The New York Clipper (November 1906)

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1060 **3PECE NEW YORK CLIPPER. NpVEMBER 24. Fred it I « Pnn!>', K, & P. ;»Ktb Street, N. V (I., _>W. Fox & Foxle, Jeffers, Sajinaw, Midi.. 19-24. I-'refie Bros.,-Syracuse, S; Y.; 19-24,' - ■ Fredu & Dare, - Keith's. Cleveland, 0,, ID-Si; Valedtlne, Toledo, 20-Dee. 1. Frank & Bo)),. Majestic, Little Rock, Ark., 10- 24': Majestic' Dallas, Tex.. 23-Dec. 1. Frank* ft Frank*. Bradenburgh's, I'lilln.. 19-24. Francis. Emma, & Aroi#, K. & P. 6th At*.. S. Y. ,C, 10-24. , . Fniferlrk. Helms, Orplienm, Kansas City, 10- iH'i Orpbenm, NerV Orleans, 20-Dec. 1. Fred ft Pnuly, Nth Street, N. X, C. 19-24; K. A P., Jersey City, N. J.. 20-Dcc, 1. I'mnl;* Slater*, Brodeacurgh's, I'iiila., 19-24. Frnnkel, Fanny. Main'fltrret, Peoria, III., 10-24. French, Henri. Savoy, Hamilton, Cin., 19-24. Freeman, Blanche, Lyric, Lincoln, .Neb., 19-24. UmiBiirJnn Uova Banil.eKefUVal Boston, 1II-34. i Msvrrto, Boitoil. Lowell. Matt.,*-19-21. \ ' ' 'V r l*r olt> ^dBft><, OrpkNIk., I HUfbiier, CbriH., Coluaublfl. Wiihlniton, D. CV, 19- Hafts (2>, "Marlon, 'gflllK 0., 10-24; Grand, Ira, N.j Y. C., 20-Dec. 1. Dayton, 26-Dpc. 1. Phillips A Farlsmleuu. Bijou Malttr-A Molltr, Inflr, Salem, ■ t>.T^10-2i. Major's. (<5|, Victoria, N. Y. C, 10-24. Manhattan NetrB&oys- Quartette, Osfakosb, Wii,, 118-24 { Appleton, 20-Dff. 1. MartlnetUs A. .Sylvester, rurally. Davenport, la., 10-24; Gaiety, GeJwUirg, 2u-Dec, -L Mitcellne, Hippodrome, X. Y. C, 19-24. Manning's Entertainers, Keith's- Cleveland, 19* RMNat "People*!."Leavenworth, 'Kan*.. 19-24. Hussey. Mr. A Mrs.- Gen. W„ Atlintlc Garden, N - I Ci 1 H-''4 Hynms & Mclotjre, 0. O, H., Indianapolis, IB* 24- . . ■■ 2 Hyde, Heath 4 Walsh, Continental, Chicago, 19- llllim St Farbtrdeiiu. BIJou, Wichita, Kan.. 10 Firm-.- Franco, Chase's, Washfngton.-DrC.,'10-24. Pollard, .IV. O., Colo, Springs, Col., 19-24. Polk, Kolllns I Carmen Sisters, Harlem O. B., N. Y. '0.,'10-24, Pone, J. C, and Vox, BIJou, Da Mb, lit. 19-24. MttB*' G.),- Family, Butte, Won.. 20-Dec. 1 "Futurity Wltinprs," 1'oll'a, Bridgeport, Coon., Jnojes & Dnrls, Standard Immensaplione, Procter's, Xroy, N- t„ 10-24; K, it P., Jersey City, K. J., 26-Dec. 1. Inness A Ryan, G>. <J. II.. Marlon, Intl., 19-24; Temple, ft, Wayne, 2tU>c. 1. International Musical Trio, Mlner'i, Bowery, N. Y. C. 19-24; Troeadero, I'iiila., 20-Dec. 1. Innrapi Wm., ft Co.,■ Empire, .Hobokec, N. J., 19- *M A Raclunl, Grind, Kilhaalu, lilcli., 19-2 111-24, flanlner A tfnrlderti, Hopkins', Loultvllle, Kr-. 2d-D«C. 1. tlanliior A HWddard, Savoy, UornlltOB, Can., 19- 24 ; Olympic, Clnclnrmtl, O., 2ll-Dec. 1. Ourdnrr, Ilnppy Jack, Hopkins', LoulsTllle 1 , Ky., 10-24; Hopkins'. MempliK Tcnn.. 2C-SCC. 1. liunlner A Vlncrnl, Columbia, til. Louis, 19-24; Olympic, Cblrsgo, 2Q-Dk, 1. Cowman, Josephine, Empire, I'ttenon, N. J,, 19- 24. . <iuri-law. JulM & Kiln. Poll 1 10-21. Cflhrlpi, Master, A Co., Chnae's, Wnsblostoa, D. r5l. Loula, Mo., 19-24, Y-, 10-24; Head- Jtcobs' Doss, Schenectady, i»K, Pa., Jd-Dw. 1. JlM-ques Droe., .Marion, Marlon, ,0„ 10-24. Junvell, Sadie, Chnse'n, Waihington, D. C. Jack,' Mr. A Mn., KeLth'a, Boiion, 10-24. JacktonH. The, Orplienm, Kanaas City, Mo, 24. Sfidcapa (3). Keith's, Boston, 19-24. . Marahall, the Myatlr, Pastor's. N. Y. O., 19-24. Stanbla Family, BIJou. Kenoeha, IVia., 19-24. Marlon ft Denne, Onlftr. Sprlngfletd, III., 10-24; Gaiety,, Gnlaibitrg. 2(T-Dec...l. Manhattan Comedy Foar, Majestic, Chicago, 19- Ma\Uet1. Joe A Co., Keeney'a,' Bk)n., 19-24. Magrl, Count A'Baron, Olympic, Cinclndatl, 19-24. Marina, A. 7., Victoria. N. Y. 0., 19-24. Hattflna, Kcrtm A JIareena, Moore'a, Portland, Mm,. 10-24. Mfn»B>M A Wllhnr, K. k V. 38th St., S. Y. C, 10-24. . Mack A Held, Itijon. Flint. Mlrh., 10-24. 5taceo-A Fox,-Valentine, Toledo. O., 19-24. Poven A Frcftl, Wtaifs, PrarJa, 111., 19 Crystal, Bock Island, 111., M-Dec. 1. Proveanus, 'Jhe. Majestic, Chicago. M-Dec. 15. Price & MUdierl, Iten'a, Eacanaha, Mich., 19-24. Prerott Troupe, Lyric, Cleveland, 19-24. Pryots, Tne, ^20tb St., >'. X, * tbvrn. Pa.;'20-Dec 1. Pnrtella 4 Orben. 0. H.. Concord, N. II. Puilen, Baby Luella, Jinaestoirn, N. Y., Up Bo If, 26-Dcc. 1. Pulley's Black Americans, Detroit, Mich. Empire, Toledo, 0., 2U-Dec. 1 Bklu., 1924; Albans- Stllti A StIUi, CrJ>aftal, St'Jnernfir'Mo./ 19 2\ T . Stcger, Julius. A-Co.. fOrplieuin, Denver, -Cft],. 2U-Dcc. 1. sranTflfa.'-Bllly, Iilea, Fond du Lac, Wis.," 21; Idea, pshkoajp. 22-24. , ElanlerB, The, Castle, filoomlngton. III., 10-24; Byojb.Ke-jiajie*,. 2<IDec. ]. * Stanley A.Leonard. .0. .0. H., Pltoborg, 10-M. ritiit.Kpian fc.Cniwfoni. Cryatnl, Anderson, Ind., Sterens, f.tlirin, Columbia, Cincinnati, 10-24. St. Elmo, !#<;. Family, Sbamokln, Pa., 21: Farally, Mihanoy.Clty, 22-24 ; Liberty, Merlden, 20-De.c. 1. C, 19-24; Allen- SL-ToJm ft Le Ferrc, Lyric, Cleveland, 19-24. Sully, Lew, K. A P. 23(1 Street, N. Y. C„ 19-24. 19-24. Siittoi ft Sntton, Lyric, Danville, III,. 19-24; 19-24; Cryatnl, Milwaukee, Wis., 20-Dec. 1. "Stinuy South," polPi, Springfield, Ma**., 10-24. 19-24; Stttton, Larry. .&,. ilc«ar, Denrer, Col., au- ■D«. 8. Quaker City Quartette, K. ft P. 5th Ate,, N. Y. ..Swot &, We9tbrook, Jtaln .Street, Peoria, 111., 19- C,( io-i'4. . 24. Qulgg, Muckey & N'lckerson, Union Sqdare, N. Sylvester, Jones A Prlogle. Sbea'w, Toronto, Cm, \. C. 49-24. 10-24; 2;td Street. N. V. C, 20-Dec. 1. Quinlan A Mack, Colonial, Latrrence, Mass,, 20- Tanned, Jullrts, Orplieiim, Bkln., 19-24, 24; Orphtutn, Sr.It Lake Olty, U-, 2«'Drc, 1. MaceV* Fox. Yalentlne, Toledo. O., 19-24. Jerome, Trcnsont A Jerome, Grand, BelliuEbam, Marriott Twins. Gran Circo Belt, Mexico, 19-30. >Vanh„ 211-Dec .1. , Malrldwe.plunkttt Co,, Empire, Bobokeo, N. J. Jen-ell'ft Manikins, Orpheam, Boiton, 19-24. Bridgeport, Conn., JennlngH A Jewell, Gnle:r, Iadlanapolla, 19-24; Empire, Cleveland, 20-IJec., 1.. jQiiclngs A llenrrcw, Kelth'a, Boston, 19-24. Jert-me, Unt 8., Cleveland. O., 10-24. Jenhre k F,ll«wortti, White'8 0. H., Concord, N. II. 29-24. Jobnaon, Carroll, Lyric, AI toon a. Pa., 19-24. Jolin^on ft Rnm, Ami I tori um, Norfolk, Vn,, 19- C, 19-24. 4iai'telle lti-os., Hopkins', Loulivllle, Ky., 19-24; Hopkins*. Metnpliln, Tenu.. 2G-Dpc. l. Cnjtord, Bonnie, Colonial, Lawrence, Miu„ 18- 24: Park. Worcester, 2H-Dec. I. CntnoitxY The, Proetor'n, Troy, N. Y., 10-24. Oavlor ft Oral', Ornhmni, (JhllJIeolhe, 0„ 10- John.nwin> A Wells, Pal., Brucella, Bel., 10-30. . ; Orplieum, Portsmoulli, 2f>-Dec 1. inllnndo. Ilsriem 0. II., N. Y. C, 19-24. 'iardlner Children (3>, Lyric, Danville, III., 19- 24 ; Evnnsville, Ind., 2i;-ixv. i. George, Kdwiti, Grand, Jollet, III., 19-24; l. T niQue, La Crosae, Wta., 2fl-Dfc. 1. Genaro A Bailey, Empire. Hohoheii, N. J., 10-24. tlrinv, Gen, \V., Ho. Mlddlelon, Mnas., 19-24; I'nloii Hill. Oloncester, 20-Dec, 1. Gllltert, John Dv, Proctor's, Newark, .V. J„ 10-24. Gltlen, Tom, Clieslcr, Pa., 19-24. Gllmore A Carroll, Maiouic Temple, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 10-24; Morion, I'lndlny, O., lU-Dcc. 1. Glldfiy A Fox, Halliaway'e, New Dedfonl, Mais . 10 24. Uliison A Nash, Dixie, Memphis, Tenn,, 19- l>ec. I, rnirnll, Hnrry, K. & P. 58th Strtet, N. Y. C, 18- 24. Gillllmn ft Perry, Orrlfaenrn, Mlnueapoltfl, 19-24; Ornbeuio, Mt. Paul, Utl-Dec. I. '■ ..' of Deallt," Harlem O. II., N. Y. C, i»- 24. Goitlvn, Dorothy, BIJou. Dulnlh, Minn., 19-24. Cottlob, Mr. A Mrs., JIIJou, Buy City, Mlcli., 19- 24; BUoit, Adrian, 2ll-l>ec. 1. Guillen, Joe, MnJ(-Hlli> Chicago, 10-24. Uofotth A Doylf>, Bljon, Ketdlag, Pa., 1024; Lyceum, Phlla., 20-l)«. 1. Gordon, cliff, K. A P., Jersey City, S, J., 19- Gordon ft Chacon, Rochester, N. Y., 19-24. GinUoii. Don A Mae, Uurrlck, Burlington, la., 19-24; La Kitlle, Kroinl;. In., LMi-Dr-c. 1, Gold. Vern, Metropolitan, Ybor City, Els., 19- Dec. 1. GoUihinlth A Hoop?, Armory. lliDghamton, K. Y., 19-24. Gorinun A Went, K. It P., Jersey City, N. J., 19-24. Golden ft Hughes, 1'oll'a, Wnlcrbnry, Conn., 19- 24; Poli'x, iiui'tfoni. 20-l)re. 1. Uranil Opera Trio, Auriltorluai, Lynn, Matt., 19- Greeuway, Hy., Olympic, CUIcajo, 10-24. Gregdrya (4>, taatot% R, Y. C, 19-24. Grade A Iteynolils, Lotldun, N. Y. C, 19-24 ; 11- liuiiy, N. Y.. 29-2S; Troy, 20-Dt-t. 1, Grewly, Uy Tom, BrloJe'M, Ijiiilavllle, 19-24. GrniR, Ilerr, A Baboon, CIiiisu'm, Wnslilugtun, D. U., 10-24. Grand; Sidney, Olympic. Clnolnnati. 10-24. Grnyce, Murgaret, Grand, Milwaukee. 10-24. Gruy, I'M., llurlem O. tX. N. Y. C, 10-24. Hull, Artie, Lyrlu, Altooiia, Pa.. 111-24, Jlnywnrd, Couroy .A- llaywurd, Orpbeuai, Omaha, ltt-24; Grphimni, St. Paul, 2(1-Dm, 1. llarrlumi. Frank A Sidle, Walcr Vulley, Miss., M-Bm l IIrIupn, Nat, Valentine, Tolnlo, 0., 19-24. Halleu A Hayes, Proctor'*, Albany, N. Y., 19-34. llaler-A H&rty, Grntid, Wuliuxh, lud., 21. 22; Urand, lluntlnifioit. 99, 24; Castle, Blemraing- loii, HI.. 29-Dw. 1. ■loLnh, Johnnie, Keith's, phlla., 19-24. Jones ft I-Iite, K. ik P. r.fctu Street, N. Y. C, 19-24. Juniper ft tiayen. <3oncotrt, X., H., 21; Pnrta- moutlt. 22-21: Berlin, 2tl-Dec. 1. Kates Ilros.,, Kausaa City, Mo., 19- 24; Orpltpum, Denver, Cdl..' 2C-Dec. 1. Konwn.Klt. Cero. Lyim, Mac*., 19-24. Kalmo, L'hos. A Ada, Gran Circo Bell, Meilco, 10-21. Kftiifrnnn Troupe, Cook 0. IL. Ilocbester, N. Y„ 10-24; Hhen's, Ilnfmlo, 2ll-Dec. 1. Kaufman, Minnie, <>rplieum. Si. Paul, Minn., 19- Karno'a Pantomime Co., Colliam, Bkln., 10-24. Knrtelll, Orplipum, Bndnnent, Ana.. 13-39. hnroly Bros., State Pair. Tampa, Ma., 10-20. Keratin, The, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., 10-24. Uellfe, Edward, G. t>. K, Grand Haplrts, Mlcb.. 10-24. KapijM, Falea, Majeatic. Clilcngo, 19-21. Kenton, Dorotliy. Pantor's. N. Y. C, 20-Dec. 1. Kelly ft Kent, Hopkins', raulavllle, Ky., IU-24. iW Vto,et ' K> & p ' ns,h stwtt Ni Y " c " Kelly Waller C, Hnymarker, Chicago. 19-24. Kelly ft Ashtiy. Hvea, Siockliolin, Sweilen, 10-30; Mat? ° Tour ' El| l' lll,,d ' Wec - I-MarcL 31, Kelly A Kelsy, Dewey, Uilca. N, Y,. 10-24. Kelly Sam A Iila, IVntdiluirton, Spokane, Wa«U., 10-24; Star, Seattle, 20-Pac, 1. Kelly, JohnT., A Co.. Colonial, K. Y. C. 10-24. Kennedy A Wllklns, Gotltana, Bldn., 19-24, Kernigl), Tlioa, J., A Co., Lyric, Altoona, Pa„ 10- Kelly-4 tteno. Olympic, Clncltinatl, 10-24. Kenny A Ilollln, Poll's. Hptlnrfeld, Mass., 19-24, king Bros., Novelty, Bkln.. 10-24. Klenmii. Jaa. I-'., & Co., Keeney's, Bkln;, 19-54. Klefe. Zena,-Keitli'B. Pawturfcet, It. I,, iu-24: Keltli's, Portland. Me., 2lt-Dec. 1. Kio^Iey A Lewi*,-Proctor's, < Troy, N\ Y., 19-24; Cook, RocheHlei', 20-Dec. 1. Kiltie Trio. Pnntoi's, H. 1*. C, 19-24. KHo-Banini JapM, Orpboum, San Fran., Cal., 19- Klng', Jack, Crystal, St. JohcpIi, Mo., 10-24. Kimball Bron., Bulte. Mont., 2d-Dec. 1. King, Mr. A Mrs. S:im, Putnam, Putiiara, Cnnn., IU-24. Kinmnf. The, Poll'*. SprlngQclil, Mass.. 10-24. K elh-.ft Clifton, Hopkins', LonlBvlIIe, Ky., 10-24. Klein, Olt Bros. A Nicholson, Olympic. Chicago, Klelsr Paul, Sben't*, Buffalo. 10-24. Knowlea, 11. 0., Colonial, K. Y. C, 10-24, Knight Rrn». A Knwtelle, Orplienm, Siid Fran., "'.ii., Ift-Dec. 1. Kohler A Marlon, Star, Donoru, Ta., 2H-Dec. 1. Kowpe. Oryntal, I'mnkfort, lud., 10-24 ;. Crystal, KIuooil, 211-Hc-,-. ], Kola, La, Ciyslul, St. Joseph, .Mo., 10-24. Ki-elsel'a Bogs, Poll'*, Springfield, Mam., 19-24. 10-24. Maiwlla ft Mlilay. Kelth'9. Baston, 10-24. Marcell A f>niietr, JelTera, Saginaw, Mich., 10-24. Martin, Norman, MaJtHlIc, Chicago. 19-24. MMddernj!, The, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va„ 19-24. Max welt, Jas., A. A S., Boston, 19-24. MaJeatic.Trlo. Majeslic, Kile, Pa„ 10-24; Allen- town, 2n-Dec. 1/ Macy A Hall, Keith's. Boston. 10-24. Macnrt's Dogs & Monlrpys, Louisville, Ky,, 19-24; ' Memphis, Tenn.; 20-Dec. U Marlon A Pearl, Dominion. Winnipeg, Can., 19- 24; People's, Cedar Rapids, la., Sa-Dec. 1, Haltnlem, Juggling, Union Square, N. Y, C. 19- 24. Mackey A NlckersL-n, Union Square, N, Y. C, 20- Dec. 1. McClellnu, .las., Dijon. Dulutli. Minn., 19-24. McClnln, Billy, Empire Tour, England, Dee. 1- Aprll 22, HIOT. McGee ft Collins, Lyric, Danville, 111., 19-24; Weasts, Peoria, 20-Dec.' 1. McGue A Cahill. F,mplre^ Paterson, N. J., 19-24; Empire, Hohoken, 2GD«c. 1. McWatera ft Tyson Co., Columbia, Cincinnati, 10- 24. -' McDonald, Jas. F., Keeney's, Bkln., 10-24. MeKee A Van, City of Mexico, Mex.. 10-Dec. 1. McNamee, Keith's, I*wlston, We., 10-24, McBarron, Jas. H., Peria's, Pnterson, N. J., 19- Dec, J. Raymond ft SartorHa, Howard. Boston, 10-24. Raymond, Frederics, H^thawny's, Lowell, Mass., 10-24. Rsthbuns, Flying, 23d Street, N. Y. 0., 10-24. Kay. Fred, A «3o., Gth Ave., K. Y. C, 10-24; Coloulal, Lawtence, Mass., 20-Dxc. 1. Rjluiuml L Good, Majeitlc- Cblcago, 10-24. Ramsey Sbtera, Empire, Albany, N. Y., 22-24. "Knln Dears," Huymarket, Chicago, 10-24, Rnppo Sisters, AthumbWi, N. Y. C, 10-24. RastusA Bauks, Royal Albert Hall, Jarrow, Eng., 10-24;.Hip., Hamilton, Scot.. 20-Dec. 1; Pa- filion, Glitsgovr, a-hs Pavilion, (ireenock, 19- 10;. Canterbury, Imhb. Kti£., 17-22. Ramisoroft, Charlotte, Keith's, Bos too, 10-24, Tannehlll A Rodclllfe, Earl,' Pneblo; Col., 19-24: Ciystnl, Denver, Col.,-20-Dec. I.- Tate, Harry, Orpheoto, Boston, 19-24; TMylor Twin -Sisters. -Hippodrome Blnk, Nash- ville, Tenn., 10-34; Rtnk, Memphis, 20-Dec. I. Tnuer, Geo., Keith's, Providence; H,'1., 19-24: Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 2U-Dec. 1. Taylor, Leila, Union Square, N. Yj C, 10-24. Teal,■ BaymoDd,- asajssfli, Houston, Tex., 10-24; Majestic. Son Antonio, 20-Dec. 1. Tennis -Trio, < People'-*, Cedar Rapids, Ia„ 19-24; Hi.'r.i:, Dubnque, 20-Dec. 1. Terley, St. ,|,onla, -SC-Dee, <l. Tenlev. Elmer. K. A P. CSth St, N. Y. C, 19-24. TexnrkoQa ft Walby, -Keith's, Baltimore, Md., 10-24; Keith's, Cleveland, Ufl-Dec. r Hado A Bertnjttn, Empire. Paterson, N.'j., 10-24; Tenbronko, Lambert A Tenbrooke, 0. O. ii.. 24. McK'Innon A Iteed, WcUla, Peoria, BIJmi, Pontine, Mich., UO-Dee. 1. McMuhoii's Pallmnn Porter Maids, 10 24; Orpneutn, Empire, Jlol«»ke:i, 26Dec. 1. Rndford ft Valeatlne, Tlvoli, r^ndon. En*., 10- 34; ApdUo. Vleana, Ask Dee. 1-31. Raymond k Caverly, Union Square, K. Y. C, 10- Reeda, Mnslcal. Bennett'n, London, Can., 10-24. Reynolds, Gertie, Hotbaway'a, Lowell, Mass.. 19- Mt, Reno A Atora, Majestic, -Birmingham, Ala., 19- n U\, idtlle Hock, Ark., 20-Dec. l. Reno, Denny ft Dotty, 0. H., Kenosha, Wis., 10. 24; Oh H. Madison, 20-Dec. I. Reno, Will A May," Family, Mlllvllle, N. J., 19- field Sinters, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 19-24; Ma- jeatlc, Chicago, 2l)-Doc. 1. Reevea ft Kenny, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 10-24. Bedford ft -Winchester, Empire, Paierson, N. J., l*-2-l; Empire; Hobokeu, 2U-Dec. 1. Reuilngton, Aintyme, St. Loula, 19-24; Olympic, Chicago, 2«-Dec. ' PittaLurc:,- Jii-i'l. Thatcher, Km,-Cryatnl, Detroit, 19-24. Ihont,- Musleal ■ (4>. Hathawoy's, New Bedford, Mans.. 10-24. . Thome A Carleton, Victoria, N. Y. C, I0'24. Thompson, Will If., A Co., Olympic, Cincinnati, That, tjnartrtte, Rhea'a, Toronto, Can., 19-24; 23d St., K. Y.O., 20-Dec. 1. ■ Thorn, Mr. A Mrs. Hnrry,- Family, Hntelton, ■Pa... 10-24: Family, Shamokln. 20-Dec. I. Thatcher A-Brnest, -Victoria, N. Y. C„ 19-24. Thomas A Payne, II. A B., Bkln., 10-24. Thnrner. Leona, and Picks, Alhambra, N. Y. 43., 10-24 Thompson's Elephants, Victoria, N. Y. 0., 19-24. Thumb, Mrs, Gen Tom, Olympic, Cincinnati, pj- Toys, Musical, Castle, Blooming ton, III., 19-24; Kllte, Darenport, la., 2«-Den. 1, Tlnklmm A Co..-Crystal, Detroit, 19-24. Kansas City. Mo., 19-24; Ornlieura, New Or- Eeyhnrd, Ed. p., llnyionrket, Chicago, 19-24; Toledo. Troupe, rublllones', Havana, Cnlin, 24- lenns, 2fI-Dec. 1. O. O; IL, Indianapolis, 20-Dec. l. Dec. 2X UcMauan ft Chappelle, Orpheum, Kansasi City, "*•« * Edwnnl*. Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., 19- Trwartero Qusrtefte, Mnln Street, Per.ria, 111., , 19-24. 10-24 ; Hantiou, Patterson fc Brown, Arm?, HacramDnto, Kraft A Myrtle, Dowllng, LogauKiK>rt. Ind., 19- ClL, 10-24; Lyric, Hhii Fran., 30-Dec. I, '24. " Nlejel, Foil's, Brfduepuvl, Conn., Krouemuii Bros., Orpheum, Bkln., 19-24, Kraions, The, Temple. Detroit, 10-24. Kurtis A Bnsae, Star, Settle, Wash., 10-24. Lu Mnae Broi*., Keith's, l^wlstou, Me., 10-24; Colonial. Lnvrciico, Mass., 20-Dec, 1. Ln Clair A West, Family, Slous City, la., 10- Hathaway 19-24. Hayes A Johnson, Empire, Hohoken, N. J., 10-24. Hirudin's Electrical Unllet, Temple, Detroit, 19- - S4- Harrlgan, M. ft »., Bkln., 10-24, Halnea, Lolu, O. IL, lltutliigioii, Vt„ 19-24. Hurrlhvti. I*e. Keith's, Boston, 10-24. Hatel, Polly A lithel, Olympic. Chicago. 19-24. Huuvev A Doane, Family, Lancaster, Pa., 19-24; Family, Klmlra, N. Y„ 2tlDeu, I. lliinson, Harry I.., l'utnlly, Plttnton, Pa., 28- Ui>o. I. Huy:«. Ed. 0., Crystal, Million, led., 10-24; Crystal, Toledo, O., 2(l-Dec. 1, Huckei-l-ester Trio, Keeney's. Bkln., 10-24. Hamilton. Lew, Cryatnl, St. Joaeph, Mo., 19-24, Barron, Jules, -Wushlniiton, Simkntie, Wusti., 19- 24 ; Seattle, 3(l>Dcu. i, llarlngtnu, .1. W,, Bradsnhiirgh's, Phlla.. 10-24. }litviti4ii A Frnntlln.- Bulfonl, London, Eng., 10- 21; Pavilion, -London, 2U-Pec. lit. Harveys (4), Keith's. IIoslou, 10-24. Hniison ft Nllson, salt i.nko City. V., 20-Dec. 1. llnmlltoii, Aitnu, A Co., Jeffera, Saginaw, Midi., 10-24. Htitiillion A Wiley, Umpire, S)irlngneld, 111, 19- Jan. 1. 1907. Hall A Ooll>om,, Milwaukee, 10-24. tlHrcaurt, Dulsy, Poll's, Wnterbury, Ooun,, 19- 24. Httrcniirt, Frank, Etnpiie, Clevvluiid, 0., 10-24; Onnlen, BulTnlo. N. Y., LMI-Bec. 1. llarhach ft HnrriR, (Iraud. Dayton. 0., 19-24. HeiinliiF), Lents A llvinilnpn, Orjibeum, Omaha, 1924; nrtdioum. Knnens City, , 2lt-Dec. 1. Helena. Killth. Mnjeattc, Chlcugo. 19-24. Ihs-ley A Meely, Pclmnianii. l-'rjinkfort. Oer., 19- ;10: Umpire, lAthion, Eng., Dec. -S-Sl. Heelow, Clinn. ft Marie, llUou, Lenslug, Mich., 10-24. Ileury ft Yonnr. G. 0. IL. Hlchmond, Vn„ 10-24. lleuiT A Ki'uucls, K. A P. L'nlon Sq., N. Y. 0., Hl-2-1. LatataUtt. The. Slien's, Toronto. Can., 10-24; Union fame, N. Y. C, 20-IM.*. 1. La Belle. Jcwie, Acme, Norfolk. Va.. 10-24. Ln Valla ft Urant. Dewey, Minneapolis, 19-24. La Nolo Bro*,, PiihlHouea, Hiithiiu, Cuba, 19- Dec. 31. Lnngtry. Mrs., Colonial, N. Y. C, 10-24. Lnticaster, Tom, O. IL, Pt. Arthur, Can,, 20- Dcc, 1, Lnwrence A Hiii-i-higton, H, A B., Bkln., 19-24. Lafells. poll's, Uildgeiiort. Conn., 10-24. Lh Vails, The. Aliiumbra, Paria, Fr„ ill-Dec. 8. l,u Mom. Eiklle, JetTers, Saginaw, Mlcb., 19-24. Liinky-Hoire Quintet. Altoona, Pa., 10-24; Al- k'l.tosyit, 20'Dec. 1, Mn., 19-24; OrpheHno, New Orlaans, 20-Dec. T. McCi-ea A Pnnle, Empire, Hoboken, N. J.. 19-24. McCarthy, Myles. A Co., Majestic. Birmingham. Ala., 10-24; Majestic, Little Itock, Ark., 20- Dec. 1, McGinn. John D., Owml, Milwaukee, Wis., 10-24; Orpheum, So. Bend, Ind., 2d-D«\ 1. Menta, Thos.. A Co., Proctor's, Newnrk, N. J„ 19-24. "Menetekel," Hnyinarkot, Chicago, 10-24; G. O. II., Indlnnnixdls, 20-Dpc. I. Meeker, Mnbelie, Chuse's, Washington, D. C, IfMfdHk Slslora, Proctor's, Newark, N. J,, 10- Melroy Trio, Empire, Freeport, 111., 10-24. Meers <.t). Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., 10-24. Melnni Trio, poll's. Springfield, Mass.. 19-24. MlllDinu Trio, Wlnlergnrten, Berlin, Gor., 19- JO; Shniuntl, Frankfort, Dec. 1-31. Mleti-s Dogs, Gnrrlek, Rnrllwglon. In,, 19-24; Gaiety, onlpsburg, III., 20-Dec. 1. Mlltor, ft Kulser, liORton, r,owr]l, Mhss. MIMicils Ct), Fnnny, Keith's. Fhllfl.. Keith's, .V. Y.. 20-Dec. 1 Millard, Laura; H. ft IL, Bkl., 19-34. Mllitury Oetette, Shea'*, Biirfalo, N. Y., 19-24 Shea's, Toronto, Can.. 20-Dec, 1; Mlllershln- Sisters, rxindon,- X. Y. C. 19-24. Mooro, Tom, K. A 1'. Jersey City, N. J.. 19-24. Morton's Dofrn, Majestic, Chicago, 19-34, .tIort*)h; Jus. J„ Harlem 0. H., N. Y, 0„ 19-24, Moiiurekn, Musical, Boston,' 19-24. Usfeknil-ft I.elBh, JIIJou. Marluette, Wis., 19-2-1; Rooney Histera, K. A P. Union Sq, BIJou, Cnliuiiet, SB-Bee. J. „ 19-24. Minitaguo's Cochnlco Circus, Family, Elmlra, N, noses (8), Majestic. Chicago, 20-Dec. 1, Motoglrl, Ln, Tonrlnfr Australia. Mosher, Ilotiflitun ft 'Mosher, Victoria, N. Y. C, 10>24. Morris ft- Kramer. Grand, Tacoma, Waah., 10- 24; Orplicnni, Henttle; 2«-Dec. 1. Morris- ft Mnttfgt, Olympic, Cincinnati, 10-24. ■■Motoring," Miih-ath*. Glikiigo, 10-24. . . .Mnrn, L. Jerome. CIrclevlllr. 0., 10-24 ; Ports- mouth, 30-Dec. 1, Monitor, fllstirs, O. O. H„ Pittsburg. 19-24 ; H, A It., Bkln.. 20-Dcc. I. Morgan ft McGan-y,- G. O. H., Gmnd Rapids, Mich., 10-24. Mnaavts. The. Slit Ate.. K. Y. C, 19-24; 08th St.. N. Y. C. 2H)>re. 1. Murphy, Hoilowe ft Barrett, Dewey, Minneapolis, •24. Reiw, Tliercs, Olympic, Chicago, 19-24. Renard Trio, Colonial, .\\ Y., C, 10-24; Or- pheum, Bkln.,' 20-Dec. 1. Eellly A Morgan, Faator's, N. Y. C," 10-24. Ulce A Cvtwn, Olympic, Chicago, 10-24; Hay- market, Chicago, 2U-Dec. 1. Rico A Elmor, Marvin, Flndlny, 0., 19-24; liay- markc-t, Chlc«t;u, 2ti-Dec. 1. EiKai_A Fatlma, Atlanlic Garden, N, Y. C, RIcq 4i Prcvost, Colonial, H, Y. C„ 19-24. Richards, Grent, Bljon, Bay City, Mich., 19-24: BIJou. Alpena, :!U-Dec.' 1. Rico, Fanny, 'Keeney's, Bkln., 19-24. Itlonos {*). Olympic, Chicago, 19-24; Columbia, HU Loulj, 20-Dcc. 1. niiig A vyiiiiama. Novelty. Oinaha, Neb., 19-24. Rlalto Comedy tjnnrtet, Sliea'a, Buffalo, 19-24; Shea's, Toronto, Cau., 20-Dec. 1. Richardson,'.Lavender, A Co,, .BIJou, Flint, Mich., Rich, Jock ft Bertha, Valentine, Toledo. 0., 10- Rlttera, The, BraJenburgirfl, Phlla,, 10-24. Bontsli A Childress, Olympic, Chicago, 10-24; - Mnjestle. Chicago, 2fi-LK>c. I. Rusx Sisters, Funuly, TlfBn, O., 16-24: Electric, Widerloo, Ia„ 20-Dec. 1,; Ronaldos (3), -Bijou, Lansing, Mich., 19-24; Bijou, Battle Creek, 211-Dec. 1. Rock way A Conway. JcJTers, Snglnsw Mich., 10- 34; Cryatal, Milwaukee, Wis., 20-Dec. I. X. Y.' C, Rriberts, Hnyes ft Rolietts,' Empire Tour, Eng ■ land. ■ - Rmafrea, The, Main St., Peoria, 111., 10-24; Lyric, Danville, 20-Dec. 1. Robeino & Stevens, Olympic, Cincinnati, 19-24. Romauoa <K), Trocndero, Chicago.- 19-24. Robinson, Blossom, Gaiety, Oaleshurg, 111., 19-24; VMcttes, The. Havana, Cubn, 19-30, . Woasl's, Peoria, 2U-Dpc. 1. .-..., - Viola, Onr-o. Trio, Fumllv, N. Y. 0., 10-24. Rogers, Roonpp' & Beul, Poll's, SprlngOeld, Mass., ^Vaterbury Bros, ft 'Penny, Orpheum, Denver, Col, in-w.. Trovollo, Orplienm, Son Fran.. Cal., 19-24. Trovers, Roinml, Bijou, Dnltrlli, Minn., 10-24: BIJou, Superior, Wis., 20-Dec. L Tronlmdonrs ill), Hnymarket, Chicago, 10-24; Or- pheum, RockCord, 111.. 20-Dec, 1. - Tnlsa, BIJou, Lincoln, Neb., l»-24.; Unique, Dan- ville, lit. 20-Dec. 1. llnehiners. The, Cryatnl,"SL"Joseph, Mo„ 19-24, Pessems, The,-Keith's, Plilln., 19-24. LVhera, Chnid.A Fannie, Haytnarkcl, Chicago, 19- 34; Indianapolis, 20-Dee. 1. . Vance, Clnrlce, Colonial, N. Y. C, 19-24; Or- phenm. Bkln.. 20-Dec. 1. Vnldlng A Davis, O. II., Concord, N. IL, 10-24. VuflKM Troupe. Bessie, Young's Pier, Atlnnlto City, N. J„ 10 24; Garrick, Wilmington, Del., 2U-Dec. 1.. Van Oofre ft- Cot rely. Family. Lancaster, Pa., 19- 21; Family, Ehnlra, N. Y., 20-Dec. 1. Van, Chits., ft Fannie, Empire, Puterson, N. J., 19-24: Kmpire, Hohoken, 2tl-Dec. I. Van, Billy, Columbia, Cincinnati,' 19-24; nap- kins', Lntilsvlllc, Ky... 20-Dec. 1. Vassar Olrts (8), Victoria, N. Y. C. 19-24. Viilols, llarry E-. Unique, Minneapolis, Minn.. 19-24; BIJou. Dnluth, 20-Dec. 1. Varw, Ethel. Passaic. Pacsaic, N. J., 10-24. Vnrlety Quartet. Umpire, San Fran,, CaL, 19-24; -Empire.'Oakland, .20-Dec. 1, Veala, Nella, Colonial, N. Y. C, 10-4. Ver; Grass-Slaters, Unique, ailnneapoIlB, 10-24. Vernrih, Columbia. St. Louis, 10-24. Yertr.ette ft DIonne.. Varlote, Scala, :ilaag. Hoi., 19-30. Varlete, Tlchy. Prag, Boheroin, Dec. J- l&;.Varlete, LlndenlioC, Zwlckah, Ger., 10-31. Vlctorlne, Myrtle, & Rainbow Duo, Bon Ton, Salt Lake CHy, V., 10-24. Victors, The, I«ndon, Can., 10-24; Ottawa, 2fl- Village Choir, K A P. Union Sq., X. Y. 0., 10- 10. Kolxwt A UlUto, Crystal, Trinidad, CoL, 10-24; Earl, Pueblo, 30-Dec. 1. Toronto, Can., 10-24. Main St., Peoria, HI., 19- Iloaers ft Decly, Orpheum, Reading, Pa,, 10-24. Uouch, E. IL, BIJou. Norfolk. Va„ 10-24. Rose, Julian, Keith's, Cleveland, 10-24. Murphy. Mr. ft Mrs. Mnrk*. Proctor's. Albany, RobWtKou A Funchettc, Bradcnburgb's, rhlla,, K, Y.. 10-24; Union Square, K. V. 0., 20-Dec. -, l9 ' 24 -- Royce Bros., Matifaattaa, Norfolk, Va., 10-24. Russell A Davis, Pustor's, Ni Y. C, 10-24. Russell A Held, Marvin, Fludlav, 0., 10-24; > G.-O. H., Gmnd Rapids, Mlcb.. 20-Dec 1. HJan A Klcbfleld; Alhainbrn, N. Y. 0., 10-24. Sandcrsou A Bowman, Domlhlon, Winnipeg, Can., LavaVlecV," sis "ToasliVe, BIJou, Bay City, Mich., Murray A Line," CliBw'irWasiiinBton^Tis, <jJ 19- « J fl ' 2 i- J. ,„, , . » i, „ : 10-24: BIJou, Pt. Ilurwir-Je-Dec. 1. 24. '. * .' *" ° S«to,-0, jk., Wergflrten, Berlin. Qer., 19-30. Laveeu A Cross, Andllorlnn, Lynn, Mass., 10- Slnller ft Edwards, Gaiety, Galeaburg, 111... 10-24. Santell. Great People's, Cedar Rapids, la., 19- .' Mullen »■ Corelll. Union Square, K. Y. C„ 19 24 e 24; B 'J°"v Dubuque, 20-Dec, 1. ii„ ^i n n s* i n—ii- .,,... irr,IM,'= nn«i ' , ' ' v *^ ' SiiViai Xr Str>nrlnn C ft T1 Ctuti.1 TJ^.,1,!. Musketeers 13), Murray Hill, N. Y. C, 19-24; Cusltio, Phlla., 20-Dec. 1. Murphy, Geo.. Oi-plilum. Sprlngileld, 0., 10-24. Murphy ft Francis, Keith's, Monchester, N. H., 10-24: Colonial, Lawrence, Mass., 20-Dec. 1. 24. l.nngdon, Hard!*', G. O. B., Grand Bnplds, Mich., 10-24; Jell'ers, Snalnaw, 20Dec. 1. La Mbit. Harry, Proctor's, Albany,. N. Y., 19-24. La Ueias, Hbeedy's, Full River, Mass., 10-24. Keith's, phlla.. 20-Dec. 1. Mycw, Henry, A. ft 8., Boston, 19-24. Nni'ii, Vlolu, Castle. BloQinlngton, III.. 18-24; w Bljon, Galeshurg, 20-Dee. 1. Langdoua, The, o. 0. II., Grant! Rapids, Mich,, VejSj^TlMUi & Nessen, Valentine, Toledo. 0., 10-24; Temple, Ft. Wayne. lud,, 20-Dec. 1. 10-24. Lafayette, Oreat, ft Co., Alanmbra, N. Y. C. MRbtona (4), Cook 0. H., Rochester. N, Y., 10- Hi-24, Ln-Croix, Paul, SUeedy's, Fall Hirer, Mass, 24; Orpheum, Bklu., 20-Dec* 1. Lam;, Chris., Huymarket, Chicago, 10-2-1. La Tell Bros., Poll's, Bridgeport, Conu., 19-24. La Res, Wonderful, New 1'uwtucket, Pnwtucket, R. 1., 19-24. Luwsod ft fJaiuon, Rmplre, Holnken, N. J., 19- SaVan.A. McBrlon, G, 0, H., Grand Baplda, Mich,, 10-24.. . Snhter, Eiliabetb, Olympic, Chicago, 10-24. Sobel, Joaepbiut.', Paris, Kr.. 10-30. Scott, Carrie H., Mascotie, Mobile, Ala., 10-24. Shepp'a Do-ih ft Ponies, Pantage's, Tacoma, Wash,, 10-24; Pautage's, Beliaglium, 20-Dec. sPbm, i. Wnller ft Mnglll, Orpheum, Columbus, Ind,, 10-24 ; Marlon, Marlon, (>., 20-Dec. 1. WUsOU's Pormyard, Maryland, Baltimore, .10-24; Keith'si, Phlla., 20-Dcc. 1. WasiIter.Bros.. Criterion, Chicago, 10-24. WurU Bcok.. Lyric. - Altoona, - Pa., 10-24. Walbourn ft: Whitney, Johnstown, N. J,. 10-24! - AinBterdam, SU-Pcc. 1, Ward, May* Vlcturla, N. Y.C, 10-24. Warmer, Geo., O. 0. H., Enid, Okla., 10-24. Walsh, Austin, Ornheum, &t. Paul, 10-24. Walsh, May, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., .10-24; Hathaway's, Lowell, 2u-Dec. I., Wand, Mabel, Empire," St. Paul, 10-24. Westons (3), Lyric. Terre Haute, Ind., 10-24; Lyric, Danville, 111., 28*D«. 1. Weller. LUzle, Gaiety, Gidesburi, .III,, 10-24. Weedou'B Lions; Hlp-poflrome. N. Y. C. 10-24, Welsh A Estes, BIJou. Jackson, Mich., 10-24; IHJou, Bay Clly, 20-Dcc. 1. Welsh, Lena, Touring France, 10-Dec. 30. Welilfrljd Sextet, Baltimore, Md., 19-24. Weber, Clm^. D„ Lyceum,' Boston, 19-24. West A Henry. Lyric, Muskogee, I. T„ 19-24; Oreeavllle, Tes., 20-Dec. 1. Weaver, Billy, Family, Marlon, Ind.. 19-24. Wlinlen ft West, Howard, Boaton, 10-24, Werden ft Oladlsb, Shea's, BulTnlo, 10-24.. 24. Lewis A AVebber, Sheedj's, Fall River, Mass. llen-leltcs, The. Alcazar, Denver, Col., 19-Dec. Lester ft Acker, Chase's. Wnslilngton, D. 0-, 10- Nome, Robert, Hajmaiket, Chicngo, 20-Dec, 31. Hearn, Tom, Rnnncliera. Vienna, Aus., 19-30. Herald Squnre Uimrieite, Armuiy, illngluimton, H. Y., 19-21. Hermann, Great, OiUeum. Utlca, N. Y., 10-24; Poll's. New Haven, t^uun.. 2(1-Dec. 1. Hertiert'a Dotrs, Gotham, Bkln.. 19-24. Herbert, Mous., Bijou, EvausTltle, lud., 20-Dec. ller'nld, Brn.lenliuriiirs, Plilln., 19-24. UlrspluiniK, The. Olyniplc. Chicago, 10-24. JtiiimiiM, Gen., Lyric. Dnmllle, HL, 19-24; (Ifllet.v. Golcshurg, 20-Dcc. 1. Illekmmi Bros.. G. O. H.. Indianapolis, 10-24; HopklLs', Louisville, 20-Dec. 1. llliunnu, Cupt. Biilucy, Mujesllc, GreenTllle. Tex., 10-24. Hilderhrimdt, Man, Orphetini, Mliitieupolls, 10-24; .Majestic. Clihuiio, UiJ-Dcc. 1. Dickey ft Nrlsnu, G. O. IL, Iiullnnnpolls, 19-24. Ulbliert ft Wnireii. Bijou, Lincoln. Neb,, 10-24; Kniidrc, Dps Mnhics, ln„ 211-Dec. 1. Hlchiuau Bros., G. o. IL. IiullaiuiiKills, 19-24. Him*. Billy. Chicago 19-24. llolenitih. Curtis A <>., Ihiwnrd, Roslon, 19-24. HiKli, Emil. ft Oo., Poll's. Wnterbury, Conn., 19* 24; Puli'4. New lliiTeu, 2U-I>cc. 1. Holmes ft iioiiWtiT, GryHtnl. Anderson, I ml., 10- 2-1 : Crystal. Kokonm. 2d-Uec. 1. llatidlnl. Hairy, Mujestlc, Clth-ugu, 10-24. llutmen Bros., OrpliPiuu, Ullcti, N. Y., 10-24. Uih'v ft Lee, AlhaDilira. N. Y. C. 10-24. Howard. Hurry A Siny. Majeallc, Chleairo, 19-24. Ilpwnnl ft Ilowartl. Ilanfonl. Conn., 10-24; KeKh's. rroTideme, R. L, 20-Dec, 1. Howard Bros., Mohawk. Schenectady, N. Y., 19- 24 : Armory. Bliurhauiton, 20-Div, I. Howard k Llnder, Orptieuiu. Utleii, N. V.. 10-24. Hun-ni-d, Great, Acudtuiy, Clinton. Mlcb.. 19-24. Al. K. A Mnmlc, Coilseuni, Munich, Ger., 10.30. Hedges ft Hodgps, Pcrln's. Patersmi, N. J., 10-24. iiwDmuiis, The, l-ljon. Appk-ton, Wis.. 10-24; Itljoii. Green Buy, 20<Itec. 1. Hiirsliy-liciin're Cn.. Hntbnway'n, I^iwetl, Msu., i!t-24 ; HuMinwny's. New lteilford. 2Hl>ce. 1. lWurds, UyateclMa, K, ft r., Jersey City, K. J., 10-24. HnhUwurlhs. The. Keiths. Clevelnud. 10-24. Ilnel.u. Mn-lenl. fliirliigllelil. 111., 10-24; Galea- I'lirc, 20-law, I. 24; Keith's, PUIIa,, 20-Dec. 1. Le Clair, Harry, Pastor's, N. Y. C„ 10-24. l-ewl» A Tlinmpson, Howard, Boaton, 19-24. Leonard ft Bustedo, Ori>limm ( SjirlngOeld, 0., 19 24 ; Gruml, Ilnmlllnn, t'nn,, 20-Doc. 1, 10- "-Vlgiit lit English Vaudcyllle," K. A P.. Je'raev Scott, ft Whaley, 0.0. IL, rittsbnrg, 10 : 24; WVlte. Lee, Oii)Ueiim, San Fran..' Cal.7 10-24 City, N. J.. 10-24. ' Keith':,, Phllu,. 20-Dec. 1. Orpheum, Los,Angeles. 20-Dec. 8. Xiblo. Fred. Keency'H, New Britain, Conn., 10-24. Seville, Lily. Empire, Hohoken, N. J„ 10-24; ™ Nichols A Smith. Pontage's, Belllngharo, Wash,, D Proctors, Newark, 20-Dcc. 1. 10-24. Sellgraan A XIarrourt, tL.ft &., Bkln., 10-24. Seeker, Wilkes ft Co., Howard. Boston. 10-24. Seymour Slsierp, Casino, Baltimore, Md.. 10-24. Seymour's Comedy Dogs, Earl, Pueblo, CoL, 10- Seabrooke, TIioh., Olympic. Cincinnati, 10-24. Serra, Cbas., Ornheum, Mlnneapulls, Minn., 10* 24.: Orplienm. Oinnhn, 20-Dec 1. Selhinl & GroTlui, i\, A P. 23d Street, N. Y. 0., Norton A Nicholson, Orpheum, Omaha, 19-24; Orpheum, Minneapolis, 20-Dec. 1. Kowltn, Dare, Trent, Trenton, N. J., 19-24: Em- pire, Piiteruou, 20-Dec. 1. North, Bobby, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 19*24. Norman, Family, Ilaiello'n, pu.,"T0-24: Famllr Curhondalc, 20-Dec. 1. NobleB. Billion ft Dolly. Lyric, Cleveland, 0., 10- 24; Majestic, Erie, Pa., 20-Dec. 1, Norworth.Jnck, Crplienm, Boston,. 10-24. Sears, Orpheum, Snlt Lake City, U., 20-Dec. 1. Senym, Cliaa. F„ Orpheum, Sao Fran., CaL, 20* White, Stuart, ft Co., Shears, Buffalo, 10-24. Whipple, Waldo, Fltehburg, Mass., 19-24; Jef- ferson. Portland, Me.. 20-Dec. 1. Wlilte. I*e, Orpheum, San Frnn., CaL, 10-24. Whltpioy A Bell, Richmond, No. Adams, Mubs., - lff-24. Wheolec A Hall, People's, Leavenworth, Kan., 19-21. Wlkoff, Baby Irmm, ft Co., BHoa, Battle Creek, Mich.. 10-24. Willis Fsrntly. Shea's, Toronto, Cam, 10-24. Wllwn, Oeo.. G. O. H„ Pittsburg,- 19*24. Wilson AHIch, Novelty, Hnnford, CaL, 10*24. ■ Wilson & Winters, Orpheum, Utlca, N. Y., 10-24. Lee. Fits Hugh A Bessie, BIJou, Lincoln, Neb., 10-24; Unique, Danville. 111., 20-Dec. 1. Lewis. Alice, Majestic, Chicago, 19-24. Levlne A Alma, Casto. Lawrence. Mass., 19-24. Le Drun Grand Oivera Trio, Moore's, Portland, Me.. 10-24. Le Roy A Woodford, Oriilieuin, St. Paul, 10*24 ; Doinlnlon, Winnipeg, Can., 28-Dpc. 1. Le Gray. DollL-.. Illhm, Oshkoeh, Wis.. 10-24. I.elgli. l.lslr, A Co., Moore's. Portland. Me., 19-24, Le Favor Bros., Gem, Lynn* Muss,, 19*24, Low Is, .Dave. K. ft p. otli Ave.,- N. Y, C, 10-24, Leslie A Williams, Lyrlf, Ardmore. I. T., 19-24; Empire, Oklu. City, Ukla., 20>Dec. 1: I.c Roy ft SurTor*], Novelty, Bkln., 10-24. 1^ Belle. Atlnnilc Giirdeu, N. Y. C. 10-24. r,ee. Henry. Orphciim. St. Paul, 10-24. LidpaU*, Natai. Cape Town, S. A., 10-Dec. 8. Llildell ft Crutu'h, fl. O. D... Pittsburg, 10-24. Link ft Cltnrtlpr**, UulajtiP. MlimeapnlU, 10-24. Little, Irene. Pulque. NllmieapollB, 10-24. Llptl, K. ft P. 23d Street, N, Y. 0„ 10-24, Llppliicfitts, The. Cr.vslnl, I^Ksnsport, 1ml., 10- 24: Crystal. Frankfort, 20-Dec. 1. Llnillny A Hell. I'ryxtnL. Ehvoiwl, Ind., 10-24; O. IL. WaLn-li, iitl, 27; Uruiid, Peru. 28, 20; O, IL, llutillnalon, SO, Dec. 1. I^ong ft notltin, i iriilni in. Sun Fran.. CaL, 10-24. l/jflus, CUsle. Ciiliimhis, Cinclnnall, 10-24. I^crwooil, HriuHMiliurinVx, Phlla., 19-24. Luliv, Kilns, Lyric, Cleveland. 10-24. 1,likens (41. Orpheuni, New Orleans, La., 19-24. Lucy A Lviler. tixtk O. IL, Rochester, N. ; Y., 19-34: Shen'a. UutTnlo, 20-Dec. L Luvuh, Jlmmlc. Hopkins'. Memphis. Tenn., 19- S4: Peoi'ic's, Cciar HapldH. la..-24l*Dec. .1. I.iieaida Trio. 0. 0. II., tndUnnnolla, IU-24. Lysier ft ftwke, Otjmplc. RprltigOetd, III,, 10-24. Lydln A Albino, Ho. Ill .way's, New llodford, Mass., 10-24. Lynn A Perrr, Rllnn, Jacksonville, 111., 10-24; Dijon, 4)nlney. 20-Hec, I. Miilii.ner ft Lake. Orplieinii, Newark, N. J., 19-24. Nugent, -Koiiierlne, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo.. „. Dpc -5*... . _ Wliaon Brd».. Orplreum, Us Angeles. CaL. 19-2 19-21: Orpheum, New Orleans, 20-Dec. 1. Sharp. Dollie. Perln's. Pntcrson, N. J.. 10-24. Wljrgln, Bert, Eniplre, Albauy, N, Y., 22-24. Nuilos, Famous (3), Ornhiiim,-Lima, O., 10-24: Shields A Rufliters, Majeailc, Dallas, Tex., 10-24; WIIsoh'r MfonkeyB, - Huymtifket. Chicngo, 10-24. il.nMt.i.t ' Vn.,,,.-i '«, n„„ i \lni;,i ,' ii,,, ,.-, ,n- - 'I'.i'il-l, -1 \vN--.irt Hh,. -/^mh.,.*..^. -■ >_ -* »^.^i._ ,-...1 t , n. Orphlum, Newnrk. 20-Dec. J, 10- O'Brlen A Buckley, K. ft P. Glh Ave., N. Y. C, 19-24. O'Dny, Ida, Hoyinnrket, Chicaco, 10-24; Colum- bia. St. LouIb, 20-Dec. 1. Okube Jap Troupe, 0. 0. IL, Indianapolis, 10-24. on urn Wonders, 0. 0. II., Grand Rapids, Mich., 10-24. i Onlcy ft Ciinningliam, Bijou, Flint, Mich., 10- 24; BIJnii, MuxkcgDii. 2tl-Dec. 1, O'Nell's Majestic .Minstrels, Olympic. So. Bead, lud.. 10-24. Orpheus Comedy Von; Uolham, Bkln., 10-24. O'Routkc ft Gllllaiu, 0. IL, Putnam, Conn., 10- OrdtVay, rjum, Hovnrd, Boston, 10-24. Orth ft Fern. Empire, Iloboken, N. J., 10-24; Proctor's, Newark, 20-Dec. 1. Oiuvs. The, Stpo's, Kokoiuo, lad., 10-24 ; Grand, Jollet. III., 20-Dcc. 1.- Parry. Cliurlotlc ft Co., Keeney's, Bkln., 10-24. Putchln ft CHCton, Orpheum, Chllllcothe, 0., 10-24: OrpbeUDi. Portsmoutli, 20-Dec. 1; Patty-Frnnk - Troupe, Hippodrome. N. Y. C, 10* Parish, Grand, Dayton, O.. 10-24. Pan American Four, Crystal, alllwuukee, 19-24. Parquctie, Wn,. Union Ot IL, West New Brlgh- lon, N. Y., 1024; Pusaalc, N. J., 20-Dec. 1. Parker. E.I., RIJou. Nortolk, Va.. 10-24. Pnlihlu Bros.. BJJou, Kaukiakee, HL, 19-24; Star, Chicago, 20.Dec. I. '.. Patty Bros.. Ornhcntn. Mlnnenpolls,. 10*24. Fatkor's ,Dogs, llovard, ll&atotu 10-24. . Pekln iinuT/efi, Majeutlc, Little Bock, Ark., 10- 34: Majcnlle. Dallas, Tex., 20-Dec. I. Terry. Frattk I.., HLhvn. Batlle Creek, Mich., 10- 24 : mm, Laming, 20-uec. I. . Peii'hlng Pros., llansn. Hamhitrg, ,Ger., I0-.1O. Phays, Thr. Conk O. IL, Rochester, X. V„ 10-24. 24; Ilt>ui. Okln. City, Okin., 20-Dec. l. Majestic. Honslon, 20-Bee. 1, Wlhon Bros., Orpheum, Los Angeles, CnL, 10-24, Sharp Bros., K. A T., Jersey City, N. J„ 10-24. Wlllard. Chns.. Dixie, Memphis. Tenn.. 19,24. Slienn & Wnrron, Lyric, Altoona, Po., 10-24; Williams A Tucker, Orpheum, Bkln., 10-24. Baltimore. Md., 20-Dec. _ Short A Shorty, BmaUwny, Mlddlelown, 0., 10- 24; Orphlum, Springfield, 20-Dee. 1. Shannon A Shaw, Hnymarket, Chicago, 10-24. Stnnnon. Sldniaii,. Shea's,.Toronto, Can., 10-24. Shannons 14). Bijou. .Alpena. Mlcb., 10-24, Shiruart. Anson, Crystal, Detroit,' 19-24. Show, Mr. A Mrs. Larry, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 10- 24. SImms, W'illanl. 23d St., N. Y. C, 10-24; Keith's, Boston, 2tl-Dec. 1. Sinclair. Mabel, Bijou. Altoona, Pn„ 10-24; Maryland. Raltlmore, 20-Dec. 1. Sliver, Isador, BIJou. Dnluth. Minn., 10-24. Simon-Gardner Co., Q. O. IL, Pittsburg, 10-24. Sha-en (4). 1>H'«. Hartford. Conn.. 10-24. Willaitts,, Ous, Allnmbrn, N. Y. C, 10*24. Wlxnn A Eaton, Lyceum. Boston, 10-24. Wllllums, Bone, BIJou, Dululh. Minn., 10-24. Williams A Detmody, Uradenhurgh's, Phllu., 10- Williams A Pullmnn, Blton, Mnrsltnlltown, la,, 10-24 ; Family, Sioux City, 20-Dec. 1. Winston, Juliette, Harlem O. IL, N. Y. 0., 10-3-1, Witt. Max, Proctor's,. Albany. N. Y., 10-24. WOfdottp, Estolle, A Co., Poll's, SprlnfiOeld, Man;. 19-24; Mood Bros., K. A P. Union Square, N. Y. 0., World ft Kingston, 5th Ave., N. Y. C, 10-24; 125Ui St., N. Y. C*. 20-Dec. 1. Wood, Francis, Mygcrtv Brie, pa., 10-24. Slater A Finch, Flint's, Vlncenuefl, Ind., 26- Work A Owcr, Huymarket, Chicago!' 10-24, l)Of 1. \Vn>ulB llnnKl Il«< nn 11 f-t ,v.., xt •>_, Dec. 1 Sinythe, W, Hcniy, BIJou. Lincoln, Neb.. 10-24. Sketch Club, Savoy, Hamilton, Can,, 10-24. Snyder ft Hucktey, Sbecdy's, Fall River, Mass., 10*24 ; Ami 1 tori uri, Lynn. 20-Dec. 1. Sophomores. CO), H. A B„ Bklu., 19-24. Sousu A Slom, G. 0. IL. Pltlsburg. 19-24. Splllcr Musical Bumpers (3), Gotliaro, Bkln., 10* Spudonl, Puul, CoIuOibla, Cincinnati, 10*24, Woods. Pearl, Union O, H., West New nrlghton, N. Y„ 10-24; Passaic, N. J.. 20-Dec. 1. Wood Broa, K. A P„ Jersey City, N. J.. 19-24. Wolff mm. Gran Circo Bell, Mexico, 10-Dec. 16. Wriitht, Horace, Keith's, Bostoh, 19.24. Wylle's Dogs, G. O. H„ Pittsburg. 19-24. Wyun. Bessie, Lyric, ClefelaniL- 19*24. Wycherly. Margaret. MaJeBilc. Chlcami, 10-24, Ynchlcy. ft Bunnell, 0. H., Snlem, Moos., 10-24. Yorke Comedy Four, Dowey, Mlnnenpolls, 19-24. Young. Tot. Third Ave... N. Y.." ■•"" Siwdoni, Puul, Columbia, Cincinnati, 10-24, Young. Tot. Third Ave..,N. Y..C, 19-24. Splssell Bros, ft Mack, Palais D'Ele, llmswle, Znnorns, Cycllac. Lyeeom, Boslon, 10-24; Em- BeL. 10-S9; Moss Tour, Eng., Dec 1-Jan. 81, plre. Albany, N. Y„ 20-Dee. 1. - 100T.. - ,.-,'■ Zranotft Family, HopkiHB', Louisville, 10-24. Speddrn A llerson, Orpheum, Springfield, 0„ 10- A Stetson, K. Al\ Oth Ave., N. Y. C. 10-24. Spcsstrdy's Benrs. Oth Ave.. N. Y. C, 10-24. Stflnlon A Snndbeva. Star. Chicago, 10-24; Em* ,plcc, RockfotiLllL. 20*Dec. : t. Stnplc-toii ft Clancy, Float's, Madison, Wis., 10- 24 : Hilou. Kcnoshn, 20-l>ec. 1. - Rturirf, Arthnr, A Keeley Sisters, Alain Street, Peoria, III,, 10-24; Bljan, Decatur, 20-Der. I. SSascll'Vernpn Co., Orplienm, St. Paul. 20-Dcc. I. Zln)rnerman. Willy. Proctor's. Newnrk, N. .1., I»- „.at\.; JC A P., Jersey City. 20-Deo. 1. ->i*a ft King, G. O.-IL, Indlnnnpolls. 10 24. Silnk. Aitotph, Orphehm. Roi>tnn, .10-24, • Boellera 43L Grand. [, Ore., 10-24. ifotilKiulakls, Peo|i!c*s, Ijfatenirortit, Kan., 10 24.