The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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October 27. THE NEW TGEK CLIPPER. P55 TAHLfci OlT CONTENTS. Page. . 940 .046 .047 . 949 Mils. Clipper's -AnecrtDtes; e(c..... ; ' BKWdwiT Theatre, Camden., 1*1 J.—Sketch, Features.of tbe weoiitj Snow Our XondOD I.etier .'... Jos. W, Stern A Co.'i BulMing..'.■,..;.'... usrld Belanco'a New Offering ......'. Moonle Kooeraid—Uketcb Yawlevllle aM Minstrel 040.030,050 Worlil -of Player* Qnerles Answered • Cincinnati. Oct. i.*;i. — Kihel Barrrmore received a hearty welcome. In'"Alice 8tt-by- Firc," at the Crand ;."Leab Ktesctma." Interpreted' bj tbe Korppaugh Stock Co.. opened to capacity at Robinson's'... .David HijrglDa flllejT the Y.V Onf Chicago" Letter........ On 1 lie JIo'nl-.. ■■ ■■ ....- Latest by Telegranl VaiMkTllle noote.LlK...'. N>n York City M»finK Pictures;.."... ...... Clipper Tost Offlce rfeathb |p :tbeProfes!'loii... UisoellaneouH...... L'wlerthe TenM.... 1 llaslc pog Song.. . .030. 057, om. of..-. ......"...,..., n:.:. ,,, :;.•.. ...os'i, aw ..........wo, om .■.i,.. : 033 .....0.17 038 "... ©SB ....'. 088.030 .. 030 THEATRICAL COBREHPONDKKCF.. MlKHlsUppl. VirniW..., Iddlsna .... IIUdo'Ib.'..;...'. .............. Arka&saa. ... Iowa; ..- ... Ctolorstlo-...;..' ...'..■.. Tennessee Kanus. :.'.!•.' -••■ •' ■•. N*w. Hampshire njHHpiWii '•« ......... Maine Montana..;.*,. ...' ..'....■. Missouri North Carolina,.... ...• Waahlngton.-... .*. Virginia * .... Ohio i....;... New 'York .Stale Kentucky .....,• Maaaacb/iwelt*... ........,...,.:../. Wlseonaln Pennvlvanln.-.. ;•••■ ...... ■Janafla Minnesota .... ...*•», .'..*' .. H&^. , .--:.r.:::.3-.V. HoatK Oifollim ....,,...-. UlU|Bf»l Mlcblgim....... - ■' .. .• TfXfl? * •'• lihufl* Inland..... - ■» '■■• Oregon.-.'. N»«; Jersey,;. ->.*• lX)ti|alKDD ■ > OiiaKtlSQt. District of Columbia. AJagjinia. West Virginia.... tieofgta,)..■•■ .......... ........ alnut Street, playing i«aat Dollar." Overflowing houses 040 greeted Hurry Clay Rlaney at lieurk'n. In .030 ' riife Boy Behind the flan." "Big 030,050 lleorted Jim*' drew crowds to.the Lvceum. — 0J2 Harry Mondial remain* at the Col urn* 03a Ma another week, when the Ornhenm Show ■ pneke4l. the • place VandevJMe niled the Olympic ...The Jolly dirts filled the People'*, and Bol> Manrticiiler'a Vanity Fair crowded the Standard. ■ I,priHVij.i.E. Opt." jal--Uwrence D'Orsay pr-Meuted "Tlia Hrnhahsy■ Ball,**- at Macau- ley a, to h good, house "Busy Uay," at the "Masonic, drew n crowded hftuw '. "No Mother to Oulde Her." at the Avenue, and vaudeville at Uoi,klna\ opened Sunday. KKi 1° b, a* houaea... The lluhcmlan Bur- -v.-Hit lesquera,: with' Mm and ("inns' tight -pie- ?«•■*» turea. played .to-cnpnclty bouses Huodny, ut the Buckingham. r» 040. 05( . 040, .040, 038 .040,037 ., ... OM :! M, .S,,. ..... Ml) ...... M« ..... Mil (Pill . 918, 057 070 ..... o;.l ..... 931 . Ml, 058 ,052, «5il 853 .- i»r.:i .:.'.. 033 053 .osa. o.w .... 005 1)11(1 ..... 037 .....OOI ..;.. 001 ..'... 057 ..... 057 WW ...... 058 nun . .... 058 '058 "nitwi:"iiiii 'I'enny, and the Orpbeuu ulotloa Wrk.—Biircb k UelBR' Tralowl AipIppippI i'ttcu. ha>i been cxlilliltln; here on l(ie cor- u«' u{ McAllimer anil Octavla Blreels. moving Pictures. Ar,w a in up-to-date In bla selection . of E)pular BUhJects for life motion pictures. S. ancounces as his latest film achieve- 948. nlent one that Is certain to attain a scn- flio national success*, as Is Indicated by the title, "The Bank Defaulter." The film treats a subject of recent unpleasant 'public promi- nence In a number 01' the big cities of the country. Dealing with the Inside story of the looting of a great bank by Its officials, Mr. Jjubln has produced a long Berles of animated scenes, one of the most realistic Alms on record. The tale la vividly told and the.moral plainly pointed. The president of the leading bank of n great city la enter- ing his carriage as It stands In front of the fashionable church at the cloac of Sunday services. Members of the congregation, of which be I* the chief pillar, crowd about to pay respectful homage to tbelr honored brother, lie drives to bis paint la I mauHlou, where he Is lovingly greeted by bis fond wife and affectionate children, who meet him In spacious apartments, luxuriously fur- bished at the expenic of the banks de- positors. The scene changes to the abode of some of the depositors. Women and children nre seen at tnelr dally toll In bumble abodes, slaving and scraping together every penny to be laid away In the bank against the. conilng of the dreaded,day of sickness and trouble. The banker, la an eipenslve,.Import- ed automobile. Is seen on his way to the bank, pondering over the gathering clouds that be- hover -about nlro In the double life he Is leading, lie reaches the bank.- The doors nreopen. Hsrd worVlng. depositors are In line wnltlng their turn, eager to add their utile mite to the banker's board. In the paying teller's office the haggard banker nnx- lously studlea the - growing figures.' After banking hours the flrtit chapter of the bank- er's, double Hie Is revealed. After uu.autor mobile drive through the park, the banker nnd.hls mistress, upon whom be has 'lavished line In tyle. Dinner over,. the banker Ala., tTEST BY TELEGBAPH, ■ GOLDEN OATB <;i,i:a nivijh. aifCW DliimlDhet lo The Sew Voiik Cm rriin. San 1'hanciiIco, Oct 28.—At too Uavl. TtiMttir, Monday. Oct. Tt, Halrj JamtH 1 Travcbti. Stars, lu "Barliara 1'ldgcly," tor ""ciThYiial.— Koll) and Dill, In "I. O. U.V (tdollil week), 22-27. • . . , Coxomal.— rFrank Uacou and htock com- vauy; In "Tenhcasec'B I'.rdner," 'll-'lt. Ohphiiuii. —Sunday (matinee). Oct. -1 (at tlie. CbuteaV .B.vrton and Ilrooka, the <illu- SSS/unle"^i£rCH»- D S?K ^.ZaTn^rA USES SfHoTJaf ^lA^^L^TA rK e S?^l at »in1toJ ■Wtiioun. Htvle... Dinner over,,.he ban! i ,T I ROM UTIIBIt POINTS. BlfelAtfM RepovUd Ciood In All ruin.. '-l*HiLAiii:iii*HiA. Oct. 'J».—Jefferson Do An- uflls jnado hl« local how In "The Girl and ilio Governor." at the Chestnut Street Opera House, to a crowded house Hothern and HiriMrV ln "Jeaone D'Arc," at the Lyric. begun their- second week to ■capacity.-., j..« A bin house greeted "The College Widow. at the thestnut The holdI ««r atlrac- tlouvln their llnnl week ore: hyrle llellew. la "lirTKadlerOerHrd." at the Uariick, and Henrietta Crosman, In "All-df-aHudden 1'eg- kv "'n't the Broad, noth bad filled houses.;.. Y(clth'n had the usual big Monday ■crowd*. .Rva Tanguay, In "A Hood, tello*. at the.Orand.Opera House; and Barney Ber- uard, lh "The Ilolllcklng Ulrl." at the Perk. »*«Hr arneBted by big houses,.. i he bur- lemue^Bhows and flic uptown combination _. —n fc —ar .Considerable deelares hla devotion. The woman professes doubt. He swears he loves none but her. She speaks or his family. He will leave them.for her. Khe.speaks ot money. There arc millions In the bank. Together they will fly beyond the reach of the law. Back-to the bunk he steals to collect the loot.' it. N after hours and, except t)>e unsuspecting watrhman, the banker is alone. .Bonds, and securities .In the vault are carefully-exam- ined. Nothing but p;llt edged paper of ne- F;oflablc pcuapfiictef, add bank ootes of the argest denomination shall be token. The I'rtnk Is looted^ -Wltli-traveling bag stuffed with spoils, the bunker Is off to .too. house r»f his -mistress;' where she reigns' like a bird In a glided cage. . Hhe meets him on the steps, ' 1'bey hftsten' "to her boudotr-to make their-hurried preparations for flight: A so'ihd is heard outside. Al- ready-the .defalcation; has been discovered. The detectives are on the trail. Cunningly disguised .the fugitive banker eludes the de- tectives on watch, and . reaching, the , rail- road mi 11inn, succeeds lh catching .the train Juki an It start*. Arriving at a distant city the. banker registers at a hotel under an as- sumed'name; 'But the officers'of the. law lioysBS'wore well favorecV. disturbance, nmiki'd the performance of ■ Tne track, him .down, and be Is -brought' bock to ' lan^mjiu," at.the.Walnut, which opened to tne g( . eae of hla'crluie for trial. There ore o weir filled house. OiHCAoo, 'Oct. '23.—Mrs.-.Flake, In "The N«w-,A'6rk Idea." at the Onnd, and Lena Awhwell. In "The Shulatnlte," at the gfctt rick:, bold- over HurcOHsrully from last week. .;.:Tha openings Sunday were: "kip Van Winkle," at McVlckers; "rhe atubboranBss of Ueraldlne," at the-Lhlc«ao Oneru House; "The Mayor or Toklo.' at the Oraat -Aortheru Monday openings Very huccessful were: "The Truth,'.' at Powers ; -ri-bo .tjteater iI<ove." nt the ' Studebaker t 'Tfie-Oreat Qaleclo 1 * and the "Shades of Xlglit." at the New Theatre, and, "The M«(WUeraderB,''.\t the Bush.../..The cur- rant' attractions Hre: "George WaslilnKton Jr.." at the Colonlul: "The Itogers Bros. In IreUnu." at the Illlnola ; "Ben Hur," at the A'tffitorfuat;'*'Tlic Time, the Place and the UffCfltrit the La Salle, and exceptionally Koo<f bills at.the Majestic, Olympic and Hay- ■malt The weekly change at the Folly: tlriuntitk 1 scenes In the courtroom. ' An old womnn, driven by huoger'to the: theft of a loaf;of bread, Is on |be was starving and had no moaey, so she lp convicted; ' Hhe Is sentenrVdnnd taken to.lull. The next t'nse for li-lal-ls that of the defaulting bank- er. 'The evidence Is clear. -The banker, stole a million, but he stilt ban It; so he, Is ac- nulttcd. . .He Is honorably' discharged,' and aa* he departs he stnillug receives the con- gratulations Q.r bis ub'c counsel - and bis friends, (irabd allegorical finale of Justice bllndfulded. She' noises her'scales.- At the verdict of acquittal the-weight of gold bears dbwn. the scales, and Justice bows her head In shame. "How .to Keep Cool," a picture of "Cutting Ice." and "Whale Hunting" ate other new Lublu pictures. ■■Tub: lATttff Pafhi; l-'ir.iT'la named "Me- pblsto's Son.'* i It shows tbo adventureB'of ilic devll'u offB!>i'ing during.his.visit to the earth. He takes ua nutamobile trip through Thla list 1« made DO M nearly JW- carate as It la poaalble lo. aaavk« m Itaat Of vantlevlllr- boohlnajR. To IHIBH tn- aerlton In tkla depart men t Che aan« of tbc thtntre or nark, na well am the clt> » foTrn, MUST accomimay eaoti booking; acat n*. . AlsUllah lini llnuiill Trio. Miijexllc. Krle, I'n., ■ lK-27; I.vUt. •'Ii-velsiiit. S»-.\i.v. ;i. Aileunann, Nfr. A Jim.. Clisse'H, Washing-Inn, I>. -(.'..• 22-ai; ■«. J*. H.. I'lttslmrg. UU-.Voi. S. Ailells. La. fan tie. llloomlnjttoa, 111., ttffl. Adair & Dalm. K. * J\ oik Ave.. N. Y. C 22-37. Ailrirn. Crystal, srtlnlla, Ma.. K-'J7{ Star, Han- nlbnl, IHHEW, :i. an Ailmns k l»rew. Trent, Trenton, .N. J.. 22-2.. Adauis * Mlilte, nijoii. KsUmaano, Midi,. 22-27. Adnniinl A Tsylor, UaablniH, Ix*" An»l#p. Cat., 22-27: OrnBrnn, Salt Lake. V.. 20-NflV. 3. Addison A Livingston, Star, Atlanta,, <!•■. 22- Nov. 3. ' Ahearn. Chan. A Jae., Family, Laneaster. Ta., 22- 27. ' AliiloiiH. Tlie. ■ Otiililum, Portsmouth. 0.. 22,27. Allison. Mr. A Sirs.. K. A V. 2M St reel. N. Y. C, ■ ■ 22-27'. ' i Alva, A He*. Novell?, Torieka. Kan., 22-37: Peo- ple's. Leiitenworlli. 2u-S'o<- 3. Alpha Trio, Paator'a. N. Y. C, SS-ST. AleVnnder, Keith's, I'rovldence, R. L, 22-27. Alvlnos m. Empire Tour. Eng., .22-31. Allen & KMkJf, Howard, Boston, »-27; A. A S., Boston, 20-Nov. 3". _ „.. AltmrttiM & Millar. Kmplre Tour. Lug . 22-Nov. Allen' ft Dalton. Stir, Bklti.. 22-27; Gaiety. Dkln. AUa1re°ft Ylnd. Ornud. Tacomi, Wash., 22-27; Orpbeum, Seattle, W-Nov, 3. Almond, Ton ft Udltb, Ornbeutn, utlca, N. >., 22-27. Albrtte ft U Bant, Olympic, So. Bend, Ind.. 20- Amev's Huwnr Band, Keith's, Uoiton, 22-27. Ames & Kenthers. Gaiety, (JileBburg, 111., 2J-27; llljoii. Muscatine, la., 20-Nov. .1. ADglex ft Batcher. <leni, t.jna. Mass.,-32-J7 Antrim A Peters, Majestic, Blrntngliaui. 22-27; MiJchIIc, Little Rock. Ark., 2t»-Nov. „ AngloiiK ft M>Uno, Lvrlc, Cleveland, 22-27. MttRMBi Chsa.. Acme. Norfolk. Va., gMJ. AnUlle A Leslie, Miller's, Lima. «.. 22-27; Grand. Flivllay.-ail-Sov. 8. ' ' , „ - Arlltifrton Comedy Four, Coloulal. LawreiiCT, Mass., 22-27; Keith's, ProvMene*. 29-Nov. .t. Adttigton A Hclaton, Orpbeum, Reading, Pa., J-- Archer ft anell. .Dcwey, Utlca, N. Y., 32-27. Armntrnng k Pavl», Albniubra. Chicago, 22-27; Altinmbrn. Mllwmiliee. 2fl-Nov. 3. Araioud. Grace. Blkw. Dubuque. la.. 22-27; Do- .minion. Winnipeg. Can.. 20-Not. 3. Artols Urtw.. Alhnmhni, N. Y. C, Mti, Archie'. Will, Mohawk, Bclienectndj. N. Y., 22-27; Armory, lilugusmton, 2KNot. U. Arclier A Crocker, Oanleii. Buffalo, 22-27; Tem- ple, Detroit, 211-Nov. H. Arthur A Ca., Ketlb's. Bo"lon. 22 37. Ardflle. Jnn. G.' 0. IL. PlttaiHint, IjMt* M Aronson, Aue, HlMioilroRie, N. \. C, JJ-.Nor. .1. Asliton ft Martins, Gruii Vorlciludw, lUvanti, Cuba. 32-N'iv. 3. ... «" ..« Aj£tt A I'itcrwnii,' Bcniiett s, 'London, Can., .^* 2T:'Dctmlt, Midi.. 20-Nov. t, , m n _ „. Austin, Clauale. 1-yrlr. Mobile. Ala., 22-2* ; Slwr. Hstinltml. Mo.. 29-Nov. fcV, . .,..-_. Austins, Toeing. Proctor's. Newark. N. J.. Ml K. ft P. Union Hn.-. N. Y. C. 20-Nov. d. Aug, Kihiii. Keenej-'H, Ukln.. 3227. Avery ft Pearl. Jen>r». Hnaluaw. Midi.. 32J7. ATotos. Muskdl (4),- Hopkins', Louisville, Ky., 22-27. Ayve»i Sydney K.. Alhamhni, N. Y. C. 22-37. IJnlIim, firest, llrniltfiitairglt's, l»UH*-.. «:*7, Harry.' Kruiikfort & Barry. BIJoii. liaHev ft Aiwlhi. Kvllb's, Phlla., '28-27; IL ft B- Ilnllev"'i rickft'ti Family, Hbnutoila, Pa.. 22-27; Family. Maboner CMy. 20-Nov. 3. Ralaerh (41, K. * I*. Unloa *|..-N. Y, (.., 2ili. linlcnr I>oroiby. Paunil, N.Y.,'a227 ;• Adams, 2ti- Nov. Hi Barm Mr. ft Mrs. Billy, Hathaway s, ford. Mast*.. 22-27. _^ ■ Hahies-ft lievlua. CM. Hiirs.. Col.. 22-27, naker Troapt, I'roclor'a. Troy, N. Y. Poll's. New Ho»eii, Conn., 20-Nov. i, BiinkN-IlreiiiPule Duo, Lyric, C^huabtw, O.. ^2--*7, I vrlc F.rte Pa., 'Jfl-Nov, 3. > BarHloWl*a <iockmoos. 0. 0. IL, Plltshurg, 22- 37: Miea'H, Buffalo. 211-Nov. :t. ■ Bute*. LoiiIp W.J 4laniilbaL Mo.. 23-27; BIJo»i Kenosha, Wis.. 20 -Not. It. Bartbs Brosi ft Wallou. Shcedy . Ma«a.. 22-27. , m , , _ nusder-l.a Velle Trio. Calumet, K Buirlow. Sim, Rwklanil, Mass., 22-27; Manchea wSXfMS%%[i w-" ^ N - y - * iBH* koei, K. ft P. Mill Ht.. N. Ilallas, Prtjf., Bmleiiburgb's, Putla, - Burke. pBa.Xennle. Delroll. 22-27. bmkeye Trio,' IIIJhi. Anderson. Imi.. 22-27. itn.'kfye four. Bennett's. Lomtou, Kua., 23-27. ItinilU ft Its-Id. Lyric, Cleveland. 22-27, Byron ft Stanch, Orphliiro, Columbus, bid., 22-27; Crvrtiil. Detroit, Mti-h., 20-Nov. J. Paltery k (Irani, Harden. I.tnm. O., 22- Not. 3. Csmails ISbL OmimI. Victor, Col., 22-27. Curl lu A Otto, foliimlila. HI. Unls, Mo.. 2227; ' lllymi'lc, Cblrago. 20-Nov. 3. Cannontrlla. tiri»lirum, Havriinort, la.. 22-27. ■CaiKad ft Df Verne. Hi»t»klns', McmjiliU. T«in.. 30- 2T, Cariw. Kiimis, K. ft P. r-lli Ave.. N. Y. C. 22-2i. I'rinjpiirliM. J lie, U1>mi, Miawnee. I. T., -2-2»; BIJoii, Anlinore, SU-Nev. 3, ilea. Miisleal (41. Niivi'lty, ( Xovelly. San Fran., 20-Nnv. m. OarTOW Hurry. I'aator'H. N. Y. t\, 32-27. Carroll * Clarke. Finally, MUM let own. I)., 22-27. Canlownle SUttrs, Hlic*l,v>, Fall River. Maa»„ , 22-27] Hathaway*!*. "New Beilfnnl, 20-Nov. R, Cnllahan ft St. llWMh Huhllc, Ala.. 22-27. Casiier k Clarke, Music Hall. Gloucester. Mass., - 22>27. Cameron, timer. Lyric, C«dumlms, (>., 32-27. Cardotin. lleiini'tt'a. 1/unlon. fin., 22-27. Cftrl'llro*., Bell, ooktamt. C*I„ 22-37; Grsud. Seat its. Wash.. Mrjlat. 8. _ , „ Canfleld ft Carleton. Olyaipk-, Obinclnatl. 22-27. CarllsU'H Ih>(n. Mohlle, Aln., 22-27; Binning- . ham. 20-Nov; &■ Caron ft Herbert. llopklm«', Memiitils, Tena., 22- IT! *t. (».. 11.. Pltlsbitrg. 2tl.Nciv. ,l. Carat* & wniani, ». o. H., mlawmUa, flMH. Carters, The, DUmi. Fond till La.-, Wis.. 32-27; MIJou,' Oahkosli, 20'Not. a. Casner 4 Clark, bewry, illoitccslcr, Mass.. 22-27. Carroll A Boyle. Grand. JolW. III. 22-27. Cast*. Coarlle. »■ u. IL. Pltts-hnra. 2«l-2L carleton, AL. Howard. Hiwtoai. 82.27. Caifioi * Terr*, Temple, Ft. Wayne, lud., -a* Cbrtslopher, Clirls.. Htsr. Donors. Pa.. 22-27; Star, Monessan, 30-Nov. 3. «,,,-. Cherry A Bales, Lyric. Kastuii, Pa., 3J--t, Kcfth'H, ltoshiu. 20-Nov. 3. Cbolmers. Ilnrry /.. BIJoii. Caniou, O..„«'-<•.,. Cliriatoaticr. B'way. Hldillctowii, 0., JJ-ii i Or- pheiiiu. ColuiBliuw. Ind.. 20-Niw. .1. Chatham Ulster-. HIJoii. Kaeanalm. MMi.. ■» trulCagu Newalwys' yuartetle. Lyric. Terre llaulc, Clermo'nlw, Tue. Atlantic (lanlen. N. Y. C. 22- CUftotd ft Unit. PaHtor'a. N. y . C.. 22-27. Clmioe, Keith's, Pn.»hlrnce. 2i ; -7. cKl'SoMip^liri;;.-,,.^, «.. am. „„,. ClorKc *, IIIJuu. Hnolno, Wl... 32--I, Ornmt. Jiilllt. III.. 20No». s. OUT. KM.*., llli™. I.liiy n. N.;b„ aiNjr. X uuitoii. i..p"i. uniiiium. i.-iui".. »., aa-i. i uuopi. H'lie.llnir. V, Vn.. 21INOT. J. Dh IIuIp*. flreilt. K.mllr, t'utln,lll<\ I'....a2-U7. lliinimil. 11.1... Mil..'.. Torulllu. rj JT. tiiinlpMr'n Ciirlnp I'nrmlo.,, Hr.ilwlnir,irK. I'lilln., -.-2.2*. Iinp.inl. Mary i IY>.. K. * 1'. .18111 Miiwi. N. V. C, 22-21. Knrl ft M'll.i.11. Itljim. lliiliUfiii.. I... 22-2TI Ihiinlnlopi WliinliM.|i. Cnn.. Sfl-Nnv. :l. ICiirli- ft llnrlli'tt. >ttH,rr'.. l-nnl.n.l. M,„ 22-27. - I). Leil ft ll.-rj, II. It. II.. Clll.l.ptr,. 22-2T. )<>khnir ft ihnl.m. (Iii.hnim. Mnll l.nkP. 1*.. 22- 2T: urHH-iim. fw-nwr. C»l.. itil-SflV. :i. K.l'-.r*lrt ft Oriiliriim. Hprln.ll.lil. O.. 22- Kihliirtl,. Mnlilo A.. Kmirv'.. Ilklli.. 22-27: l)|-- riliriim. Iu„i. mi. n. Kilt). MnMrnl l-'nur. IWtrl,*. Vnnkpri.. N. Y.. 22-27. ruii.llj. riirl-.mlnL... I'... 22-27: r'.in- llr. I'Mtl.rlllr, Ull-Ni.v. a. Illln.iro Hl.lrn.. Ki'llll'H. Jrrp«7 lilly, N. J.. 22- 27; Kcltl,-., l-hll... 2P-NUV. tl. Kill,.I. IV' I.alt ft Kill..II, II. u. II.. ilrnii.l lil>. Sllrli.. 22-27: TNil|ilr. Kl. Wljnr. Illil.. 211. Nil 3, 22-2! Kit .Hum. K. ft I-. .'.Sill HI. N. Y. 0., 22 27; Ki'ltli'.. fi.ivlilriur, -JH-Nov. :i. 1-lni.r.iiii A llililvrln, Ki'ltlt'n. Mnmliclt-r. N. It., 22-27 I , Ktiimcli. (Ir.flr. ft r«,.. Auiltt.irlura, Lynn, SI..... 20-S.iy. a. . KiiihipII. KiiKrnf.,' K.mllv. I.Hno.Hlrr. I 1 ... 22*27. Kin|,-nir« nf Mimic 141, Ht., I'mrlN. III., 22-27 I I'ri'lM. Mllwillikrr. Wl... 20-Not. .'I. Kn.i.ln- nt.v aiuarti'tlr, llrntirnui. Hun Fruiu. l'nl„ 211-Nor. .1. Kiiililrr ,'iininly Kvnr. Kellli'i.. I'lillu., 22-27; . Mnrylnml. 11.11... 211-N.r. :l. Kvmi. HlMkr,. Illjo.l. liny (Illy. Mk-li.. 22-27. HTim«. Ob.... ft 110.. KpIIIi'.. I'IiII... 22-27. ti.nli. Trlu,, N. Y. C 22-27; Ennilrc. MlllUnl. Ml.... 2».Nii«. a. i:vn,.|i. J<ic, t»ln)«ly',. KmII Hlver. Mhh... 22-27. l-l.rri.. U..I. \Y.. Ililliwll-liil. M..IIIH., 111., 22-27; l.vrl.-. Tc-riv,., hnl.. 211-Nur. a. Kvrrli.i-t. Keliir.. lUi.ton, 22-27; Kcllli., 1'rii.lileii'T, 20-Knr. 2. K,-hiiM, UnirLT. KcltU'H. ikritun.- 22-27. Kxim.ltliin l-unr, K. ft I'. UnLtin H,).. X. Y. I).. 22-27. l-'mk-tlr lin-lii..(ni, run'.. ItililRV|Hirl, Cmill.. 22> 27 ; I'oll'N. NVw l(il..u, 211-Nuv. .'1. Km-. >li.m-l„ii«, Alli.ralira. N. V. 1:.. 82-27. r.niiiin. mill, m.iin.lllr. I111I.. 22-27. l-'.y. An .11 !-,„, II. <i. II., IimIIimi.i-.iIIh, 22-27. I'lin.t l-'iiiiilly, K. ft I'. lliiloii rli|u.iT, X. Y. I'.. 22-27. • I'rriiniiilF May lino', l./tk'. Iimivlllr. III.. 22-27. Mil" »■ IIuITuIii. 22-27. (Iriiliriml, I'll,-.. N. »., 22-27. limn-. II..III.Illy Ht.. Hatr,,. 22. .... Wrt.lllnirton."IV. 0.. ail-Nuf. a. I-Vrr.v, oriiliciim. UiiinIiii. 22-27: Ornlicuili, Mill* niiiiiiillw 211 Nnv. 3, Krllnmr, IMirry. I,'lli*«, N. Y 22-27. l-'l.licr. Mr. ft Sir,. l'orkl|i«. IIIJuu. Huiirrlur, Wl... 22 27. ' ■ I-'lHk. ft Mi'Dimiiuxli, oriih.-iiin. Omnli., 22-27: I ir- lilirum. K« Ully, ill-Nnv. :l. I'll, tl.-ri.hl ft limn. Omul, lvru. Iml.. 2227. I'UiKll.lmn. ft McCoy, Dmiu'lt'«, Lomlun. Uim.. 22.27. 1 IliK.-rnlil & lllliluy. rtrllli'H, Cinfrlutiil, U.. 211- Nut. a. I'lnk. Ilriiry. IIIJuu. AlKini. Midi., 22-27. l-'lclil, A Mn.uii. Oi-y.tnl,, Iml.. 22-27. 1'l.liri- ft i-ilnimm. Illjim. lln-rii liny. Win., 22- -.7 : IIIJ"ii. Miirlili'llP. UH-Mnr. a. KlrlilK. Will II.. Illniiry*.. Ilillli... 22-27. I'li-imii ft lllllrr. Pn-.Ii.fH, K. 1. !>.. 22-27. F,„. in !li. Alllnmlirn. -V. Y. V., 2227. l-i.i A I'lnrk. Oriilii-uni, lUli... i2-27. l-'niilllii-ltr, M)-Hl,rluilN,-Nnv.lly. Hun UH-«i., IJul.. I'.iiil. lii.n A l)„l. Anill'r'n, Ukln,. 22-27; Culun- iin.l.-. lUllu., 2IIN1.V. :i. 1 r,,.i.i Ilnrry A. ft H llu.tiiii. 22-27. I'm. k N.-iv Oriili.niii. HI. runt. 22-27. I'm. Will II.. MnJUHtkl. Hun Anttinli., Tc... 22. niHTr-Mki I. _ .. lVrnti.iu .1 Jl.t-k, U I'l'ikiHMii k lifl.Hinni 27: Ai-iiilrniy. w. Nnrfulk, V... f»>w II«I- IVlir-rllnit. ... .-..-.. —,„,-_ Rook. l'r«llk. A. ft H.. llOHtno. 22 27., Kdllli, tiniilrf. I'ntc-rnoii, N. J Kni|,lrtj. llokmnr. «'-N-». - 1 - , „ „. 15). Lyrk-.l-Jcrlnnd, 22.27. Ko.lMli. Klli.1. llrollil, nrnii. Not.. JJ-27. Villi? r'mully. l'oll'n, Wulrrnury, Conn., 22-27; I'olf.. 2n : So».a. l-oofrr Brin... Acin,. Nortulk. V... 2jl-27. C01V11 ft-Conrnil, K. * ■'• Ml" •"- »■ Y - °- ■* Om.'ll.y. iwiinetf...r-oiiilon. «"■■• J*8[„, I'liuiirllr llilfili. O- 1 -■ ColliM?., N. Y.. 22-.?. UmS' Jihn ft M.mlr. l>l)->«. I®* °,V.,"H„- collll/. «i H.rt, uriiUeum, Bun rmn.. C.I.. .11- I-Bll'i. Wnlrrliury. Colin,. .. Colli., /owi'hlii..., ft Co.. Oriibrolil, llklu.. 22-J7. nmpw.ll-.. -Cyi-ltalj. Touring MmiiVo. , (M.k ft »t»rii». Vlc-:oi-In, N. jr. L., 2U-.7- IMNH M»ii*-, *!K*kJ™ « ar k WiB. li- ,* ■>,-• BJMa WB, l.v-ntl ftOourml. Ilnrlfm U. II., ,™„ , -„V:,, '' r.iolier Ik lliitiliiuiin. IV'ulili', Ili-triiU, -2-.17. !■„« ft Iiiyn.. feliiiilnl,,'/»™'". «■»■• "• 2T; foll'». rliirlnmlrlil. .211-Not. J. Cronlii. Mori-I., K. ft f. SS Av... N. Y. (. CrnwVoril ft l-'onl. l'oll'n. HprliiMnt-ti). M.nn.. 22-27. Cr.m- ill ft Mi»' UarJncr, |{. ft I'. Ul1h.11 H,., |.' r ,„k, kl.r.floun ft nob. Dijon. Dn-iiur, III., 2J. N. Y. 'li.. 22-27. . . „ , 37. Oi-ibm, WiiiU-nl. Il«llin»'iiy». loirr-ll. M.««., 22- 22-27: Fill Illrrr, Cblcgo, 22- iclnnutl. 22-27 ; „ ynyne, ltniilluH I'o.. " 32-27 Troi-.tliiro and KuBon'B cttvu attractive offer- I'nrlB. and lB'robbtJ'Avhlle' ■Jltw In 'a hotel, IBS? , , """•"■•■ but hla pari.' la i-eillcblahiKl by a BHUnlc n» u * nu r»«* »i mii.mIi. AiinnM lu "fi-tiT raemfinBer. l.iii'r lil. initimiolill.- la wrecked St-SSSlE: befo™ 'a packed I". Bl ..oiiiilry. and be lalla In love wltli a Marie Ca- youcri jrlrl, who- wiraerhlai while 'IkMb '■■'■ l , ao,'''.'silorcd decisively, uuU,e, at., the l.lollla Street,- lilil imbed la■ "MarrylnK Mai-y," to cnuiiclty. at,, the.-Colonial '"rlie Mun c Mnatet, at ,th« Mljcatlc, began Ita fourth and I iml week, wltb n tilled home :"The Student KlUK'i oneoed Itn fourth nod last week at the T-rMbbpt, to a ; good house. "Tbo Lion anil -the- Moupr..' r elshtli and lant week, and "Tbe-Sodal Whirl,"' aecond and lait week, nt-'-tbe Patlt and Uoaton; respectively, bad MdFwBut crowds YVeck stands,' opeb- 101-wall.-were: "Under Southern Bklea,' at tli" .Wlq&e. .anii "(ilO.tlOO Ilowai-il,", at the IHai311 Opera House Vaudeville nt KiiHU's. the Opheuro nod the Howard was liberally patronised, and Ibc burlesqoo houlei l•|>w^ftd■|lroBrl-Brlty. , ' -tt'AHni.voTcx, Oct. 23.—Elalc Jaiil», -f lo "Til, Vunderbllt Cup." Mi'acd (M Sm-St iKUIV... .". -"The Vltglnlno." wllb Duallu jr.ryiuru. hud a capacity audience at the Co- luTtlllla "Uefore and After" waa we; naUred at i the Belaico ..A prime bill at /Cuaae'a attracted two nudlenceB, which hlrW'the house.... "Tlie Burglar's Daughter l'Bd S. It. O. at the Acnderuy, "Sh. Illlfk Crook" nlltd tbe Majeatlc llanja' Imperial Uurleaauers had uuulcnces nt the l.yceuni. " Kahuab Ciiv, Oct. 23.—Walker Whlti-Bldc, In'i-Tli. Magic llelody," oiieued a four nlghta ungagetdeDt at tbo Willis Wood. Sunday l>lf))« and did excellent work before a good iilSSl nudleuce At the tiraud a packed SuMly niktlrree and a sold out iilfbl house erd-tMJ Uockstedor'a Minstrels. Ibo sliow Bt'dfed a hit At the OrpheUoj two big BJltia,}- crowds saw Mar; Norman a nil 0 goi«l va.d4«Y,|lle show.........At .the Wjll» 0 .Tli« HouVW Mystery" PleiBed......." •»/>"£<■ of' -Hw-ord," by the Woodward Slock Co.-, the Auditorium.. ....The Lid Burleuqucra, at tbe Century, and the Bttch'eloii Club, at the M«Jf«tlc, did weir. . A ..../'lUnch Ko. ID" operwil a wopkiven- nairmant At Convenllon ll»ll.'sa. nla*lng 111 -Kinirt nil I01111' At Hie 1'i-opli-a, West side. Ihc Hay ward Stock Co.. In "La HelUj U»rJe." draw well "The Utolen C.. 22-27. _ 22-27. iiennirirr.Jenn. ilr.uleilbiiriJlV". I'llll... 22-27. neillnl. D.nni. ornlieiini. Oiradu, hen., 2.-7, Orplienni, Ht. I'llll, Ulna.. 2».»ov. ■ llerol-Knnoruli.Mnx, Colnniblu. Cln . Mulenllc. 29-N'or. .1. Hell hoy.' Trio. Temple. Ft. Warm, Bell Trio Hlllirera. Orpbrum. nr.lll" Orphriim, Utlen. ». Y.. 2l)-Kov. Berol. Wm-. Columbia, Clnclnnttl, Jsitlc, CUIc.ko, 20-Nor.a. Ilelfort. May, Proctor'.. Allmny. N. Y.. W'27. lloforil. AT.'ft * Nay* Olynuilc. HprlnsOe II., 22-27 : Clio, Bkorjlliglon, 2II.N»T. »• • Reilell' Brw... 0. 11.. Newtmrl. U. I., 32-27. I™uu..l8. Artliur, ft Co.. Vumlly. Stronlon, Pa.. 22-27 • Iwyor. Hen. Ootlinm. Ukln.. 32-27. lEli Ell.ubetb. Monde, lud., 22-27: Lima, O., iJlolda'Arobs »>, H.l'm.rlu't. Chlcoiro. 22-27. BeflclAire. Bron.. Lyric, Donjllle. III., 22-27. Hcn.v. Cl.lto. Trmplc. Dvlrolt, 22-27. - fcnu'lMl*., Billy * D.I.7. Lyric. fl.lne.vllle, Bcrftre, "valeric, ft Co., Mooro'n,' Porlluul, Me.. Befry^ft Berry.'Lyric. Duuvllli'. III... 9^ljt ilJri.lce ft lk.». If O. H. Urajil llnplds, Mlcb.. 22-27; JetrerH. Hljlnnw. 2»Xo«. K Betuler.i Hlelli. Kellli'n, I'rovlilMKV. 22-27. Bluney ft Uiapniao. BIJoo. IMntlae. Hicb.. 28-27. Bl.mnleUe ft Newman. Jeiren.. rl.||lli>w, Mlcb., BlnouClly Trio, I-oganstiort. Ind.. 22-27: Blmm.' iu'.nim,' B-r-r-r. M.Jenllc. All!. 22-27; Unleallc. Llllle Bock. Ark.. 2»- - Mr..; Jli!le,.Wi""«ickct. It. I., lad.. 22- li-ahci.. 1,'rnliie, l«oa ft Craliw, IKelne, Win.. 22-27; 0. II,, Mndlnoli. 211-Nov. II. v Ciimlium-ft Tlioniton. Kmlonil. Boelieuler, N. Y., uJSaEtav UnnW. I.rrle. Clerelaiul. 23-2T. CiinSunu. A Htnllb. WH», P.nnilo, N. I., Cininlne'luin ft lton«. 1'iintor'n, N, Y, .11.. 22-2J. BaS A ll'llrlen, Itorul. Monlreol. Co., 22-271 Hlor. Tiirouui, 2UN«v. a. Dulr. BU. ft llerlllli, llnyinurkt-l, Clllt'lgo, J2-27 , lyiTnil.k'. Clik'lgo. 211-Not. II. 11,1.1. «, wnlkvt. Ilorrl-liiirg, Pn.. 22-27; Ciiui- .-il iml .Mil-. 211-Nov. .'I. . , . „ U»vl,: Mark ft l.aun. Pan-nickel. I'.wlockel, 11. Uuvil, lilw'unli,, ft Dtv, I'roclor'B, New.rk, N. J., llnV-'Kilniunil, A-Co., H. ft D., Ilklu, 22-27. !!,, K. "v.: 11. * (•■ m *£.¥• v -„'.h,;"-"' Il.fy. 'Vlalr. l'oll'n, Hlirlnkllelil. Hnnn. 22-27. Divla. T. Harllanl, IKn-kl.nd, Man... 22-27; Hall- chenter. 20-NuV. 2. Uncre, loiilna, BIJnu. Decatur. III.. 2227; Ill|nu, KAn.tltle. Iml.. 20-Nov. a. l.novi., I*>. Htn'. Anror... III.. 22-27_ '27; Miiji-Hllc. I'l. Woi-lb, 20-Nuv. II. r'orluu, . Hurl.. Oriibeiilu. Denver. Col., 21). I'n'i ft tVniil. till, HI., Phil... 22.37. |.'o> ft IMI Hull. Lyric. Mobile. Ala., 22.37: II. O. II., Urinal Mich.. 20-Nov. II. I'rril ft I'liilr. Kellli'n. I'mvpa-nci-. 22-27 i I'oll'l. Ili-litki.'iiirl, Ciiuii..,2nNii'. 3, I'rJeninn. Mnaille.Daway. Utlca. N. V.. JW-IT. I'rnlei-li-k. Ilelelui, Urpbenm, Mloiicapolla, 2U- Nnv. it. l-'r.iiku HI. l.yrh'.,Ht..Joiifb. Mo.. 22-27. Krnnk. ft Prniikn. link, Woon.ock.l, II. 1., 211- KrMln'l,] Velnou. Audtlorluiu, Lynn. «"„ 2t). l-itUon *' l.liulln. Jp|f«,,.S.glniiv, Mlcb., 22-27. l-'miiiiin, llH.ll... KraaiMorl. (far., 22-111. ■■!■' rlly Mluni..-,", O. O. II.. Pllllhun. 22-27. Unnbirr A Minlili-in. Orpboum, Utnver, Col., 22- Uuriliier A Hnnn, Atlunllc' Ourdcn, N. Y. C, 22. Illlnl'ner A Bevere.' Ilofkflin'. Ixjulm.lllo. K7., W- llnnliiei-. Hippy Jack. .11. 0., X. Y„ 22-27 : HIirH'n, Ila.jra.lo>. 2l)-r|ov. II. aiuralaier A Vlaai-a-nt, llrplaeiim, New, LI., "2-27 : Mnjenl a-, (Iblcugo. 'itl-Nov. a. n.r. IIIJou. rtoclur. YVU., 32-37 i (Irand, a.llfl. III.. 211.Nov. 1 WilY two big overlli-; from the.accident.- The wedding,la lu.take place In church, but at the appeav- uncc of the crony, young Sattln rushes-from Ibc church. Hla faicatltv la discovered, and the girt takes poison and dies. Upon his re- 111 in to ) 1 uiliH bis.lallier casts the clergyman, n*ho li in died, into a r 51-1 >■ furnace, - and la S ioTK.^^,,,'e^\.| , 'l,e' , | , eLy'«trX r ^^TiM >'l.l!!'fc P»J Tub Dioubapii.Company, continuing the aerIt'll of anartlng plcturea, wblcli .nrero ilriit abowil ian.1 win 1 it at. tbe Uo«taD - Hpot-ta- iiii'H'h Hbow, iitm |n«t Kent an cxpci't pho- (uKra|>ber, wltlila bloa;ruf,>i canierk .btiiftt. to .N'unrfuuudland, wlicrc a Herlett.uf movlag pltlui-eawlll. bo' nmdivof u parly 'of Boalon NiKH'tKincii, hunting inrlliou durlnjr- Ibulran. nual mlgratluil. Tne work la lo tie dono, with Ilic• co-on«ratlon of tbo Dominion flovern- inent, and nome s[)lentlld oportuolt|oa are aHHurcd. 1 This Bioobapii Co>ii'A>vy'H new comedy production. "The Koi Hunt," will be heavily featured In Chicago during tbe Home Hbow, where a Dumber of large box partlea are pro- jects. ■ ' "MoTHEii-lN-LAir." a nlctorlal domeatlc comedy, showlnir laughable lncldent» during tbe Visit of "wife's mother," and tbe efforts of buliiiv to Induce Iter to leave la the latcat vliagrupb film. An automobile runaway, a rook 011 atrlke, u burglar Kcare ere- ln- eiTvrtlve. iHit a »nuilI P" wrare doea tbe work.- "A It tire fur a U'Kc" fontlDiicato go Mc,' A Chicago Iimiu'Ii ulUce baa been ett~ taliljxtied In the Bcblller liulldlog. Chicago - , for Ibc convenience of WeHtero patroba*. "Grrri'iNii Kvidenpk," la a new comic illm which baa been made by tbe Edlwn Manu,- facturlhs, Co. Thin and other of tbelr latent liroducllona are Included In tbe repertory, of nil iin-io-dfltp ■ film ahoa'a. , "Tnu Merbv FRUi.ira <iv Satan." n Mellca lirrMlilrllnn, la rpwsrled lo be one of the aue- nHKfiii 'irMigii ranhlng (lltna. [ 1X> T2- , 21. -nil. lllumpltlii ft .Hehr. Pb U |» 27 :: H.ur, Maacle. aii-Nov. »■ „_ Hlomlrlla.. KfUau, rfnrlncaeld, J«»JHT. UlaCli HiinaHra (U). Orpliuum. Ukln., 211-Nov. J. Uiirnevt-riT. tM, Uaaloa. «iamy«. Waablugtoo, IkKitli/'iilwie.-.'lWwey.'.tllle". •*■*•■ JEf^J: Dbllvr.-Ilarey. ft Co., ■ Kritli'i, Phlla.. 22-21 j : rlc jWfKi N. Y., atf-Nov. A. gkHBMnm, WallMit ft Crowker, lUrlfunl. toun. ■2T;K(a*ney*r., Hbln.. W-Nov. «. Bu\. Ted 1'.,. ISnii'lre, Jnliamiwliurg. 8, Tl villi. <;npe Toiv-n. Nov. C-1U. Lotanl * ^eva^,. Mi-ow'a. Maiiellrfate,*^ +2- 27* K. ft P. Uaton Ka., N. Y. U., ■ 20-Nov. a. llrnalii. t. M.. Alhambra, N. V. C..JM-27. Ilrown. 0111. DIJou. Decatur. III.. »-37. Bright Brw., I'al., ManebtHler, rSalb. 82-27; ISnp.. Btwrtry. W-Ntf. »: Kmp., Uutlle/. 0-'al.. Norlbami>ton, JJ-IJ. Ilrnoka ft VeJtk-r. Pracler'a, JHa4 H. *.. »■*■ 27: K. ft I*. 61b Aft,, N. Y. V,.. OT-N'ov. y. Browning. Arthur. BIKiu, Wlieellng. W. Va., '-'2- 27. Hlnr. l>. ns. ('.■., -H Nnv, ;i. Itrui-iliiH, I-ca, Alhambra, N. Y. C. 22-27. Brealna, Cliotr., Knn !■*«»., CWm 22-27. Ilrnillpy it Duvl-. Cr>Htal. Klwuml. Intl.. 22-27, nrlllMim. The. Kmplre, Umloii, Kub-. B^MonH. Ura«lfor«ln. Tlie. O. II.. Melalr. O.. 22-27; O. H„ l.unxsutawiier. Pa.. 20-Nor. il.. Ur«(tV lanKH. Orpin-urn, Uoslui, 22-27. Pmlwi Trio, l-'imlly, Klmlrn. N. Y., 22-27. Brain) Hlnlera. O. II.. yauiej»llle. fin.. 22-27. lirliulauionr. Hheedy'a. Pall Rlter. Maaa-. .22-27.. nrivtka. Jeaniif, Haiti tic, Itlrmiiiglmm. Ala.. 22- 21; IhjMtk!. Mttle Itoclt. Ar*.. 20-Nov. 3, Brown, Jack. * 1,1111m Wrliltt, Kamlly. Plttaloo, J'a.. J2-27; P*omlly, ClmiVr, 20-Nov. 3. hlltCa, TIip. K. ft P. Union Ha.. N, Y. f'.. 22-27. Iliirke, W'm.. «.rt»liliim. Hprliigllphl. <>., 22-27, Bncton ft- Brook-. Clml**, Han Frun.. (Jul., 22- ISXTtoS. IMve,'. lltlc; ft. Y.. ft-W. Ilngwtll. Aurle, Kan|.lre. Ilolaikeaa. N. J 22.17, VShf Neo -llavrn. Oamia,, M-Nov. at Univ. Kal. ft IXrtlan. Ilavmarlaet, anew. 'JU'271 (jlyia|ilc. <aila-ul|0, 211-Nov. H. Ilillons. Tli*. Itaaiolre, llolaolieaa. N. J.. 'J'-'-JJ. U..11 ft |.-oiuli. faintly. «loli» City, la., llli-117', No«'lly, (inanlaaa. Neb.. iill-No,. X IK' Wtt. nnrian ft Torrance. Illrc-ui Carra*. Aan- iti-ntiim, Itol, 22-LII. ulyiniilo, I'urln. l*r.. Nov. 1 'li i nrM.a.irr. (in, uijou. Martuik, v... aa-ar. lHainTo. On.liluni. Naavarla. O.. Kll-27; Uljoal, wi;.-iin«. W. Vs., 211-Nov. II. IiemlBtf, Arltiiir. Ornlieuua. ytlnn,.|iolln, 22117; Oraiavnni. Ouialia. IBJ-Nov. II. IK. Moliilo ft UltliDBUI'. Cryntol, St. Joiopll, Mai., 22-27 IK-, Koln ft 7'rlneena Kniiua, IIIJou, Canton, II.. 2217, IK-loits, Mile.. Lyi-enan, Ogaleaa, V.. 22-27: Um- pire. I'oi'alell", lili.. au-Kov. il, lA-.Hcnw ft I,».loc, Family, Lnneuater. I'a.. 21- 21t De Maaer'H nDan. Caiitnn. 'I., 22-27.- Bw, Soy. Ai-ailen... K.MajJl. X. 0„ 22-271 l.y Off Wtlaoo. 20-X..V. 3. Ue Voy, Kninu-ll. ft Co.. I'oll'l. Mlirlllllllclll. Mnnl,, 22'27. D. v"S|. Orrat. (ylytuialc. Wllllafnnon, W. Va., 2U-27.-' Dol-A.I'tmn.', Cryalil, Milwaukee. 22-27. IK- Vero, I'mlliic, Murlian. Iml.. 22-27; rimlly. iJifiyelle. 2aJNov. II. lie Cor, Harry, Mnjwtle. Kl. Wortli. 'In.. 22-27; Hlltallc. Itentoia.' XU'Kuv. il. bo lone. Count, ft liro..- Kellh'M, Columbus, o , 22-27; AlliKIin. I'l.. 211-Naya. il, IK'tloai. lit). Laniilre, Ilolaolaeu. N. J., 22-27. lie I'aaya- Hlal.rn. II. ft II-. BU"-. 22-27. IK' Muni'. Ilnlmrl. Trio. Marvin. Kliaillay, II., 22- 571 Jeirur.. Hialoaiv. Midi., 211-Niar. ;l. IK* Van. ft a :.a, I Ih. 1 lul,,i.. Hiili'T, llt-lil, Xm\.. 22- 27 ramnjall. Villejo, 211-Nuv, >. Hlll.ii llrii... Ilonlltm', l,.»iiu.nie. Ky.. 22-27. Illlk. ft llllka. ll.iwnr.l. Ilontoll. 22-27. Illxoo Urn... ilnjlifiiin, HI. I'aal. 22*271 ur- Hinuiii, Knuiai City, 211-Nov. X lllll * Wnnl. II. II. II.. I'lltnliu.'ii. 2227. Iilerlck. Ilroa,. Ilajenlie, Krle. I'... 22-27. Ulxea. Howit. A lllxon., Dillon. Tex., 22-27. Bloftanl ft Manilla, H. ft 1'. Union Ha|.. N. V. C, —17 llnl.rlel ft All. K.ltli a. I'rovlalence. 22-27. li.llia.liei ft llnrrl'lt. I'anlor ., N. y.0.. 22-27. ll.rlelli' Una.,. Olymiile, Clileiago. 22-27 i O, t). II,. haillanalaollH, 2(1 Nov. 3. O.llaittl'i Monlaeyn, llopkinn-. Loulavllli'. Ky., 22;. Uulllimlu K ft I'. UllUII Vjpr*. N. Y. C., 22-27. liaylonl. Ilnlanla., l.'li.M'n, Wa.lllllgton, D. C. 22- 47; Krtlli'n. aa.. ail-Noy. II.. ,„, (InUn.niK. Tlie. K. 4j'. Will Kl.. N. V. 0., 22- 27; Ka-llli'.. Jeraaey Ully, N. J,. ni-Kin.. fc llnvlor A (Iriirt. Oriybtiam. I.ltnn., U., 22-27; Or- lilieiuii. .Vu-wark. 2t>-Nor. id ,_ „ M lirrillnun, Tlie. It-wlo.-Uonlien, lull., 22-27; Lrys- Hal. islktart.' 211-Nov. 8. lia'iiw, -Jlft- I'molor's, Alla.uv. N. V.. 22-27. Illlilaiy ft Fox. I.rrle. C nbun. O., 22-27. allllliiini gt I'eray, Ori'lieum, hull Laake. U., H< "lllrl'liaiillKl llao Praini." Kmi.lre, I'nlenuu, N. J J2-2U. (I lien. Tom. Kifiwy'i. Ukln. 22-2T. IIIUoll. llnla-yiiK. ft I'. 2*1 HI.. N. Y. II. 22-27. IIIIHi. Talrolt'll ' II.. 22-27, Mnns- illlanoi-'-.. ft'oiinili. Illl'ill. Ilulaaniale. I... 22-271 I Wliiiill-'k-. Cml.. 211-Ni.v. .1. Illlroy. llnylient MiilllfniiK-rr, Ullliaue, Mlaaaw- llfltaail'JI Naanli.'Dlile, Mem|ilili. Tenri.. 22-Nov, il, lllllelt'H Alillnoli, Ctian',/ WanaihiKlon. U. I... illloierrlll.. 'llae, (llllltH. Bin Frun.. (J.I.. 22-27. Illr.lnt.iiii- Kl»li-I«, ll;|il|»|llia. H|iilaa«ll.-lil. II,. 22-27. iii.ll Mr. ft Mr.!. /). , li- II.. llranal llnpliln, Mlilll., 32-27; IIIJuu. KaajniiiniiHi. 211-Nnv. II. iliirilnii. «lir. Kiii'ln'. Wlnr«on. N. J.. 22.27. alororll. ft. Ilnyl.'. IL * H. N. ,Y. 11.. 22-27. liorilnii ft llliKk-in. Tulealaa, II.. 22_27; llnllaoaliolla, Iml.. 2II-.II I Coluniliun. 0.. Naiv. llolilVmllli ft llwaiie. Ilollliiin. Ukln., 22-27: Boric, Viaiknr.. V. V„ II. Ilaalili'la ft llnulir.. I'oll'l, «Vaan«lw. Mann.. 22-27. Iiiaollaain.. Monlnl, Teaniile., I'l. W.yne, laaal.. 22- llohlrai, -le./. Kullor, TruiMli-. DetniH. .„2«;;'- ilmoi llrnn.. I' Ily. Kllnlra. N. Y„ 22-27. lirna.le ft lleyiaiitila, 1,'ullllollla. aWWl 22-27: I'.rk. «'i.r.-e<l|.r, llami., JU-Noy, X llrlaa A lliirri-lt. At-it'lolaiy. Itslelaili, N. C, 22-27: l.yi'ein.i, Wilson. Sli-iS'wv. 2. llraali. Ilerr. Kellira,, 22-27. Ilra-tf..ili., Tlae. I'.llor'i. N. Y. C. 22-27. aim, ft (Iriiliaai. Iirevaitia, Wanlalngluli, D. 0.. 22-27; Moniins'iil'il. Ililla... 211-Nnv. ;l. - ml ft lion,. Kellla's, I'lilln,, 22-27. ft Hack. (Irniil. lUno, Nov.. 22-27: liiwrra (II. ^Wf'tiP-J-''' iinl "araaiiL Cirniii. Mi-No.. II. llaaerll, ft. Loaaili.. Kvllla.n. Ilonlon, 22-27. Iloula Mil. KVIIirn. I'llll. . 2227. noaiary. Jie. Mmilantlaai, Norfolk, Vn.. 22-27. Daw. Kmiiii. Ill|i.. (Irlmnliy. Knii,. 22-27: Drrliy, 2:i-N»v. II: I'al,. Humlrrlainl, .-.In: I'al., Dun .lee, Heol.. 1217. Uoyl. ft llraoger, Kiitplre. Uklalaouia, Oklu., 22 Ilorieli ft llumell. Toll'n,, Colin., 22-27 Kill's. Hiirlliuali-ln. 1 Ma.. " Itonar, I'rot.. runlor'., N Ilile. I'.'lly ft ISilicl. i:ni|ilri'. Ilea Mnluei, II,. 22-27. Hnraiinrt. Frank, Tloea'lero. Clalaiagn, 22-2T; linya'ly. IK'troll. lltLNor, il, lliaileny, llnl'liy I'*. l'.m|ilre, Hakiir.lli.lil, Lai.. 22-27: Itaqiln. I/* a,ii»vl«. 211-fft.v. .L llilnei, llnl, K. ft I'. UiiIiii «i|„ N. Y. C. 22-27. Ilnlll-ll ft lluyei. Mlilmvrb, Ha-laa'liei'luily, S. Y.. 22-21: Oriilieoni.lLlla-ii. 211-Nov. il. rfteJMj*Bi:'ia-g.-. (Tiyubert Tawaday ' ttSlSt. TllK BmrTONH ale ecnrlmr anollior ■ 9? ''^eI.,ni<lofNr^''o|K-as»ttUe\vflll» (be KuvjIit, ,WSh The/ will relorn to Wo'oil Tburnllay nlgbL America lu April. Nov. 2. IliHltlrk It lll.-li, Atlantli- li.nh-ai. \. Y. II.. 22-27. IlianS. Fr-nl*. 1'roa-li.r'a. Newark. N. J.. 22-27. tlnrke. Urllne, Ainu- Kaerunelito. Cul.. 22-27: Novellj, Htockloo, 2ti>o», 3.'. I'a. Hiirlliuali-ln. 1 Ma."., 211-Nov. X Uookfnn ft' Lniualia. iiiilaintrial.'Moilne'. III.. '22- llnVllniiil.*'lVi| , |i."r"'ilovaril,"ilin.ti'ia, 22-27. 27: (...ayle'.. Cellar IMpMa. In., 2HN.iv. U, llnrilnln'n Ilnllet. Kellli'»:' I'tallu.. 22-27. IloUB ft Lanlaarr. Orplienm. tllleal, 22-27. II.... 1-11. C. ala-anil, Unvtoii. I). 22-271 rMdaa ft Kertl. Tenynlf, Detroit. 22-27. ™— ■"■•-•■ '.»-«— "- Doberty'i I*iwllen. Oanlfti, Iluffalo, 22-27. Doliarly af.tera. I'.llor'i. N. Y. ft, 22-27. Ihiyle. I'.HV.'n. Kill lllv.r. Minn.. 22-27. IH..IIIIII * r>ivla. flrynlil. Ilelroll. 22-27. lire.-, Ihirufbr. HnliM. Ilnlnlmra, Her., 22-Nov. Iiri*. Ilr. Aa' Mn. Klalnej, i*roclor'i, Albany, N. Y.. 22-27. Iih.ini.. I.jilhi. I'roa-lor'l. .Newark. N. .1.. 22-27. Iaanl,ya.|li>. Kny. Jeffern. HbkIi.iw. Mli-la.. 22 27. lluii-.n. A. «.. U. 0. IL. Kyrieune, N. Y., 22 27. .. Ni» n'wiy, »ll'i.llela,«li','2».Nrav. il. Miller ft Marly. Cr/.lil. Kokoino, lnal„ 22-27: Cryital. liiKiii«rairt, 21i-N.iv. a. Iln.kli,., Lea. II. ft ll...1lkln,, 22-27. Ilarrla-lkaiireilarile ft I'n. IIIJou, (lallllvl. Mleli., 22-21. Ilinrey ft Donor.. Hlor Iy.iii.,raa. I'a., 22*27; Stir, Minariiwai. 211-Nnv. :l. . .- , m . Itnrrln Aa llnrrln, Mnnlillllnli. Nnrriilk, Vs., 22-27. llnrrlNiii, llnrr., Ni.a-lolk. Vn., 22 27. Hi.irl-ii. Minnie. Nu.elly. Ukln., 22 27; Uulb- ami. Ukln., 211-Nov. 2.