The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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1104 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. December 8. ■ MAKE ROLLED SINKS PAY He cause they wear longer, coal leas for re- pair* enriare more popular with skateta. Information and" catalogues frtf. rWC SUHUCL VtlNELOW SKATE IHFU. CO., /takers at let and llolttr Skalel rtlORCtSTfH, MASS. I. T. mbMHMBIK ii.eas.oiu. I icmlw. i.e. mm a run, is onn peb ft. CLASS B FILHB, 13 OEITS fit ft. EDISON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes EiMbilioi Hodtl Kliitneopi, Jl 15.00. Unlnrsal Motel Klneloseopa, $75,00. AIIE THE BICOU.1IZED ITAITDABOI THROVOUODT THE WOULD, GREAT HOLIDAY ATTRACTION! A FAITHFUL REPRODUCTION IK MOTIOS PICTURES OP THE TIME- BONORBD CUHISTMAS LKQBKD, Hit Reladacr—Bantm CUo» la HI* "Workihoii Hunt* ; Their Stock Id «jb— Children I'mtlB In the F'roitn North _ the Roof and Down !!&• thlmner-Filling the Htrx-Ulnea Clirl.traa* Morning—ChrUtmai Tree aPavrty— "Merrx Chrlalma- to All «ntl to All » Good-Night." BK1UTIFULLV MONO-TlilTED THROUGHOUT. The picture closely follows the time honored Ohrlstmaa legem! by Clement Clarke Moore, and u itire to appeal to everyone—both old. and young. Hie details and icenio effecu are absolutely per- fect, while the photographic value throughout the entire plctnre Is beyond criticism. The panoramic scene of Bant* CLans onhia Journey from hli castleinthe frozen Sortniea work of art. It in a hand painted scene In oil, giving the moat beautiful photographic effect*. The photographic and mechan- ical difficulties encountered and Anally overcome II detailed here would seem incredible. There la absolutely no comparison between this picture and any other no-called Ohrtetmaa picture, and It Is offered with every confidence that It will meet with tne approval which It certainly deserves. 1MB SAFEST HIND OF AN ISVK8TBIEST, CHRISTMAS COMES EVERY YEAR. DOH'T WAIT-PROHPT 8lllP.nK.VT OIlDKIt AT ONCE. Bend Iter Illustrate'! Descriptive Clrcalar So. 307, No. SBBII. Coda VATKHTHKIL. Length, 80O«. Clu.i A. |140 09. THE HONEYMOON AT NIAGARA FALLS, BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, COMBINED WITH COHIO BITUATIOK8. No. (Miio. Coda VEDEJA. Length, 1,000(11. Class A. B10O.00. iNOTHI AMCRIDAN OOMBDY MIT THE KIND EVERYBODY WANTS GETTING EVIDENCE Or, The Trials and Tribulations of a Private Detective. Ho. »«»». Coda VEDASIa). Length, U30f», Clan A. »13I>.»0. OUR LATEST DRAMATIC SUCCESS. THE FIRST AWP OBXT IRISH PICTURE, KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN A Thrilling Irish Melodrama, in Seventeen Scenes. AN INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS. TELLS ITS OWN STORY-PLAINER THAN WORDS. NAT IRISH JAUNTING CAR Dili •Willi CHAMPION REEL DANCERS UtlDU Bead for Ulaitrattad Deicriptlve Glroalaa- No. 30B. Ho, eUOO. Coda VKOHTVAAN. length, l.ODOrt. Clan A. SloO.00. OIVB OP OUR HBADIrlNSRS, LIFE OF A COWBOY REAL INDIANS BRONCHOS - 8TACE COACH REAL A STIRRINO WESTERN DRAMA IN MOTION PICTURES. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES i The "BUr Born" Saloon—Meeting between Hero and Villain —Entrance of Kni-llah Tour ■"■ "£7 ataaP!.^r\ .a. _ an * a. ■ ■ '\llftu- *' * a rB .B ■ a.a W .J m — i. ■ V -ta J — a _•_!_*. ssM . a ha n m ~ -V Of Girl—Indian. akMBItlnC >p4 ConrtU 1 Cowboja la Punult—The Fight—Terrain; . JaptL.- aod Covering Trail—Arrival wounded Staff ^hjht—Thrilling Be Death ol Villain. __„j Driver at Ranch— Beacue of Girl from Madly Galloping Hone— Reunion Hero and Heroin.—Death ol Villain. Send for Illusftratad Descriptive Clrcalar No. BOfl. ■a. »»»». Code VAVABSBVB. L.n|tfc, l.lXMJft. Olnaa A. tlBO.OO ANOTHER COMEDY HIT THE TERRIBLE Kl SEND FOE ILLUSTRATED DBBCRIPTITO CIKCULAB No. 288. ■a. e«».Cod* VAiLT.ioE. Leafth, oenrt. olau A. (».oo. OUR LATE8T NOVELTY THREE AMERICAN BEAUTIES ftA im COLORED. HAND COLORED *.. «ato, Coda VAUDEVILLE,, dun. Olaa. A. II7.BO, Bead for Latest Calaloar. a»d lUaatrataa Olraalaia, EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., MAIlf OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE.. M. J. Otaleaiato 0flee,8»4 Wabash Avenue. Hew Tori* OBee, SI Union Square. Cable Addreat, Zymotic, New Torlt. . OrriCB FOB UNITED KINGDOM : 26 CLKItKENWHUI, ROAD, LONDON, fc. C, KSQUHXI} SnUWfl lUINi T1!K K1KKTOGHAPU CO., - - 41 E. Ul.t Bt„ New York UJiUBIt ittEBTD. PBTBB BACIOAI.UPI, 1107 Fillmor* BL, Ban Francisco. OU ILLINOIS. IVorln.—At the Grand (Cham be rl In, Harrington k. Co., managers) "The Yankee Consul, Hov. 22, had good bunloMa. Tim Murphr presented "Old'Innocence" 24, and had fair returns. "The Show Girl." 25, had B. It. O. Al. G. Field's Minstrels. -;B. had large busln^aa. "The Beauty Doctor," 27, pleased a good house. The Smart Set, 28, had good Duslneaa. Murray and Hack, In "Around the Town," 20, had big holiday uuslneas. Russell Bros. 80. Cole and John- son Dec, 1, Hurray and Mack (return) 2, German Theatre Co. 8, "The Prince of PII- '«»" 4, "The Orahan's Prayer" fl, "The Gin- gerbread Man" 0, Rogers Bros, 7. "Red Feather" 8, "Jolly American Tramp" 9, "The County Chairman" 10, "The Pit" 11. Main Stbext (Frank B. WeatOD, resident manager).— Large audiences were pleased with last week's bill. Bill week of 8: Mc- Wa tterB-Tyeon cwnpany. La. Toy Bros., Dixon Bros., Pox and DcBall, De Coe, Mr and Mrs. Krwln Connelly, Howard and Ruther- ford, and the kloodrome. wbabt'h (■'rnrlea F. Bartaon, manager). —Ie«st week's bill: McGee and CoHIdi, Eva Perkins, Rose and Severuu, Ed. Lamont, Pot- ter and Harr's, and moving plctarea. J'agobs' (A. V. Jacobs, manager).—Week of Nov. 2B: The Bentons, Gua and Marlon Konl, Steele and moving pictures. Stab (It. W, Fraser, manager).—rraaer stock Co.Tipauy was. seen In "The White Slave" last week. Notes. —Arthur Stuart and the Keeley Sis- ters have Just finished their tour of the In- terstate circuit, where they met with big suc- cess. They will shortly open on the Kobi & Castle circuit, with Anderson and ■Hopkins' time to follow A). L. Wis well, resident manager of the Majestic, announces the open- ing- of the new theatre Dec. 20, with "Hap" Ward as the drat attraction. Tbe policy of the house will be two Bhowa a week, opening on Sunday and Thursday. Popular prices will previll, with matinees dally, except Bun- day. Tbe bonse has a seating capacity of 1.700, and 1b modern In every respect, and Absolutely fireproof Musical Byrons (5) open a European tour of twenty-four weeks, beginning Feb. 1, 1007 McGee and Col- lins were seen la their new sketch. "The Dog Doctor." written by Charles Horwltz, for the rlrBt time, at Weast's, 26, and scored a big hit Joe McGee, of McGee and Collins, cancels week of 17, and goes to Muecatloe, la., to take charge of the Elite, which place he recently purchased Harry II. Hill closes wltb the Smart Bet Co., and takes the management of "Happy Hooligan" (East- ern) "Little Jack Horner, ' booked at the Grand, 2, has closed, and Murray and Mack filled the date with a return engage- ment • ■ " — ■ Qnittcr—At the Empire (W. L. Busby, manager) al Q. Field's Minstrels fillefl the house Nov. 23. "James Bros." bad good business 25. JohnHenshaw, In "CaptainCare- leas." had capacity business 20. An Amer- ican Tramp" did well 27. "The Chimes of Normandy/' hy local talent, had a full house 28. "The Mayor of Toklo 71 29, Dthel Fuller 30, "The Texas Ranger" Dec. 1, "A Gentle- man Burglar'* 2. Henrietta Croeman 3, Rog- ers Brothers 4, "Hap" Ward S, "A Mad Love" G, Black Crook Jr. Co. 7, "Wonder- land" 8. "A Child of the Streets" 0, "In Old Kentucky" 10. Buoti (Patrick & McConnell, managers). —Bill for week of 3: Eva Ray. Elliott, Bol- laire and Klliott, Raymond and Clark, Anna Mae Ifleblg, und moving pictures. Note. —Orville Reese and Joe Gruell, who started out bb a sketch team a few weeks ago, lost all tbelr belongings In the 'theatre Are at Ardmore, I. T., and ore on their way home. Alton.— a I the Temple Theatre (W. M. Sauvage, manager) "Peck's Bad Boy." Nov. 24, pleased two good houses. "The Tender- roo-V' 20, drew good houses matinee and night. "Fantana/' 26, had fair houses. Howe's moving pictures 27, 28. Florence Hamilton, In "The Other Woman, 1 ' 29; Vir- ginia Harned 80, "A Woman of UyBtery" Dec. 1, "Hap" Ward, In "Not Yet, But Soon," 2; De Wolf Hopper 8, Black Crook Jr. Bur- lesquera 8, "We Are King" 0, "My Dixie Girl" 10, Geo, Sidney 13. Note. —'What Happened to Parker," a comedy. In four acta, was presented here Tuesday evening, Nov. 27, under auspices of the Alton Catholic Club, and proved highly successful, financially and otherwise. Belleville—At the Lyric Theatre (P. It. Hallam, inanak-er) "A Jolly American Tramp" came to fair bUBlnesa Nov. 24. "The Umpire" gave two excellent performances, to good houses, 26. The German Stock Co. presented "The Forest Sprite," to good'husl- ness, 22. "Fantana" 27, "The Strollers" 29, Virginia Harned, la "Camille" and "Tbe If people will experiment with imitations of SOZODONT, they must be willing to stand the pain and suffering resulting from teeth injured and perhaps ruined for- ever. Do not experiment. Stand by the old. honest Denti- frice and your teeth will stand by you, SIEGMAN & WEIL 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bit. Spring and Broom.), Nsw York. IIAVB YOU BBBB TUB D 111 II? ir nor, bbrd rob. LATEST SHADES, FINEST FINISH, HEM QUALITY, KIRN DYED, The beat aaUa made for wear and appeamnoe. Also a fall Una of lower priced SiTiNS In all ahadea. A Safe Gift to Him Tarn *e«m to He inlmm in every timn a lnve for Rtind firearm.. When the annual imcsiiott, '*WJmt ihall 1 gii* liitn 1" comes around, it is always safe io decide opon tlie IVERJOHNSOH Safety Automatic Revolver It Is tt good and so safe tltat an many Iver Johnsons are being sold as ol id! other makes combined. It's the best house and office weapon, and the best for the pocket. If tbe hammer hiti against the top of the bureau-drawer, or catchet In the pocket, the revolver cannot dis- ' arge. In fact youc.m"Hammer the Hammer" without fear of ac- ciiiental discharge. Full the trigger and it shoots quick and true. Oar Free Booklet "Sbcti" Tell. Mori In Ottill jutt Inw the I*er Johnson nor.*. Our aandsome cst- aloflue Boe* with It. IfEl JCRRSCN SAFETY fllMMM REVOim 8-inch hflrrcl, nlrkt-l-plaied AnUh.. 22 rim Are cartridge, KM)R center fre cartridge, $5 DC ITER JOMSM SaFET, HUI«E*LE» KETOUER 3-inch barrel. nickel-pIaUid ttnlnh, S2-38 oenUr fire cartridse, - W.OC For eale It Hardware and Sporting Ooodt dealers erenwhere, or will be sent prepaid on receipt of prho If jour dealer will nnt aupply. for the out'i htad en tbe grip und our name on the barrel. IVER JOHNSON'S ARMS AND CYCLE WORK8 150, River street, Fttchburg. Maaa. ....6a0b.ab.raSt. PacificCnaat: P.P.BekeartOo..a»Alamodi AlaoicJa, Cal. Europe: Plokbuben 4. Hamburg, uennan,. tmUumlmi Fnaa Sterol., and rnr MiteaSlicK Iiml Sbotrcn "A Woman of Mjb- I^>ve Letter," Dec. tery" 2. . Oakdcn (John Meth, manager).—Buchanan Stock Co. presented "The Tiro Kentucktans," OBHIstcd by local talent,' to good business. Not. 25. 11111}. Kersnnds' Minstrels week of Dec. 1G, Barlow A Wilson Minstrels week of Dec. 23. Schobttleq'r Auditorium (H. P. Schoett- ler, manager).—Lester Lawrence Co. present- ed "North and South." to good business, Not. 26. Prof. Hoyer's lecture and moving pic- tures 28. Jacksonville.—At the Grand Opera House (O. W. Cnutterton, manager) "The Strollers," Not. 21, had a good house, as did "Peck's Bad Boy" 23, Lyman Howe's moving pictures 26, and Madame Zlesler 27, In concert. "Capt Careless" 28, "The Strol- lers" 2», "When Knighthood Was In Flower" 30, "The Gingerbread Man" Dec. 4, "The Umpire" 7. "lied Feather" 10. Bijou (F. X. Maxwell, manager).—Week of Dec. S: Mclntjrre and Bennett, moTlng pictures, Royer und French, Illustrated songs. by Leah Cox. This theatre has recently opened under new management, and Is draw- ing good houses. Canton.—At the Grand (F. B. Powelson. manager) "Uncle Tom's Cabin" did good business Nov. ID. "The Show Girl," 23, Peased a big house. "The Umpire," 28, played to a crowded house. The company, headed by Fred Slace, gare satisfaction. ^'Hu- man Hearts," 27, did fair business. Euasell llros 211 and matinee, Murray and Mack Dec. 1, Litt e Jack Horner" S, " A Gentleman Burglar" i "The Gingerbread Man" 6, "The Bohemian Girl" 8, Frederick Warde 23. I ■«■ COLORADO. ., Dohm"— At the Broadway (Mrs. B. F. McCourt, manager) "The Lion and the Mouse" was the Thanksgiving week's at- traction, and did good business. Week of Dec. 8 Ezra Kendall, In "Swell Elegant Jones." "The College Widow" follows. OUPHBUM (Mnrtlnlleck, general manager). —Julius Steger and company, In "The Fifth 23?.*hin M, «'" Fl* . the "eauilner of last neeks bill. Qood business ruled, other fea- tures being: Waterhury Bros, and Tenny, James II. Uullen, Watson and SIorrlBey sis' ;„i'. S, i lc - ****■ Kate « Bros., Llndstrom and Anderson and pictures. Taboo GaitjD (Mrs. E. F. McCourt, mana- EHr^te Ellz «l>eth Spencer, a local so- m»S 2Sr% ?? Trllle , Brergreen, In "The Maid and the Mummy," was given a warm SSaSS."!!!?** wcek - Crowded houses EK?J2S' 'ffl? . Mrs - S ' SB ^ »on many new ndmlrers with her excelleat voice and charm- ing personality. Week of 3, "Tbe Heir to tlie Hoorah;" week of 10, "The Xankee Con- ■rivoLi (Frank W. ■ Healy, manager).— After delighting local theatregoers and music Opera Co. will leaTe for Its old home In San Irnnclsco next week. The three months' cn- fSSSSi C k Imm §' aBd •» company will be succeeded by a dramatic stock company in repertory, at popular prices. Big houses ruled last week, the selection, "Glrofle-Oirofln" provlni an excellent attraction. Week of 2. 'Cavallerla Ruatlcana." (.'UBti. (A. B. Pelton. manager). —"At Crlpplj Creek," last week's attraction, did Jje, business. Week of 2, "WeddeoV But _. Ni >™J-ti (Henry Lulelskl, manager).— The bill last week filled the house eyery oer- formnnce. It Included: Maud Kraemer'Jack Conlon and Mabel Hastings, tbe Eugene Trio, Maude Calne, LI Ell, Stanley anj Scanlon Simmons and Odelle, and pictures Chystal (F. I. Adams, manager).—Good business ruled lost week, with tie following S|!LLi% a & fi UI1 f, ,n .? tOT and eompany, in lEZfm? W^ 1 L UuI,, . rcl '. s ' ranneblll and Itadcllffe, Dick Parks, and pictures. Notes.— Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer, of "Tbe Maid and ths Mummy" Co., wbb the re- 5lE l °'w, mo £r s<>cl <«l attentions, by old friends, while tere On night of 3 Le- oncavallo and La Beula Orchestra, and com- pany of lyric singers, will give a concert at ?«».."'i ™»«a....:.Tlie symphony concert sensor. Is assured. Signer Cavallo, leader of He Ilroadway Theatre orchestra, has suc- ceeded In raising the necessary amount In tbe guarantee fund. Tae orchestra has had jts Urnt rehearsal. It promises to bo the best orchestra heard In Denver. The first concert will be held Friday afternoon, Dec It & 82 H™"?"""',. Theatre students of the Stnte University attempted to buy live hundred tickets for tho Orpbeum for Thanks, giving night, but were refused, tho theatre management preferring to serve Its regular patrons. * ■ I MAINE. Portland. —At the Jefferson (Cahn & Grant, managers) Thanksgiving week wit- •BBJtB n new Jeporture at this house, a line or high class vaudeville acts being given, In conjunction with repertory. This feature will continue during the season, as occasion warrants. The Dot Karroll Co. presented a pood Hat of plays, to excellent business, and the vaudeville features were contributed by • Satutta's Troupe of Eight Japs, tbe Bedell Brothers. Wnldo Whipple, Baby Leona, Horry Vlckery, and D'Alma's Animal circus. Hoe Stock Co. Dec. 3-8. Poktlanp (J. E. Moore, manager).—Busi- ness wns of large proportions throughout Thanksgiving week, the Bengler Sisters head- ing a bill of seven top-notch acts. For week ?,'.„ 3 , t! i e '""owing performers will entertain : Wlllord SltnniB and coiupnoy, Kremka Bros., Tom Glllen, Ethel MacDonough. the Tossing Austins and Master David Healy, Note. —The Boston Symphony Orchestra, S r '. K ", r . 1 .. Muck . conductor, appeared in the C. A. Ellis course at City Hall, Nov. 28, to good attendance. oljj Worlds Highest Awards | When.' you drink- Drink Hiawatha Pore mm Spring Water Bottled at tbe spring ju&t as it bubbles from the bosom of Mother Earth. ^ ".Those who know the virtues of this absolutely pure spring water will always drinlt Hiawatha. Those who don t— should. Order Hiawatha to-day and you will realize how much better it is than other waters. * Hiawatha Spring Company ™ Sold by leading hotels, cafes, restaurants, grooers sad drag- gists. The booklet, "It's What's Inside." gives many pleasing recipes ror serving Hiawatha In the huae. It la sent free on re- Distributors, Minneapolis, New ! York, Oblcago, St. Paul, Dalutb. JUST RIGHT AFTER DINNER Try Them I ^ W£SE hood Bond as ten conts tor a aaiapls packet. Any jobber will supply ■tor*- xeepers wlto OftflelaU. FRANK H. FLEER « COMPANY, Inc., Philadelphia JU^A., *ad/Toronto.,OBxada.