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1140 CV*+ THE 3 S I JJ I W YORK CLIPPER. December 15 o-xa *r T7 & isr :es iwoit T WORDS BY JACK MORWORTH HOW WATCH FOB THE IMITATIONS. MUSIC BY ALBERT VON TILZER .'■.':>., t ■ IOWA. ' )■ Kcovak.—At 'tin : U Salle(Uee\»8„* Dodic, managers! lor week of Dec 10:. BI- BB feeltalre toil Elliott, Murray Slmunia, H,fi W«rt-«nit'BvaPerliliis. -Sunday night Mend concerts have bees Inaugurated at till-home-,.and Friday night It fir.amateur talent; in addition to;uio regular programmo. rJIom-^-At La Orange Hi)., foreuoon ol IJcc: 2. » showman,killed an offlcuvserlottsly vonaded a deputy, and la probably fatally idiot himeelf, it tie remit of.an attempt to aetbver possession 1 of a trunk ' belonging to Orln K, Blnart, which had been held for B dcKf Constable Bohon, Deputy Luvall and Mnribal Palmar, of' La Orango, were at- tacked oy.atuarl, aud two employes of the Stter. on board a booseboat moored at the ooTpg. Deputy Dutall was.killed and.Oott: •table llobon probably fatally wounded. *3|rj- ert waa allot through the utotnoeli and may not reMMr. ' V boy employed by Stuart re- aelTed a bullet wound through the band. Stturt and bis two associates, Millard and Doyle, were held by the coroner i Jury, to; murder, subject to tbe action of tlie Lewis Conjity Court. They were put In Jail at Mon- tlcelo, Mo. The Stuarts, accompanied to ttelr two children, and Millard and Doyln bad been engaged In flying eihlbltlonH In the towns along* the Mhnlttlppr River, traveling iTa houteboat Mr. Stuart'a.home Is «i Indianapolis, and ha; la a member. Of the Order of Eaglee. ... i.i I.-,'..' I . . Cedar Hanlus—At Greene's Opera House ttau Ulnar good- crffjffj..' "Uncle Bl Uanklna,! 2. arnueed a good house.. "The Dhow, Olrti .«.' "Wonoorlaod," <?, pleased a, good sized house. Emma Eamet 1 long recital, 0,.charmed a-very appreciative audlenee. 'The Real Widow. Broyvn" 0, Sergeant Klttr 11, ''The Bcliiaw Man" 12, Kellar IS,. "The District Leader" 14, "A Crown of Thorns' It). tn0 Dalrymplt Co. 16 aid 28, Lyric alee Clpb 20, "Vuy and Aliey" pj ,-•■.- ■, • ::P<0PI,I'8 (Vic Hugo, manager).—Week of D;: lilndaay's monkejB, Earn Bros., olarj Mad- devRaymond and Good, JUy.V. IIbj and He klnelowOTC. *. ." - - ■ ■ ;■•. . NoM.—The stage attaches and ushers at. Grteos'B Opera Bonse enjoyed taolr annual hnnduet Thankiglvlnj'.night. Key W. 1'ay. «the People's, and C. IL Stuart -sang, and A- K. ATerlll gave a trombone selection. : : Dnlinunc—At tie Orand Opera House I Wo, ,l. Bradley, manager). the Standard Opera Co., Nov. 2», 80, drew large boutw. ','Over Ulagara Pallt": pleased largo audi- annas Dec. 1. Dubuque Lodge. 207, B. P. O.. E„ -held- Its memorial- services 2, Broth- er Galvio,' V. a. E, of Cincinnati, being'the Orator A .speclul -feature of the occasion waa the music by the Dubuque Choral H0- alety, It ' being Its flrst apriearanco under the directorship of Mrs. bertha Lincoln HeuatIs. . A packed house witnessed an ex* hlbltlon of naval pictures, by the U. 8. Gov- ernment, t. Return engagement of Mabel Barrlson and Joe Howard, In "The District Leader," 10. - '■■ "■' '" ''■' Bu.oi: (Jake Rosenthal, manager).—Bill week of 3: Heunlugs, Lewis and Hennlngs, Jlmmle Lucas,- Marllul Naxliaillan, MartJ- nettle and.Sylvester, Barry Hansen, and iho kUiodrumo.' ' '* ■ t . Davenport.—At the Hull Is Opera House. "The Home .Seekers'.". came Nov.; 2T. "Too Prince of Pllsen," SO, did good business, t/.. ;S,- Navy , pictures Dec. I, Vibe .Show Girl'' 2, Paula hKlwardas 4,.'The-Bohemian Sir!" :B, "Martha'.', tl, Everybody WorkB But alierv 7,-Helen Byron, In "Sergeant Kitty," 8': ■ "The • MstrlM Leader" . 8, "The Real Widow Brown" 10. ... • ■'■•£! .. JuitNeit (juanp,— Virginia Hamed. In "The Love.Letter" catae to a.good house 8. ■■ ^ELim.,—Week.ot'8: Tlio Tennis Trio; Alt. Holt, Kobert's-dogtvaud LonaKlloe. rAltlLV.—Weak of 8,: .Mutlon.uitd Dean. VoOUlla 'and Nlnu. George lilllnian, McGee and Colllnu, and ICatUerlne Martin. '.•■:'.' i t . . v For<Dodite.-At the Midland .Theatre (Wn. 1'. Durmer, munngor)tbe.Noveliy.siock Co.' opened a live nights' engagement Dec.' 4, to good business. Aavlaldo TburBtoa :i. Jano Kennark, in "The Toast of tuo Town,".vt J as Sell/received Nov., UO. "Everybody Works ut Father" drew big attendance at. two iier- formancoH on Thiinkeglvlng. "A Crown iof Tborna'' 11, "Ikoy and Abey" .1$,, "Tho Broncho .Boater" 15. '-.■-..' ■' , AtrorronmBt 1A. C. Smllli. manager).— The FlftyBliUt Reglmeat Band did big bustuevB Doc' 2. • r> , I .-.' B .Iowa City.—At the Opera House (C. ; C. Rowloy, manager). Cole and Johnson present- ed "Tie Sboo^lj Regiment" Kuv. 28. Stet- soa's-"L'nilo Tora'tOabln" Co., 80, came lo Jood attendanco. "Tbo College Boy" Dec. 1, pa. G. liuward anil Mnhei Barrleou, lu "The District Leader," follows, "The Gingerbread Man" lu, Dalrymple Stuck Co. 17 and week. <il ■ 'JJBSAS. Galveaton-—At.tbc Grand Opera Houso (Dave'-A. IVele, manager) Mildred Holland, ln'"Tbe»Llly-and-the^Prlnce," pleased fair audlencea Nov. 27, mntlneo-and night. Viola Giiietwa Opera Co. preseaunl "The Girl and the Bandit" to n'fairly good, elzed audience 28. Countess Olga Von Hatzfeldt, In "Tho Little DncllciB," did fairly, well 2U. George i'rlmroBe'a MlnBtrels drew n full house 30. "The Scout's Revenge" had 'good sized houses /Dee. .2; matinee and night... VParsl- f«l" 0. "The Little Joker" 8, "Til* Clans- Sf£ 8 '.^ - M„;..'' i.v. - MISSOURI. —:,., ifr-i ivcek wait Jlvid^l tetCR-«u "Sergflftnt Kitty" »nd. Henrietta i.'niHaun. Tola, wdelw Jano Ki-nnHrt Dw. »•!2, and Richard jMaostteld laJ-ltV Ni*t wivk. Louis .laiiit'a t)nd "Tlio li<iuaw Mflii" dlTldo tbo rtino. ".■ .,. tiiUBEnT '<Walf«r Hurttorcl, rDanag«r) .-^ haut woelt, "'On' I'aroiV' drew'gooflatteQd- ani-u, ' Qharlutte - Walker, MnccQt i Herr&ho, Pay; Wlweler' were alt McellenL,. <'ltil8 ■ fre«k, I>;Wftlf ffupuer; "Tlie'Prlncc Ob»p'*.oeit G&and DiKEiA IIo'jhb (Budaon & Judali, rnnnasers). —"liflBt w*ek, "CbeeMni" was wurmly welcomed,' aud did capacity -bual- ochh. ■ Uiidb ftoi-erts reiwlved au ovation. This "weeV, ."HAp."-,Ward,.- and next,9NHU "Hod Feather ,", : . - '■ ? ■: ?*.jji ' OitLia Ofeba HotiBB ' (E-' 8.' "Brlgbam. miinarfer).—tast week.- "Acro»B .tte'fetdflC? did ltt.usual blgweeks' buvtneHa.. 'V\i\* week. '"J'eiaB ;'* next week, "Ah Told inline HIIIb-/. Oiii'iir.-rM ■■(Mania" UM.iaaa.- gciierdi man* n*;^r>.—TSiln weijk: tJu&ld; McC'rea, Kmntat Dovoy, Leah Ruiwell.-Jag. ,.H. Cullen,. Wat* r-uu npii .MoriiHafy Hlatera,: Karl ..Gelleban urjd-Oto. Pferry^LlndBtrom and 1 Ahderata.--. * AuoiToiui/M.—La«t week -tLc Woodward Stock Co.'gave n line pcrformanco ln-"Tho CUarlty Ball." TbtB vreek, "'rhc f.y)wboy and tut- Lady.'" "The Late Mr. Jonea" next, v AUjcWTIC (K. .G.' Ihivfdijnn, nntnager).— tMui, wee.; t tlj'd'j'h CaiuedldnH.. and the Bluo- MANAGERS and ELECTMCIANS, ATTENTI Oaur Maw lSOeMU CATALOGUE It completed, vrlth full description of, and showing method of operation of tnrf. thing pertaining to elleetrlcal ataae craft and park amtiaenienta. Frleo of Gatalogno, Ma cents, which amoant will bt dadstctad from flxtt 85,00 purchase. Sent to regular customers free, MENCHEN L LAttOBST ILtNlirACTUIlEUfl OF ElyBOTBICAlj STAGK APPLIANCES AND EPPKCXS III THB WORLD, 334 WEST 50th STREET, N. Y. CITY. Klbhon Girls, with VI, Htiltnes, Id it ep<>d dan'clpe net. drew well and. pleased. TdIb week, tho rarlnlan wrdowd. The !LU" Lid Llft- tra next. ; ■ ' ■ , CcN'ruiir (Joh. Doucjan. mauauer).-4£.asL week - Cninpbell'u NltftitVigaleu.. with Mmf, MiAellff. jTOVe n good burieiique iferforniDnce. 'I'blri w.|ok', ilic BmadrVfiy Gaiety Girls.* 8am D«vepe's OvtD <lo.■ nes6*. '■ . ■...,,. - t'fiui'LR'H ^T.hT Kn>r".—1'tjoHayWafdfitoek Co. cav|,"! a fipr- performance or "Nortberu Lights" Inst wwh.' tfrace Uaywurd and Ja». f-'ulton- carried oR* He honors. TkJu week, ■ *'At Coaey.CoraerB;"; •■ ■■"<■ > ■ uI : •■•». CMPPKBiN'os.i—'flw lloonler Circus, ao'd« tlia auBplces of (lie local-K. P.. gave petforpi- aaces lu conveotlou ifnHBll of last week, to fair ijusiutfriji...., .MttDHter - Chaw.- Gard- ner-came oofroni New-y«rk tut weelc and rltdted '.'Cieekers."...... .Oias. Hturgew was hrre, talking about "Not Vtii, But Soou.'V . . . "•' - •', -..,-.*.L..a.l- ^ a g l - | <M-,.. l *. '— , ' . .- 7>,r M. Jo«e|»h—At Tootle'a <C. u.-Phlllay, niunager) "Oheckers't had two large • audl- enceB Dee. 1. ''Tho District Leader" did well .*[.■ Henrietta. Crosoiau, C t , (had- good. hiiBlneirti.-."Tho .Maid, and tho.'&ummy* 8, LouIb James.),4. "Hor .Own ; W«y". 15, !'Hap" Ward lit Oeorge ttrdney IV., • .. F .; '• ■ I>yrBU«'(C. U, T'bllley, inanag?E).^-"Wa Arc King/' -Nov. i.'9.;tO, pleajjcdT 'f'^ccVeU of Police 1 * bHd good bunlaeesJM- 2, 3., "T-io I>htU"8- Auction.'* 4, 5. liad fair! biiBlnefis. *,TexaB"i <J. T, "The M.h.tUor'e 8on""t), 10. Sam Dai-ore's Go. 11, .11', "At tbe ,Gld Cross .toads'* 13-15. "A Bunch of Keys"- 1 - 16,-17. . Lyme (aj'ra.nk.Im Atley,' manager).—The Graadle' Stuck Co. Is uleaelng -lSrge audi- encea. , . ...?■[" CuvhTAL (Fred Cosman. oiaaager),~^Btll ~3g, Mljjlo, Itor weelc of 3; .phrohd, Jaeh Seymour's dogti, Maltese Stoek map's ttovtsg.t»icture& U' ■ ■ n„ ] t and Coa- WAIlVL.VMt. Bulltimn-*-,—"Mrs. Vtsjgga' 'jt'A the Cab' >*ord'b' (Ghktlai B. bagi)'P«tuh'lKt1ic ; h.ll at Ford, - SOW':* . Nts- cl, ni:ii]nKeb>,r*0, ,10 .iqH wook. "As ft ':' eWd s.- "IVb AM Your Tum" IT-ii-J., t\O.V & Zl.-itMKllMfVTl'H ACAOTOIY (M, J. rec ^t*un^Je , . , 10* audi- Tichmiiytr, iiir,riager).-i-' , The 15. "N1I6. ■ Modiste" pk'.Ued *. forgi MOM -wefik' eliding «. The, hoUaeiFs-r'entcd fOrweflkof IT lu Hie Lluzln Yiddish Stock (.0. - * • ■' '• ' •■ ttfT- , . ; ■■AupiroiitiiM (J/ t,; Keiiiiin. jtftauager);^. 'ihofuati Tj.'Slipii. lietflns ti wuek8 fcagiigetnijiu 10..In .'"rfie UMIs." "A chHngt.of'uroaraniiiH' will be made itbjbUy, "UoTty tott^druw luTjtply ;:-K. - - — , **.-, . "M.uni..'.M> (J. h. Kornwii. iinuioKcr).-— Master ualfrM Is (lie beiidliimr for week, of Milwaukee.—" 'Way Down East." Dec- 2-8, at the Davidson, ■uleased; ■- - Manager ithermun Mrowu offtrs "tilie tStoops to Con- (juer" week of t),;aud "Xlie Coftnty Chair- niBn" week ef 10. -' ■ HnuitEitx (l^dwln Thanliautter, munnger). —neniy K, DUcy.in "Tbe Man on the Box," 9-12: Vaughaa Glaser, la- "Prince CttL" 13-15. ' '■ ■ ■ ' ' ■ . AI.HAMURA rMflanger Jas, A.' Ulyler).— Williams and Walker, In "Abyssinia." 0-15. followed by "Painting the Town;" week of M. "Tne Beauty Doet<>C" put In laBt week ■atlsfactbrlly.' :■■'■■-■;. i ■«■ i Buoti (.TiiLa It. Pierce resident msna- 5er).—"A Haco for Life,*'. 2A foimd favor. t>seph Htnoiley. In "Billy, tbe Kid." week 6M), followed by" "Bertha, the Scwlug Ma* elilne Girl." ■ . B ■i:f4riit.-^-ParlBlnn' Belles last week. Balll- mbrti Peautles ».-10, followed by the SWr Show GirtH' Manager Fr"ank"B; Trottman Is still featuring amateur [w.rformancen Tliurs- day' nfglits. flod BpeclafiauleB* matinee on Friday, both drawing big. ' CnxsTAi..—Manager K B. Winter renorta #ioelIent'<bUHlneHs. Following bill week of 10: Four Luclers, Barry ("Turkey") Boyd, Smltb'and Arado, Theo. UUmarit and com- TPaoy.'iiD'iiinond and James,, and the Crystal- graph. •- ■ ■■ ii ~ ' ■■■»■■- i i 11, • J Eaa f inlrp—At the Grand (C. D.Moon, munnffer) Hen Ilendrlckri, In "Ole Olson/' pleaded .a lui-ge .bouaeUee; *.'. "Dollv Var- den" 10, "Uiujjhh Hearts'* la' Howe's plc- tnres 15, 'Tlie Muld and the Mummy'' Id, "A' Fuorllelallon" 18. . ; ■ . u.Nfdi'E- (IVdi, Armond, resident roana- KSfcsr^f-! 3 . ■ au<1 weel1 •"' o«»a Watson, O'NeU'H Mystic Mtpatrels, Mme. Armond, Howe and Kdwards, Jolm Horringtun and <tcrrIry-Wsters pleased'packed bouaes. Bill feek of 10: Bingham and -Gable, Blaachard and Orrlu, Jos. J, and Myra Davis Dowllnr and others. ... ■ * • , _ .. ;vr - - ■».» ' - — J '\ : i DISI'I UICT OF lUMJMHIA. WnnhiiiKton— al th*. New Natloual (W. H. nfipJey. manager) this 'week, Frltsl ScbetT. ■In.*!Mlk., Modiste." Last week Lew Dock- Bt«,der played'bin usual highly succeseful eu- gagcaicot. Aunle Knssoll 17-^-,'. .rCouJXBU (Luckett 'fiVDwyer. managers). t-TIiIb week,. DJgby Bell. In "The l&uca- tlon of Mr. PJop.'.' Last week ."Tbe Free uadco" bad good liaelneaa. Nat C. Goodwin. in "The Genius," nost. . BELisco (L. Htoddard TayJor. manager). —This week. Henry.WoodrulT, in "Brown of Harvard" Last week .Iohn_B. Kellerd, in "Taps," scored well. > Tbe week - of >Dcc.]7 will be devoted to "A Midsummer Night's Dream," one night by the students'of Robert HIckinnii'H School of Acting, and two nights of Madame Lipalhaud company of Yiddish players,'in "TUeKreutaer Sonata" aud "Tbe Ofttb." • • ■ ■ ' ■ ■ CitASB's (Miss H. Winifred Do Witt, man- ager).—This week: Emil Hoch and company. Mile. Oru.Cecll.-Alf. Ofant and.l3thel Hoag, John Birch, Bedford and Winchester, Belling Brothers, 'Leonard Kane, and the vttagrapb. ..AcadBmv of Music (J. W, Long, mans- g«r>.-«-Thi» Vseok, "Bedford's Hope.'* Last \yeek"Wlia Nell,.a Child of the Regiment," drew.well. 'lYoilng :Biifmlo".next' ■■■'', AUJEKi'tc i'O. L. lllriler, manager).—Tols week.- Kftibi-yn.-Puruef], -in "Mdptio." Last wettk YorXe ami Adams played to good busl- n»s«. ■ Katliryn Pi'ifnelhlhtjrsccoiid week). In "Uast Lynnc**.andi"CamllIe,'* 17«22. ■ LrcBiiM (Kugene Kcroan, manager).—Tbls week,: the (Cherry 'Blossoms: Last tfeek the HeUly & Wood SliOw.had S. U. O.- Dreamland Burlewjuera next." ■« :• , , -«-*-> C'OHIVECTICUT. . « . Honato]..-~At-the Houston Tbeutrc- (M- Ci lMlcftuelB,.mauagor) "The Little Duchess," Sot, 30/ bad .tvo lair biniso. Prlmrosc'a Iniitrels dtd Hplciidmly, ut two-perform- ancHs, Dec. 1. "The »w(U'» llevoqge," Jl, dljnd lliu liouso. ' I'ai'sifai." . r j, bad two 1m- mcnt>e bouses. "Tho-Clanspiun'' ii-N, j Majuktic ■ (Frank SlurglK, uauager).— rtioi.h' :t-y: Fuurtoeu Pokln Zouuves, Powell nj^d- eqmiiany, Elbe! Itobluson.' Katberlne Roth, JaiQHH IX, t'owley; Couture and Gil- t«ltr\ aud t-lio Ma Just-ogre ph. '■ ; Notbs. —Karak -Wonder Co. entcred'on> Ita Slrd weeka'to €f>wded (cut*. Thotr stay-Is deflnlte,., ,.i .Van 1 Amtergfe Snow, after a ■ucceusful seswn of thlrty.flve-'wcekn, arc qnnrtered hero for tba Wlutnr Mollis flatlcy Sons' Bhovs are also orpeeted soon. r. • ,— i i -B ■ ' IJalln,*-—At the Dallas Opera Houso {Geo. Amy, muniiger) "Pjjrslfal," In Kng- IIbd, Nov.-28, ainw' to fait bunlnQBs. ■ "Hu- man Hearts" \n» well ■ patronised SkV Anulu Itn.fiel], la "A Midsummer I Night's Dre«tm," drew the capacity 39,. Sylvia Linden, la "Her Own Way,' ' Dm. 1,' plfused n filr house, Mildred HolUml, In ''Tho Lily and tbe I'rlnco," received moderate patronage a. ''Tbe Lion and the Mmise" irrently plp*-*d largo homes 4, 6. Dorrlt Ajhton. In "East Lyoui?," u ; "Tlie Vanderbllt uup" 7. S. . MAjBGrric (D. B. Muvkcafiiss, manager). —Current bill: Fran): and Little Bob, ltader Bros, and Four tiuubeauig, Myloa MuCarthy Wl cumn.iny,> Ocl-aU'liouo. Crouch tiud UU-li- auvld, auO Juc (Jursa.' ■* ■ LONDON HORSE GUARDS C»\RE^ Made of the best Oriental tobaccos 1 15 CENTS THE BOX MIBIIAHKA. 10. Others are: Ncllifi Iieaumoi(t.; LeoUni rlwu. .Morton TprapV-'Ond Morlom the Uooney Blstfere, tbe Vllkgo Choir, .aud i the Brothers Kreluka its ah-added feature. . UoLLiitAV Sthbbt (li<V.'W. uife, uiauu- ger).—»A- Dcaperale .^auce," .il>. followwl 'rl'he Pour Coruew of-thu l^rtb." wJileh cloaed a hlK.veck S. "At Cripple Creek" Blamjv'h (Cburlna Br-,Blauey,' uiauiaer). —'.'Her FlrHt >Falbe"Btcp'' ld'-lC- -Why Girls, leave Home" <Ild -wvil 3*> Next, .'le Told in'the irillu." • U : ; * LiWm'4jtwJ* Ballauf. matfagftD.^-tho Irany-Atlantlc nurleBrmers IO-Io.I Mauehes- fT's Cracker ' Jacks plsyod to tbo capm-lly latt week. Clark's■IluiiHw«,v*OIrl»;uat. ■ RW MOKILMKNTAI* (S*)U1 ,M. Dawson, man. ogiT).—Itellly St Wood's Co. :10-.t0. Mtnor'a Rohmnlau tlnrlesqurri*' turned ueopleawsy but wwk. Tho Ckrrry Btownal i«act . NoTDa.^—(Ii'urge Kawwrt- Ttasj leased .Al- baush's Tlmtte. wlilcb ho ' will! reoi»en IM, with' a ■ stock i-ompmry,;.. .„. ■ .«.Jeorge A. Oard- P, er .\, nuuis ' ^eiirs'ago stage miioager at tbe IToMdny -Street- 'Jlwatre, when nn'def the dlroi-tlon of (be lu/e Julm T.-ijord, died suddenly-7. Mr. Oardner 1 baammmged mo-t •f tbe Important Ural amateur producUubs of recent yean. . •: •\;'^«*» ■ •■••■ : r - ) V.i I 4 ■* " .' i- ' •'■' *> l " * AltKANSAS. '" „• ■ ' Ltuic no«kV-At:t4i'e■ Capital t (Cbis:•'f.'. Taylor. lootiiiVcrV'A Ituuaway ilatcb." Nov. 25: ''Under iSoulherji'Hkleea' r -i!t | "TbeMoon- sbluer's 'Daughter,*' Doc,- i; "Dnclo.. Josh Ntnvmv ti and',**A Raeft/or a Widow," 4, dld'falr business. AiiiiVKuiHiell, lu "A Mtd- aumtaPT Nlpit's Dream," .0'; ■'Thai- Girl Patsy"'G, "nie L»nd;of Nod'.' 7. "Zaft^ 8i "Humiin Hearhi" m'**Tno Prluco of 'PllieaV 13. "Nett Dvor" I4„ ■ ' .... Ma* rum' (Fred It. Crow, manager).— Bill week of JO: Qllroy, Hayuep and,Mont- gomcry. Orrllle Plteber..Banderson ana Bow- asu, siotKH. Herbert., und Frederick Billen , and iMollir Fuller. ■ Xots.— Tli«i now Lyrle^Tiiidovills) Jebeluc made ready Cur opeulug la January. • new._H«vcii.—At;tbc Hyperion (yiiubert Bros.,- luanogers) (iraco Manning came to good bous'.'a Dec* 3-ti. . "The; Lovo RouLe" i4.'l"L>' "-'.•' ! Now Havhn TnKtTito (O. B. Bunnell, •nannner).—"Rufuy nnHtita," b-C, dr«w g6od hou*ea. ■ "Dlivld Harnm," tl-8 ( . had largo butttufss. "How Jleurty Are Broken" 30-12.' Rolwrt Mantel) l^-lo. . I'om'8 (8. Z. Poll, proprietor).—Bill week ojf 10: Charles Mack, and eoinpuny. Mclanl Trio, .Ou8 WUlbri.v Htnorson • and Buldwlu. Barry and Ilnlvora. Dn Bols.nnd ape, aud Kbcrnian and De Foreat and company. Euol tS.. Z. Poll, .mnnagerv Week of 10, "Cartooi." • The stock compuuy Ibis hch- swn-bas oiet With great Huccess.' OrUnide Shlpioan.s great'fiivorltc. will he,lu tho t't|e. role JO-lfi. 'Ilie Htock comiwrny.,In- eludes: Lnwreure B. MirOllI,* Kv'crett Butler- Ueld, WJlllam F. ConUcId, Dorothy Lamb and aythera. ■ i ■ ; — ■-■■■ ' m ii . .. Waterbury—At Poll's (Harry Parsijue, mauBger)' Robert Muntell drew good bust-' n«su Dec 3,-4. Ernest HVguu, ti, la "Rufus Raslus/' jtbto a good btrforuuiuce. "Under fkjuatero Skies" 8. "Cyrnbellae" 10. "Tbo Burglnr'a Daiifcbter" IK, Ceorgc W. Monroe 14, 'Thii ClaiiBDian" 15. ' JAiMrus'. (3. W. l"i it pa trick, manager). CoJoniol ■ Septette, Ho.llrlulrc BroH.,7l;8teIle WVrdfitte, Paul Barnes. Arlington Four, Emerson aud Baldwin, and Gnflagher and Barrett. -■■ ■' ■ .*'■ * ' > •KA»'gA!», : ' Kt. »c-oiL—At tbo .Davidson (11. C. Enrich. mHui«or)."Xfie MJdnlgbt. Flyer," 3, eamo to big bttslnens. West's Mlnstrelfl, Nov. 28,. did good busiiipss. ■ W. B, Patton, ■ lnf.rrbe Slow Poke,'-' Tlianksglyiug matinee niidhlgllt.dtd big. .Arthur Pryor r s' Sololata I»ec.. 7, '-M;nder Southern Hkles!' 8. Lymnn U*wlns U>, Jnno lCcbuarfc ii, Mildred HoU laud IS. • • ■ • -'.■-.•! " TKEMoN'r. (P. : U. Lewis, mnnagot).— CiM. Hldnev. Illuninn nud bis llfc-sarloa 4nm, Klein and Klein. BrooUe «nd H«y. ner- bert. Row and (be Lowlscoiic did good Mai- am latl' week. . Omolia.—At Boyd's (W.J: Burgess,; man- ager) 'Tlie Maid-and (he Mummy" Dec. D, It). Richard Mansfield 11, 12. ''The- Squaw Maa" 1U-J8, "The College Widow." 23. Jane Keaniirk drew- good bouses 4, 0. Louis James, did fair business 6-8. ■..."■' - BtittwooD. :(W,:. J. - Burgess, manager-L-^-. 'fho Woodward- Stock. Co. presented "Iro- quois," to large-buiu*ea the past week, Week- •if t>, "Northern LlgbtB;'* week of 16, "Ca> rollle." \ OnrnnuH (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—Week of D: The Vassar Girls, Zazell and Vernon Co.. Klein, and Clifford. L, Itnf Black und Jones, and klnodrome, r'KBtro ("Doe" Breed, manager..—"The Sul- tan of Sulu" D, 10, "At the Old Cross RoadB" II, 12, "The HnmeseekerH" 18-15. "Ikey 5nd Aber" dtd good business 2. 3. "Teia» , 0.' '"A Crown of Thorns" 6-8. i- . ' ! •—^ Lincoln.—At the Oliver (K. C. Zehrung, rhinager) "The Vanderbllt Cup" received ex- cellent patronngo Nov. a3. "Rogers Bros, in Ireland" packed tbe house 24. "The Prince of Pllsen" did good business- 20. "Tbe Zankee Consul" did moderately; 27. "The Devil's Auction" met with-its usual largo bioufles SS. "Wonderland" 20. Leoncavallo, with his La Scala Orchestra, met good re- sults I>ee. 4. "A Crown of Thorn8" 5, Jaae Kennark, hi "ITie Toast of the Town," Q ; Stetson's "Uncle .Tom's Cabin"' 7, Sf Louis limes 10. Henrietta Croaman 11. "The Iron Mask" 12, "The Sultan of Hulu" 13, "Dora Tkorhe" 14, 35. - > -.Nkw Lvittc—Week of Dee. 3; The llOberf- Deniatt Trio, Clever Tana, Ed. Moon, Jack Wild, and Lyrc-scopc. , Bj-roc—Week of Dec. 8 : Welch, Francis Slid company, Irene Temple nnd her Dresden oIIh. Vithlnnd, TeUa and Wall hind, Cbaa. H:' Duncan: Wffl-Tf: Suiytke, and blograph. NoTB.—'Mrs. .J. B. Burgess, vaudeville performer under tbe name of Mrs. Dnnny Slann, died Nov. ■ i!2, at a. local' hospital, after a short illness. " • - Mjrsa. Jnlia Henderson . Elaenuartb, wife' of E. E. EiBenburth. of the Elsenbartb- Henderson Floating Theatre, died at tbe Ke;sler Hospital and Sanitarium, Hnntlng- tou'r W; Vu., oh-Nov. 80. She was la her forty-first year, having been married twenty- 0«p »mK Her husband and four children survive her. Interment was at New War- tlnsvlllo, W. Va., Dec 2: flora Watson, a colored singer, and very popiilnr among the people^ of her rar-e, <ile1 at Iter home In Pbllouelphla, on Ber- 2. aged forty-live years. She was born In Virginia and raised at Providence, R. I. Her hu 0 r>nnd, who: dled>a few -years ago. VW'A white eoncrert manager. She. Is survived by her mother, Mrs Iteed/. ; Hay cairn Yds. an actress,; knora in private life ns Mrs. Mflry Pebdry. committed suicide oh Dee. 3, at ber slater's home In Hlghwood. 111. '■ r Charles Knvrner.-a pioneer'in Summer garden theatricals 'In- Bt. 'Louis', and pro- prietor of Koerner'-s Garden there, died la that city-on Nov. 80, aged sixty-three reave. ■r*. J. B. Barseis {Mrs. Danny Jiatin). vaadevllle performer; died on Nov. 22. at a hospital In Lincoln,'Neb.,-after a abort Ill- ness. ,- ■ ■ ■ • ,"-- :,.-.: George, Andrew; Gardner, a vataron stage manager, of the old Holllday afreet Theatre Stock-'Co., Biltlmore, Md., die5 lit that city on'-Dee. ;T; from"paralysis, dged siity-elght years.. .Mf.' Gardner, was from his earlient days Closely Identified with the late Joha.T. Ford and bis family. Hie father was connected with the theatres of Balti- more, , especially the ; Holllday, 'and George became the'- prompter -there when bo, was about twenty-^hree.'Later be Identified him- self with society amateur affairs and staged open air:performance*.. ■ H«rr>- Loveii, formerly an actor, seveniy- two year*.of uffe. died from pbeuraonla. at Monroo Street Hospital,'"Chicago, III,, Dec 7. l-'uneral Hervlcea were held from the rooms of^H-P.-iiouftleur^iOOS W. lladtson Street, -thiut city, Sunday, Dec. 9. — Fremont^—At the New Larson (William .J*wery r -manager). i'RuBter-Brown*-' enmeto ■ goed'JiUBlneBs Nor-.' 2It.\ "Wonderland" drew n bouse packed from pit'to dome, 80. "My Wife's Kamlly'* plrtyed to fair business Dec. 3, "Ikey and. Abey" 'O, Paula EdwBrdeB, hooked for 110, canceled; Louis James 11. — .." >■> . J DEATHS 1$ THTBJ PROFESSION. bave.ltced.Sr. riled at bis'home In lSust One Hundred laridrSlity-tblrd'Street. New York Ctly. on Dec- 0, nged seventy-four yenrs, Mr. Iteed. M'na'loug ago famous us a minstrel, ufld durlug recent yeurs he wan la the act known hk tbfr Seven Reed Birds, from which lie retired about two vears ago. His" (ihug,."Sally,,Come i:p." Is still remejnbered. iutlioiuu'.lt. wiis ■ famous years "ago. " Mr. ltnedqiudi-.u repnlatJon as end mau of Dan Kryunts Minstrels. lie wus ope of theftrst men touse tbe,bont8ratidoue r of the pioneers of the neat -souk and daiM%-~net With ^looiey's MlOBtreis-,nnd with Buckley's Sere- ndders he beciinie t.-t'lebrated. l^mernlHer- vices we're MM Friday afternoon, Dee. 7. Tbe burial took place hi Evergreen Cetne- lery.. K. Y.. . ,.. .-..*•*.. ; Mutt .1- UJcnrdo .(Um»o. ,well known as iwracrobat opaaymnadt, died at Sliver (SprlngK.-N. V., on Nov. .2«, : aged forlv-aever. yeara. He was well known as one of th™ Ttrec Original Evan Bros,, Wm., Matt and ueorfrc, George tvfis .killed while leap J Bar n 1th the -8. H. Barrett Show, at Emngham; OIm u Binulwr of-.years ago.■ Matt, for A number of years, wus of-the ream knows as Jtlcurdo una i/IU ftrHI u test of bls'ablllty as a performer was a continuous engagement of seven years anihe feature team with the Uobt. Iluutlog Hhow, He-was a member of the B. P. 0. EIkn,,K. of H. and A. O. H. He is.survived by lils.wlfe.wbo/.Is a.non-profeR- slou.il: one brotbtir, Wlll'.inj. of -'tltlca.' N. ... and Bvo sisters. - Inlfrmeut. won at his Old hotuc, Tldloute, I'd. * • . ,* lorlm- D«>ug;lBM (.Mrs. Usn-y T. tee>, in • aetresB. died nt.-Omaba,- >>b. r Nov.. 18, tier luisbnud/Svho Is wlffc' "New York Duy by Duy" Cu,, survive* litr. .- ■ Tiic dint action of the llagenbeck Bpecjal train was wrecked' on Dec. I, on the Goo' zbIcb bramib'of tbe*"&outbero Pacific* between GOTasflln' and Darwood.' Two'"flat care »H» derailed and $12.000.damage was done to tlie parapbFrualla oTthe odw. .'One of tho circus empjoyoes waif-seriously injured and four lions mn bruised. A. ticket wagon valued Ht. *lt>;000 'wasTbluasbed. Tho show reached San Antonio fieVcraThours late. Tbr niornlugr pariide.was sbabdoucd. but tho after- noon and night performauces were glren ac- cording <o"seliediUe. '■ c ■ v . . i:\ur.v ON .run mdiimnh of Dec. ,1, ut Itaiiardo. N. C. a Hmall station on tbe Aber- deen nnd Asheboro Rollrond,. a train carry- liiK'Jolin'Sparka'Clfcus wos wrecked. One aliowiiinn, 1 whose name was'not learned, »'a* killed, and two othws were fatally Injured. Severul ears wercs smashed * and - two BDisM nnd one pony belonging to the sbor we« killed, t .'■ '■ ■ Tub Steiker-Bbos. closed a yery Kuecess- ful seuaoa with tbe'Hagenbeck Circus >cr- 7, In ■ New. Orleans, and opened wltb tlw Helts-Floto Circus Nov*.. 12. for tlvo weeks in Merlcoi T1ieT'op'ah;Dee.^23.'for fifteen weeks, over tlie Sullivan fr-COneldloe circuit. rii ah. B. TpRtrsy Is.at bis home la Mem- ttils, Mo., after -h-vitt MK'cossful season 39 atDdmaster with the great Cole Bros. Bp lie'will have,tbe band-again next seosoa. tn-flklng ids third la. that capacity- ., ■ The Vnttn K.\roi.y BiwTnERS, whose riu "Tag kcF lias beeii SC^T«.iu«cpB8 for the past lieuHou,. have sailed for Europe for a bn« vl«lt. and-will, return Id- time-to open Wig the natuc show, next March. They played tne Tampa, Fla.. Fair. : Nov. 1B-80, and were awarded the diplopia for;, dftrln'g and sklufi" riding.: TThsUi Jockey act,was" dona wnjis horseH -were runnlpg at racing si>ecd ou tne regular track, - • ,. « «♦ •.W«AnW Infonnte^.that the -'(key triL£&£l o.. bjjail ■ l*e ■ rerwil. « <be Krug-riiMt"' Co. beai; fi ■Omaha, Sub,, ih Dei. '$.