The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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870 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October 6. ffiti dutSnTwi I be 5S« the direction of would be dlOcolt to dud a busier piece then cals In Michigan are Terr 1 relj. With the SSLTAitStlere the headquarters of thle company, where flusl eiwctatlon of an early Vail In thli State, The renrtorT will Include: "La Boheme," [reparations are being made for a tour air the theatrea opened earlr, the regular '•i>n niVttnlo," ••$ assanlello." "Norma." "I through the South, making a complete Jump, theatres as well as the vaudeville homes. la October, from Ohio to llias. Tie company With vaudeville theatres In Kalamazoo, Bat- "Fra Dlavolo," "jiassaniello," "Norma." "I through Purltanl," *'La Honnambma," "Carmen" (which will be the second opera), "Don P»» ; quale," "La Favorite " "Luc a," "Marts "Faust," "Romeo ct Juliette," "La Jnlve, "I Pagllsccl," "Cevallerla Hustlcana, Dl- nora," "Les Huguenots," "I^e I'rophete, 'II Barblcre dl sfvlglls." "Mlgnon,' "Aldn. "" "II Trovatore," "La Trevlata, "Iligoletto," "Un Bollo. In Maschera' and "Lohengrin," which will be sung In JrentOi. Berlioz's "La Damnation de Faust, which Is also to be given at the Metropolitan and Oluck's "Armlda"are the noveltieH_ promised. "I did not mention the name of Mme. Tct- retain! In my prospectus," Mr. Hajaaw- stein said, "as there Is some doubt nhout her coming. I wish to make no promise I can- not keep, even to the announcement of one prima donnn. Apart from my own material Interests I support for X^t"wo""ucrg™ndo^rau7^terpfls«'.: . ni otlipr in the world can do It. and I >m NS'otiier in the world can do It. and l am hoping that I may help New York set this exnmple to tlie world." Uaudcpilk and minstrel. xotes rnoM tub Nbw Vaudeville The- atbe, at Danville Ill.-T. W, Barhydt * Jack Hoclller, of Tcrre Haute, md., are the owners of the beautiful new $0.OMI vaude- wlU 8%$Z t&^WHlff^.i*2 lira WrlnfteldrMas,., weei of, Sep.. IT. vllle mlfcs ranging from ten to thirty-live CiKEDO t ."Klngof the. Wire," sends K- -' ' mi., i ..ii.ii i- ciiimtuii nniith at the tie Creek, Jackson, Flint and Port Huron, I get a good report on what Is going on. Busi- ness opened well, considering the weather. In all the houses, and the outlook Is promis- ing for a big Fall season. All of these towns now have the latest fad of penny arcades and five cent vaudette theatres. They all seem to be doing well, and the outlook Is sorely good for plenty of amusement during the Winter. The new Bijou Theatre, In Jack- son, Is under construction, and will be ready about Not. 10. It is being built on the site of the old Hlbbard Opera House, and will have a seating capacity of 850. with a stage 32 feet deep and 66 feet wide. With this new house It gives five good theatres on the circuit. _ _ JcNiPEji and Hates closed on the J. w Gorman park circuit after a Beason of twelve weeks, and Joined the Roe Stock Co., for the season. Tbey opened at Worcester, Maes., Sept. 17. Kennedy and Botle, "The Minstrel Boys," Joined Barlow & Wilson's Minstrels three weeks ago. Their singing and wooden shoe city, entertained at a birthday supper, given dancing la making a hit through the East, in honor of Mrs. Cray's twenty-fifth birthday, they info-m us. UCHsie Taylor, of the Grand Theatre; Clara Hoimond and Forrester have been booked i;rlnk and Corny Jamison, of the Dreamland Dy wra. Morris until February, 1907. Burlesque™, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burgess, tub Great Howard writes: "This is my of Milwaukee, were among those present. a. twelfth week with the Zulellla Co.. doing my very enjoyable evening was spent. mystifying quick change act, and I am re- Thb Bio Three Minbtrels (Job. M. Nor- engaged for ten more weeks. My act Is a cross, Fred 1*. Russell and Pete La Mar) re- big hit, and the press and public speak high- port meeting with big success at Poll's The- i y o( my impersonation of Lillian Russell. will number about twenty people, Including band and an orchestra, both of wbleh will be stroag features. The show promises to be very strong, and nearly all the people have been engaged. This company's prospects tor the coming season are very bright. Executive staff: Prof. E. Leon, proprietor and mana- ger; W. II. Btnrtzel. business manager; Mrs. .Mile, treasurer; Daisy Leon, secretary; J. A. Jones, leader of band and orchestra; Gas Clark, stage manager; James Culbertson, properties; F. T. Bales, privileges and ticket •■gent. Tub Clippeb Is a welcome visitor. Alvora Joined the Golden Crook Co. at St. Louis, making bis second season with tbe company, ana reports meeting with big suc- cess. J. J. Bbott, formerly proprietor and man mm. Anart from my own materia. •>. -. *>uo**, -v.^cw F .„„..*,.,.« »"» **""* Ttol TK^«.« Xh.,°'hivfng 6r ofs?o«n hC oV r h'l, at ,n,^ g0 , n a Slfflc'^lftKVY.rSttlt.lff Muskegon, T located a, Montrea. C.a atre. While playing at Milwaukee, wis., went of Sept. It, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gray, of that cents. The building 1b situated south of the Grand Opera House, on North Vermilion Klreet. and covers a lot one hundred feet wide and two hundred feet long. 1 he front of the building Is finished In whitei fflQ"d brick, and will be Btudded with, five hundred incandescent lights, as well as the beautiful lobby, which will be one mass of electric llehlB. The auditorium proper will seat one tlioutiand people. The stage will have all the up-to-dnte Improvements, in ract, no ex- pense is to be spared by the owners to make counts of bis continued success In England. Marshall and Lobbaine were compelled to close on Wednesday, Sept. 10, at Port- land. Me., on account of the serious lllneaa of Tbos. Marshall. They canceled all work, and have gone to their home at Portage City, Wis., where they will stay all Winter. 1 receive three and four encores on discard lng my wig. I am now making four com- plete changes, and my act rune sixteen min- utes. I bnve canceled my engagement with the Dorwin Vaudeville Co." Cato 8. Keith has returned from the Pa- cific coast after fifteen successful weeks of Sullivan & Consldlne time. He will Join Harry Feldman, of Feldman and Ball. The Tbey were booked solid until April, on the .team w ju be known as Feldman and Keith Keith-Proctor circuit, they Inform us. The Aiiebnh, novelty acrobats, were obliged to postpone their New York opening ,. 8ept. 24, as Wm. Ahern was taken seriously thiVone of the Wat playhouses in thlB sec- ill on Sept. 10 with pronounced pleuro-pneu- booked over the best time, tlon of the country, and tbe residents of monla. After Buffering severely for four THa bradfobds (colored) are with John nunviiie will surely be proud of their new days be Is Improving. _ A. Hlmmeleln's Ideals (Eastern), present- theatre as nlata. class vaudeville has been a Noras Feuh Harry Hastings' burlesque ing t^mir original conception, "A Hot Time Ion! feltwantIntils growing city. AH attraction, Black Crook Jr.—This show open- | n _Coontown7' with success. acta will be booked by the Keith, Pi Proctor, attraction. Black ed Its regular season to a They will be seen In vaudeville next season, In a brand new act carrying special scenery and electrical effects. It was written for them by a well known writer. The act Is ■apacity house at dan and Billt Collins have again Joined lc Theatre. Chicago. Fred W. playing to immense business over the same Hinging act They'are a? the Howard," Bos- Hartmao a younT man of wide theatrical time played by this company for the past ton! tfila week, exmrlenc'e who Is well known to readers three seasons. The company thlB season is edqar Fori aPSnC&mnt ! to be the resident man*, larger ond better than ever, and equipped In aer and Dayton Payne will be .muBical dl- a most expensive manner with gorgeous ward- 5S.tnr ' ' robe, and all special scenery and electrical iXm Hmwitt (late of the Two Hewitts) effects. The well known German comedians, wr«5 thatLe li workng"lone with Si Curtis and Adams, bead the bill in the olio, toithern Carnival Co.. presenting his novelty .. Mllb. ..Dolores reports^ great success KnoAii Foreman's new act, which has proved to be a laughing hit, in the form of a one act musical comedy, employing six per- formers, la well booked up on the Eastern circuits. Fbanklttn and Hiatt, European change act, closed on Flynn's circuit of parks Aug. TO THE PROFESSION. ■nbtr wi in Hitdqoirltre (or MAHLER BROS., 517-AH) Bel. Aim. 517-619 6th ATE. eatrlng Rudy lor yoor Fill Campaign, Rimimbir w, in Hoidqoirtore (or PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR, DANCE SKIRTS, BLOOMERS, PROFESSIONAL HOSIERY AND TIGHTS, PROFESSIONAL SHOES. SHORT VAMPS. Slid for Catalopi. PROFESSIONAL MAKE UPS, GREASE. PAINTS, POWDERS, ETC. SML'f til, OR WP BOX. MAHLER BROS., 617-518 Gti ATE, ' MAHLER BROS., 517-519 8ti ATE, ' MAHLER BROS.. Xh Tart in the stadium He will shortly through the Southeast, Southweat and West 2 7, and opened Sept. 3, with the McAuliffe P u-.. „„j-„ *i,~ „i,i nom » ftlnpp hnr rphirn from Australia. Hmct Cn nan onA/Onl fnofiim ■nil »m hnnkfrt have a partner, and work under the old name, the Two Hewitts, with an entirely new act, paraphernalia and setting. Sombuh and Uv, "The AutomanlacB,' re- Bort continued success with the Parisian lelles Co. __, . ■Mmi and Lamont write: "Our new act Is a big hit, closing tbe bill all along ths met with great success. iin<» M t-iwotus "*<= j^ claib and West, who opened their "p'tibi PirnvuvTOH Hawaiian Duo. and season at the Colonade Theatre, Baltimore, Ha?rV sS5?X™)» .tsSajT'jl; Md„ werk ot.Sept. 17. are booked solid uatll since tier return from Australia. Billib Pearl, of Marlon and Pearl, has joined the Actors' Fund, also the T. SI. A., while playing at PaBtor a Theatre. Howard and Cameron played Tony Pas- tor's Theatre week of Sept. 17, when their acrobatic comedy singing and dancing act son, have joined hands, and will be known as the Clerwcntos ond Scott, novelty entertain- ers comedy singing and dancing, and acro- batic feats. _ . .. The St. Bbluob are engaged for the County Fair at Madison Square Garden, New York, commencing Oct 1. . . *._. Spauldino BiM, Parisian acrobats, and Whllle. hoiiDdlng rope performer report suc- cess with Md'liec'a l»g Co.. touring through the NorthweBt of Canada. Everybody Is well with the show, end the boys go hunting every Rita Mario and her orchestra closed their Atlantic City, N. J., engagement Sept. 0, after playing over two hundred concerts, to capacity. They left for Boston, to nil a three weeks' engagement for Henry Selgel. Miss Mario Is considered one of the beat woman couductors in this country. „. Gordon and Chacon have signed with Wm. Clark's Jersey Lilies Co., for the season, and Joined the company at St Louis, Sept John W. Voobl, "The Minstrel King," has lenscd Memorial Hall, nt Cbllllcothe, O., roller skating rink Sept 20, —, presenting their com- A Drop Into Society." Tbe]f the first of the year, cdy playlet, "A Drop play Pastor's Theatre, N. Y. City, week of Oct. 1, with other first class work to follow. They open on the Western circuits shortly. Dmili* Viola, of Vice and Viola, haB been mode an honorary member of the T. M. A., at Washington, D. C. Notch raou HI Henry'B MlnBtrets.—We are meeting with a most royal reception In -the Northwest, and business has been Im- mense. All tbe Spokane newspapers spojce of our attraction as the neatest and cleanest minstrel attraction seen In years on the Pa- cific coast, and our 'business was a "turn away" for three performances at the beau- tiful Spokane Theatre. Donovan and Ahnold, who were obliged to cancel nil their time owing to the illness of Mrs, Donovan's father and mother, may not be able to resume their work until Jan- uary. Ikvin It Walton Is In vaudeville this sea- son, playing the biddy with Monroe, Mack and Lawrence, in "The Servant Girl Problem." St. Arno and Croumrb, band and head balancers, opened on the Gub Sun circuit Stock Co., ab a special feature, and are booked solid until July, 1007. O. L. Latta and F. D. Whbtten have Joined bands, under the team name of Latta and Whetten. By combining their acta they have a novelty act which, they Inform us, is going big over the Crystal circuit They In- troduce haton spinning, Juggling, slack'wlre and contortion. Kane, ventriloquist continues successfully with the Gorton Minstrels. Ned Bottmbre writes: "My merry mario- nettes are making them laugh ell along the line, and are still a feature of the vaudeville annex of the Main & Cummins Big Shows." Mathews and Harris returned to New York after a four months' stay at their Sum- mer home In Blodgett'B Landing, N. H. Mrs. Mathews la convalescing from a serious ill- ness of eight weeks. They will shortly resume work. John H. Mtiotha, who closed his Summer reason at Renwlck Beach Park, Ithaca. N. Y., Sept. 1, Is booked for twenty weekB In the middle West commencing on Sept 10. Sfnnnger VtgBi tuSTmamA't** MtflMiaC Sept. 24,'nt" Richmond,, Ind. rof II 3 Dawson as his local representa- Schbock and Rice the vaudeville feature 101. It. J. imWHUIl «a mo '""" I , , . «„__- «„_ , ••nf„ht n»I a " trill ottho Prof Dawson 1b ii" professional roller with Byrne Bros.* "Eight Bells," will, at the (skater of twenty-five years' experience, and close of the present Beaaon, enter vaudeville Plans of Heinricta Conrled. Mr. Conrled returned from Europe Sept 11, and announced his plans for the Metro- politan Opera House as follows: "While abroad I arranged for new singers to add to :hos'! we bad last Beason and for a new and excellent chorus, tor novelties In opera, and for new productions of the familiar operas. The public will see twenty-six operas, all in new dress. I have spent more than $.!GU,QG(i In the preparations, and will spend a great deal more. Rehearsals of the chorus will continue until the opening of the season. Mr. Herz Is here and Mr. vlgna will Boon ar- rive, and orchestra rehearsals begin Oct * PI" Of tWCntV-UVC J'CarS experience, nuu l-iuoo ui mc ui«tm decouu. turn Tauuc, • in rivr, BUU «Jiuue»i*a reuCTiBDiH ucgiu uu, x. hppii couiluciinc the rink at Clylcslde with an entirely new and original bicycle Heretofore the orchestra and chorus have lCk U CaslnTduflDfc-Ve"su'iimcr"mol.\Vs7Sr speclallv, mtltle'd "A CBa o"f Business.' sir Voiel """"» one full set o( scenery will be carried, and Buna*Am IIaiikbb write: "Our new act, bj the way In which their time Is so rapidly en Sued "AmomoblllnB?' Is a big hit wherever being filled, tbey (eel assured that their nov- nrrqpntcd M e "7 ""I be a big winner. Tub Montr Myro Tnoups played fair _ Uoqbrs and Lavink closed a aiiccessful dates at Duliola, Pa., Aug. 28, with Wor- Summer scasion at Annlston, Ala., Segt.15, been called together a week or two before the opening. The added expense will be about $30,000 on this item alone. "I have engaged more than one hundred chorus singers, and tbey are entitled to come into tbe country under the contract labor law. ' "The novelties for the season are: Gior- dano's 'Fedora' and 'Adrlenne Lecouvreur,' Dellbes'B 'Lakme,' Berlioz's 'Damnation of Thev will lnv off two weeks and then play a few weeks* rest, after which they Join the KauBt,' Puccini's 'Mme. Butterfly' and 'Ma- wiiiter dates ■& Comedy Co., at Chicago. non Lescaut,' Belllnl'a 'Purltanl,' Auber's La Chntjia and La Rub have closed with Otis and Marion Kohl write from Win- ««*« ri the Schmitt & Sarcauder Novelty Clrcue, and nlpeg, Can.: *JuBt prior to opening on this, are ulaylna dates. Their original electric the Nash circuit, for Chris. 0. Brown, we dining table act they write, is meeting with spent Beveral weeks at Milwaukee, our home, success Thev aro arranging a new electrl- after having been WeBt to the' coaBt foe ■ ■ *- —- ---•-■ over ten months. Returning, we play twelve cester, Mnss., Pair Haven, Vt, and Oneouta. N. Y., to follow, closing at the Nova Scotia Exposition, Halifax, Con., _ Oct 5, where Mr. Rogers was manager of Oxford Lake Park, and where they met big success. They will go to their home at Denver, for cal musical act, with special scenery. Harry Poster waa engnged at Austin « Stone's Mubcuui, Boston, week of Sept. 24, to play the end, In tbe Minstrel Maids, In black law. _ „ „_. Mb. and Mm. Labri Shaw write: "We closed with r. W. Dinklns* Innocent Maids Co., at Miner's Eighth Ave. Theatre, week nf Sept. 24, and will play vaudeville dates for the reBt of the Beason. We open at Pas- tor's, shortly, with the Howard, Boston, and ot'iRi 1 gowl time to follow." _ Law A. Bbrry, formerly of the Three Mu- sical MonnrchB, and W. H. Uracey, tnana- Ser of the Mamie Fleming Co., have joined and* In a big novelty musical act, present- ing high class music and comedy, using sleigh bells, cornets melophoneB. herald trumpets, rattles, dulcimers, mandolins, xylo- phones, mammoth chimes, etc.. and are at present a special feature with the Mamie Fleming Stock Co. Tbe act Is being mounted with special scenery and electrical effects, and at the close of the present season they will play the circuit of leading vaudeville houses. The net was one of tbe biggest hlta of the attraction during Its engngement at Hinghamton. N. Y., week of Sept. 3, and lx)t)g Brnuch. N. J., week of Sept. 10. IIaurt ash Hum a IIukpkll arc nt the Ca- sino, Sacramento, Cat, doing well, and In- tend to remain there two months. After thnt they expect to go Into the hotel busl- iu'hs. and make Sncramcnto their future home. Oiiar. Itomat. singing and talking come- dian, litis Joined the Cooke Comedy Co. for the season. Tun kkw Dixit: Tiihatkr. Memphis, Tenn., opiniod Monday evening. Sept. 24. Mercle & Levy nre the proprietors, and Wm. N. Hnvter manager. The opening people were The Fairbanks. Josle Coughliu, Kdltli How- ley, J. C. Murphv. Pcdcrson Bros., Master Frederick Fairbanks, tlertle Harvey, Fan- nie Albright, Haytcr nnd Janet, and the life motion pictures. This house has been thor- otighlv renovnted, uew scenery supplied, and ni'wly painted nnd decorated making thlB one of the neatest little playhouses In the South. Ohas. O. IIuohkr and Oko. R. Brown open Oct. 1, for a limited number of weeks, with the Kastein Association of Vaudeville Mnnngers, under the exclusive management of Al. Mayer, opening ot Keith's, Boston. agreeable weeks for Cbas. Wray, on Sullivan & Consldlne'a circuit." Al. Case, late bandmaster of the Jackson Bros.' Shows, has rejoined his former part- ner, Q. X. Van, late of the Mitchell Players, to do a high claBs musical act The team has been separated for the past six years. Nate Leipzig, salted, Sept. 15, for South Africa. Notks from Barlow & Wilson's Min- strels. —This company opened the season to standing room, and we nave been turning people away ever since. We have a complete new company this season—In fact, every- thing la new from the street parade to tbe drop of the curtain. The parade 1b a beauty, tbe band Is swell and the orchestra cant be beat The company consists of forty-two members. We are booked solid until May 'Jit. 1P07, In some of the largest and best cities, nnd are now on our way to the coast. Harry Prhnticb, of the Four Prentice Troupe, with the Jolly Girls Co., writes: "Had to quit my act and the show last week In Duluth, Minn., and go to Mount Clemens. Mich., for rheumatic trentment and am get- ting along so well that I expeot to join The coiupnny at St. Louis. Mo." The Tiiukb Deloys (Eddie, Tolla and Myrtle) write from Oklahoma City, that their engagement at Delmar Garden was very successful, and that they return to (ill Ave more weeks of return dates over Jackson's Middle West circuit "fter which tliey fill some Western time. Summers and Winters will be known hereafter t>s Summers and Mullaney, and Jo- sephine Coles na Josephine Summers. The two acts nre booking In conjunction, now plnylng the Sullivan & Consldlne circuit through the West. nii.i,Y Beard, "the party from the South," Informs ub that he Is being featured again this Benson with Hnverly'n Minstrels. Hammond, the "hooperlnn," reports suc- cess through the middle West with his mu- sical hoops, after a successful tour through Canada and Cape Breton, He hae added a special drop to the net, and has two as- sistant B. RurouTs rnoM the Blnck Pattt Tronbadours nlnto thnt tl'cy nre experiencing the most successful season in tbe history ot the com* pnny. 617-619 6th AVE. 27c. Made from the very best tin, are black enameled. Espe- cially made for professional use, having a tray with com- partments for Grease Paints, Powders, Comb and BmBh, Wigs. Etc., Etc Baa doable action look, with two keya, at OUR COXA CREAM Expressly prepared for the Theatrical Profession, guaran- teed to be absolutely pare and never become rancid in any climate. Put up In pound Screw Top Tin Cans at 45c.; half pound at Me. SAEPLES Or CBEAH SEIT FBEL ALL KAIL ORDERS StTST BE AOOOWAISED BY HOSE , ORDER. .NONE SENT 0. O. D. Our Hew Theatrical Catalogue sent free upon request DEPILATORY POWDER Tot treatment of superfluous fe llf ] a something that requires the greatest nicaty and care. X. BAZIN'fl DBPILaTORT POWDER Is the result of much study of the cause of and problem of destroying these growths with- out Injury to the surrounding skin or leaving a sear or ths slightest deform- ation. X. BAZIN'S DEVPILATORT POWDER Is absolutely safe and de- stroys the hair without pain, a simple, dainty way ef electing a cure. Sena to Department "C for our little paashlet oa the subject "FOB BEAUTY'S SAEB " HALL A BXCKEL, Proprietors and Manufacturer! of SOZODONT, 21S Washington Street, New Tart. For saJe at aril flnt elaaa aro* afore* or seat by aasOI la leala* packages Car BOc WE ARE STILL DOING BUSINESS AT TBE SAME OLD PLACE UDC I fiOUCIIED WlsheB to Inform the Profession that she hat In stock IwirtOa bhb OvIlaVBn for the coming season a Larger and Finer Stock ot EVENINQ, DINNER, RECEPTION, AND STREET QOWN0, Gentlemen's Full Drees and Tuxedo Suits, Street Suits, Prince Alberts, Fall and Winter Overcoats, Inverness Capes. Etc. Prices "JUST RIGHT," We have suited yon before, w can suit you again. MRS. l,. schEIEr, 924-026 Sonih street, Pkiia.. Pa. Branch store: 819 W. Mulberry St, Baltimore, Md. GOOD NOTICES ARE PLEASANT TO READ. Yon can't read all the papers, whereas we most, for It's our business. OUR TERMS, $5.00 per 100 items, cash with order. BURRELLE'8 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU, Worth and Elm Sts., N. Y. ubrette J_»r*« PROBI llHIOI.VaL. DESIGX5. S30.00 >nd t*» SO. , sad measurement card, stating color preterit— WOLFF. FORDING ii CO., 65 Eliot St.. Boston, Nasi. Send for band colored plates and measurement card, stating color preferred. - -ill, - "COLT" CRITERION STEREOPTICONS, "COLT' SELF-FOCUSIM AUTOMATIC ABC LAIFS /S4 L k P. KELLER A CO., 346 West B'way, New York, Successors to BtereopUcon Department of J. B.Colt Co- M A. IV A. O B> R S. Let ub furnish A BAND, ORCHESTRA or PIANIST for your company. Good positions for good musicians. CRAMPTON'S MUSICIANS BUREAU, £9 Dearborn St., Chicago, DL Fra Dlavolo,' and Richard StrauBs's 'Sa- lome.' Two performances of 'Parsifal* will be given, with Mmes, Kremstad end Ternina, When Puccini comes over, his operas, 'Mme. Butterfly,' 'Manon Lescaut/ 'La Boheme' and 'La Tosca,' will be given. "Next to 'Parsifal,' 'Salome* Is the most Important operatic production, it will last only an hour and twenty minutes. Mme. Kremstad will elng the title role, assisted by Car) Burrlan, whom I consider to be the best German tenor of the day. Mr, Herz will di- rect the production." The singers include : Sopranos — Bessie Abott, Bella Alten, Celestlna Bonlnsegna, Llna Cavallerl, Emma Eames, Geraldlne Par- rar, Kathnrlna Flelscher-Edel, Klta Fornta, Marie Mattfeld, Berta Morena, Paula Ralph, Marie Bappold, Marcella Sembrlcb, Mllka Ternina, Luisa Tetrazzlnl and Marlon Weed. Mezzo sopranos and contraltos—Louise Ho- mer, Ernestine Schumann-Heink, Olive Frem- Btad, Josephine Jacoby, Klrkby-Lunn, Helen Mapleson and Johanna Poehlmann. Tenors i—Alois Burgstaller, Carl Burrlan, Enrico Caruso, Andreas Dlppel, Giovanni Paroll, Al- bert Itelss, Charles uouasellere and F. Sou- beyran. Bnrltonos—Bernard Begue, Eugene Dufrlche, Otto Gorltz, Adolf Muehlmann, Antonio Scottl, Franz Btelner, Rlccardo Stracclarl and Anton Van Rooy. Bassos— Robert Blass, Marcel Journet, Pol Plancon and Arcangelo Rossi. Conductors—Nahan Franko, Alfred Herts, Arturo Vlgna and S. Bovy. Chorus maater—Pletrd Nepotl. Pre- miere danseuse—Blanca Froehllcn. There Is a question whether Mme. Tetrazzlnl will come. Mme. Moreno will sing despite re- ports tlrnt she la 111, and that her voice has suffered. Mme. Ternlnl will come after Dec. 10. and Mme. Barnes after Jan. 1. Mme. Schumann-Heink will appear In February for twenty performances. Mme. Sembrlcb will add "Lakma" and "Purltanl" to her roles In this city. Mr. CaruBo will be seen In "Manon Lescaut," "L'Afrlcalnc," "Fe- dora," "Adrlenne Lecouvreur" and others, "Another of my red letter events," said Mr. Conrled, "will be T.e Damnation <n> Faust' M. Gulnabourg, director of the Monte Carlo Opera, and the adapter of Berlioz's work, will direct my mounting, ond I have secured Heldenrelch and his corps for the 'flying ballet.' The cuat will Include: M. Ron- sllllere as Faust, Miss Farrar as Marguerite and M. Plancon as Mephlato. We never had mien a subscription. It was $34,000 ahead of the old list tefore I left. I've arranged to have M. Salnt-Baens conduct an orchestral concert In the Metropolitan." & WEIL. 17-11 WOOSTER ST. (B.L Spring ui Broom,), Nt* Y.rk HAVE VOL' SEES THS IF HOT, SKJTD FOR SAMPLES. LATEST SHADES, FINEST FINISH, HEAVY DUALITY, YARN DYED. Ths bsst Batu mad. for wear and appearsaos. Also a toll Use ol lower priced (ilHB In all shades. Get the Habit. .Go to CLOTHIERS UNION SQUABS. l-Jtli Street, near Broadway, 279 Broadway, near Chambers, 47 Cortlandt St., near Oreenvlon, 125th St., corner Third Ave., KKW YOltK CITY. ! SlUcollm* Ttgbts, •9.00t Worsted Tights, $'J.UU| Cotton TighU. $1.00; Stlk J ighti, from $a.05 apt Shirts to match, all Bavma price ai tlghti; Pomps H5 cenU) Osvlt- ara, 9I.OO1 Elastic Supporter*, Sl.O/0] Cloth Supporter*. 48 cenUi Sand for catalogue mad saraplas ot tights fro*. Positively a de- posit reqalrmt. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. SPIOERBBOS., , M Woodbine Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; New " York Office. Lincoln Bldg., 1 Union 8q. 3 HOURS Irani NTrt YbSH «U New Jersey Central Pssslna Throcga Lskewoed. Solid Train*, Buffet Pulor C*n, I Lt. W. 13dSt.,.30 A.M. dtllr (i3-S°r.M- S1O1 I $.30 P.M. except Sun. L».UbettjSt^9^o*. 1 *' (Ulljr (1.00 p. M. S»U, UPT.U. except Sea, MUSICAL 6LASSES. Snbstsntlal, loud, pure in tone, easy to tane »nd play. Photos, references, cauiogne, wltb fall in- formation wiu be sent on receipt of rtamp. A.Bran- neiw, ataeeopone Utg., 4M Flatbnsn Avenue, Brooklyn, S. Y. -Shave Once Over- ThM'i all lha - « nev-'Mart If jn **• Saw*'! Drr Haaw. It wilt i- -: 70' r.i. r la ptrtai orttrwl ■"■«'*"• iBkjipl'awratt. JeMrwilluMeACi*. &S4 W»lout St-, CineIon»tl, O. PRICES). PREPAID. alor jt T tjttoSeJ If net mlifmerT. _ MANUSCRIPT PLAYS 144 U SALLE ST. B E ™ LITHOGRAPH" AeOUT HALF THE PRICE MEW LITHO-TlriT PAPER SEMO FOB CAliLOCuE " ' Morrison Show Print „,„„', SANTA/: ■CAPSULES MlDY 24HOUR 3e»arccf MMtlfeiU. nuai