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978 THE NEM YORK CLIPPER. THE NEW YORE CLIPPER -- ;• fp*& Eg^* tt Wi Xiiil Alii." 1W """*~**T . ,«,„- J ,~,«m mntim™!-' ' MIMM-ln WWW raost-oca -oirs coacsaroxnx-cT.' 1HE FRUNK OUKNMBtlWIIMfl».(llmlMll.) Clipper B^iJ^ g . ALBEBT J. BOP.TE, EDITOnUr. AND BP3IXES3 ilAMauTB. VWtc4'j*)(K much! enthusiasm InVopenUi*rii ttuyfgm -Mji trRnflnrM Into Jlnrllsh hy an i»ftr- in- the ^Bictidm^ nary,-. Hid there is n : project on- fnot.lfey.pr&'lnclncilt fit a I/m- den'lnentren, ft.Chrlstinis piece. ,.j v NOVEMBElt.3. i^iiiiittfc.'d^' time nod-tune again. £ 1! -||fl REST Hawthorne, charmlns in. figjirc^atL.TfllC^-JMI—Bt»l - "to -the appr-ecnttloa ol Sh» recelred lei-crn-l en sang*' three 'sojags. London, W. C. Oct.* 20.: 1*,*.; CKOMlvc. a, . W _.nn)|.fllrD0x,. |KJepw tMr.Mrt In n to? thnt «^oalo,oo no , B ATURrMY, laOVEalBBB 3. 1W rRATISl AoT#r»i60itnt«—»2.80 per Inch, ilogle cot- 10 prt emitted frr<ra-the.rcprose.ntat''6a.. A-drmna, - L.;.™ i. by.,ihe late Wilson iluvfrott, .called —The aapred..(r*,nonor; of A rerylraiy London theatrical season-Is <.^h». .Hamrncr." vlli •diortlv be produced now.oo. : Hourthe rest-Jar bows and. tin, gSJRfflRgSp^R^S S.SlmSK DAY. \*"llh Irflthtlnjt Sfein ilamor-» flnlr ''lirtani |<..*«lL0«--jr<Jo4efrtii:B,t- 11 ;. unit trbmCnticnrft ltcmedlca. "About the Utter part of July my whole ^Sfi^J^SSS^Wg b-ady began to itch.-I did; n« : tt** *„ch ^^«JSS^d"3iEii»eB«ae _. .Mom"'the regular houses and the htaii are icrowoM-to ..their doors nightly, the "house ;ftuT' sign bejnit, brouzht Into u*e nt every, perforraance,' oven .the matinees. All My.it fa toe best-rail opening (orjurat* ment placei London has had la yean. - 1 The Criterion was reopened a week ago to-night, under the management of Jerrard Grant Allen, son of a well knovn novelist, ribd the youngest theatrical manager in Lon- don--"Thc -.Amateur gccialist," by Kings- ley Tarpey, which was done at the Comedy wine fire. yenrs ago, by the Stage Society, under the title ot "windmills," was Mr. Allen** opening play. The snot and sqb- tncUlil weroVcicranrr. n■•vcntrlldnu^tVtjf notice-Of. it at.first; bltt-it Jfc«KUl.t0.get mnffr. ability with- no.-el M^JgSgffi worse all the tirrlcvan^thcn I *gatl,to-gct ..ylbeway.Js tbc.o<lUor,of JT/ir fn^ifflU - . . . - ft «. uinH^ of-hath* nn.l Adnrtlaementa let with bntdar, c*n.t»t». gcBSCBIPTlOIfp- One year, to ad«nce, $4; rtx months, *2i three montha, -fl. Foreign iMfcf g Allen's opening , Shwle copies will fc* nut, postpaid, on re- 9tfcnce of (be fa ? . slr Hubert p e nnefeatn*r ^nt nf 10 cents. Is a fine swjcinien. of the loud mouthed. jelpt 01 Wifast s-a, addle.pr.ted world regenerator. He Is at Oar Term, arc «»■• wlr gQ himself and his order, And, he find, THE CLIPPER Is Issued erery w«dD«aay diversion In the. park. - , ^Ts»V The last four (adTertisIng) pages brother 8*»lallW-_and ihe otb«r pages on MoNDAi: ana "»nU!'' more than hu kuah;. ou_ _ „^ r- . rin.lnir ProraPtlT. Toea- diet wllh the nolloe. He la rescued by the 1 be rorma C">"»» * r "™ p '"' Ml> 1B U heir or a peer whom he Wkei for 0 . any, »« lf» »'clocK *. ™. f( , llo „. nt |j. „, m op „ whom 'he Intltes pi»u remit M tiprese, nloney order,check, home to dine nDd-aleoO. Sir Hubert hat-n 7?2SZaaZiZ Allcaih.ll- cheerful l,«Mt or corryinc home with bin tttO'OT tbK**- -, brother«' every evenlnrr. much to the dlaU'ens of hi* family, who arc dis- tinctly tired of entertain I Oft- the-people from Wuhechapi'l m-dluner. A couple of pollf'e- men, dimtitlvl as "gentR," appear for din- ner. 'The '•B*nt«" carry Sir Hubert rtnd hlR youngest guest away to pri^o, and the oext day, much to the baronet's dl*gtist, they nrn r-elcQsed by n fnendlv maRlntrato, ]n the uienntime the bated young aristocrat hat token urivantnge of a abeofnl license, which he has carried about with htm for a we^k, nnd married Sir Hubert's, ward, ■while-Sir 1°. awaiting serience. -Those-seen,.In the. principal parts at^: Eric. Lewis.-. Car- lot ta.AddlKon, l-ouls fJoodrlch. IJllan,iiralth- v.-alte. Ktl»el Matthews and K. Pagrm.1, wltoiA'flrtUtlo.n'o'rk. bv tlw.'way.-ls' the best ihnt has been ween lit r,ondon In mnhy inOnlhs. "The Amfltenr'Socialist" .is pre- by n Onf net '>invli^t nntiilnJ "'Din ^ffl'SKraSS^SStv^fflB «nca S y.a n dtricti fc al!:kit.a,ofb. 1 tru 0 n,l diaioiruc-. Llillnu Warren, picture soncatress: other, remedies that were rceommended .Hand Hon. comedienne: wm.itatcham. ma- r^ r s fa n humors, but IT)ecainc worie all tfcal comeUlan. and "cascys to«rt, mtro- "r . \W v^ir bc«an to fall ckit and ^^fSSAS^S^kJm rty sSlp itched all tn^tinie 0 E^ifaj Belasc'i, Ebortly I titled '"1 Zeno are Jus, of OcbKe"Hoflerv. Seymour t licks, who-an- uodtftrd "-the ■■■play he'has been writing ni "KVTTDOdv'a barJInj;." ha»\cbangcd the title to ">ti*s llolik of Kngfahd." The sixtieth dinner"of the Eccentric Club will take place at the Hotel"Cecil on Sunday. Nov. 2T>. As One method of meeting the sharp compe- tition of the music hnlJi, which enccmpas-i his theatre on everyialde, Samuel .lame?, the managing director of the Grand. Isling- ton, Is. borrowing from his enemy the sys- tem" of "two-houses-a-nlght. ; -Two- r"' rorffiarices of n full play ah) dq* l I^MofEnH^^^ ■r-^^-'^S^'w ^^^^^r^^i A aeau'tloa was cauwj one. day this week • Sfome^ l^forldtaj ;«J« „» ,^ r S'V.rletV me wondetfully. For about four weeks I and full per- they'have been ploying for the poit nine keep it irritated, and it was not long befofe f given at -noaths. -After J »>»"■.ay • In this city j couId not rKt night Or day. A friend ' mS-£ "sito Vim «««•».." ^S,," 10 - «ked me to try the Cnticura Remedies p Ol order or reslrt.red letter. Alt calh .n- cl'oied with letter l» at th« risk of deader. Addreaa All Co»m«Blc»Uo«ia *• ' THE NEW VOBK CLIPPER. 4T Went 2«th.Street, New York. flrnl.ferrd CaUeAiUntt, ''AnrtoititT." THB WB8TERH "«»■*" of-Tim Cmitek la, located at. Boom 601, A.hlanfl Bloek, Cnlcngo.-WllUani P.. Bryan, "anacernnd corre.r^ndeo. where »d«rtl«- f^g ments and mhscrtptlona ore rertlved It onr tl regular rates. ,TH1 UOHDOHBURBAO located at 48 Cranboiirne 8t.. t*^g2L2 - John II Carney, manager and corresponaent, < ^ ea |,y n on* 1 net playlet. eotltlM ."The lt.«M BilirertlRcments and subscrlptlona are linonortp.Itoy." "by flladya-iL'n/er.- ,lt h« vben aaveruscmeuii "»» » Vim Jlttle unconveplloriDftl drnron.or the f*relysd.nt our regular-rates. _*i _ —■ u -- THB ClIITBR CS.S M OtlTAIXBD, ,WHOL»- BiiJi awi betail, at'our agents, P.renrjinoa news depot. 37 ■ Avenue .ue. TOpera, rorla, LSmT^W :HlUnthal. £**#* «WE joi-(Ter-mlnus HoteD^BerllhrN. W., Ofer- /_-_. ,.i-^«^ -tftU T*«1'.-9T Prado, Ha- dppnty chief nonstable wnlk6d rhlle slmnJtaneo.iRly a small hody of police- men tool: possession of tliPtheairo- The deputy rhlef eohs!nblonhnouni*ed that hewn*armed with n warrant to clear the theatre'at Once, 'lie further stated that the management had noikense with which to eondtwt a music hall. und It was his driiy toremove everdybodr nt once. He wnmM all prrHeni thnt they were under a pchallvof twopouDdn forbelntr there, arid if theydld not.leave instantly force would be used; Meanwhile the performers were apprised-of the ponltion of affairs, and they hoy." Mr, Godfrey and his assistants to; were also warned they would not be allowed tne hill., the Johostons bottoming It - to nppenr. : The lessee of tho theatre ls l Ba^ speak* well for the American acts. - ney Armstrong, a comedlau. who Is appearing Johnstons have only two more weeks in Eng .thls'wrck at the Lyric.'Liverpool. For some jfjfi They'sair for Hamburg on Oct. ,29, Frank-and Jen Lntona. ore also contributors to the Hlppodcomn show, and vnluablo ones, too. 31W Utana Is a very versatile, young lady, and Mr. Lntona a musician as well o* a comedian, - The Musical Johnstons played the nipfJc- drome." Itrlghton, last week, it being their •pcond visit to that hou>e Inside of aw months 'Hielr act was. greatly appreciate*). on'the- m roe bill was Hal .Godfrey nnd com- mov, vho made a big hit In "A \ery Bar! -... %r . r.,-,-.-frPv firi.-i bis nsslstan :s tODDed tdt tie 1 was entirely cured and my hair stopped .falling 6Utr D. , E'"BIaHkeririiir;.3& N. 'De l. St. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 27, 1905." .V.::OBH CHIC AGO- LETTER. . tUK OfR OWH COBBESPOXPINT. owning at the Ilansa Theatre Nov,, l; :for the month. After the engagement they sn.il. on Pee. 1,'for 2<ew-Yorfe.-on the Hamoilrg- Amerlean "ner. -Blucher." Do Witt, Buras nnd Torrance have been ca emphatic hit' on the continent.. After sis weeks at the Win- lersarrten. Berlin, they, went to Ilnnovfr .\i' present ih>v. are •-at the Circus Carfe. Arnsieidam, where, they' will remain .until Armstrong, ifor £120, his salary the .end-of. the month, nnd then to Paris 10 time hoilng contests have been one of'.the ■leadlns attractions at-the theatre, but they did not meet with favor with the local au- thnrltle?. vho Piirnmnrllj ordered their srop- parte; -The'boTing "oontfSU cominuM. how- ever, until Monday last, when.ibe thentrlcnl lleeiise for the theatre wns withdrawn. -\n- tonjo Pierri,. the "Terrible Greek" wrestler, obtained■'judgment this week.-.in EdiDbiirgh. ntmlnst »rT urnohore.. for-a;wrck'» engncenietit: ■ 'ffaAtram.-;'in: 7W1 Jfcftwe. snys: "Oswald Slpll, v ii(wly -returned irpm America, Is. I Stefnno tinttl,.the 'dean of •-London ■ Ibe- nnd.'iidsv Joa' nrrhncVmehts concern I nc.'ih^ nl.nl mniiaiMVi illiul In tKbTa^nliiV fawim ,Mn.C.._' 1 ...I it. n Al-j. X. Qlwll -l-'jitnlrij y; niamond"rail ».. " a; Mrrnlla; Tlooli fthd tfUtloncry .Co Af-ieTt (i'Son. 1J7- vana. Kscolta, Manila* P. 139 -King. St. Sydney, Au«trfll!a. iitat «*• eflfM*".'«*** * b * t u *»*•* U mmWi w&teihlL ntrlcal moiiflgnw. -died In this-city, from •..-incer. one-day laal week. Born-at Ponjeo, Swltaerland.oa Christmas n*.v.-lR44, hfcaftie !'j . l,ontV.!i with hi.-* brother AkohUdo,: .to assist their uncle,-Carlo flnttl. who was-the pioneer of ihfi ]iaUnn,reit.anrunt in London. ,\rter the ,«nclc'ii', death tho two nephews ctirried on tnejhaslne^s, huL-traasferrert-lt from-a email ahop In. the ojrl,-lluiigerford Market, to the old Itoynl Adelaide. Qhllery, where Its prosperity ■ grew . by - leaps; and ItQiinrtV. Their theatrical; roanagfemenf com- irtoDC«l j in ■. the, early ■ -seventies,-'when ^ tboy took^.Covent.ORrden-.ior a-herien of,promenade corieerfrj,«*tBMMf ■ (lie ..illreciion jot,'Arttin>& Coliseum" and- the Moss A Stoll ; L/mplro* generally. •' For the .present the chief out- come of Mr. : Stbll-s recent somewhat -seeret minion, to• the;States is an Anglo-Americnn arrttnaemeht, whereby on exchange of stars Is to bo worked: fly : virtue? of ,ua entente rot'itlate 'I'ngllsh'performersi..working ihe Mow k S».o)l -tojir of. say/-thirty j odd weeks. 0UUB«S ANSWiatgD. .k, '3,',~J*.'.^. —■■'■■ ■■-• • T**V ' No Bepilea toir.JWBlI-n r Teleajrai*. ; : .'A-- ■-('-.." .....J -"j^ -j*L «o^.w '^hH-rhri: tiic■■;-fooerusio'u.;ofiTom',Thormi>'{i 1 ■Mll gprf l mi -"^f^ ™~T~Tj "YTl ntcapQAlori>iPrettiirt(fiaittalrtoviWoTrr s tl» ,u,»is-iQULSi'vO^Hten'«» nCLT LJ^iT?p.?S rcWoiinr^lr^tl^nf.tho^VaadovilJe- ' 111 vlere,, and \ Ihey , nlw> ,• prodilced -. 1 h rt-ot very Min-ensfiil fltantnhifrnes.ai .Aixtf. >hmt«e:v, Invtbe "hwv.deriide;-- the.v v urtyntedAi,tl.e. i AtleipW. ileli'. -jt tinder*-; 1 heir- tnaJIflremeni.v snw,j;lt3 wleMbVaSN an, 'Lhp^.lmJneNot;..melodrama, wJll.(lf-Aft',dinrK)B€(i) beiablcto-erigagcfor f Pom . circus Varfetc,- tVipennagea :.,**Just a crrlftla furtbe'r weeks in the • States, nod ■■ American nerfprroerH >iworking;, the .elrcims concrrhed^ lu-'.thK comlJnatlon, will '.he -en- tltlert to.do.;dltto ou-trUs-,alde/' ,- • ' •,--'<. r ■'"At v the /age., of slxty-fou r;^ Harry y Hunter, the well:known .founder.of the%M6h«wk^Mih- mm or AST xucAiRicAt. cowwrtB RODOttT. IHSFDH IO OUH LIST OP ; BOOMS 11V IIML OB TpLISCBAPU. ,^VhiimimaJH-;»trp;lux,^;.lnM^th*atricol jft fit tlie;-worrls-- 1 »£f,c'omic;:son vArld^fAoKl-fdft^na>'%irn]a>^la>i.^ni^ tifnier.:• «UewC'"iaie"*iIflhawkB 1 . : <^J- 4 «as v inaugnraied' a^'uetr --Kbd . cornpfP- vm i,xt[ ,hp conniry wlih'a.tro -IHtAHAaiC. C., Kansas Clty.- ■Wc have no iicnslvc (.chernc for-mnklag-irettcr provlPlon for the various theatrical fund* and chnr> tiefl. Brlcflx. it Ih Inlendcxl that every year the third Thursday la October shall he re- tarded au "artflrr*' day," the ordinary por- tormnuccri .la .nil -.the. theatres .whig ilevnted to tho cHtabthilimcnL of a fund.for the benefit day the..- FjrancLs; «hd-. Day, -itltd ^forwTtJijny. years 1 he brightened' ib'O'eniertalnmenUi.ivllh 1)1*. inlpn t>hd,\]f»kf!'.- ,Mr.„H«nler;'i\;Ai,:a"Tuftir:.of' ; fi[i^ pliVsliiufer;ftiid .iiihilW.iiuv'uoposIrig..1iiffrlo'i'H- lor. v.^H^-rttQiKVwan'he was.cleverfnDw>lt- - - *~1unB Hod v .wan ■ n -rfltarfed-he^ent . „.troiinc,<but'#it>wa* ^ at the ball at Islington-llint tils fame reached Austral "WcitcTir Bareaa , of the Metr York Clipper. Hnom ."Uit. Asblond Blocks Chlcmgo. ' Without bringing many changealnthedown town theatre..next week, will, however, be ijjrfe of no- little interest Blcbard Mans- Tteld'a production.-"Peer Gynt," will be the most Jmporthnt' event, if the result at all measures up to ; the promise. Mr. Mat»£eld will appear at .the Grand Opera House, The other chief ehanges are. "Little Johnny Jones," at McVickcr's; De Wolf Hopper. In -Happvland," at the Garrlek, and •■Texas," nc-the Great.Northern.- -\ .... Illinois Tnt^nin'. (Will- J. Pavls. mann* gpr;;—"TheiKogers-Brotiiers In.-Ireland*! ban proven-; to 00 very popular.i and will remain for one-week ithore. The theatre Is crowded niafitlv. -Anna'Held-will follow Nov.*4, for iwon'eeksi ■ ,„ ..■*»" Powerr' Tiifiatbb (Harry J. Towers, mnn- nger).—i*|ara v Bloodgood will continue* at this'house In "The .Truth." The acting of Misn Bloodgood and J.E. Hodsoa is aucrong feai tire . . ,- ■ . -- ■-OABiiiCK-TnEATBB (HerbertC "Duce, man- njjer).--^-i»e' Wolf Hopper- will appear> s»n- ilay. Oct. 28. la "llappyland-'', With- him will '"*• M*rouerlte -Clark.- Lena Asliwell, In,"ThC'Shulamlte," -scored w prononnced mmetm at,.ints auuue, cl'-sfc 27 Cntoj-Lij..TiiRATrJ: (George,*V,;Ledercr, manager).—V^corge Washington ;Jr. ,^- unMHg to crowd rtiis'>b6iis*e,Tabd-:wlll'doiibt- lAsi-contlnue^fo do,,5o.to.thc end .of.the en- gaircment.'.•.'.The'.tirent.Mopil''. follftw's..";. -,v: >%i,'i't'n':;iiAKEni 1 T;iEATBi: -(IS, E. llarmever, manpge"rK- i —AuhreV.v;fB6uttic:iiilt," :rri-*,vThe <«r>aiT>r-lv6vV.Vrrmnlns here'-indeftnitoty; ^-. w .\ew Tit«ATn»:t?\l?nni.P.'Option-, 'Atam6 1. . the'OTympla-until H.v.,1. At the end or.4ho Paris engasemenfthey. will -come-lo- Loudon to play Ih^-'Alhanibra for six weeka. '«leaser and Teager are Just back from the rnntlnent. where, they tell me; their sing- ing and dnnelnc act mot with much favor. They bejttn oh Monday Just on the flnrrasfort, totir.' Thnnks t;: 'Jobnny. Mack,; the .nero- hant, for *ibst card sent me from America. Xlr. Mack Informs that" be is .'coming to this eoiuiiry ,next ..Spring. ._■_. *.,--■ r Jack-Asbby.'Qf Kelly.and Astiby*. writes line to let.you.know, ihac.we.are -here, and that thing* are going 1'fine •-.with 11a -Other Arherlehn acts h«.re arc, -Hooker-nnd Davis, CaHWfll and -Arnold,^and Arnold.and>Wil- tou.^aad -all doing. v weH. .Wc- arc having;:t g'reni tiraflr: the--weather iljolng,- df'llghifol. "" andiMal7.ec,^whoiie act Is-one /'-•erhrilfully. costumed. In ivalid PcIh.- illcjl; atk,HU home'.ln ihMciriV.'on'iKj;i- frt<*;' , jl , lerce iy.of Jasc. wrek.^Jt-.-wpJ^lwhn orptaliWl (t^hiT^Kk.'J iCivtrttrpe^nty.thev.VgrhHTltttWil-TUAll^whh vjlh,. lvrVt^i.^o,.lh^^'ft-ncxl v ^vecfc;■-nfter^a•16ug '" prnvInL-laha'iiii-.';f;-i!'ic i /lifHi^'in%hlM'l]t>li;^y Hie Alosti KairSir«.' .-*."Willi." ,i|T-t nhr;iWy"; difpll- .-"-.r.-.l sthrf c-iviiI.-inin-'riiBiiriinilii' I.finrtiSn ■. "i.^'i.. ^^^S^oS^Sm^ 2«ffi,* 91 »" »«ve «.n,en,e, l to net., jl. H , Eureka, ■AV. S., FaribMlt. m. 3, Jl.,"'Cambridge, • • * J. J. D., Haaleton, .* D. R. A., New York, li E„ Now York, El 8"! Philadelphia. M. it, Baltimore,. L. S. * T., New ^ortc, and MtRS M .J. C, Trenton.—See. answer to *W*tiSfim n'WerlUemant wouhl east «80 for one laserUon; $174)2.,net. for .•ach elcht insertions. .... , «r nn r. c It E. Plttnburg.—-Wilress J. w. nor- MB. Cploalal Theatre Btilldlng. Boston, ^A. H. u Bald W ln.-.\adr f sa T. H. Win- n«t; 1402 Broadway. New jork.CltJ. jVfl. W.. AlIeghenv.^AVe can not aid yea, OP II., Boston.—"The Cnwe «J rt P" nL . played PhiiadelpMn, Dec 25-30. luOT.. and Th ^& ^Ka C Kil4NeUie McHenr, toSretl the country in •■M'll»" ■ tor several **C W D., noltalo-^Afldrew' Dick & Flttger- aid. IS Ann Street. New IforkClty. ..The play, to skilfully .fashioned by .Oo- nlyns Cutr b'bf of' "Oliver Twist," and which qhd such a tuirceasliit production at 'His Maje8tv;a. Sas just-been produced in a Op'r- man veralon at ^enna,.where lfc'Is said to have^fttihlpvod-a marked sueeeap. The piece hns'.-nlao- oficJt-.trtnslated'lnlb. several, other foreign lanpuagest and baa already been Reeu in/ Cope.nhligen, and will shortly be glvbn Its height. He wrote many of the roost popular Hongs of his-day, aweh as, "t Saw J'.san Kissing Kate" and "Over the Garden Wall." ' • •-. - ■The plans for Walter Gibbons' latest en- terprise, having been passed by the Middle- sex County Council, the building of. tba nnv music ball has now< been started- by the ... contractors. Tlte' WJUesdcn. rlroplre.wlll-be sha.ll be sailarled to live n atatJopory life fee ihost isutressful i torir-i of fthpiMojig >&f yi,"ftii clrculU ; *SrrtBh'g/fiVTn] :'London»Oc r t,>.^ff;-*ffor Australia, to^fill a sis months* engfiKomeDt tmder the direction of Harrv 11 lckanls. 'after which i nii.nl I tour Tudia, China aud Japan, returning to BrtRlnud next Jtily, with con- tracts far nri-exclusive London engagement. Am offered return coutructs ou this ionr, but-hereafter my English engflgements will be coBuaeil to exclusively I/iudou nppear- nnccs. After my trip 'round the globe I In Stockholm, The Vaudeville's troubles havft not atopped Wh> opeiifMl oji Wltit-Uonday, .-1907. ■ The phrpH for'Alr. Glbbobs' other'noW ba'll/-tbo Tooting lTftjpoiUome, are practically completed. 1 Tbl« linn willy It fa. sa/d, be one of the largest in Grttat -IJrltMn, The Brlxtpn- Hippodrome will be opened on Monday next, under Mr. Gibbons' management', . • ,-..;, Sydney Lrun, a son of the late Dan Leno. Intends, to. follotf.bis father**-cawer. and will shortly make his debut as a professlooal ■llaVls aixr A /while." hi so given" The cast : Includes: Jns..iXtrkir. N> Sheldon .I^wl*. :Mnr5-^Laiightoa,-,..\l*arr,ie lIow , owav,. : Ger*Id->GHffiDVxHirtN , *.^Qrm^>y. George Lo** Solr. .-Mr^lhald/ Tmvcrs, SGfy Stuart Ballev, and oth'ers." . CaiCAOO. tnu BOCM (D. Hunt, mana- gerj.—nenry Artlnir Jones' play, "The l-anc- lng Girl." will be revived by the Chicago Drastic Stock Co., for one: week commenc- ing Sunday, 2i*. "The Banker's Daughter" will follow. U*u:.n Ot-eea. IIot'Bn (Harrv Aakln, man- ager).—Richard Mansfleld presents "Peer (3ynt,"" for the first time on any stage. .Man- " rise puncttt- tliiy nlght^20.„ The cairtain any .will Johnson and Wells opened,nt tho Apollo ally,at 7.45. ' Audirnrs not in their seats at Itreatra, VIcrina, October 1, and scored hear- tn at time will .not ba seated until.after the at tho rpsighailon of Bdna May. I'hvllls Dare was engaged to take Miss May's meant part.'Ethel Nswnian. iindersmdy-for tiie original ■•■'Belie of Mayfair.' felt she bad leen alighted because tbc 'part was not offered, to her; She has taken the unprec^ dented MUtt for an understudy of InBtroe't. lag her soilcltara to serve writ of Injunetlbn laugli maker. IlaVlji sixteen years old, aud Is- bow arranging to alcnollce.'his •Mrewell 10 n mat cm- theatricals by giving a eIx act version of ''Cinderella,*', written AT himhelf. The White Rata' pJntin(So,.will be held at the Hlnnoilrome, Brighton, on Tuesday, next. The foliowinc artists will take,part: Little Tleh, mkn Brothers, Michael-Nolan; Burt SUeppitrxl. Mc*?onnelL Trio, ■ Clltf Uylaud, \\\ conflnw-to olay the nnrl araq. .!»■ MIM _,; rl |i|,r,;-ana Brilliant. Asms Hazel, Cbarlee feactMllle ZrZSg?ff&^& .^"art*"" 6 1 * UrM "- L " . n » W "">"«.« M M»y-for the run of the play, and on Miss "ntivei' mid fioiMes the wkii soueht at m. rertgnau.n,,he .houUl!h.T«:..,c^ed t^fSfi? SS^Si^^*SSSpm hrr. Mib» Maya roappearnnce In Lohtloa na ¥n j,rif.ot i Ju'lBmeni debt due trom : an ha, beer! postponed until Christmas. When fffj?,, in. trnrn niSiel Inn-e TYenlaXtlrS mmrws^^ ^^^^<^m KHBraF firms who advertise in^ Q4r««- ^^%kSK^£lttsSSm\ ^St&SSSnw are W we« in band for ; - •: CA1IOS. nK^SiJiS?*^^ 0 -.^ JirSwifffiS ^ 6 -romplltnentary dinner to be given to T J. II., Syracuse.-Yos. the second forty St^S^fm^St'. JPd£%X^'*& F trumps can be melded for the reason thai neither .of the cards, to the other MM * nnd In making the second il'y.In their trtnsfonnatlon singing and dnnc- li'g-.ict. - Tl'.ev ask- to be remembe'red to all friends. Calcedo has made a big hit at the Palace, Carlisle, Compllpents from tho manager and laudatory notices In tho oewn- Bapera were his lot. William K. Burke, ^>f lurke., Andnin and Frisco, died recently at his home.In thin city. :Mr. Burke, who' was iii 'his .sixty-third year, succumbed to an attack nf gaatrltls. tit nuddersfleld, where he Had been .performing ot the-Hippodrome. lie wis lj.-j.rn In Waterford, Ohio..and-was appreotleed to 1 druggist. Thence be ran away .aotl enlisted, ■fighting for the North during the Civil War. 'He then Jolacd n clrctts." lie came, to-London some eight years since, In fulhumcnt of n fortolcbt'a engage- ment, hnd stayed at the Palace for six months. HInce then he hne- performed, at' hundreds of halls InrLondon end-tbe provinces. He-Was the father of Millie Burke, who bos-made a name for herself In. musical comedy in-t-hla elty. The funeraj took-place nt Hampstefl.d Ceraeterr. Mrs. -Burke has received- from America the newa of the death of ber mother. Mrs.- Cecilia Catherine Beatty, who, at--tie age of eighty-eight, expired on Oct. 11. At » "rS! °5 e *l ,m V Ml ' 3 v.^£ at r,^' rfl5 ft «P^e9pond«nt remain in th **£•»£** Otj'hth fir Tort Tfihunc. • ^V^a>jVr ' of-£6>a * The Putbey'Empire will be opened on a ™ r ).^'4hV forty are used; the' following la ; the nnran bv practicailr the same ean ■'Colonel- Neweome' Monday, Mi*. Tree appearing lathenntUn port,, .siipportea ' opmpllrnt'htnry dinner I'Connoft HaiP.. e*o No' ™iri.Kl P T,in^\flkjr. i'hA V-nVriTrom his bnnd "iw'he badwlth h'lm when the plnyi-wan Brat meld the plajer takes^tho 1 nm mmSf last May. : . The nextVoourtloh .at to complete the marriage. A. B. C.—No, as It is n mlsdenl the points do not count. MlSCKI-l.WKOtN. J. 3., Newburg.—Writ* again and slate in your Qitery to what sort of n coutest you M«M»nMT*M*nnMniaiBlMT»MaBllll^^ niMTRU"P OF COLIMBIA. WfiNUtmcton.- (11. W. Itflpley. • Mam'w-lle Halite. Yttnriiirbllt Ctin,* 1 „ •The ik'lle of Mayfair" next. Ai Iho National Tlienlrn mnnngert this week. . KMn Janls. In "The had packed houses Oct. ills Majesty's ta-follow "Colonel'.Neweome/ will Mte Shnketipi'ftre'd "Antony aud Cleo- patiTi." wllh Mr. Tree and ConRtiWce Collier In ihe namo paiia..- fioorgo Ildwardea-wUl'reopen Dalys onf> week from to-tlay, with the prodnetiori of the iVew '■ light rtptna of Vlctorlen Sarnou and lir.-Hiba- relit, adapted by Capialn Basil IIdad, nnd at present entitled "Les Mer- vollli'iiWM-." As evidence of the wale oh which this .OperA-Will he pntdticed. It Is stated there will he no orchestra of foriy- flvo Inririiraontallattt, and the largest chorus erer'yei etnplnyed at Daly's. Hon Greet nnd his company have left theso j-hores Tor America. Tlielr opening date will l«o In New York. As on previous tours. .Mr. _ _ or. is, by the music wnrlrl 10 celebrore the nuceesst'nl passing of the Music Copyright Act of 1'irwi. ■ A'pow'er- ■ fiilinreiLnliiiarv conjmliiee.bas been fotiuMl. *mc- Three Merrill* arc how In lftahce, nw thflr 'cyt-Uiig net has-.been much ad- mired. They remrnjio London, on Dec 114. cripntng M the Hippedi-ome, Btlxtou, wlrh.n " wJllfh.tney declare jto be full of N<ov,- 5. -The iaoonglhg director, ■•W. J. Grimes, will run the house on the old plan of one house nlghtly/J Sydner M. Ilymnh, who has bren combining business with pleas- ure during bib- trip over tbo other side, ; has secured several big turns for the Ityman Company's hnlls In South Africa. He baa visited Chicago, and Is now in San Fraa- eisco. He expects to re.tnrn to this city by the nrst week In November. Mr. Hymin has arranged to opah a permanent branch ofHci! in-New York City, which will bounder the management of Robert D. Glrard, who first act, as the tbe.itre Is darkened thrnngh- out the action. "Peer Gynt" is a poetic drama, by.liendrleb Ibsen. Mr..Mansfield will ap- pear ih the -title role: Tad first three acts show Peer-Gynt a roving, careless, dissi- pated,- brfiirgliJg- young Norwegian mountain peasant, drunk with ambition aa well as liquor, find finally yielding, to the circum- stances of hit life, leaving on .bis world Bcareh for success and fame.. 3Jr.'Mnasi'elti Will remain here three weeks, then: will,give way for "The Triumph.of Old Glory." ArniTonTUN Thkatm .(Millard. Aanms, manager).—"Ben Ilur" la being presented before thonsarrds of people. The public in- terest in this' greet ploy never .has been greater ihnn It Is at present. The interest is not confined to Chicago ntid its suburbs, for neaiby cltlea in lUInoTs, Indiana. Wiscon- sin and Michigan are sending large parties to see the play. The engagement is Indefi- nite.- - - McVickeb's TnxATBc.(GeorgeC.Warren, manager).—"Little Johnny Jones" comes to this house Sunday, 28, with Bobby Barry In the role formerlv jlayed by the author. Tom ..Lewis,' Adelie JTafter and 8am Pyan he cast. TrtEATnc (Mort H. Singer, man- agrsr)"^—"The Time, the Place and the Girl, Is the musical marvel of tho season. It la estimated, and with reason, that half as many people have been turned; away from the Tin Salle' as have gained entrance since Its -first performance. Gbeat Nobtiikbm TitKATBir (Fred C..Eb«rt3. manager).—"Texas" will return to.tbinliouse Burulay, 38, for ope week. "The Mayor of Tokio' r closed, lit, a week of excellent bitsl- UK . - ' .BCsii Tbmpt.h TnRATBn -.IBUUUptt Seho- eer,-manageress).—"The Belle ot Klchrcond. deacribed as a romantic Sontbera love »lory. *C7 Coi.cMniA (Lttekett & Dwyrr, iimnagersl. —Thisweek, Kdriimnrt IHiehenrk, In "Tho ore-t will rclv upon Shakesneareah comofllea turned from America, hat*.been leccpted ns a tialloper" LiM'" w*k IHimlu Fnrnum. In nnfl "Rverymau.' Ilia', company Includes: -ttiemlwi' d[. the-Wfltel-. HatK. Ills Instnlhtlou ■•The ■'The'Vlrclnlah," had large hiialneaK, Student King" follow*. llGLAKCu U* Sloiblnnl Taylor, mauagcrj. -Thin wt'fk, Hilda npouff, it) "Jt'htt HtldsouN Wife." I*"c IVIirlebntclu, lu • , lKf.>ro aud After," played to giNid IntsluL-sa 22-1:". 'CiiAtnTH (Miss II, Winifred IV Witt, uinn- nger).—Thin weak : Hntdnuu's llBllvt. Irea lliiv and' eompuuy, Mr. nud Mfh. AUIKvii. iieo. W. Day..the Joaslyu Trio. DolphlnO and IVImora, faaoa, aud the vltagraph. The I'hays were the leadert, Inst week, drawlug Cjrll Mauda lit tho lendlug part, will abortly itill honaev ' " k-. jooc by Mr. Krohtuau, In Now York.- t ACAprmv IJ. W. Lmim mnunger).— 'ihla week. "Bight lleUc." Loal w««fc "The ihn-f,iop'y. r- 1 company ._ Olive Noble. Hvl.li Thorndlke, Frederic Sar* gnnl. Milton KtHimer. JIushcII Tltofndlke awl Percy Wnrnni, 1)1: or hiKUit. Nov. 10 lb*! fiircleal comody, bv CUarb-a HdUtiau. cutlthwl "'ITiU Bleel'rle plah." will In- priHlueed at the New .loyalty. Msiilu lltirvey liSs ucoulred u uew play u.uudtMl mi Uti* story vt ''The .Flying .Dutch* liinu," lu wltich ho tvill apiiear as Vaudel 1 - dockcu. "Toddles." which let having.a.pron- liorous run nt the Duke of York-a, -with |RyQg*lesS*iinE &5se£SSB&*£^ m * W^^F^S^W^ ^^fi^Ap^x^ a&g&isfi&^vtt B$&£F$^?k^ hllnent or an ■encasement on the Himan opera meihort.. has been Rolne (treat s"m» to V'nes"taVCSS. "n".^"™" 1,n " 8 - " at Ihe Kmnlre, where It Is now one of tho Muewic Tiifatrp (Lvmnn n. (llovcr. tictt Tli,irsil».r tlio llldillewi. one ot tho most arauslira foalnrM ot the hill. At tho ranuneor) —hubert wllko inil company am nldost UallR In London..n-lll have, an annl- same liolise the nrlltom occupy a star place billed oa the star* of the lilll for week of MM,. James (Hover. He music director Orl -the bill, and ore mablnc their usual hit. 29. Tho bill «l.o lneludeH: '.Mennekel.' nt:Drurj-.IJttle, Has been elected mayor of which Is now an old story. Joe Brlttou Ned Wnvburn's llnln Pe«r» ,lll'Ne« Ay- - caa.cerinlnlr dhnee. mar, Walter c. Kolly, Ed. F. Beaard, nil- „ ■*.,**■» „ 1 S?rit.«ecrf.t. ij, at last dlTOlaefi. - Pnuilllc Clifford, tbo "(llbsou Clltl" In "Tlio Hello.of Sfayfalr." who was the caueo of Iho retlreiueot ,of Ednn May from the cast of that I'lay, anil Ihe rellremcnt of Chnrlcn reroliuian from the IU-ui of A. 1 S. fJattl Jt CliarlcA Froltuian. ilexhlli "for the .romlhit year. .Law Ifarvec, of Jordan and llari-ey, ttie well liked .yid- dlHh croMs .talk rotnedlriuH, who letci. soh - s monkey*, amnio and Fannie iw;.. Kelly and Kent, Work nud Orer, Travcll; nnd Landers, Lena Dnreniwrl-. Harris «ua Oakley, Leslie r. t'olllnx. and the Great Kr'- lua. . OlYJiric Tiiwtiib (Abe Jacobs, mann- wlll. occur to-morrow-. 'lUr ivtcldni,' Urothere Intended to return in ,tli.. Sioli-3 nt tlie iMUcliialon of their Cliai'lra Froltuian, mnnaucrs of lu'o VauiU'- mr)~^ulTua"A't'cKer'^inil^mpaoT~li I* tli<» lenattiy ami eucceasfill uniagnuieut at. Iho vllle. Is marrleil lo lli.u. HeniT Lvnilhurat head of the bill fur week of £l». Ilvnuis and AlImmura. lul ut tHe Inst moment they can- Uruco, the Uelr of [j>r>l Ahenlare.' It was n alclutvce. Felli. Ilurrv and Harry, Itlllv iplfcith.-lr liuHMnec and km uecepteil bomo secret wrdClna;, ami tho secret has Ux.u well van. Ktclnr and Clifton, Araym Kaalnim. rriitlMtal tlum. . Thov M nt Iho. Jbtusa WK Tor-the murrftgc took place teu dava the Two Ylvliins. Lillian Aelifcv. Harrr nnd Itoutre. llaiuliuiK, ou I\or. 1 tor Ihe u»Ulh. aau. >m Oil It. .-by siieclil license, of 8t May llnwanl. CaHp-'llut nml Hull, tUe DnlyK ■ tleorire-a Hall, which Utlio BKjl«trnr-« orjco Bhila' ami noncKiit, Frank Q. IWle, and r SV- ?.■ <>>'«'*>■«■ Hanoter txptare. ai«a Toths Quartette urc hlso ou thoulll. J „ ' aiffonl Mill reniatns a .member of '^Thc HaT>t*iiKi» TuaiTUi (William- Nwklrfc. Utile of Mayfair" «»t itnralar'a-Panitbler" had full houue.. "fbo (lombler ot tbo Weal." uuditrltnod. Muta-rte (Ophlr Leigh illsor, uauun'rl. —Tills wook. "Tho Arrival of.Kilty." Last Mai "Tho Hlaek tlrook" had eseollonl bu.l- ncss. • ' ■ y Lvctl-K (Euueno Kcrnsn, manalterV:— riil. w.ek, tlie American Uurlesoiierse Ijtst awt Williams- ImperlnlN liad a bin. well de- serted homo, fhe .Merry Mnkcrs follow. m After a provincial lour of .kuauy .wcks, lloriou mid Ashley aru ouee more lu.toan. Neltiwoek the. playeoer. of the Uollowav district will have tbo opportunity of' wit- noniuy l!f [uunj- neople .lu '^annl float It Is rumored born that the uuxt productlou ttuit"- In. the near falure It. and A. aaUci- at lac Waldorf*, the HUtlborls'. house, wlll.tw iiale A Irlfi loAdli'tlca. *• • y '- "*.-.. -XUo Social Whlrll" Tie piece., which will The liujilrc, Nov Cross. oSerod aiich a haw lis orlclual-:Aui<-rlcau .■.«!, may. be ot- nood:hli| tills week thot.i ilocldcd.oo Truirs- lidiitod, aa -Tali IbMruied, Kouto tluic to No- <i,i'.lo tsake. tho • ttlw which, If one does velSuor', " Ou Weducaday, a cjiiueu;v,--lu four -dot know isactly hbvv .to «ot :tll.crnJ I. a ,. nets, cntule.1 ''A:.Mlil,uiuuiec'> bW .wis jouriioy of:>ouic,uh-|tli. • Tho Harmony four i-epl 20, dld^Woli. "Olrts Will Uo fliria' 1 "il iirbUnrtK) nt ibe Wolddrt for the puruoso of tOMnw the kill, ■nidtliey weht airoiuter than Booked: Hauco O'Kell. lu ''The awSta*" aeeuriuj: the »t«ae rlkllt. , "....- :-, ■. ■VwtWittt, seen.them, nndl have, s« | ''iviieii the. Harfent naya AM Over" Hi •'l-be' romvillc play, "Ouce.tpon n.Tittav lu Ihe pflat two.orainre ■ye4M..viewoo tho "A Messafie rram M.rs" Nov. 1...'.. .'Maulo l>rfe.Hm.n„..lhe Illitf.li (L.tORtlflL r^n, n i.r.^1 ntnllr tlnl.w The fllllllr rnll.-a rlllltn.n Pn h^*a Miu.^ a. »».-.< R..-I 1 ■ ti :. VESMM-jr. llarlliiKlnai— ■Atther1tl'0:i l tThrOtti.'(CaJio i fjrnut, niauaaertil-'ISilUk' Itaruor," OCI. Hi, plulunjd. M4U.V iflllt-iUt" -C". week ot roiu-uigcr) Mi. Vau Stuikllford ami com- a* lihlpaf Araebinahii. the I>iiieb ilramstlsl, four a ,r<Hl ilMrlr times. ,The tiuiny anllcs lllllmin C vhnm ..Irtleni hlrlndny was recently .cele- of V*nftppr": rlHKllc, ami- Ike others hroilabt oral times diirlftp their.stay hero. i Co. ware guests Of the Enelc. „v- fahy are billed aa ihe heudllueta of the hill or.week.nf.a). Xbe.bill also lneludoa: Me- Watera aud Tyson company, Ucry LatT, Husnjle Quartette. Violet Dole. I.uconla irle, KWU-abd Kluu. Uaymuuil'iind C.ood. La Toy Brritlierf-, 'tAdolle and-. nuUerw-orrb, robw and dog. Katie Molrose and BrrithOl-3 Dlril. - ;lNt«nKAT10!tAL ntai-rB, (OhaS. OllCk- man, ulaiiiccrl. — Chtla. Ollckniau and hla eoaliianr ot Vlriilleh players bam plural g capacity hodsee all last week. Ills company la » TeryktronK one, and lias. Met-with■•» ca« at tht, -nonse.. - -- -, '