The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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OCTOBEB 13 v THE NE¥ YORK CLIPPER. _i_ nliorlj Theatre (Klnw* lirlonBcr, man- •*"'l _"ricr SrSBcM for twi> night*, tills S£m rwiwiiol WwiiiwAiy ««n!n«. Oct ,s, J. id Plroiof Ilol>»n linfl her company utn Miraclioo. .The o]lcnlii« mirliFil .Ihe begin- S m of < [ <"' s •"WW™" 1 , 1 : here OX this pond- iVrslar. Ill MflH■«' I>l»»v Kor tte open- ?,;, ,1,,. nlnj cnoaon, was-VISnrac Marjorlo, L%nr«fi ciraeily, liy I«I»}1 i!nn B wll I. wMrli vari the orluliiH) production, ■Imvhfg no . t...;., K Y 'iHo utory revolve* iirmind the InoVavor of Mdy Marlorle. tiaukllto ,ot the iff end nuehena of Donegal, To throw off hi slmcklm of society plnccd upan her Iff IS birth.Bn.l become u a-ortr-r. ,'1» this end JJJ monies u hiwpllal iiiirar-, nnd In the ...<! of her iIiiiI»k she Ir called.upon to '„' liitl J«|in .naulniry. M. I'., who has un- !<iri'one Ml aprrnllon on »l» eyes. -Jlrfor.! »• 8 lime i "or Wat to Icavf. the lirapltal John Jllsrowrs ho Is.In love,-.with, his purse, anil PrlncesH Theatre (Henry Miller, innnn- ger).—Margaret Atiglln and llcfirv Jlillir appeared ns-co-stnra la "The (ireat IllvlriV." evening of Weilnesdily, Oct. rt, itpenlntr llil* house for the present aenson. on thnt date. The play is n three act .Irnmn. lis William Vaughn Moody, and. .received on Oct. :t Its llrut metropolitan production, on Sept. Jo, Bt MnrmnniM ltleecker llnll, Allmnv. N. Y.. occurred Its original presentation. The work Is nn Intense, well conceived and cleverly written composition, with well unuvli char- acter sketches, some absorbing situations nnrt dialogue of literary excellence and con- siderable wit. In view at these qualifica- tions It seems almost hypercritical to ndd that the piny ; is flrtlflvlnL Vet such Is undeniably I ho truth concerning It, although . lite iimlUor u by no means strongly Influenced by ilic evident Jin-- iitiliiiil-on. Admlmtlon for the authors cleverness In providing n 'well sustained story,' and delight It the. work of the players. 809 ii nosluones.bis,.going.linlll labor troubles causal. Ilia few faults, to Is- om-lookwl, and ™,1 strikes call him to Ms duty as q member the audience on the opening night gar* their Si, labor pnrty. Mnrjorlc has rIvoji Mm plnudlls slnrcrely nnd heartily. Mr. Moody „' encouragement, and lie, not knowing her n rs t Introduces his heroine, jlulli .Ionian, nit ^"JSt-TSS SlTevlnghVr Tto beTthe danghler of rctee O-Mulllgon. ti llsh monger, an.1 Ms wife, lllrldy, trace* her to their .-«. ,1llsbmeal, whlrhcr she has gone on her ! d»v oil" from the hospital. WiMy, we arc InforniM. 4ltirsl:as wet nurse to Marjorle, X calls her her Oislet- toother. When John Sis Marjorlo Is frying fish, nnd »})« gives ili llllle encouragement. IlUldj-then un- . ./takes lo drive him nwny with (toric* con- eemliw Imaginary members of bcr family, sh" finally succeeds, and John takes his do- nartlM with the nvoweit purpose, as lie at- ",'wards Htato* of never returning. John's father, Andrew,and MnrJorle:» mofter, have ,,'iu id the all once of John and IvW Mnr- K from the/first. 1ml inn Iter* arc llonlly iraigliiened out by tho duke. ..and. In spile of. t he fact thnt John has, during u short time undergone several changes ofhenrt «- Uffillna■ MarJorle." they are untied, lcrnm h,'l, brief onlllne- It will ho seen that Mr /.ungwlll has written.this play along the lines he generally, nffccls, and wnllu he has - succeedecl In writing a fairly.good play, ho has not. produced a work that promise* to iifoy wry Ions life. The chaructcr of Mnr- has been d(awn escellenlly. She Is J person that.yon can take to your heart and Mtend your consolation nnd sympathy, hut The character Is detracted from necnuat of e lack of stability, and character of. John lini rr, whom she loves. A hero rnuBt do "role thing* lo he entitled to the^name. He must bo'died of purpose, steadfast and true. John nanbnrv Is'not such n character He u no vnclllntlng. Ills love for Marjorlo at "nun asserts .ltaolf nil else, but at iher limes he weighs, It In the.bnlance »■ I h worldly considerations, and fears pub- ■ opinion. This is the weakling hat ■Mr Zangwlll mnkes his Jierolnc lenn nlioa, "nil It Is only the strength and beauty of Marjories character that saves that of John Iiaabury from contempt. As "...Marjorle's.frailty in loving tMaweak- imt. at times elicits pity, and this Is the keynote to the weakness of the play. In tho title role Miss llobson is her own self, lend- ing, the chnrncte, L all_of u hci; own personal a nuii'ii In.Arlxitiin, whffe Hin- u u>u nUnw ono niRiit l>y her i.tfltln*r. nnd iilw wlff, nml Im rriiifronli'iL by ilipi' ilmnkni ib'siirrnilos. In sheep (loNpentiinn mIic uffpi'H In muny tlie Ipjibi ri'inilrtlyo <*r llio ihfpo If he will siivr* lnjr from th<! otin-rn. Ho Is Immriilfirely vbArmwl lty tnc imvelij- ot tlie proiMHlltn'n. imys "ft (mo of lils coinrnilPM with n slrinp of 30I1! iih.l;i:m>, mill DkUIk a tliiol nlth : 1 «■ other .for tho ixixspNulmi nf the jjlrl- Wlnnliif,'. h<* iijuIstH that Until keep her prmnlxc. uod althoiiEti Rhe wnriiK I1I111 tuaL he Is rnlPi-lnj; upon n life of . ralwry, he. tnkp.H her to n Justice ot liie prnlri* nml tlu'v are. inui'l'ieil, I'.ijfht muiirlin later, at a lone cabin in the mfmntnlriK, ttuth ami Der lnjHlinml, Hteplieu (.hem. arc found liy tier brother, l'liilip. nnd IiIh wife, nml Rtiih Ik Item Uu FutlovUl.'. t,. llnrrlnou lliintor. :ih KriH'rU: mIliiitle r'nunllfrf, «« ImtiwhiIp ; Irene JVrrr, tin HtnnHir-, mid Mtltth': KiTftU- nou, an Mm. Cblvrrjr Tucker, all IM it»khI work. Ttit? May KM UaDilMiuely slaitfil. tho scomr nf tin Bmt act Iwwl parllcitiurly attracilvp. Tlio-cnut In- full: Jlorhnm, liar* ?ntrt *le t'niiHMtilo. Liilinn iuiksoii : Ueorsc, I. Ucovps Smith; Iteqe ilo Kollevltle. Kenlt- nnnil HottHctUlk; Mrnpst, ltnr«m w Arro- linuhn, ... Harrison lluutrr : l-Vrnande, (.'mlrrlne. ,L*QUOtl«s; -Jlra. t'Wverj- Tiirker. Mnttle i-'waiiKon: Ulam-lie de Forlpnt, Irtna P«itTl Linage, .'Walter Cr*tHMi Jc»i) t Ktne»t Kltiin: Arlice, Uop.tUo <lr Tatir. MIm ,ttw- *el I'm tour -1* under ..lift dlrecilan of Joneph llrookr., who Is u-iJ^l.'il ■ bv .lifirK'i' llini-'M. nrilriK muririK.'r; Wnlter Ornveu. bmrp man- Otfcr; B. iAVJKOW*, iniifhluliL ; A. 11. Ht««r. Iiroppi-iy mn»tcr; tieo. Jt. Tennofuther. t'lec- trlrlajiv, -» Li ■*' y ■■"'•> '-i- ■ ;• • ■ (.(irrlcU . I'lu-fit rt- iCli.rlrs l'i ■■ihinntl. ,i.nniij(".T,.W-nas«. HI11I1I "iwm'd a weok'H en- KAfiMQeailUrn Oct.s, In 'Stm t'horu* LmVv 10 i-xrelli'iit hntl-j-HH, .luivliiff »o»«l frnot ah- oihei* hoimr. Kest Wnflt. Wllthim (illloilp. In "»;lorJeo>."t UrlMeOiTlipntre (Ujivld, Jtelnsco. r.ino- ngi'i-lt.—rUlam'li*.Iliitiw l«Kna Iut ii'iiib week Oil. 8, ini'Thntflrlof lap lipfalfn Wart." LyveanvTMrAtrr t lKinIoll' 1 n>lfinin..BHflii- nKIT ('._-' ( -i'j l (} t: -l 4 lonr mid tTie Mound" opened Kh fartMUafc,*Hfl( oet wtilsA -■ :-■■'„ •l<H> W« t.. >r* Mnnln Hull U.i*tih M. Wrtwr. inanbicpri.—.llltila Hpons started her fourth nml !a«t wcok Oct «, In "John Had- jmii'ri.WHp.'li:... in,.-.-, s At, ,.,11 ..*y•,»>■■ 1. i,tn ("IpIiIh' Herald Stiuarc Tkcntrv (Sliubert Jt-.Ktelt1«, ma1i«R«ri).—r-aw i'lelds bcumi hin neventh -w»*»'k Del. N. In "About Tiilvi),!''-. . in,' 11. it* v ... ■■• . ■ » Mittthtillait TluiUrt- (Win. A., llrndy, mnuniws).—O('««■«;;'Itw** stnrtcd her Dfth tCharlCK Fronmnn fk Oct; H.r-In!"Clotli«a." Crlt.-rlui» i'lieftirt wrmiudrd to return to Sar New Knglnnd iiinnpKPr.jk,-^Ipa AVllllnnw c6mmonwA:licr iiomfl with them, after they hnvc (llHcuverctl tcntli (V^dn-^'t. 8.,iii "'£hi> ULHeUhpruU. ' that «he will not ucocpr. Stepheh'H money, Wnlljaek^rtClifis. Uivrnjiam. manager). nnd haM been sclllnji Indian lilankets of her —Tboriiaiv-W«.iTtdaH. In "Pttpiilni'lty," entered charm -and cnlianelnir the Iwauty of work of tho nrttbor. N'ever once did ahe np- i*ar".Jobe.aclln(t: fhc seemed l*j|JULjHQP \liir|orlowhn.woii our honest admiration. A..KH Itohson liaa a nrowr, liold uiion 3J«r York theatreijoers, ami her present work Jill further endear her to her admlrflra am add new Oie alr,endy loiig Hut, nnd to her alone will MMJlP 5 cr . 0 . 4ll i,° US& ever Mit«cnM tlio ploy,attains. II. U.■"""« did aooil work as Jolin Danbury. but UW handicap placed upon hlin.hy ihe author wuh more than lie could overcome.. Bauhen tax irave'a most excellent characterIsnlloa of. tlie rfllp .of. Jtndrcw Unnbury. mnklnff.the bluff «.hl father of John stand put |MW! nnd ha» Iwen selllna Indian hi own maklps In order to be Independent of Iter.hiMhanu'H suppott. But.a son H horn to thorn. Stephen cornea to the KfW England home la reKponae to n aiimmona from Ituth'K mother, nml after a m-ene with Ituth. ho Is told by her thnt sho hmt renlly loved him In aplte nf JiorKtif. Mhc.then plnceg nroiind her neck the Ramc strlnn of nugRetH with which he orlRlnally .IrOiight Iter, nml which she. hud since Keciired nnrt attempted' to return to him. MIks Anitlln. tempernmentnlly lifted In cvDrj' way to the role of Hath, gave a superlatively fine performance, acting with Intensity of feeling in several big Mean, and Ht111 keeping her Impersonation within the hounds of nn tu rain ess. She gave clearly nnd with eumcient rnip!ms|fi encli phase of th.i role, and the moods which shn was cnllcd upon to express were suftielcntly varied to call forth all her vcmttlliiy. Mr. Miller wan splendid ns ihe blunt, but well inennlng Stephen Client, the man of many blunders, who comes out undaunted after ranny . re- buffs nnd defeats, to triumph, with lils quiet persistency, at the end. The part wan most Intelligently handled. I,nura Hope Crews inade the Ullgjvu sueress of the. perform- ance n» a chnlteilng, .aiiuerflcUil vouni' wife, and she played the. character with dellgbtrnl elTcet. Chlirtes WyngalP nnd ('hniles (iott- hold were excellent, and Itobert Cuinmlngs liliived a bit with'such uuatkabM cle,vecuesa as t(» bring It into prominence. Mrs. Thomas Whiffn'l. wns rlmimlnK, ns she always Its. The east;, Stephen (iheiil, Henry Miller; 1'hlllp Jo Alan, tliarles Wyngote; WJnthrop Newburv.' t'hnrlen fjottliold ;. Dr. Newbury. William' J. Butler: I.011 Audarson, Bobert Cummlnga; Dutch, Arnold .Wilbur : Tedrp, Leon llobcrts; Hurt Williams, Henry B. Mall- hall ; nn Anarchist. Bertram Harrison; n Contractor, J'lVdcrlck Moore; ft-Buy, MftHter Nolan Gngne: Mra. Jordan, Mrs. Thpmns Whlffen; l'olly. Jordan, LatUB Hope Orcwa; his second week Act. H. Ada Bwyer was good n'e Biddy O'Mulllgan, itnUi Jordan, Mnvgnrct Anglin. luid lisHenrd Short was capita ns WoedtBV « WV oy Theatre iFrnak McKee. mana- ifn The rest of the comnaiiv did well. ■ Taa oePlt _At this houtw 011 .Monday night, Oct. nlsv wu« huadsQuicly IW|Lu are all « 3 uUlan KummII returned to .tlie New \orlc MeMiM. Idebler'ft CO., who_mennjG Hw Itolwon. The cast In full: John Danbury, ■M V..A-L II. .Werner;. Andrew ..Danbury, Umilien,FiUt; <'ftptnln Danbury, ICruest Mftlu- WnrlnK; 'The Duke of Bonocil. A..O. Aa- drsws; l'*'ter O'Mnlllgim (nee I'erklus), ■IicmIIa .Ui'MM.ii. Dr. Latchett. w. a. Ilaukett;, Nh-odetnim, Ilasenrd Wiort; The linchwM of ,Xmn«gal, lisHOx.prim;; CsmUJi Dnitburv. KhIc Dcnln Wilson; Biddy O Mnl- Hsnn. Ada Dwyer; Nurse .Marjorlo, Klcanor Itobson. The socond week Iwgnu Oct, B. Dewey Thentre (Union Theatre La., managers),—Packed to the doors was the c«m- *tJHon' hevft. on:0«!t. 8.. when llnrry W. and Sim IVllllanis Ideal KxiniYuxunsn (,o. rnnde lis Hint Now York ippearnnffl this season, 'the .ompniiy un«ennQ a rM.rli.jr two act ctfnedy, entitled. -Tlie litln-r IMlow. Jt Ih l.nnlmiMl }u a niOHl credit aide manner. Is re- plete..with Might mmr-dy.And sjinrkllni.' «>"; Hie. and moves with disli nnd vim. 'I'he cast Is lujetninf:-''. and t|ie costuioeH awl electrical 4Hccu give life and color whlcli... In. the «*H- Meinhlns, espeeinllyi tiro very pleasing. Thero nre plraahW muslnil .JUunhefH inti'Q- dmed with gmal effccl. Marele Ml ton nnd eompunv's Hinging of "lAnda" va qalro a hit. A specialty given by Ihftt clever comedian, lYnnk O'Jtrleii, wiw .full of ginger, ind kept the midlenci* nppliindlilg all thnmgh hin act. UpeclulilHi were also liHrmliMT'l I'V Iv' 1 . r l In Kla'rn and the Interaalhmnl MuHh-al Trio, nnd All, nnd l'eyser, comedy acro- hois. Tne full cast- was an follows: Weary Willie. Frank o'DrlPii i Helen Itlazea, Katherlne Klnre; John .1. Johnson, I'luyimi l-'rye; Herman Stockyard, lid. Mutiny; Sklmin Bones, Abntu- All;. Spike, Henry l>.vHer;_.l. Hnrlenu-^-Koltn .;t. Proctor's West side house.wM finished before Oct 15, so Hie opening ts postponed until thnt date. Wbst kvp tJ. K. t'ookson. manager).— Nnt M. Willy. In "A Lucky l>og." moved up from n down town house, where the.luminous was of the bcsl. Indications are thnt he will have a »lg week, ns the house was crowded Oct. B, nnd 11 good advance sale Is reported. Next week, "When Knighthood Wits In Flower." . M.tTKoroi.iH (IIartIg & Seamen, mona- gers).—•t.'iirol!nn, M a Southern ploy, hy II. tirattnn Donnelly, Is the attraction for this week. It Is well staged and acted. Next week. .1, J. Corbett. In "Tho Burglar nnd'tbe tidy." WAR (Win. T. Kengh. manager).—"1-rom Tramii to Millionaire begun a rottirn on- gagement 8, lo a well tilled house, nnd evi- dently pleased the nudlence. Prospects are bright for a lil« week. Next week, "Bertha, the Sowing Miichlne f Jlrl." KaTTll & PnoiTon's Osi: HuximKn and TWIINTY-PMTIt STttHI-ri' TltBATUK.—"TlW Ut- ile (Jrnv I.ady," (.'banning Pollock's four act plnv, wis prexented for the first time In liar- lini p..10 an iiiulience Hint completely llllOil Ibis pooler house from top to, neUpoL All the pcopeitlcs and ecwawrlra as uswl at tho tlarrlcl: Tlieiitre when ihe play was tlrnt pie- HFntcd have been . secured for litis engage- ment. The different roles were In dipnole hand* tint! a iu»st even performance was the it-Hult.. Paul SIcAIIIster nnd Iteotrlce ,M"i- Kiin shared the honors In the principal roles. (ithera who contributed a full share toward the succeaa w«»re: H. Dudley llawley. WIN bum Norton. Itobert Hill ,nnd Agnes Scotl. Tho vnitdoville offers: Scott nnd Wilson, Kilty steven*. Diamond and Smith lion pictures. Ai,m.\mi!i:a (Percy 13, Wllllnme, manager). —This week's lilli Is 11 capital one. and offers neveral acts that are new lo the pntroiiH. who packed the house both afternoon and evening.-1*. The bill : John T. Kelly and coni- Hany, John ('. llleeaiid Sallle t^ohen. Melville and Slutsoti, Will 11. .Miirnhy and Itlnmb NlebolH. VMwin Stevens ami company, Her- bert's do;.j:i f Two Pucks, the Kemps, I.ydla and Albino, nnd Amorlcuu vltagiapli. .Ilrinn; A NUAIKIN'H Ml'Kti: Mali. (Ben Hinllg. innntiKer).-—The Hoston lielles mode llielr. Ilrsl ilnrlem uppcarnnce if, to nn audi- once that nppreclaled the efforts of Ihe com- pany. The first purl la 11 muslenl farce, with cliivciu'e Wilbur ns the, lending comedlnu, and Prnnkle Bailey us the lending lady, t Ik Bailed "Patsy .(Oliver's Vncntlnu," nnd 1m well eniiKlvucied tind shigeil, Pretty womi'ii appear In ntlracllvo eostunies. of which there ore severnl changes. Th«' olio offers Utile Amy JiulhT. ( tinenco W|lher hw ronHUTi I'ni'wfonl nnd Miiunlnir. Ilh'e and Willie:-. Harper. Desmond mid Milliard, and the KIghi unire , n , 'Yer 1 yoiiiiil-''loveiVnitil lifter bia mar- Tiika-Shiwa TiOtilie. It is one of the rnnst v nil' eiidenvors to win him back. .This sidinfaeiory mIiows >l' any lluin far shown ' but through '■ stuge nan stnr, making, on that date, her Initial bow here In :i dramatic offering, the vehicle, "Barhara'e Millions," was then first ■am liv a metronnlltan nudlence. It Is a four net rnmedy. adapted hy Paul M. Pot- ter from "Le llonhenr .Mesdnmes." by 1-rnn- cls'deCrolsset, and In Its present form WU prothiced Sept. .111, at the .Now, Powers' 'Jhe- aire, Crnnd Ibipide, Mich. Itn llrst. prcsenta- Hon. In IN erfiloil form occurred Oct. 1.1. 1000 at the Tlieaire des Vnrlctes, Paris, Lr. The story tells of the 'martini trials of Bar- bara, an American heiress, nnd her husband. Mennm. » Ki-ench mnnitih,. (ieurge meets Berhnra while he Is inivellng Incegnlto mm doctor. They mil lu-love nnd iiinrry. ■ ler- I.hf wife of KrfiU , the elderly (ai-.u i.l Arrouiniuhex. wns formsrly the 0*M of UwriM, betC she jilted lilm to marry, the wcnltliy loiron. She litis, however, never for- lie la unnhle m Intt thrmtgh .elrwim- Kuiiees rhey.nro llirown together, nml In ;be eves of Karbnru her husband iippenm talae to Ida vows. Durham, Intent, lluM get- ring abs'dute piMof of her husbnndH nll- delHy, irncks him and Kcrminijc1 to,.-Jim Crow's Nest," n ImoHnff jdRo of Bene di- l-Mllevllle. ii.youtmitiiie. . lime sho Is found liv Oe'orul'. and wlien she IliniHy b-nrmi that her li.mbaml Is entirely Innocent of wroog doing she linn coin promised herself In his eves and lie. leaves her will, the statement thnt she may got a divorce from Mia ns sjsm nj Hhe pleiiseH. Hut she doesn t please Hie 1 roTmer-ra, lets It Is- reported that she has Hcrvrfd- « divorce, and nt the end, of venr returns to find her husband. this season", and Hliould draw .••npnclty Inane 1 nil wck. Next ..week, Hie t.'rncker Jacks. 1 O.rriiAM (Itiive Knius. niiinageri.—Frank It. t'nrr's 'i'liorough!)reds mado llielr Ilrsl iini-ii'iti nppeiir.'iuce. lo 11 pneked house, K, nnd gave jrrent Hatlsfiicllon, The llrst part. vA (.fiod Kim foe i'mtr Money." Hcoird big with Ihe nudlence. A line perforimmre was -Iveii fioni the rna lo Ihe fall nrtbe cur- tain. U wiis i'<mtlniusin round of hiMgli- ti'r. and Ibe work of the company was fully lippivi'latetl. lllnnelm Wiubbiirn. Il) the lend, worked haul and scored heavily. The show Ih well singed mid costumed, .ami the olio Is a good one, pretHeiillug; Mile. I<a Tonlut, Henry and I'mnt'ts. N»l« and Itlley, Wa«b. burn and Klynn, nnd tUmtrent Trio., jndt- hnie ' lids, /Week. Others em; Kdun Aug. Jda. t'fli'mtl anil Will J. Cunke, t-'lnlny and Hnrke, TennaAllantle Pour. Kinll. Hogh -and company, Wivlns-rimsron Trio. JBilMfVMu- puKp laat week, and the usual crowds of out ■tall Trw and the klrietrtgra'ph. lldofl husl- of-town vlnir nens Ust week. «• KMHlorfH iThco. Wonillk. minager).—-An- other gootl bill iIiIm week Includes: Hubert Wilkc nnd company. In n ono act play. "He* merubfRnco:" tins lMwarda' "Messenger Boys,'' Chns.! dbiyer nnd Nellie O'N'ell, Joe I'Vvnn, -Mr*. Julea l*evy and company, Be- dlnl nudcomrMiiy, lUllen and Mayea, l>on Carlo's animals, and the Kooneysrope. Big houses hist ttPffc* St « (Archie Klilp, mansgerl.—Tho Trnns- Allnnllc Burlesipiers H and week. Millie Leon. "Tho (.IrJ In Blue.'' Ih the feature. A eomiHly In four juris Is given Instead of the muni two burlesque*. The olio Is good. Ii ImiIliiNk: llownrd llrnthcrx, Krleml ami • •owning. Um Worlds Cotneilj- l-'mir, U»- forlh and lhiyle. .Uu- Kmersoll, .Minnie II uk- glnn and oi)i**rs. 'lite sinAdlng room aliiu wns cnn<<pb'itous Insi week, t\ni:uui. i\V. C. Hnylor, manngerl.—Tee Slnr'toinw Hlrls nn» here this week, with n verr clever two act comedy. The olio: Marie Croix, *'baric* Nichols, linker and !.■ nn. JnmeH nnd Pert Maekey. the t.a Salle Trio, .lames IHxnn. Ada Corlveir. nnd a larga ehorUH. Tlie Ilflltlmure Beauties did well lost week. .... Tr.t.Ltiu'H RiioAi.WAV (l.eoc,Teller, lessee). —"The College Widow" Ih hem this week. Many of ttmtt In Ihe present rale were tn the origlnnl production. A big week Ih looked for. "..h Ye gow" had a large week ending «, Next, l-'miik IhinlelH, in "Sergeant Brne." KuM.v tlM-nueil. Wilson, ninmiger).—Tho Pour Morions bring llielr successful com- edy. ''Breaking lubi Society," here thin week. Tnere Is pb-nly-of music, clever specialties, graceful dances nnd laughable comedy sltna- QaflK, Big hog offlcr receipts will ilonbtless mark the week. "The Ninety and Nine" Imd a good week ending tt, Next, "The (Jnmbler of the Weal." Oavrtv (James Clark, managtu-).—(Man- chester's Cracker Jacks lids week. The bur- lesipies are "Nnture In alnrblo Hair* end "The Haelrly: Whirl hi Cunldsvllle." The olio: The Iterznc Trmipo of horses, Welsh nnd mm la ml, the Millard Brothers, IVirn lienlon. nml pictures nf the Ouna-Nclson light. The IhiKton Hvlles Company played to big buslnens InMt Week. The Truna-At- Inutlc Co. nt»xl. .mivki.ty (diaries ]■:. Williams, manager). —"The Knturc Winner." n drnmn ,nf the rnce track, featuring Tavtnr Hranvllle, Is prewnted this week, hy Ned Weyburn. The riiippnrtlng <smipnny Is good. The rest of the hill Include*: The I for sky-Bergen* Co- ll: n oae net comedy, entitled r 'Mado In Ger- many :" Kmnions, l-mierNOD and Kminnns, Cook .nnd HlereiiH, llurlluoK. (he Burtons, Uerlrude l-'InUe, Charles McDonald add ihe vltngrnpb. Iliislness was big Inst week. . tlBAxn I'amii.v TtiHATtiH (h'rank II. Carr, mnnagiT).—''The Itihck Hand," a story of the Kentucky hills, this.week. Business lust week wns good, Coming next, "Sly Jjidy Nell." Payton's is. S. Allen, manager).—"Dnrk- eat ItMalnf Ibis week. Tho ftiM strength of Ihe stork Company la la the. east. "The Two Crjihnus" lllkil ihe hoiirS* tit every iiei-form- anri! Inst week. Next. "Por Her Children's Htike." (Iotham EKdgar V, Ulrnrd. manngorl — "The Sunny Mmitn," 11 sci'iilc nnd spectncular tiovilty 01 pluiiiailoii life, by a li-impo of col- ored singers, dancers and comedlniiH, Is this week's heftdllber. The rest .of the bill Is miide Up of : The \IcUoiui|d Hlstera. (ills Wil- liams. Mine, rmimy. Porgnwia ami Mnck. Karl nnd llnrilntt, Swor nml Bninbnrd, the IMger- tons and.'Ilie vlingraph, BusliieiiH conllnuos lane. l*vr*:(T3i (r*oiilH Phillips, mnnager).—"The f-nmblers iluitghler" this week, (lend hiist- iii'nh wek ending *l HUHHfH Ami'IMon (M. S. HchllHsliiget', mnmiger).—"llerlIm, tbe Mowing Mnchfne tlM. lured a big Miiccess In another part 01 ibis district eoi'ller In the seuson, and should dupllralo that mircess here this week. BJg bllslni'HS last week. Next, "Why (llrls heiive Home." Nm-KN,—Tlio tlrat meeting of the Trena- iirers' run, nt Mrmiklyn wn» held at the llof- Brnti Thtmday night, 4. 'i'lin cluh Is com- poiipd of, the Ireiimirers nnd uxalslnnt trean- urrrs or 'tin' 1 in-,1 11-'-- in this tHirntmh, uud the nhjei'i Ih for social uml 1s?iieflrliil pur- porias only. The ollh-erH elected for Ilin on- tiling yeAr are: Presldenl. \V. J. McKlonny, of tho Ortmrnm ; vice prenid»nr.. .1. A. Pyle, IIMd"Family Thenlre: recording socrnlurv. I... KuIImHo, MuJi-hI lr: iiminelal semotaiy. B. Klliui: 'llljou; treiiwirer, K. K McJrnihlen, Criiiid (i|i"ui HniiMi<: lionnl nf governors, I,. n \v--.ii-. Ilioadway: .Mlv. A. BrtjmuH, llyile ft ItidiniHii's; It. Cleineiiis. Colhiiui ; I.. <l. Ki'ongli. Coluiiilibi, and R tl. (liriird, Novelty.' A very largo ui-ngniutius litis been nl-riingeil by MHlingor Mlihllet<m, of the (iriiml .opera llmiso, for llm.ilrst Suiidnv night rnefn-t. CM. II. HhlOr's Murine Hmid, Ihe memli*«iH or wlilch have now white mil forms, will play some very fine selrettona, mill will' lie jisshdcd by (lus Ifctwnrds, Johii J.. Nestor;- Italia. Ilnvone Wlilpple nml Hie in. Mi 11 (.mint Operu IVIo Imrliig wrel; of i:... u-iicu Clark's llunnway (Jlrln will .vleM the Star, Miningir-Mills will add a iIioukhihI fhilhir net to Ihe hill. Paul Clmpievalll will I..' it on occhhIoii, mid cnnlluiiliiK' ilarlng Die seimnn. Siiudny nlghl vsiMlovJIle will l»e given at the Columbia The Spanner Stock Co. will ls> seen, week of '-!-, Ill 11 new [ilny. written bv J. S,'iirls I >,nv- ley. etitltlrd "On Shannon Hhnre." II Is ■,,;.! in I to 01m nf the best UiIh young Author has writ int. Miirgnret, .Blllnon, Nettle Hall. Nellie Uiw or, noil Miller, Alice Meniere. There will .with* opt 11 doubt lie 11 big week's business to he rcicordnrt bv this sterling nrgnnlmtlon whleli In binder the management of. Sim Wlllinms. Kmmett Wcedcn. In ndvaime : C. L, Bnwmnn is miiHlcnl director, nnd Nick Murphy, stage carnenter. Next week. Merry mirleminora. Grand Opera Honse (John H. Springer, mnntiger).—Frnnk Baolcls opened a weeks tngngement hero 8, In his Inst year s success "Hcrgeant .Ilrue.'.Mo,.-! caimclty house widen thoroughly enjoyed lill the efful'ls of Hie stnr and company: Tup cast: Sergeant Bcuo, Prank Iinnlch; Mlclmei; CTlBflen Oallagher: Aurora, Maud Rarl: Halsy, Clmrlotte um lay I Mahpl Wldgotl, Hnlllo Allen, I-ady Be ken- hall, Julia 'Frary: ficrnld Trebernc, CJinrlo worth Menklna; Matthew Htiblshorn. Henry M'. Osborn: InHpeetor Corrlnye, Nell Ualtoui Itev. Jobu.J^mh. Xnnco Bmivllle; Cnptaln nny^K'lwntdllume; ThompmiH.,„W. M, Hyde: Mr v . Crank, Ollncrt .Clnylon; Cleric Harry Itnnken : Crookle Srnihbs. Clinrlew II. Draw. Pippins. .Muhel Croft; Hill NolW*, "jroH [tONtell: llrldget. Keonore Mies: \ Irian Ijitlmm. Kll'/nbeth K tin Is: Truly Kpra, May Field; Mela Trnln. Mar'gnrottn Mn»l: Olive Day, Polly Stanley: Amy Kulgbl. Angela tJnle; llosy l>«wu. , Jcaiiette Montclnlrc. Next week, "The College Widow." Cosin«. (nan S. & En) Shubcrt, mann- gerh).—"My landy's Maid" opened Us fourth week Oct. 8. WlillflmCnmeron rcplnecd Wal- ter Perkjns on this (late. Lyric Theatre (Sam 13. & Lee Shuberl, managers).—This houKe was dnrk Oct. 8. put opened ft with Virginia llnrned, In "The 1-ove.Jjlter." ,„ . j^lj, jig. and the dtml'i of . 1. ...I.lnli nnt IIn V tn'it wtilcli not only is not objectlunable but pictures, ... 9 "i..*?i? n _S!:-iS!.' .1- i is. -however. Paiik cloned for renoln (l. nml will reopon £ We know him na an author who has to his credit Mine of tlio best dramatization* iad adnptitlona Hint tlio American stage has S It Is true ma' "' the. preacut lnsunnie be was confronted with r «<f«e scenes, n the Mail tint could not bo presented upon our HflS*. lra ie has elhn noted iboj;e . Me- JiaSfuIlT nnd has evolved a pint w licit, will c rA iffers from Hie Prencb nuthor's, is quite ■1 itv i ig nnd much m<.rcpnlatable lint at fhlaoiSlenl riaterlnl Mr. I'otler lias nin.lo our ma 1 lie has not put particularly bright £ hii'rt the umiitlM of his characters, imr Jh he n.rVled out hti Ideas to the fiiiloat. filler ins he made Ins story en lerent, a ml ^lereney. while It Is not eHrieiitlnl In. aorao ln^. works a comedy enu scarcely aspire ?1 Ms tiSe Vltl.out II. . Wlllan ■ lluasalli. In ho lea Ing le surprised her most are>nt SdudrS nnd pfOVed l.erse f t» be . come- dienne of exeeptlonnl nbllllj. time lornl iliwitrepoera have It Ih the first ■en lierlii.nny- Ibi'uir""hut tin* lighter niiislcal works, where Ringing 1 was IV f*lu» «'•' ■{gjf « nlimr. or US con^kleriitloii. A* Ih.rSovS Uuit Hw.efl «et. and gave UM nf tie mom light «*^|J r $"K nnces thai have liei-n seen oil ihe New \orit wir ne'er more youthful, end sho In- Jp Jed Ihe role of Hie youur . belrees with her own charming itfrHonnVlty In1 ■ IS tint won. her nudmnce completely. HhJnh "Barbara's Millions'* attain popu- It will M liecause of the delightful delightful , .Acn.Wn»>- of Miialo (Ollmore ft Tnmp- iYiinf: endl»winnMi> ofihe star. H- Beeves klQ^. maiiagersl.—"Mlxnnh". began1 Its third ffi^Jg wt.,. capital •"J&W^jHl'SfS iitds i iwaaaaw <s^< ifana maun- undslnst week Oct. 8. Neat week, "Cape Cod gj^judj gaVe en excellent performanee,of ger)t _ Pjul i cinquevilll !■ (he beadllner Inter. Drooklyn Atthd New . i-M- ward Trail, manugeri Blanche Walidi. In "The Kreutzcr Hnnntn." Oct. K and week. "Mile. Modiste", wan well re-reived. Next, "Mr. nopklnson." Siit'iiKn'r'H (Lew Barker, ninnngcrl.—"Ve- ronlipie, the Plower 01 rl," with Louise Oan- nltig nnd Loula Harrlaon. 8-ltl. "The Social w'bli i" hud good business last week. ■MriJKHTlC (W. C, Kildley. iniinngei*).—- Cecil Hpomiri* started her nwond week's en- gagement horn IS. before a crowded, hoiist.' Next, liva Tnngtuiv. In "A (Jowl Fellow." Bmui: (Sirs. H|Hsmer, msnuiier).—tlie Hpooliei; Hioi-k t'o. presenta "Tho Htubboni- iichh of ficrnldlne" IliU wreh, with I'Mna May Spoener ns (iernUllue. "The 1 lei If of Blrh- moiui" drew well. Next, "The iCnuiiwr «»- nnln." ■ Iv (iiiAM. (Milton T. MldiBehui. uiniingcr).— A. II. WikxIk' Ihrllllng melmlmiin, "The (Jnmbler of the WokI," Ik Hie sttriicfton here v.'tfi'k of H. "Tlie Buralnr's Ifiui'hler" (lid bis litHncsa. Next, "Home. Folks." Cor.ruoiA icintw. II. Wiierx.' manager).— Dolly KeiniMT.. In "Tim Oypsy lllrl." H-ltl. "A flare, for Life"' wan received with enthu- siasm. (ijirtir.rM (Perry Q, WHJInms. innniigerl. —The Pais henil an cxcellcni hill here H and week, otiicif, nr«; John \V. Haiiiuiif, IHcc and PreviMl. In "Bumpty Bumps:" That (luarterte,, Al. Sliean itnd Chas. Warren. Ilmiit/H dnga. l.vo I'nillln. Hmker-I^cHter Trio nnd. the vlingraph, '. ,. . ;;*'.. Hrm: « Bkiiman's (Vlok Vorton, mimi. XI.W VOIIK C1TV .Mil I IM.S, II011KNT t'ltriJiii, well known Nome yenm oro nn 11 property milker. Im 111 nt his home, (llto sixili Avenue. New t'lly. lln would lie glmt 11 see hin frlenda. ' IIohniim t'i/mr.v nro the Madison fhiunra nnd Irving Place. .iui.ia Mai-i.i.uc linn wild her iitiiiMi', :K17 lllvei+lde Hrlve, beiwei'ii One Hundred nnd Fifth ami One Hundred nml Sixth Street*. Allen Mniiowe iKiught U three years ngo for *(I7,7«0, . Tub Actoiis' Vvstt. <w Aukrica has had many demaitdK made on II Intely. and a mon- ster fnli .11 kk nld sill bo held In May next, In the Metropolitan Opera. House. Daulel t'rnbmnn linx charge of the nrrangements, nadwlll be ably ijaalited by; Thompson ft Untidy. . .ie L'ornhtiLlao Includes: A If linv innii. (Aatrlea Kr/mmau, WHIIniu Harris, Jo- seph (itlsBier, Joseph Brooks and Prank Mc- Kee. 1 - - -, . .... Tiir. mvii.'i.Ait Mih.riMis nf the-Wlilte UuIh nf America will he held Thursihiy i^veulngH at II i'. >i., commencing Oct. :.'., TllK TeKAttuiiKMH'■ Ciirnof Nctv VutiK, coin- poafd 1 of the 1h»x oltlri* men of the New York nml llronklyii llirilircs. held tin llrnl meclliic ot I'm llieiitrlcill Keiirioii tit 1110 Arena Hen- liiurauti In \Ve»l Tlilrly-llrst Hlreel, Hmiduy, Oct. 7. After 11 siinipliioiiM billliptcl. Hie elec- ibm <if oflli'ers Mow held, with thla result: I'n-irb-ni. .fiimen II. J. Hciilllou (Wnllnck'si; rice pieHldetit. A. Prank Joiioh (Colonial i: rec'u'dliiK secretary. A. il, Palter (New York Tiiniui-i : iIiimii'IiiI secretary, Louia ll(iruen- siojn dirtlckerbacker' • tn-asurer, J. IP.j Hlmw lllronda-iivi, ' Tho Ixmrd of K"vern6ra' con- slsts w : Mux lllrarh (Melrotiolltan Opera Ilousei, Karl King (Harden), .VlMlnm Woisl t llrofidwity I, Thomas .Satan (Herald s.ju'iri'1 iiit-.i Heorge iVells (Orjibeuin, Bfisik- lyin. ; ■»■«»■ t . T,u»ir»'W. I'dFwiY rermrts good hualness it Ihe K. P. Opera House, fynthbinn. ii-t. and Poseyrflle Upera House, t'oseyvltle, Ind. Knusaa city.- Our annual carnival took celt, and the usual crowds of out- lore Otrnnged Into the city. CiDi- acfpieiilly : tlm theatres aid all that.was com- ing to them. Tlie principal evehb* of the week-were l'.|inerson m Megitphnne Mlnntrels. In convention Unit, Oct. 11 ; the Priests,of Palms' parade *J. Priests nf ■■alias 1 l»all X carnival linll B, anil l-'rnnk Hsdch, la a wrest- ling tournament, a. There was nlso nn nlr- ehlp HMcenslon l>y I'rof. flalilwtn. J, 4 and 0. ami auto rarex nt Kim lodge men trnck. .1. K, S. MiuVmar Tio:atii» (Waller'Siinford. miinorei-i.- After uuiny ninnih'M of iimlelpu- tion. Kansas'Cliy'n new 1 heat re opened lln dout-rt <m Hie evening of Monday, IM. I, mul It was one of the luHtniii*es wiiere j|in,ri>al- If.ufbm exceeded . I he UTfWI eslMYtiithillH, for the new IioiImC. .which bus been appropriately named il)e."HoiifO (Wy" by Minmger San fuul, Is nne .if the l:n|-il-iiinest xliow M^mps In Hie United Slulci, The decorntlonri iiiv of red, >vhli« and goUI. with hmid^uite mir- rored iiruarenlunt Uoxen. nd nil with clMi orate i-rv*iai peoriiuit dropping i-1mndelb>i-ri The seurtng ■•gpiu-lty-nf the ibentre Is I,7(hi. There ire three doors. Prices rnngo from 3Be M iltlMi wlin n uuillnee price nf "JBo. to *i. Msttneea will lie given Wednesdiy and Hntiirdnv. 'i:iie stage bus 11 tuft, opening. Ih -Hift. deeu, nml Him. fnnn wul| to wall, and' lher«» ore -iwenivone dressing rooVnx. TlieilxertlUvoMnir of the hntiH> : J. -I. Hlmt.rM. generttr niannger:'A\ulier Snitfnrd, resident niamiger: Aahrr l^-vy, ireasurer*. J. (1. Qiiiit'iis, u-jiI(,iiii trcamirer; lllllanl llic- kock, Hii|H>rliiteiideni. nf building:' Frank HnnlelK. chief uahrr; I ■•mis llueht director .of orchestra: t'lins. t'rnlg^ innsier viiriienter: Mnrt jJiilifioi'd, electrlelnn ; CbitK. Ktia-CM, properties. The Itmiigurnl •ilTerlng wax "'lite Karl mid the Olrl," and the comimny re- ceived nik.ovallon. liiiiiiii Puy .made a cur- tuln speech, mid Hie pneked house thorouohl.v eiljoved It Hell. 'I'll Ih week. "Tito hove Iloiite,' nnd nexi week, "hrown of llnivnrd." Messrs. J. .1. Mimii-Tt, Herman l-'rnnVo and (tint PMiell. inntinger of ihe Hurrh-k Tlten- jffs H|. i.'iuli-t. came on to attend the-.apen- Ing rs-iTorinnnee. The ItH'til mnnitgcuient of tlif ImiiHO I* tinder Hie direction nf Walter Hniifurd, fnniicilv nssochite mnanger nf the WHIIm Wood, Into of tlw xtnr'H eitltnrlal depnrtiiienl < He Is n very popular mini. Juki ills the place, nnd Ihe selection was 11 wise owe. 1 Wii.mmAViwiii TuKATtit: (Woodward& llnr- |i»hs AniUMemeiit Co., nuinasersl.— Ism week Viola (lllli'iie, la -"The Olrl and tho Jlnudll." luid good Iiih1im-ss. 'P1,Ih week will U' di- vided botweeu l'lay Clement h. In hN mnv l»l 11 v. "Snin HoiiMtoti." tlio llmt pari of ih" trek. Hntl 'Tin 1 Wizard or Ok" the latter pari. .Sent week, "Coming-Thro" tho Bye." tlllAMi Ol'KUA IIoiisk illudsoii Jit Jiidnli, mniliiKcrsi. —(awl week "Thu Ynnkee Con- mil," with Hnrrv Hhort In Ibe leading role, pleiineil Imjm slr.crt nndleiices. This wceic. "Bedford's llope,"'iin(l next week. Willinmt .■1 >ni Walker, In ".MiysHiiiln." ,., One 111:i-ii I Marl III Heck, general run tin gee).—Tlie mnuiliooiul Idll pleiiHed big crowds carnival week. 1'lm acts were: '/,l*ko nttd King, Iternlue, mid her mnse<»t. Nitn. Allan nnd coinpnny, Cnrier ■ n tut llhiford, Uimim Tyson nnd couipnuy, lturion and ilrihik". Milw. t'lnrk and the Wlniilnu Wldcws. mid the kliindmm*, with new moving -jflettirn. This week : Wilfred Clarke, "Motoring," Mr. uud Mrs. Kdw. II. Kemp. Three Matwf t'lirtin- rns. I'linillb' Ooiitedy Trio. lilaO'ftey, Terlcy, fie. . .. ■ .. • • ... ' . ■ . t;ii.i,ia 11'. S. llrlffliiiin. genernl tun linger i- - -l-Jist week " Secret Hnrvln* Ham, 'A. Willi rhna. 'J', ahtrlcli hi ihe. Mtle role, proved n nieliidrniita of exciting sliiitilhu.H, welt acred. TIiIh wenk, "Ouei'll .of. tint. Whllo MltTw "Mci-'iiddeii's mbr negt,. . . a, Ai;iUTioii('M (WiKidwni'il ic Uurgcfw Auiiimc- nenl Co,, niaiiiigemj.-ljiist week I lie \\ntnl- Wiird Rtock Co. ICSV11 oxrelleiil nerfortililllrt'H of "Mr., -s. 111)..Hi." (loo, Arvllie, ns Hie Im poster, wax excellent. This week, "Alice of Old VlriM'inic.i ' , . . • Ci-\rruY (Jos, UnnCKUll, miiuagerl.— Lnsl wrek. 1 in- llnliomliin Hurlesipiers save plea* lug. inir|i'N(|iir performsnees, to (dx niteml- onre. Joe Hiiiih nppeiired ill each show ih 11 Npeclul realure, T|ilg week. Itellly.fc WihhI'h Big Hin. iv, , Next, week, < 'berry 1Uomho||ih. Mah'htii- liv ti. DivIiIkhii, inillingsr),'- I.asl, week, Manehe.oei's Night (1*1*, with Bell llniiiiiv/ny end her monkeys ax a sbeclnl net, drew well This week, Hm |<tileker- borkei-H: lloHoHydeti'M liondon Belles next. I'.t.M'Tior Paiik Ihiiiii Itcnlnmli], tnnim- aart.—The Htoii Ciirnlvul opened lasl Mmi- my. mul run tinned Ihroiighotit Hie week and drew well. Bverylhlng bud a iLihIi of Itlihe- lstu, lllili there wore «|r<-ln| prl/os given fur fsrui prodiMli.- 1 ' Mia. Mnmiaer John P. Hlociini. coiikiiI" Co,, ciime on /mm week 10 Visit, hi- iilliRcthlli. Muni ii''«ii'i'. who owns Hum oriuiH iiiiiImhh' 1 hIiowm, hIno vlxlted here Us) week,. ..,.. .All (lie Hieutres giive sifctlni mnllneea on 'Tuesday lo remunerative luniios. si. .i..i..-i»l'- -A( TmlsVfl Theatre (<'. H. Plilllcy, mniiageri tlie Imuso wns dark Inn fitiHl, week. Clny (.'lenient, In "Ham HmiHimi," ciimis ltd. (|, llfliii inntliiee: porklna is, •Tim Iniid of N(sl" 11, "Tlie Wlmird of top lb, iio(>ksliiiler'H Mluslrels so, -'Coming 'Inro 1 the Kyo" LiL', Howe's pictures IM. wii'lli- erAVhlleslde.^.". I lACKItW IC V, Pblllcy, iiuinni/i>r|.-— ''At. Hie Wnrld's Merry" luid good biiMlioms \, M'bcn lliev ''pencil for three iilghlH nnd inn ti- ne.-, "fteeri-t Hervlce Hum" 7. H, "An AHh- locrnlle Trump" t». Hi, "You YfitiNim" ll-l.l, "llupiun lleartH'.' 14, 1."., "The M urliiu.i or Klll>" 10, 17. l-'Uke O'JIiiru lH-'.'ll, CnvHTAt, I Krcil I'l.iiiwui. matlilgor),—Tills new tlionlre wns opened Hopt. .'IP, nnd M< imclly IhihIih h:i rulvd ut every |>erforranticit for the cut ire week. Tim bouse hits Just boon completed, mid Is ibe llimsl, on ibe iIivhIiiI circuit, mill omt of the iniwt beautl- ftil vaudeville liniixcH In tlw West. The limine is Hreiu'iMif. and lias 11 watlng ca|mc- U.v of t.I'm. Tho pruHceiitiini o|s<i||ug Ih in feet; Hie nrrli. .15 feci * rigging Inft, (17 ferii; depth of Dtnge. 4CI feel 1 H lins twelve ■Ireinlng romns, nineteen exlls, Is heated by steum, and Is lighted by electricity. The limine Is 011 (lie ground floor. Thu people, fur week of ? Iiii'IikTr : Buy Odgcn and compiiuy, W'l if. Ilogem Chas, Ohester, Kipo Druu,. New York 'nut 1. Miiiingcr IsOllli iniii!'.. IlntuM, Crowtns mid Aldle, and Cos- niovlng plcltires. .. Pic J.viih- (Prank Ha Alley, mnnnair).—lhisl* ileus lust week tvim sjiieiidld. The bill for week orb includes; Boll and Konda. Alien Alvii, Trnsk and (lliidden, McCnulev and DiMiovin, Bessie Bobli, Ahem and Bniter, and moving pictures.- ., » M , . J KAKSAM, • AV'lelillM, -At Ihe Crawford (I-;. I.. Mnrt- Hug, miiuageri Wood nnd Ward, In "Two .Merry Tramps," mine to good bualncim Oct. 0. Toldii, AitoifoniDii (K, (.', Tnter,- muan- Kcr),--Thi! Aenie Cuinady Co. opened n weeh'H eiiKiigeiuent. to a good liniise, I. Ili.rof it\ r;. Olssnii, mflnageri.—Bill fur vfeoii of 1: AilonU iui.I Clnrlvuuu, Uluglinoi nnd (liible. IHivId Jack, nml B Modern ph. ItiMiMMi Hum.'. Niiowk pneked their tent, afternoon mid cvculjn'. 1. #« » HOITII (MIIOMNA, riiarleaina.—.At the Academy of Music (Clin*. A. Matthews, aoitiiger) Jos. nnd Win. Jefferson pleased a fair house Oct. i'. "Hu- man Hearts".plenaed >l "'Mi P-ire'e" a- r<jll 4. "Klnnlaan's Bill" r.. a I. H. Plaid's Mmstre't had the uKiml big NjwM* fl, on il|eic twdnly-Ornt" anniversary. ''The Utile Buclt- ■tw cuIhsh 11. "fler Own War •<■* ■ .*'-. .