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OferoBEK^aik ■ < TADLK OF CONTESTS..- TBI-KE# YQBK CUPPER. 920 -, ward.Stock Co, g* -^^^S^S 3&&W«S!ffiSBB : Uafdou, Victoria, N. Y. C, 13-20. *» y ~y PB3arays:;- Ciffery A Grant, C&lao. Gtactuaatl. 1B-W; Gar- den. Limn. O., 22*27, e bp M'aearlr »c- Carter. Taylor. & Co..'Pickwick. Sin Diego, Cal.. si tile to malt* a n*t ■-*■'■ In&m. .'ffrtHHK lw- fpmM»r th« name Turk, fl«vr#U •*« tlir T accompany *nuh MotW ««*re* Deaths.In the Protection -L.' THBATttlOAT/ COdRKHPaXDESCE.: Coede lilnrul.. I - - N*W HaUpftBIre -.....' ' " " ininofa*..-:■•>.:..;■...'..,•„..,,.. • '- *' Maine:..'.. ,;."*...! Oklab-giaa-■-.'..,.... . . j-Mafcoorl..;;.'..■. Montana........ . fiMirf'-'-' " Trconsjlvanla;... Oregon- v*rrooht'.-..v...-;.' MawattittBOtts.'.'.'. MEsaVm- •■•' ■ ••'•" Itorx&k: State.. >-e,w J erne j, xfcrlh<*rfll ""ui.en HunUlt.T. ..MiMn M. .- \i« " u....,„,., w..i.« ...... I»l. I.".-30; WISCONSIN'. H tm«Jo local theatrexoff, „„, i ne ,, re ml«r .883 'MSM??v°' mS!dfe l0 ' k W«." W Mrs. AihdiwtD.- Mr. V Mm.; Maryl-iii-l. Biilto.. .CT.a«e , t«, Wa*hlnglo», 1>. C 32-27. Adair* Dabn. NeTtli's. Boston, 1.V30, Adam*. Mat>-?Ho. Chase*!, Wasulnitou, D. ft, 1.1- - 20. ' ' ■ Ailim* ft White. Orubli IJeaa. 0.. 22-37. , I.liin,. 0:. 15-20; BIJOU. »■.-..... 92a,,»S5 '-•QSMRPM*JS*9BE «* -■■«■•" W Mrs. Adinw ft Drew. Empire. Hnboken. N. J.. 15-20; ..024 *»M. at the Shubcrt Theatre, TtIMWT lifir P*rt Trenton, S. J.. 22-27. ■•■•,.••.."... .-826 ,n g- Oct, 0. .The house was packed at the Adainln-I ft. Taylor, OruUe-itu, Lou Angelee, Cil.. 41, Empire'I'oiir, Rug,.-1G-N0V. 30, s-ft-Sf*, Carlluft Ottu. Majestic, rWfjW. 15-30: Columbia, st. I,u«w, 23-27. Cartelon ftOnrbln, Brndeneurgli'i-. Phlla... lr. Co. Cm-nor ft ('lurk, Town Halt. Leominster, Muai.i .13*80. -Mnslc Hall, Ulmitmler. 23*31. Caaid ft l>t- Verili-. Flom'x, .\U<IN.-,ti Wl*., l.t-Su. firing. I*o. AltiuiDlim, N. V. t\, I.V20, ('arllule ft Baker, (totlu.ni. Rkln.. 13-20. Cirlfiim. Tn-ri, Miititmttuii. Norfolk. Vn.. l»-2fl. Carroll ft Cl.'ifki', 41rnud, Uavloii. O . l^-ju. Oti.Pbrtl-. The. HlJtMi. (tklMliomn. (akin.. IB-t«l Bltnu. Hlmtvnre. M-37. CillaUan ft 41. Uwi-k*. Shrevt>i>nrt. [.u., I<~i-2n; •MflWIe, Ala.. 33-37. rtmtioti ft'Flmintmn, Cnluuilila. Cliu'limntl. tTi-20, CatpTnter SNlers, llnjmarkct. Chli-ago, 14-2». CBtllutr ft Tit iv, fl. «.(. 11., Orunil Raulila, Mifli., Carter ft UhtVril. Ur|>hpiiui, Mliiite.iMla, Minn., 1MD, Ciuatla (2Vj). ^i.-Hiiii. Heurer. *.'ul.. 13-2it. Oarv*. Kmtn.1, froctor'n. M«vark, N. J., lfl-20. rraVUMe** iWrt ft Ptmln*. Mobile. Ala., .1>"-3V. _ Jarollon., ■ •»>» S!HISi l j •*''■ * tt,r aVtUS act,he m .(Ifcm-r* Monto.j». bom .. 0J1 M«™l««. upon. to-, make s sptedi. aohn A tarlm * Jlllhr. Ki ' ..031 HP?*, tleo. ArMMs. Chui*. Harbury. Dudley aUxI. * H.'UriH. 1-if.t ..II. I hfjlTl B.l.l iL.H.fl.n I A - --■ *_ ..^. 11.... f. 1 . .'. . .. ii- V . Toronto, 15-30. Indiana.-, i.,.-......... AUr7lhr.li:. mjntkj............. IVasOlcktoii lVertVlfilDla.;...... .. Hptith Carolina .. I-OTlalaqa..;;..: ., IWrWat .^tohla'..-, Colorado... ...,;,-,;,-, CoBpecCJ cut;'.:'.-.. .■.,.. Ncbraakti Ml EJ! e ' a ] ,e 4, "P°P .?" make a ftpeetV; John AJVurtua ft Miliar. Biu|itre Taph Kmt.. f**Kte, DO. .. 031 *ft fcotf » Ge '- Af'^ 8 - Chun. Hatbury, Dudley AUxIs ft Mobill, l-ioftor'*." Nwnrk. N. J.. 15-20. ..uai ■ Clinton ami Dorothy Dorr were prominent Alteu ft Dujton, Wiii.tmoiinV Nc\*ark. M. J., lj-20. »Si In her eupuort. StoDajier Ktlwhi Thnnhou'ser Aileu'ft «ctaK tmrara. Uoaion, 52-27. .' Dai oBCer« ';TV Blue Moon" 14-211 "The Girl -^"aln* & 1.1ml, MnuM,' Vnn.wnaer, *.^in.. 15-30. ...... W from ParlB" 'iUlT. Anihnia..TI»*..0[pkUmi. nilllWtl.e. O.. 13-20. .......fi8f Datidkos,- fSherman Brown, manager).— VB^J^S^iL"^ ?^ <*" ■«« J? "■0..MW. -vg ?Sa FarFe^S A^Hnuj^-aMV Quartette, ..yce U ». O.ncm- .'::::: j »a2 . f 1 ,? n iJ? ,0fl t d ^?y:", ^■.r 0; .. Ml i?. lnp "Emott, in 'laWln'i iVen, DIM, Rvawvlle, im., 13-20; ...... 032 fflSS^f 1 ' "*Kl SH 4 : Wilton Lackayc, . Majeatlc, .Hlrmjughaiu. Ala., 22-2;. «32 in "The Law and the Man," 25-27. . AmBSon ft itolm-n, o. n., omam Mi*.. 15-20. 032 Atlt.ufBBa, t Joh. A. Hlglor, manager).— Audermn, Cbna. i\, Acooe. Norfolk, Va.. 15-30. ■ "The Yankee Consul" 14-20. "A ileitBage from Aurteraon. Oraee Lona, Cr/Htii. Detroit, 15-30. olelo" played 7^- Arllngtou Comely Tour. KeltH'H. Boatnn. 13-20; tolwnlali LaW,->iice. Mats.,'32-27 AIHmu- sUtew. IUllmwiiy''a, LatrtHi MM., lfi'20. CAM * Herla-i't, lloj.ktn^. I/iiilarBIc., Ky.. 13- . .. \MSZ ... 032 Mars" 21. "The Mayor of Toklo" played T- T-aWnflm Tt-TT MHMwifi a kZ Mi to record. bualneaa, turning people away LATEST BY TEIiEflPAPTT athothperformaiimWuQOnj. gW^gyj y* g* >-LUJDuJL\Q.rJla . Bnod (John B, Pierce, resident mana- ger).—"Old' Isaacs ■ from the Bowery" drew the usual well filled boiipea last week. "Be- hind . the Mask" 14-20, "On Dangerous GOLDEN OAtflfl' GLBAMNG9. Armntrotus. . raaW (3), dreeuirall. New Or- leuna,-1.0.. 10-30. Armatrong-ft Divls, lllJou, Chicago, 15-20; U- -liSnbra.- Cliicaso. 22-87. - Antrlle, Jeacne, ft Co., Honr.rttV LODilou, Can., ■13-20, ■■ - AfiolM Broo., Urpbeuu, Qklu., 13-20. 20;■ WniiUtni'. Meinpliio, Tc-nn.. 33-27, Catoa ft Knnuuu. Ilowunl. BiMtun. 13-20. f ahioh ft WtlUnl. (Mj-initli-, Ciil.-agu. 1.V30. (•tirl.B.-of... -Ben. ftaklarul. Oat, 1M-2T. CaiiT.il ft Doyle, Oram), Ji*ll-t, III,. W-3T. Caf-K.- Miislfiil i4). Eui|iirr, Hhh Jon**, Cat, 13-20. KurUton, Al.. KpIIIi*-. Maa<4waltr. N. H., I&M. -Arlrttopiier, ttloa, Vhiui, (>.. 15>-2*J; Broadwur, MIMletuwn. 22-37. Cblldara. (trace. l'jisi,.r'-, N. V. C, 13-20. CILro, Hurry. Urulifutii. Itvitllttic. I'u., 13-20. 0Un-*M ft Ortli. oryHiai. Urlpri** *^eek, OoU 13- 301 I'ueblo. 22-37. Ollffont. Billy ».. Victoria. It, Y. C™ t3-20. Clark, H.ir it Cot-Hon, Hhecdj'a, Fall Blvev, Maaa,, nitrew'ft Burke, Otwib'a. ItoeUealer, N. Y., 15-SO; tlbk*'*. Buffalo, 22-37. t'iajfi:(j l -..rwc HIJotl. Llnwlu, Neb.. 10-27. Clarke. Ueoratiin. Mtoleatlc. Chleaao. 13-30. Coarner. Jennie, Ixiwell, Mala., 10-30; Lawrence, Cutiroy. Jubn ft .Munile, Orplilunt, CkllKcotlie, O., 10-20; Bliou, l'li|iia. 22-37. (;\)|Ui, Loin. Orpliliim. Lima, O., 13-20; Ur- "Wiitn. Newark, O.. 22-27. tftt'/tHHiinB.—Monday* Oct. ID, the Manager Frank R.~Tnttm&lT aecored Cnn- MraJKWLJ^tnT"*' ™»^ SaSiSi?SL9 n8 " "trfl attrac- ■ AiMtln.- CIbwiV. Ben'* Kaeaniba. Mleb., 13-20. tira, ;arfui week a bill. >. ' tlon fc and people were turned away at nlntost •-..« iD^v-^Bluopehlng Sunday, 14 : (ot ew, T Performance. Ilia ekhlbltfon was ro- ite» : ,: , --«hfnycttc , i dogs, Brealna, markable In the extreme. High School Girls r7 l WE3?ffflW!^''V ,lterbur 7 Brofl ant I Tenny, ^'i, ^■TO$lw3*0lJ Jwktttui, Jfr|3fl MEQm CursTAL <P. U Wloter, ninnager).—For 1 Boutin. Ueo.. Majeatlc, Chlcaro. 15-20. Aaatlna. TobhIiik. K. A I'. 0(11 Are.. N. V C,'1S- 20; Ptwtor'a. Newark, N. .»., 22-27. AUer ft lh* Ohio, BIJou. MunkPfton, Mleti., 15-20. Aroloa. Musical.<4), it. O. II., laOlanaiKillB, 13- 20. .... tXimetly Fonr, I'oII'h, Kprlngaeld. lMo. Cope ft Cope, Lytic. Muikofvc, I. T„ 15-20. Cookijrrauk. A. * 8.. Boatoa, U-20. iMby ■Family, I'oiiV, N'vw IJaven, Coun.. in-20; ■foil'-. Wiiterlmry. 22-27. Com. ft Conra.l, K. h V. Ilorlcui 0. II., N. Y. C, 22-87. Daft ttav, Viileiiiluc. Tuledki. ic-30. ■ » — —— ' "a — ■- ■■■■■ ■■ .^ « > Karl-ft Barllett. N'oreltr. BkUi.. 13-20. Kt-kcl ft Warner, Richmond. No. ■ Adatia, Maan., 13-20. IV-kaletu, Willie, Chute*, Han Fran.. Cat.. 13-20. Kekhnff a Oonlon, Orpbfuin. Oninlin, Neb.. 13- 20; On.lirmn. Halt Lake. C. 22-27. Ivilmiln ft Ktin-rthU. Tnntilo. Detroit. 15-2Q. labile, K) Nino, raator'a. IC, Y. C, 13-20. lillnnre )>l-.ter», K. ft P. t'hlon Hg.. N. X. C. 13- 3f>; KelOi'it, IfWMr City. jL J„ 22-27. PJlUr Mualcnl Four. i»«.rlc. Yonkera, N. Y., 33-27. Clllult, Ih-htr A Klllott, Calnmet. Ho. Chkaao, III.. 13-20; 0. O. II., (iraiid Aaphla. Mich., 22-37. \ KltMi, Sam. KpHIi'n. rnhiinImtt, O,, 10.20; Kellh'a, I'hlta.. 22-27. ■ ilt-wuith. rim.,. F.rat'li-e, Kt. Paul, 13-20. 'HllfrfWmlln Trio. llmMre, Holwkeu, N. J„ 1B-20. KnH'raou ft Baldwin. Keltli'N. Phlla., 1S-20; Keith'a. MaiKhrater, N. 11., 23-27. Iliiihiy. lime, ft IVix. Nrlnon, Kprlvgfloltl. Maa<., 15-30. Lmtiiett, Kitsenr. I'onillv. Hbamoklo, Pa., 10-20. IniKrora »»f MaMf (»>. Jla^ntlx. aiireTcport.-La.. ta-»l Mulu HI.. lWirl.1. III.. 22-27. tlinnlre City giiartetti 1 , Columliia, K(. Lonlo. 15- 20. I-iiintlre ConiKly Four. Kelllt'n, I'roTlilruee, 15-20; Keltic. Phlla., 22-97. KiilcrbttoKii, I'll'. Fntally. \*. Y. C„ 15-3U. Koniernlitn. Alti.'inlo. Itoy City. Mich., 1340. Krflrelbi Mh'er-1. KeiMiey'N, Ilkln.. 13-20. IHlmnli), NiKiml, K. ft IV Silt Ave., N. Y, C. 13- so; Krniw. Cliaa. V., k Co., K. ft V. Cnlon Ho.. N. Y. C.. 13-35. Ktvicm (ti, Slie.r-t. ItiirTdlo. 15.20, Krana SlateiM (.1). Ill I-»-i. KiilmiiHaoo. Mleli,, 15-20. Rfa«N. ii.ii. W.. i!rtl*-:y, H]irl»tmeli], 111., 15-20; Htar. 1'ntrln, 22-27. Krirett, Jm», (Ii*m, I.jiui, Ma«H„ I5-2(I;- «Uodly'«, Fall Hirer. 22-37. Kvmim, Uentjr, JCellh'a, Bnotoii. 15-20. P.mbNTt. K. ft P. 1'iilon Bq., N. V. C, lft-CO; Keltli'M. lloit.vi, 22-2L Rieela, Mile., Htjon. (hilncy. 111., 13-30. KTi«altlon Fonr. Krlib'i, notion. 10-20. Fatlettn Orehealr.i, K, A P. 3th Av«\. N. Y. 0.. 13-20; poll's. Rrlilgfporl. Coim., 22-27. 1'ititHH 1'iniiUy. KiH'in-y'H, Bkln.. 15-20. F«y». The. Ovplivnnt. Ilkln., 15-20. Faroitm, Hml, ti] r .n, 11.4-niiir, III., 13-20. Fnrrcll ft lv Boy, llradenhtirub's. Phlla., 15-20, Felix ft Barry Co., Ilnymarkot, Chicago, 10-20. Felniar Hlalers, Mf, ITtleu, N. Y., 13-20. Ferry, Or'.>beiini, Omalin, 22-27. Ffsko ft MeDonmigit, iliiibpiuii. St. Paul, 13-30; Oriilietiiii. UiiihIiu, 32-37. rilKlTTiilil ft (llliluy. II, H, It.. PUHbaru, Pa., 13-30; l.yi'li', AltouDii. 3J3L KI.'IrlM ft Mii*ii, CnM!,l, Klkliarl, hi. I., 13*20; ('ryxlal. *h.-lieii, 33-37. IHlJKlMiO'i-Mi-Qpy Trio. tloMcn. IMITak). 13-20. FHaircrald vrralitdr, HrnileTiliHruh'a, Phlla., K>- M, Kink. Xeiiry.-BIJou. liny Ctl). MICli.. 15-20; BIJou. Alivtni. 22 27. FKtila, Will II., Phlla,, 15-Ju; Blauey's Halt v., ■U9, and the Dl pheum mot on pictures. •»« Howardfl. Hoee and Semens, and Fredo A ™ 7 * Hl i rt *,. K - 4 Jl' £? Ul . 8 i" S& «Tr■ c iV 15 '5S' 9°l lu " ■j!*5; °!E*? M, *t Jkllen*awu; Pa.. 13-20, = - *""'. and Dare Bualiienn 1h e¥e«.M«it Af«u Comedy l-'our. Hopklna'. I»titt.T|ilc, ky., 13- Colo -ft Clemens. Mite, Muncatlac, , Ia„ 15-20; ■"* BIJou. Be Kiilli, III.. 23-27. Oilier, May. Orpheuu, St. Caul. 15-20. Mil.. 22-27. "FUbliia," VIctnrlB. N, Y. (X, 15-30. I'leldH ft Woolley. Tditipl*'. lietroir, Mkh.. 13*20. *laaa., 1A-30. nlff, HprliigOelil. MaM., Foriter. 0. I!., 'I'nunidti, Maiw,, 15 30, "iini 8is- 15-20. Pop) jflitftl ft BrotbfW.. 1 »J ' PROM OTHER POINTS. L, II. Sot hern .' and -fill In Marlowe I'r-«-i.-iit Pcrey Mneknjei "Jeanne ^?Af«"- f»r the Firat Tim*;, at the Lvrlr, In Philadelphia—Lena Aah- I'iW; Mnkea Her American Debat ,«t the Uarrlcfc, Chlcnab, In the Urn Aii..'rlnui Performance of ■ "Thr ■ * Tin In mi 1 e" — ••Madame But- -j excellent. week A o? ff ; fflrnffi%2^Wad8Sffi Bart., Four. Obiilet. ifan Fr.».. Cal.. 13-20. rtlfin, if».i ■arJi'i.^vfi.i %JG Al^nstlong, WT f Troup( , (6K K ; t E. r.tli Are., N. Y. C, Men aud Klein, Nellie McGllre.. the Great ic-30; rroclor'a. Troy. N. Y.. 22-37. Aibini and company, Norma Gregg, and mov- Barry, Penman ft FraukforJ, Lyric, Rlcbaond, log-plctarea. ■ . ■. . , Eft 13-20. aVotkh.— Mrs. Flskc was glren an Informal Bailey ft Atittln. K. b i: 23«i St., n. Y. C-. 18- rcceptlon at the Milwaukee Press Club rooms, 20; KelthV, Pblla., 22-27. at .noon. 12. She Inscribed her full name. Bailey ft Hprnguc. A. ft S..-Boatoa. 15-20. Minnie ■ Maddern FlBke. -upon one of the Baiter. Joint, Unique, Akron. O.. 13-20, panels In the grill r«otn. She also con- B tflhotedber autograph, with a. .few- Unea, IVSC^XS^SLSSffCffSf^* for - th * a06ual Publlctttloa of the. club <l£bsE w«hi^«fJS»*« ** *•« Co - The annual meetlur- of the International lajnibia. Waahlnvtoa, D. C. Cojostructlbn Co., proprletora of TVonder- PUiifD&LPKIA, Oct." 1«.—-E. II. Sothcrn land; declared a dividend of 26-per cent ?S^ X3$F ?* arlowe Produced ''Jean D'Arc" and authorized ImprovementB for next aea- narthoUI'H AnimuiH. 'Novelty, Bkln., 15-20, lintiicH ft I.ctIiih, Crratal, Pwblo. Col., 15-20; Col. BpgB., 22-27.- Bnrtou ft Ormmi. Amlltortum, Norfolk. Va., 15-30, Barry, Mr. ft Mrs. Jimmy, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass.. 15-20. Borllr-y ft T'lckrtt, Family, Klrolra, K, Y,, 15-30; Pntnlly. Sbanmbln, Pa., 33-27. Cohaa, Johi-pUlne, ft Co., Colutilat. N. Y. C, 10-30. CortD, lletr. Olyiuplr, Clilcigo, 15-20. Couttwc ft UUIettc, Uariltii. BiiITmIo. 15-30. Colonial Hepteite, Ye, K. A P. 2Bd Ht.. N. Y. C, Cntlc'ieDay. Maude, Colonial. N. V. C. 13-30. Cooper ft Itoilimuii. II. 0. II., Pittsburg, 13-20, Cresuy ft Daync. 1'oU'h. Ilartfonl. Cottu.. 13-20; - Colonial, Liwrcucr. Mimh.. 22-27. Crawford. Clltton, Orplieum, Um AugeleH, Cil., , IStJO. ' , Crolty Trio. Family, Jersey City. N. J.. 15-20, Crane. Mr, ft Mm. Unrdsur, Proctor's, Albauy, . HZTm 13-20. Cronln-Morrls Truiiiie. Krllli 1 *. Doaloii. 15-20. 13- UIqoco ati the -Broad -.A big house wit- was ueascd.Kyrlc.Bcllew, In "Brteaaler acracd," this elty, for years, and 1 was. very popular. aLtlicCarrlck ., Dustln Parnutu, In '.'The Hie -Milwaukee frlenda were -rery much Virginian,'.' it the.. Waluut I Marie Cahlll. grieved to bear of his sudden death. ■ ' iln "Mirrylng Mary," at the I'heatnut, and ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■FJortficC BlodleJ, In "The Girl and the o-ambU-r," ni. tin- Park,.la their.anal week, lifctu:overto,HootJ .business.'... .Keith's drew EBpJBU at.both- performances Nat.M, Vvil|B,Jn.':A..LuOky Dog," flllnl-the-Grand Opera.'House .. .The other UULloaque and: stock houseH " CALIFORNIA. BnrtlinliH'a Cockntooa, Cbaue'H. Waalilngton, D. C. 13-20: O. O.H., Pltteburc. 22-37., Raten. Marie, Dewvy. Ultra, N. Y.. 18-20. Beaay, .Claire, Pn^lor's, Albany, N. Y , 10-20. Hvdlril, lK*at and Uok. OrptA-nm. Omaha. 22-27. Herttdn.. Klwootl ft Maggie, nlpu'a. Kokomo, lod., , fJjH, ,-..:, Loa Anfielea.—The Mason-Opera House Bean*'Hamilton, Bennett's. 1-umloii. Can., 13420. „ tH.C;Wyatt. manager) la etlll closed. ■ torenke. * Boy, O. 0. H., WW lUpids. Mleb., jer> combination, BDL.V8CO (John H. Blackwood, manager). _■ ?.*"£'• ■,_../,• n „ ra ««,» n.«i.i. mi,-i, drew flue oat- —The stock" presented "The Cllmhera" to ^JlR'VaaJS; iftVaVae^ tod a * ' it'bustoeaa.ruled "ffi™K V2B&* a XJiME& H» W^%S«lSxfS^«L.. .•^KCUwK.-Ne^W Jb*o*p tni* m*k_ . <m* Clltim* \ ...-. .■■!.■,■■ WW&^tr^MSSAv^mS:^^mSS» manager .— The Burbonk Block cloned the -ind., 15-30; Olym r le::MpTlnirtl«l.l. ill., 22-27. SSnw^Ornae^ana^ aetfoha week - of Its productions of "Janice BjC KU»hS:b. iJftiumbw,Tind^.i0O0f ;Mua- St. thl^'dXera KH l a »Bg ^.-gg *&£ 0... "Sberlock ?X*B*, ' «fif ^PPSmffiaSP ^SEMSBmm tan* • Drown, a Ihi ilollls- "The MuJfe vfiSr " a? the »»nnnor).—"Anita,. the. Singing Girl." .by WS&rtnU SUSKJSS'.A^l. the stock company, drew well-weVi endSog rf. AiOJtUtlc; VTlic Student King."--at the.Tre- ujont,. ahd- "The. Lion ■ and the "Mouse,"- at f*nrk' . ;The -other housea hud strong Beatley, Jennie. -Empire, St. Paul, .13-20.-. B*aiitaont. Nillle. Ut-Hb'a, Phlla., .15-20. Berry ft Berry. Dominion, Winnipeg. Can., 15-20. MmArlhur ft Co., Family,' N. Y. c, 15-20; »rMMii±r£ ^SEPHS* *>»*»**, ZE$&*%Epr$$kS Mi.... 15.80; 6. B., AlMllllonairc liomp 14*20.* •- K-tw-mpt n i vi.vj . ■-, Newinii-t. .It. I.. 32-27. m^'f^u^w^ j^^wffl-js-^sisa'ssKj: •^ff^»'*^'«* i 'r ^fX«J ,*»-a".'i t ii v„ »i i ■ -.-in.. Eleanor Dorcl. Lervy! aod Woodford, For- ]tyiualro,-Bn>>./Majeatlc. Chicago, 13-20; Lyric, a&WSr&t, 0c l A?-~:-7 ,Ma ^ 8n SSl 1, '^, ^ e -uneaud Davis. Mcllahon's Mlnatrel Maids Daiirllic. HT, 23-^7. KjywoiHe,, at thei Garrl^kr''Tho^UpgefB an i Watermelon Olrle/the Arlbos, McMahon Beu)iiugio». BHLv *:Delay; Ft. Smith. Ark., 15- JW 8 ^.. I *TO d; !/7. t i tne U Unol8 'i/ 8herlod f and'Chappclle, B. G. Knowles and motion ^u; A«itiiori'..I. .T.. 22-37. tapur-aft the Chicago Opera House, and pictures Beansu ft Miller, Proctor**. Newark, N. J.. i3-'.'i>. Wacjay," at iheGreat Northern, were Biin- 'uitiQUD (Henlz ft Zalioe. managers)'.— B *i* r x 8oD i-..° rpl 115 , rJ; AHeotowo, Pa., l->-20; ,W r 0Benlng8,-al p dyng to bhr houses..:.'. . vmEum'7 and : w*ek" LmbI arid Lmnl -All- ' -Uolbam..Bklo.,. 22-27. .-_-.. fcll . _ _*■ ';*.fflonjIil? open Us ^ere : \4JTBA "t ffl^lL©Sffi 'and' Toy ISP Birdie "ffSS^ . A =. C0 " K " * * ***** N *. *' ;iP««^ «EgaJMil#««.» XSStWSJSS r^^iifr' lbePl .tfJ- Int.T. "The.A^an from.Meifco" 8-15. ■' flffiait,' 1 . 0 *, ^fuiS!J e W^"i-i , ; i l?. n tt 8€ X* FisciiEit's .(A. !•:.- Fischer, mnnager).— >OTiK-#i"lJ«Mt»!iri B ?l 0 ^«-? t ' n The following programmo Is nreseotetTs-it: Ne>*heatre. were liberally.patroolzcd. ; La . Tosca, oSvAmotion pictures, and-riscb- AV^iIinotox, Oct. 1 10.—Francis Wilson er's All Stur Comedy Co,, -presenting "A upottwl at .tbo,New Natlonallu "The Moun- TrFp-to Heidelberg.'' • J«'«vCUmber," to an excellent.bouse..:.... JEgnia (Billy Bangs, resident 1 inonagor). "Mljldametltutteray" opoued at the Columbia —KeatUrea 7 and week: Laura-Howe and An ■■Capaqlty.' ,Tbla 1e Its llrat pf6ductlon;in her Dresden , Dolls, Harvey ond' Dev-pra. 'tuloicountry. ItlsA.'traglc Japoriesc opera, Laufa Banks, thn Mlllards, Empire * Stock tiy CJfucumo Puccini, oho Is a pronauncea ^ucft^a'.... .-.Louls'Mebu. and Clara Llpmnh. In,' Jjillo Bon Bon," had a full house at the Hct-ftty; Chase's hod a'splendid' i.iil. whlnhiaWracted crowds,.;.. .."Custer's,Last PiBr'^end tbe Academy. ;"A Bawra Deal .hud two good houses, at the' Majestic. •j A\Vfp;c.-Twentieth Century Maids pleased tyvovcrowds at - the" Lycento, Co,, preaeottng "The Chinese. Servant," and cinematograph. .■Notes. " rosco ' trip. Yurk . OK - pleased Smith, Mary"' 20 ', i.i r ii lie 11 ui, BeaillDg,. 32-37 Ben.All's. -Hau-mD, Arabs, Keith's, Clomlaud, 15- 20. Betzac's Circus,. Kelth'a, Pblla., 13-20. BIDiicy ft -Clia-iiii.il),- BIJou. Pllnl. Mich.. 15-30. Iliaoti Clty.'JVIo, Koiouo, lad., 15-20; Lovaexport. C2.-27. Blnjiii, Bomn). B-r-r-r, 0. 0. II.. Iniltsuarwlla, 15- 20; Mujeatlc. Blrujlngham, Ala.. 22-27. Black, tierirude. ,0. O. II.; Plttabiirg. ,15-20.' Uloiiiloll, Edw.. ft Co- Ol-raipk-. Clm-luuuti, 15-20. Blnuipblp ft Ilclir, Grand, Ilumlllon, 0., 10-20; Hlclniioiii], lud., 22-27- Bleattlug. Mr. ft Mrs., Howard, Boston, 15-20; ! Hub,-Woousockot. B.:L. 23-27. Black ft Joocv, Au-Jltorfum. Uric. Pa., 13-20. Black' HnfMhTi (2-0. Ilutbawny'i. New lktlford. Mass., 15-20; Colonliil, N. Y. C. 22-27. Daly £ b'Brlou. (Jaluly. Albauy, dioptre, Troy, 18-20. Bavin, Rilwar.lH. ft Oo., JCeltli'a, I'ruvldi'iiee. 13-Su Day, Ueo, \Y., Mojit'h. I'tirtlaiul, Me., 15-20; K. -It P. 5»tli Hlrwt, N. Y. C, 22-27. Dacey. CkHse ft Ai'nii', i.vrle, €l«tvlaitd.-15-30. Daytelle. iiadrfo, Dewey, Ullca. N. Y., 16-20. Dacw, Louise, MjIu H<„ Pcovlu, 111., 10-30; Bi- jou. Deealur, 22-37. D'Arco; lial-y ft Floivuce, l'autor's, K. Y. C, 15* 30. Desle. Li Belle. Crpbeum, BoMtou, 15-30. Danovutt Lea, Hi.--. Am-ora, 111., 23-27, Doly; 1!<I. ft Ik'rllia', MaJ-rxllc. Cbkugu, 13-20; Huyntarliet, Chicago, 33-27. [«le. Vlulct, Columbia. Onelnuatl, 18-20. Dagtvell, Anrle, r^iuplre, 1'nlcraou, N. J., 13-20; Roiplre. l|oi>ofc**n. 22-37. DrltouVCl), Cwpln), Pfltenwo, ■ N. J„ 10-20: Em- pire. Ifotokcu. 22-27. Dell ft Pqjiilo, }ii>iu, .Maraballtown, la.. 16-20. Do Witt. Burnt* k Torrance, Circus Cam, Amitcr- .data. Hoi., 10-31. llemar. Harry, Braileiiburrb's. Phlla.. 13-20. lift Voy. KioDJt t, ft Co., Autll'oi'lu-u, Lynn, Minn., ■13*20. Ite Vera, Paulino, Grand, Mnrlon, Intl.. 32-27. He ButE. Count ft lto»., K- ft P. 23d Htreel, n. Y. ■C..-13-20. - ■ De. c Coe, Harry, Majestic Ballon. Tea., 13-30; IMtajeatlc. Ft, Worth, 32-27, Drluion; Hint era, PoIJ'h, Hprlugdetd. M.«... 10-20. I Vinton- & Oneida, II. A B.. Bkln., 15-20. Dt-ltorelll ft Ollaeatnkt, Trsaplo, Detroit, 15-20. De- Vara ft Ourlli, Nuttonai, Sao rimi.. Cat., 15- B'Klihar Bros. i4). Pastor's, SL Y, O., 15-20. Bo Favs. Tbe, Ontbeiun, Bt. Paul, 15-20, Be Fare Slaters, Empire, Ilohokvu, N. J., 13-30; Faiully. Enalnti, -Pa., 22-27. IJe.l-A-I'bone, BIJorj, Dobw|Ue, 13-20; H1J.>u Mus- catliH', 23-27. DfiDdnio ft Bell, U. 0. II., Hyrucuie. N. Y-, 13- biiiihia' Attbiir, Oritbeuu, Bt. Paul, Minn., 15- '30-i-Ortibeiini, Mlutn-anoilH, 22-2T. l)a Villi*. Un-ut, Oriibeum, Portaaiouth, 0-, 10- 30. Da Blaker's Dugs, K. Llreritool, ().. 16-20; Cuu- tou. 32-2T. Delino, Orpbeiim, Lima, 0., 15-20; Orpkeua, Newark, 22-37. Be Catrio, Cbai.. AlviraJo, Bay City, Mich., 10- 20. . plMoa. Madeline. 0. II,. Nebraska City. Nab., kelth'a, -MuDcbeitor, N II.. 22-27. before - taklog up. performauces ,of "Lady Windermere's Fan," "Leah' Kleacbna". ana Bowman, Joe, Atlantic Garden,' x. Y. c, 13-20, "Pretty I'eggy," at Morpsco'p BurbftOk. .;., Brand Hlstera. Coilno, Tarawa, Fta„ 10-20. MTaeo ,r *dr«w "soleudidlV"at toe K O- Knowlea, mocologlat, was out .of the .Bryant ft,Savllle. Knuilty, Eiinlra, N. Y., 15-20. kBSw'-nSr^Jr^ Orpheum bill a counlo.of pcrformai.cc«,be- Brfght -^^r^JHV: ■&«?« ;. .VaudevJllo;rivals »O*0-qt l^_jatl»ttfc;0t4Sqgl?-twaMff/.■ ■. ;: g B i; aff'SST%atB■ tio. " Bu^,, * , • 3ft ' & ( f, Frankfort, lad.,. 13-20; . '0tffB&ffi£ T&Wa wi i: . ■ ' • "iH ! >■ ^Wl^gB'! ^.. - um§ poyuey \Wti&3j£+J&»lJl* DlimOrl ft Soil tit, K. & P. Oik Ave.. N. Y. C, DJauotji'l ft Mack, Butlar, Taoopab, Neb.. 13-20; Grand. Itoao. 22-37. Don, Kinnia, Eotp., Ibxlidale. Eng., 16-30; Hip., rtrlmaby, 23.»7; Dertr. 20-Nov. 3; Pal./ NaT •..Cincinnati. -Oct. -10.—Treuieodous biisl- new all around, and Cincinnati-Is certainly aS&ntW^ltm^vf'VTwK theatres. "The moec" M f-IIaeh" drew- splendidly at |6e j- Gi'Aud. . .HanloDS*' new- "FaptaHtna" crowd- Orpheum bill a couple: of'performances,--oe- el) tl/e'WglpuT c slr«et......vaudeville rivals cause, of an attack of throat -trouble ' &*:JW3B^1L3e& ■ aiWrlfOttfSrSwIfo both-"ibe OlVlnpfe and Katherlne Clinton Is a welcome nddltloa. to nJSShYS^S cSstaf Wft. Whinbia-TT..The ToWiAliJalhlStock Co,*s the'-Belasco forces Mnrv GrantTn very B ^nBmVBR , l cTn.toto farce was ^ol&red. byVan outpohtlug acceptably fills the place of ■ Amelia 1 Gardner, BrownitJVArtbur'orobiuiu MunaOetd o. 15-20■ i£\ k Q£&^^r..r?:uJ^m^Tvlt^^ii *% the latter Is resting..,. .Harry. Olaster Brnil , n , j, # . m^.. onbauun. Bkla., 10-30; Al- KiPiS Tp™"'t or : « «t a J «>« ^A.Be6barate-Chauec,' T at I«iicb*s...; ."The created^a good Impression-wltU^Js-lecture, haoibra. N?Y. Ci 22-37. mmt BSH i» WnaXTOla^blmisi; 1 7k Sal Wan|oni T -Detectlye". pleased the Lyceum's "The Evolution of the Dram a." 4.......The Brittoiia. Tbe, Emnlre, Loodon. Eug.. 10-Nov. 23. u >KAVSSkBfVBr mm ^ cOOstitucntB ... ..The Bdn Toob, with the seaaon, openlog of the Mason Opera. House Is Breislau. Cbuies. Sun Fran., Cal.. 16-20. rtmu Hh .-fiaam liii^l s t in in iLB&S.«MWio. ■•*"* *«*** »$*»» •?■. . iw&i'KJZ'WtnM- -■• 10 - 5 "' J&tt$S%^s&&&? ' ' ' -Ed/W. ItOWLAND, Of B0*I.Udi Cll«0rd. "«*-■-.-«»-■ «■■*"'«■ OlnBl.*... Al... 82 and the- Central States Theatre: Co.. called nt'THE Clipi'kh ofllce'lait waek. Tbenew Louse J of the Central States Theatre Co.,' at {rim ol- Harvard," with Henry Woodruff Michigan City, Intl., wltl open 00 Nov, 26\ aia'-J)ae company, opened big at'the Shu- ■ ILmiry Pavih, . toe theatrical• manager of FSywrf- ■ - ivi-iaAfi.CiiY, Oct. 10.—"Coming Thro' the live''- opeoed'a week's, engagement at the Wl(|(8 .>Vooa T 8unddy. night, and 'scored... „ Brooks, Jeanne, Majestic, Blnolughaib. Ala., 22- Brantfonl, Tom, Kceney>. Uklo., 13-2U, Bndfords. Tbe. .0. TI.. Y'ouugstowo, O.. 13-30; O. 11.. BelUIre, 22-27. Breokaft Voider, K. ft P, 5tb Ave.. N. Y. C..: 15-20; proctor's. Newark. N. J.. 22-27. Bradley, ft Ki h; Crystal. Krookfurt, Ind., 16.30. 7>*aii#lly , Dnuilo-i i DouvIiih, (>l;mplc, Cblcagu. 18-30, Den ft Urouger. i-vri.-, Ardinore, I, T., 15--20. v, Uitniiht'....'. .Williams and Walker, Pittsburg. Pa., was married to.L'dlth Fltcbel, •J'lhykali.laT" bad 0 packed matinee, and a nOa-profesaloual, nt Youogstown, • 0-, on Bradya. Tba. Ulngatou. Oijt.. 15-20. iftTOrVdsJway.flfnl^ Oct, -L*. •__•_, „T ..._i ._'__. WSS*- S'WKJtX^aJia? Jsters. VIctorlH. N. Y, C. 15-20. .,.. a HIjmii, Bcuuett's, tontlou, Can., 15.20. Nil I'etay, Unlbswiy's. New Bvdfurd. Mais., -13*30. . Dr*w,'Dorothy. Oxford, SIMdlesborougb. Bug., U* 20; Hauaa, llmpburi;. (l«r., 32-Nw, 30. *0«W,' Mr ft Mrs.' Hldaey, Benoetfa, Louilon, .can.. 13>30. "■#it,Martu ft Oi„ K. ft P. 33d Street, N. Y. Foster, Harry. A. AH.,. Beaton. 13-20. Foy ft Clark. Colonlnl. tS. Y. ()., IBpl. 1 ■ . FlintItielle. Myxterloiut, Nimtl/. 1-0": Aagclcn, -Gal., 15-20; Novelty, Sftn Ukego. 22-3V.. - . Fouler ft Fouler. Gotliua. OUIn.,16-20. Fnag i Alger, Proplo'a, ParttOns, Kin., 13-20. Vm. Will It.. Mojcwirc, Houston, Tea.. 15-30; Mnjwttle. San Autuulo, 22-37. K.if ft D11 Hull, Mulestlc, PL Worth. Tel 20: Majeatlc. Mhrcvejiort, I,u.. 22-27. Fox, Bvtlti, Driiheuin, hkln., 10-30. Fox ft Ward, tllll HI., t'ltlla.. 13-27. Frlgniiiii. Trhle. Lyric. Cle-vctaud, 15-30. Fretlerlck ft Poole.. Lyric. UUItiituiiO. Vs., 15-20. Frnalnl, Nrlm-11. Sprlilltlluld. Mast.. 15-30. Frank, MurvcloitN ft Bull. Mshi at., Peoria. 111.. 13.3ft i lllkm. Dei-allr. 22-27. Fred ft I'ntily. Monro'*, Porllatid. Me.. 15-20; Keith's, Provlilvncc 23-37. rredfilck. Ilehiiii; Ulymitlc. Chicago, 15-90. Fraiii'la. Mtiy. Lyric, lUeliiyutid. Va„ 15-30. Frmiilelliis. The, U. O. II,, (Jriind Ituplda, Mleb , ■15-20. . . ■ FntiH'la ft Diiulnn. Aoik*. Norfolk, Vit., 15<20. I'reilerk-k A Poole, Acme. Norfolk.-Va., 15-20. --Futurity Winner," L'ult'a, Sprlugrlald, Mass.,, 13- 20, Fuller. Ii.v-.i- ft C.t„ (Jr)'Htal, Detroit, 13-30. Fuller. Ida., Fntiikfort, tier., 16-Ul. (fnr.liiev ft Muddt-rn, oiymple. Halt Lake, V.. 13- 30; -Jr|ilii'iiii., Dsnier, Col., 22-27. Cunlni-r ft itevere, <I. 0. II.. Iiiillnuapolla. 10- ,20 i HimklHM'. Louisville. Ky.. 33-27. (Inrdnor. HuMiy Jnrlt, Tiinit, Tretitoti, N. J., 15- 201 (1. u. II., Hyruoiwv, V. Y„ 22-37. Oanluei- ft Vliuent, Or-ilitiibi, Kuusaa Clly, 15- 20; Nt Gntiaiiiioi, .. ilnrrlsoii. Jttleit ft Klla. ,K. ft P. 3Ud St., N. Y. ft, 1330. iii.il.i-du-r ft Miic'r, Famllj, N. Y. C. 13*30. • Lirrlly HUlert*. I'rot-ior'H. Albany. N. Y.. 13-20. Uiibrlel. Muster. A Uii,.. Kulth'a. Boston. 10.20- (i'ui.ly. Clsrlw H.. Oriilwjiiiii, Ullca, N. Y„ 16-20. Cnllettl'.t Monkey-*, C«Hmibhi. Cincinnati, 10.20. GityJonl. Bonnie, M«ryl:ni.l. Ili-llo, 16-20 ; Ohaio'a. Wiialilngt I). 0.. 22-37. Gagiious. Tlie, U. ft P. 3ttth St.. N. Y. (.'.. 23-27. Gitvlur ft (JruO. Star. Mutule, lud., 16-20; New Urph.'iiui, l.lmu, i/. 22-37. (ieuis, Tbe. Kvllli'a. Pblla.. 15-30. OntluiH. Tlie.-Cryatul. Toledo, 0., 13-20; Jr* win. '....hiii. I in)., 32-27, . (llliluy ft I''ix. oiviiipic Cincinnati, I6-20. (llll. 11, Turn, Hk-Iipiioud, No. Adsnis, Mass.. 15- 30, ijliliimii ft I'ei-o'. Oarrles. Iliirllugton, la.. I3j30. ttltwii) ft NnhIi, Dixit*. MuiHplilH, Teiiii., 15-27. Ulluioi-n ftiCnrrell, llllou, Pnt-ui'tie. Is.. 22-27. Gllroy, - Miivnes ft Moutgoiiieiy. L'nli|U0. Ksu Glalre. WIm., tow ■ rilllelie'N Musical Dogs, K. ft 1'. 23d St.. N. X, '"., 18-30, OoliUmltb ft IlOppe; Kniplre, Plltsllul-J. >Ia«., IB-30, U'.tti.-i., Mr.-ft Mr«„ Mssotilc. Ft. Wsyuv. lud-. 13-20: U, 0. II.. Ol'urjd Hupids, Mtdi.. 22*27. (lolUc, Anna II.. I.'nlini", Ahruti, U,. 15*20. Goforih 'ft-Duyht, rtaJSM, Ilkln., 13-20: II. ft H.. „$. Y. .ft, 22-37. 1 . ift.r-e-.witi. Joo. Ci'Mtut, Botrolt. 15-20. Gonioii, clip*. K.'ft wU'umm m<i» n. y,- c. 15- 20. , p 'i.tiiiwi. Gaifl Oalnto.'. GiphiMiin. Ukln.. 16-30. Ihmlou ft titiaro-). -nulcty. Detroit. ir..2u, liVtnlou. Don ft Mas, Lyrlu. Tetre Haute, lod.. m-30. . . Gobleii ft Hughe*, Kmplre. .HliiaOsld. Mass., 15- 20; Poll's. Wtiroeplcr, -22-27. ' ■ Gouhusns, Mnsh'sl. Griind . St.cluu. lud.. 15-20; Teinple. •Vl.r ffiMi 23-27! '' .' 1 (Julilfii, (Jt-nrgo 1'ulli.r, Rbtto's, Turouux, I5-2U, Gisnd Opt-rn 1'rjo, U> Brufl f -'COa«e'a. Wusulu-flou, 1). 0., I5-20, Grant ft Hong, K,.« P. t'nivti' Ku.. V, Y. ft. '13- GriiCft Burnttt, lVhmlvil' Salsm, N. C 13-20. Grata' BtibouiiM, Ii'*w!tli'*, Pi-ut-dloiu'c, 13-20, Gray ft llrulium, Acudewy. I'litabtirg, 16-20: Ly- ceum, 1 Waabluvloii,' DC.. 33-27. ' llsrrlilen llnja., Ilrin'onbu'rk*b' , i. pulls.. 16-20. Hullt-u ft Fuller, N'tlhoo, SprlnnuVld. Masu., 13-20. Ilavlluud, Butler, Howard, Boston, 13-20. Harrtioti, Harry, Mutihtltan, Norfolk, Va., 15*20. Hulleti ft ]|u>t-u, HiilUnway'Hi New Bedfoi'd, Muss,, 13.20, . . Usggeriy, "lljppy Joe," Acme. Uacrsiovuto, Cal., llQtbawuy ft smatC Young's 1'lor, AtliuUo City. N. J.. 15-20. Harris A Hurrla, fttaobattan, Norfolk, Va., 10*20. Iliyei ft Jobituou, Proiitoc's, Newark, H.J., 10- 20, ' "' ; Harrlw-ti, r>e, K. ftp. *20d Ht,; N. Y. Q., 13-20, Ilurl-udi k IIa-..(, DIJou. Wir-ding, W. Va.. 16- 20: Grfiblum, UliUHcotba, O,. 22*27. Ihrrltes, Duuchig 141, Elite, Dsvcnuort. Is-, 13- ,20! lotlusu-lul, Mollce, 111., 22-37. HaradlD'a llull.ii, kettb's, Pbiln.. 13-20. Ilnnsuu k NcU'ju. Urpbauui. Loa Angolci, Ual., 15-20. Id .. >a. O.. 23-'J7. Hacker-Lester 'Mo, Aloaubm. N. Y. C. 1&-20. Hatisou A Hani., Hlppo-Jrvau;. N, Y. C 15-20. Mall A Colburj, Star, Hsorin, Hh. 18-20. Harduisii, Joe, lDtwsrd, Bustuu. 13-20. Uowihoro* A Burt, Ftoctot'a, Albsoy, N. Y., 1-3- Ranaa, Virginia, 5It.ly«iie, Cluclutiatt. 13*20. Hsnlltou ft Wllny. Cinplre, etprtngdwld. III., 1."- Jan. 1, 1607. ■*.."• llay-nsu ft Frur-LIIn. B^viui'il''-, Woolwh-b, Eng., 13-20; Groydun, l^wdoo, 22-27; Heifvut, Hut- turd, 30-Nov. j: Croydca, Luudou, 3-10. llulcy ft Hnrty. Crjittil, AaJsrsou, lud., 15-20; : Crystal,'Kokomo, 23-27. ' llarrlB BoouregsrslR ft-c*-.,-uijoi.-. Marinette,. Wis., lH-20: New BIJou. CaluuieiV 22-37. Barry, Loppy, Uiymirket, .Chicago, 13-20, ■