The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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BEC-liMBER & *P£P} »JOTW ^OTtK CLIPPER. m ~«^co"'- tro thefnn vehicles. Vanderilie la *t*<--*ctitfd by the Lrriotie Sisters, Flonan and Kearney, AbbIc Cnrllon, Du Frane and 14 Im* and Zallnn. An an added nttrartlotf, on, Wednesday-crenlng. Harvey Parker and Knrl flw»t-h will meet on the wrestling mat. The Thoroughbreds pave a first class show, t->.capacity business,, last week. -■ ,-, .. Iaceitm (0. H. Ilatcheller, manager).— Fr«l Irwin's Majesties return tills week.on. tbelr second visit of; thewenaon. There nre two llrely biirlottav-end specialties :iiy: Maude Harvey, and'. Evelyn; Walker, Mnjesu In torn Fay nnd'-HerrhMie-fllllMand die Wilt son Sisters. The Bowery.Burlesquer* MM deserved .favor ■ Inst. week. ArsTiS & Stosr's MrsFi m (A. R. White, (»■ an A Hot MO? ika Washington, Society Girls will entertain the Misses Del more, Irene Lee, Horsky. fter* taii'wMi. '"Lwy la'Japan" and "The Third gere and Nttu and the Tltagraph,'. '<)eu i'Charles W. Sheafe. manager).— "High wafer" business u tile'report from this playhouse last 'week. The. current attrac- tion are: Ilntes *nd Amest, rrottjr Trio; Le- vniiio and llownrtl, William Itevcrly, May Bingham, and the pleluros. £ 1jid:a.\!].ami (Lord & Downlngrraanagrrs). —XJu mo Vine picture shows in this Tioiise continue to be well patronized, nnd last week Mr. Iwiisett appeared In a number of new 1 sonirs. which were Illustrated. . H.u.rv.t TuiMiur. Salem (Oeorge IL-Cheet- hnm." manager).-"—Jaine-* KoMM and his repertory coinjinrty Is the attraction here this week, and good business is -anticipated. The Fenberg Stuck Co. did a. big business here last week. who is Mrs. <M1- llfe. while in t Ids _ juma eorrespoml- IMrloneitea and Trlxlo. snake queen, are cm df her pretty little farm which she bos the bridge nr l.niienntcr.—At "Ihe l^irton^pera^oas*. HkllHHI !!! I MOSOl.Oi; ill SI.AM., il u). . ftluujt XtV evirv tt'KKK. ,\'.i -MUSK." I MhcMltt*. At'H. Mor.<»l<>s.'*, Par-Llu... H<\ l..":er. i.f hi.itiirv MI'S rnm.iii .1 mp IMf.nwninll, Y.V l>KVII.L« I »i:i». 1.1 w, l Coll*** -. o«i- I !*t« t ft. V > tr,. Roon.v Sl.ffrs. Julian ' HiW. ~Jnck I.yK S«onn loif Hi.- kiiKiwafli: -cnjwvlt)- l>u»i- yMi«»._ A...Viicker. ,m«njiBr) w '"Tb« .Hoitgrt im.., was don, :itl .1 bouu Not. SO. Cunll In I)l»le" hull a .Booil holm. NOT. ••llnmU-l." bj- R « M. CtMtjte. drew »;!«1 urns was (wnw :iit nrri%. ........ -':?'" ~-■ CTVPaCCJ : ...—■ Mb mrll urrlvo :| .ftfonind lli>,«-» ta thu mldlenrf S7. -Tlw Mail o'tjf. i,!•".«« ■ hli-f tm m.nft.T. msIkIhI bT rh.-lie Katna, viTt well-.'S. "Thi-\ Hum rntaon n««™' I „«ntl Hrti-rh'i hVl- UIb'Ihmwb *J«. Aib'UUle rierrnKinn and com- b.-HrlUiUllers fmuMied pnny lni-1 a«"d hiisliirss .HI. "Olrl « "# a liniises. Tbe Kui- Strrets" drew well Her. I, The Murray * rrinnngcr).—In the carte ball .Cant, Curdonn'a Note**. —clam.- Turner, lion i-onrentloH nnd Hkittim/ttie big lion. 5 will ntorr Hnmnumd In private bold over for a second nnd final week, rill's <Uy hut-week, told Tim*:: V.nrloneUes and TrlxU-. unake queen, are aher features, lu tUo theatre: Mlnstrrt Maids,- lntrndiicing Violet "Dale, Mu V*m& LeJI, Mlijcle Burke, flnra Slee|»», Alice Iter wli'k, ra>ste I'renrlt, Ida I,nwson, Allen Sis- ters, Ffrtnk t*eo<, Henry Myers. f.cw_ llenc- „ diet, Harry* l-'oster, and an extra viindcvllle ; n nu» (tittire nlie arid tier hiisluind mmhmi *l»drr by Ilarry. and Sndlo I>aly,- James .Mux- tA .„* piit'ln their time there, where they will veil. Ivy iKinne'tte;- Brans Trio and electric , ntrrinin friends ..Work ban been com- menced on tbi! rcbulldln y «f the Knplre uft-mres.' Hnlldav business was immense. WAr.iCT.n's airnECM \h. B. Wnlker..'maiiQ- ■Pti—In (he curio lull, week of '•'<: Mile. Afliilnns. the tadv; willi .a horse s mnne ; Man Cohen, expanslonlsr-: O'llnrn and Itotirke. ;i„' |.un in-fr, aiwl-a T lilgh, Jumping coiueiic bpuveen e'sht-young women. In (he IliPtitrc: Man■ aparlc'* llurlcsqiie and. Vaudeville i'o., jntrilwward's moving plcturoa.'; ltiiAlness-al- ways hlg. *XirKKLom:ns-(M'. EL WMffe, mnnngerl.— In rttrlo hall week of o: Tbe Xentos, Jail hrenkers: AgronellA. human pincushion, nnd King Kario, magician, ata^e ■ nhow : Hetl ltaven Hurlesrqnera. . Olio; Sadie I'reaeott, ihccd nnil Llrlacoll, Dollle ClIRonl. Aluy Lin- coln, l-'lora Steele. Lillian White, llene O'Dny," and moving pictures. Business Ik line. t,*oMiQi T K fW. J, Mml mnnngerl.—"Tlie \'cwsl>»ys" flud ■•The Jtaglc Flute'' are mmv- Injr picture , fcaturi 1 * " for Mils week. The, luiesX Uliwtmled MgajnfrBI be rendered by r.mi Uiilloek, Kratik t.Vhau, John Iteasley, Allce.Speueer. lirtjce'MonJaunt nnd Marjorle ^uilili. In^lritmeutal nunihers nre by: Harry Ititsyell.-W.O.. Johnwm, HeiiiT l>es Ulveres, Helen Quniey and Katberluu liawklm. Flue liiiidneKH continues. ■Xotem. —Sunday concert bills 3; Jiotton 7'hrtttrc —Laurent Trio,- Kimball and Dono- Viin, Wnsbhurnc niul l-'lvnii. Xlbto and Hllcy, the Kuitons, Wood ford s Anlmuls, lien Lor- lyg nnd the Utmttles. Mourttoht Hvuarv — Jt» Welch, .Lee Tung Foo, La Vlne-Cimarou Trio, tbe Dolans, Sotisa and Sloan. Evans ■Prln, tbe-Hnrke^ KinkahV Mr. nnd. Mrs. i.i.iTv -Sliaw. the Daiys; and *-Llz£le Otto. ft lob*' and S[*ijt*tl(* —Xinn Morris nnd com- pany, Tom Edwards,'Three rjonals, the l'e- IdtB,- llflllen and linyes. Diamond find Smith. Kyron'and Lr.ngdon, Ward and Currnn and Seymour aiid Wat Keith's —Wlllard simtns a.nd cotapany, Spcssardy's ItenrH, Sherman nnd De-^'oreflt^fOinpany, Lester nud-. Acker, Lew-. Kullyi llitrke nnd l>mpse,v. Kremkn BltKLi Hnmlllon ■»1-Royal• MnslrnI KtVe. OtTitiMim— Id^rnvette, Prlnecas la liroglie. Kydn antt KiHifield. Rappo Staters. Rd.-Ijatt 1 !!, i.'hrts. Kenna, Wnlters and 1'roirtv nnd Saal Alfrimhl .Ume. Gudakl will jrlve a -song reeltal-ln Symphony Hal) on Mondnv aft'rnooh,* li>...- .Uelnrlch Ponrled's l»layers'from the Irving I'laceTheatre. New Vork. will present II tlllpii iter's ."Media" at the Colonist for the pnint of tbrOarnMnte Mu- uiunn of Harvard, oa -'L'bursdny afternoon, a. While..phivlng In "A Marked Womiui," at the Grand Opera House; last week, Leon Cramer wua accidentally shpt In'the right arm hv a-'fellow actor. He was treated at ~"ty Hosidtal. and " hotel. The vons-l Is not dangerous The Boston f-ywum Course of entertain menta u'lllcnniiueoi'e 17. with Kllen Beach Yaw and the Royal Welsh Male Choir as the opening attraction." The Boston Operatic Socletv will ptodncc "Robin Hood" at Jor- dan Flail, on Tuesday and Wednesday even- sj)rliiicfleiil.—-At the Court Square The- atre i P.' 0. tilltnore, _ manager) .the- Dnit- innnth'Brown ftlee CHib gnve a concert to n big bouse Nov. 33, Kyrie Bcllaw was speo twice --f. .b.?. two'fair-sized audiences. grnduate of Smith's (.'-dletre. threi* year* ap*. was nlvn a. cardial re.-Hitbm mi her anwar- anre lien-. Iiv ahmit lire hundred of (Jie sindenrs of Smith's, who-nMended the play. "TJie I't'W.-r »( i.ovc,"' -.ti. Htared to «i>.«l business. -The Way of the Trnnspreswr" IK»f. l. "Iliminn Hcaris" r», Nanre u'N»-ll f S, ••The Clftnsinan" 11. ■ !■:•.;.'!,;i: t'l", K. Murray, nmnnger).—"On r* llridge nt MSdtilKlit. Nnv. I'U-nS, and luifftliased In New Ldndon, Conn., located <»n Hie Jemey Lille*. 2!»-]trc. 1, drew big hual- the banks'nC the XIanilc River. The house BM "yueeii nf the ConvlctK" \\*7*. Rosa which Is ane hundred and fourteen years Hill Engllcli lolly r<>. «-«, "The (Jow old. la supplied with everything old fnali- Timelier" 1H-U, S.nnchnster'a Night Owls loned.tO inakc life plensfiilil. and .Summers Lit-l.".. , 'inshund pnti>««e *> S«w lleiKord..— Al (be New Ucdford Theatre tWm. It. Cross, ninnag«'r) the Kart« Hurgcss Co, opened Nw. ^ti, to good bind* whs. Raymond Hitdirorlc, In —nie CMl« loper,'' win ^reeled by a large mid well iiwaard house 2H, The W, A. lilllun Dmiitalb: raiHlarlllc fit. routes ih\: 4, for five matinees mid itlchta. • . Hatu.uvav's t'llico. It. Baylies, manager). —Tlie Millie capnclty bnalnes^ as uaunl. Hill for'week o( S: Jewell's Manikins the Five Majors, the 1'plots. Kunnetly and Wllklns, Mtidge" Mnltlarid. 1I10 Levine-i^tmaran Trio, IJt Tjitetle. and the vltagruph. SiVnt aWhk H. Shine, inn linger).—Pic- tures and the ("evclands iih-usetl Inst week. Week i>( ;t. pictures and vnitd^villc. Xt.ik'HL T. Algar. mnnngerl,—This cozy little house opened Nov. H4, to good busi- ness, nml the prospects arc t;o"*I Cat 11 prolll- nblc future. Theatre, In Salem, which was destroyed by fire several years ago. Kabn ft (Irani will ho tlie lessees It b iinderstm>d that Manager Hathaway Intends opening a nickel- odeon In Sul.'in, during-the present winter. James t>. t'owner, with the Clam Tufnef Co., who Is a Lyna U»y. retetrrd 1111 ovation on Ills appearance here l:Nt week. He appeared In .specialties and eharucter work. • '* Wmct'sitr.—At the Worcester (AIL T. Wilton, resident manager) "The Runaways'' Her. :i. fjittra Wall. In -The Great White Wny.' - 4; f>: Hnrry Irflghtou. In "The Un- written Law." tJ s. Clidrlps CartwrlRht. In "The Kosiiinn Case." Nor. ^s. nud "The tilrl of the Suuny So-itb," ZhiMc 1, itev fair return*. FitANKMN' fj. F. Burlte. resilient mana- ger).—Jidia Itikvrlnnd t<iid her bronchus, lu -The Cowboy UlrL" .!• J: "The Hlrl from tbe Rruu'bV «rS. "The Southern Vendetta" had fair houses Nov. ^r»-'J8. "The Lion nnd the Moumi." Z'J-Uee. 1. cunie to eaparlty. Chas. \>: 1'itt. fur a few wei*ks with the Malcolm WilMnuis. Stock Co., at the l-'ninklln lust Summer, carried the role of Jcffersun Ryder. Miss Itawtey iiiiptfarcd as Shirley llossumrc. Thy C'fdlegi; Club-entertained Miss Bnwley .tfieriioon of SO, she having been a Smith 1H Klrl. Pahk (Alt. X Wilton, manager),—Week of a the Thoroughbreds will be the attrac- tion. The show Includes: The Laurent Trio. Houghis nnd Cunningham. Mile. La Toska, Washburn and Flyan, Chns. Douglas and Harry McAvoy. Liat week the Colonial Belles Co. drew good houses. Pom's (J. C. Crlddlc. resident manager). —Week of a: The, In "The Mysteri- ous Hotel;" I'ar Rooney and Marlon Beat, iu "Tbe Busy Hell Boy:" De Fare Slaters, En- gene: O'llonrko aod company, in "l'arlor A:" John<:ou aud il.-irtv, Leonard, Anderson and company, in '•Mile. - Manhattan :" Welch, Mealy nnd Montrose, and the elcrtrograph. L\i:ic (Clayton Leggc. manager).—\Vi*ek of :: Mi' 1 Clayton Leggc Slock Co. will pre- sent "Moths." Last week it'presented "Thd song roeltal. In Symphony HaH on t ; reat |; n fcuowrj." tMToro very good houses. NbTKs.—Manager Burke, of the Franklin, announces that "The Clnnsman" will be pre- sented at Ids .'house 10 : ,'lTie Boston Symphony Orchestra will play at Mertinnlcs llnil Pec. 18, j.vy .I and March 12. Lnivrenec.—At the Opera House (Oraot & Culm. manngcr.o Wright Lorimer. in "Tbc Nhcphftd King," came orach of Nov. 26. to big business, and won iiiueh appierlntlou. Taylor Stock Co Dee. :i-S. COLi»viA', (J. Fred l*ees. nmnager).— Splendid biislncs] at uiiiiost every pi-rforui- ance. Booked week of.a: Hungariiiii BoyM 1 Jlaiid. Cornitiu uud West. Lei In Tttyh»r. Burke and Drintisey, Went worth nnd Hesta. Al. jjiwrencc, Mysterious llownrds, and moving pictures. 'I'miii ton.—Al -the Tnunlon Theatre tCithn \ Crtiss. manajiemt "The tlulloiter" tiibic Nov. 20,-to Inrge IniRlncsH. The F.lmer Slock Co.. liT-IJcc. I. did well. Week of ;t, the Codgrove Stock Co. will be the uttrac- tlon. n:.\xsviv.i\i\. will 'The nud Lowell.—At the Opera House (Cahn & Plilbcdflphln. — i.-M-.ii nndloiices pass judgnii'iit the current week im l.lou mid the Mouse,'' nl the Chestnut. Wil'lam CiHicr. In "C'lliiglil in the llnlu.' at the Broad, both of which will be aecn for ■ ho Jlrsc time locally. Tlioii-HiuidN o[ vlsltoi'.i In tuwu last.wprk to wlint^s the Anay and Nnvy football gi>uic. In nddlll.tii to the TlKinksglvbig holiday rmwda. restilled In bulging business nt all ot the playhouses. Ciii:.stn»:t S'riu:i:i" tH*i:i:.\ ILh.nk t.sixon &. Khnmcrainii. ui.uuigci-s).—"Tlie I.lnu and the Mouse" received 11^ local prviutt re Vm: :t, for an eMended run The cast will In- clude: Artttr Bycin, (jertrudc Cogblnn, A. N. I.ipnian, Kdward Kiigour, I'. S. Barrel I, rm ny a-'ienow actor, uc was imncea ai -- ■-, . 11B i nB i" rtlI | naf „-.i. «■»*.& ,it 1 be City Hospital, and later removed to his l»~^"™ J J lS?S 1, , .hi, .otel.. The wouM Is not dangerous '^So!! $\>fcjH Acadeui or Mcsrc (Richard T. Mnrphy, Grant. ioanagei-s) Itoe Stock Co. nlaycd to Mabel'Mortimer, Kdltb sb.iytie, Kdwurd See ■ of Dec, •rrho -Orphan;'* 17, "wns given by. Mtne: Xip- zln and her company, in the Ylcfdlsh tongue, nnd. bnd a goodly, following. ■ Xnncc O'Neit, -"The .Sarcereas,',' 119.. drew large houses. jOjP star was'seen to ranch better advantage than she was earlier in tbe season here. Marlon Le .Voir, a local yonog lady, was nc rorded R pood receptlou; " manncer).—The Sevcrin De Ueyn Stock Co., lu "The Two Orphans," played to crowded bouses every performance. "The Bauble Shop" Una week. It.vnrAWAY's (John I. Shannon, manager). —This, popular house continue* to draw big crowds. Bill week of Dee. 3: Ryan nnd Richfield Co:; Pell Trio, the ,T>e -MneoR. Bounding Gordons, Hodges and Lnuncbmere, John Lorcnxe, Howard and North, and the parity hewfc CanriHe li'Arvlue, In ' vitagrapJi. * v , iielle of Loudb'b. Town." 111. Bosti.n (J. II. TebbeUs. raaoager).-^Cur- reat': Mint and Harilctt,. Bohee and Ileyers, Ksliiklde, Maxwells, Richard ILinlon, the bioscope, Thursday night. Country Store; Friday nijrbt, nraatcura, in basket ball. Walkeb's (A. L. Walker, manager).— Nina SenrJe's Biirlesquera played to good houaes All last week. Current, return en- and W. H. Burton. 1-riUI ticlieg. In ",\llb Modiste." concluded, Dec. 1, three weeks of 'upactty business Bkoau (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers). —William Collier, in "Caught In the Ruin," will be seen 'A. for the first lime locally, for 11 two weeks' stay. Viola Alluu, In "Cym- beiine,'* bud a fortnight of excellent business Oudiug l>ec. 1. LvuiiT iMossrfl. Sbulw?rt, nitiiingcrs).— Davtd Wnrileld. lu "The Miiak>" be* Hud, t, his nnii ailil linnl week. All the performances last week were given to ca- "I'be litieriuiiiouul CnuiK) mum. Last wees, l be g.KMl enlertnlnuieni. in big house |rin< Ibirleoi-ta-rM ik-xi. i;rei:iM (John 11. Jerniou. maungerl.— clink's Itiiiinwav ohis wilt'locale hero .week of It. T-lu' "Mo imnies: fnt Burg Sisters, Biiwery NeWviiovs' Quart rite, Frank Damsel, Bert WIickIiik and AM RevrndiK Tbe Trrtiis- cdantles gave a lino alios- 10 iltled knMM On* brerloiis wfk. The Uentr.-Santley Co. HI. Casino tl-'Mas Jt Koeirig, nttmngersl.— I'red -IrwinTs show lame :t. with Hnsel Kirk tiud the I'lcrblnnl Ciimity as the special fvfttnrea. The (ioblon Crooks had 11 Mierw- si.u of big hoinics Inst week, Kdwnrd Mor ion's singing siieriuity utnking a big hit. "l':iria tar Sttfhr' mst, • TBOc.u»Ki , n 1 Fred Willson, mnnnaer1 .— Miner's Merry Makers, In "The Mummy tilrl." X wl<h vaudeville mimbeiH by I'hll A. Oil. Teddy 'filinniids. Nelfli- Nnlson, U>l West. May Ilarvcy. Hondh.v' Wrtrd. Ford \\'p¥\. Al. Sleadmnu. W, S llmvey ami Cenrgn .Mi. Williams' Ideal): had i-vcrtlowing houses Ub>l wi'ck. K(.i;vi;.\tii Stiii.i'.t (icr.tiA Il.irsi: (Frank Piiinonl. inniuiR^i'i.—"1'resldeni Roosevelt's Trip la 1'niiama I ho Ttuiihles of the illcs'' nnd "Mmh- Masliptl lid" arc tbe ihree.Hkiis t-oulhiueil hi ilw* bill, to'crowded houses, llu^hey li.mgberty ami Vic Rich- nrds furnish I'lunly of fun. wir.Ii the assist- ance of .(''im M'lipliy and Win. Heury Rice. Thero nr# ulsn ucw songs in the tlrst part, rendered by James McConl Hud Kdwin Ould- rlek. Ni^tii AMivVuril Mphki'-M (T. K. Hopkins, innimgcr).—The Hahi-iui'v VHinge. Is featured in ike curio hajl, In addition to lirnko's dog Mill HRfen circus. Tom Voce. VrltfrlluiitlH ; I'en! rice oiga.' sunke chnrmer; Louis Ileuu- Vids,. cuulllio'lsi ; Ocorgv Itiown. ci>iitorilon- l«r. tiuil Itulbroina. liuuiuu furmice. lu Hie? llicmro nre: Johr.nle Busi-h Jr., Khilui* An- derson, riillllp'i and flordoa. Nick fouwny, Hanclo 11 lid k.ii-il. and Lnhlu's chieout'iiph. Niitj:s.- -.loscjili I'. Hon Ik. or Huiuimfs Minstrels, him n-slgucd fniiu I bn I orgaul/n- liui) to shir In a production of "Our Friend Fill;*," tinder the liimuigeiiient of Miller & hmifiiKiu. lichen mi Is huvc .ilcendy been lH'g«ii.-.1nil M l-f expected to open In lhu'lIiiK- I on, N. j.. in alioui two weeks Wf Ilium Alexander, manager ot Hie Win. G. tttewan iiocra Co.. wblch lias Just returned from ,1 Western lour, was lu town lust week l'hllndelphiu Lodge, N'u. -'. It. I', U Klks, held impressive memorial services at the Ortind Opera House on Sunday afternoon, law. _'. The memorial address wus delivered by Charles W. Henbder. or Bali I more, with u cuhcy by (he Kev. tJernld I*. Coghlsn. luirliis tin* nasi year mepbtn of the lodge, idcnODitl with the llicnlrlcal |)i-ofcsKlon. who Hied, are: Charles A. Brade 11 burgh. Samuel S, Sntiforrt. John J. Holmes and .lulo Keen.;... .Following tin esinlillsbed rnslPM ull ilia employes of Keith's Theatre .were given n' houii'enus TbunkHglvIug dliiuer oil Nov. *.'!>. Resident Manager II. T. Jordah ;:nd I'reKK Represent at Ive C, K. Bnrnri* pre- sided. 1 iwlng in tli" performance going nn nt the 'lituise. II wns niccKsiiry l» glee a eantlauAtw iirrfornmiiee nnpeci 10 the nfdilr, Tnree reliya of diners hui rnmnd the hotird in 'fhree soeeesalw hours, lu whicif til employ-K nantclnalnrl To Kntal Hehef tell the honor 011 Nov. '11 of laying the cor- iter Rioa* of tlie I<Mwln Forresi Tiieatn'. nl llrontl. ntul Walnut Strce|M. In nihlltlon to the Hitman of Hie ImIwIii I-'orn-st Hoinc, hi"ge iiiiinbi'ia of tlio prorcsshin were pn i »- cut n't the ceremonies. Kx-Supreino Justlw Samuel Guatlne *I1u>iii|isoii nud Russell iMiiine made addresses, nfter wlilch MIks ScliefT tkchircd the ntone square nud level. Mackej Co.. In roperiory, :t-S, except *,wb*o "'nit' old Homestead" Is hooked. . Kamii.v tKd. Mmuirl. maimger).—Cnrraiit iittmcilons Include: Harry Thorne and com- ■Mim tbe Alpha Trio, Mil ton find hairier. Arthur Borelln. Kitty and Nelson ■ fUlrilaf, cook-and Oakes, undmoving pictures Mau- nger Moxiirl celebrated Inst iceek n» the an- ulversuiv of the .ipetiliiK of this theatre, and mi S'ov." l!7 nnv- 1 u htinrpiei to lnnt weelia performers and a num ber of his f riends. 11, Million. — At the Academy of Music 1 Joint O. Mhrhicr. manager) Vogel'a Mia- ul rein Nov. ST, "The Student Ring" a«. "llolty Tolty" Sfl, "*lho Man of tbe now" OnriiiM-M (Wllmcr Jit Vincent, ruanngers). -Last wis*k's bill liicbuled: Heluiore and Lee, Arthur and Mildred Moylnii Co., Gold- sniith nnd Hoppo, Majestic Trio, the Lyric Five.. Sum Collins, and Jacobs* acrobatic d.ig«. The usual'large htudiicss prevailed. OnANh Oi'Ktiv Hoi:«b (HoVnU 'Appall. mniMfleri. — "Lena lllvers. with Beulan IMvnier in the title mle. pleased .UtM'Au- diences Nov. 'Ji'.-JH. "The (lovernor'B Par- don" drew well SSMMe. I. , ., -.-gat |i:]sh'gi.ilT & Itrowncll. mnaagtrt). —I'hll SlierHbin's City Spurts played to ca- pacity Nov. ^tfjS. l'. H. Clnrk's Rutmwiy Girls. ini-Hec. l, bad erowdeil houses. 1 I, — ilnrrisiiuru;. — At the Lyceum Theatre iM.'licis, luniiicffri "The student King*' hail n big house, nnd was a triumph mirei**. Nov. I'd. Adelaide Ilerrtmiin drew f»lr hftitnes ^1*. nnd "Tlie Vlllnge Organlm" played to S. it. O. business 'Jli. 'Hie American vltairrapb lu. hud pood liotises Dee; 1. "I'lff! t'tiir:; i'mif!:r hUHatmeta for fl. (iit-iia lliusi: i.\l. lleis...manager!.—The Inierii^tluiml Sinek Co. played to good bind- wh* last 'week. This company closed tlio sen nan hen- He-. I. "IVirn Thomp" il-6, ■•The Bnrghir'i Haiightcr" ti-H, , ' N'htks.- -Alple liewe»», who cloned with "The Rollicking *ilil Hcc. J, was at Her home for a few days. SeraiOon.—Al the Lyceum <A. J. Duffy, niinmgur) Bunions' "Ffltitnaina" DM ■ 8, Mine. Mndjcidiu'* furewell iippCArAnca 4, \i.;:i'I'h Minstrels U, "Mr. llnpklniton" 0. ■KbBl Bells" S. -Tlu> l.lou and tlie Mouse." L!t>-I)ec. t, bad splendid lioinwtt. AiMimMv I A, J. Duffy. iauiinger).^-"The 1 Jovi-riinr's I'ard-in" H-o. vThu Muster Wt>rit- ninu" (UN. "A Midnight Msc»ih>," JII-Not.' 1, crtliie to good houxeu. . • by Sr.vti HJ. Nelson Teidfl, iiinniiger).—^Io« American Biii'h'KCpierH week of Dec, H, -Tha Impcrlnl Bur'esipierH, last week, drew good houses. .' ■;>>" ■ Family III. R. Smith, itmnager),— WeaJt or liec, :t: Archie Boyd and company..Del- more nml Barrel I, Newsboy^ ijvini tt-tie, the Cnstnnns. Mn.'k r.nd HI Hoi 1. fit 111. Ring and lldille Wiilsh Buslli(M» In (tofwl, .lolin^Oitvii.- a I tlie Ciinihrla Tlieatro (11, W. Siherer, inuiiiiger) "Rtister Brown" hud go'td tuisiiicss unit luce mid nlghl. Nor. *jli. Nance O'Neil, In "1'lie HerceroHS," grire 1111 excellent performance 'J7. "The .Voliin- ii'i-r oignnlsi" tiiul fnlr InmliieHH -*S- "The Olrl from llrondwny," two perforninneot.hftii 'The Counly Chalnnah'* AM .-niuit'lty _. lug bunlneici 'to. "Tba Arrival of IvJtty' bid - «&%?&£ rilP r pla l RS "? gagement. of Ninn Hartford's Jolly BurleBQiie epeated.lo.^ ''Little .lohhny .Tones Dee, 1, *<„* W jm a Rtl0 ,i 0 | 10> ' ^ li. H. Willnrd. in repcrtorv. ::-s : Robert Mail' tell; In "Richard III." Ilk: Bickford's eon- cert 13. 'The 'Clansman' 1 '12, Orpheus Club concert 3.1, Viola Allen, In "Cymbeline," 14. Nn.aoN* ((Ieorge 11. Miller, resident, tnan- rger).—"The" Unwritten I aw" was the at- tract 10a Nov,"22-24. Tim company was a very.capable one. Including: Hurry Leigh- ton' nntl Kalhryh Vincent. Rusbiess was good. "The (ilrl of the Hnnny Sonth." SH- I'S, drew fair nntronngc. Uracc Manning was good In her role, and Hurry Lewcllyn car- ried the comedy well. "Mrs. Temple's Tele- tram." Sfl. made merry hefore n large holi- day crowd.' "The. (ircnt While Way" :tO- Bec; t, "The Runaways" 4, Mrs, Le Moyno afiernonn and evening ft.' '-The Light Kter- nnt; - T, 8, "'Hie lxive Route"' 11, l'J. • I'oli'h (Gordon Wrlgliter. resident mana- ger).—Ladrll and Croucli, clever dancers : De 1 aye rilsters, nnd Hleeches were prlaie favor- ites of Hie big uitdleuces who tilled the house all the past wenk. Bill week of Dec. 3: ('has. Muck and company. Artols Bros., Fran- cesco, Redding nnd company. Bobby North, Scott and Wilson, Five Blackbirds, Young and Brooks, aud elect rograpu. fiihunat: \7,. T. Damon, manager).—Liber: al patrouege was licstovvcd upon "The.Way «f the Transgressor." Nov. 1- ■- 1. The com- pany, 'villi evenly balanced. AU.IICK - (Frank Huwrt Jr., mnnnecr).— Kthet Barryniorc, In bet steoml and tlnnl wecK, lieaiiKiioji JJ. will he seen in "ilaptiilu Jinks, or the Horse Marines." Lusl week the tit nr rciHMi.'d bcr former succ<-i«ttcs lu '■Alice Sit-by-ihe-FIre," 10 large nud cutbual- astir atideiuce. "Tbe I'rlncc of I111II11" id. CiiKSTXi'T (Nixon & Zlnuoeiuiiui. inann- jjers),—Mclnryie nud Ilenih, in •■The Hnin 'i ree," end a raw ■reeka' stay 8. Loud week l lu. stars were wuriiHy webrutued by crowded houses. The juggling specially uf W. C. Melds and the clever singing and dancing chorus were popular fenturcs, "Mr. Ilopklu- Bon" 10. Wai,si:t (Frank Howe Jr.. manager).— ■ — ■♦ ■--- "Mrs. Wlgcs. of Hie Cabbage l'aich," be- Fnll Klver.—At the Academy of Music ft'ns Its third aod Ilnal week .1. Jtnshioss (W. F.Mason, resident mannger> Hie Adam hisl week was good. "The Jungle" Hi, Mk.vtiox.— -Kunnyland (O. W. f'arey. runn- ager) enjoyed, last, week, Hie beat week since the place wua opened. This house Is the niccca nf women and children In the shop- ping district. New tongs and plctm-cs week- ailrnclton, liti-US, was Hie Jtcnlx-Sanlley; Co- Nina llertollni was as vlyncipus gB.ever, aud :.mii.-e Marslialt was another great-favorite. with tile aiidfencoH, which were of goodly site. "Tlie. Master Workman'' UO, Dee; 1, tbe Uowery Ilurlesquera :i-3. the MnJeaticH 10-I2. Notes'.— Horn J. Rowley, class of HK>4. Smith College, Is a member of "The, Lion aud'. the Modsc'* Compuny..... .Mr. 'B.-ir- npn recital of "Twelfth Night.'.' under the mannvemcut of the College Club, wsh woll attended. ..-Helen, Lambert, who nipt wllb Injuries In an automobile accident hi Central Bark, New York, Nov. Hi, from which she died. Proved to he Mary Donaldson, formerly of this city. Miss Donaldson wni'out insr Spring with lha vaudeville act. "College tiirls." 1 as nmnnger mid ugcut. The funeral was held Rundar, Nov. i'j. from the home of her mother here Grace Beats has replaced Hndl« Martluot In "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." Sbij assumed the role here N'or. 'M., --> '.--1 - . (iood Co., with Bessie Ovcrion nnd Danny Simmons In the lending roles, last week played 1.0 good business, and gave j*reat sat- lsrnctloii. Aubrey Stock Co. Dee. U-8, ^'. A. Dillon Stock Co. in-ir.. S-vvov (W. F. Mason, resident manager). —The Fait River Choral Society, Nor. 2*. wus greatly enjoyed by a largi- and select audience. Raymond Hitchcock uad bis merry company entertained two lnrge audiences 2», lu "The Oalloper." Mr. Hitchcock received I benny welcome , The other members of the company acquitted themselves with credit. "The Southern Vendetta" .to-Dee. I. "The fllrl from the Ranch" 34. 'The Cow- I*nncher" fl-8, "Dora Thome" i:i-l.*i. ' 8ni:i:nr"H (Chas. H. Cook, manager),— lAst week an excellent bill drew big houses. This week: Josephine Cohan and company, Fred Niblo. Crowley and •Kllleon, alurrny Slaters, Henry Cllvc, llackei'-Lustcr Four, rhe burlesque Morlslni Troupe and cainerngriiih. IvNiinMuf- I'rt 1,..,.,..>. tint.... u..,.,...._ X. *.... IMiiK (F. 0. Nixon-Nlrdlhigcr, malinger). —Tlp.i;-. I!. Shea begins Ills second :lnd linnl week It. In "Klrbclleu," wllh "O.hi-tbi" "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and "Tbe Fool's Bc- VeilKi*" for Hie Uucecetllng performances. Uist week' big crowds were hi niicnihiticc, nnd gave warm greetings to Hie slur. Vnrke ;.ud Adams, in "itankeis and Brokers," Dec. H'. (Jlt.lNi) (G. A. Wpgouirlli, manager |.—"The Olrl from Broadway" has Its Hist local run :; and week. The Ruya, In "Down the Hike," broke all previous records, hisl week, for big crowds. Al the iwo performanccK ou Thanks- giving Day the receipts were >;i,'.ii>:..-tn. "(iltlu Will Be liirls" HI. Oiiiarii (Miller & Knnriu.111. managers).— Barney Oil more, iu "A Rocky Roml to Bub- l'lltsluirg.—At the 'Nixon (Thou. P. Kirke. Jr.. nionnger) Robert Lonilne Dec. :\-H,- In ".Man nnd Superman." Last week Josepli Cawihorn, In "The Free Lnnee," packed l In.' Inuiw nil week, uud gave 11 good .show. Wm. Faver.slinm, lu '"J'hn Hquav Mnn." HMo.- lii:i«is(.'i> (J. A. Reed, iimringer).—Camlllc B'Arvllfe, In "The Helle of Loriifim Town." Lout week "llic Social Whirl" played to mi t Israel ory biiHiness. David Warllcld, la "The Miiilc MilHlcr.*' 1D-IH. (Hnrry Bnvls, . innnngcr).—Thin week's hill: \'altrle Bergerc and company. (trace Van s;mli]l(V:-.|, the HesseuiH, CLIT liorilon, llenara uml llollay. Carter nnd Itlu- foid. A tin 111s uml Mack, l-ldnn Luliy, Thin. .1. Kennii and company, the i'ryors, Mnn- nliig'K l:;nlcrin!ner.i. Aivlu and Keeuey nml tin- clnemittogrnph. Lust week's bill wan excellent, nnd (nicked tbe liuuxe daily. Ai.vis (It. M. On lick & Co., innnncprs).— "Hedrord's Hope," the big Hceulc drainn, .t-A. Lnst week Bavtrf HIjighiH. lu "Ills Last Dol- lar," isiekeii Mm lioime nil week, mid could iuive ptiiycd mini her wefk, The piece Ih a viTV popular one In I'lltsbiirg. KtiRonle Itlnir. I the Woman In the Case," 1U-H>. Ht.nii- (it. M. Oulld; ft Co.. innmigors).— "I'uster'a Lnsi Fight" 3-S. Last week "'I'ho (itiinbler id" 1 he Wesl" ployed lo cooil hual- ticNS," uud gave it good show. '"1 fie Ninety mid Nine" BW6, Bi.ANBV'ri I-'ifriiin (N. C. Wagner, mann- gort.—"Tliorns nud Orr.iigc^Blo.-isoiiw" :t-u. 11 armd bouse Dec. 1. "Al Crlpplo Creek" 8, "I'llf! I'uirit Pnuf!ir 4, "ThA KlaUlbK Arrow" r.. I'orler J. While, hi '■TUo rtoud I'rliice." (t; "A Desperate I'luince" T. Mad- nine Moilleskn H. Nut U. Wills 11, Dream- in t 1*1 HurlcHipiors 12, "The Obi Ilornestend" 1:;. I'lomiii-o Ouie 14, "A McHsugo from MarM" 16. BiihOmi —At Hie Able Opera Ilouie (W. K. Dei wilier, tnuunxer) week of. Nov. 26, 1 li» Harder Hull Co. played 10 fairly Mod Iiuiiiin-BM, partictiliirly ill, whan the 8. It. p. sign iviih n (CflluN of holb poiformapcen. "\Vlnui i!in Hiirvest Jiiiya Are Orer" Deo. 4. "The Volunteer Organist" S, "The. Old Homestead" ll, "The tilrl of Iho Streotl'' 7. "Tlie 'I'Jme of Your Life" 8» I'mfpswr K'nnnsH' concert, local attraction, 10: Mtir- rny nud Maeklo Co. II, in and 11-1(1; Law DnchslaikT l& NucrlHOMvn—At Hio Ui.uid Opera lloimo (Clui:<. .M, Soiilhwell, uuitinger) Vocul's Mlu- siivl> ph'imcd good leiblnoKS Nov. UA. Y.■ M. C. A. ciiii'se bnd cupiielly biialnoss 2?, T0O1 WaterV. in "The .lluyor or Laugh la nil," pleiireil koimI hiiNlueHH *JH. Adelaide Herr* tiuinii ]diiveil |n cnplirlly hnslness 20. "Tba ('otlige Widow" hud S. It 0. ltd. The house wus «ohl mil before llin company readied tin 1 lown "Thorns uud Orange iUoMomn'* did aooil hiiHiueKs INT, 1. Mamie Floating Stuck Co. :i-h. Onus mill Nelson Hguit pletureu 10, "Our Friend Frli/. in. WHHiiiiiNiiort.—At the Lvcornlag Optra * Fish,. IMMibwi "My wlfa'a Hiiiise ih. J. Fntnlly" bud 11 1'itlr Iuuihi* Nov. 2(t. "Iluater Brown" dellu;bteil ;i Kood boilBO liT. Tba l-'our IliinllnttH hnd two good htiUMB 29. "I'lrf! I'ntT!! Bnurit!" Dee. I, tlhnmelaln'a Ideals weel; of 3. except 7, whan "The C«>1- |#H Widow" iiiipenrM'. Florenco Oale, In "llomeo uml Jullel." IflJ "Tlio FlARilng Ar- row" i;t, "A MftMiti from Mars" 14, "The Miiinuiv nnd the IBiuinilng Bird" 15. ( iiilioittliile.— Al ihetirnnd Hpera House gno'd rIiow. '■Young Huffiilo, lilng of the ((ieorge W, Lowder, tnaiinger) during week Wild West." 111-13. of Nov. Hit. the Knrl llurgciiM Hlocb Co. gate The cast Is in exceptionally strong one, headed by the trail known star, Kdiu Raibs Linden Lusi week. "At tbe World's Mercy" piuvod to gund biislucsH, uud gnvo 11 very King of (i.iVKTV (Jus. i:. f)rr, mnunger).—The Bos- ton Belles, wllh Clarence Wllhiir, :i-8. An udded ulti'.jclioii Is Cph Tliofiiimon's <-tunerly luTOlialle 1 iepliunts. Las! week. Hut Troiu- deros gave n g'nid show, and played to sat- Isfneluiy hiislness. The Crackeriiii-ks 10-15. AiMMMH <>r .Mihic (li, W. Williams Ji eleven |s*rforniailces, to good bimlness, On 'i'liniiksglvlug liny (be ennipnuy hnil ovei- flowlnu Iiouhi'h nflernoiin nml evening. Llltlo Kurpl litirtosipie Co, Dec. ;t, the Ami'rlcnn \'ltnicrnph Co. (I, the b'our Iluiitlrig)i, In "Tlie b'iMil HoUHf,'* Roktox (Chas. SchleBslnger, manager).— mthlness csinilnues-very siillsfaetory at this house. Week of '■',, vaudevllte and stock: bur- lesque. mWKUMWa, —Hood busiucKS nnd good shuwB ruled'last week. Rill week of 3: Martini and iJoylc, Rfttlf Clarke, SleKeercr sinr]y„ I' Creslcy nud opilscope. 1 ■! north Atlaau.—At the Hniulrc. (John I-'. SnlllvBii, manager) "The Lhm nud the Mouw," the finest attraction of the season, nppenriHl How S3 to S. H. O. Thu eosi was an excellent one Oliver Deal By run and Mi-,-* Honlcy deserve speclul inetittoti. "The Master Workman,'* -d pleased u fair liuuse. "A Runaway Metch.'' -S. uiutiuce and night, did Immense business and pleased. "Tlie Way of tho Transgressor.'' St. came to fair busi- ness. . "A'o Itedemplion," Dec. 1, pleased a falrhouso. Nance O'Neil, In "The Sonercfw," y: "Out side 1 he On tea of I'arn- diii*'' ii Slu-pnrd's moving plot tiers fi, Kva Taugusy. in 'A Onod FcIIjw," (»: "Tlie Hall itooin Boys" 7. "Human Hearts'-* 8.- RlcttxoN'D (M, B. Taylor, renldent mana- ger).—Business last week wan big -Jen- nings and Renfrew, ard Mosher, Houghton and Mosher.ileoervu mention. Bill week of Of.-. 3: Lewlu'MeCurd and company, Al. Ed- wards, Jirvnvu and Wright, MoIoqiqd II. Belle In," :i-8, following a wenk of crowded houses nuinager).—JTbe Brcainlnnd Burlesfpiera 3K. 10 witness "How lleiirts Are liroken," "The jinve Marlon, the author of "Itoaelniid," IiIh Cowboy Olrl" 1U. lutesl inusbal **xii;ivu«ait/n, Is personally l't:orLK'.s iK. CI. Nlxon-Nlrdltnger, maim- dtrecUiut U» productloH, and It Is one of (lie gerj—"A Miiiked Wonmn" Is the altraction i.cst ililngs own In a burlesque bouse this week uf :t. *tsiiit;uiuu" niudned Its popu- K easoti. Tlie I.'berry 111" I '» l.rna—At■ tbe Lynn Theatre (Frank 0. HarrDon, luunager) 'tins""-Clara Turner Co. played to good buslness'lust week, nud turned Feople away ou Taanksglvlng night. The larvey- fltock :Co. Is the ciirreat attractlou, c.unlng Dec.'3; fbr tbe Treek. John tposgrove „ concerts began 2, to-continue through Hie ■ ^ ■ _ Winter. . * ALTirrotirit (Harry Kattes, manager).-^- Qui I business waft' the* record for last week. Th!i-week Manager Kstses is -presenting: Ward and Curran, Bowers, Walter* and Crooker, Uoey and Lee, Llsxlc and Bally Daly, -**fT Hoi yoke—At the Opern House f Jnmos H, O'Coanell, rnaanger) "TticTJon and the Mouse," Nov. 28, played to S. St. 0.. and several hundreds were turned'away. Flora Julia Bowley, the leading Indy, wbo was a Inrlty to overtlowing housc-s the pruvlous week. "While Frisco iturns" next. Rlaney'* t. 1'. ivcbbaidt, manager).—"Big Hearted Jim" Li here Il-S. 1'. Aug. Ander- son, In "Tim l"nrta* uf DrlraTc." bad filled houst'K hist week "A Mans Broken i'rutii- isc" 10. .\ai'io>ai. i.J. M.-Kelly, uiatiflgei).—Ilarry D. L'urcy. In "Moiil^iua," Ih tlie attraction :t-S. ■■i:hli::iiow.i Charlie" furnished plenty of thrills, ti. < rowd-d botisfs. lunL nek. "Four Corners of-tlia Dirib" follows. Hajr.T'K (John \\. Hart, mnimger).—"Why Olrls Lea\« IJouie'' '-i-H. Big houses wit- nessed "For u lltinuui Llfo" last wee!:. Nelllo Cullnhnu, one or tlie old Fure-piuigh Stock farorites. wlil iiijiirnr. In "M'LIkh," 10-15. roi:r.iMi:i;i!\s (Miller &. htaufinan. iiiiiua- gi:rs).—Kugentc Blulre, hi "The Woman In Hie Cose," occupies Hie boards the current week, 3-s. "Tbe Sleeping Beamy nnd the Beast" wus favorably received by line audi* eaggfl lnnt we»k. "Lena Rivers'- follow*, sr.isit.utn (Darcy & Rpcih, managers).— The stock, in a nielodiaiun, by will H. Mur- pbv. emitted..'"For II11 Dally Bread." «-K. "flie Female Dct.yllve" nfferad Miotic Chonte nnd Jack Chngtion good oppnrtimltlcM lasl week. Big crowds were preacat. "A I'rlsoner- of War" 10-13. I\i:mi'H (II. X. Jordan, mnnnser).—Mas- ter (iabrlel and George All with Ore**? ami Dnytic. In their new play, "Orasiilug Aa Op- norutnlty," head a ueritoroits bill week of '.'>. (liber feature;-! arc: Tin: FJectffc Crickets, dne Boiler Brothers, Ten Hrooke, Lnuibort and company, I'olk, Collins and Carmen »I» ossotiiH played 10 the urge husine-fs lust week. Merry Alioomi.—At. the llfeveiilh Avenue (I. C. Mlwider, tiuinnger) Hie Four HtmtlngH, Nov. ^ii, aud "The Uuvernor's I'nvdnii," 58, both .did, well. **Hja County Chnlnium" did eupucity busluesH bulb afternoon und even- ing M. "Tin! Arrival of Kitty" at), "The tilrl fr-uu llrondwnv" Dee,-1, "I'lff! 110 1 1 roni':!:*r ;i. "At crinplrj creek" i, "rut I'rout! i'rlnco" T., "The Flaming Arrow" 0. Madam* Modlesks ", "A Deapct'itte Uboneu'' h, Nut M. WIIIh, In "A Lucky Bog," lb. Lvnie .(L. B. Cool; .wnnnger 1.—Illll weak of Dee. 3: Jean Betllikt'ii couiiuiiiy, Arthur liitlllhioi-e ntul Hnrry Beam, the Mnrru '1'wliu; May Jlelfwrd, Sleveimoii nnd Nugent, Wchh and Conuolv, Xnrn and HtetMou, aud Zlngiiru Troupe. Noti:h. —The opera honsn nt On!iiiyhi, a Hiuall- uiinlrjK town twelve miles Wost of Altooim. - 011 tbe uinlii line, I'enimylvniihi Hnilroud, wus entirely destroyed by lire early Tlinnlcffglcing morning, loss *8,('(iO......., Mnclyn Arburklo nnd coiiiiin,!!)- were late In arriving at Aitoonn _'!.', baring loft Bailer, l'a.. it; ."■ a. m., and being deitilned by s wreck. The. marine* was fate In starting, nnd in order -thai the tlmn -might go more t iiii'iiiv. /or the large audience In wnltlng, UnKSnajtH was net for the Orst net In sight of the audience...... .The new- Minhler Is again trisiunltig shape. The roof in all com- pleted, und work will In; rushed on Hie In- terior Iu order Hint the house limy open again Jan. 7, 11)07. vi; 11 mo vr. Ilurllugl — At the Rtrong Thentre (Cullit & Orunt, muuagei'H) Nat 0, Ooodwln. In "The Oeiilus," Nov. i;7, lind a good house. JiniM K. Bnckelt, lu "The Walls of Jellclio," \1H, pier.Hcd 11 lanjn house. (inuH-Nalsoti pic* lures. I'll, did fuh' hiishieiM. Oatis-Nclkou pic- Opern Co. Dec, I, C,agi< Stock Co. week of II. Nori:.—4W the twi-nty-two members ff tbe Hrury Colored Open Co., <mo wua fataR*/ uud ten others neverely hurt In a wraek wlilch cccin-nd Dec, 1, on the Rutland Rail- I'nnd. near Vergenuea, Tim victim* are: Itoettn Fiiult. sliigei', fntnlly Injured; Thco- (lore Dl'.irj', prohiibly Mllglitly Injured I IU CO* nrd II. Biook, mmmeer. left leg broken antt t'wit ml oil'; John B. l'nlne, stage muuBgar, slIgliHv Injaml: BUI Ritchie, coihedlan, hip illKJtinit'sl. Henry Jncknon, singer, luternatly Injiireil; Oscar Jenklnn. alack wire perform- or, 'eg -.-ui nff: Rdmt SI 111 pin I no, fnco cut and iuiee sprnlncd: De Forest tRevens, femnle itu- pcrnnnntor. luii-i-nnlly Injtirtd; U. Van Ilouieu. singer, hip dUlocatcd : Mrs. Da Wo.*- e«t hleieiis. hip dislocate*!, The mhnngtr of tho Ruthtiul, vt., nnd (ieaiirllle. N. Y., then* ire wm. also daiigurously liurb Tbe com* imiy hud played the Felix Ulel elreult tot theatres nud was on (he way from Ulildob bury to Btirlluaion, wiiiu-e u one night stand was to ho made, at Hie Strong Theatre. iieif A linger n»mat)sl. ITelf 'elf & Itagcr nre nbout to remove tnalr onlccs to « West Twt-nty-eigUU! Street, New York City. In which building tfjey bare leaded two lloore. .,'- **-*—*—• TtLIIKK AND ITHMMi "ThO AutOUJohtls rilrls." rcpurt hnviug n muTewsfitl nagogcmenl «u the 3 L circuit LLruugli California.