The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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1OT8 TEE :NT5W YORK CLIPPER. Deoemeeb 1. ~£~, ~ZT, j amMm mm^t which proved to be both VIRGINIA . KEMTPCKY . OHIO. MlCC I llTYTsOT* C »" nnegpected and unpleasant answer to a of Muale t-i.ui. .. u ■„.. ,v.» t. Toleda^At too VeJentjM (Otto Oves, 1*1155 I lipj^l ) familiar and .f.-,uoted Hue of A .eg- In <0 7, , 0 r w'lf.71o^l S™^ & g-^ M.™«aSsgi > C .^.U^ p£ SBBfS."!enn'y" ft WW* »*&. -'-' ,, , A . Sbakcpeare's "Elchard," which the young played to very satisfactory return. Nov. lrl Knle d '-The Truth " Not. 19-21, to good rS S SSt fii* k* DiiTS- Motes, Personalities Mi Court, »™zr;^™rt ™ w c^tW^i , .^ho^ tlD i ^rG n !?i v % ^/^^"D-uevP^w 8 ^^'^^: ^'KrHi^KSs COHCEUHWO Dor1 '" * ** >rt "*'■ " ,"" obliging la » At Ia i.» m , eothushutlcally received "fne county Chairman" V28, "Forty-flve 5gS* B1CD - zln «« r » troupe, am mm _____ _„_ . - _ __„ nrrrBTje ">■• <•*■*• w" n » 11 entertainment at tlielr 19. »Th» Beauty and tb« Beast" Dec. 6, Minutes Irom Broadway" 29-Dec 1. _ ■ iSS-,,, (E R. Kelaey, manager).—Billy STMB POLK-id SOnetmeS OTBIS ion^ th. parlor of whloi fronted cloaa npon. Creston Clarke. «. -.„„„,_ „, Ma « i>! ", c < ch ?'\ A ->?"l,?*Sff' ) r^iS- B. Van, In "Pst.y InIfStlrS^lfi-l weelf! aiH«iwi«a"T«T 2i„.—J>Z t,,-* -„ I..*... nM *lnn- tn Obambt (Otto Wella, local manager).— Blarney from Ireland," with Flake 0 Ears, avwp.1 a hla-hit James J Corbett 25-28. — t ^p-im. nan "" _!__?_. 5___! .. ^"""" t0 York, .od, In "Banker! and Broken." we ek of Not. ID, played to eicellent burn- "aI^oi'/hh La-kin r_SarS)^-The BT J08-PHINB OHO. . tb , dellTery of the famous line, there wai a pi. 7e d to exceptional business week of Not. „».,. "When Ktllgntbood Waa In Flower" ,^^,p,5, gareTiTpleail™ preaentatJon Herbert Marie,TtnT-^nett Bro..'Co»- ™* <}>«" Z*tL™ olTZ^oZ \,ltt $**&£"££$.-Tecg* to, *JSAS %m. A. 8b.w. manager,.-"On J'" 1 *^ T^%'£r^tr^ 'To, edy Company, telle a number of Henry Irr- m » c » n ,.*", "J* V 1 ' ____ l?°°* week of 26: ETa Dubol.e, Mabel Brown, Dangerou. Ground," week of 18, pleased Resurrection" 25 and week. ^ „ah~ man. of which are (Indian-their m » n - " M elding" hi. email audience rjoiiie Young. Mabel Nelaon, Tanry Sher- urgS crowde. "Tne Millionaire Detectlie" e_mm (Aoe »a5ro manaaer).—Eoee log storle., m.riy of whkh are Boding their Howerer, a eecond or two later the wood, Edith*Jobnwn, Madge McCook. gay 25 "and week, gj^f'" _fi JgJSacSTlTa-i wSt way lat» print. One which he related a """"*, . k ' ,ii„.trmi-lT- bi the Kelly, Ada Roach, Billy William., EM. Par- buciikouam (Whallen Broa, managera . !?«-Bachelor's^dtab"25and week, abort time ago concerned a certain trip ' l »» J?JS2J2S!S?SJlaZ ■_?■ "• E d, "" ,rd - B """ M " B "" -T 11 ' Mcrr ? """d 6 " 1 ' WKk c ' 18 ' .Plf.J Bonrs (Jw reariatlneTmarSger) .-"Big _i,i.i, tK. ,.i„,„, irinrmnuer took on a adTeat o[ a Terltable aniwer to the eiclnma- ^^ Te _ enteriAln ng pertonnance, to well n ed nearted Ilm." 16-17 ani "The W fe'a Se- whlch tie eminent nctormanager took one traglccHwmlcally *Aciii (Wllkeraon 4 Haule. manager.).- gSS Kentocfy Bellea 25 and week. fret" 18 2? drew• the nmi big crowd- boat down the Hudwn.ea route to New York ....,., ', h , * UjItiom for People for week of 26 :Oacar Brewer, May Hopkins' (Wm. Reich_an. manager).- SE, 0c t"eSor'i Parte-' 22-24, "How Baiter from Albany, where be had been playing en M " lng \,, /™ / . , ' '°*^„.„", Wlleon. Emma Dwlght, Charlta V. Anderaon. For week of 25: Camllle Comedj Trio, Oard- B-«ed In" 2t28. ' „ '1"/ «■ borae 1" for that aame wlihedfor animal Mlct \ Mmn Claudle Handolph and Will ner and Maddern, Mnroa and Hatette. Car- BotM ' 1 " ia , S!_ • .v . —..— «■ a„v .«,« _ came tearing ecroea the low Teranda tbroogh Naamytb. Iln and Otto, Paul Spadonl, Billy Van and «v»mi. At the Colonial (UIt S Hill iS__W_^_^S_atrt Becau-o,T.'- damage done, and the e, ^mATSglfUGS MiXS _____§« W^wSfff-S drank hie 111 of It, had anbBlded Into a . ' • „,. rtlllinMllt „ eon and Baymond. Albert "WaJti, trick and fancy ekater. game . l ,^^K.,rtrt re 5 , wiVln Fliwer W it and qnlet corner of the deck end wee deep In a cltement ot tie ecene, the entertainment, a. t,.__.S)K (dnniu, Broi . manager.), eihlbltlona, and won hearty approTal. E*ery T *i'P S'Jx}. 0 ^ «m. i_J? ffillar •' 23 newapaper. 0M "** "WOU. wa. not dnl.hed. -People for week of 26: Royce Broi, May Monday erenlng Is deroted to a game or farld Ml In E±*** m F9£mB . ----- - ■ .„ ._ -_- ... ... I*_neX Arthur Lane, Albert ^nd Montague, polo on akatcs between local teama. The Jj™„ J n] °f5~L, r !2 , „ if.r',™.-™ M "•The A loc-a-jpoken American, who *M lawag. i_i_-o™. To,n c » rlt » n ' JM "<""«» and Mbt P""* ™«" "' «"> Co»aeum are: C. T. True- £$■?.« Jfi".^™,'." K"°T ii-«aVe _i_ nlied the Ingllab actor, approached him. ° ' Uuslnee. la good. , heart, prealdent: J. J. Drier, Tlce president £°°°,'7, 7 CI !!rS Jon^ 1 29T _IrHoT"DncK and, breaking In open bl. Mclnalon, ei- Peor i__. At tB , 0 r.nd, SteUon'e "Uncle N^'^" ch "„& g'&JES o?ed"_ p nd T„T**^i^r\ E -ii;^S'. t n?? u r . r ka'Jd "o- 5 . Shin" Dec 4? Om JeIe"ons, in "The claimed: Tom'. Cabin," Not. IT, had crowded nouae* gjf 5g j" Ys ,rorn^a c-onllcatlon of „,^S' ___-?_.*.&____***" "*" Blrala," 5; Wilton lackaye 7, 'The Social "Aren't you .nfcre.ted *°*~~~ Sa^SS*tS ?| d U_S-g ___f H BJs?S ^^K&B ■ !« &&SE5g& e ±> ITT, Mr, Irrlngr to which queatlon, the H oV. moTing picture., 20, oleaMd a light *°™', '"S^?*, 0 ? .^'-V J,' 'flSWdV g. Pmdwch At the Kentucky (T. W. Majeetic Stock Co. opened 19, to good bn.l- actor, glancing np at the American, dryly house. Wilton Lackaye, In "The Law and Lane, s»aaa»SB»a»ajrj nown m uiauujaa. bk. ^^^^ m „,» si . r j Bath Qre , ln i re pertor/ neea, the beginning ol a four weeks' atay. reolled- » Man/' 21, had a large audience. "The SV'tf^i'Jt Ho.oR.1 ton trDholdTferer company autfeVed on account of terrible ■ ^llwayc^rymyownBcner,,' fSfMSifBSfel EaffHl^S^Hg S -35 "«' S »- SCS S ml ISi^lSgS. ^*$ ig Attb.r,««m,..*London,dnrln,apro. ?»^SBt gS^ t 4»iSj i fi« fi 8 gSgJ&^g&S S_S^F^€'SSS ductlon of 1MV «n actor with a poor fg-J"* Ho^e?''V"The°PrK ^Pllien^ — ^ "" S >™g>*& SJ^k g^jjja gj^^&lfkjl.-jj memory wai for one of the "ultche!" un N BtBEEt (Frank B. Weiton, reitdont staunton._At the Broidway Theatre iv^HiVr.TftV Si flocalT 21 heuent klaeg Pureell Mr. IrTlng patiently corrected him two or E*ggffla^a&£btt3£LJ&: Blgg'.A Zg& ^i ' WiL JV3£ WAJm-OTOH. SSf^^S.^S^Sm J^Si rehear.... for the ncorr«t &^ gS&S ttfiES .'BL KP. el fc-S^ aaWSSTtJl SS »e-U.«^A. the Grend Opera Ho„«, Job. g5ll»g5.^S^feg: reading of one of hi. lines. The man per- Holt, Ed. Leylne and the Hnodrome. dere 22, 'The Irleh Pawnbroker." 2T, Crea- Cort, manager) Qana-Nelson Bght pleturea, ZB, The Boiucklng oin <w, j.-ne jungles slated In eubatltutlng the word "dragoon'." WBABt'e (Charles F. Bsrtoon, manager), ton Clarke SO. Not. 11, 12, had good hcuaea. Bobert Edeeon, ""&.*'„ , r a njie, nnuauori —This In utace of "baboon'." in the line, "cool >t -Bill for week of 20 I: Ecej' |JI Sererne, -^ ^ffi^ lSgSiTg C oas" new^wdeTu'l?' tbea^wa^opened- Pj well with baboon', blood/' L^A'IfStJW---^* "* OI " !0a ''- K^dToU^S^n^.o'^''The t-cked ST» .-ft. •&&& gpg "This I. aot a miliary drama, remember," jffi__s» T A.F.J ^icoS raanager).—Oaksrs ____ ,~ ... „ ,,, ,„■„.„.,. Marriage of Kitty" was unable to .bow 18. f a 5 l£ i' FantaBtlcLadells, Gladstone ChUdren, said Mr. Irrlng. to the man on the ere of the ani Orapeul BrSma D^mfJ. the Ben- *E2f^£u2S3$& Sul" olwed S ut S OTer I ? 0 " f,1 i hou 5 e l, 17 ,' 1! a , t n WJSE morlng picture.. opening, "do try and get th.t line right to- ton* Theodore., an<f moTlng p.c -"Jf*^ feS? ^13*' ^ nfer « %E£fbJWJS2P& £%&JX Ste.ben^iZ^nbTTrand Opera night" §?AIMII W Fraser manager).—A crowd- H skl ?" dl ? I,llr t>u ' ,ln f 8a » 1 , 4 4 "«J_ a,d and La Seals Orchestra 23. 24. Houee (C. W. Maxwell, manager) "The Girl Howerer. In hla aerrouane... "the witch" ed hour.! witnessed tb«[opening of the Fraeer ^Tho Slgri of the Four' f 19-18 >'•"«« Seattle (RnaseU * Drew manegei-j.- from Broadway" drew two.large audience; ■«.*. ♦!.- ..«. & kt.. n ^ ar i. h. i n t. nu 4 »k. Rtock Co In "The Runawars" 18 The Gear, In'Ihe MarrUge of Kitty, IB, The "Tjncle Josh Spruceby," 11-17, had excellent Not. 17. "Plfll Poffll Pouflll" packed made the earne blunder. A. he Intoned the ■*«•■ jg| ittSESoa, and one Sim of the Cross" 20 21. Jessie McLscllan. attendance. "The Two Johns" 18 and week, the hou.e 19. "York State Folk." 20, "The line ha reallaed bl. mistake, and, In hla d«- Sir a i«A wIIHm rlTerT ln """B recital, 22; Robert Edeson 2S, 24, "Peek's Bad Boy" 25 and week. Zlnn'. Sorceress" 23. perate eidtentent, he sdded unconsciously to ' rJoias— Alms Dahlgren. of the Dallgren I 4f > °, < "''™ ,l 2'„ wl tLifi„S2 ( . T ^2, tt Mii?i' Tr iK. c,ty c .°- nMt " ,» ., ^ r, r> 1 J? I l;^"' !te 'n l> , eI1 T" le L 7 1 ?' , No -^ 2 21' B ' 17 .i..j , k „ _„L«. nr hi. ti.r„„>,t ,iii. Bisters writes that there 1b no truth la the ebestra and ten operatic sololotB from Milan, Thibd Atendb (Buesell t Drew, mane- P. O. Elks, will glTe a minstrel performance It aloud, the word, of bl. thought at the »'" er , 8 ' wr "?J n„ r |aj e e , 0 B Georrn Gillian! Italy. 25, 26; "The Man on the Box" '27. gers) Is closed Indeflnltely, account of the Dec 10, 11, which promises to be a musical time: formerly of th5"ltj' Charles SwalS; 28, HoriT BereBford, In "The Woman Hater,' 1 regridlng of Third Arenue. treat. Fully 100 people will take pert "Cool It well with dragoon', blood, .aid It of "Corning Thro' the Bye." and a member 29 u'.'SSF £?!?. p "s" O.L™ .™»i ™"SM' X g » an .T » i JPa »_->^^l»ge% »■ » nralnbTGodl" of the Lambs'Club, died Not. 5, at Denier, Empeb (Milton W. Seaman, manager). ,age» Stock Co., In 'The Wages of Bin," TBI_AS. ogamnyooai Colo from pnenmonla!r.V.Trocadero Qnep —"Peck's Bad Boy" bad two capacity houses drew well 11 and week. "The Sign of the w terte closed with MurraT A Mack and opened Not. 18. As Told ln the Hills did good Four" 18 and week. "Nell Gwjnne" 25 and w„-,-t„n At th B Hnnatnn Thpnfre fv The recent "Dor. Thorne" etory In thl. S^L rSSL TKLS^l^e&Sr «nd™ business week of 11. "Uncle Josh. Spruce- week. c liglii 2L2Sj'&3S'SSHUPl column Incited . contributor to .end the fol- %g\E&£S%M?. W . '"bob"?! rtm«r by" 25. "Qulney ArUm. Bawyer" Dec. 2, jg. »* Donell.n, mmj«|j-K» C' 0T M }* SLBSUSL ESU%. lowing. B. make, strong afflrmatlon a. to gTtS5 MS S^*1t. ^^Mk, tn U H T „,-The RLVSJe^gjtn% »rtff?n. P SSX SlSif^^iril^rtffirBS the truth ol the statements which are eaally gjaaer AXaFriaer, Viola Badley, Do'retta Baker Theatre Co had t-oap^ty houses Three Walseys, the Contortion Fishera, Eddie f I 0 0 rm ?.' lc 1 e 9 ; nad a t| enthuiusUc hou.? bollered, for the uauel manager of "opera Morrl. and Jamea Frawr. l_Sj*«-? S^SSST£jK.^t »** —* »g >1 « Ki'lK. _____ Shepard's moTlng plctn es, 20, did aplendldly. _ „ , n , „ i —i »* a sonted. Lost, Twenty-tour Hours, by the Orpheou (T. J. Consldlne, manager).— "m^i,. anwhern Wim" o? "tuib ri-ht-nf hou.e." In email place. 1. not conTeraant At th« Joltet Theatre (J T same company, did good buslrAees week of 11. New people 19 nnd week : The Dunbars, Geo. .iSgS.. 2% "ISSa" ■?* "Her oin wlS" 26 with all thing, theatrical, the amusement n'5™; - „" ."J, J ,,,"i. <?25!i jf had "* Temperance Town" 25, "A Social Hhrh- F. Keane, the Moras, Johnston and Palmer. .*,iVif?, Holland 2« "The Olrl ^ndlt' •>» h,.l being. ".We-llne" with kit. The title. g^^'SS^ _S_|S|i^ gS£T c0 2 m ""^ t,_S_ _V_* S 5--?'^ Fre4 Smunm lnd """^ "^^''^Sfc StuX' StaSJv,?-- ot play, booked at U, house are frequently, 24, 'LltU. J«k Horn«" 25, Wilton Lackaye [tg.g^-gV' T^ . P 'pSx-o«' (Alex, Pantageft m.»ag«).- Bu.h,« '»- W^iTercnle. 1 - SS*4 ana through bl. ll l ll «■ ll l », amu.lngly ,n- «• M _ Qol(H|M ^ manajer) .-Mil- tar,.. Ij-lgl ■»--- ata-eaj^r-B* !_W^B___ffl^% B g^Ji£ F-?. JfiSufeyf Ai Carl!." . ?.i.y ,and "dej, lard Brothers, Harry W.IplngeI<f and com- Lyrle 8to* Cyeik of 19, Pf»™,™| ™S ?,?_lT 0 Z„™tt-«. R.-> fimitrf Arthur —weti 8llow ' Kaymond Teal. Mr. and Mrs. Fred When asked recently what he had for the peny. Marlon and Pearl, Cox Family. Rawls Blgu of the Four. We Una of Tennessee jftmtani^mmm Smith, Arthur ElweU B -_ tlu Am ^ -J tte xxajesto- :rre.or,fJ,■*, t re h :'.rt o,, • e •'' o " - ^ ** sSS kst- ~*** *** ,n jfiji g. ^f^y-ansg 3-^aaj^^tft_e. , sg&s SsasoMgtfM-aia Pr '."; r : SS S-'Dory Thornton' 1 C .n,„.._At tb. Gr.nd ,F. B. Powel-on. SS-T" 1 L " " Th ° Ut " e wGSS " Ion. ffi£S r^ -fetra^g g: fe^^P^^nH' •The Volunteer Orcheatra,'" meaning by the manager) Hook's VaudeTllle Co., Not. 16, G , AHD y. H . Brrlckion, manager).—Mr. safe condition. No rati communication with iSSt.}"?. ,h.,.mVir» of A. °»™° B al ' litter "The Volunteer Oraanlat I" 17. played to good houaeB. Lyman H.Howe, and Mrs. Tnieadell and company, Prof. J. ouUlde world for post four days Water la ™m ta .? 1SH111J m ™»™' tii latter, Tne volunteer orgeniatl moTlng pictures, 18 drew good hoalnesa. w . Cltrk ; aog , ca ,, and m o_ey rolnstrela, now subsiding, and conditions will assume L^jSL. b VSt» An iiemnt was made "Dncle Am'. Cabin." 19, hacT big bjalneM, B1 „ le Mcllol> | e f C lark and Bran.; James and normal shape within next ten days. WAtalM* .TaaaaT-t, M_M_»_eS_- *_J__*_ After an engagement of a company pl.y- aj usual. "The Show Oirl" 23, "The Urn- Co -, n ar „id Hoff. end Graxdlscope. ... ?,° d *Sg»-3fS-g >3-5 ■* "** -^"W- lag "The iron Ma*.» which had played to JfJ ». ^5__gS Vurrafanu' SS -TnfF^La'^d T Bro J ,b h ers° D .he' , Two P an ) d Hew HAA1P8HI»-:. ifrt.'ct^l^Srre! ^aT&^rSSt eitremely poor buelnea., the same man re- Dec. l""Lltto JackTHorner" sf "A Oentle- onlhalf Cnsads Drew?and Wright mn Sd ™>H*JM^V^ggr Jg Lg - g"! marked: man Burglar" 4, "The Gingerbread Man" 5. gSng, LeTwte, a"d fho blogS. M««.«e...r_At Keith'. (Fr.nk % 0. "»«•/ »" d ^«,B«4»K£__fME "These Bbakeapeare dr.mys don't tike BallewUle.—At the Lyric (F. R. Hal- Fare's (Thomas Booney, manager).—Lll- Mack, manager) the bill for week of Not. """{"J 7*"™ '"^ n J*3f*, 0 * bJv.rfrennp ■1 ■■ s . .Mil. la^tTlaa. tas-m?' l«m, manager) "Billy, thi Kid/' Not. 16. Han Black, Bonnie Bonnie, Richard Mau- 26: Le Bran Grand Opera Trio, Van Clete fff*?!?, 1 _£U_ reneatedly reluied a worth a cent In thl. here town. , ;^ ^ ' bu „ M81 '. .. The Tenderfoot,'' rettus, Moncrlet and Smith, Booney and and Wentworth, Dohertr Sisters. Mnreena. }f. e ell ° c Bb t0 EZg£. ^ttemn t Bliln- 17, had latlttactory returns. "A Crown ot Forrester, Marie Dlliard, Mae N. Vernon, NeTairo and Mareena, the Girl Behind the "^rt^JZJKZriiii Emit ttomtt "The EleTenth Hour," by some wonderful Thorne," 18, did good bn.lness. •'Gentleman Virginia .Vernon, Jones and RaTelle Frances Drum the Tossing Austin, and Byron and t bus | neM cl0!ea , or sure^'port, 'l.. ..„„.(„.„.,.„» 1. .h« t,„,„n r -i.j —.. .„ by Day, Burgar by Night." 19, had a fair Elmer, Mae Stan ey, Rose Scallard, Bertha Langdon. Kerr attraction here durlne- the carnlTal, tranaformatlon In the bucolic mind, was an- h J u „/'.. A « rown ' 0( ThornB" 20 (return Garland, Josle Mjera and Nlta Lorraine. Pabk. (John StUe., manager).—"The E'err att)racuon n^ere^unnj™ "SJgft neunced a. "The Elevated House."—far- engagement), Choral Symphony Concert 21 1^^ Beauty and, the Beast," 2L pleased, a large J, 2 J\i k la 8 a pr f D gf 10d m0 S ey I ennfll. fetched a. th. .Ut.m.n, might appear. ^^JSSP^^ ^?>&. KANSAS. gB^ « £&3£%S& S A «L. At the Gr and Opera A would-be corned? playwright wa. » g^jf-kSfiSf M'""* "»"* t e.wen^.H»mtire Crawford Gr„d B3£ !°- 28i ' ,0n * ^_ " ~T Clf^afeM cntly reading his .lleged laugb provoker to Altoa^At the Temple Theatre (W. M. Opera House (M J Cunningham .resident OaraEtH (Nat B UrgwI , manager) --The "'J*^ VJdland" was well received a manager noted for bl. quiet ..tlra. After Savage, manager) the Little Egypt Co. drew manager) "TheiGlrl end the lfanat" pleased propert, at 41-43 Bnnorer 8treet ha. been H »|">«" Jg ^y good ™troTaje 9, 1™ ufteea u.lnt.reatln, mmutee of tb. re.dln, t ^S^tSm. ur^S^pS? g_ SJ^ijT&t. ^i IS 11nufu. V m^U BU peer 1, an3' ,1 l,Ss I, .ra "Simple' flmon lea^'j,'* had passed, the manager interrupted It, ..y orSnta?Jaae>n>&|«lMlir^K Hero," 17. and West;. Mlnslrela, 18 "Irt songs. The opening U Not. 20, Master fcgmBg^p&gBtoQmga lug: Bad Boy" 24, "The Tenderfoot" 25, "Fan- fair husluees. ..Armln'B Pl«yers opened IB, Gol3en being featured. hacfbli bualnesa 15 "The Girl Patly"16, "l>artoa the Interruption, hut will you tana" 26. "Th'e Mnyor of Toklo" 27, How.'. '"^^"^^f'^^S*^ * .L > wa. a f er, cfe^r show, lnd d Id big bus'lneX W .rn me when It will S time ,0 laugh," ^S^tSn^SS && ^ffi^^ ■«l = ll. ^he Man from W; 17 «. ^Humju A extremely good actor wa. late In »r- Dec 1. „ I,OTB — A "••»« Her0 Ca - olshanded B .., almm ^^ < m. Grand Opera House Wife'. Family" 2?. ranging for Me reason's work. Most ot the Jacksonville—At the Grand Opera •»•. (L. Bothenberg, manager) "Her Own Way," Majistic (T. W. Mullaly, manager).— vrpt sfooil emeasement. were filled and be House (Geo. W. Chatterton, manager).— ■ _ ;— Nov. 14, pleased a fair audience. "Final- Continuous vaudeville continues to draw very good engagements were mieo, ana ne d j^ ki^j—a. No7 . Jg J re _ , Fort 8c ., M ^A't the David«)n (H. C. Er- g^-, Balf" 15, drew fair bualness. The large and well pleased crowd.. finally signed with a company compoaed ot crow dec n o u .e. 'The County Chairman," nlch, manager) "Foxy Grandpa" Nov. 20, Barlow Minstrels, 17, drew large and well . Interior talent. IB, had a good bouse. "The Volunteer Or- came to fair business. "Wonderland," 10, pleased houses. Blanche Walsh, 20. gave Dallas.—At the Dallas Opera House (Geo. An Interested friend, ettcr seeing lilm In ganlet. 20, pleaaed. "The Strollers" 21, pleased a packed bouse. "The Gambler a gmt satisfaction. "Simple Simon Simple" Anzy, manager) Hairy Bulger, ln "The Man the nl.T«c aimed dcnrccatln.lT • '.' l cck £, *ftj ?°r" ' 2S ', Ho , w «" SK ,lD &.! 5 Dau-htear," IT. drew'good nuelneea Jan. J,, BlaclI Patt | 22, Al. B. Wilson 23, •'The from Now," packed the House Nov. 18. Jan. the piny, exclalmea, oeprecanngiy . lurM 20 _ ..captain Carelea." 28, "The Stroll- Corcoran 27, West'. Mlnstrela 28, W. B. Pat- two Orphans" 24, Itosa Mayo 28, Amelia Eennark, In 'The Toast of the Town," was "That', a Uno lot of 'bami' tor you to be era" 29, "When Knighthood Waa In Flower ton 2». . Bingham 80. -ell received 14. "It Happenea In Nord- nlavlnowlth" •*■ ™"9 1I I. (p ^ Bi Lewis, manager).—Bill sTotz.— The Hippodrome (I* Crook, mana- i, n d" 16, 17. Helen. Byron, ln "Bergeant .'w'!l«lik.a*. .aHli latai *** y«4k of 81: OrMvllle ana Seymour, Al. ger). Meridian', new nmusemrat auditorium Kitty." drew big 19, 20. "The Clansmab 1 '21, "lea," returned th. actor, quickly, but on SOII1H OAROUMA. Leonhardt, Lester and Lester, and Bingham and skating rlnt, : will he:epeiedOIov. 29. 22, "The Girl and tie Bandit" 23. the other hand, am I not a fine actor for _^— Sisters. -. -- . . :. • ' , "*** Majestic (B. 8. Muckeafuss, manager).— them t. be cuet with?" Columbia At the New Columbia Thea- » Notches At the Baker Grand (Sam J. Bill for week of 18: Eight Bedouin. Arabs, a Ire (F. L. Brown, manager) the Jewell Kelly Lawrence—At Bowersock's Opera House M „_ manager) Coburn'e Great Barlow Louie Dacre, '^andy Boy;" Shields and A manager of l traveling company sent to Stock Co.. week of Not. 12 had good busf- (l„lng HIH.mansger) "The County Chair- M fnitrel., Nov. 13, Kored heaylly. Shepard'a ^"'nd'f'irkln '.no'Ru™. con "" 1 "' H " rj jv niuung.r «■ irsvTiu.. aiay^v •"" — jjjgj u , r „ Emerson had fair proceeds 10. ma n" pleased a good house Nor. 14. "A morlng pictures 14 Mabel Montgomery. In Wel1 ' ona Larkln and Buna. a well known New York dramatic agency .. n ,e Virginian," 21, had the W paying Bagged Hero" 15. Pryor's Band pleased a ™z at a'' 15 The house was Illfed to ca- ' for an emotional actress to join en route, as house of the seasoo. Paul Gllmore 2s. Ben fair audience 17. "The Gambler's Daughter' pacity twice Annie Russell, 17, played to Galveston.—At the Grand Opera House the ona nisvlni that sort of role ™ about 0reet 24 . IIolcI1 Grantly 20, Al. H. Wilson drew a fair house IB, and pleased. ST R/O. Mildred Holland 21. (Dav. A. Wels, manager) "Simple Simon the one playing tnat »ort or role wa. auout U|!( , , „ Tll6 „ -j chcf f, J Frank Dci bon 6. ... sj. n. v>. o u.uicti do.huiu ^^. simple" drew a fairly mod sired house Nov, to leave the company. . «■» < til OIUDO ..'.'L. 13. "Humnn Hearts'' Sad good aired houses The agent had none on hi. list at the A Worthy Appeal. * ______*T ARKANSA S. 10. "The Royal Chef" did fairly well 17. ".^VWi 1 " e e T" 1 *™! "rl 0 " 7 . ?" .m?na.t f t.S«ers 1 1. < ' r c« 1 l? S£&£&£ »«-v.r.-At the Broadway (If. E. F. Mt... Roek._ At th. Capital Theatre G23T 0l "* ^ *" "^ "" ™ eluded la that line ot .lege work. However, \SSSla^^SS^ ™ „S V tentl McCourt, manager) "Cheekera" was last (Chns. T. Taylor, mansger) Al. G. Field'. j .. there happened to be calling at the omce a HStTKJfaTtaTtna^araaaa easaaai In Ban week', attraction, and proTed a great draw- Minstrels bad two good houses Nov. 14. "Rat- NEBRASKA. veraatll. young comedienne, who b.dl, JfSJSmf *B*U^uFt*&*« lng c.rd Week of Nov. 20, 'The Lion and ties" 15 drew wellL "Dora Thorue'' n needed an engagement After a few -Is, .11 comfortj h^ve £&*«££* -J ,h T A?„°„ U $u_. (Mrs. -. F. McCourt. m.n- Tramp." 10, *SVrTuMn« "cS"si I t-■ * > « _. It fl» tg___g. ej>f>-g B lite, con.ult.tlon over the matter, the agent bur n*ed m the great Are SI T&Sm Th. ager).— Out Batea Post, In "The Heir to Ha.klna" 20. "The Rot.1 Chef" 21, "Thorns ■___*»., •_" Y K, C ° c ^T entertained. decided to .end her on to 111 the Tacancy. ^SSg^WTSA TheatrS hfi u? |fi. Uoor.i" wa. the popular attraction and Orange .Blossoms'' ■L "The, Sultan ot BSSftAg* %TA SS3?'? When the m.nnger met tb. young womaa J«^ «SS.- tOt laWSVlS S SL^fafflS Z gaSg- J£fe* ggg b^^ OT Runawa' ^JfiSsjLSSSSJSSlSt .t th. depot, b. recalled haying seen her fflffjf rtt^fi^VUtSmfTf SfaSS Spencer, a local favorlt., in tb. M.SS" 28 "Under Southern Side." 2tJ J-g ?ThfvXderhift rjS *«^»»' oicluslrely la comedy parts. After the we are to glTe them a aaa. . ,_,,, -- ____• „.„._,,, vH *"^ ra_a t> r.„- ™.».™\ return. 23. "The ltogere Brother. In Ire- "But I rent for someone to pl.y emotion.. ; Swb**^T3 USM recelvj ^™»« ««3« ttjaTftSBTS rfg^fsS"? Bade?' BrXfT.nd K„,. fl >^ S^S^cSSSt' ?'V role., and you're . comedy actress," he ex- J-f^iMejalliiar tefrou for^ know th. week, with Four Berts, Smith nnd Campbell, the Four Sunbeam.. Crouch and Richards, £"•?£, ^tlo^ 28 S Wonaerlana" S "The claimed. theatrical orofrnJoS haVl B'ready done a Bellmnn end Moore. Willy Eckstein, the Joe Gars., Miles McCarthy and Aids Wol- ghSlfttrs" JO Dec , wo ° aerlMa "• ••Sut," replied th. cle,cr girl, who needed ^Tt' rt SjgTS t xfJJ S_»*s5 tKlT.SSm?'*' 4 ° n ' koCl " "* MuT,loa " **"* " ,d "*■ L?""Th. 8 S. MUleV. man.ger)._W^ of th. olace and the moneT "don't vou call my could re. how these poor children are exl.t- "%B™; ,n i'H kl !? dr SK',. „«.„.„.,_ «■» IB : Loo. Bros., Mclntyre antf BennettHerr the place ana the money, don t ycu call nay , , you would help, f you _ Titom (Frank gi BBH> .aa«a||»B_- OKLAHOMA. Jansen Co., John J. Wilde, In lllnrttated work emotl.n.1! Arc not humor, galtt;, .^.id kindly ask each member of your com- Business I. be iter Tb. bill 1** "wk. The „n«T William Thompaen Co, and Lyric- gladntss, laughter, hilarity, all elect, of the peny to contribute twenty-Bve cent. (25c.) MM' 1 "* B" 1 * l" 0 ™ 1 « ■'"'■ •"*"- O kla»on« Clty.-At the Overholser (Ed. scop.. ' , „ ■«* conceded the manage, l^S^dltS^^ ^^SS^^ ^S^^^W^Sl &&55S1 aside. I'm sure I can 111 tho bill for you,— -.-_._, J ^^^ ===s Oood houses ruled last week, with Arthur performance. 17, to giod Patronage at both. JSTS,, ^"..filLi „„^ «,?' Bohemian and i pa. th. ».n.y." IWTICI. Rl*, tti LB^^.^"*^,,^ 0 «« ^aS.^C 0 "^ *l$£. 'StfS&l If&WZtjl theTour^rank^'snd She |ot the engagement, and continued In „.,___._ ==__= . . » , "fl'^rJ'nlctu'r^ *** Sogth^RonmnceydldlaFaclq^Ifc.^'^Th. blograph. BttHrtewJ. excellent It most satl.f.ctorlly. ■AAlB'aaVal a-QaWJat aal fa ttag sj. caraTAi, (G L Adams, maneger).—Busl- Nobs" will be the bill for 2&and week. *•> _ u mosc ntuiaciunay. lauw wtwaa ol TBB pUPPBRt-win be ^S^SaSlH*t week? the Mlllnclualng: In-.—The Bijou Theatre, at Artmors, "Thb Docrok's Dil»mha," George Ber. .9 , Inaerted at the.e prleeai i> Vm .nuWIlioa.oirlu. Welch, Daye and burned Oct 19, csualng the loss of th. entire lard Shaw's new play, was riren It. Bresifer. Harry Murray, of the clever trave.ty trio, single Column » Knight th° Lemonhi, tneTwoTDavllIeB, Dick hon.e .nd wardrobe ot the people playing Nov. 20. at the Court Theafre, Lonjo., Bug. Murray, Clayton and Drew, met with «u Doable Column nio.oo Park., Orace Huntington, and picture.. there at that time. It li a tragedy, ln an epilogue «nd four acta.