The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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1106 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December s. TEE NEW YOM CLIPPER THEFRHNH QUEEN PUBLUHINaCO.ltl'fiillid.) '""''• VUVBIROR8.' ALBEBT J. BOBIE, BPITOaiAI, ISP rcrjBINCBa MAHAqta. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 8, 100C RATES: AanrtlMmtnta—12.80 pet inch, elr.,1, cos- Aivtniuxnmlm let with border, 10 pet ctaL extra. Bi'B,riurTiO'». One jesr, la eOTSace, «4 ; ill noatta, »2; thrtc mentis, II. Foreign postal. «tim. Nolle eoplei will be tent, poitpUd, an re- ciipt of 10 ceatt. Oar Term, are Cnsb. THE CLIPPER li Issue* nets Weoaesdn, Boraliir. The last (our (ad.ertiraaj pagei 00 TO PBB88 on Saturday ttlll it..' aaa tlie Otter pages on MONDAY aDd TUESDAY, Tie* Forme Closlnst Pe»m»tsr; Sana. day, at 10 u'plack A. M. I'leaM remit by express, money order, check, V. 0. order or registered letter. Ail «»h en- closed with letter list the risk of. Bonder. adarraa AU ComosOnloeitloan to : THE HEW YOIlk CLLPPEtl. 47 West iinth Street, Ke* Tort StoUUret Ulttt Address, "AOTHonm." THE WBSTKBN BUREAU et Tn» CiirPtn as located at-Boon B04, iBlland Block, Chicago, John T. Prlsce Jr., manager and correspondent, whero adrertlao nests and .subscrlptlonji are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Craobourne St, London, W. C. Joan 11. Carney, manager and correspondent, irliere adverUsenients and Bubscrlptlent are recelred at our regular ratw. TxtB CLirrsn can bb obtained, wuolb- balh and HErAit., at our agents, Bnntano'l iicts -depot,- 37 avenue do rOpera, Paris, Fririco: XI. Mllcnthal, rrederlck Straass 101 (Terminus notel), Berlin, Ji. W., Ger- nan,,; Diamond N'etrs Co., 117 Pralo, Ha- Tana; Manila Book and stationer-, Co., 13s F.KOlta, Manila, P. I.; Albert A Bon, 137- 139 King St, Sydney, Australia. TUB NETWORK OMHPEH pnMIakca •air. one edition, ana that la «luiel from Kew York, aim c uifABo-fe BTTEn. ■ MM 001 OWN cbOhlBPOXPINT. H- Ko Hepllei by Moll or Telesrapk*. AJmaiBRBS OR WH1BBABO0TS HOT OIVM. A.I.L IN gUIBT OF SUCH -SHOULD WMT» TO ruosn ttiiok tiiict'bbkk. in cabb or THB 1'OHT tlmcB. AXL LUTTBttB WILL iJK AOVTBTIBED ONE WKBK ONLT. If TUB] NOU1B Oi* AWT, T1IEATBICAL tOUPA.NI IB SOUGHT, REl'fiB TO DUB LIST OS* IlOOTIB fljl AKOTiHB FAUX. \V)B CANNOT BIND I0DTM BI JUIX <JB TILEORAril. DltAHATIC. N. T., Beading.—We have no kuowlcdfo of the preseui whereabouts nl" tho party. Ad- dress b letter lu-our care, and we wilt udver- Use It Id Tit* CLiri'HR letter list. Mils. J. It. M., Atchison, Ai A. n., w, .t.■»!., Cleveland, O, T. U., Brie, C.-B. H., Albany, "ANX1UU8," A. A., Lawrence, and A. I*. C. Sen answer to X. T.. above. I>, \V.. New i'nrk.—Address John 1*. llo- pan. Klka' Hall, MajeBtlc Building. New York nj. ■ - ■ (1. 1*.. Mu akogee.—Add reus Manager Con> rii'U, Metropolitan Opera House, ISow York 3."lP. L., Untiway.—"Dr.- JekyU aud Mr. Hyd«" mi drat acted In New \o«k City Mi-pt. 12, i*JST, at -the. Msdlson Square The- aire, l>y -tlvluird UtuiHliold. ; U, li—vroas 916.00-per week up. A. K. 1*.. Terrs Haute.—Address ttae party to wliota you refer fur onawer,, ; >V. U C, MoniiilHvllle.—Address the Miner Una. Co.. Now York City. Ki. C. II.. Ci.moll.—Any ono can present It, bill, we do iiut kuow where It can be ol> tiittuil. iinletw Hick & KUxfenkl. 4t) Aon Idlroet. i*iiii fiirnlali It. ,_,, V .A. Y.. Ifeltimnre —Address .lullus CaliD, lliiip'.it- 'J'lientro Uiilidlutf. Now Y»ri City. li. II. A., fj. i-ou/c—Addresn V* II. Win* wit, mot It roadway. Npvt York City. C. It aL. Welro-Hilli..—Sec answer to 11. II. A., above. 1'iM'i'. J. U l\, Cliloigo—Watcli our rosts list each week. \V. E. W. t IliN|ut.itt).—Wo liove uo moiioa of knnvliic. Ti W.. cii mute— This Is'the third senson far llic Hays, lu "Down m»$um, m "Hornh.'* —('. fl. t.tnin. 41. West Twenty- elfflith Blivel. iiwy be able to supply you. A. X li. JJ., New York.—'the Ulnon City ?imrtetie nppcarad «t Keith & Proctor's weuty-lhh-d Street Theatre, BuoiUiy, Nov. 11. P. it. H-. OwjInlofT.—Sec onr route list en eli week far I In mules «!" tlw -various "Uncle Toin'i, t'nbln'* Co.**r. : .. . A KutMtt. Mobile.—1. Address Frank Mel- ville, Hoi HrondwH.v. New. York City. 2. Yus. Yun can but. "nddronn.all agonts." 4. li. It.. Clrleano—II Ih iiKiiolly vouild- ercd too lonir tor a viuntevllle act. JIikh K. T. M.\cC, Mount Union.—1. Uo )o not deul In plurti. % See answer to H. li. A., above. 3. J. II.. Vblladolphlii. —The Columbia Theatre. Iloslon, 'wus tlrar oponeil Oct. 1*J, |H»I, hv Willi as* llnrrls and C|«M| Atklo- wn, and In June. 1802, was owned nud mBU- nceil by Mo^rv. KU-h. llnrrU & frohiunn. It tins always tern kuowu as 1bo €.'oli]nibla Tlieitic exiM*>t Tor a few nionlhi In HKM. when It was called the Columbia Music Hull. CARPS. i. C. Ha Itoeaeatcr.—The cards eompoilug fingle pluoeblc, 1 once melded, can not be used to tnc-d double pluoehlo. Old—The pame In called Mlstlrrls. BASEBALL. W. A. F.. DnnuTllle.—In case of raia or dai'kiiL'sa four and onu unit luulng. constitute it cams, providing tbe aide second at bat shall luivo heoTod In the unequulled Innlnos move Earn tann the Klde first at bat does In the live tanlnu*. Seiv rule j r«. UISOEsVIaAXBOUS. T. 7. G.. Ku]iiiHia<*i.—Any unabridged dic- tionary will givs you tu« v-juilug of to« word. M. Tt., Reranton.—Tbe Hrrttenct Is correct. 1-3. R,, Ulngbomton.—Addnvi tli« atactic Instructor of nuy of the lenllne colleg>>s. , St. L., Boston.—Ift have uo record of the ereat. - '■"• Wmern Burenn of the Srvr York Clipper, Hoon sIMt Athlaad IIlock, Cliic^atros Tho week of the festive bird who la pTtyed timm with diie alocerlty by rich nnd "poor alike, brought out hansf* which inuHt fiafe Warmed tbc cockles of the mnnaKerlni hearts, and on the day of daya last week erery house was crowded to itn capacity. Matl-ieus w>re given ar all imnpes, and at MeVicker's three performances were (Ivea, one-at-'11 a ji-.'uiio nt ...aI> r. a. and the L-ostomary ulglit pci-rormnnec. Orofee \f.-Cohnu njid his merr;makers, Itk-hard MtiDiileld, WIK Ham II. Crane nnd Kills Jeffreys and Wii- llfiti.r? and Walker all, closed succewiful en- Bigemenis Dec. 3. Kraacbi NVllson. la "The ountaln Clitnber;" "Tbe Tenderfoot," JnmpH K. llackctt, In "The Walls of Jericho," and "The Grand IMfM-M.'* are tUe prlnt-ltm) new aiLractlons, wltu the latter Heen fur Hie drat tlrm: lotSally. .\; the Sew Theatre. Unuptiuanii's "Klja Is n novelty. "The Time, the l'la«-e nnd the Girl" Is roov* ln£ rapidly aloi)2 toward Its two Iniidrcdth lierfomiance, with-the '*liouse sold out"sign visible nltnuHt nightly. lLLiNoiM Tiir-iATRr. (Wilt J. Davis, mana- ger).—Mario CnhJH' won much favor last week. -The numerous catchy aonga were ea- :!ni-iiiBtleiijIy received, and Mies Coblll was In.*:iri ily reccfred. Kugtuc Cowles, Annie Hockley, Mark Smith and the otner raeat- 1 ij] ■. were mode to feel as though aaiong fricndK. The ItuatneHH holdH up remarkably well, aird the engagement will elwe l>ec. S. Next week.'H. B. Irving and l>orotbea Iiilrd, la reuerlory, ' * 'QtWsBBi* TnuTitis (Harry J. rowers, man- ager).—Mr. crane and Mln» Jeffreys closed their Inst week here l, tollne audiences, add tbc good, old faabloned comedy bptased as few of the ntodern ones do. rnls ■ week. l-'raticta Wilson, ,n -The .Mountain Climber." 0.\.-;r..rK Titk.atjif. (Herbert c. Uuce, man- nger i.—Henry t-J. Dlny, In "The Man on Hi' 1 l!nr," held nlsaadlcnce Id a continuous roar of merriment )sgt week. Tho engage- ment will end 8, and make way for toe Soli.orn-M.irlowe Cp., In n repertory of clsaslc drama, opening 10, In "John th^ IiaptlKl." Other plays ahnouoccd are: "Jeanne D'Arc.** "Tho Sunken Bell," "Ham- let." "Aa You Like It." "l-'raitcesca da ltlml- itl" and, -Kiealbly. "Gnlncvcr." Their stay will only be of two weeks' duration, and fourteccn performances will be given. Colonial tulavw: (George w. I^dcrer, mansger).—Ibc merry days of George M. Cobuo. in "t.twive Waahlugtou Jr." curue to mi L-jid, locally, Saturday night. Dec. 1, with a record Of almost unbroken, capacity nttend- incc during the long- riin. "The (Irand Morrul" waa given Its local nremlerc 2. All lndlcatloiu point to a most successful vi»lt, and that the hou«e. will have no> cessation of tbe immense business It has been doing. Frank Moilan la featured, and Maude IaII- llan Bart, Edith St. Clair, Carrlv lt«yiio!d8, John DuuEDiulr. W. II. Macnrt and Sager Mldgeley are lu the cast. The booking Is Indefinite. .. '- HTUt'EtUKCt. Tiieatbh (It E. Ilormeyer, mans»ger).—''The Flower Girl" made a. posi- tive hit here hut-week, nud Louise Ounnlng la purticalrir. was singled out for extreme lu praise. I^uls HnrrlBon. well liked locally, made a hit of no •small dltnensldns as the Proprietor of the flower store, and Jlarrv 'alrlelgh was encored. repeatedly for his Honga. The attraction bids fair to draw good hoiispr. for some time to-come. GkA.Ni> Ovksa lIor.*3B-(Harry~Askln. ninn- ngei:).—rUlchprd Munsfleld ■ dosed, hla Ave wcctB* «u,*og**nient Dec. .1, to a-riuecesslon of capacity-liuiihfes. having played ln..m»ertory Curing the. anal week, n list ot which was given In last week's letter. On Sunday. 1* James K, llocjtett opened In "The Walls of J^tlcho." The liciii-e was crowded, and gave the star and Ids coji.pauy n tnorit ; eiithyilcBtIc reception, wlilch angura well fr>r toe • roar weeks' I'ugugeux'ni;,. M^cVlciSKii« TiiisATiiB (George C. Warren. nmnageri.-r-'l'Way Down Kaat" wound up Its toug tenancy at thU bouse In a blaze of glory, playjng to splendid audiences at all timos, nntfob Tliaiikfiglvlng Day giving three peiTorojoBees, nt whlcli the liollday ee'ekers turned out In full force. The wiriulng tiuall- ties of this.good old rural drama Roem to have, tlie virftcs of wlrio, and Improve with age. lilnaehe Walsh was-greeted bv a" tre- mendous audience, when Bbo nppenred San- dfly, 2, In "Tlie Woman In the case." Tbfe play Is announced for two weeks, to be fol- lowed by her performance ; 'of "The Kroutzcr Sonata » Nr.w Tittwur; (Sim P. Oersoo, managei-)". —."The tSon-iM-Law,'* preceded- by-JJenry Ar- thur JoneV drnjuatlc sketch,.In ooo act, "Tlie (■pal." M»rvcd to lucredee the business at this little 'playhouse last week, nnd at the sAmo time the public seems tt have become aware of i lie fact that the'theatre U not a "so- clety nffnlr," and cvervone Is welcome,.as nt other houses. With the presentation of llaupt- ninn's "Klcn,"- Dec II. Chrystat Herue. will ninke hcv bow an lending wi>mnn of this or- gatilxailoB. a fact which will doubt less servo to strengthen the box nffleo receipts. Roucl- ciuICh old one act comedy, "Korry." Is an- r.otitiiTil r.s a curiain raiser, ami Geraid Grlf- Ilnwill be mcr in tho title role. This bill will be retained (he usual two weeks, with "Sweet I-nvcndM-" announced to follow, with Miss Heme In thc'*tlt!e role. oncAop. Onau Hol-hk iH. P. Hunt, roan- aceri.—'The lottery of Ix>ve" proveda wise e ir.-=t week, and buxlnesii l-oomed In Kreat fashion. Sllsa llced lins tlioroughlv woa her way to the hearts of the iwldtues, and Is a slron^* magnet. Mr. Dramwell Is a sterling actor, who seems to lit whatever part. In given nltu. ana- he hn.i ptnyed a wide vsrleiy since Id* advent here. This week he Is glvlim n most p4,wvrful l».per*K]ii:L lm of Curt, Tlioi-ne, In "-Secret Kenlec," and tho eutlre niliBlT* ■ plnyliitf In excellent form. Thr stagiug Is lu tbe cnpnule hands of Walter ('lurk follows, nnd every detail Is carefullv nt tended to. Next week, "The Great Train ltoubery." La Tui:atki: (Mort II. Singer, man* ogcr,.—"The Time, tbc I'lnce and the Ulrl" uinilnues on Its prusperons way. Nothlnr; more could be desired in the way of business, for nothing uiorc could bo done, uuleus tho bouso were enlarged. Itcsu Temi'h: Tiieatuk (KtlzAbeta Belio- bor. manager).—-"The Silver King" drew fine bouse:* last week, and was well -played. This company Is a decided success, and the North Side la fortunate In having a family tbcutre whore tbo best can 1-e.secu, v>*Il lilryvd, at reasonable prices. This week the wB Is "A hachelor's Honeymoon." Friday night of last week was n special event, and inc fiouae was crowded wl:h cutliusla'tlc admirers of the local high school football club, many of wboui were present. Next week, "Tbe Two Orphans." Inteun.vtioxal TtiCATne (GUIs F. Glick- nun. luunaeer).—Tho hudne** hew Is In- creasing steadily, aud la now nearly capacity at every ueWorumnce, as steadfast friends worship at the shrine 61 that remarkably versatile actor, Mr. Gllckman, whose per- formances, be tber comedy, drama ortragedv, never fall to be highly artistic. Many people who do not even understand tbe language are attracted here by tbe Ad* pantomime work of tbe Gtar and hla colleagues. Tbe play* of last week were. In tome revivals, bat In all eases Interesting;. The future announcements Include: '•Bacrmce of Isaac" * 'Gabriel." on operetta, 4* *'Han- nab*' BY 6. The rest of ths week' will b? devoted to a novel'play, the name of-which Is abt jot aunounceJ. f 'Tbe Wandering Jew" drew splendid audiences l, 'J. and' Mr. Glick- Dinn anile a most ImpotdnK upiiesrance an tbe untorttmate wandcror. Tbc compaoy ably •supported situ, - tltom* r TffEifftlJ TUIlwird A'darts." manager^-yPhls -la the last week of "Ben ll'.ir/ aad-the. b|g house baa .held a aoccet- ■ foe of llnehoasea through'ont therun, There is Bo.-sru'.nrKemuht of nnytlilng to fellow. 0 rtPAT XMMJMJ TBUxnrCrnd C. Eberfs, mannpej).—Williams nnd Walker certainly mnde osorrHr here for the past two weeks, nnd th'ey bate left with the reeling that Chlcatfo has a kindly Interest in them, and their next engAsenient Is looked forwfttd to with pleas- ure. .Mas Flgman nnd Ruth While continued the good work, when they opened* Dec. 2, la ■•The Tenderfoot." i ne iHMklng Is for two weeks, fliily B. Vitn. In "Patsy In l*olltlca,** fotloVsS. J'^'ifr.r.'a TiiFATitn (Joseph ritgrlm, raan- nge'r).—"Jane" was her own merry self here tost week, and inughtpr knew no damper. The amusing complications were well bandied. and the week was a good one. "Tennessee's Pardner" la the current attraction, opening 'J, nnd !b well played. Next week, "Captain Imjindencc." lli-iiDOLi-T TiiEATnu (Joseph rtrnnsky, niaungor).—May Hosmer J has; become a strong favorite here, and business Is stead- ily Increasing. Under the able oiaDogoment of Mr. Itrarusky the wants of the surround- ing theatregoers are well lopRed after. "Work and Wages has Its moments of comedy and tragedy, minded In n manner to dr.m forth npiilnUHC. H Monte Crl&to" Is the bill this week, and considerable trouble lias been isken to make the presentntlon a good one. Ntfxt week. "Levi-In Cuba.** Majestic Thka'tjib (Lyman-P. Glover, mninngeri.-^BiisIaeHs holds up splendidly here,.nnd. with the flue bills offered, there IS no' rensnn' why It shouldn't. Cecelia I-of- tns. made n -positive' hit last week In a dra- rnntlc »kctch. and Olwln Stevens was an- other who wasn great favorite. ■ The bill for week of Dec. 8 includes: Tbe Fadette Drrhestrn. with Csrollne H. Nlrliols lending; John C. Klee and Snlly Cohan. Toby Claude nnd company. Cfalnko and companv, the six IVoveanles. Ken Welch," F.lnlay and Burke, Minnie Kaufman, Allen Khaw, the Mimic Four, Potter aiid Harris. Martin Van Uergen, MhIjcI' Davis, the Mannings and the kino- drome. OttT«prc TnE.vnrn (Abe Jacobs, manager). —Certalnlv comedy will bold the fort here this week, for with Wilfred Clarke and company. Kdwln Stevens and con-natoy. and Harry Tatc'a "Motoring" tbe list starts well. Others on the bill arp; Macart's docs and monkeys, Vernon, IteliT Brothers. Ida O'Day, the Be-Anos, Kogers. and Evans, Harry Brown, Grace I Pint and company, Tracty All>n, Benbett Bros., E.dward Kelllc, and tbe klnodroroe. Haymarkj-t Tubatrb (William Newklrk. roann^er),—A strong hill will mnkc a bid for business here week of 3. headed by May Edonln and Fred Edwards, Ned Nye and his seven t-lrls, -..ardDcr and Vincent Mnyme Remington nnd'her Buster Brownies, Mar- velousi I'eriey. Damm Broe^ Arthur Demlng, Bootblack guanette. the Pelkes, nnd Childress. Norman Martin, Beoningtoa Bros., fleltm Hnll and company, Janson Sla- ters, nad the klnodrnme. ArAnSMT i Willlnm Itocbe, manager).— "Young BulTalo" stirred up lots of tbrllls Inst week, and business was very good. This Week, the ltnsseH Brothers, In "Tbo Great Jewel Mattery," are holding fortb, to ad- miring audiences Next week. Hurry Clay Jilaiie-T. in 'The Boy Belilnd the God, h Bntu- Ttir.ATRf- (Willlnm ltochc, mana- ger).— "A Knee for Life" closed a good week here 1,-and Is foHowtd this"Over Nlntjirrt Falla.'*.. ' - - ■AMfAitPiiA (James II. Urown, manager). —"Secret Service Sara" was the Mil week ending 1. Barry Clay Blaney, in "The Boy Behind tbe Gun," is-,the current attraction, aud his countless adhcmnts<wiU undoubted- ly Hock tn-hls support-throughout the w'eek. Next week, "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl.". '. - •'■. - -. - ■ : -.-( .-.-.vy .Cojlumrus Thutrr (Weber Bros-., mana- gers).—"At tbe Old Cross Roads" was-splen- did ty received here last week. The current bill Is lL>olly;Kempcr,-In-"Tlie Gypsy Girl,** wbjchla sure to en well, ns Miss Kemper Is a Iocs! favorite. "When Knlguib'dod Was in Flower'.' 0. ■ '■ ■ •■ ;.. . Ccitedion TnrATriE (John B. Hccjin, man- ager l.—rHarry CTay Blaney played to ca- pacity nt every performance last week, S .Q "The Boy Behind the Gun," and the ■ attrac- tion was-worthy the patronage. This week "On Dangerous Ground" Is the attracilon. and opened well 3. ."Seerett of the I'ollce" Will follow, nnd, according,to custom, the house will-be dark-18-22, .the week preceding Christmas, - . -.: - J't-sox's TuiuynB (Sid J. Euson. mana- ger).—The Bon Ton Ilurlesquers closed a very satisfactory week-here 1. The house Is becoming more popular all the time. Vanity Fair.opened to. a packed house 2,-and-pre- sented a- good show. -"Tbc Birth of the United Spates; or, The .Declaration of ludeiwndcnec." Is a fine spectacle.- -and calls forth lots of applause. "Our Georgia Hose" Is the closing burlesque, .and the en- tire company works well in It. Among tbe feature acts are: Tho-Five English ltoses, Itccd and Shaw, Howell nnd Emerson, Ander- son and Hal twill «llft the Famous Wang lW)i>dle Four. Belle Wilton, Uiith St. Clair. Bowers and Curtis, Harry Dclaney, and others. • - . - I'oixv Tiikatm: (John A. Fenncssy, man- ager!.—The 1'aE.Blnn Belles had little to coiaplnln of last week lu the line of busi- ness, and the company throughout wns an excellent one. Tho Baltimore Beauties hold forth hero, this week, nnd Indications point to a good week. Manager Feunessy. Is doing nil In his power to enhance the popularity of this house, nnd The result-Uapparent weekly. Next week, the Stnr Show Girls. Ti:..caiii:bo Tmratrh (I. M. Welngarten, manager).—'J'lie Dainty Duchess- Co. played to lino business here nil the week, nnd made n good Impression. The Hon, Tons opened to i-npacity 2. with n slronc show, augment- ed bv an extra strong olio, In whirl) (he Girl In (he Bed Domino plays a prominent part. Willi her girl assistants. Vanity Fair will open K Loxpos Dime Mrsm.»Jr (W. J. Sweeney. mnnogcrt.—The following nre In the curio hall: Jnleno, snake rbnrmer: I'ralrle Base nnd Prairie Dog Jack, ride shois : Wilson. Chlnigo fat hoy: Major Nlrhols, midget, and VnWiVn. uingldan. In the theatre: Olllc Clni-k. Cora St. Clair, Irene Wood nnd the Midway dancers. WoNp-jnLANu iW. W. Freemnn, manager!. —illiniums at thin Vest Hide homo has been stendlly Inm-nsing. and with all the attrac- tions which Manuger Freeman luui to nlTer. It Is] wone'er. The show la the thea- tre Is always Interesting, nnd In tbe curio ball and the downstnlrs free hall, there Is alwoys pl<<!iiv to amuse. Clark Strixt MvsiiLit (Louis M. nedires. manager,.— Many of the attractions hold over here, and are drawing tbe some, crowds ns formerly, while the new features are In- teresting, and the lionso Is generally- tilled from top to bottom with a well satistled crowd, which Is always on tbo move. AnTaMATii. —Tbe Western Vaudeville Managers' Association now Includes Among Ha houses those on tbe Gus Sun circuit, Majestic Madison. Wis.; Jeffers, So gin* W; Lvrlc. Danville. Ill;: Orpheum. l'recport, Ma lesilr. I*n Salic: Dijon. Jacksonville, and tbo Crescent. Champaign Tho protiarutions for Christmas attractions are going on Id full- Rway, now- that Thanks- giving has pasaed, and all are looking for. ward to a fine holiday season in tie tne-mtbii"? Chicago Is knowing no dearth of good attractions, for wltb alt -the theatres going full blast, concert* ocenrrlBg nearly every dnj- at the various halls, and tho Hirrtoa Holmes lectures entei-ta.]ulng.arnuse- uient lovern are -well supplied. Then the Live Rtoek Rhow opened- 1. which gives mors eaterulnjnanli for It la a great fOBtun Mm M .".."-...**Talr TSriQe of Messina" was per- formed at Powers', afternoon Of Nov. 29^ to an audUnce which completely fllled.ibe hoptt, and in fact mahy were unaiile to. fain, lata* sion. The piece was capitally performed and staged, and reflected groat Credit on the man- agement Dr. Rnbtkan gave a lecture in Music Hall, I.', on "Siegfried," which was well attended norton Holmea" l»t- clogne, "Athens and the Olympic Gatttee," waa moat warmly applauded at Orchestra Hall, afternoon of I The <ame night. In the same place, the Thomas. .Or- chestra held forth to a monster .audience, id offered- Mme. Gndskl as..MlotsC....... _j1s hrtll Blab offers Mrs. Fannie Bloomileld Zelsler (her llrst uppearance IB two. years \ m In a plauo recital, afternoon of :', and In the evening the Musical .Art Society, under the direction of clarence Dickinson, In Its llrst concert H. O. Rncbman was a CLtiTEn Bnrcau - caller 1, and announced business aa being very good on the BIJou Amusement Co.'s circuit, of which he Is president and general manager. They have hOuaes In Kankakee, Strcator and Dnnvllle. Fred Z-idehle was fl Cmites Bureau caller 1. Having closed his season with the circus, Mr ZobeJle Is now going out over the Orpaeum circuit, and will piny dates until the big tents are. staked again A most welcome caller on'thtf same date was Sidney Smith, our Cedar Rapids correspond- ent, .who Is, for .a few days. Mr. ■Smith reports business as in splendid shape In Ms'{own town, and Is enjoying his so- journ la' tie Windy City, lie represents several dallies' and weeklies, and Is famil- iarly known .is -(he ad-getter." Sam II. Harris has been a familiar figure In town the last two weeks, and aanouncea that hla "tankee l>oodJe Comedian" and co-manager, George M. Cohan, will" return In the iflte Spring, to try conclusions with Chicago au- diences In a musical version of "Popularity," The worst luck ;bat could be wished these genial meals that their next Summer's run in a revised show, may equal that just closed la "George Washington Jr." Mr. Cohan was given an. oration on bis cloning night, nnd the entire Cohan family appearing In tho piece was Included. "■George" leaves town fully conscious of the fact that he bus many more admirers and friends here than he has known. .before The demand .for scatB for the coming So thorn-Mar lowc engage- ment at the Gurrlck are beyond all expecta- tions, aad when It 1b realized.that the. seat sale does not open until next Thursday, It Is a foregone conclusion as to the business. "The. Deceitful Deau," a comic opera by Prof. James Weber Lynn, of the Univer- sity of Chicago, wilt be. revived Dec. 14, 15. with matinee, at Mandel Hall, by students ot that college... .Daley and O'Brien were Cliitkb Bureau callers, and reported Uiat they were doing splendidly with their act In tbe burlesque bouses, but after this sea- son they would return to vaudeville, And expected to go abroad..... .Edgar Buff aud Dorothy Itnynol report success In their sketch. 'The Jall-blvd'a Flight," and have been Bureau callers several times In tbc last few days..... ..Fred-Law. of- Somen* and haw, was a caller last week, and said that their act, "Tliq Automablues," was one of the hlis of tbc Parisian Belles.. At the ('hi-lstiiifla Tree Beoeflt which will be given nflctnoon of 1." at the Grand Opera House, representatives from every cooi- 1-iii.v. In town will appear. E. II Solhern aud Jnlln Marlowe nave announced their wllllngncus to appear In the InBt net of "John Ibc BflptlKt,"- aud- all the henvy scenerv will be i transferred to that house for . the. oc- mKlon. IIei*u-\ Jack Standing. James Durgln 'aqd MayglQ llolloway Fisher, of-the New Theatre Stock Co., will appear In aa act- from "Flga:" l/oulse Gunning, Louis llciribon aud chorus from "The- Flower Girl;" Frank Moulnn. Maude Lillian Berrl and chorus. from, "The .Grand Mogul:" the Three'-Boses, fryni the Olvmplc; Ben Welch, 11*0111 the Hdvmarkct, and Le Roy- and Wood- ford,-from the Majestic, have all announced that, they would appear, -and many others axe. expected to uuswer lu u short time tbo retiueat-10. assist Billy Gtruld.tbe old time acrobntuhdaeronaut. Is living la town, and Important factor in the sales de- Bnrtment of -the-Mossier Co., on Jackdon .Q'ulcrard. Many of hla old friends call on him there, aud lie occasionally favors Tiiu CLiTFEn Bureau with a tlslt...... Valentino Slaker, oacc a member of the .old Apollo Quartette, of Chicago, died at bis home in Aurora, 111., Nov. an, after an, Hlaesa of five days. He wns bora la Worms. Ger., and became nusoclnted with many -singing societies, lie.had lived In .Aurora for over fUtyfivo years. J. II." CJlmour, tbe. well known actor, having resigned from.hla po- sition as lending man of Viola .-.Allen's cpLcpHoy, has assumed the direction of the School of AcDag.of the Chicago Musical College. Marshall. Stedniau, formerlv, au actor, Is-ooe of his oaslstaats... .'..Walter Ilvcmcr writes a long letter from his plan- tation at Lemon Grove,-Cat., to say; what a line; place he -has out there. He baa. Just purchased the property, which la. on oi-anire and lemon ranch. He will remain In vaude- ville,, with "his Juggling, girl" (his wife), nnd the ranch wlllbo token care of bv her father They have just ilnlshed the 'Sulll- vnn & Consldlnc circuit, and are well {-leased with the results Howard t'owcw was a Curan Bureau caller Nov. 24, nnd Is ?x- tremely.pleased with the business "McFnd- dcu's Finis:' is doing, of wlilch lie Is the manager. His wife, Dolly Theobald h play- ing the soubrette role, and Is a great success, especially In her singing and dancing spe- cialty. Tho little lady has to.respond to numerous cocorcs nlghtlv Other callers Oaring tho week were: Chns. W. Hitchcock, .lack Johnson, K. J. Wllcv. Mr. Cooper, of the International Theatre; Kd. A. Hatch. Cham llrldi. Mr. Doyle, Kd. F. Staloy, Fred Wal- ton. Walter Stanton. Mary Parkinson nnd F. IL Iluek Senator Frank-Bell, whoso well known cliRracterlzatlon of Hiilie Wlilpplc. the town constable In." 'Way Down East,*' has made him welcome all over the conntry, was n Cmi'I'br culler during tho engagement or 1biit play at McVIcker's. Mr. Bell will prob- ably return lo vaudeville next Summer, or When Ihc dramatic season endi,.-.. ...The concerts of the Chicago String Orchestra will be given. In the foyer of Orchestra Hall six Saturday mornings. The tlrst recital oc- curred 1. The Chlcagi) Mendelssohn Club, with Herbert Wltherspoon, sololat, will give a concert fl......The American f'nn- servatory gave a concert In Orchestra Hall eveulng ot 4 S. Coleridge Taylor; the i-olutcd muslv'lan, will give recitals at tbn 1'ekln Theatre, 3, 4. and "Mr Friend from Georgia" will be retained as the bill The Irish Cliornl Society gave a concert In Orchestra Hnll evening of Z Tbe special rcrttui-f3 of, the programme will Include: Herbert"Witherspoon,-bass; Clarence Dlckln- fon. organist; Wnlfrled-Singer, hnrplat, and Mary. Tracy, accompanist- A collection of Irish part songB will form the programme. ......Vaughnn Glaxer will appear at tbe Garrlck Theatre Sunday night. Dec IT, la "l'rlncn Karl," for one performance. 1 ■' . ■»«•> ■ .. — Blavciib Walsh waa married to William Trarera, a memlter ot her roinpany, In New Orleans, J*., oo Nov. 15. The ceremoay was performed by Judge Henry Henauaw, of tta First-City a ■ private reiidance - In St. cbBrls»? Avenue. - 1 » Iobsk Bevtlut,' now of "Tho Belle of Mnytulr" Company, wni married by a justice peace at-. CBar -HalL Boaton, -Uaaa., Friday afternooB. Nor. .23, to Harry B. Smith., tha-ltbrertlati „ • -. LortHE McNiUABA. a choruB girl, was rarried la New York City, oa Nov.; 32; to Thsodara liarcett, , a Bon-profeubMUL of Louisfllle. Ky,, - . , , ". T3? . \,w\ ii -;.\ct anp Badit: tmre heen pngaswl by.'Chas. K. Blaney for the "illl- llouahe Detective" Co. WORST. CASITQFECZEW A ■ ' imM i-ji'i • E ris<l Itipldlf Over Body-Limb. : sad Aran Had to Re Sindag«d. Mar*elotia Core by Cailcnra. "My tteii, who is now twenty-two year* of age, when he was four months old, be- gan to have eczema cm his lace, spreading Quite rapidly until he was nearly covered. We had all the doctors around us, an-I some from larger places, but no one helped him a particle. The eczenia was some- thing terrible, and the doctors said it was the worst case they ever alw. At times his whole body and face were covered, all but his feet I had to bandage: his limbs and arms; his scalp was just dreadful A friend teased me to try. Cuticura, and I begrn to use all three of the Cuticura Remedies, He-was better in two months, and in six months he was well. Mrs. R. L.Ri3ley, Piermont, N. H„ Oct. 24,1005." MASSACHUSETTS. Boston.—Elate Janls,"in'"The Vandcrbllt Cup, 1 ' at. the Colonial, provides the chief novelty In the current offering down town, the other changes la tbe business district bringing "Little : Johnny Jonea" to- the .Bos- ton, and Edward Harrlgan, in "Old Laven- der," to the Globe. Attractions to continue are: Lawrence D'Orsay, ih "The- Embas'v Ball," at tbc Park; Blanche Bates, la "Tbe Girl of the Golden West," at the Majestic; "The College Widow," at the Tremont, and Maude Adams, lu "Peter Pan," at the Hollls Street. '*The Way of the- Transgressor'' is the offering nt thu Grand Opera. House. The stock company bills are- unusually strong, and the other resorts have excellent attrac- tions. Dwlcht Elme-ddorf, at Tremont Temple, on Saturday, afternoon..will lecture on- "North Italy.'' On the same afternoon Morlts Rosenthal will give a piano recital lu Symphony Hall, livery house; -hi town en- joyed, fine business Thanksgiving week. COLoHiAL (Chas. Fruhuiao, Itli-h'aSc Harris, managers).—Elsie Janls begins a three weokis' wtav here on Monday night. Dec :i. with tbe first local'pvesenutlou.-of "The Vander- bllt Cup." "Ill Belio of Mayfalr." duriug the first fortnight, brought out an abund- ance of favorable comment, and eujoyed great financial reward. IIoston (Lawrence XJcCnrty, manager).— Geo. M- t'obui.'s "Utile Johnuy Jones, 1 * wllh Tom Lewis, Sum J. By an aud Bobby -Barry Included, .la the excellent cast, Is here for the curreut fortnight. "IUb Honor, the Mayor," wlth.Uarry. Kelly, departed last Saturday night,- after a prosperous two weeks' stay.- The piece scored a decided hit. I'.M-K (Cbas. Frohoian. Itlcii & Uarrls, managers). — Lawrence D'Orsay continues "The Embassy Ball" Into Kb second and final week. The piece proved very -ainus* lag. and the press-and : publlc alike were warm In their praise of the work of the pop- ular comedian. lie will be followed by Clara Blooogbod, lu "Tbe Trotli.". •*"..-. M-uestic (A. L. Wilbur, manager).— Blanche Bates, in "Tbe Ulrl of- the Uoldea West," now ueen for- tbe-first time here, en- ters upon her second and .final week on Mon- day night; The. plece^wBi well received by big audiences Inst week, and Mlsa Bates scored - a. personal triumph . Lena Asbwell will follow lu -".The Shumallte" and "Mrs. Dane's .Defense.'"- .1 - ■.'-■ •«- • ■ -. iiTitSr.r (Isaac B. Bleb, manager). —-Maude A,dains, In "I'etcr rnn,"-starts tipou bet seventh week and last, fortnight. 3. Buxlness has been phenomenal. Au entirely new act has been, added to. the play. It is culled tbe "marooned act." and represents the exploits of Peter and his land of lost.boys' In the open'ocean. Viola Allen, In "Cynibc- ItttV, 17. Tbejiqxt (Jno. B. HcaoelTel, manager).— "Tbe College Widow" has proved a profitable attraction, here during the past month. It Los two weeks run, and will be fol- lowed. 17 by. "Comlnc Xhro" tbe Bye." Globe t Stair,. Wilbur & Nlcolat, mana- gers). —The attraction here for obe week. "tatting Monday afternoon, 3,. Is Edward Ilarrlgsn.. ridpported by his own company, in "Old Lavender." He follows ."As Ye- Sow," which did well during the past fortnight. Macklyn -Arbuekle, In "The County Chair- man," week of 10. Grand Opijba House (Geo. W. Msgee, man- ager)'.—"The. Way ot the Transgressor" Is the offering for week of 3. A'spccla) feature Ih -Wi-T.- Stephens* acting Landsecr dogs. The holiday week attraction was "A Marked Woman," a"thriller,'vlilch* packed For week ot 10; Harry D. Carey, In , *5luu- tana.'* ••■ , . CAaTLB Sql'are (Boston Stage Society. managers).—"Hag Harbor," a play which was a winner Is the recent voting coolest of tho patrons of this house, will be pre- scn'tcd by the stock company this week. "The Prodigal Son" was much In favor Inst week. "Cousin Kate" will 1« put on next week. Uijou (John Craig, manuger).—The offcr- .g of-theliouse stock compmiy tills week is "Hie Sign of tlie Four." with John Craig In the role of Sherlock Holmes. "A Strnngcr in a Strange Land" Immensely pleased the big houses Inst week. No announcement Is made for next week. BpTBoni RqUAttH (0. E> Lothrop. maun- ger).—The capable lothrop stock Co. will he seen this week In *The Clirlstinn." Alex- ander Gaden nnd Charlotte Hunt will piny the principal roles. "King of tbe Opium Blng" brought out tho patrons In great num- bers last week. "Prisoner - of - W ar" is in preparation. I\EififN (B. F. Keith, manager).—Arnold Daly nud company. In "How He L-fod la Her Husband." Is the big headline act for I his week. The. strong surroundiug show Includes: Harry GUfoll, J. K. Murray and Clara I-ane, Fred Bar and company. Lester nnd Acker, Mnreena. Nevarro and Mareens. Van Cleve. Wentworth and "Pete," Mile. NadJI, Shnrp Bros., McCren and Poole. Tom Moore, rear! Dnnfortli, Cogan and ■ Bancroft. tae^Altbea Twins, nod new motion plctnres. Thnnlcsglvlng Day buslncw broke tbe house record, Oki'iisvm (Percy Williams, manager).--- Tho ble nnnoiiucement. for week of 3 » Albert Cheynl'cr, tie uoted chnracter actor Another strong card Is the Great Lafayette, who holds over for nnotber week. Tbe MB of the.hlU names: Billy S. Clifford,.Maude Lambert, llorry B. fjlntoa and Anita-Law- icnce, Olympla Quartette. Barber-Ultchw Trio, Kronomimn Bros., and the vltagrapj. Tbe mnnagement announces that the ho' 1 * dav business fur exceeded their expectatiou*. UowARD (Jdy Hunt, business manager).-- The Kitnmurn Japanese -Troupe. Kleio-O:t Urns, and Nicholson, and: tho Three Mad- caps ■ share (he headllue. honors this woe.^. Xot far behind are: Lee Tung Foo (secora week).- llugiie* and Brown, Jack Irwin ("Young. Sharkey"). Bathaway'e,. Indian Tableaux, Albert and Montague. Wood and Ingllss.-- nngjin nnd Weecott, Brobst Trb. «nd Butler Havtlnnd. The honse biulesqners will ■ present the new songfest, "Wake Tip. < Introducing the aplcv number. "P*ak-«-Boo. ''AILSold Out" ruled Inst week. — FaUcb-(C II; Waldroo. raaaag6:).--w. 6. Clark's Jersey, Lilies aro paying their first visit to Boston this -week. ^The. Phonograpa GlrlV-and "The Prince of 'Jersay'* are tie liUflesquea. ind'th* olio names: fcatoalt Veo- d«r, Wooda and Oreeo, Connie Ward. Fl-ank Miller, I-*ah--il* Hatvl, Gordon' and Chacon. Biker and noblnson, and Bowen and Mia. The Paris by Night Co. did welt lft»t week.. Pvlcwu .(ti. iN, Fsrrco, maoistr)-—