The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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December 8. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1121 By LEO CURLEY and JIMMIE HUIXEN. AS SUCCESSFULLY 8UKO BY Miss Elizabeth Murray. •ekd poii rr to-day, rr, then irotr wiii,»,iv go. coopletb copies with oboubsthationb m ajit kbit, aanr to any sihoeb, upon receipt of praama, with .lamp, for poat.g.. S Vk^£!!Vm^a£. l l!u. c i ZiftAS ?5 S'5? 1 ™ SSiMXS ■"•■"••u™ ewlnglng m.lcll,,. l..'v. ttkn manyan enooro with ai' "Bra; Dinah Jonee," "Tbmin B.ulnd," "Viol, lie," "Couio Along, Llule «lrl,Ci>m. Along," aad rnaay othora, bal, "III L1TTUB Otltll CUL.LEBN" B Wr.tlr' kil Ui»m all brat* •T. ', Proprietor Bowley-Dresier Co.'s Catalogue, 41 West 28th Street, New York. IHttfUTV 'fUVl'I'Uff *»> St., west or B'wey. I LIdEiU'I WMIIM. Evei.8.u.Ker, sauim. KLAW A CTLANOER. Manarara HlaE.lA.OR ROBSON I (LIEBLER A CO., Banag.ra) "THE alRt WHO HAS EVERYTHING." _^ By CLYDE FITCH. BROADWAY THEATBE TSSHSff i.iita uisuff.w.r, Managers En.. 810, Hut>. ■aa<a galling * Weeki Ahead. A^Mtt'.V HBL,D IN THIS PAKISIA V MODEL. ; With Olmren A Blgelow. U4PKFTT TUkatkB. 42<i Be, went of Broadway. nnuiat-i i Rj'gg, g.ju. a.w. Than, »nd sat., 2.w MR.HAOKBTT Sold l-essec and Manager. ROSS STAt-lL., (Nansiement IIKNKY ri. IU1UU8) la rue CHORim unv. Hi'JAWB8 FURBE9. Holiday Mallnee* Xrnaa and New Year's Hays. went of Broadway. KLAWA»Rl'Nl)FR .'......Bauerer. JKOKHKK-HO.IKI.TM0]., 'IKllTKUDK BL.JUKITT In lIKKSAllIl M|1a »'J CAKSIR AWI» CJLHJOI'ATUA, Ocrlnnlng Konday, Oco 10 Seats on dale. uicilAill) < AHi K villi aerve THE aPRIHO « llll KKBi. HtW YORK ETca. ».(li. TI1EA.. B'nay, uih tuisttisi. Kl.AW \ Kill, ANBEIl, Mare. fevca 8,lo. Mulled Wed , Sat., 2.16. PRICES tsu, We. llh> and II. John 0. Fuller Co. Present tlic Mew Musical Comedy MAMSELLiK Ml ! II Willi KATIK BAMIIY and .lulls 3LAYIN. BelttMCO T«EATRyM <] S.r«, t> W...or KvoningsatB UatlDti? haiurdayatS. DAVID BKLASCO PRESENT* THE HOSE VF THE BABCHO. ' A New American Flay, By TIAV1D BRLASCU and HIUUARP WALTON TDLl.Y, mat of Ul»n rammed Playara. PASTOR'S CRACIE EMMBTT and CO., Joueaaod-waitou, St. Jolinand LeFerre, Mr. nuil Mm. narrow, Dill anil Ward, Bt.OfiKMr.ll and BOYLE, M'KI'UI, FKATIT1LK. Time American Girls, Two Luoklon, Casper and U'ark, Bsuoilera and Cameron, lie ctiiuut ik>kh, Virror «r Travel, • The Vlugrnph unit, RHan Eatra Attraction, UNA CiAVTON and CO. -NKW- CIRCLE B'way and flotli. Uatluee To-day SM0K1NI1 ALLOWKJ Wine, Woman anU Song Co. Umijiii. Alex Oarr. ottiera. KaetlltliSt. Ladles'Bat. Today THE BRIGADIERS. Uurlefque anil Vaudeville. -TUB-. IE.rath 61. lAdloa'HahTo-d»j Huber's '■£ Museum WAITED, 8TB0IS COHIO fllLt 4TTB10TIOI8. AddrwtJ.H ANDBBSON, »gr„ a« above. > CrVUci CsCVuvS. Of Blnk Olaua Vandcvllle Tkaatraa. «. UBYERFELD Jit, PBES.: MARTIN IIBL'K, GBNEBAL MANAHBB. All Appllcatlont for Time Must Be AUd n aed t« C E. BllAY, Booking Manager. Matntlr Theitrt Baliaing. Chkago. III. ' , WOKRRABO 8T„ LON"ON, W. TAFFVOLTA& ROBERT O'MEERS Artlita wsntlDft Europoaa time wrlto,atjitias open tune and teraui. cable, "AGOBiIc,'* low DON. BERTRAM MILLAR. 11 W. tttD ST.. NEW YORK ALICE ALVA "Tlin With tbo CJaflaat." ■ WOVaLTV MUSICAL ARTIST. eiiRH UNO THLOL. IBB FLEXIBLE EQUILIBRISTS, - HUSS AWP STOIat* TOrR. HiiOOKi and V* DDBft, tho "Obonnan" runvera tlooa lozongfrn, or Homelhlo^ of t-.o Hon, imvciiwiri nt ntnlii Ore iiHsurimeot of qoea- t(oos to retail, rniil f 't-iiuon'iv tbe]r (Impose of iwm by wholesale,' tn fuel, tlielr nnmber Is one •o*-ine most ttmnerniis on the itlll, atul In their bide ajunanjf coimdy sketcli. The Nov Unu«e< ■muiti, fce 'p the audleuco lit ono conilnuul roar, EVKyiNO EXPRKHB. FOTilM-l, Me. Johnnie Reilly, OOMBDT JVOGbER. Kn rtoute llnmh'B "Teck'a Bad Briy" Co. Shrewsbury HIlTKBg HUBS TIIIB (IFTldB. 100 1.KTTEHHBA1I4 OI« CSV., ajr.j 1 uatafii' fir.: 3,«M Mdll. tl; 'J.KU ltltha, f I: do, ■ -"inTr'alo, WANTED, DRA1ATIC and SPECULTT PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR Permanent Slock. TWO MLLS A WEEK*-*EASUN W WEEKS. AIhoA No. 1 aceulc artlat, practical scene r>u Ider, cimpetent etase director (with or withont scripts); man with new moving plcinre machine and atero p'loon. All nctlng people mast tend pliot >-, cut* or ifttfl progTH,ma. OPEN CUK1STUA» DAY-«»!■«. Weil. »ad Sat. Adiirt.'^ KAllL i'. aiums. Manager, OareTanpi HayCaHlno, Tampa, H«., ,1 rn<anrnt, Popa'mton, ft) ooq: wepklr p*t ro)', fiK af> 00. Wanted Quiolr, A Clever Actor to play Uunicd neavlea and strong Old Men. Contlnuutal vniform, Mopn»bto buit, bat modern. Lowest nat«rv and partlculure. SiM. C. ltllLLUH, Anl"-ev Wtnn*- rn„ Pu" Ktvo-. Muhw. wanted ^UiCK, FOR D'Ormond-Fuller Co, Al HEAVY HAN, Capatilc ot ptaylug Btiuug 111,1- of pat la: nut iiudor Kt. Win. (1UV 1111 MSIt and W. A. BOIUAKIll, write. (Kanaaer^in III.. Mu, U., aend open time). Ajjfig JOHN" DDRMOSI). Knox Indiana. MEW. FEBFOBMEBS WANTED That can play organ ami ouaofte often. PltXO PLAYEHS Unit can work la Acts, State salary, when von can Join and all you do. Wll not tolerate weak people or boozm. N»TORE'S RKHKI»T CO., Plilla., Pa. A.lV7Er CUHAW * HOTHBRIASU'S KING OF TRAfflPS CO., Btrona; Bartl ne, dotiblc Piano. Juln at once, Longneimuri. Uoodialary. Wire of write. - ■ OStJ^R 0'gllH.A, Mirr.. H11"* K"n., Dec. H: Wampgo, n, Jimotlon OKyg. FOR SALE, TwoAdvanco Cars, three Plat Cars, one Stool two UiigRrig- Ctirh, all klndH of llultroad RiiRgiut Wbtfoiin. two Open Dom. Wild West Stage Ooncli, Tahleaii Wagon, Ticket Wagon, Wlid Wi-hi Canopy, new. Property ut inrniii.tftnnn. Ala. Addrefia J. ACClUbTUS JONKH, Waven* Hotel, Hot Springs, Ark. Second Hand Band, Cages, Tableau Wagons. Gosh. ANi>Ui;,V MACKAY, M(rr.. lUwo Nelvlllc HU Hopkins oo. ( route cLlPPeK. Permanent adflre»H S3 West Fort St., Detroit, Mich,, cure BtlrllQg K. R. Equlpuieut Vo. Helen Gillingwater iVX UHBHTY. Strong Smotlonal Lead., Uenvlce and l.lgtit Comeilr. One piece or 3 iilglit Ren. Care or ST. uHAlll.KH UOTKU K. s. Clark St., oliloago, IB, AT JtlBt-RTY. DAN MURDOCH Hand Balanoor and Contortionist Address .(U Uaoaa Vhtu hi ., Newark. Ohio. AT IilllKHTl', Tramp Dru mmoi Address vm. U. PAUKUAN, Oencral DsUvory, Kansas, in. WANTED, YOUNG LADY, To Juln rocogDlzod gymaasllc act; experlenoo nnDsceisarr. Add. J. W, KEBWIK, Pen, Uel., Sow York City. At Liberty—SIReilfQ bCDBaETTE Vaudeville or Al ah.i.cV Olnng«'f«r two weeks and work any old place tn act*. Address , K/A U KKlTH.yortvlUo, lnd. L.a,XlsiU'l.».\. Va. HENRY Si. OPiSRA HOUSE. Just opeocd, Now and Complete open time atter Doc. t. w. F. PIBRauM, Proprietor. IT'(WICK. VIOHJ, LE.ID OKIHkSTKl touiie Baritoiio In ttwid; Lidy with specialty for old Hald "bll." JAGK. 'OUR OLD KENTUCKY U )Ur; *' See Houm la CMl'PKR. _ , SLATEH and FINCH, Strong npocUltlCH. Both ploy part*. Piano. Ad. dr-m uareof w* a. FLIWT, ytneennea. indlartr. AT LIBBBTT, LAWFUL SlOT MA-HiNt. oroat money maker. Prloe K send for partlc. ularn. BoOCSKEn SUPPLY CO . ■ . 310 ». Bth St.. Pnlla.. Pa. WANTED, SKEftH TERM, Also a. and ti. Sonbretf.. Ctiange for one week State all In Oral letter. Munt ]oln atonce. MLl* BRADLEY, Hclotyra, la. fcampTl! cotnuiR ct». r mamu, We* W r A>Cr«5» QUICK, Tnba,to doable atage; Slide. E and 0.1 Ton 1/ ttinau for UUtonuea. OALLAlLiN DllAUAT.i.' I CO., llornueek, lA,i-Vao.n 10 0. King of Skaters H. I Simmons leads them all In TWO «IO Al-TS, Trie* aad fle Skatlag. A big .kallng acton ■ttt.l Ny original naner btarle.iioe Inclndltig 11.0 CA*S WALK, an .kat.i baa no eanaparlaoia or atiaal. lllgbe.t prlradl • rtl.t In the baalneaa. If. aiMMONg, T3 Broad »t„ H.w York Cltr. WANTED, Mo8tptay lIHml parts. TiMONer WILLING TO JOIN. Other fhr-rui People- write tor Al B»p<]tPlre Oo E K M; care o f 0L1PPKR Oillce xv a x i x:i>, PROPERTY MAN, To play bits; one with specialty preferred. HEAVr WOMAN. Other people write. Address FREW C. CIMUXOKY, Mgr.. Cliaimccy-KollTcr Co., this week Nil*--*, n.; week I>ec-10, Kent, O. WANTED QUICK, AI Lecturer and Office Worker PERFORMERS IN ALL LINES OP MKH. Hi/, that play piano. Sobriety and ability po.ltlvely ushsd- lal Money always sure, aud tnls show never c'obcb, Pay yonruwn telegrsnirf. Ticket"" If you secure mc, or, I know yon. Diamond Concert Co.. DUNCOVBE, WEBSTER CO., IOWA. LlLREBEPETTS IEAD8 OR HEAVIES. Flnt. Clan Company oulr. Prefer Pennanciit Stook. Addrcaa El Pa,o, III.; Dec Ml; K^anoke, I I., v 1; Kntland, 111., lull; alter llial.uon. lid.. Cllfcago, 111. ME THEATRE LORAIN, OHIO. Juil opeood. Wrlto i|ulck for opon time. One o the best show towns in Northern Ohio, 'ivw Id hHliltantS. , UAL UAWPIl4,Mjrr. AT LIBEBTY, MARIE COLLINS, HEAVIES and CHABAGTIBS, Kapflrlenreil and rvllsMc. rail aud well proper tinned. Pine a agu picsouce. RexpiinHlbm Hun HgL'rtt nf stock ur »nc piece nttructluut. ^«it[reM- siw pini; st , ht. tons. HO WANTED QUICK, JIVKNII.F WOMEN loritcundlmilMvii, MAN for live genteel heavies. Boll, mint be swell looking, yr<uug, and have Al wardrobe. Stale every thing In itrst letter. Fay own. Join on wire. S.C E»sall-WinlliropeCo.,DT.mgi 0 ,. AT I..IIK11H AVTICK DEO. 13, UWIkO TO CO <"l.uaivu, THREE AI NOVELTY ACTS Sack wire, Contorlloa and < lob swinging. Pine chiiDgoHIc doalred. Oolv rollablo. Male Ui.iti addrma J J. KAY.DEE. Uerlln, Oat. Can. OPEN TIME, ■OfTEHII-S DIT HB VEEK. OPKHA llill.'HK, 08HK08H. wis. J. E Wll LI»MB. Waded, for La Verna Motr. Stock Co, Ueuv v Man, Character Womsn, d median. Thorn: djuinltia tiru's prefcrrtd. iuit.t^, if tjeccm-ty. cornet d •ubien attiue. Otber tlsoful Pvop -. write. Ibiu Is u rop snow, so make na!ory ica. fonabio, Aimuor .jutnk. lkn K. UaKniNUTOA, U«r. La Vorna Mooro Stock Co., WtytDoui, If, wect of l>oc 3. AT LlMTIi, (M\M Up in all Hoes; Urfe library ot music ai»d do t n«ed tlokcL I( you wart a first class ami and iceaa bii'ln b«, write A. F or U. HIMllAL IHnW.TOW Mny 1lnl, MUter, Pa. WA1VIEI>, PltlVlbT iVho can do parts. Young man nroferred. ?ft booze. Htatc avoand ss'iti y wsnted In (IM ictt i. Address ui;v «-rohs. Wstervtlet, hiicb WAITED At ORGS. LAB1ES W mi position of First violin. Clarionet and Flute, Steady fOgaffemtfit toriKtit pirtlee. Caller «<i- tirw. Mgjja avs. New V»tk , 3d pioor, Hoom &, WaNTEDANr TIME. LADY CLARIONET ami lltOSIEONB TUAT CAN WIDBI.E P1AK0 OK BTAOE. HOB. "OLB 01,0 KKNTCOKT BOJtK.'- SM Hon te III CLIPPFR. W1ITID Ol'ICK. NAM) PUIER THAT doubles Olarjuotor Tromboae; alrio "Rep/' Beml Aftom, ail linns. Hisady work, never closes. M.iK. •i>l;lt OLIi KFSrilOKV HOMtf/tlKr nttiln. ISO FIRST CLASS ' BILL POSTERS, UTHOOHlPHEBg and AJJTEBTIZERS to properly Din la* SEVEN WELL-APPOINTED ADVERTISING CARS OK TIIK unn i um hutdt air n i!ii ANU nnm bills wni wist ixhiti \ Two aistlBAt ovajanltatlons taauler practically the auaute masiagenaeBt y^ Tnorie apprt'iiatliiff an early opening, lone seanoo, the best accomnimlatJons, good treatment and Lbs riiffiH-"! runnjf wagSH f»r i-.\ , ponouietl ( oompetent Rill I'i^iht*. Mtii.Rraplnir- banner Mvna dull irmmii AdveriMnn KsperiH may address liiijii K CUOKB, Ounoral Advanvo Manager, Too Luiioy BciiiiuiK, No.'-:: RmI 22d Street, New York City. Western Dramatic Agency, 127 LA SAZXE ST., near Madiion, OHIO AGO, ILL. OFFICE OPEN FKOU 10 TU 10. LE8K BOOH FOIt UANAQERS. Managers wanting reliable peoplo In all branchon of the rtieatrlcal profeaaion, writ*. . aOSEST DKALINO. NO Hll»IH!PllK»ENTAIIO»S. ROTIOE.-BICCOOIIIZBD AUTIHTA ALWAYS OK HAND THAT AIDS AllU. AJgB 0APA1ILE UP HAKINO OUOD AT ALL TIMES. ■OTgOB.-Weoan farnlih tbe beat dramitlo people—LEADS, llravlc., oliaractera, Jmoillea and General Bnalnoa, People, Soubrottoa. oto. Alao Vaudovlilo and Blnitrel Pooplo, Song and Mac, Teanu, Slater Acta, Blngera of all kind., Moaloal Aob, Piano Playore, ate. EXPERIENCED CHORUS BIRLS FURNISHED. NOTIOB.—Wo Invite people In all Lines of tlio toeatrloal prolesiton, tliat wt«b Orst class »ngagl< oonts, to call or write. ■■■, ' 1*. •!■ hiihak. Menagar* WANTED FOR MELODRAMA. Tall.'pTcntoel Heavy Man. Ocod looking Juvenile Min ard Jiivesl'c IVoinitn; Uljiinturer Old Man Ohtructer Woman tvr KrcentiloOd Maid, and Llglil L'oin*!- hufurUitdu hirt. rcpio wltli BpeclHi iitM'f Ivkii preference. No amaiour<«. WardRibi', ahliliy ami •niitiuty ni-^esstry. Htato lowem minn, i(te, lielalif and weight. progrHinnn.'H and pboion, wittcb uiiiboretiirtiuil. ItebCHtHai- in>«iti Dee. I ■> l«ro Homy, llin&clio TliiDkott, wrlto. ODRM, AND It^MKltt'a. tifntrn' Omivorv, umd'nrd Pa,. LEADING MAN WANTED Mllnr BE VHIIHA'I 11.1., OOOD' AI'PKAIIA^UK. COIMI WAII1I1IOII1E, HOT OVER 1 IllllTi -1'H 10 iKAUS UP HIE Mill IIVKIt nil., VII... IM IIEI11I1T ro-n nt-iel toll all In llrat luttor. A lung eugagomont IP good man. li'.lil'l.i: IN AM. 1.IN1 rt, WHlll. 'Tliotewlio wrulobolum, wrllo again: your rep'loaft*ore ilui.veil i wo wootH b/ atorinanil addreuti oat." rilElli: IS ALWAYS A I'LAUK IlKHK FOIl AN "AUrOII." Addre.S JOHN A. WOLFE, care ol UIIAS1) TIIEATIlf, Sail l.akoUlty Utah 'TIIK WOLFE STOOK." LANG • BARBOUR VAUDEVILLE CONTRACTING AGENTS. ■nit* 124-186 Chicago Opera Houm Bnihllng. Ohloacr* ItooklDK frooi *J0 to 40 weeks solid w«rk. (K*ep ynur eye en Hie Indepindunt "I1or*o Wmv v ClroulU WANTED, F*OR Wallaclcs Theatre Co., Al UKJt. BUS. AVOMV>, Unn dotiig HiroclHltlea pretorred. Other Koiicrtolre I'eople wrlle. Adilrcns . . D0UUUKT IUtO8. f 0ec. Hjaod wo«k, Topoka, KtAj Osman Stock Company GENERAL ACTOR WITH GOOD SPECIALTY. JOHN OdHLllV, H|M<i iai. I.Mr,, S.C, At Liberty After Deo. 8, GEORGIANA EDDIXOS. L'ADtva RTOIKKBS. Young, pretty, ability, experleainiil ami a .well war.lrobi (Out can W teainre'l. Helgm, tft. «d. . , PRANK ;.£>• MOORE, BKAVIBH,CIIAnAOTERorOEN. BOB. Cood warilr.i.i.. Ilelgbl, oil I',hi. Kcaponalble mauaaw, only, addreaa FKAVX £ WMHM.farer.r Prannrnri Hoi"i • >« n, flblo, ' MORS. VAtXOaVZLlafei OK KJ£PjJH.TulKt: COS., AT HBKRTV, leasf Th® Great R< Dotty Fire Sensational Hovelty Feature Acts fer Befertolre. Otfera invited from reliable inuuagers only. Just closed Norlh Drew. Comedians. _______^_^__ IOT (IOKA.T KaXWOS, St. Char!«•■ Hotel, Chicago, III* WANTED, ALWAYS. BEST HIOH CLAIB VAUDEVILLE ACTS OAK GIVE PilRFORMERS THREE WEIKI For tlaie. wrlu ED. LUCAS, Mf£T„ UmtQVE THEATRE, Danville, III.