The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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1082 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. Decembee 1. THEHEWYOKKCLIPPEK . ,..,:. < K i — '--■— THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING C0.(Unlt«l.) pnopitfEtoRa A 1 J. BORIS, Kpitobui,' isr, Bpaifrssa Miyaaat. 8».TIJRDAX DEC EMBEB 1, 1M6 RATES: Adrartliemcnta—12.80 per Inch, slntl, ool- tirar. "■ rf ■ -■' * r - Ailvtrtliemiuu lot win border, 10 0*< cant eitn. iVBacniPTioif. Oa> jetr, In advarite, 14 ; all nautili »2; Iliree montlii, $1. ' Foreign poslat* «tw. Slnilc Male, »lll ba sent, pottpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 centi. .Oar 7>rru. «r« TflH CMITER li l»«ued ortr, Wednosasj me.rnltj.Tnei Inst four (ailTertlilnjr) pagal DO TO.rKKSS on gaturdnj itlli.»< »»a tlic ollitr p«se» on MOXDAY nn4TUESD±T. Tlie- Form! Clo«lnB PromiUly, Tuen- d.r, at 10 o'clock A. II. Flew remit by express, inone, order, enicj, p. O. order or registered letter. All cash, en- cloud wlib. letter li at tie risk of eenoer. - Atldrr.a All Commanloallons to TUE >KW YORK CUPPEH. 47 W«t 28lb Streat, Ncy Tort liei/liltrvi Ooblo.Address, .fAoMOTHI." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Tnt Cuppch Ib located! at Room B04, Ashland Block, Chicago, John T. rrlnce Jr., jimnapicr and correspondent, where advertise- ments and nibscrlpUoos an received at our regular gatea.. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Crinbourno St, Ldndot,, W. C, Jobn II. Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and eubscrlptloni are recclrcd at our regular rntca. Tub CLirrna cih na obtained, wuole- ha.i.1 *ku iiFrAii., at our agents, Brentano'a neira depot, B7 Aveniw do TOpcra, Tarla, Francs: 51. T.lllcnthnl, Frederic* Btraaa, 101 (Termlnua Ilotcl), Berlin, N. TV., Ger- many ; Diamond News Co., BT Prnno, Ha- rana; MiulM Book and Stntloncrj Co., 128 IJacoltn, Manila, P. I.: Albert a Son, 137- 135 Klnc St., Sydney, Australia. ■ TUB NEW Vfllllv C IHTEll pnbllslica onlr one'edition, and that la dated front flTcsr Vorlt. QUERIES ANSWpJKl). No Replies Uy MatII or Teleffrnpk, AJiDHsaniCB on whebbaxouts not qitvk. All ik or bucu biIoilo white to THl.SK WH01I THM BERLC, IN CA11E OP THIS CLU'PBSt Post . All lxttiiiih will tigs ADWUlUrJL) OSB WBBK .OHM,' 'U.TltjB 1UJUTB OP AST TURA-TIUCAL COMl'.M" IS SOUOHIV RKCKIl TO ODtt LIST OP BOCTBS ON ANOX'tttQ PAG1V Wb CANNOT IBND BQUTIUB BT MAO. OB, TKLE rinAi'H. DRAMATIC. II. J. D., Spcrry.—We have'no knowledge of the present whereabouts.of the porty. Ad- dress o letter In our care, and- wo will adver- tise It In Till: Ci.ii'PBB letter Hut. la. J,., Hartford, C. I. II., Jndlnnapolls, IL K.L., Akron, Miss U. 1>.. Nntlck, 8. C, 8., N»w Vork, M. H., Anxious, and Constant llKAum:.—See answer to li. J. D., alrave. i*. S.. Hcaltlc—\\*e can not Inform jou. K. C. K.,'Jersey City.—Undmiutedly thero niv otiicru uf ilu' hhiuc imnic, hut we'eau not iiuderttike to fflvo the Hat'of tbeiu, - J. U. II.. Itcnulngton.—'Plib noily was l)Ol-u Kiib, litj, 3H45, lu ttcott Count)', la. C. Il./Kev Vork.—Tlio play Is not on the ronU" regularly, but lu used by slock cotn- l)fllllC3. 11 | jA c.—AdilreHi Miiwiln J. Cnrler, Cri- terion Ttientrc, CbIoiru, HI. C. 0.' M. It., Votingstuwn,—We liave no cor- tcMuoiiilciit in Hie pTace you mention. S. V. »., Illlzabeiu.—Exi-erleuce Is tlie only F. C. C, Oaklana.—Tbe copyright 1ms not cspircd. Address 'J'. II. Wlnnctt, 1-102 Broad- wiiy, New Vork. .... r. J. S., HoliokuB.— \\c van net aid you. "1>. II."—The letter was forwarded on Seiil. 13 to Hie Star TUentrc, llHwaukeu. Wis. tl. Q. D.. I'utagoiild.—We know him by Ids prufeMiloual iiume unly. He Is the projier one to Ditsivcr your .juery. S. J. J., New Vork.—Address Frank A. ICohblns' Nlmw winter quurU'i'H. Ooanuuulpuw Avenue and ..Iciidaliv I'ark, Jotbcy t'lly, N. J. Miss. D. >1. A.. Utter city.—The pa-ty KW burn in ISO'J, lu Toronto, Can.' W. I-'. M., Jtruoklyn.—Our wn.rds do not (■iiow the oi't'iirrence you mention..: ■•Cisii."—1. Mrs. tifii. Tom Thumb la living. Wtitcli urn* vaudeville routs list each week for whereabouts. 2. We never uiiruver cjiiostloiiB no pei-soual la 'diameter. ■t. A wliolcriule. lltiuor house la tho proper |>!:ni' to si'L-i; an ittiswor. W. It., Alluntli' City.— We can not aid you. W. U„ Philadelphia.—The ivmuaoy Is un- known lO UK. T. r. McM.. Hrooklyu,—Apply to tlio local nuiliorliios In towns where you want to ex- hibit. CI. 13. M., Chleujro.—-Thi»re Is no cotupauy now ou lite roud playing It regularly, if U ts done Iw repertory, we do not know It. T. V. >Ic.—Apply to nay of our moving pk-iiiri* mnclilne ndvertlneis. II. U., Siiraiogtt Spring-.—"Tlie Tigers" !» tlio tllle given to an ortfanlKUiino formed by the attaches of the Uarntim & Jiallcy Circus. CAllDS. .1. U JI.. Newark.—A Is rlitlit. He could bive used boHi the king and <uieeu of trumps lu melding lit). \Y. V. O., Hamilton.—1. The rale Is: "If tlie dealer gives tu lilmself, or either of ttas utber ployefis, more or less than live cards. und Ihn player rsceWlug sueu a number of «. a iiln discovers and •tt\nutntc<-s the fact he- fore he raises his. cards It is n tniudatl. \t, lmwevpi'. tile player receiving ai wrong aua> ber of caraa Ugh lits'liandi before ae an- unuiices the fact, his and Is ilcdd. nnd be inns; retire from the game for that hand. 1 ' 'J. Tho rolft Is:: "Before the draw, IT tUe tlsalcr accidentally exposes a rard\vulle \tk the act of dealing, '*the player to whom Mica a card Is dealt tnu*t accept It, .On the draw, If tho dealer, while Beivlug a player, expose one or more cords, tlio dealer must placid the exposed card* at the bottom of the pack Hud give to the player u corivHpnudtug 1 lamt* Ik'r fi-ooi the top of tlio uack before serving iho next rauer«7 ■ ■ <>. a., lvalue.—The rule In: "If a plover ■cam more poluts thau he ishould, Hie ad- versary may corrrct the'; wore-end add the BHine number to nls ownwwe.'*- - MnCtel.lsAXBOllS. J, II. C, Montgomery,^—Ai you put-the wr»idlng or Ui'r* wngerlt wins. Hauaiomu Ct.t;ii, I^tucnsier.—See answer to 1. IL C, nboi-e'. a. IOJ-K— Eii (UBn does not jej;ojoUe clumiprorJit la the.line .yuii meptlop. - * 01 it LOXDON ir.TTEIt. ra<iu otic own comiEsroNUB^T. CHiipcr llurcaa* 48 Craaliourne Street, Leicester Iqnare. LoliitiMi, AV. O, N'OV. 17. Thij foretast for the next month-or so Is n.-* follows: -Nov. '20, "Th* poctor's Dl- l"inm i." Court: -JG, "Julie Koo-ftdn,*' 1 Wal- dorf; Dec s, revival ot "The Veumun of the. CJuard," Kavoy; l'J, "The Vicar of wake- ilrld," i'rlnce of Wales, and liT, "Aulony ond ■..'leupatra," Ills Majesty's. , Wiitiier tbtls week has heu-u. fairly decent, and the the- atrical ijiifoiicM nbout the same. ":The Jiiectrlc Man, a three ict furce comedy, by Charles Ilannan, wui orlgludlly brouglit out hudu] two and u, half yearn ego at the King's, u: theatre in the suburbs uf l,.indnri, bin. was done for the tlret time In the West J-:uJ ut the Itoyalty Inst Saturday. "ilic Khx-triu Man" is full of' absurdities, an tlio title KUggests, but ibuy are, absuidl- iIch that make for fun that |u the laughter rcriultlng une loses sight of that fact, that they ur.e absurdities, and finds eajvyinebt 1 lii tiic uo'rit extravagant md the most Impos- stblcevenls. The hero df tlio piece Is yoong Wnlter Everest. He may be said lo lie (lie victim of heredity. His father was a senliik In Inventluh, and he 18'"'a chip of the old lilntk." rim father, when, lie died, bud nearly completed'an electric man, which van to HfltoiilMh the world. Walter linlshed the work, and It astonished Mm: It did rata than that, for It tscoiied from the.honse when, so to &n?ak, it was born, nhd, being faihluncd lu waller's .1mflge and dresEcd lu his clothes, went, about playing all manner of tnUcblcf tlmt made Its maker liable to more dumAges than lie could posslhly ppy. 1'lie play, as stati-d above, Is acceptable. "Jai Vlerge D'AvIlla," u new ploy, by Ca- tullo Mendes, wr.a produced t-y Sarah Bern- hardt last Saliinhty nlghi. In Paris, .with eieat success. Although the play Insted five hours nnd was distinctly wearisome in parts, It was rox'lferou.ily applauded at the t-luse by a lar^e and fusnlouuhlc OAidlenee. rep re- Bcntlng every .section of Parisian society gathered ut the theatre. Hoi only was there 'u general expression of admirntlon for iho great actress, hut everybody wns loud In praise of the gri-nt audacity shown by SI. 'Icntlcs In putting such a subject ;is tlic legend of St. Tlietese on the stage. Mue. Bernhardt plnys the saint, who lived, so hlstorlnnb telt m. hi the time of Philip II, 'and fought hi the old Uastfle agalast the horrors of ike Inquisition, with, in her mse, the effectual wefl,K>ps of klndncsB and spirit- ual faith.. The. story circles'about a nip- l>»scd.'.'ronirincc in her life. Thcresc rescues it priest from the fatal fasti notions of'n woman, who Is the antithesis of newclf. The erring priest, ovsreomtt by the radiant benuly of T>here>ic, declares his passion for her. hiit: the' virgin bids him seek penitence lu n pilgrimage to Palestine. Conit'Te (,'llDord, the "actress" of the hour In. London, lihj just signed a contract to Join (icorgc Dunce's laanugeineut whenever "The Uellt of M;iylnlr" shall end ltd career at Hie Vaudeville.- MlnM-ClllToid'H 'contract Is for iho "slur" part In a new musical play; which will be wVltterirby Mr. pi nee ultnrreir. who, an the nnthot* of .'The Chinese Uoneymoon,'* holds the- record, of the long- est' running; musical comedy over produced tn laondon. He Is also the author of "The (Jay I'dtiilenne*' nnd other' snecesses, nod In the plet'-e on whlrh lie Is at wort, Is writ- ing a bright and sympathetic purl far Miss Clifford. The, new play JWf; be toured for a short while til the provinces' before com- ing to London, and ufterwards. In 'accortl- iinee .with, the conditions of the. coutract, MIhs CUft'ord will go at the. head of air. Uancc'a company far a Season to New. Vork. Arthur Bmirchler and Violet vanbrough made their first appearance as Xlsc-both nnd Lady Maebotb, ut the Straiford-an-AVon Me- morial Theatre, lust Tuendav and Vetaea- dny. Mr. Bonrcliier's prodiutlon allowed ona lauporlant depHrtu're from traUIUou, fur the murderers ut .Biinijuo were nut represented os mere nieri-enery cut-throats, but as sol- dleri who had a grudge ngalnst fiumpto for 1:1s deedx hi Mm past against them. - .Remarkable scenes look place at tic pro- duction uf a drumu, emitted "CkeV&ller liluc- beaiJ." bv Herbert, Kuleuborc. at tlie'Lesshtg Theatre, l.enln, one ulght last week* Tho p|ny surpasses . anything .thnt bus ' hitherto been puisenlvd lo the tu'catregolag*public of Ikiiln. lu tho wuy'of downright sordid nnd bot-rlblo realism. lu the tlrst act the-ioni- lied midlvncc saw uu the ntuge a crypt la wlilch lay the heads of live dives already imit'deml by Ithieheard.' The second act rep- resented a wedding Liunquet on the stage, which U suddenly disturbed bv the only sou of lllueiteurd, who diiuks until he falls Into delirium' tremens, aud then runs dmuck, de- uioIUhing everydiiug within his reach; Sud- denly; after a ibo-st dlsgastlug exhibition of U'.iiitkeii delirium, lie fails on bis knees aud nuys the J.urdV Prayer, The third act re* veuls Ultiebeard murderluc: his sixth wife. Utirlus the fuurlb act the burial of \he sixth wife takes place on the stage. There Is a cuttlu, with weeping relatives, and after the funeral services the coffin Is lowered Into the grave by ropes, the planks are removed, and earth Is thrown an -Hie coffin. The sun. still lu delirium iretnen^, haugn himself on a tree, on the stage, in fall.view of the audi- ence. The Ufth art shows Bluebeard's at- tempt lo murder bis' seventh and Inst wife, isiie escapes from him, springs into the Haines of his biirnlug castle ami perishes, likewise lu full view of the uudTcnce. Her father and brother thereupon appear und kill Bluebeard without umeli ado. Most critics condemn iheplay. but a few praise It as revealing tvondeiful cilent. .. Thejierfoi'tamueof "The Mau from Blank* le.V's*.'* iit Sandrla-diuui, by r-Yetlerfck Ilurrl- m»Vs Hfiyu-.mkuj. .Co.. a week ago last olglit was a nival success, t'he king aud queen and their siu'sls enjoyed the 'play luimeuselv, while lite whole company bud the usual com- pliment of receiving a double cull ut the end ef I be per fo rain nee After the performance, the. prluclpul .members of tho company, 1n- ■turttug: Charles ilawtrey. ' Fanuy nrongli. Paaumr White, Henry Kemble, llulmau Clarke, Arthur Pluyfalr and Weedou (>ros- smith', received the honor of being presented, to King Kdwiinl . ' " Marie tieorge was engaged yesterday by Arthur Collins as "principal girl" for the Drury'Lani- pantomime of "Slndbad." (You wilt note tlie builders of the pantomime bove decided to cull it "Slmlbad." xiot "Slubad"). Aa MI** Oeorge has already fllted that rdfo v.ULt ja-L-.-at success at Drury Line, bqr reap- PMratne there wilt be very welcome. The port jJhe la to play Is the daughter of Slnd- Lad. ,;MUg George, by the way, Is the .-wife of Norman J, Norman, of Norman's Aveorv, wbo Ulves such good care of the professionals COlug lo and from the Slates. ".\elly Ne(l " the new musical play, written by".C. tfj S.'McLellau, and composed by Iron Caryl. In Which Kdna May Is to-^uako her re- appeuronce. Is about due for rehearsal at the cient fltli OetOtse i:dwardts, Kidney L'ljistoa Will init on trie play for Br. fVohman. ■ Aa Btawd before, Jaa.- M Is tired for the TCorKnlrtg of the Av«in*ie r whtctLWllI he called the Plnyhnusc, and .vlll I,-! -managed by t'yrll Maude. Tho seating capacity of the theatre .will lie alinut -l.b'MV owl seals fur this rather small n timber -.will he .provided with a vlawo^gtvlug the playgoer .the great- est p'-tiaJble comfort TJjc Uwr of the house will be entire)v given over to atulls, so thnt ilic gnllcrr will be the only part of the house In which seals will not he reaerved. Charles Wyndhnni has .lately acquired a 1'renMi piece, "Lea Passage res." It was si«r|ally written by, jtt fiidtry, the i»art ■feutoad tor him.being that of a < man..of forty-tive. rich, favored by /ortune, and the possessor bt'on ndaring daughter and wife, ltobert Vandel Is an'Impeccable husband and father; he. Is fllso: quite unconwlouhly, "the Weil-beloved," n term which might, In de- fault of a better, be used as-.the title ,of the English, mlaptotloa.. It Is. his misfor- tune rhiher'thau his-fni'll that he in wor- shipped by ivimn'n, a misfortune which, In ihc end. bids full- to lead to disastrous con- smbenrca, It is noi .quite settled yet when Mr. Wyfidham will be secu In the play. Arthur llourdiler has secured a play, "The Nun and the Harbarlan," adopted by Os- mond Sllllllagford from a SpanUli drama, M J*u Ixtta'dc la Casn,". wbkli'.wlll be pro- duced experimentally at Mhrgktc towards the end of the month by J a ward Michael, of the' Uepertory Theatre Syndicate: ■ A few days ago W. U- Kendal signed a contract for tho production of. a new three act comedy, written by Clothilda -Craves, and couiiilning parts especially designed for him- self and Mrs. Kendal. The utory.Is said to be of "a. strongly dramatic character, although rohialulnig also a plexsantly pathetic Interest. Kor the same players lfeneQ Swears has al- most finished comedy.. . . , - j- .- , To-night will sec the last of "Colonel New- come,"at HJs.Majesty's. On Wednesday last there'wan n matinee of "The Winter's Talc.' Commencing on Monday next. Mr. Tree will revive, for OttM weeks only, "King Richard 11." .Jonn.llare's tiext appearance In London Is. to be In an English adaptation, by Mrs. Lucette Bvlev, of "I-a Marseillaise," but as ret Mr. Frohman has not found a suitable theatre for the production. .- • : . .T. O. AlJen'-hM fteeepied. for ultimate pro- ducltou'at the Criterion, a new comedy, en- titled "The Knave of Hearts." Immediately after Christmas Julia Nellson nnd Predlerry return to the New, where they will produce "Matt of Merry mount," that Miss Nellson and.Mr, Terry gave n -trial recently. -In tho provinces. JJ." O. Allen has also obtained a ifeaty-one years' lease of the Adelphi, nnd ihe 'Moss & Moll jrMple as a variety house. Alexander''finnmar de'Celle, who la well known on the'halls as Alexander DagToaT, * .-iM'd Kdgnr Lee, editor and proprietor of The Hmeorr,. lyr; libel. The auegrt.<<Ilbe, was a siatenU'Ut copied from a Germaa pnper, thnL MJss Hagaiar had lieen concerned In the inanngera^iit of.a company which wfla vtrAnded In India,,ahd-had.used money to i.eturn whleh had lKco-derM»slted to serure the pns£tigc home of. member» of (he company. It was admitted a mistake had. been made, and that MK. Hagmar had never been In India, a verdict in her favor of 1250 damages were returned, . ; Alter u very sikccssful four weeks at the IHhpodrome, rtobcrts, Hayes and Itoberts bring their engagement at that house to a close to-night, likewise, their time In this country. The act was made - one of tho feaimc<4 nt all the Moss & Stoll houses on tour. They, salt next Wednesday, for New Vork. After a few davs' rest la that city, they, will proceed Vest, to play the Orpheum circuit. - . Chung Ling.Soo Is due at the Hippodrome on -Bee. 10. The clever American Chinese conjUKi will. produce at that house an en- tirely new act. " Kennedy' and Itooney ar- rived from New Vork the middle of the week, after a verv sensational trip on the About half way acfons the ocean a Are broke out and burned the two upper, decks- There was great excitement among the pessengers. Kennedy and Itooney the Alhambra ou-Monday-next. ....... "■ i ' ■ ' i 4 i ■ " ' OLK CHICAGO LCTTSR. enters upon his management there In I>«cem- bcr. hb.vihc taken un the remainder of Olho BUiflH's tfm" L'fman May and Mary Bruugb. Uy arrange* Itucrliohm. Tree has fixed r»c. 2i, the day after Boxing Dai-, for-his tlrst prestation of ".Antony and Cleopatra," at Ills Ma- jesty's. Seymour Hicks now proposes to call his new musical piece "SIIss Darling.' It is intended for Marie Studholme, who will lake it oh tour nt the' end or the Christmas matinee 'performances of "Alice of Wonder- land," and Harry .Ly.tton has been engaged for the leading nude part. "Alice in Won- derland" Is announced to he played at the I'rlnce of Wales'. In the cast will-be bcymoUr lllcks, .Torn'Oiaves, J. C. Kuckstone, Julian Cross, Florence'Lluyd and Miss StudhQlmc. ' The cust of -ib-iraes," which stlJI contlnuen toimck'the Comedy nightly. wlU'undergo a few changes' shortly. Gerald du Manrler must give "up the " he" 1ft. needed in "Peter' l'uu," due at the Duke of "iorks on Dec IB.- U has" been decided that-the niatitle'.of. the gentlemanly burglar wllL de- scend upon Ileory Alnlcy. Dion Bouclcnult will Rive up h'lB'pnrt of-the Amerlwin detec- tive to J. L. Mockav. Mr. Bouelcautt. by'the way. Lwu, tiiKt returned from Paris, un he west, to secure fur Mr. Frobtaftn the- Amer- lcaTi Odd Kogllah rights of a,new tiiree act comedy, entitled ."lUqueitte et ek Meie," which Is ine'ctf'dg wltTi phenomenal success at .the Varieties, fa:that city. ; ,- * • .'('hero Is LM-erv poslb-illty that tlio London Coliseum will be reopened at an early date, but the style or l»e given has not Ireon aanouueed. The statement that the house was soon to be veopened was made nt the Sessions rroiise. Clcrkeuwelt, where the accusing committee of the London County Council heard applications for re- newal and transfers of music and dancing licenses. . . . . 1 am In "receipt of newspaper cliiipings nnd postcard,) not i:rcdciie Melville, mana- ger of "M Motogiii." now, playing In Au- stralia for Harry Ilicfcards. The clippings enthuse greatly over the wonderful perform- ance given by Ihc extremely clever young- lady. A great deal of the success attained by the act Is'dLe -to'the business'efforts of Mr. Melville The tatter Informs,me he is the traveling correspondent ot The Cuitjur- ctv UanlMn ildfiaeine, wlilch Is edited by Harry Houdlnl, the handcuff expert, The new bullet, '"The Debutante," wns pro- duced Dftbfl umpire last Thursday night. It Is n dainty, delightful entert«lnrocnt, with a ehnriulog contrast between iiti two groat tab- leuux and music thnt tits Its theme und eulor to please the eye. Tim lh-si scene Is lit Id In 1SiI3, in the rehearsal room at the Paris Opera House, with the aorai do batter in*their Toltiiniuous muslin skirts that reached to the l:nees. . ludger aud taller than' a premiere dniisensu would iiivor tn-day. To tills scene, wtlh Its new old-world look, for the coryphees aud pupils wear side curls with their hair Hat down on the foreheads, comes the new.pupil. Mile, tietiee, to win the ballet masters ad- miration and tlie title role In the new produc- tion.. The last tableau represeuts the bullet as It la supposed to have appeared nt tho opei-n. Others to come in for well-deserved applnusc on the opening night, beside Mile. Gonee. were; Yttn l-'aircu, rag) Bunberg und Miss Craske. Hal Godfrey celebrated his twenty-fourth birthday recently lu this city and gave a dinner to a few of his friends ut the Carlton. Tlerc were the usual toasts nnd gifts. The weeks of Nov. 2U and..Dec It. Mr. Godfrey and assistants will present the'sketch." "A Very Had Boy," lu Ireland, after, which he will .return to America, "ailing on a fast liner so as to he able, to cat .his. Christmas dluhor nt his home In Chicago. . Fred Knruo, to whom laughteriuvlui; Lou- don owes: so .much, has JuhF ueeu hooVed to Icvlve the gluiies of "ltfrbardson's Show." r the thteihaiional Fair, at Olymuta, at Cblrstmas. TO give the full,-which has al- ready secured the .support of British aud American showmen, the desired cosmopolitan touch, the manuglag director Is uow visiting the festivals'at Hoiien and Montmattro tp , secure the latest conliheutal novelties}. . . Heuo. Jordan and Zcno ore at Tlcbey's The- one. Prague, this month, meeting with much success. When they returned from South Africa, a shot,!,time ago. they intended to proceed to America at once, but good, con- tlueutal time made them" "alter" their plaas for the future—that Is. the immediate future. Phil und Nettle Peters made such a-blt on their opening, at Hammersmith: Uutl they were booked for the Palace, and opened at that house, on Monday last. -At the. latter house they duplicated the good Impression created during tbelr week at Hnram^r^mlth. ; I learn from South Africa that'Seeley and West gofa'toyol reception on their "reappear- aoce tit Johannesburg. The applause is ^uid to have continued for fully- Uo minatts. Hayes ond:Sutts,'hbd Leipzig, who are also on the name bill, havs likewise captured the hearts of the .South African playgoers. - : The Grfmd. Ukujlnghni.,. Ins Wu,sold bv J. ,W. Turner to. the Moss Cmplres.. .The theatre, which was oiieucxl - la NevemU«>r, flJU, was hiiitt by W'nte Audrew ^[elvlllc Ten years later Mr. Melville sold it to Mr. Turner. It will, of course, be conducted by FBOU QIE Q1V.V CCtCESroKDENr. . * - Wc»tern Bureau of the Ken- Vork Clipper, Room .104, A.ahtand Block, Chicago. several of the downtown ■ houses make n change in the. hllJ for this week, principal among which are; "The-Flower Girl" (for- merly known, as "Vcronique"),.at the Etude- baker; -Marie Cahili, la "Marrying Mary." at the Illinois, and Henry E. "jjlxey, In "The Man on fhe Box." at the uanick. Kichnrd MansQetd will give repertory at the Grand, while "Ben Hur," at" the Audito- rium; Wm. II. Crane and Rills Jeffreys. In "She.Stoops to Conquer." at Powers'; "Tho UelratLaw.' at. the New Theatre; George M. Cohan, In "George Washington Jr.," at the Colonial; '.'The Time, the liaco and the Girl," nt the La Salle, and Williams and Walker, In "Abyssinia," all hold over. The lovers of French- comedy were:glven a treat last week when, in addition to the transla- tion of "Le Cendre dc M. folrler," at the New. "Lea; Affaires sont les Affaires" was glveu by un excellent company afternoon of Nov. 2u nt Music Hall, fh" French. The Gifckiuan Plnyers, at ..the International,- are holding, their-own. In .excellent stock per- tormnnces. Holiday matineet* nt all the hoiises on Thauksglriog Day, and indications point to big Holiday attendance. Illinois Tiiratre t Will. J. Davis, tnana- g e] ).—Stasia Onbill offered "Marrying Mary" to an enthusiastic audience Sunday.night, 25. and the efforts or the star- and her sup- porting company were- benTtiiy" Applauded. Some.of the principals are: William Court- lelgh. Eugene Cowles, George .Backus. Boy Atwell anil Annie Buckloy. The engagement Is for two Week's. II. b. Irving and Doro- thea Batrd follow, Dec". 10, iu repertory. Powers' Tn'R.VTRE Olarry'J. Powers, man- ager).— WIHlnni H.^Ctaac und Ellis Jeffreys nod their thoroughly competent, company were greeted ny a' capacity audience Mooday. Nov. ill,. In" ."She- Stoops to'Conquer," and laugh; followed .Jdugh with..'great rapidity. George ..Qlntleos .was excejitlqaatly well cast as Tony, and. Fred T3iotnc.createdlosto£ Jun George ..Qlntleos .was excejitlqnatly well cast us Tony, and Fred T3iotnc.createdlosto£ Jun ns Diggotyi -The cast included : Leslie Ken- yot) (who appeared in place of -Clarence Ilaadyaldes), Walter Hale, Herbert STeam. IIIcbiid.Meabln, Gabriel ltavenelle, Kmmet Whitney,'" Horry Llllfoi-d, Charles Dowd, Fanny Addison Pitt, Margaret Dole and Edna Bert. Francis Wilson. In "The Moun- tain Clltaber." comes Dec; :*,. - '*,- ■ Gabhick TkciTUB (Herbert C. Dnce, man- figeri:—Henry R Dixey "returns 25 for-a two weeks' engagement, in his last season's success, "The Man'on. the Box." and there Is -every prospect of this pretty playlwuse dolng n splendid business for the Tortnfght. F. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe follow Dec. CotxjNtAi, Theatbr i George W. I^ederer, inauager).—George M. Cohan starts on his last Week Nov. 20, In "George Washington Jr.." and to say that he captlvaled tne town, mildly expresses It The theatre has been crowded" at. every iterfdrmance. and the-:en- fagement will be .brought to a whirlwind nlsh Saturday night. Frank Moulan--and an excellent supporting company are an- nounced to follow, Dec. X, In "The-Great MoguU' ' ".-"--; ", , . OTtfiiKW Tiieatui: (R. H. Harmeyer, manager).—"tin Parole" closed a profitable engagement Nov. 24. and will be succeeded, -(>, by "The Flower Girl," with Louise Gun- nbig aud Louis Harrison featured. Nmv Ym^a.i.i: (t$ain P. Gcrson, manager). ^—"Th*f SooTln-Jjaw" nhd "The Goal" noid over into their setvnd week, closing Dec 1. The stock company U doing good work, and with a little more generous support-from tJ.e public, the enterprise .Is. bound, to be suc- cessful. "The'Coal,'.'.the presentation of which, onany-stage, occurred" here Nor. IP. is act drama, by Henry Arthur JoacH, telling of the alms and ambitions of a. great engineer, who, knowing that death !s approaching, spends his'last hour. bustling about, so that none.oC his work may bo left incomplete. N: Sheldon Lewie appeared as the engineer, ,Slr Stephen Famarlss, and Catherine Calhoun wou new laurels' in her impersountioa of Peggie Lovel. **I31ga, M by Gerard Uuuptuuu, Dee. 3. Ctuciuc 0rt:nA Holsu (II. D. Hunt, maa- ogerj.—"The .Senator" drew capacity house last week, and the various members of the S" impany acquitted themselves well. William ralawcll nnd-Fic-rencc Eeed have worked iu »loek before and seem to full Inbo their parts unlto easily mid naturally. "Une Lottery .of Isove" itm giyeu Sunday night to a crowded house, which thoroughly enjoyed the good old comedy,, end hedrtlly applauded the lu- dicrous situations, und the people interested In the portrayals. Mr. Bramwell, as Double- dot, aud Florence itced, as Joe, .were excel- lent.: Next week. "Secret Service." The oue Uuudred and tlftletb consecutive performance of the stork company, will occur DecV'-to.' GManp. OtTRi- Hoist" (Harry Askux,. man- ager).—Richard Mansfield'has changed hid pTaus. and instead of filling out his engage- ment lu "Pear Gynf-for this, Tils-fifth and lfist week, he will give "Beau Biummef* M ijnd. matinee of i*U, "The Scarlet Letter"'27, ao ond mnitluee Dec. 1, "Dr. Jekyll" and Mr. Hyde" Nov. US. Dee. 1, and "Peer Gynt" Nov. lit... Jumea K. Hackett, in 'The Wnlls of Jericho," follows Dee. a. - i AubiTduvM TuEiu.E (Mllward Adatqo, diuuuger).—"Ben-Hur," glorious in all Its Roman splendor and taagulilceot stage set- tings, starts.on Its last fortnight Nov. 2tt, with big houses in attendance A, II. Van Buren. In the title role: John' E, Ince Jc, as- Messala ; Robert McWade 'Jr., as Slmoa- ldesi'and Ilelcu Singer, as iraa, all contrib- ute excollcfit wxuk. MxtVieKuu's.TacATBB. (George C. Warren, ihauucei-).-I'baroe Darlcs atHI continues to appeursueccssfully to the generous hearta of her audi to u in-"'Way Down'East," with the result that people are turned awiy ueurly every performance: Three nerfonn- u'ncesLWUl 'De..given Tlianksglving Day,' nnd the house Is ujre.idy pluiost sold opt lot ull of thctu.. Sarartay night'will see the close of the engagaueut, aud on Sunday. Dee: ti. Blanche Walsh; will open In "The Woman In the Case," for two weeks, follo-rlng that with "The Krcuuer Sonata" for one week, Ecae-toft- Broke Ont Also V,nilnndi nnd Llnii. — A n OM Snldlrr Declare*! ; "CotI urn I- » lUcsslmt.*' "AtalMiWefiandtoall people ratnAviH- ing to'testify to the'merits of Cuticura. It saved me from worse'than the tdtttltc of hades, about the year 1900, with Itching on my scalp aud temples, and afterwards it commenced to break out on my hands. Then it broke out on my limbs. I-then went to a surgeon, whose treatnient did me n6 good, but; rfttrier agpravated the disease. 1 then told'him I would go and see a phy- sician in Erie. The reply was that I could go anywhere, but a case'of cc2ema like mine could not be cured, that I was too Old (80). I went to an eminent doctor ln."the city of Erie and treated with him for six months, with like results. ,1 had read of the Cuticura Remedies,'and "it^I sent for the Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent, and continued taking the Resolvent until I had taken six bottles, stooping it to take the Pills. Iwasflowgettingbetter. I tpok two-baths a day, and at night I let:the lath- er of the Soap dry on. I used the ointment with great effect after-washing'in-warm water, to stop the itching at once.' I am how cured. The Cuticura treatment is a bless- ing, and should be used by evcryione who has'itchitig of the skin; I can't.say any more, and thank God that He lias given the world such a curative. Wm. H. Gray, 3393 Mt Vernon St., Philadelphia. Pa,, Angus* 2,1905" "," " '-" . 1 JL A Salle Tkeathe (Mart JI." Singer, man- aee'rl.—"The Time, the Tlace nod th*-Glti continues to hang out the "house sold out" sign at .nearly every performance. In the dally papers the ad. rends: "Wanted, more seats', and It Is. certainly "a Tact that If the seating capacity were, much larger the house would still be sold out. Tlie one hundred and fiftieth performauce occurred GhfiAX. NonTitEBN ThkatdE (Fred C. Eb- crtR mnnoger).— Williams and Walker, the . "king pins of colored comedians," drew to capacity last week In their African .absurd- ity, "Abvsslnla," and there Is every reason to believe business this ..Week will hold ai well. Their last week started 25. They will be followed btf "The .Tenderfoot." . . Truplr Theatre [BMfBpati Sclio- ber.. laaoagcr).—"Brother Officers" sufficed to display the abilities of'tbe stock company last week. In a manner whleh was pleasiog to their admirers. -'The Silver King' Is the hill here 2-V and wtek. with "A Bachelor's Hoaeymoon'* underlined. . I mebnational Thfatep. (Chas. Gllckman, manager).—"UrDken Hearts," a strong melo- drama of Jewish life, closed a.week,of b}g business 2o, being played durlug the last of the week, "Sacrlflce of IsAkc," rriatlnees -4, 20. Repertory wlh be given week of 20, though the bill is not yet.announced, hut the chief play will be "The Bowery Tramp," the Thanksglvlug ottering. "Sbyloek." Mr. GHel.- man'k .greatest role, will be repeated.'by spcplai reqdest. some time during the week. Mr.. Gllckman Is, supervising' tie translation Into Yiddish, of "The Bank Wrecker," and a production is promised.In two weeks. . -,..' Majbstic Tueatbb ", {Lyman B:' Glover, manager):—Tho'big type acts.opening here 25a. are Cecilia Loftus and company, Edwlu Stevens end company, ttdouln and TCdwards, arid Ned Nye and his Girls. Others onr'the bill are: "BraaU's dogs, the Three Itoses, Damin brothers, Arthur Demlns. Max Jlllde- brandt, Roliiscb .iud Childress. Casad and De Verne. Bennington Bros- Hancr and Marno, ond the Dantes. Business la. io..capacity ut all performance?..- . ; . OtAUnc TutAjRB fAhe Jacobs, mauager). —On the ..bill week of 26 are: Toby Cluutle ahd company, lid ward Clark and. Widows. Gardner and VJncent, May rue Itemliigton and Buster Brownies. Six rrovcanles, Ueirt Brothers, LUIlan' Shaw.. Dixon Bros., Three Juggling Burkes, the Vaughuers, the.DaUOS. Pox. and- F.>x. Dorothy " Vernon. Ilci-bcrt Manor .and company, and the kinodrome. Big bus'hese- rules. ..' ;: . "■, .: :IIaym.m;uli- TatATfiE (William" Newklrk, mhnoger).-^-On the bill, for, week of-23 arc: Margaret AVycherly and Company, In her pro- teau. sketcb,. -in Self Defense," Edith Helena, Harry Tate's, "Motoring*" Flskc aud McDanough. Adnmlnl and Taylor, Rice and Kliner, Berry apd Berry, the Be-Anos, Rob- ert Nome,. Downey and Wlllard,. Williams and Thomas, Jessalthc Totter, N'oolette and Marshall. Amanda Ward nud company, and the klnddrooie.' AcAiMiMi' (William Roche, manager).— The Smart Bet served to draw' good pat- ronage last wee!:, aud was ,fo|lowedL2G,.l)v ''Yqung Buffalo," which .opened to the usual Sunday crushejs. "Secret Service Sam" next, BWuc .Tjit-nitB (William ltocbe, mana- ger) .—"The Douse of Mystery" proved a j -sgnet,hero. during the past: week, ,and thrilled.Its listeners. "A Tlace for LdTc." which has done excellent business In the East, was the hill 25. "At tho Old Cross oads" follows. Alhamlka (James IT. Brown, manager).- —"Young BufraJo 1 ' .was the attraction last week/and the young man drew rounds" of ap- plause for his clever work. "Secret Service Sam * opened to capacity matinee of 25. Harry Clay Bianey, In 'The. Boy Behind the Gun,* follows. CoLUiiars TfipATno (Weber firoa., man- ftgflfsj.—The .Russell Brothers had splendid business Jaat , week .in "The Great Jewel Mystery." This week, "At the Old Cross Bonds. Next week,,Dolly Kemper, In "The . Gyjisy, Girl.' •-.■..... . . , , ■ . .CitiTukioN TiiFATttn (John," K Ilogan, manugerj.—-JleKadden's Kluts" made the lobby look like a bargain counter crush at nearly every performance last week, and Manager-llogau wore "the smile that won't come. off.", fln'rry Clay Bla'uey, In 'The Boy Behind, the Gun." opened 25. "On Dan- gerous Ground" follows. TicHbolut TiiiiATiit: (-Joseph Bransky, manager).—".Work.and Wages' r wfta the at- traction last week. "Tne Power of Wealth" opened 25. May Hesmer has iituly estab- lished- herself ns a favorite, and Francis Boggs lenths good ' support. Next week, "Monte Crlsto.' r Frederick' Bernnrd has re- placed Frank King, and Chas. JV. Hitchcock has resigned.: Albert West taking his place PiMPLC's TiifcAiiiE (Joseph Pilgrim, rdau- ager).—"Jane" drew a succession of laugh- ter loving audiences last week, and "Tennes- see's Pardner" Is sure to do a good business this week. "WhenWe-Werc Twenty-one" Is Lhc unibuiine. 1 ..-. V.c ,_. I'EKiy TKEATnK (It. T. Motts, manager).— The theatre boasts.the only genuine colored .stock company' in the world,, giving nigh class musical comedy and burlesque, and tho attraction.last Week was excellent. 'Twenty Mldutes from State Street"'was well handled in every-respect, ,flnd the. iruslneis Is steadily increasing" on account of the consclantlous ■work ot:the mnuagement and the. company. "My .'"rap-nd from Georgia" ta the attraction this'Week, featuring Abide 'Mitchell., the elt'Yer,Utile.dancer. Next week, "Me and Him." . ■ . ..:.,. , ' Blsox's riicjLTRi: (Sid. J. Euson,. niand- peri.—This house did a wonderfully good business last week with the Dainty Ducnesi Co.. which cgrrles, as addiUoaal features,