The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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itegijjBjffefl •ffi-TjIS, rgggW ^^SjBK *, OLIPPER. urn • id '- Tie "Washington Society Olrls will entertain tnifvefc. i "I>ry In Japan"* and "The Third mjftca','arc vehicle*. Vaudeville Is prwntVd by tbe'Lynofte HIslers, Tlonnn and Kearney, Abble Carlton, Dii Frane and 1.4 This, and SCallna. As aa added attraction*, nn Wednesday- evening. Harvey Parker and Karl Buseh will meet on ihe wrestling mat. Tlie Thoroughbreds pave a first class show, i«i capaclry business,,last week. .. -. »» . - iAcetM (0. H. Bateheller, mnnoger).— Fred Irwin's Majestic* return this week on their second visit of: tlie.season. There nrc two lively bnfletta".,. and specialties by; Maude llorvey ; aud'Kvelyn- Walker, Mnjestle ftfa Fay and-Lutx, and (JerT'e-LV-.MfK'find the Watson Sinters. Tlie Bowery Hurlesoners wtn deserved favor Inst week. ArflTis & Stonr's ttranoi (A. n. White, rr.innaor).—In the mrlo hall .Cant. Curdona's lion convention and HfHtiw/tRP bHt tlmr,-\tHl told over Cor a second nnd flnnl week. THI's Msrloootte* and Triile. pnake queen, are ctbcT features, lu ton theatre: Minstrel MAtd: 1 *, introducing Violet Dole, Ida Camp- Lril, Mlnrle Burke. Clara Steele, Awe Ber- wler, f'assl* French, Ida Lnwson. Allen Sis- Lcrs, Frank; Coo**., Henry Myers, Lew. Bene- diet, Harry Foster, nad an ertrn vaudeville qIhU* bv ILirryand Sadlo Italy,- James Mas- weft. Ivy Ikwnette. ISvans Trio nnd electric pictures. Holiday cushions was Immense. -vWAr-KEB'ti ilvacnu tl* h. WtUker./mana- p»l—In the curio hnil. week of 3: Mile. Aiinlnfls. Jhe lady; with ft horse's inane: Sam fitlicn, expansionist: O'Hnrn and Itourko. lug punchers, -aad-ArMRh jumping content beiwcen eight-young women. In the theatre: \ina Kcarle's Burlesque and Vaudeville t!o„ a«r-IIriivard*s moving picture*."; Business al- ways big. g ja apJpifcfjar'tWr H- Woiffc, mflttngcr'i.— It .carlo ball week, of **■: The Zentos. Jail breakers: Agronella. human pincushion, nod King Karto, magician. Stajte show: lied Una Burlesqttera . OII«>: Sadie. I'rescott, Iloeil ami Drlscoll, Dollte Clifford. May. Lin- coln. Flora Steele, Lillian Wlilie, llene O'Day.'and moving pictures. Business is line. coanori: (W. J. Allen, manager - !.—"The Newsboys 1 " and "Tie Magic Flute"* are mnv- iug picture (fea'tnri's ' fat ibis week. The. latest Illustrated HpngH-will be rendered by Tow Bollock, Frank Cotuiu, John Bcndey, Allee-Spcueer, Cr&ce Mordaunl and Mnrjoiic Smith. I numbers are by : Hurry lUwelt.V. O.Jnbnwm. Henry Pea Klvores, Helen thiniey and Katherlne Hawkins. Flue business continues. -Notes. —Sunday concert bills '2 : Jtoaton 'Jkcatrr —Laurent Trk>,- Kimball and Dono- van, Waalibiirne and Flynn. Mlblo nnd lllley, thb Kciitonit, Woitdfords Animals, iten Lor- log and the Iteattlea. Itoicdoin ^'iiuuic — ,loc Welch, .Lee Tung Foo, La Vlne-t'imarou Trio, the Dolars, Sniisa and Sloan, L'rann Trio, the- Burke*, Kitikald,- Mr. and.: Mrs. Imrry Sliaw. The PiUya, and-LlzZle-Otto. (llabr ■ ixrul MnjtHtic —Nina Morris" ami com- may. Tom Edwards,'Three Donals, tbe l'e- Idtsy Ilflllpn-and llayw. blaroond and-Staitb, ltyron" and .Ijinedou, Wbnl and Cur ran and Se.Viadtir and IJIII. Kd th'.i— \V11 lard Slmras h:i<1 coujtaay, Spessardy'M Itehrs, Shcruiau nail DeJ-'oreiit;company, Lester and-. Acker, lj»w-. SdHj\ Bark* and Txmjmpj, Kremka Uroa., Ilnmllton -nill.--. and- -Koyal-- Musical KtVe. 'Oryheim — wm tW , I'UnceflH de llroplle, llyrin nrul Klcli field. Itappo SUters, Kd.»r J nKH,t;hrt!<. Kmna. Walters and I'routy nnd Sndl A]] .Mme. Ondnkl will give- n -song recital - In- Symphony Halt on .Monflay nfternoon.'lil.. .-.Uefnrlch Cunried's players'from the Irving riace Theatre, -New fork, will preftent <lrlUpan!er*8."Mediii" nt the rohnlnL: for the neneftt of the Germanic Mu- wtim of Uarrnrd. on llinrsdny afternoon, (i. ..... ..\rj)ile.pliivlng In "A Marked .Woman.". at rhe Orana Optra House; la«r week. Leon lirnlner w-nR accidentally shot In the 'right arm by a'.fallow actor.. lie was treated at City Hospital, and later removed to bis hotel. The \tound is not dangerous 'the Boston Lyceum Course of entertain- ments rfll* commence 17, with Ellen Ucacli Taw and the Royal Welsh Male Choir aa the opealng nttrnctlon.' The Boston Operatic Society will. i>radncc '."Robin Hood" nt Jor- dan flail, on TiK > sday~ and Wednesday even- sprlugiieiir^-At the Court Square The- atre (I); O. CiHmore. mannger.) .the- Daxt- iiinnth-ftrown tilcc Cltib gave a concert' to a big house Nov, .3, Kyrlc Hoi Lew was fcpen twice '24. fix. two; fair alzed audiences. •The '-Orphan/' 27; -"vmtt given by Mme:_Llp- zln and her company, In the Yiddish tongue, and. hnd a goodly following. -Nance O'Ncil, :i : - i'i-.' Sorcerers,'-! 2D..drew large housex. Tty> star was seen to ihach better advantage than she waa earlier In the season here. Marion -I.e '. Sot r. n local young lady, was nr- i'Tided h good reception.. The play will be repeated '.id. "Little Johnnv .ronen" IJec, 1, V.- R. Willnrd. In renertori'. K-H: Robert Man* tell, in "Itlchord HI," to; Blckfonl's con-, cert II. "The ^lfln8man M -12, Orpheus Club loncert 13, Viola Allen. In "CymiM-IIne." 14. 3CBU03I (lieorgo II. Miller, resident, mnti- fRtr).—"The; Unwritten Law" was the at- traction Xov."i2-2i, The company was » very capable one. Including: Marry Lelgli- ton and Kalhryn Vinceui. Business wna sood, "The Cflrt of the Munny South." 2(1-' -S, drew fair rMttronnge. Grace Manning wnrt good In her role, anil Hairy Lewellyn enr- iled the comedy'well. "Mrs. Temple's Tole- tr.ini," 'Jit. made merry before u largo lioll- diiy crowd.' "The, liroot White Way" :tO- !►«•; 1, "The Runaways" 4, Mrs.Le Moyne afiirrnoon nnd evening B, "The Light Eter- unl;* 7, S, "The Lore lEontc" .11, 1*2. ' iVir.i's (Oordon Wrlgbtcr, resident mana- ger).—Ladell and Ci-oiicn, clever dancers; De Faye Slaters, and Hleeclwa were prime favor- ites of the big audience* who tilled the house nil the pnst week. Bill week of Dec. 8: I'lms. ItnrK and company. Artels Bros., Frnu- ceseoy Ueddlng nnd company. Bobby North, Scott and Wilson. Five Blackbirds, Young and Brooke, and elect rograpb, KiLMoai: (Z. T. Uara'on. manager).—I.lbcr- al ptttmuagc was bestowed niton "The.Way of the"i'raniigfeseor." Nov. *_'"J-24. The coni- liany was evenly balanced. The burlesque attraction. 2«r - JS. was tUcllent-z-Santley Co- Nlaa, Berlollni wna as vly1tcJp1.13.aBjever, and Louise Marshall was anotlier-'great'favorltc with tlie nudlencos, which were uf'goodly size. "The Master Workranu" ;tO. dm 1. the--Bowery Biirle»<)uera 3-3, the Majesties Xotes,— Mora J. Bowlcy, clus(> of 1004. Suiilh College, Is a member of "Tbe Lion autl the .^Idusc" l'u.Ti[Ki'iv MrVpnr- rach's recital of 'Twelfth Night,'.' nnder the aiannacnicot of- the College Club, -was well attended. - ...Uelen L/in:ijcir, who met wltb Injurleu In nn automobile accident la Coutral I'ork, New York, Nov. Ill, from which alie died, moved to be Mary DoiiiildMni, funuerty (■f thuj city. Mi-3 iMnnlditon was tuit last Snrlue with th*> TtuidcvlIIc act. "College (Slrls.*; as manager nnd agent. The funeral was held Bnndny, Nov. :». from the home "f her mother here .Grnee Beals baa replnccd Sadl" Mnrtluot In '"Mrs. Tcmnle's 'IVIegram." aiie assumed the role here. Nov. - mmwm ).- I !!! 25 ■ * ■" m MKIDOO !!! the MClsses Delaore, Irene Lee, Horsky gere and rol&iuny, and the Tit.isr.iph. . f GBii (Cbarles W. Sheafe, manager).— '*Ill(jh wnter" business la the"report from this picjaoase last ^week.. The, current attrac- tions ore : Bates land Arrest, cmtty Trio*, L>- vardo- and Howard, William Beverly, .May Bingham, and tbe pictures. * Imieamianii (Lord A BowninpTmanagcrsj. —The mot"iag-picture hIiows in this Tmtne continue to be well patronized, nnd last week Mr. Brissett. a-jpearcd la a number of :u:w uongs. which were Illustrated. > Thhairi:, Salem ((ieorgc FI. Cheet- grnduate of Smltirs College, ihr-'C yenru ng<t, ham, 'Mlliiil) 1 tMln Kennedy nnd -Ws na* nlveu a •.■0ull.1l receptl.m mi her appear- t-epertory cotnpnrly h the attraction here auee her*-. )>y al»»ut tire imndred of tjie NONOLODtQSI.AMi. H"* S-'tuc- I UlOX SfW every WRKK. N-> "JUNK." | pn.i>t'-hes. Aft*. Morn'nu-, r*r.nhu*, Hi 1 . I Letter* uf iinpiirv ML'S eouttin ^t nip I IN'l-r.M v\i-io\ -W. VA- UKVII-t*« I HIIP- 1«V < V , 1 1 U U.> M . I'm*-*, Buf- I I* iiS r*. V y » ■thl,-* week.- and gooil business Is-anticipated The Fenbei-g Stuck O. did a, big hnslne«s here Inst week. •yniMi fim Tumor, who Is Mrs. CI1- rirore -Hammond In private life, while in tliUs city last.week, (old;i: eurres|K>iid ."tttdenr^ of Smllli's, who nil ended the play. '■Tbt> IVwet mt i.«»vo." Sfi plsycil t« k«»"1 business. •Th* 1 Wav of the *rrnn-gi'esi»nr" !»«•. 1. •-Human Hearts" ."*, Name o'Ni'll K, ••The clan**in(in" 11. Rwni an (T. K, Murray, manager).—*"0n ent M her pretty little farm which she ban tlie Bridge nt MUhJlirbt/' Not. 3*Mi and pi]rcba«*d In New I.dndoa, Ccnn., loeateil »n ibe Jersey Lillet, 2i)-liec. 1, drew big Mial- 1 lie'banks'nt lite Slanth- Hiver. Tbe home rics.H. ■•Queen of the iVintlrtK" 'I-r», Hose which I* one hundred and foiirteen years Hill English lolly <*<>. 1t-S, "Th«.' Caw old. Is supplied with overyihlng old fnsb- l-nnr-her 3fM3« Manchester's Night tiwts toned .to make Hie pleusunt. nnd Rummers l*J-10. ■ > '& tbe hi tu re slie and her .husband pimihwp to putin their time there, where ihey will entertain* friends.. ....Work lias been -c«>m- mi>nced on tbe rebuilding uf the Kmplre Tbeatre, in Salem, which was destroyed by fire several year* ago. Knhn A (irant will be the lessee*.; ... .It Is undei-xiiHHl Mm Manager llnthriwuy intends opening a, nlrket- odeon In Salem, during the present winter. James D. t'owpcr, with, the Clam Tufnef Co., 'who Is a Lynn buy. received an ovation 011 bit* nppearOQco here last week. He appeared In specialties nnd diameter work. ■ " woreestcr.-At Ihc Worcester (All. T. Wilton, resident manager) "The Runaways" Dec, :t, Laura Wall, In "The Krest While Way.'* 4; ft; Harry Lelgbton, In "The Un- written Law," tf-S. I'lmrles Cnrtwrlgbt. In j|| t | e hnnse opewSJ Nov. Xew Bedford..— At the New Bedford Then 1 re tWiu. It. Cross, manager) the 1-J.rle Burgess <"j. openefl Nov. ".'«, to gootl hiwi- ness. Jtaymoiid Illtcbcock, In "tlie Wal- loper.'' was fji-eelpd by a Inrge nnd well plenseil hoiiMe L'S. Tbe W. A. IHlloii Ilrninntb- nud Vauibivllle <o. cuiiick Ihx. 4, for live matinees and nlghis. . U.vriiAWAV'a t'llico. B. Baylies, miiungeri. —The .same cannclty biiatnesn ns usiutl. Bill rorweek or 3: Jewell's Mnulklus. ihe Five Miiim-s, the 1'elotM. Kennedy and Wllklus, Mnilge' Mnltlarid, tlie r.t-vino-CIinnron Trio, I'A. l^ttelle. nnd the vltagraph. S.W11V ;iWnv. II. Hhlne. numiiger).—lTc- tnres and the C'tvelnnds plenxeil Inst week. Week Of :t. itii'tures nod vaudeville. Stau (K. T. Algar. mana;:eri.—Tills eoiy " to good biitii- ■Tbe Fnstninn Case." Nov. 2S. oud "The »,-ss. and the prospects are good far a. pront- <JIr! of the Sunny So^.ttb," tf-UK. 1, ilrcw „|,i c fntttre. fair retunis, — « Fit.wiiUN tJ. V. Burke, resident mnna- _ .. „ ,. ,, ... „. gerl.—Julia Rowland and her lironchni, In . l-nwrenec—At the; Opera House ft.ruat "The Cowboy Ulrl." Ho : "The tilrl from the & Cahn managers \\right Larimer. ln"T^i Kaiicli" G;S. "The Southern Vendetta" had Nhepherd Mug, came week ot .Nov. JO. n full' houses Nov. Jfi-JH. "The Lion nnd the l,, « bHslncss, :ind_ won m\u± nppreclnllou. Taylor Stock Co Dec. II-S. t'or>».vj.vt, (J. Fred Lees, manager).— Splendid business nl almost every pvrform- unce. Booked wi-ck of.3: Iliingariiin Hoys' iltaiid. Ciormnu nnd West. Leila Tnylur, Burke and lienmsey, Wcnlwortb and Desta, Al. Motosfc*' Lit-Dec. 1, came tu capacity. Clins. It: lilt, for n few weeks with the Malcolm Wlllhuus. Stock Co., nt the Franklin last Sninmer, carried tbe role of Jefferson Ryder. Mui Mawiey a uf tea red as Shlrlev Ilos.smore. I&r£^^3RX&* 1 ^L If-"""'' "■*«» »--«rds. and moving '04 girl. plcinres. I'aiik <Alf. T. AVIIton, manager).—Week • ' ' " of a the Thoroairbbrcdi will be the atlric- Taawlou—At the Tnuntun Tbcntre tlon. Tlie show Includes: The Laurent Trio, (Cnhn & Cr.jgs. managers) "The t::illoper" Uouflss and Ctuialngham. Mile. La Toska. eahie Nov. 2B.TO Inryc BMHUMW. The Klmer Washburn and Fiynn, Chas. Douglas and Stock Co., St-Daft 1, did well. Week of :t. Harry MeAvoy,. Last week the Colonial 'be Coagrove Stock Co. will be the attrac- Bclle.s Co. drew good honses, tlon. *MlCk (J. C. Crlddle, resident uonager). —Week of y: The Hkcdcs. In "The Mysteri- ous Hotel;" I'm! Iloosey and Marlon Bent. In "The Busy Bell Hoy;" De-Fore Bisters, En-" gene.O'Ilourke nnd company, In 'i'arlor A;" Johnsou and Ilurty, Leonard, Ander.son and company. In "Mile... Manlmltan:" Welch, Mealy.'nnd .Montrose, and tbe electrogranh. Lvitfc (<.'ln>ion Leggc. manager).—Week of :; ihe clavton Leggc Slock Co, will pre- sent "Moths." Lnst week It'presenled "The (Jreat Unknown," Iwfore very good houses. Mum.—Manager Bnrkc, of the Fraoklln, announces that "The Clnnsmnn" will be pre- sented at Ids :hoiise 1<I :.T1ip Boyiou Kvuipliony Orchestra will iday at ileebanfes Hall Iipc JR. Feb, .'. and March 12. I'KIVXSYLVANIA. I'lillitdelidiln. —laical .liidlciii'cs will Pass judgment mo eurreut week uii '"I'h« Jon and the Mouse," nt the Chestnut, and Wil'laro Collier, in "Cuu^bt In (be itnin," nl the Broad, both of which will be seen for tbe first time lucnlly. Thoiiynnds ol rMlMni In town I«>it week tu wltuess the ^\rtay and Navy fooilnitl gi<mc. In iiddltLm (o tbe Thanksgiving holiday crowds, refilled In bulging business nt all of the playhouses. OuBctnittT Mtwukt Utkka lluuMt i.Nison & Zhnmerinaii, tn.iungersi.—"The Lion ami the Mouse" received iiv local sreakjMV Be**. :j, for an exlendcd run The cast will in- lude: A-rtur Uytm, (Jertrude Cogblnn, A. S. LorrelL—^At ihe Opera Iluiise (Cnhn & Llpnian, ifdward Kllguur. 1'. S. ltarreit, Grant, managers") Hoc Stock Co. ntnyed to MnbcF Moriucer, lidlth shayne, Kdrard fm good business all last week. Week of Dee. --* It, Bennclt A- Uoulton«Co., -In a- choice se- lection of ptuys. Acvdemv of Music (Rlcbnrd T. Murphy, manager).—Tne : Scvcrln LK- Iteyn Stock Co. 8JM mid W. B. Burton. Frltzr^cheg, In "Mile. Modiste," concluded, Dec. 1, three weeks of capneiry biwiness ItnoAu tiVUon & Xiaimeruian, monngers). . —William Collier, In "Cnitghi In the Ituln," lu "The Two Orphans." played to crowded will be seen 3. for the llrst time toeully, for houses every performance. "The Bauble ,, tWu weekv- stay, Viola Alien, In "Cym- Shop", thU week. bellne." hud a fortnight or excellent business H.vnrAWAV's (John 1. Shannon, manager), ending Dec. 1. —This popular hi/use continues, to draw bfg Liit.c (Messrs. Shubert, mnmgcrs).— crowds. BUI week of Dec. 3;.Hynn and riivld Wnrileitl. lu "The Music .Master," lie- itlcbfleld Co:. Tell Trio, the 'Tte 'Mam h n w> 3, -uih ufih and iinnl week. All the Bounding fJnrdons, Hodges and l.anni-binere, [wrfocniances last week were given to ca- John ■Lorem.e, Howard and North, nud the ptdtq hnnacu. Cninllk* DArvluo, In "The vltngrap]!.. .* f- nelle of London Town.'* 10. Boston (J: II. Tebbeils. mnttagcr).—Cur- Oaiujck - (Krank Howe Jr., manager).— rent: Mint and Bartlett,. Bohee and Ileyers, Kihel Harrynure. In her second autl Unnl Knlnkldo, Maxwells, Richard Ilanlon, the ween, Iteginumg .1. will be seen In "Capiulu bioscope. Thnrsdoy night. Country SU>re; jinks, of the Horse MnrlneH." Ijri week Friday night, amateurs, In bosket ball. the star repented ber former successes In Walkei'h (A. U Wnlker. innonger).— "Alice Slt-by-ihe-t'Ire," to large and eutUufil- Nlna Senrle's Earlesrjuers played to good aJUc ohdeiiice. "The I'rlnee of lutlla" W. hodfies all last week. Current, return en- UucmrXBT (Nixon S Klimneimiin, inana- gngement of Nino Hartford'*) Jolly Burlesque -jeryj.—Mclnryre and Heath, In "The Ham Co., with a good oho. ■Jree," end a iwo tCtkat' siny S. Ijist wvi-k MKNTioN.-^Fnr.nytand (G. W, Carey, roan- tin. stars were warmly welcomed by crowded nger) enjoyed, last, week, Ihe best week since iionses. The juggling Kpcclalty of W. C the place was opened. This house Is the Fields and the clever singing and dnnclng nieccn of women and children in the shop- '-bonis wiire popular features. "Mr. Ilonkiu- ping district. New wngs nad pictures week- son'' 10. ly. Wai.x >Ir*.. W1 U ntauta tn, Rnoney Sisters, Julian Rose, Jack Lyle, saonn and Hi" klm'togrnfih: Cnpaclty busl- M«a was dona til week. -•■■ •- IH.tnt! (Oe'irge W. itl/e, mnnftger).—Tlie .lollv tllrU iirrlve'H Tldmnud llayn* I* the thief run maker. n-M-ded by the 1»e hftbryu, ,lu' I mer mu bill nl rmiuipien and Harriet Itel- 1110111. l-i-i rent, 1 bi* Brigadiers funiMied good onifrtnlnineiii. to big hnuweH. The tin- . pnv imTrlewstierM men, _ Rtrci m 1 John o. Jenuon. mnnager).— Cl.irk's UuiiHWMf Clrls will bwate hern^week of ;i. Tin* oil" immes: The Ihirg Sisters. Bowerv Nc^wlHiys' Qunriette. Frank lhiuutei, Bert WliEftlitkand Abe Reynold*. The Trans- ralniitlcs gave a tine show to.-filled IhSWRW IV prevloim week. The Bent::-Saniley <"o. JO. Caxi&o tl'Has A KoeiHg. utaungers).— l-'ii>dMrwln^K slmw came :i. with llnxcl Kirk .-Mid the I'l'Yhhinl l-'mnlly as tin* npei'liil .'(■mures. The UoWen t'rvmfca had u wwrti i hlitu of big -Iwuscm last week. Inward Mor- ton'* slicing specialty iruiklng n bit: hit. "l':irl.i kj NlKhl li'M. 'rfini'iutiin ((>>rd wlHoon, Mhtwgnrlw-f Miner's Merry Mnkor-. lu "The Mummy tllrl," :i. wl'h c;iudcvltle iiiimlvern by 1'htl A.''gtl. Teddy KlinniuU KHfta Nelson, Ulf West, May Harvey, I aural hj* Ward. Kord Weni. Al. stcndmaii, W. s llarvoy anil KcofRt All. William.-' Idenb-. bad overtlowlng InsMN bin week. ,'KtinrxTti Rthkut Oi*kra H-usk (Frank nnuioiii. inntmgeri.—"I'resldent RiKwvelt's Trip Id I'nn:itan" "1 lie Troubles of the Bleb'" iiiii'- "Mti'b- Mashed Her" nn> tlw three'skit« ''nutlimed In lh 41 bill, to'crowded hotiMes. Hugliey I>ongberty and Vic llleh- nrds fprnlsb jdcnly of fun. with Mu- nasl*tf- am-e of Jehu .Murphy and Wm. Henry Rice. Thero nr# also new songs In the llrst pari, remlcnil hy James MeCool and Kdwlu tinld- rb-k. Nl.NTII AND AllCIl MKHIWM (T. F. Il";,;,l!i«. malinger).—Tlie Itahoinev Vlllngi; Is featured In the curio hnji. In tiddltlon to Drnkn's doc i<nd shrcp I'lrcns, Tom Vmv, vctiiriloiiiilit ; Beatrice otgn, snake rtenaer; CJttN mnt* valrt, ruiillllirlat : tieiirgu Brown, eoiiliirllon- ta. inn) Italliroina, hiniiau furnsce. hi tin* thcnirt*. art>: Johnnie Itusch Jr.. Klahic An- ilerson.'1'hllllps and Cordon. Nh-k t'miwiiy, I >a tig to uml Lalfd, and I,ubln's cliieoitriipb. Noti:s.—Jnxc'ih F, llortl/-. of Biiniouri Mlmtrels, bus resigned from Hint oiaiinlxa- linn to plat In a production of "Our Friend Frit?,," under the lunnaueuient of Miller & Kunfiuiin. Ilcliciit-Kiils have already been begun.-And It U exneciotl lo open lu liiirlltig- tun. N. J., In about two weeks William AVxanftVr, niaunger uf the Win. U. Sli'wart i>»cra t'i>- which has Just r.-mrned from .1 Western imir, was lu town la*t week rtiltnilclphiii Lodge, So. g. It. 1'. (ft, Rika, held fiapressh'e memorial services at the linind Ois>r;l House on Stimliiy uftertionn. Ihv. "J. Tin' mctuorlnl address was delivered by Charles IV. Ilenlsicr. of Baltimore, wltb n eulogy by tlii- Rev. Ocrslri I'. Cnglilan. lliirlnn 1 hi? patii year memliers of tbo ludge, jiiiMitifiri* with Hie theatrical pnifession, who died, nn': Charles A. itrndenbiirgh. Samuel S. Satiford. John J. Holmes and Jute Keen..... .Fiillowlnu an estuhlIslu-d etnlOiM nil ihc employes of Keith's Thenlre were given k hoiiircous TlinukhKlvliiB dinner on .Nov. -jo. Renldoiit .Manager II. T. Jordan ::iul I*rrsn Ceprciti'niiilii'i! *'. K, Bnrni-s pre- sided. Hiving to the performance golug on at Die lii'iisc, ii VM MxiSMirj to give n conllimniis performance aanrtl 10 llu- uffnlr. Three reluys of diners sal crotind the board in tlire'e sui-ccsslve hours. In whh-lr 1 Hi employes |inrilclpiiled To l-'rlt/l Hcben* Tell the honor mi Nov. U7 of laying tin- cor- ner nloae of the Fdwln Forrest Tln-nin*. nt Broad mid Walnut Streets. In nddltlou lo the flfMan of ihe l!dwln I'orii'at Hume, Inrgi* immlit'i" of the profession were pres- ent, at'tlic ceremonies. Fx-Kupn-me Juslbe Samuel (bisllnc Thompson nnd Itunsell Buaiie tnnde addresses, nfter wblcli Miss SchelT-declared the Mtnne so.nnre 11ml level. Wai.xi:t (Frank Howe Jr.. mnnai;cr].- of Ihe Cnbbuuo 1'iiicli," Fnll River.—At the Academy of Music fills Its third nad llnnl week X. Bus (W. F. Mason, resident manager) Ihe Adam -"*' week was gmid. "The Jungle" lb. (lood Co., with Bessie Overlon nnd Dannv .'auk (KJ3. Mxon-Mrdlbiger. tnnungcr). Simmons lu the leading roles, last week —«■« \" Slien heglns Ids secud and lliiul played to good baslnesa. and gave Krent sat- we , ,,k „ :1 ' ln "Klchcllou,' villi "O.hcllo "Br. Isfnctlnn. Aubrey Hltn-k t.'o. Hec. :i-8, K. A. -'ekyll nnd Mr. Hyde" nnd "The Kiwi g Rt> Blllon Stock Co. 10-15. venge for Ibe Siicccillng perforuinilees. JUrnv fW. V. Mason, realdent manager). I»0« week big crowds were in attendance, —The Fall Klver Choral Socletv, Nov. ^7, «"d s»ve worm greetings to ihe stnr, lorke was greatly enjoyed hy a large and select ''-"d Adnms, lu "itnnkers and Ilrokers, Urn. nudleuce. Itaymond Hitchcock and his merry >**• „ . ... . „ ,,_, counaoy entertained two large audiences '2». , IjiUKD (G. A. \\ egefarth, manager*.—"The In "The Galloper." Mr. Hitchcock received <<M 'to'" Broadway has Its llrst local run n beany welcome. . The other member* of *• and week. The Rays, la "Bown the l'lke. the company acquit ted themselves with broke al) previous records. Inst week, for big credit. "The Southern Vendetta" XO-Ilec. L crowds. At ihe two performantvs on I btuiks- The filrl from the ltancn" :i-n. 'The Cow- giving Uf/_ 1» retflnio were $.!,im*.>.40. -tilrls Will He Girls 10. UlBJuW (Miller '&. Kntifmnu. mnnnjrerH).— llnrnev (illinore, hi "A Riu-ky Roml to Bull- Iln," :t-S, following n week of crowded liousea to .witness "How Hearts Are Broken." "The Puncher" (1-8, "Born Thornc" 13-11 StiKKPY's (t'bus. 1*J. Cook, manager).— Last week an excellent hill drew big hauses. Thla week; .Tusephlne Cohan nnd'company. Fivd Nlblo. Crowley and •Kllleen, Murray KbJtom Henry CUve. IIncker-l,estcr Four, Cowboy Ulrl 10. Mnrlslnl Troupe and caineragrnph, I'koi'le** (1. (f, Mxon*MrdlInger, mnna- Bostox (Cims. Mehlesslnger, manager).— fieri —"A Marked Woman" Is the attraction Business mmn-nrr sufisfaetory nt this week of 3. TuiuUimur ntsloed Its popu ' 1^.nens*er.—At the Pulton TTperajaoiiiM (Chas. A. Vecker. manager) 'The HotW« Coon In Dixie" had a .nod.aouM Nor.'M. "Handel," hy F. AM. Cnltew. drew Hm audience 27. 'The Man of the Hcnr did ten •well-'.'H. 'The Vlllnce Parson" hnd -two bis Ihiiiom *jt». Adelaide Herrmaiiu and com- pnny bad nooi business » ''Olrl of ihfl Streels" drew welt llee. I. The Mttrrflf A Mackey Co.. In repertory. :*-«. except t.wnea "'lV 0U1 Ilnmestead" Is Imoked, Family iKd. MoMirt. mahager).—Cur rent n It lit ct Ions Include: Harry Tborne and com- pany. Ihe Alpha Trio, MUloa and KfJpfn Arthur Borelia. Kitty and Nelson Rtlrllmj, rook and Oakes, and moving plrlures. Man- :i!*.r Uoatti celebrated Inst.week us the an- ulvei-oirv of ihe opening of this tlientre, and on Nov, 27 anve a Imiwpiei 10 laol weeks perforu.ers and n numb er of his f riends. IlKQillonr. — At the Academy of MuM« (John B. Miwhler. mnnnger) \om1> Mm- strelH Nov. 27. "The Smdoht Ring" 11*. •dolty Toity" 21), "Tbs .Man of the uoar" OitriiiM'si (Wllmer A Vincent, managera). —ljist wis-k's bill Included: Iwlmore and Lee. Arthur and Mildred Buy Inn Co.. Gold- siulih and HopiM*. Majestic Trio, the Lyt c Five. Sum tNillins, and Jacobs*' acrobatic dijii. The usual large business prevailed. litlANU HPKilA IlolTNK (XtpO ApOell, laaimgeri. — "l.eun Rlvem, with Beulan Coviitcr In Hie title role, pleased .large an- dle'm-es Nov. -*i:-2K. "The Hnvernor'n nr- don'* drew well i.*»-B*\ I. . . _v, lu 11.1. ii:|Hlegi;iff A lu-owuclt. managerlL —111II Sherbl.ins City Sports played to ca- pacity Nov. SO-tSli P. H. t'lark's Runaway Ulrls, a*«IVr I. hail crowded houses. > llnrrlftitiiru. — Al the Lyceum Theatre (M'Ueis, m-iiinafer^ "The Stationt King" bad n hlg nonse. and wAh a. 1 rlninj.h mKPf*t<, Nov. 96 Adeiiilde Herrmann drew f«l r bmtnes '-'*. ntld "The Village Organist" played to S. It. O. biiMness 21*. The American vltiurrnph 1 o. bad cornl htmses Pec. 1. 'Tiff ! run":: Four:;! is announced for fl. Oi*m;i llnCHK iM. llels. .m*nn(ter).—The liiteriuiilonnl r^totk Co. phiywl n> good bind- nefn bisi 'week. This compimy cjosed tno wh ud i here lie-, I. "Born Thnrnp" H-Ci, "The Burglar's iMughter" tl-S. ': Xim:s.--Aide Itewess. who closed with "The Rollicking UlrT Bee. 1, wns at Iter home for a few days. Seriuiliin. -At HlC l.v. cum (A. J. Bilffv. maimftcri llnnloiis' "KanlHstna" Bee. 0. Mme. Modieskn's farewell appearance 4. Vomers Minstrels ."•. "Mr. Ilopklnson" V, ' F.igfal Bells" m. "The 1,lot 1 and the Mouse"." 2U-D-T. I, had spb'iulld houses. Acamuiy I A, J. Duffy, manager).—"Tha tiovernor's I'nrdon" :!-."». "Tho Muster ^Vbrk- ■Mia" tl-S. "A Alhltilgtir Fm-npe," 2U-Nor, 1, cnnie to good Iiousch. • m-.' Sr.ut tU. Nelson Toets, niiiunfter).—The Aitaerlciiii Burlrso.uers week of Bee. 3. -Tha luiperlnl liiir < esi|)tei , s, last week, drew good huuses, .* ■- •*« I'auii.v (II. It. Smith, inti'tngar).—>Weak of Bee. 3: Archie Bovd and company.'Deb. irion* nnd Bnrrell, Ncwi-lufy,-' ijinu tMte, ta'e (•oHiiiiois. Mn.'k ;<ud r.Blfiii, Caul. King and Filille Wnlsli Is goiHl, bouse. Week of ii. vaudeville nnd stock bur- leiniic. 'NscnLntoMOC.—Oioil business nnd gootl shows ruled lost week. Bill week of? Inrlty to over flu wing huiiscd tbe pi-wvlous week. "While Frisn [turns" next. Biaxev's t. V. Kckhni-dt, innunuer).—''Big Hearted Jint" l.r here '<*•&. V. Aug. Anilcr l'lHslnirg.—At ihe 'Nixon (Tlioo. F. KIrke. Jr.. nuiuiigor) Hubert I •online Bee, :i-K, In "Man and Superman.** I.nsl week •lOHffih Cow thorn, in "The I'rce l,nnee," packed the Imuku nil week, and gave a goisl show. 'Win. Fnversliaiu, lu "Tho Sip taw .Man." Hl-ir.. ■ • i,:-:i..\-jo> (J. A. Reed, manager).—Camlllc B'Arvlllc, In "The Belle of London Town." I-jiht work "Tlie Social Whirl" played lo satisfactory huslni-xs. Bavld Wurileld, lu •The Music Mnsier." lb-in, ORAJOft- -(Barry Davis, mnnnger).—This week's bill: Vnlirip Bergere nnd company, tirnce Van- Stmldlford, the I'essems, Cliff ■ ionlon, Ueoaro and Itnlley, Carter nud Hln- rortl. Adiunn nail Mack. Hdna Luhy, Thus. .1. I\eo«h uml company, the Pryors, Mnn- nlng's Kutei'lillners, Alvln nnd Keeuey anil the clnofiiiiliiKrnph. Last week's bill was excellent., and [lacked the house drilly. Al.i'lX (It. M. fiulick A Co., mil ns sera ).— "Bedford's I lope," the big Hcetilc draion, ^-fi. Ijtst wppk imvld lllgglus. lu "Ills Lust Bui- lur," packed the bouse all week, nnd could Imve pin red aiioilier week. Tin* piece Is n ven* popular one In I'lttHbiirg. KtiRenle Ulnlr, In "The Wnmnu In the Cnse." lu-t:.. RUM: (It. M. (lullcl; A I.'o.. mnnuKorsl.— "Custer's bust Flglit" ?l-N. I<nst week "The llnuibler or ihe West" played 1" B»"<1 l»"«l- ness." and gave a good show. "The Ninety nnd Nine" lu-in. Ria.vkv'h Kufinn (N*. 0. Wagner, mana- ger).—"Thorns and (iraiiue BIoskoiiih*' :t-S, Thi' »*a»l Is tin nxceptionally »l mag one, headed by Ihe well known star, F.diin Kurle Linden week, "At the World's Mercy" playetl to gwnl biislnesH, lint) gavo a very pood show. "Young Buffalo, King of Ihe Wild West." IMS. Bavkty (.Ins. B. Orr, mnnnger).—Tlie Hos- Ion Belles, wlih Clarence Wilbur, :i-8. An ndded nitr-irhoii Is V.\\\\ Thompson's comedy iii-rohaHe ricphanls. l«isi week, the Trocn- deros sore 1 afsod show, nnd played to saf- Isfncloi-y biiiini-HH. The rrmkerjiicks 10-1 Tp. AcAumtv or Mrsic (II. W. Wllllains Jr., mnnngcri.—JTlie Bre.uuland Burles(|iiers It-X. Have Marlon, the author of "Ibisclund," his latest nuistnil extravngunsn, la personally ill reeling me production, nnd It is one of the bent tilings Keen In 11 linrlcsoiic house llibt mmlhipIi. The Cherry Blossoms played to the itsmil Inrge business Inst week. Merry Muiileiis Bl IS .1i>Iiiis|i»\vii.— ai the Famhrla Thsfttro (It. \\\ Sibei-e.r, inniuiKi'r) "Riinter Brown" hail -io'hI inisiiiess iiuiBiiee mUl illRhl.N'oy, ■JC Nanii* O'Nell. In "The Hnrceresn," skrs nn excellent is'iTormnnce 27. ""rhe .VOljin- i.'i-r iii-gmilsi" iinii fnlr hiislni<SH 20. "TJn* Ctrl rrom llrrpndwav," two |»erforroanc«s,hijl cniMieliv 211. "The County Clititrinari" dfd lag business ."•('. "The Arrival of Kitty" old 11 :;■>■::[ hmise Ber, 1. "Al t'rlpiiln Creek" 8, •I'M*! huYtl PoufH!" 4, "The Flaming Arrow" "p. t'orler J. White, hi "The Trend Prims*.'* ft; "A Beapernto (.'banco'' 7, Mad- nnie Mmlleskn R. Nnt M. Wills 11, Bream, bind Bui-Iewpiei's 11', "The Old Homestead" t::. ITorriici* Bnle 14, "A .McHsugo from Mars" 1.1. Fusion.—AL ihc Able Opera House (W, K. I ip'twllier, niunsger) week of Nuv. 26, in.: Harder Hull Co. played lo fairly good iiTii'.i'i, pnrllculHrly 2ii, when the H. It, Q. sign wan 11 feature of hoLb pfirtortUpCff> "Whim tint Harvest lhya Are Oear" Dec. 4. - rhe Viduiiterr Organist" 5, •The Old Hi Mlend" l(, "The tilrl of thu Streets" 7, 'The Time of Your Life" 8, I'rofeajwr K'nsiisii' foiiciTt, local nttrncilnii, 10; Mur- ray and MacUc Co, 11, 1". nud 14*16; Lew Docksiadrr v.i. \«rrlnlosvn.—At tint Omnd 0|iera Hottse (riinit. M. SoiiihweH, mnnnirer) Voftnl'H Mlu- sin-Is pleniasl good lifislmms ^ov. 'HI Y, M. r. .\. (Miirse lind i-iipnclt.v biialiiOKs 27. Tom WnierV In "Tim Mayor of Bauuhland," plill-eil Eisid bushicss 'JK. Arlelnttle Hflrr- maim plnvetl lo rnpnclly I)1IhIiichm '2M. "The I'tdlcge Widow" hud s. It. 0. till. The house was fold out bcrurn llm company rencbed (lie (own "Thorns mid Ornnge Blossoms'* did KiMtd liiisnnhi Fee, !. Miinilo Fleming Stack Co. :\-K (IniiH and Nelwou lli|llt. pictures 10, "Our Friend Fi-Uk in. Will lu Disport. —At tho Lyroinlng Opera House ft.. J. Ji'IhIi, innntiRt-r) "My Wife's Fnmlly" imd n fnlr liousn N'ov. 2(1. "Hunter ttrown" delighted n gisid lion so 27, Tbe l*our IHinihKtH bad iwo gootl houwe 2fi. "I'lrf! I'ntYll I'niif!!!" Bee. I, IllintO'leln's IiImiIh wek of II, except 7, wheu "The Cot- l'*eu Widow" iiiinesrM: Florence dale, In "Itonieo and Juliet," M; '"I'he I'lnmlog Ar- row" 13, "A Message from Mam" .14, "The Mumtiir nnd the Hmnmlng lllrd" 1ft. irichoiidnlt*.— Al IlieOrniidOnern Houie (fieorge W, lewder, inuiing«r) during week of Nov. 20. Ibe Karl HurgeKS KlOck Co. gave eli'ireit perforiliaiices, to good IniSlllflSS. On Thniiksi'lvliiK Boy the compnay hnil orer- (lowhiK Iiousch afi'-nionn nntl evening. Little I'nypl Itiirltwpie Co. Bee. ;i, I Jit* American Vllnitrnph i'n. II, Hie Four Huntings, in "Tlie Fool House,** 7. VHIIMONT. Martini snd liorle. Kntu Clarke. McKeever ««- Hi "Thci t'nn« of Brink." had llllcd r,ud Hniitljvl'hu Creslcy and optlscopc. 'A Man's Htukeu I'rom- Lrttu..—At tbe tvnn Theatre (Frank CL Ilarrlion, luaaager) tho'Clara Turner Co. played to gootl bunluess last week, nnd turned people away.on laanksgivlng ulght. -The Harvey-Htock :Co. Is tbe current .-attraction, tuning Doe. 3.- fOr tbe w ; e>'k. John Cowan Stock Co. 10-1S. A serjes of Kunday. niaht p'oncerts begau 2, to- cuntmue Uirough ihe Winter. - ■■ AmrroB'tTjt {Hnrry Kafctes, mntiaffer)-:- Ureat hnslopss was the'record for last w«lt. This-week Manager Katees Is -presenting : Ward and Curran, Bowers, Walter 1 nnd Crookcr, Uoty and Lee, Mule and Snlly Daly, Norm Ada nut,—^At the Emnlro (John F. Sullivan, manager* 'The Llou and thu Mouse." tin* threat sttnietlflu of "the season, appeared Nov\ *S to 8. ft O. The cart was nn excellent one. Oliver Bond Ityrun anil ■Miss Bohley dream special mention. "Tho Maslcr Workmnn," 20 plenseil a fair house. "A Itnnaway M«tvh," 2s. mnrluec nad utght, did Immcnsi! hiiHlnesR and plensi'il. "The Way of r!ic TransgresKor,'* i*it. came to fulr hit si • nesK. . A Woidaii's Itcdemptlon," Dec. 1, uleawd a tnlr'hoUsi\ Nance O'Xell, In "Tho Sorceress," '.'• : "Out side 1 be Bates of I'aru- rihe'' 4, ^hcpatil s moving plotuers 6, Kvn Tanguny. in "A (Jo&il Felbw," 0: "The Hnil Boom Bovs" 7, 'Human Hearts*' 8,- Richmond (St. li. Taylor, resident mana- ger).—Business last week was big. Jen- nings and Renfrew, aed Moaher, Houghton ond.Mosher. ikawrvu mention. Bill week of , , Per. 3: UwIs-McCoi-d and company, AL F.d- hS^mS ., wards, JIco^tu mud Wright, Holatnoti II, llclle SLlf^r \vSr ,: Bloiie and ntoyl:^ pic tires, . • " ?,,„"- T ' " - . . ■ KlUTH's (II. JT. Jordan, naanAger).—Mas- ,■'■■■■■- -• -'it 11 ter Uflbrlel ahd George AH. with Creasy and Holyokc,—At the Opern House (James BcyncTn their new play, "(«rnsolug An Op- n. O'Coonell, rtannger) "The. Lion and the portunity," head & meritorous bill week »f :'. Rlouse." ^ov. **», .played to 8. Jt. 0.. nud Other feature*! are: The Klectrlr Crickets, lereral hundreds were turned'away. Flora the Boiler Brothers, Ten Brooke, Lnmbert Julia Bowley, the leading lady, who wis a and company, Folk, Collins and Csriueu His- house**.-last week lse" 10. XiXtOSAC* (4. >1. Kelly, manngyr).—Harry B, Carey. In ".MoulJiua," m the atlrnclloti. 8-S. "Chliintowu Charlie" furnUlied plenty of thrills, l">i, i i-'jwil"d houses. Inst week. "Four Comers of-lb;: Earth" follows. Haut'n U0I111 W. B;irl,iiiitii;iger'.—"Why Bids Lr'inc Ifenw" :'-s. Hig hoUKcs wit- nessed "Fur ii lliininu Life" Inxl week. Ntlllo Callalian, one of the obi Forepmigh Hlock fnCorltes, will nt'lien r. In ".M'IJsb," 10-15. r:i!!'n;.i.;u'j; (Milter A Kaufman, mana- Rets).—I-Jngpiilc Hlnlre, In "The Woman lu Hie Case," occupies the honrde" Ihc current week. 3-S. •■Tin* Ml'eejilng Beauty nud Ihe Beast" was favorably received by flno audi- ences last tvc'-k. "IrfLii Blvcrs' follows. tSta.vuaud (Parry A Hpcck, managers).— The aloek, in n melodrama, by Will 8. Mur- phy, snthlctLVFor Htr Bnlly Bread," S-8. 'The Female Boteetlve" oiTerwl Mat He Choate uml Jack Chngnnu gootl opportunity Big rrowiN were present. "A 10-13. Allti-mii.—At the FJuveulli Avenun (I. C. Mlshler. inunager) ihv Four IlutiLlngs, Nov. I'll, and "The Ooveruor's I'nrdon," '29. iKith .did well. ''The County Chairman" did capacity iiti-liiL-ss bolh sfiernoon tint! even- ing *.ti, "Ihe Arrival of Kitty" 30, "Thu Hlrl from Hroadwnv" Dec, 1, "I'ltt! Faffi: I'ouf:!:*' 3. "At Cripple Creek" 4, "The 1'roitd rrlnre" .*".. "Tho Flaming Arrow" (I, Madnin" Uudleska 7. "A Desperate L'bnnc*" 8, Nnt M. Wills, In "A Lucky Bog." W. Lvurt: ,(L, It. Cool; uiniirtger).—Bill wenk of Bee. 3: Jettn HinIIiiPh company, Arthur GaMlnioro 11 tul Pnii-v Mourn, (he Marco Twliu*; May Ik>lfurd, Htevruson and Nugent, Webb and f'oniioly, Xiirn aud Htetsou, ,tnd Zlngarn Tmuiic. , Nirrcs.—The opera houso at OaMHidu, a siunll.. willing town twelve miles West of AttoutiH,' on the uinlii line, Pennsylvania Itailroad. wao entirely dcelroyed by lire early Thnnksglring morning, loss A^JMiO ,-. Msriyri Arbuckle and company were late In arriving at'AItoonn 20, having loft Hutler, I'n., at f* a. Ji., and being detnltied by a wreck. Thi marine* was Tate Hi Ktavtlag, and In order that the tlmo might go more uulck-ly.for the larxe audlenro in waiting, tlie-'.fgflgci was-set tor the first Oct In sight of the audience.... .The new. Mlshler Is nratn assuming whape. The roof Is all com. pleted, slid work-will be rushed on ihe In* terlor In order that the house muy open again Jan. 7. 11)07. 1111 rlIngioii. — At the Htrnog Theatre (Calm A Brant, uianagcrK) Nul C. tloodwln, lu "The tJniliiH," Nov, ST, hnd n good houso. Jtitnrs K llncki'tt, la "Tim Walls of Jericho," SH [di'iiKvd it large house. Onus-Nalsou pic* inrt'i. *J!i, did fnlr business. (Juns-NollOD plc- nperti Co. Bee. 1, i;age Stock Co, week of 3. Notk. —Bf Hie iweiiiy-lvrt* menibars of tile Dniry Colored ()pi>rii C'o., opo was fatally uml ten otbers nevcroly hurt lu a wreck wlibh ni-'-tit-i-cd lice. I, on the Butland luill- rond, near Yeriteiiues. Tho victims ue: Knelln Kiiuli. singer, fatally Injured; Theo- dore Binry, pmhiibly hltgliLly Injured; Hldo- nrd 11. Hiook, tannagtr. left leg broken and f'Kit cut off-. John B. I'nliie. atAse manager, slightly Injured ; BUI IBtchle, comedian, litp .i!«ii-ent"i iL'ury Jackson, singer. Internally Injured; Bitcnr jt-nklns, aluck wire perform- er, leg tilt off; l-Miiii tSliuplalus, face cut And knee tipmlucd: Be Forest tttevcus, female im- pprHtnintor, Iniernally Injured; M Van Houtnii. nlnger, hfp dlnhH'nted : Mrs. De For- est Metcm. ti In ill sloe-Bed. The mnnnger of ihe Itiitbind, Vt., and Hranrllle. \ V-, thea- tre wm, alao datinurously Lnrr. Tbe coAi- jinny had played the Felix Hie) circuit of ihentres nnd was on tbe way from allddel- burr to Btirlhialon. where n one night stand was to be made, it (ho Mlrong Theatre. Heir «£ HiiKi-r Heuapwal. Ilclf A llager are about to remove their offlcce to 1.1 West Twenty-eighth at MM, New York City, in which bulldlug they UftVo leased two fjoors, TiuiiRi', anp Uni.i.vK '"tho AutouobUe Olrls." report having n e.urc**uifiil angagcirl4Dt «u the :i Ii circuit ibruugli California.