The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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834 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. October <j. N. TBI 1* Brralfjn, H.'T,, ■••FJimi|t* , i> mirMOHte'M«k. JuKr. 1 )—Siraitfr, .:!''- Oo the K**4 rogr.)—Newark; »g^' " ^ All ftoufcB Mnd R«neh '1)iii Sot Him Than Montlny. r- .IM *TH DRAMATIC.' - ■ . -rwrd &?"-" •)!■.■- Allen. Viola (Charles W; Allen, mgr.)—Washing- ion, 1». C, Ml, Bsltlroore, Md., W8i» . w Angllu, Margaret (Henry, Miller, rogr.)—N. Y. Clly 2, Indefinite. ■'•" -". Aldrlch, Chax. T. (A- II. Wood*, ragr-)—Kansas, -'City, Mo.. 1-8, 81. Joseph, 7. 8, Omaha, Nebr., I). 10, DM Molars, Ii., lt-lfi. Aubrey.Stock (Ram C. Miller, mgr.) — New Rp- • «UcIle. N7y., 8-13. ; ," .; B Aiigell'* Comedian*, Northern (J. 8. Angell, mgr.) —Uutlirfc Center, la.. 10. Stuart 8-13- Aiigel!'s Comedians. Western (Jack Emerson, luar,)—MM Kan.. 1*0, Btocktpo 8-13. AogrU's Comedians, southern (B0. 0. Mitt, mgr.) Americans /Arthur E. Herbal, mgO-r-Jaekson, Mich., 14. Arlington Slock (John Adair Jr.; bn*. mgr.)— Urattoii, W. Va.. 4-0, Maf#lilMsS 1 III I "As Ye Bow" (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)— Brooklyn, n. y„ lo. „ - ■■; "Ariftona" (David J. Uaraage, mgr.)— Denver, Cola., 1-0. "At the Old Cross Bonds'* (Arthur O; Aliton, mgr.)— Albany, N. Y„ 4-a, "As Told In the ffl|m," W, F. Mann's. Eastern (Nesbltl Bcovllle. mgr.l—Mayavllle. Ky.. 1. Afh- •laud 2. Huntington. W. Va., 3, pnrneroy, 0., V GnlllpoUs or. Charleston, W. Vs.. «, Kt, Mary* 8. Btalervltlo B. New Martinsville 10, Clarksburg 11, Salem 12. I'arkprtb'.rrg 10. "As Tdld lit the Hills," W. F. Mann's. Western tDoo ; A.Maonillloii, mgr.)—Spokane, Wash.. 1- ft. Bprsgue B, rrosser 0. Yakima 10, Ellens- ~--\ 18. Hill At . ^ Jestni. _ -. H...:K-;l(auiilbnl. Mo.. 0. QUluey, III.. 7. fitta- &rgrnrchriin j •An. Told r _. KentlS. "& J* In the llllift." w. F. Mann's, Central (tV B. Barfteclt, mgr.J^prlngfleld, ' Hi., 1. Hlishocll 2. QlUeBhurg 3.Canton 4 Burlington, HmdioMl : Ii-., o. .'Himmum. iiiu.. u. v" 1,IL ".' ■ *■*•• ■ti'srlW Held g,-. Jacksonville 0, Bearditown 10, Taylor- rllln 11, Mtchfleld 12, Alton 13. "Aromul Uw Clock'' tons. Hill, nigr.l—Baltl- , nutre. Mil., 1-0, Wllkea-Barrc, Pa., 8-10,. Scran- ton-11-13. ' V '■AVrow th> Parlfle" (Cliia. E. Blaney Amuse. To., niitrt.)—Plttiuurg.l'a., 1-fll WUeelHif, W. Va.. 8-11. Ymwgjrtoirii, 0., 12, Bliarpbi Pn,.lC. "At OtHH Creek,*' H. £ .Carpenter's, Kaatern t(CJia*. 1.. Crane, mgr. >—Lyon. Ma*a., 3, New Hfipii: Cotni., 4-0. Torrlhgton B.'Houtu Nor- »«tk It. Monnt Vernon. N. T,. 12., . -'. . "AlilArlMocratii: Traiutt." Ktlroy * Prltto" a. A ■--Wa'hob; Nehr.". -1, Ahhlund 4. Nebraaka City .', I'luliHUMMitJi 0, AWtilwn. Kane, 7,:.l'l«tU- ■Ininfc Md.V K St. Jottcnh P. 10. Mealco 12, "AKrlTiil of Kilty." 0. K. Vllllani»;Od.'». Ka,at- een(W:J. Jtotiwllrt, wn. liigr.)— Nortli Aflamn. Ma<«.; .:i. l*Htnfleld'4. jpi-| Bfgfiapm 0. KrtdgfjKirt, Conn., H. KllMUclh..N, J.. 0. 10. Ww BrllHlu, Uouii.. 11, l*rfty 12. Watcrbory 1.1. ••Arrlrnl of K1UV' C. H. Wlllihma Co. a mm i-m tW-'J. nHmllcl, WO- iwnT.)—Klgln. III., h. Aiirttrii'4, ttwkfonl B, Krwport 0, MM 8. t'lliituii. In.. 0, C«ilar llajjld" 10, Pourltt, III., II. (Inlp4btire 12.- Cnutoii Irt: "Aniikeiitng of Mr. Plwi"—Norfolk, Va.. 1-0. lllaiiclH- IIhU-m (Uarltl Urlatco, nigr.l—N. Y. City ■ I. ImMlultv. -.1 *V- BarrytiKin'. Kttiel iCharlea Frohman, mgr.)— ■ : PlilirtJlirg. Pa„ 1-0. ' . BcllMr. HyrW 'MeMer ic Co., tngra*)—Chicago, «i»ll,"l>l«hy (liank'l V. Arthur, mgr.>—Portland, BliHlley. i'loretiiH' (Jl, K.- Forrester: "mgr.)—N. Y. Ctry 1-0, Philadelphia, Pa., 8-1S. ' Ukjer. W e U a lwgjjaa, Ky., 1. Somoraet 2, nordBtOWii 3, Iluwltng Qrecb 4, ; M«uIao»*llle .0. l'Miiicnli-B. mi ton ,«, ,C«lro..Hl.v 10. Park- itotlW,' Ark., 11, Joliesljoro 12, Carntherirllle, hit:; i^;-' " • ■ . • " - " / ••' '. «k*ri. Wnthon ami' Wrothc (A. II, .Woofli, wgr.) -^icvr Orlcntra, Ha., 1-0, HeinphU: T«in.: 8-13. Brown;- Ktrk tf. T. Mitauley, 'ingY.'j-^Altoottn, Huiitihs, KlliniM (Karl Bitrjwati, r itugr.)—Beading, Pa/.-l-«.: \VillhmMi«.rt h-w. <■ i"*V • Biir«e*M; Ita'rl (FnnI Olllen, ingr.)—Blrighamton, N^Yi. 1-Oi Chentrr, l'4-i 8-1't- ■■ ■ »0" ' Bora***. Karl (Fmnk H.'HIiPrry, iugr.)—Uaaleton. Pa*. 1-0. PlyniOUtli S-13^ , . -ir -;'•" Uiu-gew, Katl (FreU A. Uayirard, mgr.)—tiloto- .crater. Kip., 1-6. l.yiin 8-lM. , . . Bej«KHl-M*iiltoii (A. P. - Heed, mgr.))—Hliwrta, (.).. 1-0, Bucvrui 8-13. Beiinett-Moulton—Naugatuck, Conn., 1-0, Bristol itarrlo' Stock' (Edwin Barrle, mgr.)—Anadarks, Okln.. 1-3. Chlcaaha, Iuil. Tey., 4-8, Tulsa 8-10, Mnwogw 11-l.V' ■ . - " "■■: Bi'iiiitp's Slock (J. IT. Bonnie, mgr.)—Oreeu Bay, Wis.. 1-0, KsranatM. Midi., f-14. HiwtavMcCtiiin (M- MeCaVm,-mgr.)—Haremtraw, !r*. : Y*.-1-0, KlDgaton 8*13. : : - l ipafgiV t'Muye'K Qvawnggfl I Will 8. Bcccher, nVur.l—DclawHrt- City. 1>1. ( 1-3, Port DcwhII, Mil.. 40, Klktou S, North Bsat U.-10, |*err)- •vlllc |l. Newark. lhH., W- J&,. "Keil'lliir" (KIhw A Krlan&cr, mgrn.)--SL I.ouis. ■ Blb.i'l'-O.liittlatiaiirtlts. -nw:-. ■•8*W. '■.' " ; "Brown or Harvard" (Henry Miller, mgM — «le.relmul, O., 1U, I'Wb Wayne, lad.-, 8, Hsnnl- Iwl, Mo., 0. Mobrrly 10,'Fulton 11. Jefferson <*lty 12. SedaI!a ■ Ufc : * ''He^brd'H ■Ilope," Uiirblii 3. Garter s—Omaha, NeliT,. 1 0. KauHHH City. 4!o.i TH3. "BiMlor Bruwiii": Kuaterii (Biofter-'Browii Amine (Jo., muro,)—Palerson, N. -J-„- 3.0, Newark fi-l'l. "Mnxter Brown," Western (Hunter Brown Amuse. '(Jo.i-'nnrm.l—Detroit, Mlrlf.,- 1-0. Bowling Orewi, O,. N. FlinlUy p.-Lima 10 ( Kenton ir. Belleroiititliie It Nesrark l'l. "Bproro siirt After" ' (Ullfidisteln * Hunter, mars.)—Madmoin Wis., l.rweport, VbiVJHl Moluea, la.,' 3, natennoU 4, Oalesburg, 111., 0, Coniusvllle 0. St. tool*,'Ho..- -M3. - '-Billy;' tile Kid 1, (H. H. Raneoeic,' mkr.)—Sctaii- loii. Pa. 1-3, Wllkes-Barre 4-0, 1'hlladelphta s-13.-- ■■.'•;.' ■-■ ■ ■ "Bertha, tlie Hewlnr Slacblac Olrl" (A, II, Woo.ll, 'rngr.i—Holyoke. Mm.,- 1-3, UaHford, OanM;, 4:8. Brooklyn, NV Y. t 8-13. "BI4ni|»'rf fkl»1ig|"' (ftiHal 4 Co.. nigra.)—Du- lull). Mlmi.. CO. ;•■ ->: " y "ttiiiicli of Keys"' (Una Botliner, -mgr.)*—Greeu- ■ Title. Mich;, 1. Welding 2. loiila 3. Benton liar- . Iwr. 4. iMWaalav 0. lUclue. Win., Or Waukegan, lit., 7." MhdTwm, Wis., 8, Kaukamia '», Orerit IIh.vIO. Mmotuliwe. Midi,, IP, Marbjettc, WU., 13. • - ' (U. ltarrta 'Klilon. mgr,)— MI1110, x. out, ». Park Utrcf, 5, Conway 0. (tuiinliiw'i 8. I.niigilk)ii U, l.urlinora 11, I.ikota 111, CWgry 13 -" l_ 1 . "Hlg llrai-iiKl Jim." Kthnt & Oassolo'H (Daniel Jtocd,. mgr.)—Ciiieaiw. 111.. i'-H; ■ Fort Wayne, Hid., 7, Jat'kHun. Midi., 8. Bait la Creek 0, KHlHinasoo 10, (IrHiitl Itanlda 11-13. "Buy Behind .the Qtin" (tfhas. B, Blanoy Atuusc. tin.. ntpr*'0—*Trnna .Hniiliw,,Mkh... 1-3, .Toledo, o:, 4-0, Colnmlrtia 8-10. Dayton U-13. ■' ''liaiikrfh Clilhl," ltastern iH^rj Sliannon, ■ngi-. 1—Hiiyward. Wis., ti. 'rrunwood, Mich., ■I, BCHNemei- 3. litiivmlnv 0, MmiUlng 8. Ncw- U«rr.v K Snitlt Mv. Marie,; Man It Sir- Mario. Mich., 11. Ht. Ikiihcc M, Olieuoygan 13. "BiuikcrV Clilhl," WMleni IR sfc I'trty, mgr.)— BiiHtklyii, In.. 3. Orlnncll 4, State Center r>. llldom it. lluni|ttoii y..Oi'hvolu 1U. Simmer 11, AllHtltl, -Minn., 13. "Itm-jtlar's liaukhtvr" (Vam-o & Sullivan, nigra.) —Brooklyn. N. Y.. 1-0. '■ Hulk-Inr and tin- Watt" (Sbkw ft. Gallagher. ■ intffil.t—Kiink denier, Mlnu., 3, Melrose 4, 0*skls 3. Alexandria 0. '"■ .a "Bell- Boy" (Jaiues A. Osltlu, mgr.)—Ottawa, Cs'n.V 1-S. ■- ■',' "Behind the Mask," l-Mitnmd Pny'n—Cincinnati, 0.1 1.-0, ;C Crane, Wm. H. (Charles Frolnilan, mgr.)—N. Y. City I 11. Collier.' Win: (Charles Frohmnn. nigr.l—Cheyrnue. Wvo.. 1. Buiihlei-, Colo.. 2, tViturado Hprlnga 3, Victor *. Cvl|»i>l« Oeek fl, PtH*bl«-«. "Croiiimn, Henrlellsi (Maurhtf Oainpliell. mgr.)— AIkmmn. Pa..' 3. Atlantic City. N. J., 12. 13. Cvesloh ClHlko (Julua MUrry. uigrj—Scrantuu, K.. a . , ^" ■ Clay Clement (Ottns. IF. Ureenr, ingr.1- -Vwtt IUHlge. In.. 3. Klout Clly 4. 1<cm MoIitn 3. Ht. Juseph, Mo., 0, Kansas City MO, Omaha, Nchr., U-13. . • - ' Oirhetl, James J. (Mlttenlhal Bros. Amuse. Co.. mgr«)--Trenron. N. J,, 1-3. I\irt Jervls, N. V.. I. Mhl.lli'luwii ft. N, V. Cllv N-W. I'tdi' and .JtdtiK.ui tMi'lvllte B. Ituyuuuitl. micr.) - Critve-I.'ii, Tf\..:t, MIHe Ida, Ark.. 13. t'jm*.' l.Wlt'r Theatre. Norlhrru Ollt-im F. t'lia-i 1 , ■Mcr.t—MlaAHiri -Viillevi la., l-flv •- "College Willow," Esc tern (Henry \V. Savage, Cradoc-Neville (Wm. Cradoc. mgr.)—Ueadvllle, Pa., 1-0, Oil City 8-lH. Cliauiicoy-Kfirier (Kre*.. C. Chauocey, Dp.)— - K*i.e, pa-. 1-0,. Jawettuwn, IrzStj Ja-ia.iT: , Cutter Slock. (Wallace B. Cutter, mgr.)—Ottawa, Oj, 1-9, CsrmUtou 8LT.. ; ., -V r" cr«aeMtOooeto;<ll.-AVl^riiDaB,,mgy.)— Oeorge- tosfh: KyTT'i-o. WglrHrt B-13. ' ' Centnry Mtock (Uarrlton ft Sutherland, nigm.) — -Hot Springs, Ark.. MS. "College Widow." Western (Henry W. Savage, ragr!)—TJilfutb, Ulltn.. 3. "Winnipeg. Man.. Can., 3. 0,. Grand Porks, N, Dak,, a, Fargo 0, Livingston; Mom.. 11. Helens. 12, Butte 13, 14. "College Widcw." Snutliarn (Henry w. Bavagvi, mgr.)—Norwich, Coon., 3^ Putnam.,4, Bridge- port 3. Hartford 0, Fitrhborg, M«M.. 8, Oard- ner 0, BelloWa Palla. Vt.. 10, NOrtti Artittis, Masa.. It, PlitsOeld 12. Wlonted. Conn.. 13. "Cbeekera", (Dingwall ft Gardner, nigra.)— 8e- Attle. Wjwh., !•$.-. ■ ' CUnsmarf,! (Geo. If, Rrennan. mar. t — Balti- more. Md.. 1-0. Washington. D. C. 8-13. '•CharleyV Aunt" (Wilfrid North, mgr.)— Indtan- - a polls. ImL, .1. IxiulsvlUr, Ky., 4-0. Detroit, Mich.. 8-10, Toronto, Out.. Can.. 11-13. - - "Carolina" (Lonla Miller, mgr. i—N. Y, City 1-13. 'Count}' 'Chairman,? No. tM8. A, Schloss.- nigf;) —l-Tii L Ubi:rK,..Va,, ftJ 4. Peterslnirg 0, Norfolk 0, Newport New<* 8. Blchniond 8, Graenahom. K C;. IS 11, WlnsToQ-Saletn 12, Ashevllle {3, "Cane Cod Folks" (Llebler.ft Co., rngra.)—Port- land. Mr., a 10. "Cow-I'tlnellfr."-W..F. Mann'M (L. B. Hilt; mgr.) -^-Toledo/O., 1-3. Trentoni K. J„ 8, 8, Pblln- delphii.-Pa., 8-18: ;: -' "Child or tin* Kegiment" (Chae. E. Blaney Amuse. Co.* mgnfc)—ngaagM, N. J., 1-3, Bcranton, I*a;. 8-10, Wllkej-Biirre 11-13. "Convict's Daughter," Western (B. R. Baiter, niKr.)— Seattle. Wrtfch., 14. . ■-' ; • '. "Crown"of Thnrns'" TEastr-ni (Phil llnnf; mjrr.) — Harrlxbam, Ph.. J-S. W'lOdber 4, 8ottU| ForW jS; .Johusiown 0, Altoona 8, :..-'. "Crown of Thorns," W«»erq (Phil. Hunt, mgr.) —Lawlatown. pn„ 11. Haitlnga 4, Oleu Camp- bell'?. Pknxaatswney ti. St. Mary* 8, Emno. rinm 9. Brookvllie 10. New Bethtehom Tl, Clenrfield 12, Benova 13. "Ctipiter'ii Last rigltt" (J; B. Clifford, mgr.)— Bnltimnre. Md., 1-0.- -». 1 ' 1. "Curee of .Drink" (Cline. K. Blaney Amitee Co., mtrrs.'i—Clticlnuatl. O . 1-0, St. Lonla, Mo,, J-13. '•• ■ "C6|i(ew<lnnj 'of a Wife" (A. II. Woods, mgr.)— I'ltMurlr. I'm.. 1-0. Johnstown 8. Altowia 10. "Cowtwr.Uirri" Ktlroy-ft BrILton's. Western (Ed. R.,-Wtiellau. mgr.) —FredoriU, Kan,-,-3, Yates Oettler .4. :,. :- ■ "■• ( l 5 ' . - "Chiiiatown.Ctiarlte" (A. H. Wood*; mgr/)'—Chi- cago. III.. 1-20. - "Country Jay" -(J. II. Bauman, mgr.l— Wna- (Vising, MO., 3. Hageralowu,4., Chamotrahiirg. Pa... 3. Wayueslioro 0, Oeltyshhrg H. Hancvcr K Cjjjnmhla . 10. Miinhelm 11. Epbrata 12, CoatmlUi? 13. - ■■• "Cotuilry Bilftor," C. It. Colson's. No. 1 (S. h. Noble-; Manager).—Wlllter. Nebr.. 8. Crete 4. ■Uoirltt 1 fj. Western flj lMyar. 8, Avtora 0, SlrtttiiKhnrg 10,. York 11. Da>kl City IB, Coturu- Uhsiia. ; -i ■■■; --'-i ?i s > ••■ -■■■■- •-, "tiKinlry ISdltor," C. U, Colson'B. No. 2; (8. P. (Witter, riurr,i— SolpMlr. 1ml. Ter.. 3. Durant 4? ailnesTllle. Tek.V S 4 Anbnore. IihI. Ter., 0. ■ '■■-. to '.-' Drew. John (Chorle* iFrnhman, oigr.l^N. Y. City .l r lodeflnlb?;. ^ .. D'Orsny, Lawrence (Daniel Frobiiian, mgr.)—In- dlonciwlla, Ind.,.5,-0,. Daly. ATniilil (jHaoi Ii. ft l^c SHuhert. Inc. nigra.) —PhlU.lttiiliii., pa.. 113. -. - / DaUey; p«t»n \-. -(Ham 'B, ft- Loe Hhiihert. Inc., mgrs.)—Hprtngfleld, .Mass.. 3, 4, Worcester 3, rt^Prpfldeurre, B. I., 8-1 3 - . l -•; • Day. Amin' (Swi-cty, gnipbiaii ft Co., nigra.)—At- lantic City, K. J., ;i; Ticnton 4. PIslnHcld 3. Elian bed. 0. .... ■■..-, -• ■ •='■-.■ •••;■ Dooue, 'Alton (Kelinc.v ft Weaifall, nigra.)— Wood- hoebcr;: II. L, -3. I'llllsdclpbll. Pa„- 8-13; De: Vondc Clieatcr. Slock—Amsterdam, N. Y., lvfl, J t&YbohdI|i!e,_P(i, 1 8-.13. „.. Dnvl^Guo-lwin Ht(,ek—AatieTMe, N. C, 1-0. Uildlcy, m£ SI nek—Bed wing, Minn., 1-0, Chip. '■ tiCWh FhllH'8-13: ■-■ .'■ : " Deainund.' Ktb«l <AJ. Os|iprne . mjrr.)— Dunvllle, Out.. (. > iiii M '-4-0.'nHlftfahta.HJl > 0.:PBrItilt4ni- "Dsii«j((^rs of Men" (Henry B. Harris, mgr. 1 — 'BoHtou. MgHt*.. -1-0. .' , .- ■- ■■- ' "David Corssu" (Hurry \Docl Parker,'mgr.)— Nlagnrn Fglln, N. Y„ 3, I^ekport 4, BaUvIn 5, Jthai'k~0, .(Jenevo «, PennVaii 0. Auburn 10. (Wrilrtud 11; oiRMiitii-iti, Blughnmtoii 13. "Horn Tnonic." Ilowland ft, Cllfford'a.' A (Harry • J»- Bryan,' irfgr.WFarkenibirtt. W. Va.. 3. St, Marys, .0., 4. Martinsville .1, Kll-rla 0, Waynes- litirfr. Pa., 8. •Washington 0' Mouoitgshcla 10, Charterer ll-. BUoWHarllle 12. Cnloutown 18. "lXita Thorne," ItowlBuil-ft ClISord'K B (Harry CtigpfMiUj - ingr.)-*Iielbyvllle Ind.. 3, ,Terre llante;4.0. Linton 8. Bloonidrlit 9. Bloomlnglon 10. Bedford 11, Loogootee 12. Vlncetmea 13. ■ "Dora Tliyrue," Ilowland ft CllffonCa. C (L. 1 15. Pond, nur.r— MIhsouIh, Mont.; 8^ Wallace. Ida., 4. Wardiwr u/Citur; d'Alclle «; -S'^kiine, Wash., 7. 1-eK'lntoii. Ida..'8, Most-oW 9: Colfsi. Wash., 10, Ptilhflilli II, Daytoii 12, Walla Walla El. "Desuoritte -t3laiiee" (Bortr Howard; mgr.)-— Cleveland. O., 1-0, Klpila 8, Rlulnn'.nrl,. Id-.E. 12. Uaiulllon, O., 13.. :■ "Di'tiver. Bxt gpaa* 1 (It. J. Itnvencroft,: mgr.)— Klllolt,. MJilne (C. -B. Dllllncham, rugT,)—Wor-:■ ct-stcr, Muua.. 1. Holyokc 2, Plttsoeld 3, Ithaca. N. Y„ 4. Auburn 3,-.Via gum Fa lb 0, AUruu, . O-', 10. .. ., . . Ederfoh, Robert (Hcyry B. Harris, ngr.)—Clu- climati; O.i I-Oj-'' \< ■'"■» Evart, Lawrence (A. W. Cross, mgr.)—Sandusky, o., 3, Marlon 4, Defiance 3, Fort Wayne, lad., •0. Chicago". Hi;, 7*13. ' ! Ewlng, Oectrude (Wm. N. Smith, bus. mgr.)— Fort Scott, Kan., l.-ll, Rich Hill, Mo.. 4, Pleas- ant Hill 5, 0. Butler 8-13. Kills Stock—8t; John,-N. B.. Can.. 8-11. Eiler's. W. A.. Dramatic (Joe Becker, mgr.) — Clifton, Kmi,. J, Bclojl 2, Osbunie 3, Stockton . 4, Do'ivnK .",'Concordia-iJ. Miltonvale H, Hope 0, sirotif City ,10. Florence Hi. Augtfata ,l2,.Bello Plulne 13: "Kro. Willie**.*' Lincoln J. Carter's—IiidUnapo- Up, lad., 1-8, Dayton, 0.. 4-0. Cincinnati 7-13. "Kverybedy Wortre But ! F«ther" (A, 8. Webster. mgr-)—St. Louis, Mo., 1-0. "KUjiit BcIIk,". Bros,. Byrne—Newark. N. J„ 1-0. Jersey City 8-13. . Fiskc," Mrs. (lliirrlsou Grey FJake, mgr.)—Mil- waukee, Wis.. U-1U. Faversham, William (Llebler ft Co.. -nigra.)— Chlcugo. III.. 1-0, Milwaukee;'Win.. 7-13. . Fariium, Dusllu (The Kirke La Shellc Co.,; mew.) —Baltimore, Md.. 1-11. Phlladclnhla, P*..:8-13. Flelda 1 All Slnrs (LewFleltHi-mgr.)—N. Y. City 1. Indefinite ginnery V, Pensacuta.. Via.. 10. Mobile 11. Bl- ^ fosl. Miss., 12. muleaburf 13, PrankentlMd. Laura (Boyd-f'. Joy. trtgr.)—Falr- ntout. Mlmi.. 3, Mankk'rn-4, St. Peter 3. Mln- neola 0. Watertown, 8: U«k„ 7, Clark 8, : A(rtiton n. Grot on 10,'Oakcq, X. Dak., 11, LJdgerwood 12,. JlaDkluaon HL. ->-: - FltEHlmmons, nnbert ■ (J. C. Matthews, mgr.)— Waukegon, III., 1. Racine, Win.. 2, Jane»vlltc 3, ' Hammond, Ind., 4. )^i|»rte 3.,.Chicago Heights, III.. 0. Clilt-airo 7-10. Feiiherg Slock (Uaat, M. renberg, nigr.)-T*-W»ter- vlllc Me., 1-3, Bangor I-12. Fleming. 'Maule (W. H. Gracey, mgr.)—Kaston, Ph., 813; Perrfs'' Cmtinllans (Harry Br.lib, mgr.)—Red Whig. Minn.. 1-0. Cliitinewa Falls, Wla., 7-13. roitrr-000.Iwin. Llltluut Stock (T. W. Gooilwiu, mgr.)— Moimt Holly, N. J., 1-0. Franel*. Bdythe (Seth Peel, mgr.)—Paris. Mo;, ;-;i. Macon 4-U. Bevier 8-10, Muntavllle 11-13, "Flaming Arniw." Lincoln J. Carieta—Vlucen- i:e-. 1ml.; it, WWi>hliigtoii 4. Betlfonl :>. Bloom- Ington 11, Seymour 8. Ouluuibuu 9, Buahvllle 10, Cotntersvllle Jl. New Cnetle 12. Munch- 13; "Faitst." Porter Jr. White's (Olga Verne, nufr.)— MllllMiik. 8. Dak.. 4, Wab|ietun. N. Oak., 5. Orlitnvllle.- Mlmi:, 0, Montevideo 8. Melrose 9. Sank Centre- 10. . "Four OurutTs «f tlie Earth." Kllint & (Issaolo's (Frank. :<»mmdii,- mwr.j—Ofs Molnm, 1 la., 3. Prorla. IH., 4-0. Olilviifto 7-20. "Mmm Slall" f Si-(.in. ft Itaytior. tngrs,!—Jollet, in; 1 , 3j Ottnv.11 4, prlucttoA 3. Kawa&ne 0, Dsvehport.- U.. T. OaleHtinrg, 1 111,; », Wtm- month.», Burl hurl oh. la.. Jl>. Jaekaonvllle, HI., IT; Qnlliey 12. HiiiiiiIIwiI. Mo,. 1.1. "Fnwi TmiiIii l« Mlllloitnlrr 1 " (A. H. Wnnds, nuirH.V-N. V- city H-1.1. "For Hit" < (.Bobitie ft Smith, nigra. I— I'oiihi ill.-. Pn„ 3,. tllrardvlllp 4, . Freetatitl ■>. .!,.**>... Hh OP » h t,^.. n-'-.j,, fi i|,A lura 'ii, <i H | v . toft'll, BDpVilUw IS, POft Alleytny 13, 1 fla.. >1. AthniM 8. Mat-on 0, Savannah 10, wick II, Woyewa 12. Jaekaoiivllle, Fla.. 10.. "Fantaaina" (WW. ft.Ednatd Hanlon, tagn.)— Bfc «Voola, gfc.,-V£ 7 : - : , - ■ *> Grace Ororge" (Wtd. A. Brady, mgr.)—N. Y. City 1, indellnli.'. Clllqtte. Wm.- (ChArleg. Frohman, angr.)— Mon- treal. Cm.. 8-13. Goodwin, N. C—N. Y. City 1, Indefinite. Goi/atln, .AHjertr (Bweely, Bhlitman: ft Co.. mgra,)—Manistee. Mich.; fl, Traverse City 4, Petoakvy.5, 8nuU-Stc. Marie 8, Marquette 8, Clltunet 9, Hancock 10. Gnle. Florence. (Keitney ft Weatfall, mm,)—Bat- tle Creek. Mich.;. 3. South Bend, Ind., 4, Otta- wa. HI.. 5; Jollet 0. Gllmom, Paul (Jules Murry. mgr.)—Scranton, ra,. S. . -. - * "i- Grimtli, John (A. Heuwlck Sanders, mgr.)—Oslt. Can,, 3, Brnntfard 4. Hamilton S, St. Catber- Inea 0. Woodstock 8. Stratford 9. St. Thomas 10. Chatham 11, Port Huron, Mich.. 12, Bay City: 13.' Gllmore,. Barney (NlpolaJ ft' Havlln, mgra.l — Phlladel^la. J*h., 1-0, Waithtrigton, D. C, 8-13. Or aim me, Ferdlnaru)—washingtOB. Pa., 1-0, Piinxsiitawney 8-13,. Glrrnrd-naerUig (Adblpfi Glffonh, mgr.)—Bosco- bel. WU., 1-0. Glider Stock (Chss. W. Glider, mgr.)—Augusts, Me,. i.n..w«tmlito 8-i3 r ... (KUile Stock (W. A. Ooble, mgr.)— LinOeu, Utch.. "Greater Love" (Witter ' N.""Lawrenee, mgr.)— Sp'rlngfleltl, 0.. 3» Columbus 4-0. "Girls Will Be Girls" IBraiiy ft Hart, mgr*.) — .Putuiro. Conn., i. Webster, 1 Masa.i 4. Wooo- aocket, U. I... 5. Newport 0. .New Bedford, Mass., 8, Attleltoro: 0, iBrockton 10, Marlboro r.2. Mlt-ford 12, Taunton ID, . '"- ■_: "flamhler of the West" (A.. H. Woods, mgr.) — 0. Avn'nbhla,- 0-. 10. Eljrla 11, Akron 12, Yoeatwtuwr. 10:--; — ■.■'■ *■ •" —*-'.'•' ■**• - Kent. 8. Miller (Edward A. Bradea. mgr.)—To- teflo. O.. 14. LVj . -*iie 'IV- Keudall, Kirs (Llebler ft Co., mgrs.)— Atlantic [ City. N. J.. 4. .- _> . Karroll. Dot (J. C. Welsh, mgr.)—TaUDloo, Mass., l-0, t Pali River 8>ISi ■ r c'-- . Keystone Dramatic. (Mat A. Arnold, mgf.y—Fair Haven. Vt- 1-3, Tlconderogi, K X., 4-0, Hut- lasd. Vt.8-19.- , ■ : *" -■'_1^1 Kenqdr, Nellte ,(T. H. Detaran. lop-)-Vernon, SVT. Ml* Rulland, VL.8-13. .-...- Knickerbocker Stock (Wm. B. Uamlllon, mgr.) — NorrlatowD. Pa.. 1-0, Lebanoh'8-18. KefkhotT-Hniman (Ivan KerkhofT, mgr.)—Glatco. Kan.. 1-9. Belolt 8-18. Kltigaley-RttsK'll (E. B. Russell, mjfr.)—Mont- gomery City. Mo., l-il, JerseyTllle, Dl.,JWB.. Keniwly Players JBen Lewis. mgr.)-- r Hopklna- Tllte. Ky., 1-fl. Clarksvllle. Tena.. B-13. . Kiarj-Ckbau (Harden Kiark. - lagr.rH-«oulI6n, *ft of Trampt..'', Weatern "(Leoo. Altai. rilgr.) — DaTlas. Tei., 8, Fort Worth 4. HUliboro B, west 0 "King, of Trainps." Souihern (Eddie Delatiey. mgr.l—noonerllle. Mis*., 3; Tupelo 0, Corinth 8. Okobma n."New Albany 10. Holly Springs 11, Oxfo-d 12, Water Valley IS. ■-.•"*:';. '«** Lorlmer, -Wright (Wm. A. Brtdy. mgr.)—Port- lantf, Me.. 1-0, Worcester:. MaJW.. 8-18. . it.. lorslfie, Jfobert (C. B. Dillingham, mgr.)— Mil- waukee, Wis.. 4-8. * i_. Lacfcsre, Wl)ton .(W.m- A. Brady, mgr.)—Cbl- cago, IlL.vtrgB.,■" j. '.\ . ,. I^ewla, J. C. (W. A. Junker, mgr.)—Macou, Mp., ~"-lUo N. V. City 1.(1. Brooklyn, "N. Y.. 8-20. "Girl from HapnrloDd" (w. B. Irons, mgr.i— .JV-ranUJovPa,, iOH.CUy 4. Oroetivlllo 6 ( Ash- -t ;«h»im'> r iii» niviiiiu; 1. uiiniiini<."ui iru' tabula, 0., 0. Sites 8, BarbcrtoD 0, North Bal- timore .10, Bryan 11, Gosben. Ind.. 12, Elk- hart 13. : . v ' "-". . -H '■'. Harnetl. Virginia,(Sam 8. ft Lee Sbubert, inc., mgrs.)—Lockport, N. Y., 1, Loadob. Out., Can., 2. Flint. Ulcb.. 3, Laming 4, Toledo. O., 0.-0, N. Y. Clt»>gMsT. v - Hackkn. .Tnmes K.—Ni Y.. City I-C" ■'■"■-- HljtoWack, Raymond (Henry W.' Havage. mgr.)— AuBurti, N. Y., 3i Roclieflter 4, Klndra &, Har- risburg, Pn., 0. Baltimore, Md.. 843. , ' Hoftljr,. .Maude (John Cort,. mgr.)—Milwaukee, Why.; 1-3.. • Holland. Mildred (Edw. C. White, mgr.)—Bar- risburg, iPa.. 4.,:;- " He^kna, Helma (P. II. Sullivan, mgr.)— Phlladel- HE Pa.. 1-0,'N. 1, City 8-13. :.. , Hall,. Jesale Mae-JAL TralterL, mgrO—Wllinlnc- ilce (.Uurlawl Giden, mgr.)—Bi . ■.. 1. Atlantic Oily 3. Poltatoii . JTftajJ" !lo)[ldivn 8, (Jreciisburg u, -3, FultoD 4,.MexJco 5, Mohexly 8, ; 8. Otasgow ». Salisbury 10. Carrolltoa 11, Rich' mood Iz, LexJBBloo 13. >- . e- - ' ; . ■ Leslie, Roiabele (Sim Allen, mgr.)—Chester, Pa., ■ 4.-8. Lancaster 8-13. ■* : i"-''.'. Lockea. The (Will H. Locke, mgr.)—Clyde, Kto.. &> 8L Marya 4. Manhattan 6, 0, Blue Rapids 8. Waterrille 0, Washington 10, rrankiort 11, Downs 12. Osborne 18. J-j Lycellm Comedy—Newport, Tenu., 1-0,. BrlceTllle "Uon'and the Mouse." A_,(Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—N. Y, aty 1, iDdeonitc. "Lloti and fbe Mouse," B; (Henry B. Harris, mgt.i—Botton, Mass., 1, .uidiflplte.. __ . ,-*aTaTai the Mt»dse," .C . (Henry B. Harris, jl—MluaeapOIls, Mlhii., 1-3, SL. Paul 4-0, __atlY 9, 18. - ■ '. 'Love Route" Of. Ray Comstock, mgr.)—St. fLnntg. Sfp.. JO. Kajuaa City 8-13. . _ LliD!mtMdV..'<\yta. Macauler.mgr.)—De* v^E«e rnvvts - City 11, Fort Dodge 12, .Boone 13. • «\ A. Walker, mgr.)—Portland. Ore. 1 a - -VtHcotlven-Wttdi). f; Ctieftalhi 8, Centrulia bl HuquiamlO, Aberdeen 11, olympla 13. - . ■: *.vfc' », - Nelhrraole. Olga (Louta . Ketbersole. mar 1— fiaekport, ,Itag„-l*0.- . •**•'.■-- Newmin, Jctavh (M.. T.- Casstdy. mgr.)—Or,,. -.-♦#«, Colo.,-.Mt Idaho, Sprlnp 6. Central Cut 0,.Latnyetto"B,' Boulder U, Longtuunt nj n... thpiHl IE Lovcla'id .12, Fort Colllun 13. "Singly ami Nine" ; : (Fred K. Wright, mar 1 — Brooklyn, N. Y..-MJ, N. Y. City 8-13. ' "Nrula; toe N'owa Oiri"—WilkH-flarre, p t 1. «, Scranton 4-0. I; ■ .,: . .' O Olcott. Cbiuncey (Aogoatna Pltoit, mgr.)—Cul- Miav. 111., 1-18. O'Neill, JaoiPS (Lloblcr ft Co., nigra.)—St. Paul . Minn., 7-ln, Minneapolis. 11-13. ■ ■ n,, O'teili >' ' iMrKee Ranklit, mgr.)—Salem Man.. 3. Lyiiti 4, Lawrenoo-S. Oagatg Siojtr (John Osman, mgr.)—Bristol, Tenu 1-0, Greenville. 8. 0., 8-13. "00c WotnaJV' (Oeo. H. Brennsn, mgr.)—Rich- ' rrfohd. Vs.. 5. 0, "On iPerole'* (Ed*. A. Bradeh, mgr.)— CharleH- .Intti S. C.V 4. -, ,. ■;.: "Oair New Mlnhter" (Joseph Couyers. mgr.) feh Claire. Wla., 3. Stillwater, Minn.. 4, 1,* CroVe, -Wis.. 0,' Owatontta, Minn., 0, Albert Lra 8, Faribault 9, Stillwater 10, Nortbfldd 'IT; WhtirloTjrili:. 12; Dutmrrue 13. "Old latac from .toe Bowery" (Ohaa, R. Blaney Ambse,, Co.^mgrs.)—Mtnneanolls, Minn., l-n" Milwaukee, Wla". 7-1B. «• - "On thoiBrirtge at-Midnight." Eastern (A. K. Pear*Qii,.m|r.)—Bay city, Micb.. 3. St. Jobna 4; I.aiisLDg B. Ionia. 0. Muskegon 7. Charlotte 8. "Ollr Old Kentucky Home" (Wm. Ileywoug, mgr.> --iKlewrltr, la,. -3.- Urand Junction 4. Knox- vllle 3, RwUfllleB. Dwp River 9, Belle Piaiuc 10, Trarr ll. Vinton 12, Laportc City 13, "Other Fellow" (Harry Kostcr, mgr.)— Princes ifliie, Md., 3.. "Oh,Dangerous Ground"(Vance ft SUlllvan, mgn.) —BL pant, Minn., T-18; * ' P Pat ton, ,W. .B. (J. M. Stout, mgr.)—Davenport, la.. 3.- Iowa City 4, Cedar Rapids 6, Anomr-n 0,. Independence 8, Watcrluo B, Chsrles City lu, Decorah Qm Pumeil, Kathryn , (W. D. Fltagerald, mgr.)— Wheeling, W. Vn„ 1-3. East LlYerpoo), O.. l- 0. Dealer: Falls, Pa.. 8-1B. Parbjh '818ten (C. 8. Payrou. mgr.)—Durant. ItiB. Ter.. 1-3, Madlll 4-0, Gaiuesville, Tei.. Pafteflo Stock (W. A. Partello. mgr.)—Jolins- tovftj. N. Y.. 1-0, Herkimer 8-13. —'"hs, tha-Four Wlllta P" on; N. c. toil, Ual., 1-3, Catudvn, N. J., 4-0, Neiyark.Jt-I Uamlliou. Florence (Gurlaud Gadeu, mgr.)—Bui llncton. N. J. t, Atiiiutlc Oily. 3, Pottgtowii, Reading i. WllllnuHuon 3, Latrobtf 0, Pa,', nhtifordra»flrt"U~." : rK.™lTil*r«ricc Walker, aigr.) —Roaiiuke, Va., 3, Htsunton 4. Charleston. W. Va.. 0, Huntington 0, I^hlsvllle. Kt- 8-10, Bowling Oreeu 11, IJuiiklnsvtlte 12, Owensburu Ill&wiiiH. David " (K. D. Blair, mgr.)—Chicago, HE'. 1-13. «- Ho»«nl Hull (Cbax. E. Blaney Amuse. Co., mgrs.) ^•WaiUlngtoti, D. XL, l-y. PUtsbdrg. Pa.. 8'13. llewArlekr.-- Ben (Wm.- Gray, mgr.)—Owouo, -Mich., 3, .Alma 4, Big Haplda 0, Lud Ington 0. Hall, Oeo. l\ (**rank W. ^Nason, mgr.l—MsJoue, '.- N. V.. 3, Saraoac Lake 4, Tupet Lake 0, Mas- sepa «;- ,. ,. - Hunnligs. the. Four (Harry Dull, mgr.)—Shcl- - dob, 111.. 3. Bltxmilnktpij 4, Decatur I, 0. Terre Haute 7, Paris. 111.. 8. Lincoln To, Danrllle 11, Soldiers' Home 12. Kankakee 18. nogtm." ErnCst (Hurtlg *' Sesmon, mgrs.)—Co- lifmbiiii, O.. 4-u. liiuulnnftU 7-W. »,- Hlmbcleih'a ideals (John A.' Hlmtnelcln, mgr.)— •pfttna, o.-.'rs. • Hlmmeleln'a Imperial Stock (R. F. Htuivleln, . fiurr.)—Kaiadinatio, Micb.. 1-fl, Lstinlag 8-13. Hbyt's Ootnefllf .(H. <i. Alien, mgr.)—KHinctt, JMoC', i-*.,Ca|>emraMe«ti 8-13..,: . = .-• ■ Humei»u.u-13r,ei]ieH>—Mimteatimai/ Ind., 1-^; lluruld Suiwrr Stock (Hitter.ft'Fapshawe. mgrs.) '--Mlddfeport;'N. V., 1 (J*, Hetieca Calls 8^18. "imtoiTltb'' 'tCliflrUs l'roimuli, .mgr.)—N. Y. City 1, •lnflrBnlte. .' "Houeo nf Mirth''' (Charles Frohman, .mjrr.)— Vnrinitb: (int., Can;. i-OV "Ixrvera and Lunatics" (Cliarlea Taronp. mkr.)— Wtighluglon, O. (-'., 1-i-i. Richmond, Va., 8-13. "Lena Rrvcr«" (Nlxob ft Co., inirs.)— Dllhart, 1M;. ». Oosiieh 4, Ahdenwn fcjMB kj sj 0, Oon- nfrsvlilc 8. Xenla, 0.. 9. HprtngfJeld. 10, Lou* dob 11. Kenton 12. Marlon 13. "Lights nf Gotham!' (Dnu Steele, nigr.)—Sat* toll, Pa., 3, Hopewell 4, Pleytnont, W. Va„ 8, Midland, Md.rii.-UfttlH. W. Va.. 8. Lohacbft- fng. Md.. B, Elk Oardeu, W, Va.. 10, Thomas U, PhlllppI 12. West Hiilou IB. - ■ - ' ■ '•• ■ "- H ' Maiitell.-Robert B. (WM. A, Brady. mgr.)-^Ot- iswa, Can., 1-4. Burlington. Vt.. U. - Mack, Andrew ijamcu H. Decker, mgr.)—Jer- sey Oily,-M. J.M-4L Matin, lonts; and Clara Llpman (Sam 8. ft I-ee mgrs.)—Worcester, Mass.. 1, 2, Hartford, Conn.. 3, North Adams, Mass.. 4, Brattteboro, Vt.. fi, Cotioa*. N. X., 0, Albany S, 0. Jolinsiowu 10, Atlhoru 11, Suubury, Pal, 12, Annabolb, Md„ IB. , • £• Murnhv. Tim (T- E. BauBden,' mgr.)—Waco, Tex.. 3, Fort Worth 4, Dallas o, Oklauotna City, Okla.. 0. .,-. . Melntyre nnd Heath (Klaw ft Erlsnger, mgrs.)— Chicago. III., MB. Montkuniery and Stone-(C. B. Dillingham, mgr.) —S. Y. CltT'l, lrtdedBlle.; Mclfllle, Rose (J. R. Stirling,:'mgr.)—Saginaw, Mlfcli.. 3, Bay City 4, Port Httruu C, Fllab 0, Detroit 7-13. Merrltt. iJrncb (Sweuly, Sblputan ft Co., nigrs.) — Btlilgvliorf. Cduu,. 3,. Eelt ttWer, Msua.i 4. Ivevrport. R. 1..-3. Attteboru, Mass., 0, Hurt- fiord, Oulin-.. .8-10. . -- -• .-j-J Morrimer, Lillian (J. I.. .Veivnee, mgr.)— Chi- e*gD, llL f .Mn. '." - ■ Mudut. Lydln Von 1'lukelstelii (Hwi.'ejy, SblpuJau llligton "Plt; 7 ;(V lekert, mgr.)—Unr- . ..Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Sandusky, 0., 3. PJlhee of lmlla" (Klkw ft Erlatiger, mgrM.)— tf,;,Y. City, 1,-lndeflbllr.-. "Plittniom Detective," Rowland ft Cllfford'a (Dare . S*ayinonr, : mgr.V—Sanlitllle, Teun., 1-0, LouU- vlllw Ky., 7-18. "Poor Relation," Davis ft Eugene's (L. A. Ntdius, ritgr.)—Newtbu." In., 8. Oskaloosa 4, ottumwM r>,- Ifurlingtou 0, Fort Madison 7. Klrkavllb-. MbV.'-S; ;Novltiger 0. Clillllcothc 10. Brookhcld H, Brunswick 12, Paris 13. ' "Pnlr or Country Kbla," Kaatern (C. Jay Hnillli. nigr.l —Han Marcos, Tex., 3. Builllivllle 4. Ssn AntoOlo i|, Victoria 8, Oslveston T, IluUHluu >. Humble 8, Beaujhont 10. Port Arthur 11, Jeu- nliur-. La., 12. Qt-stige, Tex.. 13. "Pair of Country K.dH," Weatem (C. Jay Siullh. mgr.)—ttlawatlia, Ksn..*i, Frankfort 4. Marys- vl lie 6.' Beat tie 8, Babetlia 0, Geneva 10. Hum- tnltlt. Nebr., 11, Wyniora 12, Ashlaud 13. "PahUlOg,. the 1bwn ,r (Chaa. H. Yale, mgr.)— Philadelphia. Pa.. 1-0. -.:... "Peck's Bad Boy," Western (Union Amuse. Co.. tflgnJ,)— Grand Island. Nebr.. 4, I^xiugtou ~>. North Pintle ll. Sterling. Colo., 8. Brlglllun D. Lhfaiettc 10. Central City 11. Idaho Springs 12,' Colorado Springs 13. "Qncen of; tlie Circus" (Elmer E. Vance, mgr.) — .Syracuse, N. Y.. 1-3. Ilocfaeater 4-U. "Queen oC.the ^Vhlte Blares" (A. H. Wb iiia, -nltr.)— sftj Ixmta. Mo., 1-0, Kail*** Clly 7-13. "quiet' of-, the Hlglil)lmler»"-(A. H. Woods, mgr.) -^C. Y.'CUy 1-0, UobOkeu; N. J.. 7-10, Pater- sdti U-13. "Qufncy Aitamn Sawyer," Western IW. o'Neil. a^st,)-^thtUelsniter. Wis., 2. -Anltgn 3. Hter^nji I*Wlht 4. Tutnnil n, Vluoba. Minn.. 0. Sew dim 7,'St. Pelera 8, Mankalu 0. Owatohua 10, Farlbnult 11, Rochester 12. Honie ' Folks" ' (KIhw ft Erludger, mgrs.)—Bo- cbester, N. Y„ 1-3, Syracuse 4-8, Pblladeli" Pa., 8-13 ft-Co., v.ji- ■ 'rul..-!.'.. HL, 10-27. elphla. "Heir to the Hooruh" (The Klrke La Shellc Co., mgrst)—Chattanooga, Tehtt,. 3.. Atlanta, Oa.. 4, Montgomery, Ala., 3. Mobile 0, New Orleans, La., 7-18. "Her Ouly Sin," Lrtimtn .J. 'Carter's—Irwlii. Pa., 8, Jeaunette 4,- BlalrsTlIle 0, ' Utrobe 0. Meyemlale 8, Somerset 0, South Fork 11, Burnetiboro 12. Altoona 13. "UmO#i| Way" (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Rich- moiKl;-Vg.,.'i. Norfolk 4. - " "lla)l Room Boj-k" —Brldgeiwrt, Conn., 0. "HlUiinn Hearts;" Southeni (Jay, Slrutos, mgr.) — ■Charleston. S." C, 3, HuYunuah; Ou., 4. Jack- sonville. Fin.. 0. "Holy Cty,'*'Oonlon ft Bennett's, East (H. M. Bfackailer.'mga.)—Akron, O.. B.' -'■ "Holy- City." Gordon ft Bennett's, Coast (Le Conitc ft Ftetiher, mrrs.1—Seattle, Wabb., 7-13. "IftnfHc of Mystery/' Mlttenlhal .Bros.' (Irfoo wntluuiH, mgr.)—LoblsvliHV Ky.. l-d. "IIoiae*[i'jn Heart" (Kit* .ft Pejrklus; mgrs.)— WiiKece, Mlmi.. 3. Hedwooil Falls 4, Spring- Beld-fi, Tyler 0-, Caiiby 8, Murahult 0. Graolto Fdlla: 10,- Wlllmar.,lt. MatHso^ U, Moutlvedo "Hamuli Hi-artH," Western (Wm,'F. lllley, mgr.l — -Klnguun, Kan., 1, llutchlnaoii 2, Newton 3, Snllna 4, Herlngtou 5, Einuorta U. Topeka 7, Paola 8. Ottawa 9. Lawrence 10, Leavenworth lLlHorton 12. AtcIih*on.l3. "Hiipp'y HootlgHii,?' Went, Ous IIUI'b— Central la, III., I, Murpliysboro 2, De Soto, Mo.. 3, Pop- Inr Bluff 4. ofewnort; Ark., 5. Little Rock 0, Pine Bluff S, Hot Sprlutm 11. 10, Tcxarkana 11, Sbrevc|*ort. La.. 12, Mouroe 13. "Homcacekera" (M.. *iV. ■ MeOee, mgr.)—Inde- pendence, K:iu.. 3, Wkhlta 4. Wellington 5, Hutch hieon ii. "Newton 8, Kloreuue 0, Burling- ton 10. ■ "How "Baxter Butted In" (Vajice.ft dulllvan. wgfs,)—Mobile. Ala., '8.' "Hooster Girl" (Otis ' Cohan, mgr.)—Fllllshoro. Tex.. 5. Weatlicrford 4. Mineral Wella 5, Dal- Irb 0, Fort Worth '8, Waxabaehlc 9, EuoIb 10, Corslcnna II, Tyler 12, Terrell 13. .. "Hans Hanson" (James T. McAlpIn, mgr.)— Mocoint), 111., 'S, i,u Hnrpe 4,' Warsaw 5, Can- ton, Mu., 6, Palmyra'. 8, Label le 0. Milan 10. Jumesi«6rt .11, Mnjavllle 12, Bavannali 13. . "How Hearth Aie Broken" (Mlttenlhal Bros. ' Amuse. Co., nigra.)—Columbus, D.,- 1-8, Al- toona, Pa., 0. ' . . '" '. "Her JFlrat False Stcu." C. F. Whltaker'a—Ham- ilton, Caut, 3.' '-:.'■-.■-.■ "Holty Tolty"—Hoboken,. N. J., 14. '-. .1 .... , Irving, H. B., nnd Dorothea Balrd (Nixon ft Zlra- mermua. mgrs.)—N. Y. Oily 1-27. Irwin, May (Harry Sloan, mar.)—Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 3, Scranton 4.. Hurrlsburg .', WlliulngUip, IM., 0. Newark, N. J., 8-13. "Ikey and Abry" (Eilward It. Salter, mgr.)— Hot Surlnga. Ark., .'L Little Rock 4. "Iti Old Kentucky" (A. W. Dingwall, nigr.l — Memptita, Tenn.. 14." "It Happened In Nonlland"—Norfolk, Va., 10. "4 James,- Louis (Wallace Monro, gen. mgr.)—Base- man, Mont.. 3, Helena 4, Great Fells fi, Butte 0, 7. Missoula 8, Wallace, Ida., », Snokar.e, Wash., 10, 11, Walla Walla 12, Seattle 13-10. Jen'ersofl, ■TgjgggMg (C. B, Jefferson, mgr.)—Ctlca, N, Y., 4. Auburu 0. • '-.'■ ' 1 - "Just Out of. College" (Charles Frohman, ajgr.)— Ijffo«asW, Pa., 3, Enaton'S, SprlngBeld, Mats., "JoTly American Tramp"-(H. P. Franklin, mgr.) -—Salem, W. Va.. 3, Wcwton 4, Buchbanuon 5, Phlllpid 0, Klklna 3. "jerry rrom Kerry" (Patten ft Flclclier, mgrs.) —BnttlneiUi, N. Dak.. 3, Rugby 4,' Sllnut 5. Kenmarc 0, Bowbelte 8. -K Knllcb. Bertha (Harrison Grey Flske. mgr.)— N. Y. City IB, Brooklyn. N. Y.. 8-13, Knott. rhMClle (Swoely, Bhlmnsji ft Co., mgrs.) —Newburgh, N. Y. 8, Pittsfleld, Mass.. », Nortli Adams 10, Cohoes, N..Y., 11, Gtona Falls 12. llurllnglou. Vt.. EX Kcnnnrk, Jano (l\ Wel«. mrr.)—-M(|tidlaB, Ml«.', 3. hmfim 4, Nalcbea fi, Vlekslmrg (1, MehiphN, Teun.t S. 0, Jackson. Miss., in, Nnshrille, Tenn,. 11-13. hi'lhir. the Great (Dudley MeAd»w, inur.l—Huf- fri., N. Y., 10, Njagara Falls V Erie,' Pa., Peuascotn, Fla„ 0, New Orb-ads," La.,'7-EL Mortoni, • the Four (Jobh S. .'Flaherty, mgr.) — Bdaton; Slaw'., l-o. Brooklyn, N. Y.. 8-13. MyrklMIarder Stock, Easieeu (W: H, Hard mgr.)—York, Pa.. 1-0, mgerstown. Md., 8-13. iyrkle-Harder Stock, Western (Eugene J. Hull, mgr.)—Clarksburg, W;~Va., 1-0, Cumberland, ■B 8-ta.. Myrkle-Hardcr Stock, Southern (I^tlnwre ft Leigh, mgrs.)—Hamilton. O., 1-0. Coshocton '8-48.- Murray ft Machey. Kaateru (John Ji'Murray," mgr.) —osslnlng, N. Y., 1-0, Tarryluwn 8-13. Murray' 4' Mackey. Western (John J. Muraoy, mgr.)—New Casfle, Pa.. 1-0, MgKeespoct:8-13. Marka Bros'.'. (It, 'W. Marlw, mgr,)— Walertonn, N.';Y;;.r-0, Oswego 8-1.1. Mtller Brw.' rMoek (John M. Miller, mgr.) — Peoria. HI.. 1. Indefinite. Maxam ft SlgliLM' Comedlana (J. W. Sights, mgr.) —Moquah. Wta.. 1-0. . - TT ^ "MM: Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" (Llebler ft Co., mgrJj-^N. Y".'City 1-0, Atlantic^ City. S. "Mrs. Temple'i» Telegram" (W. N. Lawrence, mgr.)—Newark, N. J.,.1-0, Washington, D. C, "Mr. Hoiikliisou" (Hackett ft Ouraoa, nigra.) — HsrUord, Conu.. 3, 4. New Haven 0, N. X. City 8-13. "Marriage of Kitty" (Jules Murry. mgr.)—Da- veuuort. la.. B. :j***tt * - "Mum,my and the Humming Bird" (Julea Murry, mgt;J— Frankfort, Ind.. aWi •■ »-.. "Moonshiner's Daughter,' 1 W. 'F. Mann's (Roy Kinghton, mgr.)—Onawa, Nebr., 1, Blair 2, Schuyler 3, Columbus 4. Lincoln C. 0. Council BlufT-, It:', 7, Seward. Nebr.. 8, York 0, Grand Island IV. Kearney 11, t'olrburj -12, Beatrice "Misjinh" (P. J. Keiinedy, mgr.)—N. Y. City 1, Indefinite. "Measure of a Man" (Daniel V. Arthur, mgr.) — Philadelphia. Pa.. 1-13. ... . "Master Workmin" (Phil Hunt, mgr.)—Albany, X; Y,, 1-3, Hoboken,: N. J.. 44.. ■ .... "Man of Her Chotce". (Edw; M. Simmons, mgT.) — Sprlugneld, Mass.. 44. - .- "Mad Love." Western (Edward R. Salter, mgr.) —Walla Walla, Wash.. 8. .- ■'Mr. -Blarney from Ireland" (Ctua. E. Blaney Amujse>'Co.. mgrB.)^t Pgul, Minn.,. 14, Min- neapolis 7-13. "Midnight Flyer." Northern (Anson Varncy. mgr.) —ABoland, Wh., 3, Iron RlreT 4, Clonuet, Minn., S. Snperlor, Wis., 0. Hlbblog. Minn., 7. Virginia's, Blrvablk 9, Two Harbors 10, Aitkin ll, LUIle,Falls1,3. "Mldnfght Flyer." Western (Ed. Anderson, mgr.) —Wyinore, NebTi',' 3, Talrbury ; 4, Hastlojrs fi. Kearney. 0.. I-exlngton: 8. - North Platto 9, Sid- ney 10, Crawford. 11> Chudrco 12, Kaph.l City, "My-Wife's Family." Eastern. B. C Whitney's (Freeman Flake, mgr.)—Cdrltmnd, N. ;Y„ 1, CatiaitQta 2, Csmdco 3. Norwich 4, Ctlca fi. 0. New Berlin 8, Hlon 0. Little Falls H). Olovera- vllle 11. Johnstown 12, Schenectady 13. "My Wife's Family." Central 1 (Frank Cooke, fnaT.)-TRlchuiond, Ky.. 8, Cynthlsna 9. Maya- Tlllc 10, Wlaebester 11, Irontop, C, 12, Jack- son 13. "My Wife's Family." Western (W. M. 1 McGowan, mar.)—Mason ' City. la.. 3, Wells, Minn., 4, Owntonnn a, Iji Creese. Wis.,0. -- "Minister's Sou." Mnmuley ft Patton'a (R. F, RuUedge, mgr.)—BeardHtowu, lit.. 3, Mount Stirling I. JLii.nlbal. Mo., 3. Qutncy. HI., 8 Fort Madlaop;; la.. .8, De Witt p. Clinton lo. Tlptoh 11. Iowa City 12. Muscatine 13. ", 'Man'e Broken Promise" (J. L, Veronee, mgr.) — TJavtOH, O.. 1-3. 3 "Millionaire's-Itevehge" (Mlttenlhal Bros. Amuse. Co;, mgw.)—N. V. Cltrii4. -• -t ! "Midnight Kt«!spc".(Kd, II. Lester, mgr.)—f?hlla- delpbia. Pa.. 1-0. ' "Ms u aer i grr Buy'' (Geo. T>. 3«eet, raqrr.>-JTliler Rlwr■Palls, Mbii... 3. Red T*ke FsIIb 4. "Mistakes Will Hnpneu"—Sfohlle. Ala.. 8. Me- ridlaf. Miss.. 0. "Mr. Hint am) I." Hurtlg ft' Beamoo's—N. Y. City' 14: *"; ' -'-•■ "M*-F«ddeii'p Finis." Rns HIll's—Dallas. Tex.. I, Kdrt Worlb 2. nslnesrllle 3. Oklahoma Cltr. Okla.! 4. Shawnee It, Tnala,- IWL: 'art.. K, i|,m. L.o-- s. F.tfl Smllb. Ark.. 0. NiwiaucttrfcVMn.. t« -Jwlln ii; Piiiahnre. Knit., Ut,.Topeka l.i, "Millionaire Traaap," Boiitberi), Elrner Walter*' - (maUaitpoga. Tenn., fj. "Mlllloualre Xramp," Weatrrn, Elmer Wallers' Ronton, Eleanor (Llebler ft-Co., mgrB.)- Cl'.y 3t IrtUQi.ltc. --. .iV Rum-ll, Lillian (Jonrph'Brooks, mgr.)—Columbus . 0.. Hi 4, Rochester, N. Y., 5, 0. N. Y. City 8, indeflulte.-. Rol>erta,-.Florence (John Oort. mgr.)—Washlnc- ton,. D. C. 1,0, I'tl-B, N. V., 8, Syracuse fi. Slagara Falls 10, Erie, Pa., 11, Caulon, 0.. 12,^ranBtletd 13. Ri#s, Thomas W. (Cohan ft Harris, mgrs.)— N. V, City. 1,. Indefinite. Itu>eetl Bri*. (ChurlCH E. Blaiicy Auiuse. Co., ingr*>—N. Y..CIty. 14. Roy, Johnny nnd l-'nlnn (E. D. Stair, mgr.) — - ClcTPlaml, O.:" 1-fl. Ryan. Daniel—Lynn, Mass.. 8-13. Richardson Slock (Frank W. Rlchardsuc, mgr.) —Kckomo, Ind., 1-0. Regal Stock (Beaumont Claxtou, mgr.)—Jeffer- son, Wis., 0. Rose Stock (Joseph S. Sklrboll. mgM—Sbouan- doah.I'a., l-o, Soatb Bethlehem 8-13. Ree's. John O.—Kensington, Kan.. 1-3, Smith Center 44. - RentCrow's Jelly Pathflndera (J. N. Reutfrovr, mgr.)—Mount Gilead, O., 14. Ru»*eH Comedy (Nick Hnsscll. mgr.)—Counelln- - yllle. Pa., 1-3, Somerset 44, Wlndbcr 8-10. ' Tyrone 11-13. "Rogers Bros, in Ireland" (Ons ft Max Roger*, mgra.)— Buffalo, N. Y.. 1-3. Erie. Pa., 4, Yodbga>owu, 0., fi, Akron 0..Cleveland 8-13. '■Rairged Hero," Leittider Ue C. r ,rduTn's (Jamex It. Rhodes; mgr.)—Corry, Pa., 1, Union City '-'. OH City. 8, .Mies 4, Franklin. Pa., 6. Beaver Falls 0, Kllwood City S. Butler 0, WaHhlugiHi 10. Browiisvllle 11, Scottdale 12, MorgsintDwa, W; Vau. 13. - • "Ruled Off the Turf" (A. : Ui Woods, ntgr.) — Montreal, Can.. 1-0, Boston, Mass., 8-13. "Rare for Life" (P. II. Sullivan Amuse. Cm., •Agrs.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., 14, Pittsburg, Pa.. "Romeo ouil Juliet" (Harry L. Dixon, mgr.)— BemldJI-. Minn,, 3 Black Duck 4, Mcintosh .'. Thief River Falls 0. "Romance of Coon Hollow" (L. J. Slaveu. mgr.) —Holyofce,' Mass-*, 3. Manchester, N. n.. 4-«. Marlboro. Mass., S, Ware B, Palmer 10, Spring- fleW 11-15. ... "Royal Rogue" (Rice ft Oonley, mgrs.)—Ring- cold, Tex.. 8. Naeunt 4. Henrietta 5. Wicblla Falls 0, Seymour 8, 0, Haskell 10, 11. Monday I2*i 13. -- -.- . "Runaway Match"—SL John, N. B., Can., C, 0. 8 Sotlieru, E. IL, and Julia Marlowe (Sam S. ft .Lee Shtibert, Inc., mgrs.)— Philadelphia, Pa-. 1VN ,7. 3. . . Skhier, Otis (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— Burliug- - fon. Vt.. 8. Spf-ng, Hilda (Walter NV Lawrence, mgr.)—N. Y. City 1, indefinite. Stahl. Hose (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly 1-13. Scott. Cyril (Walter N. Lawrence, mgr.)—Provl- •lence.R; L, 44, Sprtugfleld, Mass., 10, Albauy. N. Yl, 12, 13. ' Shea. Thomas E. (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.) — Irfjwell, Mass., 14, Boston 8-13, Snootier. Cecil (Chss. E. Blaney Amuse. Co., mgrs.)-^Brook!yi|. S. Y.. 1-13, . Sidney, George (A. W. Herman, mgr.)—Akron, 0., 3, Etyrla 4, Fimllay fi, Lima 0. Sully, Daniel (Edward L. Bloom, mgr.)—Ljna, Mass.. O. * - ' .• _ . Smart Set (Harry Hill, mgr-*—Toronto, Ont-, Can.. 14. Cleveland, 0., 8-13. Sterling Htock (Wm. Trlplett, mgr.)—Skldmore. Mo.. 14. Wichita. Kan., 0-11. . .. __ Slater's Coined I an a (Wm. Kralee. mgr.l—upper Sandusky; 0-. 1-0. Mount Sterling 8-18. m , StuHtUnj Stock (W. I* Stewart, mgr.)—West* rllle, X. S„ Can.. 1-3. Salisbury-Murray Stock (8. M. MporRy, mgr.) —'. k. Y.. 14; Doddsvllte 8-13. „_ Soiilkem Stock (Ahlco'ft WHlams, mgrs.)—Con* way. Ark., 1-3. _ _ "Sandfly" (Jules Marry, mgr.)—Cincinnati. 0., "Stolen Story" (Henry W. Bavsge. mgr.)—N. Y. Clly 3 Not. Ih. "S.HMiw Min"' (Lh-Mer ft On., ntgn".)—BMrllnS- l««H Vll. I. "ShflilMW bbHHbmI the Throne." Tj-amter Pe < «r- •Unr«'< IJamfx II. Rhndex. msr.1— IlalHejeJ. Mi.. I Fdr-ot CM- T *tl"'l.-t|t t. r»ly-w h *. East Stroodsburg S, PlalaMd, N, )., fl, llooot