The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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DtftOBEft 6. THE ■OTCVr TOHBT CfclPPEB. m HiioH Theatraf, £H.- U. ■6rre,>manag*r).— in a farce 'roirieai-A-ln- Mitw nets, entitled ■K Genius/* by^Wdi.aGd ana Cecil dc Mllle. vti-C. itooflwin made hit re-entry into New Vi'irl; theatricals rniyMondn? evening, Oct. 1, living ml "I hut dale the ilrst performance ioclliy of llu above pluy. .Thin work was , riiriiiiiHv .'nil.-'] '"Hie Genius and tl:o MiMlei,' itnd received 1M f.rst preducUon on any staue at* a-matinee performance on Oct. 14, tDO.'t, j l the Lvcenm Theatre,. Hochcsrer, N. V. It Is broadly fnrcieulln 11 h tcciument, and hmisiona the foibles of nrt critics and Ihe artistically inclined with h free bond. These jitwrianf entire are not tipped with venom. However, nnd nre generally productive uf niclitor, and In spite or the fact that there Is'- crudity In nimndnnce Itt the way In which the material 1* handled, titers la con- plfirahM good.eontertiiinnicnt In the-' )i!nv, which gives Mi*. OootWvlu some tine oppor- tunities. In fact, the star was nhlc to get plenty of fun out of 1 hlit linen, and the ail- thorn of the play deserve thanks for giving nun'the chance to shine once more. The sforv: Jack Spencer, n wcnltliy young man, N in |ove.with Josephine Van Duaen, a valine 'lady with an artistic temperament; "<he refuses Jack because he has no knowl- edge uf art, and in the effort t<i win ihe ladv's hand .he decides to go In for art. He heeomea acquainted wlUi n Herman musician, •••French nn Inter .ami an- -Irish sculptor. TteM men posses* ability, but have been Oft- able- Itt 'gain recognition, from the critics, consequently bring nimble to dispone of their work. ..•fuck tells them of his predicament, and a» he la' very lunrtlntlc and they very -900$' they all'enter Into n scheme; whereby Jnrlt In to pose as a-great genius, signing ull i in' artistic productions of ib»> three mni. (Tlulterbuck, uit amateur rrlttCi dnds Jack preiondlntr to Instruct tho ilireo artists, who pose ns his pupllH. Tho critic Is -Impressed with the Idea rliat Jack Is ft Vonderfui genius, and proclaims that fact, through -.the newspapers. Jack 1h now reeospilffid by tho world aH a genius, nnd Josephine .'s n-m over. In the meantime the genius become* weary of the game, nnd dls- c-overa that he ha longer loves the saner* jii-Ia! Josephine, hut has-become ennmoucd of Nell, tho model'.op the three artists. Ucalix- J'i" that' Josephine (Ioph not •low lilm for himself as much as for his'genius, he in- duces Josephine lo break ihrlr engngeineiir, and flndH that Nell Is willing in leave the world 'of art--and become his bride. Air. Goodwin was given an.ovation when lie appeared, and his work wns really very creditable, 'be spfeeh which be whs forced to mnkc coming aflcr reiwaied- and well luerlted applause. - Kdnn Goodrich, an ex- ceedingly'good Inciting wmunn, anil natural In her acting, vu received with general praise. Nell O'liricn, Holicrt I'aton litli'H and (tardea .rohnstobu urAn excellent as the three nrtiKtft, and IioulAe. Itnndolpb, .Miss !/*• ile'ninftliom and II: fli uiftndnu were also most eftectKe. The cant: Jack Hpencer, Mr, Goodwin; "Otto VogelBberger. Nell O'Brien; Vlcior Lb Mcivler^ nauert i'aton Qlbta; Brian ?.IcfJonlyaI, tiordon JoluiBlonc; I'erclvnl Clut- icibut'k,' II. (}. Lonsdale; Cyril Farqubar, ■ !ni mv Uvln';*ioii ; ,Iom pblne Van ]hjHr>n, Louise Randolph: C'yriH Jenkins, M. It. Sny- der;'Mrs. Van DiiHen, Row Snyder:-Lilly Scott, Leslie I'.lnghaiii'; Miss Trevor, Evelyn Walla; Mrs. Van Brown* Smith, Mabel Jteed; Neil rjrahain, Ldun (loodrlch.- n*w*y Theatre (Union Theatre Co., inanageis).—The Avenue Olrlg Uurlesquer*, under: the niunngQinent uf l7.y.y tirotz. began a week's engagement here Monday afternoon, Oct." 1,-They were given u roaring recep- tion, and mi house ni packed both nftci'- noon and evening pcrfonnances. The fun starta wlth.ii ]>:'■'!•/•«■ N.iit, culled "The Tiger S|ir(ngn," which went with a rush'from the sinrt;' The prlnelpnl roles are well taken rire of. Chiis. Johnson, Mabel Lord, Klale Leslie, Mike McDounhl and l'bll McFarland were capital, und nil received well earned up- |ilaune. The scenery and coHtumew were beau* ilfill to behold, and the many stage group- ings were, n real treat. ; A- sellool si'ene, witli rims. Johnson and cliorim of fourteen girls, was th". funniest thing seen here In souio lime. I'll" company «s it whole. Is a good ■•ii.'.: The full cflflt: Otto Trlnkhniis, t'Jinx. Jbbbson; May, Mabel Lord: rountess of N'rwpoi't. Elsie Leslie; Mm Van Mover, Olga <7rlaff: Dick Dujmwti. Will Cunnlnchum ; Wta; Travels O. Rortin, Mlko McDonald; Ad- miral O'Hoollgail, Phil McFarland; : Gladys Grand, 'LUllun Allen; Ocelhi Swell. Mil- dred Fletcher; mule llhiod, Ltnnio Al- bert: Bertha 'Breeding, Grin Hannan. Tho ■'horns: Llllluu Alleu, Mildred, Klclclicr, Grace Hnrman, May Boyle, Laura Spaiilding, Mac Walton. Ilel Nctni. Cecelia Dowiihi 1 , Nellie Stvle.i. Mabel Ilelmorp. Sinclair Dale, lilBM Tie Moire' and Anna water, ' Ail excel- lent olio followed. In which appeared : IClsio Leslie,''who sang well: McFnrlnnrt and 'Me- Donald, who always are a hli in their clever net; Charlov Johnson, Uennnn comedian, v;ho kepf the audience In an uproar for ten oimutpH, ani (,'unntngbum and I*oid, VU proveil to lie two very good dnneers. T'.i^ jinish is called "Get ltk-n and Quick Broken and Is a good audience bolder, and thecoia- unns agnhi aiHiulttrd RmU wlthgrenthonors In lis prpseninlion of this exi-eilcnt Inirlettn. puny agni In lis prpi._. Mxoeuilve stalt for Cnnipbcll-Drew Amuse nient r Vn\: Geo. M. ■ Unle Is representailve, W. II. Sellllng Is musical director, and Prank 0, Irish- Is electrician. Next week, Wllllama' idea! Kxtnivngnnaa <•'«. ■ - . ■ * Timlin Tbentret (Sullivan ft Woods, mnn- anrs).—"Th» Oaera at Aa iiighhiuders" played to a packed house Monday evening, Oct. 1, and the numerous sensational epl- MHJM cnuscd noisy applause. Next week, '"l'he Burglar's liaughter." . Ilnrleiu.—liarlem Opera Houee cioawl Sept. 'Jll, and will remain dark until Oct. 8. The Mouse id now in possesion of Keith A Proctat, who will make needed alteration on ihe exterior and some painting and chang- ing Inside the theatre. The housn will open Oct. 8 with vaudeville. It is the alrth house under tho Keith ■ Proctor management In Now York City. Wijht Kxn (J. K. CooksoD. manngerI.— Uril Iteld's new mcloilraiaa, "A Mllllonnlrcs Revunge,'" Is here tills week. A crowded house was on hand Oat l, to see this, the Ural Harlem pn-scutalbm of the play. The. work la well stnged und the cast a fnlrl.y good oue, Next neek. Not N, Mills, in "A Lucky Dux,'' Mktiiohh.ih (lhirllK'ft Seaman, maua- acra)^— "Mi, lilm and 1" la lh« atirncilou foruhls week, and a rikmI sized audience wel- comed Hie- return■eiigiigineiit of 1lily inuslcal comeily 1. Next weefc. "Carolina. * Htaii (Wm. T. Keogli. mnnngerl.-—"3he Gambler of Hie West" Is the offering for the current week. It opened to a crowded Iioiiho 1, and seems nnsiwd of a good weeks unil* wm. Next week, "From Tramp >» -^'1- "Kkitii ft raocTnii'H Om: HrxnnKhAND 'l*WK>'rv-riiTir Stiikkt TliKATiu;.--"U«ortuuin IHInd** Is Hie offering (tf Hie stack cuilpiiiiy this track, It l« one of ilte largest ncenk productloiiH offeivd at Ibis bmisr so far this henson, and is* n positive treat, l'he roles were in most capable' hand*, the nunpniiy being headed bv I'anI McAlllslcr and Bea- trice- Morgnn. well supported by tleorgc How- ell, WBilam Norton, llerhert BostwU-k, Dud- lev Hawlev. Ittlcy I'luiuibciloln. Agnes Scott, Mathilda jJCHhuii und Ktlicl. Clifton. ihe hdnsc has been'doing u record breaking i»i]j-«- r.faa so' far litis season, The vaudeville i-Unt The Gnenaux, Caarlea .mi rauna Van. and Nellie Kulbnnn. AT.iiA.umiA (Percy O. Williams, manager). —Bnslne.w continue!- to be excellent. 'Hie current hill Is headed bv Ned WaybiirhB Rein Dears. Others arc: Menetekel, Illu- sion: Howird and N'orlh, Walter C. Kelly. .Wort and Owcr, Edward V, Uaynnrd, Col- lins ajidiRjown,-Dnrsani Troupe, and Wil- son's f*Jcs6le;" n nerobflilc. monkey. -- "' ■■ * HraiTu -ft Hi:aMiis-s Wl'HIO Hall f«c« Ilurtlg. manager); — Tlie Troradcro Bur- iomiuers is • this -week ii nttrnctlon, and : It opened io a well iillrd liotise I. The entire cunipnny scored big from ihe »tari, and the. rbmedy jrork of the comedians won rounds of applause. -The miiow is in three scenes* and !* entitled" to rank nmong the iwst of aitractlons that have appeared here so far I his sensou. The olio Includes: Mae Taylor. Stlrk nad London. West and itillfema, the Grahams, and Ihe Wilsons. Ncxl week, Bos- ton Kelles. ■. Ootii.vm (Have Kraus, mnnager).—Col- onial Belies rande their tirst linrlem appear- ance 1, to a packed bouse, aud were well r«- I'cfvcd. The flrsc part, "Is.wn On ibo Baby Farm," with thus. If>blnson as the leading comedian, kept the audience laughing- from curtain to curtain: Mr. Ilobinson Is ably nH- siMted by theentlre company. The musical numbers were well rendered, and tho several chances of costumes were very line. The olio Is capital, presenting: Rose Carllu, Law- rence Edwards and Marie Richmond, ("has. Robinson; the Grant VnlrAn und Chna. I'alke. The enlertalnment concludes with "Cohen, the Count," which sends ihe people home In good humor. Next week, Carr's Thorough- breds. :■ ■■'■■■ ' : ■■'•■ Family •( i\l. Onken, manager).—Reports fronir this house-urn of n most ; fnvoraMo. nature. The bill for this week : Barker Bros., Ira Kaaanor, lleuelln, 'IVhelun and Searles, Athon Uomedv Co., Marie Laurens, .Mile. SchelUa Lions, and La Mcer nnd La Meer. 1'ark. —At this house the prices are law and- ihe atlMctlons fairly good. "Itlp Van Winkle" Is Hie offering this Week, and it was well preseoted 1. Next week. Sarah Mac- Donald, In "Adrift in New Vork." Brooklj ii, -At. the New Montauk (Ed- ward Trail, manager) Frltzi Schorr, in "Mile, Modiste, Oct. I nnd week.- "The Mountain Climber" did well last week. Next, Blanche Wnlsh, In "The Kreutzer Sonnta." ■ ' • HtiUBKnT'H (Lew I'nrk«r, innnnger).—Adelt ltiteble nnd ('banes .1. Boss. In "The Social Whirl," this week. "The Prince Chan" drew crowded- houses. Next, Bertha Kallcb, In "The Kreutzer Sonnla." . ■ Ma.ihsttc |W, C. Krldley, manager).^— ('eel! Spooncr started a two weeks' engage- meni ban In "The Girl Rafflu,? Nat It Wills wus well received In "A-I.ucky I>Og." Hum; (Mrs. spLoner, manager;.—"The Belle uf Rlchiuond" U presented/ liy, the Spooner Stock to. this week. Kofti May SiiiHiner is seen in the title role. "Du Bnrry ' packed ihtm In. Next, "The Stubbornness of G'TsidLu 1 ." Giiami (Milton T. Mlddlelou, manager).— Vance ft SuIIIvhu's "The Burglar's Daugh- ter"'nnend liere 1. "Bertha, the Sewing Ma- chine Girl." had the crowds. Next, "The Gambler of the West." ".' UoiitfinUA'lOhas. II. Wnera, manager).— "A Rm-c Cor Life" Is the melodrama seen hern l-«. "A Square Deal" Inst. Ont'iiKiiM .(Percy (1. Wllltams, manager). —Hill week of l: Bruimby Wllllaius, tho fu- nifHis" Kngllsh character actor: .lolin C. Rice and Sallle Cohen, iu "Al the World Is>ves a Lover;" the Rose De Haven Sepleite. Will II. 'Murphy and Blanche- Nichols, I-Mwlu Sloven*, nsslHl-'d.hy MIkh Marshall; Orpheus Comedy Four, Herbert's'dogs, Lydia and Al- Mill Ihe Kcinps, nnd the vltagrnpb. Busl- nesd was goml last week. ii-.i;i; ft JIhiimax'h (Nick Norton, maua- ger).—Marie Walnwrfgut Is the feature of a goal bill'MJ. She Is seen in ''Our Bahy.' Others are: Ye Colonial Septette, Mr. and Mrs: Gene Hughe*, In u' new comedy, "Hup- pressing tlie I'ress:" tbu Bruinincr Quartetic, Cook nnd Madlsuti, i.'owlers, Lillian Shaw, and motion pictures. Kkk.\kv'« (Then. Wcnzllk, ninnnger).— The mniiagemeiit preniMitp the Sa-IIerus, mys- tillers, as ibo iK'tidlluers 1-U. Otliam nro: AltheaTwIn KIkUts, Sydney Ueane and coni- luniy. In "Clirlstmns on Blnckwell's Island;" Bellman and .Mount, Howard Brothers, ChrK ' Rlclinrdn, Campbell and Keuney, Melnotte-La Nole Trio, and the.lieeneyscope. Staii (Archie ICIHh, manager).—Tito Crack- er Jacks hold Hie bnurds 1-0. 'the two bur- Ipsoucs, "A Society Whirl" nnd "Nature In Marble Hall,'' are good. The olio consists of Bob Van Ostcii, ltul|y Leonl, Dora Denton, and Mllnrd Brothers. Boston Belles Bur- lemuftfa dirt bit bwlMM Inst week. -IinvRiAL (W. C. finvlor, manager).^—'llift lialtlmorc Beanlles this week. "Fun -On Tucker's Farm" and "Mrs.- Mooney's Unugh- lern" are tJin burlesques given. The olio Is f;nod, and Includes: Kennedy and Kvnns, )oyle and Ilownrd, Snwiellc and SearcB, BImcII and Winters, Leon Brrull anil La Uoses.' l'ai'lsbm Belles Kxlravaganza Co. was well received hist week. Ti:lli:u'h Buoahway (Leo. C. Teller, le><- see).—"The Virginian" drew big houses last week. Nexl, "The College Widow." I'orj.Y (B.'nnet Wilson, manager).—"The Nluoly- and Nine,"- wiii.ii scored a big bit here last sea-ion, begun a week's stay nlglit ot 1. Bnione Whipple sllll playa the heroine, and True S. James Is the hero. Last week "My T«n>-Boy Olrl" had a big week. Tho Four Morions 8-13. Havktv (.lames Clark, manager) .—The Boston Belles, witli Frankie Bailey ns the chief attraction, are hero this week. Tim olio brings out Clarence- Wilbur. Crawford nnd Maiming, Amy Butler, Harry Lo Mar. Rico ami Walters end HiflLle Mills. The bur- ksqiies are new. Hood business ln«t week with the Tr^cadero Burlesipiers. Next, tho Cracker .lack*.: . '■': Novri.ty (Charles K. Williams, manager). —Ned Woybiirn's "Kitty Town" tbla-^eek. Ocrtlu Carlisle Is a feature of Hie produc- tion. Tin* other part of the bill Is looked after by Daisy Ilurcourt, Frnnk' II, White ami Lew Simmons, Baker a ml Neno. the Le Tour Sisters, Smith and Small, and the ric- colo .Midgets. Crowded Iiousch laHt week. - Hlaxkv's AMl'iilo.N (.M. S. Scliiesslnger, manager).—"A Bad Man from Mexico" Is this week's offering: Standing room only last week, wllh 'A Millionaire's Revenge." Next, "The Sewing Machine, Olrl." ■ Cortmi (F.dgur F. Olrurd,..manager).— Tills week '. The norskey-Bergeit* company, Mitchell and. Cain, Claude and Fanny Usher, ItONi'i. Malvern- and Norma Tliomns, Bid Bax- ter. Cook nnd Stevens, and ltni-lh Brothers Hiid Wntlou. Oond business Just week. P.ivrox'H (S. s. Allen, ruauager).—"The 1'rodlgal San" tills week. "The Two Or- pliuns" drew big housi-s Inst week. Next. ■'Darkest Russia." (JiiAMt fKSiiyt TitKA'rnt: IF. It. Ciirr, man- ager).-—-"The Slim'ofihe Four" tlds week. "Ovpsv .lack" liail a good week, ending 1f\. Nexl, "The Black Hand." LiiT.r.M (Louis I'blHliw. innimger).—-"The IJuccu of tin- Highway" Is produced by Dm huitKC coinpaiiy (his week. "The Convict's Daughter" did will Inst week. Niiti.'m.— Wafer's Mnrlno Bniid. conslstlug of thirty pieces, will give Sunday evening concerts nt ihe Oram! Opera limine, start- Illif'Ort. 14. Several well known singers will be heard ..The AclolV Church Al- I In nee. of Brooklyn, has engagitl xeven liuii- dred seats at the Majestic. Monday evening. Oct. BV lo see "The <lirl RaiileH." After Ilia jn'rfdriDiiiii' • ii dinner -I* to he given at Ihe Imperial la Cecil S|ioo»er Crawford. or the linn of Crawford • and Mn mil tig. who have been connccled wllh the BoHton Belles ltiirlflnr]ucrs, shot hluuielf In the linger, In- juring It badly, nndhls pnrtner. Manning, fell from the trapeze, breaking bis orm In two places. ..... .'Percy ("I. Wllllamg opened an onlce nt 1440 Broadway, New York, Oct. 1. TbU will-be Mr; iviljfnms' henilniinriora hereafter, instead of the Orphenm Theatre. J. ,1. Moloney will Ih. his general manager. Week of Oct. «, when A. H. Woods' 'The Oambler «f ihe West" will bo at the (Jraud, un upright ( planof wll- he given nwny Sultirdny evenlug, -18, to the' inekv'winner*, l'he manner o* dlapostng of tlda *Ha« bMTh^M kept a seurei untlt tho apftnlDR-nlRht.. .* .. The business nt-ibe'Star last week waa larger (ban at any previous week this mi- son A number of. largo theatre parlies have been g(ten lit the dfftjratlc this season^ ." MiiniLgf!' Krldley states that he has wild tlcketH for fifteen theatre partlea-dilr- Ing Oetcber "The Lion and the Mouse" will Iw Been at the New Montnuk during the season. ,■ , ;,' »-k ' •:",■' • LtruO'(Keating It Flood, inatuigers).—The Lyric * Utnt-k C<». Is presenting- "Tho Cuban Snt" Week orsrnr: i'4--"V 1 BTAh (Jame* 11. 'Urrlekson, manager). NEW VOKK C1TV JOTTINGS. Plans wkbi: oompletkh last week whereby ihe Berkeley Lyeenm, situated nt I*orty•fourth Street am) Fltrh Avenue, will lw conyerted Into n regular theatre for the presentation of plays, musical comedies, etc! The atage will he enlnrged. nddiilonnl teatliig capacity provided, ihe front eutrnnea entirely remim- ■•lled. und Hie playhouse hnndsoraely refur- nished nnd redecorated, tleorge A. Rlumen- tlinl. for a number of yenrs mannKer'of the Harlem Opera House nnd West F.nd Theatre, in linrlem. has been nppolntcd manager. Al- terations begin litis week, and Mr. Bltimen- thai hopes to. have. Ihe Uicatre ready for at-* tmctlmis the latter pari of October. The house. In the future, will be known as the Berkeley Theatre, *- * .' M. IfoiiNKii'gnve the tlrst harmonica and arenrdoon tm-ltol In ibis cltv. Hie nntlonul miiftlc show, Mndlsnti Square Garden, Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 20, and It was very en- joyable. The prr>graa>me Included: A few remark* In' behalf of M. Hohner, by Kdwanl C. Iirnendle: haraionica ?oln—ta i Anvil ('boru.f,'from "II Trovntorn;" <bi selecllon In C Khurp, minor (two hnrmonlenaK (c> Ouard Mount, Wm. II, Burke: nccordeon sum — in)'Mnrch, lb) selections from "Martini.* l'eter .lennerlch: medley of popular aire— The Hohuer Harmonics Bnixl, dlrecilnn of Mr. Brnendle : huraionlca koIo —Inlcrmezxo, "('avallerln Rpstlcaiiii:" piano ncconipanl- incut. A. S. AtB U nraW i nri'ordeou solo— oi>ern selections, A. A*les: hiirmotilva soln.— "Iienrle," »vii h piano accoinpanlniciil. Mr. Urnendlp'rhnrinonica iluet—'iJij-"Tlien Tou'll Remember Me," "Bohi'tnlnn Olrl:'* (til "Alice, Where Art Thou?" MNhwk, Burke and Braiin- dte; hnnaonlca «olo— in) "Annie Luurlc' (miniature haimonlcn, th) Selectluu , ou minor harnjonlcn. Sid C. France; bnimoni-a :i-["- Mcsm'-. Burke, France and Hrnendle: medley, national nlrs— The llohncr llnrinunl- cn Hand. l(oi;sr:s ruck ARHl The Madlsnti Sfpiarc and Irving I'I.hi*. ■ '■' " ♦*♦ • . CUXNKCTICIT. The Alle.i Stuck Co. Is preaciitlitg.."i;n,itt l.vhno" week of *J4. tiiiAXi* iJnines II. Krrlckson. murineer). — The■ Omhilierliiw. Ihe Nellie- Ahdrews com- pany, Charles 1\ Haaelrlgg. Jimmy Wall,-He Vnro and Cnrtb, Wilson and Rich, Humid Hnrr/Rtid gramHsi-ope. '■' ' ••» .-' • TaStAiikM (John A. .lohhsoh, mnnaiterlii" Thc Four Bees, Seal and Onoke, Pat and Ffrnnlo Kejley. -Maud'Still, Harry Clifford nnd company. Jean Wilson, mid Ihe biograph. 1 FaiW s i Thomas It nancy,« miiuagerj , ij - Bessie Ford, l.llllnn JHnck. f Bonnie Hotinle, Manretlu.-i and Hall, Monerlef aud Smllh, Rnmiey and 1'orresler. Marie Ollinrd, Mae N, Ve'vnoii. Virginia Vernon. June* »nd Rnvi'lle, Frnnces Klmer and Je*sie sIshoii. Kaikn HcRxic Torn nvrtra Wmti.n (l-'red Frliz, iiinnnficr.i i-eolluues to do fair bnsl- ncus. THE OAK« HfMsiMi P.iliK (S. II. Frled- Innder, manager) eonl limes to do reuson- aidy good hiNlneiy. In sp1|i> of solne Inclem- ent weather, add will pmhahly remain open two or lliree week*. Special ntirncllons m tu' Sepi, 21: Bert Murphy mid PTrdhuno's iinvui Kalian Bniid. • - 4 i |i IMHWA. .. atitger*;:>1ly«i^ilous,Fohtlheiie. kndifhe latent Ben niolinn- plrtnre».'''lhlBihcsa was Ufflfty last mm "^• 1 ** <***#■* -• •■• ■:>?■■■ « NoTKirrY (Tmiy , .Imbe t lakl: ■mnnaaerl'.^tHll (Vf.'-T-ftnil week •/Md^n-Heliy nntrconiptrnr. pi-Mi'hllnr-^rlic OnWTnw ;"' Von, HiMir- thmlatj; llerbert nnd Vance, mmdcji) -net! I lay ton Sisters nnd Oeo. lh> Voy, novelty dnncuri*, .ind.lho. pwjectuscope. Cnpaeliy ImslnesM last week^jj.*, ;-,-i.i.\- • . ««» WASIUXOTON. ' ;.,}»■ .•i Mm IIuv«mi.— Al ibe llym>iliiii <Kam S. A Lee Unrtmrti maiingersl "It llapiiened In Nordlarid'Mmd a good house Sepi. "Jl May Irwin drew a large linusc L'.\ "Tho Student King" drew: good hous«s 26, g7. "The Col- lege Widow" hnd good returns 88, 20. r.intsi lie Hl.ig Oct. 2, "His Ilnnor Hie Mayor" II, ■■■VVroiilqiie" 4, ,*i. "Mr. Hopklimon" «. XRWtwTMJI'tll, If. Bunnell, mnnager).^ "Tun Ninety and Nine" hud n good Iioumc Ut-20. "The Man i.f Her *:iinh-e** pleased 27-21t. "The Hull ROOM Boys" Oct. 1*3, "At Cripple Creek"' 4-tl. I ' Pmi.i'r (S, ■'/,. l*oll, pi-oiiiietor).—Bill week of i»ct. 1: PoweB-Coltcdi Trouiie, the Colby Family, l-'anny nice, the fNmimhlit' Four, Harry t'orson Clark and company, iJiwreuee and ilnrilngton, uml Jtndo and Bertman. • :; i! i ' ■»-■— ■' ' ■ .■ llitrtronl. Ar I'lir-iiiiiH' (H. V. ParHOllS, proprietor and manager) Otis Skinner, Befit. 1 34, "jr.. gnre a fine presentuilon -of "The Ouel." lo largc'andleuceH. Paula Fid warden. In "Princess lieggnr," was warmly wel- eiuned by n host of ndmlrura 2t\, 27. The production was highly satisfactory. Kyrle liellew. In "Drlgndlei- Gerard." 28. drew n large oudlenr-e at Ihe Initial presentation. May Irwin; In "Mrs. Wlbimi. That's All." drew a In rye sudlence 2b, and delighted her numerous admirers. "His Honor, Hie Mayor.' 1 Oct. I : Tliomns .lefferwin *J, "Mr. llopkln- soa" .'I; 4, "The College Whin*" It, IIAIITIOIU' Ui'iniA Ibti -u: (II. ||. Jennings, inanngect. —Th(- adiiilrers of Henry 1). IHitev turned out strong and gave lilm a warm wef- enmo in "The Man on the Box,". Sept. 1!4 und IT*. The company was a nimpetent one, "MoiUunn," u strong Wesiein plav. was wull mvapniefl 2t». and keenly: enjoyed liy en* rhusluHtH. "Vernnlque"' luid a miccfssfnl pre. 28. 21), and \> nii ii.'-- wiim good. Cyril Kcotl, la "The Prince Cluip," Ocl. I, J: Louis Mann and Clara Llpuiuu, In "Julie Honumi." .*{: "Bcrllia, ibo Hawing ,Mnejiln« 'Piu.i'H (I.ouIk K. Kllhy, manager).--Last reek i»ie S. It. ii. sign was In -evidence. Harry Le Clnlr, nu old tlnu> favorite lu Oils city, wuiihonars. mn week of Oct. 1: Wil- liam Rock and 1:1s Fight Loins Buds, the Baker Troupe.. Zend Klei'e. Tinnier und 011- bert. Rmmer Be Voy and curupiiny. ibe Misses He Voy nnd company, and William lumiui and company. ■ . *: ■ «■-—■ , ■■- • . Bridurii.irt. At Smith's IK, C. Smith, manuger) May Irwin, lu "Mi-s. Wilson. That's All," Sept. 1*4. did big business. "The Man of Her Oholce," 2.">. 20. did well. "The Lion and ibo Mouse" played b> big retuniH *JT. "The Ninety and Nine" did good bunlnesw 2K, 2l>. "Mr. Ilonklmion" Oct, 1, "When Knight- hood Was in Fimver" "-. 'I, "Oollv Oolbirs" 4. "The College Widow" .", "The Hall Room Boys" 41. Pom's (K, ft, Mlicliell. manager).—Booked week of 1 -. Cavana, Fred mid Bva .MoznrV. Bison .ntld lairigdon. Kddle Mack, Kimiia KranclH, Snyder and Buckley, and the Threo It.'iiai'itx. NotHh,— Ben I'nwell. ibe lightning ticket aeller for tho Buffalo BUI Show, remembered his friends with hand«miie' souvenir poHfiil cards along the route of the show iibmait., ,; Terry Isic, formerly wllh Terry Metiovern, and who recently brought Blllv Fitzgerald and Ambry Meiiurrv logetlier in UiIn eltv, Is negotluttug lo biliig FliXKi'iUld aud llnr- tllng Nelson to M nAlinir in tbN city In the. near future The mipersiruciurc. for tile new nrldgeiMUt Tiiealre. In onirse ofecec- Hon In IblH-elty, is hellig iwrfi-ehvl.' Charles V.- Kades, u| New Vork. Is supervising Un- work. The Itriilucpon LihI K c „r Mlks bull team defeated » team from the Lodge, lu (bis cliV, Sept. 2K H to II Crof. T. .1. Lenimn. Ibe an pll«hed plaulsl at Smlili k Theatre, known u nil (lie prorosiiliiu vlslilng HiIh bouse, tor |||«- pa m| leii'venh;. lias resigned hls:|H(Sitlo:i to lieeoim- orgnulHt of HI. I'l-ter's Church. In Mnnbiirr. Hi* was orgnnlsl. or St. Au^iimiIih'', Cliurcf), this clly, for llfleen'years. ;■ i ■: OIIKtiON'. l'lirHmin. At the Hellig ( W.. T. Pangle, liiunager) ltle|uin:« it Prlii.tlf'« Oeorgla Min- strels had n goisl hoiiKe S.-m. 24. l'he eii- ituseimjut Is for three tilglils slid ninll|us> yil. l'he. fWewaH Oisrn Co, did goud busbie.<H wei-k of lit, presenting "The Two Roses." ••nomtby" anil "Buheifk" Wuhisrnar Llud. violinisl, 2H. asnlste<l liy Mrs. Walter Ileeil, ntinlto; |In Lnktne IMurlcl. Mrs. W. K. Thoniu*, plualst: Ait bur. Alexander, tetibr: Itoiii .). r/.iu. bnrltoho. and !■:. F. Coarsen pl- noisi. "Tho itoyni Chef :;<i.iici. :;. liittW Hell, 4 A In '"Ihe l-'duculln» of .Mr. I'ipp.V - Hak nu (fleo. L. 'Baker, manager).—The llakcr Theatre.Co. had fWo good houses Rent. 28, lo witness "The Wilderness. I'wo Little 'Vagrants" produced uood biihineis week of 10. *A Tesnn Htter" SO. Empiiii: (Milton W. Seaman, manager).--* "A Mad I.ovo" hart Ho capacity hoimes Rent. 88. "On the Bridge at Midnight" did fair biiHiness week of 10. "A Millionaire Tramp" 30, "Uncle Joih Perkins" Oct. 7. Friinktort.—At ihe Bllnn .'ri-nngchrnkc & HufT.trd, innuitfters) Walker 1 Whllesble. In "The Mngte Melody," nave splendid satisfac- tion Sepi, iM. The theairn eneniHl for ilia Mtnson .in Unit Hate.-. 'iTlm M^ugle M«*lody" is a eonmly drama lu threw 'acta, by Limit. tlordon Kean, uml was given-Its Initial nor- fornuiiiiM at Fort Wayne. Sept. 17, The piny wi'.s a- success from.tin) start. It 'Is clean and wholesome, und bait an Inexhaust- ible fuml of heart Imerest. being full of poetry and romance. It Is brim full of iH-tlon, ami pri-seuix Hltitntbins of.Intensity, 'l'he Hectic «'f the play is laid near MUnhiitlnn Island, and the nhiry roiicr-ms a young vio- linist. Ilelmar, who Is trying to carve his way. to fnme wllh the four strings uf his violin. Hli f:itii"i', Jonlan ltnwker r -n futmnis eapifallnf. deserted bis mother when he was quire young, .nut-left hhu tu struggle alone lu tlie world, Icnorout of tlm fact that - lin has a rather living. He fulls lu lnve wllh Clorls Flldlng. the wnril nf Ids father, ami (•horny niter dlo'-orei-s thnt be 1« Hawker's Min. ■ Thru uk h Clarl*. Ilelnmr limb* an opiair* tiuiltr lb gain recognlrhin for ids Keulun, i.nd )il*r father Is compelled to put him iui ili" projiminiee with some ruinous coiuerl players. Wlii-n llollunri appeals belore i ]<•■ iiuillcnei' lie cnilipli'iely n.Hshllies all tlie othiTH. IL> Hkh refin-es his fntber's far* tune tind mime. ,;md marries Clorls. Mr. Wiilh-slibi's purirayal of Htdmnr wan splendid.' Ho put Ills whole soul Into ills work, uiid tlie audlem.1? wnrinly rewaiilisl lilm. The cmnedy of the pln.vMs In the bauds of Martha Ocurgr, whu takes Hie role 1 of Uns*w4ltteri n tiermnn wonmn. She liniidlcs Ihe I'liurnclcr well. Miiude Slinw, an (Miira liongiass, phi veil lier part cleverly, and Lelln WolHlanj ns t'lorls Klldiug, the berolnu, acted ailinliali y. The pre** acknowledges Hint Mr. Whii,-ill.. 1ms h piny I hut is suitable In ♦every r wye l f»r hhu. The cast: llelmnr. Walker • Whiteside; •Ionian Ituwkcr. Her-" liert Sears; l,ord Klldare. W. II. Carter: Pleiro illnntn, likhard Shemmii: Mrs. ft'll- ner. Mnctlin Oeorge; (Mara Douglass, Maude Shaw!: Claris Flhllng, Lolbi Woisinn: "Jolmnv Wise" pb'Hscd a kimiiI house 20. Sieisun's "I'ni'le Tom's Cabin" Oct. 1, "The Isle of spice" :>. "The Mummy and tlie Ilulu- iii I ii g Bird" P. Ciiystai, l Clins. Welch, manager).—Viola Nap, Vice and Vbilu, Mthel Vnuiig, Kvn Ray,. Cbas.jiud Jennie Welch, and the klnodroiuc. Notk.- --.iohii Petty bus cloned wllh Markl.»'s "Sncny South," and Is Hinge manager ai the Crystal, ♦»» * Mil OHMV. i.u* Aiiireles.—The Mason Opera HoiiHe (II. c. Wyol I. manager) lasllll rlmra, llui.AHco (.lobn H. Blackwood, inuiiiiger). — "The Only Way," as preseiMcd by Hie stock compjiiy, wejk ending SpjiI. 22, drevr gaml bUHini'Hti. "Business Is ItUHlnnRS," liy Ilia stuck. 24: "Tin- Climbers" 90, i*i , Monnscn'K Bukiunk (Oliver Morosco, man- tiger), r- "T.'llliy," liy thu stock cnnuiauv. , I.mciI Its kccoimI stiecesNfnl Week 22. "Janice Meredith" W, 'The Otbar Olrl" !«».' tin. .mi oi'i:iu llni'MK , tchu'enee Drown, nianaj:eri.- , The Black lliind." by the llli'b'h Stock Co., drcA' well wwk ending iKI. "gueci> of Ihe Hlgbblnders" 21, "AiiIIh, Ihe Singing <;lrl." W. Oiiimiki'm (Martin Reek, general innunarrL —-Features I'-i -and week: Chlnko, Mlnnl" Kiiiiliiiiinii, Flsk and McHoniiugh, lu "(bud News;" Hie Italian Trlii, Five Halvuggbi, Max lllldebrnidl, Ben Welcli, and motion pictures, llnrt'iiKisN (C, F, Hamilton, iiinnagor).— '1,'hn llowiir'l-llamlllbli Slock Co, presented "Incog," to h>hh] buslaesti, week ending '2A. "Fiuicliou. the Crtckel," Hi Pkoi'LK'h (C. Mack, imimgcrL—"The Pay*, master." villi Iklllli Tucker aud t-oiupiiny, drew well WWII ending 22/ "Curmep" 2'l. ' L'viqi v. (Ilenlx & Znllee. pronrlelorsi.-- l'Vatiire>i 2.'t anil week' I'nhiuo Contedy ('»., presenting "My Uncle's iti-tucu ;" Harry Mnek anil company. Sis Whllesldcs, hoiiIu etie ; Leo- Itnrili. dlnlect comedian: Ahlro Bros,, nerobais; Blust rated songs nnd •IJuhpic-o- scoim. FtHi'lll'lt'H (A. II, Fischer, manuger),— f.Msi-bet's All Co. proHenl. "All Whiles," wllh vuiidcvllh* fcnlures and moiloii plctiireii 21. ,.' ■ '. ■ '- • ■ 'CfXMMiRAfMi (J. A. Browne, innnnger),-~ l-'entures 2.': end week: Arthur lIurrlnglrui'H InvlKlble (^iini'tetle, Clhlfl Vomig, soubrclle; •"fitberlue Walsh, sword dancing; Mtidnllric Howe, HiiiKi finest songs: Pole Oernld. eotue- dlan*. mothm pirlurcs, anil sketch by Ibe stock company. Fmi'iui: (llllly Banks, resident manager). —Fenliires *J .biml week: The Adalrs, aerial net: Lhura BHtiks. pleiure balindlst; Hulcb- Isou 'and Lusby, lit "The Hooklnv AireuM" Lit Vidyne Trio, In "A NlgbL Si Ibe Club:" stuek. nmuaiiiy. In "Tho Hiiltun and ibe Hall* or," and the elncuiatoumpli. ■ ■ Notkk.- -MniUgnr Oliver Morosco bus re- luriied t'l'din Hie Kind .,.,, .Marian llerg will Slieceed Betty .lollllHUll as lugetilie 111 Hie He- lasi-o, when "The Clluibers" Is preseiitfil, ...^-.Mitee Oreeiiletif, leading mall al Mo- roseo's Burbaiik, was married 1b, in n nrm-- profeHsbiaiil. .... , Wllllnm Heroin il, of the BeluNco, b-uv*>H for 1'exus to assume n miiiin- aerlRl'.cniiacliy Fred Itelntu-ii Is now n freouenl and welcome visitor Joneph Oalbralth has relumed, wllh Ids bride, nnd is kii Id to contemplate engaging in real es- lute liusiiiess... .(•■iirc|inugh & Hells Bmtli- eiV SIimmh nit doing mi Inituense biisltiens Spokline,—-Our seven thentrca nnd parks were thronged; nt every performance -'last, week. Ihoiisaiids i-omlm* from vnrkma pnrt-t or thtt'lulend empire in at lend the Spokane liiterstate Fair, Sent. i'4-Ort. il. The-e*cp,i kRIoii la complete in every department; nnd indications Him Hie :iticniliim-i> will enntlmu' ' ut the BMHHi ncirk until ibe eioslng day. Sisikani: Tiu:.\riii:t*'barh'4 .Muehlmahi: as- sistant manngiir i. r - •Invi'iille Bn'sionlno<i, Hi-pi. 24-24J.'did tiiir •■Checkers," Hans Boliorts hi the' name |V»rl; 27, 2N, "The .Maid and the Mummy' tin. Oft. I, ihe ".lease .luiiuis" Cn; 2, "InW'n Ne Hn" ;t, "The llnlv titv" 4. "PiirslfaP* »», ik , ■■ i ■■ ■ CnM'MitiA (Hen. M. Oreber, manager).— La 1 1 week Hm m«kuii uf'IDOtl.* o(ienetl Willi vitudorlllft,-HiisrlngN and Wilson. 'Painiiitiiu groiemine occrnirUs, being the brridllaeis ■ i-bah and Ij» Clair. In Hkelch: Hie Fashion I'lnlc 'id... stngiTs hull dnitcors; Itlllrb'ruiiit uml Vlvbtn. InfenlH of .strength ;' the tleor- gtn Miignet and the blografih. S. R. o. Miiu- iinv and evening iHTfonimnees. "Ah 'i'olil hi the Hills", wei'k «TWIM, W. .'. I•■'..-■ Aiihtoiiu:m (Harry 'llnywaril,-manager), —The Jessie Shirley Co.i lit "A Texas Steer," Oeorge .Mcijmii-rle as .Maverick llrnnder, hnd e:inaclty lutu.M's last weekj -■• • .'..;•. \v,\Min\(,TiiN to, M, Drelier. manager).— .1: Roy West and Bin Van Hlclen, llarrlsou liruthers, Allnira and I.lml, Hie Tennis Dim, Doiolby Ray. Ci.urles Allmnii, and Hin bio- grnpn. ■ ■ '■ ■ ■••■ . ; «ajT Hbisk' Mipwav (Nat Helsa,; mana* gei't. — Kiiiu'l:*.'ii " .»lniivs and curio hall find vlrcim,' ihc-iup liner Isilug Mme. Wonder nnd her roach dogs, lllg laislliess. .* ■ Notk.-TIu' big link at Nalaioiium Park (t'linrii'H W. Iloyi, inunagiirt was destroyed l>v lire Frnlii.v i veiling, Sept. 21, during the fcKellng HCShbin. There wiu no. jiunlc. ■ Init not a dnlhfr'M ivm-ili of property was inveil: The loss will reach sbi.oimi, witli ulioui 30 per ceni. Insurance., Tim mrpnrnHoii owning Die pi'ii|ieriy,biis dlssiilvt'd. *- -.-i. . t ' , I,, ■ , ' TlHMMiin. At the Tneoiim Tlieufrii ((?bn-i. II. Heral't. niiiiiaueri- III Henry's'Mlusirels Sept. -il;2J. cilucle .lush Perkliiii" :i». Ht.ii:' ill, M, Owens,, niiumgcrj.—Week be* gbinllig Siipt. LN. Allen Sloclc Co.. No. 'J, ill ■iTlip Tiger'* Hyc" May lloberts, leadhitf woman. • •. ..■■. i ;im m. i Demi B. Worlev, ni,'Uin«er I.—Week couuiieiieing Hupl. 2| : Tlie Berry Troupe of ilcntlintH, Ml|i«irel J||||y rinrk. I'lllT Ih'iiu and eniupiuiy,' I'niiJ in- iiiviv, Sultnon 'mul clienturi Jniues'' liiirkc, in •Jllmtiriltad song, n'tiil'Orfindli'coiie. . . :■■<■■ t, : ■ '', (W. J, Tliiinions, mnnneer), 1 --- Week ■iiiittaeiielug Sept, 241 Tho IhHsclR Lfinwnii Misters .fit-urge. and Clara Bird, Mary .Miidani', Jaek-Olli'ei'. Turn Ln Ruse,'In lllusiruled song, and imillmi pictures. ;- ' ♦■ , » — - LouUvllle. -ai Mmaiuley'H CI'.' J.Ma- iiiui.'.v. itianngeri Wilton Uiikoyc prcsentail "The Ijiw mid the. Man" week of rtejit. I**, lo large nnd »iiiliuslastlc nudlnn'ces, Nioct tu Hie slur, Melboniue McDowell cama'lA for the Miiongi'Mi a|ir«vni. Tlie others »r Ht>- ifiML weru Tillly U)i to Hie refpilri'iuentH and were given hearty applause. "The Wivnid of On" Ocl. l-.'l, "Charley's Amit" -mi. • Mahmnii: tCbas, A. Shaw, inauaaer).— "Snadiiy," last week, wits presented to g..o.i audiences. The title Nik was well titkaa by Mlna I'liilHhH. iin* audlciiee reNpoudliig freely ■■villi approval. She was glvnn line suppdrt bv a well iM'lected nut. For wcrk Sf, L Williams and Walker. -, AmgPH (Cluis. A. Kluiw. manuger). -.-"Tlie l)ve WituesH," butt week, nit railed' jidmtrcri of nieliHlrama lu largt) numbers. "The Houae iff SIystei-y" l ibls, w-ai'k. " J ;:'.•'■»• BiMhONttirAM (Whallen Bros.,] imiiingern, -Miller'^ AnierlCntis. lint week, was the HtroiignHt ami must well, iinlnnctd show seed nt Hits house Ibis Kfimoii. The hiirlntte, 111 Iwu lIClS, entitled "MlXi't! I'lelilff," w/l« nil luuovati'iri. The nllo was u strong one, and rnwlatwi of Meivliio and Roller, the Bar lows. Jolly Zi'u, Clark, HlRglim nud Bergaiuii. nnd Mnrje timid, Tlie |ioti#ft was packed in every performance. Wbnlleii Bros, nnd Mnr- ieir>. Merry Mnknrs tbls*Ay>ek. 'Jr ■' ■ HuridNs' (,Win. Relchinnit, iiiannuer).— The uirtimgemeni.' picsented uk lliiit n nt'o- aninniie Lint- Week u-l WAN ever HCMl liere, Adnbilde Herriiiami and cnnipany were i he headlliiers, mid |ln> ud cititghl ibe limine at vtich iiurionuiiiicu, Smith und duiuiibell.. Jane (.ourthope mn\ Loiapnny, t'srllHle's .dogn nlld (miiiIih. Sa Van ulld MtBrlep, Mon*. Herbert and P.ihcl Kohlnsou nil scored well and i ei'eived ) Mietvi i approval. For this week! Umpire cilr giiarietlc, AuguNlu Clone, Maxiiillllau and HUier, lloniuu atid Nelson, Tro Viiiiu, Tyee and Jerome, and tlm kino- droinv. .. ... T 1 * ■■ Pf* - ■• I'ndiK-oli,- At Ibe Ken I lie hy (Tllftll. W. Itnliei'ts, inuhaxerl "Hiippy llaollgiin" MM, 2«,-"Sbc Looks Hood to Father" at, and 'Mil old Kentucky" 2N, all laid good buslue^. Al, II. iWllsnii Oct. 1. -Tim nuiiity Chillr* innH" -2. "Why Sin* Was HncrllhTir 4. Mnv r.inersoii ii. -A Hiicc for WldnwM" ft, Frank. omllev hiihK Co. ul:i, ■ si Klmou Sim- ple" 111. ■ . i BMtsi'M & B.ui.rv's CiuctH, Sept. 27. played tu I wo full t<nits.. .iTVi -a^fr SI0W II.VMl'MIII in:. MunriifsiiT... Ai Kelihs New Theatre < Frank U Mack, resident muniig«ri, for wei<k of (mi.. ] ;.MIh* Nurtou and Pnal Nich- olson, in "I'llu's All Jllght:" Oeo. W. May, lliiiiiMib.'ll Hsiers, .Mnhel sinclnlr, Prof, Dit- hoK ami Die kimiliigrupti. PAiW-riiKAtftK (John rtilles, uiittmgeri.— ••Molilalia' ettuuded Its cugngeniuiil sept. 24, Jo und did well. Al. Leech and thu I bno Roneltihls, in "Hit-Is will Be olrl*," •-'ii, uml two cxccllciii houses, mid [ileiistUl, "At Crlpjjle CJrcek," 27-2H. met with the aii- proral of n large titunuer of pnirans. IMn'l The MiHehmiikiT,' 1 Oct. 1: Oil* A Romance ur Ooon Hollow" 4-tl. •».•» I TAIL ... Hully, in Skinner : Oiibliintl. — ,\t the Macilonuugh rchns. P. Hall, mini'lifer) lOlli-fonrs Stuck Co., In "JiihMiui Wbltconili," drew cnpaclly haui > i>s week ending Sepi. a:t. "The sign ur th» Four" IM-IO. "Lliile Alabama" follows. LumnTV ill. W. Bishop. rnaiuigerj.—The Llls'iiv Stotk Co.. In "Before the rirliijmrs I'liioe." drew excellent business week ending 2.1. "A Trip to Chluniown" 24-,'W.'■ "me4M fill jVallcy" follows, •• ■ Worn Park >(H. W. Bishop, oianager).-^ "Hobhillood," by (he Idora Ojiera t'o„ nided a ■mreespful run of fmir weeks' 211. "Tho Idol"* Kye" 24 nnd week, "lolantbe" under- lined.. > ..,.*-.■ ■ • i B tEd. Ilomnu, mnimaer).-— Atlrnc- tloas Oet. t and weak ■ The MrtTllns. in pluy- let, "Harvest Time:" I'enrl Wilkinson and company, presmting "The Amateur Kehnir- huI ;" Carter dad Thornhlll, coruedlans und Killt Irftke jr;lfr.~-At the Halt Ufce"fhil- atid' Oeo. ill, pyper, munagcri William Col- ■ ller. in "i|u tbu, i>i,|ei." gutid luudue-iw SeiL.-M-ail, Siewnrl Opem I'o. 0«. 141. OltWlKi'M <\y [„ .leiiiilngs, M-Khli-iit mami- Mn.- #|. 24; l^ulllo. Ada Jew- ell. Aruuiirurur ami Verne, in. k Lyncli. Mnv Bnley mid Arfnur liemliig. Bill week of def, 1- Margurot Wyclierly, Lillian AHbby,-Robert lieimint 'irlo, ^etry und fliarlcs Sharp, » OBAKii iAj'M, Cog, nuiiiigeri.—"A Rural Slave- mi tfooii biistnesH Sept. 2:i-2il. "dlrl of tho Hlreita" Oct, 1-X - —*,— n 1 $ —^^ Mildhbuami. Iloiifi-KHH will alwrlly oiien Ihlilr mml tour, ivhleli Iuim. Ii*,m' lnViVe,| |.v Klnw.nnd-lCrlringer. Among the special acta engat(rd are Kdalo, U.ille und Mile. I'artle.- Several new llhislons will lie inn-oihieed. Air. Rourler»'s papular ,.oiel nt fililgewnnit ban Just closed n most ncoNtieniils heasfin »!«« HvLVRHTnt, lierebifore known ns ibe orlglunl Sylveator, has-foimed a pnrtnernblp with oeorge BiihIi, nun tlie ream will b« known an Sylvester and Bush,