The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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December 8. THE OTTW YOEK CLIPPER. 110S I Mtt thtttiU. tt'HEHB SUOWS Wl.VI'KR. We append a partial list tf ihe Wlaler quarter* of lent bnows nacmUiq which in- lurmariyn Is at Land. Con-en ions and sddl- lions me invited to enable the publication of. unierded lilts In siibiequent issues, us It Is Mr desire to catalogue the permanent head- quarters of all tented organisations: .mderaon h I'nlted shows tilenrock Fa Auient's not Springs, Ark! Al. Steele's Big iu Cent Shows, , ri „ Vundorgrlft Heights, Pa. Barnaul 4: Bailey Hridgeport, Conn. once: ^r e. sad an. New i*om. Backer'e,Imd, Terra Alta, Preston Co., W. Ta Buchanan Bros Des Moines, la. Iftutijr Bra i»ann, 111. Ilonlieur Bros.. AuguMn, Ob. Ter. Brown's United Shows, TIT So. Beech St., Syracuse, S. X. •lufrato Bill's Wild West, *-.*•*. 27 K, U'2ii St., New York. Buckskin mui wua west.... Piduaio. Ky. liartlucs, Ctm Connersvllle, lud. nrai Big Sbow Lincoln, >'eb Brawn's t.Vmblned Little Bock, Ark. Hell Circus City of Mexico. Mexico. Colorado Oram's Oswego. Knn. Clark Bros. Atoki, Jnd. Ter. darks I.lilted Shows Alexandria. La. Ode Bros..... Erie, Pa. Campbell Bros Falrbury, Neb. Crawford**, col Box f.7 7, Ked Key. Ind. Canada. I mnk .■ Tlptou, lu. Downle's. Andrew Medina. X. V. Dock's, Sam Fredericksburg, Vu. UiistilDglOE Bros Danville, III. Klsenbiirtb, K. K Marletia, O. Kir's, Ceo. S Meridian, Tex. i'Istun h lK>a and 1'ony Show, Ku a.*as City, Mo. r'wersi Jiros West Tolnt. lu. 1-lna. Thou. L„ 4 Co llooslck Falls. N. Y. Forepa ugh-Sells aros Columbus, O. Frlabee tiros Detroit, Mich. Fox, Holla.. .Terra IJnute, Ind. (Jewry's Dog and Pony.. .Bloomlngtou, Ind. Corton's, S. F.. Toledo. O. (irny's, Jar. N Luverne, Minn. dolimu: Htm Baraboo, Wis. JIugiMibeea, New Orleans, La. (Touring Mexico). Home A Co Weaver, Coi. Jluag, B-j. Shreveporr, Lu. Half; F. W Atwood, Kan. Hulls, (Jeo. W., Jr Kvan.svillc, Wis. Harris Nickel Plate. . * . -i IS Douglas Bldg.. Chicago. Hargrearcs' Chester, l'a. Hall's bW* Fond du Law Wis. Ilnrkneas fc Fox's Minstrel Circus, •' McKeeBport, I'h. 1 reiser, Trof. J. B Beauregard, Miss. Henry, J..1' Stonewall. Ind. Ter. Howe's <;r-.*nt London Mncno, f"u. lilbburd's, C. A Newbury. Vi. Indian Kill's Wlbl Wear.. .Clifton Forge. Vo, .luLi'S, J. Augustus Birmingham, Ala. Kelly's. J. .1 LuuhIub, Midi. Kennedy Bros Perrv, Okla. Knight. C. 11 Dunkirk. O. l.arabrti*gcCs, Gus Orvllle, O. Laqiout Bros. Salem, III. Lea Bros, Cranston, It. 1. Lnwry Brus Shenandoah, Pu. l*tnon Bra Argentine, Kan. Lee's (Mil London WIlkes-Barre, Pn. Lucky Bill Box 308, ijiieneoio. Km. Mend JiQjt und Pony Show.. .Brooklyn, .\. Y. .Martin Tiros.' Amusement I-'utenirlses. ' ' Savnnnnb, Oft, Mac-k'QJ'q European Cirrus. S; West Fori St.. IViroJt. Mich. AlcDadc's Owingsville. Ky. Xomat & Howe's San Jose. Cut Noble's, i"liar Charleston, S. C. Z Ononvllle, la. 1'ublllonen Cafe Central, Havana, Cuba. l'nn-Amcrli'nii Show Dodson, Mo. Fanea Bill's Wild West...Xn«brille. Tenn. IVrrtne. K. W Eaton Rnplda, lu. Itlppel Frankfort, Ind. iteed'B, A. II Vermin, Ind. ItlcgllDK IiniH. Bni-oboo, Wis. Robinson, John..Terrace Fnrk, Clnclnnull, 0. KohbhiM", F. A., Cominunlpnw Avenue and Glendule I'nik. Jerscv City, [lice's Hog and Pony Shows, New Albany. Ind. Ui«tl> I-iitropemi Show Cbllllcotbe, 0. SmithVK. (I Bwjfcilom Tn. S«|lti-Kloto Denver, Col. Stevens k Mobsman ....St. Louis. Mu. Sntltll, i-i-oi". Harry Oratz, I'n. Sblpp, Kdwnrd l'etersburg, III. St"e*|e's CIreua.. .Box 1110, Maucb Chunk, l'u. Slewnrt'i, Cop Fort Waym*, Ind. Hiin Bros Snvannab. On, Silter, Bert Crystal, Mich. Seine! Bros Wntertown, X. V. Swift Bros. Ooldeu U&tc, 111. Todt. Win Clierriton, Vn. Tepta Broa Churlotto l>*urnaue, Ky. l.'den'ff' II l]>iK)di*or;ie and Wild West, Flanagan, III. Wl'IsIi Bros Lancaster, Pa. Whwder, AL Y Oxford, Pi. Wajlaen Shows ..Peru, lud. Winlwiimte Bros llehron.-O. Whitney Broa. ... Attica, 0. Washburn A D'AIma's Show*. ; .Bound Brook, N: J- Row Bros.' Noi'ks. —The new liomc for i Ms show, lit Erie. Pa.. Is one of the most perfectly eoustructed Wlnier quarters for u clmis ever built. Well lighted, roomy, splen- didly locnted, equipped with all modem ap- pliances and sanitarily ventilated. It Is u iiionutnent of su'eess to Martin W. Downs, ntifl a credit lo the designer, (icnernl Agent 1-4. <\ -Knupp. U has n frontage of SO feet. faring Hie trncks of the Luke Shore and Nickel Plate railroads. The ebvtrlc railway plylug between Krie and Jamestown pass Irs door*, and it Is us easy to reocb as the olllce of an ordinary basloess house. The front of ihe quarters Is constructed of cemeut, with u lirclty Imltitlon of n brnwnstone ilnlrti. Kx- t.niilhs 1 tic entire lettglb nf ibe toil of the qnarttn Is a six foot high lettered signboard, oil' which In the show's name, and which Is :v. niplit electrically illuminated. On the front are towers, on which Are huge water intiks. each holding o.ih)0 gallons of water. These nro filled from a:i artesian well In the wagon room, the pumping force belncr a»P- plied bv a forty horse power engine in the blacksmith's shop. In direct communication with these taoks are numerous automatic fire •'niinguisblDK flprinkllDs; pipes. T h a n pipes jire so urmrged. not only from the enHnjea at tlw vArlotiM'rooRiK, hut froiu the walls n« w«Jl, tliaL Hie least Inllmatlnu of (Ire would tesult in n cotnpleie deluging of the entire lnlliltng. It would be utterly Impossible for a lire, uo mntter where started, lo galu Hip least boadwav. Tlie building, from oftk-e to Htilmnl ruoni. Is steam heiiteti and lighted by clectrldtr. Neither coul or wood mm mm 'for. tb<' nrnre engine. Natural gss U piped In. and. in fact, clennliness and c-Brcfiilne^ i*.o»erywheii* evident. The building "rs one didi- lu.hi'lgbt. <ir wb-n considered wllh the ■HJriin linv-mow. fci-tl room and ami store loft, n story and a half. II extends (jiiek »12.'i feet., mid the rear Is so arramred with tvmnuitilcfltliig alldlog doors, that It can lie'cnnvletelr upeuist. Inside the flooring is •atfnJr »>' wment, and the different deiiurt- incuH, wltlle entirely separated, can be con- verted In a second Into one, by the manner in which the slidini; doms nre arranged. The Innt\;--ralih'a shop Is supplied with all of the my«" nsiHiern inncblnery for Iron work tag. mid Is.sotlk-lentlv lnrg» to ncinmrooilnte eljtht fkf-Iflf largest wagons, n-lthout Ineommodluc ibemen working on Iheih. Kverywhere it Is I'videni that Mr. l>owiis has carried out bl« Idea tbiir it psys to d.i everything well, and thai lie looked ithead to the slxe the Cole Iirotbers* Show Is sure to attain before many Bum Kensom. The stable Is divided with 2.'<0 ■tnil»,.ttU apt end idly lined op wUb janllajy ieCtBaVoauaMM) perCed ilrainage. H In well lighten and splendidly ventilated. The sum*! um be trulhrnlly Mid »f Hie nntmnl house. T.lth Its fifty rn'jiuy nffl svsletuatlcallv ur- mngeil alotiK tb* imttfc Here will nJtojM quartered the ctephnnts, inmels and other niy ratltig nnlnuts. The paint shop has di- rect cvmnilialcatlou with both the black* Mblll slutp and the wason room, onu so per- fect Ls this communlcatlou that everv wagon can Is} repaired, painted and hare a new cover pat on ir, without having to be ma out of the hultdlDjx. The targe rJat barn Is di- rectly accessible front die stahle, wardrobe room and animal room, and the ring lu llie (enter of it, histrad of being either u iai*ed or a curb i ttyr. Is a sunken one. In thi-* way n more j<erfe*:r ronrrnl of an animal being mantled Is obtained, an<l Hie dancer m tending a new riding net decreased. The ring is sunk only lo a depth of eighteen Inches, and tioored and packed In tan bark. There is a space of ten feet from the side of the ring to the walls of the room. To the West of the Winter (purlers proper Is the Banff ijtmriers. This k a largo two story brick building that n* comfortably accoin laodate <me hundred and fifty nirn. There is n large kitchen In operation, ami Mr. Downs has provided n nice reading nxtm hi which lite dally pipers and Iruding magazines will he on file. On Hie nppiv floor are closets and four large bath rooms, liberally supplied with hot and cold water continuously. In the rear of the mens' quarters is the huge pasture, where the horses may graze or exer- cise. Through rhls runs n stream of pure water. The show Is now quartered there, and Mr. Down* snys tluit no show is a show, until It has Its own home. Xorus mai tub PAwxn Bm Snow.— We will not go Into Winter quarters, us was orEginolly intended, at l'ortsmouth, 0., hut will Winter In Nashville. Tenn., and nre now nil housed in that city until Spring. The show closed In McMlnvIlle, Tenn., on Nov. 15, mid canceled Shelbyvllle, Hurfreeshoro, Nashville, Dickson and Paris. At Winchester h performance was given on the snow cov- ered ground, and it was the last of this season. Unfortunately, Pawnee Bill ran Intu an early streak of Winter weather, but his was not the only show. All the shows In the South came In for a share of It. tieneral Agent John D. Carey and Major 1.1111c kept the telegranb. wires hot for a few hours during tti? nfternooa performance at Win- chester, and at the conclusion, the announce- ment was nude that the show was closed. nnd a run at on?e made to Nashville. Here It was dee'dod to Winter In the South, und Xnslivllle .nude some flattering offers, which Major Llllle accepted. By this time all hands hud been nuld off. excepting those who were to put the show iiway, and at six .o'ejork. .Monday evening, eveiy piece of parapher- nalia was stored for the Winter, and the watclimeti for the. various buildings, on duty. The Pawnee Rill Show has had a good sen- son, mid nt ihe close the bulunro was a watlnfuetory one. on the right side. The Koullt treated the show us It did all the others this se.ison—>*ove It a taste of success and kid business, but on the whole the Southern trl;- was a profitable one. In nil the large cities-Richmond, Savanuuh, At- lanta and t'baHnnno^a—It was utterly Im- possible to care for the crowds, ami Atlanta whs a record lircaker. Pawnee Bill will go out nrxr yeur witfc M aggregation that will eclipHe nil of his previous efforts, and be is a tread v framing up for :t department thut will he a HUnmsr to showmen and laymen alike. Itilh in magnitude :ind merit the show will be improved. When the advance of the vbr.w closed, no li-ss than thlrty-elgut' men, who Mtfted out with the show, weru still Willi It. While other shows were short handed in the advance lust year, the Pawnee Dill Show liitd lis full qnotn. General Agent John D. Carey received n number of tokens nf esteem fruni Hie men, hut the one be values :.:■>.:; highly Is a handsome gold wiiii-h." chain and charm, from his meu on the No. -I car. ll Is an elegant timepiece, handsomely muuogrnm(-d. una the Inscrip- tion re-tos : 'From the buys on Xo. -4 car. Pawnee Bill Show, to Jidm !>. Carey, season 1MB," Mr. Carey euterlalned tbe entire advance -u the Hotel llartntan, Nashville, at the,close of the season, (ieneral Agent John 1). Carev B spending the Winter in Brook- lyn. X. T. At a BCHVnHi of the directors of the Bar- naul & bailey Circus held afternoon of Nov, 3& William W. Cole was elected managing director of ihe show for a year, succeeding George 0. Starr, who has held that position wllh the BnriMim & Bnilev Circus since Hie dentil of Jam?* A. But ley. Joseph McCnddan, :i brother of Mrs. James A. Duller, was also elected a director of the company, which controls the circus. Tilt: H.\i;xi:ir. & I1.\ Ciuci's. which closed Its, seuson Saturday night, Nov. 17, at Richmond. Vu„ went at once into Winter quarters nt tirMgepiirt, Conn.. Dur- ing the season the show had loured Maryland, Wcsi Virginia, Western New York. the Sen Kngland StHtes. Cnnudn, und the States of the-middle Wc*t nnd South. The storms hi Ihe South did much damuge to the circus, properly. Otherwise the season "was full of prosperity. W, P- Kxolisil mall agent of tbe Bnruam k Bailey Show, wus u CUFMt caller Nov. 21!. after closing n successful tour with Cii'l Chilr'3 Itand- Lkw C.haiiam closed with the Rlnglltig Bros.' Show, in ArkunHSs. In a sen of mud. fie is re-engaged for next senson. Liiiriug ihe Winter he will travel In the Interest of a hirgir Western corporation, making head- quarters with the National Printing Co., Chicago. Si:Li..s-Fi,©Tn Snows la Old Mexico.—The tour of Mexico was announced early In the senson \v Wlllinm Sells as it pleisure laves- ti^aiiiip trip. In place of running hitu the Drum Wiuier quarters. The papers ull over the Republic lit once look lo Hie proposition to enc'atruge the ntanagemetit In bringing over hero the find ibree-ring, two elevated stages i»iid hi|inoilrome truck circus In Itn entirety. Positive orders were i-c-uied to ull Hie agents to give ilih tour the widest pub- licity, for pioneering a foreign lund Just across America's borders, with the biggest tented show ever seen here, was n bigger un- dertuklug Httiu even this management can- celvi'd. But Hid enlcrprlse or Mr. Sells Is now reaping Its reword, for the open- ing? at Mnnt 'rev wus an ovutlou. Ilow- evcr. the Mexico Cltv enjiagetneiil will settle nil ui-Kiimotits nnd tell Hie tale. If, after four hundred years. It munoi he awnk- citnl to real sawdust festivities with such mi enormous outllt. display and equipment. It would seem as If the land of Montezuma Is HtbJtad with lis own attract Ion*. The lour Is ii grand one for sight seeing. Die w.-wlht'i" iliarmlug. the laws ire Jusl hik] ren- souuble. The six huadred people are ,.!1 hi good ln-allh. Hie liiilmals and all MBdM stock are lu excellent condition, and. m Hie «bnw'*i recuhir senson was u success, mid the uioiiey hniiked. litis trip would break even on only ii fiilr buslne-M. as 11n» rait of Winter!ag l.i Mil nssel to he csU'Ulaled on. Imvk fl. rott.iH'K Viwwi "I am now in fiiliii. manager of Col. ScIiiiIIh' dugs. We jue v. ith the I'iitiiili.iic. Show, and Ihe coloitel's Cum, uti Ihe llylng trniiexc. nre the hit of the Mil. All are American acts, hut the downs, with the PubillonoH Show. In Havana. Ilusl- ncw li big. We don't get The ClU'I'Kk un- til Monihiy. bur we npureciate It just I be u-.iae. and there is a mail rush for the news stands for 'I'm: oi.d Rkliaui.i:. The wenthcr Is line her?, aud everybody Is well. fiwi. Sti Cmib wi-lies: "I will open In Santiago, Chill, having been mgaged with the Vklul Theatre nnd Cneu Co., to do com- edy ham and my big comedy fair. 'Salto de Ij Vldo.' Tbe engagement lasts for aii months, after which 1 will be back ta old D.ui llt'JtTL'ii, lu advance of IheV^K. llrb- wold Show, reports a prosperous season of thlriy-slg weeks. The>- has toured Tenaessre, Alabama, Meorgln, Florida. Xorib mid Suinri Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia nad Mississippi. The season will close Dee, S. U (Maclnnntl, aud the eoropanv will open the season of HHiT at Blchmond, Va., loi:r!tig the South exclusively. World of Players. Axnni.f.'sCoMKDUNs fCenirnll Notes.—We have Jim. ilnlshed thirteen weeks In Kansas without u lower, ]lu«iticps hn« been excellent. f.L'J several house records of long slntidliig have been broken. Our strong pl«j«, excellent Siencry and iKs a rlvs» cumpuny are nil eqiinlly tesponsllile for this. Next week will Und us In (.iklnhomu. which will In our stumping ground for the Winter. No changes bare been made, the rosier remslnlitg Hie fame: Jack lZmer- son, manager: F. if Ketchnm, advance rep- resenlntlve: II. W. DarlM* musical direclor; I^ee Church, W. S Dickinson. Harry Hilling. Cal Burke, Dorothy Humsileil, Fineilne 31111 s autl Violet Le Clear. \\'34. ^e.vnt. who is loiutug Iii his entiiedy, *'A Honeymoon," will lu January make a pro- duction of ills big Illdlnr. dmuiil.* "l.une Star." Mr. Rath to ajipear hi tbe title role, sup- ported by tin excellent east. Mr. Rath Is ulso the author of "Vn Mnn'f Land," "Nowadays" and" "Yesterday," all el which will be pro- dnced this sensor, hy th; York Amusement Co, Notks nvsM Swecly, Shlpnma & Co.— Krncst Bltinnitin, our general nuinnger, who left New York uboul four Weeks Ug«. Juts Kufliclently recovered from a nervous collapse to Join "The Duchess of Devonshire" Co., In Canada. It U Mr. Shlpman's Intention ta i-ontloue with this company for a fortnight, after which he will vhdi. his various enter- prises now rn tmn: "The lnielies.s of Bevon- shire," In which Messrs. Sweely, Shlpman A Co. are expbdttng BataBe Knott this sea- son, has made such an excellent impression In Canada, Hint four weeks of return dales nre now being played, after which It will lesurae the tour thai was originally booked prior to Ita opening date. wiluub M.o_'K Is still with the "Lovers and Lunatics" i\>., which Is playing at New Orleans this week : and will go from there to Memphis, Tenu., for week of Nov. 2ti. .N'OTHK >'COM (H:s II ill's Attisactioss. — Shortly after Jan. 1 Mr. 11111 will launch a row comedy drama, entitled "The Shoe- maker." The presentation of this attraction wilt be of double ulgnlitrnncp. as It will mark Ihe return-to "stardom" of Joe Welch, who ■will desert live vaudeville ranks and bam under the management of Mr. l!!tl for a leaf term of years. Mr. Welch will enact iln 1 title role, which is said to possess great op- iiortuultles for the dlsplny of his abilities. The production Is to lie an elaborate affair l n every respect, and an excellent supporting company will snrnmnd Mr, Welch. Notch fiwoi Hko, F. Cijmk'm "Dow.v Kasv'* CO.—Fred Hubbard nnd lleo. Mnrdttek recently Joined u« to play the parts of ike lligglus and Jack (inrdon, respeelively. The mixed quartette with tills company, com- posed of Mnrjorle .Mason Clark. Ulck Iln- sanko, Winona Addingion and .Inek Lock- wood, Is makiog a great, hli. William A. Huauv bus surrendered his opllon on Clinton Crawf-ird's four net staj: arrangements of Kipling's "Soldiers titer tales, called "Mulvuncy and l's," In which the author was to have been starred. The piny reverts to Mr. Crawford. Max C. Ku-MCT writes: "I have Joined the Hubert l.abiidie Faust Co., as agent, for ihe remainder of this season. The company Is n strong one, and Is doing a good business. Next season 1 have signed as mnunger of the Thoroughbreds, for Ms lirst American lour." NOTKM b'lioW rUU STANLEY SfOL'K Co.— We are now lu our elchtb week of very sar- cessful business, playing Illinois lime. The roster Is as follow*: Arthur Stanley, mana- ger and Uadlug business: Hoy Alchisou. Pattenden llurunrd, Wm. 11. .lortner, .lm». R. Allen, (.'has. O. Porter, Cliff Uobey, eMr- i:rtciau and .stage curnentcr; Master Jim, Ktbel Valentine, Hose Aslincr. .lulln Xlcohir. Belle Dlxoti. heavies, und lillu Allen, Addle Allen und Mrs. fmntiews. The company Is currying rasgulllcent scenery and electrb-sl ■ effetan for six plays. Specialties are ili- t roducetl by the following peojile: Hose Ashcer. Belle Dixon, Miss Xlcoloy, Win. Ftirt- ner. Pat Hurnnrd ami .lito. Allen. Kverybodv Buss W. Caiitkii Is In his third week with IC. V. I'hehin's "Itnllrmd -luck" C*.. playing the Rube kid. TED SlMltKS' TllKATIItCAL KXCHAXAK t''" port the following eugugemonls made wei>k ending Xov. 37; Mnrlnwe and Mint torn, Jos. Mason, Harry Smith, .lames l-'lainont, Hu nilsh Ingram, Harry Kleffer, Holdle Cole. tJeo. W. Munlo-k, Mrs. R F. fonley. K !•'. Conley, Huy Frills. Chus. Miinnlmru'er. Frank Brown. Howard Case, Irene fleniunuiH. William* axm Mki.iii'iix aro one of iln* features of "Th" Flight of Princess Iris" Co. Their new skelch. "Corker's Call." is, they Inform us. u winner. Mr. Wllllunis is also acting luana^cr with the eoiupnny. Itn\ L. Miji.vkv. who lius been wllh B. C„ "Whitney's "Sliow OlrJ" Co. since the lieglu- nlng of the season, has been MieeMutnlly playing Dion veins Fly and doing his specially. Al. Waiiim Joined "Tliut Utile Swede" Co., at Detroit. Oct. iW. and reports gaud httslnesa through Ohio aud Mlrhlgnu. JCiii'.ANoii Bi.ANciiAitii, who bus been so successful In ber monolocue nnd imitations, has canceled all her vaudeville time to pluy the leading role, originated by Fay Temple- ton, la "The Runaways." "TrJKY Wast Mf.'' Co. roster: Geo. F, llealev, niRUtiger: W. M. Brown, advance lepivsentatlve; M K. llauley, John E. I-'lyiin. O. 11. Cushlng, Joseph Uuritiy, A. K. Horne- Hllue, Richard llnmllu, Cora Merrill Mile. He home, Klenore Mitchell. Kilty ifrss. Ca- nillle Morrutt, Migtion Bui ley. Agiu»a Mur- tay, Hilda Fimter. Kdna He Wolf, Alice ills- son anil Adllne Kewlcy. JusKi'ii Wnm.ncK ttL, wIkiho seosiiii In "Just Hut of College" recently caine lo un i:brupf .'lose, and who was operated tool In Roosevelt Hospital, New York City, for la Uerculosls of the glands, Is reported to Ijp improving- lie underwent an operntlon for Hie snnie dlsense nhoul a year ago. F, L. Dk llaaor, inaiiitger of York Com- edy Four, wrlles: "We have secured I'red .J.' Russell, lain principal comedian of the Sl«," Sleek Co.. Stnr Theatre. Atlanta, in do principal Jew In plnce ur Hilly K. We'ls. resigned. Mr. Riissell opened wllh tin? ad nt 1'olly Thi'iitiv. Chicago, and hist strung voice nnd comedy work rtpcelvliig coiiinn-ndH- tlon from Isitll iniiiiiigiM' und Ihe imi. The ail Ib idlfl the fenliif- of Campbell's Xlgluhi- gHlw Co." VhXSiy BBKAftKli Is to star «t the head »t the Tommy Shearer Co.. under 1 lie dlreetlnn of Karl HiirgeHM. Scuhoii oismih early In lieccinber. This ninkcK the sixth rcis-rlurv company under Mr. burgess' direction, |t will is- remeniliet'i-d tlmt .Mr. fthiarer'a Drat Htarriug tour wus under dlrccllnn of Mr. lltirjcess, some utne years ago, butiBAlxt: Hum. is. a, California actress, Ims comptohn) a dm ninth: sketch, in which Kfe« will :ip|iej>r ns .olnl star wllh Irene Acker- mail, supported by Victor Le Noire. Mu. ami Mits. RiciiAitn i;astu.i.i.l fOllle Mltiiu'llei, who have been with the Lil-ttill- Wlijtlirope Stock Co, klnce Auguat, have cloned to Jolu "Deserled at tlie Altar." At thc close ok Williau J. Kklut'h eu- gnKcmcnt with the Clara Bloodgootl com- pany he Is to piny here a starring engage- ment. In which he will be aeea as Borneo aud Hamlet. Mt.i.ux 0, Maotix IMra. ten Mfor- tlni has been eogagtd for Alia Nazlnwva's "Bedda Oablcc" Co. NilTKS 1-UtiiM TIIR Kl.YSILM TllKATRK. Xi:w Ohli:a.\s. I.a.-~T1iv BIyHluni Tlmilrc, sader Ihe aea uianugeiiient uf li. C. Simw, wns aliened Sunday. Nov, II. hy Hilly Ker- s.nul>" t'umotis Mhisti'els. Tills house Is Hie largest as well as one of the llnest thenlres In rae Mouth, nnd will cater to the rolored patronage In New Orleans and ihe surround- ing country. The KenwndV show broke all l»revlons records of this house, pln>lng to s. It. i». ar the entire eleven performances, nnd presented one of the very best nilnsirei Shawn ever given in New Orleaus. This rt- :rnetlon will bo followMl hy nil Ihe leading eoloied attractions on the mad. hn Mr. Snow Intends playing only lbs very best. W. II. HcDoruAUi ami tvirv: tdirlone Lu Vaunt) have closed wirli the l.orup Klwyn Cm., and nre wllh 1C. V, Pheian's '■Bnllwal Jack" Co., pluylog the llilc role anil mmi- biette, respectively, NoxKa yiiOM -.ur. Moi:*iA.\-l , nn , i.n Co.— MautiKers have aii b^eu nf one voice In Hay- ing Him tile Morgan-l'epple Co. Is the sirmi;- est repertory company lull bus visited the Seiuh In years. Preieutlng roynlry pluy* wllh special scenery and » competent eusi has won us tills praise. The spcclalllcs us Introduced by the IV Arnunid Sisters and I be lirent Biwnr Trio, log.-iher with llliw- trntcd songs anil moving pictures, imtkc u\* an evening's cnierinlniacni nhine worth »■ lilt- to .see. The singe In under the olreclien of .1. Hong Morgan ami I.oynl I'onl, and l lie business end is looked liter hy T. Dwtght I'epple. "J'llls Is Ihe fli'nt sea wilt for till,: .ntn- puny South, and we Lave ramie many frfendk return dat'-i being eskcil fur rverjrvrlieie. Mam;k Mont(Io.\ii:i:y ivporis meeting ivllh great suwess us Buiidil. the Swede girl, In Howard Lrundon's "A Thornwmhreil Swede." 'ibis ottmetton is plajiim Wetttera const time, Hass Bbicksox writes: "I am still plac- ing the title role In Howard Hrnmlon's "A Thoroughbred Swede" Co., which iitlraclleu has liecn doing plicnnnieiinl business since o]H?nlug. the ilrsl weet In beiNendlPr, Tills Is tgw of Mr. Brandon's threo suim-KMc*. nil of wliicli arc dnhig u ^Hciidhl lutsliicss. Have .signed wllh the s.imn iniiiinifoineiti for nusi season. It means money (<< me uud li hus proved lo be one of the iiiohI pleasant en- frageuicnls In my Ioiik eiperJence." .Loiks Pt'iivis, stage innnnger of "Me- Ftdden's Flats" Co.. wus mode a number of Chlcngo Lodge, No. ■(, ot T. M. A„ while nlnylng the Columbia Theaire. He reiwrts bannei' business for his compniiy, und Plate* lllur evci'v on. 1 Is bappv. 3fA>IH P.ivi:v. lemllug !ndy of Al. If. Wood's "The limnhjer uf the Worn" Co., and her mm!, Halilc Cnrmoalel, purchased four corner lol.s In PleaasiuvHle, N. V., while playing Xe\v Vorlc Cay. .Mas. CiiAui.i:s A. HuBJUM'H, nuthoi'of "The Duchess of BeTOgMkln*,'' bus Just returned from Toronto, after al nliseiii-e of iwo nwegrf. Mrs. lUircraus lias iiuuU' n number nf niiem- tlonn tilid ehuiigcs In iln- piny, to glee udil-'d si n'ngth Io some of Hi" nI ltintImis. 'I'lle play was glreu a iiuuriiliiecui: proilucHoii by Swesfly. Sliipiunii A Co.. mid since Ihe changes have been inniie. a number of ceiurii ilules have licen mnde in On In rlo, as well as aivillior week :iL Toronto. XorJM mom "Tin: DiiNxu: Bllgl Bi.sit" Co.—The phenomena I business which Is Imlng done by this company, which |k now louring Canada under I lie iniiiiugetuetil of Shlptuuti, King: & Colvln, has been u surprise in Us managers. Tills play seems to have become a "hardy annual," for which there. Is still tu be exiiecled a long lease or life, ami |bt presenL popularity giwi lo prove Hint thejilny ilsidf hud great drawing; power aside from Xorus PIWM Ihe Mrwln Comedy f'a.—We will own Ih'e. to, under lite uiuiiugeinetii of A, C. Urealt uud W, II, Peek, at Tniry- lown oil Iho Hudson. Mr. 1'eek will luiin- ttm ih" coiupany. while Mr. cireutl will look after Ihe work nhoiiit. The following peri- jde have km "iigaged: Flo Krwlu, iMrw thy Ih'wiu, Kaiherlii'.' Taylor, Lillian Urev, Hurry ('lurk, l'oitgla<4K Dodd. Fdwlu lluuill- Ion, Win. He Vlssu ,nnl IIiiImtv tlrceti. We an now hooked s->ild until the last of April. FiiANcis (Mrs. (ico. K. Itohlnsnu) 1 ns been very HI In vVushhigtoti, D. C for ihe past two weeks. Mfss Kianels has Ikcii In jui'ir health for some time. Her phydclim says Hint flic will lie compelled to rest for the rctunlmlei' Of l!n> MMMNk MtiiuAv ami Mack, who cioseii far two weeks Xov. Hi, hi order lo improve their company, reopened Xov. 1'.", with the let taw- lag, people: tins Pl.iloy, Hobby Hnrrlngdoii. i-'red Culhiliil, P. J, Kiine. 'Hadys Van. tier- iriule HutiiKlge, May V. (Librlel, Bno llanill- inii and ii large amle nnd fenmle clmrns. If.T'ieri Tillleu Ih musical ill rector; Wall. M, Leslie. Inisiness miLiiiuii'r; J. C. Lobiiii and Cluude Liui'.', ndriBPC ncents, The neii- soii Is lsioiiod solid up lo Slay, and Include* a l rip lo Ihe const. -Vieriis viuni Tin-: Hi:.\r Comkuy Srocic Co. —We will onea «.ijr MBSUn week of Xnv. UB, Li Ohio, wllh the following well known sbindurd citineflleH: "The Wedding March." ■ilent Buy," "L-uidon Assurance/' "Ofl* anil tin," "The l-'asi Family." "The Unlimited Liar," "7-Jti-S." "Nolhti lo tjult" and iitliei-s. All Kceuery will be ettrrled bv Ihe cornpnny, mid n new line of prlnllng wilt he used, ZhiipsvIIIi', 0.. Is Hk *->iii')il:iK town. Notks riioit tiii: McDk.saiji H'rorii Ok— We an 1 still doing tbr; sDinn old liuslni'ss .it Hie same old stands, nod nre now bended on oiu- Wcsleni trip nKiiln, playing niOKlly re- turn dates from Inst Henson. Our rosier: CJ. IV*. Melmniihl. inunnger; J, D, .YtcHimiifd, agent; Harry B, ltnyraond. lleo. F. Cotter, Barry K.- Wilson, ggrl McDonald. Htl A. MIlfJMll. Rex Wllion. Baby Ueorm llu^elle McHonnld, Mae Hutlley Gordon, Mite R, Wl: sun, Marie Sanger und Almn Smith, our trip WesL will extend us fur ns the const. Urartu & SKWinx, by nil iirrnilgeiueul wll li tlie trustees of ihe estate of Fred Hamlin, imitilred on X«v. '-''» nh rigbtti to "Tin- Wl* iiril of fix." Di.cis Ki:ami has been seleeieil lit plur the role of Rachel Neve, In the London, ling.. prodiietloa of ••The Hypocrites." Miss Krone v,-j.m ihe original in tlie rolo In IIiIh country, unit Ik still wllh ihe coin|iany al ihe Iludstut Theatre, this rlty. "A I'noit IlKLATlas" Co. and "The Ton-d of the Town" Co.. wllh Jane Keiunirk ih the star of the latter, will upnoiii' on Thiuiks- xlvhlg Day at the Nov Hliilld Then ire, Nloiu t.iiy. la., each ghiny two perforniunecH, am lu the afternoon nnd one at nl^hl. This Information conies in ns from F. V". 1'i-b-r- *r»n. wlio Is dime tint* ihe lour of tin* tlrsi ]itiiii»d company. MATTIIJJW Wltj-ri; Jit,, smilior of the n»e ad |dny, "Stop! ljnik'1 mid Llslep!!!" mi- nounees thai be will rewrite H mui mitki 1 ll I three net phiy. InMA La Fmiu'fi bus been eiiKiiueij in Henry W. Suvae" U* play the ill li* rule wlili "The College Widow C'L, now loiirlmr tin* HoiiHl. 'I'm; Paiik tUT.UA llot'fW* at Asluuy. Pink. X. J. 'fonm-iiy \\v Wesliulusler iiicellnr house), lias h'-i'ii leiis-v) by HeiiJ. T, Jllvii. Morion Bunks and l-'lel'-lier Huveux, C\',i>. B. Maxwi:-j, In how hi/ohlnit tlie "lleurln for Money" Co. People signed ur-: <>eo. It. Maiwi-ll. uinnagei". Hurry H. Allen, ugent: Stanley IHitold. Usbetk I." (toy, ii:.- Twu Liickles end others. The coinpttN.r wlil fipeu Dec. IT at Ilrook^yri. '."lit: kihht proiliii'tion nf "The NpfllJi'M* will oeciir Jan. *_'b, at WilKhtngloll, D. I*. Bay Haxi'hox, nt Ihe Cutler Stock Co., wnn called home try Hie death or his nota* er. Nov. IS, and rejoined Ihe company W. Not>:s nturt "he \'„ r>. lingers Stock Co.-- r.otta Dunton, W. S Lear and Larry Cono- rs r nre new DMHaJMtn who have reemtV joined. All are well, and business hits been fitr to good nil along ihe line. Xtiri;s mm Ah W, Mautin'o, TNrt.i} Ton's Caiun" Co. —We continuo lo break records, Al Terro Haute, Ind., we did Hi* largest busluess ever done by nn "Uncle Tout's Cabin" Co. In ilinL city. Our receipts ■ were double those of Inst year, At the Lyceum, tinclnnall, we had tbe banner week of thn season at thut hoiwc, as well m ■ Urn best business done there Infnur ycora. At Sprlai:- lleld. (i., was wit nested thn tialaue spectaclo of another "L'aclt Tom's Cabin'* playing at mi oppnsltlon house on the dnv with us. It was as usual wllh us—"mil. vhli, rid." We turned people away hy the hundred nt both performance^,, nnd broke our n-eord at hV (li'iind i.»|iera llonsp. Prior to thai we bail Ihe house record :it ponuliir prices. The success uC the Murilu MOV In due to lis energetic and business-like nietbods. Mr. Mitrtln has sunoiniUed blinself with au ei- pei-lencMl and capiilik* sinn'. whose fforla simw i ho results. Wootty Vun. In the rhsraelrr of I'ncle Tout, Is Improving. I'. W. LnngNi^h", as hegree, iccelve» ihe htsses of the snllery In siu-h uluiudiuiL i|iiiiutltles ns to show ili'ir he Is a real vil- la la. Kntna Helsnd It funny un Amu Unhella. and 1'rcildle llxoktiiiin, ns Clizn. wins ihe ^yit'.pnlhy nf all. Baliy Helmut, ns Kvu, Is n bnghi. sinr lu Hie .uiirtln ilnu.i- meni. Huv.' Bayer, the purhrr eilliloti of Krnncls Wfl.iini, In the clinraeicr of Lawyer Marks, Is par e.vee'lenee. and liie rest vt Ihe lurge rani meels all llie rcillilrenieiit.-i nf a ilrsl rlnsH organhntltin, So we go merrily ('iiwnrd. Him lu Hie liellrf that Hie Al. \\. .Marlta " (IrmlfSl** Will utivays be, !■«• In the pa-?i, the uniivnled leader nnd di- rector of all pr.idueilum of "l.mio Tmu's I'niiln." \'oti:s i-iM'tr W. J. Ahlioll's Operu House, Uiinie, X. Y. — ItuiriiiesH bus been very satisfactory this l-'atl, livery company that bus been itere has pluyiul to from elRliiv, per real, up of th? sealing capacity of ill" bouse. Have been pull lag on a llrst rnlo class of sh>)iv:», and people hero are very well pleased. ciias. W, Br.N.vr.n, innimger nf the Colo- ulii siod; Co., wrilcHi "I am still at. my country home, 1,1 (nopal In, O,. whore 1 hud been seriously HI fur ti number of week:'. Having fully recovered uty health, 1 wilt open ihe above coiupany the latter part of I iceembei". Will vorry fourteen people, wllh plenty of vaudeville, which will n to mnke ihe company much stronger than last neason- Wiil lmve a full llrti* of new pliiy«, live of which have special print lug." IIaukv Ki.-riMi Iiil'nriiM u« Hint h» lins ihiscd with Ihe NnriltTRiiis.' Conu-dhuw.aiiil N spciidliig n few- wpekis In Chicago, and thai Miss Kiihm'.s t-errtiorlal ptnv, "An Arl- x*ibh Ituhy," will he 1 put au Hie' rond after the liulldays, us be'lins leiiscd the play lo u well known niinuiurey. who will glvo It u Ilrsl rbUH pi'esrntaili&l. Notks i<i:iiM tiii: Tfiiir.sii.vr.ii Tiii'atkk Co. - ■ We begin our icUun chttni Dee. 1. lu Iowa, linr new plays arc prjvlng hi he a giro«I suc- eess. Hosier nf the cOiii|uin,v Is: Whin W. tt Hnyd II. Trousthih', mniiiiirei's; HnHce Wiighi, J. II. Flt::geralil. I'ml' t'liiint, Albert Pay«e, Hohlle tinrreii, ll axel llonniM and Itoxn il»r- loirt. Lvnxi; IIASRAH, plniilsi. who has been wllh llie Ferra C'linedlutiH fur twelve weeks, el'ised Xov. \U, lo accept llie position of niusicul illrerior of (he ilmiid Theatre, Mtl- Wllilkee, Wis,, Dpcitlllg; 'Jll. AttTlifit Xi;i,ao,\ opaued hl4 senson In ills nni'>utobllo racing play. "The HsvertorM l'ardon," al Buy City. Mlrh., (let. Hi. Jos. X. .M. mm an wrlles: ",\iv wile, Rah*.' llossl and I arc In out- tcuth week w«h iln* Mriilo Murks Co. Mis. Miiehnii is miwlrnl illrcctresH. Baby llnssl In bis fu.lllire singlnir nnd dancing spcelutllh-s und child parts. Is ibe lulk nf every lown we play; I do liciivlrs tiad umiiiige Ihe rtaoje. Bverythlng Is run- tiiiig-Hioiig smoothly, nnd mu; thing we dun': have lo wary nliuui is ilie* uppeamucu tiC "tint while man. on Sunday." Ai niiHv St. i'laiii met with a severe Seci- tint ill llliiuelauiler. Wis., falling down the Hiiiiis lending (o the, ihi'ssliuj rooms and LreiiMng her right wrist and bndly Injuring hi-melf, uud her iloclo.* says she will not be able lo work for live or h)k weeks, "Jack" Fowt.iai baa hern engaged for ihe Woixlwunl Stock Co., opening at tin* New llnrwood Theatre, Oinalm. Neb. Juki: Swirr has wplaeisl liahcl PHI Lewis wllh Dot KuiToH't.'u. Kotm I'lio-U "TllH KMAIiOWM OK Six" Co. —-We nre phi.vBig to g«wal hiiNliuxH allien opening, Our rosier:'!). M. Vouiu nnd '.*. (.. BiidBfi-H. propiieloiH; 0. M. Vming. mim- ager: CI. C liodgcrs, Uevwrpgi R 7>. Fcr- glisoii, nilvuiK e ; F, M. t.'oggeshllll, C, fl, . Allen. A. «. Huh'. N, VY. Snnrnrd. W, W, \oung, I Iw Billion, DealHee Cnrlyslenud , K111V Voiiiiy. i Tin: Co.ut:ov iii»;iia Comimnv of Kea*i Vork, Hied priner:, nf ineorpoi-alhui Nov. Jl. iri Albany. The riini|iun;.- hi ctipllall/.isl with .^:..oim) in Hiouh, itml the dicectorH nained nre; H-dn-ti A. llnrnutl, Collu S. Mnvcs mid Siuu'l J. KtiUherg, The purpos<<s of the lonipanc an.' to pnuuoio vniious uiuusuaiiint kfitefprnMft ItWinr II. Hh.i.iaiii), eliWl m.ii uf "Boh" lllllliirij, un eitslgu In Hie (,'. K. Xuvy, mid (Hare F. Powell, nUj a iioii-prufeHslonul. wif married Svv. -JO, fit llie Iioiiid of I tin brides purenls, hi 1'iikIpwoimI, X. ,L W. Laitiist hus leased the opera iioiiH- a I Wnterliury, Vt., anil will ndd llie house lo ihe Cuun feileuut circuit. .Vom ilresNlng rooms and uddltUmal Heating cn- pnclly will he nilded lo the house, M'.iia Cum.ins Joined "Hearts Antra*" Co.. at Bidliii.aTNills, hid., Xov, til. NOTKH riio.u tgp Lyt'iiuia ComedvCo, (Fn»l- erni, .1. llnrrey McKvr'.v, owner ntiu iuiiiiii- ger.—\\(! have closed lifter fourteen wcidts' bad business. Miiunn McKmy will uoi open nil Sejii. 1, -07. fro- whWi ami linemen ts have ii I ready begun. We will hove n cumtilete re- pi-rloiy ill royally phiy*. for ivhlcb wa will curry s|iecbil seenery, imjier mid elVectH, und lor llie llrst time In j|ie years Mr. MeLvov will bend his (iwil 'sunpiitiy. All scenery Utnl ell'ecH will be under IBs „( (jap, M. Heiilil,. scroll- urlbi und niugn inunauer iif Hie tOtnpBv Tlifiil.iv. Lewlslon, Me, lie will also carry lulvcrllsliig novelties hv the ihiswell l*rfKH. of 1,1'nisUiu. Tim comnuiii will be carefully seleHed by Irving F. Moore, Mr, MeKvoy's npresenlaLlve. nnd will num- ber twelve in'opl*. with une big feature vmide. vllle ail, Ja.mcs W. Tii'iiir.siis writes: »| iralfl a visit l<< my wife iiml dnugbli-n irllslers Me- t'oniicMi, nL Ciitiibi'rbtnd. .Mil., and Clarks- burg. W. Vn.. weeks o( Xov. :[ am) 10. Tim .» ]\' misses ;irc ixdng reiilunsl utroiigly bv MlMAI*. Jt Levy, villi tin* Kiikkerhwcfcer Souk Co.. plJiyhia Ii-miIs nnd soubr«-tto leads In air productions j a | S o jiresenUng their ••iccbiliy. 'I'liey lmve proved great favorites, and arc very will received nl all points." C'Ui.w.yx,j, Iius Ikm-ii irnnsfcrred from ih'- ch'.i'iieier lo the heavy pari of .Mrs. Muymirn. In "A fiainhlii-'M Daughter" en., mid ii ahiiiii grewl mUitACtliw lu Hie pun. , ,, XnrKrt i-iiosr Tim Ctrn-Kit fh'iit'K Co.—Wo nr.- lu our twentieth ffeek, and doing u and bitslni'*-*. The rosier Is as follow:!: wT It. I'uitcr, niuiiuifcr; Sum Curl ton. nuent; (.'has. ferry, singe direclor: Pred KuhhiiRn, pn*|i- IIlies: Hay llunksuiit. C. .1, louur, I'M. Slivers, Harry Miller, It. It, llaynond" B. ll. Uemimr. Miidgii llnllur. Myrtle Blgdon and JcHHhi Cool'uu, Mr. Out tor gave' a supper after thc show, und there won a hot time lu the old town tlmf nlfrjit. B. B. Itaymoml, Hie ilnucBig plnnlst, wus entertained by aom* friends of tbe A, P. of M, Union., nt Nlles, ii., and Mr. and Mrs, Cieo. Wheeler gava a. sup per. Bn.i.v Conittix-informs nit that lie Is with Ihe Chester De Vuntle Stock Co.. doing his MSHinHies nnd tills, aui] Knyn hli Foolish Tommy specially In goili(- big,