The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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1120 *THE NEW'YORK'CLIPPER; December^ The Fifty-fourth , Anniversary Number f' . OF. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER will be issued on FEBRUARY 23, 1907, and no expense will be sparedto make it as elaborate and attractive as any of our special numbers previously issued. A HANDSOME ENGRAVED COVER DESIGN is being prepared, which will be richly illuminated in colors, and the illus- trations and printing will be of the finest quality. As usual, it will be sold at the regular price of Ten Cents per copy, thus insuring a large circula- tion. With the exception of the cover pages, no increase will be made in tlie advertising rates. A limited space will be allotted for ' PORTRAITS OF PROFESSIONALS. These portraits will be made by the most improved method of half-tone engraving, handsomely printed on enameled paper. They will be inserted at a price that will barely cover the cost of engraving and printing. As only a limited number can be accepted, priority will be given to the orders first received. All orders must be accompanied by a'good photograph (cabinet size), and a biographical sketch of the sender, not exceeding one hundred (ioo) words. As a great deal of work must be done in advance of the date of issue, all orders and photographs should be sent in as soon as possible; none can be accepted AFTER JAN. 31. We wish to impress upon the minds of our patrons the importance of sending in their orders for portraits, or advertising space, at once, in order to give 11s an opportunity .to produce the best results.) PRICES fOH POHTKAlxS ■'" , ' Payable in Advance , -** Size 2'A 3t 3Ji] « £15.00 1 Size 4 x 4 ■ •"'"." " 25.00 (• Address all communications to A THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, , 47 W. 28th Street, New York, U. S. A. Albert J. Bowe, Editorial and Business Manager. Kor Immitilliita anil Later Tlnaa, Acta nr«T«Ty«lesrrlptIn».1liatcaii, Int.r.itlnar Platform Acta Acta of Jim it ami Novelty u»«i«l at. All Tlmai. Addrau Qulok, T. F". HOPKINS, Oth Mill ARCH'nWII, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PICTURE PRINTING. 20 STYLES.of pictorial One-sheet Uprights, with appropriate reading matter for anyroad or permanently located moving picture show. Strong and attractive. Send $1.00 for assort- ment. Make a good lobby display. HENNEGAN & CO., CINCINNATI , 0, JOHN BUCRER THE ALABAMA BLOSSOM. DoiUftndcd ills releuso from VoelcVcl A Nolan ami now AT LIBERTY for all oufn.Keii.eial p. Address ai*l MKNVIM.K AVK., NK.V OHLKANS, LA. SHOES FOR BTAGK, BTKBEl' AND KVKHINU. EXCLUSIVE btYUt» AND WORKMANSHIP OUARAOTKED. Snort Vamp and >U|i LuU almya on band. Mali ordera ailed. Fit gaAraotoaa. WILLI A11 BBItNBTKH, HI. (IS laadlaon square, tot Blxtn Are., neat Hat 81., H. T. AIL 0OLORKD SLIPPERS HADE TO OKDKR IN M BOBKi, TlflTtl 80IN6 To apply for lowest rates at „ n • nmwmnamam omen, 1 " 104 Kftat 14th St., Now York, tier man Savings Bank VimnP's! Building, Telephone, soeu (irnmoroj. Oablo ad- nuaurA .jre*^ slftnoslg. All pruned matter aud InC free, E Write for i*mpic- anA PffltMk THE D0NAL0S0H LITHOCO.. NEWPORT, K.T. FUNK & CO. JStt "WHS ■It Wttw mm ^wa ^kfUftri PAINX and POWDER PAINT mni POWDER MoVIOUER'a THRATIUB. Ctalsaoja, 111. mVlephopa—Ontrai. dot. Baal lor Cataltaal WI6S TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And tilt Ltlul ltd Moat Popular Sryltt In Utile, Hllr Drilling. A. M. BUCK & CO., Ill ». ninth Stroot. .--■■- PTaibaaelpMa A Mill HALLAD, "I HAVEN'T THE HEART TO SAY COOD-BYE." .Ve.iN t'V UlUllUUK, Unfile l'V MUSfiER niiil MKSKKW. Copy nud orelicslnitkHM free 10prof. iMUtxrfl. Send iiroKi'um, HIAWATHA PHIL (HI., MIA lit!, St., Doriver, Colo. FOR SALE), PATENT RIGHTS ON Coin Controlled Automatic f. Fortune Teller and Eiercislog Machines. Tlicscaro all new pat cuts, and hare never been plated on tlic market. Inquire R. II. HAHTLBV, Bo. 405 PotBrtli Ave., Flt.aljorg, I**.. OPEN HUE, BIJOU THEATRE Ollnton, Mats. Draw Train :m,00O. No opposition. Only theatre. Capucliy, -jm. .Stage, mxw. Al Hep. and one nlglitern, write. fi. IS. K1N0SLEY, Park Bldg,, Fltcliburg. Maaa. BARGAINS IN FILMS: HT7IL, "Tlie CrulM ol the Qlailia;" Sim. "Hlr Jonoa Looking tor Jo>n Kajlth;" Waft, "No Wadding Belli for Him;" 678ft., 'Til aLaaqaeradera;" tSOft.. "Saldaoo Broa.:' t93ft, "lite Klght of the Part, j" BOBfi, 'And Her Narce Wis Mind;" 681tL, "Vltlati Cut-Up:" aorift., '"fhe Bubpmna Sirrerj" 668ft., ''The I'nymiatar." h. HDTZ, Mauufacturer of stareoptlcoaa, 102 Kaat 2»d Street, Hwr Tort. USE X 'CROSS'' LETTER NEAD AND tVOKU BlVKRY W'KHIt. I'rco samples, Contracts, Tlcketa, Envclopei, eto. CROSS ss« uEAimoim sr., CHICAGO PUC. STACK MONEY, lie. BOOK OF OUTS, 200. GOWNS r s°TASI? SLIGHTLY USED. Alio ST71EFT QOWNS. We Itnvo od band a largo anaortment or ellglitl; worn Evening: Qowoi, Dinner, IlecepUonandToa Go r~" Tbeso rubes are perfect in every respect, and nro copuclRlly auitaiile ror wearlu HIGH GLASS DRA- UATIU PJtODUOTlONS. We Dave a roll lino Of Soil Hkln Coats nnd Kursof all Until. MILS. II. STARU . QgT South State St., 0THOAGO L. SCHWARTZ'S TRUNK WORKS, lluBdeTs and Belters ot-KniCRAfce for^oyeKn. OuriiroreiwIonM trunks are lighter, alrongor ituil fii-KUin- Hihu aur on tliu market, Ten j-eare' guantiitci' given. Soml for complete caialog. aiaiith Ave,, cor, zm Hu, Nan York, Hiw Lim of Repsrtolra or Stock Go. PrinOng 00NBI8TIK0 OF 1~2-Shi. !-Sh., 3-Sh. aad 18-8H. Standi. Bond for Samples and Catalogue. OIUCAT WKSTK11N PIIINT1KG CCS Bt. I-ouU, ITIo, PrlntlDt for Dramatic OcnrrpanioH, Fairs, Gaml- rali. Roller Rinks, Olrocs, Wild West, Labor Day GelebmlouB, etc. GLASS LM6IGAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stook, lmmeme rarlotj. Iliualratod Catalogue ttav. Now Hani- moth Oalaiogue Just Issued, ate. Just oat, list of aew books on ilafflo nnd now list of bargains In irlcks. A. Itm'EURKKU, lTfl Ontario SU, OLloago. ORCHESTRA LEADER (VIOLIN) AT LIBERTY. E-Tperlenced, ao)>cr;locutoonlj; anion. Former- ly utTcruplo Tlieall'c. G. iit'UCMAS, i4Ui nurd St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Itegurtjg to friends. "Tell It To Me" EZRA. KENDALL'S 3d BOOK. ALL NEW • JT/ST OUT. Tor aate on all train* and liewa atanda, or b. m»u, rise Addreaa K/.HA KBNO/tLJ., 0 CadwaU Aro.. Mnyleld (IelKhw. (llOTOlimd. II. XfV Jk. EH ■OP 3ES x», Jut'Rlors, Auroimrs, Contortionist!) and Muntcal Teams, rcopie iKinbllnji In brims preferred. r-aiiii Ut.'!i in all linen, to commenco rctiuaiiia] Jan. 0, 1O07. Also good llaDd Loader, write. Also HiiUor, and roltniilc Advauco Man to liook lu Canaita. Mako aalaiy low, for yon get It. liouzcra ami kicker*, suve atanm*. Address TUN UIO FOUR ai*KOUI.TY CO.. Treuion, Out., Can. S. II.—L'nii iiflo Pianist, lady or Rent. WANTED, Good Shows For town or lK>o nop. and a good country to draw from, seating oajtacllyioo. Would [tin ro wot une or two bwhI co'a for Uolldnys. Addreas WILL T\STAKKOHll. Mgr. Clpera House. CaloJonln, 0. SCENERY All RJndd, Loweit Priccs, Prompt Delivery. SCnKLL'S SCKNIC STODIO, - - ColumbUB, Olilo. CONTRACTS i,i:'I'ti:h im".\ds, uxvr.i.orKs. tiokbtb. l'ASSl'S. i 'A 111 IS. I'll-. Write for Sumpii-s. V.'l.l, l'i- fo.. ;l.-is Hi'tttlKim St.. ailcniai. III. WHITE SULPHDB SPBIH6S SALTS Not bllter. No physic. Clean those pinipies. Pa- rity lite blood and revive menial strength. All ilealers netl them. aU.QQ. TRANSLATED FRENCH NOVELS (soma lllti- trated): Actress 1 Pliotoa. Catalogue free on re- eel pi. or t cents (letter poalago). A. UK MAILLB.villalrli.lRnedeseiie. Parla M . 8TRA88M AN, atXTOBSSBT, B33 Ilroiilwny, New York City, NOTH TO MANAGERS OF THEATRES, STOCK AND REPERTOIRE COMPANIES -a-WE NA/ECI-L- KNOWN t=I_AY, MY PARTNER ; Ir fully tlllH plu J. tlie law. A MAY familiar ">1AUV By BARTIiKV CAMPBELL., (and all riglits thereto) Is the print* pronerir of the Kami a or Louis Alilricli iirolrricd hv coovrlghi. Any pnnk'3 guilty »I Infrlngomwif upon Ihe riphtu « or pTiAltilnE siicli ,ii tliolr Ihentrfw. will be prosrcnicd to the pntteat t-xtpnt of I'nrrlciilnr aiicnllon Is i-alled lo :1ip idiack-s «f tills play under Hie tillo of ' PROSI Till-: WEST." "PARTS KMS I'OR I.IF1I.'* otr.. nil imliidliur the rhnrael#l-s tie *MOK BAt'SDHHB."-*>2ts$D SIXGLliTO.V* "MAJOR llHIT'l'." IIKA^DOV," *tc. The rights of "MY PAttTXEIf am available for Toure, Stock or Repertoire, al moder- ate terms, with line line if pictorial-printing. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, SANGER <& JORDAN, EMPIRE THEATRE BLDG.. 1428-30 Broadway, N, Y, City. KANSAS CITY, MANUFACTURERS OF 3LL TICKETS. Writs for prices sad samples. Orders by wire for Stook Forms ■ sliipped tame day received. 8PECIAL PHICES on large quantities. Street Railway Transfers. Coupon Theatre Tickets. J SHOW FBINTEBS and LITHOGRAPflEBS. THE SEASON'S GREATEST MARCH S0N6, ROSABELLE FREE-Profession*! t'opiei to Ftiforiuers sitclostiig Proffrania. STOW RRADV.—"Whore the Hllv'ry Sanien Flows." "To Loulfto,' Jitck Dear," "Miilllea I'd Wait .i ThoiiHaiid Mollv," ".My Pour Old Hovel Homo," "In the Sliadow of the 1'luc, Ye'irs l'"or You," "Mv Utile ToloriiUo fiirl." "Sinlle, Kmllt*, Smile," "Wau l'nrndlf* Kver S< KahV "Onlv You, Yon. Aud Yotir Song." "Sometime. Stiine where." ''Bom In HI tie," ■'..*- neatb the Old Gr-fM Vine," "The Usttle Fas llie lllgbt." "When the Flelda Are Itlm "VVItli (.olden t.rnln," "The I'romlseil Lnnil," "The Voiren." "I Am laonirlng* For Yon. MiiKilalen."' "CotD" Away, Come Awoy To the Stream. Love," "lly the Old JMIII Slreum," "1 Can't Lev« Nobody Hut Y'on," "Ueniember Tlie \'allty," Ileneath the Willow Tree.'' MELVILLE MUSIC PUB. CO., 55 West 28th St., Hew York. Oaziiu'eTtatrsoal Emp@rsym HOW AT 142-144 W. 44th SKNear Broadway), NEW YORK, j THEATRICAL eOSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, KVJtn-V llKltVIHITlC Foil TI1K SMOK, UCKD FOR OATAaVOODB. THE THIS OllKAT KHUI.ISIl VMUK Vll.l.K t'Al'KK, AUD THEATRI RCVIBW, 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London, W. C. PORBISn BUBSOUIPTIOKH, ... -!->.' . K>. Hd. PISIl YKAH PROFKSSIONAI. ABVBIIT1SBJIKSTS. - a' »a. M., Slaal. Oolauaa Enl HEVT YOHK. OOKIIKSI'ONDKNT AMI 11KI'., IDA»n01!, 70S BT. JAHI8 WJ>0., Whirl adTortlnomoau will be rocelved. Coplea on flic. TltUNKS. o. A. VATLUIt TBUSK WORKS, S» Z. lUimlolpU Bt, CIIIOAQO; 111 w. iltli It,, Bll> TOW. Write ror Nei. OatAtog-iie. KSTABI.1SII1! I) tTVKARS. Ouamntead l>-ivea Yaars, 441 SIXTH AVE., noar 27th St,, N. Y. UNKS "PATTERS9N" THH WOIU.U'B l.EAOaciti i( II NKW OATAIiOflDll JUST OUT. .' ' WIIB DKI.BKIt TRUNK AMD BAB CO., 15)4 l.laionl. At*.,, fat. CENTRAL TRUfMKS. Sflln., IT.BO : aBln., |8.C0: BOln., $9.G0: 801u., gllt.60; 401n., 1J12.50. ClrcuflTruak«,2ftKl8*iiS, K7.50. BUI flsU 80x^8H6, Inside, $12.00. Utlio. Trunk!, 42^x28ViilL.'. lealde, flfl.lit'. aiilpusd on receipt of 13.00, on!., C. O. [>., except orer 800 nllce, tlieu remit whole mnouat ijitt siuiuu, iiv.i.iinu, iiuiwa fiaavvi aaaibuy. »■ » uttAt, * —Tl i ^^ 1 Ti A1 -' AUUiUUp aiili)p»u on receipt of |S.O0 f bnl.. C. o. D„ except aver SOO nillce, then remit whole uoonat DIMONft £ CO., CHNTUAli TRDNE FACTORS Bat. 1844, B. W.eor. 7th Hud Arch Uti LEATHEROID TRUNKS. LICI11TKR THAN BTKKL. SO TI.MK8 STHO.VGKlt THAN WOTlI). Send for Now Thcatiiciti uataionuo. LKATUBROID MTQ. CO., fiaa B'wuv, N. Y„ npttr SprlOBW. MAMeiRS, Attention! If jot awnad a railroad, nerbap, tou ai-o BatlBlled to curry liea,, .xueiH breedlDKUtltlAi. But II Jon wilDI. to l.Te enafj aaaaMa jetaBALtrook. " " aeiiller«atalOBiit"0." WILLLIAK HAL Until,. 11, W, 4011a St., N. V. city.