The New York Clipper (October 1906)

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958 T&iB <^ira^S:^c^BK¥«aasPi^te' GCTOBEB 27. the ' European* Musical Quartette, - Frances Il/iy.t and,eQ.njpany. Uorrljon nnd Uoinit, pit" Hcoilnn "Unit'*, violin ;** Wllfton nnd Ru*h, nnrl the lnfem novelty-ntotlon .plelnreu. C'a- poelty hiHines* ruled Inat week, Notk. —Aim ctmj Jijlw,Cohen, of the Hell , Amusement i'o., ]mvi> fjorie in New York. #■» l,0ll>4|i\A. New oi I in n h. —At the Till fine (T. C. CiUBtihfMi mflnnKeri "Koriy-flv*" .\tlniii>i from Hcondv/ny,". Willi t'orlnne ns the HhlnltiK liirln, mul n spli'iirtldly Imiflnreil <-om|>nny of . elever people opened <lcl. \4, lo rapacity, . nml enjoyed H b% week** I)uk1o>hr. MHnlyre •and Iloulh week nfyi, with. H'm. rnver- Hiinm booked. Mr* wcelt tit -H. I'lrRsrKST |T. **. rninplifll, mnnnjrer).— •*Hnp" U'nril. pr*w>ntln.K ".\nf. \>i, lljit Soon," did RflpacUy. huslnesn week of W Fort Wtyiif.-At the .Majestic Theatre (II. K, Blrs, manager)! •• Vork State .Kolka," Oat. 14, played In mpaclty, an■ did Ultnn Mortimer, In "No Mollier to finlde Her." 10. Maxlne Klllotl. HI, hart K It. O. nnwi Itar- rymore. 17. had bin;HiiHlnew*. 'Tiff! I'an*!! I'fmtl'.V 18, did good in in I new, "Too l'rond in Hca" 9H. "Hnsier Browa" I'l. "The I'll." •:i W. II. t'rnne and KIIN Jeffrey*, In "Hhe, .*:., HI oops 10 Conquer," 34; "Hedford'w Hope" UA-CT, "The Yfinkrr Conmil" 2*. .*. Tkuvlk (K )•:. Stoinlpr, manager).—Uni- formly good Imslne** ruled laat week, with llerl>ert and \VI|[ln«, the Aldenns, Wl«e Adams. .Mr. and Mrn. fJotlloh and rompniiy. Marvelous Koode, ' Iterthn May*r and the klnpinw'ope... This wi^k: l'*reifo nnd. I'mrf, Woods nnd Woods CnrJeton nod Teri'*v'Wil- Ilnms nml Mayer, flertha Meyer, the klnntn I'he popular comedian, nbly mipporled hy «^»ne and Mnrle ftol/Mn as nn ridded flllra<: r.nry tbily, won ranch npplniw, nn did (he' >">nv remainder of his roraifnny. At. 0. Kleld nnd n Is merry mlnw rets > week of 1*1. Ijt.ysii'xi tW. .S. nnldwln, mnnnRerj,—The popular ■r.iild.vln-Melvllle Mock I'm, Mhowd ' lo-advantnae-weekof H. In.RradbutfdV "The lilaek linnd." Hljt hustne.^ mM all during ihe weok, and tin; f-omnany, an usual, gave ■'nllre->nrli*fin'tlrtn.- .—J'lic White oapa" " Ji- iianr.NW.VT.n (Hy. Orepnwald, manager).— The VUrld rienlPiti openeil In H. {{. <». 14. mnilnee aiul niglit. andplnyed ton lilgweek'11 return)*. The company in conipnwil nf;n largf- inimtier nf rlnver ppnpt**, nnhlHt<>d by n intu" ti'nd well drilled rlionw. nnd pave h)K yntIfffldIon. 'J'helininty linchew Co. Ui-^7. (.van: tim-ip* 9c liOhmnnn, nmnaKera).-- Tbe Hrnwn-llnkcr Stork To. playeil in hi- haMDeKt week nl 14, and gave entire natlH* faction. The offering won thi> Kenantlnnnl melndrnmn. "A Work-lug fllrPa Wrnngn," nnd eneh nnd every niemher won well earned np- . pinnae inr HiM'cr woi-k. ■ The «tage netllng. i*tr,. were nerfeel. ■ "The Heart of riiii-ngn" week nf 21. Oitnir,r:M (Mnrlin lte«-k. mtnitl inAnagfr). —This high * 4 h\i\)t vntirlevllli' holme presented fi airoiu F Mil w.'i'l: nf 13, nnd plnyeii to hlg relnrns. Thow- lacorlnK henvlly were:The Kaiidniui Troii|v, Aiitriistn Hlwe, I'limllle Comedy Trio, the Basque fjunrtelie. Max Ml! linn, nnd Wilfred t'larl; nud t'omnnny. The ■ hill f/ir week nf '^'2 lncliul**a: The Avon t.'oin- <^ly Fmir. Vernon, Wilson Urns.. HeltT Iiitia., Three iiU'kmrtii Hroc, l.ntltin nnd Wilfred ('lark aiid 'onipnny. <H>>cond week). Ai'lhur Warivn pronilses n loi nf new animated sllden. S*m: - -Vvelln Citllherl: anil AllinrL Che- valler .ire-hilled'for two performanceH, mat- inee nnri'nljdif. -^ ike old l-'n-neh Oper.i Hou»e, 1 . ««♦ . . f'iti»riMH (Jolm.A. -Scott, tnanngtrj.—• Oilefro, 'Crier, lh "The Uve Koute," I ft-gave till excellent performnn<*e. Om-nr K.n'ook'M Majmtk Sroeki'o.. In repertorv. IH-20. ■ l)e Wolf Ifnppt/r, In "riannylnnd," i'7. A, . , Snvr.H.- John- W. King, singe mnnnger at. Ihe I'rlnceRn Theoire, held a almllar: nojil- tlnii ni tltft' old Aendemy nf Miin|c,[rfiere, twenty-five ypnrs ago. Mr. King Is n rnanu- fiiHnrer lien-, hut wna prrmiailed tn-.again "get in the tarfifff* 1 when the PtlBflBM opened as nn Iinlependent lw.iise n few weeks ngn. * )|r . « ■ » ,\Klimsh\. Mi llnr(f*>t-d.M ItomnW Theoive ill. V, Paraona. proprietor nnd manager) .Maude Ad- nma, in -'ri-tt-r I'nii." hlleil the house .*il every preaeniatlon three days nnd mntlnpe. Man nger Ham.Myerx \vn>i Jtihllnul nt the bih-pcrh t\f the enungenTeur. t-Mwnrd Ahh-s nlensed In "linrwHierV Millions," IS. Ifl, "Hwi l''en I lier," ;.'!>. gnve line per forma nees, to hlg rflturn*, I'heridali Sltniison womj success- Viilly. "Mntn'wtli" Katfle" "22, with Katie liarrv mid .Inlm Shnhi; "The 4 Ilngerluvad Msti*' ::::; "It^'OM lloim-vipnd" i'«, tlrknd i'oni-ert liy, l-crinciivrtllo mid Ids ftrelieslrii l'otlnvvr--. ' ■ llMtifimi Oi'i:tt.\ 'llnr«K (II. II, Jennings. riintingH-i.-'The ' Lid Uflei's i-nnie |o muv\ hliRlnnss jfi, Ml.. "A ltiiiiiiinre of j'non Hol- low," 17, 1«. 1'elcr F, Malley. In "The VtVM Aee-nt," ID, yd, ptcaswl. "A Trip to Kgypi" 22-24. "A Midnight KftfftfM" 2r.-27. 1'oi.I's (l-oul^ !■:, Kllhy, man After).'—The Ufltinl K'Jid Ini-dnV.Hii- Virevrilled' during llie -Iiahf Weak, with Jon Weleh ns a. lieadlltter. •iltbKmi Tim 1'oitr l-'ords. Drill li.irii and company. Hie Three Ahodetnh IlrntJiers, DoUv llan-niirt. the Klnaons, nnd May Or- letta nnd J'end W. Taylor. i\im:s.—Jo«. M. Oulte» and wife, nrcom- pnnled hy 4. Wltmnrk nnd Ida llroka Hart, Idni'iiiu. •- ,u ihi- Oliver (V. C. Zetirting, managari William miller, In "On the^nlet," plensed a Inrge nildlenee Oel. Ifi. "ft-Men-- angp from Marn" was received hy &' g'> ( »l Rlzed hoiiB* Id. Mnsle Trumbull. "inU'DadV Hide P/irtner," dtd cood huslnens IT)"«*The Alnrrlnge of Kilty' ptenaed n well filled house IS. "iiiin-Mn flenrta" M*. 20. Williams nnd Walker as, M. "i'he Little HnnMfltend" *J«. 27, Howe's movjfts nl.-tiires 2ft. ♦•'Phedilrl and the Hnndlt" :irt. Walkpr Whlteslde^l. l.vnti' (H. M. Mllli-c. m-inngen.---Wn*k of 151 The ZiinfMhip. John .1. W»tf*i*lEoyer turn KHnen, Rn-ilngton. Hnrnzell nndiRn?.eii, MiMred Rlrlaa, nnd l.yrirosenpe, ,,... Jli.roiT iKM. fjorman, mnnager)A-Week of in: Kane pro!Han, will 11. Hmytite.'-Me- fJloiKl and Melville, Ituf and t'uateJf, the *ireat. Tatnni. In -TbairDiaturgy." and .Mo- graph. vs., J'reinonl. ,U (lie (Wm. IJIWery, mnnngen Ihe Itoynl Ilnwnllan Hand plenwd, lalllng to arrive In lime, for matinee, (I.e-^The vnliiiitcer Orgnnlat". drew n large house Oct. I). The entire pnrniiet wna reserved for the delegfltna to lirnnd t.'ouncli or rhe RNtisen, Jn .jvsiilon hew., liavltl I'rortor, ln"A'Mep nee from Mnrs," drew a hlg linitse IT,. "Dnd'K Side rartner" 20, "Hitman- Henris" j,' f nnk «ordnnnt, Frank Moritaunt.! the well known actor, wno«! nrnno. In private life was Arthur T. Mnrttanm.-'dled on Monday, Oct. 15, in'a H/inltnrltint'nt fiedford t'liy, Vn.. afier nn lllneas-of -four years: -Mr, Mordnunl van horn In Itnrllngton, V't„ In 1841. nnd first apfenred on ihe stnge In his narlve village, .In "lincle. Tom's catdn." . lie came lo New ■Yi»fk-t.?lty* In* IKfiS, nnd Joined the Iironghnm Drnmatlc Association, nppearlhg In the per- formnnces In lloyne's -Thrnlre, on the llpwery, anil at Ornrantlc Jlsll, In Uoustnn Htreet; Ills first nnpenrnnce before the pub- * lie was In the Academy of Music, New Vork t'lty. on the:decision of,the Dramatic Fund hepetli, In ISJifl, when lie-went on a» one of the.' soldiers In "ItlehPlleu," nnd In "The Dumb HMrl of «;enon,'* Kdwln Booth nppear- Ing'fts the cardinal... After nn apprentice- ship.of one year wllh the nmarenrs', he went in Troy. <N. V„ where he became n memlier of the. Adclphl mmjinny. under the. manage- ment of Onbilpl, Harrison & Stevenson, lie reninlneil ihere for n KMMH* nnd, return- ing 10 New \arlt, wns-engaged at. the Bowery 'l*nenire, iindpr J. II.- Allen'st-mnnngemcni, openhi« there In April, J8H0, a.'t the Bnrop, in -fThn Stranger:*." and !w William Kver- green, In "The Hough Diamond." He shortly afterward went lo Chicago, and was imme- diately engiigpd at Me Victor's Theoirn there, opening ns ihe Krlnr, in "l/tve's Saerlflce, remaining as a-;pni-mnnent. member-nf Mi:- Vlcker's i-nnipany for iwn Kensons. At; ihe termination . of lifs Cblcngo engagemeni - - July, lAffif-Hte revisited New Vork. Then he was engaged by William Henderson ns lending heavy for his I'lttsnurg me- al re, widen was known ns Ihe Old Drnrv. That was the reason of 1862-63. Mr. Mor- dannt did not ilnteli the seniion In Pltts- hnrg, ns lilq father died, nnd hh mother. Who wnn In deiknte health, wlahed him to reoirn lo N'ew Vork; Soon after arriving Home f,. n. Sliewell was taken HI unexpect- edly during n' performance of "The Cnileen Bnwn," nt. Mhio'js, John !,. Vlneenr, who was the Kiace -mnnager, was hunting around the huroiigli, 1 ne-a ilnut-er, mid-I11-H10 eofly ; G0*8 cloR^i'a. six months'- mtcccfiBfal- tour Id Slln- Mic .t'Hjiic '.'to* tUU cbuntry,". playing ber first uesota, Wlitcuutiln and Unkotas. -The compuny rngngement Ir. ■ a stock company uf L'tifti'ies- Is new contemplating;' the opening of a per ton, S" C,\," being aBHOclatert- with John T. ' tnancnf theatre In' Wisconsin or Mlnneaote Raymond nnd the elder Hothern. From. Noxks ruoM Frank. <'. 'Bostock"n Trained Charleston she went to Loulavltlev joining Animftla.—Tlmt ft'-t'rfllnW,.wild animal exbl- n rompany Ibere as a winning spuhrette.- In blttna. could be rnadesucccajiful'lii (he " LoulRvllle she iti«t Jamen DIcksOn, wtiem nhc married, lie him hcen-dend twenry yenrn. From liOulsvllte Mrs. Dickson want to Olove- iund, where she first met dura Morris In the.stock company. John Kllaler was man. c/ftRH theatres bus been demonstrated hv John M. Church, ihPi popular maooger, w\\' lt Ifi! handling the roftd. lour • of thoi show nnlcli has met with'Unprecedented tovvpo on the Shwbert clnud.t: The best anlinril l-nnnler, ltey Fll» and "Nervy" tinUiard' nnd the liremler clowns, Mr. McDonald and Mike Cnrcoll, are nn the rosier, which In- clndps thlrly singe mechnhlics nnd nllend- £^5"w£l'Jv ^V ik wnewl' agent, nnd Fred May advertising Agent. - IlAtiav h£ V'Aiino wrRes fhnt the fair lie Ith Frnnk managed for Ihe Kdinnom Street; crir'Co m her daugh- Kdlnlwrn. I'n.; wan siu-h n HnmNH tliat'the oper of ■ 1 lie house, nnd-Jftines l^wlaone Of nets frnm Rostock's l*arjs Hippoilrrime ami Us lending men. Her next slock engngemeni the Rostock Arenu, nllirenminnd, have keen was In I'lltsbnrg, where she played for n assembled for the rond 'ttlioW, which, at time with Wilkes Rooth. She also met Kdwln high jirlccp. Ih rira win j crowded bouseR in the Forrest In Philadelphia. ■ Ijater, after she Mhulterl; theatres. 'The World's grcntesf hail Itecomo a finished actress, she joined traincrx. Mens, .In vat, .\lme. Mdrelll. Mom Robsnti and Crane, and was with themoiiiny •-' yrors; Iter last enengemeht was wllh Wfl* 11am Faversham, with whom she went tour in'"Imprudence." Mw. Benjamin Stern, whose husband Is the manager for "The Linn nad the Mouse," now playing nt ttic Jiyeitm, New Vork iJIly, nnd Mrs. Jlrew, whose luishand in playing .with Daniels, In- "Serges 11 r Bene," are her tern. InlPMriem «■«« In Kenslco Cemeiety same comp»ny will build anew, pork on Mr.s. C.iunuxr; i^>vKr.i„ theoldest. nctreas that line, at, Mrle, «hd have engaged him to of record in this country/ died on SntitVday, manage It next; season. The-net* ih<it Oct. 1.1, In Hnglewtod, S. J... aged elgbly- - nine yenrn. She hoil Isn-n a resident nf Kaglc- wnod, nl. the, home of her' daughter. Mrs, Leach, for the ;j;ist four years. Hhe bad heen ailing lo*- seme weeks with owl rtfife ease, Mrs. Uivril was on Ihe stage-twenty- live years, rrfirlng In lfl.'i7, since when she led a secluded life. She" played at the Park Theatre, \ew York Clly. with Mdwln Forrest, the elder Raotli. father of Hdwln Hunt 11; Mrs. Henry Hunt, who m'terwai'd became Mi". John Drew; Charlotte ('ashman, Tom llamblln. and other noioldes. Mer first hus- band was Jnmes W, .Prltchard, who wns killed In the West by nn accident, fonr ranntbfl. after their marriage, Her second liiishnnd was Henrv V. Jiovell. Interment wns In Orcenwnod ^emeterv. on'Oel. Iri. Du.vca.v C liKuf. a ehnrn.ter ncuir, died on Oi pea red at the fair were; Hen Holmes*' Wild West (M. I'rof Bristol's (rained podles Leslies educated pigs. Finn and StanrTer comedy nernbats: llnrry Ijl Vardo and llnfcv Hownrd, on the nigh wire: Prnf. Fred Mil- ler ImIRmioIsl TMH Cui'pf.r was a srent , help 10 ni o In hooklpg this show . Under the Cents. cns.—When we exhibited at Mc££eimm Pa.,.Ca P t. Jack Sutton visited JlWSSRSl arranged to pince a monument over theErave In Colwj-CMwtwjr, of Rose-Joy .Stlwort i?f^ A ^ ma } 6 % h wn? t *J'ed while nerformm" 2. 190.1. Mr. Sutton was appointed tMoimec v J'iift 1 S1 E Wwt J ; ori ^ t , hir ! 1 , slK ' ,f ' *i Sf* «»•• S««on was appointed tEame - New *»ork Ciiv. He was found In his room of the funds subscribed bv brother and Vk the lobby lo find nn nctor to take the part with n tube from .an open gns Jet clinched ter performn of Rinellng nim'cirru* •!**', of Ilnrdress Cregnn. As Mr. Mordftnnt bnd In his feeih. . lie left a note which mad: seogon. nimfimg uins. uirens; }&m 2Ite n ?Kl fr ?I!LWW Nrt - >. MoJcBtlc ,HBnnEitr l '"Tlie.|.'rogman," Is dotnjr wen Building Thonn S2.1t, Cnlumhuw, and hove with the SeM>l6ft) 4&S%L and il BhSJ them notify .mr home. ItMlge; Kiks,-No. n, 1 untoions_. ..■ .. ' au nt Mtchfleid, 111.. Secretary M, W. Bchnell. nnd request bim to notify my relatives and friends end silso.Rmma r. Rent, of 11111^- boro, 111," THOiiAS Jacobs, an nnlmnl trainer, with Porepaiigli-Sells ■Brothers" Circus, wfls found played another role In 'The Colleen Bawn.' while in Chicago, he wns familiar with the lines'In n general way, and volunteered to finish the performance ns besl: he could. The management was so WOtl satisfied with his work he was engaged lo-replace Shewelt Tot the rest of the run. VVhen Matilda Heron cnnie to Mlilo'n she wnnted Mr.-Mor- rlanni to play Jason. In. ■•Medea," a pari, be hnd plaved with her In .Htisliurg.bnt She- dead In a camel car nttaebed to f be show. nt. ♦ »» KRNTrOKV. Oweiihtinro. At the Crsnd tl'dffley Jt linrcb, inanugei-st Chan. It. Hnnford, Oct. 1ft,* bad wmmI liii.-dur-sji. Jnne Kennnrk, In -The TnOHt of ihe Town," 16. was excellently plnvcd and sttng.'d, io n pooil k\?a-A : audi-"' iW- Jess Ittndy, in "The I'rlnee V>f I'll- sen," 'si. '•'•' " NflTM.- IVdiey' & Hurcll. MIBOJEOK' iVcre,. iiImi itf Iii.uses iii llviin'svllle. Ind.; lUsr St. UllU. 111...mul HelievlIlH, 111., will tMjL only llHlefN-intent ntlrnrilota from now on. well, who bnd recovered from - his illnesw, seemed to feel »o sllglitwl that .Mr. Mor- daunl relinquished.Jaion to him. and played ■ Crcon. After flint Charles Whentlelgh en- u'iit;.'i| him 10 support Lucille Western, in "Ham Lvone,'* ;it ijie Chestnut Street."The- atre, Philadelphia.' He afterwards supported rMwIn l-'orrest.ns Jlnnmio, in "Mnehetli:" ns Biicklnghn,ra. In "Itlcbnrd III Obost, In "llainlei,;" in (jear;" as l^waajK, In "The dlndln as Ibirrhrlns, In "llli-heibat." I Hiring the senson of iRiii-isu:; Mr. Morrinnnt alt. up to 190S. Tiir poij,owimo/ regarding the Sellt-Floto invasion of "Mexico, Is from fail jffiSS Jtcraltt, Clly of Mexico, dated Oct. 1' *™k UMMnM hippodrome, with ■ modeffi-: equip ment, and designed not nnlv as a plnce it ajnusement but as Winfer quarter'for't ■nlmils and people connected with the -™ ir ■'nycitevfJie Ark.. Oel. Jfl. He Is Iielleved to f»s, Ja contemplated by th« naumt n r have heen killed by some of the animals. The the Stlls-Ploto Circus, which arrives in thil Mf was forwnrded to his bnme in pennsvl- city'In Naveinher. >fliJj plan Mm -been imJi vai'ln- - ■- ■ - ; . , ■ - eorsldernnnn ever since the SelN-FIoioT,- .imix f*. KAxn, recently stage mnnn B er af Pie ihou/nl of oomln^ to Mexico, and Xe. the Orpheutn Thentrc. Hi. 1-onl. Minn, was W. «. Musgat, advance■ nwnr,™rrlved her killed by a passenger (rain near (be (felon he came with the Intention,of looking :SrZ Stailon.-cednr linpids. la.. Oct, Ifi. He al- locations for the hiiildlDK oVwIasSS : i« ft .Vl h *™pl«l o hoard the train, nnd fell under pare tile way for the show. He lsnSw tl. , In Mag the wheels. Tm. and lias made a fuVorable T-en^-t \l 8!S&S VS -„£•&££ ftS^? l&Wfc c-memker of the management of the' .low™ At ffofflje J^^n tt Mjg A l » aa WJ^«J3fjB San Juan de Letran the it I'nducnli.M the Kenlm-ky' IT. W. Itoli- prls, niiiiiHgeii. "Simple Simon Simple," ftri, HI, and Tim Murphy, 17. bad line bnjdhW. Jane Kennnrk, In -I'll,! Toasi of (be Town," -0, had good buslnraK. Dark iwo weeks. « I, T./. ,wn . Wny" Nov. 1', "PUT!' PMT!': Potif!!!" 8, 4»» MISSISS1P1"!. McrWInn.—At the (Jrand opera IlnarMi „ Hi. Knllienherg, :nanoaer» "The Clnnsraim" wore tmesis of Arllug Manager Chas. fleblyn, ?PI > i'n»'' , 'l Oel. 11, mullnce and night. In S. al-lhe presentation of "Red Fenlhor." " ■'■ 1 »- Brldaeport.—At Smith's (K C. Smith, manager), hlg htislnesH week nf Oct. 14. Booked: "Prom 'Trump to ■'Millionaire" *J2. •JH, M IM Feather" M, "MnmBelle Snllle" 25, Allen I>oonc, In "Kerry tSow," 20; "The Old Hoinesiead" 27. ■ Pm,l*H IK. 11. Mitchell.' manager).—Ulg ■ImHlnesfi week of H; Booked week of 21': KadrtHie't: l.ndies Orchestra. Cook nnd AIndi- son;- la "Two Mllllouulres;" Besinnh nnd Miller. Chard nnd Onrdnei', In "Hoolev and :he niamond:" |rvlng, Jones. |llanehe sham, ■' Trio nnd ib'e olecirogrnpli. »i» - It. O.. "Forty-live Minnies from Broadway,'* fiSf**! ■ %f* 12. pleased n large midlenve. -'Thorns and Ihealre,, New Or!' Orange BloBsanis." 1:1. enme (0 a fair house, v'fw »ork ,he pi w«i AL U. •I'leid's Miniitrftlii ir», ntntlnec nn«l night, had Immense business. "Vlolette/' IB. had satisfactory patnmnnc. "The Hultan of Suiu is. Florence Hnvls, Ju "The i'lantr Aiald," 11); -A MJltlenalrc Tramp" 2ft. "Iln- inau Henris" 2». "Sergeant Klliy" 2ft. .Noil:.. Al. ■ (;, pi,.||| nnd cinipnnv were tendered a delightful smoker after the night performance, by ihe local lodge of Whs. tor, at Spfttildlng's National Theatre,. Wasb liigln}),: mir. wiM.1 rcliirneu to. ,uihm lv-t-,.«\ to appear' with her -In "Iluntetl T>own," nt Una l.'dwlh's Theatre, In New York; Ills role was'ihni of John l.elgh, , This was In 1871, After that he.played, tor n-season In !»«' support »f K, U Itrtvenpnn. at the chest- nut Siren.. Theatre. I'hllmtefphla. Am (he "ghosf did not walk . with necusionied rcfluliirlty |ownrdn the . end of ihn sea- son, he went over lo the - Buffalo Kill contingent and did Jim Iihwck, In 'The ScnutK of (he^Plains." In 1S74 ho sup. rr ----. - ..." . he acfed with Adolf Phillips, In-ihe eld Ocrmnnln, 'fhenlre, fids flly. ' * ' mucellaneoi$, ■Mfc *xn Mns. IUtp havn bem oblltcd to dltHTonl iinw 1 lielr cnrorlnlnments on arMinat nl nn m,-wm a Mr; itapp. ti,. g„ H mw l^n a iilrtiire nrnjpctin;: npm»tin Splndfd, I to MM nf-Mr. S«IIk Ik lo crest a s.iltabh- »ml IHHUInc fnnMirw of ,.|mis,l,im -em T J ■■ ?, ni1 .&££ ,,K "«"'« "Mann.- Tbis will also Inrluilo all tliefimilllar.race! l"o "« ! l«»'«»B ( tomhnn .■harlot™ £ $& Oiumfran at» Ihe Varletes leans. After his return lo ....h engaged for the part of H'Artagluin,, tn a revivnl of ''The Three C.iwrdsmen," nt Xlbln's. He also plnyed the 88 l&A^M^^^ W^S&WW^ % - A- iur -O VPD1B OB pill-l ppnred,ns juaprctor nuokot, la Mary Cor,y\ *ff" - production or "Poor Jo," at Inc. Union £'«nl oi .loon r. (.'hurch. wliloh la to nlar l¥o Sq.unv. In -1878 Mr. Mnudannt &npporl»l nliuhprt t-lrcult ot theatres. Htarted Its acn- MHry Andereon, nt (he Fifth- Avenue Thea- Bon iU lll e Nelrion Theatre, Springfleld; Maa's now and onlarwd illustrated catalogue of w.i uMinw,. their ? ood ?; Anyone ? endln K them Wen <i« C SKtoH^?(,,f A JJ,£ ,M ^ n j|ag »{ Been In the'vaudeville title ,ole>l-Nllilo-» In a niudnetlo'n of "Tile cents for ihe aaiSo, receives a* eoinpoi good tto aXSi'.Vi'ii!*,"' Old Man of the Mounlaln."; Then he np- for .,-'» «n'» on piircbase. ' B ,.„f,i. "P?, 1 ° aa •""*• !i'','«. B ,°l r "?. K ^ ,u: ' , u A - ' m<lel ' ">« mana^ "g of John P. Ohurch, which Is to play.ihc <lteltmtte-],nnole'. mtfRicr op coi.i'ntii.i Ire,,, .plo.viiiK Initomnr, Mnater Walter. In "The llnnrlibnru :" l.udovlco,. In -'1'lvndne ;■' n.liMils. Mercntlo, In "llnmeo and Juliet," and ,Mac- lielli.- . Ilarjna; Jfidvln llooth'a engagement at llint l)oitw> shortly afterward!., he played Ihe Kliift, la. "Ilamlel:" llarriuliiH. In "Itlclie- w Hon :'; Maufreilo, in "The Pool'a Heveuge;" Homancc of Klllnrney," 17, did fairly Kent. In "King I.onr;" Hie linkc of Lnn- -' rth-.--Mulcr.-ia-t'ttlrtinrd 1(1," and Don Sniustc, In "fitly llla,s." During (lie run of "A Cele "Jf-fl °f l - 8 -r Th ? OT w ' lh r* compiiny KJ, ! ,y nai i'»' -royafa cominnillou troupe, Incliuling Ihe famous tiger, tjoldlo: ilona tenses, nils season. tae^l'lSjung &?.' :Li " aK m """< ' w,th J.J 1 .'!; ■'■'"' S**i f'-i V,:nn nre playing nn In- SfSri. "•**" "'"" "? «««i «"»!>« Notks t-itoM Tttr. n.tnE.\nnrK StinwK.- nj-onlur,—At tho lowers Grand 1.1. Oven, managerl Itoht. Fltzaimmons, In * I'lglit for l.ovc," drew a good house Oel. ill. •AUoninnce of Klllnntey," 17. did, fair Nnllonal SSI; ,; f'arlen It. Itanfonl, supported bv Ma 11,1s. week. v!' or , Qn ' 1 J} mi !l strong company, presenled Julius Ciewir" Waililnglen.- At the X«H .Tlteairn (W.-II.■lliipley. manager) Mils week. SBP».J" } slrong romni...,, ,,..-..., Klsle Jnnls. In -Tito Vnaderlillt Clip." Ijtst J"""? c '™ r M>. I« « large and/well SSffiStSWiTr week Krancla- Wilson. In "The Motininlu P Ifta, 'eil audience. eoropo«ed largely of slit-, WS™*xf** n| i rt rilmberV had good bitslntas. .Snllle" «!>. nagers) .. The Vlr glnlmi.. Ijtnt week Savage's Opera Co., with ihrco sets of principals, presented, for „ the first lime In Amerlcn, "Madame llttlter- »* ft « wro 'f 0,l '« s nu. Hud Knrnnm, SVnvn ,ram- tly." I Iraxle Jniatnew opera, hy fllacnmn mlngs. nnd the llljnndl'nrac. flood business I'liii'lnl, lo slitnillng room nndleni'es. nt ad- It "Mnm'zelle J™ 1 " tm "> ""■ Jnmea Mllllkln Onlvorally. S. 1 '"", 1 ' li , c ' nntl . »Pr«nr«l as Mnjor Henry f'ntnlng: Smith Hro». Specialty Co. 20,;vaiicle. cl "^, 1,rllt during (he long fun of "Mv I'nrt- ■ I'lil.t.MiiiA (I.tickett. ft' nwyev. managers), vllltt w-"7, iter, at the a:iroc house. In the early part —Tills week, llnsllo I'-nrntun, In "The Vlr- "li'iu (A, Slgfrled. mauager).—Kill for Bt 'l<£™ be Kiipporleil Ifretlerlck. rnuldln,- ' of reptlllii and Kast India magle by W Ulndoos, Mniahnra. llohammcd Kahu and HhakahMMu ; Kentock's troupe of elephants the i:nlou Hoiiare, ho f" 1 """flier Jierformlng leopards, panthers, tho Irishman, riennli [ Kcr " ■ , '° Jnguals; Joseph Halliard nnd his 1 • 2 • C fS ft . '" ',", e""M manne-ei n V U.M I Mt'O In I,.. I... ..° . 15 nnd wppIi : UyTw McCarthy and iQiunanv, » t .mwniV of dm racier*, nt. iho li'mirlccnth Iteno nud A mm, Dc Vere and l»e.Vere. Street' Theatre. .New iork City, then known us the Lyceum. After playing Cheviot Hill, Vftdei'd prices. The production was an un- ifunllihMl wiceoss, both In ploi. Intere«t nnd inagnliliynl selling, (taymnad llliclivnch, In "The tiullopei'," *J». llKi.Asro ii„ Sioddnrd Taylor, uinnngerK— This jreeK, |.eo nilrlehsleln, lo -itefore nnd Afier." 1,-iHi week |,oiii.t -Mtinn and 1'Inrn l.ljjsiitin. In ".lulle llon-ltna," luiil good slml mHiRnt, llllrtn. "John Jurtsun's Wife," 30, UHIKHH fMIss II. Winlfml lie Will, nmn- agnr).--Tb.;( week tho bill Includes: CeJ. fiOHtnn Horde furry, Oortrade C, llerliert nnd M. Ut'imd. In an expone nf tho Fays; Ctlletil'H ibigH and tiabooiiH, Joseph and Itertbn Adcl- ivan, Mnreonn,,N'evnro and Mnieenn. Ilonule 'iaylord, fan! Lis Croix and Hie vltnaraph. laist. week the. Wltlte-Stnart eoinpnny hendiHl ihe list, ilnmnut PrnwUN houses. t AcinKMY nr aIiinic i.t. \V, Lyons, mntin- Keri.-'ThU week. "Tnei ltnrghr'n Inrngbler," liiiHi wiek "f'nster'M Liitu rigln" b:id im.'ked iludIea,VM. ••Klghi IIMIh" 2!», . MA-uavii*! utphlr Leigh HtKler. managerl. -Thla week. 'The Hlack Ciivil;." Last wee! ruled. _ 'Ilent .eompiiny. "The Arrival n( Mlty" L week ■*A Sipmre l>'al." by aii ex. " had .lifiofj Im.'.iiii >!, 20. IitCHtrx (l-'ugenn Kemnn, manager).—'Tblv week, WIlllHms'. Imperials, Law week IfnC J'weaHeMi i.'outpiy Maids, bad deservedly exeel|enl biinlnesM. The Amerlcaim W, 4 ■» i ■ ALABAMA. r i . j.i iHoiitiir. -Ai me Lyceum (Thomas Polk LlltlcJolui,iuauageri"The Millionaire Tramp" enme, tu good luiRlnesN, p, "The C'lauRiiiHii," 1-S-l.l, had Hue bustueRH. This play drew people from Itlrmlnglinui, lliintsvllie nnd other eliles. as the city eoituclH of Hiomc cities would Nut allow "The Olnnsuinn" to play there. - for fear It woald cause race rrouble. Nrgrocswere nut allowed lo see (he play here. No trouhlo was rniiKPd from tho pl m, noto. —A itrtet fair. 22-57, under iho manngement of T'homau Polk l.llltejohn. The nttrncliona will be furnished by Die llnhlnson ('arnlva 1 *.V>. - New Dei'fttnr. AI (lie Payne (II. \|. rjarrlson, manager) W'elisler ,'iillisnii, ,,,■ 10, In "A Kunawny Moleh," drew n fair home, Hnyt's Comedy Co. 16-20. WRS'I- VIRGINIA.. . WkvcllHK.—At the 1'ourl Thenlie, (10. II. |.rnnxh«h,i. manager) Sllldrert lloHnnil. In "A I'araillse of Ides." fh-l. in, had W. II, li. Adelaide Tliurxlnn. In "The <llvl from Olil Viimlcr.- 17, had Idg returns. "The t'liiiisiiiiiii," is. luiii ..nod reiiirns. cMellar. III. did well. Olh Skinner, la "The. Intel." jo, lin.l < z | rel'irns. tVinilng: "'Way llown I'.hhI da, llllery's Itnnil •}* . ... lllUMi ITMu llo.t.ttii H'rnnt. A, IVInler, iiiiiniiMi'l.--"ll.i9ler llrown." 15-17. had nig returns, "'i'he Hhalknr Ilehlnd llie'Tlii'iine," l"-i'l. hail good returns. The iHurniy- Macke.v IV., In reperiory, 2 , J-'_ , 7. lil.uir EOlniHt, Neiaon, nmnngerl.^-Hual. t-ess was hlg week nf in. People for week of 22: lliiriloii nnd f:ollln», St. Arno nnd jrounier. U-turn .lonea, 1,e.o nnd StUkey, 1|. luslrnr-'il :n>ngs nml nrivlng pictures.,, i:.. i.'auti.i: ill, \v. Itogers. niiiiiiigi'1'i^.-l'.usl. ness for uerlt of ir. was ginitl. Peo|)le for week hi 22: The Peur Andersouu. Ilrnld and l,e itnrl. A. Iltownlng, I'natle fomrdv fo. and lllnsrriiicil jiongs nnd .moving, pielures. ■>.» .n, • AKKANSAS, -I ■ lln, Sl.rlUH Al the Andllorllini Tlie- a(re I Itrlgliiini ft lleml, inannger.s) s« 'pim. inuglilircil Tminii" came Oct. III. Cole and lohnsiiu gnte a Hue show to a big house. "The Un.liili of llhung" ran. Id. flunked: 'he (lievlng Trio in ruudevlllei 10) l-Wnn- ilerlnnd' 2:1. "The Totwi of I lie Town" 21. " The rlini-mii n" ;:0. -.," Niiti:.— Ilngfnbett'a flrctts tins hlllwl the Iowa for 25 ; 3 tiKouniA. '-.: Aognsln—At the Opera House (Win. 13. Sclia-elgorl, malinger) Helen Itvron. In-"Ser- gennl Kitty.' uiiitlnce nnd night Onti Is. had Iv.-ii good "Tile .'fllrl, 1'nlaT" mnlliiM and uight 211. Arihur Dunn, In ."The Little Joker," 22:. "It Happened In Nornlaud" an, "Her Own Way" 2*. ■ Nirrgs— Or.le Ilros.' (Trrits '22..nlti. .■(.-' narntim ft Halley Nov. II. . ik} 1 ; ctr linenn.—A| Hie ainiuiger.l "Sergentit Kilty" pleased iimno Oct. 15. "Tlie 1,111m Dnchesa' mined line .In "Knanged." will. the road, Mr: Merdrtuut alnrred for two "sea" sons,l«si1S2. in "Old Shlnniutes," Then he heciime a memlier of the All-Star ComMna- tlon. In .San Krnnelsco. Iila pnrtnera. helug Mr, and Mr.s. McKee Ilnahln, Daniel llnr- kln.s and J. J. Wnllilee. Thev iensod the Cilllfornla ■fhenlre'and gave some elnhornte productions, aoinhiy one of "Macbeth." In laS8 >[r. Mordauni. returned to Mew York io Like ihe pan of Scarpln. In 1'nnnv Pnven. ports prodiletlnu 01 "|,a Tosca." lie then personated Illrnia ■>- Mnnger nisi Illrnia Pepper. In Penman Thnmp- EJT' .-■ fflf s l<tc> "" at nn piny of "The Two sisters." 1,'ranl; R "?'' "'• vl< ' nf I'resentlng Ihe r 1 lieu engaged hint lo act. TnmaaRO, !;""','. ,n, ," :Jl . cnaimenl lit his fav n the Ilroitdwny Theatre production of "Mr Bsriies of Neiv Vork." lie supported Helen Parry. In "A vtothnns Slratagem," and sub- ,ef|iienlly tilled, a. three months' engagement In rhhagn, ns l-'rospero, when' "The Tem- pos!" wns revived u| AleVlcker's. Smart nob-on engnged blm aftec that for W, II (.rune's pari In ".Tho llearletln." . Then he signed wllh I'harles l.'r.,liiiinn. and plnvetl i.overiiiir llmlman. in 'Men ami Wninch •" Knowllnil, In '"I'lie l,osl I'anulls,, j" llarou Sleln In "llliiliinincy." nnd (ieneral Kennlon, In "The ilirl 1 I.,.fi ilehlnd Me." Laler be plnyetl t'oliini'l Sltutne. In '"i'he 'Two f'olouels ■• and unpi'tired In "The IllMrh-l Attorney." Ill' I hen nrlglniited (he part of tleneral heiidruk. In "The Heart nf Maryland." |jne,- ",'. l'li')'"l.,MII':»,Mi-Kea»n. In u revival of l.oseilnm, and Oolonel lie Snnlniiu, lo "The i.agcrtl Ileguccnt." .Mr. Jlordnunl's Inst an- lioaiiinee on Ihe singe wns al the l''ourteentli SI. Thealre. Sn- Vork Clly, In "Now Ungland Kolks. 'In 11)02. A year before he organ- tied (lie Mordount Slock Co. and produced 5f. ,t '''l! l „ nla) '" ?' .'!'" "emW Stpiare Theatre. I'he failure of this venture I, said lo have lieett the direct cause nf his breaking down. Members of the New Tork Lodge of Elks held the funeral services of the order, even- ing of WoiluMHlay, Oct.. 17. Another funeral service was hrkl at 10 o'clock on tho morn- --„ — .-.-,, -lOidle: Moaa. hi.* h.,1 - . . ".'"k,mikch .->unw,t.— ..... . I s nnd his. comedy animal, act: the ol£,iiSi?" " In *' 0 "''"wing Texas, although wondorliil chimpanzee, t'onsul the Second; Sffi i?^. 1 "^,* 1 '™' "PH-wlHon. In' seme of ?r th ™S?ii 1 " s ""i'' <> j: : *"r funnllliu's elhlb! tlnis^te ' & w f , ' 1 " 1 '? 1 ,hcm "»'")'■ *< irirnS.^Lti'"' 1 , '"■"'•■"•I™" crowds. The famous i'lylrg Joidnns opcu ut New Vork llrpodronie Nov. 2(1. 'llta Ko," Bar" y JSr. S 22?. n >'er. MP"'! lo retum t„ tne negr season, as thov have'been -;.».».., B =u.™, manager. ^'iE'' %'' t 1 "", ""» 'hese shows,' Mns- Ihe company will travel In ta special train K5 $5£ I" 1 "o « lT «" •»« «"on. All Innk- throughout rite war. . I»K forward lo enjoyable Winter . ailk •S?nS: S ' : ""! : 'IT. who recently closed forms s S5S"f* illls «'lld IVest SlinXv, In- • sV.rf!' 1 '' 0 ' ma te P0els succeas. • :,'i"„ D ',i' KI ."« TurniPB of 'cycllBts. who nr- fi.« liln L" m ""P> 1 l"»t March from l.'uropo. fSjcSS"; «• nt (he principal features nl fo )'o r epaush i Sells Hi'os.' Show, under lliomanagemint of the itlngllhg Hros., bus seaaon. ItNBRClC 'illlOWS.— •.o U i n „ ?,"™"''™ veryistormy.w-enthor atfial- K^lft, rantlnce,' hut for the niglit per- ?. th , ''"l' s i w»»'-«nfil out at lSo'elnck SS J !, ,alnt d "iarlitg all of tho following ffi.i. ' "" P! 1 " na "fauraonl, Ihe nest SS'.'" I'M capncKy 'Imslnesa—Irl ihe ...V"* could experience-■ losing but ? inf. Z\ '{'"."PPWi'Hoii nmnnnn to nnlhlns l ». n | hln;li«rt ofthoicottnfry. the season_ Nov.--10. ■ .Norm fsmi 1 the rnmohnslka Animal 5 1,0 1V,T", ""•»!,""» Winter ipinriors Sept. 4. This show did a very big business at nil „ " R °'»''' o re''"irS.oo0inlle» on the route, cnnaldeiablo success on ',?"„„ b .^ llC , r ' ! , c, "'d ,i everywhere. There were no accidents to my member of the company, and alt neopto and slock arrived at hend; •Uiiirleis In grent shape. The season opens I'ly in Ihe Spring. '.Many Imhrovements "1°managenunt of the It: . Mlnrr mnde. I'ror. Pomnlioslkti 1» booked ,|e, SJ2? , '** MI '"f next 1 (lie Wcstoni Vaudcvlllo cireult. ibroiigt ;„><"'««. i-ikik rSn ll.ui, In Ihe Spring, ai-e 1-'- lie Western Vaiidcviiio"c'i'i^uTL."lhroii», oXm,'"' wY'lT"."" 1 " rl ''»™ IMum f« Jlnniann, Wnshingtoq, Oregon nnd Cnll fornin. In; will presont his original act I'omnhnslka-s pets, iho same ncl tlint has been „ b,g fcntiirn and drawing card Tltttg. aicr. The professor's Ideas of unlmal (""tn. animal irnln he same has now in Ids tweiiFfoiirVh irwr^rim'llilS so'n;e 1 '„r,„e p d,S , :,„*v:;!L l te^f;™ snow' will close some of the dog.l hove aluo been with' him ; '-(W ,B O.lgtur Ulrs. I'-rnnVIIutle'r) the 'estlS'T,, ,1 ffi"' a,' l ','!S„ 1 "? , E?r"*>. now E^BM^* wl °« »''«"• '""ivea'a' ve,' res tag nt lis hum,' nl I'hlhti e phln. nnd en-' S !,;• Vf-'; ,s , f rom the jury In Judco Tin- v?i& th»i"ur.'-i.'.:i is l,i, v ,?> in * "s Sfyraa 1 ! iS?S^<^is?«es 110I 5i ■' '" IB no?w ! * ' hetrer in his m ( .*-'«.fifK) against 7'nn Wiico 10 jlmrrtnin. , ™ '"' ""mwinPlll of the shotr promise, 1 •'"!"'• HAliltiaog, rejiresentl g A PubII 11 great iierrnrouinro for next senson cnmLst lon ?, s - ""I'Mtlona. arrived In New Vork a - 'vo v'nw nnd";:;'e'tr ,n «»"»^iSBk z?':>- t a lr»8w &&^'<*m™* d (.on holm. a. „.... ._. 9H Oct. 2, add .11. Mr. PttWIlonen has rotnrne.1 SJH "/s""!'' ./"trniillons have tyon. sernre.1 ihS ffi! '""ding snows of Ihe, ninont Ihein Pelcr rtiu-low'.s elephants. • ' .. -r— ■■ .'; • ",-:<ip, tn unimni teaSr^Ki^uvrpf j-rr"; f , '>'""»i»»siabi K ?,i; w s", J vpod fever.. Inn linn nvnvornl sun clent . til V ntime work again suwcieniiy to re-- .•m 0 ?K.. 1 ::"™ t .''» .""O'VS l'AMIf,v.-We nre ulslnesa 1. frfc* . -■ We still doing a nlco business' in" TtoTJnf "« glons oi iudlaan. wn ".._" . , . 1 ". 11 I 1 will close IftJTI" SHI "J"™' w11.11 w'fipt StiQ.wfl.- pjn 1 navtng nnd a anecensful seasoii •■work- ing parks nml fairs tbroughnlil. the Nortli. !i,„ti"',P" w "''iliiiKlng our nilvani'e for day slnnds l.lirough tho-South for the Wlnlnr. .i-.n^BSTtooKt: bus partly recovered from the-.result of therodenl. acCldCtK. nnd rum our tenting: season nt St 0 n nSo7"i 0 c art" <.. mil nre now playing opera lion "- ' "'' toglcn tonderod the utemK In ■''o"«° C ?W r ? m ,'.l"',M«nl»nut residence, at J 1 "' 10 "J' 1 "■'freshraenls were there Iii nnuml. hiI.*- 1 "?. '« !•« the clteus grounds Hint 20 West Thlrty*lghtb street, .New Vork. nix.- The rosier Is as follows: Vred K. n l ent ; Mr -' Button Jas been ongnged in ■■ Mns.OnonnE Dickson fttanasu Cnamxs) . old lime nclress, died oti Wednosday, Oct ".n,„i ,n n !.", n* 'he bame nf Iter dnttghlor, Mrs. Chan. KMrf- 'nlense,l l a""ec, n o"d 9^j£Z*JJS&*&** fiS*. N«- •n?i ft J*"* ' : li^,from goairitk' JlrsV bieksbn"wai ner- linrii In iMiilmrough. Scollnnd. In IR'IO. 8bn relolued Iho l-'runk A. llobblna Circus. niu.itM UttTtrox. bareback rider, wltlt be .lobti llolilnson Circus, was assaulted On. IB, In Cincinnati, and so badlv wonniled Hint It .la doubtful'whether ho will, recover. He .....--. !iii« f? tbe city Hospital, : suffering ifrom a 'S", tendered tho members of this com- I° ctu t? ?knll and^ony'wniradVon ills £,°XLSHSB?itt_«« Ccntrnl.note".S te' -fit ".".I.» JW «m «t mnney nbout c In nbnnd- i» ^Kin^'trSxe'^rlnga S ^ "^ 6 " m ^ » '* "' M dive, nnd Miskel nnd &£ comedy stofch a™ 0 ™ "J™ f- •■• S"'™'" Cowss.i. ... ' 8l " >tcl1 S!""TH nnd Trnloed- AnlmnPKgpraltinn.- Innnclally successful season 0 ... has recovered from K".l : "'{V"" r yiflfl lil|prtla|illl|L M«-, ""• severe.Illness.nml is now -netln, is LS ?S'-\ n ' ""'' Injaieillalely . slnxte'l fir our toilet premritlnOT Sffi!?'^ O'lnrlem at limliertnvllle, F«.. Oreiu Co has Inst EkS'.™* ""i-nphnrnnlln nml slock nre pew nas jtiK sgfeiy housed for theWlnter. Ceneral MM- Tu l „';i^"S, rlt 9' 0 , 1 >', tor,1 "'''>y'nriliela)n.lon 2,1« I 'i)W ' "nanclally s'uo : essfui K »aVon'of nlnetl linn V,,,,!,.,,^ miVluee"'.^ "night •[«■ """,' "', "ff* S «"»°"' "> '«»«• «"« $%S^£ SffffM SS^nif^» KS^.M#ii WU%^T^S^ff!^^ ^SI^&EiW^ Ki'd