The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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1106 ■a ».|r THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Decembeb 8. r '■'••> THEMWIOEIOLIJPEil . , » . l . » l l''' "M i. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBlltlirNa CO.ftlmliid.) pEOTBiEfors. ALBERT J. BOK1E, Bdctmhl act npai««B» itixunm, iii'ii r nnr.*eo--i iHTTBB. ■ noil oca on ooorr-BPoNrcsi. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1&0G RATES: Adtertiiecent*—12.60 per Itch, sicgl. col- AdieniKcent* Mt with border, 10 p«r srBsCniPTio*. One jeer, In sOvinte, *J ; ill nautili, K ; three montla, II. Foreign poitsge extra. iviDfle eoplw will be unt, pocttxM, on re- ceipt of 10 cento. Oar Termn ere Ceenu THE CUPFEB lo Issued emrj Wt4r,ea<iij roo'rnltR. The lait tour (ndTerlHln'D page. 00 TO PRIiSS on Saturday at 11' •**»!.,' »o<> MM other pagw on MONDAY sad TISSUAL The For me t'lo.l off ' PrOKiBtlT. Tnei- «]n>, at 10 o'clafelt Jki 31. Plesse remit by express, monoy order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter Is at the rink of-(antler. Minis All coumonlcatiosi <o TUB XEW VOIIK CllPPEIl, 47 West 28tli Btreeti Nsw To*. BeolaKrol 0oW« A.iirm. "Aotho»itt." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Tub Cliffer is located at- Boom 604, Asblauc Block, Chicago, John T. Evince Jr., manager and correspondent, where advertlse- nenti And .robacriptlona are received at oar regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Craubourne St, London. W. C, John U. Carney, manager and corret pendent, where advertlBcmenta and, eubicrlptlom ara received at our regular rate*. Tub Clipfeb can bb obtained, wholx- half, and retail, at our agents, Ereatano'* nam ' depdt, - 37- Avenue de rOpera, rarli, Franco: M- Mllcotbal, Frederick Btroaaa 301 (Terminus Uotcl), Berlin, N. W„ Ger- many; Diamond News Co.. 1)7 Frado, Ha- vana. Manila Book and Stationery Co., 13S Kaeclia, Wanlln, F. I.; Albert A Boo, 137- 139 Kins St, Sydney, Australia. T1.Il 71KW-YORK lXIITER pi 111 shea •mly our edition* aim HiM 1b dutea from New York. QUERI ES ANBW EBBP. No Beatles by Mall or Telegraph. ApDttESHES OB WHEREABOUTS HOT OITBK. All xm qubst op such .should wbiti to THOBB WHOM THBY SERB", IN CABI Of THE CLU'i'KB 1'omt Omen. Ail lettbub will UK AL'VEftUSElJ OHB tVKBK ONLY. IF TUB noOlO OF AST TlIElTKICAb CUiiriNT IS SOUGHT, RF-rTIl TO OUB LIST Of ROtrTBS riN iNOlLIEU I'AUE. WE CANNOT BIND BODlM BT MAIL OB TBLEOBAPU. ' UIIAMATIC. N. fU ffllBllBj * Hfll hove, no knowledge of the present whereabouts nC tho party. Ad- drew a letter In-our care, and wo will adver. Use It In flit CLli'l'KR letter Hat. Mtta. J. & M., Atchison, A; A. lLi ■ W. 4. 11., Cleveland, o, r. it.. Hob, 0. II. Ii. Albany, . "A3X10U8," A. A., Lawrence, and A. B. C.—See answer to X. T./'above. 1> \Y., New York.—Address Jolm V. no- San, uikti' Hull, Majestic TUcatre BullOlng* ;ew Vork city. .;,-.. ci I*.. Xliiskogee.—Addrrw Mounter Con* rlod. Metropolitan Opera House, Now York /•' K. iL. H'auwny.—"iDr. Jekyjl aud Mr. Hyde" ww ilrat nctod la Now York City 8»'jit- 1-. 15*87, nttlic Mndtson Square The- Dtl ' Tl>»iorn linrcnn of the s>w York Clipper, Uonm WH, AahlanA Illock., r.ilrajcu, . Tito week of the featlve bird wlio la -preyed upon with 'due alacrity by rlrli nnil poor alike, brought out Iinn^i'H which iniiHt Tmv«f \viruicd the cocklus of (he mnnftKerial heart*; anil on tke day of days Hm week every hourte.wRB croivued to Its (■aji.v.-iiy. .Mattn<3us were given ar all Ihiq^b, mul nt MrVJckefo three performances were given, oueat-'ll a M.,-une at <!.sv r. it. and the cunivmai-y iilgitt pj-i-rorninnce. Ocomb M. Colinu and his merrymaker^,. Hldiari) Mnnsileld, wlV ll.iri! II.. critic- nnd Ulllfi JetTrryj* nod WIN llmr.a and Walker all cloned Rtic-ceitHftt] en- HBNlil Ucc. t, KrancU \TH«»a, In "The Mountain Climber;" "The Tenderfoot," Jame* K. llackett, In "Xbe Walls of Jerlrbo," and "The Orand Mosul'* are the pHtioincl new atuacllous, wlih the latter Keen fur the time time loenJly. At the New Theatre, llauptionntra "Klga" Is n novelty. "The Time, the Flare nnd the Girl*' is tnOv* h:,' rapidly along toward Ks two hundredth Irrrforninnce. wltlrUi? "house sold out" sign vUlt>)e nlmortt nightly. Ulixois Tiinvtnn (Will J. UnrlB, mana- ger).—Marie CflbtJU' won much favor last week. The numerous catrhv spnga were eri- tHimlasticrtlly received, nnd Miss Cohlll was heartily received. Iliitf »> Cowles, Annie Hockley, Mark Smith arid the other metal 1 - hers were made to feel n's though among friends. The business ImUls up remarkably well, nijtl the engagumciit will close l>ee. 8. Next II. Irvlilg and I>omthea Balrd, in repertory. I'mvaiH' TnKATitK (llnrry J. Powers, man-. fleer).—Mr. crane and tttm JelTreya closed tuelr last week bcre 1, to Hue audience*, add the guild, old, fiubloned comedy bjensed oh few of the modern noes do. Tills week, l'raiicis Wilson, hi "The Mountain' Climber;" Oj.rb.cic Titeatrr (Herbert C. Dam man- ager t.—Henry 10. Dlxey, In "The* Man on the Hoi," hold his midlcnee In a continuous roar of merriment last week. Tbo engage- ment will end a, nnd make way for tuft Sot he rn- .Marlowe Co.. In a repertory of clasetk- Oraui-i. opening 10, In "John the IkiiJtiKi." Other ploys announced are: ■Jeunuo D'Are." "Tbo Sunken Bell,** "Ilaiit- let." "As You Like It." "Krancesea da ltttnf* nr' and, possibly, "tiulnevcr." Their stuv will only be of two weeks* duration, and fourteccn performances will Ih> given. Colonial Tiieatuc (tlcorgc IV. Ledcrer, mfluoger).—Ibc merry days of Ueorge at Colxun. In "t'eorue Wasblogtoa Jr." came to mi ejid, I'-j-ully, Suturdiiv night, Dec. 1, with a record Of almost unbroken capacity attend- nncc during the long' rdh. "The urand Mogul" was given Its local premiere 2. All Indications pulnt to a most successful visit, nnd that the house will have no cessation of,the imiacuse business It has been doing. Krank Mo'ilflt) Is featured, aud Maude Lil- lian Herri, Kdltb fit. flair. Carrie- Iteyuolds. John l>unsmulr, W. II. Macsrt and Ssger Mldjrcley are lu the awt. The booking Is Intlellnlte. . " Stukcbakeb Tiiratbh (It. E. Harnieyer, manager).—'*l"he Flower Clrl" made n. posi- tive hit here laat week, aod Louise GuiioIdk in particular,' wsk singled out for extrtmie In l-nilso. Lobu Harrison, well liked locally. K re, by Ittchnrd ManHtlMd. It. K—Fro . .torn $15.00 per week up. A. R. IV. Terro Haute.—Address the party to whom you refer for uns-vcr. W. K C., Mouudsrllle.—Address the Miner Lliho. Co.. New Vork City. t;. C. II.. Cornell.—Any one can present It. but. W! do uoi know where It can bo ob- uuii'.l. uiileiw l>Uk & FlUgerold, 40 Ann Sli'LHit, I'iin funilsh It. \V ,A. Y.. Hnlltmore—Address Julius Colin, Kmplre Ttaeatra HuIMIbk. Now York City. II. II. A., bi r»il*—Addrctw T. II. Win- tieit. 1*08.Itruiulwny. New York tlly. C. Ii. M.. Metropolis.—See uuswer to 11. II. A., above. l'i«ti\ J. l>- l\. Chicago—Watch our route list each week. \Y. B. \Y„ llouulnm.—We have uo mesiia of knowing. 1*. \V.,ch nrntf. —This la the llilrd season for the MM, lu "l>own the Pike." "ili.uNH. 1 "—C, fJ. Hum. 4« West Tweiity- eljrhtb Stive), may be aide to supply you. A. T. U. M., New York.—The itlson City Quartette npiieared nt Keith »fs Froetor's Tweiitv-lhiid Street Tlieatre, Sunday, KoV. 11. I*. U. 11.. Osslnlug.—Sec our route list each week for the routes of U»e-various "Uncle Tiim'ti ■ Cabin" Co.*s; ft IhTirBM Mobile—I. Address frank Mel- ville, 140*1 ■ Hrondwiiy. New. York-City. -. Ye*. You cun siiv. "addroitn.all agents." J. U. H,. Chicago.—It Is iisiully consid- ered too long for n vaudeville- net. Muw 15. T. MacC, Mount UbIub.— 1. Wo 0a not deal In playc*. *1. See aasver to H. U. A., above. . . J. J. 11., Fbtladtdphla, — The Columbia TheHtre, Ilostou.'was tlrat opene<] Oct. 1% 1MM. bv Wtltluui Harris und Cbarlea Atkin- son, nnd lo June, 1 *>!>-. was* owned nud man- used by Mcsfrs. UK'li, Harris k. Krobmau, it-has always bceu known ns lUo Columbia Theilte except for a few months In 1004, when It was ealled I be Columbia Muste Hull. CAHpS. J. C. £.. Hocbester.—Tlie ■ cards composing Kluglc pluovhle, once melded, cnu not be used to meld double pluoeble. Olu Tiul'r. —The game Is callod Mlstlgtls, 'BASEBALIi. W. A. F.. Hiinnvllle.— Id ease of rain or darkness four and ono hulf luulngn cou«tltuto n rntne. providing ttie side second at hat shall havo Kcorod In the unequiilled Innings more runs than the fide first at bat does In the live lnnlnus. See, rule ii.'i, MI5CCLLA>EOl'S. T. 3. 0., Sdiiiiuaixu.—Any unabridged dic- tionary will glva you Cue tneuolug of ta*> ward. M. H.. (ternnton.—The spfttenee Is correct. 10. H., Itlnghamton.—Addrcsi the athletic Instructor of auy of the lending mum, U. L. t Bostoa.—Wc have uo record of the event. matje a hit of no-amall dtmeneldos as the "•roin-letor of the flBBjnBf store, and Harry 'nlrlelgii was encored repeatedly for his songs, The-attraction bids fair to draw good houses for some time to come, OftAxii OfRRA'HuesK'(Harry-Asklo. nifln- itger.).—Jtlrliftt-d- MimsilcJd- closed .Ids five weeks' engagement Dee. ,1, to a Huceeislon of capacity bonnes, having played lo.-reiwrtorv daring the.-final w&ik, s. list of which was men In Inet week's letter. On Sunday, 2, itm, K< llncKett opened In 'The l\*olls of Jfflclio." 'i'hc house was crowded, and gave the atar and lils coriiuauj a inost'eiitliuslastic nceptlQii, which uugurs well for the four weeks' eugagenient,".. . '< 'HcVieftEirii Tiiuatiib (George C. Warren, nmnofier).-^-': 'Way Down Kast" wound up Its long tenancy at tills house In a blaze of glory, plaVJog to splendid audiences, at all tunes, and ob. Thanksgiving Day giving three [Kiforuanncea, nt ■■which-the holldav seekers tufhea out in full force. The wJbulng quali- ties of this.good old rui-nj drnma seem to have, tlte virtues of wine, and improve with age. lllanelie Wslsh was greeted hv a tre- mendous nndlenee when she appeared-'Stun- day, 2, In "Tlie Woman la the Case." This play la announced-for two weeks* fol- lowed by her performance of. "The Krentrer Sonata.? . . . r: '. N*B\v. T|ie,\tbb. (Sam F.Oerson, manager')'. —r.'Vl'he SoD-Iji-I^Wf'' preceded-by Henry'A& tltui* Jones: dramatic skotcb,.ln one act; "Tlie tionl," served to'lucicabo (he buelness at this little playhouse last week, arid at the snrao time the public seems u have become awiirc «f tlie fact that the theatre Is not n "so- ciety affair." nnd everyone In welcome,.as nt other houses. With tbo prepoutatloii vf llanpt- tuan'a "Klga," Dec. it. Cbrystol Heme, will make bar bow as lending; woman of this or- gnniKition. a fact which will doiibrless servo to streuKtben the box odlco retrlpra Roucl- «;'s old one act comedy, "Kerry." Is an- nounced as n curinln ralr?er. and Gerald Grif- fin'will be hccn In tbu title role. This' bill will be retnlned the usunl two weeks, with "Sweet Ijivemlur" nnnoiinced to follow, with Jllss Heme In tbe*lltle role. CWCaoo. Oi'eha HoL-sic (If. D. llnnt, tnnn- ngi-ri.—"The Lottery of love" proved a wise choice ln$t week, and business loomed lu great fushlou. M Iks . Reed has tliorottghly won her way to Ihe hearts of the .habitues, and Ik a strong, magnet. Mr. BrnnvwcU Is n ►.lei-ling actor, who seema to tit whatever part is given mm, ami he has played n wide variety since his advent here. Thin week he U giving a i.u.m jxnverfut Imiwrsoimilon of Caole Thotne. in "Secret Service," aud I ho entire company Is playing In excellent form. The staging Is In the capable hands of Walter Clark Hollows, und every detail Is carefully ntl ended to. Next week, "The Groin Train ltobbery." L.\ Samk Tiii:atuh (Mort II. Singer, man- ager).—"The Time, the l'lace and the Girl" conllnues on Its prosoerons way. Notliln? more could be desired In tlie way of bu»lnoas, for nothing more could- be done, uuleus the bouse were enlarged. IlCKII TEUTLI] TlIEATIlK (I'llxfltiftb ScllO- bar. nianogcr).—"The Silver Klug" drew Hoe houses last week, aud was well played. Tbi* compuuy Is a decided suitcsh, nud the North Side Is fortunate la having r foully theatre where the best cnu bacsres, well ninyed, at reasonable prices. This week the bill Is "A Hucbolor's HoneATiioon," Prldoy night, or last week was n special event, aud the house was crowded wlib eufhuslaMlc admirers of the local high school football club, many of whom were present. Next week, "The Two Orphans." 1.\ti:i:.\atioxai. TucATiie (Kills V. Gllcb- muh. niuungfrl.—The business here Is In- creasing steadily, aud Is now nearly capacity at every performance, as steadfast friends vorsbln at the shrine Of (bat remarkably versatile actor, Mr. Gllclrman, whose per- foiumoceR, be tbey comedy, drama ortrHgedv, never fall to be highly artistic. Many-people who do not even understand the language are attracted here by tbe floe pantomime work of tbe afar and his colleagues. Tbe plays of last week were. )n «ome mtUNP revivals, but 1b all eases Interesting. The future anuounceTconti Include: "Sacrlflee of iMac" S, "G.ibrlel." an operetta t 41 ■"'Han- nab 1 ' B, 0. the rest of the week" win be devoted to a novel play, tbe name of which Is hot yet auoouneed. ''The Vauuerlug Jew" drew splendid audiences 1. !!. and Mr. Glick- mnn made a most laxpOKintr appearance as the unfortunate wabderor. The coaipaaj ably supported btoi, ■ ■- ■ "*iADiTOTrirri r TrWtliB TMIiward '*wgnC mm»grfj:— Thin 1b the last week of "Ben llur, audr-Uie.big MfH has.hold a sactei- «Ibn of tawBoim tbrougliont the run. There Is no/anuouncemeht of anything to follow. GkKiT NoJlTitBnx TnBArtE (rired C. Eoerts, rnacrtK^r).— Williams and Walker certainly made merry here for the paHt two weeks, and they, have left with tbe feeling thnt Chicago has a kindly interest la then), and their next engagement la looked forward to with pleas- ure. Mas Pieman nnd Ruth White continued the good .work, wben tbey opened* H*cV i!, Ih "Tbetemlcrfoot." 1 j ne-booking is : for two weeks. Billy It, Vim, In "Patsy In Politics," follows. F/joL'i.r'a Tnr-.Tiin (-Toscpb Pilgrim, maa- nge'r).—"Jane" was her own merry self here last week, -and laughter knew ■ no damper. The nmuslng eompllcullona were well hnndleil, and the week wnss good one. "Tennessee's Pardncr" i.~ the current nttrnctlon, opening 2, find Ib well played. Next week, "Captain Impudence.*" • '.. iir'.::;'j].i'T TitEATRr? (Joseph Ilrnnsky, mauagor).—May llosmer has' become a strong favorite here, and business Is stead- ily Increasing. Under the nblc management of Mr. Hransky the wants of the surround- ing theatregoers nre well'looked after. "Work and wages" has 1(3 ■moments of comedy and tragedy, mingled lu n manner to drnw forth npinause. "Monte Crb>to>" Is the bill this week, nnd considerable trouble has been i aktiti to' make the prescntntlon a good one. Xffkt week. "Levi lit Cuba.*" "MAjrktic TiikAtkk (XyiaaB^F. Glover, ma »n tfr).-^- Business hohts up splendidly here,.and. wltb the fine bills offered, there Is .no'reason why It shotildti't. Cecelia Lof- t ic- n.asir a'positive'bU last .week In a dra- mntic sketch, and I'llwin Stevens was nn- other who was n great favorite. 1 - The bill for week of I)re. 3 Includes: The Padette Orchestra, with Carollue H. Nichols lending; John C. Itlce unit Sully- t'obsn. Toby Claude and company, Cblnko and (Ouimtiy, tbe Six Proveantes. Ben Welch." Flnlay and Burke, Minnie Kaufman, Allnn Bliaw, the Mimic Four, Potter atid Harris. Martin Van Bergen, Mabel Davis, the Mannings and tbe klno- drome. OLtMprc Tiig.vtrr (Abe Jacobs, manager). —Certainly comedy will bold tbe fort here this week, for wltb Wilfred Clarke nod company. Kdwin Stevens nnd company, and Harry Tate's "Motoring" tlie list Btarts well. Others on the bill are: Macart's dogs and monkeys. Vernoa, Iteiff Brothers. Ida O'Pny, the Ue-Auos, Rogers, and Evans, Harry Brown. Grace Hunt and compnny, Tracey Allen, Bennett Bros., Edward Kelllc, and the klnodrome. llAYJtARKET Tueatub (William Newklrk, manager).—A strong bill will mukc a bid for business here week of 3. headed by May P.dDtiln and Fred Edwards, Ned Nye-und his seven (rjrls, Gardner and Vincent, Mavme iteming ton and her Buster Brownies, Mar- velous Terley. Da mm Bros., Arthur Demlng, BoVitblnrk Quartette, Che Delkes, Roblscb nnd Childress. Norman Martin, Bennington Bros.. Helen Hall and company, Jaoeon Sis- ters, and the klnodrome. AcAnsxtT < William Itoche. maoager).— "Yotiog Buffalo" stirred up lots of thrills last week, and business was very good. This week, the ltusscll Brothers, In "Tbe Great Jewel Mystery." are holdlag forth, to ad- miring audiences Next week, Harry Clay miner. In "The Boy Behind tbo Gun." m.i or TiiEATrsn (William Itoche, man a- eer).—''A Bacc for Mfe" closed a good week ere; 1, and Is followed this "Over Niagara Falls." ■ ' . ■ . .*■..,-' Ai.iiAiiniiA (James II.' Brown, manager). —'•Secret Service Sura" was the bill week ending I. llnrry Clay Blaaey, la "The Boy Behind the Gbn,"-Is.the current attraction, nud bis countless adherents -will undoubted- 1;: flock tn-kM support throughout the week. Next' week,'- "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl." '■ v"^ «*-#• Columbus Theatjib (Weher Bros;, mana- gers).—"At tbe Old Cross Roads".was splen- dklly received hero last week. The current hill-Is Dolly • Kemper, lu-"The G\-psy Glrli" sure to do well, as Miss Kemper Ib a local favorite. "When Knighthood Was la Mower" 0. ' -' --._. : .. - .CitiTSniox Tiii'atbb (.Toliu B. Hognn. man- nger).—»Harry Clay Blaney plaved to ca- pacity nt every performance last w«k, la "The Boy Behind the Gun,** and the attrae- llon was. worthy tbe patwnagc. 'Phis week "On Dangerous Grotinri" Is the Attraction, and opened well ± ."Secrets of the Police" w'U follow, nnd. custom, the house will be dark 16-22, tbe week preceding Chrlslraas. • , . • 1'l-s<i\-'s TnoATUB (Sid .T. Euson. mana- ger).—The Hon Ton Burlesquers closed a very satisfactory week here 1, The house Is l>ecomtnB more popular all the time. Vanity Fair, opened to a packed house 2, and-pre* sonlcd a- good show.-•■ 'The Birth of-the Pnlted States; or, Tlie . Declaration of ludcpendehce." is n fine spcctaele. --and culls forth lots of applause. "Onr.Georgia Hose" Is the closing burlesque, .and the en- tire compnny works welL In It. Among tbe fpfltnrc acts are: TIio.Flve English Hoses, Reed and Shnw. Howell nnd Eraersoa. Ander- son nnd MnrKiierette. the Kamons Wang Boodle Four, Belle Wilton, Ituth St. Clair, Bowers and Curtis, Barry Dclaney, and others. I'.uxv Tiieatiir (John A. Fenncssy. man- nger).—The Parisian Belles had little to i-oinplnln of last week in the lino of bnsl- nesH. and the company ilirongliout was nn cxcelleut one. Tlie Bnltlmore Beauties bold forth here, thin week, nnd indications point in a nod week. Manager 1'eunessy- Is doing all In his power to enhnnce the popularltv of this house, nud tbe result Is apparent weekly. Next week, the Star Show Girls. ntnPAiaau TiiBAriiB (I. M. Welngarton. manager).—The Dainty Duchess. Co. plaved to line linsiness here nil the week, and made a good Impression. The Hon. Tons opened to capacity 2. with n strong show, augment- ed by an extra stronp olio, In which the Girl In the Red Doniluo plnys n prominent part, wllb her girl assistants. Vanity Fair will open u. . . Lonhon* Dun. Mi:sei;m (W. J. Sweeney. manager).—Tbe following are In the curio hall: Jtilcne, snake chnrmer: l'rnlrle Hobo and Pmtrle Dog Jnek, rlDe shots: Wilson. Chicago fnt boy.; Major Nichols, midget, nnd Valden. mnglclan. In Hie theatre: Olllc Clark, Cora St. Clair, Irene Wood and the Midway dancers. WriNinjRLAXii |\Y. W*. Freeinnn, manager). —niislnews nt this West Side housa-has been steadily Incn-nslng. nad with oil the attrac- tions wblch Manager Freeman hail to offer. it Is sum 11 wonOer. The show In the thea- tre la always Interesting, and in the curio hall and the downstairs free hat), there Is always plentv to amuse. Clark Struct Mvsuum (Louis M. Hedges, malinger).—Many of the attractions hold over here, nnd nre drnwlng tbe-same crowds ns formerly, while Ibe new tea tares nre In- teresting, nnrl the house Ib generaIIv filled rrom top In bottom -with a well satisfied crowd, which Is nlwftvs on tbe move. Aftebmath. — Tbe Western Vaudeville Manager*' Association now Includes among Its bouses those on the Gus San circuit. MaJtMtlr. Madison. Wis,: .Tellers, Saginaw; Lvrlc. Dam-Hie, 111;: Orpheum. Free port: Mnlestle. La Salle: Bijou. Jacksonville, aod tho Crepcent Champaign,... The preparations for ChrlBimas attractions are going on lo full- sway, oow- that Tbnnks- glvlng has-passed, and all are looking for- ward to a RDo bolldav. season...;. .in the nioauttme Cblcagu Is tnowlog no -dearth of good attractions, for -wltb all the theatre* going full blast, concerts occurring nearly every day at the - various halls, and the ltnrton Holmes lectures einertalulog.-amuse- ment lovers are well supplied. Then the Live Stock Show opwned 1. wlitcb gives more catetuiamcot, (or it is a great rwtun W» ■."..^...TOT Brlae Of Ifcialna" was per- formed nt Powers 1 , Afternoon -of Nov, 28, to an audience which completely fllledtbebpoae, and In fact many were unable to gain adroit- Bion. The piece was capitally perrormec and stnged, and reflW-tedereftt credit on tbe man- agement Dr. Hoblkao gave a lecture in Music Hall, z, on "Siegfried." wblch waa well attended .. ..r>ufton .Ilolipeg Ltav- elogac, "Atheiift and, the Olympic G&aua,' was moat warmly applauded at Orchestra Hall, afternoon of 1 Tbe <yitnc night. In tbe same place, tbe Thomas.. Or- chestra held forth to a monster .andlenre, and offered Abac, GndskI ns sololsl.,,.... This lirili nlsb offer* Mrs. FAnnle Bloomfieltl /.elslor (her, first ippearaiice In two. years). In n pin no recital, afternoon of 2, and la Ibe evening the Musical Art Society, under the direction of Clarence Dickinson, la lis first concert... .It, 0. Bnchman was ft Cliiter Bureau -cnllcr 1, and announced business ns being very good on the BIJou Amusement Co."a circuit, of which he Is president and general manager. They have houses in Kankakee, Strcator and Danville. .. Fred Zodeblc mu'l CutTBB Bureau caller 1. Having elosed his season wltb the circus, Mr Xobedle Is now going out .over the Orpheum circuit, and will play dates until the big tents are. staked again A njn»t welcome caller on the same date was Sidney Smith, bur Cedar Eaplda correspond- ent, who Is for.a few days. Mr. Smith reports business as In s-plendid shape In- his'Iowa town, and Is enjoying his s> journ In' the Windy City, lie represents several dallies' and weeklies, and is famil- iarly known as the ad-getter." Sam It Harris bus been a fnmlllnr figure In town tbe last two weeks and announces that his ■•Yankee Doodle Comedian" and co-manager, George M. Coban, will return In (be late spring, to try conclusions'-with Chicago aur dfenco* In a musical version of "Popularity." The worst luck ;hat coald be wished these genial men is that their next Summer's run in a revised sJiow. may equal that just closed In "George Washington Jr." Mr. Cohan was given an. ovntion on his closing night, and trie entire Coban family appearing hi tho piece was included. "George" leaves town fully conscious of tbe fact that lie has many more admirers and friends berc than he has known before The demand .for seats for tbe coming >Hotbcrn:MarIowc engage- meat at tbe. Gurrlck are beyond ull expectn- tluas, aud when It is. realized that Ihe. seat sale does not open until next Thursday, it is a foregone conclusion as to the business. "Tlie. Deceitful Dean," a comic opera by Prof, James Weber Lynn, of the Univer- sity of Chicago, will be.rcvlved Dec. 14, 15, with matinee, at Mandel' Hall, by students of that college. ...Daley and O'Brien were Clutkr Bureau callers, and reported that they were doing splendidly with tbeir act la tbe burlesque houses, but after this sc-o- sou they would return to vaudeville, and expected to go abroad... ...Edgar [tuff sud Dorothy llaynol report success In their sketch. "Tbe Joll-bird's Flight," and have been Bureau callers several times In the last few days. Fred "Law. of Somers and Law, was a caller last wool;, and said that ibelr act, "Tin; A atoms nines," was one of tbe bits of the Parisian Belles.. At tbe Christmas Tree benefit which will be glrea afternoon of 18 at the Grand Opera House, representatives from every com- paoy. in town will appear. E. H- Soihera and Jalln Mar'.owc -have announced their willingness to appear In t he Inst act of "John tbe. Bnptlst," and all the heavy secaerv will bo. transferred n that bouse for. tbe. oc- easb>n. Cbryslui llerue, J&ck Standing, James Durglrt ai]d Moggie Hollc-way Fisher, of-the New -Theatre Stock Co., will apjicar In ah act. from "Klgn:" Louise Gunning, l.ouia Harrison nud chorus from "Tlie- Flower Girl-.".Frank Mouinn. Maude Lllliiut Berrl and chorus.from "The .Grand Mogul:**-the Three Roses, from the Olympic; Ben Welch, fr'om the Hnymarket. and Le Roy and Wood- ford, from tbe Majestic, have all announced that, tbey would appear, and many others :ue expected to-onsfrer m a short time the request -to. assist. Billy Gould, the old time acrobat and aeronaut. Is Bring la town, atid Is au important factor la tbo sales, de- partment of the -Mossier Co., on Jackson Boulevard Many of Ms old friends call" op him there, and be ■ occasionally favors Tin: CLirrEh Bureau with a Visit Valentine Slaker, ourc.a member of the old Apollo Quartette, of Chicago, died at his home In Aurora, 111., Nov. . 2;"», after an, illness of five.days. He was bora la Worms. Oer., and became associated with many-alngiag societies. He. had lived in Aurora for over fifty-fivo years.; J. 11." Ollmour. the. well knotvn--actor, having resigned from his po- sition as hwllug man. of Viola -jVUeu'a cotDpaoy, has awumod tbe direction of the School of Acting of-the Cblcagu Musical College. Marshall." Stedmau, formerly., nu actor, is one of his assistants ':.Walter Beemcr Avrlies a long letter frdm bis plan- tation at Lemon Grove,-Cab, to say. what a fine, place he bas out there. He has just purchased the property, which Is. an orange and lemon ranch. He will, remain in vaude- ville, wltb "bis juggling, girl" (his wife), nud the'.ranch will-be taken care of bv her father- They have just finished the Sulli- van & Connldlne circuit, aud are well pleased with the results Howard Powers was n CLirrKR Bureau caller Nov. 24, and Is ex- tremely pleased with tbe business "McFnd- den's Flats!' is doing, of which he Is tbe manager. His wife, Dolly Theobald Is play- ing the sonbrette role, and Is a great success, estpeelally in her singing and dancing spe- cialty. The little huly has to respond to numerous encores nightly Other callers daring the week were: ('has. W. Hitchcock, Jack Johnson, K. J. Wiley. Mr. Cooper, of tbe Iutcrnatlnnr.1 Theatre; Ed. A. Hatch, Chas. Clrkh. .Mr. Doyle. Ed. F. Stalcy, Fred Wal- ton. Walter Stanton, Mary Parkinson and F.H. Buck Senator Frank Bell, whose well known cbumcteriKtitlon of Hulie Whipple, the town constable in." 'Way Down Fjist,'' has made him welcome all over the country, was a* Currgn caller during tlie engagement of Unit play nt MeVlcker'a. Mr. Bell will prob- ably returu to vaudeville next Summer, or when the dramatic season ends The concerts of the Chicago String Orchestra will be given In the foyer of Orchestra Hall six Saturday morning*. The first recital oc- curred I., The Chicago Mendelsohn Club, with nerbert Wltherripoou, soloist, will give n concert ti..... .Thu Amerlcnn f'on- servatory gave a concert In Orchestra Hall even lug of 4 S. Coleridge Taylor; the colored musician, will give revltals at thu IVklu Theatre, 3, 4, and "Mv Friend from Georgia" will be retained as the bill...... The Irish Choral Sorlety giive a coacerl In Orchestra Unll cvenrag of 2. The Bneclai features of the programm© will Include: Herbert Wltherspoon. hass; Clarence Dickin- son, organist: Wnlfrled Singer, bnrplst, nnd Mnry Tracy, acoomnanlst. A collection of Irish part songs wilt form tbe progranimc. ...... Vargluia Glaser will appear at the Oarrick Theatre Sunday night, Dec. 17, In "Prince Karl," for one performance. ■ - . . . 4 ■> .... Blanche Walsh was married to William Trarers, a member of In New Orleans, La., ca Nov, 15. The ceremony was Performed by Judge Henry Uenahaw, of the Irst City Court., at & private residence-in St. Chsrle* Avenue. •' Ibbns Beytlgtv now of "The Belle of Mayfair" Company, wnt married by a: Justice- nf -tb*-peace at City Halt Boston, Maaa., Friday afternoon, Nov. 23,. to Har.-T B Smith. -tha-Hbrettlat .- .-. --. - LoVikx MnNTiiiAiA,, a chorus -girl, was married In Nexr Xork City oa Nov.: 3*V to Theodore Barrett, •, a coa-pro(»sihiaAL af I.ouirjvllle, Ky... . . 7T. ~-,, ■Laweexoo and 6ai>ie-Beloai.M3 liftve been engaged byThas. V.. lilaucy for tho "Mil- llooalxe Dctcctlre" Co. , .* .: WORSt.CASEXjF ECZEMA —^w^***">" Spread B»pi«yOw*r Dcdy-Ltmbi aod Arms Had t» Be Bandaged- !H«rvelot» Caie by Cotleor*. "My'ion, who is now twenty-two years of age, when he was four months old, be- K«n to have cctema. on his ikce, spreading qtlite rapidly until he was nearly covered. We had ell the doctors around us, and some from larger places, but no ore helped him a particle. The eczema was some- thing terrible, a rd the doctors said it was the Worst case tbey ever saw. At times his whole body and face were covered, all but bis feet 1 had to bandage Ms limbs and arms; his scalp was just dreadful. A friend teased rue to try.Cuticura, and I began to use all three of the Cuticura Remedies. He was better in two months, and in six months he .was well. Mrs, R. L. Rialcy, Pierrnorit, 3N. R, Oct 34,1905." ' MABSArjllirSETTS. Boston—Elsie Jan it, lu "Tlie Tanderbllt Cup,'.' at tbe Colonial, provides the chief novelty In the current offering down town, the other changes in the business district bringing "I.lttle Johnny Jones" to the.Bos- ton, and Kdward UarrlgaD, In'"Old Laven- der," to the Globe. Attractions to continue are: Lawrence D'Orsqy, In "The- Kmbnssv Ball," at the Park; Blanche Bates, In "Tho Olrl of the'Golden West," at the Majestic; "The. College Widow," at the Tremont, aod Maude Adams, In "Feter Fan." at the Hollls Street. ->Tbe Way: of the Traxugressor" is the offering at tho Grand Opera llduse. The stock company bills are- unusually strong, and tbe.other resorts have excellent attrac- tions. Dwlgbt. Elmendorf, at Tremont Temple, on Saturday afternoon,:will lecture on '.'North Italy." On the same afternoon Morltz Uosentfial will give a piano recital lu Symphony. Boll. Every ' bouse hi town en- joyed fine business Thanksgiving week. Goluxial (Chas. It-obmaoj Hlch& Harris, munagurs).—FlWe JanlB beglos a three weokr,' Htay bcre on Monday night. Bee 3, with the first local presentation of "The Vander- bllt Cup." "Th Bello of Mayfalr," durlug tbe first fortnight, brought out an abund- ance or favoroo'c comment, and enjoyed great financial reward. Bosro.v (Lawrence McCarty. manager).— Geo. M. Cohan's "LiUle Johnny Jones, wllb Tom Lewis, J. Ityan unu Bobby Barry included Ja tbe excellent cast, is here for the current fortnight -"Ills Honor, the .Mayor," with. Harry. Kelly,- departed last Saturday nigiit. after a prosperous -two weeks' stay. The piece scored a decided hit. Fabk (Cbas. I-rclimau. ftlch k Harris, managers). —Lawreuce U'Orsay continue* "The Embassy Ball" into Its second and final week. The piece proved very oiouk. ing, and the press and public alike were warm In their praise of tbe-work of the pop- ular comedian, tie will be followed by Clara Bioodgootl, Id "The Truth." Mwebtic (A. L. Wilbur, manager).— Ilianche Bates, in "Tho Ulrl of- the Golden West," now seen for tbe first time here, en- ters upon her second and final week' on Mon- oay night. The. piece, was well received by hlg audiences last week, and M-Iss Bates scored.a penonnl Irlumph- l<cna Asbweli will follow in "Th; Shutuallte'' and "Mrs. Dane's .Defenie.** ■ -.<-•.---. Holms Srj'.E'.r (liaac B. IHcb, manugcr). —Maude Adam*, In "Peter run," starts upou het seventh week aud lost fortnight, - & DuHlneHS bas been pbcnomganl. - Au entirely new act bas been, the play. Itbt railed the "niarooued act/' nad represents the exploits of Feter and his Hal of lost, boys' la-the open wean. Viola Allen, In "Cynibc- line." 17. TnKitoxT (Jno. B. Schoeffel, manager).— "The College tyldow" has proved a profitable attraction here during tbe past month. It has two weeks more, lo run, and will be fob lowed. 17 liV "Comlna: '«jhro* the Bye." Globe (Stair.. Wilbur A Nlcolal. mana- gers").—The attraction here for one week, starting Monday afternoon, ;>.. Is Edward QarugBEv suiiftUrted by his own comuany. In "OU Lavender." He follows ."As Yt Sow," which did well during the past fortnight. Macklyn ArUiekie,-la "The County Chair- man," week of 10. , Gbajtd Opeb.v Hot;SB (Geo. W. Magce, man- ager).—"The. Way of the Transgressor" Is tbe offering for week; of. 3. A'special feature Is AWT.- Stephens' acting Landseer dogs. Tbe holiday week attractloo was "A Marked Woman," a'tUrlllet-wblch" packed Hie hoube. For week of W; Harry D. Carey, In "Mon- tana." Cast:.-; Sqcare (Bostoa Stage Society, managers).—-'Sag Ilarbor,'* a play which was a winner in Ibc recent voting contest of the patroua of this house, will be pre- sented by the stock company this week. "The Frodbml Son" wan tnucli la furor last week. "Cousin Kale" will lie put ou nest week. Bijou (Jcliti Craig, manager),—rTlic offer- ing «f the Iwubo slock comimiiv Hits week is "The Sign of the Four." with John Craig In tbe role of Sherlock Holmes. "A Stranger in a Strange Land" Immensely pleased tlie big houres last week. No announcement is made for next week. Bownoix Roc.1 Br (G. I". Lotbrop. mana- ger),—The capable fjothrop Stock Co. will be seen this week In "Tlie Christian." Alex- ander Gaden and Charlotte Hunt will play the principal roles. "King of the Opium Mag* brought nut the patrons in great num- bers last week. "Frlsoncr of- War" is in preparation. kmtii's IT,. F. Keith, manager),—Arnold rrniy nud .company, lu "How He Idod "« Her Husbnnd, > ' Is the big headline act for Ibis week. Tlie. strong surrounding show Includes: Ilarrv Gllfoll, J. K. Murray and Clara lane, Fred Bay nnd company.- Lester and Acker, alnreena. Nevarro-and Mareenn, Van Cleve. Wentworth and "Fete,*' Mile. Nadjl, Sharp Bros.. McCrea and Boole. Tom Moore. Fearl Banfurth, Cogan and •Bancroft, the Altbes. Twins and new motion picture*. Thanksgiving Day business broke Ibc bouse record. 1 OuiMiEUX (Percy Williams. mnnager).-j- Tho big. aanouueeraent for week of 3 l-< Albert Cberal'cr, the noted eliaracter odor. Another strong card Is tbe Great Lafayette, who boldw over for another week. Tbe rest at the bill names: Blllv K. Clifford,.Maude Lambert, llnrry B. Linton, and Anita-'Law- leme, Olyoopia Ouarlctte. Barber- 111 ten* Trio, Kronenuinn Bros., and the vltagruplj Tbe managemeot denounces that the holl- dav business far exceeded their expectation*. Howabd TJay Hunt, business manager);— The KLtntuum Japanese Troupe- KSclo-Ott Bros, and Nicholson, nnd the l^kree Mnd- rnpB-share the headline honors this woes. Not far behind are: Lee TungFoo (cecona week), LIuHiies and Brown, Jack Irwin ("Young. Rhntkey'*). Hathaway'i. Indlaa Tableaux. Albert mid Mantagua'Wood and tngllBK. Ilnana and WescouY Brobst Trio. and Batler Hcvilsjid. The honae tjiulesquers will present the new sougfest, "Wake m> lntrodndng the - spfcv number. "Peek-a-Boo. "All.Sold Out" nM Inst week." ■_ Fa U cd (C. n: Waldroo. manager).—W. S. Clark'e Jersey Lilies are paring their first visit to Boston tils week. *-T/nerFbonograrib ClrhV'-'and The Prince of-Jersey" are Of iihv'esaues, nnd-Mh* olio nanea:-Fanaie >eo- der, Woods and Glreeu, Connie Ward. Frank Miller,. inDrita Hlurd, Gordoii and Chacon. Baker aud Uoblnaon, nnd Bowen and Lin*. Tbe Paris by Night Co, did well hurt week,. .CoLPiuiA .(it N, Farrea, aasaser).—