The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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DECEMBER 8. NEW YORK OlXPPmS 1105 IOWA. &m Moines. —• At the Shubort (X a Hem, manager) Ferris .Comedians, In flrat class' repertory, dlt - flnfl business week of Not. 2/1, , "On Parole," with Cfearlotta Wall- er'and vmecnt .Serrano, Dec. 1.. fluntl Opera, aft**'(Wat Foster, bu ttvlv—Colo and Johnson, Id "The Shoo-ilj- eat,'* attracted good sited - nMMM 24. 2fi. "Too Yankee Consul,"", ffitti Short |a the title role, nod James an* a 1>cb Molnca boy, an dipt. Leo- rccelved a hearty -welcome 20. Ade- Thurnton, la "Tlie Oirl from Out r," attracted and pleased two big an* dt*Jhces 20. - Jane Kennark, la "Tbe Toast of m Town," Dec.. 1; "Wonderland" iVSer- jgfaii Kittv" «. , i * PluUlp Opera tlousH (Win. Foster, mana- iMf,—Harry Clay- Hinney, la '-The Boy Be- hind the (Inn," played to very big business .\'or. 2S-25, "Acroas the Pacific - showed in- tepftieaVy bouses 20,'' 20. "Ikey and Aiey" pleased largo crowds 27, 28. "Nettle, i hn •Newaglrl." ;2tt-Dec 1; "Texas" "2; *, ftecrela-of-. tbe Police" 4, G, ["The Show lag rink Is betnp wnVertedinto a* vaudeville theatre, Oeorgo Br«#tr,'-n»nar«r\ ■ ■ i » > V' i MTSmiCSOTA, olfr* d-a ■'JuMFiHB'■' (M. J. Karger,' manager).—One of the best-bills of the season', was offered week of Nov. 26, and tremendous crowds'en- Joyed* it ,nt all performancea. Rube Welch, and. company, Dawson and Whitfield, 81- dqnne Dixon, Harvey and De Vora., Laura Howe arid, company, lllbbert and Warren, W;,l\.<!ressweH and motion picture-*, were inn attractions for the present week, Bill wapk of Dec,. :t; Callahan. Kate Hope King, Mr- and Mrs. I>en Howe, Tnscbau. Quartette, Shotro. Trio. Rowan and Castelnt aud Ball. .■ ■ i ■ ■ ' '■■—■ Barllualon— At the Crand (Chnmber- |1qJ Harrington & Co.. managers) "Tbe James rlpjra Ma ■■Missouri'*, pleased Nov. 23, Al. (i. Plim'h Minstrels drew a fine house 24. Tire Smart'Set did good business 27. "Tbe Real Widow Brown" bfld fine returns, matluee and evenlDtf. 20. Christian Science lecture HO, "A' Jolly American Tramp" Dec. 1, "The DpuhKArd'M Daughter" X, "TeiOH Range™*' 4,' ilog«m Bros. 8, "Little Jack Horner,** t», MlKWM "Wonderland" 7, "The (linger- l»H&dMftn*'T0, -David Corson" 11, "Every- (Kid* Works but Pother'* 12, Ethel fuller 13, "jffil K¥at».er" 14. fUnfetCK.— Bill week of Dw. 3: Hazel fltpoo I'Jociil), Castle and Collins. Bud Par- uutfr, Clark and Temple, and blograph. : >*o*r.— Herbert w ttltersooon. New .,., fM>, - : gave tremendous satisfaction. In a neert, Not. 27, auspices Ladles' Musical #■■ , ~_ DoT*'iM»ori.—At tne Burtla Opera House ("Direction Chamberlain, Kindt & Co.) the ndma Brothers came to a packed house, and save Splendid uatlnfaction, Nov, 20. Adelaide ■jTnn-fltori, la "The Oirl from Out Yonder." d I a good' business 31. "The Yankee Consul" appeared. 1 - as. "The Squaw Man" 24, "Uncle Tiim.'4 Cabin" 25, "The Homeseekers" 27, •■B-bster'p Holiday 1, 20, "The Prince of I'll- sent' -0Q. {'auhy (Direction Monro & Oelkers).— The following attractions arc now holding the. boards: Clever Tana, Kathryn Mnrtvn, CfiBtfilol: and Hall, lid, Mooo, f'spe Bros., Btrid'moving plctiiren. qrano urau lIr»usR (Direction William Bowman).••-De Wolf Hopper, In "Happy- iQUd, came to on enthusiastic audience 83, * Op Parole" 30, Virginia Haraed, la "The Xofft Letter,'* Dec. 5. EtirE (Direction Chnrlps Berkel).—SI]) **fk of Nnv. 20: tteoninga, Lillian Berry Itffd, Wartton and Laroy, Musical Toys, H«f Srhttildi, Human Pillar: Lena Kline, and ■ nletures. Mr. Berkol, mnnaRer, reports that tl* Elite Theatre, Rock Island, HI., •wtll-open^Dec 24. ' #i ■' ■ i , C*d>- r Unplds.—At Greene's Opera Hon se (Will Si. Collier, maaagcr) Adelaide Tbura- toq, la "Tbe Qlrtfroni Out Yonder," Noy. 'Jipi.aliarfiKd n eood nuilience. Bon Head> rlcka,. |n "Ole Olson," 2a, pleased a fair hIkiw house. "Tbe Druakai-d's Daughter" UTj. tfOOfitor La Folletle 28, "Tho College Hoj". -JO. "Everybody Works But Father" ;iO,t HtBtsoo'sj "U T. Cr Co. Dec. J, "Uncle SI HaskiDH" 2, -"The Show Oirl" 4, "Won- dejUtnn"", p,' Emma Karnes 6, V. H. Navy moWfti, pji-turex 7, 8, "The Heal Widow IfrQwp7'*3..-"The Triumph of Betty'! 10, "Ser- geant ^Itty" 11, "The S(]uaw : Man" : 12, Kel- Tar U,VrTM District Lender'; 14, the Dal* lytnpttf Co." iff. rioi'MS'i (Vie. Hugo, manager).—I'ull JioiiRp-A greeted tills eicellent bill week of Nov. 2iT: Robert De Mont Trio, Jlmmle liUCflst.' ThompKO!) Slntrrs, Bud Farnum, Ray W, f'av and the Elnetoscope. Ilnlmiine.-- -At the tlrand Opera House %. ' Bradley, mnnager) "Ole Olson," N*iy. 24, drew two fair bouses. "Every* rw<|y works But Fntlier" had a fair uoiuo 20. Murray and Maek dHd well 27. 'The TrlutupL of Betty" fared moderately 28. Ttie-Qjaridard 0|iorn Cr>„ In "The Bohemian OliTI and "Martha," played to capacity 2t», 30. Blioir (Jake Rosenthal, manager).—Lnrt weak: Will H. Vox, the Great Snntell, AL CoI«tmin.- IJrandt nml Lareuo, Hall and Col- burn;, Charles L, Peck, In lllmttroted songs, unjr,tlie-Wnodrome.. ' v'4*i' iDodla-e.—At' the Midland Theatre f-T?«f l'>-Dermcr. manager) '?Tbe District J> V tvlliv Vnlu^l Dnrrlenn /eadftf.;.' wtilv Maijol .Jtnrrlwm and Joe How* artj, 1 , mnde a prunouna'd lilt, und packed thh houner from tilt to dome Nov. .24. •••The Col- lege flay' 1 did, medium 'business 21. ''Windy Muui, from Amsterdam," had a fair hou»e 20. -No\«liy-,Stock .Co.. Det. 4 ; U. . .'. AumTO'ltirM (Albert Hmtth, manager).— ■I'hfl'ftftj'^inh iteclmont Hand, 25, did big hunlneB!.-. ., ■ > —y— ■ a — ■■,. Keokuk.— m the La Halle-Tbeatre (Reeves & Diuigo. rcnaaKerH) Anulversary Week-was mntkiBiL-by a large attenddnce. and the lul- lowlng .porforiner* pleased: Don and Mae <iorrtoO>Loiib(R AdauiB, U. C. Ward, Adelro, and jhe biogrnuh pictures. .Bill week or Dec- ,1:; Leooord and Ix>nle, Bert White. 13. ('. H'aiit. l-'lorllin .Sanford, and a big t>aby i-aqleM, . E-r.L House (C. C. Thursum had an 0, "The Mid- „,. the NewBjlrl." _ . Jileawd. Cole und Johnson 28, "The cjol- IcgM'Buy" 20. I'ryor'a Band 30. \' 1'ort"Mndlswn.—At the ISblnger Orand . KfSh ■JSplsjR.-r, manager)-Howa's mm-ing ple- tung.'.-^qr. 20, came to fair bimlueHs. AL (L I'teld's Minstrels, 2,", drew the cntHicliy of tbii'Ubiisv. ,'■." ' ' < i » >■*$>*(■'. ■ ItMKOIK. Ikiautu-v-At tb« Powers Grand (J. v, (ilnsS nigiiagcr> wjituu Luoluiye, la vTae J»V Too the. Man.,'' tileaacd a large and en- thnsUiath* audience Nov, 23. "Nettle, the NowBjlrli" 24. , Lyman B. Howe's movlns filcdiiys,>23. was a nucrcBstul Hnnday night VfjjMif*. V"Tb# Tenderfoot." 2«l. did well. •♦Wcra-'.llfld. Boy,'* 27. and "Hoollgnn in N«WYork," -28. drew fair business. ''James Boysj In Missouri," £0 and matinee, had ^Niwrted- ■ hciiiHr-*, "THe Olngerbread Man" ftOi -"aantain Careless" Deo. 1, Lyman S. ttucv- <A. dbfrlei, manager).—Nor. 2*1 •M'WMlr: Clemcoso Bros., tbe LucoolaTrlo, . t^tiiirt' anil KeeMy Sistera and Lloyd Bpen- fltf, Dftl* JjarTls. late of tbe Texas circuit, opftiod • in lltusirated songs. Wavs Cum- mlMR, who has been acting In that cnnnrltr, KStit b to. Jl>II«t. . Big biiHlnciis ruled. . - NOTE.-r-Tbe Champaign (111.) nllDi sk#t- . Mlaneaipolln^-At the Metropolitan Ocerm House (U N. .Scott, manager) V. U. Crane, und Kills Jeffreys, In'their revival of "Shs Stoops to Conquer/* Doc 2-6, ttlebarrt Mhoailcld, in lilt* production of "Peer flynt," 6-8. • Week of Nov. 2f» ttw rtmt h-'* ,-•«q taken up with Paula'Edworaes,. ia-"Priac«9 Beggar. r> The Inner bait o« u er»un ut im«- gcles, In "The Oirl and the Governor," had .fair bbusea. Hooked for Dec, It) and week, the drat half. Otli Skinner, In "The Duel,' 1 foltuived by Adelaide Thurston, In her new plar, "The Qui from Out Yonder." .VdnmiiiLM (P. T. Banoon, maoagtr).— Friday. evening, Nov. 30, tho Apollo Club concert, assisted by the followlug: Alexan- der Petschnlhoff. Russian violinist; Janet Spencer, contralto soloist. Thursday eten- lug. .Dec 4, the first coorert of a series of nine to be given by the Phllbnrmonic Club, In "The ileatltudes," assisted by Mrs. L. Marcband. Park, of Minneapolis,, contralto; Edward Johnson, tenor; U. 8. Kerr, baritone aololat; also U. K. Phelps, the well known baritone, and Austin WHIInms, tenor, will be heard during; evening concert. Thursday evening, Dec. 11, the famous Scottish prima donna, Jessie Maclachlatt, under the aus- pices, of Clan Gordon. This season this company win have with them Hrc wdolsts of renown: John McUnden, Robert BitrJutu- an. liar Ic Graham and'Douglas Y'oiinr. Buoi; Oi-KHA IforjHt; (Then. L. Hays, man- akcif).—Week of Dec. 2, Kellur, tlie ma- gician, Week of Nov. 25 "Texas" drew crowded bouses.' For Dec. 0 and week, the Smart Set Following- this, one of Theodore Kramer's thrillers,. "A Rave for Life." Otirtinux (Martin'Beck, general manager). —For.2 and wchk: Paplntn, mirror and Arc dancer; tbe Pour Hards, Zazell and Vernon Co., Preston Kendall, to his own drama, "Across the Line;" Wllla Holt Wakefield, the Manhattan Comedy Four, and Mack and Joney. The hill at this house last week was capital, consequently standing: room only signs were displayed at nearly every perform- ance. L.YCKIM (1. C. Sneers, manager).—The Fravley Stock Co. week of 2. in "Captain Swift. ThlR fame company. In "The Dic- tator," played to good houses last week. "The «Jlrl and tne Judge," by the same conpnny, 91C. Unique (John Elliott, manager).—For 3 and week: Reouble and Sims, Mitchell and I^jve, Maude OlUette, Mudge and Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearea, and Irene Little. This honae reports good business for last week, at all performances. Dewey - (W. A. Singer, manager).—Sam De- vere's Co. 2-S, The Broadway Gaiety Girls played to crowded bouses last week. Miss New York Jr. Co. 0-13. MANAGERS and ELECTRICIANS, TTENTI Oar B«w 1M6-07 CATALOGUE li eemplsled, with flail description of. «»d ihowinf- method of npsvatton of •▼•»- thing; pprtatnlng to aleetrloal atsajs oraft and park amnsontfints. Prle« or Cataloane, )J5 cenU. tvhlon smnnnt will be dedaeied from drat 13.00 parthaae. Sent te regalnrcaalomfn rree. :i=»rrl IWIEIMCr-IElIM ELECTRICAL _ LARGEST MA'SL'PAtTraEIlH OF KLKL'THU A L S 1 AOE Al'PLIA \CKM AND KKKKCTM I» TIIK WORLD, 354 WE8T 50th STREET, N. Y. CITY. SEW JEIISKV. DnlHth—At the Lyceum (C. A. Mar- shall, manager) Nell Burgess, In "The Conn- iy Pair," has not lost any of his drnwlnp power, as tbe liouse was well ^filled Not. 27. Walker Whiteside. 24, sold out. Besses o' the Horn Hand HO, Dec. 1. Jeff De Anpells, In "Theillrl and the Governor," 3, 4; Anton lleftklng 0, "lVtllj Vardeh" 7, "Arleona" 14. 15. METnoroLiTAt* (W. H. Longslreet, nana* «r).—Sam DtWn Own Co. and tie nooT- Ins pictures of the (Jans-Nelson light, weex of Nov. & had good business, with "The Hebrew King" ns the burlesque. Andy Lewis was the king. Week of Dec. 2. Mist Sew-York; Jr., with Rattling Nelson as the Mr nt trad Ion, Bijou (Joe Maltland. manager),—livery iilcht this house irt filled to capacity,. Tbe hill for last week Included: Tnix'cday and Robinson. Link and Conifers, Isadora Silver, la Illustrated singing; the Buck- eye Trio, In a epmle act: Qulgg nml Mack, who bad the audience In roars, and da Tecli- nau Quartette, good singers'. Bill for l>ec. 3 and week: Seaman l.e Chartlera ami Rogers (lllbert Sarony. the Bellefonts, Ia Adeiln, Messengrer Boys' Trio* Budd and Wavne, Isadure Silver, James MeClelhn, end the'moving pictures. , ' ■ Notrs.— The Patty Bros, were an unusual- ly strong card at the Bijou last week. One of our local'papers hod a Mg item about a new vaudeville theatre to take the place of the Metropolitan. It will neat 1.SO0 peo- ple, and will he In the heart of the city, 0. K. Sato, of Chicago, la at the head of the deal The Metropolitan will hav© to come down, nB the Wisconsin Central Ry. will liuw Its depot nn the site of that houso. taking In two blocks on the Main Street (Superior). , m Im St. ntali—At the Metropolitan Opera House <L. N Heott, manager! Jefferson Re Angells, lu "The Clrl and Hie Oorernor," did fairly well Nov. 25-28. Paula Bdwurdcir, in "Princess Begaar,*' had big business 20- l>ee. 1, Richard Meusfleld 3-D, W. II. Crane and Kills Jedroys, In "She Stoops to Con- aiHir." 0-S: Adelaide Tbarston 0-12, Otis Wiinner 1II-15. GitAS'D (Tlieo. L. Unys. monngcrl.—Busi- ness was big week of Nov. 25. with Kellnr. the niRfrlfltm, assisted by Paul t'nladoii. Week of 3. Bw Stjiart Set; "*A Rnee ^or Life"* l)-in. .Ohpiiisi.'M (MfirMa lleclt, getiernl innnn- ger);—IluslnelM was very heavy Inst week ; at time* taxing the capacity df the'theatre. People for-warn of 2 are: Patty Brother*; the Klcht"VlisHfti* Girls, the Avon Comedy rour, Klein' «ad Clifton, Linden BeekwllU, Swor Brother*, and 13mllla Rose, HrAn (J. CvVaa Koo, manager).—llattllug Selsbn and Miss New York-Jr. Co. did a record breaking busluesa last week. For week of 2, the Innocent Maids; I'nrlsliin U.'IIph P-IT'. YnmetfH (Charles Krerclt. managerV.— TlHsluess was very good, shuwlug a big In- irrease inst MMrlc *J"te only lien* people for week of ;i will he the Yale Duo and Lcenn Howard. All the others bald over. Kmi'Ibk (Sam Pink, manager).—Business was good last week. Neiv people for week of .*': Lottie Dennle and Mooa Karl. ' All the olhcrs hold over, except Myrtle; Delno. WiNPROit N'ovELTir.-—RiMlness Is Mg. Au&oky. —Anna Kvn Fay and lier cotn- pnuy, In "Somnolency,' 1 week of 8. MBNTtox,—The teoond Symphony Orches- tra-concert *> V 'B he given 4. nt the l'eoplo'H tlhiirch, N, II. Kinnnoe!, conductor! Mndam Ouat Samoroff, soloht ■ is ThaMTkHjglvlnac At Blks' llwnte. It may interest many In tlio dranintle iwo- fvwtloa to intra bow Thaukhttlvlug wu» passed at the KIka* National Home, which ho many tbestrlcal people have visited. The home if, In the foothills »r the Blue Hldg-c. nad has manv peculiar advantages Is tlio way of drinking water, climate and travel facilities. The "bo;'* 1 ' were up early and abroad on the wide porch, drinking? la the pure, strong air. and enjoying uuobsths. The water comes In prpes from the famou* Peaks of-Otter, from lue summit of which was taken the capstone of the monument at Washington. Numberless cures are ascribed to the water, hut It Is particularly reeom- Jtended for rheumatism and kidney dlr-oi- ■K. The menu (always geDfirnuei wa« eitra line, the superintendent, Mr, Tuubtlnson, of Bali I mure Lodge, baring Journeyed to Lynch- burg for dt'llcucles; All the lads wera In rood bnmor, and tnUrely utlsued wlib tliR anr,i\ things prepared (or them, Oa oemorlal service day; Dee. 2, n number attended tin services of Lyn^hburK, ami others IboSe of Iloaooke Lodge. A traveling FJk or a vis- itor Is always welcome. Newark.—At tbe Newark Theatre ( Ottolengul, manager) Andrew Muck appear.*. the current week. In "Arrah-Na-Pogue." This revival promlaea good business. A n-eek of record breaking business ended Dee. 1, with "The Prince of India," which packed the house nightly. SnunRCT i II. M. llynrus. mnnnger).— Another excellent offering put forth by the new managers of this house, the current week, Is "Brown of Harvard." It la another of the mnnv novelties which have appeared thus far this season, and will, no doubt, bo ns much of a go as It has elKewbere. Lena Ashwell finished her engagement Inst week, with a nerforroanco of "Mrs. Dane's De- fense," Dec. I, mid the merit and high char- noter of Mic entertainment was lUurot»hly appreciated by large audiences Ihmuglh'Ut the week. John K. KetlunL in'Taps " FO-l.'i. PuucTiui'rt (J, W. Stuart, resident mana- ger),—A trlasRV ulll has been arm aged for the present week. Walter Jones and Mabel Hire, bead rlie list. Other* are: Rimer Ten- lev. Cnmeron and Flnnlgan. Itcdford and Winchester. Gertrudo Geocst, 0*BWen and Buckley, Ward Bros., and tlu* llazarilotis Globe, introducing,Dr. and Ml»s Clarke. * Com;mbia (M. J. Jacobs, mniiogerj.—'The Phantom Detective" this week. "The Cow- Im\v Girl" drew large audiences week ending Dec. 1, and especially on the holiday. Bi.jxbv'i* (J. II. Bucken, manager).—*Tbe Curse of Drink" rivets the attention this week. In the startling wnv so ninth desired. "A Child of the Regiment" received a fair proportion of the general good husineas week ending 1. "Ruled Off the Turf' 10-15. Wai.pmanx'h <W. S. Clark, manager}.— Sheridan's City Sports are here this week, with everything which goes to make bur- lesque popular, Including the female basket ball and llo-Ko team. Rice & Barton's Unlets Co. rilled the house every time week ending 1, and pleased the messes, as usual. Irwin's Rig Show 10-15. ■ ■ " ■ " ■ ■■ ■ i Jemey City,—Kdward Horrlgan, la "Old Lavender," received u wont cordial welcome from bis old time friends while at the Acad- emy, week closing Dec. 1. The Empire Bur- lesQucrs met with fair results at the Don Ton. Vaudeville, at Keith & Proctor's, was also fairly well patronized Acaokmy (Prank R Henderson, mana- ger).—Week of n, "A Millionaire's Revenge.'' "A Child of rhe Regiment" 10-15. Box Ton fT, W. DlnWiiK. manager).—The I-'ny t'oaler Co. 3-8. The Twentieth Century Maids 10-15. Harm & Pnooron's (Prank Ryraes, real- dent manager).—Week of - R: Six Musi- cal Ciittys, Murphy and Prancls, World and Kingston. Hayes and Johnson, Count De Bui/, and Brother, the Blazer*. Jas. Hnrrl- sail and, oh a special attraction, Clair Benny's performing cats. Chyst.u..— -Lost week's bill was good, and (he attendance araa targe. Attractions for \MH>k »>f Dee. 3: The Five Musical Lovelnnds. Ilia Three Kobcra, Jnrvl* and Tudor, ilae 'i'ltrney. ■■■!■ ■ >■! ■ I , ■■■ SflRlnnn-,—At the Academy (Cfeu. ff. Porter, monsgrr) Dlgby Bell, la "The Kdu- ratton of Mr. Plpp," bad «. It 0. No>V, 24. 'J'bos. Jefferson, In "ltt|> Van Winkle," pleased two good audlenreM 2.*. Joseph nnd \Vm. W. Jettersun, In "Playing the uanie," 20: Kathryn Osterman 30, "The Past Mali" Dec. 2, "Behind thp Mask" It, Jas. J. for- belt H. "When the World Sleeps" 7, S, "Rnst Lynns" l», "The Wayward Sou" la "Forty- live Minutes from Broadway" 17, ■■Ren Hur" W-22. .iKrrnirt (O. H, Snrgcnt, manager).—-I.nst week, lira K Si«N»r'H Co., In .'The Christ- ians (lift;" iHtft'y, Knwtelle ;md Ruffy, Btmd- er-Lavelle Trio, Brown Uroihrr* anil Dae fweiilcy, O'Kum Wonders. RjrW Dem-h niitl <rll Brown drew gootl Ikiuscu. Bill week of Dec. li: Hurrlxon King aud compuiiy. 'i'luee TrouhiidourH, Olias. Shurp, WflU mid Sells. Lillian Wnltonn and compnny. Three Kelleys. juid Chtw. Jifldcgnr. . , ■ i > .——.i n . i Bay City—At the W'nshlni-ton (w. J. Daunt, manHirer) Dlgby Bell, In "The Rducn- tion of Mr. Plpn." drew a large huuse Nov. SA, Thomas Jefferson, In "Rip Van Winkle," -tiH well received l!t). Josepli and William Patterson.—At the Umpire (A M. llriig- genuni, manager) A merltorous bill served to draw a good house last week. Dill for week of Dec. S' Crlmmlna and (lore, Sydney Cranl, Roland West and comnnur, Roberts, linyes nnd Uoberts, Kay Holland, IhilHv Duutoad, Cavnoo, Casting Dunbars aud the klnelo- grnpii. I.vpfi'ii (P. J. oillien. mnnager).—|tin.0OO Reward" recelvexl fnlr patronngc Nov. 20--2K -While 'Frlfco Bitrnu" was well receiveil 20- Dee. 1. "The White Chief" 3-B, "The Phan- tom Detective" 6-8. jAcnus' (Maurice Jacobs, mnnager).— Pay Poster Biirlecoue Co. was the attraction last week. Laroe hotntes prevailed. Twen- tieth Century Maids week of Dec. 3. im- perial Btirlesqners to follow. Pkkik's (,lobn O. Mack, manager).—Busi- ness - liiht week was very good. Bill week of Dee. :t: The Gotham Stock Co., In "The Train Bob hers." iiohnken. -Al the Dyrle (II. P. Soulier. miinageri business has been line. Dnnlel Sully, In "The Matchmaker." Doc. i-B; "The Shadow Behind the Throne" 0-9, "Big Heart- ed Jim" OIL'. "The Hull Room Boys 7 ' 1315. };.'U'i[;i: (A. 31. Bruggemann, proprietor). —BUI for Week of 3: PMwnrds DavU and company. Murphy nnd Wlllard, Three Plood Bros., Three Abdullah Bros,, Dave Nowlln, Leonard Kane, and the Exposition Pour. Week of 10 will be souvenir week for men only. Sort:. —Suitable progrcHn fe bolnp made at the new uaiuaement resort new building. ■ ■ s ■ ■ i Eillsabetb.—At .-to Lyceum (E)roy & Drake, manngenfi "Wheu Frisco lliirns," Sot, 2tl-2«. caiuo to fair returuB. "Her False Step." 20-Dec l. did moderate busi- ness, except on Thanksgiving Day. when people were turned mvay. Kilts* memorial servlcPH Dec. 2, "The Pit an torn Detective ■ :i-5. "Tho Oirl from the Sunny .South" 0-S, "Com Hollow" 10-12, "Chinatown Charlie" 13-15. Jacobs*. —''The Choir Singer" Nov. I'D, "The Matchmaker" Dec. 1. Camden,—At the Camdeu Theatre (M, W, Taylor, manager) "Big Hearted Jim," Nov, 20-28, to ndt; a big hit ben, pJuylng. with one or two exceptions,- to capacity. Brothers Byrne, In "JCIglit.Hells." followed on Thanksgiving Iwy, nnd packed the bonne from top to bottom, continuing .10, Dec 1, uitli. some* eiiornions biiHlness. "Ruled Off the Turf" Z~», "Chinatown Charlie" 08, "Montana" 10-12, 'Tier Only Sin" 1SMG. a i ♦ MICMIUAN, Detroit.—At the Detroit Opera BqpM (B. C. Whitney, manager) "Tht Truth," with Clara Uluodgood In Ibo title role, met Ibo approval of large nudJences lam week. Wm. I'tiversnuoi,' In "The Hnuaw Man," week of Dec, It. Lyckkh (E. D. Stulr. inaniijger),—"Behind tli*' Musk" drew good sized huuieu last week. Wtlltaus and Walker week of 2, LArAverri: (Dr. Campbell, ciaoaeert.— The Ryan Stock Co, presented ''Monte (H-Isto" tbe latter part of last week, to good Iiouses, Tin- same company, lu "Ingomiir," "The Three Mnp fc rt o en r* nnd "Rr. Jekyll and 5Ir. Hyde," week of 2, Wkit.nev (I-*. V. stair, ainnaaer). — "Ucrtba, tbe Hewing Machine <ilrl," drew (be usual pneked houses last week* "A Wo- mun of Flro" week of 2. TnHrm' (J. II. Moore, manager),—Last week's.hill was llrst class, and S. R. D, was tho role, afternoon and evening. Attraction* for week of 3: Mr. and Mrs. Oardner Crane end company, tbe Pour Fords, Morris Cronla and Troupe, Nora Bayeti, Wvlln'a Clreus, W«rd>a and ftladdlah, and the kinotOKrapli, Oayltv (II. II. Hedge*, Luanagen.—The World Beaters presented n pleaslar entsr- tninaumt and drew well last week. The Dainty Dncbess Co. riud Lulls Selblai week of 2. AvrvrK JDrsw & Campbell, mnnneers).— The Htor Show Clrls dror. the usual good bouses Inst week. Jeffemoii, In "Playing the Came." pleased a large audience 28. "When the World HJwpi" Dec. tl, "The Hurglnr and tho'Luily" ", "Rnst standing room nt each performance ThnuhH- ?living nay. Bill week of :l: The (lotllolm, ilney and Cunningham, .ItiggllnR Miller, ciiiniuv Chler, Illustrated songs, tho flenmini Children, and cllnetoscopo. ; —■ i ■ ■ Bnltle Creek.— At the Post (E. R. Smith, manager) "The Past Mall" had a good home Nov 2L Dlgby Roll 2fl, "Tlio dlay Baker*" 20, Wilton Iwieknye Dec. ;i, Thomas Ji-fferson d.-'TIast Lynn*" JO. "Forty* five Minutes from Broadway" II, Nnn..c O'Xcll 12. Bijou (\Y S Rntterfleld. monngerl.— Bill for week of Nov. 2d: Lew ICnelzner, Olnoy and CtiunlnKhnra. Ilenery Fink, Maury Barret, the Three Itonaldos, and moving ple- ruino the fore part of last week, to rXflee 1,ii-1*111*.—At Balrd's Opers House (P, J. Williams, manager) "Dora Thome" came Nov, 24, to good bualness. The Jeffersou-i, In "Playing the Game" came to Mg hunlnesi 2d, Wilton Lncksye, In "Tlie Uw and tho Mun,'* enme '10, to big I)IisIui*sh. Bijoc iD. J. HobBon, ma linger).—The usual pneked houses prevailed w««k of 20, with tne following: Hai-rls-Jlemirvxurdi? mid company, the Klngnhuryb, Tyler and .famce, and Eddy Htwyer. Jackson.—At the Athenauim (II. J, Por- ter, resident rnnnaper) "Our New Minister," Nov, 2ft, pleased. DIghv Roll, In "Tlie Kdu- cnllon of Mr. PIppV* ^8, did well, and, W11- um Licbaye, In 'The Man and rhe Law," S». ployed to 8, II, 0, "Tho Clay Raker" IX'C, 1, "I'nliitlng lhe Town" *t, KailflH 1 .Min- Kl nda < local) II, 7. TtiomnH Jefferson H, "Ben Ilur" 10-12. * i » WIMCONHIN. XlllM-ankee,—Local tlicntrcgoiTB fared uiitiNiinJIy well ThmikHglvluK week. At tho DKviduou. "I'lic (Ivsiid Mufiul"'i'Ut lu the entire week with cluxe to cupncliy uttend- anee, Frank Moulttn and Jinuiti* Lillian Herry bended n splendid compoiiy, aud acorrd an Immense lilt. 3lutiugcr Sherman Browo offers " *Wuy Down Kast" week of Dee. 2. \V. II. Crane und Hills Jeffreys, la "She Sl'iops lo Conquer," 12. HtiuuKirr (Kdwln Tlianhntiser, inauaxer). —"Oil Parole" Nov. 23-28. C'hnrlatto Walk- er and VIntent Moruno wore warm favorites, both dulpa- oxeidlem work. "Tlie Stolen Story," 2i>-J)ei:. 1, was tilsu a popiilnr offor- iuir. ■ Friday night, N»v, HO, whh marked by the 'Irst upneiiratict? of Hurl Buddie, who tuorcd a hlu bli. Henry K. IHxvy 0-12. AtrtfAMittiA.—Cherldali Sluipwon, In "Red Feniliur," lost week, ployed to racitfd busi- ness for in*.' KCHHon. Crowded DoitseK nilM throughout Hie cugugeiueiti, Mis.s HimpHon iiri'rltiy-i) slrong -attraction in her home city. Mnnnjtcr Jaa, A. IHgler offers "Tin! Reauty Doetor'* week of 2. Williams mid Wnlker irssk of Rl IJmuu Hol'h» (John It. Pierce, rcul- deuL manager),—"Hutidny," one of tho Uvnt offerings of the season, fared well lust week. "A lloce for Life" week or 2, "IHily, lhe Kid," week of 0. Btab (Prank It. Trottumn, mniingor).—- Tho Parisian Betlt-s 2 and week. The.Inno- cent Maids played to rapacity last week- I'aoht (f»on Wachsaer.»|[pr).—"Die Aalniier'' will he nut nu Sunday, 2. Burton Hot'mss nod Lyman II. Howe are presenting ibidr moving plcturei. in good ndt^nd.inco, Cuchtax, (F. B. Winter, nmnagprj.—Bill week of .*!: Rohort Htlckn^y und bis iiony, Dixon and Fields, Thro lljinorb. Dainn-rrait- elit and company, and Black uud Lexllo fto, Oman p.—Mansfer W. W. (iregK orfn-i II»r- vey nnd I> Vora as his top liner* f'>r wfiok af Iter. 8. MOSSLER CO. Clothes for Professional Men 50 Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO. CALL! '1 lie "Mnslcr Service" oftcw tin; "sniavi" de- seaisantl blgbtwtcllUbl rctidy tii.U'ciU.rliitliesi |Of uv.:iy lcind, style Qnrla}ze. Prices range SiStoJtio. Cull when ^^^ in" l.-likntio! "Tlilly" \~3 ■ +i tiuulii .(-specially ttw •^ 0 viti-jriianKuiyfrnjiula. P. S.- Send for buoltM "I'uints in Dross,'' with self measure blank, Prompt attention. Lynno' 8, "The Wayward Son" ». ALVAr.xit.i (W*. J, Daunt, mnnager).—Heven- gali drew large crowds week of Nov*. 2S. Dec. - and ween Mrs. Ueneral Tom Thumb will head the bill. Bijou (J. D. Pilmore, manager),—Bill week of Nov. 20 Included: Welsh and Kates, Murk and Held, Frank L. Perry, Karly nnu Late, Joe Drcnne, Robert Tans, nnd the 111- Jotiscope. Capacity houses ruled. t.riuiii RuitiiU. — At the New Powers ([lurry U. ftonimors & Co., munairers) Dlgby Hell, Nov. 27, drew well, an did ThomnH Ji'ftVtton, 2P. Wilton I^ackaye, In "The Law nnd tho Mud," Dec. 1. Corlnne 12, "Ron Ilur" l:i*ir.. Majestic (Orln stair, ninnnger).—"Tbe Clirl iliul Looks Like Me," Nov. 2o-'J8. played to crowded hou*e*, an did "The Wnr Corre- Hl>ondent." 2fl-Dec. j. James J. coi-tictt. In *'l'he Rurglnr and the Lndy." S*S; Norn O'Brien, In "Suodny," 0-1*1; "Painting the 'Town" tt-8. tlRiNii th-KiiA HntmtB (Churchill & I'M vis, managers!.—Week of 2: Brown Rros. nnd Doe Kenley, Clover Conkey. Downey and Wll- lard, Jan. McDnff, and Speilnian'it perform- ing bear*'. » — .-■■ — KAlamnsno.—At the Acndcmv of Music (II. A. Bush, nirmiiK'-n Hie .lencrsoas. In -I'lnvltig ihe Oninp,"- bad gooil business Nov. ■JO. Henry R. Dixey, in "The Strut an th<! Hon.." drew a Lie house 2.1. "The Stolen Story" did gimd btiHlnens 27. '"The Circuit Rider" played \<> two big houses, nmtlncH ami ulghl, 2H. Tlins. .leffeesou. In "Hip Van Winkle," :iu; **Baiil Lyuue" Dec. 1, ,"Tlie Rajah of Hlioog" ii, "SumlMy" 7, Ruot' (II. W, Crura, mannKcr).—-Capacity houses ore the rule, people being refused Get tne Habit, bo to jQl&tk> VIA CLOTHIERS, DBlOI SQCABB, nth Straat, near Broadway, 379 Broadway,' war Ummleri, 47 Ccrtlindt St., near QrflicttlOl, 125th St., oornar TJitrd ire., flKW YORK: CITY, . i:iiu cinire.—Al the Brand te. d. tfnaa, mnnngt'i') "The (lliigi-rlireitcl Mint," Nov. guve HAiinfiii'ihin, lo « pneked b*.Hi*«\ "Wind/ Hum frntn Aur.tfnbim, 2li, dn-vi nom\ busi- ness, 'lieu Hendricks'* Deo, 2, Rawtta Knoil tlMgri-: (Win. Armond, reddent mnnug'-rt, — Hill f<»r week nf .Nov. 2d: Mnbi'l Lf-ulw Reefy, John HniTltiutiiii, lle-dtle SItum, Mnitde tillleilc. Wni. Aifijoiul, Mitchell nml Lnv«», iinri Miiilue ku'I Moituii Week of Dec. :i. o'NlePs Miiji'silf Mltisttvlx. nnd Ihiwu anil I'riwnnU are pint or the bo'iklut,'*. *> >» VIHUINIA. NorfulK.—At lhe .tendemy of MtislefOHft Wells, lot'ji iiuuiHgcri P'turence Davis wnvr two perfoiniaureK Nov. Mi I* very good buai- iiess, -Tim ClniiHmnn," hooked for wock of 20. cancnlvd. "The tb»auly.ond lhe. Beam" Dec. r», i-'resion Clnrkc 0, UliAKuy (Otto Wo|l*. tiifftl ntjiiinger).—Not M. Wills, in -A Lucky Dog," Nov. 20 and week, did phenomenal bitalncsM. "M», Him and I" week of Doc. -H. ■ lluop (Abb. MmliJi, manncer).—I'pnplu for week nf :l: lUi^cit Broil.,. Molllo Abbott, Murtyne sistm-H, Mny Penman, Hilly wii- IIiiiiih, and Muy Itnnilolph. RutilnpsM is very gooiL . t t AcMH (Wllkr-rwin & Mnnzln, uinnngers).— 'f'tils house will bo closed nflei* Jjee. I, The nmriiiKimi'iit exporl-t .to act Inh* Ihclr lirw hointj nliOtit Dec, 10. Clutii. V. AnderHnii, Herninn eumedhin, formerly dlreulor- nf nunuHoni'tnts for Mexirs. Wllkorseti & Umulr, has iciiiriieil Unit position, iliul Iiiih been ^up- pointed iJiiHlncbh man a get* for Hu 1 Ikjuhu. AtiDiroiiiuM (J. M, Barton, manager).— People week of Hi Johnnoti and Uront, Rentu and ICdwiirds, the Miuldernn, l-Hflle Star, Nell KIstorM, PHttei'soit and Raymond, nnd Smna- ,imi. BllffllH'SH is gOMi. .. I . Manhattan (Crfnnlnti' Bron„ managers). —People for week of ;: are: ('Uhh. Klnun- hew. lloycv Urns., Arthur Lane, Albert nnd ManiagWi Joe Dowlev, Alay I'lerre, Louis Bridges, and Irene Sullivan. Biwincyu !■ jood.' Sotr.— Clins, Klnnchow, who hnn Juat cloied pi very successful wnson with Roolit- soii'h I'.Ij- Shows, IntH token cli-jcgo of tlfft atngo nt the Matilntttaii TheittJn hero, .'f ' ■ " 0 ■■' " -'■■ Ne^viiarl .Veivs,—At tlio Academy nr Music ((1, B. A. Booker, mannxcr) l'lnrene-> IhivlM. Nov. go, preMeiii';.! "The Plnvi-r Mrtlrt" to Very good ImikiIiicsh. IHeiu csiievliu m to present "Tlie Little MJhh Flirt," 27, hut <iwlng to tlimnclal trouble, did not .dp- pear. f'ans-NelHim pklupe*, 2ft,-hud-KOml re- lurna. "By Right of Sword" did excellent business :io. "Tlie sleeping Beauty 'ami. -tint llennt" Dec. 4. ■ Slniiiitmn.—At Hit* Bevorley • Tlientre tllnrktiiiin & Hhtiltz, monngerti) "The Irish Pawnbrokers," Nov. 27, cnrtioto . fair ,bnsl- iipns. Creston Clarke BO. "Are Von n Mason?" Dee. 7. "Holly Tnltv" II, I'Sluip!.* Klinun Simple" 14. Thiis, JefTcMou Ifi." *"rlie Titnicrrnnl*' Iff, -A Mv.mmuo trtirn . Marn"^2U, ".My Wife's IMuilly'' 27, -'/Am" 2*. «--♦> KANSAS. Ft. scuit—At. the Duvldsoa Theatre (II. C, l^nilch. umuHgori .ipne Ci>rcorau M lu "The. Frcfdmii ot Siusuuuu," gave u jjood- show, 'Jf> good IiuhIiips!*, Nov. 27.'s Mfus'trola' it, \V. R. ratton, In "TO Slum- Hlrl," 2ii; "Mid- night. I'Ivor" lliv. it, "HiHler Southern rtkie'*'' H, Lynmn Twliw 1", Jaito Kctiuaik H, Mil- dred Holland Ifi, 'ntSMiMIT TtilUTim (!■'. IJ. Lt'.i\-1s,' trinns- geri.—(lnod biislfieyit rules, . , r ■ I... ■■■■! I » M I M ■ Lnwrenee.—At.Rowowock'H Opnra UAQss .(IrviDK HHI. 'tHft'otifter) "Foxy Cinudjw" iih'iif'fl n fair hismo Nov. 21. '-'in -Old Ken- i iic-ky" plnyeil to good bonatMi 211, JniMt Knaarlt, In "The Toast of the Town," de- Ilfthtcd ull 24, "Wonderland" gmv KtiiNfu.-. Hon l!7. Noras i'«o« RENrvaow'H Jim.i.v Pith- fiNDtu'a Co.—This pojular attraction, thiri je:ir, la without a dtmbt, tbe slrougeat evi-r carrlcd by Mr. Iteotfrow. The htislness up In tho present time lias hum capacity at almost rvurv perforuanci 1 . \\t ure pluylng at Ibn flrmil Oporu llout-e, I'nrtsniniith, O,. this week, making the third yenr In siireesslon that thin cr.mpAtiy \\n* litul the 'l*hnnk<iKirlng week here. '