The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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1108 THE NEW YORK' CLIPPER. December 8. AND HIS ENTIRE OATAXOGHTE. FORMERLY AT 43 WEST S8TB' ST., 18 NOW WITH MUSIC ■ *'. f Cor. Broadway (•and 33th Streat PUBLISHER Cor. Broadway ) and 3Qth «Hcr«»«*] IMOLVDIIIU WORDS BV JOS. MITTEKTHAL. MUSIC BY MARRY AKXilBOSCI, WHAT'S the USE of LOVING IF YOU CAN'T LOVE all the TIME Also the COHTXNENTAX. HU8XO CO.'S Great High Class Ballad, and oont tern |«v> aaa a aas FORGET cc IN THE VALLEY OF YESTERDAY ONE, GOOD-BYE" THE INTERMEZZO TWO-8TEP. The Absolute Supreme Hit of 1907. GREAT INDIAl* BONO. Words by IAS. ODEA, ZCcsic bj SILVIO HEIR. (( AUD A SOSO UP EACH KIND FOR EVERY STYLE OP AY ACT. SHAPIRO," Music Publisher, Broadway, Cor. 39th St., New York. Singers while on 28th St., atop In at L.EN SPENCER'S LYCEUM, 43 W. 98th St.. pnd hav« my songa played r-ver. OHIO. Cincinnati.-—Thirteen week* of *vaude- vJTIc liavc come tu mi end, anil the Olympic has been Bwnllowed by tlic Columbia. Tho deal which led to the absorption of the now Seventh Street palace of varieties, by llio M, C. Anderson-lJeury M. Zlcglor forces, after hanging Are for over a wok, was clotted la time for Thanksgiving. The Bklrmlsn cost a lot of money In Increased expenditures for tbe bills presented. It is claimed ttiat despite the big house* drawn by the Olympic, Dot a dollar wan made during the Ryan regime, and- tbe box office wis emptied to 8ay for the star bills. The policy of tbe ilyixitilc, In Its iivw relation to tbe Colttiublu and Walnut rHroet, was under discussion oil -week, nnd Dec. 1 the announcement was made tbat the Porcpaugb Stock Co. would deaert IUiblasou'H una continue Its successful season under Manager George F. Fish & Ltiolln Korcpaugb-l'lHli. nt the Olympic. Th« Robinson leaso una some nionlbs to ruu, nud the future of that house 1b ouce wore a the- atrical problem hard to solve. The Fore* paugh Stock Co. Is assured of a cllentcl of a higher class, and the company deserves tlic approbation of reitued audiences. Tbe or- gnnUuttou Is as splendid as tbo old Pike company, which drew .so largely froin the best people of tbe three cities. <i«AMJ Ortiu Mouhc (Hurry Bain forth & John U. Harlln, manager).—Oils Bklnuei', Dec. 3. In "Tbe Duel." Last week, Pruncis tyrrunied during u Maryland hunting trip, iftid bnstuued Iit-re to tukc Alois flurgBtaller'a 1 place as tin; Bulolbt of tbe tirst Hynjpb-Jiiyj Orchestra concert, Nor. .'10, Dec. I. Cam pnmirl frill be Kololst at tlic fcasL of music, f>, the P. S. (jilniore testimonial festival, il*ady," gave most plc-nslng performances, to 'capacity houses. "Tbe Mayor.of Toklo" Dec. 2 and week. Emi'ihk (Abe Shapiro, manager). —Tbe Bachelor's Club Co.. - last week, drew large ... audiences. It Is one of tbo best burlesque under the direction of Jntnes W. Morrlssey. ■ shows seen beru this season. The World An orchtHira of two hundred, and- chorus of Dealers 2 and week. I live hundred, will take part. Pkoi'j.e'k 'Hubert Ileuck, manager),.—The Kentucky Helles 2-8. Ln«t week ik Worry Maidens turned out a good brood of bur* I twine. "The Heir to the Hoopla" went veil, despite tbe fnct thut ibe play u|K>n which It Is u mirody lias yet to have Its Clitofiiaiiti premier. .Sum Itfce, lu "A Seattle Parry.' 1 put uu a good flulslicr. Alcaaii- BoutBlU u. Staxi-aiid (C. B. Arnold, manager) JM4ani A. Scrlbnnr's Morning Olorlen bloom -, und John L. Hull Ivan Is an added attraction. Thi Mill Lifters, u new Show tart, offered novelty drew two fair houses Not. 24. Creston Clarke, Arcade (II. II. Lamkln. manager).—The stock company presented '•Resurrection" last week, to goou houses.. "Ills Other Wife** 2 and week. Bcrt'r (Joe Penrlstlne, manager).—"The House of Mystery" Dec. 20-1. "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl," 2 and week. "Tbe Governor's l'ardon," Nov. 22-24, *and "Blow Baiter Butted in," :!5-28, played to good houseti. . , Znncaviiie.—At tbe Weller Theatre (J. " England, manager) "The Warning Bell'" NOTICE TO PERFORMERS. The Lyric Theatre, Cleyeland, Ohio, Has changed bands. ALL. FRBKORMEHS' CONTRACTS ABB CANCELLED unleea nude through, THE isiervatio\.\L thmtricai, co Govern tuurse>f accord- ingly. For time address 1ATEBUIATIOHAL.THEATK1CAL CO.. Chris, 0. brown, Mgr, accepted ns iibont the mnst delightful cdv In, which the favorite bus been teen here. In bis support May Uubsou, as Mm. Nil- M'v. proveif exceptionally artistic. Joseph Allen, I'nmk Go!d«mltli, ICOnu Burns and ' l')llen Mortimer were among others of tbe cast, who were particularly capable. George M. Cohan, in "George Washington Jr." nest week. ' Lvmc (llouek's Opera lluuse Co. & Leo • Muibeu. directors).—I'yrll fexHI, In "The Prince Chap," t!«8. The cuuagemcat of h. II. Bothers nnd Julia Marlowe proved a dnuuattc treat und it .llitauelal liarvt'Ht. Three pluys new tu Cincinnati were put on, and tbe weulth and culture of tbo three ami excellence, and pulled like a porous plas tcr. Troradero Biirlpwjue Co. follows. UosHtr ob" tub Lynsv.—ThankBglvlngf per* furmarceH—uintlnei- and night—at ull tbe ihcittri's weite all attendedby bolldoy crnsocH. With Joseph Murray us mush-al di- rector, and under the auspices of the Diuigb- ters of America, and the direction ut Louis A. Hell, forty girls appeared at North :'J3ui'uer Hall, Dec. 1, as the Merry Mliintrel Maids. ......John Scliolerj and Gertrude Bernard, of tbe famous Tuconu Family, aerobuts, with ltl well tig Brothers' Circus, were mar- ried hero Nov. HO, at tbObeme'of the.< bride. Cliarlcs Clnwsou, n clrcun mun« w" Joined Hohlusou' was killed on U I'laiiiMeid. 0» 2.'i .'.Ex-Maungi McCoy, iif tin; Glymplc. goes to NeffTtork, to the One Hundred and Twenty-lift! fttreet 'J'lu-ntru, the Hyun-Consldlne house. Tc\v of (lie other employes hare been located...... (Imco Van Suidcllford and May Roley were lioulessps at Iwn Thanksgiving dinners 'ut the Hotel Ihivihi. .. .Clnclunntl detectives recovered last weet* over $1,090 worth ,jof iiiiinnuidH and Jewelry stolen from Corlnne. at Chattanooga, a month ago, A negro was arrested... .Col. Gaston Bordeverry Irdured 2H. bad an appreciative audience. "Qulncy Adnms Sawyer* 29, "The Rollirklng Girl" 30, "The Jungle" Dec. I, "Gay New York" 3, "A Message from Mars" C, "Our'New Minis- ter' 1 fc=. Princksu (C. G. Belly, manager).—Tbe vaudeville programme for the opening week drew large crowds for week of Nov. ID. Week of 20: Arthur Onzo, Ed. Young and company, fitel Keyes, Lulu Thles. and Stoddard and Wilson. Colutnliiin, —• At the Great Soulucrn (\\m. Sanders, manager) Frank Daniels, la •Wllwn enjoyed u most pleasantly nrolltable :;,"■.' ,,',;,.^ n .V." Khoi-i «V viti.«rf ii.S . "Sergeant* Brno,- pleased a good hoiiBe Nov. Bojourn, ntiu "Tho Mountain Climber" waB C' killed on Mie I» SJ-vlvinU Riflhfcrt it' -7- - *"L , 1"? <**& Chairman" entertained accepted as about the mnst delightful rem- pi'Vi..,, 1 ! d i» *-? * Et m-m^Sh? h «"l»adty liouscs M. "Tbe Jungle" drew a i>A« III tu h lull Urn fdvni-lti. line Km.ii KI-..II llfl-t' . «»'"''■•«. >■'■• —»....;... I.X-Alltn!l_tUMU*. B. I nh ,,, fmiui, rill IJ.| t lior 1-if> rfitor.tini, it. larcii liousi* ;to. Katherloc Ostermau, In "The Girl that Looks Like Me," 7; Tim Mnrpby S. HituitKiiT (F. (I. Miller, manager):—John 1*. Kellerd, In "Taps," drew fairly good bouses Nov. rJU-iS. Cyril Scott, In *THh Prince Chap," entertained capuclly houses 20-IJec. 1: -"Tlie Stolen Story' r 0-8. : lliuu Sthbkt (Cbas. \V. Harper, mana- ger).—"My Tom-Boy Girl" pleased large houses Nov. 26-2S. "Gay New York" CANAUA. Montreal—At Ills Majesty's (II.. (J. HrookH, ojtinagert Kyrle Bcllew, in "Brigadier Gerard," pleased good bouses Nov. 2ti and week. Kay Temple ton, lu "Forty-live Min- utes from Broadway," Dee. 3-8- E. 8. TO- lard. In repertory, 10-15. . AcadkjuV -or Music (Walter Greaves, luausger).—"Charley's Aunt" was played to S BVO. all week. "GlrlB Will Be Girls" 38. "Bcblnd tLi<« Mask" 10-15. Koval. (II. C. Kgcrloa, manager).—Big Mmni greeted the Itlulto Ilounderslast week. tVntsniis Burleefiuers 3-ti, "the Jolly Grass Widows 1.0-15.. . FRi>*uAis (F. y. LeClalr, manager).— "Tbe~'E$e WltnciB" drew gtswl attendauce last week. "Queen of tbe Ulgbblnders" 3-8, "Queen of the ConTlcts* 10-10. Dbh XoI'vkautkh |I(, Itavtui", manager). —Tbe permanent Frencb 8tock Co., In "Trl- pteplute." drew good bouses last week. "Na- jioieon" 3-8. National Fjiancais (Paul Cazooeuve. manager); —The permanent French stock company played "La Pirates de lu.Savane," to good buHltit'-js. luKt-week. "Napoleon" 3-8- Bijou.— The perioadent French stock com- puny had fair bouses to see "Tlre-au-Flanc," last week. "LIU" 3-8. AT LIBtCRTY-Versatile Sketch Teim, Magic, Dutch, Irish, II ¥., flano. 111. Sonsa, M Seis »Hdes. No ticket* reuuirfd. No hold back. Work for our salary and exaect It: 3 night stands prcf. Plenty singles, singing and dancing. Tbo .ng. 3 Gooda. mw *iV. l/xoatBt.. Bi"omi'*gtoa. PIANI»T AT LIBKRTT Dec. 10; double stage. ^ElJb^ -wLroN, rourl/* North P»k nu. W \STEr> Q.UICK, C irn-n atd Trap Drum- mer for Hasting R-u< twt heat and small rink. Hiate ail In first, and make salary tbo vsry'i -wesl. Booze holHiera*nd ai-slilant mnnugers sidestep bis ad 3. G. Mlrchell, Lcider of Mitchell's Hand, creofKinic. Vteons^Pa oii)»r mmn]i-initn write. luiuuioin. ■ Her Choice" 0-8. N*oTK8. r -L:. V. Albee, geaeroJ manager of cHicH flHed ibe bouse at every performance. Clcvclnnd.—At tbe Opera HouseTllatry fho Keith enterprises, was here Nov. 25 ".leatuie d'Arc," Percy Macknyes drama of p. KJinc >( manager) Ji. If. Irving, lu tanr Percy . Krauce's berolne, was atagcu for tbe In- augural, Hotbern assuming tbe role of Jean, Dulco d'AIevcou, cousin of tbe weakling, Cluvrlea VII. "Jeanne d'Arc," culled a serial pngeautry, wab given n splendid re> ceptlon Another magniriccut audience wit- nessed the local premier of Hudormann's ao'mbrc crcntloii. "Jtihn the Baptist," Mr. Sothern put earnestness Into bis Hues. Ju'lit Marlowe, ns Hnlome, preseuied a cliarai'ter- Izatloo Hint will live in the memories of all who saw It. MIsa Kruger really shaecd In the triumph of the performance, nnd abe was ns brilliant ns n star In the role of Herodlas. "Tbo Sunken Hell" vma given ope performance. Business was ftrear alt week. "Tbo ltoad to Yesterdny" V. WAUttn Stkkkt (M. C, Anderson & II. M. Zlegler. luauoKortit.—Billy B. Van «*lll Intro- duce "Palsy iu Politics "-H. "The Awak- ening of Mr. Ilpji," tbe screamer wblrli I'hnrlea Grdpewln finds a sure cure for the blues, blared to big busluoss IahI wci>U Aiitin Cbniu-e Ik still seen In her eld role. "The Mayor of Toklo" II. Columbia iM. C. Anderson & Mcnry M. XJeglcr, nmnagers).— Eulgniarelle, the Eu- ropean mystery, will be the lieadtlner 2. ', Marguerite Wycherly nnd company, Mr. and Mil's. Kidney l)rew, Mile. Jircslum. Nichols Htstcrn. Bnstpic Ujuorlettc, the. Lnciuiln Trio, and Ulchmnn Trio are others btmki-d. Last , *\v p kV Grucc Vi\ti Siyddlford dellpbteil big umll^iuvs. ■Mhv Bolcv and her 1'olly^GlrlK ofTui'vd , n .novelty, t'ol. Gaston Bordeverry uuinsed the. crowds by tils skill with rlllc mill pistol. -"Two Hundred Wive?," the tun- hIciiI vcl)b:ln it .lohu Hyauis nnd Leila M«-. In tyre, curried them to siiccpks. RiiBlKHo3r*H OreiiA UtWKB (tieoigv F. Klsh . & I.uellii I'ori'padub Fish, mnlingers).—"At 1 lio Wlilje llnrtse. Tnvi-rn'' will he Mtnged by tlir'Kori'iiaiiKh Stock t'4i. B- when Mil inn We- ill lyre, tin* Cluclnunti girl, innkrs her tirst up- M'anuice with lha coin puny. Herwliell Mn>- nil, Ul/i Adulr, vYIItton HinnmcK llnrry t-Vn- whk, Jennie Kllison—In fuct t nil UM ciml— were well pliurwl last week, lu "When Kulgbl- kOod Was In Flower." mm Adulr was an ndornble Mury Tudor. Business wan splen- did. Tbe cqmpiinv moves over to Dlynmlt: 1). and presents Blclmid Mnustletd's vci^lon o." "!>r. Jeliyll ami Mr. llytle." OLvstmc (M. C.' Anderson ft II. M. We* lor, lessees).—The house will remain dark ^-9. whfu tho Fish administration will as- etitoo the new hnimchold. Tlie last week of the McCoy-Uyun irglih'" wus uinrked by Hph'n- dld busliics!). Helen Itnrtiiiiu scored heavily lu her sketch, "Lcurulng » Lcs^ou." Wlusor McCsy, ihc uillsllc creator of Hungry Lien* rlettif- und uv hnlf (lo/oit vthur pets of Hie cocolra. gave u splendid sketch lu cruyun. He Is ii-' Cincinnati, boy. uud bis receptions were most Buttering; Itlchiml Illy gave an ex- poto of mind rending' feats uud toru tbo veil of mystery Into shreds. IIwcK'M Oimsua llotHE (Ileuck. Keiincssy &. Stair, managers'!,—Lottie WIIIIduqh, In "My Tom-Hoy Girl." conies' 2. Lust week Joseph Santloy. In "Billy, the Kid." aopenled to all who cheered tho little star from start to ilulsh. Business was big. "The Gambler from tbe West" «. I.yculm (Heiick. Stair A- Fcunesiy, maua- msii—"How Baxter Butted In," directed by Vnuco & Sul]Ivan, Is due 2. I'retly Dolljv Kemper wus the nmitnet who drow largely to "The tiypsy lllrl," llnl Hold's new limy. A coropnny <>v better Ibnn nrenige ability jtnve ibe young net rest- Rptendld support. "The Man of tlec Choice" f». fifrsic IIit.L.—Illlisoh Van IIooso was lu- Inspecting work on tbe new Keith.... lory, week of Dec. 3. Win, t'averstiatn. In IHwsoa and Booth we/e the special atlrac* "Tlie Squaw Mau." had good bouses last Hon at the Blue Ribbon Skating Rink last week. Marie Cahill week of 10. week TJie innuy friends of Sergeant Colomal (Drew & Campbell, maftogeri). Gavin Harris, formerly of the Empire Stork —Mury Mannerlng, In 'Glorious Betsy," week Co., will be pleased at his promotions In the of 3, Eddy I'oy did a tremendous business army since bis enlistment bere six months lu "Tbe Earl and Ihe (ilrl," last week*. Vlr- ,'flgo-.. ... .Frank C. Oeborn, formerly -with ginin Horned week of IP. * •' Itlcliafd Mansfield, Is directing the Initial Lvliium ttieo. M. Todd, malinger).—"Hie oroduetloii of the opera. "Monttou," bv Tod Last Hollar" week of 3. Billy II. Van drew IfcMJiulbway. which will be given for the well Just week. "Tom, Dick and Hurry" benefit of the Daughters of the American M. Todd, inimouerj.— 1 "v ■k of 10. Ci.kvblami (Geo. ... "Young Bnffnlo, King of ibe Wild west, week of 3. "A Woman of Fire" had good receipts last week. "10,000 Itewnrd" week of 1(1. Khitu'n Ul. A. Daniels, manager).— Bill week of 3 : Fniuco Piper, Ilerr GraU uud his (ruined monkeys, G'Mecrs Sisters, Nltu Allen nn^\ coiiipnny, Bcllong Bros., tin; Gng;- uoux, Johnny Johns, nnd Vulerle. Hergtre I'nd company^ Lvmc ic. II. ItcvvluUon, at the Great Southern, Dec, 14. Rteubi'iiviiie. —The National Vaudeville i beat re (Win. Hartaborn, manager), a new vmidevBlc bouse, Is to be opened' here on Iter*. Hi. The theatre has been newlv painted :iiid pupeivd. and put lu first doss sljape. und \\lred thnnighout for attctirtc lights. It v.lll 'have. :i seat lug eiipucitv of alMiit , r >(HJ. Tin* imiuugcment expect to give three per- formances e.acb dny. On tbe opening bill will I'ecichjuu, uimiBttcrr.—Bill ur '"«"d, the following well known perforin- ge K. Forteacufl'? "My Six f?S2HSL-?ft Uc S" , S MM fi ai i (1 Su< i rlie ' _. ,.. ,st. Julian nnd Geo. B>ach. The house-Is to 11* booked bv Gus Sun. The staff follows: Wm. Hartshorn, manager and treasurer; Geo. Bench, stage manager; Wo. Ulchaids, cleclrlclun. GitANt> OrcitA Hoi;sd (C. W. Maxwell, man- liter).—ThurHday. Nov. 20, Martin's "Uncle 'min's Cabin" packed the bouse. "The, Isle i>C ^plee" «nue to u packed house 30. "A U n a?r a te Rbuaar Pee. l, "In Gay New Yin-k"' 4. "Our New Minister" 0, *'A Mebsago from Mars" 7, Klks Minstrels, local. 10, 11; ",V Tltoruugbbred Tramp" 13, "A Good Fel- low'. 11, "My Wife's Family" 20. Toronio.—At the Prlacesa (O. R Sbep- pnrd, manager) II.' B. Irving, In repertory, did good business last week. Nat C. Good- win Dec. 3-8. Grand (A. J. Small, manager),—"A Mes Hap> from Mars" drew big business last week. Koxellc Knott 3-8. . Majestic (A. I. Small, manager).—"When the World Sleeps" had good business lasi week. "No Mother to Guide Her" ML Siika's I-1. Shea, umaager).—Last week big business. The card for week of 3 In- cludes : Tbe Gems, Alf. Grant and Ethel lloag. ibe Kauffman Troupe. Lucy and Lucler, Cooper und Hobtnsou, Coun and Con- rad, and Mr. and Mrs. Josef Adelman. Htau |F. W. Stair, manager).—Tbe Lon- don Gaiety Oirls did big tmsineiis. Week oi 3, Biatto Bounders. Maksiiv Ml sic Mali* (Slewart Huston, manajLi-rt. — Mute. Scbumunu-Uelnk -did a splendid biisliiesa 1!$. week of 3: QwML Little Vivos." Stuntou and Modcnn, Carmell. and Harris, Fields and HaiiKou. Jupiter Bras., nnd Pitiil Pilkl.igten aud company. The Murray Sisters, Cleveland girls, mode unite a bit liere hist week. / St.i» (Drew &. Campbell, managers).—The Merry Maidens week of 3. Dreamluud Biir- lesniitTs had splenilid liouscs lust weftTKeu- Lncky Belles week of 10. Hmimui; (Geo. Chencl, maaugerfa-AThe Londen Belles week of ft. Tbe Kalcfcsrbovk- er Burlmiuers hml due bounus last week. -— ■ i ■ i—Ai. Hie Park Theatre (M. I GilgKcnhclm, mauuger) Wlllltun Morris'' All Htnr Vnudevllli! Show week of Wv. 30,. inclutlii]*-: Ltiin Morris' Hurupean circus. Iji Hello Uelene's leaning greyhounds, yields mid Hiinvun, Morris and Morris, the Mar- velous Jupltcrs. Horsky-Bergoiv and vdw- puny, the Mnjestlc Trio, Stmirt Hariws nnd ill*' American vltagvapli. The entile bill luoved an excellent one, and Stuart Barnes aught everybody, nnd made a bit. Oroa- Hitmllton.—At the Grand Opera Bouse (A. It Loudon, manager) H. B. Irving. Nov. U*t, 24, In "Maurlcettc" and "Tbe Lyons Mall," had huge and highly appreciative audleiKH'K. The Pollard Llllputlau Opera <'o.. week of- 2(1; entertained big. audiences "When tbe World Siccus" Dec. 3,- 4, Kyrle Uellew Tp. "A Message from Mara" 0. "The Fye Wltue&s - ' 7, S, f, Tltc Dncbess of Devon- shire" filoselle Knott) return. 10; "Uncle Tom's Cublu" 11, "Charley's Aunt" (return i IS, "Deserted at the Altar'' 13. "Uls Last Dollar" 13. Savoy tJ. EL Applelon, manager),—Weak of Nov. 2l> hnd big business. Bill for week of Dec. 3: Koy and Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. .Iiininlr Barry, Mile. Emmy and her pets Marseilles, the-Ualleys, Nettle Vesta, Paul Le Croix and Swan and Bombard. H.'tmiltmi.—,\t tlic Jefferson (Tom A. •Smith, t mi linger) "The I'll," Thanksgiving nmiliuT and night." bud S. H. O. business. The splendid work of Wright Huntlngtoa und Mabel Ciirrutber* brought tbeni numer- ous' cm lulu culls. Miss Corruthers cleverly jKirimved the Bohtonese lady of culture. •'Gay Now York," 3&, had excellent business, Mid pleased the audiences. Due: "What duroij BurleKuuerH, uuder the uinuiigt'Wcnt: of lluppeuwl _ lo Jones," "Tbe Awakonlng of Jos. W. Wola, Dec. 3*3; Lecture "Counsel 7. GUAM* (Jus. Scbiigt'ln. nmiuigur). — Lileen ti'Malley, In "The Nlnnty uuil Ktm- ( * tilled the boiiho Nov. 20. Mies O'Mulky Is ono of Youugstowu'a fuvorlte actresses, and she ilellgbte<r her many filetidu and uiqualut- amces who witnessed tbe purformuuf^. "Tlie Governor's Tardon" 27. ^*A Message from Mars" 28, "A Dvspcrul« Cliunce" 20. "A TUiirocghlircd Trump'* :\\). Murtlu'H "U, T. C." Co. D the week. Mb 1. Good idteiiilunco i*.ulud for KnlckeibiHkcr -Slis-k Co: ll-S. Mr. Plpp." Murray aud Muck. "Tho Tcndor- loot" uud "The Warning Bell." Noti;. —Tho LwsJewett Indoor CLtcub blruudud ut tbe Coliseum Nov. So. . -..pleased a largo dience. John I'. Kellnrd. In "Todh,** drew two enpneity hoiisca. Tho Canton Symphony Orchestra. 30, drew a"-large audience. *'A WlmUi»ea;.-j— At. tbe Wlnnlpcir Theatre (W..p.'Lawrence, manager) "The Wife" was the uttructfoii for week of Nov. 26. . .(i>.- Douglas, manager).—Tbe S. It. O. sign was out every performance week of Il». Following for week of 20: Mlddleton nnd Splllmeyer. Tilndsny's dogs and monkeys Baroness Vim Zelbcr. Le Roy nnd Woodford Yale Duo, Carlton and Torre, and the kino droine. ". Bijou (Naan tt Burrows, proprietors).— Tbe .usual bigl.attEndonce week of 10. Fol- lowing' for week of 2fl: Klpp and Klppy. Claire Muyhard,■Geo. t r . Armstrong, Gordon VTdocq and Flynn. Jack O'Toole, Prentice Trio, und moving pictures. Notes. —Unique Theatre (Noah & Bur- rows, proprlotors) offers moving pictures and Illustrated songs..... C. I'. Walker will mien bis fine new theatre on I >ec. 13 or 14. MUUIOIXK NBN wsntcd tobaudle a uiudern up to date remedy ic tablet font fur tbe bI»o<i, iiv-r, kidneys and s omach. No botue-i to break and cheap expreasag". If you prerer I will fur- nish tbo labels In bulk aud you cm put them up nuder your own name. Guaranteed to eon- 'urm *l h ihe requirements of lie Pure Food and Drutrs Act, June 80,1S06. For sample aud ful 1 par- t cntara ad dres s F. 0. M ELROSE, o uiimhns. Otilo . rVI O ■-» TIM E •-» KAPHAN, ■ 1K31 BROAU VV 11 , ft. Y„. * rBEATBIGAL AND VAUDF.VH LB' MA5AGEKS, Booking Ihe Blggcit Aula. Msu-gcr Tor He miners. Starring Tours Arranged. AT?o origins tor of S. Y litest -ucoess. KAPII »A'U dfiTRVH AIOHTS. Per y Williams' B'kljaThcaires.N.v.Tlif-.ireB.eic. Ofl Tour, KAPU l.V'j VAI PEVILI.K • o. New England Mgrs. send 'Jan. open time. In preparation, the bigg-st and ni->at »en-mttonat Vsuiiovihe Act ever produced. Original po»pic. Kortlner Etpban's Howling Sacceis, THE AMATF.TJR Bffifc Ac Liberty, SLIDE TROMBONIST (Thoroughly exparlenccxl and capable). LADY CORNETTIST (Si' -1st or business), smaU purls on' stage. Both me -itiers of a. P. or M wn. v* ve' or locate. A ■dress W. H., TIIOMBOXIST. (Hr- nf fie 1 *!. li»iiv^rr. Parkejsourg. W. Ya. WANTED, JUVENILE WOMAN and JUVENILE MAN For one nlghtstand Co, Address GEO COIEMAN, In«*ep»cdence. K»n- WANTKD, FOR THE ALHNE STOCK CO., Repertoire People in i- 1 ! Aleo Piano Plaver aud Min with Illustrated fcongOiufit State very lowest flmt letter. Pay own. Knockera sud in contpcienta fired wUhout uolico. Adrtre«±i I.IBBRTY, IND. NoTKa.-r-Comedlan Tony Connelly, of ibis Message from Mara" Dec l, Martin's "D. T. ' i\" :i. "Our New MlniBter" 7, Wilton Lack- nyu b, "My Wife's Fauilly*' 11, Mme. Mod- jt'ska. In "Macbeth," 1-L Bi.igf (Pons & Thomas, managers).—Br* cellent bUHluesa war drawn last Week, Vaude- ville, moving pictures nnd Illustrated songs tor week of 2. a— ' ■■ i Su»tlu*ky.—At the New Grand Opora r^t^JSr^'iSS'iK^ K^SsM: JffigS SSS3S city, died In Los AiigeleH, C'ul., Nov. 27, unci' an Illness »T ttvu luonllie. He was pluyiug in vuudevllle lu' the Hecllo Theatre when laken III. Mr. Couuelly uus u tavoritc In Yuuugstown. aud lis uisuy frleada- ami relatives here deeply regret bis death;.,,,. Manaat'r Guggenheim Is confined In the City llosiillsil, huvlng uudurgoue au opuratlbu. and his mniiy trlends tin* glad to hear Hint he Is potting ultuur nicely. Will lje Sboa, Toledo—At the Valentine Tbejitro (Otbi ICUrcs, imiuiiger) u atrong bill was vi'weiiteil l:iMt week, large hoiiRrn resulting. ...eept 4 nnd 0: Joseph Wai. JelferSHJii -I. "A Country Jay" «, liatelle ICimncdy, hypnotlsl, week of 10. Makthh Iu (of tho Irani of Ouirlrs atul Lrci:t'« (IJ. 11. KelKey. lutmager).— Ij.d h very 111 «ltli typhoid fever, nt IiIh mva J. Corls-lt, lu "The BurgUr nud the Mint In Thiauflplda, r*. Gnelph.—At the Royal Opera Mouse.(G. L Iligglns, manager) SlarksBros. broke the DOOR record for a week's ropertorv, Nov. 1I»- 24. Local 20, ("apt. .Hobson. V. 8. Navy. »p a iBrture, 27. Vitagranh drew a fulr house :'8. Lueal :io. Itelurn cnKnjiement nf Kosell< Knott, Iu "Tho Duchess of Devouslilre." Dec 1 : Guy Bros.* Minstrels ii, "Deserted it the Altar" 4, "The Wayward Son" 5. Local.G. St. Catharines.—At the Grand Opera tloube (Chas. II..Wilson, manager) "The Man from the Wpsi" hnd & fair house Nov. 17. The Boston Ideal Opera Co. 20. "The Bonnie Brier Bubo" hod big business 23, 24, with matinee. "The, Corner Grocery" had fair I'URlne-JB 28. "Deserted at the Altar" Dee. 1. 'The Wayward Bon" 3, Guy Bros,' MlnstrwlR 5. Kyrle Beilew 0. "A Message from Mars" 8. Martin's "U. X C." 10, "Charlej'e Aunt" 11. Berlin.—At the Berlin Opera Souse (J. Figau, manager) the Morris-Thurston Stock Co. held the boards from Nov. ID to 28, play- ing to crowded houses, the 8. R. 0. sIkd being In evidence. nlxliflv. "The Waywsrd Ben" did good business-"JO. Our BrothorR* Mluitrete S'leaeert a Urro midlcaco Dec. l. lK-r^ed: Jrnle Matte -flock Co.'week of 3. /'- ""- owing to company closing Dae 8, At Liberty, JIM 8AUGH I HAMMcCRUMB Oliametera. Kmotionai Leads, C'iniedr. Heavies. | ' IleHvlexand'Juventias. Both quiok ttndles. r,ood drofscm on and oir. Setter and" re'lai>ic Have scripts, director. Add* JIM B-kgflH'1'5 Rr^-'V'.-n ■■> . K nsvClfj. Ho. WANl'D. LADY uY-LISrS To Join No. 2 Tt -upe of the World Famed Uunedlu Troupe or CycilatH. Artists preferred. ■;-; JA4. E IBINRGAV, M»n«tger, ■TO i I4*h »t » cw York. AUfcNTS and DEALERS wanrod for new blrle uliowlns Gum itnd Prl2u Vpndlnt Wnrhlnos >ono In Hue J*L THUS. H. 'BEUBOBNE i CO, U S'j. 3d »t ,FHIiii<a., Pa. Wanl'd, Mtd. ?timvs and 'oubtf e Woo Can alng and danee and work In aci-. ai-u long haired ludi-in- who c»n di spuria tie* aid cnsngelor week. Ilyou haven't iour car fared-n't. ■rtt--« BOMBAY. Q' neral b"llverr, Pgh.; Pa AWTf-iD, Two Oicvr TeaTnt, wIMi Kr>ecl**il#w »nd »titing to plaj Parte; Al vioiini-t. wiiu tipeclalty or Farb, aad Pleno Piajer: ilght read v. I. GRIG--E, P-rtal. S Dak. libkuty b-HJT^O BR0V Dlek JarrR ftw. Gorno'lv icnibal»a''<it.oinediana. BoLh nl*y parts. En route ''A Night In Paris'* Co., Dec. r, N'c <■* k'i'".i ■ a'-'i Pa* 1 ' WiRTED. TO LEAST! OB B1EE, Skating Rink (In or abost New York preferred.'. h»m; U>PTUt.«tc. JAB,8. IH)KW;AN,Manftper of tho World Kamcd bnundln Tfonpe of Cyrlliti an;! Btaion; vk >:. uit St., Sk York.