The New York Clipper (December 1906)

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December 8. THJS NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 1123 7'BZWe'S;:SICWt WuTAt 10. Gouvemear II, ?rv*»tt> Oat, C*o,; IS, Potsdam, N. X,, U, Cimoo II. "Uncle Josh Sprweby,'' Western. Banks 4 Fra- afiWMBIbti City, Ore., 6. Wel*er, ids., o, Pa- yette. 7. Bolae S.. PocnteUo." 10, - BUckfoiot 11. ItMhork,!**. St. Antnonr 13, (dabo Fills 14, "Uiclc Josti Spt-uceby." Southern. nonks k Fra- tte'r— Camden. Ark.. 3, Floe Bin!. 0, >SiuHnttt T.CInretidon 8. Newporl 10. Aogiista 11, HE nnnfl 12. 1'ArtfOdtif 13, Corning 14, Poplar Hloff. Mo., 13. ■ ■ - ■• , ^^ •Tlnrt* Ji*b IVrklm," Southern. TIrqU & Fra- Utfi-- Mflitrose Colo., J, Lake City 0, Gnu:.!- rta 7, Crested Halle ft, Canon City 11, Flo-ene* 12, Uolilra 13. Georgetown 14, Mr.Lo Springs 15. 'L'rfclc 81 IlasUri*." A—C. ■ S. frirarowj'-i— Cherokee. In.. 8, ^ioux Fall*. 3. Dak., 0, Mltt-i- ell 1", CrnWTTiltt> 11, Yankton 12, Beresford lit.-Akron, la.,, 14. U Mart 15. "tttcte" Jsl Iltukliw." B—O. H. Primrose's— ITpllrer. Wo.. 5. Illgbee 8. Macon 10. Kirks-Hie lhCenler-llle. la., IS. Buitoa 13, Osk.kHm 14, IS. ■ . . V Vail,* nillj B (P. B. SalllTan Amuse. Co.. awn.) —CUicinnoll. O., 2-8, Chicago, HI., 0-15. Van. Mill En to* IF. Murk, -agr.)—South Bend, lBd..-3-S, Elkbtrt'UMC . VaiiBareti' Stock <U\ W. Lapollt, r-gr.)—BraTi- ■too. Vt-, '*l-3, Manchester u-S, Willlamstowu, Mass.. 10-13. Yimou, iliEUe (II. P. Bolrocr, our.)—Douglas, Wye.. a-5..0l#Br«k 0-S, Casper 10, 11. 'Village l'anwrn" (Wee. Mack k Co.. ragTS.)— Delleftfule. r*.. 5. Tyroue 0. Iloottuale 7, Ctetr- neJ/18.:Kano 10, Mount: Jewttt 11, Johnson- I>argl2-'. i - - "Volunteer Onanist." Eastern (Allen Poarce, rujitO—lincklyn. X. T-. 3-S. '■Volunteer Organist,' Western (W. W. New- roiuer. nigr:)—Kaston, l'a., 0. "TOWM^Slibaagr^ llobL auenoon's (C. M. Steclsmllb, nigr.)—Hickman, Ky., 8. W Walsh,- Blanche (Wngcnhals A Kemper, mgrs.)— Chicago. 111.. MJ. WarfleW. David (David Belasco. rugr.)—Philadel- phia, l'a.. 3-S, Pitts bar' 1015. Wflsbii. Francis r Charles) Frubiaan, our.)—Chi- os-*>. II'., S-1.V Weber's. Joseph it.. All Stnrs (Chas. T. K. Mll- lyg, mfir.)—N. Y.Clty 3,. Indefinite. WIIsou. Al. II. (Sidney It. Kills, tngr.)—Allanli. (in.. 3, U, Rlrmlnshoni. Ala.. 7. Cliattaiwotf*. Tenn., 9, KdoxtIIIp 10. Boanoke. To., 11, UmI|M 12, aieUmcadlS, >'ewnoit News 14, Norfolk J5. Wlllnnl, E. S. (Ciiaa. A. Moore. ni|T.)—Sprlng- HelJ. SUM,, 3-8. Montreal, Can., 1U-15. Williams.-Lottie (I! 11. TVIucbclI. tngr.)—Clncln- WBfc t/ortcr J.—A1 loom l'a., 5. Jtiltostuwn (i. Wills,. Not M. (Uroadburst k Currie, mgrs.)— Altovnn, Pal, 10, Jout!»unvu II. Wan], Hup . (Stair & . Mcolal, insrs.)—Qulucy, III.. T>. Ketlalia. Uo., 8. Kansas City 0-10. Wllliiuns n»l Walker (M. 11. IUijomwiI, inirr.)— DtHrolt. MIcb., 2-S, Mllwankee. Wis,, 0-1C. Wln«In(,*cr Briw. Own (Fxank Wimliicer, mgr.)— MaQimlteta. la., 3-D. MQscatlue 10-10. WilUrk's Thentre, Northern (Dublmkr Bros., msTs.)—Itock Matid, III.. 3. [tuleunlfe. "'Way -Down Faat" (Win. A. Brady, mrr.)— Milwaukee.-Wis.,-2-$. ... -. "'While 'Frisco In." Lincoln -J. Carter's— Hrhukljii/y. Y.. as, Philnilelplsln, Pa.. 10-15. "Woman of Fire' 1 (I*. II. Sullitan, ingr.)— De- troit MIcb.. 2-8. Toledo. O.. 13-1S. "Warning Bell." Gordra k Beiisett'a, East (For- rest Iclisn. ftirr.))—Oreenfllle, P«., rj. Prank- Hji-0. Beaver Falls 8. "Warnioi Hell," Gordon & Sesnett's, West (F. C. LuiMowV BBjr.}'—Lima. O.. C. Memlon 6. New nremen 7. St. Marys 8. Marrsrllle 10, Mlddletown II, Hamilton 13. W«t Milton 13. Greenville 14. Anion City 15. *'Wife's.Secret."-.Si*h«r* Aborn'B (W. H. Byiio, nipr.)—Lonlsrllle, Ky., 2-8, Blchnond, Va., 10- "U'lipu ilie Worid Sicepe" (361 Swarti, mgr,) — Bay. City. MWi.. 0. Saginaw- 7. 8. "Way of tlie Traiiavrtsaor," Cbos. II. Yale's— Boston. Mass, .vs. - "Why-Girls Lea^e librae'* (Vnnce k Slilllfan, "WariCv^^c8ptlpdent , *—Ix»ult*TUle. Uy.. 8-8. "Wkat Happened to Jones" (N.- L. Jelenko, iust.)— -Iron tot, O., Y, Atiklsud. Ky., S, Hoot- liutton, w. V-.. 10. Cbarteitoa 11. Parkcrsbnrc 12, Newark, O., 15..' "Wajwonl Son"—Ouclpb, Caa., 5, Buy City, MIcb.. P.- "Wklle Cblot"—Tutcrson, K. J., 3-5. ■ ■■" -• ...T : Torkc and Adanw (B. E. Forreater, nurr.)— WashlnKton, D.,C, 3-8, I'llilauelphla, l'a., 10- ■ 15, ' • Y: Tounir. ; Edirln—Muncle, Infl.,' 8-8, Liiai, 0., 10- "York Slate Folks" (Fred R Wright mgr.)— Brsdfnrd, -Pi,-, 8, Oleau. N. Y„. 10. Warren, Pa.;-11.;Erie 12. Tmnklrk, K. Y., 13, Balarla 14. Niagara Falls 15. . . ■\v 1): ,^ mrfnlo, King or the Wild West" (Chas. h BHuey Aoiose. Co . mgrs.)—Cleveland, 0., a-b. , % . - ' ■ Zlnn's'MiulCfil Coinedr—Seattle. Wash.. 2-S. As- toria 10-12, Vaueourer 1L, laevma 1.4, 15. ' MISKAL, ' '' *" UTtiard. Sam (Cuarlea Frobinan, mrr.)—K. Y. . City 3. imlcanitc. ■ Bulger. .Harry fUenry itblx. Tenn.. », 4, > nry W. Sarase. m(.T.)—Mem- i, KOihTllIe &, C, Cliattauoogn *l. KnoxTllle 8. . , - Bvaton Ideil Oiiers (Rilwia Patterson, dikt.) — I'rliicelon. ikj., 5, JatnrsDort 7. TrentMi : 8, Mnryvllle IS. osesjolB Uiirn.lln Laily Orciimtrs (P. H. Bunwli, nik-r'.)—MtiilUon, Witt.. il-S. Wankegon, 111., 0- l£ Bla«k I'altl Troubadours. Vovlckel & Nolan's (R. Voelckvl. rugr.i—Greeiirllle, N", C, 5, Ander- son IS, -Elherton. Ga-. T. Atheui 8, Macon 10, Aueusta 11, Columbia, S, C 12, Cheslrr 13, l)astoala...N.- <X, 16. "Blue Jfwui" (Sim S, k Lee Sliuhert, Inc., mgrs.) —N. Y. City H. Indefinite. "Bclh; or MajTalr" (TUo«. W. Byley, mgr.)—S. V.- City 8, indefinite "Bei^ar. I'rluw" Opera (Harry LeaTelle, nurr.)— Wliionn, MI-1.. K Orenudn (1, Wstcr Valley 7, it.vforil 8,' Cn.Ltul) 10, ItonneTllIe 11, Tupelo 12, Ahenlem 13, 14. West Point IS. Cuttlll. Miirle (D. V. Arthur, mgr.)—Chicago, III., 3-8, Ckvclmid, 0.. 10-1.1. '; Cnwtlioruc. Jc^eidi (Klnw i. Erhngcr, mgrs.)— WnsLlngton. D. C.,-3-8. ... Carle;■.;BIi-li»rti. (Clias. Marks, gen. mgr.l—Ctica, N.'Y.. rt.'-SyriiL*use 4. r». Sditiiectady 0, Albauy 7>'R. N. V. Clly lli, iutteanlle. "t'omlwr' ilie Ityc" (Will J. Block Ainass. Co., nigra.)—Koctiesler, N. Y., 5, Klmlra 0, Itlmra 7,' Svrscusif K, (bsvegb 10, -Ctiea II, Hcueuectndy. 12, (liens Falls 13, Albany 14. PlltMcIiLlIni*., 10. Dinleh, KrwilE (C. B- DHUngham, mgr.)—St. Iamu. Mo..::«. D'Arvllle, Cjiwllle (Sam B. 4 Lee Shnbert. loe., mjcrs.)—PlUalwrg, Pa., 3-8, Philadelphia. 10- De Aasells. Jefferson (Frnak HcKee, mgr.)— Duliith. Minn., o. 4. Winona 5. La Crosse. Wis., ti. Oabkosb T, Kockronl. III.. 8. Dtsboc. Frank (Nliou & Zlmgxrman, mgrs.) — ooioinbiB, b. a. o. _--..- ■.„-•-„*_ Eflwanlea. Paula (C Q. Pilllnsbim, mgr.>-r-011n. ftii.-Yiu.-'B l .eious City 7, D«h Moines 8. "B-mtbodf Works But rVMf (A. ($. WfUster, ■ bigr,)—lows.'City,"It.. 5. Muscatine 6. DsTen- pprt-7. -Cllntoo 8. DarllnKlon 12. . ■• ...__ "iVty-Ure Minute.' from Broadway" (Mnsr ft Er- )sua*r. m«n*.l—Ufayctte. Ind.. 5. Loganxrort 0, Elkhart 7, South Bond 8, BaUle Creek, SIlcu.. II. . . - ■--...' "Flower Girl" (Sam 8. & T-ee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.)—CblagA, HI., 3. Indefinite. . ■ Grand iOpera (HelorlBh Coorled, mgr.)—N. Y. City 3. Indefinite. . . ■ ... w „ Grand Opera (Oscar HaniBWrsteln, mgT.)—N. Y. City 3, Inileflnlte, "George Wa-hinaiob Jr."(Cobsn ft Harris, rngts.) -~Pi. Louiw Mo.. 2-8. OlDclnnstl. .0.. lO-lO. "Glnrerbren-I Mnn" (Edward A. llrnrten. mgr.)— Cantfrn. IlU 6- Peoria 0. fialfsborg 7. Bock Island 8, Lai Sail* 0 r Bntllnjion 10. Molloe 11, UosctUne,, Is., 12, CUsten 12, losri City.14, Monmouth 13. . - ■ ■- ■ _ «. "Gay New York:' (Joseph r«tlngill. mgr.)—East UT»n«Al. O., 5. Wheellnr. W. Vs.. 6-8, Park- ersSarg 10, Falrrooot il. iIsnnlagton.J2. Lnlon- ta*oZ Pt., -I8. : CoanelhTfUh. M, CambeTlanfl. SEtsK . nST y~--.- ■■ : "Girl from Brraflimy" (W. W. Potti. mgr.)— WillartelpliUi, Pa.. 3-8. _. '- ■• "Olrt aha it* Bst!iU"—Vntchei, Miss., fi.- Jack* SOOj«..lIertdJaiti 7»S»Ima, Ala.. K, Mnnifonierr 10. Coliimhu^ iir. Li* Atlanu 12, 13, llirmUg- Jjan, Ait., U, Ma«D, Ua., 18. nonper, Be WoU (Sam S.~«V I* Sotibert; lte.7 g lto> fr .i W a U i, iW, (l Kinwu aiy. 9-15.. Beld, Anna (I'loren* Zirgteld, mar.)—E Y. City ■».ii». Brfelntte, .-. ._, ™ ^'Holty Tony" (Jos. U. Oaltea, mg>.)—BalO- , -550**. lid., 3-8," 3Uunton, Va.,, 1,1. _a. '■Bis-Honor tbt> M-ljor" (ffja. ft? Sill, ■&)— MlMflstii Mia*.. ^-Sche*«:«U7, S. Y-TT Al- Irias Ooolc. ap»r* (Win, Heywood, tngr.)— StortntMrc.-Seur., HL Aatora ll. Kearney li> lllmieo HU IbMM 147 McCook IS. - Janis. F.i-le (Llelder *t- Co., Bar*.)—Boatna, mmi 3-22. ■ , Kilties Band (T. P. J: Fairer, mgr.)—Arkansas Cltr, Kat., A I twrca. Okla., «m1.. «r-l Kg*- kirk; 0, Knl<) 7. (lullirlc 8, Oklahotna City Q, Antt'lnrlfO. uat.. u;nl Chlckisbq, led. Te.v, lfl. Fort dill. Ukls., mat., and Lavtun 11, King- fisher, mat., and El ilcr.o 12. Ladles' Metrp[>olitan Orcbe»tra (C. R. Waoghop. mgr.)—Mlnse«|>o)ls. Minn., f., St. Paul G, snJI.taior 7. Annkn 8. "Land ot Nod" OVItl J. Block Amnse. Oi., mgrs.)—Memphis. Tons.. 6, 0. Little Rock. Ark.. 7, Hot Hjirlnrat 8. Pine JUuT 10. Texar- ban j. Tex.. II. I'arln 12. Fort Worth 13, OkJa- lioina City, Okla-. 14, 13, "Little Jahnny Jones" (Cv&an ft Harris, mgrs^) —Boston, Mass.. 3-10. Mace, Fred V. (Harry Afhln. mgr.)—La Salle. HI., 5, Kevnnec 0. Jacksonville t Decatur 8, Hammond. Itit., 0, Mattooo, .111., in, Cham- paign 11, DanvlUe 12, LoganjuvVt, lad., 13, WatMfli. 14, Marlon at. Maclsdilan, Jessie. OoQcrrt (Sweely, Shlpman A Co., nurrs.l^WInnlper, Man. Con., 5, Em- enwa 7, MlmietwlU. Minn.. 11, "Jtadfltae Bmlerfly'' 1 Henry .W. SaTage, mgr.)— K. V. City :i-22. "Mayor of Toltlo" (Jos. M. (toltcs, mgr.)—To- l«lo, 0.. 2-S. Cincinnati o-13. ")fald and tof Mummy" (Jos. M. Galtes, mar.> —Wlclilta. Kan., 5, Topeka 0, Leavenworth 7. St. Jo*epb,,Mo.. 8, Omonn,' Ncbr., n, 10, Slonz City,, la;, ll. 81ihix FallM. H. Dak.. 12, Uan- kanto. Minn.. 1!1, Iftv) Wing 14, Stillwater 1R. "Mamwlle Sallle" (John C. Fisher, mgr.)—N. Y. City 3-ir.. "Mayor-of Salu" (Brondway Amuse. Co., mgra.) —Mlddleturn. Del.. 5. ' Prliu-e of Pllten" (Henry W. Sarage. mgr.)— Gfllesburg. 111.. .1, Peoria 4. Bloomlngton .7, Sprlugdold fi. Decatur. 1. Terre Haute, Ind., 8. "Plff, Paff. Ponf." B. C. Wbltney'a (A. C. Ab- t"tr. ncr, ■'—^, Fi., 5, Shenin'rloih G, PotlsTJltc 7,'IlarrlMMirg K Reading 1«. AHen- tows II, llntieion 12, Wilkn-Borre 13, Pitta* toll 14.. ■J'esgj- from I'ariw ' (Madl<wui Corey, mgr.)—^-\lc- turu. It. C. Can., .1, Vsiiconrer U. 7. BelllnK- Lam, \V H «h., S, Kvtn-tt 10, Tm.ijniu 11. 12. Kl- l^iiburi Ll, Nortli Yakima 14, Walla Wntla 1C. BnM Artillery Band (Jos. Do VIto, tagr.)—At* landc Ciiy, N.*J.. 3. indefinite. Bounds' Ladies' Orern-str- (fi. 0. Rounds, mgr.) —Waahlngliin. D. C-. 3-13. ., "Bed F»ather" (Jos. M. Galtes, ogr.)—Aurora, HI., .1. Juliet 11, Peoria s, .SpringBeld 10, Bur- liiig;ob. la., 14. "Bnrnwiys*' tlloht. Cone, mgr.)—Northampton. Mass.. 3. Adiol <;, i>rent Harrington 7, Ben- nington. Vt., 8, Anisterdani. N. V.. 10, Johne- tokrn 11, Anliuni L2, JltngliaatCQ 13, Geuera 14. Utlca 15 . "Rajah nf Bbong" (Eujeoe SponTord, mgr.)— brisVagBav MIcb.. 5 Scbeff. FrJtil (C. B. Dillingham. mgr.V—Balti- more. Md.. S-8, Wasiilnrtoii. B. C, 1013. San Carlo Grand Opera (Harry Baaaell, mgr.)— New Orleaas, Lfw 3-Jon. IB. Stnniiinl Oi-era (Margaret II. Brown, mgr.)— Davenport, la., 0. S. Monmouth. HI.. 7, Canton 8. Lincoln 10, 11. JackscoTllle 12, 13, Spring- field 1-1-15. "Student . King" (Henry W. Sarage, mgr.)— -Montreal. Can., 3-S. . "Social Wiitrl" (Sam S. ft Lee Shubert. inc.. mgrs.)—Ruffnlo, N. Y., 3-8. "Show Oirl" <B. C- Whitney, mgr.)—Des Moinca. lit., 0-8 - "Ssn-eant Kitty" (Chan. Rlngsdorf. mgr.)—Kan- sas City. Mo., 2-3, Des Moines, la.,- 0. Cedar Raplda 11- "SuJlan of Sulu" (Madison Corey, mgr.)—Cha- hate, Kai.,,-5. lola 0, Torek*-7. Learenwoctb 8. Omaha. Nebr.. 0. 10. Dea Molnea, la.. ,11. HlouvCity 12, Lincoln. Nebr., 13, North Platte 14, Cheyeooe. Wyo.. 15. . . ^ "Sleeping B*a lit and the Beast," W. E. Mb) vllle>—Norfolk. Va., J, Uiwivllle, Tenti., 11, Chittkuooga 12. Teinptettin, ;Foy (Klaw Jt Kriauger, mgra.)—Mon- iresl. Can., 3-bV "TourlaLs" (.Sain H. ft Lee Shubert, Inc., nigra.) — S. Y.:C. ::-S..Brooklyn. N.-v., HM5. "Teixlerfoot"—Cblccico, ,111.,.2-8. "Vdbdcibllt Cup" (Joh. M. GaLcs, mgr.)—Okla- ' boaia Clly, Okla.; S, El Reno fi, Dallas, Tel., • ,.8. ■ -r. WlllJon'w, Hatlle (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—N. Y-Clty 3, lmleflrtlte. ■ Waters,- Tuts (NJsoh & Zimmerman, nigra.)— Bal- timore, Md„ 3-S, ■ Frederick' 10, nanover. Pa.. lr.'Uagrmlowu. Md., 12, Carlisle, Pa., 13, Un- carter 14,; Columbia 15. ... Wills MuhIcuI (Jobti "It Willa. mgr.1—Kluslm- nae.FIa.,-3-5, -nkeiaud 0-8. Plaut Clly 10-12. aa W«a4Nfitd M (Jos M. Gnltefi, ' mgr.)—Cednr lUmldB,- !«., 0. Iowa City C, Burlington 7, Qulney. 111.. 8 fc Kl. I-oola, Mft,, 0-JD. . "Wfci-rd of Ox"—nortig ft !<eapoa'a--.N. Y. Clfy 3-16. * ' "Ysnkpe Cou-nl" (John t. Slocum, mgr.)—Den- ver; Cola, 10-15.r '. . Ul HLCSQ t L: AND VAL'DEVILtK. Anibrlcaiw*. Kdwln B. Miner's—Scrabtbn, Pa., 3- S,'N. V. City 10-15. Ales tar HiMUtles tT. V. Dliikiu*. tugr.)—Louis- ville. Ky., 2-8, Cincinnati. O., 9-lf». Awnue OlrlM (Geo.-Hale, nigr.)—Providence, R. 1„ S-8.; Boatou. Mass.. 10-lC. . Boston BelU-a (Jnck Singer, nutr.)—Pittsburg, l'a., 3-8, Colunibu.-*. U., 10-12, ludlaiinpolls, ML 13-IS. BuclH-lur Club (Harry Halting*, mgr.)—ludlsii- apoilt. Uhl., 3-5. Coiuuibus, O., U-S, ClcTclsud 1U-15. BryantV. Hurry C Eitrflvagnnza—N. Y. City 3-8. Prcrldeoee. It. 1.. 10-15. Blue RlUt'iii Girls.. Jaiucs Hyde's—Kansas City, Mo., 2-8, si. -i-ir.. Bowery Borlesquers (Jw.- llurllg, mgr.)—Spring- field, Mass., 3-3. Albany. N. Y., 0-8, Reading, l'a., 13-13. Bot-.cinlaiis (Bnntey OlranT, mgr.l—Baltimore, Md.. 3-S, PblladilpliU. Ta., 10-13. Bon Tons (Rush hi Wclt-r. mrrs.)—Cblcago, 111., 2-8, Detroit. Mich.. 0-13. Brigadiers (Cbns. Cromwell, mgr.)—S. Y. City 3-8. Brbman'fc Stow (F..D. Bryan, ugr.)—St. Louis, Mil., 2-K. Ci.l-MK ■. HI.. P-23. Black Crook Jr. (Harry llssthigs, mgr.)—Ot- tnmwj. Ih.,'- 0, Fort Mndlsuii 0, Qulney, III., 7, Alton 8. Bruudwny CJoiely tUrls (Jntnw 11. Curlln, mgr.) — Khussh City. Mo., OIO. Clly Siiorw (Phil Sheridan,' mgr.)—Newark, N. J.. :t-8. r.rwklyii. N. K. 10-22. Cracker Jaeks (Harry leoui. Mgr.)— Baltimore, Md:, :is. i-it:■--1 iiiu-. p.i.. 10*13-- Cuiupl-ell'H Xiglitlngalcs (llarrie B. Pierce, mgr.) —-KansaM-Clty, Mu., 2-8, Ni. Louis 0-15, Cbrrr>- Bluwonvi (M. Jscotsi, mgr.)—Wosblng- toa,. D. O., 10-15. Colonial llelles (Cbss. Falke, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N..Y.. 3-8. N, Y. Clt7 10-22. California Glrl« (G. U. Tamer, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich.. 2-tk Chicago. 111., 10-15. Devere's. Kara. Own—Minneapolis, Ulna.* 2-8. Dnlnly Daojiest. fltuab ft WfO M, mgrs.)—Detroit, .. Mlrh., 2-8. Toledo, 0.. 0-15. .. ■ Drealnluui Beauties (Bert J. Kendrlck, mgr.) — Plttsburs;. Pa.. 3-8, Johnstown 12. Empire Itorlewpiers (J. Fenneaay. mgr.)—N. Y. City 3-8. Philadelphia. Pa.. 10-15. Fav Fouler (Joseph Oppenliclmer, mgr.)—Jersey City, X J.. 3-8. N. V. City 10-1S. . G real it New York Sutra (JeroKin i Jerome, mgrs.) —Sew Orleans. La., 3-8. Gas Morning Glories (Kim A. Scribner, mgr.) — Cincinnati, 0., 2-8, Birminibam. Ala.. 10-15. Giy Mnwberaders (nam A. Scribner, mgr.) — Providence. B. I.. 3-8, Boston. Maaa.. .10-15. GoUlcn Crook (Jacobs ft Jernion, mgra.)—Iteaolog, Fa-. 3-5. Newark, N. J.. 10-1S. Greenes Vaudeville 'Bernian Green, racr,)—Bar- berton,' Oi. 5. Chicago d, .Norwalk 7. Upp-r Sanduiky S.-Creilli.e 10. Mafwiield II, Ada 12, D*Ipboi 13. Winchester. Ijul.. I*. . . Ilia Sckool Girl IT. W, Dlnklns. mgr.l—IniUsn- spolls.-lwi:. 3-», I/siisrUtw Ky.rb-13. InCln'H Big Mto'w (Fred Ir«ln, mgr-i—Pbiladrt- pbla. Va.. 3-8. Newark-- N. J.. lOrl.L Meals (II. W. ft Hl»-Williams.- ngnO— N. Y. • .CHv 3-S. PhllsdelrdiU.-Pa.. JO-IS. ..' bnoceat aJalds (T. W. Btnklns. mgr.l-^St, Paul, ftliutt..U-8. Duliu.i tt-iv>. ***•. _ . ■ ■ Imperial, iu. W. ft Kiau WllHnaia, mgrs.)—JJ. sVCtiy 1-8. Paletaon, K. J., 10-15.,,.. ..,„■-., J, rs-.t. MIL- (J. I<:rn«Mii, mgr.J—BOitoli, ilass., iaVSt. X. City 10-.5. .,.•'_ ■r.-- tf\ i-.-. ssrtr ^ -- >i > , a j | .»i " ft< vifm . - ,1 "Jolrr OrsJw-WMnws'(riB*"W';''Boes,n, mgr.)—aJV wat.. O. V., ;ui, troy.'sM. \fcnltaal, Ct*., Jolly Girl* (Gas Lteiilbg. ngt)—Philtilclnci*. -•n.,-UK. Y. Cite 1&-U.. -- ^{T Keat-orkv. Belle* (liohert Ocrdon. mgr.)-^CmclD- ««1. 0., 28, CfmelonJ lAVir.. ^^ J TCalekerhMkert (I«al.i Bohb>. tagr.)— Bonllo, N. .Y.. n-9. ltoehr*ter IV151 ... Ltd Lifters (H. g, Woodhotl," mgr.)—Blrail=s- "ham, Ala., 3-8. New Orleatw. La., «£lo. TajtoHM tke Great (T.- C^Lafayoue. otgf.) — Iw*slon. Hi**., 3-S. Brooklyn. S. V.. HKa. Merry GtHMtta (Robert Mills, mgf.)—Phlla- •lelphla. sVa:. M. " ''■ , Miss Sew York Jr. II.-Ea. Herk, augr.)—Dulntb, Msbbm 2-S. JAtOHasasAaj n-13. .. ._ .-. Merr.T MaMcns (L'tiss. W, IHiniets. mgr.)—CieTo- Ut>l. O.. M, I'iu.l,■;-_• l'i: IiM'. Msjevilrs (Vrwl Irwin, tiisr.*—Brwtuh. 'Ma»a., 3- S. SpriagfVld 10-12. Aluany, 3L Y„ i:t-13. Merry Maker* (It. K. I-arios. ingr.)—Tffly,' N. Y., n-.'i, Albany 0-8. Scrsntoii, Va.. 10-13. M-irgjan'it Vandevlllf—.Mexico. N. Y.. J-b% NllliEOwls (Rolier! M.neliestcr, nuyf.)—Rf^bca- let, L Ll-t, Albany 1012, llolyoke t Mom., «-13. . ■ ■ • . .'. Nee Ur.,i-n Gaiety Olrla (Cliff W. Grant tntr.) —Baffaio. N. Y.. 3-S. Detroit. Mich., 6-1C. New Ornturr UlrU (Jobn J. Moyulhan, tngr.) — H..Y. «V 315. Orientals Htnlpli Eilwarda. mgr.)—Marshall. II!., 5, I'trh 0, Charleston 7. Matlooii 8, Charn- Ittlrii ll'. Clluiiiu 11, 1'ana 12, Lincoln 13, Dc- cntar 14. Alton 15. ... ;-. Part* by KIght—N. V. City 3-8, Phnadelpbla. ISb 10-ic. Parisian IQasngi iRusb ft Weber, mgra.)—Kan- ttti City. Mo.. 0-15. Patuiau iic'Ilm (Cbnx. F.. Taylor, mgr;)— Milwau- kee, Wis., 2-8, St. Paul. Alipii., tf-10. RliHo ItotinderH (Cliss. Franklin, mgra.)—To- ronto, Oil., 3-8, UnfTalo, X. Y.. 10^15. Itetww*. AL—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 3-8, N. Y. City 10-13. i - - Bote Hill lliglhb Folly fRIce & Barlon, mgra.) — AV.aiiy. X. V, 3-5, Ilolyoke, Mass., U-S. Bos- IOB lll-l.'. RwU-SnnOey (AbeLcavltt mgr.)—Reading. Pa,. 1-8. Pclladc-hrfTu 10-13. -. BJ.-s- ft Barton", Big Gaiety—Brooklyn, N. Y., Rose Sydell'n LoikIod Belles (W. S. Campbell. mgr.)—Cleveland, 0-. 3-8, Baffalo, N. Y., 10* i-iT Rellly ft Wood's {Pat Bellly. mgr.)— WasblDg- ton. D. C..3d(. llaltluvrc. aid.. 10*15. U:u:.-.-;y Girls (1'etcr 8. Clark, utgr.)—Pbllldol- Pliiar Pa., .1-8; Hhr bhoW (Brlx .(W. Frnncwy. mgr.)—Cblcago. 111.. 2-8. Mllvrnnkre. Wis.. 0-15. Birujlem (L. C. Zelleoo, mtr. I—llnnnlbul. Mo., 3-8. Fallon ID. Mexico tl. Vamialla 12, Cen- tral la Wl, Muntgoiuery 14. Warrcnton IS, TL.)rough>reiU (Wa*ii Martin, ragr.t—Worcester, Mb-m..- 'Ji-8. Brooklyn, N. Y.. 10-15. Trsus-Atlaulic BurleiflUers, Ilortlg ft geainun's— Uritlrnorc. Md.. J0.-15. Tleer Lilies (Iwy.Orodi, mxr.»—St Lools, Mo., 21-8 : IsdlarMpolIti, 1ml.. 10-15. TriKsdcna (Chas. II. Waldron. tugr.)—Columbus, O.. 5-5, lndlanaiwllH, lud., 08, Cincinnati, O., 9-1B. Ta-eatleth Century Mnldn (Maury Kraos. mgr.)— Patersou. N. J.. 3-8,-Jcrsey City 10-15. Vanity Fair (Robert Muncheder, mgr.)—-Chicago, III.. 2-15. Wat'on'a BRrtewpK-rs (Sam Robinson, mgr.) — Montreal, .Can.. 3-8, Torynio,10-15. World Beaters (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.)—Toledo, *).. 2-8. iDdiananoils, lud., 10.12, Udumhus, 0.. IS-13. Wine. Women aisl Soob (M. M. Tbolse, mgr.)— N. Y. City 3. indefinite. Wiirtilastoii Socleiy Girl* (W. B. Watwu, mgr.)— Lo-'.c:, Mass.. 3-8, Worcester 10-15. MIN'STni.LS. Estiow.'p IJ. A. Oahnrn. mgr.)—Balnbrldge. Ga., S. Tallah'assfe, Fliu, q. Lire Oak 7. Caliies- Tllle- 8. Sautonl ll, ta-npa 12, 13, Key Weat Ml 16. . Barlow tk Wilson's (I.iwrtuce Barlow, mgr.)— Ciirtoa Forge, Vs.. C ( ,■ -. ■ l)ooltptail(-r's. Lew (Charles B. Wilson, mgr.)— Washluglon, D. C. 3-S. York, Pa., 10, Lan- canter 11, Allimtovm 12. EasUm 13, New Brunswick. \. J., 14. ■ Trenton 16. DonoellY ft Hatfield"s—-Tyler. Tk.. .*. Terrell C. Knlils 7, -Wszaiischie.8, Coralcaiia 10, Mexla 11 ..Bryan 12. Daa.lj Dixie, Voelckel ft Nolao'x (John J. Nolan. Dugr.)—Winona. Miss., 5, Columbus .0, HL-iuiu.-- biira. Ala.. 7, B. Atlanta. Ot... 10, 11, Marietta HE) Banp 13, Chattanooga, Tcnu., 14, Somcnet, Ky.', IS. • . .- ■■'"**. Dg Rue Bro-«.* (Blllj Do Rao, mgr.)—Dexler, N, Y.. 5, CsrlluiBe M. . • ■ . l'IeJ<l*B. Al. G. (Doc. Qulgley, tngr.-)—Henderson, Ky.. ,1, Owrhshoro 4. Lexington .3. Paris .0, Mnysrille 7. Iluntloclon, W, Vs., 7, Cliarlesttm 10. l'nrtmnisith, O.. II. CLllllcotlie 12, WelU- ton 13. Neluonviile 14, Colotnlftts 15,' Gorton', (C.■ C. Pearl,' tncr.)— Bock Springs. Wyo., G, Green River 0, Kranston 7. Blngbaai L'unyori, V.. 8. • - G«»- Bros.'- (fi. B, :On.r, mar.)—St. Catherines. Cnti.. 5. WellandO.- Niagara Falls .7, Medini. N. Y..S.- -. Ill -Hnnry's — Waseeo. Minn.. .5, Farlbanlt a, Nortliflehl - 7. Re>I Wing 8. Mlnnca)K>lls ft Kp-Kciii>i*, Billy (iti-n. \„ Barton, mgr.)—Metn- ptala. Tenn:. 5. Humboldt fl, Qn-enUeM 7. Mar- tin 8. UaySeld. Ky.. in, Cairo. HI.. 11. Pada- eab. Ky.. 12.-Marion, 111.,.I3i Murpliysboro 14. Dnt-wia .15: ■? •' ■ " "*- '- ■■■ .-' - -' ';-- -" Prlmrtu«e. Gen. (F. J. Thiuie. nigr.)—Aiutl;i. Tex.,'fl, penlsoii «1.- Sberuuu: 7, Fort Worih.l*. rkallss 10. U. Siireveuort M.. 12. Trxsrkaim, Ark..J3. Pliie Bluff 14. Little Rock 15. Paiill rtriis'—Lawrvtirebnrg, lisl.. 5, Aurora 7. rtsj-ffKl S, VernOri 10. Seymour 11, Brownstowu 12, JUlchcIl K l-oogooiec. 1 1. Rlnora 10. . i-HUT-iKS. IJ*i*eiils-cfc*s. Carl—l^i lirsiw. Tex - .. 3. Gotixab-M 4. Ssu Atifonk> 5, thiaro U, Ylclorla 7. Iteerllle 5. Allrr in. fjiredo 11. (.nmlo, Mrxleo. 12, M !:■■: 1-. 13-til.. Shii Br>H>.' (Oro. Suit, tngr.)—Camilla. Oa., 7, Ujult«um-sV- - - -, Sparks'. J. IL—Rnnlaisl. N. C, 10.. Broadmsja 11; Conway; S."C. 12. ■ HISCKLLANEOIS. Dariesu Coniedr- Co.—Ito-«tnn. .Minn., 3-28. - Itrii'x Min-liii,' Mctun-tv Eis-icrn (Frank A. Moore, iugr.1—Waverly. X. Y., 10, ll, Sayre, Ta., 12, ■l£ Kcfnnton 14. If*.. IIcH'k Movlni; Plcnnfs (Frank A. Moore, mgr.)— Kniskfort. Iml.. Mi, Ufnyeltc 11, Fair Oaks 13. 13. BloomJngton. U... U, 15. C,ulk»ui:ik— Grafiiiii, N. II., 5, Alexandria 7, Brlslnl 8... Crcker'n Trained Horses (John C. Patrick, mgr.) —Salmuahcn. N. Y.. n, iHean 7. 8. WellSTlllo 10. II. Perry 12. 13. Wjir-iiw 14. 15. Cry-talplex Caridval (M. 11. Walsh, mgr.)— LUtrraoie Fsllx. Me.. 3-*, Madison 10-15. Flint. Mr., and Mrs, Hur1>ert L. 'II. L. Flint. ■iu-r.)-rKents>bn, Wis., B-t, Rockford, 111., 10- 15. FqsiI't'h Murine Plrtores (W. If. Foster, nigr.)— HcIIovk JKaUa, VI,, 0-8, Orange. Mass., 10-12, ..\I hoi. 13-15." Crimib liypootlc Kneehtlly Co, (B. B. Batea, r»gr.>— Btanvser, Nebr., 3-S, Colamrms 10-15. Gi-orsl* Troubadours. fWa. MrCslw. ingr.l—Rot- lcisjc. Minn., 5. Barnam a. Willow Hirer 7, Mm** 1-sk* V. 0. Iee'a Olncs BhiwerB (Jack Lee, mgr.)—Lewis- town. Pa..."(<8. Muutforl, Madame I-ydla (Sweely. Shlpman ft Co., inyrrs^}—Kansas Clly, Mu., 94, Topeka. Kid., Ilofiro'n Movln; Pielnres (Fronk A. Moore, mgr.) —Charleston,-W. Va., 10-1."- llyskrjous Klra (Prof. II. Rlualdo, mgr.)—Mln- en-rille. Pi-. 3-5. Aslilmd 0-8. Mam's tbsTialty Co. (At. Manx, mgr.)—Nortb Hare.-, Me., K C'SIOPlngton 7. 8. I'rescelle and E<lna May Msitoon ll*. W. Ma soon, mgr. 1—Webster. Mass., :t-«. Fitcbbuw 10-15, Powell's Faual Llfeornmi (Howell Powell, mxr.) Ualosjrown. Kv.. rt-5. Marion u-8, Ll-inan 10-12. Pcwfrs, F. J.—Cairo. HI., 3-8, Padocab, Ky.. 10- ID. Itnpp,- Mr. and Mrs. (Ao-nstn Rapp, mgr.)—Liw- renee Mkb.. 3-8. uVkblisea Amusement Co. (Dan Robinson, mgr.) —'ti-U^J-ine-j, All,, 3-8. Rtesuri's. Cop. Hig Animal Show—Unutlnitoil, Ins.. 3-8. Thnnton. Howard (Harry V. Lyons, nigr.)—Bom- baj. Icdls. 3-30.. ; . ._ flrntn ttts opportunll7 br adtliofr in your pronta. nJnndrrda Blorclct are qkciI rurdirisimns pruonu, espoilftlly JuVmiiIIb Ulryclet. Onler jouritouk quick tod run no chance of nf losing sales. hi Juvenile Bicycles Positively the Best BoTi'anti OlrK 201n. WhNls, 15m.Tf-mMJ0.00 Boys' int OlrU' 24m. Wh.eU,'16|iD. Frjn«, J2S0 Bdjb' ud OlrlB' 26U. Wtae«h, 181a. fruns, 85.00 Adult Bicycles Colombia and Hartlnrd, Cleveland and WeifBeld, Eambler sod Ideal, Tribune aad Stormer, Bosarcb, . Imperial, Crescent, . $as to $ioo Wr ite for information. - ■ ■ . .1.1111m Pope Manufacturing Co. • HARTPORD, CONN. J 0\TEB>CoAt ENDS. We offer an ul]-*:lk satin lined Witter OvcrconU) measure, f 25; former p»'cc»( $30to$6o. The material, style, fit and .vorkmtuuhip must l>3 sniiafactoiv to 'jou or I' here. ■.:•■* Thu best sBiple value in the world is our Combination r'ull Drcis Suit with Tuxetiu Coat tattle ol English Urapc, sllic linei and ftcutl, to mcaatito, at 162. Stylo aiiiuotifc* better at aiiy price. Af Samples of the materials with sillt lining, forslecvea, body of coat and fuc-ng mailed to any address. ; /■ Broadway and Ninth Street, IVew York. =3 IndUnaiiolla.—-At Kilxlleh'rt Opera Home 'Ail. h*. Miller, innnngcri "AII-of-n-Huddcii I'cgfyV -**aw. ill. i>lea!*ttl fair alzed nudl- enrei. tnatlne*! and ululit. "The Jungle," JO. had a gooil liotitte. I'lm Murphy, In "Old lunucence,' 'JH, 2'J; Krnuk Daalelrt, In "tlcr- gialilt.Ilhi*." SB. Dec. I, ("ARK 'J'lIKATHK lIHi'k-'ili & Tnlhlltt, iiliui- tKiTKL—-'ite-Jfunl'i» Hope." sa>Ovt. I. drew capiU'Iiy busiilCMs. Tlie nice scene iwtween n train tint) nut»inohlle wuh tlia aubjetrt of much favorable touttnent. I«ia\u Ul'KKA lios'Mi; (rilitilVr /leglvr. niiDngon.—Tu« ijrpbcntu Hbuw Mtood tfieni up at every uerfurmunrc laat week. Way- burii'n "Rain Dcnrs" nud Neva Ayniiir, Wal- ler C Kelly. Max iintl-Mmt'. Kouuruli, Work uml Oner, lid. F. lleyuurd. lluxiuu (JiiorHtlc ai:tl Claude ninl I-'nnny Hslior all scored IiIr. Hooked week of iJec. Tl r Col. Canton Bor- de\'erry. Carter He Huven nod Flora l*ETkcr, Four Idti-os, Muir. Itcnz, .luck (lardaer. Kleanor Uarrell. Llillaa Hbaw, ft-ward Clark nnd Six AVlduwi. 1-,UPIR>: (t'hflv. Zlruoierruiin, manager).— Alcazar Ilenuitci Lad a i>rnK|»crous week. Jinies I.e-»nn;'Fs euinedy work ,v;i» aupre> clited. Illgb HcIhmI flirts week ot .1. fJATfiTV (Krtward Khnyne. manager).—Tbe I.lil.Lifters, Nov. 15.--4, frnre aa umwimlly ntrotiff. sliow, f j T»ry blif btuilneHS. Rose Sjdoll'i 1-ondoii Hellct rilled a re(un> en- f'OKStnent, l'B-^M. to bbr business. (Jay Morn- tr Glorlei 20-her. 1. Badielur Club 3&. Norr.—I-'mirw Ktmrs will appear at Caleb idllis.Utll Dec. 4. infnvctte— At tlie Grand (Geo. Munt*or- tMck. mafliigcr) "Nettle;, the N'ewMglrl," Nov. ..1, jravc HAtlBfuctlon to fnlr bualneMii, In upllc of nturioy weatber. Dllery'H llano, 'JU. •j't. gave three tiluasluu (tiurerts lu good intrtinnge, and Ilie- Olrla* industrial Hcbonl jiroilted (bereby. "Iled Feather," "_M, unit. iCiniisvUlo.—At itiv (ii-nijil i$m*Ti* Bureli. ini|!iiu-..i'--i, tvilli pupulur prlees, (lit 4lrninl .Stock Co. !» giving 0 slroiiit tuper- n.r\v nf pliyg. rat* of Nov. Lt> "Tbe Tie 'lliiit Hinds" was idvun. Al. (L l/kid n.w. 1, i'twn.K';! (I'l-dley & lliirc-lj, aaftauantv-; (iooil inidii uu-.-i Id sec tin; Hluli Klycra Nov, -IIM.-). "The Itnjnli of ltbuiii(" wita kIvuu, to two good ntidici.ii'H, 'J.*». mid sutlsfaciloti wo» uiiinlfcsh'd hv llbeful nppimtHe. .rdAdlc Cat- tiomt Bfr. "J, lu "My Ijfgln tlltl." . "0 - w.j.i.s-lif.ii.n (Alicli Jenkins, manncer). —ilijui) umiikm Nov. SnV2B, wlieu M avna> den's How »if l'ijN' wiis well given, "THd 1,1111(1 (>f .\od*' J.I I 1 iii-Jfd t-WM I,Ig l.OUsvn Oil i'liiiiik-uivliii; Duy, mid iileiiaeu. IHaa^n Wulslj, In "Tlie 'A'cniiiii In the Chsp." ylujed id 11 pnvkod Ikhimi au. Lit urn Burt and Henry Htanford \hr. 1, . . IHjoi; (UftA, Helllngcr, manager).—Lsron piHrouiij-c. The bill Nov. '_'*» mid week it liendi'd uyJetodo Contliuiil mid eoniuany. Frmikfori— Ai the Illlnn (Uiigabriike k Huirui'd,.nnnig'r» 1 "Fnttiatia. played b> 11 Mfsas niul Hpprvelallve iiudli'iicn Nov. 10. ■ The U-'hh- Mull" did Hatlnfdeiury IiumIikmii 111. Wllllrin linij Jon. JeiTfrson mvl a niiten- dhl coinpatiy pmipuied. "I'lnyloK Ui*i Ooiae" 17, bi 11 large midlciirc, ,l«»lni I,. I Id-iikJuiav, in "C'iiii, Cm-ii'sH." jiluvwl to ciijiucUy 1U, and K-ve nn! Isfnctbdi. "hnvbl ('arson <-% ■John Mnrlln's Heerut" W. "My DljdoUlrl" ««. "The I*lt" Uce. 1, "Forty-ilvo Mlautcn from IfMifltlwiiy". 4. Ciivktai; (Clio*. Welch, waiiuger). — A. splendid bill. IfiKl week, brought kIhikIIhk room ouly «1 eovh perfornmii'/e, The f^rystiil whs opi'iied 11 year uun lust week, Tbu bill r--r nick of Dec. 'i ln<-liirJi*M r Shiirtley and Illlnn, Ihi ihutigii Mi:o, litlinl Young, Uismcr, Cbuj. uud Jinnlc Welch, and the kloodtvun;. 1b*-» .uud ulsbt, had capacity, and pleased. Tbe Al;i!;ii Tan Otuega. of l'urduc, bought the ctjtfrc parmiet for the tilgbt pcrfotuiunce. ■""■ • ahaplro Ofirninnr, Mi trice Shapiro jformalty opt-red hie of* flres nt nrondwHj ftrd Thltfy-nlqtb Htfeet, New Tork.'TM. l, l-dga,r Seidet- U Benu-tl roaxajwr. ood Brut Green tflflnflgpr of rirn- f*«iiktival o>pnrtment.i ^ThP.oUlces are rnos* liDprMftlte'r eppoluted. DUsiaeii -jtarteU wlCk-'a-tilrA. - - and eaterialned their visiting football friends md a theatre party. Dlgby It-It Dec. 1, Bat!■-Memorial '-, "t'apl. Careless" ;■;, La- fayette Drtmattr, Club 4. "Fnrty-flve Min- utes from Urvadvray" 0, "Tbe ltnjub of llbong" 8. ;'am:lv (D. W, Mmtrlfc, manager).—fJood business and flow openM vreek <if Nor, :(J, ■ T,.io Oxaya, Master Hlater, b!ic:njo:t ■ad Hfrasr. Uuia McDowell. Felix llleu aad the kiuodniuo: Col.isEi-ir.—Graro Van Hturidlford, '22, la eoaeert, drew only fair business, hn*lng op- position. After Nor. 1*0 the ColUcum will te aiven orc-f fo roller skating. n^tes —Madii-ji* clchaauiDp-Uelalt tasg to'a large rtudlence tt Fowler Halt Nor. -14. .....Work: 00 '.t? ntw flvo cent theatre It rapidly oearing romptetloo, and th(< uaoie will b» taietvtd Pit, L.}TVm< l'lDiaetj, of "IiM Fefllbflf" Cd.. 9m enieriflini-d wblle here t; aa eld friend, iln. Gi-orku Xlhndet- back. - Tlie Kullf itborci Slrhiu: ttitiirtette. Wc bud the uteujurc recently of !l»ten'a« to ibc V.itn-i Kultenhorn Htrlntf Quartette. Tate t-r>nn>rt wan strictly private,-and con* Murpieiiily most, enjoyable. It w*H mustetl In tin; hi'st sense, gtveo In a private resi- dence, mlnVt aiirroundlDirs rule ilntfU to brluu cut the hut ctT-'i-tH of the players. Tlie atlaek, piimslnir ana coloring; wnnrw llcnliii'ly noticeable. Froui the most delluaie of |riatiInIrritfK, to'the HouorouH rcsponsci In Hir concfrl'd pnssuife 4 , the playldg showed Inti-IJIucnl study, Tlio interprututlon was nrtlxlU' ,n.l echoltrly. Froin Hie KnydoA ■Jiiarlette. In C major, Including Mmmr.nn's <juurli-'tli). la A minor, to Hip McndelMahn ConceiTo 111 R minor, for violin,, plgysyd by Mr. KaltoniKirn, tbe work was;mirked-<mui syuipuilntlc .feeling and dash. One of the pftaasamssnf snrnrlsed of the evenlna was the Ida no ncrouiiHiulment to tin contort© bv the loafs daiijr*" pianist.- Tri duilug tlie evening, wus greatly enjoyvd by llOlt's d.i'if.te;, an awoiupilshod nnuitrnr pianist. ■ ThU and other *-oik by the.lady, the evf - *" the few MWtttr U.indc!'-i 'jlLnrgo" was tjtven as cello nnlo bv Dr. Ilelae. tue 'cellist of the esiarinlie. wlili ■arft.n ii.'t-i'Uipiiidfufi!'. which mm pllt]f«il wilu uioeh fuollug uud oei-lccl tocUulc