The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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872 THE NEW YORK 11 -tr ax:— CLIPPER. October 0. THENEWIOBKCLIEPEa .,..„ ■■:■. . «... « » » I .;■■■'! ' THE FRANK QUEEN PlfBUSHINO CO,(Llmltld.) < i ■' " V '. \ i'liiji'iuE'rorcfl.' ' " ■''- • IIIHMIIDO) LKTTKR. ","" " :""■ AIBEBT J. BOKO!, ■EplTOBlil. IjUIP Bram gH HUnAnr.n. BVTURDA Y, OCTOBER 6, 11)00- RATBSl AikMrllsements—I2.SQ pfr Inch, slnglo col- umn. Advertisements sot wltb border, 10 per .ceiit.extra. ■onscniPTioii. one veer, in advance,**: all months, »2; three months, *l. Foreign posing* eltra. Klnglc roples will be sent, postpnld, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Oar Tern* ore f'a.U. THE CMPPKH la Issues every Wednesday morning. Tbe last four (advertising) pages (if) TO ITtESB on Bnturday at 11 A. ,M., and I He Other pages on MONDAI and TUESDAY. The Kormm ClonlnB Promptly, :T«e»- .•dl>y».*t 10 o'clock:A, M. ' ' r-leaae remit by express, money order, check, l> O order or registered letter. All Cain en- closed with letter Is at the rlik of lender. Adtlreaa All. cotniuunlestfloM to TUB SEW YORK CLIPPER. ■ « Went 28th fttreet.-Neir York. Realalcret Cablek***«tj 'JAotHOWTr." THE WWTIKRM .BUltiAM of Thk Cnirraii Is located; at Boom 504, AaHlind Dlocli, Chicago, William l-. Bryan, manager and correspondent, where advertise- ,nent«. and aubacrlptlona are received at our regular rates. THE tONDON BURIAU Located at 48 Cranbourne St, London', W. C, John H. Carney,.manager and «neapondent, where sdvertlsements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. ^THK CLIPrEB CAN n» OBTAlNkn/ WHOI.1- SAI.K Asn alTAlL, at our agents, Brsntano/s news depot, 117 Avenue de i'Opera, Paris, l.-rancei H. Llllentbal. Frederick .Strasso 101 iTerralnus- Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many; Diamond Nowe Co., 07 Prado, He- vena i Manila Book and stationery Co., )S8 Ksoolta, Manila, P. I.: Albert t Son, 1117- 1.10 KltigSt, Sydney, Australia. TUB NEW YORK ©I.IPFBR nnbllahes only une'edition, atiid'tbftt-la dated fro m yew York.- '" "'' ' ' ' QUERI ES AMSW KBRtf. Nu Ui'iiHe. By lUnll or Teletfraph. ADDHKSKBS OK WUKBHABOUTS NOT OIVBN, Al.I« IN QUK8T. OK SUCH SHOULD WMTBv'IO TIIOSH WHOM TUBI SEEK, IN CAJIH. Ot THK CL1PPF.B Vobt Omen. All letti;r8 will Hi; ADVERTI8HD ONK WE UK DNLK. I* TUB ItoprK OP ANY TlIKATniCAL COMFANX 1H HOVQHTi RBKHR TO OUB LIST OF* KOUTKS I'M ANOTHKR i'AOK. W» CANXOT BIND KOUTBB I!V MAIL OH TELROB.APH. ■..*•.■■'. DRAMATIC. W. X.. Wacoi—We ]ilive no knowledge of Ihe present whereabouts of the party. Art- dress a letter la ■owr care, and we will adver- se It In Tuh Cliiu*eii letter list. •;. R T., New York, . |-', C, New Orleans, "ANXIOUH." . "1. X.-W* ;% T.,:Knu Clolre, M. A.; Si., Warsaw, and : ll, It., fleattle.^-Sco answer to W. N. ( nbove. A VHAaEBrllartfonl, tJonn,—'W»c party Is «.f IrlBli luuehtage. .; M, H., Cleyeioni,.—"(Joiirge \VnnbltiKton ,lr." w«» ili'Ht-.produced at. Hie Court Square Theatre, SncJllgiiflUI, Mohh., Jan. 24, 10DU. . J. .1. K,, Uralntrcc.^-AiUireHs Kriiiidg,J>ay te- llunlor; lil Went Thirtieth Street, New York t'lty. ;" ' It. P., New York.—He Is only known to iih by the name you mention. t. 1 . £ H., New Vork.—The party played N>W York t^lty for too tlret time at Bnrtk & Semnon's MubIc HbJI.jPJO, sr.-:tO, loon. a (.'.,-KnlHoltlver.—AildresB Walker, 280 Klslitli,' New Yock:City. K.-<,..■ It,, Lufuyette.—"8ee-Bee" w«b wrlt- len hy O. II. K Jtrookileld and AiUInn ItoHS, Willi nuwli! hy Sidney Jones. There have Imp ro ninny different varalons of "Alad- illn" Unit --he autiiundilp has long since been taut. We d« unt know who publlsbeB them, If (licy are piri.llshed. '•■•■••• ; ... V. S., New York.—We can not B»are the iMHC la joiiMblish the cast. l\ K. P., llo eh eater.—The parties to whom von refer will aimwer your (mentions. ' -.Max."— We believe, from your descrl|» iIan. it is the play yon mention. It.Is not mibilRbed. but can be henured• through T. H. WInnutt, 1402 Urondway, New: York City. W. C. K., Phlldelphla.—U yau are n pro- fi'.sslonul youcau secure professional copies bv wrltlnc for them. •■ [\ J. -IT.. Altoonn.—Aildi'esH Frank Howe, I.r>ndon Theatre, New York City. C. It, Klnuwod.—Advertise your wants In TUB t'l.ll'l'KH. . AftTAIIC. It. II. M,, Washington.—'-.The crew was .171^ Heconds. This wan in still water. .ITnater time lias been made with the tide. •CARD*. Constant Ubadhh;— 1. A revoke, or re- neir. <Is not estnhlbtluHl until the trick Iu which It oceurs Is turned face down on the table. A bad it perfect right to recall the mlttplnyed card uay time before the trick \yxn turned down .The, only penalty .imposed upon hhn ww» that for e-xposliiK a cord, which be was rorvwl »o play at httt tlr«t op- portunity. A and his piirlner win the uatno ■with blah and low. without the Jack, the irolats counting In thin order of precedence: lllati. first: low. weemd: Jack, third anil Kuine, fourih. 2. It Is a nihidnnl and till nolntt* made are cauceltd. The game call a for six -carda each, and cannot be played will) either more or Ickh. ■ C. \V„-Mcheuecindy.—The plajer with MX cards baa a.foul hand, anil uuist lose all ho Iium nut In life pot. .which goes to I lie best band staying, which In this cane In a pair of Hvpk. An err*ir In wervlag ralils for thedraw must be .dUcovcrciL and chilmetl Itefnw the player raises* the drawn curd* from the taltle. The moment he mlsct* 11tem the bund Htauds, mid If !•> contains either limit- or less thai. live cni'ds, It In foitl. mim'i:llaM';ui:s. W. Mi'I.t CltHllcotbe.—We do not publish hooks. Address Pick ft l>:Usgerald, is Aim Hi roe, New York City. _^ bnrnnet Is forced Into a suit, of armor and a dn*l,Jn.:which he sccldentollyia auccessful. * '* f 5HHeP<nohmflir' start* rtrff' mf&BEj metbod In. which arranKeraentri he made for a play to be produced directly under liU mnn- BKement in Amerlra, la through his only re;j. resentntlve in Kngland, William Lestoc<|, nnd that, regarding ihe combination that had :,;,',-.. lieen formed In this country for the produc- The flrst public, performance of Hall Calnes ,| on * t v \ aS n hlrioalrilnterest Is na^ae-of (w.ploy. " f l*he Bondman.Voccurred at Drnrv thft Btibw-rllicr* to & (xa ' FROM OOn nlfN COHB'.SPONDBNT, Clipper Bapcatt. . 48 OjmjHinrtie Street, , I,elce»i«r •LftOnrr. r- London, W. C, Hkpt. 22. new .play, * ■ Lane, on Thursday.list, aiie play lieKlnw with a tableau. The scene In a nttay In the Isle of Man. A gun m fired, and a ragged, half drowned seaman, a deserter from a ship In the harbor, pushes Jila way through the crowd oiisembled on the quay. Tbe seaman Is Jason, Cu-nd to naslHt In*giving young and struggling authors on opportunity to have their playn produced. La Mllo has- been- NVflnd for an In- definite period ati the P»vlllon. The man- agement of the house had releosed her to fulfill continental dates, which the Interested Is Inrgel Last week, "A Vlght for Love." nlnved to good business. ■ actress, will give North Side plafjwere on cnrlv opportunity to see her nnpehtttttt 8a«lo- (Irnma, .'"No 1 Mothpt to Guide Hw.Tglt opens with' thk* *iit)iliV diatinee. Sent. UQ/mM will Temnlh one week. "Young Bnff«loJ«jKlog.or (he Wild West," played to good bttslbesa laBt ■week, < i- ■ . '<■• t-:* •■* * >r i-r*EOPLfc'*i TugATBB (Jtoseph Pilgrim, man- ggerV.-^Tho Farlsh'PrfesC' will [be offered by the TeopIeK Block ; Co. week or Oct; 1. UaC week, r "Pora Thottie" closed Ho excel- lent business. '■>: Pkkin Thkatxb (U. T. Motts, manager).— ."QUf*yn of' : the Jungle" 'wllf'fremal^; at this n Sicilian, whose father,, had doBerted. his m&naeera have agreed" to hold over-for'Some house for-ri» JnieflnUe period, rbak- moiher, and had afterwards settled In the t[me ■ / n ,-..: 1 log .a nl-orihunced mohm *t tltflj house. Isle of Mat), married, and become the father liftiroi Cardner. late acting ^manager of ; w fwenty' : Mrnutee .from"\,JJtate Strtct" fol- of another son; Michael Hun locks. Jason has sworn to avenge lila mother's wrong, on. his father and bis half'brother, nnd venRConce Is the errand that has brought him to the Isle of . Man. Jason arrives In the Island ns Michael leaves It. The elder brother has come for vengeaace ; the younger brother, leaving friends and sweetheart l>ol»lnd him, has start- ed /or Sicily to make reparation for the sin of his dead iathcr. tlreelwi, Atlchael'B sweet- heart, befriends Jason, leads him away from h>B'dream of. revenge, and makes a-man of him. with the result that he falls. In love with her. As she ha» not beard from Michael Jo. three yaers, on-the urging of her father and:mother,.she agrees to marry Jason, .lust. after she has given her promise to Jason, and he hurries to get a special license,, letters arrive from Michael. Political events have been happening in the island in .the Mediter- ranean, unit Michael has become president of a Sicilian republic, lie asks Greeba to come out to him and marry him ; at once, and she, true to ,her-tirst love, throws over Jason at once, and Into, his soul there comes again an irresistible desire-to kill tbe brother, who takes everything .from him. The scene then .rta|fts to Sicily. Gre«bn and Michael are married. Jason forces.his way Into their house, has a violent scene with Greeba, is arrested aa n spy and sent to tbe .sulphur mines. Within a few minutes of hit* arrest a counter revolution takes place In the Island. M|chael,;.,belng president, Is nr- restfd, end he; too, Is sent to the mines. It happens that Michael and Jason, .each, una- whrti: of the other's identity, are chaltoed to- gether and ordered .to work In a v.ery dan- gerous pit. ...hardly- have they .disappeared down the month of the pit than there cornea the Palace, hn.8; been the recipient'Of a hand somely-fitted dressing hag nnd a writing rase, gifts ifrom the staff .of that thentic. The presentation speech wag; made hy T. Mil- ler, the treasurer of the Palace. l •> O. II. Kuru. the-Juggler,- will play the Empire, Cainberwelli next week. Harry Tate leaves next Wednesday'for-New York. He will do "*'lsbing" In that city for Percy Wil- liams. Hooker and Davis Inform me that they are. booked on (the continent for a long time. ! The Belfast^ Hippodrome has been registered With.a nominal capital, £25,000. Will Sley, ihe Manchester ^agent, and-"Fred WJlraott are on-the-directorate. Acting In sympathy with tbe Moss Empires, the Bur- law*. Kou.y Theatjih (John A. Kennessy. mnn- ager)-—The Ynnkee Poodle Girls," under the direction : of T, W.fplnkihs, will be 1 the at- trattlon nt thla house,-freek beginning Sept. ,10. The programme conBiBts of two elab- orate bur!cs(]ues, called "Tim Sullivan's Chowder" nnd "Sullivan on (IttBMJ at tbe Pbllllpinea." Last week the Kentucky Belles hart; capacity houses, j ■ r v T^ocadkbo Theatrh (I. M. Welpgnrten, manager).—Susie -Fisher Is featured with. Fred- Irwin's Big^Show.iwhlch comeB to thla house- 30. The Golden Crooks closed a good week 20. ,^' Hugos'*: Theatre (Sid J. Kuboii, mana- ton Theatre-nnd Opera House .will, hence-. gerJ.^r-The attraction for the. weekrof 80_at forth be run as n music-hall, on f the two '" houses a night- policy. ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■- . "' ' . i , i : i i» OLIl CHICAGO LETTER, rROM OUB: OWN COBltFSPOlShBNT. Wcatfrrn Bnrean of tbe New York Clipper, Room 004, Aablnnd Block, Chicago. '; There, will be. .changes at all of the down town theatres week of Oct; 1, with the excep- tion of the Lit Salle, the Colonial and Powers, thesc.-three retaining their tsticcessfurente'.- tulnment. "The Law and the Man" will come ■ to.-the Grand Opera House for a fortnight, with Wilton Lnclinye; "Miss Hcbbs" wilPbe played <bythe Chicago Opera House -Stock Co.; Kyrle Bellew will be seen at the Illi- nois, ..In ."'Brigadier Gerard;" '•Eileen Aa- thore" will be seen at McVlcker'a. with ChHitncey Olcott; James T. Powers will make a blinding flash, a ivar mid- thick clouds of his appearance at the Garrlck, In "The Blue spioke. All the prisoners and guards flee 3Ioon," while Harry iBulger will lie seea'-ln from the-place with the exception of Ml- the title role of "The Man from Now;" Mc- Shacl and Jason, .\fter the .tumult has died in tyre and Heath will be seen this time at own they make their escape, Jason .carrying the Auditorium Instead of tbe Colonial, In ■Michael, who MB become blind from, the kuI- "The-Horn. Tree;" Pavld Hlggins wilt come phur explosion, The. last scene brings, nbbut to the Grent-Northern, In "His liast pollar," the reunion of Greeba and Michael, and tbe and "My Friend from India" will be seen at Belf-Kacrllico and ultimate, salvation : «f Ja- the r Bust! Temple Theatre, son. The principal characters are In the Illinois .Theathk (Will J. Davis, mana- hands of Mrs. -Patrick Campbell, j Frank ger).—Kyrle Bellew will appear for the Unst 4*onuer.-Henry Neville, Henry Alnley.,Austin time. In vBrlgadler Gerard,' nt this house, Meirord. Lionel Brough' and Marie lllfngton. /Monday night, 1. This play la Dr..A; Connn The play Is a great success In every way,.nnd Poylo'a stage version .of his story, "Ad- the period between, now,and pantomime sea- ventures of Gerard." Ida Conquest Is the perl— son wilt be a profitable ope. -At tbe dress rehearsal and the :llrst performance,' Mr. Cnjne was called before tbe curtain. JJerrard Grant Allen, who has been -James) Welch's, manager, for no me time, Isito be Cliarles WyntJiinm'a new tenant of the Criterion.. -Mr. Allen will rtart operations on or ft!unit Oct. 14,'With a play, nptitled "An Amateur Socialist,'.' by W. Kinsley Tar- pey. j TtalH piece was seen some time ugo leading lady this season for Kyrle Bellew. This piece will remain here for an unlimited time. Towers' Tiieatrk tHarry J. Powers, man- ager).— Win. Faversham, Iu "The - Hquaw Man," will remain one- more week, llobert r^deson. In "Strongheart," follows. Gabrtck Theai,-be (Herbert C. Pace, man- ager).—James T. Powers'will make bis first ...... . appearance. In. "The,-Blue Moon" Sunday under the name of JWlndmllls." when it was night,. Sept: HO, "The'Karl nnd the Girl," produced bv the Stage Society. "The Prince CltapS will have -Its lost, performance iat the .Crltcrton-ta-nlghtr After a short proyinclal tour Mr. Canbv hus arranged to revive it In London at Christmas^ The members-of tbe -road company-wilt be the same-as those, play ing at the 'Criterion, with the exception of Sara -Sothem, whoac part will beplayed by Wilfred.Draycott. -At the- Criterion a few llayango-B jrerformance of "Nurse Marjorle," a .four .act play, .by Israel .^angwllf,. waB given, Tor. copyright purposes. It Is announced by Mr. Frohman tbat -Willie Collier returns toiLondon tbla Fall. h Eddli Toy, closed a good week 2P. Colonial Thiutbe (George W. Lederer, manager).—''George "Washington Jr." will remain at this houHC, where It is being played bylts author, George Cohan. ; to aa many people as can g-'t. -.within the theatre. The cast is a very capable - one! . -Stl'derakeu' Tiieaibb ilt. K. Harmeycr, manager);—Harry-Bulger will appear at this ihouse Tuesday evening, Oct. 2, in '-'The Man -from Now." He will biive the assistance -ot Helen Hale, Halite Fischer, Walter Lawrence and Kdward Martlndell. A large beauty horus will furnish a pretty background for He will appear In. a new piece, eat I tied these ployers. "Caught In the Baip." . ■ [ •- •* Chicaoo"-Opera House (D. II. Hunt, man- IMM8 decided at Bow Street this week that ager.L—Starting -Sept. 3,0, "Mins -Hobba" will ' rates, al- be the stock oifering. Katbertnc Grey will the J/vceiim and. Coliseum must pay i though-they are closed. -The .-magistrates made orders for distress warrants,'hurt sus- pended the Issue of the warrant ngajupt the Coliseum until thero has-been time.for an application to tho- High- Court for power to raise the.necessary funds. : The case was be- tore the court: two weeks ago, whea:ioe so- ik'ltor for the theatres argued tbat,.they were In the same position as empty houses, and were not liable for rates, > . In last week's-luttcr I stated that Bonnie Goodwin had passed away In this cl y. I v:us mlnlnformed.. MIbs Goodwin, althougn ploy the title,.role, nnd William pramwell Will he se?n as Wolff Klnssear. Grand Opera House (Harry Askln, man- ager).—Wilton Lnckaye will come to this house Sept. HO. In his own piny, entitled "The Law and the Man," a version of 'Victor Hugo's 'Mxts Miseruhles," in which Mr. Lacknye will play Jean ,ValJoan. Melbourne MacPowell, Jeffreys Lewis, George W. Den- this theatre iwllt be tbe Jersey Lilies Bx- 'travafranxa Co. Fred Irwlrt's Big Show played to capacity houses last week...: Whitk Citv (l'nul P. Howse, mailtager).— White City is celebrating lu^oyal■ ptvle, and tbc'corn carnIvitI' : i8'fitovlhg to be'h great success Last week all previous records for attendance were broken. -Big Otto's Wild Animal Show and Jewell's: Manikins were most patronized. The carnival will remain until Oct. 14, after wblch the gates will be closed for the season. Biverview Park (William' M, Johnson, manager).—At this resort tbe great harvest borne carnival Is In full swing. The grounds are decorated with all' the products' of the field and garden, and with 10,000 Japanese innterns. The' programmes a.-e changing nightly, Saturday night, '20, marking, tlte crowning of the qiieen. Sunday,- 30, five hundred babies will be" exhibited at this park, as the beginning-of .the baby show. Tho thrillers, etc., are all being well patronized. Sans jSovci Tajik (Leonard W'dlff, mana- ger).—After.the most prosperous season In Its existence, this resort closea Sunday night, ;t0. 'Special programmes have been arranged foe all the theatres In midget land for the closing night. , , , Ci-.uik Street Museum (William J. Louis M. 'Hedges, : managec).—Herald, who Is.Kald to be the strongest man In the world, will be one of the curie ball attractions lor week of Sept. 30. Cleve Gill, the toll.girl, remains another week. An entirely new bill'will be given in the theatre. ■ Lo'niiox Pime Museum (William J. W. Sweeney, 'manager).-—The curio hall attrac- tions will nil remain another week. Manv new features will also he present, and an en- tirely hew bill will be oresented In the vaude- ville thnntre. ... •■ AFiEnMATH,—H. W. Gllekauf. press agent of the La Salic Theatre, will shortly resign his positron to accept the position of ad- vance man with "Told in.the Hills." The Chutes-closed Saturday, Sept. 2.'t, for the season..... Joseph' Brnnsky. who has been connected with McYIcker's Theatre-for fifteen'reni's, will open'hls new Humboldt. Theatre, nt the-'corher of < Ohio Street and -Milwaukee:'Avenue, Oct. 11......The Four Lnkens write that rhey are booked by.the -Western Vnudeviile Managers-until April 17. 1007 ; Managers of theatres on the Bljoi*. elrcult, us th-» chain*of popular priced vaude- ville In Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois Is known. m«t ut ihe Sherman house in this city Sept. IS. Matters- pertaining to the business conduct' of these houses were dis- cussed. The circuit'will probably "purchase their own films for moving pictures, and a general press agent will be locnted In Chi- cago. . ...-.Plans for a new, absolutely fire- proof theatre, tobe built In Khglewood, III., for the Knglewood Theatre Company, have been completed bv Pnvld - ItobertBon. The building Is t*> bo Used exclusively for the- ■litm purposep, and will be erected during the I'omlug Winter .'.Itegnn Hujmton will make his first appearance ns a member ofthu chiuago Opera-Ilonse Stock Co; -in "Mt»s Ilobbs," Ho will play Juvenile rides with this company ,.We have been In- formed that Lutz and Jenkins will open this * ' J™ p ?*5 u > *ggH g- gg^gygti ^i HSr season In their own Putch comedy. entitle-J ■ham and Josephine Sherwood nre In Mr. oi- he Rlopement."... .(Jernld Griffin, a mem- p Lackaye's support. -l | )er 0 f Am v GW - Theatre. Stoek Cn ■ mUmi 1 ^^^^^ mt ^^^^J^?Jt Xi ^ 'ThVr%ny72fr.7ndaSouuc^ ng. Mmum-ey Olcott will open his annual engngement here Sunday, Sept. 30, presenting :' , KHeen Asthore." Tbe engage- ment Is.for three weeks. La Salle Theatre (Mart. H. Singer, man- ager*, the Place and the Girl" continues to draw good attendance, and the close of the engagement Is not in sight. Great Northern Theatre (Fred C. Rberts, mnnager).—Pnvld (tlgglns will come to this house Sept. 30, In his own play, .en- titled "Ills Last Dollar." The piece will stay an 'unlimited time. Iii'MH Temple Theatre (Elizabeth Scbo- ner, 'manageress!.-—The Players' Stock Co. at this house will play, for week of On. 1. "My Friend from India.' Harry L. Franklin will plHj- the part of A.-Keene'Shaver. "Alice of Old Vliicenhes" closed 30 a week of ca- pacity houses. Majestic Theatre (Lyman 1). Glover, manager).—Amelia HummervlHe, and Klein, Ott Brothers and Nlckersou, head the bill of clever players at this house for week of Oct. 1. The bill also Includes: McCnrt's dogs and monkeys, Charles b\ Ramon, the Four Ne- varoH, -Knight Brothers aud Saw telle, Lrnuo, Fay mid Young, (lartelle Brothers, Nellie Kc- ■velle, .ChrlBtlans Sisters, the Boofs, add Marie Karl. Olympic TitKATnn (Abe Jacobs, mnnager). —Henri French Is the hcadllnor of the bill for ; Weak ot Oct. It 1'alfrey nnd lloofler, George .Wilson, Gtlroy. -Hnynes and Mont- gomery, Gnitkier and Hovere, Robert Nom, 1 , >lnjc3tic Trio, Brandt-raid Lnrnuo. the Jug- ullng - Thortis, l^cna Pnven|iort, Jnrvls nnd Tudor, Hall end Colburn, and Carrie Brld- well ore ulso on the bill. Hwaiakkkt TjtE.wni3 (William Newklrk. munairerl,—The Ynssar Girls and Uapoll arc the headliiiors of- the bill for week of Oct. 1. The bill hIho Includes;. Carson and Wllllard, Wltla Holt Wakefield. Fred Lenox nnd com- pany. Auric Dngwell, Brothers pit- Van, Camp- bell and Brady, Churbw II. Puncan. tbo Montgomery Guards and Frederick Holder, :tud the.-klmitlrome, AcAiuiAiY Tiikatke (William Iloche, man- ager^.—''Clilnatown Charlie" la this week's attrtictlon. opening Rapt. 30. "Queen of tho White Slaves" closed a big week 20. Hi jut' Tiieathk (William Bocbe, mana- ger),—"Big Hoaried Jim" Is the name of a iiiuv IttKntilidl translated from ttioFvOnch play that will hold forth at this house. It of Pr. P.-uil Llndon, by ICilwnrd Knobloach, is full of Indians and Westerners. The play under the ;naiuiui*mcnt of Charles Frolunan. is Imtli clean and oxeltlng. Last week. "\on II is rumored that Arthur Bourdiler -may lunmrn* clowd to big buslttcss. • play » prlncltMil part In (he play, but.uothlng Amiambha Tiieatiin (James H. Brown, hn« been detlnit<?lv derlduil t»s yet. . manager).—"On Pnngerous Ground,' .lamen Welch succeHsfull.v produced nt Not- drama, which comes " tlngbam. early in the week, a new three act house, tells .how larce. "When Knights Were-Bold." "■ very.HI, It still in the land-of the HrJ Ada - Beeve 'brings■■ ber engagement' at the Tlvoli to n close at the end of next week. Jt has-been a very BiicccssltiPone. On Oct. .1 the i Follies loin the Tlvoli .programme. Tiiev will- offor u new-nkatch,- In the-nature of ii skit upon the .presenf piece at the, Ald- wych. It is called "Tbe.Bnth Bun; or, tbe Crush of the Season,' 1 and 1b divided Into two ncenes. - Baatua and Banks returned from the stqtt h thin. week. While at home they played several weeks. Their time on this aide of t be Atlantic commences Immediately,. In fact, tliev arc booked up now for several years. At 'Christmas they piny the Holbora .empire, which wjll be their .third time at tbat hotisb within a year. - Trilby Van. called one day this week. Miss Van - made the trip to this country merely for pleasure. She viewed-the various.-inusi« Lull shows with a view to playing here lit the-fuU're. j Honry Arthur Jones, the dramatist, Is Just back.from New York. He will-not remain In Kngland long ay ha baa accepted an .invita- tion to lecture.nt Harvard, Yale and vpluni- bin l/"nlvpi<sitltas on the future of the drama. tic hopes that "Tho'-Hypocrites" will be seen In London before long, but no definite date can lie fixed. "You see," he says, VI lhave good reasons to lie cautious. My last serious wnjrk,-having failed here, 1 am most anxious that 'The Hypocrites' should he produced u^tder the most favorable coudltlons^ as to rust and other matters," .'..■ Yvette .Gullherl anils for Now* York on Sept. 29. Thi* season the celebrated French tictresH- will. Is.* -under--the utanagemeitt of l.lebler mid coniiianv, and will .give an nuter- tnlnuient In ct>u]unctlo|i with Albert Cliovn- Her. They were smn -recently -at ihe pnkc of Vtn-k's, and wcro thlisl sitccessful with Ihch- entertHliiinent, whlcli consisted ninfuly .of French and Coster songs,. ;TJils vontlug Ainerlcnii tour. 1 nm Informed, will murk Ms'lhiue Gnllbrrt's last appearance as a singer, an she lulends to devote, her future to lifting. On her return from the States i-lic .will PKHluce. at Ihe l'uiu Tlieatre, In ItnisselH, a new play, by d.dmtuid Gnlinud and Jean de.llhti,.entitled--"IiMCaii l^oublo," after which she will be seen in Lomlontlii .... announces that the New Theatre will open Its season Oct. 8..., .The Four Bees report- a most prosperous engage- ment In the West......Nill Rylcy has Joined "The Blue Moon" Co., and, will be seen:. In James T. rowers' support at the Garrlck Theatre . ;l!lddle Foy will be -featured! In ■'Tho Orchid," tho new musical comedy that the Shuberts will produce Inter In .the sen- son.... ... .Treasurers of. tbe down town the- ntrei gave a farewell supper.on ■ Saturday ulght, Sept., 22, to'Arthur Levy, assistant treasurer of the Garrlck Theatre. Mr. Levy has been appointed treasurer of the new Shubert theatre In Kansas City, which is to be opened there-next-'week. lie will be suc- ceeded at the Garrlck by C. fl. Harris, fur- inerly assistant trensurer of Powers' Theat.-e. '.Le'n.1 Ash well 1 nnd her company, who are to open a tour of this country at. the Garrlck 'Theatre Oct. 15, will sail from South- ampton on Wednesday, Oct. 3. ■ —a— •»■* ARKANSAS. - jtiiisw Mack, aeronaut,' repott* thatItalat baa been his most successful NfaBOn, .... ' the work of "Charles Marlowe," a name under; which Harriott Jay baa done work for -the stage before. Tbe play shows the'trials of Sir Guy de Veiv, who despises hls'horoue-tny. and Is thinking of becoming mi amateur Soelallnt. The second net sees all the; elinraeterfl, with the exception of-Hit 1 Guy, tronsfowned Into their medliBvnl prototypes. Tbe uubeppy a melo- thls State Street _ bad bartender's friend kidnaps his two sinters and sells them (o a rich ciijniiii.mi, The young women nre .rescued! ".No Mother to Guide Her" closed Saturday, 20. con; miii" a Thkatrr (Weber Brothers, managers).—Tbe alluring title of the enter- tainment tbat will hold forth nt this bouse Is "Gnv New York." -Lillian Mnrleln, who can sing, is the chief player. The company tittle Bock. —At the Capital Theatre (Chas..T. Taylor, manager) Nell.Burgess. In "Tbe County Fair," came Sept. 24i to a fair sized audience. Hnverly'a Minstrels 20. "Foxy Grandpa" Oct. ii. Mahara'a 'Minstrels 3. "Ikey fliid Abey" 4, Al. H. Wilson 5, "Happy Ilooilgun" G. "The County Chair- man ' 8, "Coming Thro' the Bye" 0, Cole and Johnson i:.. MxiKsric opened for the Benson Sept. 17, to .big business, and the same continued dur- ing ihe wwk. The following are the staff for tbe season: Fred B. Clow, resident mnn- ager; James II. McDonald, Ireasurer; riilllp Haskell, musical director: Ernest Olbbs, stage manager: Fred Itlchter. 'electrician; Thoinaa SIcBrlde, property master; OhaiJes Woolen, ndvei'tlsliig rtgent; V. Haddow, raalu dnotkecper ;. I'hiu-les Piewltt, gnllerv door- keeper. The bill for the first 'week-was; Tho Yerxas, -Mrs. nnd Mr. Itobvns. Puffy, Sawtelle and Puffy. Cbns. B. Wnrd. Schepp' t n Dog, Pony ami Monkey Circus. For week of EM the following uppenred: Arthur Stew- nit and the Keelry Slaters, Kd. Lavine, Wal- ter Washburn and company, Fannv Frnnkell. ('lemensn Ilrtithern. Allan Shaw. Snnsoiie and llellln. Notes.— -Kees P. Burrocks has contracts for the nppenrntt«:e the coining season of the following mimed lecturers: Senator Ben Tlllmnn, Blchinnnd P. Hobson, George It Wcndling, F. Hopkluson Smith and it. F. Oiitcnult. This in known a\ "Tiie Star Lec- turefour se." and senator Tlllinnh Is due Oct. ». All of these attractions will be at the Y. M. C. A. Auditorium. ♦ •» Jl'SlE McCBBB AND COUPANT opens his regular season on the Ornheura circuit Oct. 1. at New Orleans, La. In Mb well known sketch, "The Pope Fiend,*' Mr. MvCree has found decided favor with the public and high praise from the press wherever be has np- petired. ■ : Eruption* Appettred on . ipfeeat, nmi K*ee Rtod Week Were Alt Brokei* '." • ■ thit-t.'nrnl l*y-'C«tlcnm, "I ]tad an eruption appeaf' ori my chest and body and extend upwards and down- wards, so that my-neck and face were ill broken out; also my arms and the lower limbs as far:as: the knees. 1: at first thought it was prickly heat. But soon scales or crusts formed where the hfeak- iiw out was. Instead of going to a phy- sician I purchased a complete treatment of. the Ciiticura Remedies, in which I h:nl great faith, and all was satisfactory. A year or-two later.the eruption apneare:! again, only a little lower, but before it had time to spread I procured another supply of the Cttticiira Remedies, andcon- trmteu their use until 4he ctirc was com- plete. It is now. five years since the last attack, and have not seen any signs of :i return. I have more faith in Cutictua Remedies for skin diseases than anything I know of. Emnia E. Wilson, Liscomh, Iowa, Oct. I, ioos." ; MASSACHUSETTS. ~ Boston.—-Novelty la provided at three of the first claac hcuses this week, as follows: "The Student King," nt the. Tremont; Sam Bernard. In "The Bleb' Mr.'Hoggenhelmor," ut the Holl.9 Street, nnd Pavld warfield, In "The Music Master," at the Mujestlc Other Interesting announcements are: "The Old Homesttad." at the Boston: ihe Four Mor- tons, In "Breaking Into Society," . at tho lilobe, onJ "My Tom-Boy Girl," with Lottie Williams; at the Grand Opera House. "Tho Daughters of Men" is In Its second and final week at the Colonial, and "The. Lion and the Mouse" continues, fifth week, at the Pari; ■The BoBton Food Fair will be held at Me- chanics Building, cbmidenclng 1, with tho United States Marine Band as the special feature. Tremoxt (Jno, B. SchoeffeL manager).— On Monday evening, 1, Henry W. Savage offers for the flrst time in Hoaton, the roman- tic opera, "The Student King," by Pe' Koven, Ban Ken sod Stange. Tbe company Includes: Llna Abnrbanell, Alexander .(Mark,. William C; Weedon, Gust are von Seyffertltz, Thos. c. lieary, Fldvla Acaro, Alice Jitdson, Kva Fal- lon and Jeanne Cafduccl. The .engagement Is Indefinite. Arnold Paly departed last Saturday night'Jitter three weeks of fine busi- ness; winning new laurels la Bernard Shaw's plays. 7 Majestic (A. L.'Wilbur.manager..—Pavld Belnsco presents David Warfield, In "The Music Master," openlug l. then seen for Ihe first time in this city. The engagement U for four weeks. I'eter F. Dalley scored a de- cided lilt In "The Press Agent," closing a capacity fortnight. Sept. 20. IIollih Stiiekt (Isaac B. Rich, manager). —On Monday evenlak, 1, Sum Bernard will give, us otlr flrst; view of "The Rich Mr. lloggenhelttier," then beginning n three weeks' engngement. Tbe supporting company In- .eludes: Georgia Cnlne, Percy Ames, Fdwin NIcauder, Josephine' KIrkw.ood,. Catherine Hutchinson, Virile Daly, Marlon Gnrson, ivnr Anderson and Kdlth Whitney. Frank -Daniels In. "Hergeaut Brnc,*! enjoyed two weeks of prosperity, ■ -. , Boston (Lawrence Mccarty,, manager!.— -The offering for the current fortnight Is "The Old Homestead." The cast Includes: Wil- liam Lawrence, Horace Bushby, .Fred Clare, William Paley, Frank. Knapp, J. T. Calkins. Margaret Briar. Anltn Fowler nnd Laura Bradford. During ; the past fortnight large nnd appreciative audiences Baw Thomas Jef- fernon, In "Rip Van Winkle." Colonial (Chns. Frohman, Rich & Har- ris, managers).—"The. I>aughtera of Men." Charles Klein's play, which was seen locally 'for the first time here last week, has won favorable opinion, and has attracted goad crowds, thus far. This Is the second nnd flnnl'week. Dorothy; Donnelly heads the ex- cellent cast. w.btcli Inclndefl ; Orrln Johnson, Herbert Kelcey, . Ralph Pelniore nnd KAa Shannon. Commencing S, Frllzl ScbelT, In "Mlje.- .Modtstc," for t>yo'weeks. . . Park (Cnas. Frohmiin, Rich & Harris, ninnngers").—The fifth week..of "The Lion and the ' MbtiKe" Is now under way, with business still at capacity. ■ Grout; (Stair :& Wilbur, managers).—Tins Four atortons, In ''Breaking Into Hocleiv." (ineul, with prospects of a big week. lOugf-uli' Blair hod a successful.week for "The. Woman In the Case." Thomnsf K. Sheu, In repertory, next week. .. , GnAxii Opera Hottta (Geo. W. Magee. mnti- auer).—f^ottla. Williams, In "My Tom-Boy Girl," Is the chrrent attraction. During the past week tho'patrons turned put-In full force to, witness "Secrels 'of the Police." "Ruled Off the. Turf/' with Georgle Mack, week ox 8. : .Castle Square (Boston Stage Social,-, hiiiiiagei's).—Augustus 'Thomas' "The Other Girl" will engage tho stock forces the cur- rent week. Thais Lawton.niid Howell Han- sel are lending tho players. Sardou s "ON' nwin was siiccessfullv .preflcntedj last week. For week 6f 8, "The Manxtnan." . Rltoo (John Craig, mnnager).—John Craig will head his stock company this week. In "What Happened to Jones." The pntrons were Immensely pleased with "Why,.Smlt;i Left: Home" last week. "Caato" Is In .prepa- ration. 'BownOiK Square (0. R. I^>throp. mnna- ger)—-"The Peddler" 1» the bill which tbe Lothrop Stock Co. ban or enured for this week as a.successor to "The Bowery Newsgiri," presented In the some capable' manner, whim marks the entertainments here week by week. Next, "Wedded, But No Wife." Keith's <B. F. Keith, manager).—Valcrto ■Bergqro and, company, in "Ills Jnpaues'i Wife,' 1 and Fred Walton, nnd company, hi "CIbsIc's Preani" (second 'week), sharo hohors a« bcndllners on the current bill. Other acta-featured are; The Phays, Pave licwlsv'the equine wonder, "Princess Trixle:' •May Beifort. aud the Gems (second weeki. The rest of tbe bill names: Bedford and Win- chester, Rooncv Sisters, Lily Savllle. Hughes and Brown. McGrath and Paige, Paly and Dovere.nnd new motion pictures. .Charles Miller •made his vaudeville debut last week In an -original Sketch, "The Cat's Paw," and ills llowdoin Stpiarc friends turned out in great iUlmbcrs:t6.greet htm. OgniKKTH (Percy Williams, manager).— The bill for week of 11b headed by Robert llilllnrd and ronumhy, in l, As a Man Sows, nnd iw, Blondell niid compnhy,. In "The Lobi Boy," while included In the. list tire: Ken- nedy nnd •Itoinu'y, lllce nnd prevost (second week). Mile. Marquis* ponies, Stuart Barnes, Melrllle and "Hleiflan, Four Gregorys, 'lw» Pucks and the vitRgraph. Unslness continues excellent. "•'■*. Howard (Jny Hunt, business mannger).— Louis A. Slimm. Grace Gardner aim com- pany. Savoy Quartette.Texnrkiina nudWalby, Carroll and Briker, Mitchell and Miirrori. Hrbwn and Wrlglit, Collins had Collins. Phil and Cnrrle Russell, Three Mltrtieluv Hilton. the 1 llowardscope, nnd tlie Howard Bur- IcBquera, Id "Tile Record Breakers," Is the fine in-r.iy of tnlent this week. Palack (C. H. Wnldron. mannger).—Fred Irwlh'n Majestic Burleaquers this week. Jim- M^Cnbe Iwids the company. In "Down the Line' 1 atlrt "For Girls OlMY," In the olm are; Maude Harvey and Kvelyn WnlkeK Ma- Jeallc Trio, Fay and Lutz, and Gertie in