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^mm^i sragra; eeejw i ^ppg <3Bipp^:r. >m ^3-^^55^ ^|S:«ffl,oHi nnd BTKSISWBi* r.icsu ME** i ' ')F«II<4lver»—AMh^^JMtftWr f»f*MiwIr' r*tvV K-WRflnn.' rmMm^nmniRW iip-Rom Ktnrtr Cn. Kptnyad' »i [Melt** engagement, in renertory,' beginning Oct, in, 10 *gnod wnl- nAsVnnd WV> MIUwMmb; TIip -Bennett & UniiHfiWTft. 22-27, "A'Trip tr> Egypt." 5ft, : Rhlrd Off fhfl Turf" Nov. 1-*,. S, jutnv OV, F. Mason, resident mnnnger).-— M l*irt ughl era of Men" wns presented Oct. in, nhif was very well received.' llnrnthy llnn- nrllt odd prrln .lohnson were excellent, ami worthy dfspeeliil mention, whilft the rent of (too oolrripany wns good. Daniel Hu'ly*.-ln ■ The Matchmaker," III. 17, played ift ;falr raitimfc.*g.vlQg great wiilsfaoiimi.- SlicMrfl's lanvlag-irifiturns. jh-lkl were greatly "»v<>yC'i- Paula Pfrtwarde*. In '-Trlin'tfH* Beggar,"' 22: i.ans-NelMM tight picture* 2.'l, Besses o' the Burn BahcI 24, "The clngerbrcnd Man" 27, ■*Tli» PHfplierrl Klnjs" 2!KNov. 3. t, ■ . Sfifiunv's-iirhM. H. lAok.. manager).— flood inuttness "prevailed at ihla hoime-lam. weflk.i.the programme giving .grent sailRfac- ll^fhUrS^SM Woltoii.- i'nrflriwMo: titers, Ulll* andMi.rrl*, St. ng I'roihors, l*n,i*y Ituvle. Cfiaa. Mud: and compnuy, and earn- crograph.. * . . ' "Bos'rhx (Chns, Schleslnger. manager).— Week or 22: The l'rty.tnnn. Phil Morton, I ho Ihiiyjl, Hob Wlristnnley, Rmftlntte And- Ber- owm? Rostcnscope, and Novelty Ritrlesnuors. Mimlnesa keeps up to llio usual high stnnd- NirKKr.opR(»x.—-Week of 22: The Ftynns Joe '.Verett, Frank Whitney, Raymond aod ' Sitrtonlit, iifld opttecope. Uualncm, la always L-onil (Afro. Notes. —TU'e many friends of Al. Ilnynes and Jn'lta Itedmnnd are pleaaed to near of their suecessTln vaudeville, Harry Ball, u native of this city, was In town 17-20, In the Interest of the Onns-Nelson fight ple- lUres,.-.. /.J.-Frank Uurko has moved to Itls farm nt Sotilh Woodstock, Vt. Mr.- Burke linn mode ho ■ plant* for this season ,\, i:. T>nly and company, of this city, l>o oue of t?ie fentttreft, 20-Knv-. a, at p SSSff ftWb*w,. tfte I end rflernon Sly- aya Rrid'WlnohfJt" tnnTfiarrettrSay Becte, Altoona.—At thp II Ishlei ItcTlpll and Vnn, Millie .ViWof* 1 ntid .Tack m*Mbr> Mnip. Rehamfintfrnitf litffifflcft om.' in. v<**f " A ri Van, Millie yaitapf/ 1 and .Tac i Kraplrc NlidwpKrfldnrt pleat. t dii(\ lilnyefl bneflhnclty \nn iriHi ....._ J FAtan an.i Sortnn Oregg, ;X*?.H W .Hlhvuhkec freaa imu hart nr- SleCttie. The Of omn.iflment ' J^krRNVit ffruBi Orpji-v, Hotisr (Prank Jlhimunt, nmniiRi-ri.—Thif hitHewpito, "Kroa.l ngwt for ii.- uannl benefit nt the David- siTf*t' BIkhi. 'tHi* Vtonoted <*6ps" nnd n.JUec. yX offering \\m. II. Oratae.;."(.., ■ itoller .Hk.nlng flliik.f »re drmriiig Mif TltnTtnnfpot-tiitlon .^soclntlon ot Milwaukee erhwfl*i And nm continued, ,in |hi>ihlll fur w|U have a henellt al the Shuue.il. Nnt. '12, «£S of EK. In tli*» i.lUj: fax unrt >V«rd will uaWnL- acrnrea pa Wolf Hopper, In "Hnppy- M seen In n new flkejfch, Add Mmler nml TiJrper Will nlw* liave *«w 1h6U. ,f : Btttt rinlre.-i-At Uieiirnnd (f. O. Moon, marirtgon liarrv iterp<«rofd,.ln "The Woman Dior/' flel. t;(. «ia» to fair hiialneax. Fer- ris' Comedian* oiieneil 1 i. for Hip week* in ». It. H. lldM-ni'hnl 2lt. Itniw Melville 27. 'Albttla (Inllalln Ml. j 1-Nrori: fWn. -Vtmnrtt. ritflldentronnnirer). —WefK of ].",: Olgn 'imnqiiiai. Jafk. i.'aBlon a:ul Atnlicl Hmtllims, I'oilor-Hnd llarrU, \\ni. Avniontl, Jinn UarrliiKiimrnno) Ullroy, Hayps a»(J Tlfnnlgnnippy. SomPhf Uw features Wt*k of i2 are: Tne-Toiul.*t TrLi, Wai. II. Win- (lorn and the Ureal Klppy. \ i&* ■ PRNXSYI,VA*IA. HtTAm',Miri;..i|-<. IHMil M Ull IT ill™, ap Or Hrnok.lVi. *„'J nnil : wwik t!l> flnil w.i'l. 'jSi'.'riif 1 ! 1 !. l'$LJVVu y iJ? Ktmm-Uni wk' liy thXiiiirMii «t rtulKl- SftS ° 7*'™'.,^ i*3 e ,' '»* lii»P»"ltnn lor -An .\<IHpl,l TKcnlrb.ur Phllnilelphln.—Tim (lit ronml IK Ifi (hi- . tlie CnvPrnor," nt Hie (iliPatimt .Street Opi'tit House. The other opening* nt Hie down town houses are,: "The College "Widow,'* nt Ihe Chestnut, and "The Clanamhrt" at Hie Wal- nut. n ClIFRTNtlT- ftmECT'OlTRA llOtlSP. (NlXOn k //Immermnn, tnannKcrsKj-— I'hllndrlplilti audiences will have their llrnf view, Ocl. a2, of .leffcrHon He. Angpils. In "The Hhi tmd (he Uovernor," a now coinlc opera, with the nwt- »lc l>y Julian Kdwurtls'tind (be hook by H. M. - Brenner. TM caal Includes: FlNrellc Wentwortli, BIclilo Ling, Maude I^cklpy, Henry Vogol, Lillian llboden, Arthur Hurry. Aiulrew ItoKtiri, HKWJI :I<ennnn, ltolund Car- ter, Frnak Holmes, KMlhw "t»rnne'tte, Aciine Ffed^l'lekB, Victoria Bluar* ubd Mitrion t'tiilwc. floe Weber, In '-Twiddle-Twaddle," and 'T'he _ ,'P. P. _. np HTBlfew lpgla.os man. makes'Hw Wfet-T»pr ly, -J2. and will he Ihe principal .. hi: tlip etirlo liatl. In inljIlUui to Ihe Hen shdW. lb- South AtneftrAn* On-hdAtfti ,'"]"• liflFsgnni c|rms. nnrt HanSn* Mdvand Wnn- nptta's 'Wliil Wrtt,'"- la "ilip ihwra'nre: Frank Dunn! (lie /imiiionnniis, 3. V. J<iH)lD'ri clnpogiapti. SotKs.*-T|iP Hop Ton will reoiwu 22 «h n ri.und lfl cent coiillnuoua vaiHlnvlll** honne. ...IDT. J. Irfuila Mini*, of rhla dly, who re- tired from the *how htulnca* three vears ago iil*mrdt slore, u^.t to tnkn up Mia jir Me t M wil of dentistry, has re- lire. Thuj' stmoi twnod to iMfl oh I love, amMniM slgiiPd-with " • Tlip '.llelle of MrtjrfaJr.*' PorniltB^wehi Hopkins, iiwniascr). —'iliijn aim legions man. makes' HIM lirvi apjM*Qni loffllly, *42.niid i wll > l he the principal frnrure HyiloH. ty*\\n >i Nelil.-Ku' V. Hlilly, the lJoyVK ami _ i|»w a icfl Oct.- in, vci^*fs •iflnvii'M hi fd'hnitM ](1. A robtibMrnft man* i h*i«*W , M"'inthe krai*.lt, , :*»|i ''awl for Hmtor, T!dwin n., SwMtl. awl as Bpenket-s. -Cor I lor IfWOt'*- 1R. Ilipflln, Mil lairnM itomijig ct in. r Wnrnlng-Aell" wu>i r.v hhve hA|tti prfs«falcl 10. ."Dor* Tlinrnc" L*ft. ^'Whfn Knlghtho*! u>..-k. f4MM*» -i'i, -T»hp 'flriiMv SlrmTwVi "' £t. VneVitoll at Pftit'.l.yrtne," i-:L*rvRxini Avkniii. (I, C. MlnMer. trtanh- gi i ij—The Karl ButWt Stock i"V. liful'Mg hasiaefw lf> and wceh. Tho Kfilekerhncker Mas In Flower** _ "Ai Ihe Old CroM lldadH" „ tho Aliar" 2i», June flare, in ' Khlche',. _ Arlington 1 Work Manhattan comefty Rtnif'piddW^tfti htak (v. w.jBmr. naaBgwrrj,-—U» 1'crrK Jr. Co., 1.1-20. dreV hft bnnlsw. Innocent Maids wack■« 22. SIahsry Strsto Ham, (Strwnri. Hnf-lna. mnriniier).—LivHicavhllo and his fanotin or- rhe^tra 1R, | ■ ii ■ 11 i ■ » i.uikIoh.—At 'tlu» tlnmu UUtL Blcwarh ■■miinngoh tho l.milley Wtoek Co., Oct. li-ln. had w>ry ffaod lirtnlneRH, ;Tli^ Wlilln jstoek ... i.i, ^Is,. rami piei/y wall., "The tffUimft iw Mi:«KT. Tji^iio-—VogelV MIp- ;Wm.o'-|h**WLip." it*, tldj not. 0P|«?*i> Thn p» cnn>e IB. -*rhc JUnutat milWMne Huiicau tflrtrK c.-lmcily r.». waf liilrrleilly iiiu>k(wt for that ditto, on arconui. or it. lielng a holiday iThitnksulvhi;; Ony). .fames T. msffta Si in ■ThirBliifl Moms' Bns: — tnirono" 17* "The \S:i-iiiii^ Hell" iSD. NoTt-:.---Tho liew Mlihler Theatre itfl de- MrnyMThfll-n- at O^Vlrtflc ifti'tha flUfBtng of, *ikM. J\K And notalng Im urtw ( t«ft>of rlfni lianilioiae lutlldlng lull Ihe -whIIpv The-hre wai) caused liy,, a .Inrice llve-Hiurv linpM>.rnr. — next lo Hie theatre, caleliliig .riioiure. known n^ 1ii>: New ItothrttL Bnlldhig, whs luillt at tin* ^nme lltoio as lite thfoire. Th p »''«' '''l 1 " 4 * IWIWW*. which U nnt yet. ociMtpled, anil wntild ipvo lri>rn romplcieit .Ian. I. HH*>7, viu also ile- Hiroveil, all eAcepilnit ilia walls. Tlte Oicatre nwt til I *.orm, iiikI Mr. Mlaillflr otily Tiaii f't'i.OOO liisuninre. lie haa not <lecUlcct yet wIiuUihi lie will-i-ehnlld or not. Tlie. lliearro opened '■"eh. [ft. 11XW, with KWatjor ferformatn Im Honor. wn» Oct. JS, moo, with "For . .«rt ... 1'enn Than Ire, at I.aneimter and Falrmotmt Avenue*. The Ailelpiil will lmve a wating fftpilclty of 1..100, while tlu» Wm. 1'ena will he one of tho laice^t la Die vountry (lie .. pinnB ahowlng a sratlii" ra|Wul|.v of 4..10O. Uohson. in vMarely Mnry Ann,'* nnfl thp'lAat .'..'.. .The inenthem of thp I'orojmnKh Slock, which tllnhi'inlH at the cml of the week, will hild-a farewell recepiinq on the stnre ntthe close or ihe i mntlii.ee oji Oct. 20.;., ..The Oerman Theatre Ktock will produce "Pie llelii'Oth," week of 22.., ...A nUlrf kkfttlnv rink tin* been IpstnHfd In t)if .Second Kcul- niPivt Armof)'. Ilrond" anrt 1'lamond MlreeiH, Oantaln John l'ounir, of Atlantic CH>\ "■^iilr- aet. New- ■HMHnrd.—At the New Bedford Theatre (Wm. 11. Crow, mnnngcri Han Jhtlly. En "The Matchmaker,*' Oct. 11, pleased. "Weavv Willie Walker, 12, hud. a lop Ileavy house.' '"Why fiirl* l.enve Home," i:t, drew good huMlnesfl: ■■.'1'ho Sllepliflrd King." 1R-IT, t-ame to fftlr huslness. Titos. 1". Shen, In repertory, L'2-27. Hath vw.W . (T, B. Baylies, manager).— capacity bHsiness. Bill for week of 32: Harry Corson Clarke, (iermlnnl. the llntaet Trio. Mr. and Mrs. Billv Barry, the Althen Slaters, Lillian Mnynard, the Holmen Bros., ::tif| thu vltngraph, _, , S.uov (Wm. .11. Shine, mnnngeri.—BnHl- bhh eontiiiues gond. For week of 22, pk- i.urea,ntnj Oypes and Iiyiuw. - N'otrs.— Santniiclll. hypnollsl. has been gfrs j .The Ro'ttna Sylhjmony conceH seasiin "begins ni the.Aendemy of Music on Xov. 5.' .r«iiieN(o-r-Fn.~Al the t'nmhrla Theatre (II. XV. Hcherer, mannnerl "Confr-salons of a Wife" Mm pwd - tmnlnwa Drt, 111. t'rahe nnd.iIaffreyH. In "Site tHtoopn to rotio,uer," had a good house \\ rlvlop n very plea King per forma pee. 'nm hnperlnl BUl-1nqu(irii old stKfrM (tJ. F. Prlrtcflll. tmntiger).— Hlll'for w*»k of lb drew Imp houws. --BIH wek of. 22; I^wLh, Alffoiij and. compan.v, Kay Cox. Montif'V dud Halheju. Uiicbe,vf Four, TshiT and Patterson, FllKglbhons and ilef!ny and Cordova. ' ^a i ,^..,-i..| i ' i ■niiftwii.—At the Ruaaell (l». (lormah, ■ntMljMr) "lied Kea'ther"'plnywl to goml busl- nehs Oct. ft, 11. 1-'. H. Wlhnnl had mpncltv h 1ft. "The Woman In thp Ciinp" filMaert IB, Besttea Hand HI. "The llonnfe Brlnr nu->h" 18-20, "The tJurlteKs .if Devonshire" 22; iftl. '•Jll«l Out of College" 2.V'J"*. HlMKP Oi'KKA Horsn (K. J. Hlrdwhlslle, innnuacr).- -"Her b'lrat False Stop" had itraHMl Iioiihck 4-fl. "Unity Tolty" did uoou liUHltieio 11-1't. nice linslnrns J'nradlae Mildred HoltnncL III icew. nn.excellant llc-llevlllc.—At tho Cnrneii Opera tlonae («, K, Culrnen. tttnnu«er) Marsh Bros.' Co., week of Or , Ift, had hlg returns, "nello. Bill," wllh (leo. F. full. 22: IVisello Knoft, In "The laiehPNs of fKWonsmro," SO, qneiii-i — .\i the Audllorlura Theoire io the Btar, hlg hits. were made by Marie musical . comedy suecew, "The. Mountain Dressier nnd Bbnflle Mnclii. II. B. Irvine 20. *'HittHT," ahpears Oct. 2-27.' ta»t.'weeki Lvnii! (Messrs. Slnibert. managers).—K. KWw Janla. In ,l Tt\c Annrlerhllt Cup, II, Sofheru and Julia Marlowe added to their " Hat .of .triumphs when they produced, on !.", Cerey '.Mnckayfi'B yeivlon of "Jeanne D'Arc." Tho press nnd public were laylsh in their praise or the play, nnd Mlas^fnrtnwe. In Ihe title role, scored n distinct dramatic Minvsa. Mr. Hothera, lit n ntla that is iwmewltnt less liaportant. wan tltocoitghly artUtic; The nt- tendani'p hint weeK wns ho hlg that II hus been decided lo continue ".[pRnhP D'Arc" until -the middle of Hie week. For the rest of the week, beginning 28, "The Sunken Hell" will,he produced, while the Ihlrd week of the engagement will be devoted lo ".tohni the Baptist." " CilKsTNttT INUon A ZImmerntnn, manh- Thc College Widow." far two wfSek ■• t I'nrAitUfi nt lira" i\rfW nn CMP lent tnrnrr. —ni nit; .viiumn iiim iiipoirn good mtHluesft lis. "DaraTliorne" had Rood "...A 1 ??^ U!r ,fnR01 ' plnyp< ' ,0 <****** ... packed the bouse, and acnrcrl n hit. Janes K. Iluckett, In "The WflllH of Jericho." 2i» "and week.- .JttifiAHco (J. A. Heed, manager).—"Th« I'rllii'e Chap." Willi Cyril Bi-ntt, 22-^7. Mat week. Leo Dltrlcbuteln, In 'iir-roi-e anil After." played to jtood hiislness. nnd anv« the patrons one or the funniest: shows or tho season. "Brown or HnivnnV ^!t and weelt. Urantv (Marry "IidVIs. nianngeri.— This week's hill Includes: Ned Wayhiirn's.'!***hn Futurity Winner." liniinnMy's VilrdH, Charlie Case, Taylor Iloluies. Four Bros. Mrlvln, MeCrea,' and Toole. Mabel]* Meeker, Mnim- Held and Wilbur. Ihe Labaknns. Ilnppr Jack Msie.'Kckeil and llertt ,lmn Ardelie, Dill good KusInesK 18. "Dora Tltorne" had uaml business mntbiefl narl nlclii. 1ft. "Oaptoln cawlewt" (returnl tnatlneo and night 2.*i, "The Squaw Man** '17, "The Warning Hell" (return) innilnee nnd night 27,. "Mint LvpnA" 20. "Deserted nt Hie Alt*/* HO, ; Nirrr,—The Hit* wtileti dcMlroyra the Mlsh- ler Theatre, nt Altoonn. 10, will ptohfilHy dlsnrrnhgp the fulure* hookhiga nl Cambria Theatre 1 in some exlobt. The miinnirpinent states that the foregalnK nltrncllons are cer- tain. . . honsca Oct. 1R*20. MI \ MIS or A. Sernnton.—At Hie iVrccum (A. .1. Duffy, manager I "Hit Ifonftr, tha Mnyov" (return eugagemenl t, Oct. 22. 2-t. "The Tenderfoot 20. . Arthur Hitchcock c„me 10. Ai'M'cmy (A. J. DiinTy. lnntiflger).—"Ber- tha, the Sewing Machine oirl." 'JQ-iA; Har- ney (ll'ntore 25-27. "The Choir singer," IS* 20, came 1o good ttotippx. STAtt (Air. <i. lleirlnKton, lmnaKer).— MlnnrnpolU.—At the Metropolitan OpeTn Nouac Mi .N. Sroit. tnnnngeri J«we(ih Caw- thorne. In "The Pree Lnnce." Oct. 21-24: Ail>erta (litllntlti, lu "lw>i*othy Vernon or lladioH iihII/* 2.1-27. WHtnn Lfleltoyp, In "Tho I*aw niul Ihe Man," 14-17. and Harry Beresford. I|i "The Woman llnter," 18'2b, came In inrgo honses. -The Wlrnrd of Ok" 2S-'tl. Mnslite Klilott Nor. 1.1. Hi.ioii opkp.a IIotrsH (Then. L. Hoys, mnn- nger>.—"Votini? Buffalo, King of tlto VIM Weat," 21 nnd weelt. "'tip Dangerous Hmuno" came, to fair Inialness, 1-1 and week. "Behind Ihe Mart" 2ft and weelt. oiu'itwH (Martin Book, general inaunaer). —Bill for 21 and week: Rase Caghlnn and uiy. I'lilwnril Clnrk nnd the Winning one reason, „ I Hie: The "When On ■■Why Olrli R tC l(.MONO dent mnnBger iha'-new- ' vaudeville, ... perfoi'mances daily. The bill Included Four Toledo*. Rckel and Warner, Tom flll- len. BolteO and. Ilyers. Hie Thlf* Olincin'trk^, the vltagraph. with some line pictures, i!ou- ehidlng :i very tttrong nnd pleasing perforn.- tineo. Holyoko.—At tho Oncfa House (Jamse II. O't'onnell, .mnnapen ".Tnst Out. of c'ltl- lege" came Oct. lfl, to fair hnslnesif, and gave great .satisfaction. "The Volunteer __:„„. Organist." 17, drew medium business, and !?«»*,•*£.> 'Bed Keatlier." 10. had the capacity* ,* mFtLXTSm «~*Ha n""nhpiftmftniil week •Mam'selle .Sallle' htbTom tiammtni)" «".. A *£&*f.P9* ." a "L5..1H gngement. glnlnn." had a fortnight or profitable hnsl iichh, ending - 11 - ' i PArk (F. <'•. NIxnn-Nlrdllhger. manager). —Barney m-rnard. ln"The Ridlloklng Olrl," bejilns u fnrtalghl'M »*nBrtgoipeiil 22, ..Kl9''- enep Bindley, lr» ■"nie.dfrl and.Ihe i.rfmhter,". had two weeks of pmllliible I)1isIupsh cubing 20. t ires ton Ptarle, In "A Hugged 'Messen- ger," Nov. ri. Ol[ANH the popular T a irt i rnr niwn11r w i nwi i m. onened 22.: Last; week limest Hognn. In "ftdfus ItiiMtua,' packed tin 1 hmiao nil week, and cave n good, laiiRlUng ahnw. "Old laiafto from The Bowery". 2!» nnd week. HAXOTV (Jas.-R. ftrr, manager).—Tbe nine Itlhhoti Hlrls, wlth'funiiy comedians, u. well' drilled chorus or handsome wnmen. nnd 'air nil- star olio; • tyht'Oh" lacludps (lltiqueyflll), J - 1hdi .1- Ot'F.n.v Ihu-HK (0, A. Wegefnrlli, wtiow wondprfulipnta eloct rUM Baron* ami —10 vo TaiiKiiny, In her new play, dlsocrcrttad n sensation In AmerlcHi opehpil Fellow." opens 2'1 Nat M. Wills, ».' Last'Wok'Hie Beltmnn Show patflteil'lhe i - .,..cky Dog." had a phenomenal week house, at every performance, and ga ■.o lD W2* ilKLL.r.;„ ^inn' -"/TnriJew m<I1u« "Si, .laying to rapacity at all of inn grand entertainment. l*ran?t D. Hryai ^; '^ 9 „« ln fi e »'" '" < -.., M 1 ?, n 1 n.i i.ike""r night, pprformnnccs. "Vork State Folks" 2». Mh Congrewi of American Olrls mflila 1 eS^J.* ft^&JS.fli^™Xt-- ; From <"«*•"» «M"I« & Kinfnwn. manager*).- « fivpfjr gerWrmanee. The Parisian W. ^^™i?AnV^.7fi^A.^ l !Sf r ii ni™ 1 "ThC Uarntlier of l>.Wwr 23 «'MI Week. M«ojH* a _ I'ho ("anrti- A Child of tiie Itoglmenl." drew erowdwl houses in*ao. "The Hull Boom Boys" next. rporiiK'8 ft-'. O. Mson-Mirdlinger, mnna- : ger).—"The Way uf Hie Transan'SHor" .22; . followfpg a week AI cnod cetuvnK done hy UawrwtoiMs^-At Ihe Opern .House (Ornpt. ...^tieen of the circus." ■'Bertha, tho Saw- Tramp to Millionaire," 10-17, and Al. Beeves, ■18-20, both did good business. "Nettle, tho Nowsplrl." 22-24: Rice nnd Barton 2.V27, "Ruled Off (he Turf" 20-11. k Calm, manager*)) Ihe Fenherg Stock to, held Ilia hoards week of Oct. 10, to good business. Olnra Turner Co. 22-27. Colonial (J. Fred Lees, mannger).—An exceptionally good 1)111 drew big bouses week of in. Booked weel; of 21: Tho (lagnoux, Mnbello Sinclair Helphliif and Delraorn. Itave Nowlln. Sisters O'Meers. Arlington Four, Barrows, Lancaster Co., and the mov- ing pictures. Ing Machine <;irl," follows. ■ H*,anky'.** (J. I'. Kckhardt, mnnnger).— "At Cripple Creek" Is the melodrumatiu offering week of 22. "ConfesslonH of \VIFa'* m and gave n Bryan and ■ a pit blows .Aoaiibmy of Alpmcdl. W. Williams, nian- ngeri.—Tho Marry Milkers, 22-37, present-; ing iw* funny barlettas. Tim management has pictures of tiie (JnnK-Nt-lsmi (Iglit on HiIh weok. Last week Miner's Americano " to tho ufdi." * TheBrlgadl HI. Pnnl. — At the Melropotlian Oporn Honan' (D. N. Keoit, manager) Harry Benn- ford, In ' 1'ho Woman IJater." had far to goofi biisliioiH Oct. M17. Wilton Lnrkflyc, In "Tho Law and lho Mntt," had hlg liualnaaH 18-20. Alberta OallAtln, In "Dorothy Ver- non, of llndtion Hall," 21-24: "The Free Iriineo" 2.1-27, "Tim Vatidarbllt. Cap" ■»- Nov, I, "Tim Oliigerbrcud Man" 2*4, "Ttio WHard of Oa" f.-». a M oit and (Thendoro Tj. Hays, manager).— "Young Btiffalo"i had big hiislness week of Oct. 14. "II mind the Mask" 21, "Sis Hop- kins" 28. Utah (J. c. Van Ron, manager).—Bust- neaH'tfoa very (M^d with tUe AnnVee Driddln iliirrlHhurn-.--Al the Lyceum Theatre fat. Hols, manager) Viola Allen's engagement hi "CymiiPllne," Oct. i;, was the lint real ippell, man- ager).—"Onyent Manhattan." WM. nnd lles- sle Mae IInll, Jfl-20j Iwth wera very aitcoess- ful. . Bijou (Updegrnff ft HrownpM, manttgerB). —Tim Howery Jhirh'Hijtiera and the Lid Lift- ers divided the past wi*ek to good huslness. .* , v .-1. mmi ii I ' ■■ ■■ ■■ *• ,'1 ICjiaipn.—A^ ttie Ahlo Opera. Jloiwe IW. K. Detwlflcr, manager) Viola A-K-n, in "Cym- bRlliie."-Ocl. in, enjoyed excelIfnt businasH. "Busier Brown" did fftlrly good hitslne.afljlfl. „ 'Tlia itotllcklnp: Htr|," 17, also plnyed to u r.Irls week at 14. Tho High Hetinol Oltls goml-slrcd auillence. ■■ 21. tha Tiger mHAji 2H. Lrnn: (K. \V. lirawn. mnim«nr).—*Thn Nrv Orpkrtui (Jules F. Hataa, resldnat ihngi-vl.-—Tills heaullfiil llioalro will 6j»U , hk -■ HiivrrtlH.nl. The entire house nHs eon sold out for th*'opening, and It'eonid "-In, ttio demand for 'lie seating i-npnclty Is a imu t l.floo, It iieomed an iittpoHslbln task In get tho hnnsn In rendiricH*, hut by * JinH'beca ticcomp- ._ (HuilHi B. Hull, man- has been lining a rarord LTftii' (K. »v. lirown, mnnngnrf.—inn jvi popiilatlty of this vhiulfVlllfl Iwuko Is being muhi mnquaatefl more atnuigly each dny, by the •ju t .. atcniflly Increnwlng litihlness. Of Ipat'WflnK'H t)(<c-R .,_, line nggregiitlnn, thoTliree Ln Mate Brothers have been sold over agnln, ttio demand fot prnvwl ihe blue rlhbopcrs. Their fonts were admission he|ng great. Tf ilirltllnoly enjoynble, nnd the ttntdamo was ■ Thn prewnt week'a bill In- ^^ni W ^.L« ll V tu ''i1 Ara,frlcM . 11 ''TUyejl dudes- Cherry and Bates, FKzgi-rnlil and wrtrltltig night mid dny It usunl large liimttania, and pleased. <j|idy. Sisters Noble, Fmni-ls Wootl, 1 and PU iislipd, •* •afliera 20 and week. ('Hunt and bin four ten. WlkMMa.NnvRi.tv (Bm >YUe" wna to tlia liking of tho iMitcnnn, who tariicd mit 'lu good i —' "Queen of the Oopvk'ts' ..National (Joseph M. Kdly, mnnnger).— .•■••'he (ijrlaQd .tba-QOvornor," Tlxo'oidore Kr«ntir*» "A Woman of Fire Is : n |g ImsHjesH and nn amnhnfli* i scheduled i'or twelve parformanneH. begin- Davis, hi "The House of Mirth being In evidence, ■ .loflei'Hon Tannfon,—At Ihe Taunton Theatre (Calm & Cross. Managers) the Mas'o Cecil Co. MM week of Oct. It., with the exception of 18, which date wns tilled hy lOflle .Shannon and jiqp. Hall, lit Herbert Kelscy. In "Tho Daughters of Men. Business was good. I'ai'ci'lle. the hypnotist, ■week of 22, with "Just Out of College" Oiling In -■ iilnu 22. "While * Frisco Hums" met ylth hlg-success 'to'crowded houses Iota week. The Millionaire's Revenge" 20. 'lAit'f'a (John W. Hart, nianngeri.— Jcsalo "A Soiitbern Vendettn," 22. la'Pclatlvo audience, 10. I'i Hlgl h- Aligclis, Ii ' followed, to rgroem lay i." had an ap* uce Sterrltt closed iho week to hlg business, lu "Wheh Knlalil " Mmp. Shumnnu-lieink <«» WISCONSIN. Milwaukee.-ijocal theatres are doing a thriving buslnesa. "Forty-live Minutes front titular role, Broadway" appeared Oct. 15-20, nt the will bo. m'ted ., __..^ .., Davidson, to capuclly, and held up well all thnr MaYlffTnd. g&tJW. SSu^SLff week. Fay Tfimpleton: had her audiences Lyoiifi" was given aplrU*d J^F'QW'Wf** wllh hor from ihe start, Maurice Klllott The new policy of the hoiiHc will he I nigii- tilled In the week a» Kid.Burns, and did wtMl 21) when Anna Day opens In "When rk. Mhnneec shprninn Brown offers Knighthood Wan lu Flower. good work. Manager Sherman Brown offers Knighthood Was lu F'oj'wr. Maxlne Elliott In "Iler Great Match," 22- Standaro Darcy & Speck, nmnngcis).— 21; Klton Lackaye, in "S Law aad tho The stock will produce week _of 22. t new hood Wtis In J.'lower.' 2:1, Henry Jewott, la "The Sonnw Maa." 24; "lluster Brown" 27. The "llostille" engage- ment. 20, was canceled. OfKitA KetHU (M, ttell, mitnaguTl.—The Knitkiu-lioclier iiA. had a tilg weok, Due, the Fail Burgess Co. Notes,— J, I?. Fprlonp;. buslnesa mnnnger for Mme. Sohumfinn-Heluk. wan litrii 10-ls. General Manager John U Kerr, of the lids circuit, waa here 17 Wayne Lrler, hllc the other Important parts 0 r this city, formerly with the Orpheuu Stork by Edwin MlddhMon and Ar- Co., ha* Joined the "Hoses nnd Thorns" Co. ..... ;Fred, C. Chatincey. of the C!hni-nepy- Kelffer Co., from litis city, reports the greht- est business yet. Walter Kail, of this cltv. Is leading man Algle Dewees, of this city, has signed with the Son Cecilia Shay Co. Nettle, the Newsglrl." drew large nltend- niu-e 1-1-20. Do)lie Kemper, in "The Ulpsy Olrl," 20; FonHPAiinn'H (Hitler ft Knuhnan, mann- cers).—-The ilunl production hy the stock, for the current week, 22, will he "The Hose or the Lone Stnr,'' n new melodrnmn. by Joseph Adelman. Berlhti Crulgblon will play On- ager).—This plni't WIHInniKport.—At tho Lycoming Opera breaking IhihIiipw* woog of 15, Now people Uoiim (L. J. Klftk, mnnager) "Tim Bfltiaw oh Ihe atngw week of 22: Frank It. Maotnn, Jinn" delighted n Inrgo nnd aathnoluatlc audi- iho Joycen and Vardemnn. enco Oct. K». -Tho Shudow llelilnd thn - - Okpiiki'M o'hnrles Frerek, mnnngpr).— Throne" came to fair business HI. Porter J. Business was gond week of 10, Now neoplo White, lu "The Proud Prince," 31); Chester week of 22: Mcf'nho and Collltm, Kstelbi De Voade Co. week of 22, "The Morning .Hunter, and Foy and Newman. Tluise hnkj- jirter":tl, Creaton Olflrke Nov, I, "(ler'Only ing ov-r: Mildred llarrntl, .luck Italia nnd Kin''a wife, Mllliin Marr, (tfirw MnithnwH, Ffto >•■ *_^*^—_^ Manning, Ornco Nelson, S'lnlet Hnmllton and Dunovnn and Freklun, concluding with Hit* eonioilv, "111m Weak Spot." Fmi'Ihb (Ham Fink, inarngor),—Ifualnaas was fair weak of 15. The only new faces week of 22 Will he Flying Merrlnn and Mil- dred and Alvlne, Those holding over: Myr- tle Oelnn. Henrietta HnbertH, Jessie Bennett, Martin Ulster*, Cliai-les Mllrtworlli. Uehe Myers, Polly O'Neill, Carroll and Oiirdnar, -' llentlny, Dntt ft. Brady CANvDA. M..oti-.n.l. _.\r Hln Hajesly's HI, Q. IlrfktKx. inartager) Uowelle Knott, in ''The hiudiMi of riovonshlre," week of Oct, 15. Nan™ O'Neill, In "The Horreress," 22-27; "Jltsi Out of College" 2D and *cck. AcAiitiMV of Slt'AK! (Waller Orcnvea Lncknyc, Man," 25-27. Hiiuniinr.—Jaa. T. rowers. Moon," 14^20, proved nu Immenso ard Temple, Philip llyler, t'd. Templar Snxo.aiid Cluru Painter -imru in making "Tlie Blue Mi the bent ppferalt keen lu Mllw moalhs. Lc Feilte Adelaide appe first net. and Is one or the features. more HeaiUIo* 20 and week, Pka«CAIH (P. W. te Clair, maflager),—"A Woman of Fire" irnfl good bilalriesa 1B.20. 'The Mnn of Her Cbfllce" 22-27, "Nelty, the Ncwsglrl," 29 and week. Dun NOtvuAUTl-a (R. ftflveux, manager), parmaaent FrencJi stnek Co., In "Jeu- Imllig run over. .. I rain while It. was lit mot Ion, and fell be nenth the wheeln, " lie attPtnptOd to hoard tho In motion, and fell hi Ills hand watt crushed. .BAR* M'HIIAKKA. Le|FeVit ,, .i!/, -^ ^ ffl^%tf ^J^ ^gj ^g| raucls Wilson canceled 23, the Dainty Ducheae 24, "The Oallopet*' 25, "Tho Sleeping Beamy and the Bcost' r 2d. .(•• *r ,!.',! M"»- •-' * -~ BHi iiiJt Prtlfrey gud Hoeller, Louise Adams, ■On „.., .rot HurVlce 8am" W8ck of 28. "Behind llie >Kmk" drew BiUletnctory bunlness met week. -UiuMtirtA (.ln«. A. .UlKlei', mnno.er).— "TBt-'Vanttn. caniul," #eek «t ii *n. hit'' tbf>i neftliou, 2-. Tli« olio ilnmeV: Dftl«y ioL-.-JInqnisor Jolio It. Pleree olTei-. llelg.r,."« »fjf* 11 J d ri Vr™tl NCl 1 ! hS' $8£. nnnfreroiiH Ylrniinri" a-eeb of 21. Be- lev una scaliloll nna cairon. ino "ine. impperovis urouna »«. oi_-f: . ?.?. \\- mM „n<l «on« Co. lmd prosp.el-ou« birtl- ic»« ln«t KMk The Colonial Wiles Sli. l.vcKUit, f Jotiu il. .lerraon, inima.erl .— I'he 1,1(1 l,ltnr». 22. Id ll\« nurlMmie, ''gjn In which nnjjpnr: NIHo. Ii'vln. Sadie " Olntlye voh anil r.lly r.nammm. New Vhrk H.arn illil nicely. Mat ne»». Cotalmr »efk of !W: Trl.lo l'Hjanta. Mornln? OlerliiA 2I>. Dacey, (/hflae am) Atlalr. >lalnni>o»il Tlioinm Wtoi" tCinn \V«7&nep mnnaaer) —'the <,'A»WO'(Kill. * KoMlln, Mnn.(PM>.—S»m llrcrenhn IleHah.n, AM.ll.ll IHD-llaBnil! WofKer HfJioslI,. fl mi'nrOfifS. Scriblli'p-. flay. M|lailUertllep, rtio hare ivoek Tfln. thtjo .Hfilll*hi, anrt llnsew 0'i(oSFk. OJ" it iT,!,; iiolm »ehr "« "tjst: The lii riemuix al-e ■■,'lhe Vim" ofirt anil eonipunv. ^^^Wjy^^Sm ^«%?^ffl C oiere?S fflfffl.- dgbly satisfactory., . Harpy Short wpi n Joy. In »We iroVfi Mfflfk Comtheuclng 21 ami fot the Uueatwl. Olad veok. "A wMn from Mara. Ihe Blnck Th-* Oreater f* 'oi[tician"Wkot2s. ,„, ^;<Sj linger), ■per W Family (Kd. Moearl, mauager).—Current atirnellonn Include: ChaR. Bowser ana NA- dine Wlnelon, l> Benao nnd La Due, Barlow and Nicholson, Delmdro nad Dnri'rii. r-:mp-nc Kmmett, Chas. and Jac, Abearu, nnd moving pictures. NOtii. —Lillian Seymour, of ihe "Kaat Lyone" Co.. wan robbed while hen*, 16, of a bag containing al nmtJ20Q worth of Jewelry. Krle.—At Ihe New Majestic (Frank M. ('lark, manager j week of Oct. 15, Mhllle Keette and eotnpniiy aptl ottjer Hoe attrar- Htlns were favored with good paying busl- Cohilhg ww* of •rtt.TThiki Frig Aiicv.v (W, NoVtlty,'manager);—Besses o' the Bnrn Band drnw good huslneas 17, IS. Leoncavallo and hln orchestra came to u big llOIIBU ill. : 7 — i. ■■• ■ I.* llumtllon.—At tile Orflnd.Opera llouao (A. It. Londim, mnungeri Andrea* Mack, In "Arrah-nn-Poaiie." OcH IS, dfllfhlea large lioiinfla, "The Clirl Troui Btoadwiy," IB. JLQ, took the fancy of hlg. attdlMlcea. "The Woman In the Caac'* t Knganle Birth) plnyed to carmen v twice IS. ''On tpe BrldKO at Mldntahl" lfl, 20. -Charloy's Aimt'* 22. 2.'.. Hympnony Orcliestra 2d, lloselle Knoll, In 'Titoi Dili-heart of npVon«ilrf," 27; K. H. Wll- laid 2ft-:il, Uam- • e Mail on tho Box" '31, Nov. 1. "Tbi • Lttlici" (IdlHhtcd larxo aitilioncos 14 William Calller. In "On tlte Quiet." d|f huHlntsM 17, Walker Wllltealdea playn . -Id ten played -Wot-k is Htlll nfneeeding hrlskl.v naw vaudnvllto fioiwe. tin- Savoy, which will im Ihe tlncst, Is thlt pat-t nt the cutntry. Til* opanlns dfl|c ls,afl jfel, iineer- 011 noti: he Million, managei-).*—"Uta lfl. IT,,was mvored wllh CRrstAL (F. B. Winter. mnnagor).—The noiises last week. Harry Bryant's Co. 2i>. TimcAWinn (Frod.W.liMn, maangei; fnirtittiB* «.*-.*..i iVoo—rr.VAiB* riiiio. saw Centnrv Quru 22. ine vauaevu e nnm- inie, uau g.-orj inminess zu, man rafflM^B^ «»«JS^»»Bi. b«» 2SS5" WS&mm, Nellle.Sylrener, nlgbt. - Co ml ng,."L,nn, I..«»--21- paM, mSWo R. 9.. Wiimrd, In "(>iofinl e. large iliendahoe, greatly nleinlhg everybody. S'ewforae." clTa big (nil ad i>tl» SKlbner. In ^'The Duel." pHyW ,lp a Wlllnrd ha. been tetalh liacKnd notiae 18, nnd ereryhlMly wn. i|el)|hi. aa, anJ will apfl.ar In tt The ed with the play. Iwil flllmnre. fn ''At New Ceniiiry oirle 22. The vaudeville nam. Yale," had good hmlnen, 20, matinee-nod <lnAI«r; (A; _ M»A, In ''Ahrnh-!., ne»a'la»t.week._E« uiioflel neaa l.ltt week. Mr. Ibeii for vvMk of Oal. lejierfory. ' oianal.r).—Andrew ■ ;oed:bu,|. isil, m.fial.r).—. mS3m oiunlia At Boyd'a Theatre <\V, J. Bur- ge«i, mnllflgor) "The Wlxnrd of (In' oneneil r, il,ro,i night on^dgyment Oct. 21. "Cotalnt; Tlira'.llia llye" 2S-27. "Tho Umpire" 2«-"0, "Thp Mflh on (bo llox" '31, Nov, 1. "^bn Treo ' Id. 1 bur hiii- to fnlr bnitaea 18-20. llt'Rwooo (W. J. llnrgoRe, rannnger).— The Woinlirnril Htock Co. preaenfed "Uelil hy ibrHMUr" la.t woek, to capaelfy. Week of 21, "Mr. Smooth." Oni'lltitaf (Marllii. Ileek, general tnapn. gnr).—Tim bill Mo pn.t week wa, a vetr H'ooil one, arid drow large andletlceH. Week or 21: Mile, Tlieieae Itonz, May Soley, Eflllh Iirii-nn, I'lakc ini'l McDflnonab, Medlnl, Kerrv. Kale, Ilroa., nhd kinoirnme. Knt'o ("Doe" Ilifod, mnnnger). — "flay \eu- York" WA« the attraction it 22- "M 1- - IMdden'a Flatn" come 2.1, 24, Wllllnma elftil Wnmer .2IW7. "Tbe , M«rtl.gt!-of Kitty" had fair hou.o It. in. 1'lako O'llnra-lilii fair hllalni'fia III, 17. "Yon Yonaoll" did gnoil hnalilCM l?-2(>, i a fin annua. — Al Iho Kerr Oper. Houae iThoinaalterr, manager) "The Volunteer urglnlat," Oct. in, lmd good binlnew, anil Karon goon pcrfomiapio. ,m««I» fnanUI, in "Ond'K Hidii Parmer," 18, played to targe iinalge.., "The aiarrlngo of Kitty" IB, "Ihe Mlwnuri Cllrl" 20, "The I.lttio Htrtne. «iend"'Jj, "The llomo.Heekora"'2I, ffmn Whlle.ld, 30. .