The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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«C- 878 THE NEW YOEK OLIPPEB. October e. Joltii Walsh, the 'Shai-pHw, Walter Farns- wwth anil the vltagwpb, _ ,• .. ' Buot! { T J). Pllmore, manager).—Attrac- WIodh for week-nt Sept. 24 were: 6 war; and Wembrooke,. Queen nnd Bass. Claudius and Scarlet, Avery and Peitrll, Charles Roche, and the Blj onseope. Kninnmnon, -At tbe Academy of Music (li. A, Hush, manager)' "What Happened to Jones" ennre lo fair business Sept. -4, an did '■Too Proud to Beg," *>"». "Mveryiwdy Work* Hut Father" pleased' a large Biidicnrp 2fl. ■'The Shoplifter" had n fair house «J7. "On ihc Bridge til Midnight" 'JH, "Lena Klvers' I'll. Hlmmelelu's Stock Co. week of Oct. 1. WondI'BLanp (F. D. McCormlok, mann- gerL—Business Is good, both In Arcade and Auditorium. Duou (II. W. Criill, manager).—Bill week of Oct. 1 : KdWl Sawyer, the Malcombs, Or- vllle Pitcher, the Musical Gonlmnns, Arthur Van Boebove, and moving pictures. • ' ■ ■■ ! ! Grand Hap Ids.— At the New rowers * Hnrrv f i. SommcrH ft Co., managers) .—Nat C. Goodwin Sept. 20, Florence Gale. In "Loves Victory," Oct. 2 ; Lawrence D'Orsay, In "The ftnibfls'sy Ball," -i: Pock trader's Minstrels 4. Majhstic lOrln Stair, manager).—Week of 23 "His Hopkins" played to excellent husl- u#ss. Harrv C, Maney, In "The Man Behind the Gun." aO-Oftt it : "The Cowboy Ullfl' 4-6, GkaNo Oi'Kra lloraR (Churchill & Davis, managers).—Week of Stent, 30, vaudeville at- tractions booked are: Early and Late, How- ard and Blund, Musical Ilnehn. Ouy John- son, Llovd Spencer, ihe Tennis Trio, and the Mardo trio. i m ■ Lamina.—At Bnlrd's Opera Honse (F. J. Williams, manager) "The Show Girl." Sept. 24, drew fair business. "A Bunch of Keys" Followed 2CV, with the usual upstairs house. Barry Beresford, In "The Woman Hater," pleased n well filled bouse 26, "Dorothy Ver- non of llnddon Hall" did good business 27. "What Happened to Jones" Oct. 1, Hone Mel- ville 2. Virginia 'ilnrned 4, "On the Bridge at Midnight" !■ "Texas Sweethearts" 0. Bi.ioii (i». j, HobSftn, manager).—Week of Sept, 24 : Marvelous Cowles Family, Donnelly und Went, TJieu. and Camllle La Jess, and Musical Gerald. ■ ■! ! «' ■■■ - ■■■■I Juekwon.—At ihe Atheneuim (H. I. Por- ter, resident manager) "l*na Rivers" Sept, 24, "Tho Show GUI'' 3fi, und Alberta Mu- latto. 2d, nil pleased. Harry Beresford 27, the Americans frepertory) weolt of Oct. 1, "Big Hearted Jlin 8, "The Governor's Par- don* it. Bt.toi: (W. H. Butterfleld, manager).—Bill for the week: Cllneroscopo, Kockway and Con war, Kugene Lynch, Le Compt, fire king; Howlson, und McDell and Cnrtwrly. • ■ Untile Creek.—At the Post. Theatre <B. K, Hmllh. mnnager) "Too Proud to Beg," Sept. 24; "Hverybodv Work* but Father,'* 25, und "On the Bridge ni Midnight," 27, ware fairly well attended, 'irfoa Klvers" Met. 1, "The Cowboy lilrr* 2. Florence Gale II, "A Texua Sweetheart" 4. Doekstader's Minstrels f>. "Big Hearted Jim" II. Bijou tW. S. Buitorfleld, manager).—Bill for week of Sept. 24 : flwaln und. Powers, Maurv Barren, the Wallers, Hanek Shah, Muslenl Ooolmnns, nnd rilneoscope pictures. : .*«-« 47AKADA. Montreal.— At His ,MuJesly's (II. Q. Brooks, managnr) Robert Muntell, in rsper- tnrv, mmo to fair businesswept. 24 and week. I'.'. S. Wlllard Oct. Ml. Win. ijlllette 8-18. Acadkmv up'Mi'sR' (Waller Greaves, man- ager).— "The Arrival or Kitty" did good hiiHlneiW, "The «!)■! from Brondway" 1-0, ••The Woman In the Cane" 8-i:i. ItOYAJ. (U. C. Kgcrton. inauager).—Clood housna greeted the Broadway Oulety Olrla last ■week. Sjitn Bevei-e'B Own Co. i-fl, MIs^ AMvYork Jr. HO X ■ Fuanca'ih (F. W. Le Clair, manager).— "The Maator Workoinn" had good receipt* during tbn past week. "Billed Off the Turf i-CV"Hecri'tK of thi> I'ollee" K-L't. - 1 Dhh NoirvioAiiTKa «U. Bnv«ux. manager).— Thu'pernmneni, In "!-.« Depute do llwutilgnnc." cam« to fair lionses. •'huv Bias" week,of,I. SUflONAli FiiAM'Aia (Paul Cajeiieuve, mau- agnrj.—The pennnneni. Frenoh wtoek com- nanv, In "l«e Frisson IVAlgle." drew good nt- lendancc "Irf C«dei rle tiaHrngne" t-0. 1 Monuuknt National. —The Canadian tenor, nodolplie Fiainonditn, In rccltlll, Oct. 1. —- ■ ■ ■ — • Toronto.—At the Prlneeaa (O. B. Bhep- nard. imuiBgerL I<«wreuo> D"Oraay, In "Tho lOmluiHay Ball." drew big huslness lnnt week. •The House of Mirth" Oct. HI, tiiiA.ND (A. I. Hmnll. ninnnger).—Kellnr last week drew good IniBlnesa, "The Tender- foot" week of J. , ■ ,,_ Majhktic (A. ,T. Small, tnaungcr).—"Her l.'lrst Falao Sh?p" had good business last week. The Smart Set 1-0. SiiFiA'H (J. Shea, manager).—Bill week of i: Uiiru .Tones and Jlubel Hlte, Joe IlarLM "Crlcketa," Will Roger* and his horae, Fred Hue ami company. Sam Rlkln, Tom Moore, nnd Lavlne-Clmnrou Trio. Staw (F. .T. Stair, managar).—Campbell a Nightingales did big business last week, Bvmidway t.nlety GlrU l«fl. a ■■■ Hnnilltou,—At the Grand Opera House iAt H. r*mlom ranunger) "Buay tttra V* iflllnn." S'l't. 24, an, hud large and well ileapod niiiHencMj. Floreuce Oiile. in "Loves fcioiv," 2lt„met with n curdlal reception. The Gingerbread Man," 27. 28, repeated Ita former huCi-ww. before large houses, rho Wmavt Her 2i». "The KatbnMu; Boll' tK-t. 3, J, ■fllei' First Fnlw Stop" :i. "When Woman Irtvo" 4,. vocal ri-cltal. by Jacoh Itownatadt, si: Joint Urlnlth. hi "HIclmrd III," «. Nori!. - Onerntlons on the new vaudeville House, the Wavov. nre soiuewhnt behind, and It will not lw ready for opening for a few Weeka ycl. ■ : Berlin.—At ihe Berlin Oporn House (J. Kuan, mnnagerl "When Women Love" played to -Kiiofl iHiHlness Sept. 2.V "Red Fentlier" luid a large house 27. John GrllUth Oct. 2. ; <;u«'iph.— At the Royal Opera House (O, I, Ulgglns, manager), "Wiieu Women Love rteni. 21. "Love's Victory" had fair hucluess 2d. A large advance nolo for "Red Feather 28. John urifllth Ort, 1. i ij 1I1IODE3 IS1.AM1. ^ and "The Collrg* Widow", 20. "Bj'M. «"• ?JS" ployed i mc«.»M «««■•«, *t iSorr IcwPtt woo «ccn Here In "The Sqaow SS^M. M>. Jewett nod 13dlth C.rtwrlgl.t were heth well co«t. und were »upi»rted by J, «« lent eoropaiy. Brines, m «« "A» Ye Row" M« lo«t none_of lt» popularity, nmi drew well a?. "Tbe N nely nnd Nine " "rilrl. Will Be Olrla" 5. "*W •*«■ .**"*•; ^* ' PIS HtKIIYI.VAH IA. ( lM«l.l».rit.—At <he NlionlTnoa. FjZM" .Ir„ managorl Ethel Barrymore E^22 "Alee Rlt-uy-tneFlrc" Oct. 1-JI. "»'■««*.. •1 noma" W. Ito»«. In "I'opnlarlty," Plwed to iiod imalnean. -toe WcDer'o Co.. P.reWntlne -Twiddle Twaddle" and "Tile Joy», . 8-«. , Ar.viN in. M. Gnllck It Co., raanniicra).— "Tptjw" l-«. The piece Is pre»nntjd with a lloecnat. iSeludlM'MabelUtoy. Laat weej, Andrew ilu.k <lld ti-ell, V W V-2.T PhoVb. tor two weeks only, opening 8, v#tli mocw ""onaxn (Harry Bavla. manaBerJ.—rctla week's hill Inclndea HoudlnL rte handcuff "iperl: May Edonln and I'reci IMwards. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thorn,/our Hurnjj, AWIta T'ronbndoura, John and Bay Bailey, IvUiej MaollonoUKh'. I*w3u and lx>we«, Brook, and Vedder, Hharn Broa., Jos. A. Dnnn, and Kdestus and the cinematograph. Belasco (J. A. Reed, manager).—-De \VoII Hopper lieiran a week's engngement prenent- lng "Ilappyland" for the nrat three night", and "Wang" for Uie rest ot the week- Xast week Margaret Anglln and Ufnry M Her played to goo«bnalncss. Henry E.,piley, la '•The Man on the Box," 8-1S. 11... Bwm.t'3 EMPinn (N. c Wagner, roana- Ser)<—"ConfeaelonB of a Wife" }»0, -«J" ramatic from atart to flnlsh. Last week •™h i;ount-.*nd ihe Convlcr • proved to he a winner. "A luce tor Life' 8-K3, Bijou <It. at (iullck & Co..; nioUagera);— "Across the Pocmc" 1-n. Last week ; ■Oneen of the Highbinders" P'wd , o goo '?L llll K!!S' Hownrd lloll, In "The Millionaire Detec- 1 IUTBW '(Jas. 13. Orr, manager).—The Bon Tons l-«. The olio Includes the 'Blx Car- llnga. I,aat week the. Dainty Bnphe«B t.o. gave one of the beat shows seen ln|PIttsbnr6 Ihls season. Vanity Fair 8-JS._ AonKMl' ne Music (II. *■ Williams Jr.. rannnger).—The Twentieth Century Maids 1-(1. Lait week the Pay Foster Bprlesquer; did well, and the McCall Trio scored a J It r.t every performance. Williams' Imperlala i'.uxa Pauk will close Saturday-night, 0, nfter n very successful acason. UtW nival reigns for another week. Tlmnndi nf maskers, tons of confetti nnd novelty con- tests are In evidence nightly. KBKStwnon.—Sunday. Sent. 30 was clos- ing day of this popular park, .and a "Pfclal pinginmme was ansnged by Nlrella and Dls hand. 11. K. Blaney sang the Idteat New York hits ; I,. Clnlre McLaughlin, In- ktorlel nnd darkey melodies. ;■ - f * r •' .^ Wkstvikw P*bk closed .10 with a concert by IlOlcnmbes' Hand. ' NOTti—nrenm City. Oak Woail, Southern and Calhoun closed last week,} jitter very successful seasonB. '« : «■» HI j . MIS80UBI. , I Kaaaaa «:|ty.—Tho New Slmhert.Thea- tre, under Ihe management of Walter, San- rord, will open Its season Monday evening, Oct. 1, wllh Kddle Foy, in "The lEMl ami l he Ulrl." The theatre will he In nne shape for ihe opening. ,„, ,._ I , , - . Wll.l.m Wool) Tiimtiii: (Woodward & Bur- gess Am. Co., managers).—l*ast week, 'Ihfl F/ee l^mce" came to good bualneBS... Joe. Cowlhornc. Nellie Bergen, Jennette l.owrlp, Alfred Hart, nnd Oen. Shlller all (Ud UMUfflt work. This week will he divided between Viola Oelletle. In "The Olrl and the Bandll,' nnd ('lay-Clement, In "Sam IIoiuMon. ■ Next week, -Coming Thro' the Rye." iIiiand Opbiia Hol'HH (Hudson & Juduli, mumigers).—Last week, "Fantasma" .did lis usual good business. Jas. a, Rome and Mar- guerite Ferguson, Fred Hanlon, Oen. Han- ion Jr. anil E. M. need's Burton terriers were rlio features. Thla week, ''The Sfankee Consul:" "BiMlfnrd's Hope" nexf. * Oki-iibum i Martin Beck, general uiana- L.,-ri. -Hill this week: Nlta Allen and com- pany. Edward Clark, MeWotlem-Tysdn Co., llurlon and Brooks, Curler and Blhfonl, /lella and King, and Bernlce and Boy. Oli.l,ln (E..M. Hrigunm, general manager). ■—Ust wei* "The Four Corners of the Earth" proved to he a melodrama of nu- merous thrills. Hurt L. King nnd -Blanche Shirley both gave good satisfaction; This week, "Secret. Service Sain." Next week, "Queen of the, While -Slaves." . AvniToaiUM (Woodward & Iloi'gesa Am. Co., managers).—Last week, the Woodward Stock Co. gave Hue performances of .the clever comedv. "Alice nnd Men." Evn Lang was excellent an the foundling. This week,.".Mr. Smooth." , •'• ■ i Mukbtic (E. C. Davidson, rnanager),-r, Laat week the Rose Hill English FOlly Co. put up their usual burlesque, to pleased audiences. This week the Night Owls, and next week, Ilobie's Knickerbocker. "'. ■ Ckntuuy (Joseph Doncgnn. manager).— Last week Edmond Hayes, In his clever Im- personation of "The Wise Ouy," assisted by the Jollv Olrls, scored a big lilt. - This week, the Bohemlnns, with Champion Joe dans art a special feature. Next week, Blley & Woodjj Big Show. ■ ; CuiprnniNOR;—Al. Wltxenhouscn, of Itlog- llug Bros.' Circus, wae In the dfy last week, renewing old acquaintances. He reports this senson one of Hie beet Iho show has ever 1 had. Business here, S4. was a. packed nfter- noon tent, nnd a glve-monoy-back night house. This week Is our annual onl-nlyal week, with the following programme: Monday u'ght, Epperson's Megnplioue Minstrels, In Convention Hall: Tuesday night, Priests of. Pallas parade Wednesday night, Priests of Pallas hall: Thursday nlglit. Eppersons Megaphone Minstrels. In Convention Hall; Friday night, cnrnlvul ball; Saturday after- noon, airship exhibition, and at night, ath- letic contest, In Convention Hall, Sorren- llno nnd his Bnnda Ilossn.furnish music tor the entire week Ashcr Levey, formerly of the Oarrlek Theatre. Chicago, arrived hero last week, and will he the treasurer of Ihe lien- Sllllls?rt theatre. «■» . PrnMnn<—At the Providence 0|«ira House i Felix 11. Wondelscliaefer. manager) bonis Mann, Clara Llpiiian and nimnnny plavcd Sept. S4. for a wi-ek. In "Julio llon- imii." "riie Prince Clinp" 4-11, "The Treas Agent" 8-18. : EMPiiin ISpllz & Niithaiisou. managers).— "The Oamblcr of the WeHt" delivered a line imsoflinenl of thrills U4. "Secrets of the Police" were revealed'(o good houses Oct. 1. KKITll's (Charles Isiveuborg. nianairer). -—Excellent bnsliiess was doao week uf Sept. 114. when llariuler's Electric Ballet headed Hie bill. Tile programme Oct. 1 Includes; Mr, -nnd. Mrs, Oardner Crane. Sir. and Mrs. \dclmauo. Selblal nnd Orovlnl, c'Mir Onrdon, Hie Ellis Nowlln Trlo.-Cooper and Robinson, lillllto, Ortll ami Forn, Nessen, Hunter and Nesson, Fi-ederlck nnd his pony, Don; I*u- cella and Orden, and Daly and Devere. Wrstminstku (George 11. Batchpller, man- ager).—The Champagne Olrls gave, a good shnw last week. The London Oalety GlrlB follow. Nun:.—The Hlnck Dixie Band was hpnra at Music Hnll 211. In two concerts. Wooiisnek*-!.—At the Woousneket Opera lloiiBe IF. W. Barry, resident manager) Tom .Waters, la "Neighborly Neighbors," Sept. 28, XEllllASKA. l.lii.i.l.i At Hie Oliver Thentre (F. C. Kehruuv. niumigcrl Whltten's moving pic- tures did fair business Sept. 24. 25. "Arl- unnn" plenscd 211. "The Old CJothea Man dlil fair business 28, 211. "Peggy if roll) Paris Oct. 2. 3, "Tbe Moonshiner's Daughter" 5,11. Lvuic (H. M. Miller, manager).—Bill week of Sent, 24: lllltou Bl-os., Morris Jones. Nel- lie Florlde, Chas. Orrln Cowles aud l^oro- thy Aldeu, Ned and Minnie Werntz. IHub- traled songs mid Lyrlscope. u . ' „. , Buoir (L, M. IJormnii. mnnaier).—Week of 24: Prof. Belmont nnd company. Will N. Smvthe.- Ncblette nnd Mnratinll, Cnrrolton nnd HodgH, Blirgras, Daniels and Burgess, nnd hlogrnpli. «■» , . ALABAMA. •' i M.ntgomery At the Montfrornerv The- atre (lllrscher Bros., managera) i "Wonder- land," Sept. 2(1. had good returns. Jane Keo- liark. In "The Toast of Ihe TownY' 2P. Ill.iou (O. A. Nenl. mnonger>o»- , 'Tom. Dick nnd llnrry." Sept. 24-2d. drew well. Norn.—"Tho Clansman was hilled for ST. hut was prevented from playing la thlaclly hy the authorities. Uitaetibe Urn. XOTRH IfROM TUB AlTON ft ANDHBHON SHOW. -i-Clvdo AndcMon, one of the managers of the show, haa heftn on a vl»lt to I^whrtown rrtd icrtfl. rn. ( for the Inxt week, looking over maltf?™ for Winter quartern for their riuw. We eloso In Dft-ember, In TexaH. 'The Jlttle. Bhofv, fcir it mm one, has Iwcn a winner from ftie xtart, und ihe wanon of lf»07 will find It still hetter. All wish Thh Old RRblAVU KnwieMH, aa It keeps everything on ihe go once Bun 'Gooi>wjn Js- en route with the fore- paiigli-iSells I(ron.* Mhowa. ■ ■ ItOHTBn o» ndvanre car. No. 1, of the Campbell Uron.' Cirrus, which arrived in minima Sept. 20, with a fine lino of paper: Ono. a. Allen, manascer: P. O. Beers and It. K. Bo»er, ho»H bill posters: Chan. Man- rose, Harry OrHntli, Wilbur Wynne, H. J. Ward, J. Hi Nirhols. Frank Cunnlfrham and K. N. Smith, Mil jKisters; Wm. Hpencer, 11th- oftraphor ; lioraee Brown, chef ; vlrgle Stone porter. All are well ■ Mauvrllr aso (iLKAflON are In their twen- ty-fifth week with the Barnnm ft Bailey Cir- cus, and are well booked In vaudeville for Xorns intON BUTtAliO Bili/s Wild Wkst. —Wo made twenty stands In Oermany, to Im- mense Imslness, and entered Belgium at Ver- vlers Sopt. 10, where w« met with a hearty reception. Chnrlerois, 12, was one of the big days of the season. ■ Bnissells gave us four davit* turn-awny business, with the worst kind of weather Imaginable, a cold, continu- ous rain prevailing during our entire stay. The population o? llrusseHs certainly de- serves the medal for coming out en manse to so outdoor exhibition In all kinds of weather. Sam Fiedler has charge of the police arrange- ments, and ce fills the bill 0. K. Nick Fos- ter, of Jo Jo fame. Is twenty-four hour mnn. We close our season of twenty-six weeks at Ghent, Sept. 21, It hns embraced the foliow- Ina countries:,France, Italy, Kroatla, Aus- tria, Uungnry, Galldfl, Saxony, Prussia, Alsace Loralne. Belgium, the Princi- palities of Iteass, Sflxe-Coburg, Hesse UrmRtndt and the Grand Duchies of Buckowlna and Luxemburg. Col. Cody, Jule Iveene and family. Major John M. Burke and the Indians boII for America from Antwerp Sept. 22. Bill McCune, the Mexicans, Amei- Ican cavalry, cowboys and Prof. Sweet)eye Band left from Southampton, Sept. 22. Only the best of the liornes will be taken back, the balance will bo sold on this aide. Capt. Dev- lin's Zouaves. Armem's Arab Troupe, SnBha llirshnte, uthlote, and Yeager and. Yeager will Play continental engagements, returning to America In the Spring. The four years Kuropcnn tonr of the Wild West has been enormously successful, and Col. Cody.naB lidded many novelties to his exhibition for next year In America. _ _ ,. AnvRBTtsiNO car No. 1, of the Great Selis- Floto Show* t.'onsolldated, Ik In tbe South tigaln, and the men on the car do not expect to go homo until about Christmas. Ralph Boot: Is car manager; Henry M. Mason, Horh hill poster (local No. 2): W. 8. Maddox, 'Ithognmlier (probation); J. Harris, banners (probation) ; A. Turrell (local No. 20), ». K. Uhoadea (locnl No. *\), V.. O. Tlnsley <lo- • hI No. SCI, J. C. McConncll (local No. «), (*). H Pord (probation), Wm. MorchendMlo- <ul No. 101, W. S. Hoover (probation), V. Klltes (prolmtlon^, C, Thompson (local No. t4). bllf posters; !. Thomas, programmer; IP, Barber, porter. Wm. Morehend Is stew- ard on the cur for the N. A. B. P. and B. of A. . Thb official hoi;tb of Buffalo Bill s Wild West Show hns been received by Thh Cuiti:k. Including a map of Central fcuropc, showing nit the stands made In the trip. The innp 'h marked, showing the consecu- tive cities and towns, with ft contlnous line, making tho tour very easy to follow. The trip opened March 4. at Marseilles, Pr., ond I closod Sept. L'3. at Ghent. Belgium. 1 . Donn Fihk'h Great Dog and Pony Show. nfter.a very mict-cssful season, will close at Klchinnd Centre, Wis., Oct. li. . ■ i ■ IL1.INOIN. Peoria.—At the Grand (Chamherlln, Har- rington & Co., managers) "The FaHt Mall" drew the usual Sunday crowd, Sept. 23. Car- ter, the Mysterious-, pleased greatly 24. "The Oow Puncher" deserved better patronage 25. Walker Whiteside, In "Hie Magic Melody." ag, pleased a good house. Mazie Trumbull,. In "Dad's Side Partner," 2"; "The Mayor of Toklo" 20. "As Told in the Hills" .10, "Told In the Hills'* Oct. 1, "Yon Yonson" 2, Rob- ertson's pletuves 0. . Mais .Struct (Davis & Churchill, inann- gers).~Woll8 nnd Sells, Grace ■ Armond. •Berry and Berry. Myles McCarthy, Polly and. Ktfiel Hnxol, Avon Coaiedy Four. Pekin Zouaves, nnd the klnodrome made up a strong hill lust week. Business was exeelent. Wkamt's (Chas. P. Bnrstoii, manager).— BUI week of 24: Pauline Dc Verc, Gilmore and' Carroll, Ilalmnnd and Good; Vox and Fox, Gene Rogers, and moving pictured. Stab (Davis & Churchill, managers).— irren hill: Llxate Weller, Peter J. Mara. ..'ijllauiH and Mayer, Harry Harvey, Ruf and -™lck. und the klnodrome. • * ■ Jacobs' (A. F. Jacobs, manager).—Week of 24 : Meeker and Unker Duo, Walker and Burrl'll, the Gales, the Morrows, and moving pictures. St'onb Hilt, Oahdkn (Frank Grave, man- ager).—Miller Bros. Co.. in "A Gamblers Sweetheart." Tills stock company is in Its tweutv-slxth week, nnd owing to excellent "business, tbe pavilion been enclosed and heated. The season will continue all Winter. Ai. Prksco Pauk (Vernon C. Seuver, man- ngpr).—This resort closed a successful sea- son 2.1. wllh a baud iournnment. Yiuuima Bkacii (Frnuk A. Helneke, man- nccr).—Business contliiueH good. Week of 'A: Kdward Lnntz. iiiul Fnuolle's Orchestra. N OTK h. —Can*. Hugo joined Carter, the MyHifirlous, 12, as buslnfss mannger........ Howard M. Seeinnn la hi charge of the Wood- men nnd Merchants" Street Knlr, to he glvea We're week of Oct. 8. He reports thirty-two shows booked, nnd the fair promises to ha Ilie largest nnd most successful ever given hero......The new Majestic Theatre will obeu In November. The theatre will be In Frank Bnrt'e circuit, villi Al. I.. WlBweli as local manager John S. Flaherty, who died In New York 20, was manager of the Grnnd for several seasous Edwards' indoor Boo opened 21), J — . . » - Hock I it land—At the Illinois, "L'cggy fron Paris" Sept. 27. "Dad's Side Partner" :». "A Pour Relation" 21). "Under Southern Hklcs" SO, Walker Whiteside Oct. J. "Th« Mayor of Toklo" 2. More? Stock Co. 4-0, "The Marrltige of Kitty" H, Kdwln Aruen \K MhIIim:. —At the Mullne, Walker White- side, In "Tho Magle Melody," Sept. 27 J "Oad'a Side Partner" 20. "The M^Hyor of Toklo ' Oct 7; Robcrturn's moving pictures 11, Smith's Specialty Co. III. I 1 > Notks asd roster of "A Runnwny Tramp" Co., Mcmnieu ft Young, managers.—Sinn opening at Yllllsca, la., Sept. 21, business hhH been excellent. At Mnssedontn, la., we showed to a packed house, made up of peo- ple who came from two nearby towns In hnnd-cnrs, besides the regular city patronage. Roster * O. II, Meminen and II. C. Young, owners nnd proprietor* 1 ; Geo. Tappau. Ijaw- renco rev ton, Victor Lee Hoy, R. II. Mapes, Itnlelgb Wilson, Kathryn Dale. Mnvme Pnn- nell nnd 'Violet Byron, with R. If. Davlcs, musical director. Lee Roy and Mapes are doing some Rplendld work In their special- ties, nnd the nhow In general makes 0 de- elded hit. We consume eight eoplen of Thh Ci.ii'PF.n everv week, nnd must say that It U the actor's bible. Ratelgh Wilson Is doing his unlcyclc specialty wllh the company, and Is ranking good, ,. .. J 1 M9ATH9 IN THB PROFESSION. * , John S. KjahebtV, • formerly inmnager sf tbe Majestic Theatre, New York City, and this seaaon manager of Franls .McKees or- Janizationa-T-Kzra Kendall's "Swell Elegant one*" Co. and the Pour Mortons—died sud- denly In his office In the Savoy Theatro BuJIdlng, this city, on Kept. 2C. Mr. Flaherty compluinetl of feellug III at rchcnrstl of tho K*ra Kendall Co., held nt the Havoy during the afternoon, and going to his office he must have been attacked suddenly 'with heart failure, for be was found shortly afterward lv^ine on the floor, dead. Mr. Flaherty was about forty-three yeara of age, and a native of Chicago. For several years he man- aged a theatre In Peoria, III., although he lived In Springfield. When Stair A Wilbur opened the Majestic Theatre, in Hew York City, Mr. Flaherty came here-an their man- ager, and he stayed at the,house until the Shnbertn took control of It. Then no became associated with Frank McKee. He Is nur- vlved bv his wife, Margaret Shaw, a member of the fczra Kendall Co. Jci.iuh Stokhai:s>:n. German singing mas- ter, died In Frankfort, Germany, on Sept. 23, aged eighty years. Although IdentiUed for manv years with his art- in Germany, Prof.. Stockhft'i.ien was bora In Paris,-ana in his youth cultlvnted a fine natural baritone voice,' with the stage as blN object. Ha studied first with Busstne and later with Manuel Garcia. Stockbausen sang In con- cert, in London, appeared at the Opera Com- lque In I'arts, and later went to the opera houses at Mannheim and Leipslc. He be- came acquainted with Wllhelmfne Schroeder- Derricut, who gave the young Blnger letters of recommendation to the opera directors at Vienna. His reputation was begun In the Austrian capital. After he had sung In Ham- Imrg and Berlin, he retired from the stage to teach singing In Frankfort. From 18fi2 to 1S77 Stockhnuaen was at tbe height of his fame as a singer. He assumed the poBt of profcesor of tho conservatory at-Frankfort nfter tbe death of Roff, but resigned it In 18H8 to give only private lessons. In recent years, Stockhansen had been best known as a teacher of lleder singing, and his pupils were nearly all men. PaoF. Simeon Bissrll, one of the best known musicians In thla country, died. In Pittsburg, Pa., on Sept. 25, from heart trouble. Prof. BlBsell's compositions were numerous. About ten years ago he tried operatic satire, producing "Luciella" • at a Pittsburg theatre, but after a week's run It was abandoned. Besides his widow, tbe mu- sician is survived hy his two children. William R. Wehion, the well, known mu- sical director, died suddenly- from acute in- digestion at his home. No. 158 Fifty (ifth Streer, Brooklyn, N. Y., on Tuesday, Sept. 2f>, nt the sge of forty-nine years. Mr, Wes- ton was born at Stafford Hollow, Conn., In 1857, and came of a musical family. He en- tered tin! theatrical profession about thirty years ago. In San.Francisco, Cat., and dur- ing htfl career has been connected with hmcrson's, Reed's, Comatock's, Dockstader's Minstrels, tbe Rellly A Wood Co:, the Nelson Family, Jno. L. Sullivan. Lester Walters and the Three St. FCllx Sisters Co., generally filling the> position, of* musical director and business manager. It was during his con- nection with the last named company thnt he met ami married Charlotte St. Felix, the youngest of the trio. He waa one of the organizers of the Culhane, Chase & Weston's Minstrels, and for the hrst two seasons was musical director of tbe same. .During the past nve seasons be tilled the position of musical director at the Music Hall, Yonkers, N. Y., ond at the time of his death was an active member of the firm of Culhane, Cbace & Weston. He was a member of the Royal Arcanum and the New York and Yoakera Musical Unions. Interment took, place at Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn, on Friday. Sept. 2S, In the family plot. He la survived by his wife, brother and three sisters. i,-m:i)i i,i .tin, well known as an actress a ouarter of a century ago. and a sister of Wlllard Shniiis, the comedian, died ou Sept. 4, In Chicago. She was the widow of James A. Lord- She began her career at Indian- apolis, Ind.. as a member of a stock com- pany. Her first venture as a star took her to Philadelphia, Boston and -New York. Thereafter Hhe was for two season* "stock star".'for n manager who had .houses both in New Orleans Hnd Memphis. Hhe then came to New York City, under the management of .Tame* A. Lord, who arranged for a company to support her on tour, "The Liu wood Case," hy Scott Marble, was performed hy her, un- der tho direction of Lord & Marble, supported hy her own company. After having gained a western reputation, Mrs. Lord made ner metropolitan delist on June 1, 1874, at the Bowery Theatre. Three of her plays were "l*ad.v Ainlley's Secret," "Ireland us It Was" and "Our Hal." Her last,recorded New York. iippenrance was In lftito. as Mary Martin, In Lincoln J. Carter's "Tbe Fast Mall." ■ Flohkncu Cohhis (Mrs. Theo. V. Rennle), well known as an emotional actress, died at her home In Providence, R. I., on Sept. 20, from consumption, aged about thirty-five {''ears. Miss Corbln, who had long headed tor own company on the road, was a native. of Canada. She wrote the plays which were produced by her company, eight In nil. the titles being: "The Last Witness," "The Mld- nleht Curse," "The Kmblem of Ireland," "The Child of the Forest," "The Brother's Oath," "The Creole's Revenge," "The Sot-, dier's Honor" nnd "The Fatal Command." Gsonnn Taylor Cartrr. well known In theatrical circles in Philadelphia and New York, died uf hlR home, No, 40ft North Frank- lin Street, Philadelphia, Sept. 22, from heart disease. In his sixty-second year, Mr. Carter was well known through Ihe many mechani- cal tlieut.'leal effects he Invented. Several Improvements to moving picture machines were Invented by him. He was an active mem- ber of International Alliance Theatrical Stage HmploycH, Local No, 8. Interment took place Sept. 2d. He Is survived by his wife and two daughters. Pcti:ii .1. n.wyuN, who had been for the past fifteen vears ticket taker with Buffalo Bill's Wild West, died at Ills home In Lowell, Mass., Sept. 25, aged forty-two years. Mr. Brogan was n clever linguist, which made bis services very valuable during the tour of the world undertaken by Col. Cudy's Show. i.iHisK Blancharu, whose name In pri- vate life whs Mrs. Frank H. Smith, died In Cleveland, (jL Sept. 24, from heart disease, iiged tblrty-Rijc .years. She retired from the iitnge nine years ago, when she was mar- ried to Mr. Smith, but returned for a brief season lu the. profession about three years ngo, when she appeared.with Harry Bryant's Co, During her career she -was a member of Flynn & Sheridan's Big Sensation Co., llMP ft Barton's Co. nnd several other com- panies.. Two months ago Mr. Smith went to Mones«eu, fa., to locnte. Intending to have his wife join him later. He knew nothing of her Illness until he received the message stating that the WBB dead. Her parents, several brothers nnd slaters and her lius- bund survive her. Interment was In Wood- land Cemetery, Cleveland. • 1 » Notes and Rortbr ov "Thb Warnix*, Bmll" Co;—Tho piece Is a great success, nnd notwithstanding the intense hent, we hove heen doing n fine business. "The Warning Bell" Is considered one of Gordon & Bennett's banner attractions. Roster: Kdwlu Morris manager: Phil Jean Barnard. Susie Fradelle, Charles Fisher. Raymond Gilbert David Oil- man. Amy Hlgglns, Peter Hnnes, Charles Hunt. Gladden R James, .1. J. Le Beau, Wanda Ludlow. Rtcwnrt Lester, Fred S. Majur, Angus Miller, OHie McMann, Oswald Roberts. J. H, Rice, Shaler, Walter Reed. Alan C. Slanchlleld. Gordon ft Bennett, proprietors, I mooing. Pictures, - The Blograph Company, which contributed the fambns "Personal" comedy chase Mai have brought out'another along the sam4 line, which promises to he even more suc- cessful. The new . production Is called "Wanted, a Nurse," and tells the story of how, on a wager, a Jolly old -chap bad' ad- vertised for a young woman to set as nam and companion, nnd succeeded In getting ttvo Who watched hl'm socarefnlly that be found It Impossible to lose them. Another blo- graph subject Is "The Country School Teacli- er,' f Introducing a very clever reproduction of a country school In action.. A series or laughable Incidents Is brought to a shoutln- climax when the children net lire to tbe schoolmaster's'c0.1t tails, and he; flaming like ii comet, runs totbeheadquarters of the vil- lage'tire department,' there* to come as near bis finish from water as he previously es- caped from Are, A remarkable series of pie- tui'i'K showing the principal scenes of the Vanderbllt cup racs, Including the hair ruls- Ing flight around tbe "hairpin curve,'* Is another new film. Arrangements have been, made with K. Lubtn, of Philadelphia, whereby many of the best known Lubln subjects, particularly Ihe most popular fight Alms, are now available for use In tho mutoscope. The Blograph Company's stock of mutoscope reels Is rapid- ly approaching the ten thousand mark, and practically the entire floor space of the four- story factory building at Hoboken, N. J„ Is taken up with the mutoscope reel rental library service: i ■.: "Ax Indian's Revbkoh" Is a new fllra pre- sented by the Vltagrapb. The pictures de- pict scenes In Florida, and the characters in- clude Osceola, the last of the Seminole^ Indlnn life and costumes are truthfully por- trayed. "Pals," "Secret Service," "Reception of Wm. J. Brynn" and "The Great Naval Review" are other late numbers In their catalogue, A new autom,otilIc film is lu preparation. The Vltagrnph's new factory will soon be ready for operation. "Katn- leen M,avournren" is a melodrama film, In seventeen scenes, depleting the story of the well known'piny,'produced by an excellent cast. The<Jaunting car, the reel dancers and other realistic features find great favor, Thr Kd I son Co. also hove 1 "How the Office Boy »rw the, Ball Game/' "Waiting at the Church," "Life of u Cowboy. ,r ''Scenes lu Hawaii." "The Terrible Kids," and "Three American Beauties." "A Dbsphbatk Crime/' "A Roadside Inn," "Soap Bubbles" and "A Spiritualistic Meet- ing" are the latest Mclles'. Importations, "Thb Secbbt op Death Valley" has been placed on the market by S. Lubln. It shows many thrilling scenes Incidental to the life of miners. A crime is committed end duly avenged. "A Night OAT" Is n comedv film, and "The' Great Mall Robbery" shows sensa- tional series of aeUon. •' miscellaneous. Notes .from TAi.noTTVt "Fiuiitino thh Flames." —This show has been the star at- traction at the big Home Product Exposition at Idleotrlc Park, Baltimore, and has been u strong drawing card. It Is now controlled by the Outdoor Amusement: Co., which cor- poration wsk organized In St. ; Louis just prior to the departure of the show for Balti- more. The new directors unanimously elect- ed Frank L. Talbott general manager. He retained, of the old staff, Sam. C. holler, a* general agent; John'W. Connerj'. general su- perintendent, and Joseph'Byrbri Totten, stage director. The aggregation now consists of u city fire department, consisting of three en- gines-and hose wagons, salvage corps, hook nnd Judder companies, u Hayes track, a water tower, patrol wagon and ■ ambulance, chief's wagon, etc., and carried three hun- dred, people aqd fifty horses,' together with a train ioad'of pcenlo i>ulldlngfl,etc. It nl*» carries u flue band chariot, steam calliope and other features. The • production made such a hit at Baltimore that it was selected as the official eptertainment fdr the visiting firemen who attended the big Baltimore Ju- bilee, und In charge of -George ,W. Horton, chief of the city lire department, over six: hundred firemen from adjacent cities were the guests of the local deportment there. Upon the conclusion of Its cpgagement at Baltimore It will go on an extended Southern tour, which will include Richmond. Raleigh, Columbia, Birmingham, Moblle'and New Or leans. . , , • - Notes fbom iWA-lfod MbdhJinu Co.—We closed our cainn season at Dayion, 0., to the best business In two years,' and everybody Is happy. Roster:. Dr. Chas. Herrmann, iitonagur; Kd. Daniels and .wife, Joe Spencer, Tom Wade, and four Umatilla Indians. We went In houses Sept. Id. Wai. A. Mace reports meeting with s».> cess with P. S, Story's Show.;' Cryrtalflkx Carnival opened Its season Sept. IT, at ' the' Dpern House. West Derry, N..H. Mr. Walsh writes thnt his new show, with band and', orchestra, Is a big success. A. G. Kelly Is manager. RoLLiNO TnunDBii Notes.— We have Just closed a season of one year and ten months, not missing a single performunce In all thtt time. Wo ere closing for about two month*, as Rolling Thunder is making some cxteuslve repairs on Iris residence and' store. Next Spr'ng he starts to rebuild his hotel, wblcli he lost by lire. Following was the roster when We closed: Rolling Thunder,-proprie- tor; Mrs. L, B. Newen," treasurer; Moot Wakelee. stage director; Billy Ashton, Alice Hariand, Mike Hadley and Frank Wnkelec. 'Notes FROM TIIH C. W.PAbKBB AlllJSR- men^ Co.-r-On Sept, Id. while m rout*' !■> Lincoln, Kan., as we passed through Abilene, the home of.Col. C. W. Tarker, and where his extensive factories aro located, we picked una brand new private car fbr the use or our managers, Cramer 8c Tyler. It Is with- out doubt one of the finest cars on tbe road, and It speaks volumes for tbe excellent work- turned .out of the Parker factories. The ntr hns been named "The Cratyl," In honor or. our. managers, and taking the' first threo letters from each of their names, an honor worthily bestowed. The Sunflower Bellesi M n new show which has been added to WW company. "They made their'Initial how 011 Sept 0, at Lincoln, Neb.- Tn'ey are present- ing a musical cxtravnganzo, with benntitiu costumes and elegant stage .setting, lb" roster of the company Is as follows: H. Mar- shall Young ond Jesse M. Slioat, managers: Geo. Stephenson, stage director; Phil Keno, lecturer; Job. Bnlrd, musical director; Byru.." Wilson, prima donna; Geo, Palmer nnd Nell Flemmlng, comedians; Floyd Wilson, Jennie Stephenson, Mvrtle McDonald, DalBy Mr-Gee, Mabel Waters, Eugene McDonald, and n chorus of sixteen voices. Sleln Wren i" 110 '* lu.eliurge of our animal show for Al. <•■ Bnrncs. Mrs. Wren' Is on, the ticket box. Mrs. Kittib Morbibbt, of the Four Mor- rlseys, writes - "I arrived last week nt ui»- cngo, from Pittsburg. .Pfl. At Kennywooti Park. Pittsburg,'Pa., I had ray, Irish Villa** and Panorama of Ireland nil Summer, anu did a big business. F. B. Story hns closed a successful Benson under canvas, and Is now. plnylng opera houses. Wm. A. Mack Is still with the Story Show, meeting with fine success. 'Notes fbom Hollowa* ft .BfrreiiBit a W" MrDiciNn S110W.—We are touring ttnouj,' Wisconsin, aud plesslng both managers onil .jstrons Id every town visited. The compnn> Is evenly balanced, and will favorably co.n- Enre with any medicine company.on the roan. cualnesa coutltues good, and. the mftn n ' wlitte" nppeir.* every Sundny. TnB OtD iw- LUPi.E reaches us every Saturday, and »»