The New York Clipper (November 1906)

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996 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November a IN • • LIFE MOTION PICTURE MACHINES 8!fc FILMS • PHILADELPHIA <*• 21 Stall Eljlth Street. JUS WIFE AND FAMILY. THE FILM DEALS WITH THE INSIDE STORY OF THE LOOTINS OF A GREAT BANK BY ITS OFFICIAL A MAGNIFICENT FILM, FULL OF ACTION AND BEAUTIFUL IN PHOTOGRAPHY LENGTH, 1000 Feet. PRICE, $110. THE WIFE'S RIVAL. TO KEEP COOL Never before a picture like tbla baa been takeo. Who ever atops to think where all the ice comes from which Is used throughout the country? Toe picture opens by showing the Ice being sawn Into large cube*—Dragged by grappling Irons— Shooting the chutes— Thrown to a standstill—From shore to ship —From ship to Its destination. Tbla film Is Interesting throughout and beautiful In pho- togrtpnj. LEN6TH. 310 FEET. PRICE, {34.10. WE HUNTING This is the most exciting and thrilling pic- ture eter taken, and Is the only Sim of Its kind in existence. The film shows the look- out man In the crow's nest—The chase after the whale —The harpoon being fired from the gun—The whale harpooned—Bis struggles to escape—Death of the whale—Inflating the whale—Towed to the shore—The 75-ton whale In full Bight. LEN6TH, 500 FEET. PRICE, $55. LOOTING THE DAXK. JUSTICE ASHAMED. A NIGHT OFF OH, WHIT A DIFFERENCE IN THE MORNING! THE PDNNIKBT FILH EVER SKK.l. PULL OF GINGER. FILL OF PrEKBIJIEVT. YOU WANT THIS. Length, 800 Feet. Prioe, $88. Oans - Nelson F"i TIN SILEOTED ROUNDS. LENQTH, OVER 1.2BO FEET. PRICE, $250. WE HAVE, AMONG THIS TEN BEST ROUNDS, TOE LAST ONE, THE <2d, IK WHICH TEE FOOTL BLOW IS PLAINLY SHOWN, WHICH NELSON DELIVERED TO HIS SUPERIOR OPPONENT. THIS IB THE FIGHT THE COPNTRT IS TA LKING ABOUT. «- OUR PIOHT PILHS ARE COPYRIGHTED AND FULLY PROTECTED BY LAW. -gt 1907 "MARVEL" CINEOGRSPH STEREOPTIGON Acknowledged to be tb. .Ml perfre! MOVING PICTURE MACHINE ThI. estflt complete, 1SCLCDISG TOP AND BOTTOM TAKE-UP DEVICE. ELECTRIC LAMP, FIREPROOF ADJUSTABLE RIISOITAT for dlnct or Ultr- n»llr(, ALSO C1LCIIJI LIGHT IAJIP .... <£Sa. FIREPROOF FILM BOXES • - -$20 EXTRA. THE SECRET DEATH VALLEY A THBILLIIB DBAIA II LITE I0TI0I PICTURES. Length, 600 Feet. Price. $66. AH Our Films Class k Price, II Certs Per Foot. Our Beautifully illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge VITAGRAPH FILMS, 12 CENTS PER FOOT. A NEW LAUGHING BIT, Mother-in-Law A DOMESTIC COMEDY. Introducing a Variety of lirthfnl Spasms. Moltitfr-i n-1 nw's arrH al -Troalile begini-Son*In-law ichemn to get rid of hair—C*lts In neper).eiig-ri, plmubrn, etc.—Trl?a to Kirr her *i i Imr- frier— Incite* thr cook to rebellion and makes hit aatomoblle raa away >vlili her, bat all to ao purpose. Finally, ifflnu a scare headline la a newspaper reading "Smallpox Epidemic,* 1 he palnta luots oa his face— Oeta into bed. and mother-In-law takes one look and tken for good. A SCREAMINGLY FUNNY COMEDY FILM. LENGTH, a sort GECT OUR GREAT A THRILLING AUTOMOBILE ROMANCE. LENGTH, 850 FEET TO THE TRADE: We lake pleasure In announcing the opening of oar branch office, SCHILLER BUILDING, 10D RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. A complete stock of Vltagraph Films will be kept bn hand for sale. ho Famous Vita graph Machines wtU be available for hire. WRITS FOR CIRCULARS OF LATEBT HITS. - THE VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, 116 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. ion RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO, ILL. CABLE ADDRBSI, ••VITAORAPH." BELLING AGENTS, CHARLES URBAN TRADING CO., Ltd., 48 Rnpert St., London, Baa. KI.EINE OPTICAL CO., Chlc.go, III. FILMS RENT CHICAGO HigDQUAIITERS FOR PICTURE riCHINES N Barton BL, 0HI048O. NATIONAL FILM SERVICE MEANS GREAT PICTURE SHOW GET YOURS FROM National Film Renting Co. 62 N.Clark St. Chicago, 111. PICTDRE iACHffiE -■- and -i- FILMS. WE MABCPACTURB STEREOPTICONS, MAGIC LANTERNS. ELECTRIC AND LIME LIGHT BURNERS And Other Accessories. WE ABB QEXERAL SELLING AQBKTS FOR The Power Cameragraph Edison Kinetoscope BIOGHAPH PMIvJSdB* VITAGRAPH JEMlVlkXeS AIK>IvIE>S FILMS 1PAOPIKE) UMl^Aeiei EDISON FIIVJMS All Films at IS Cents Per Foot Except Edison Claw A, Which Are 15 Cents. LATEST SUBJECTS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Klelne Xe ns es for Picture Machines Cover the Whole Range of Practical Projection. 52 5TATE ST. 1 Opposrrt Masonk lumt CHICAGO, ILL, lin Tirt lidrm, I»7-lit W. 39i ST. JiTJLOGSI rail.