUNTRY SCHOOLMASTER A CATACLYSM OF UPROARIOUS COMEDY By THE BIOGRAPH COMPANY LENGTH "THE COUNTRY SCHOOL" Whit memories the words awaken! Toey don't hate soon good limes now-a-dayi. In tUt production weiuow the rati thing, taken In t (julel Hew England village lar bom the maddening throng. And that there In mora Inn to the square lnoh, orowded Into this film, than J ton ever telore biw In your wholo lie. II yon mlaa the school- muter running down the road to the Excelsior Hose House, with hit coaltaila aire, you will miss the heartiest laugh yon have had In years. Del It quickly. It'a I winner. "NOW ALU TOUICTHKll -SINK I' RECENT HITS. WANTED, A 4 NI1H8E! - - 7»6ft. The New "P.HOHl." IDE DOG DETECTIVE, - 592IL RESCUED IN MID-AID, • 601(1. The Flying Haebltie Comedy, A TROLLEY HOLD-UP, - 473(t. Taken lu California. LONE HIGHWAYMAN,-- 736ft. Tho New "Moonshine*-," Cruise of tho Gladys, WSOft.; Looking for John Smith, Mlfl,; No Wedding Bells, KWft.; The Masquoraders, fiTWt.; Tho Night of the Parly, 4B6fL; The Paymas- ter, «2ft.; The Tillage (int-i:p, 576ft. Missouri. »t. Lonla.—At the Garrlck (Daniel PlBhcll, manager) "The Greater Love" In- troduced Aubrey Bouclcault last week. The supporting company wag excellent, and In- cluded : (Trace Beats, who was very clever as Lb Mandlna: Mary Fetters, Kathleen Kin- sella. May Abby, Frederick Weber, Oeorge Leach, Samuel u. Merrill, Theo. Dlera and others. "The Love Route/' with Odette Ty- ler and a big cast, tbls week. Centuri (P. Short, manager).—Chauncey Olcott, In "Eileen Astbore," was the offer- ing last week. The play deals with a pretty romance, and affords plenty of opportunity for Mr. Olcott's new songs, suug by himself. The scenery was particularly beautiful, espe- cially tbAt for the second act Florence Les- ter, a remarkably beautiful young woman, played Eileen O'DonneU effectively. Other capable members were: Mildred Beverly, Wllla Keys, Gertrude Stanley, George Leaaey, Richard Dillon, Arthur Jarrett, Charles Ogle, Quincy C. Bass and others. " 'Way Down East,'' with Cherts? Davis, this week. Olympic (F. Short, manager).—"Ben Hur" began a two weeks' engagement Sept. 24, and Judging from the attendance last week it will be a record breaking run. The new Ben Hur, A. II. Van uuren, made a pleasing 1m- {iresalon. John E. Ince Jr. was the Messale. [obert McWade jr., the Slmontdes. Among the new comers, Margaret Dills, as the mother of Hur, made the best Impression. Robert Loralne, in "Man and Superman," follows. Guam) (John G. Sbeebey, manager).—Al. H. Wilson, In better voice than ever. In "Metz In the Alps," was the attraction last week. Mr. Wilson's new play Is by far the best he has had yet, there being ample opportunity to display bis splendid talent, both as actor and vocalUt. He Is a decided favorite here, and waa the recipient of a warm wel- come at each performance. The supporting company was a good one, and Included Ger- trude Ferry, Ross O'Neal, Fred Mower, Julia Batrhelder, Mary Milburn and others. "Fan- tasraa" Sept. 80-Oct. 6. Havlin'h (Wm. Garen, manager). — Charles T. Aldrlcb, In "Secret Service Sam," played to capacity houses last week. The play lg abundantly supplied with surprises ana thrilling climaxes, and the scenic effects are good. The supporting company Included: Ethel Davis, Lilly While, Gilberts Faust, Harry Cowley, Tho a. Charles and others. "Everybody WorkB But Father" this week. Imperial (D. E. RusBell, manager).- 1 —"Big Hearted Jim,' attractive for Its naturalness, was on view last week. Charles Gardner, son of the famous German singing comedian, of the same name, was seen In the star role. Mr. Gardner is an actor of unusual ability. Harriet Lee, tbe leading woman, and Jessie Stevens were prominent among tbe support- ing company, which Included: John Abbot, Barle Stirling, Herman Lester, Claire Wal- lace and others. "Queen of the White blnveB" tbls week. Oayety (O. T. Crawford, manager).—The Jersey Lilies Extravaganza Co. waa the offer- ing Inst week, to large business. Fannie Vedder, Ida Gladstone. Sam Soda and Harry Woods were among tbe burlesquera. Tbe olio included: Wllllnm Baker and Grace Robin- son, Woods and Green, Frank Millar, the Bowens and others. Hone Hill Folly Co. thl'i week. Globb (H. E. Rice, manager).—Last week: The Musical Russells, the Keiths, the Burler'B, Edith Blaney, Lulu Besselmao, Il- lustrated song and new moving pictures. Columbia (Mlddleton A- Tate, managers). —Maule Bnrrlsou and Joseph E. Howard, In a condensed musical comedy, entitled "The Wrong Decision," were the headllners last week, and they made a most favorable im iireaslon. Others: The Four Nevaros, Henri French, Palfrey and Iloeller, Cameron and Flanagan, George Wilson, Blmm, Bomm, U-r-r-r, Katheryn Pearl and the klnodrotne. Standard (Leo Rauchcnbacb. manager).— The management offered the Brigadiers last week. In Mr. Dooley On the Empire Cir- cuit" Vaudeville consisted of: Six Wel- frleds. Sisters Mullln, Lester and Moore,' Sherman and Fuller, and Tim Healy. The Yankeo Doodle Dandy chorus was one of the big hits of the show. Edmund Hays and the Jolly Girls this week. Lump's Park.Carnival la enjoying tre-- mcndouB patronage. Some of the acts on view last week Included: Alvarado, Ward Trio, llellhofer's Alpine Todlera, Prof. Woods' dog and pony show and fourteen side shows. The Jai Alai Roller Rink opened Sept. 2(1, to fine business. This rink is well estab- lished as tbe finest and most popular rink In the city, and no doubt will enjoy the same targe patronage aa It did last year. Notbh.— Countess- Elsie De TourneyvIIIne- baugh has arrived In St.Louis to read a new play by a St. Louis author, entitled "The Hciiutirtil Blond," which will be added to her repertoire Announcement for the opening of the German Theatre at the Odeon Is made for Oct. T. Only one performance a week will be given, on Sunday nights. Vllma Von Hobcuau, Victoria Welb-Markhom, Louis Fell man. Alexander Duebner Martin Dudel, linns Loebel and many other old favorites will be with the company. The management hopes to hove a permanent home for their company next Beason The promoters of the White City Co., who have their eye on the old fair grounds for a site, have met with no encouragement from the North side people—in fact, the North end is unanimously opposed to the proposed place. The reasons for the opposition are that the wooden buildings proposed would be fire traps, and that undesirable persons would be drawn to the neighborhood. .*♦♦ r WASHINGTON. A IV JS W SHORT OOMBDYt Brannigan Sets Off the Blast, 212ft. AMERICAN MUT0SC0PE & BIOGRAPH CO. II 14th KLK1NK OPTICAL. CO, t Chicago, SPECIAL, BULLING AGBNTI. IT., NEW YORK OITY. PACIFIC COAST BRANCHi Mitt W. PICO ST., LM Angola*, <al. Seattle.—At the Grand Opera House (John Cort, manager) Itlcbarde & Prlngle's Min- strels did big buslnesa Sept 10-18. "The noyal Chef" had capacity bouses 21-23. HI Henry's MlnetrelB 28, 29, "Checkers" 80- Oct. 3, "The Maid and the Mummy" 4-0. Seattle (RubbcII & Drew, managers).— For 16 and week, "A Mad Love" baa excel- lent attendance. "Uncle Josh Perkins" 23 and week, "The Convict's Daughter" 30 and week. "The Holy City" next Tiunn Avbnuh (Russell & Drew, mana- gers).—Tbe Taylor Co. opened the Beason 10, In "Tbe White Tigress of Japan." The at- tendance continues up to standard. For 23 and week. "Escaped from the Harem ;" "New York by Night" 30 and week. "Queen of tbe Highway" next. Star (E. J. Donellan, manager).-—New peo Sle 24 and week: Lillian Chic, Summers and lullnny, J. C. Nugent, Elliott, Edward ltocach, Chun. A. Loder and moving pictures. On I'll hum (T. J. Consldtne, manager).— New people 24 and week : Blair and McNulty, Sam liood, Josephine Sumner, Bccbod, Wes- ton and Beeson, Lew Palmer, Geo. F. Keani and moving pictures. Norn.—The Btock company for the New Lois Theatre will be headed by Alleen May and Ralph Cummlngs. Tho opening date has not yet been announced. «-•-♦ NORTH CAROLINA. Charlotte—At the Academy of Music "The Little Duchess" bad fair business Sept. 24. "Human Hearts" 28, Jefferson boys 20. John Robinson's Shows played to two packed tents Sept. 20. ««» Edwa C. Burnett writes: "I saw my name Included recently In the roster of the Fay Foster Burlesque Co. 1 wish to say I am not, and never have been, connected with that company. At present I am with 'The Two Johns' Co., doing my specialty, and playing one of tbe leading parts." (oaiio ..rC ftficlcts DELIGHTFUL JUST RIGHT AFTER DINNER Trv Thnm T Tt T(1U can't buy Chic- irj 1 lie Hi; lets in your neighbor- hood send us ten cents for a nample packet. Any jobber will supply store- keepers with Chiclet*. FRANK H. FLEER & COMPANY, Inc., Philadelphia, V.S.A.,aQdToronto. Canada. ClubrGockUll IPTTLED DELIGHT Most Americans are connoisseurs in Cock- tails—-and a connoisseur's taste demands uniformity in the flavor, strength and mix- ing of his favorite drink. There's only one kind of uniformly good cocktail— CLUB COCKTAILS. Bar cocktails are slap-dash guesswork—good by accident. baa by rule—but never smooth or uniform to a cultivated taste. CLUB COCKTAILS are scientifically blended from choicest liquors, aged and mellowed to delicious flavor and aroma. Insist on CLUB. Seven varieties—each one perfect. Of all Good Grocers and Healers. O. ? HEUBLEIK* BR0., Sole Props. BatttOfd N»w York London SHOES FITTED WITH O'SUXLIVAN'S HKBU OF NEW RUBBER MAKE LIFE OF MEN AND WOMEN WORTH LIVING. Bard leather heels and nails are no longer tolerable. O'SoilWan HcDie are made of brand newrnb- ber. give the elastic, bounding, comfortable, springy step of youth, outwear leather heela and all other rubber heels. It Ib better to say "O'Sulllvan's" when order- ing rubber heolB, to be sore of getting wlmt yon want 60o. attached. If your dealer hasn't O^ulllvau's, send Aftc. and diagram of your heel tn the makers. O^SjnUI»«?innbb«^Co«l22£Hl^itB Gfryat/ftsm/tf/r ///rs / ravfff//.Li/5r/?Af£p/ - /aoo ^ SAMPLES /O i 'AkW00M0ff:ffl. '■■'" 7/3M£LffWSnWLA./>A. W«retrmdoJlDfor"noLTON"ltJitruniODM,which ei- «) all others. It you vant the bcit, buy a •■BOLTON" -« yon win life™ anotlicr mnko.wa litre It for yea efasaux INwytttas for banda. our catalogao4bsr> gmtolltt free OB reqocaL max.. CHICACQ_ plays MANUSCRIPT M. 8TRA88MAN, attounky. 8S8 Broadway. Nasr York City.