The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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DECEMBER 8. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1111 TABLE OF t'OSTKSTS. ————— Tvgc. €UH»cr'e AMcdotM. Etc.. 1103 re* of la. W«kl/ Hbow 1103 alac OA..0—*aelcl> uoa Earfg-cl 1'l.jep, 1U». 1110, 1113 aadevlllt ind Mlaitrd 1111, 1114 U00 ..Any^rs to Carreipondeiicc ' oi* ohlctiro !*lter allwr i„-t office A* tbc KoilI /U(Clt b; Telesrnjili VbwIctDIp llrrote Lint Nf» Tori CUT V... I tlntkr t>c Tents v Tktttifl 15 the rrofMnlwn. MuTtnrf pictures; MMwrUl florvlccs of the i MneflUuHoir Trip to'UK World's Pair. . 1100 ma 1112,1133, nil .. nil 1111,1112 .11111, HIT HUB. 1111 ..1114 1114 1114 1114 1 1113 * -.. TflaUTBICAL OOirafSFOJOIEXOE. MljaooM.'. .:'. JD.1K0 Terrlturj. . S* H«cp!liire W.aUcjTjn.. , :U«ae...i.,.. ' MlUDendtl.*.':*.',"*'.'.!'.". WltCOUtrit.'.. • M.Maeiilwlti" IVnlMjIv.rila .Vcnpoat.:.'... 'Utile...: '•'• afiau... , IndTIDI, .... — oOe litawl atari? 1 1102 1102 ii 1102" 1102 1102 1102 11(11. 1103. Ul 1 1101 1104 ; iio.i 1103 1103 1103 1103 1103 ,.-.,. 1103 1100.1107 ........... 1107 , .1107 1108 et. of Columbia . 1112 _.I112 ..1113 ..U13 .1113 . U13 .1113 . ma .1.114 . 1114 .'111 I . 1114 . IJ14 . I HI TEST BI TELEGBAPE GOLDEN GATE GLE.1MJOS, Bffdt Oiipa lenra <o Tub Nzw Xobi Ctirras. ' i i'9KX FnAKCiaco, Dec) *.—At the Pavl, 'THeAtrr, Uonilar, Dec. 3, began the faartt •Tf* of tic KUeford Cu. The play Is "»lj Tinm^Bor Olrt" ■ • ' -rcJimAii Theatius.— lais to the, Knrta *£k i oMCcilb-and Dill anil voaipauv, with "Sri rarl»" . i'fJovoslAi. TilBiiaE.—This I? Ihc second agd last vraV of '.'In Hie BlsUou'u Carriage." rCSpMft|»< (ul the Chutes!.—Bill opening w2m of Dec. 'J : 'I'no Tvro Kodll JB8, Lllllon B?6s., tbc' Moslcal Avolos, Lias tantJer, u'rntpar awl Moore, the Vour Lakena, Cbas rMotfn, and the kluodromc. • UtOH O'l'HUH VOI111. '"••HltllKl.PllI.1, Dee. 4.—"Tte Lion, and UtferMcaec" - received Its local premier to miacitj at the Chejtnut Street OJiera House. ■ .-^, ..IV'llMatu Collier nude bis local bow, ' SftCMBat In the lUln," ut tbe Broad, and WMC i warm ■ lilu oi n l ..David War- tMdy U'".rhc Music Master," had the usual .'jgWded house In his Drill and'dual week ut tttlCyrlv......'the hold over shows dolnj fti.liltfcclrllnal weeks arc: Blurt Barrymore, ll\'"Captain Jinks of the Uono Marines.'' lit; the■ Cnrrlck; itclntjro and Heath, la '/Tie'Hani Tree," at the Chestnut, and "Mrs iftos, of flic Cnbbaao. raven." at the Wal- • o'lit.". ....Keith's had big houses afternoon ■ aSV'Ulgut.-.: .."The Girl from Broadway," r nt-tiw «nud: Kugcnlc BUIr, in "Tho Womnn. '' l£\'tfcc Case," at Foropaugh's. and Barney /- ifanfcre. I n "A Itoclty noai to Dublin,""at .rtK'Ifllrufiirhad" big openings...-Tlio other . riflublnarJon Ironies and the burlesque shows 'jfld/fMaily of i«tronatre. *. j&HTOK, Dec. 4.—Good average business ruled' It last night's openings Principal r tiew.i>ilia were : Elsie Jnols, In "Tbe Vandcr- tjfppo'p," at tbo Colonial: "Mule Jounnj- JdHes," «t the Boston, and Edward Ilarrl- ; gin: In"Old ; Lavender," at the Globe..... .. lilvrc" 1 " l>t)rsny. In "The Embassy Ball," jVyt eianchc* Bales, In "The Ctrl of the qujdcu ,^Vest," began their second and final I wepio-u the Pork and Majestic, respectlveij'. ■ 1T7M .Maude Adams, In "I'eter Pan," at the ' livjlls,: and "The College Widow," nt-tte *lfrt«dnt, -were other contluuotlooa....'.'... ■ ^Tfrt -tt'sy. of the Transgressor" constituted . lKeSifftrlng at the Grand 0|>er« House..... ' Ntw.buVat the'stock, vaudeville and bor- 1 ieetiuo' bouses complete the Hat of amusc- ikplo. '?Ojr;ci»xiTr, Dec 4.—Kvcrj theaUc la t'ptrjt aeluaily turned people oway. at -Kuo- ' duji- : opcn'logs Cjrll Scott. In "Tbc t" !•> Chap.".created a favorable iTipres- Mt^tllB'Lyric The Vovcvaugli Storls l^giin;l(s Inst wcc« nt Koblusoa'o by :;MH<-*<I "io White. House Tavern.". ■ • ■. H)i'y, 1* Van broke u scaw>n record In "Patsy "lb.'Politics.'" nt the Wnlnut Direct I;pllfr. -Wlllloraa scored handsomely at tlttiiik's. In "My Tom-U«y Girl." "How ' B&ler Bulled In" proved a lircesy auccess ttSgK' Lyceum Vnudovllle jamnea tile - Cloiuuilila. Tbc Kcnlucky Belles opened »iL)'.e»Ple's John L- Solllvon wus geo- cro^lr. greeted at tbc staadarcl, where the Morblay .Glories were In futLbloom Kllj'Sltlnneroncned last nlsbt at Ihc Grand, ' wfore "The Diicl" was seen by an audience . 14. fi>:eudld sUc. '^'fcilisis,'Ciiv. Dec. 4.—"On Parole"' •-O^ieoedi a.-iweek'SiCngngoincut at tbo Sbubcrt lost.' night, and was very cordially received .bi ugaTbouse, which thoroughly tnjpjcd '. ttpi'play and tbc action ol Charlotte Walker - oljdiyijcw'.l Serrano "Scrgeoot Kitty" •'o«i({tf a I'juf nights* eugugefncot at Ihc ' \*Uin i "i)'ood, with Helen Bjroa lu tbo prln- • :<*M» Iltrt; "Checkers" had a packed Itayi* at the matinee, sod rurued hundreds afvriy at night At the Grand, Snndiy, 'fta-aiiRoberts and the cnlire coinpanr received a-vronn welcome At tlieOrpbeuta Clif- ton •' Crawford nod a good vnudovllle Mil plea-itd two bin housts "Across tbo Ufvlllc" pluyod lu lis usual elucllve uiauuct attbo Olllls, and Ibc Woodward Stock Com- pany gave-a-beautiful prodootion' of "Too Charity Ball", at the Auditorium The Blue Ulbhon Girls, it the Majestic, asd'the. Nightlogttlea, at Hie Century, were both good burlesques, and both drew well Tbe Hayward Stock Co. gave "Jiortliera Lights," nt tho People's Theatre, West Side. and scored a hit Henrietta Crostnin opens at the Wltlls Wood Thursday - night. ,,',..."The lloosler Clrcua" opened a week's ebfrflgecnent at Convention Hall, and gnve a very, good animal and vaudeville show, to good tttcntlancc. Wahii isoTos, Dec. 4. — Lew Doekstider opened -at the New Mational, to a crowded house..... .The Souso Opera Co.. at the Co- lumbia, opened In "The Free Lance," lo a full analenco.... John R Kollerd. In "Tips," hnd n line opening at the llclasco.,.... "A Child of the Itegtmenl'" scored a great suc- cess at'lhc Academy of Music Torke and Adams, in "Bankers and Brokers" were well received at tbo Majestic... rTed Wnltoa led a due bill it tbc Chase, crowding the house afternoon mid nUrbt. Keiily gt- Wood's Big Show hid two good bouses at tho Lyceum. LouisviLLt', Dec. 4.—Digby Bell opened at Macaute>'», In "The Education of- llr. Pipp," to.s big audience "The War Correspond- ent,"'at the Masonic, attracted a crowded house The Sunday openings were: "A Wife's Secret," at tbc Avenue; the Yankee Doodle Girls, at the Buckingham, and the 'Great Orpheuln Show, at liopklus', oil of which opened lo capacity houses. Under m Cents. ■". COSCBliMSO Sl'.V BlIOTUBIia' •tVTMUl Touu.—'ibc alwvc DraunlMtlott continues 'ittt'tviir through tlit! land "»' iiiuc and cot- -itni^'iiud Is tlall)* m-rivlng Its i-viMtoinury bliurc of public ajypirulHttUHi. Tlte vropa throticili vue Houthlnnd havo Lmmui icntTaliy a practical failure tbls year, nod, in codbc- querice, lias caused aJI uoiuscmcDt enter- IiUBea, both outdoor and theatrically, to auffcr, During tbe month of October severe cyclonic dlatuibancea visited tho Southern r>ortiun of MfsslKslpirl und ttectlouu uf i cu- neaBee and Alabama, wblch completely ile- vutjtatcd tin: cotton uud woudlanas, una the effect* of which will be felt la thut section for several years to cume. Deayltc the bad weather, tbe show had a fairly prosperous cafedr. The Huo oggreguttoa la now tu Ueorxln, renewing uia ociinnlutaocea, and rUaytug territory where tbelr show hna au established hoiinehold rcpututlon, und where their cowing la awaited with joyful aaticl* iiatlon. in a fortulj^it the show goea Into i'lorldu for Us ilftu consecutive annual toar, and revisits another uccne of operations where tbc show Is well liked by ottk'.nls, ' urcaa and the public for Its abac-" lute cleaullncaa, line business methods und the great merit of Its 'performances. The current season throughout has been a pleasant one, fur the managers uud all otlieri, . connected with the show. The ttensoa opened April 111, at guvunnah, Os.. oadup to the present writing, has visited the foilorvlng States: Georgia, Alabama, Mu- slSBipul; TCDDcanei.', Kenlucay. Ohio, Indiana, Mt.'iiijEan uud WiHt-oQaln, and the closing utancj will be la Florida, tbe latter part' of .1amuiry,tyi>7. Tbcuhow will then he Mhlpped directly to the hew Wluter quarters at Macon, Oa. The MePsrs. 8un have recently acquired a. leuso of Biweral years of Central City I'ark. In that city. Tbfl place- Is admirably adapted for a Winter home, coiitalnlog coiamoaious buildings for workshops, nnitual houses, sleeping quartern, practising,barn, and ampin trncKftgL' for -the railway e*iolpnx*nt. The lbU7 season will open at Macon, very calls in March. Since crossing; the Mason & DIsou line, la Septcinber, tuc show has cnUt^ly elimliiiitcd tho giving of street parades. The nbandonment 01 this Lradltbnat circus feat- ure by a "ten car train" show, was a hoiu stroke lo attempt It has, however, pror^d to he a success, no material decreauC' in tho receipts being noticeable. itig 'lot crowds" assemble enrly every morning H witness the advertised tree fKhlbitloaa, which are of Biieh an ultra-stsrtlluK character tbat they BHtisfy the most exacting rurulite that expected to see the "free, glittering, gor- geous street pageant." No parades will bo given next season. The following performer* are nowpreseutlug tte "big-top" program.ui;: The Carl Lainy Acr*jliBtlc Troupe. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin IIdills, Lladsley, PlanK and Llnds- Ky, Maater (ieorge Sun Jr,, Master Welvlu liwllls. Minnie A»hbu:ae, Marvelqus I>am- berlo, William (JOunors, Stone und Huaip, S"euter.ytanlov, Frederick Wright, and John Parker und Walter Aebburne's inllitnry find i-omedv elephautn. Orrlu IIollls Is the euues- trian "director. Tbe coueert show Is ottered bribe following vatidevlllians: t.'amold Hls- lers. Mr. and Mrs. Jue^ Vouag, Miss Sprinkle, Awhbuinc'K acrobatic laulues, ami Wright and Stuulcv. The Id* unnex, directed by iiiuics W"' ueattle, bus bad u prosperous llio oil. Sunimer. . ic has done nfcely, and the ltcrtui'manees lutroduced have more :iun "made good." lu this depart- utcut will ue found: Mile- Veola, mystic uuir- vel; l'rof. ■ Silvers, tomluue roagielan : illas Volga, snake hypnotist :■ Mayneld Slstern, skt'tch team; Sylvia, radiuui aanseiisfe; Miss I»e Leon, pbysicnl culture net; Uoldstclu's tnaiioneltes; the l^cue Shir Qwrtclte, and l'rof.' Auionlo . 1-a Cavern's lloyol. Venetian. i.rasrj' Band. Thu "Ws sliow" brass bund In- clude* inc.following InstruhientttUsls: J. Wil- lis .lliill. J- If. Uadger. Jos. Helchcrt, Lw Nurrh. r-loyd Speiukl?, Artuur Uryant, V. It.-' Napier, Granville H. Hrown, John I'arkc, Jiick Ytuug, W. W. (Mankind Uugetu* «clk- er, dlrwrtor. The openrtlng cod of the show bus benn la cxit'llent hands all seasou, and the outfit bus been "up and down" on sched- uled'time. Tho bosses Include: DK-k l[lcb- ■fda. superintendent of canvnia; Vanderhllt Jfiiebt* asslKiQut suprintcadent of canras; l"r. V. A. Slnltli, V. B. und BU|-erlotcDdeiU o( atables; Krank Jones, bo<is hostler; John I.eyuolds, superlateodent side show canvasj Arvllle Clark, saperlnlendent of props, und James-C. Cherry, the generaJ superintendent. The executive force is iho same as ut tha Inaugural of 'the season, wltli (ieorgo and Tottr Sun, maouginj dlreclors; George Bun, manugur: I'eter Hud. general agent; C. a. Clarke, contracting agent;- Clinton Newton, Srecs agent: J. L. Uambcrto, ireasnrer; It. : Woods, advance ear manager; Col. II U. Kvlrester, merchants* advertising mansger, uud J. C. M. Uremcr, manager of ctmfccllou' ary and refrohiumt privileges. R'tfi'Ki. Snow* Notks.— -Wc hare been out blucc Hat Mnv. and have brokcu \hr- record in" Indiana. - We will close- our Icnlltig neu- •on Dee. If, at Oflktowti. Ind. The fhow will wn out n<-i1 r-casuu with seven, rages, uklhg a -luxtfOft. loo. and ia blar top, Tumltw. Will carry thirtv-tivp people, winter quarters will remain at rruukfort. ind. ' - "l*t>. K: Dalbv. [ims-. agent for Octttry Bros.' Shows, arrived home Nov. 'i-i, harlntr closed a thirty-seven weeks' wasou. Tho Uentry. Shows, No. 1 uud 'J, will Winter ut ttitffalr grdurwls, Han Antunlo, Tet., and the Beawa of 1H07 will open early In MiutIj, JittiKVft llCHriis Jm.-t Just rloKed H mn'cfr*H- fill ^fl^oii »» rquvslrlati director uf Ui ■ (Jrcat Cole Uros.' O'aiUU Slriwa ggjjegje Rome p$r, ThlB Hit la wade op *• uenrlr mo- avate «a It la voaalble to nnke * Hit •f vaadcTlllf* booklnr*. TO Inaaire la* ■•rllon In thla depart me ut tha njim- of the therttre or parlc, • ■ well •■ t_« elt*f or torni* MOAT avconpaay eaola t»ooklng; aent w. M-l.ill.ih Itro*.. Kmplr*. Ilohnken. N. J.. :is. Acker A O-tllnw, farlor. Votk. l'a., Il-H; Baltl- n>orc 10-K>. AtU'linnnn, Mr. k Mt*., SluV*. Towtito. C«n., 3- R; 41. ». II.. MyrnniMP, N. Y.. 10-1S. ; At^alr A: Pulm. llortnn O. II., K, V. 0., -'IS. AiHla, Ij». Hi Jon, liiihitli, Minn.. :\S. A'lriniH A Mark, (J. P. II.. PUUharit, .1-8. Adam* A White, BIJoii. FUnt, Mich., fl-S. AtlnniH A Diw, Kniniu CHji Mo., IH; >', I/iula. 10-13. Ahem A«>r, Coavenilan llnll. Knn<ai> City, Mo., 84, Alhii, Nltft A On., KtMlUN. ClftoUnil. 3-8. Alrln A Keoiievly. O. O. II., Plttahnnt. il-f. Albert A Moiiiujtiie, Mnulialtait. Norfolk. Vs.. n-S. AlhnrtiiA A Millar. Knipllv Tour, Knijlaii-l. 3-31. AI*y[lB A Hi'lii'll, Kollh's. rhllA.. a-a. Allen k iMitui, »ijou. Remllutf. l'a., :i-r, ; stite St.. TrriitoD, V. J.. H-S. Alblnnti. Tbe, Hn>n<lvxy. .MidillotAWD. 0.. 10-15. AUalre A Uud. Nuvdty. Napa. CaL, :■->*. Alpha Trio, Kuotllj. Laueaster. Pa.. 11-8. Allen, Trafy, Ulytuplc. Cblcago. a-S. Auicrlcau Tmmnelrrn (4), Hoirard. nosbin, 10-l-%. AticrlCiin flailHajir Qitarteite, Family, Scrnntoti, Ph.. 3-8. Amerlcnii (Hi-Ik (::t. Psslr>r>. N. V. 0.. 38. Aslriui k I'etorat, M»je*tli-. nimiTeport, La., 3-8 J fl^rh*. MobllF. Ala.. 10-15. Aponte's l>.-k~s A M^nWjs. Albany, N. 1' , 3-8; .Hip., St. Y. U, 10-W. Ai-o'ln QnurlFttP, .Mobile. Ala.. 3-8. Arirtlt. hilly. Armory. Ulniiliiitutoii. N. T.. 3 8. Arllnvtou Cometiy Kottr, PoII'h, \\'aterbury< Conn., it-S. . Ariaoud. Oro«\ Uulqne. Bhehoygaa, Wla., 3-8; filloii, Apiilctoti, 1U-13. Aruilnla & Hurke. Lynn. Mass., :i-S. ' Arnold, tljprlla, Majentle, Ft. Worth. Tea,, 3-8; Mutratlc, suri>v..ji,.rt. l>a.. 10-ir>. ArniHtroiiK - * Davis. I ml [aim polls, Intl., 3-8; Whcellnj, W. Vti., 10-1.".. AniKberi: A Mt'tdlu, Pod Ton. FliDa,, 3-8. Artols l>njr<„ I''n. li'irinird. Conn., 3-a ; full's, Hprlnftfivlil. Mare., 10-13. Afhtou & .Mm*tine, luillaua Music Hall, Marana, Cuba, a-.tu. AaslliM. T<w«lng. Kelth>, I*orIlauJ, Me., 3-8; Keith's. Bor"loi», 10-13. Austin*. Orcat, Osiikosli, Win., 3-8; Fob Ju Ijc, 10 10. Avolop. Musical (4), Orpbeuai, 8an Fran., Cat., :t-S; OrpiKmm. i>» Anwio*. lO-i'J. Arery A llart, (lotlian. HUn., 3-8. Avon Comedy Four, Urnlidini, St. Taul, Mlna., 3-8. Ajres. Dldney. & Co.. 58th SI.. N. Y. C. 3-8. Baker Troupe, bnloii Square. N. Y. O., 3-8; I'vH'fi, W'ori.i'-*trr, aiaw., 10-15. Halley'K. Tlic. Saruy. IlmulKon. Can.. 3-S. rturluus, Hrrukiiwav. ruin 11;, I'Migbkivpiile, N. Y., 3-8. Kilbroiui. Ninth A An-b, Phlla.. 3-8- Mutcs A Ernest, Uen. l.yim. Mum., 3-8. Baker & Metio. tlrplioom. Ulleu. N. Y., 3 8. LniT'. Mr. A Mrs. Jlaiuiy, Savvy, llimilloii, Can.. 3-B. Burins 4 Kdivtii^. I.jrlc, 81. JiKtyb, Mo., 3-13. Dalaere. Tbe, K. A P.. .Tewe.v City, N. J.. 3-8. "Ramiui't of Usbf-'fashir'a. N. Y. U. 3-8. Itani«x ^ 1«tIuu. OuuUii, Neb.. »8; St. Joe. Mo., 10-10. Forber-ltUchic Trio, (irpliciim. ItoKton. Muss.. .'IS. liabiptv Quarn-tte. O'lutubla. Ciiielimatl, O., .1-8. llarroH-s-t-atit-aifler Co., Clmae's. M'n -hluyion, V. liiiilcr & Flckett. o. II., Norwich, Cvuu., 3-8; Isotrwoct, Muh., io-1.i. lluleri, l.oule W.. IIIJuki. I-uhsIiik. Midi.. 3-8, Firrv i llulvew, I'oII'n, l!rltlKt'|Kirt. Uuuiu. 3-8. Bet-kwltli. l.liideiJ. tfaaWMW. HI. I'anl. 3-8. He.K'11 Upon.. U- 11., bangor. Me., S-S. Ileverly, Win., C.'in, Lynn. Mmh»., 3-8. IJen.'fiirle. Tbe, BIJoti, Utilutli. .Minn., 3-8. Iifiiu.-:i. I.unni. Oolliatu. Ilkln., 3-8. licit Trk>. JIuthnway'H. Lowell, Maw., 3-8; Au- ditorium, i.viiii, 10-13, Fe-Ahos, tin-. Ulyli.pie, Clileugn. II-S. BHMt; May. WH Altowiti, l'a.. 14. PeuuvalN, IjojIs, Mutli aud An-li. I'blla., Fa., 3-8. llennlnatoii lirw.. Hnyinnrket. Clilnaiw, 3-8. Kertlnn'i: nroi-kunt, Uri'mi Squun-, N. Y. C 3- 8: Keitb'a, I'blla., MMS. r^-Ilni, Honul A. 1>oj, Orpheuu). Kaiit>as City, 3Io„ 3-8: Majeoltc. CbleiEu, lO-lC. Bunfictt Itros.. (llynjilc, Ctilcajo, 3-8. Heard, Rllly. Lyric, Danvlilc. Til., 8-8, Beaay, Clulre, K. A V, Jer^y City. N. J., 3-8. Eellurd. Al. 0., Mr. i Mr*..-Oraad, Flndlay, 0., 3-8; Natlunul, C'nntpn, 10-SU. Bellclalre Hfon., PdIHh, Watrrbiiry, Conu., 3-8. ITwbe. Elisabeth. Orphcum, I'orUitiuiitli, I)., 3-8- sSemtrllct, Jjkw, A. k »., Ifout»ti, .Mass,, 3-8. DcKnali U Miller, llar^oi 0. 11.. N. Y. C-. 3-8. EersK-ro: Valerie, A Cu., 'J O. II., 1'lttaburs. 3-8. tcditil";) Cu., Jean, f.yrlo, Altooaa, Pa., 3-8. Ueniaril. .FPiyd. Novell;, Uiaaha, N«h., 3-8; Ly- ric, IJneuIu. UM.".. Tleultler., Tbe. IlotturO, Ronton. .1-8, y^lloiiK Hr<^.. KeliUN. L'lvvelatid, 0., H-S. Hernfcc ami' inawwt. *l-;rtr. Ounvllle. III.. M. lllNM>Do(te b N.'uru»ii. MtiJeMtle, Llltln Ilock, Ark., :(■»; Mnjextl'*, Dalluit. Its., lo-iv Klnnii. Bonirtt. B-r-r-r. Shccwport, La., 3 H. Ilbi^lium. .%,»>,- f.>m. Lyna. Mads.. 3-8. Plack BhHM Kewwy'it.- Kkln., 3-8. XlnnipliiTi A Il.'lir. Orpbei Chlllltolhe, 0., 3-8; I'ortauiQUtb, 10-13. lI.TOKliit,*,.Mr. & Mr*., Grand. Fludlay. U„ 3-8. Blm-kblrJs, Tbe Five, FollV. Springfield, Miaa., 3-8. .. . •Hack t Joiiep, Or-liciiJii, Mlnneapolla, Mian.. 3-8. Black A LeMle. Urystat. M11tVHuki>e, Wis., 3-8. Bdnleverry. Co), (iaotou. (i. O. II., Indiana pill*, Ind.. S*. Kowerc, \v*Iters A Curtis, Auditorluoi, Ljoa, Mans.. :.-». hox. Ted K.. Tower. LlvensKi), norlaml, 17-22. Cornttl A Nevuro. Valentine, Toledo, 0., 3-8; KclthV. ColumbiiM. 10-lli. Bolter. Horry, A Co., Scheueetady, N, Y., 8-8; BIiikLhujIoii, I'MTi. llootlilark (juiirtette, Orl|limi, Haymarket, Chi- cago. ' 3-8. Power*, Walters A Crooker, Audi ixirloai, Lrno, Mm**.. 3-8: Boiler Bron., Keltli's, 1'hlla., r.-t-; Marj-liul, »•)• Ilioore, J0-I3. Boylan, Arthur A MlldrrU, Ori-iif-um. Allvatown, l'a.. C-S. Wreslrn. Mile, Columbia. Cincinnati, 3-8. Ilrovtu A Wltroof, innabii, Nft>„ 3 8; BIJou, Msr- abslltoivn, la., 10-IG. Bryant A 8a*IIIe. Aa-iltxiinui, Lynn, Mies., 10- M>. -Breeo,' Freddie, Coubloati'jn, Ihtidnoo'l, H. D. ( 3-8. Itrml-limv. C'Ijh*-.. A Ce., Keltb'4, rrorldenre, It. I.. ;s. Bracbard. Mile- Uijou. La Crowe, Wis., 3-1; Cohpie. Kan Claire, Id-13. Pruwn Bri-. it Keeby. U. 0. II., Gna4 Hipl<l*. Mli-li.. 3 H. Rrotru, 'Jf-jrve. Mnlb A Art-b, I'nih., 3-8. Broad. BHiy. Marlon, Alurlju, U., 3-8; Drpheass, Oil I Hot be. io-in. Braalf, Rlrhard, Urjhenm. Mll*aoker, US Hruirn, Karris A HroHO. U. A It., Bkla., 8-8. Brnbtit Trio. Howard. Bonloq, 3-8, Bniiiror-l-t, Tbe. 0. II.. Wllllauaiiort, Pa,, 3-9; bbumokln. l'a.. 1Q-1&. Bradley ami Davit. Cryntil. Kokotno. Ind., 8-S. BrookK, Jeuoue, Mvjetitlc, SbKvvpvrt, La., 3-8; Bijou, liraiiHrllle. Ind.. 10-13. Brooks, Franklin A.. Orjucum. Newark. 0., H-1-T. Brnoo A UukscII, Orpbeuin. Omaha. Neb., 3-8; Orpbeum, .Mtnot-t»|-ollc, Mluo.. 10-18. BrovalUK, Arthur, Pbllllpi, IticfaBMwl, lad., 10- 18. Mroi-kiuao i Uf.Tlr, 1'iiv''g. N. Y. OL 3-8. Brlabt Bros.i Hip., Goulbaiuplbu, Eujflisd, 3 8; Loodou, 10 ;;i. Bro»a, Harry, Ubiaole. Cblrn^>. HI., %H. Browo, Jark, A Lllllao Wrlail. Bleanood, 8*. Aiiamt.'Ma*;.- 3-8. Brosnj|iu{. Arthur,'Star. Muude. lot)., 3-8: Ov pbtum. Lima, 0., I'Mi, Buaeh ratclly. Bra<leaborgb'e, I'blla.. 3-8. Bosch Jr- Johnnie, A Filially. Brnlwuurft's, Pbila.. 3-8. Burns, John, No^elly. Bklit,, 3-8. Bnrus. Morrh A Co., Noielty. Bkla., 3-8. Burton A Brook*. Olympic, Chicago. 10-13. BuniK, Maftle. Dewi>r, Ktlen, N. V.. 8-8. Boiia it Wuyot, Dijon, bulolh, Mian., 3-8. Burns. .MorrL- A Co., Noe;ty. Btbt.. 3-8. .. Bu'lwortn A Wells. Crjitsl. Klkbart, lad., 3-8; Crystal. CJoelini. Ind., UM3. Borke;" Trio, Bi>iii, !Siipr*rlor, Win.. 3-8. Hurroiv*-TmTer^ (.'•:■.. NotcUy, tlklu., 3-8. Ilyrm-Kvirj'ai fvur, Foully, Uutie, 31oat-, C-8. Buckley'K DofcM. UIJou, Cbiuipala, HI., 3 8; Bijou. Deeatur. lo-):.. Bjrvn A Langitm, Maeeltrster, N. U., 3-8; 3th Ave., N. Y. ti. 1015. MMf A Grant, l>wey. Otlca. N. V., ^8; Phlla.. 10-13. C.irvn A Herbert, 38th Street, N. T. 0., R-8. Sin melt A nsrtlH, Lyric, CJctclaml, U, 8-8. irlln A Otto, Ornheum. Bkla.. 8*8, Csstelht A Hall, Kmplte. Dfn Molnea. la.. 3 8. Casa-l k 1> Verne, Kfih Dutawjne. la., 3-8. Cslefl, Munlral, Vlcmrla, Man Jose, Cal., 3- 8: Bell, Han Fran., Itl-in. 'Cattnnoi*. I'unelSB, Keraoton. l'a.. 3-8. Carlton A Torre. BIJoti. Dnbtigoe. Ia„ 3-lfl. Cavana. Kinplre. Talerwn, N. /., 3-8. Callahan, F.mnlrr. Dea Milnw. la., il-fl. Cimeron A Flann;*an, Proewr n, Newark, N. J., n-8; 6th Ave., N. Y. C. 10<13. Oirreton, Al., Oihmlal, Inwrence. Mass., 3-8. Oirroll A Clnrfc, Famlli, Mabanoy City, Fa., 3 » j Family, l.arwimier. 1IJ-I3. Csprlre. "Original," Fimily, tilofOKTllle, S. Y-, ' 10-10. ' tarter A BloefoM. G. 0. it., nttabuir. 3-8. OarlislA'a Dafla, Majestic, Ft. Worth. T«„ 3-8; < Bhreveport, I.'.. 10-13. Cirtera, The, Mint, tlrren Bay, Wl»., 3-8; Do Kalb, HI . 10-13. Cams A wiiiar-i. Fmctor'n. AHway. K. Y.. ,1-S. CaaaOa, Two and a Half, Panlsgea, Seattle Wsah., Carrolltm A ttole*^. Klar, Sestlte, Wsxb., 3-8. Owper and Claik, rnMtrvr'rv, N. Y. C-. 3-B. Chrlfitupher, Cliri-. Ninth and Areh. Fhlla.. 3-a. Ghrtstopber (Msglelan), Feople^. U'avenworih, *an„ 3-8; Navelty. tniH-ks. 10-13. .Cftlcago Newsboys' Quartette, Crystal, Marlon, Ind., 3-8. Clii-»«llrr, AlhrrN Orphenm, Poitton, 3-8. Chlnko A Co., Majentlr, Chirspi. 3-8. . Qkatiiim Hldterm 0. OS II., Wabafb, lud., 3-8. ChUders. Grace, Orph*uin. Iteadlatf, l'a.. 3-8. Cblaaullla, FrlDfeii aai Newell, Orpheuni, Lima, O., 3-8. CtnqueTalH, Paul. Victoria. N. Y. C 3-8. . Che. Henry, Meetly'*, Fall Itlter, Mi"*., 38. Cljffiird. Hilly IS., urplieum. Boxioti. 3-3. . Claude. Toby, A Co.. Majedtlc. €blcaa;o. 3-8. Clifford A Burke. GSth HI.. N. Y. C. 3-8, Clifton A Crawford, Orpbeum. Knoiau City, Mix, 3-8; iDillaiiupulh. liul.. 10-IR. Clark A Temple. Majewtlc. ChlcQUo, 3-8; Uny- market. ChU-sco, io-in. Clarke. Mily, * wluuluv Widows, t). (). Q., lu- dlninipollx. 3-8. Clarke, Wilfred, A Cu., Olympic, Cbk-a«ro, 111., '3-8. Ckivt'laiiilM. The, Kmiiln*. Mllfortl, Mumt.. 3-8. Claeros, Tbe (3), Melllnl Tlu*«., Ilanorer, Oer., -Dee. l-lft. CJaylou, L'lin, A Co., I'antor'n, K. Y. U., 3-8. Collins A Hrown, Novelty, Ukln.. 3-8. Collun.'LuIn, 5Iarlou, Hirloii, (>., 3-8; t'rlnecaa, . ZuiieaUllr. ltl-Ilt. Corwey. Ferry. 5Hth St.. N. Y. C. 3-8. Coburii.-Hillle, u, H., .Jraftoo. W. Va.. 3-8; Aeatlcniy, t'lurkxliin^. IV. Vti,. in-lS. ColunihlcfH (.*>-. ilurrlik. Wllinlnclon, Del., 8-8. Culinnbia Comwly Four, MUli Ht.. N. Y. 0., 3Jt. Coaawell. llyelliu/, TtHirlnu Mexico. Colby Cbllrirea. Skee<l*V, Fall River, Maas., 3-8; Alidlturlmn, l.ynn, 10-15. Coi.k A Ste.eiiH, K.tim-.v'h, llkln., 3-8. Cothy'e. The. I'oll'a, Nprliistleldi, Masa.. 3-8. Cunaelly. Ilinth, O. II.. CnmU-rliud, Ml, 3-8, fax, Kay. I'till'x. Urliinoiioit, Oumi., 3-8. Cdiiwov. Mi-k, Mrih k Arch, 1'hlla.. 3-B. Cook, p'rnuk. A. it H., Kodtuit. Mna:,., 3-8. Coram, 1 letvrla. N. Y. <!.. :i 8. Colliiiri i fturi. Oti'livuw, New Orleans, t.a.. ;!■**. C*«kci A lldlieivCI. Keith's, lloatuo. 3 8. Conthi" A LuwrcuiT. llljou, Kulamnzco, Mich., S>n: untile cifek. in- in. CtHikey, Clever, U. 0. II.. liraiid Un\M», Mich.. .1-8. Cob; hi. JoM-nlilne, A Do., ribeeily's, fall Klvvr, Mil*.-.. 3-3. Cuuk A Oakn, 1'i.miiy. IjiieaMlt-r. Pa.. ML Cm, tun k llHrttliitfrt. Kinplre, Colo. Hprluifa, Oolu., ■ 3-8; 8tur, CflppleCrcek, 10-IB. * Con-ley, Jaa., Miik-iitlc, lIuuHtON, Tel., 3-3; 11»- Jeetlc, Man ..utJiiio. 10-tn. Cohi k (-K'liioin. Orplieuui Lima, 0.. 3-8; Hteu- betivillr. 10-1... CoWrilul Heplellf*. Ye. Poll's. Wati-rbury, Conn., 3-8'; Fait Klver. MaM., tO-jn. Oun'tielly. Mr. A .Mm. Rnrlu, AIulu 3L, Feorls, in.. i-K Cook> A Clinton, Orpbeum. llkln., 3-N. Couture .V Clllctle. \1nK'ptlc. Houston, Tex., 3-8. Cowpcr, .tliiimfe, llnverblll. Marin.. ;i-8. Oonu A L'luriiil. MlM'u'n, Toronto, Cim., 3H; TVra- nle.' Delrolt, Mleb.. itir.. IViper k Itibliiwm. PUw'*, T-irooto, Cub., 3-8; If, A H., Ukln., 10 10. Cuttroll-l'«">ell Tnni|M>, Orplni Ukln., .1-8. fm»y A torysr, KHIh'*. I'blla., n-8. Crhtoiia, The, N'orWlr, Dklli., 3 8. Croiteii A Itk-hanlp, Mak-slle, DiillaH, Tvx., 3-8; S1*Jt>H|le, HtNjsfon, 10-13. Cmiilu, Motrin.- Temple. Ih-lmll, Mich., 3-8. Croliy Trk«, IM, Lymi. Wssaay. S-8, Cmivley A Kllleii," Mlieeily'M, Full Hirer, Mans., , 3-8. V • Cook A I'n.uii Hipisre, N. Y. C, 3-8. "Creo," bijou; Wheelliia:. W. Va., 3-8. Crtitif, Hit. A Sirs.- Oiirdlier, Temple, Detroit., 3-8. Cree, -Ieni<k-a, 8t. 1'uul, Mltm., 3-8, Omaka, Nob., 10-13, Cravrrn, Tlie, ICrvuoy'H. IlVln.. 3-8. Cnrmjii rjinters, Itippodminr. X. Y. (i., 3-8. Clitlvri, Murk-ill i'ti, K. A L'„ Jersey City, .V, J., a-a. Puli- -a O'llrlen. Star. liUwaukee. Win., tf-8. baiy.^VUile, Albsinhra. N. Y. C, 8 8. Dlilr. Utile A Halite, Auditorium, Lymi, Mnv., 3-8., Davis Mark k l.nurii, Cnsluo, Lawrence, SInsi., Dale A F.-^-i. Keltli'a, ProvMence, It, I., 3-8. Oarls, Mabel. MitJoHtle, Chicago, 3-H. HaVlrf KdHurdu A'Co., Koiplre, Hvbukou, N. J.. Day, Ceo. w.; a. o. n„ Hrracuic, n. Y-, 2-8. IHieoy & Cliaw. Ct.vhIoI, flelralt, 3-8. Datilelri. Waller. Kelih'., Hyrucuae. N. T„ 3-8- Darrow, Mr. It Mm. Stuart, 1'aator's, N. Y. C-, n-8. DfivlM A Walker, Ihmtlnstou, W, Vs., 3-8; H'aynivlMrjf, l'n.. Itl-L'.. 'Daly. Arnald, A <:o.. Keiths, Itosko. .1-8. Tlaiuin lU'i.-.. liny ma Ik el, ailiuffo. HI., 3-8. Dabotm-n Vlllasyc. Mhuh A Areh, I'blla.. 3-8. HatiKlo A Lalnl, Ninth A Arcb. I'lillo.. 3-8. JKinfurlb. (Yuri. Kellb's. llmtun, --b. PaniTBH, Lev, 8Ciir, Chicago, ill., 3-8; Bijou, MialerburK. UL. HHIk Ds'ito, taiilne, Mnjeetk', lloanlou, Tex., 3 8; -MuJcUle. Hail Anl'flilo, 10-LI.' I»»cirvll. Auric. I'oH'h, .Vutcrbury, Coon., 3-8; ffm|. N. J.. Hi-15. IHrlH. Vrtirt, Isenrcy, Utlra. fi. V.. 3-8. Daly, Harry ft futile, A, A 8., fbMtoti. 3-8. Dsj-rHl, Kl'.'imor, O, 0. II., JiidluiiiipoNa, Ind., DiinkntlrSelillliT TruiiiH'. MMfcl. N. Y. 0,, 3-8. Th ; ll A KniiilM, .Vitveily. Heaver. Colo.. 3-8. Da Biits, Count, A Biv., K. A V.. Jerw-y City, .. y. 3., X-8. Uf Win, llurui A Turrancr, Heala, Anlirerj'. , TJelglum. I-i* Heltto, nisrluti. Murlou, Ohio, 3-8. Drwur. l'rof.. A tuw, (Jlreu Veil, City of Meilco, Mexico, 3-Jan. 1U. De vHJe A ZcldK. l.yrlc. Mmkogee, 1. T„ 38; Ljrlc. Ureenvlll*, Tct., lO-b". Deluio, Murloo. Marlon. U., 3-8. Deat'c. Hjdn.-r, 4 Co,. It. ft V., llkln.. 3-H. Dc DUkr ■> Uoipi, Urllilrc, 0. 3-81 Wsfbluffton, Pa.. 10-13. Ifr'Muude A Dltjsaujre, DIJou, Osbkosb. nls.. 3-8; BiJflit. A|i]>le1ou. 10-15. D« Haven A Parker, U. 0. II, l&diuuapuMs, lud., JH' CtiaiioL Pallor's, N. Y. C, 3-8. He VviJe A Zeldu, Lyrle. MmkOKec, I. T.. 3-8. JHlpbho A nelifiors, AlbatUbra, N. Y. 0., 3-8. iWoule, ULta. Buiplw, St- I'aul, 3 3. Dcvirii A linm-dy. Atloaile CJardeo, S. Y, C, 3 8. ■ ■ IMiuon.' Klrilera. A>nJUorloDi. Lyuo. .Much., 3-8, IJkJlloQ Iirvk., "Victoria, X. Y, C 3-8. W Hoc Trio, Mala *t„ 1'torla, III., 3 8. IV lira*' Trkj. H-iniluloJi. Wlimlpi'V, I Tim.. 1".|0, . Urtr'A'f'liuuc. ftlajeslle, LMt!-- itfl'.-t. .Uk., 3 8; Mojeflt!?, Dallas. Tot., |o-lo. istk'**, TL)-. Ifaymarl,«t. Chluago. HI.. "■*. nssaanM, TlH-. U«l!iiivrnT*». Urvirll. MlMV. "8- Ite.llolll. A Valooii. u. IL. >Wi>urt, H. I., Di Coe. Uarif. Idvii. Olikuwli, Wis.. 3-.',; mam, A'piilvi-wi; Wis., 0-8: Uijuu, Oroea Hay, 10-12; Dijon. Marlrt«tlo 13-ln. r>iMi-..AL, I'usliw, ClBcli.tiall, 3-8. U<t Mollis, The. T^mjiIoIi, Luutluii. Can.. 3-8, Use, ,itoj r 'Ac»*ltfuiy, Hpartelikburjr. H. C. 3-H. Ueoniiliij. Arthor.-Hnriaarkci, Chicajpi, 3-8; Kt. l,oule, W». Vwiur. KbllHT. « O).. If. A II., Rkln.. 3 8. iMmn 8wj., Main St., Prarls, 111., ."(-8. Dili ft Vnnl, I'a^oiv, n. v. i;„ :i-h. L'llln A r>'tiH'l<.-l«j>. '."■"Iiiuili.-, ') , 3-8. DUwi llivd., Main .**!.. 1'wrlit. 111. 3-8; Famllr. Hiivtiiiurt. la.. 10-13. ' Hlamoml A rwS. Keith's Uumheater, N. H.. it- 8; 1'iiatorV, s. Y. C. 10-15. Dlette A Morln, Olty, Broekton, Maa%. 3-8. Downey A V'lllanl, O. U. II,, drawl UaphN. Mich., 3-fl. ■ Dollar Tnnnif, Hlrrtoflrorce,, X. Y. C, 3-8. Di» A Hiiwc-ll,. Kcllh^.-nwioil, 3-8; Keith's, Muiflientrr. X. IL, 12-13. Doniiftlv, Hy. A. A H.. Ibwton, ft-8. Iiwley. Joe, Miiiilmttnn. Nnrrnlk, Y«„ 3-8. Doyle A 1'lrMr Annkii, Minn., M| llnMint-. tt-U; Joncsvllle, 10-13. Dolan A Lealmrr, Alhnnlbrn, X, Y. a, 3-S. l».»herty w-trw, PncMfr. Trny, N. Y.. 3-8 ; Kfttii'i", I'mrlileriT, It, I., ."IS. Ikon, Kmois. (ildliitn. l>e- 3-8:«.head, 10- 10: AiTtlnati.n, 17-33; Mvrrpwl. 24-33; Ht. Ilcleii-, 31 Jan. 3. 1(8*7. Drew. Mr. A Mr*. Sidney. Columbia, Ctnelnnall. i« Drakn'n H1ii-l-i> A (inniM. Ninth A Arch. Phlla.. 3-8. Dunlmnt, Plylnir.' Kmidre. Patermw, X. J.. 3-8, liitint»nil. mixy. l-.hii.lrf. l'nienwii. N. J., 3*8. Dnrhyrllr. I.i>n. Urnml. Mnrlon. 1ml., 3-8, Dnni-nii, A-.'fV. Allirtmbrn. K. Y, I).. 3-8. Dttmntit'a MltwtreM.'O. IL, Phlla,. 3-13, jlssjsjsj tlljiai Trottl*. B8th St.. X. Y. <J„ 3-8. Do -mid M.mki'j-, t.'iil'.n .^iinnre, X. t, C , 3-S. ■ • RUb k Lata I-vrlr. Ctcvelainl, 3-8. Karl. Slimn, Kmpfre. Ht, i'nul, Minn., 3-8. Karl A Iturlletl. KellliV. Mntirliealrr, N. IL, 3-8. Kekrl A Warner, llittm. Mil., 3-8. KfklioiT A (ii.idon, Urphenni. lCratirivHle, Id! . 3-8: HopkiiiH. i,oulH»Ilh>,> Ky,. 10-13. KdwnnlH A YiMijfliu. IHJoiW Ciiltiwet, Mleli., 3 8. IMwunlH. Davl-i'A Co.: Kiiipln>, llnboken. N. J., 3-8. IMoiilii A ftlwanH, llnymnvkct. Clib'iitf>>. III., 3 H. KilwnnN,' T-.w. fltli Aw., N. Y. tJ„ :i-8. KtlmomlH A Haley.- llljdu,' WlieelltiK. W. Va., 8-8. PMriuln, Wlllli'. Vleturln.-N. Y. C. 3-8. Klhsire SIxlerM, Hli.'n>,Uiiff.ilo, M. Y.,U-!*[ Mora'*. Toniiti'. Can., l»-l*.. Blllair, Ito Lair A Klllolti llljoii. ijulacy. HI- 3-K; Lu Knlle, Kenknk, In.. Hl-13, Kllln-Xftwll* Trlo,«tli Ave., N. Y, ()., :i*8. Klectrlr Crlvlielrt, KollhV. Phlla., 3-8. Klllntt A NelT, lliifftilo. X. Y.. 3-8, fcminy, >ltne.. A Vt*»* Kavi.y. Hnuilltoii, Can., 3 8. Fnimctl. tlraete. .A-tAi.. .'.otror'H. N. Y. *J.. 3-8: 11. A H., Ukln.. KM.". KmiBftt. Kiitf-ne.'Olimpli'. So. lli'ml. bid.. 3 h. Kinwrori of Mualc (4), Lyrle. Mobile. Ala,. 10- Kuipiw C'Wi«ily b'imw, Cook'H. Itwelwuln'r, X. iY.. 3-8; Hhen'ri nqlTalo, N. Y.. 10-13. r.uKleti.11. Nun, A-CVi.. Attantle Clly, X. J„ 3-t; rnivrnon, N. 1., I'M'.. F.vatiH Hlrtiem Hi). Bijou. Apnk-teii. WIh.. 3-8. Kvwit. «W. W., Lyrle. Motdle, Alu„ 3-8: -Mn- >«tli'. Illrinltialisni. IO-ir>. r.TniiH Trio. A. A 13., Boxtuu, 3-S; Htsir, IXiliorn, I'ii.. io-ir>. ; Evan-*, licoron,-, Bill Ave., X. Y. U.. 3-8. Krerharl, CIim^hN. WnnbliiKtini, U. C. 3-8; Hninil. PHIahqm. Pa-. 10-jr.. Krarnt. cim-i. K, 11. A 0.. llkln.. 3-8. RxpOHitlon 1'uur, KVoplre. Jlobolii-ii. N. J.. 3-8. FarrHl. Illlly, Mi8«' A Ktoll T-mr, |,tiKlnnil. 3- ■liine tO, IIHIT. ' Pailetto Oreheatra,-Majusile, Clilcniro, 3-13. Farley. Jam.* A Hoimle, Ueitli'H. Cle/clmid, :i*t. Famum, IM. Trio, flnrrlck/ Ihirllntrtou. In., 38; flnlety. (inlcflliunr. '".. li'in. Kerry. Lyre, MoHle, Ala., 3-H: Miijeollv, Hlna- IliKllIin. ln-Ui. -fliln und If Klalior, Mr. A MlM. Pfrklaa, Oratid. Tawraa, Wftsi.., ;i(i; Uriiul, IVrlland, (ire., 10-lb. Flake A NclXniuiiijb, Ori-beuio, risn r"rin.. Cll . 10-22. ^ First, llarnt-j, C'olnmbfs, Ibiatoo, 3-8; I'ark, Wor- ci-atttr, Mhis., 10-18.- ■■( ■ - riiilifrntil * Hlhlay. H.i.i.rr, X. Y. H,, 38. ritigonil'l, II, V.. HrHhatn. Ukln-. »■». Malay A Hurkc, nluJeMlle. ChlraKo, 11-8; Hay- tin.iki-1. Hil'-njw, Hi-3-1. Fink. Henry. Illjcu. I'reeiv>ri, III.. 3-8. Fhlwr ft JuhniHiiV llljuu, Hueliie. Wla.. 8-8. Fllwerald A Truluor. ProvP lei in-. 11. I.. 3-8. t-'lelild A Mii-Wn, (Jhleuihi, 38; Pamlly, Mleat City. In., I'M? riMHPJM, Tlie. Karllll'H, 1'r.Hl.leiii-e. U, L, 3 8. Florenee Hlatrpt f3), Apollo Thcilre, HI. Pfl««- burg. UumtiH, .:iv«n. I, mo?. Flowl Hr«H, Empire. HolKikeii. N. J., 3-8. Ford Hhttem *■ .Jruilitir*. Teiuiil--. Deimll. 3-K. Furtuuo A DiiriR, Orpbeuin, Koimufi City, Uo.. 3-8; <l. {». 1!.. lodtHitnpullH, Ind., 10-13. Vtn, Will IL. Illjotl. Duhufjtie, la., 3-8; N. Y. a, 10-13- P Foy A Cliifla, Hurijy, UnuilHun, Can., 3-8, t-'orlewpie, 'led:, I;J flil, iJleieluti'l, Q., 3-8. For A Uu li.fl,' Main Ht., I'eurla. III., 3 8; BIJoo, llccatur, |fj-/ft. Ford. Hon A- l!H|,> Uniplre, I'ltlRlleld, Mam., 3-S. Vox A WardJ,, Villi... 1-10. FoMtrr. Harry, A. A S.. (loHun, Mum., :i-.H. Frotto A Dnre, Ijeiinott'*, Lmtdvu, Can., 3-B; Ben- nell'H, lt|t«v»i|/ 10-Hi. Frnmian A M'ntamn. Vnuilerllle, Mcuoniiiiee, Mleh-, 3-8; Htar, Uh'telKd, HI., 10-15. Frill A I'nuh'. CliUNe.'s, Wiishlnaloii. D. U., 3-8; 0. II. II..- .•Ittilltirs;, l'a., 10 13. Vrmkn A FrAiilrM, Manbitlati, Xnrfolk, V*., 3-IR. L'rtKlvrk-liH, MMepj, Ori<lie<iiu, Kan Fran., Csl,, 10- 32; Urpliviiui,'Urt'AliKelf-H, 34-Jnn. 3, 1VUT. Henri, 0>tnn|itl, N. Y, U-, 3-8. Prtviiliin k lllnlinnt-r. |t*«?y, llllen. N. V-, 3 8. Canlaer ft ttiililern. Coluinblu. Hi. I/iula, 3-M; Main Ktrt-et, I'm**. HI , DM3. Culnirwin>, Arthur.' Lyrlr, AH'wiis, l'a., 3-10; Oiok'n. lijeltpeler, N, Y„ ID-13. Ciij, Lillian. :\llfliitli- 'Inrilen, N, V, ti., 3-8. OaMn.r ft HtoH'lanl, l.yrl-. Clerelaud, IL, a-8; Dwii', l'osker*, v. Y,. m-in. Onrdner, \lu\n>r les.-U. Urnml 0. IL, Ind,. 3-K; i*olumljli<. t.'lui'liiiiiitl, «.»■, KM,-.. Oarilner ft Vincent. ■Ilaymiirket. Cliii'otpi, III,, 3- h; Oratiil, liullanni^tlH, Ind., I'M"-, Uarlelle ItnjH., OrMieum. .New nrl^am, l-a., 3-8. tJai'li.r.l. K..ufile, lllw..-., Porllaiid, Me., 3-8; Ki'lth'N, lioi.tdit, Mrtus., K)■!.-,. Cklirlel, Mnsivp, Kelth'c, I'lilk, 3-8. lliiBiiiiHv, Tlie. Union Hipisrc. K- Y. t!., 3-8. Uyvlor A flraff, llljfjii. Pbiua, *>., 3-8; Prlnci>r9, •SSaiio-ivllb', 0., 10-lir. fjunlner ft Madden, IJiPiiklnc'. MciiiiiIiIh, Trna., 3- 8: CaltimbU. )t..j<aua, Mo., Ui-lZ. Uanllner iThlltlreii Cii, Hl><u. I>iul-*lll«. Ky., 10' in; llmtliiiiH'. Mflppliln. Teim.. 17-31. (1*rinro A riifJIe.vQ. 0- II.. I'ltlaliiin. 3-8. Orm«. Tlie, Mlu*k'a<' Toronto, Ouo.. 3-8. fletiotr, Qh>.;'/A. AH., Buatun, 3-8; Xew ttefl- ford, Mais., lir-jp. t tm mt , flfrtsadj*, Pfpelor'n. ^Mvark, N. ,L, !l-8. flllleii. Toiii,..f I'ortionil. Portland, Ue„ H-h; 1 Keitb'b, l4fr1*toi|,'ltl'l5. -J Clliftfin A Xiifb Tri-., Bijou- .Ml. Vemoo. 111., li- ft; Hlolir*. '8f.' r>»W 1W-I'*.' OiHettf. MiiM, ■ riljnu. Hululh. Mliiu.. B-8; l,*0l.pie. .MlRll^rvillH, Minn.. 11113, •Gllttiy. llWriie-.*V Motita<niiery. Majeatle. Hlnn- luiclian', Ala,,.i-«: >lsj.*t.l<-. I.Idle Itoeli, Ark, I'J-n; - CIMny A I'm. Kerne.'-'"*, Ultbi., 3 h. Ollf.,11, IIiiM-V. Mil"'*. H.IW...N. .'i K (llllfton and-Parry,-Onibi'inu, OiiihIih. Neli., 3* ; uritl|i.'iiin.. Kutisav c|t?, M".. IU-13. Hlmr*l. I|t>(ene, II. A If., llkln., 3-8. Onltloh. Mr. A Mm,, IHJuil, Hnlaniaiou, 8 8; UUi.i. .rftekaoii, HM.".- Unrrf.Mj, rlJIt, <), 0.' II,, Pltt-hurif, .1-8. Oordtin k Cutevtl. I'ala'f, Ho-j ton. 3-8. C.'ordot.. tt-A A' 8|»i-. Crystal, fdn-Ji bilaii'l. 111., ft-*: flamy. fl4lq*botc. JV-a*»- Ooloen A HuKhf*. Family. Cb>nt>r. Pa., 3-8. ri'inlotlv. Mum. 1\<>{>W#. l/>w>ll, Mumm.. 3-8. (Jw.lroniiri, Mtikk-al. riab'ly. 8|irlogfl«ld. III.. I'M... flnlflitnllli HnJ iloppr. Ileene/'i. llkln,, 3-8. r;»ld, v,.ft.,.M*j|r*,ttJ)Ulnrii Tuifipts, FN,. 3-8. HratiL A ll-j-j. Hliuu'6, Turonlo, Can., 3-8. flreeu. Hnw..' -filiaHr. HowHon, Pa,. 3-8; Tato- lly, CsrlcndulP. 7 fiM3. Otumr, Ji'fels-. nsjHr, IJHi'ii. N. Y.. 3-8, •trail. IK-IT. A MifUkayoi, K-.'ltli'a. Cleretand, 0 , 3-8. . ' Uruy A (inilian. Cothi'i-i. N, V, C, 3-8: Bijou, t'lterran, N.f 4..' l'J'13- ■ Hrliiu A Wam<It. Cliurlotte, S. C„ 3-8; Hparlaitrt- InitV, 8. 0., MM,*.. ' Oram. 8ldtiej.,I.'t'l|»tre. I'iileri"m. N. J., 3 8. 'Jnrae. K<lwlo. Bijou. Uelotl. Wis.. ::-B. HunuiMtiH. -Mr.' A'MfK. n»3. V.. Mlout CHv la.. KM3. . ' •■»..! - ■ Hall. Iltjien/A-lV, Ha.MiiiirVi'f, •3)l»ar-'- III-3-8, Harriauo, h. til'. Jerkoy ffllr. N. J-. 8*8. Haley A l(in-(v, llljolt. Wlcbita. h'an.. 3-8. riarriifin-KlMa; it. (Ut.. jKpvra. Hiirlnntv, Midi- 3-8. Hatwou A Ntlaoir, irrpbenlri. Deu,«r, Col- C-8. Hutlnjveay'M TbUvDu-i.. UovranJ, UosUu. 8-S. riunlm-ij, too ;■■.. City v. IT., Owt-u Sound, OdL, Can.. ;t-s. Hti.VM A Xolitv-flfi. K. A I'-. >Tsr«ey City, N, J.. 3-8, Harden Fondly, Bijou. It I'linJ (HI Lae. Mi-lS. ' Itacmc, Wis.. 3-8; Idea, Hay/.~»»Vc!r':ryii(a)^ ( \ri.1erw)n, 1ml., 10-19. Hun.lln Co.. hbva'e. HllfMI'l, 3-8. Il..rrlK.«ri. t M««l|t', ra-.iliiafl-rni. Ml».. 3 8. IhfrrH'lleauwarrj -V Co.. HIJ'jii, 8o/ City, Sited., iij*i kijm. hM, i'j-13. Ilttifnu k Wealtvlt,-II?ward, U-wtoa. 3-8, i,,,.,