The New York Clipper (November 1906)

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1 ;- X0^!MBEE>3. THE N3JW YORK CLIPPER. 9*9 iOim CltlTtBlON- TKK*T»«.- r - c A MftO'H -Broken 1 You I'm" will f* the nufiottou for week of •fl* "St'C tot 'Service Sam" closed a week of 5cH)d buslnftia 27. , „ Bjioi: TSEatrf. ( Iloclie. mane* „fP], —"On Dnngeriim Urmnid" rill serve S4*tbci«ttnu:tiga.nt this bouse -week at 2S. * rhfc J)en*cr EJt$reBs'' Hosed-2IV ACAijtMi' TtttAmr. f William Roclio, mnn- a««TJ*"l'lieiiCu«<' of Drink*' will'be the aHfsVtion hw-fwi or 29. "At tho World's Sew" closed.-a - weelt of good b'islua«s 27. . At^MBlt.4 TfifcATfil. (Jamea H. Brown. Li8EEf*i).*-''i\t : 4be World's Mercy" will 3J$i as tlic-.nttpafttoii here., fur-one w*««k cOMencIng 28; "A Man's Broken Promise" dolled' -7. "Sow Hearts Arc Broken" Col- CptVMBiiS -TncXTitK (Weber Brothers, wB&ktny —''Queen •-' tue Circus,? a tnn- •.ll*al> comedy, will be brenMed at tbla bouse week'-of 20,, "The Beauty.-Doctor" closed 2t.'-yMcFadaon's flat!*" follow** JPBkis Tbeawe (It. T. Motts, manager), —"A'-Trip -to. Chtnatewh" ■ will be presented ]jtfre> Xor ajulnduflnHe). stay. . "The Mayor of Dixie" closed 27. Tiieaths (John A. Feanessy, man* nger).—The Broadway Gaiety QlrU Bur- l&que. Company-:Is tbe attraction billed week of 28. There are two burlesques, "Tbo hand M Promise" ntid "The Way to Heaven." The XIghtillgnlea closed 27 r a week of excel- lent bimlneusC TltOCADEBO TllEATOR (I.. M. Welngarten, ■uQiiujCHP).—Hoble'a Knickerbockers will be bore week of 2*. Tho Night .Owls closed a week of good busthess 27. . Roue Hydefl's Loidon Belles Burlesquera next ■ - - ... -EfsoN'a Theatre (Hid-J'. Busou,' mana- ger).—-The Lohdon Belles ■ Burlesqued* Co. will be ween here wep* of 28.- Koble's Knick- erbockers closed 27. The Jolly Grass Widows follows. ->■ ■• .■.■CUBIC HTJ.EET MfcstCM (Louis M.. Hedges, iiiknagerJ.-*-At. this house theru will be au tiotlreiv new:, bill la the vaudeville theatre, Bad complete new carlo attractions will also it'seen.' ' London Dime Mi:beum (Wm. J. Sweeney, manager).—The following are In tbe curio IiaJU Elsie Gray, lung haired woman ; Roxic, lady hag puncher: Shale Calseldo, one wo- mau baud: Eliza T>ivis, spotted woman, and Ktlicl Hfluer. snake charuier. A new bill will also be-In tbe vaudeville theatre. ArTFQM.vnt.—Pauline Domn. Lllteral hiis made a decided bit with Roble's Knicker- bockers- Chas. finch's new comedy drama, "The Bank Wrecker," Is billed to ap- pear at one of tbe local playhouses very won.. The story of tho play Is strong-, und deals with Hie characters In the now famous Inink wrecking; einbruglio John Driscull will shortly Appear lu "The Isle of Spice." .Ethel Gilkey will play thi- Dominion Theatre. Winnipeg, Can., week of Nov. 4. The-Everett Sisters will play tiie Or- uueum Theatre,.Seattle Wash., week of Oct. 5*» . .Kdwnrd Wnldmanu ban Jusl re- turned from the I'jicitlc const to organize n new. contpauv for" his rc-iulur Winter sen son.. Ills-prlpclpiil "DivJekytl vm\ Mr. Hyde" and "The Merchant of Vuii- li-u.".. .... Sutton and ISuiruu called en runtv Id Ohio from Canada. Thrv will shortI;' play forty weeks oVer the Western Vaude- ville Circuit.,.-... -Among tlitr Cui-Veu Bu- reau callers lust week were: F. II, Btich, w, V. Pcrrv, Mr. Young. Mr. .Hugers,* of the Wtuhtimtuh .Po«e> A'anhuiKtou, 'D. C.; Sut* tdh and Sutton. Kdnnr ltuff and Dorotliy llnynul. Eileen McNulty. Miss McDoniild, tho Five'-Magical' Irfivelands,' lithel tHIKev. Mr. :nd Mra Brnec Blnaldo. Erward Waldniann, Paullof; Devere Litteral and Amells Barleou. .r....Henry Woodruff, tbe star of "Brown or.Hnrtfird," laid oft la tbls city last week oa'account of :tbt:oat .tcQuble.*... .■ ■ ■■■ " m* » MASSACHUSETTS. Kolhrop fltock forces this week. During tbo (Jitwont IV. f. sHiea, manager).—"From tie Altgella 8. "Mrs. Wlggs, ot Iho Cabbagb past wee*, the. patrons turned gut In goodly Trarop to Millionaire,"- ]8>ao,-to the usual Patch/' 8. ^ Mm * numbers:,tg:.n-iuim8.V\Vlnebeaitfr." An un.* houses, and leemed to „K«f IM . Cf- F ; , JrSHMa SftSSPsSZ named drama »ni lie presented next week. BurlesijueM, 2S3£ were accorded a royal '^fltle. thoJNewiglrl/' Oct. 22*24, and tun Itn-lttlp will ho decided by popular vole of welcome Anna Hill the audiences. mented upon, "nuiy •tUiiHH iB. 1*. Keith, manager).—Last notton Belles 20-Sl wpek Amors Onval Hussar Hand George Gvnns and the Ceasema weyc three features, und will lioln ever fur this Week. New cards are: Will Hogem, L>im, Fayc and^Voung, Violet Plsi-k »n1 roinpiin. jtweohlne Osss- Vlvss & Bioll circuit wbi farorahly coin* the KliV' 23-27. tho ,V Trip Jo Egypt" v - A Barlmi's Show, . 2ft-nJ;-81ierMo!)'« t 0lty 4 COlnmbtts^-At the arcW *outii*rn (Wte. Sanderi, manager) Otis Skinner, in "The Dull pleftsid largo house* Oet. 28.. 2-U. ■I. fti[ veil, by - Tu 'Way TKiwu Cakt" *ns well WW w. 23-27. came"To 'first cla«* good louMs. 24, 2ft., LiwNttCf D Ofiflyji ted- "Hulcd Off tbe Tnrf" The Embawy Bull, did wolU.6, 3t. Thi -Last no*ton utiles •», - a Trip to tgypi .w. gr «, w^tt+A%!^W-*'t^ S iiS5? r aV EHT x&d!?f- nTv'* I RtuJ ieorge |S Vanity Pair BvfMtMS-T. ' Shadow Behind the Tlirone" 5-7, tho Golden rOgfLi V; ..-rhf. t^ am the Man " 2 k ilu'rel Witii'Tih; pR-^aVtON.—Arthur. Prion Btfg B»rlea»»eii» S^Ul. Lt {SR?«E!w ll ! o llfuer inahaiurl.^tho .carda with his wtfe. Ida Itehe. are w ■ ■ • m M M wfiffi E ?? or ',** V W'«Hf'v***WOwI«S ioum, Hngand to All n rontract Torn toor of Iho. , jfow Medfomi— At the New Bedford S'f,*4uo, n S'« ^^ man and her,"Picks," Dave >'owlln. Chewy dMsa&TiintnvSS*It" ttw-hallooo) rnw of the Aero Club, wan lo Plttsfteld last week nud bates, three Mitchells, tbe Uotait*. De. Chunt and bla fox terriers, nnd the kl- netograph views. Onrnci'M (Percy Williams, manager).— Fred Karno's Keeund London company, In- "A Night in the Slujps of -London/': and Delia Foi are t«6 underlined features for week of 20. Other sterling acts are: Fred Hslteii and Molllc Fuller. Pagan aud Byron, Oeo. Thatcher and Chas. Ernest. Tasmta's Jnpanene Troupe.. Metropolis Quartette. Hen- man Trio, Jus. P. McDonald, and the vitu- grapn. Tile SlcboVs- Twlm. fanoy and tclck roller. Kkaters, gave exhibitions at the Lvmin Street (tlnk laot week. A Carnival of Nations will be th* feature 30 Ovorgc Crawford, of the team of Crawford and Ford, appearing lit Poll's lust wet-k. had the nitsfortuns to. fracture his leg In, Tour Mkcsa Tuesday night. Dr. Maer, manager of- Mabtd McKIn- lev, reduced the fracture. He .wo* inter re- mored to the Merer ttospllfel, whero be will. probsulv be eonthird «lg or seven weeks.- Scott and-Wheeler, ertored entrHalners. took .».Urdticy Uvseufvld, (Wm It. Cross, maiiagor) Thus. IC. Shea, week "" of Oiit. 22, played lo ihi- usual lurgv ajud, well idlences. "Under Solithern Skies" llowAnn (Jay Hunt, business manager).— their place ou the bill Ueorgi* K. Stan* Tbls Is the third week of the Gans-Nelson ton. assistant treasurer of the Ncjsan Tbea- fight pictures, which are attracting enormous- ti-e. has reaamed his duties after being cun- crowat*. A neiv vauderllle olleriug mention*! Qned tu his-home-with ptomaine-polHonlng. T^ewls Mi Cord nnd company. Adorns and Louis Farina, who'rnn u hotel ut Drew, Milton and May, Bryant and Carter. Atlantic fit)'. N J., last Summer, baa re- Three Claeres, Anna.Chandler. Le Clair and turned to hH home In this city. West. Adams aud Mack, Crlumilus and Doyle. , Butler HavllanJ. tbe Howardscrope and the popular, house burlcsuuers, in the new song- lest. "Win Out." PaiAck <C. II. Waldron, manager).—Rice Si Burton's Big Gaiety Co..-headed by Ch«s. Barton, this'week, In "Two Married Bachel- lors." intervening vaudeville offcra: bert Baker, Wazly .Allen and Edyth Ilamllton, e-.i Mfwi Jatp-s ond'Kate Prior. A), Beeves' Beauty Show .won deserved success last week. : «.o,, l ,.„ lt T,\ (II, N. Farreu, manager).— Feature aria with the Jolly Gruss.widows Show.this week itro: The Zarrow Trio, Ruth h?verPtt, Gruet and Gruet, Maida Dupree, and Garden and Soaiera. During Ibe past week a. t a- t --'-----r', l <r; H iTYTi fTfiii W. B. Wtt.son's Burlesipiers gave one of the }}j[9 lit '*° r "."• '" , VS fc 5W ft K1 " 8 ' boat dnM seen-here th's sesson. and dc- **&&3L ^» S*& ^SK *2*__i. served nil the good luck tbev enjoyed. . . LvcelM 10. H. nai.chei.ei 1 . uiniiager).— Bob Manchester's Cracker Jacks uru back for th.»lr second visit of the season. Bob Van Ostcn head the fun brigade lu two snappy burli>sqnes. and the olio will engage: Eckel und Werner, Dora. Denton, Anderson aud Curtis, Ruby. I*eonl, nnd, as a special feature, th:: Gnnu-NMsun fight pit-tares, Tbe new Boston Belles Co. scored a big hit lust week. Atjstis & Stone's Mcsccif (A. B. White, ii'anugiM*).—Manuser White offers this week "Little Coucy iHluud." In which arc featured: Two of tbe larzest oxen in the world, Louis De&uvals, comedy one arm athlete: Frank lenjini tlirep lp"ged Adonis: Mutbllde, gro- testjtie Indy Juggler: James Mandy. Iron hkuII ruii.i; Juis maiioaettcs. Trlxte, snake t|ueeu, and the big . uytliuu. In tiie tlieutrc ure : Mlnstref Maids. Inrrotlnclwic Violet Dule. Ida Cwiii|ibi.'II. Grace Toledo, .lode Sitxluti, <'lnnt Steele. Viola, t.'niwfwrd. Mlldn(l Kls«, Cusfle Fiench. Kvla Mnsrite. -Mice .Berwick, little HlaiH-hurd, Frank Took. Hurry Foster, Henry Mvers, Elimr Itewl. and extra vaudeville by Cashing and Merrill. Dllks snd Dllks Alien mi i Keelev.- Win. Boldip*. USj moving pic- lures. Buu>liic«i Is always big, . Walker's Museum (L. B. walker, muuu- get).—Mile.. Beatrice Olga. the reptile con- queror, who handles alligators, .crocodiles uud f ; nkes. Is the lending curio hall feature this week. Others arc: Greut Balbroina, king .,.; of wngic; Montuna Joe, who .claims to have 'Ttfcgdatf, .Vor. fi. (Election Day), buug a wheeled a whoelbarrow ucrosa the wnUneut, fci A*;.«*sf correapopdintu are restarted to ^^^^^^S£Si ^S£ K- S -«*■ S53 ^ p***** *. Will Beverly and Nellie Ilartrerd's.Burlesque The CLtPl'Eit, dated h'ov. to, reach this officii Cp'il-.-r" ■ .... -.. "„;_;„i ••■_!„_:.. c not Inter than Saturday M<irniny, \or. it. pleaeed nudlemes. "Under Southern, yn, Qbos*N>I«uu tight pictures 31. "The Mayor of Laugltland" Xov. 1, "The \olunteer Or- ganist" JL Hessi'S- •' the Unru Baud S. -IIaiHawas'm (Tlieo. B. Baylies, manuger). —An extcllwrit hill, headed by Harry Coras* Clarke and his clever company, pleased large audlencvs. week of Oct. 22. BUI for week of U!i : Adgle nnd her lions, Harry Le Claire, St. On go Brollieri. the Olympln Quartet. Ed- die Mark, the Savndos, Mabel Slmpaon aud Savoy. (Wm. it. Slnuc. manager).—Dynea nnd Dvnes uud pictures played to capacity husliiea'a Inst week. Week of 21): Master Gra- ter Ltif, boy touor, aud picture*. ... i .. » Lawrence—At the Opera House (Orant A fahn. mapngers) iU« Clara Turner Co. fT»'»i the hffr,ls week or Oct. Eph. Thomps(.« » m lied.llliU'H. and Vred Karnos Lohflon Cotuody Paototuiiue Co., Urate CamoroO. Wi- dav and Fox, Al. Linvreuce, SlntMllie*, htnt Banks and Urefticlle, was well received by large tiousea week o[ 2*'. The bill Is : Ciiarrotou. VUilo Dnlyli Uic DlXlu Scrciiadom. Helen 01- nird, O'Dcll and. Klnley, Tom Nawn and ... 22, ro good Booked : The Beuuetl-Moulton Co. Fall River.—At- the Academy, of Music (w. F. .Meeout resident niaqager) the bcu- nett A Moultou Co., with Charles A. McGrutb and C'l-ua Klchardson In tho leads, came week of Oct 22. to good business, with the exception of 23, which date whs rilled by a political meeting. "A Trip to Egypt" 29-31, 'Ruled Off the Turf" Nov. 1-3. Savov(W. P. Mason, resident manager).— "PrlueeHs Beggar." with Paula Edward*.-*. was enjoyed 22 by a i;ood sUed holiee. Gans- Nelson fight pictures drew two. large audi- ences 23. llessvs o' the Bam Band greatly pleased 24, Bennett A Moulton Co. pioscnt- (Hi "The LUo Havers" 23, to fair business. Sheedy's (Chas/ id. Cook, manager).— Tbls week's hill Includes Brlndamour, who has been retained . for. another week. Ho packed the. theutrc at every performance last n-eek. and popular demand held hlui over unother week. Charlie Macks new IHku success, "Come Buck to Erin," also moral an emphatic hit. Others are: Twelvii Xavnjo Girls. Johnson ftiul tlartv. Florence Snumlers. Pallls and Cuslck, lioliuen Bros., Beded and Hadley, and couieragraph. Boston (Cha*. SchlcF-luger. manager).-^- Sstlsfartury hnsliiPss and a good show last week. Bill tor week of 2» : Morris and Blaln, Mooer, Nelson's dogs and monkeys, Mile. Anita. Jim Duly. Mue Waldron. Bostouscope, nnd Dollv Clifford's Itnrlewiuers. NicKEUdtEOS.—Week of 21): Mason und Mason. Bona Barry, Meebau aud Meehuti, Utith Clarke, uitd optlscope. Himlness Is good. Niitkh. —The nieiiibet-H of tin* Bemielt und Moulton Co. presented lru E. Newhall, .their uiur-ui-er,' wlih a costly gold headed um- hrelln last week. If being his lifty-llnt hlrth- dav. Mr. Nuwhall entertained the company ut'dluner after the perforniuucf Harry S. Haihk-ld. late of the J. Frank Burke Stock Co.. has Joined Mary Manucrlog Co., as stage manuger, oneulug ut Nlagura Fulls, Oct, 25. lOTICa TO OuabESPuHDEIIS. bualucss. _ v*-e«vi W exeeiiting :il King" will be seen. Colosial (J. Fred Um, monoger).—This popular playhouse did exceptlouHlIy good unslnesK week or 22, Bookfd week of *Ji>: CharleB Mack und company, Emerson and Baldwin, Scott and Wllsuu, Elmer Tsniey. i.i>l" Ijelgli and company, Itay Cox, World and Kingst on, und moving pictur es. . Taniiton—At the Taunton Thcatro (Cahn A Cross., managers) Prcsci'lle, the hypnotist, did well week of Oct. 2a, except 24. ".lust Out of College" had good returns 24. The Karl Burgess Co. comes week of 21), except 31. '.'Under Soi*thflrn »Vles" at. ♦ ■ • OHIO. company, Joe Welch, aud the American vita- 8r ilwH HTiiEatr iCIiaa. w. Harper. tp»n«- gor). — Beatrice Vahoa, In "Ouefln ofjtho t'lrceav" drow -ioihI houses fflMi *'J»n. tusma" ciitortilbed crowded DOOM £M?- ■•atereta of the- Follce'* 29-31,' "Actott the Notx.— l.wunVailo and his La Beaia Or- chestrn will appear ut Memorial Hall, under the auipk'wrt of-thc Columbus Symphony Or- chestra, Oct. 3D. ■ II ■'■ ' ' '■■ Cleveland.—At the Opera rfomje (Harry Ti. Kllno, iiiaiuigcr) l-ny Tumpleton. lu " weak as^ffsaja ^s Srwr«B?f»"^B Clnrlnnnll.—The musical Reason ts now In fuB swiug, br.V Ihu irenuudous Impetus given affairs harmonious aud melodious has no effect upon .tin* Thespian situation, which continue* to be roseate. At Music Unll tu jammed boil,,.. Ai.osi.m. (Oi™ & caluutell. lufiwmrt) —Hcuty U. Dlior. I" " l11c *'" n 0L PS " ox l . Ii»»Iii.m ffirtk o( 2i. "Tho ITIoco CM» '"-'LictlV (Qoo. M. Todd, mannier),.—Kjl : rrowJ, uf colored people week uf JJ. 1500- ford's Ilojw" next. . _ ., Cutnum lone. M. Todd, »»J*C»Ui- "Thr Eye Wltnei." we.k of to., 'Toe Ml'; llonalrr-Detoetlm" lmJ Kood receipt.-week or SS. -The Clinic of Drink" nett w«,k. , Keitii'k <ll. A, Umil»l«, niauauor).—DIH neck of »j'K Military octal. ,* Dti Mont. Jean .Ardellc ond plekinlMUa. Rli-o and L'otiwi, Wee and BInter.- t;"«P''JW nml flllila,, Seymour aud Hill, and Werdcn I.tmi- IC. II. PocklMm, ntanaier).—Bl|l week of 21): taluoa Bin,1-ondon Panlotnlue Co.. Ikinnrnn and Arnold, Hark «"? J* llnii 1)0 Wilt. AtHlaUall lien Ilotundo Tlotll*. :iiestru were given an ova J'i Rugftleni r.-uui-iiviitlu l_ w <)rclie«ra t»f .Ixry-tlvc player, made ■ Dohtou.^Wltli norelty provided at three of the down town titeatrea, uud an attractive Ihtt.of offerings at the ..other, hoaaea, tile week beforc ; election tn-omlwa'to he one or iiuusual Interest. "Matloni Ituttertly," ut Hie Treniout: FrunelK Wllnon, lu 'The Mouo- Idiu: Climber." at the Pork, uud ."My Lady's Maid," at the Mojcstlc'ore feon for the tlrst tliBC!locally, uiid A'udrcyr Mack. In "Arrnli- nu-1'ouitc," at: tlu Doston;' "Wlntlug the ToWu,*' at the. Globe, and "Queen of tho lllSlihluders;'! at-flu; Grand Opera IJouar. ire other elianges. Continued attractions are:. Maude.Adanis'. In "Peter Pan," nt the llollls.Street, und Mnrle Cuhlll, In "Marry- ln«- Mary." at -the Colonial. Owing to Ill- ness, Camilla Salnt-Sueaa, the French com- poaer, will tjo unable to make his Americuit debut In-this city ou Tuesday evening, Oct. 30. ns acbednled. -. - ■ ■ - TnfltONl (Jhoi B. Sekotta, monaeer).— The first Boston . production of "Maduai PutterBy" will he made: by Savage's Grand Opera Co:.* in EnglUh, Oct. 21). . Elm Sza- ■K L^nlae Jotnwtn-.and llena Mvleune will hllemate in the title role, unil.the others of the conipany ure : uarriet Behnee. Lsteile Uloouiileld. Jouenhl-', Shtelian,.i''raui-lB Mac- lennnn, WlrflCretl-Ooff, 'ITiomoa •».. Bkhards :,nd llonert K. Parker. Tbo eiiKugeinent w for-two wecka "The Student King" closed a month of. excellent business last Saturday night. , ' : . j ' '.I." . ' PAntt-' (Chfie, Froliinan. ItlcU 4 Harris, iiiunnKira).—Prauels Wilson g.lvea us "Tho Mountain Climber" 20, keglnnlog u fort- nlghl'a eugugemeJit. Prominent In support arc: May Hohsou, Ellen Mortimer. Joseph lireminu. George Irving nnd I-^lnn liurns. Duflug- the past eight weeks "TheLloa and the Moutc:' playwT lo -the cupnolty. JUjtSTlcr <A. L. Wilbur, mauagerl.—Ou 20 occur* Uie first locul hearing ot Jiy Udy's Maid," with Madge Orlchton nnd Jo- sepli\Coyno [coturcd. booked to remain two weeks. David WnruVid. in "The Music Mas- ter, 0 -ended'four weeks of lainien«a huKluma last Saturday uigbt "The Koae- of the Kancho".wlli. have Its mmtm here Nor. IB. Boaion (Dawrotico McCaity.. mauaijcr).— l-pllowiug-twxj weeks of "The Social Whirl, which enjoyed good average buwlucas, Au- drew Mack. Qet. 21), begins a week a enajagi- oicnt )n "Arrah-Ka-Pogue." "Manisclle hjil- 114," In which Katie Harry aud John C. Sla- vic ure prominent, iiexl week. , Hntus Stuixt tlsnac 1). Klcb, muuager). —Mande Adams, in "Peter Pun," la now In her second Week, and a favorable Critical ver- dict was backed by canaclty business. CoLorflAi. (Chas. Froliinan. lllch * Harris, mahng'era).—In "Mnrrylng Mary," last week. Marie. Canlll won the merltisl approval ot l.lg alldloncfS. She will remnln during: the ■'ilrient week, nod will he followed by E. fa. YVIIIard,'!& "Colonel Ncweome." OtOBE < Stair. Wilbur 4: Mcolal, mnna ; geral.—This wcok. "Painting the Town, followlnf "Cnder Southern.. Skle,," which attracted nine givd aixed otidlences. .Too Rfca, t«,"Down thui Pike," next week, BBSr OKeba' Hoist: (Ceo. W. Magee, tnauucorl.—"Oueett of tho Highbinder, Iho current'"week. Copt. Kalley'a Zouaves Is a. oiieclul- /eatuw. "*10,uDO. Kcward" tlirllleil I lie big houses last week. The work of Hoyden Stevenson. E, L. Snader, Bohert Galllard and Lillian Khodes wins, eapfclolly well received. "Wheu tho World Weeps next. t'A.ijtb-; (Iloston Stirge- socle >-. nianagersl.—"Julias .Cieaur" thi* week,Jhy tho r stock' rolupuliv. riowcll Uauscl.: .Ben JohUEOO,. Charles Miller, John Waldtoa and Tbats Lawtob bare, the prldclrlal roles Sor- dou'r -Tlrtoiiora'' was capably presented last week. "Trilby" next. '-£. _ . Shop (John Craig, managerl.—The stock cvmptny. headed by John Craig and Mar; Ytiuhg. ihlo weok, In "A 'trip to.Clilnatown. i:trelIcot hur-lnesi ond plenaed autllcncos rp-. fultt.1 frnnl last week's nrcscutjltlrtu of In- .•oar.* "The Man from Mexico" next. JlOFpotx Horas* 10. E. Ijithrop. rnnnn r<r> ^"TUc Wtu That Kills ". )l 111 engage the .' Ni<-kklooi:o.v (W. II. Wolffo, manujrer)..— The ZelleB, marvels of strenKtli; Protl Hall, tr.aglclnn, and Hunter,, "the sketch king." ure curio hall lenders for week of 2P. bertha Cnrev's Prettv l'nnle.; llurleyttuers tefflh the stage elilertnluuionl. lu the olio are: (lone iTussell, Cora Kills. Florence Steele. Phelie Cook. Ulllan Learned, D'Anllle aud moving picture,. ■., CoMt'oj'K (W. 3: Allen, .manager).—This resort liasj caught the puhllc fancy in good s,lia|H'. and la continually crowded. The moving cloture feature this week .Is "A Itace for a Wife." Several new illustrated songs will be rendered by Thomas Bullock,.- Frank Cohan, Charles Armstrong, Herbert Clinton, Fred Towle. Lllllou Clieeiej, Grace Mor- daunt and Edith Sluelalr. ■ .■ Notes.— .Sunday eooeert .bills 28: AcW/i s -r-Alucr's Baud, peorge. Evans. Herr Gra s baboons, Lui'y and Lucler. Lverhart. Mitt Wood," Muruhv and Frances, and lTiomas Keough and com|iany. Oi-ptiCHnl^-Wia. II. Tlioiiijisoti and cumpauy, "That Quartette, Fourteen Black Hussars, the Icedero. Hoey uud Lee, Leo Carlllo. Prof. Bratz, Edwin KeougU and company, und Irene Lee and her "Kuudy Kids." Uoinfoln f f ln'r e M f. aud Mrs. Mark Murpby, Piccolo Midgets, Harry Le Clair. Al. l.'arteton. Lillian Shaw. Allen nnd Keeley. Zarrels. Dilks and DUks, und Butler Iluvllaud. Ololo und JW Je. Ho J H . win Stevens and conipany, Mr. and Mrs. liene tliighcs, Mile: Martha. Irving Jones, MHUird Uro«„ the Klnsous. rred und Pauly, und Ualbawuy and Selgcl. JJoafon— B-eoo. Wnlsh'ami Slcli'Ose. Emmons, Emerson and Kininous. Sllllersbin Slaters, 1, aiding and Davis, Teiloseo-Kudedsy Trio, Maxwell and Ford, Thompson and Curler, aud lleury I. WhIIc The Boalou Symphony Qunr- lutle (Messrs Hess, Both, Ferlr, Wurnke) lieglna a aerlea of llx eoucerl. at Chlckcrlng Hall on Oct. 20 "Barabbaa,' which was to bate had Its pruitlire at the llostou Thetltre, 3,'will not be. produced, ■ owlog to the failure of tbe E. A. Ilraden Amusement Co. ... their llrst- Clncllinnll appearaiice. Two concerts were given under tin* local direction of II. K Kail. McHilnnica Klxxlnl, Cairo uud nt rablnl, ami Messrs, UuibiiDt, Ilellatl, De lor run nlKl Miic'.'lil were si-eu und heard 111 eonv iiushluni of the umestro. "Vive 1'Aniovlcn. n inarch, tledicaled tj President Koosevelt, mill "Ave Maria." dedlcnted to Ills Holiness, Pope- 1'Iim X, were pluyed for tbe lirst time her... The audiences were, large, ilUANit OI'KUA llof'sil (Hurry Knlnforth * John... II. Ilavlln, uianBgers). —Lawrnice U'UfBU will moke bis Initial Clnclnnilt bow Oi:t. 21), In "The Embassy Ball: Last week- lhat slerllng "favorlle. Klhel Barry- more, plnyed lo great aiulleiiecs. presenting "Alice gltliv-thoPlro." Wlllon Luckuye, lu "The Ijiw anil tlm Mun^"nelt. Itopiaso.v's oren.HI»i.'»u (Gcorgu I'. I'lsh A Luella. Foreuaugli Fish, managers).— The lorepaugh Stock' Co.. Ill "Old lloldelberg. 2M. Autllenisis of splendid proportions were more than pinned last week with the way me stock Interpreted "Leah hleschuu. Ida |„ vn i B00l | patronage. Coming: "David Adair did superbly In the difficult role of ■ • „ 2 " ; w ' Mk ot J|,.,cLlcOgo Stock Co,. Leah. Wilson llumlnel scored heavllj aa n ■ , - M wllU ,,, (ll1(() Wm . H. Crane and, Bllt. liaouel.:aud the Hcliraluin of "alter Gilbert j t ,|r reva „.||| n u |,, "Sho Stoop, to-CdnduOrj" wns.a. capital bit ot noting. , Herschel Ma}- m, tes . _x. K. Albllllgh; le«ae«. Of tie all carried his role with furcuful iWU Griiad. logetller ivltli his brother, W."A. - 1 urd Kane,' and lSiigono OTlourke nud fom- ''"sta» (Drew i <;n"'P"ell. inauamrjI^Tllo Wise lluy week ol 2li. The BrfgidletB Co. had Kuod houses week of 22. Mlneta uo- honllans uext wiwk. , . ■ " . IDtnin; (L'lins. W. Den.tngcr, tnanagor). —Freil Irwlli's Ulg Show week of 21). fhl; Golden Crook Co. nrciv well last week. Jer- sey Lilies next weak. Tuuniiatawn.—At the Park Theatre (M. t*. (luggeahelui. uiiltuiver), week of Oct,. Jll. I he ThndllliM Gray Stock Co. appo»red In repertory, except 2», when "Mrs, 'reluplos ■I'l-lwraiu" drew well. Coming attract MM: F.llerv's llnnd 2». Jolin K. Ili'luhna;. In/'CtP: lalu Varelea.." »<); Malestlc Vuuilevlllo .Co. Nov. 1-3, "Tho Virginian" U, "fhe Stolen Story" V. , w . llii.iNii (Joe Hehogrln. niauuger).—Moving pictures Ot'i. 21. "Busier Brown s .liolb dov" drew well 22. Paul Ollmot'e, In "At Yu'le," highly pleased 01, "Lena Blver./' and "Desertetl nt tho Altar." 20.. both "David cor. "Mrs. The-scenlc nfraHgemeuts were superb. Dane's'Defence" next. ' ' ' ' „' Brnasi IM C. Anderson & Henry M. /.legler. malingersi.—(ieorgo Sidney, » "Biisyjxa)'," 2H. Last week, fjavld llgglii", lu "fils. last Dollar," uiiliealnd to big aijdl- ence's. -W. R Cullen's do.. In "The Tcoder- foot,".; liexl week. ■- . ,, ., lowjmuia (AL C. Anderson it Henry M. Zlegle'r, mnnuKers).—Anna Lvu Luy, the nim of mystery. 2», with "The Futurity Winner." .-Ms-lea. Sli-Carthy aii^J eonilinn^.^ n«_ Lynn,—At the Lynn. Theatre ' (frank G. Hari-lson, munngcr) Sheiiard'B inuring pie- lures opened week.of Oct. 22 to fnlr busi- ness and Frltal Schelf played to a line house 211. "Daughters of Men" came 23, lo fair business, and "'the Llou uud the Mouse" drew well 90. 27! "Tho Student King" ap- iieured ill, and on "ll Elmer Stock Co. played m return date. Other otlraetlonH: "Humun iicar.H" aiaod'^l'lio Mayor of Ijutgliloud" Nov. 1, 2. Beunett uud Moulton ri-lll. AtplTonlliSt (Iluriy Katxea, manager).— Last w-eek'e business wus big, and Froalnl, with his uccurdlou, luade a big hit. This week's programme is: Chartea llicbarda. rom ond Edith Almond, Mite and Morris. Germi- nal, Kcuo, Welsh and Meiroau, -tho Great Bu|ila, t'.ruclc Enunett and company and the Tfc llo\ise was Juuirued. ■ ■ : t .„„_,.„v vltugruih. -■■ ' Hhuck'.h UHMH Housj , (lleuclt, fenneiw OEM (Charlea W. Sheafe, manager).— • i : ,«tnlr, uianngers).—■•'"'""..Mortlmer^.b, Crowded houses witnessed the performances. | n ,"Nc,,»lotbef lo l»ulde Iler. • ■ llarry Liny here last week. The currant bill la: The Bhniej', In "The-Iloy-Bi'ilnil Iho Gun. en- Hall Trio. Jim. Dun nnd Lillian t.Dlotto and- th, W ed,ittrgi'_ audiences Oil last week. Kittle Morlu. -tbe-KilefdlerB. JIUo. Pastlllo and Wolf' Shared In the honors. 'Secrets, of tli, moving picture., showing "The Terrible To^ncat. . ^ M(lCoy ;, mllD , nawimvii (T^ird * Downing, mauagera). mieviilll' Is the boadllnor 26, with '- - —Tile moving picture abow and Illustrated .lokusdii. Thome aialCarloton. Miiudo Bock song" had good houaea dally. The .per- x*..W. WJ 'rf3 ffllffl formaucc-ia contnuooa. ■; : •Ulrls.'n "rbo Sexton a Drean . jvillliina ftSS TltCAta™ Salein (George H. Cbcct, ' and Tocker. In "»nlnu»;a„l'\nl»li:' MAttlo w 1 '™? .—■g.—a--!: hrt „.„. ,_ u ^ u . u .i, „ prn . icnXunil cotunauv. am Cliuliea tveuuu, in buuKh. aniouneo Hint three new 'th.atrjn* now lu proeeas of cotiatrbellon, w|lrsdonT» addeil lo ilielr circuit, vlx.: one each »i Tit- llll, ('.; Maaslllnii nnd Akron. rho Au- ditorium lllnk la open.for the mtugin, nnd nit. i-l will Dull _ open _ under the uinnagutneiit of John who will have luiiny good ottractloha. Dii, ton.—At the Nntlotial Theatre (.0111 Burrows, niuiiager) "HustHr' Brown played — 20. "Kllh- rtf: ugi I, very good hualhiaiH bet, IS*. Ived by a ce of PI'- "Tlio din- ,. Ola- wuh Carroll Mm. innnnser).—The.hoosea last week .were- Ke,»euud compan). am! Churns sood. The Elmer Stock Co. opened 2ft for "The liklr," aa ciMntertalnere. II," week" going to the Lynn Theatre 30 to . CvctUJl (Keilck. Stulr 4 lennc the week, going to the Lynn give "The Student King." glvi. Xirrcs.—William J. Shceban. a resident of this city, uud a well known minstrel per- former and eiog dancer, died In his borne Oct. 20, after u brief 1 lineal. ■, ■ . ■■ . . . -At the Worcester Theatre r"vT& A re,lue„t V Sn. &"%£ ^^oi^ JS? ..If -V $1% R? Wurcenter. (Alt, - Maun «-- .1. ~, r—- -^.-z—ah L-iiiffluent, by bpeclnl request. Ott ail), •Mulle ban iBon," "Th« Soi-lal Whir dp, SI. David Warfleld Nor. 1, L', Leo Delirlch- '—: •■- stein. In "Before and After," 3. "The Oath SpMnBfleld—At the Court Snuare The- «t the Altar." Oct. 112, hod fair-returns. The litre (D. 0. Olln-oie, niuuiiger. the new mu- n«yal Besses o* the ItHrn lluiid, 23, drew Loiwe.K slcal euuit-dv, "Maui'selle Sullle." Oct. 1«, uccllcnt business. Rothern and Marlowe, In "Joanne D'Ate," 7. Fbajcklix (Jqcahb (J. K Hurke, resident ninuoKer).—Frlt/l Schcff. In "Mile. Mudlate,' Oct. fl-i "t'he Student King" Nov. % i. ''Just Out of CoUefft." to good roturns. Oct. 22. "l'rlucess UchKar" (with 1'ahla.Ji.dwardes) drew un enthdalnatle audlencu 23. "Tho Old Iloloes'.end'' had excellent returns.24. nncssy. mann- ceral.—"How'Hearts Are Ilrokcu." 28. after ■ utrenuoufi, week of "Bhr Hearted. Jim. which pleased. Charles Gardner took the role of the Montana sheriff. Al. ". Mar- tin's "Uncle Turn's Cubiti" nett. Peoh.k'h < Hubert Hcuck. manager).— l'oui Jlliicr's lUihemluu UtirtesquerB, rem- ■■^artlIlK w*ro the _.. which drew well lust week. Ulir Hliow next. Hiam-aru (Charles „, produced only four duys ago. uertnluly showed ItK merits. The music Is catchy, uud the costumes und scenery ure tasty und pleasing; the cborus Is young, comely and slugs wctL John Hlavlu and Kutlo Burn' head thy cast, and were warmly received. Business was fair. "The Volunteer Or- agnist" enjoyed Its usual business 20. Music Rellly A WOO«fl ., B. Arnold,, manager). ,Tlm Bohemian Show und Frank nryan a v.ougresrt of Atacrlaiu Olils Oct. 28. "Bobby MBHidicHter'a Vunlty Fnlr mit on u pjtf otl«; (.pec(side, "*" The "Hi rib of Ine United Rttin 1 und It went well last week. Business was big. Ilvdu's Blue ICIbbnn Girls next. AUnfi*: Hai.l.— The Hvinpoony Orchestru season will eomineuco Nov. ao, with Alcls Burgstaller us the soloist. Couilile Halnt Kttens will bo here for the second concert. Josef Lhevlntie. Maud I'owoll and Dnnlel K(hkI Uouw. .Booked: "Tint Prince son" 2H, "'Way Down Kast" HO, "Tt... uerbrcml Mun" Wov. 2, Kara KuudiU, B. HHV thump Tu bathe (01«k Trney, oiuci- nger).—The Two Closes, Andrews und Fields, Vluln Knsjjit, and the Stanleys, showed, ts> SooA lutslneitn week of Oct, 22. Dill week or id. 20 liicliidcs: Herr fichmldt, "thcIIuuiBn rillm;" Mnlln and Mnlln, Hunry nnd MjiImI Mnrtlur, TUannctto IlUe, nbd the GrantuV scoi«!. f _ ■ • • ' Toledo.—At the Volontlne' Theatre (Otip Kllvei, manager) the-bill for Oct. W md weak Includes: Clayton White end Mare Btuarr, "The Globe.of Death," BiickeyeBlftto ^tiartettv\ 'Teter (lie Greut," Klnjalcy and nvrlt, MnJ^Mi: Trio. lid. Grey, Braell and Brazil, nnd klnetogrnnh. *7 LvcBL'ii (E. B. Kolscy, mannger).—-"we Are KIor," 1S-20, and the Kinurt Net. 21-24. drew splendid Inmlnews. "Tbe Mummy and the Humming Bird" 25-2T, "His U»t Dot lar" 26-81. . _.„ Akcapb (II. U. Latukln, manager).—"Tbe Blue Mow. 2'J, 23, wltb James T. Powers, scored a lilg suc«ss. "Fantuna" 28-80. FJupiHC (Abe Biuplro, manager).—-Tbo Jcrnev I.IHes 21 and week, to good mmlneis. Uose Hill's Kngllib Kolly Co. 28 and wcok. BtJtti's (Joe l'eailslluc. manager).— Old fwii the Bowery.' 1 18-20, and "Tbo Bye Williw.'.' 21-24, were two tbrllturij thstf —ty houses. "Across tbo riclfle" tir.'w ciinacL. 26-2T, "A CrowD of ITiorns 26-81. lovers euthercd 22, to lieur the Lu Heala Oneru Co.. lu a tlnely selectPd ond urtlstlc- ulty. rendered pi-ograuime. "The Old Home- stead," .aa, wltb William Luwreuce In the role made famous .by Deumun Thompson, tilled every seat In the house. Mr. Luwreuce rave general satisfaction, and. backed by a cood couiduut, left nothlnc to-be desired. Uowe'tf moving pictures, 24. proved a good uttructlen. "The OlnserbmnJ Man.' 2d. can- celed. Andrew Mack 2T, Frltzl Hcheft JO. H, Mine. Motljeska Nov. 1, "The Olrl and the Governor*' 2. "The Student King, after- noon and evening, d. ■ Nelson (Blwliurt Theatrical Co., menu- cera; dec ll. Mills, resident mauagerl.— The second week of wuicltvllle i»con;d u Ci-e'at success. 'i:hose on the hill were: Iho* Q.-tieabrouko and i'uullne Hall. Ld. wpnucll aud coiaiiany, Vlnlo Daly, Billy Clifford, iK'iitanh- Trio. Chris. Klchnrds, George Thutcher and Cbue. Krncst. Valoni. und the vitua-aph. Booked: "The Social Whirl'' j 20, "Before and Atier" 31. Nov. 1^ Louis Mann uud. Clara Mpmaa 2, 3. tie B*sse« o* the Bum Bind 3. Sotht-ro and Marlowe 0. Poll's (Gordon Wrighter, resident mauft- ger).—Mabel .McKinley und the. l'owell-Cot- Mlle Anna llellstrom, Sfl. did good business. I'oli's (J. C. Crlddle, resident mannger). —Week of 20: Ye Colonial Septette, In "An Old Time Hollew'cn:" Frenechcfl Redding Co.. In.'*lhr Friend from Texas;" Luwreneo and Harrington, BLadO and Ilerininn, lu "Tbe New Girl;" Irving Jones, Lillian Bbaw, Three Abdclolf Bros. Aud tbe electrograph. Buil- tit»* t*ontlnue» heavy. PAnK (Ml. T. Wilton. manuRcr).—Week of 2». WO ' U. Watson's Show, Including "The Mormons" nnd "The Bashful Venus., Last WK the Blnlto Uoimders played to big busi- ness. Th>j dmateur night. Friday, draws S, It. o. — ■ ■ I ■' lloiyssks*.—Al ihr Opera' House (James ll. O'Counell. mannger* "Msm'sello Ssllle," which had Its "Brsi ulgbt" In Waterbury. CI.. Oct. .13, came here 20, lo good bfanaw, und scored a hrllllsnt succees: lu fact. It was tbe best mimical' >*omedy seen In this t'lty In years. The musical numbers ure all attractive, and the dialogue, especial.* the comedr, Is bright. The piece Is (heir staged and the company In a large aud highly com- ;H)ttnt r.uc. l"he honors are easily woo by *i.rhinrn«ld.—At the Grand Opera Ilouab th. J. Dalle, manuger) "Big Ik-urted JIuiV came to good buslneja Oct. ill. 20. ""u-'i-r > ■ ■■»• ««•!, well patronized 22. "Happy* Bcddoc art ainuu^ other eoIolsU nnhounced. land" filled the house 28. UJ«ck ^renv K .. .On Ncv. 10 Miae. Bchumanii-rJeink q:hi futi- business 2.V "The Warning Bell" will come with the llttsbnrg Orchestra, con- iwsssm "0. "A Foxy Trump" 2T, "Feck'a Bad iiucted by Kmll 1'aur. bis llrst Cincinnati Dov" 31. "Prince Karl'-Nov, 1. --;' aiiiicarance. m S'ew Lycedm (C. U. Flaher. manager).— ■TK -... ,.™ t a -..« —kf. nA «» Sum flllfIlntT , ' domes Oct. 20-3.T (fOsjsir or xttt Lomtv. — Manager Bom Brady is Ia advance of "Bussy lazy."...... Mrs. Stuart Robuon was slightly Injured In n wreck en route to All her eugsgemint at the Olympic. Many of the dm guHrd op- ldnuded Mangle t.'llno nt the Olympic last n-eek.'. At tho Odeon, Nov. 8. Jennie Muunlielmer la lo stive, an Interpretation of •Ikigllot." ..Gil liobhison. tbe elrcus man. come on from Jersey to attend a board meeting ot the big he U Intereittcd. wa«> heard In concert at> tho Odeon Oct. ....Max It'jsenberg. ouo of the Ludlow Ltv* gfioo, li«s settled down to the life of a farmer, and with his wife I* now living ut tb*h- new (Muntry place lu Kentucky., eight miles back of Covington The Orpbcus Club, under ■.-Edwin W. Glover, glvei.the tirst con- cert of their ttfteanth neason. nt th" Audi* torlupi, Dec. 6, wltb Cortnne utdur-KelBoy ae soloiet^ Work on the Lyric Theatre, tbo new Hchobert house, Is being pushed, und all "lliimpty Bumptr" Out'HiuJt 1 'flue Sun. mflnager).- * and I i Jersey to attend a board Town" plnyed to good business uet 21. printing vompiuiy la which i-.||tu 0P ii. in "At Xnlr," hud a capacity 1 . ..Mnry nissetn De Mom sffi "Tho Wurnlng BcU" 27, tho, onm.a Oat. ii)-3i. . '.—BUI for w«k of 2fl will include : Mr. anil Mrs. Jolm T. l*owera. IJdvt .art Rail... -John Ko.ler, limicv and FVIfttl, Harry Haley and tate.t motion pictures. > ■ I al i ' ■ ammiiiskj.—At lb. Grand Onera Honu lllolurt .1. nielli, nlnna.ei) "A Btraonor In 1. Paul MPM . Or.y ..f 2«. V»ii.|m Olater. In "1'rlnen Karl." Not. 7; Florence Hamilton 0, Henry Ii. Ditty IS. a. i, . i.i ir-. i . . , . Nfi-rea riioM "Tnt iUTitn nr L4iicui,iNn." under the ni.nairemaBt of Niiou ft Zltnucr. nun.--Ttii. .bow ll ono of the big ran'tca- .tcces.e. ot the season. Tb. attraoManrl. now in it. t.ntb w«k, and tboi fat la. not .reoolved ouo uiliot.u ,*.«m ■ ■ . ,,-V iilaees relliru dales uavo beau offered nn uiiataateos. '1'oin watnra, Ibc nonular cfni- eillan. Is fralnrefl wltli tlio cciu|iauy, nml Is, certainly team* lirnrlly, llll own wnH, are- liooominir very jiopiilar. J, '.V^raolil If nlii-nd of lilt' .■'iliiliauy. wlileli uu'Oiuii. t(>t •louslduuUu ill tlio. liuuil Im.lnos., , . J