The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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i .;,■■ tf*. ■ »**?■ DSOEMBER 8. ^4 * i ',#& ^ WAIiTED, ORCHESTRA LEADERS AND MUSICAL ACTS TO KNOW TffAT ^ v JEROME 4, SCHWARTZ'S OREAT OEUTIO INTCRMBZZO, mmmmm ■ aaat ■ ^ ta si aaat »:M ■■;; IRISH *J" ., .'••■■. (fW«W : M Ratal, .WlUlama'' Big Song Hit In rhm, Prohmnn'i "1,1111c ■ clirrab";,-!. Fcalnt. u Sightly »l III* FotlawUlff *«W.Voi*!.Xh««f»^»!, ■'■ ■ •'( THE EMPIRE. THE GARRICK. THE HUDSON THE SAYOY. ; THE LYCEUM ■»•• ■ • . .. i i onciiKSTnATioHfl'sow nRADV. » ] FRANCIS, DAY & HUNTER, Publishers, 15 West 30 th St. (Between Broadway and 5t h' Ave.),'New York; ■.-(££ .■''■■ ■ , ■■ ■ J World of Players. I'l ■ ' - — . ' ' v. 30TCS prom C. Jat Smith's "A -Pais or rot's'at Kids'' Co., Eastern, under the raan- Hernial of Fred Mackintosh—We have been meeting -irltn eiceJlent rwrnlt*;' also giving the'eeat-of- satisfaction. Press and -public have. prcioounced It one of ib« best melo- the road. Our two nlars, Fred C. flackett HEd Gertrude Morgan, as HI and Trifle, are making friends fast, and they never' fail to please ihelr audience; .We fti'.fapft the new opera bonne at Abingdon on Nov. 28V to S. R. O., and made a big Mr, Spent- Thanksgiving Day at Bristol, Tens., to capacity business, atd after the matinee we were-served with a special dinner at the Hamilton'Hotel, nod the reeling of good felkrffRhlp was manifest. Tbe company Is pookel'mtllrt to June 1. Mr. Smith la having n new play written; to star Mr. flackelt and Ml's.MoTgan next season. . Rosjeb oif "Tbat Little-Sfffde" Co^—Mr E. ;Wbelan, manager: Garrett IV Campbell, l.aicrecrs■ Cogblsn. Chas. O. -Wolfe, J. A. Weit,-Chat A. Moron, Al. Warda, Han* Von Blaster, Mayme; Futton, MJankf Pearl West, Floreorce J. Mills, John J. Meuer; tonslr'st di- rector, and E. D. Shaw, advance. NOTBH' JTIOM ltRNTPHOW'9 JfUXY PlTH- findjJrs.— This company opened to a ea- pacltjr.- bouse at Che Grand, In Portsmouth, O-, Monday,- Nov. 26, and business continued good rail week, with H. R. O. at both per- lornaarco* Thanksgiving Day. This la tbe third-year In anccesslon that this company bos ■ played Thanksgiving week ot Ports- ranuih. • The-press and public are universal in 'their praise. We >are .carrying twenty- lour people, hand and orchestra, uHlug a alsty root -ear of special scenery, for our pr<h diietlon«< -J - ■ . ■ -• v Jack db C.irtju".o reports baring closed n wry successful season of thlrty-sli weeks wilri' the Heyer Comedy Co.; Nov. U, at iSnvnannuv-fia. Mr, Do Castillo left for New York to spend a month, after which' be wiH netum to-Lake Charles, I n., bis home, for-the ' ■ ' . Cfi-is. J. 1-AMMDRfl writes that no Is still with (be Myrkle-Harder Co. 'aw stage di- rector and character man,-and that Inisliieiis baa been:far obore eipectatlons; • - Mason --.Bros.' "Uncle To>m's Cabin" Co; reports good- business 'through the smaller Penn^vlvaina'lowns. . The company numbers twenty-two people, with baiid and orchestra. and'uavelH lh a private cor.. The tour rill mil undl lute In' ibe Spring. ' .<OTEri OTIUM TUB IJOHTOW lOfiiti COWRPY CaVf-Wa* ire playing thre«' njzbt standi* through Vlrglntn, presentlog "Toe .German Seaatar,'*. in which J. K, Rye'rs, plays t)te 1 wading comedy part with'Mg'iucceSB. "Mrs. Myers, bis'.-wife.-assumes the opposite" sou- hratte role. < At Hot Springs the entire liouKp was sold out on the two closing nights. at sdvaa<wl prlcea. ransc -of : tbe audteace comprising the griesbt of Hot Springs famous hotel'- (tun IiJimestead). Th* company, opeopil a new opera house at' r>tington, Ya„ I>:■*-. ;. (ir.:l the students there turned oiit «s; <k4S«c the closing night and made tbe olifht ring with coIlegc-yelM and Indian war- wuoops. - Pbc compnnv Is'booked until. Dec; L'i, wb<a'.Manager Mori, franklin will lay the oompsny 1 ofTfor two weeks and open It again In .Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Myers 1 will res: up At tbelr home in Newark, N. J., aod Mr. Fraakllo In New York.- '. '-\, ■ Will II. Fields Is In bis fifteenth week playing the Hebrew comedy role la Lincoln .1. Carter's "While Frlcco Burns,'' and doing his Kperlolty In the second, act, singing his os>n narodies. lie will return to vaudeville n( close' of rhe present season. : ' •,*Gav;New York"., will be the Christmas offering nt WeU's Itrjou.Theatre, .-Rlthmond. Va.', this being its'fourtb engagement at that houne Id eight months. Harry: 1-ljoerson, of tl.e company, was given a Mupper by bl.i'many- friends during his engagement at Cohim-: bus, O; " ■ • . " , *- ' - , ■'■ h .' i ■ SrrAMi.rar -Orernwooo, principal tenor of the Boston' Idea!-Opera Co.. is.visiting'relatives, ivudfiletids la MaFsncJiiisetts'during the holt- diys. ■ '; ■ .»- i ,■ -J . ■■■ » ■• - : --- ' ■ TAivnLVijOpriiU.TV P. O..Elks. en'tertalnKl Jnbo, F, Crowley -aiiil Tom Kllteen, slDglng inniedlaas, w l bo.were playing'at tbe Kstba- waj Theatre- last week. , '- . - ,- ; SUutc BM&Bmi wife of Jack Yockney, of tbe "fltiidedt Klag" Co., who Is with-Ben' llecdri'eka'.".0|e Olbbn" Co., intends to return to TUftoevllle. ■ This Is MI59 Ba rronSt second season with tbe''*01e.Olson".Co., under Ben IlehdrtcUs' managemeflt. CiBiciE'KiNn'. who has been Identified with the') IT. W. Savage companies, la being feat- «red with the J. - i:. Cosgtove- Co., in n Une «if ; fesdV besltjex dolflg-her high cfass MnglDg, and da,ncfng stieclalry.' ■ i^wLASi-1 &'■ Olifpohd's ' ','Dora Thome" (CO. A.) Is ploying to big business Intiie Kast, ve) ore luformed. Out Bide of a few •-Ules ther have 1 played' nothing but" return dates, and tpe- bos office reee'IpTs prove this attra&km to -be popular' with the theatre- goers; llnrry" Brvnn, lusangcr of this com- psnyi-writes.* ."A good'Hfasbn'for us,.w|.tn. bright prospects abend.'* '. .'" lUntrr HiiPKif has rejoined the Kennedy Comedy Co.". )to do' princlpalCo'me-Jy.' ■ Notes Knojf Aiton^A AxbEtsos's- United Snowa—Ha'vlnk closed -the' tdotlog" season <f lOOij, at Jacksonville. Tex..-anu shipped from there to our Winter quarters at Olen> rook, I-a., Mr;.Alton g<»«H out ahead of Mason Bros.' ''Uncle Tom's Cabin"-Co. as general agent- This company la owned by Brownlee A Heed C. E. Andereon Joined the TrocX dero Barlesqne Co. The una of Alton ft An- derson expect to open their testing season next year In May, with all up-to-date) feat- ures tor tho sessoa of 190T. TllD Opera Hocbb. tJallltEia, Fa., fh» stores of Bbllllng & Dawson, Joseph Bengal, and tbe Mountain Supply Company, nine, dwellings, and three baron were burned'on Nov* 29. Tbe loss will reach *'J50.000. Tho '■HLer.■ supply became exbaiiHted and. the fire- meoj let "the- see burn. Itself ^ oiit,- ,_, UAsrr. TACurensn asp ITtKbRRic W. TjiDjjpsrts," of Thoransoa- ft' Imndy, wsn riiocjled rtn-^,'Ar... :iu. In the rectory of the Church of the Sacred lleari,. New York-City. Father Jfinn-D-'McHugh performed"the eers- moay. * ' * ■ * .Sam M.■ Yocno, one of the pioneer mon- s*gera of. popular.price traveling sfocli <oo- ponles. Informs .113 that fae> will build an ele- gant theatre In Terre -Haute, lnd, Mr. YOung was formerly manager of the Mel- ville -Sisters' Co., for many - aeasoos/'ooe of the most popular of repertory .organlistlons. Dave Dunpp.K, musical romedlan; Is In the sixteenth week Q&jh aewnd■ MfMi with. Cohan .k- H'uthrrlsnd's '-Klhg of. Trampi'* Co., plnylrig the title role, and dolHg-'bls mu- sical Bpeclalty. ■ \ ^.t^,.-/;-- : - t -Victor Ijs Rov of Le-Roy -s*odV Stapes. writes:-'-"I.-h.ire-.canceled all-»f->my vaud*T Vllle dales on the Bijou clrcbit. aaJ'-aca no lopger working with *lr. Nfapea., ■ I ooom Dec. .4.-with the "Oa'y Old7SH? Co.,TH leadlog Juvenile - msa, and -to do *flj : spe- cialty. We are the-Scath f*r the entire Winter. I receive the. 0|djActors Bible every week and enjoy It"'-■'•".*; ... •■■ / ■ Della PsiwiLB returned to her home la Kaoxrflle, Oct. 2G, from California, where she had been sluce April, recuperating. v'She has entirely regained her health, weighing more than at anv time, la the past fifteen years., Miss Priugle recently sold htr.funa, and. Intends investing her mooey at I^iUg £eoch, Cal„ wnl^h wTil be in: future- home, when not oa the road. She u organizing a cornpany for a Spring tour to ihe-cossvand will possibly go Into stock for.tbe Shimmer to'sbipe of the resorts la California. * - --' >" l f ottAiN,' O., Notb. —The Hmplro Theatre) la this city was reopened under new manage*- meat Tuesday night, Nov. 27. TbeopenTng attraction was 'The Olrl frobaTexoB," which drew a big house. Cot Harris, of Cbicaio, who haB leased the-bouse. Intends to play the leading popular priced attractions, book- ing two per. week. This In one of the live- liest, cities. In Ohio, nod as Mr. Harris undetr stands bis business thorough ir, there Is oo ressoa why (be Empire should uot lie 1 grand"success,'. •' .- ' j'. '--* 1 - *JVLtm -Hon Bon", w&s very, well -received st Hhe Waldorf Theatre, Lob don, Kag.i, Not, ' Scarnn.Es i\- BiNXStmrT of Isaac Levy, a theatrical manager of UOH BroadWa?, New York City, show liabilities. 0f'$S,973. and assets of $20 cash. lie demands exemptloa for four theatrical costuttes, worth 460. Among the creditors ore the .Brooklyn hank, $2,358: Metropolitan fainting Company, 91-.109; Cary Sliow PiLot; Company, JB20, and UcElfatrlck. & Son, U.BOO. He also li liable. It lrsald, aSan ladorser on a noteof the Brooklyn Atouaement.Co/for $i,."3&. IIazi;;, amd Iiaist CAittKTott; whjje play- log Chester, Pa..--wlth :flie Myrkle-Harder Co., wra- prenented - with two beabtiful bouqncis by Mrs? Thomas: liargreaves..' . Tub: new comedy, by Kefiett- Chambers, Which' Lillian, RusHell will "present- at ttjs Chestnut Street/ Theatre, Fbfia'delpJilfi, Dec. 24, for the first-lime; bas'been recbrlsteced "The Btrrterfly. '■ Among the players en* gaged by Joseph Brooks to tmnport-Mlas Rus- "Bell ai-e: Eugene-Ormonde, John Flood. Fred- erick Tlden. John Jack. ChnrJes Lamb, Isabel Merrill Rleharit*. flrant- Mltehell. Kate 'flrlf- fith and Rosalie de \ F anx. nehearsals'bave bejnia under direction ot Herbert Hresbani 1>avb li. BoTisit writes: "Lbave been Mi- teen weeks with the Al. W. Martin's World's greatest 'Uncle- Tom's Cabin,' still -playing lawyer Marks, and If the aotld roars of laugh- ter t receive are any criterion/ I am making tbe lilt of my theatrical career. Is certainly pleasing, for we- Brer-doing a iloe business, espeololly oa the I weeis- stand'. Everybody seems happy. We 'have a swell bunco, and altogether its the laoili pleasant Keaaon 1 ever, troupedt. The 0U> Reliasls Is with us every week," , ■ Notbs prom "The Oenllemnn BurgUr'' Cb'. —This company has ja»t, closed the sixth week of a.remarkably-successful seaf*0D. The play hns been entirely re-written, and. Is fat* superior to the old version, llenirn dates aVe offered everywhere. I^jccI managers unite ia. declarln'g-'Aur-pnper the flnestever put OQ' bill bosrds.- Tbe company -ki'tfcdrtng very heavily, especially Bontrlce' Ifarrtngton ond Jor.' J. Winter, m Ihe'leadlngrolee, t.l:c preJis lrelng<unonl[l}oiis^..ln'. piMUe uf Hie" piece, and compdnyi indlvf«|t'.nity -snd cdllectrvsly. Mab- ager K A. Uorrtngtoa is pleased and^grati- QeoT, the seflnoo so 'far^-hnvitig exc(V>j(idTils most sanguine expectations. HobV 5IUIIo-celo- Urated her sixth birthday on' Monday; H6v; 10, In St. lyours, wa? the recipient of 'manr' nrs'tty- remembrances of ths" day. In- cluding one of the cut^t monkeys'ever'senji, wblth she-. tmmMllatcly cbrlsicpcd "Cilta,- gber.** ' ' ? }? ".■*"' !*i .1 1 ■ ; At,.' Beasi-kt writes -frnB , <-'(hn' BaBjem MyrkIe-Harder. Hlg Co.: ''Potanjnlea, .ore, clpalag nil 'round us.'and manogep arc com- plaining about the/bttd buslsenB. 'The eVer popoldr' M;*B.* sttrtctlons. liowever, -go 00, ~ajflng r mbney, ar- J tierever w"« play tbe same as when w£ opeacd'L' \*OTr.S FROM MOOPE's-lMPRRIAI, f^TPCIC Co. —We-are-now three years* old, and areplay- Ing'our old.route ov*r agalu this year, to:a record breaking, business. The roster Is: Frank A. MGore,nmitager:it. W.. 3(0lib. ad- vnaoef John BurnfUdeM. Fred Lotaio/- fttnlth. i«irrs riiu iijiii i u, .'(.: i'nrper, Adam-XI. .J-'.lllv ft, S. -I'ond. J. ■ w, ia M ' „. i'o\tng,- Or ace OHerlod nad._. nllbcrt.. We. h$ve six vauderlllc feahire*, lo Petit*, §tella r^JawiN-R; Tnre^ >ioiwell S/n, ters, Mabel i'o\tng,-,Ornco Oberlod nad,bir>\\lse . hiding the enmerngraph ,>Wrrcs KKpM ,tho '-A-. Wife's S«eret" Cft— This. aittaeMobi^haV-been, gnlng. along.»9d. boldlpg. its own. The.moipfm/ psrstraTVI *rrrj pienspfit Tbank^lvlps' at NioKeesport, il?a., where the hit<dhesa.-wes Uvkecplog w.Mh.tbe holiday. Augusiln OlssHmfre^ whi». wa»;wlih the 'company.lastrseaRoa; h"as ; reJollieq U,"iDd vdlt as-Wuie the resiwnslMllty: Af slag<v man- ager once more. - Kvcry one !•» doing,welL '{ . ,>y. H IkltAtqatnV the,past hro«ltum the general agent of th> *X■ W'J Parker "f:ntet- prl3---». has been engagedby .Frank BjT'nrr» art manager of, Joe J. Siuiiian, la-Tho «l«ck- thorn.'^ -' ..-.'■ ,- ,.. ' »'; ■ 1 -*■ ■ -;' Jas. A..T'AbTffl'wHI fiflRp."A Bell Boy" Co; n: luir.vHip, Can, aftera.Rurceasful rim of. three seasoas.' He ban tiougtit the East- ern rights |o "A Utile Outcast." . Tb)s play will be sts«ed. as un electrfcol'pwnic-jprodiw- ttan, featuring Klla- Oalvlo ur Bob, I ho Out- cast. Mr. Osivln wrlles : "I Will, play-Q.eo. Devoe, the heavy. We will carry ol|bt*4n people, playing A;.J. Smnli, Cahn & C*raot nnd Stair A Maviln Um*l" ' . , ■■'•'•• ■ . ' MuivPTflHR ■ Vadxi, msetrlan'. Juggler. on.d balnnccr, aud his. wife, Nlr^ Myoie Jtosajyn Vadtr, pianist, coroiwaer nod playwrlghCgw with tiie l»e Pew-fturdotr,e Stfli:k Co„as the feauire vaudeville sitvaotlonnud musical al- rev tor. respectively. .Wrs.- Vaae Is completing one of her "ploys, ■The'StoJea Cblld." : a, font act sensational, melodrflma. . fknpe of : Ler late plays are: "The TMtainH thelruko." n ibroe s>t, fatt-e . cortiedy,: "The .Itallsii. Stmt Rliwer.'*-and'"Tb.e-.«ypsy. I'rlncwi." Mgk class-.melodramas, -.and-. ''CTesrfs Are Trumps," a, four act 'ssftflftnl romance, ice- quiring ftirty people to .present: It, , H4e,'li also having some of her latent .Roogs tntro- (IucmI hv. specialty people with .tills com- pany. Mr. Vnde la arraqWflg to place "Ths Gypsy Hrlu'ccas"- nbd "Tho \ *to>n ■rTblld" with n ■ prooilpent mnosBC-r,- an 6m tifgbt etand nttracHops. . '.. 1 • ...J l '. ! HosTEh ori. •Xhir Old ;KtfU«e« JfeftS? Ilevwood '•& learoq^s KnterprJae^;^prJt»vBrr Wig.". ireyiroocL general -mqadeerr' Warren Moore, road mapa^er- Jot AagsTl, ntage.inua- rr: A.J. J)o,vep(Kirc mtiMoAIdirector; Opy Hhrlch, master -raecliinlo: itd-Thlel. mas- tfer of MflMJUMj Ih 1 rry J^oofrpy, BerpU.''* Trovisdnle,,/oe A,nfiOH.' Beflsle- na ,\all. ftu- wy Farmer,,' Ear! 14 Trquadfile. f.liiy: JK. VhrIi*i-"B.-T.VTU|e], J..D,'.Oiild,Mteier,- I'cat- son,'- John. Sptherinfld,'l;oyn Itantpiond am! 11. B. VMtMt Annual^MpsiifffiEwftoi ttlM Now join^; On ■ Jij-i ' iJi ' J.!.. ^-.. ¥- .r.i . An niiuji . shades ijiiilly tiroaJ sHection coiiprising al! (he moat approved / > | in ...Piiin, Emtroldo-td and Op*nw.ork effects. < An _. opportunity/for the early selettfoo of ■ y,- '. * v; ; Tl miiday<&tfi^ :%' : .s- ■:. v:;-^Lw^.--Jii^,^;.,,u..:..:.;i. 1 i^im '*^ii^!T^ir^'#W'' ; ije»W/: Wh^iWty.''. -,' .',!;.'., '.'.-V 'd ,.■ ,Braxd&ay>& TMnifetlv St. y v - id * % * " '., PiJtk.Avt.fNhmienUi'Su- ■'• ., , Hr*P ' B.JW'.CA«PBSt«B.'cbl*t.wUh. lh«.-.0«oi!(e M. ;re6lWrg:SI«li Co.. NO,. 5. mi Joln.4 l'AmM It. sal if t's :"l>ninluin|-» CMuKLict'.' co.'trAAternt. - ..-:^:-.-.',. J.">Vini» Kktt writ*, citt-ii* hm.almo.1. fullj, TwovprM fti>m Injurlea rfcplvpd lu a rAllrofln wreck vbllw m j-nllle to. MUwRiikw- I'roro New . Vork. tup.) we^ki.nga* .lie lift. plgnedfor.-Uie'JCM|.^»f IIj*. tfiwm tft f>lR.v tlw* light POltjras-K* ot HqwiUrt Iteanlpv, in m- lWT-ft!lt«n r i "ll's ill,Tout I'-HMi.'.'-flMiiliiK i lip 03lfl4ic- f>f I»*c<-mltpr »t (<v.rrt> VMatw. Hohlnior., J1J. ... . - . - . Clti>b FiTcti'fl . nf \r 'play for DltbcK. Walab'U to be fMt# "Til. Hlralcht IKao." Ml»» Wulnh will bo i«en In.tip play (or vit flral.trtne.ot tot AatV .TI)«»lTe, lf«w York City, early la-thp new year. •; "ll' l j'i 'Il ia, mmmmmmm im% Uacil and orclmtm. <*,. R. HFJJ»P», m(Mt|[ airppr. Nei» Vnr|.. ' "-.;.■'' i. 1 " E % I«:.OltAwJRSQis-.i\Tltes: "After.a.-verf L eosant epgag^lrienc wljb tbiv. Ilsish ;-ft Tboman. aft mcrions ;.s lighf- cotpedlao, l-iflll leave-,for--Hilvsdn,--Cuba, ,on rSr.-l.'S P ?*'o(\vO vjs|t of'scv^rnl'monlbs. We^hnve done'a/ r*- maikabre b'iiAloe«M tJirougb MfcblgBo,- and have been oiTfiMtt.'retdra dates by.e'vqry 'awn- agor. , Our .company (gtrtgiL nf i iwllt'Si clever pcAple,.abo; we ca'rrya carload*of npe- clol scenery," ,' -,'.■."..■. Votxs pitoir Iho CJifls. K. jCbaataMi Cor— The company pteseoted Uaby Jac , |r;,McKee with a loving rup fourteen Ibches'blBb, ano of a beautiful;-.pattern: selected by ilr. and. Mrs. Star. Sir; CbampUn nrude ther presento- tloa-speech,'Just-aj* Jock finished his epo clnlty. ■■Ittwas'-o : fno tribute to a-cliltd ot Ibre^'TflarBOf ate, 1 and'Ills remSrk n - tfbm it wns banded to blm'wcs, "liook. ain't this it pesTch.*' .Mr, and jrrs. Harry :McKee sowed wine and' birthday coke after the show, and all were made' nnppv. Uii^Ilh-sr is' greai; The house-.record : ttas-'broHsa' with Mr. Me»« Kee's "Hnmb sod rinse.' 1 FrUlay night, which spenks well for Ibe day after a holiday ; tiiih'- dreds were turnertawsii- ■. -,- a\'OTBS prom- the "Old Hayseed** Co,—Since mir. opening, A'oic.l. sie-,h«vs l>een drjlrig it■■ splendid busiaeSB-'mVougti- i1im>>l* hikI Mln- —* are .-beaded.- (*•■? the' fioulhwei*!,' sourl, .And i #here.jws , hta , - , i?-rtiriTe.-b , ?(dii'd ftolld iiarit Afttll 1-. Tho. *omp«ny'ls one <*T tbo 'Wrongest with, earnest/ wHlinpr •ft ^ oxlters• ntaltln^jDrt.tu! rooter,- ■vfuirb' Includes:- lv>pea qnd'<l>r>pe% t mojilng money nbd. pa-hibg" the ibea^cs wu'erever w'« plat- Tot company l(i aliotlt tbssame ab when we. opened'In July, and ln- iiludPH fwcniy-Hli of tbe. best nbtolnable pco- run nil tiiinre t'.yfiiuiir ni inar -pepur i (if enterulnnient. TU**' prrndfni to best, and sU.Hpeclal^for.eacKplay. _ s.all.along the Jloejay the cmnnaiiy Is■ the strongest 5lonng«f Harder evefote-, sentedt '. We are. Just golng'into'New Eng- Innd (bur .old route), this being the .tenth pie for'repertory. W« carry epouglj'vsudftr villc to ron an ontlte p.veroing at (bat \popu» lai" class *if oaterwlnmeut. "Clio prin(fnfr the very I Managers ..ill. atony the line sa; " J Harder ivofnfe- tvntb seniwii, optl we-feel'suie of ahearly welctfniR AR'-Myrkle A-Hrtrder are "anidDar the-Ptro'iiecit fsvorlien who visit the East, the name; WlDg a household word.". ■ '* • ' ' Mut>. Yvrm* Oduskbt 5alled for.borQe Nov. 20. after toariog .13,000, ml leg Inriblrty- elght - days, mostly amging at noo-ulgtjt i^aad". * . ' ' ■ ■ '■ - "CftrAsr,Bs EltjS, nonnoger of the Borton Hyrcphony Orchestra, has conchjded with* Mrv Conrledaa arraneemeut by which be will this year managb tho engagement of the Coa.- iled Metropolitan Opera.Co., in Boston.'. 1'i'utk; & SriMux, who already own one theatre In Toledo, o:. Jntst w^cfc.acodlrp<l *Jio li'usc of the Arcade.'Jn that <ity,' from 'Tvim ■Ncwfan,' TliH lease bas fire veiuii to run. "The otln:r Toledo house uqder the iiuttjg t'Hcv n.fui management \b tbe Hlmplre. .-*•' I,r>Mo\n uUBSTgrr, lending man, nnd Lot- tic Oleitroaye, /wubrcttc> .wJih.HI(chcjrs-:4U S|jir "PIoyersL refnort ,a most surce^sMtVa* K-iiwaieDt'.wlui-'tniir' attraction. , ' ' ; KOWAKD ri'RBAN ASP M.VDflB ^II(To**' ***' doing light comedy and rwubrelte roles -irlw thep»'»l'Sm :M Ai.ToW in ttWwBSwjtf ;";- '•'■■ * ■■',: -■''-■•■ '\- •'"■ ; -?r>ir>- noTclty mtt.rcnl act :'■■ Kelson, 'aadv-Krenclt. 0. J V. ItochAtield, Anna"CAsSel,, M^lo'T'. Hetbon.'fierinnine Lyfin,- (fro: Henderson. W. 0. Johnson," Cbas. Kichli- bve I'arvltt; Vifh WHKltojooids as Old' llavrtfed. - f>iir band ■.ml orcnestra lf< a- great* drawing rdtd," and In tho p-trade' mtw^.th^ nafhW-str. up apd faio notii«..-We ore carrylog rhrfoof our four acts comnllto, naO, our carpeiifer. 0. F.■ Hoclrsfleld, aifdipi*c.perty:aion,,Oeo. Ileo- defson, ore earning their •money., yfe'have a'-.-epIeddld:lino.Of njiielnl 1 paper, Mtf 0**"* agepr, Tbos.' J. UidrimK Is' itnlLijJ It" io poo\ effect ■'The prospects for a long, prosperous season-are twit p i»efif. e^vfr, > Tftst'oi».-Rstl- ASU always urings good'clfecr.'- . Notes VBOMfnuI.A Vrbna Moorp.^toVk Co.—Week."of Nov, KO, plsvlng MB/tlp^vflle, 111!,- was obi* •' openiug ' WMKr and "tvp ,WtiU tbe hotft'tf relJoi'U ot evtrj iter form a o«*.' Tin: :ca>mpnny Consists' of: Lu Vcrija '«oO(e; lead- lug' woman': Hurfy- OjriqrfflK; paunfi rfrtao: ■Foster lIQWbrnH. charatrlTrAt; nyitcMiMb r (irJk- petza, sonbrettes-;,' JcsiipI re .lorp«,- jrerjorol bUBlness;; f.t.rjQ Crawley;.-."lifvortlles'; ■ Walter ' .Itibn.ioh. Ityanncttc; " Corncdlfiti reoco afoore, Wiu I'lgg. 'Ilarry-WUH heavies. Comiiany.'rsrrWs.a* bond 'and or i-bfstra.'cOnFlstiug of tcn-pT»-;ccrf, an'follows: M.'Baker, Cbns, t'nrtlf.-, fiato BURfo-jUft Bollcy, Urn 9UMJL I'i * _ IVof. Jaon, Joe "WflUHHiM' and I^otv Boom.' Compdiry Is under '.., tbe .managphicrjt of'Lcif K HartlnglPD. ... -• * ". " ■■Notch' »HO>'f'TSM ( ■B)*OnMONT»-FtXU:i[ Co. —'■Wo oppjjed In' Wan'sir, lad,, to' rapacity Nov. IP; la-lyormond'a powOffql- play. ."De- ncanced-'by tbfr Dead.** lite rerrbrtoi-y" con- sists of all new, plays.. Wu carry a. now Hue of. pnper, and.- evjry ploy J" > .proowtiiou. Tlie comiiany fcai follows.—Jpbn D'ojjmonil, J. If*, ). IU>m IVilrum, l,'ir>. "I\*. Sands, T. IT mar, Mr luistlcn, James Hart, Vern -WTngv owea Curtis, aflvancr.; Henrletth Wilson, Maud "N'ortrm, PtstmMn Nnrtoo„-Mrs. R. ■■Balrrtrw'TXnd'-'AjrneH Fnllpr.- The vandevlllo fcntiiirS ;nti?. htMaM tiv,/. njo Oreat -JAISdetis,.'ln *tll*tf : to6ltifcfmt' bicycle get. ,, v- ., ,. '•"■,■. •■'•': -.> ' • Jie*^,;RoMrrli with"ths T 'A .B(tsK-;fhr *w r 9T A TIUPTOTHK WORLB'S PAUL , -' st >ssJp :, igjii3B MinriN. '■" TAe WorlS'i Piir'U a nine pfrm to a lorj/0 fnff^or carnival heui coph.- tcai' al the Hoyal Aarteuttwvl I'all; itllnahni, AarfA Jvondon, from (jftrUtmu A'ce until the att- end fiutnntay in /-'coriidry. i Wo fly down Holborn dloflg the ■ fi ray's Ian' Koad, through lioaebert^ -Avsouo Into Upper.' •Street, and .with- a.Jerit oCtbo.rMasouaa sliding of boofsouruorss is halted at the en- trance of the AgriculUirel flail. All along the line ot tour we have beeb pssslDg through > T«rItAble gallery, of dae- slips posters, picturing tbo- nearest reillu* dob the Londoner ever receives of Fairyland, the World's Falsf . ': ■" The..pantomime, with-Its fairy 'grottoM, mystic caves, princes,, boronH, dnmes and de- -ioooh; Is a mercscmetnlog that happen* wbtlo we watch^ dlMtapce.'- . .-t. ' The.Woi-td's : 'air In Fairyland : die iilxilcof bewilderment, tiinuilt.-iNjmcdy, daaclng, Kiog- ing, suicidal dni}njr,;'. strange snlmnis-uud •Htj-Sbger miirtab, ff-fl tho-homs of tcurptliw, where the ah- la reeking'VYitn HM lomo&s'of ctf- cuHdom, It Is ntvDndertand iviicre-ibp vlallur can wandet and pcrsopslly partlcinofpe In, Hs, festrvltlci, Hans Anderson or r<.rlntm. would ; driver have askod for a,.place woi-w.,'woiidfli-ful.. ' liverywherc li llgtj|. Huko an; lamps wnt tbe. bycH with IDcir ■■ Weiiapt glm-e:. In ovary cook and crouuv electric, HgUts. ghuim |IW phospboiesceat Mad». '-Jfiycrywhom^ liolsci. A niQelsfcQin- of .^nlagjed- siQB^e'rJW ialmost, ddoded by the tion burst of iiouum voices, which. In- turoi u-hait ccllpmid bytboroAr ori.'fast runnlotr-wheoln, thehunp of jUlco awl' tfaS'SiibRctiiient HpluHh of pMrw gldss.; ,- ; rrora.-out 'o -CSMn* boa-viiy enwicd-ivvlUt gftldeu', co t.v'lug, r.fime-i 1IL<! u- m if hi > d'-' vpjitatbi;<jv,-,ivo ;ti,c miuUcd rule-ot a butsjo oi-gftn..' ;.WltbIn the,- em'c-ru, , people < of uli - agoj, seated lu ravcracitji, lult up uhd doivai on bit' iiinlulut lm* cptli-tiy,. clmr.mul 'With thu , r;cnsut;|o'D of tbe irdtvpoothfid by t-he hympa* ibeuctrhythu' t>f 4h«;imrMln, cbMredby 'ins ibulU-uMorcd liirups MiixinliiK upon. 1 tho gur-' •geouM ngfisi■ ■ ■ • .'-- .■.-'*■• -■■.; . Here are tho freaks, TF^ fat. ■lacjjv wjiu la plctbrcdwi^Wn:u sis ij:<4Lnsry spcxi^mtt, fsllfng ,lbr6iurt .■oal*;. iioors- uM- /siunabiii- motor ct)is -|lKc.-*bas(iPU of'CggB'jvltli her colossal w<i!gh'. .Wu'UCO'pl |h") Hfjowrmiu'w ■ inviuiioa\,vo ,Hm■■■■ (ho .vbonny, nttr* ma)* efijeri-' Add.wDlti-.giy thej fclrdle OpflitjujsV she fa it* else \i *>bo ismlje^. jle VbHm/tttWV'. perjurev.nls mrf ni tit her .'ice, andthea zb.-* ■ offers -"her*little* booty."- Tbesn contain tho Mstcry ''i her cttr>>t:t, and <'0.tltlit.' the pur- t-buser'to a hfindahaute. Hbe uml^a Jignlu, uod wishes the iiudleuxo ".Cond Sight/' Ah wo pass our.we uvc: drawn Into- the audlnncu of the■ geutlemas' ufe the* midguts,. Moru pilntlngsl itldgcts to toll *aaj -wluo glasaca btanulng' teal-ir tilt foot cmpcmiM, czars, kpigtr, ptlncos sod Qtbu- side show- royalty. Wo cuter mid wait. Ana wall, Tbo lov- ■ ers of the Cbrlourlurwl, "''fifftr snfeh browf 1 and "Come-ot -Kuvset.''-i fir* r«spods»j - (W* KUowmau outaldf: .dtouls "shshu 'cm up. fieorge," Then tbe >igun plays* It'. It 1 a very dlleftmt «ine to (be organ ou tlte; switch* Katii. It'.li i lite J u :cht>lr of ctlg'wHlfttfCfi., livery noXfr s^ebiB'td send'u uhlvi-? Ib'ioiigb oufti.. At hnl tfie-Fxlilblfor cw* - forAvnrd and ' IJitroduce* tho- 'midget .fatnlly. Tho* ■■ nlk roml Kinfr to uAi.ilicy. ilo.ii 'ItiflD Imrjil* nhnk1rJg~vtliO'T)f*ltor'st «fs very l^m,-flti , 'ih,fj'e , .ilnlaciUiurf—and ibeii rlib -ihowiff over, ttsd the dOondfln Matoa.-,tO the,o>irjila>'''/ < >*yd'.to apply lo the retiring andtton fVj-r their opln^ ton of the erlifcltldn,;;. v.. ,' ,-'• >; : .. Ffitplap an.Weslt mi . .Hew Ito th.vornTig*,.rAl,tred beftat' f ' ,nltti- their giUa;oi'ciipants. Wsitthwell., th*. -,&iejiagcrle oviiirr or <ild Iturilnjlomtiy I "air, 11 ■^nrr-jcnieil b<irs at rho laid *i" the London. idle i fiv .'hlx survivors, the N[»Htc<-k lurafly. 11 pre or> U.t' despondent..lions—there Is s world'of .bltf*-r'iciaorse In tbrlr gnArled old .faces. ThSre In ,i wealth of innjcnty la tlieir air of Indlfforehcc to. orei-ythlng; the laa- gled tunnen, no ntnttcr how rumpled, u Iff a is ilt ipatstoteal fg/m of theirs, -j-* ; < Thw'nro. tlia only, Ihltrgs on anrHi-.-tBat look illgoIOcd when untidy. They Ars.golw rdhavpa- test tor aweok or soi.tttey-wiu riot hearths' crunch.flywheels nr niflor tbe shake of their, lalrfor a tfme. Hut jet tbsy will have to lie UterO all dny nnd bo gaped at -sow ppke*l;'nt , ont by keepers wljea ibey CptlUl teur lh(r lot of them -IrfrsgH. VffS* ■svers" due of .them, nux why don't !h#y break from hahdngeV Why do they nllottf themselves |f > be -hstvlod nt nnd proddsd atV ; Why? That l-i pertopH what Is MtXflu thsse ■ fuiur,(64klni|.(i|it-huDM, a^ they lick their pawa, yawn.covprr.oiHty. uml pace tbe den agulp. - ' Again- v/»' urs.ln front of the hIiowb, not the mumming booIriK of tht* wiisworks ur lbs old filr-*, but tbe> clnounntftitriipli. Clrjetnoto- grapliy J.OH i-pvolijilonlzcd show All 'The old tibowif hftcd neeojaa plcturs exblnl' Hoop. Ibei ontslile parode dear to tbe heart of ItlcbafdBori.rorn-ilps tho paly link with tbe post. ' Ifero l« tbo raosstve orgnu ludeu with carven Hgiucs In. golden ratment. The whole thing Renelrtd.'d nnd Intorsectcd with lamps'!'' by n, p^vr rnelhoil, uiqalc Ik produced with a. dcll'^icy.flnd rnodulflilnu of n human orches- tra. The Isnips Mnzn ; go»dnef<tt knows tmw iflttoyof'tlicm. The. colors chnnge and later-, change «v»'ry (iccoxjd.. It In a furnacs 'of isiihIca V '■',.•■•* ■-»•- \WalcJi tlio cpryiihWH; as ihey . danca: In tliclj- hnw-htgi). rrd uii'T while tiOOlK, How t*lck,tney' i*c,ti\ ;or (tanclng, how forced Ar* .their Muab They sfam to bnve lost/all 'IptoVcst .it"• tbPTr work, ubfJ.Mbe hroail-hiif- fpODCI'V Of the CrUdi! ( COOlO(JlOJOI>. 3 -,f V l. - -' . mil ----- rigodooa-aiid ■irt ir ,'tline..^;be,v,dao<«, tb \ Us ha- Ik n ttf.vle of tb^lr owuv it if n coDibloaUon *tf dlrnibspry; ^fUfntiobd. ho>A|ilp% ,c/arda> F clouu.1 flmhcm;,t.liey cau dance to>n Htcno .of HV'JCxmt&m? lt.fl wsBwaft i.cpve My Lduto. Wi>odea : ,l|i»t for Xme*M ihO. fl6(iM,c>ryf)nnlic.cjikflKalk,pv^t. jienotHL But 'tlieiPj tei-pslclif.Lcria egprcssloo, HJ'/jHk tireJy;ijferrf.owui',! ', ., ,;■ . .NIhe o'clock"KtflHes. flood'heaven,, what U.lirlf'; tfoihcttilug.ljas liupp4ntHt. \>o, il is' silence .vVhyjiliuD'.t'we reallte■lt-'ltofurs'.' "uua u,ud ptjlo_1iI«j»^ and snow* have All.thoojga'u III llH,'li,hJNi U U'l UI(LMIIU,i tH*-J «•!_ . Johprd jor ! the dlv.iK -prijArtttypcc,' .;|t $** Bpcu'a ticojollorj-il efftjet-tbut. a no, dies rjot, I'fsli?*) thai Ii,:iK.[>eiroajliig;auleler. Vod/ttrs "•'pJia^lrtVB-.of .(jQipethfoic.being- wsiltljje'.,,h)ff fftr a.iupojfot or'tf> ypu:cnnufit-dofloe ll.'.Hpd yu.u'.Mef 1 bs t i^ep ,buil(lhi|r iMU.jht bflnK-o( "'trnjtt.1- ■ '....' . , ",f'i" -i ^*J> '• '"* m iiifnj*|ieK ^Tiiotl.thc bUdijoA -ItflpL .... Tlii-Mjowlis btJwijjn u* Ifiipb the'- ... cyclfttrr,' ,-The ■Atfttin ^Aifn,. fqwm,miH0ij trfaiiH o*T, tlj»-,r-V*ty»-hllfi ^WflriKPr sboM*.:ptPB»nt th'iv-marvelous i&tdde.J'ieficy.'ftct. They, '-.If- geiher ifloiinf-fthp. bncK'or.a'^lTor^DBwf ■ifJ :'«|fiiiy nu'wp'Mfl'i rrV>]n .th* rpad ito^tl \Vf OH 'WO HMfUS in cntehiinM .'rrpicutrlPij [pes. rjn tiMM her' hn>»-'|«i. !i ■■.'■ *-',*' -.' ; .'*■ '• i '. :, ' '. j ';%$$ i '■■ pnveMfl], gconjilvignrhfdjri'cfQLs fln't.ftrl ploys' cuke! wallt nmnjc', .ind L . «.omcd -tuwfted-LWUb tliffajte wnlkr (Mumm bMs.wiiJklDaf-foriiii c^ 'hwn tie jgrnceful art :i Illy urjUylifr: horse wal):n •with S' tionutlfM proHslnii .tiiut le astOupd- big. ;'flbenbol^i'.,'piebaldi and palfreys ,fol* low,, rldprs, «croi;arVJa*» MB'n and soroo, ufjtll.n -guottot tntiu, wtifru. ther^ ; |u a report ot ri 1 jjud sin.*) 't,lraii))an< , dnjJy.'a,'rpcrdt,gK , '^'f MeM.vfhnC ilJimilBi.t*j< 'the ricrlul piK-lavc, rtMartsjuhDi Klrttv Tbtbafh the ureiirc car-, wlna \At» t-li | > rl'iR't'iuj 'the I'ottetw, a flge, lic'uljby coterlo ;if Antcrfcriit .N'oucrzlsK ...Cp tlio rigging klev i,ii>ii!ii nnd try th(-l»- tdoKfe. Tho lippdrilte hrchl'^ *dnfM nt rucb-othprjapd thptifkafe (lu-fKiji/n (lie nlr'HiiaersaulLlogand phoiiflttlhg'-RsMliey go.' They nr* Just Hlfe >*JPI\nr!^cat3.,|liey r .i]r#»Ki-rMsN tmau^u. ttfiHiar jri j■awMir s>ri i m Tendon. jTWy'-Ja syscefblMo-S dWee, and .fhelf feAfsrwtI|> ribvfouHly mnrvchrfts -tA-all;- can- only -meet with fldeoiiut.n. appreciation frotni tbPia srhoolttl.Itf.'elrsM- artistry.. ■'-,''. &£i ;>■$&&* '■■■ '-'-f